Informative News 22 to 28 December 2015

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22 December - 28 December 2015

See page 7

r o F t No 22 December - 28 December 2015

Nobody Says It? We Do..

! e l Sa

Detainees’ wives

36 volunteers sworn in

China vows to help Lesotho through HRD Cooperation Program

petition Ramaphosa

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Rakuoane honoured



By Katleho Mohanoe MASERU – The Minister of Home Affairs, Advocate Lekhetho Rakuoane was honoured by the Nigerian in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) on Saturday for discharging outstanding official responsibilities. Advocate Rakuoane was honoured together with some NIDO members who also deliver quality work in their respective fields. In receipt of the award, Advocate Rakuoane thanked NIDO and its leaders for awarding him a prize and a certificate. “In my life I have not received any gift and this means a lot to me,” the Minister indicated. He pointed out that it was indeed a privilege and an honour to receive the award on behalf of Basotho who have been experiencing difficulties with permits. He informed the NIDO members that his office is open for any Nigerians who are experiencing difficulties with residence permits. “You should come with your problems; we will find solutions to your problems. However we ought to be careful and know who is who in order to avoid catastrophes such as human trafficking,” the Minister asserted. The Minister also brought forth that there are Basotho who take South African Identity Cards (IDs) while they spend most of their time

22 December - 28 December 2015

Rakuoane honoured

Minister of Home Affairs, Advocate Lekhetho Rakuoane receiving award from Professor Chris Manus

in Lesotho as their businesses and homes remain in the country. “Such Basotho force the government to treat them as foreigners,” he added. He said he was truly humbled by NIDO’s cooperation. The Minister indicated that Basotho in the Diaspora are not as organized as the Nigerians and he will take an initiative with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations Tlohang Sekhamane to initiate cooperation amongst Basotho in the Diaspora. One of those who received awards, Engineer Philip Obi, who is also a member of NIDO, stated that their event has been successful and they hope to hold a bigger one soon. He asserted that they were very glad that the Minister was present at their ceremony. “We are here to stay in peace and we hope that our residential problems will be addressed as they were presented before the Minister,” he concluded. Delivering his welcoming remarks, Pius Isidiho, the President of NIDO pointed out that NIDO was conceived in 2001 by Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. Obasanjo led the Nigerian government with the aim of tapping from the skills of Nigerian professionals abroad in favour of national development and of Nigerian professionals in Diaspora to influence positively the lives of people in the countries they live in. Isidiho informed that the federal government of Nigeria, with the assistance of its embassies around the world, ensures that Nigerians in Diaspora come under one umbrella (NIDO) and partake in the human and economic development of Nigeria. “NIDO Lesotho was registered in 2007 in Lesotho by the then Anicol President, Dr. Olumide Johnson and after his tenure, the organization became dormant. Afterwards, some eminent Nigerians led by Dr.

Akinagum Fidelis Esenjor, resuscitated the organisation in order to bring together all Nigerian professionals, entrepreneurs and academicians in Lesotho,” he asserted. He stated that since the resurrection of NIDO, enormous achievements have been recorded and these include free winter classes for Basotho High School students, free medical outreach, visit to orphanage homes, teaching Basotho women how to prepare Nigerian delicacies of high nutritious value, lifestyle of discipline and integrity among members, Nigeria and Lesotho music and film partnership, professional and skill development exchange and Nigerian investment in Lesotho’s mining industry. He further mentioned that some of their members have joined Lerotholi Polytechnic for skills development. He said many will register during the next academic year and this will economically remove a greater number of young men from the hawking business to more productive and sustained means of livelihood. “Despite these achievements on record, the organisation has laudable projects that will benefit both Nigerians and the host Lesotho community,” he added. He continued to thank Dr. Akinagum Fidelis Esenjor, one of the mentors of the organisation for his support and valuable contribution in achieving the set objectives of the organisation. He added that he should keep up the good work. He expressed gratitude to Ada Moteane, a member of the Board of Governors, for her advice and support to NIDO Lesotho. He also appreciated the executives for their continued support as they are devoted and dedicated to achieving the goals of the organization. “The commitment of the members cannot be overlooked, so I thank those of you who took the bold step to identify with the or-

ganization and your contributions at our meetings allowed us to be where we are today, I thank you,” he observed. He also thanked Juliet Onubi, the General Secretary of the organization and other women and men who have always been on the frontline of NIDO projects. To those who were to be awarded the prizes, he said, “To such people, I say congratulations and may the good Lord continue to give you the spirit to achieve more,” Presenting the award for the recognition of distinguished and meritorious service to Advocate Rakuoane, Professor Chris Manus from the National University of Lesotho indicated that the Nigerians who live and work in Lesotho wish to officially recognise the good work the Minister is doing through the ministry. He pointed out that NIDO recognises his contribution “especially your achievement in the area of the agreement reached to implement the Lesotho Special Permit (LSP) which aims at regularising the stay of Basotho who are currently residing in South Africa.” He continued to assert that the organisation has nominated him for a special award in recognition of his wonderful achievement. He stated that during the organisation’s Executive Meeting, the Minister’s achievements were discussed and he was described as a problem-solver and a man who knows where the shoe pinches and makes necessary and calculative arrangements to bandage the spot. “The Honourable Minister, while congratulating you, we wish and hope that you will extend similar status and Memorandum of Understanding to other nationalities resident in Lesotho to ease their movement in and out of Lesotho and South Africa,” encouraged Professor Manus.

22 December - 28 December 2015




22 December - 28 December 2015

Rectification of WTO rules inevitable

By Katleho Mohanoe

MASERU – The members of 453 civil society organizations including trade unions, environmentalists, farmers, development advocates, and public interest groups from over 150 countries presently seek the amendment of existing World Trade Organization (WTO) rules to make the global trading system more compatible with people-centered development. Executive Director of the Policy Analysis and Research Institute of Lesotho (PARIL), Lehlohonolo Chefa, informed Informative that 453 civil society organizations from over 150 countries recently signed the petition and submitted it to government representatives. “This comes at a time when developed countries press developing countries to make concessions that will put their development at risk,” Chefa explained. The petition cautions alarm about the current situation of undergoing negotiations in the WTO. It urges those in power to take seriously the need to change existing WTO rules for the Nairobi Ministerial. “And to forestall efforts by some developed countries to abandon the development agenda and replace it with a set of so-called ‘new issues’ that actually are non-trade issues that would impact deeply on domestic economies and constrain national policy space required for development and public interest,” the request continues. The petitioners point out that governments from around the world recently endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) negotiated through the United Nations, which include key goals such as reducing poverty and inequality, eradicating hunger, and ensuring universal access to essen-

Lehlohonolo Chefa, Executive Director-Policy Analysis and Research Institute of Lesotho

tial services such as health care, education, water, and energy. The petitioners indicate that in order to achieve these goals, countries must have the policy space to invest in domestic agricultural production to achieve food security and food sovereignty, to regulate the financial sector to ensure financial stability, to scale up public provision of essential services to guarantee education, health, water, and energy access, and to harness the power of government procurement to promote small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, to utilize tax revenues including tariffs, to foment sustainable development and the creation of jobs with decent work

and to ensure that foreign investment serves the interests of the national development plan. “However, this policy space is currently constrained by existing WTO rules which the vast majority of WTO members - which are developing countries - have been demanding must be changed, and are further threatened by an effort by a tiny number of developed countries to replace the development mandates with ‘new issues’ designed to further increase transnational corporate profit margins,” the petition reads. The petition further indicates that civil society organizations have witnessed firsthand in their communities the negative impacts

of 20 years of existing WTO policies, which have largely favored the interests of the developed world over the interests of the developing world. “This has particularly led to rising inequalities both within and amongst countries, the contributions of increased trade to climate change, the financial deregulation that led to the 2008 global economic crisis and the ongoing crises of food insecurity and joblessness, to name a few,” the petitioners point out. The petition continues to inform that many of the organizations have called repeatedly for the WTO to be replaced with an institution that regulates corporate trade for the benefit of workers, farmers, communities, and the environment, rather than disciplining states for the narrow goal of increasing trade. The petition also asserts, “At the same time, we must ensure that the WTO’s model of restricting national policy space in favor of corporate trading rights must not be expanded, but rather pruned back.” The petitioners emphasize that it is pertinent and urgent at this time to ensure that the Nairobi Ministerial delivers on removing WTO obstacles to development by fulfilling the development mandate in terms of strengthening and making effective the Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) for all developing countries. WTO is an international body that promotes and enforces the provisions of trade laws and regulations. It has the authority to administer and police new and existing free trade agreements to oversee world trade practices and to settle trade disputes amongst member states. It was established in 1994 and began operation in 1995. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Mining contributes to government’s revenue: Minister By ‘Mantšali Phakoana MASERU- The Minister of Mining, Lebohang Thotanyana purports that the mining sector is the second largest contributing sector to the government’s revenue and as a result, the sector is becoming more important to Lesotho. The Minister disclosed this at the launch of the Mining Policy Dissemination workshop organized for mining staff in Maseru on Friday. Thotanyana said the mining sector is one of the leading drivers of the economy in the country. “We are on the spot of the country’s economy,” said the Minister. Thotanyana also stated that it is their mandate as the ministry to

ensure that they identify minerals to have full knowledge or information of minerals in order to attract investors. The Minister insisted that they want to increase the number of mines in the country. “We currently have two mines in the country but we want have at least six by 2020,” he said. The Minister stated that there are currently 18 companies assigned to identify possible places with diamonds in Lesotho; however, “most of their licenses are close to expiry though they have not completed their work.” “It was discovered that most of them were doing their work at a slow pace,” said the Minister.

The Minister also revealed that the ministry is in the process of appointing the new mining board, which will totally differ from the current one. He said the Ministry is yet to establish a mining authority that will oversee mining compliance and that the law is already being drafted; its skeleton is ready. He continued, “We are yet to establish the Lesotho Diamond Centre before the end of this year’s budget and that will be the market for diamonds in this country. This will be where Basotho who find diamonds will also have access to sell them to kill the black market.” The Principal Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Mining, ‘Makhojane Monyane explained that the work-

shop was intended to disseminate information concerning the Mining Policy that will be launched by the Prime Minister, Dr. Pakalitha Mosisili next year. She noted that the policy is inline with Vision 2020 as Lesotho is amongst the countries that ratified it. “We want to familiarize staff from this ministry with what the policy entails even before it is launched, so that they are able to share that information with all Basotho, even in other districts,” she said. The PS further noted that the policy is aimed at ensuring that the mining sector improves Basotho’s lives.

22 December - 28 December 2015




22 December - 28 December 2015

Detainees’ wives petition Ramaphosa By ‘Mantšali Phakoana

MASERU-Approximately 16 wives of the 20 soldiers detained at the Maseru Maximum Prison presented their grievances regarding their detained husbands to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitator, Cyril Ramaphosa on Wednesday, upon his arrival in Lesotho. 23 Soldiers were arrested on suspicion of plotting a mutiny within the Lesotho Defence Force (LDF); however, three of them are in an open arrest. The wives while waiting for Ramaphosa as he visited one hotel in Maseru, held their placards with the messages: ‘Please release our husbands, release the report, and Honor the Rule of Law’ and on that same day, Ramaphosa met members of the opposition in the ninth Parliament of Lesotho, Non-Governmental Organizations, College of Chiefs, the lawyers representing the detained soldiers, exiled soldiers and Mahao’s family. During the petition, a representative of the wives indicated that they are presenting their concerns to the SADC Facilitator hoping

Detained soldiers' wives holding placards displaying various messages

he will present the petition to the SADC Chairperson. “We have seen Ntate Ramaphosa intervening in the country’s situation, mandated by SADC, therefore we consider him as the messenger of this country to SADC, as a result,

we are hoping the best from him,” said one wife from the group. They further stated that they are pleading with SADC to assist Lesotho to ensure that justice is done to every citizen in the country. “We have never seen anyone be-

ing arrested and detained in prison for six months without judgment made against them, but this happens to our husbands. We need our husbands to be released; we are currently in the situation where we do not know what to say to our children who keep on questioning us about their fathers,” she noted. She also indicated that they are hoping for the best from SADC. “We have a feeling that SADC is the only institution that would assist us to deal with this problem because the Government of Lesotho has already abandoned us and is not willing to assist us because until today, our husbands are still locked up in prisons,” she said. They insisted that the Rule of Law does not work accordingly for their husbands since they are not treated similar to other suspects. Some of the women have been complaining that they have financial problems due to hefty payments for lawyers. “We had never budgeted to pay for lawyers but now we have to, not discounting the fact that they (our husbands) were the ones bringing money home,” they said in chorus.

Gov’t condemns Phumaphi’s report By ‘Mantšali Phakoana MASERU- The incumbent Government of Lesotho comprising seven coalition parties: the Democratic Congress (DC), Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD), Marematlou Freedom Party (MFP), Basotho Congress Party (BCP), National Independent Party (NIP), Lesotho People’s Congress (LPC) and Popular Front for Democracy (PFD), have stated that the government will not accept a report from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Commission of Inquiry while there is still a case in the High Court of Lesotho against the Commission. The SADC Commission of Inquiry was mandated by SADC Heads of State and Government to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of former Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) Commander, Maaparankoe Mahao who was shot by LDF personnel. On October 16, Lieutenant Colonel Tefo Hashatsi filed an application at the High Court of Lesotho against the Commission, seeking the court’s intervention that the evidence he delivered when he first appeared before the SADC Commission of Inquiry be brought before the court for review and set aside as null and void. Amongst his prayers, the applicant pleaded he should not be restrained and interdicted from being

summoned to reappear before the Commission pending the finalization of his application. He asked the court to order the respondents, the Prime Minister of Lesotho Pakalitha Mosisili, the Chairman of the SADC Commission of Inquiry, Justice Mphaphi Phumaphi, the Commission and Attorney General Tšokolo Makhethe, to provide reasons why the inquiry should not be discontinued. Lieutenant Colonel Hashatsi further requested the court to rule that the commission acted beyond its powers when it conducted hearings in Thaba ’Nchu, South Africa, on October 1-7, where exiled opposition leaders and members of the army provided testimonies. However, the Commission completed its task and the report has been submitted to SADC member states though Lesotho has not yet received it because of the pending case in the High Court of Lesotho, against the Commission. Meanwhile, expressing their views onbehalf of the seven ruling parties, LCD Spokesperson, Teboho Sekata indicated that the Government of Lesotho will not be part of the Commission whose operations have been challenged in court. “It is with this case that Lesotho has not yet received the report,” he said…it is not true as per the opposition that the Government of Lesotho has sued the Commission. The government is amongst the respondents, but the truth is the govern-

ment has been firm that it will not be part of the SADC member states that will be receiving the report because of that case.” Sekata again noted that they would only accept the report when Lieutenant Colonel Hashatsi’s case has been completed. The case will be heard on the 18 and 19 January 2016. Once more, the parties insisted that they will not accept the report if it has included issues which were beyond the terms of references set by SADC. “We will not accept the report if it entails the testimonies that were given in South Africa.” He recalled that the government agreed with the SADC Facilitator to Lesotho, Cyril Ramaphosa to formulate additional terms of reference. “The additional references came because the government believed that they could assist the Commission in circumstances that might have led to instability in this country amongst people in this country, and caused other politicians flee the country,” he said. He further outlined that all the additional terms of reference from the government have been the opposition’s complains, therefore the government believed that dealing with those terms of reference would please them. “You will again remember that these terms of reference were denied by the SADC Double Troika at

a summit held in Botswana as the Commission Chairperson said he was sent by SADC. Therefore, he will only deal with terms of reference set by SADC,” said Sekata. Sekata said, “Above all, the government through the Prime Minister, has already shown its position to the Chairperson of SADC about the manner the Commission was operating with, by being above SADC terms of reference that include amongst others, the seating held in Thaba ‘Nchu, which is illegal. And the fact that the Commission did not afford the security side an opportunity to cross-examine the former Lesotho Mounted Police Services (LMPS) Commissioner, Khothatso Tšooana and the Deputy Leader of the Basotho National Party (BNP), Chief Joang Molapo,” The parties further stated that only the Government of Lesotho is in the position to release the report and therefore pleaded with people to be patient. However, in a press conference on Wednesday, the Basotho National Party (BNP) Deputy Leader, Chief Joang Molapo outlined that Ramaphosa’s message to the country of Lesotho was clear. It was emphasised by SADC that ownership of the Commission remains 100% for SADC and as a result, the report will be released with or without the contribution of Lesotho’s government.

22 December - 28 December 2015



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22 December - 28 December 2015

MONEY TALK Get more money It is almost a year now since I began writing this article. Many people, mostly strangers, have connected with me on social media. The connection gave them a platform to ask me various questions on the subject of money. The most frequent question posed to me is, “How can I improve my financial life?” Yes, it comes in many forms like ‘...increase my income?’ or ‘... create extra cash?’ However, it is all but the same question: how do I create more money in my life? My answer usually comes from a saying I do not remember the origin of. “In order to earn, you must first add the letter ‘L’ to the word ‘earn’!”

LEARN, LEARN and continuously LEARN. Which personal enrichment book are you reading today? Who is your paid or personal mentor? Once you stop learning, you start dying. This is true, especially, when it comes to money. The same person cannot obtain different results. It is only education that can transform people’s lives. I still subscribe to the philosophy that education is the key to success in life. However, what matters most today is the type of education. In order to improve your financial life, start with your financial literacy. Financial illiteracy destroys po-

tentially brilliant lives. People who lack financial intelligence are stuck with their employer, whom they are angry at since the employer is “not paying them enough”. They are slaves of money because they work for money instead of learning how to make money work for them. They usually blame their employer for their financial struggles not realising that a job is not meant to make anyone financially independent, but a hand to mouth slave! Money on its own is a form of power. Nonetheless, financial education is more powerful than money itself. You can lose money but not education! Instead, it can help

you create more money!! You need to learn how to make more money before you can make more money. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! In 2016, success will still be a choice. Mohau P. Mosoeunyane is the author of The Motive!

Mohau P. Mosoeunyane

SUCCESS IS AN ATTITUDE Wisdom for the season May I start by congratulating you for getting this far. Many of our contemporaries have not lived to see this year ending. Therefore, it is fair for me to acknowledge you for coming through a very challenging year. I can safely say that 2015 was one of the most taxing years in living memory. This is why this Christmas has to be more special than others. At a very personal level, it is the very first Christmas when my father will not be present. One thing I now understand is that repentance does bring a reward indeed. Yet, repentance is both a will and a choice blended together as one. When you choose not to repent, you have decided to carry toxic poison in the inside. This is why I urge you to crawl out of the pit that you are in today and go to church. Some of you are having an axe to grind, but sadly, when you have an axe to grind, you will never grow, because what others are saying will be drowned by the sound of your grinding stone. I trust you will choose to be a coach and not a critic this Christmas and in the New Year. A critic points out what is awfully wrong with you and leaves you feeling bad. However, a coach will point out what is wrong in your life, point out how you can come out of it and in

the process feel better about yourself. I hope you also choose to become a cheerleader, who lifts up the spirits of others and gives them hope in hopeless situations. In this life, I want you to know that hope is everything. It is the fuel that drives the turbines of the human spirit. I hope you will understand that what the enemy meant for evil, the lord will turn to good. Actually, the devil is on God’s payroll, only that, he is not paid a dime. I trust you will realise that no matter how good you are, adversity will always come, but it should not make you bitter, use it to become better. God is your true source of success; learn to honour him with all that you have. I trust you will grow in your prayer life. Prayer is the engine of the soul, hence prayerlessness is not carelessness, it is in essence sinfulness. Above all things, have faith in God. Faith will move every mountain in your life, but even if it does not, it will strengthen you to face tomorrow. Indeed, take time out to enjoy the gift of friends and family, but never forget the poor and make a difference. I wish all my readers a merry Christmas and happy New Year. Success is an attitude; let us meet at the top.

Ted Msipa is a Success Coach, Leader Strategist and Motivational Speaker Ted Msipa


22 December - 28 December 2015




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22 December - 28 December 2015

36 volunteers sworn in

Deputy Minister of Education, Thabang Kholumo and US Ambassador Matthew Harrington giving certificates to volunteers

By Thandie Mthimkhulu MASERU- 36 Peace Corps Education Volunteers from the United States of America were sworn in and later assigned to different schools around the country to teach English and Mathematics at Primary and Secondary levels. Speaking at the ceremony, Peace Corps Country Director, Wendy Van Damme indicated that they appreciate the cooperation, patience and hard work of their host families during the training process which lasted for ten weeks. Van Damme also expressed their appreciation to the government for supporting their work as it did not just benefit the volunteers but enhanced the friendship between the two countries. She added that of these 36 vol-

unteers, 14 will teach English at Primary level while 22 will teach Mathematics at Secondary and High School levels respectively. The Ambassador of the United States of America to Lesotho, Matthew T. Harrington expressed his gratitude to the government of Lesotho for providing them with an opportunity to cooperate. He also thanked all Basotho for their hard work and friendship with the volunteers, especially the host families who welcomed them in their families and made it easy for the volunteers. He further thanked the volunteers who sacrificed their time to volunteer in Lesotho and succeed even under unmoral circumstances for them; leaving their confortable homes to live in different situations, to make their dream came true and

even wished to see these milestones of friendship between these countries continues in years. One of the Peace Corps volunteers, Katherine DuBose expressed her gratitude to Basotho and Americans for affording them the opportunity to volunteer in the Kingdom of Lesotho. “Among all, we like to give thanks to our host families; our parents who really showed great love to us and taught us their language and their culture even when it was difficult as in the beginning, we had a communication barrier due to different languages we use,” she added. DuBose extended her wish to other Peace Corps volunteers to visit Lesotho. “We have learned a lot within these ten weeks of training as we did not only learn Sesotho but also the Basotho culture and we have really experienced love and care from our host families and their communities in different villages. We were also given new names. We wish to have the same friendship with other families we will meet in the field where we are going to spend the whole of two

years. We also thank our Sesotho teachers who worked hard to make this day happen,” she said. The Deputy Minister of Education and Training, Thabang Kholumo, recounted the history and friendship of America and Lesotho. “I also thank the Peace Corps who volunteered to work with us in the Ministry of Education and I thank them as they are going to help us to improve more in our education, especially in these courses they will be assisting with,” he said. He continued that they appreciate the host families who have worked hard to socialize with the volunteers and taught them Basotho’s way of life, though they failed to teach them to work in the fields due to the drought being experienced in the country. “I am sure you have learned a lot, how to cook using firewood with the traditional pots, how to prepare papa le moroho and serve the herd boys and other traditional work,” he added. He concluded by promising the volunteers security during their two-year tenure in the country and thanked them as he stated that the development of education they will be providing to Basotho would contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the country.

