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Prof. Caroline Perret

Prof. Camilo Ayala Garcia

Prof. Dott. Gerhard Glüher


1. Self-portrait „In the style of...”

2. Pictures of interaction & short descriptive text

“you interacting with something”

“you interacting with someone through something”

“you interacting with space through something”

3. Body Explorations

Body drawings

Body mock-ups



4. Project

Midterm presentation



5. Development

Project development


Stages of prototypes & mock-ups


6. Final Model

Project abstract

Final pictures of the project

7. Value and potential of the project


8. References and important links


/preparatory assignments

In the style of Pippilotti Rist

/In the beginning of the semester we were assigned each a photographer to analyse and reproduce in their style a self-portrait.

I learn about Pippilotti Rist and her colorful and imaginative world and chose to represent myself in the style of one of her most famous pieces “Selbstlos Im Lavabad”.

1. Self-portrait

“You interacting with something”

/This image shows me interacting with a platform in a small open space of the E building of Unibz.

I chose “play” as maintheme for this exercise because it’s the right contrast to the building itself. Which mainly hosts university lessons or meetings and conferences.

The interaction happens through a simple movement of the body.

2. Photography

/This image shows me interacting with a friend in front of the aula magna in the C building. As for the first photo the theme of play was maintained introducing the medium, the object, in this case a jump rope. The interaction happens when we both need to coordinate with one another in order to complete the action of jumping rope.

“You interacting with someone, through something”

/As for the previous image the theme and the location is almost unaltered. In this case the interaction happens to the surrounding space, the walls, the floor, the volume of the room itself. In order to do this I decided to use some paper tape and stick it on the floor following the tile patterns in order to create a game called “hopscotch”.

“You interacting with space, through something”
2. Body Exploration /Full body drawing
/Full body drawing posed

/Full arm mock-up cast

/Hand only mock-up cast
3. Textures

/phase 1


4. Project
/midterm presentation


What is proprioception?

How does it correlate to unconscious movement?


Why are we barely aware it exists and

How does it influence our life


How do people live with damaged or nonexistent proprioception


The formal research


The more you f**k around

The more you find out

scans of sketchbook

/the research

transcript of the research???

/the text

insert scans of sketchbook and reviews notes

5. Development /project development

insert scans of sketchbook


/stages of prototypes and mock-ups

/phase 2


move//ment is a project that aims to bring awareness back to all of those instinctual and subconscious movements that we do throughout the day.

From the head, the neck, the torso, the arms and the legs we spend countless hours each day in endless loops of movement that gets barely registered thanks to the well oiled mechanisms that is our psyche.

Proprioception is the so-called sixth sense that allows us to move without us necessarily outputting a command or being aware that we’re requesting our body to move.

I found the understatedness of this phenomenon fascinating and so I decided to work on my project to create a set of weighted accessories that help us notice these movements and bring another layer of awareness to our days.

6. Final Model /abstract

/the final models

The final project includes a set of four accessories that can be worn both over and under the clothes.

The chain is barbarised stainless steel. Two of the elements, the arm and the leg one, have a hook that allows the user to adjust the size of the chain in order to fit correctly.

Whereas the ear piece and the necklace are standard pieces made to fit most bodies.

The characteristic of the pieces is the weight that brings all of them in common. Heavy enough to be felt on the body but light in order not to bring too much annoyance to the user.

The blue pendants hide in the resin body a lead weight of 60gr for the necklace and the leg piece. Whereas the ear piece has a cut steel bar on the inside of ca. 20gr.

Both of the types of pendant are thought so that the user would feel enough pressure when their body is moving, in this way we get the desired result of a heightened awareness of their subtle everyday movements.

During my research for the mid-term presentation about proprioception I came to realize how only recent are all the studies that regard this interesting and difficult topic.

The tools used today to rehabilitate people who have suffered damages to their sense are very much the same we use to rehabilitate physical conditions, however the underlying condition is completely different.

This set does not want to subsitute to medical devices, as it was merely a scratch to the surface of our own psyche in combination to the control of our body. It was with interest to bring the topic to the vast majority of the people that these tools were realized.

For that reason I believe these to be accessories just as much as devices that could spark a thought or a debate on the topic, and I would consider myself satisfied even if this would be the only result.

the project /value and potential of the project
7. Value and potential of

move//ment aims to raise awareness of our instinctual and subconscious movements.

Throughout the day, we engage in endless loops of movement from head to toe, often unnoticed due to our well-oiled psyche. Proprioception, our sixth sense, allows us to move without conscious commands. Fascinated by this understated phenomenon, I developed weighted accessories to enhance awareness of these movements, adding depth to our daily experiences.

8. Extra
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