Peace Corps Volunteers sworn in

CGPU warns of human trafficking By Majirata Latela

MASERU- The Child and Gender Protection Unit (CGPU) cautions people to be aware of the high prevalence of human trafficking and to take care of themselves especially during the festive season because New Year usually ushers in new employment opportunities in and outside borders of the country. Senior Inspector Mojabeng Mokotjomela of CGPU explained that human trafficking is an illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation. “The victims are often forced to live in horrible conditions, without pay for years at a time. During this time, most victims are unable to see their family or friends. The trafficker controls every move they make. Thus to criminals, child trafficking

is not an exception; they harm children and force them to be sex workers,” said Mokotjomela. She further explained that human trafficking occurs both within and outside the borders of Lesotho as people in the country, especially women and children, are trafficked internally, from the rural areas to the main cities. “In the case where trafficking happens outside the borders, people are usually trafficked across the nearby boarders such as South Africa as it easy for traffickers, some borders open 24 hours and usually at night, border control is relaxed,” said Mokotjomela. She also showed that the law protects trafficked persons; the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, 2011 applies to every person who encounters trafficking. On the other hand, the Children Protection and

Welfare Act, 2011 protects children and clearly stipulates that children should not be trafficked. She related that one of the underlying causes of trafficking is poverty, which has escalated in recent years due to an array of causes such as a decline in agriculture. Furthermore, unemployment amongst youth has escalated above 70% with a correlating increase in prostitution. She further indicated that when people have been trafficked, the police usually find out from relatives, friends or neighbours. They then liaise with the Interpol, Immigration, Foreign Affairs, and Social Development to save the victims from the traffickers. Mokotjomela further advised trafficked individuals to inform relatives, neighbours or any other person when they are going to

work away from home. They should provide their numbers, details concerning the location of where they will be working from and a picture of themselves to make it easy for the police in cases when things do not turn out as anticipated. Senior Inspector Clifford Molefe, Police Public Relation Officer of the Lesotho Mounted Police Services (LMPS), showed that they have realized that human trafficking is actually taking place in the country. He showed that in 2011, a Chinese man sexually evicted a woman from Lesotho to turn her into a sex worker without paying her. The woman reported the man to Police and was later arrested, and the matter is now before the court of law.

Business Zone

22 December - 28 December 2015



22 December - 28 December 2015

Coca-cola celebrates contour bottle

MMB Marketing Director Musuoe Mapetla with 'Mantoetse Malebanye

By Pulane Lichaba MASERU- Maluti Mountain Brewery (MMB) through its Coca-Cola product awarded 20 customers with prizes for the contour bottle competition, celebrating 100 years of existence. Speaking at the ceremony on Friday, Mo¬suoe Mapetla, Marketing Director at MMB, disclosed that the com¬petition commenced in September and ended in December 2015. “We started the contour promotion together with other coke products celebrating 100 years of the contour bottle (King size). To enter the competition, peo¬ple had to purchase three coca-cola products and collect a set of three yellow caps, insert those caps in a small envel¬op written their details and insert it in a small box at a pub or shop they purchased it from,” he said. He added that MMB created the competition to convey appreciation to its customers for the support they have shown them throughout the years, adding the competition secured 20 cus¬tomers with a range of rewards including an Xbox One worth M6000, Plasma televisions and cash prizes. One of the winners, ‘Mantoetse Malebanye who went home with a cheque amounting to M100, 000 expressed her excitement and gratitude for the opportunity granted to her by coke. “This cheque is going to change my life completely and I encourage everybody to continue supporting coca-cola,” he noted.

Some of the winners with their prizes


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22 December - 28 December 2015

China vows to help Lesotho through HRD Cooperation Program By Pulane Lichaba MASERU- The People’s Republic of China last week made a pledge to help Lesotho through China-aid Human Resource Development (HRD) Cooperation Program for Lesotho that offers courses aimed at teaching managerial experience, practical techniques and promoting the traditional friendship and cooperation between China and Lesotho. Ma Guoliang, Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Chinese Embassy mentioned that Chinese government has attached great importance to the HRD Cooperation Program to Lesotho and trained a large number of professionals in different fields of social development for Lesotho. He noted that in 2015, 252 Basotho were trained in the fields of agriculture, industrialization, telecommunication science, food processing, trade, investment and the like. “In order to satisfy the need of Lesotho’s development in certain industries like Agricultural Technology and Science, five bilateral technical training programs, and one bilateral official training program were arranged,” he said. Guoliang also stated that bilateral relations between these two countries have further strengthened fields of cooperation expanded respectively. “Besides the HRD Cooperation Program, the Chinese government has provided aids through other means such as the renovation project of the

National Convention Centre and the state house construction project,” he mentioned. His Excellency, Chinese Ambassador to Lesotho Hu Dingxian noted that China has been constantly strengthening the pillars of the China-Africa friendship and cooperation by sticking to the principle of treating each other as equals, promoting win-win progress and common development, and enhancing sincere friendship and cooperation. “China regards HRD cooperation as a significant platform to strengthen China-Africa cooperation and promote national capacity-building for African countries,” he said. He also added that in order to build the

China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, China would offer 60 billion USD of funding support to implement 10 major cooperation plans in the next three years, which include industrialization, infrastructure, and financial services. Ambassador Dingxian concluded that China and Lesotho have fruitful results in various areas such as politics and education among others. “We have offered study opportunities for government officials and technical personnel to attend short-term training courses and also provide full-time Chinese government scholarships for Basotho students to gain Diplomas and Degrees,” he stated. Meanwhile, the Minister of

Minister of Development Planning, Mokoto Hloaele

Development Planning, Mokoto Hloaele also emphasized that China has sponsored several students and public officials to study in China. “The courses and the training that the government of China is providing to Basotho people afford the necessary exposure and help to improve performance,” he said. He continued that “We in the Ministry of Development Planning require skills to develop, monitor, review development plans and coordinate ministries as well as capacity to break the National Strategic Development Plan into actionable plans at the ministry and district levels,” Hloaele said. He further stated, “Skills to undertake constraints analysis with a view to coming up with informed policy proposals are needed.” The minister also added that there are many outstanding reforms that require expertise to formulate investor-friendly laws, policies, and regulations, saying these will lessen the focus on controls that make it difficult to do business in the country. “We would also appreciate assistance with capacity for the local council authorities to run the councils in a more effective and efficient way,” he concluded. All the trainees in the HRD Cooperation Program were from different government ministries and institutions, which included Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs and International Relations, and the Lesotho National Development Corporation.

Lesotho imparts greenhouse techniques to Tanzania By Thandie Mthimkhulu LERIBE- Basotho educated Tanzanians on greenhouse techniques and equipped them with knowledge pertaining to the management of greenhouses. Mahlape Qoane, Project Manager at Agricultural Productivity and Trade Development, indicated that the greenhouses were provided to Basotho in four categories. “The categories comprised youth in order to fight unemployment amongst youth and women in order to empower them. Those who are the breadwinners in their families and any other individual or group of people who are capable to succeed in the project are also covered under this project,” explained Qoane. She said Basotho have been excelling in the employment and management of greenhouses, adding that with the projects, Basotho would be able to sell their products to local supermarkets, including

One of the beneficiaries, 'Maitumeleng Matsoso with Head Manager Agriculture, Limakatso Makoae

hypermarkets. Qoane purported that hypermarkets need traceable products and a South African company has

trained them in that capacity. She further indicated that the beneficiaries were trained to produce products of premium quality

and standards to enable them to export their products, which will have barcodes. One of the beneficiaries, ‘Maitumeleng Matsoso from Peka, explained to the Tanzanian group that they were trained to use double-digging to perfect their greenhouses and to take 30cm of top soil and add grow manure. TatoloTakala, another beneficiary from the Agricultural Productivity and Trade for Development Project, stipulated that unlike before, they are trained to produce specific products including tomatoes, cucumber and yellow pepper. “The products are not common to the local market and this makes it difficult to meet their targets, as they have to market the products to customers,” explained Takala. He confirmed that though their products are of premium quality, it has been a long journey. The journey began with approximately 100 participants but presently consists of just 14 individuals.


22 December - 28 December 2015

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Lentsoe La Sechaba

22 Tšitoe - 28 Tšitoe 2015

Lentsoe La Sechaba Labobeli la la 22 Tšitoe - 28 Tšitoe 2015

Hlalele, Moporofeta ea khetholohileng

Moporofeta Kefuoe Getrude Hlalele lapeng ha hae

Ka Katleho Mohanoe MASERU – Moporofeta Kefuoe Getrude Hlalele o ile a phura leshoetla le Lentsoe la Sechaba ele ho le utulella tsa pitso ea hae le tsa tšebetso ea hae ele Moporofeta ka Labone le fetileng Ha Tikoe Phomolong (Ha Thetsane). Moporofeta Hlalele o simollotse litaba tsa pitso ea hae ea boprofeta ka ho supa hore e qalile ka khoeli ea Loetse Monongoaha. A bontša hore nakong eo a neng a e fumana o ne a ile lebenkeleng ho ea reka liphahlo. A re ke moo a ileng a bua le batho bao a ileng a kopana le bona moo, ’me bona ba ema le monn’a mateneng ka ho makala le ho hlolloa ho hoholo kaha ba ne ba utloa a bua masa a kokometse ha a senola litaba tsa bophelo ba bona a sa ba tsebe; a qala ho ba bona. A re ka tsela ena ho ile ho’a fihla tlhokomelong ea hae hore o fuoe thomo ke Molimo ea ho ba Moporofeta ea tl’o thusa sechaba sa hae ka ho se senolela tse patehileng le hore ka eena Molimo a folise bana ba hae ba kulang ’meleng le moeng, ’me a toboketsa hore ka tsela ena Molimo o mo khethile. “Ha ke bona motho feela ke bona litaba tsa hae; ke bona mathata a hae le tse ntle tseo Molimo a ratang ho mohlohonolofatsa ka tsona,” ke Moporofeta Hlalele eo. Mokhethoa oa Molimo ha a tsoela pela a totobatsa hore joaloka Mopo-

Moporofeta Kefuoe Getrude Hlalele o nkile buka ea Lentsoe la Molimo (Bebele)

Moporofeta Kefuoe Getrude Hlalele o ruta sechaba

Moporofeta Kefuoe Getrude Hlalele

rofeta ke molomo oa Molimo ’me ha a bua ntho o bua ntho eo eleng ’nete. A re o e bua hobane Molimo a batla ho lokolla motho mesarelong le litsietsieng tsa hae. “Ke Molimo ea ntšenolelang litaba ’na ke molomo feela, le pholiso e fanoa ke Eena e seng ’na. Ha ke bua lintho, eo ke porofetang ka eena o oa hlohonolofala,” a li beha joana Moporofeta. A hlakisa hore nakong eo a fumanang thomo o ne a tšohile haholo hobane le lilemong ke motho ea ntseng a le monyane. A re o ile a utloa a fumane mosebetsi o moholo, o boima, o li qholotso li ngata, empa o bile o na le litlhohonolofatso tse ngata. “Ke ’m’e ea pholositsoeng, ke fumane pitso ena ke le Kerekeng ea ka ea Pholosoa,” ke Moporofeta eo. A tsoela pele ho bontša hore ho fihlela ho na joale o se a thusitse boieane ba batho ka ho ba senolela litaba tsa bona le ho ba thusa hore ba imolohe mesarelong ea bona. A supa hore bokhothokhotho ba batho bo ile ba khutlela ho eena ho tla mo joetsa litaba tse monate tsa likatleho tsa bona. Moporofeta a re: “Ho na le e mong eo ke ileng ka mo bonela mosebetsi o moholo naheng ea Afrika Boroa ’me a feela a fumana mosebetsi oo. Bakuli ba ea fola, empa ha se ’na ea folisang ke Morena Jesu Kriste, ’na ke molomo feela oa Molimo.” A bontša hore batho ba tla ho eena ho tla kopana le Moporofeta

empa eena o ba kopanya le Molimo. A supa hore motho ha a lokile, a hloekile mabapi le sebe, o fumana mahlohonolo ho Molimo. A re Kereke eo a eteletseng pele e kena Sontaha le Sontaha Ha Tikoe Moreneng, ’me ho tla mang le mang ho sa tsotellehe hore na o tsoa Kerekeng efeng. A re o boetse o hlabolla batho ba nang le mathata manyalong a bona le maphelong a bona. “Lebitso la ka thomong ena ke ‘Tsamaea o folile o se hlole o etsa sebe,’” ke Moprofeta eo. Ha a thatiseletsa litaba tsa hae o bontšitse hore nako ena ea Kerese-

mese ke nako e kholo ea sehopotso sa Morena Jesu Kriste ’me a re ke nako eo batho ba lokelang ho batla sefahleho sa Molimo ba tle ba tsebe ho phela ha monate le ho ruoa bophelo bo sa feleng. A supa hore selemo sa 2015 ke selemo sa phetheho ’me ka tsela ena batho ba lokela ho batla sefahleho sa Molimo ’me matšoenyeho a bona a tla fela. A re litsikitlano tsa meno le mathata a masisa-pelo a ea felella. Ha a liella likhala a qotsa ho Mt 6: 33 moo Matheu a reng batho ba batle ’Muso oa Maholimo o sa fumaneha. A re ke molaetsa oa hae ho Basotho.

Koloi e cha lore! Ka Majirata Latela BEREA-Batho ba bararo ba chele lore ka Laboraro bekeng e fetileng nakong eo koloi ea teraka le ea motokara li thulanang sa lipheleu lipakeng tsa Ha Foso le Lifariking. Phala ea Sepolesa sa Lesotho Inspector Clifford Molefe o hlalositse hore koloi ea teraka e ile ea cha ka hlohong fela ‘me le moqhobi oa eona o ile a pholoha ‘me haa ka a fumana likotsi hohang. A re batho ba neng ba le ka kolo-

ing ea motokara bona ba chele boraro ba bona. A bontša hore litlaleho li supa ha koloi e nyane ene e hlaha nqa ea Ha Foso ‘me teraka eona ene e hlaha ka nqa ea mohoebi e mong oa literaka a hona pela tsela moo, ke moo li ileng tsa thulana ‘me hang tsa tuka. A hlalosa hore lipatlisiso li ntse li tsoela pele ‘me ba fumane feela hore batho bao ba lahlehetsoeng ke maphelo ene ele ba hona moo Ha Foso.

22 Tšitoe - 28 Tšitoe 2015

Lentsoe La Sechaba



TED e khothaletsa bohloeki likolong

Mofumahali 'Mantopi Lebofa, Motsamaisi oa TED

Ka Thandie Mthimkhulu MASERU- Mokhatlo o shebanang le bohloeki sechabeng o bitsoang Technologies Economic Development (TED), ka tlatsetso ea mekhatlo e ikemetseng le Lekala la

Thuto le Koetliso li aha matloana likolong tse literopong le tse haufi le literopo e le ho tlatsetsa le ho khothaletsa bohloeki likolong le tikolohong e haufi le likolo e le ho qoba mafu a fetang ka lebaka la ho hloka bohloeki.

LEWA e kopana le baphatlalatsi ba litaba Ka Pulane Lichaba MASERU- K’hamphani e ikarabellang litabeng tsa motlakase le metsi (LEWA) e ile ea kopana le baphatlalatsi ba litaba ka sepheo sa ho hlakisa tšebetsoho ea LEWA. Mookameli oa LEWA Monghali Ntoi Rapapa o bontšitse ha k’hampani ea ha habo e qalile ho kena tšebetsong ho tloha ka selemo sa 2004. “Rona ba LEWA mosebetsi oa rona ke ho fana ka mangolo a tumello ea tšebetso k’hampaning tse fanang ka motlakase, metsi le li khoerekhoere,” arialo Monghali Rapapa. O hlalositse ha k’hamphani tsena li ikarabella ho bona ka hore haba batla ho etsa liphetoho tsa ho nyolla metsi kapa motlakase ba hlalosetsa LEWA pele hore na ke mabaka a feng a etsang hore hobe joalo. “Leha hona le likhohlano pakeng tsa k’hamphani le sechaba le rona re khona ho kena lipakeng ele hona ho felisa mathata a joalo,” a itsalo Monghali Rapapa. Monghali Rapapa o hlalositse ha liqholotso tse eeng li hlahe motlakaseng li kenyeletsa tiehiso ea ho kenyetsoa motlakase kapa ea litjeo

tse phahameng. “E ‘ngoe ke e mona ea hore hobe le mehaho tlasa thepa ea motlakase e kholo kaha eka baka kotsi e tšabehang hampe ha thepa eno eka oela holim’a ntlo ea motho, ka hona ke eletsa batho hore ba se ke ba haha matlo a bona tlas’a thepa ea motlakase.” Monghali Rapapa o hlalositse hape hore ba sheba hore na metsing ha hona mafu kapa likokoanahloko tse ka amang mosebelisi oa metsi. A bontša hore leha hole joalo metsi aka angoa ke mohloli kapa thepa eo e atsamaisang hore a qetelle a shebeha eka haa hloeka. Monghali Rapapa o bontšitse ha ba bua le sechaba pele ba ka nyolla litjeo tsa metsi le motlakase ele ho nonya sechaba maikutlo ka se etsahalang le hore sechaba se utloe mabaka a bona a ho nyolla litjeo. “Ntho tse ling tse ka amang ho nyolla litjeo tsa motlakase ekaba ha motlakase o nyolohile ho tsoa linaheng tseo re o rekang ho tsona eleng Mozambique le Afrika Boroa,” ho boletse Monghali Rapapa. A qetella ka ho bontša hore ba tlo sebetsa ha monate le sechaba ‘moho le baphatlalatsi selemong se tlang.

Puisanong le motsamaisi oa TED, Mofumahali ‘Mantopi Lebofa o bontšitse hore ke likolo tse mashome a mane tse fumanehang tikolohong ea literopo tse leshome le metso e ‘meli tse tlo fumantšoa matloana, ka tšebetso ea bona e qalileng ka selemo sa 2013 ‘me e lebeletsoe hore e phetheloe ka selemo sa 2017. Ha a tsoela pele o bontšitse hore ba khethile ho isa matloana likolong kaha thuto ea bohloeki ele sebetsa se seholo sechabeng ka kakaretso, ‘me bana baka nolofatsa ho fitisetsa thuto sechabeng seo ba phelang le sona, e le ho tlatsetsa litabeng tsa bophelo bo botle kaha ho hloka bohloeki e le sesosa sa mafu a mangata haholo baneng, ho maqhekoana le maqheku kaha ‘mele ea bona e sitoa ho itoanela mafung a mangata. Mofumahali Lebofa o supile hape hore bana ba ka sebelisoa ho fitisa molaetsa ka potlako sechabeng seo ba phelang le sona kaha seo ba ithutileng sona likolong e ba sona seo ba se phelang, ‘me sena se ka thusa ho susumeletsa malapa a bona ho fetola litloaelo le boitšoaro hore ba qetelle ba boloka bohloeki ka kakaretso. O boetse a supa hore ha bohloeki bo bolokoa, hase molemong oa

motho ka bomong, empa ke molemong oa sechaba ka kakaretso kaha sena se ka kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ea moruo oa naha le ntšetso- pele ea sechaba kaha sekhahla sa mafu a bakoang ke ho hloka bohloeki a tla fokotseha sechaba se phele hantle, ‘me le tikoloho ea sebelisoa hantle. O itse likolo tse sa bolokeng bohloeki ka ho aha matloana, li sebelisa mangope a haufi le tsona ‘me banana le basali ba oela tekong ea ho khaoletsoa kapa ho hlekefetsoa ke balisana kapa litlokotsebe tse ka nkang monyetla. “Se seng se etsahalang ke hore ha lipula li na, moo likolo li ahiloeng ka holimo ho metse, metsi a tsoang mangopeng a joalo a theohela metseng a be a kene kahar’e ho liliba tsa metsi tse sa koaheloang e be sechaba se oela kotsing ea ho noa metsi ao a litšila ‘me se be tlokotsing ea mafu a ka bakoang ke sena,’’ ho boletse Mofumahali Lebofa. O supile hape hore lehoja metsi a Lesotho a rekisetsoa naha ea Afrika Boroa, ho ntse hona le Basotho ba hlokang metsi a hloekileng hoo ba lokelang ho kha metsi linokeng kapa ho tsamaea libaka tse telele ho fihla lipompong ‘me hangata e be metsi a joalo a ea sokolisa; a fela joalo- joalo kapa e be lipompo li robeha nako le nako.

Matichere a fuoa likhau Ka Palesa Mosola MAFETENG- Matichere a Likolo tse Phahameng le tsa Mathomo a mashome a mane a filoe likhau tse ba tlotlang ha ba ea phomolong. Mookameli oa Lekala la Thuto le Le Koetliso Seterekeng sa Mafeteng Mofumahali ‘Manthabeleng Linake o boletse hore ke lekhetlo la pele Lekala la habo Seterekeng le tlotla le ho fana ka likhau ho matichere a eang phomolong. Mofumahali Linake a boela a supa hore matichere ana a lehlohonolo hobane a tlotloa a sa phela. “Ha se bohlokoa hore ba tlotloe ba se ba hlokahetse,”a rialo Mofumahali Linake. A supa hore haele mona ba ea phomolong ha se ho bolela hore mosebetsi oa bona o felile empa ba lebeletsoe hore ba tsoele pele ka ho fana ka boeletsi ho matichere a ntseng a le tšebetsong e le hore mosebetsi oa bona o tle o bonahale ka litholoana tse ntle. A boela a toboketsa hore ho ea phomolong ha se tlhapa empa ke hore ba fumane monyetla oa ho etsa moralo o mocha oa bophelo ho latela lilemo tsa bona. Ha a laea matichere a salang, Mofumahali Linake o boletse hore lenane- thuto lena le teng le hloka

motho ea nang le lerato la thuto le ho bontša botsoali ho ngoana. A re Setereke sa Mafeteng se bonahala se hula ka tlhako tsa maroa liphethong tsa barutoana ho tloha ka tsa Mathomo ho fihlela ka tse bohareng. A re ka tšebelisano ‘moho ke tšepo ea bona e le botsamaisi ba Lekala la Thuto le Koetliso hore liphetho tsa Setereke seo li bonahale li ntlafala. Ha a buoa lebitsong la matichere a tsamaeang, Monghali Motseki Motseki ho tsoa sekolong se phahameng sa Sebelekoane o boletse hore e bile tichere ho tloha ka selemo sa 1969 empa o ile a kenya lengolo la kopo ka selemo sa 2011 moo Lekala la Thuto le Koetliso le ileng la mo ekeletsa konteraka ho fihla selemong sena ha a ea phomolong. “Ke motlotlo ho tlisa phetoho maphelong a batho ba bangata,” a rialo Monghali Motseki. O itse mosebetsi oa botichere ke mosebetsi o nang le liqholotso tse ngata ‘me ke taba e lokelang ho mamelloa ke bohle ba etsang mosebetsi oa botichere. A thatiseletsa litaba tsa hae ka ho supa hore lefapha la bosebeletsi ba matichere (Teachers Service Department) hore ba tle ba potlakise litsiane tsa bona e le hore ba tle ba khone hore ba phele hantle ha ba le phomolong.



Lentsoe La Sechaba

22 Tšitoe - 28 Tšitoe 2015

LDF e nehalana ka lijo ho malapa a tlokotsing

Molaoli oa Sesole sa Lesotho Lt. Gen Tlali Kamoli

Ka Palesa Mosola MASERU- Sesole sa Lesotho (LDF) se nehelane ka limpho tsa lijo ho malapa a tlokotsing ka Labone bekeng e fetileng. Molaoli oa LDF Lt. General Tlali Kamoli o boletse hore bana ba tlokotsing ba ikutloe ba thabile ka nako ena ea mafelo a selemo, Sesole sa Lesotho se tsebile ho bokella chelete ka sehlopha sa ‘mino sa Lesotho Defence Force Jazz Band seo se ileng sa tšoara meketjana e le sepheo sa ho bokella chelete eo e tlang ho rekela malapa a joalo limpho esale ho tloha mathoasong a selemo sena. “Ke bonyane chelete e kaalo ka M120 000.00 e bokelelitsoeng moketjaneng oa lipina selemong sena,”a rialo Lt. Gen Kamoli. A re letlole lena le qalile ka selemo sa 2007 ka chelete e kaalo ka M3000.00 e le chelete e tsoang li-

Karolo ea limpho tse filoeng bana ba tlokotsing ke LDF

pokothong tsa litho tsa Sesole sa Lesotho. A boela a hlakisa hore ka selemo sa 2012 bolaoli ba Sesole bo ile ba inahana bocha ka hore ho etsoe meketjana ea ‘mino e le ho haha letlole leo. Ha a tsoela pele, Lt. Gen Kamoli o boletse hore ka selemo sa 2012 ke bonyane chelete e kaalo ka M60, 000.00 e ileng ea bokeletsoa ke LDF ka meketjana ea eona ea lipina. A re chelete ena e ile ea feta ea selemo sa 2011 kaha eona e ne e le M25, 000.00. A toboketsa hore Basotho ba ile ba bonahala thahasello ea bona e ntse e phahama kaha ka selemo sa 2013 e bile kakaretso ea chelete e kaalo ka M80, 000.00 e ileng ea bokelloa. “Selemong sa 2014 e ile ea eba M90, 000.00 ‘me selemong sa 2015 ea eba M120,000.00.” Lt. General Kamoli o boetse a supa hore kamorao hore Sesole sa Lesotho se potolohe le naha se seb-

etsa ka kopanelo le babusi ba litereke, ba ile ba hloaha malapa a 554 literekeng tsohle tsa naha hore ba fumane molemo ho tsoa ho LDF. A boela a hlakisa hore ke bana ba likhoeli tse leshome le motso o mong ho fihlela lilemong tse leshome le metso e robeli ba tlang ho fumana limpho. Lt. General Kamoli o boetse a re malapa a mang a phela libakeng tseo ho sa fihleleheng ha bobebe ka lebaka la sebopeho sa naha. A boela a toboketsa hore Bolaoli ba Sesele bo mothating oa ho etsa matsapa a ho bona hore hohle ba ea fihla e le hore le bana ba ka maloting ba fumane thuso. Letona la Tšireletso Mohlomphehi Tšeliso Mokhosi o boletse hore o leboha Bolaoli ba Sesole sa Lesotho ka ho kenya letsoho ho matlafatsa maphelo a batho ba tlokotsing. Mohlomphehi Mokhosi a supa hore nako ena ke nako ea ho

fana le thabo eo motho e mong le mong a bontšang lerato. A toboketsa hore Sesole sa Lesotho se bontša ka cheseho e kholo hore mosebetsi oa sona ha se feela ho tšireletsa sechaba le thepa ea sona empa ke tšepo ea sechaba linthong tsohle e seng feela ka lipuo empa le ka liketso. Mohlomphehi Mokhosi a boela a supa hore o etsa boipiletso ho Lekala la Tšireletso ka lefapha la Sesole ho tsotella sechaba ho sa natse maemo a sona. A thatiseletsa ka ho bontša hore ha se feela ho fana empa Sesole sa Lesotho se ikakhetse ka setotsoana litabeng tse kenyeletsang temo e le ho thusa hore bohle ba tle ba fumane lijo. Letona la Ntšetso pele ea Sechaba Mohlomphehi Molahlehi Letlotlo o boletse hore o leboha ka boikitlaetso ba Sesole ka ho lemoha le ho ithaopela ho tlisa phetoho maphelong a batho ba tlokotsing. Mohlomphehi Letlotlo a boela a supa hore sechaba se lokela ho utloisisa hore mosebetsi oa Sesole ha se ho loana feela empa ba boetse ba pholosa maphelo a sechaba sa habo bona joaloka ho bontša ka nako ena ea selemo eo batho ba bontšang thabo le khotso hoba malapa a bona. Ha a fera litaba tsa hae, Mohlomphehi Letlotlo o boletse hore bohle ba tlang ho amohela limpho tsena lebitsong la bana bao ba tlokotsing thepa eo e fihla ho bana me batle ba tsebe ho thaba le bona e le mokhoa oa ho ba lebatsa hore ba tlokotsing.

Ngoajane e ntlafatsa tikoloho By ‘Mantšali Phakoana BOTHA-BOTHE-Ke bonyane bacha ba 90 ba kenang sekolo lipakeng tsa Foromo ea Pele (Form A) ho isa ho ea bohlano (Form E), ba phelang Lekhotleng la Puso ea libaka la Ngoajane BO1, Seterekeng sa Botha-Bothe ba qalileng mosebetsi oa fato-fato ea ho tlosa lihalahala, tikolohong ea Qholaqhoe bekeng e fetileng. Sena se hlalositsoe ke Mokhethoa oa Puso ea Libaka Lekhotleng leo la Ngoajane, Mohlomphehi ‘Mamolatoli Tjopi puisanong le Lentsoe la Sechaba. Mohlomphehi Tjopi o supile hore khiro ea bacha bana e ne e etsoa ke Lekala la Meru Seterekeng seo sa Botha-Bothe. ‘Me a re bacha bao ba hiriloe ka Labone la beke e fetileng sebakeng sa Qholaqhoe moo mocha e mong le emong a nang

le thahasello ea ho sebetsa fato-fato a neng a lebeletsoe ho tla le raporoto ea hae ea sekolong e le bopaki ba hore e fela e le ngoan’a sekolo, e se re ba etsa boqhekanyetsi. “Ho hiriloe bacha ho tsoa metseng e kahar’e ho Lekhotla lena la rona la Mathomo, ‘me motse ka ‘ngoe ho nkiloe ngoana a le mong empa leha ho le joalo, metse e meng re e kopelletse,” ke Mohlomphehi Tjopi eo. A tsoela pele ho bontša hore bacha ba hiriloeng ke ba ilo tlatseletsa batho ba baholo bao bona ba se ntseng ba tsoela pele ho sebetsa fato-fatong. O hlalositse tjena: “Ho se ho ntse ho ena le batho ba baholo ba ntseng ba sebetsa karolong eo ea ho cheka lihalahala, empa ka lebaka la hobane likolo li koetsoe, Lekala la Meru le ile la fumana ho le molemo hore bacha ba fuoe monyetla oa

hore ba tšoarise matsoho e le hore ba tle ba fumane litsiane tse tlang ho ba thusa hore ha likolo li buloa ba be le mokhoa oa ho iphelisa.” “Re na le tumelo ea hore ka ha tšebetso e tla be e felile, ‘me ba tla be ba fumane meputso ea bona, e tla ba thusa hore ba tsebe ho reka litlhoko tsa bona tsa sekolo, haholo bao e bang ba tsoa malapeng a ntseng a hula ka boima,” ke eena eo. Puisanong le Lentsoe la Sechaba, e mong oa bacha ba hiriloeng moo, Thato Mohloai ho tsoa motseng oa Makhunoane, o boletse hore o bala Foromo ea Boraro (Form C), ‘me o ikutloa a le lehlohonolo hore ebile karolo ea bacha ba hiriloeng ho sebetsa tikolohong eo. “Na ke thabetse feela hore re tlo khola khoeling ea pele, ‘me e tla be e le nako eo likolo li buloang ka hona sena se tlo nthusa hore re shebane le litlhoko tsa ka tsa sekolo ‘me ke

qale selemo ke sena litlhoko,” ke eena eo. Mohloai o supile hape hore ba tšepisitsoe hore ba tlo amohela chelete e kaalo ka M1, 100.00, ‘me eona e tla fihla ka Pherekhong 2016. O ferile litaba tsa hae joana: “’Na ke utloa ke lokela ho leboha ‘muso haeba o ntse o re hopola re le bacha hore le rona nakong eo re ntseng re kena likolo, ka nako ea phomolo re fuoe mesebetsi ea nakoana e le hore litsiane tseo re tlang ho li fumana li re tšehetse nakong eo likolo li buloang. Boholo ba rona re na le mathata ka malapeng, ‘me bonyanenyana boo re ka bo amohelang bo tla re tšehetsa.” A re ha se feela hore ba fumane chelete empa ho bile ho ntse ho hlokahala hore e le bacha ba qale pele ba baballe tikoloho kapa makhulo a bona, ba tsebe le bohlokoa ba ho etsa joalo.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES & CAREERS 22 December - 28 December 2015

Tuesday 22 December - 28 December 2015

- Vacancies - Tenders ADVERTS - Positions - Courses - Studies


VACANCY – FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT Liberty Life Lesotho is a specialist life insurance company which focuses on providing group and retail based risk insurance products for death, disability, critical illness and other life changing events. Liberty Life Lesotho is a component of Liberty Holdings, a progressive African wealth management group which, for more than fifty years, has delivered innovative long-term solutions that assist customers to achieve financial stability in their chosen lifestyles and throughout their life cycles. As Liberty Life Lesotho, we see it as our responsibility to empower our clients; small businesses and large corporate institutions in offering the best suitable risk benefit solutions for their staff members. Our business model is based on creating products that have relevance in the market and forming strong partnerships. Liberty Life Lesotho is inviting applications from qualified candidates to fill the vacant position of Financial Accountant.

MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB To maintain and analyse financial information in order to provide accurate reports and information to the relevant stakeholders in the business. Reporting to the Managing Director, the incumbent will be responsible for the following;


Capture transactions with accuracy and completeness in the business accounting system Provide accurate reports to relevant stakeholders to allow the identification of key risk and strategic growth measurements and financial performance of business. Accurately and effectively manage financial and accounting processes to support the sound running of the business Build and promote effective working relationships with relevant internal and external stakeholders in order to provide the necessary insights and financial information in support of the business objectives • Analyse, interpret and source financial information in order to support the review of the financial performance of the business • Be abreast with relevant developments and legislative requirements and accepted industry best practices in order to prevent exposure to unnecessary risks and maintain competitive advantage


B Com degree with specialisation in Accounting, Economics or Finance 3 years’ experience in financial services and preferably long term insurance in the role of a Financial Accountant Knowledge of accounting processes from source through the general ledger to the production of a Trial Balance would be an advantage Financial Services regulatory environment knowledge Long term Insurance Industry knowledge SAP Accounting System Company and Individual Tax Laws MS office suite (advanced Excel) Knowledge of the Microsoft package (excel, word, powerpoint, outlook) Knowledge of Pivot tables and how to manage to analyse data effectively


Attention to detail Analytical Problem Solving Planning and Organising

Interested and suitable candidates must send their CV’s to the Human Resource Business Partner at on or before the 31st December 2015. Should you not receive feedback within one (1) week of closing date, please accept that you did not qualify and were not shortlisted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

VACANCY – SCHEME ADMINISTRATOR Liberty Life Lesotho is a specialist life insurance company which focuses on providing group and retail based risk insurance products for death, disability, critical illness and other life changing events. Liberty Life Lesotho is a component of Liberty Holdings, a progressive African wealth management group which, for more than fifty years, has delivered innovative long-term solutions that assist customers to achieve financial stability in their chosen lifestyles and throughout their life cycles. As Liberty Life Lesotho, we see it as our responsibility to empower our clients; small businesses and large corporate institutions in offering the best suitable risk benefit solutions for their staff members. Our business model is based on creating products that have relevance in the market and forming strong partnerships. Liberty Life Lesotho is inviting applications from qualified candidates to fill the vacant position of Scheme Administrator.

MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB To support Broker Houses and clients in the sale and administration of all corporate and retail risk products for Liberty Life Lesotho, and to promote, support, administer and process all related scheme administration inclusive of claims assessment in order to provide a high level of satisfaction by ensuring effective quality service to internal and external stakeholders alike. Reporting to the Managing Director the incumbent will be responsible for the following;

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide the required scheme administrative and claims underwriting support to internal and external stakeholders in order to meet the contracted service level agreement standards • Establish and maintain effective and healthy relationships with brokers, policy holders and all relevant internal and external stakeholders to promote sustainable business growth and retention of current client base • Ensure compliance with all relevant legislation (including long term insurance and tax laws), policy contracts and business processes in order to effectively identify and report fraud risk exposure • Review, maintain and analyse scheme information in order to provide accurate and timely management information reports • Collect process and analyse member level scheme information from brokers and clients on a weekly basis in order to correctly calculate policy holder liabilities and re-insurance premiums due by the business on a monthly basis • Actively promote and participate in living the Liberty brand values, vision and interpretation thereof in order to continuously build and maintain effective, proactive and collaborate team relationships


Diploma in Business Administration A minimum of 3 years administration experience in the Long Term Insurance Industry specifically with corporate benefits exposure Exposure in claims management would be an advantage Knowledge of Financial Products Knowledge of Customer Service best practice

Interested and suitable candidates must send their CV’s to the Human Resource Business Partner at on or before 31st December 2015. Should you not receive feedback within one (1) week of closing date, please accept that you did not qualify and were not shortlisted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


22 December - 28 December 2015

LEROTHOLI POLYTECHNIC MISSION Lerotholi Polytechnic is committed to advancing technological, scientific, commercial education and training through research and development. 1. LECTURER II– COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING – (2 POSITIONS) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Lecturer shall conduct lectures in his/her areas of specialization. He/she conducts curriculum review, internal moderation and research work. He/She is expected to take an active part in the upgrading and strengthening of all the activities of the Department, and to participate in other professional activities of the Polytechnic to ensure effective training and development of the Polytechnic. The candidate should be able to teach the following subjects: 1. Data structures and algorithms 2. Visual programming 3. Object oriented programming 4. Web technologies 5. Software engineering 6. Database principles 7. Computer networks III 8. Digital systems III 9. Microcontroller Application III 10. Electronics QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Computer Systems Engineering OR Degree in Electrical Engineering (Light Current) Masters Degree or 2 years teaching experience at a tertiary institution will be an added advantage. 2. LECTURER II– ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – (1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Lecturer shall conduct lectures in his/her areas of specialization. He/she conducts curriculum review, internal moderation and research work. He/She is expected to take an active part in the upgrading and strengthening of all the activities of the Department, and to participate in other professional activities of the Polytechnic to ensure effective training and development of the Polytechnic. The candidate should be able to teach the following subjects: 1. Electrical Instrumentation and control systems with special knowledge of programmable logic controllers (PLC) 2. Power Electronics 3. Power Supply and distribution 4. Electrical Protection KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: • Knowledge of Electrical and Electronics simulation packages QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Electrical Engineering OR Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Masters Degree or 2 years teaching experience at a tertiary institution will be an added advantage. 3. LECTURER II– MECHANICAL ENGINEERING – (1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Lecturer shall conduct lectures in his/her areas of specialization. He/she conducts curriculum review, internal moderation and research work. He/She is expected to take an active part in the upgrading and strengthening of all the activities of the Department, and to participate in other professional activities of the Polytechnic to ensure effective training and development of the Polytechnic. The candidate should be able to teach the following subjects: 1. Finite elements analysis 2. Computer aided manufacturing 3. Design of machine components 4. Engineering Mathematics KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: •

Knowledge of Auto Cad solid edge

Excellent computer skills are essential

QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Mechanical Engineering Masters Degree or 2 years teaching experience at a tertiary institution will be an added advantage. 4. LECTURER II– CIVIL ENGINEERING – (1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Lecturer shall conduct lectures in his/her areas of specialization. He/she conducts curriculum review, internal moderation and research work. He/She is expected to take an active part in the upgrading and strengthening of all the activities of the Department, and to participate in other professional activities of the Polytechnic to ensure effective training and development of the Polytechnic. The candidate should be able to teach the following subjects: 1. Applied Mechanics 2. Theory of Structures 3. Design of concrete and steel QUALIFICATIONS Bsc. in Civil Engineering OR BTech in civil Engineering KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: • Skills in any professional software applications • Computer skills are highly essential • Applied research skills • Two years experience in Civil Engineering projects Masters Degree or 2 years teaching experience at a tertiary institution will be an added advantage.

5. LECTURER II– WATER & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING – (1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Lecturer shall conduct lectures in his/her areas of specialization. He/she conducts curriculum review, internal moderation and research work. He/She is expected to take an active part in the upgrading and strengthening of all the activities of the Department, and to participate in other professional activities of the Polytechnic to ensure effective training and development of the Polytechnic. QUALIFICATIONS Bsc. Water and Sanitation Engineering OR Bsc. Water Engineering OR B-Tech Water Engineering KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: • • • • •

Skills in any professional software applications Computer skills are highly essential Applied research skills The incumbent should specialize in basic water engineering. Two years experience in Water Engineering projects

Masters Degree or 2 years teaching experience at a tertiary institution will be an added advantage. 6. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN– ELECTRICAL ENGINNERING(1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Laboratory Technician shall keep the laboratory equipment secured, clean and in good working order. He/she is responsible for the efficient management and security of the assigned laboratories. Sets up experiments, invigilates students and supervises laboratory sessions and field work (where applicable). QUALIFICATIONS Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Degree will be an added advantage. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: 1. Must have practical knowledge of Electrical Installation 2. Must be able to diagnose and do minor repairs on the Electrical and Electronics appliances 3. Knowledge of Electrical and Electronics 4. Simulation packages

7. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN – MECHANICAL ENGINNERING(1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Head of Programme, the Laboratory Technician shall keep the laboratory equipment secured, clean and in good working order. He/she is responsible for the efficient management and security of the assigned laboratories. Sets up experiments, invigilates students and supervises laboratory sessions and field work (where applicable). QUALIFICATIONS Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Degree will be an added advantage. EXPERIENCE 1. 3 years working experience is desirable 2. An industrial experience will be an added advantage 3. Excellent computer skills are essential 4. Understanding of Safety rules in a laboratory is essential 8. PROCUREMENT MANAGER (1 POSITION) Under the general supervision of the Bursar, the Procurement Manager is responsible to manage, co-ordinate and administer all activities related to stores and procurement of goods, assets and services. QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Purchasing management with five (5) years working experience in the field of Procurement and 2 of which must be at supervisory level. OR B.Comm or Registered Accountant qualification with five (5) years practical experience in Stores and Procurement management. At least 2 years in middle management level. A Masters Degree in Purchasing Management plus at least 3 years working experience in the Procurement will be an added advantage. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: • Ability to build and manage business relationships • Excellent communication and writing skills • Must have good supervisory skills • Self-driven and highly motivated • Good interpersonal skills • Be computer literate and understand costing principles • High level of confidentiality • Be able to work in most demanding situations HOW TO APPLY Interested and suitably qualified candidates should submit their detailed applications, which should include Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of Educational Certificates and academic transcripts. Applicants should also inform their three (3) referees with at least one (1) of them being the last or current employer to submit their references directly to the address provided below on or before Friday 15th January 2016. Applications shall be addressed as follows: The Secretary Staff Appointments and Promotions Committee Lerotholi Polytechnic P.O. BOX 16 MASERU 0100 DISCLAIMER: • Reference letters addressed: “To whom it may concern”, will not be acceptable. • Only successful candidates will be contacted. • The closing date for receiving full applications and references is Friday 15th January 2016. • Applications submitted after the closing date will not be accepted.

22 December - 28 December 2015


VACANCY – BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Liberty Life Lesotho is a specialist life insurance company which focuses on providing group and retail based risk insurance products for death, disability, critical illness and other life changing events. Liberty Life Lesotho is a component of Liberty Holdings, a progressive African wealth management group which, for more than fifty years, has delivered innovative long-term solutions that assist customers to achieve financial stability in their chosen lifestyles and throughout their life cycles. As Liberty Life Lesotho, we see it as our responsibility to empower our clients; small businesses and large corporate institutions in offering the best suitable risk benefit solutions for their staff members. Our business model is based on creating products that have relevance in the market and forming strong partnerships. Liberty Life Lesotho is inviting applications from qualified candidates to fill the vacant position of Business Development Manager.

MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB To market and service Liberty Life Financial Solutions (products, technology and services) in order to increase the sales capacity of the risk business in the bank, broker, franchise and affinity channels as well as all other potential markets and to identify and attract new business and retain the existing customer base. Reporting to the Managing Director, the incumbent will be responsible for the following:

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • To identify, approach and effectively manage potential leads and call plans using the current database and broker relationships to ensure the delivery of the new business targets and processes • To proactively identify new affinity and alternative distribution channels in order to grow market share and shareholders value • To develop and execute a marketing plan in order to achieve the revenue and channel growth objectives • To develop marketing collateral and new products in conjunction with management and Liberty Group in order to improve the competitive positioning and promote the brand value of Liberty Life Lesotho in terms of products and technology services • To establish, maintain and enhance new and existing business relationships in order to ensure increased shareholder value • To ensure end to end on-boarding of new business secured with the support of functional teams in order to promote contracted service level agreement standards. • To develop and train all Liberty contracted brokers, bank and staff on Liberty Life’s products, procedures and technology services through marketing presentations and training in order to promote product awareness and knowledge to increase compliance with contractual terms and conditions and relevant legislation • To keep up to date with competitor information and market trends in order to identify new business opportunities and to contribute towards the development of competitive new products and the enhancement of existing products

QUALIFICATION , KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS • Business degree or equivalent in commerce or Insurance Industry Qualification


At least 5 years sales experience in the financial services industry, preferably in the Long Term Insurance market Some Training and Development experience may be advantageous Extensive experience of Microsoft Office Suite, especially PowerPoint and Excel Valid driver’s license and must own car


Attention to detail Analytical Problem Solving Good in planning and organising

Interested and suitable candidates must send their CV’s to the Human Resource Business Partner at on or before the 31st December 2015. Should you not receive feedback within one (1) week of closing date, please accept that you did not qualify and were not shortlisted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


22 December - 28 December 2015


Monitoring & Evaluation and Research Officer


Programs - Makoanyane Clinic

Population Services International P.O. Box 15863 Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: 22326825 Fax: 22311280 Website:


SUMMARY: DoD PSI Lesotho received funding from US Department of Defence to assist in the strengthening of clinical services in the LDF Clinic/Makoanyane Hospital. Under the project the incumbent will collect, analyze and disseminate data generated through program activities, including Management Information Systems (MIS) and other sources, to ensure efficient and timely flow of data. The position will also provide technical expertise in the design and implementation of research studies, pre-test activities. This position is based at Makoanyane Hospital/Clinic with minimal travel throughout Lesotho and reports to the Clinic Manager with dotted line to Senior M&E and Research Manager at PSI HQ. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: • • • • • • • MINIMUM • • • •


Manage all aspects of Makoanyane Hospital/Clinic information systems (MIS), including the maintenance of data collection tools used by clinic and field staff for data collection. Apply relevant statistical packages to analyze, interpret and summarize data to help program teams track progress against key indicators. Assist the Research and M&E Program to implement M&E capacity strengthening activities to benefit staff including data verification, data dissemination and mentorship Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports, for submission to government and donors. Work in conjunction with the Research and M&E program to implement research, pre-test of communication materials, including development of study protocols, pre-test, questionnaire development and sampling frame Coordinate studies, in conjunction with the Research and M&E, and serve as the primary coordinator for key studies and activities, as directed Assist with data entry as the need arise and as directed by supervisor. JOB REQUIREMENTS Degree in Statistics and/or Demography with research background 2 years experience in monitoring and evaluation and/or research design and implementation. Experience with data management, preferably health management information systems, and . Knowledge of SPSS, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft ACCESS.

KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED • Data entry skills including excellent attention to detail and low incidence of data entry errors. • Proven ability to learn quickly • Demonstrated ability to analyze data and generate reports. • Proficient computer literacy with knowledge of MS applications (including Access, Excel) and knowledge of statistical packages such as SPSS. • Demonstrated ability to design and implement systems necessary to maintain and analyze data. • Strong written and verbal communication skills. • Familiarity with international health development issues will be an added advantage. All applications to be hand delivered to The HR Manager – PSI. All applications must be accompanied by a C.V. and certified copies of educational certificates on or before 7th January, 2016 12.00 noon.

Population Services International P.O. Box 15863 Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: 22326825 Fax: 22311280 Website:


JOB SUMMARY Under the general supervision of the Director Medical Services, the Laboratory Technologist is responsible for implementation of safety precautions , implementation of SOPs, implementation of quality systems, analysis of samples as per protocols and SOPs, reporting of results, compilation and maintenance of laboratory records, training of students during the in- service and conducts site supervision. Will also serve as Quality Officer. MAIN DUTIES I.IMPLEMENTATION OF SA FETY PRECAUTIONS • Ensures health and safety procedures are adhered to by staff • Monitors health and safety at testing sites • Always dispose off completed samples according to the guidelines 2.IMPLEMENTATION OF SOPs • Adheres to SOPs for all procedures • Ensure that all SOPs are read and understood by all staff. • Ensure that all staff adheres to SOPs • Ensure that SOPs are reviewed, approved and • • Obsolete SOPs are archived appropriately 3.IMPLEMENTATION OF QUA LITY SYSTEMS • Calibrates and maintains equipment as per protocols • Weekly monitors the level of supplies • Daily ensures implementation of Quality Control in the laboratory for all tests. • Daily analyse samples as per protocol

TITLE :Human Resources Assistant DEPARTMENT : Human Resources SUMMARY :The purpose of the job is to facilitate implementation of HR plans and activities. This job is based in Maseru and reports to the Human Resources Officer.

resigned staff and submit the report to claim for their terminal benefits • Contributes to Human Resources Department by accomplishing related results as needed. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK EXPERIENCE:

ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties include, but are not limited to:

• • • • • • •

• •

• • • •

Prepares advertisement both internally and externally Capture leave dates and file approved leave application forms to personal files. Capture data from timesheets including leave tracking sheets for overtime Updates the Org-chart whenever there are changes in the structure Take care of recruitment and selection logistics. Updates and maintains HR databases Plans and delivers new employee induction and works in conjunction with department managers for orientation of new employees Ensures that each employee has complete personnel files and updated accordingly. Updates and records human resources management information Run Bridger insight report for new candidates before approval of their appointments. Maintains employee confidence and protects operations by keeping human resource information confidential. Maintains quality service by following organization standards. Prepares salary progression report of

Degree in Human Resources Management , Labour Relations or relevant social science degree plus 1 year work experience • Diploma in Human Resource Management or equivalent plus 2 years work experience . KEY COMPETENCIES: • Sound knowledge of Human Resources principles and practices • Computer literacy, at least in excel and word. • Excellent interpersonal skills • Fluency in English, written and spoken skills required • 2 years Drivers license is the prerequisite All applications to be hand delivered to The HR Manager – PSI. All applications must be accompanied by a C.V. and certified copies of educational certificates on or before 7th January, 2016 12.00 noon.

• Ensures active participation in External Quality Assessment schemes. • Continuously investigates Poor Performance, identifies root causes and implement corrective actions and follow ups • Quarterly conducts internal audits, identifies quarterly gaps and implement process improvement at the facility. 4.REPORTING OF RESULTS • Daily submits results to Principal Laboratory Technologist for verification • Daily records validated results on the daily log book 5.RECORDS KEEPING • File records daily • Dispatches patients/clients results daily • Ensures that all records are updated and maintained by staff on a monthly basis • Compiles monthly statistics in the Laboratory • Consolidates monthly records and submit to Principal Laboratory Technologist. 6. TRAININGS • Continuously provides onsite training to Lab Personnel students on all activities. • Continuously supervises junior staff • Supervises and supports HTC, using standardized check-list KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS • • •

Diploma in Biomedical Sciences. 5 years working as Laboratory Technologist, plus outstanding records: good competency and leadership skills

All applications to be hand delivered to The HR Manager – PSI. All applications must be accompanied by a C.V. and certified copies of educational certificates on or before 7th January, 2016 12.00 noon.

ADVERTISEMENT TITLE :Human Resources Officer DEPARTMENT : Human Resources SUMMARY: In October 2011 PSI Lesotho launched the Testing and Referral Gateway for Enhanced Sustainability (TARGET) Project funded by Centre for Disease Control (CDC). This project contributes directly to Lesotho’s National Multi-Sectoral HIV Prevention Strategy, by reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS in Lesotho by deploying evidenced-based sexual and biomedical prevention programs. TARGET uses innovative strategies to provide confidential, community and facility-based HIV testing and Counselling (HTC) services to men and women aged 15-35 years as the major target group.

Population Services International P.O. Box 15863 Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: 22326825 Fax: 22311280 Website:

• • • • • • •

Population Services International P.O. Box 15863 Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: 22326825 Fax: 22311280 Website:

(exit interviews, staff clearance) and prepare salary progression in preparation for terminal benefits Capture data from timesheets including leave tracking sheets for overtime Provides HR support to employees in the implementation of the PSI Performance Management system Compiles employee performance data and produces reports. Updates the Org-chart and emergency call tree whenever there are changes. Runs the Bridger insight report for successful candidates before the approval for recruitment by the Country Representative Facilitates the orientation process of new employees Acts as Human Resources Manager in the absence of the HRM Maintains confidentiality of HR Records Contributes to the Human Resources department by accomplishing related results as needed

Under the target project the incumbent will facilitate, coordinate and manage PSI Human Resources processes in order to achieve organizational HR objectives.

• •

This job is based in Maseru and reports to the Human Resources Manager.


ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties include, but are not limited to: • Performs HR administrative duties including, but not limited to Leave Administration, Pay Roll Administration, Provident fund and medical aid coordination. • Communicates all HR related policies and procedures to employees for their understanding and compliance. • Provides HR support within the organization through the implementation of HR solutions, policies & procedures addressing employee lifecycle. • Oversees maintenance of HR Information including but not limited to the HR data base and filing • Assists the HR Manager in coordinating activities related to training and development of PSI staff • Processes staff terminations documentation

• • •

Degree in Human Resources Management or relevant social science degree plus 5 years work experience in Human Resources 2 years Working in an NGO will be an added advantage 2 years drivers license is the prerequisite

KEY COMPETENCIES: • Computer literacy, at least in excel and word. • Excellent interpersonal skills • Fluency in English, written and spoken skills required • Familiarity or understanding of labour laws preferred All applications to be hand delivered to The HR Manager – PSI. All applications must be accompanied by a C.V. and certified copies of educational certificates on or before 7th January, 2016 12.00 noon.


22 December - 28 December 2015 Invitation for Bids (IFB) Date: 10 December 2015

N° - NDEP-2015



Credit No:


Project Name:


Contract Name:


1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in BADEA website, issue of 13th September 2013. 2. The Government of Lesotho has received a loan from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Khartoum, North Sudan towards the cost of the NORTHERN DISTRICTS ELECTRIFICATION, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for DESIGN REVIEW, SUPPLY, AND INSTALLATION OF LOW VOLTAGE AND MEDIUM VOLTAGELV LINES AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN THE Northern Districts of Lesotho. 3. Rural Electrification Unit (REU) now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the tender for DESIGN REVIEW, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF LOW VOLTAGE AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE LV LINES AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN THE Northern Districts of LESOTHO. 4. Bidding will be conducted through Limited Tendering open to Arab and African contractors specified in BADEA’s Guidelines: Procurement under BADEA Loans. 5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Northern Districts Electrification Project and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 08H00 to 17H00 local time. 6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of One Hundred US Dollars (USD $100) or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency deposited to the account called Rural Electrification Project, Acc.# 0140072754801, Branch Code 062067, Swift Code SBICLSMX opened at Standard Lesotho Bank.

7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 10H00 local time on day 12/02/2016. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 10H30 local time on the same day 12/02/2016. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of US$ 100,000 8. A Pre-Bid meeting will take place at the following date, time and place: Date: 11/01/2016 Time: 10H00 local time Place: Northern Districts Electrification Project, No. 254 United Nations Road, Maseru, Lesotho A site visit conducted by the Employer shall be organised and will coincide with the pre-bid meeting. Bidders or their designated representative are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-bid meeting and site visit. 9. The address referred to above is: Northern Districts Electrification Project No. 254 United Nations Road Maseru, Lesotho Te l e p h o n e : +266 2231 2164 Yours sincerely, Leloko Mokhutšoane PROJECT MANAGER

Fighting Hunger Worldwide


22 December - 28 December 2015


TENDER NO: SACU/012/2016/O Analysis of Implications of the Establishment of the Continental FTA on SACU

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) invites firms with capacity to provide services in the following categories to collect Expression of Interest documents which will be submitted to WFP through sealed envelopes: Category 1: Transport Services Category 2: •Warehouse labour services (loading/offloading of food and non-food items)

The SACU Secretariat wishes to appoint suitably qualified, experienced and reputable consultant(s) who have proven research experience and knowledge on trade negotiations issues in the SACU, SADC, COMESA and EAC regions as well as in other regional trade arrangements (such as AMU, CEN-SAD, ECCAS, IGAD and ECOWAS, etc.) and at the WTO level; to undertake the above study. The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) document can be obtained online at www.sacu. intOR directly from the SACU Secretariat Offices at Erf: 8531 Corner of Lazarett and Feld Street, Windhoek, Namibia. For Commercial enquiries, please contact:

Companies registered in Lesotho and interested in providing services in any of the above mentioned categories to the World Food Programme are requested to collect questionnaire forms as well as the conditions of shortlist which can be collected from the following address:

WFP Lesotho - Logistics Unit 11 United Nations Road Opposite Maseru club Maseru 100. Please note that you need to identify yourself and sign for the questionnaire and conditions for shortlist. Complete Expression of Interest documents clearly marked with “category of interest” must be delivered to the following address:

Confidential, Attention of - WFP Receiving Officer, World Food Programme, Logistics Unit, Not later than 12:00 hours of Friday, 29 January 2016. Only companies with proven and documented record of successful operations in Lesotho need to apply. This announcement is not a Tender hence Transport and Warehouse Labour Services rates are not requested at this stage.

Mr.Hermanus L. Esterhuizen Procurement Officer Tel:

+264 61 295 8000/37


+264 61 245 611

E-mail: For Technical Enquiries, please contact: Mr. Anton Faul Director: Policy Development, Research and Trade Negotiations Tel: (+264) 61 295 8000 Fax: (+264) 61 4339863 Email: Closing Date & Time: 17h00 (Namibian time) on Friday, 22 January2016 The SACU Secretariat reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal that fails to meet its requirements and will not, in any case, be responsible or liable for any costs associated with the preparation and submission of any proposal. Kindly note that only short-listed bidders will be contacted. Please note that this tender requires two offers, a technical and a financial offer, submitted in separate envelopes as stipulated in the ToR document.

Crs/Lesotho Job Description


Basic Information


Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) Coordinator


Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning


Maseru, Lesotho


December 2015


Head of Programs


2-4 M&E Staff

2 Job Summary: The Primary Function Of The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability And Learning (Meal) Coordinator Is To Ensure Successful Project Implementation By Ensuring Implementation Of Crs Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability And Learning (Meal) Policies And Procedures. The Meal Coordinator Will Build Crs And Implementing Partner Capacity In Meal By Guiding, Supporting And Leading Design And Implementation Of Appropriate, Efficient And Cost-Effective Meal Systems And Procedures. Also Responsible For, 1. Planning/Development Meal Guidance, Procedures, Tools, And Policies; 2. Program Support/Technical Assistance; 3. Capacity Building Of Partner And Project Staff; 4. Communication/Information Management

3 1. 2.

4 1.

Major Decisions Made Meal Methodologies To Be Used For Each Project The Type Of Meal Training To Be Given To Project Staff Key Working Relationships: Internal: Crs Lesotho Meal Team, Crs Lesotho Program Team, It Manager

2. External: Catholic Church Partners, Other Ngos, Representative From The United Nations, Local And International Organizations, And Consultants Working In M&E, Government Ministries, Councilors, And Beneficiaries.



Qualifications: Academic And Professional Masters In Statistics, Quantitative Analysis, Operations Research Or Related Field. Academic Formation In Statistical Analysis. 5.2 Relevant Experience 1. Minimum Of 5 To 7 Years Work Experience In A Directly Related Field. 2. Computer Proficiency Required. 5.3 Skills And Competencies: 1. Serves With Integrity- Manifests Crs Mission, Values, And Guiding Principles To Help Improve The Lives Of The Poor, Vulnerable, And Voiceless. 2. Models Stewardship- Makes Responsible And Efficient Use Of Time,Talent, Money, Assets, And Natural Resources To Achieve Plans And Goals. 3. Develops Constructive RelationshipsBuilds And Maintains Mutually Beneficial Relationships Through Solidarity. 4. Promotes LearningBuilds The Capacity Of Self, Staff And Partners To Continue Learning And Innovating To Better Fulfil Our Mission. Applications Be Submitted To Mochekoane. On Or Before 8 January 2015 At 2Pm. 5 5.1

Every Tuesday/wednesday @ 5:30pm Sunday @ 10:00am 1. Masowe II : 5086 9473 /2. Khubetsoana.5733 2870 /3. Roma: 5764 9814 /4. Ha Ramorakane /5855 2776 /5. Qoaling /5630 8150 /6. Mafeteng / 6323 2570 / 7. T.Y. : 5802 9760 / 8. Rothe: 63242213 / 9. Mohale's Hoek: 5840 7663 /10. Ha Hoohlo: 5330 4578


22 December - 28 December 2015

Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd NOTICE TO LEC CUSTOMERS AND PUBLIC The management of the Lesotho Electricity Company notifies LEC customers and the public that all LEC offices will close for Christmas break on Friday the 18th December, 2015 at 12:00hrs. All offices will re-open on the 04th January 2016.

TSEBISO HO BAREKI BA MOTLAKASE LE SECHABA Botsamaisi ba kh’amphani ea Lesotho ea Motlakase bo tsebisa basebelisi ba motlakase le sechaba ka kakaretso hore liofisi tsohle tsa LEC li tla koalla Keresemese ka Labohlano la la 18 Tšitoe 2015 ka hora ea leshome le metso e ‘meli motšeare. Litšebeletso li tla khutlela setloaeling ka la 04 Pherekhong, 2016. Nakong ena ea phomolo, litšebeletso li tla fanoa ka tsela e latelang:

During this Christmas break, services will be offered as follows: •

• Theko ea motlakase e tla tsoela pele litsing tsohle tse rekisetsang LEC motlakase (Sales Agents), Mpesa, Sepache-fono, Banka ea FNB le Standard Lesotho Bank ka linako tse tloaelehileng.

All sales agents will remain open to sell electricity as usual.

• Eco-Cash, Mpesa, FNB (ATM’s and cellphone banking) and Standard Lesotho mobile banking will still provide electricity vending. •

New service connections will continue to be done.

• Litsi tsohle tsa bosebeletsi (Customer Service areas) ka har’a naha li tla lula li butsoe ka matsatsi ao e seng a phomolo ho patalisa likhokelo tsa motlakase, ho ngolisa basebelisi ba bacha ba motlakase le ho rekisa motlakase. Haele ka la 24 le 31 Tšitoe, 2015 litsi li tla koaloa ka hora ea leshome le metso e ‘meli motšeare.

• Customer Service areas countrywide will only open to accept payments for service connections, registering new customers and selling electricity. However, on the 24th and 31st December 2015 all offices will close at 12:00hrs. • Faults will continue to be attended to and customers can report emergencies at the following Call Centre telephone numbers: 52100000 and the following 22312236, 52272188, 52272182 and 52272202.

Likhokelo tsa motlakase tse ncha li tla tsoela pele ho etsoa liofising tsa LEC.

• Mathata a ho khaoha hoa motlakase a tla tsoelapele ho rarolloa ha a hlaha. Batho ba ka tlaleha mathata a joalo nomorong tsa mehala tsa Call Centre: 52100000 le tse latelang: 22312236; 52272182; 52272188 le 52272202.

The Management and staff of LEC wish all customers and the general public a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Botsamaisi le basebetsi ba LEC ba lakaletsa basebelisi bohle ba motlakase le sechaba ka kakaretso, Keresemese e monate le mahlohonolo a selemo se secha.

Notice by Public Relations Department 15 December, 2015

Tsebiso ka Lefapha la Likamano le Sechaba 15 Tšitoe, 2015

The Government Of Lesotho

The Government Of Lesotho

Ministry of Education and Training

Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship Berea District Council

SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE (SPN): Supply and Delivery of technical workshop equipment for (9) Nine High Schools in the Kingdom of Lesotho

Tender Notice Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship, through Berea District Council, hereby invites tenders from locally registered construction companies interested in contracting their service for the Construction of Rural Water Supply projects in Berea District. Work Description Title of tender: Construction & Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Projects Tender no: C17 – MLoG – 2015/16/WSP This tender is for the construction of rural water supply projects. The work includes construction of pipelines, water reservoirs, installation of pumps, etc, in different villages including supply of all required materials. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the DRWS standards and specifications. All materials shall be in accordance with DRWS specifications. Bidders’ Qualifications • Bidders are expected to be in compliance with tax obligation and attach valid copies of tax clearances, trader’s licences and business category certified at the issuing organisations. Bidders must be in DRWS category B, C and D. Must submit a bid security of M10,000.00 and it must be a locally bank guaranteed cheque. Additional requirements are as specified in the tender document. Tender Submission The tender document will be available at Berea District Council’s Office from 17th December 2015 at cost of non-refundable fee of M500.00 (Five hundred Maloti only). Original of tender response in sealed envelopes marked Technical proposal together with four copies and the other one marked financial proposal together with four copies must be in one sealed envelope bearing no identification of bidder must be clearly marked: “TENDER FOR CONSTUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF RURAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS”. And shall be deposited in tender box situated at Berea District Council (Old Lspp office behind Taoana square) near Reception office at the office’s main entrance from 8:00am - 16.30pm during official working hours from Monday to Friday, from the 17/12/2015 to the 15/01/2016. The closing date for tender is 09:00am, on the 15/01/2016 and tenders will be opened on the same day (closing date) at 10.00pm at Berea District Council’s office in the presence of bidders or their representatives. Late bids will not be accepted. Tenders that are not clearly and correctly marked shall be disqualified and returned to the bidder unopened. All bidders shall submit certified copies, not originals, all certified at source. All clarifications on this tender must be addressed to the Secretary Tender Panel, Procurement Unit, Berea District Council (Old Lspp office behind Taoana square). Pre-tender meeting and site visits Pre-tender meeting and site visits for this tender shall be held on 29 December 2015 at 10:00am at Berea District Council Offices (Old LSPP office behind Taoana square). Site visits are compulsory and are at the Bidders expenses.

IFB No: AFDB/III/G08/2013 Date: 12 December 2015 Loan No: 2100150014194 Grant No: 2100155009316 Project: Education Quality Enhancement Project 1.

This Invitation for Bids follows the General 5. Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online on December, 3rd, 2007 and on the African Development Bank Group’s Internet Website.


The Government of Lesotho has received Financing from the African Development Bank in various currencies towards the cost of Education Enhancement Project (Education III). It is intended 6. that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Supply and Delivery of workshop equipment to 9 (Nine) High schools in Lesotho as follows:

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.


School Name Thetsane Lesia Thuto ke Leseli Rehauhetsoe

District Maseru Maseru Maseru Botha-Bothe


documents at the office of: The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education and Training; Procurement Unit, Education Facilities Unit situated at site 130, fokothi off moshoeshoe road, Maseru, Lesotho.Telephone: (+266) 2232324968, and A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon cash payment of a non-refundable fee of LSL300.00 at the Ministry of Education and Training Accounts Section situated at Constitution Road Maseru- 100, Kingdom of Lesotho The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Procurement of Goods.

Bids shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days after bid opening. Bids must be delivered to the following address: The Tender Panel Secretary Room 404, Inspectorate Building, Ministry of Education and Training ‘Melikane Qacha’s Nek Constitution Road P. O. Box 47 Bataung Mohale’s Hoek Maseru 100, Lesotho.on or before14:30hrs Molelle Leribe (Lesotho Time) Pulane Berea On 12 January, 2016and must be Makintane Mafeteng accompanied by a Bid Security of LSL 40, 000.00 or equivalent to any freely convertible The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education currency Bids will be opened in the presence and Training now invites sealed bids from eligible of bidders’ representatives who choose to bidders for Supply and Delivery of workshop attend at 14h30hrs (Lesotho Time) on 12 equipment to 9 (Nine) high schools in Lesotho. January, 2016 Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding



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FICKSBURG, my pare esen su name MATEL LE oto ha MARY NOTICE isTHE forMASAENE general information that57751415 988518 LADYBRAND MASERU surname are advised lodge them writing PPBOX 174 The reason ofMAPUTSOE such change isN38283534 that Ireg PPBOX 174 MBox STRY OF HOME AFFA RS PITSO DR LADYBRAND M N STRY HOME AFFAME RS MADE REMOVE COMPANY FROM ROLL WITH THE ngly TSIU intend changing MASEKOATI GLADYS KAMOHO QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON SAFE ARBOTIONS my pgene esen su name o MASERU KAMOHO o MOLIFI ha o MON MASERU 100 –SUN 08 00 17 00intend nRSthe reg ster the reg ster Genera right surname advised lodge them inwrongly writing 008 2000/124 Gene aofCLINIC P.P.BOX 174 MALINEO MATELILE intend changing jection toNTO issuance should lodge them ingiven writing Mto STRY HOME AFFA RS P NTJAMORENA O 11341 Makopo BOOK ANYT MOTLALEPULA nOF he eg schangin eSTD oss he WOMB CLEAN NG WOMAN S MASERU 100 MASE erta n PLOT NOT CE OFoest CHANGE SURNAME s hereby g ven that I to app y for a certified copy of a stered T e Deed/Lease to mmovab e propPoOF Psurname BOX P.P.BOX 174 LADYBRAND MASERU MOELI intend changing my g ven a n o on ha MINISTRY HOME AFFAIRS MASERU FROM R300 00 M ntent N CECILIA STRY OFMATELILE HOME AFFA RS M174 NOF STRY OFma HOME AFFA PITSO PITROS KUTU intend changing my DR MOL F • FAMILY PLANNING MAPUTSOE 26 The o such a change s ha w ong y MsNOTICE Neason STRY OF HOME AFFA RSOF ADVERTS eg e o he eg s e Gene a SAFE ARBOT ONS 22 Sep. 28 Sep. 2015 FROM R250 00 RELEBOHILE intend changing surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the assumed MOELI As my whereas my The reason of such a change is that I presen wrongly BOOK ANYTIME FICKSBURG P P BOX 174 LADYBRAND F CKSBURG NOTICE OF CHANGE OFADDRESS P.P.BOX 174 P P BOX 174 present surname of MOSITO to that of POLAKI 26 ADVERTS FICKSBURG 26 DR RITA FROM R300 00 ADVERTS MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Maseru Wes 105 Lower The sane right surnames is MOTLALEPULA. MOTLALEPULA n he eg s e o he eg s 10 Nov. 16 Nov. 2015 MOTAUNG MASERU 10 NOT CE CHANGE OF SURNAME MASERU 100 +27 730 405 106 to the PCE P BOX 174 COMPANIES MASERU BuOFFICE ha Bu he 460 present surname of TSIU to that of NKOPE in the my present surname of KAMOHO to that All persons having objection to this change of MASERU 100 22 December 28 December 2015 TO ADVERTISE QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON All persons having objection to this change of my present surname of MATELILE to that of LETSAU n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a assumed KUTU As my surname whereas my PPBOX 174 NOT OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT CANTACT 57648516 MASERU 100 008 my NOTICE OF LOST LEASE TheofMASERU eason oAND s h FOR INFORMATION QUICK AND CLEAN ON P surname BOX 174y) P174 P100 174SO FROM R300 00 ofasa reg to present surname MOELI toghav that of ng MOSAE inSECO APofOFtheeason persons ob ection the ssue the d copy are requested odge them nP.P.BOX wr ting the Land Reg strar MASERU MAPUTSOE Pce BOX 174 thesa Gene asuch 0738111635 MASERU 100 a change my Group present of MATELILE tofor that of ertainNotice PLOT UNDAY The aofsuch change sGeneral that EVANS 07 MORE 13gene 2015 WOMB CLEAN WOMAN SDR CLINIC BOOK ANYTIME No seby hereby ven hatogename (PCHANGE (LOFapp d)ST5ofegofofTHthehas changed s100 NOTICE sSURNAME IatomyPMASERU ntent toonregister ytheeETC aNG certified stered TGLADYS Deed/Lease mmovab ereason propMASERU 100 OF SURNAME QU CK ON NOT CE stisegMOSAE. ven oobregister anBOX nto ochang ma ha in register ofGeneral the register General assumed NKUNYE As my su whe MASERU The such change sven ha woeas ong ytified Gene a CL assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my NTSESE MACH NE end myopersons 174 OUR SERVICES INCLUDE MASERU 100 right surnames Notice isofregister given the public that the above company has lost/ WOMAN SDR Naddresses Ccopy register General LETSAU in the register the register NOTICE OF CHANGE heofCHANGE gohereby ven ha o app yAND aCLEAN ce oKUTU ahamentioned e register ed T eP.P.BOX Mhereby NaWE STRY OF AFFA RS MASERU 100 NOTICE OF SURNAME fied copy a reg Deed/Lease to mmovab propMOTLALEPULA in the ofFLORENCE the register BOOK ANYTIME MOLIFI 100 MASERU 100 presen NOT CETnunder stend gHOME ven othat gene nlodge oSO ma +266 2232722 The eason such aonng change s ha wFOR ong yDR MAKEANAPPOINTMENT NOW the register the100 to the NOTICE OFstered MASERU 100 A pe sons hav ng ec on o h s change All per All having objection to this change assumed As my surname whereas my LOST MEMORANDUM NOTICE OF MOTLALEPULA incopy theSTD register MASERU 100 EVANS Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng assumed MATEL LE As my su name MASERU COMPANY NOTICE erty reg stered No. 13281-800 on /AUGUST/ 2010 n Favour MARETHABILE LIKELELI SEKHIBA NOT CE OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT CELL: +266 56988518 present surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA MASERU 100 NOTICE OF LOST LEASE The eason o such a change s hr surname are advised to them in writing CONSULT DR VICTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION MORE INFORMATION surname are advised to lodge them in writing to dhatmysADYBRAND by Ch ef Surveyor UNDAY NOTICE is given for general information thaty BOOK ANYTIME Sales Consultants NOTICE is(P given for general information that WOMAN Sa CL N C surname ApP 1992 nMASERU Deed Lea oname mmovab eaTSANE pDOCUMENT ope yCONTACT egFOR eDOCUMENT ed unde No 30082 227 on 21 NOT CE OF LOST DEED DR The reason such amy change isthat that IGeneral wrongly The eason othat such aRSchange sAll ha w ong MORE NFORMAT ON NOTICE iseas given for general information No ce hereby g ven ha SECO Group y) (L d) has changed s addresses as M N STRY OF HOME AFFA •EVANS SAME DAY assumed MOS TO As my wh 100 Basemen Mape House Bag 11645 FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE CLARK POOPA / SETHO in the General The reason of such a change is I wrongly The reason of such change is that I wrong right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . A hardworking Domestic Worker needed as soon OFobjection The reason ofseby such aofLOST change is that I wrongly gh su s S DR EVANS NOTICE OF DEED assumed NKUNYE As su name whe eas my TH NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end chang ng my persons having to this change of MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS addresses OUR SERVICES INCLUDE assumed KAMOHO As my su name whe eas my PPBOX 174 p esen su name o MACH NE o ha o MOTAUNG OPEN MON.-SUNDAY Notice he g ven ha WE n end o app y o a ce tified copy o a eg e ed T e DR EVANS STD ST ETC DR MOLIFI MORAPELI GREKORI MATELILE intend changing NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end chang ng my OUR SERV CES NCLUDE OUR SERV CES NCLUDE within three weeks from the ast pub cation of the notice. MASEKOATI GLADYS KAMOHO intend changing DR EVANS right surnames is MOKOENA. Maletlala Motoena • Unwan ed ones ABORTION avou o UL A MOFOKENG n e pec o WOMEN S CL N C MALINEO MARY MATELILE intend changing • SAME DAY gh su names s MOTLALEPULA DR MOLIFI su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o he surname are advised to lodge them in writing to assumed MATEL LE As my su name NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME COMPANY NOTICE erty reg stered under No. 13281-800 on 5 /AUGUST/ 2010 n Favour MARETHABILE LIKELELI FLORENCE SEKHIBA misplaced itsofng memorandum ofwhereas Association and intends toCLI 1992 apply forWITH duplicate dheeADYBRAND Surveyor. foChief ows CALLDR MOLIFE ofbyDeed LY PLANN NG NOT CE CHANGE OFSEOFoCEthat SURNAME BABA ENTERPR DR RITA CONSULT DR VICTOR assumed MATEL LECE As mykapele suMATELILE name whe assumed MOSITO As surname my NOT CEo OF CHANGE OF SURNAME 2010 npresent Favour MARETHABILE FLORENCE SEKHIBA NOT OFright CHANGE OFThe SURNAME assumed MOELI As my surname whereas NOT CE CHANGE OF 5804 The reason such a ALSO change isFAM that wrongly PA Nn FREE reason ofofOF such aWorker change is ITel: wrongly NOT CE CHANGE OF SURNAME Ke hloka motho ea sebetsang ka matla ho NKURU DR Vofhe CTOR S CL N C assumed TSIU whereas my assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my present surname of toeas thatmy Ap Lea esons mmovab eTSANE pthe ope eCONSULT ed unde No 30082 227 on 21 OF HOME AFFAIRS Unw dDAY onin ABORT the NOTICE CONSULT: DR VICTOR +27 730 405 106 to my present surname of KAMOHO of174 • WOMAN SAME DAY All having objection toOF this change ofis Omg TO ADVERTISE US PLEASE CONTACT: 00% GUARANTEE ••POLAK SAME my toeg that of PPBOX RG the Eve gh osurname nADVERTISEMENT e es on and oy100 he bu dsng and oo deve opmen exp eMINISTRY onthatsurname 4612 WOMEN Ssoon NAs Ctomy Aygh hav ob ecemy on omy hLIKELELI change A Domestic needed as THIS SERVES NOTICE THAT gh suthem names • hardworking SAME DAY su name SMATELILE rnof ght surnames sUnwan surname are advised to lodge inha writing tooSURNAME Spe STER KARABO P.P.BOX in the register of the register General surnam Ahathe hardworking Domestic Worker needed as PA N FREE NOT s so gLETSAU ven gene asoon npersons o ma onA ha AND MOHAU SEKHIBA respect of p esen su name o MACH NE MOTAUNG 2000/124 as possible. Must be between 25-37 years age. p esen su o MACH NE o ha o MOTAUNG right surnames is MOKOENA. LOST n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a OUR SERV CES NCLUDE MOTLALEPULA inABORT then register of the register • SAME DAY pe sons hav ng oME h nr NOT CE sMOSAE. gPLOT ven oMASERU gene a174 nname oregister maua on ha 07 July 13 July 2015 NOT CE sN gob venec oongene aNG assumed MATELILE As myMEMORANDUM surname whereas my • ed ones ABORTION avou o UL A MOFOKENG n pec o right surnames is on NOT CE g o g n n o m on h gh su names s MOTLALEPULA PA FREE SAME T • Unwan ed one ON LETSAU in the register of the register General to Land Reg strar gh su names s MOTLALEPULA MOTLALEPULA in the register of the assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my NOT CE s g ven o gene a o ma on ha right surnames is POLAKI. • WOMB CLEAN +266 22327228 EMAIL: LESOTHO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION surnames is NKOPE. right surnames is LETSAU . fo ows • PAIN FREE mp ed n ce a n No 30082 227 ed a BUTHA BUTHE URBAN AREA on P an NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME ALSO FAM LY PLANN NG NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME ting NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME CELL +266 56988518 DR RITA NG K ngsway S ree Maseru 100 100% sa e DR R TA NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME The re NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME • PA N FREE • PA N FREE LOST MEMORANDUM NTJAMORENA MOEL n end chang ng my 00% GUARANTEE Unw n d on ABORT surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the WOMB CLEAN NG General P.P.BOX 174 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Notice s he eby g ven o he pub c ha he above mentioned company has os / A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o • 084 3815 584 RG BLOOD CONTROL RELEBOH LE CEC L A MATEL SAFE ARBOT ONS LE O NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME originals inobjection office ofsveyo the registrar ofng companies. tla thusa Lapeng. A tse 25-37. AyABRIDGE, Le PSAFE TSO PaanTROS KUTU noSEKHIBA end chang ng my FTHAT ND ME AND MASERU MASERU 100 Eve y30082 gh ohaving ehe eON on oodge he dWOMEN ng and ooOF he opmen exp e LADYBRAND name ehav adv sed hem nright weAll General sengolilemo gngsuch ven for genera nformat on that The reason ofyears such a change isAT that I owrongly SNOTICE CL Cdeve surnames isCONTACT MOTLALEPULA . TO • OF PAIN FREE Asu pe sons ng ob ec on ootobu hTH sUS change THIS ADVERTISEMENT SERVES MASERU RITA the MASERU 100 ME WOMEN’S CLINIC All persons toand change of NOTICE OF CHANGE ADDRESS RETSEP LE EANETT MATEL LE nCE ndbe his OPEN MON.-SUNDAY AND MOHAU respect of persons hav ng ob ect on to th snh12Lws ABORT No 227 dthe by ethis Su NOTI pglyto esenTHE name aapp adv sed oNAL odge hem as possible. Must be between 25-37 of age. right surnames MOTLALEPULA. having objection to this of Masemethe Mokoatsi noCh he eg eW he son Gene aNREG THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO nbe end chang ng as possible. years of age. MOSITO • WOMB CLEANING FROM ANOT peCE sons hav ng obNAL ec on oMust hoisNOT sma change obetween TO ADVERT SE TH PLEASE n he eg s o he eg s e Gene a REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD LESOTHO All persons having objection this change ofpersons AnsuLADYBRAND sons hav ng ob ec oPE •e DR VAG Do NG SCHAR TEL 22312012 /eg 22323997 the Land Registrar All persons having objection to this change AllPA persons having objection to this change of The reason of such achange change that I be wrongly The eason a change s ha ong TO ADVERT SE W US PLEASE CONTACT p25-37 esen su name ow MOEL oation ha oand MOSAE npe WOMB CLEAN CK AND CLEAN SO ON • WOMB CLEAN NG m sp aced sRS memo andum o Assoc ends o yQU o dup ca eon s g ven o gene a n on ha Must have prior experience. Identity document or NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME my p esen su name MATEL • WOMB CLEAN The reason of such a LOST change is that I wrongly VAG D SCHARGE NOT CE s g ven o gene a n o ma on ha CELL +266 56988518 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my ht MOUNTAIN NOT CE s g ven gene a n o ma ha 100% a e mp ed n ce a n PLOT No 30082 227 ua ed a BUTHA BUTHE URBAN AREA on P an NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME The reason of such a change is that I wrongly KINGDOM FOODS (PTY) LTD – NO 2013/1983 NOTICE is given for general information that N FREE SAME T ME p esen su name o KUTU o ha o MOKOENA +27783637008 CELL +266 56988518 100% sa e Adverts 26 MEMORANDUM All persons having objection to this change of The re M N STRY OF HOME AFFA INF RMATIVE su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o • AND WOMB CLEANING NOT CEVAGINAL sMOTLALEPULA gFOR ven oLYCONTROL gene aNG nsNG o MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS 22 Sep 28 Sep ember 2015 arehav advised toght lodge themo inhe writing Asurname pe on ng ob ection o nterest uetohem o 100% he aand dL copy a ethe eque edorma od odge hem n co 100 to the Every r or on to bu ngs(s) and other deve opments express ed n certa n PLOT Tel: 5890 5036 m pMASERU nodge uAschange n my member oAll MATEL LE November o or h o omp ND AND MASERU BLOOD MASERU 10 November 16 2015 assumed MATELILE surname whereas my GUARANTEE WOMEN’S CLINIC NOTICE is given for general information that • BLOOD CONTROL FAM PLANN STD • DISCHARGE MORE NFORMAT ON IME persons having objection to this change of o he F ND ME AT LADYBRAND su name a e adv sed odge n w ng n he +266 22327228 EMA adver s@ n venews s my p esen su name o KAMOHO o ha o he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a PRESENTS assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my su name a e adv sed o hem n w ng o he g na s n he office o he eg s a o compan es MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS CELL + 266 50073516/ BABA ENTERPR SE n he eg enPw NOTICE is given for general information that FAX 22310038 +266 22327228 EMA L adver s@ n orma venews co s NOTI right surnames is LETSAU . All persons having objection to this of surname are advised to lodge them in writing 100% GUARANTEE MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to surname are advised to lodge them in writing • VAG NAL D SCHARGE No 30082 227 a he d by Ch e Su veyo tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki ka passport kapa lenCELL + 266 50073516/ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS su name a e adv sed o odge hem CELL: +266 56988518 The eason o such a change s ha w ong y RETSEP LE JEANETT MATEL LE n (P end chang ng nohehe eg& sprior e eg o having hee experience. eg sheobjection Gene an QU CKperson SAFE are adv sed to odge them surname are advised to lodge themARBOT writing toho thethem Must have Identity document or MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS •AN APPO VAG NAL DNOW SCHAR Maseru Leso NOTICE isMust given for general information that BR DGE Any to such an issuance should lodge in writing wFROM tingsurnames and wKAMOHO nMASERU h or ee 3mp week om he aREG pub cation oinsTO he notice assum P TSO P TROS KUTU chang my eason oghas such ason change ssobhentend ha wKAMOHO ong ysurname THABANG ANDREAS nng end chang ng WOMB CLEAN 12 right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . gThe • VAGINAL DISCHARGE SAFE ONS NOTICE isng given for general information that +27783637008 BRIDGE, LADYBRAND the MAKE NTMENT CONSULT DR VNG CTOR No ce hereby g ven ha SECO Group y) (L d) changed addresses as assumed MOCH NE have prior experience. Identity document or THABANG ANDREAS end chang ng he P.P.BOX 174 right isKINGDOM MOTLALEPULA. ADDRESS APPLICANT’S NAME AND ADDRESS MOTLALEPULA n h o h her opments express ed n certa n PLOT FOODS (PTY) LTD – NO 2013/1983 MOSITO PETER MOSITO intend changing my CELL: +26650073516/ OPEN MON SUNDAY +27783637008 NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end c The eason o such a change s ha w ong y MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS present surn of MOUNTAIN All persons having objection to this change of Any pe hav ection o such an ssuance shou d odge hem n w ting Gene a • BLOOD CONTROL chief’s letter necessary. Contact 50115352. surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the ATdeve pe on hav ng ob ection o he ue o he a d copy a e eque ed o odge hem n PPBOX 174 LETSAU n eg s e o he eg s e Gene a PA N FREE SAME T ME 100% GUARANTEE Every r ght or nterest on and to the bu d ngs(s) and other deve opments express or mp ed n certa n PLOT OF CELL +su 266 50073516/ +277 38283534 FICKSBURG P.P.BOX 174 MASAENE VITALINA TSIU changing my +277 38283534 LNDC HOUSE • BLOOD CONTROL The o objection such a change s AND ha ofw uAN ong yAPPLICATION FAM LYDR PLANN STD the the intend AllJEANETT persons having objection to thisochanging change of to theeason PO Box 0813 677 Fa rv ew Road MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS M EANE & CO a Mo okeng RRS TA NG he CALL DR MOL FE M N STRY OF HOME AFFA 2000/124 NOTICE is given for general information that MALI my p esen name o MATEL LE ha o Tankiso Motsamai CELL + 266 50073516/ surname are advised to lodge them in writing CELL: + 266 50073516/ assumed KUTU As my surname whereas my AlloMA persons having toDEVELOPMENT this MOCH change RETSEPILE MATELILE intend WILL BE DEREGISTERED WILL BE • WOMB CLEANING s 12 PAIN FREE, SAME TIME assumed NE my p esen su name o KAMOHO o ha o QU CK AND CLEAN SO ON to surname are advised to lodge them in writing to THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing assumed MOEL As my su name whe eas my The eason o such a change som w h n 21 days o +27738283534 G n OPEN MON SUNDAY BR DGE tingassumed ono.13281-800 he CENTRE and eg ecertified w osu hn h174 eewhe 3Contact week om he aT tpub cation oll he notice assum P.P.BOX 174 LADYBRAND FICKSBURG chief’s letter necessary. 50115352. +27 730 405 106 WOMB CLEAN NG to the golo la Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 situated at MOSHOESHOE MASERU URBAN AREA on P an No:13281-800 as he d by Ch ef Surveyor. TO ADVERTISE WITH US PLEASE CONTACT: ntent to app y or a copy o a reg stered e Deed/Lease to mmovab e prop MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW my p esen su name KAMOHO o ha o surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the assumed MOCH NE CELL +266 57 894 728 084 3815 584 p esen su name o MACH NE o ha +277 38283534 P.P.BOX The eason o such a change s ha w ong y LADYBRAND MASERU FLOOR P O Box 534 2 KUTU As my name eas my As my su name whe eas my gh su names s P.P.BOX 174 wat ong w yMANONYANE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS present surname of MOSITO to that of POLAKI LADYBRAND MASERU MASERU BRIDGE LADYBRAND oad OPEN MON SUNDAY PITSO KUTU intend changing my MOL FcRoad surname are advised to lodge to, them inA writing toPAIN the SAFE M Nto STRY OF+277 HOME RS ARBOT FREE, SAME TIME BLOCK LEVEL5 KINGSWAY 5903 7274 chief’s letter necessary. 50115352. CONTACT 266 57751415 present surname ofassumed KUTU toTel: that MOKOENA 38283534 within 21COPAFFAIRS days the MINISTRY OFREMOVE HOME •ew WOMB CLEAN 12MINISTRY mngMASERU ntoPITROS present surname of TSIU toe tothat of NKOPE the fo ows +277 38283534 MOTLALEPULA n AFFA he egin ohcompany he eghDecember s 100 ew ong assumed MATEL LERS As my 174 ghDecember names MOSAE 57648516 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Notice sFOR heare gadvised ven oDRhe pub ha he osCANTACT /Contact P.P.BOX 174 P.P.BOX 174 MAREA NTO STRY HOME RS my my present surname of MATELILE that of PO 0813 677 Faregister rvAFFAIRS MADE THE COMPANY FROM THE WITH THE TPWILL M MA EANE &OF uAN aFICKSBURG Mo okeng LADYBRAND, MASERU CALL DR MOL FE surname lodge them +27 632 860 271 MPPBOX STRY OF HOME AFFA No ceBox byAdv MROAD AAsAFFA Mo ebang MON –SUN 08in 00 17 00 Thabove onmentioned oNG us he writing MORE NFORMAT ON RBAN on an No:13281-800 as he dghONS by Ch efeby right LETSAU nsu he eg ssAFFA emy oof he egwhes100 Gene aof in the registe 22 28 2015 my present surname ofMASERU KAMOHO that OLETSAU Box 11341 Makopo my su name whe eas my suROLL names sSurveyor BE AND APPLICATION WILL BE ••Nmy WOMB CLEANING s su12anasspm OFhas HOME AFFAIRS gh suDEREGISTERED names seg MOKOENA LADYBRAND MASERU LAND REGISTRAR MOHAU A. SEKHIBA MASERU BR DGE FROM R300 00 P.P.BOX 174LADYBRAND MMASERU STRY OF HOME RS SAFE ARBOTIONS KAMOHO As suchanging name eas my100 415 eas myMANONYANE HnETC FROM R300 00 he s e o he eg s e Gene a n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene no.13281-800 situated at MOSHOESHOE ll MASERU URBAN AREA on P an No:13281-800 as he d by Ch ef Surveyor. FAMILY PLANNING STD LADYBRAND, MASERU +266 22327228 EMAIL: P P BOX 174 gh su084 names s584 MOTLALEPULA P/BAG A 96 MASERU MASERU 100 OPEN MON SUNDAY P.P.BOX 174 3815 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF HOME STD ST PITSO PITROS KUTU intend DR MOLIFI MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o LADYBRAND F CKSBURG FLOOR P O Box 534 CENTRE 2 QU CK AND CLEAN SO ON As my su name whe eas my gh su names s SAFE ARBOTIONS MASERU 100 26 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS OPEN MON -SUNDAY ADVERTS in the of the register General 22 Sep. 28 Sep. 2015 LADYBRAND MASERU right surnames is MOKOENA. FICKSBURG MASERU BRIDGE LADYBRAND Maseru Wes 105 Lower The sane FROM R250.00 Gene a MASERUAND MAPUTSOE MOTAUNG MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS BOOK ANYTIME 266 57751415 in register ofmy the register COMPANIES MASERU Bu ha Bu he 460 BABA ENTERPRIS um00 d ends MATEL LE AMASERU u ndup m100wh m LETSAU WOMAN S CLFAM NBA CLY on /AUGUST/ 2010 Favour MARETHAB LECONTACT LAFFAIRS FLORENCE SEKH MASERU 100 MASERU 100 NOTICE OF SURNAME fied copy of apersons reg stered TOFng ehgnob Deed/Lease mmovab of the register General m sp aced sKELEL memo andum oMOTLALEPULA ation and nthe o app oodge cathem e LOST A DVERTS 10 Nov. - ong 16 Nov. 2015 CONSULT DRe VpropCTOR AA pe 5sons hav ng ob26 ecCE on ost CHANGE sven change oMASERU NOT oOFFICE gene ato nto oOFma on ha 100 174 FROM R300 MINISTRY HOME oster such asedchange s hem ha nstrar PPBOX 174 M800 NTO STRY OF HOME AFFA RS toong the PLANN NG STD 174 innames the register ofo the register General MADE THE COMPANY THE ROLL WITH THE 22 Sep. 28 Sep. 2015 MEMORANDUM BR –SUN 00 17 00DGE BOOK ANYTIME P.P.BOX 174 A MASERU pe08sons hav ngright obLADYBRAN ecMOTL onQU hav ection the ssue ofRLower the saThe d•Assoc copy are requested toP.P.BOX nThe wrBOX ting toato Land Reg sohas gheason su174 LETSAU MASERU AND MAPUTSOE Pregister Pthe 0738111635 FFROM CKSBURG FROM R300.00 the reg ofof reg Genera e13281 10 Nov. 16 Nov. 2015 present surname KUTU that of MOKOENA su name es the adv odge ww PPBOX ng oyMON MOTAUNG PO Box 11341 Makopo MINIST CANTACT; 57648516 MASERU 100REMOVE ADVERTISE WITH USnPLEASE CONTACT: FROM TO P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100 S STER KARABO P.P.BOX 174 P.P.BOX 174 QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON The eason oname such change shem The eason oe LY such aDOCUMENT sDeed/Lease y-- to NOT CE OF LOST DEED FROM R300 00 P.P.BOX • FAMILY STD The eason o aTO such an mchange s MASERU haIMOTAUNG ong y ster FOR MORE NFORMAT ON QUICK AND CLEAN ON P.P.BOX 174SO gh MOTLALEPULA py are requested to them n wr ting the Land Reg strar su name a174 adv sedodge o change odge hem nha w ngwBu The reason FaCKSBURG General 5nge 07 July 13 July 2015 LADYBRAND FaPLANNING CKSBURG MASERU 100ues OF The reason of such change is that wrongly BOOK ANYTIME FICKSBURG DR EVANS ALSO FAM PLANN NG Maseru Wes 105 sane su e adv sed o odge WOMAN’S CLINIC DR TA M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS sspect addresses as fied copy of a registered Title immovable prop100 MAKEANAPPOINTMENT NOW +266 22327228 EMAIL: o g na s n he office o he eg s a o compan MASERU 100 COMPANIES OFFICE MASERU Bu ha he 460 assumed KAMOHO As my su name whe eas my A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o All per Gene The reason of such a change is that I wrongly MASERU BRIDGE LADYBRAN NOTICE is given for general information that he MASERU 100 MASERU 100 The reason of such a change is that I wrongly to the A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX 1785 NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end chang ng my LOST MEMORANDUM Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng SAFE ABORT ON OUR SERV CES NCLUDE MASERU 100 PPBOX 174 MASERU 100 o BOOK ANYT ME DR MOLIFI BOOK ANYT ME MASERU 100 present surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA A persons hav ng ob ection to the ssue of the sa d copy are requested to odge them n wr ting to the Land Reg strar MASERU ANDNE MAPUTSOE MAKE ANreason APPO oassumed MASERU 100 MASERUassumed 100of 0738111635 AaAs pemy sons hav ng ob eceas onDR oVSales h sPOOPA change o/+266 persons having objection toosAsConsultants this change oFavour heLOST MOCH AINFORMATION onNOW hAll ng name ob on h my h ngOF BABA ENTERPR SE Sales MASERU 100 Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng assumed MATEL LEp As my su whe eas 2010 nENQUIRIES MARETHABILE LIKELELI SEKHIBA OF DEED DOCUMENT KAMOHO su name whe myFLORENCE Basemen Mape House Psoon Bag 11645 FOR PLEASE CONTACT CLARK SETHO The ofNTMENT such asurname change is whereas that I owrongly CONSULT CTOR FOR MORE INFORMATION FOR MORE NOTICE OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT 569885 8the Consultants QU CK & The ofo sed such aonnames change that wrong DR swNOTICE PO Box 0813 677 Fa rvSAFE ew gh suname sswsed LETSAU •EVANS SAME DAY su aRoad e Maletlala adv odge hem nBOX w whereas ng 174 oywhereas assumed MOSITO As my my BOOK ANYTIME Any pe sonCELL hav ng ob ection o such an ssuance shou d Oa odge hem nreason wwsons ting assumed KAMOHO As my surname my MOLIFE IN PROGRESS in the register of the register General The 2000/124 within three weeks from the ast pub cation of notice. Aaddresses Domestic Worker needed as MAKEANAPPOINTMENT NOW assumed TSIU my surname FFavour NDasREGISTRATION ME ATMARETHABILE LADYBRAND AND MASERU Motoena NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my nghardworking A pe hav ng ob ec o h change o All per P P OUR SERVICES INCLUDE WOMEN S CL NRS CFO 2000/124 M my N STRYright OF HOME AFFA p esen su name o MACH NE o ha o MOTAUNG su name a e adv o odge hem n ng o he P.P.BO Mosebetsi Lapeng DR MOLIFI MASERU 100 assumed MOs u n m d d o odg h m n ng o h FICKSBURG tice CALLDR Maletlala Motoena • Unwan ed one ABORT ON M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS gh su names s MOTLALEPULA As my su name whe eas my gh BABA ENTERPRISE WOMB CLEAN NG su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o he Ke hloka kapele motho ea sebetsang ka matla ho NKURU Sales Consultants assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME 2010 in LIKELELI FLORENCE SEKHIBA CALL DR MOL FE NG NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME DR R TA gh su names s LETSAU CONSULT: DR VICTOR +2 8363 008 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME 00% GUARANTEE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME • PA N FREE Basemen Mape a House P Bag 11645 FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT CLARK POOPA / SETHO NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Ke hloka kapele motho ea sebetsang ka matla ho Tel: 5804 4612 he and to the bu d ngs s and other deve opments express or mp ed n certa n PLOT P P BOX 174 NOTICE OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT CONSULT: DR VICTOR Notice s he eby g ven o he pub c ha he above mentioned company has os / Asurnames peregister sons hav ob ec o in hNOTICE s change oCHANGE OF SURNAME Mwithin N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS surnam LEROTHOLI ROAD HA MABOTE right surnames isng LETSAU .onMotoena • SAME DAY in the register of the General wast hof ngiven 21 days oofsoon Tel: 5804 4612 A hardworking Domestic Worker needed as assum right surnames is POLAKI. surname are advised lodge them writing Pto P BOX 174 OF three weeks from the pub cation of the notice. is NKOPE. NOTICE is for general information that 2000/124 STD ST ETC present surname of MACHINE to that MOTAUNG Maletlala WOMEN S CL N C as possible. Must be between 25-37 years age. PA N FREE SAME T ME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME DUM n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o he NOTICE is given for general information that BR DGE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME assumed KUTU As my surname whereas my NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME MASERU 100 LESOTHO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION • Unwanted ones ( ABORTION NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . Maseru Wes 105 Lower The sane CALLDR MOLIFE OF174 CHANGE SURNAME MOTAUNG NOTICE iso INCORPORATION given forMOELI general information that100 MASERU 100 Kthusa ngsway SKARABO ree Maseru •CHANGE WOMB CLEAN NG m sp aced sMASERU memo andum Assoc ation nng ends oOF app y ANYTIME o584 dupGUARANTEE ca e OPEN MON SUNDAY C DR MOL Ppe PCE BOX NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OF NG Ke kapele motho ea sebetsang ka matla ho SISTER KARA CELL +266 56988518 DR RITA BOOK 100% The reason of such aLYtse change isoo5804 that Icompan wrongly ANOT sons hav ng obOF ec onisNKURU ogiven h s change • PAIN FREE NOT CE CHANGE SURNAME 084 3815 NTJAMORENA intend changing 100 WOMEN’S CLINIC 00%OF su aFgiven eDR adv sed odge hem nand w ogiven SAFE ARBOT ONS NOT CE OF OF SURNAME Notice is name hereby to the public that the above company has lost/ ALSO FAM PLANN NG NOTICE OF LOST LEASE All persons having objection to this change of tla thusa Lapeng. be lilemo 25-37. A be Le •emyhaving 084 3815 right surnam SISTER Tel: 4612 Mahloka Ne584 STRY OF HOME AFFA RS RELEBOHILE CECILIA MATELILE intend A changing tla Lapeng. A be lilemo tse 25-37. A be Le ND AND MASERU CANTACT 57648516 surnam NOTICE for general information that NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICE is•mentioned for general information th DR RITA right Ethat OF ADDRESS EVANS MASER RETSEPILE JEANETT MATELILE intend changing Masemethe Mokoatsi All persons objection to this change of Notice is hereby su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o he o g na s n he office o he eg s a o es MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS All persons having objection to this change of Masemethe Mokoatsi THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing as possible. Must be between 25-37 years of age. NOTICE is given for general information that TEL 22312012 / 22323997 in the register of the register General MOSHOESHOE MASERU URBAN AREA on P an No 13281 800 as he d by Ch Surveyor All persons having objection to this change of MASERU 100 • VAG NAL D SCHARGE The eason o such a change s ha w ong y PA N FREE SAME T ME NOTICE is given for general information that QU CK AND CLEAN SO ON present surname of MOELI to that of or MOSAE in SAFE ABORTION Must have prior experience. Identity document MASERU BR DGE LADYBRAND NOTICE is given for general information that A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS LESOTHO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION my present surname of MATELILE to that of • WOMB CLEANING misplaced its memorandum of Association and intends to apply for duplicate F ND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU s g ven o gene a n o ma on ha CONTACT 266 57751415 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME K ngsway S ree Maseru 100 WOMAN S CL N C +27783637008 CELL: +266 56988518 THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD, LESOTHO 100% safe) M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS The reason of such a change is that I wrongly M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS PPBOX s CHANGE gFOR ven oOF gene aONS om P.O.BOX 1185 MASERU 100 NOT CE BLOOD sMOTLALEPULA g ven o gene aregister n orma on ha P supresent name a PITROS e adv sed oPTY odge n2015 wed ngnregister o surname he 22 September 28 September tothat the to the her deve opments express or mp certa nOF surname are advised to5890 lodge them inMON writing toCE NOT OF SURNAME Tel: 5890 5036 5036 my surname of M MATELILE to LTD thathem of •my 084 3815 584 10 November -KUTU 16 November 2015 ght surnames ssurname MOKOENA NTJAMORENA MOELI intend changing AnyBag pe son hav ng25-37. ob •Tel: ection oA such an ssuance shou d08 odge hem n wARBOT ting •House CONTROL SAME DAYbe 100% SAFE MORE NFORMAT ND AND MASERU tla thusa Lapeng. Aregister be lilemo tse Le Mape a–SUN 11645 my MINISTRY present ofPLOT KAMOHO to that ofGUARANTEE the of the register General Alln ON CELL +17266 50073516/ MASERU ROLLER LLS REG NO 168/96 inmosebetsi. the of thewriting NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS MON 08SURNAME 00• ha 00 FAX 22310038 –SUN 00writing 17QU PITSO intend changing my QUICK &00 SAFE tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki ka passport kapa lensurname are advised to lodge them in(P writing toJEANETT the originals in the office of the registrar of lencompanies. CELL: +266 56988518 BR DGE NOTICE is given for general information OF HOME AFFAIRS tsebo ea Bopaki ka passport kapa Masemethe Mokoatsi surname are advised to lodge them in are advised to lodge them inKAMOHO to VAGINAL DISCHARGE PPBOX 174 assumed KUTU As my surname PITSO PITROS KUTU intend changing my The reason ofrequested such a22323997 change isPLEASE that IBasemen wrongly F CHANGE CKSBURG TEL 22312012 /+27783637008 Maseru Leso ho RETSEPILE MATELILE intend changing All persons SAFE ABORTION hatoNAME SECO Group (P y) d) has changed s addresses as assumed MOCH NE Must prior experience. Identity document or su name aGLADYS eMOELI adv sed owriting odge nopcwm NOTICE OF OF sent • NCLUDE PA N FREEwhereas CK AND CLEAN SO ON PRESENTS MASERU CONSULT DR Vhem CTOR No ce s hereby g ven SECO Group y) (L d) has s addresses as THABANG ANDREAS intend changing w nchanged 21 days o ’Soad AND ADDRESS MOTLALEPULA ing the register of(L the register THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO n end chang ng TO ADVERTISE WITH US CONTACT: OPEN MON SUNDAY NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end chang ng my The reason of such athe change is that I aced wrongly NOT CE s ven o gene a n o ma on ha OUR SERV CES ADDRESS APPLICANT’S NAME AND ADDRESS General chief’s letter necessary. Contact 50115352. NTSESE MACH NE n end the PPBOX 174 TO ADVERTISE WITH US PLEASE CONTACT: LETSAU in the register of register General on the ssue o the sa d copy are to odge them n wr ting to the Land Reg strar M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS present surname of to that of MOSAE her developments express or implied in certain PLOT hehave 0738111635 OF NOT CE s g ven o gene a n NOT CE s he eby g ven ha he above mentioned company has os o m sp +277 38283534 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME PPBOX 174 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Any person having objection to such an issuance should lodge them in CONTACT 266 57751415 to the BLOOD CONTROL NOT CE OF•Tel: CHANGE OF SURNAME 5890 5036 CLEANING NOTFOR OF CHANGE OF SURNAM M• •Nmy STRY OF HOME AFFA RSa change LNDC DEVELOPMENT HOUSE CELL: +CKSBURG 266 50073516/ PAIN FREE, SAME TIME MORE ON NG MON –SUNWOMB present surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA surna DRNFORMAT R TA WOMB CLEAN NG ny) MASERU 100 Tankiso Motsamai SMOTAUNG CL22 Nwrongly CSeptember CANTACT 57648516 FAX 22310038 assumed As surname whereas The reason of such isA I10 BOOK ANYT ME 08suGLADYS 17CE 00oETC S50115352. STER KARABO 28 September 2015 P.P.BOX 174 General misplaced its me tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki passport kapa assumed KUTU my surname whereas my the LADYBRAND Fname +27 730 405 106 to the persons hav ng ob ect toWOMB th sCLEAN change golo la Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 RBAN AREA an No:13281-800 asDGE he dghofTankiso by Ch efecemyMotsamai Surveyor my(P present surname ofAs to of50115352 propNovember -STRY 16 November 2015 MOCHINE Maseru Leso ho esen su oMATELILE MACH NE oWOMEN ha12 omthat K ngsway ree Maseru 100 The reason such anames change isMOKOENA that I wrongly MASERU 100 FOR MORE NFO CALL +266 5733 2870 /+266 6323 As22327228 my su name whe eas my s2570 within 21 days to, 0738111635 LADYBRAND FICKSBURG he Ce tifica oven nco po ation won shes o app yMOELI osuthat he ssue oS he saPpdg NOT CEon se+266 gP oassumed gene ahas nlost/ oand ma ha golo la Morena lea hlokahala. NOT CE son g ven oone gene a lennthe o ma onNTSESE LADYBRAND MASERU MASERU BR LADYBRAND OPEN MON.-SUNDAY nehat the EMAIL: my present surname of00 KAMOHO that of MMATELILE Nka OF HOME AFFA RS my pADDRESS esen su name oregister KAMOHO ochang ha osurnames CONSULT DR Vgene No s hereby ven ha SECO Group (L d) has changed s addresses as register of the register General •that VAG NAL D SCHARGE NOT CE sMACH g+266 ventoNE o57 a C CELL 894 728 •Letsetsa Unwan ed ABORT ONof Tel: 5903 7274 chief’s letter necessary. Contact THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO n end ng p ha esen name MACH NE oCTOR ha 415 present surname of KUTU to of STD STI BABA ENTERPRISE +266 22327228 EMAIL: APPLICANT’S NAME AND ADDRESS n end con +277 38283534 MASERU 100 assumed As my surname whereas my P BOX 174 right is MOSAE. the above mentioned company BLOCK A LEVEL5 KINGSWAY Tel: 5903 7274 oad 00% GUARANTEE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS in the register of the General PPBOX 174 The reason of such a change is that I wrongly QUICK & SAFE surname are right surnames is MOKOENA. fo ows MASERU 100 LNDC HOUSE NOT sintend gngN ofSTRY ven for genera nform PITSO PITROS KUTU changing my • •OPEN WOMB CLEANING ( jstSTD12MOTLALEPULA min) SEKHIBA DR TA EMA rccg esotho@gma / rccg esotho@yahoo com SAFE CELL + 266 50073516 +27 632R860 271 the ast pub cation o the notice CANTACT; 57648516 RETSEP LEregister JEANETT MATEL LE nCE end chang No ce byAdv M A Mo ebang P.P.BOX 174 assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my ARBOTIONS SAFE ABORT ON TEBOHO nNo:13281-800 end chang ngsmycom esen Tankiso Motsamai ceAREA tifica e on nLNKUNYE he office o DEVELOPMENT hesurname Reg apwhereas oBRIDGE, compan es by THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO n FROM R300 00 n he eg s e o he eg e Gene a RBAN Plan as held Chief Surveyor. FAM LY PLANN NG in the register of the right surnames is s MOTLALEPULA . that M OF HOME AFFA RS LAND REGISTRAR MOHAU A. SEKHIBA All persons having objection to this change of ALSO FAMILY PLANNING The reason such a change is that I wrong As my my right surnames is NOTICE is given for general information MON.-SUNDAY P P BOX 174 LADYBRAND, MASERU F CKSBURG MASERU LADYBRAND epyiation MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MASERU AND MAPUTSOE MOTAUNG LADYBRAND FICKSBURG LETSAU n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a PA N FREE SAME T ME 100% a e n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a golo la Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 LETSAU in the register of the register General 15 BABA ENTERPRISE assumed MATELILE Asof my surname whereas my HIBA my pSTRY esen su name KAMOHO owr ha oBombay MASERU 100 +277 38283534 +266 57SUNDAY 894 728o ROAD P/BAG 96 MASERU S is STER KARABO OPEN MONNE and to for duplicate p esen su my name o CLINIC MACH oMINIS ha P.P.BOX 174 Or vNKUNYE sto tany us @ Ha Hooh othat oppos tessue Estate The reason such change isA Ihe wrongly Mrequested Nintends OF HOME AFFA RS myto p esen su name o MATEL LE ong ha o WOMAN’S TASHA surname adv sed odge them n wr t MASERUAND MAPUTSOE BLOCK A LEVEL5 KINGSWAY Tel: 5903 7274 2000/124 All persons havingright objection to this change of are su name o apply ooaha othem S TSANE nthe are odge n ting to the Land Reg strar surnames MOKOENA. pCELL esen su name o KAMOH right surnames is LETSAU . Maseru Leso ho A pe sons hav ng ob ection o he sa d e a e he eby equ ed o odge 5 in the register of register General surname are advised to lodge them in writing to MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS fo ows TO NOTIC MASERU 100 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS The eason o such a change s ha w ong y FIND ME AT LADYBRAND QU CK & SAFE LADYBRAND MASERU +27 632 860 271 QUICK AND SOsurname ON 100 FROM R300.00 MASERU BR DGE LADYBRAN CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 No byAdv MROAD Aating Mo PAFFAIRS TROS KUTU ntend chan DR MOL F BLOOD assumed As mysuch surname whereas m • CLEAN PLANNING, STD’s SAFE ARBOT ONS right surnames is MOTLALEPULA .pe General PPBOX SAFE ABORT ON the MASERU 100 MINISTRY OFR300 HOME  WOMB CLEANING MINIST P.P.BOX 174 n he eg The sTSO echange oreason heP eg ehe ANYT ME WOMB CLEANING REGISTRAR MOHAU SEKHIBA FROM TO to the e85 NOT CE OFNOW CHANGE OF SURNAME are advised toproplodge them in writing to the OF HOME AFFAIRS IMosebetsi intent toceegobLAND for certified copy aonaoregistered Title totoFAMILY immovable MAKE APPO NTMENT of companies. The aMON change ha •MOTLALEPULA CONTROL AaseAs obFICKSBURG ec h sthe change All persons having objection ofhaseason The eason oKUTU such change she ha w MASERU ong MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND LETSAU nsthat he sSUNDAY eGene o asshea o eg 100 sapply e174 onOa he eg sMOTAUNG athem SISTER such change isMOKOENA I in LETSAU he eGene osons he.ebang eg sng eBOOK Gene All persons having objection change of MASERU assumed my surname whereas myyoCompan nsMOELI ega174 soriginals eoof o OPEN he seg ewrongly such ections neg w w h hav Reg sof athe es wotoMINISTRY hthis nDeed/Lease THREE 3 ANA. NOTICE OF CHANGE OFADDRESS ngly Lapeng 00this A 96 MASERU No ce sKARABO he eby gFROM ven ha to SECO Gof oup PMASERUAND y of L d changed add esses Feg CKSBURG py are requested to lodge in writing to Land Registrar 5an present surname KUTU to that MASERU BRIDGE MAPUTSOE Sales Consultants P.P.BO QU CKecompany & SAFE  DISCHARGE QU CK AND CLEAN SO ON assumed MOCH NE CET tthat AllPPBOX persons havingCE objection to reason thisP/BAG change ofthat Gene ahas n ha right surnames is MOSAE. LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX 1785 Notice is hereby given the public the above mentioned lost/ WOMB CLEAN NG WOMAN S CL N C MASERU 100 NOT s hereby g ven ntent to app y or a certified copy o a reg stered e Deed/Lease to mmovab prop NOT g n o g n n o m on h The eason o such a change s SAFE ABORTION MASERU 100 The of such a change is that I wrongly to the MASERU BR DGE LADYBRAN The reason of such a change is that I wrongly The eason o such a change s ha w ong y FOR MORE INFORMATION BOOK ANYT ME MASERU 100 LOST MEMORAND 677 Fa rvsurname ew advised to lodge writing to Weeks om asthem pub cation othe hha sBOOK Notice oWOMB ows P.P.BOX ANYTIME No byin0813 Adv MCEessesDR AOF Mo ebang 174 should lodge in writing TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present present surname of KUTU tochange that of M 2000/124 tice MINIST MAKE ANasLOST APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! assumed MOCH NEPLANNING FROM TO Motoena right surnames isAll MOKOENA. persons having objection toRoad this change ofthem persons having objection to change P.P.BOX 174 •ew WOMB CLEAN NG n  COMPANY NOT CE COMPANY CEMORE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS assumed KAMOHO As name eason osurname such s ha CLEAN su name asueSECO sed ooup odge hem ngConsultants oce he NOT DEED DOCUMENT P.P.BOX 174 Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng The eason ohe such aven change swhe weas ong y Maletlala CONTACT 266 57751415 assumed KAMOHO AsFAMILY my my NOT CE LOST LEASE TheNG eason o such athis change s ha 12 wmThe ong yof FOR NFORMAT ON surname arece advised to lodge them inmy writing toadv FICKSBURG CALL MOL FE sang myissuance TH MINISTRY HOME AFFAIRS MASERU 100 DR EVANS Fawhereas CKSBURG As1785 my su name wheNOT easAll myMACH gh NEsu s ngadvised Ke hloka kapele motho ea sebetsang ka matla No sOF he eby haaNAME Gwhe P my yare LnOFTel: dwST has changed sho add NOTIC Sales ngNo Box 677 Fa QUICK & rv SAFE assumed KAMOHO As my su nam MASE STD, STI ETC All persons having objection to this change APPL S AND ADDRESS assumed NKUNYE As mypo su name eas my HPO NTSESE GLADYS nnames ndare h ng mSEKH OUR SERVRoad CES NCLUDE FROM TO STD Notice by Du Preez Lgnco ebe rau & No Co STD ETC 5804 4612 the DR MOL F P.P.BOX 174  INFECTIONS ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX surname to lodge them in writing ceAll oLAND Ce fica e o CANT on o LEADER PROPERT ES AND TE P.P.BO assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my STD ST ETC 3281-800 on 5 /AUGUST/ 2010 in Favour MARETHABILE LIKELELI FLORENCE SEKHIBA assumed MATEL LE As my su name whe eas my COMPANY NOTICE erty reg stered under 13281 800 on 5 /AUGUST/ 2010 n Favour MARETHAB LE L KELEL FLORENCE BA misplaced its memorandum of Association and intends to apply for duplicate BOOK ANYT ME P.P.BOX 174 Any person havin CONSULT: DR VICTOR CONSULT DR V CTOR persons having objection to this change of 0738111635 tice. MASERU 100 As my su name whe eas my gh ‘Maletlala Motoena •company FAM PLANN NG STD assumed MOCH NE CLEANING surname are advised toThe lodge them in100writing tomatla the KUTU As my surname whereas my ghv.toreg su names s LETSAU • LY SAME ghLega su sunames sSassumed LETSAU MASERU 100 nthe thesurname reg ster of the ster Genera assumed KAMOHO As myoThe suhe name whe eas myALSO ACALL hardworking asBox soon DR MOL Fregister gh name sPTY TSANE Lower sane DR MOLIFE PWOMB O 0813 677 Fa ew Road right surnames LETSAU MOTAUNG MASERU 100Bus haKe oNOTICE MORNING AFTER in the of register General pDomestic n OFu KARABO nSURNAME m ocWorker MACH oTAhneeded o MOTAUNG areis advised lodge them inPILLS writings hloka kapele motho ea sebetsang ka ho The Represen atives Company SISTER BOOK LEROTHOLI ROAD HA MABOTE CONSTRUCT ON LTD company numbe s25-37. 1990 59 No ceANYTIME o584 ness osuDR eNERRED HOT PTY LFa d The numbe s DAY REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS NOT CE OF CHANGE ALSO FAM LYew PLANN NG Unwan dMOTLALEPULA onthem ABORT ON • 084 3815 gh Road sulodge names sPA MASERU PO Box 0813 677 rv OF LOST LEASE tla thusa A be lilemo tse A be Le o ows Tel: 5804 4612 MINISTRY OF Lapeng. HOME AFFAIRS FAM LY PLANN NG surname are advised to in writing E OF ADDRESS • the Nabove FREE STD, STI ETC right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . DR EVANS MASERU 100 A pe sons hav ng ob ec on os surname are advised to lodge them in writing Masemethe Mokoatsi P.P.BO Notice is hereby given to the public that mentioned company has lost Mase u Wes 105 Lowe The sane CALL: +266 50261481/ A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o TH S ADVERT SEMENT SERVES NOT CE THAT MOHAU A SEKH BA Maseru Wes 105 Lower The sane DAY veyor. MOTAUNG surname ofoskapa topeCESAFE ofven&1462 ins25-37 FAMILY PLANNING AND MOHAU SEKH BAoHOME respect RITA MINISTRY MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW No ceALSO s174 he eby g ven we non end ohapp yMINISTRY oo a ce fied copy o aNKUNYE Ce in fica oDR and Toon Ncompanies. numbe snthe 1136050 5F ND NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION As my su name whe eas my ghO as possible Must be between years ofME age nng hSITSANE g ec Gchange ANOT sons hav o ng +266 hoLOST AT LADYBRAND MASERU HOME AFFAIRS A Spe sons ng ob ecCLEAN onAllo persons h• s change oSAME originals theeAND office ofthat the registrar of Agh peLEROTHOLI sons hav ec sAFFA change oOF MOLIFI MASE the WOMAN CL N• hav CAND suname names sng LETSAU TEBO Mhaob NoA STRY OF RS NG having objection tochange ofthat P.P.BOX s2009 gABORTION oob gene ahOF ma on ha 0seEect NOTICE CELL 569885 8oLEASE 100% aWOMB to the The reason of such a NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Tel: 5890 5036 ALSO DR FAMILY PLANNING • 084 3815 584 right surnames MOKOENA. gene ofaOF su11645 name a this e advchange sed osodge he HA MABOTE tla thusa Lapeng. be lilemo tse 25-37. A be Le Basemen Mape a House P+27 Bag730823341 P Bag 11645 MASER F ND ME AT LADYBRAND MASERU suathe a ehe adveg seds ROAD odge hem neswis ng of ADDRESS MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 to QUICK SAFE nco po on o e o compan Ou o g na s e he o m sp aced No ce s he eby g ven ha we n end o c ose down ou bus ness and de eg s e tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki ka passport lensu name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o he M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS BR DGE All persons having objection to this change of ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi FROM TO •FE VAG NAL D SCHARGE P.P.BOX 174NO Thsed o mp uhem hend hchang wPLOT ong ong y NOTICE A peMase sons hav ng Iob ec days on o hto s Must have experience document or su name aprior e given advexpress o onodge nIdentity wngn certa ngnghothat he within 21 MASERU 100 Maseru Wes 105 Lower The sane ha SECO Group (P y) (L d) has changed s addresses as MOTAUNG MOUNTA NOF K NGDOM FOODS PTY LTD – REG 2013 1983 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME CALL DR MOL +27783637008 FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU LADYBRAND. FICKSBURG, CELL: +266 56988518 ’S NAME AND ADDRESS LOST CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION he P.O.BOX 1185 MASERU 100 WOMAN’S CLINIC NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n my The reason of such a change is that wrongly Every r ght or nterest on and to the bu d ngs s and other deve opments or ed n su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o OUR SERV CES NCLUDE K ngsway S ee u 100 egistrar MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s change o BLOOD CONTROL NOTICE is for general information o he PPBOX 174 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME surname are advised to lodge them in writing to to the AUTHOR TY PO BOX 1785 Any person having objection to such an issuance should lodge them in writing NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME TUMI Tel: 5890 5036 CELL + 266 50073516 WOMB CLEANING A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o he ssue o he sa d copy a e eques ed o odge w h he Reg s e o Compan es A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o he ssue o he sa d NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF LOST LEASE Basemen Mape a House P Bag 11645 CONTACT 266 57751415 andassumed FIND ME AT LADYBRAND MASERU ROLLER M LLS PTY LTDAND REG MASERU NO 168/96 iting P.P.BOX 174 BRTankiso DGE KUTU As my surname wh MASERU 100 Motsamai WOMEN’S CLINIC MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 MASER um d MOCHits NE misplaced memorandum of Association intends to apply for duplicate MAPUTSOE tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki ka passport kapa lenBRIDGE eas my hem surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the OPEN MON SUNDAY All persons having objection to this change of chief’s letter necessary Contact 50115352 Mase u Leso ho Maseru 100 su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS LADYBRAND F CKSBURG • PAIN FREE +277 38283534 golo la Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 NOTICE is given for general information that register of the register General that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has changed its addresses as NOTICE is given for general information that ng ob ec Ssurnam onCLINIC o hs PO Box 677 Fa os vNOTICE ewo7274 Road OF CHANGE p OF esen suGLADYS name MACH oo ha o he MOTAUNG Ne STRY OFINCLUDE HOME AFFA RS copy eMACHINE equesNE edintend odge hem nmy w174 o OUR he Reg o 084 Compan es hABORT n 2112 m nON A pe sons hav nCE wAND ng oADDRESS hegGUARANTEE Reg soha eodge o174 Compan hNOTICE n 21 wo kLL ng days om he as •Ms 57751415 3815 STD STIa oETC 0738111635 ’SdSEKHIBA WOMAN NTSESE changing SERVICES LL DEREG STERED AND AN APPL ON WTel: BE WOMB CLEAN Unwan ed584 onewNG 5903 +27783637008 P.O.BOX 1185 MASERU 100 NOT sBE he eby ven he above mentioned has m sp aced 100% PPBOX suheW name a 13281 e0813 adv sed hem nesNO ww CAT ng ocompany P.P.BOX no 800 sPTY tuated atFROM MOSHOESHOE MASERU URBAN onSURNAME Pfor an No 13281 800 asDGE dghchanging bythat eng Surveyor the MASERU 100 CONTACT: 266 isAREA general information toNAME the buildings(s) and other developments express or implied certain PLOT mAFFA uPLANNING nom mKAMOHO whBR m LADYBRAND u nCh MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS LADYBRAND MASERU Basemen Mape andingiven PMaseru M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS RETSEPILE JEANETT MATELILE intend changing ce Adv A Mo ebangMASERU CONTACT 266 57751415 Tankiso Motsamai THABANG ANDREAS intend MASERU ROLLER M LLS REG 168/96 within 21 days to, PM P BOX 174 M NHouse STRY OF HOME RS MMASERU N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS LTD pub ca on oREMOVE he no ce wo kongAhedays he as pub ca on omNo heBag no by ce11645 MADE TO THE COMPANY THE ROLL W TH THE ALSO FAMILY P.P.BOX 174namesa CANTACT; HA MABOTE r ght surnames MOKOENA LADYBRANDFICKSBURG PAIN FREE, SAME TIME he eg s e eg s e Gene a golo Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 K ngsway S ree 100 100 su e adv sed o odge hem hela Ce tifica e o nco po ation and w shes o app y o he e ssue o he sa present surname of MACHINE to that of MOTAUNG FROM R300 00 BRIDGE MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 assumed KUTU As my surname whereas my NOTICE is given for general information that 0738111635 FAM LY PLANN NG STD 57648 my present surname of MATELILE to that of MASERU 10n w surname are advised to lodge them in writing MASERU AND MAPUTSOE • Unwanted ones ( ABORTION Tel: 5903 7274 P P BOX 174 100% ae F CKSBURG my ME present surname of KAMOHO toOF that of Leso ho Mase Wes 105 The saneOPEN MOTAUNG heReg COMPAN ES OFFmentioned CEDRthe MASERU 100companies. NOT eby gARBOTIONS ven above company hassa os m sp aced MON.-SUNDAY NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME MASERU 100 P.P.BOX 174 euhe o174 compan eshanghe The Reg sintend eLADYBRAND oin compan es nge o The PCE POFsBOX FIND AT AND UMBERS: 58861237/58778947 PITSO PITROS KUTU my MOLIFI AsCHANGE hav ection ssue o Lowe the d ocopy are requested to odge them nchanging wr ting to the Land RegOF strar SAFE PThe Pthe BOX 174 originals the office of the registrar of MASERU 100 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MOTLALEPULA in 0738111635 the register of the register SEKHIBA NOTICE SURNAME ce tifica e npersons heOFoffice o he ob RegTO s a o to compan esreason NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS MASERU 100 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS eason o such a change s ha w ong y LETSAU in the register ofBOOK the register General M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS CANTACT; 57648516 MASERU 100 in register of the register General ANYT ME registe • WOMB CLEANING The of such a change is that I wrongly MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW K ngsway S ree Maseru 100 DR EVANS MASERU 100 A p on h ng ob on o h h ng o A persons hav ng ob ect on to th sc NOTICE is given for general information that M n s y o T ade and ndus y M n s y o T ade and ndus y LADYBRAND F CKSBURG he Ce tifica e o nco po ation and w shes o app y o he e ssue o he sa d MASERU BRIDGE Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng MASERU AND MAPUTSOE. MASERU 100 100% QUICK AND SO ON that • g ven BLOOD CONTROL MASERU 100 MOSHOESHOE llEMAIL MASERU URBAN AREA on Plan as held by ngebang o ANOTICE MASERU 100 FOR MORE INFO: 5733 2870 /+266 6323 2570 MFOR NBasemen STRY OF HOME AFFA RS 85 WOMAN’S CLINIC Title Deed/Lease toection immovable No ce ho s heAFFAIRS eby hasafe) SECO GMINISTRY oup P y OFLHOME d hasAFFAIRS changed s Consul add esses as is CE given for general information Maseru Leso TheChief reason ofSurveyor. suchMINISTRY a change is that I wrongly Mape aCLEAN House PNo:13281-800 Bag 11645 MASERU 100 ENQU R ES PLEASE CONTACT CLARK POOPA pe sons hav ng any ob o CALL hethe sapropd+266 eGeneral ssue acation e SETHO he eby equ ed oBRIDGE, odge to the MASERU LADYBRAND LOST MEMORANDUM NOT OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT oregistered NOTIC CONTACT: 266 57751415 present surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA OF HOME Sales assumed MOCH NE TO NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS COMPANY NOT CE w th n three weeks rom ast pub o the notice CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 Pce ODOCUMENT Box 747 P O Box 747 The reason of such a change is that I wrongly P.P.BOX 174 ST DEED CONTACT 266 57751415 tifica e n he office o he Reg s a o compan es PPBOX 174 The reason of such a change is that I wrongly FOR MORE INFORMATION u n m d d o odg h m n w ng o h CALL DR MOL FE M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS DR EVANS right surnames is MOKOENA. /MATELILE NOTICE is ka given information Ke intend hloka eamysebetsang matla ho • adv SAME DAY NKURU Fa assumedmotho KAMOHO my As surname whereas my o owsMASERU AND MAPUTSOE TEBOHO changing present NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my OUR SERVICES INCLUDE such ob ections n wDR ting w h677 he Regrv s aew oRoad Compan esNKUNYE hsurname n THREE 3 my kapele • • general BLOOD CONTROL WOMB NG 12 m nthat surname are sed toits odge them 85 174 P.P.BOX 174 is hereby given that CLEAN SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has changed addresses as MPPBOX NNOT STRY OF HOME AFFA RS BABA ENTERPRISE Aswmy Mase uLESOTHO 100 Mase uperson 100 iseas ur MARETHABILE LIKELELI FLORENCE SEKHIBA Any objection to such an issuance should lodge them writing CONSULT: VICTOR 0738111635 Maseru Leso hofor As my su name whe myhaving su names Apresent pe sons hav ng any ob ection oas hesoon sa d CORPORAT eassumed ssue a e he eby equ ed owhereas odge P.P.BOX 174 FICKSBURG NAT ONAL ON DR MOL assumed MOCHINE CE OF OF SURNAME right surnames LETSAU . gh ngsway SCHANGE ee0738111635 Mase u(them 100 NOTIC ‘Maletlala Mo inby the register of the register General Or visit us @ Ha Hoohlo opposite Bombay Estate king Domestic needed FROM TO • PAIN FREEFinDISCHAR MASERU 100 s Notice The reC MASERU 100 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 084 3815 584 surname ofcWorker MACHINE to that ofDEVELOPMENT MOTAUNG tla thusa Lapeng A be lilemo tse 25-37 A be Le TE No the ce oK Bus ness osu esaid RED HOT PTY LFairview dNotice The company numbe sCHANGE PPBOX 174 Weeks om he as pub cation o h s No ce Adv M A Mo ebang • VAGINAL • Unwanted ones ABORTION right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . NOTICE OF OF ADDRESS 677 Road assumed As my surname whereas my follows: TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present to issue of the copy are requested to lodge in writing to the Land Registrar DR RITA TEL 22312012 22323997 • WOMB CLEANING ( jst 12 min) NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF • FAM LY PLANN NG STD All persons having objection to this change of such ob ections n w ting w h he Reg s a o Compan es w h n THREE 3 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME P.P.BOX 174 NOT CE s g ven o gene a n o ma on ha MASERU 100 WOMAN S CL N C Lower The sane • SAME DAY LOST MEMORANDUM P O Box 0813 677 Fa v ew Road MOTAUNG PPBOX 174 M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS NOTIC NOT CE s g ven o gene a n o ma on ha • WOMB CLEANING to the 1462 and TofDu Nthe numbe sebe 1136050 5 Coof age All persons having As my surname whereas my right surnames is e 2009 Must between 25-37 years in thebe register register General objection to this change of MASERU 100 WOMEN’S CLINIC Notice by Preez L rau & TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present FROM TO BOOK ANYTIME SISTER KARABO Tel: 5804 4 FAX 22310038 NOTICE OF LOST LEASE MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 CELL: +266 56988518 100% tsebo ea mosebetsi Bopaki ka passport kapa lenThe reason of such aof change islodge that I inwrongly All persons having objection toFairview thisSERV change surname to them writing TE0Uprior u gsuch Leso ho 100 2000/124 MASERU Noness ceadvised ssafe) hede gthem haNAME G oup PPPBOX yngare Ladvised decCE has s 100 add asBox CEotoesses OF CHANGE OFAPPO SURNAME THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO chang ngousurname Weeks om he as pub cation oend h s Notice No ce Adv MSECO ebang Mase uMAKE Wes 105 Lowe The sane ADDRESS APPL CANT AND ADDRESS NTSESE GLADYS MACH NE n end chang ngMASERU my• given NOTICE is+27783637008 for general information that No DR ce s Mase he eby ven ha we nNUMBERS end on cOF ose down bus and egNKUNYE sby even NOTICE is for general OUR CESinformation NCLUDEof th CONTACT 58861237/58778947 of to that SITSANE in the are toeby lodge inSwriting to the MINISTRY HOME AFFAIRS DISCHARGE FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s NTMENT NOW The reason ofRepresen agiven change isDEVELOPMENT that Idocument wrongly AA peMo sons hav ob on changed o hto, sNOT change LNDC HOUSE experience Identity orsurname COMPANY NOT within 21 days MOL F or Lower Thetsane P.O. 0813• AN 677VAGINAL Road MOTAUNG . The Lega atives o he Company TRAD T ONAL DOCTOR DR KY NTU MASERU 100 the ments express implied in certain PLOT NOTIC 100% GUARANTEE • BLOOD CONTROL assum LADYBRAND F CKSBURG la Morena lea surname hlokahala Letsetsa 50115352 TUMI my by pCL su of name o A KAMOHO ohav hang11645 oob ec on h he Reg eesen oNOF Compan A pe sons o he ssue o assumed he sa dgoloKUTU NOTICE LOST LEASE Basemen Mape a House P266 Bag 11645 sewlast PCoKBag p esen su name o MACHCELL: NE o haRETSEPILE o MOTAUNG Notice Du Preez L es rau & NOT OF LOST LEASE maletlala.m@informa NOTICE isABg SISTER KARABO Unwan d onchangi +Lower 50073516/ BLOCK LEVEL5 NGSWAY my whereas +toCELL: 266 50073516/ publication the notice. SEEMAHALE AND ENG NEER NGCE PTY WOMAN Ssce C JEANETT MATELILE intend MASERU assumed MOCHINE SAFE ABORTION ows TRAD T oONAL DOCTOR DR NTUsu TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present MASERU Maseru WestLTD 105 Thetsane OPEN MON.-SUNDAY right surname SITSANE. necessary Contact 50115352 No by Adv M Aeebe Mo ebang of that of SITSANE in the name aAs eOadv sed o CONSTRUCT odge hem nON wNOT ng100 o my he • PAIN FREE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CALL DR MOL FE LAND REG MOHAU Ais12KY SEKH BAto persons having objection to this change ofNKUNYE TEBO MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS a eSERV eques ed ohe odge hem oMASERU heaRegsurname s • e o WOMB Compan es wNKUNYE h n( jst 21 of to that SITSANE in the WOMAN Ssurname CLINIC LETSAU nNCLUDE eg sSTRAR oPby he eg sng eCompany Gene K ngsway S ee Mase u 100 that n genera he egis sMAPUTSOE e hereby oof henformat eg s eNOW!!!!! Gene a that CLEANING min) All ROAD BAG A 96 PAIN FREE, SAME TIME 0eseerncopy Notice given the public the abo P.P.BOX 174 The Lega Represen atives on w he P BOX 01062 OUR CES CE s g ven for on +277 38283534 Plan No:13281-800 as held Chief Surveyor. MASERU AND 100% a As my surname whereas my right surnames is MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND Basement Mapetla House P/ Bag 11645 P/ Bag 11645 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS my present surname of MATELILE to that am he e o so ve you p ob ems surname are advised to lodge them in writing ‘Masemethe M Sales Consultants P.P.BOX surname of that of in• FROM the174 wo k ng days om catoon he SITSANE no ce 100 MDR NsMOLIFI STRY OFy Maseru HOME AFFA RSTEBOH TO right surnames isareMASERU MOKOENA. TheMOLIFE eason o such a change ha LADYBRAND, w ong Mase uCALL DR Leso hoMASERU 100 The eason such a ABORT change so Maseru ha w ong y register Unwhe no NKUNYE das on pub ON 100% surname advised to lodge them in writing to the Kingsway of the register General FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s QUICK & SAFE CANTACT; 57648516 • 084 3815 584 P.P.BOX 174 PITSO PITR FICKSBURG BLOOD CONTROL MOTAUNG . Street 100 SAFE ARBOTIONS am he e o o e ou p ob em u ng Na u a us ng Na u a he bs Bad uck chase LAND ADM N STRAT ON AUTHOR TY P O BOX 1785 MASERU 100 s e them o compan es right si MOTLALEPULA in the register of the regis NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME tedThetoReg lodge in writing to the Land Registrar No ce o Bus ness c osu e SEEMAHALE CONSTRUCT ON AND ENG NEER NG PTY L d assumed MOCH NE No ce by Adv M A Mo ebang assumed KAMOHO As my su name wheADDRESS eas my register of OF the register General +277 38283534 MASERU 100 Tel:ABORTION 5890 5 NOTICE CHANGE OF M Nhaving STRY The OF HOME RS MASERU 100AFFA FROM R300.00 PO Box 0813 677 Fa2011v ew Road ANYTIME register of the register General • WOMB CLEANING misplaced its memorandum of SAFE Association andNG TEBOHO NKUNYE chang my present Maseru Lesotho MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! Maseru 100 he b register Bad uome ha oAll o oregister Cu ome persons having objection of persons objection tochange change of All persons having objection to this of oko oshe Cus ae the en on sheop M n Lapeng s Ally o T ade andBOOK ndus yto this change WOMB CLEAN of General surnam Oa P BOX 174 company numbe sthis 463 and TN numbe s 1081134 8 As BLOOD CONTROL • ntend 084 3815 584ng MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 QUICK AND CLEAN SOmy ON su name whe easP my ghGeneral su names s Leso ho that gh su names s LETSAU WOMB CLEANING WOMAN’S CLINIC NOTICE is hereby given that I intent to apply for a certified copy of a registered Title Deed/Lease to immovable propNOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME LEROTHOL ROAD HA MABOTE NOTICE is given for general information that toINFORMATION the The reason of such a writing change Ienwrongly UMBERS: 58861237/58778947 P O Box 747 Notice Adv. M.A. aCALL on op ngs nb105 pa ne ng ba MINISTRY chea ng n pahea ngMotoena backb os P P BOXNOTICE 174 surname are advised toCLEAN lodge them the No ce s heAFFAIRS eby gLowe ven ha The we nsane o c ose down ou by bus ness and deMotebang eg s e w hmasemethe.m@inform he WOMB NGin 12 to m‘Maletlala n is that FAM LY PLANN N DRMase MOLIFE present OF HOME kapele motho ea sebetsang ka ho une Wes MOTAUNG NOT OF LOST CERT CATE OF ON OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT A pe CE sons hav ng ob ec onSTD oFmatla hLesotho s change o NCORPORAT OF LOST LEASE surname are advised lodge inendwriting reason of such is that Isurn wrong The reason of such a change is that I NOTICE OF LOST LEASE –SUN 08:00-17:00 surnam LADYBRAND CKSBURG uNOTICE 100 A aMchange RACLE HEAL All pe Reg s eto o Compan esthem Awrongly pe sons hav ngFOR ob ecMORE on oMON he ssue otohe saFd in copy a eTSANE ed The DR FAM LY PLANN NG MASERU 100 ove sexua sa s ac hhas Notice is hereby given that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) changed its addresses as o AND oa• certified emy e OF ua a584 aonbo onbo hmen men and ging DR MOLIFI surname of NKUNYE of S n the NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME originals the office of the registrar of compan APPLICANT’S NAME ADDRESS assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas TH MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my Achange pe that sons hav ng ob eques ec onOUR o IhSERVICES swrongly change o EVANS The reason of such a is that INCLUDE MASERU 100 NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME UMBERS: 58861237/58778947 084 3815 Notice is hereby given that WE intend to apply for copy of a registered Title apeng A be lilemo tse 25-37 A be Le STD, STI ETC LADYBRAND, MASERU P.P.BOX 174 DR MOLIFI oMase ebang • VAGINAL DISCHARGE P O BOX 1185 MASERU 100 su name a e adv sed o odge hem n w ng o SS Sales Consul o odge n wP ng he Reg s e o Compan es w h nDR wo k ng days om he as Tankiso Mot MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW under No. Mape House Bag 11645 Sales Consultants registe MATELILE As DR my MOL whereas m COMPANY NOTICE registered 13281-800 on /AUGUST/ 2010 inishem Favour MARETHABILE LIKELELI SEKHIBA QUICK &.FESAFE women ease mens powe e ee c hea CONSULT: VICTOR surname are advised lodge them inI owrongly writing women nBasemen ea reason eisnc men powe e5 omeand WOMAN’S CLINIC ofaApril, such change that MINISTRY OFerty HOME AFFAIRS NOTICE is given forto21FLORENCE general information NOTICE given for general information thatto LADYBRAND1992 in Deed/Lease to immovable property registeredand under No.30082-227 on 21 to the su name aFICKSBURG e adv as sed osoon odge hem assumed n w ng o that he• MASERU AND MAPUTSOE CALLDAY SAME insurname the registe A hardworking Domestic needed right surname SITSANE. MONThe –SUN 08:00-17:00 heBopaki pub ca on o he no ce DR MOL kais passport kapa tosebetsi of CALL present surname ofWorker MACHINE that ofGenera MOTAUNG MASERU 100 (Pty) (Ltd) hasFEchanged its inaddresses as lenNOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME otebang comeand see he powe oFAMILY he bs Droup ADDRESS • Unwanted ones ( ABORTION favour JULIA MOFOKENG respect of. NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my Sales Consul OUR SERVICES INCLUDE right surnames is MOTLALEPULA powe o he b ‘Maletlala P.P.BOX 174ofMASERU K ngsway S ee Mase u 100 100 follows: Tel: 5903 7 ALSO PLANNING Tel: 5804 4612 reg ster of the reg ster DR RITA Any person having objection to an issuance 084 3815 584Mo The Reg s e o compan es registe 084 3815 584Letsetsa 50115352 • PAIN FREE NOTICE isNKUNYE given for general information that surnam assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas my MASERU AND MAPUTSOE. Brsuch ng back Lost Lo assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas my LADYBRANDFICKSBURG orena lea hlokahala Every right or interest and toSEKHIBA thetobuilding(s) and other developments or WOMEN’S CLINIC All persons havingonobjection this change ofLADYBRAND THIS ADVERTISEMENT SERVES THAT present surname of MACHINE ofnMOTAUNG MOHAU A. FFrespect ndme me n catoexpress o make SISTER KARABO ones (in ABORTION + 50073516/ AND MOHAU SEKHIBA of nd nNOTICE LADYBRAND a CELL: o ma e that appo men266 as M N STRY OF HOMEof AFFAFROM RS possible. Must between 25-37 years age. ral MON MASERU register of the register General All persons having objection to this change M n s • y o T Unwanted ade and ndus y thebe –SUN 08certain 00OF 17HOME 00 R300.00 • WOMB CLEANING MON –SUN 08 00 17 00 M N100 STRY AFFA RS The re ‘Maletlala Mo ‘Maletlala Motoena TEBOHO intend changing my present implied in PLOT No. 30082-227 situated at BUTHA-BUTHE URBAN AREA on Plan Tel: 5804 4 CELL: +266 56988518 Mase u of the Leso 100% safe)WOMB in the register register General The reason adverts@informati NOTwrong CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given general information that appo n27710472926 men MASERU AND MAPUTSOE. CONTACT NUMBERS 58861237/58778947 to the safe) ho NKUNYE As surname my Ca +assumed P P BOX 174 OF HOME Fto lodge nanc aCLEANIN P O Box 747 100%whereas F CKSBURG FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU are advised toSurveyor lodge them infor writing No. 30082-227 as held by Chief . MINISTRY OFmy HOME AFFAIRS surname are advised them inProb writing em to th MINISTRY AFFAIRS TO174 FROM TO The reason of such a change s that y Psurname P AND BOX The reason of such a change is that I wrongly • VAGINAL DISCHARGE LADYBRAND F CKSBURG The reason of such a change is that I wrongly within 21 days to, ngly LADYBRAND Must have prior experience. Identity document or 100% GUARANTEE Ca + 27710472926 Mase u 100 MOUNTAIN KINGDOM FOODS (PTY) LTD – REG. NO. 2013/1983 MASERU MAPUTSOE • BLOOD CONTROL TEBOHO NKUNYE intend myCE MASERUchanging 100 Tel: 5804 4 Noto ce by Adv Mlodge A is Mo ebang The reem right surname is+27783637008 SITSANE. maletlala.m@informa All persons havingright objections tointerest the issue of the copy are requested to them in Every or onsaidand the buildings(s) and otherSAFE developments express or implied in certain PLOT to the • present CONTROL assumed MOCHINE to the Pregnancy Prob UTHORITY 1785 MASERU 100P.O.BOX +277 right surname SITSANE. CELL: +ven 266 50073516/ NOT sBLOOD gthe for genera nform MASERU AND MAPUTSOE Road TEBOHO NKUNYE changing my present • ABORTION WOMBsurname CLEANING ( jst 12of min)NKUNYE BRIDGE to677 the Fairview land register within three (3) weeks intend from publication of notice. to that of SITSANE in assumed KU P.P.BOX 174is 38283534 assumed MOCHINE Asthe my last surname whereas mythe right surnames assum s my writing OPEN MON.-SUNDAY Tel: 5804 4612 chief’s letter necessary. Contact 50115352. maletlala.m@informa +277 38283534 ‘Masemethe M Sales Consultants assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas P.O.MAIEANE Box 0813 Fairview RoadA MAREA T.M. & Thetsane CO MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS PAIN FREE, SAME TIME CCLEANING ean ngSTI & Prom • FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s CANTACT; right isBE266 SITSANE. Lower WILL BE DEREGISTERED ANDJulia ANMofokeng APPLICATION WILL • my WOMB (Ev jstchang 12 min) MOTAUNG surname . STD, ETC 174of57648516 OF LOST LEASE no.13281-800 ll677 MASERU onsurname Plan No:13281-800 asP.P.BOX held bysurnames Chief Surveyor. ofMASERU NKUNYE toGeneral that SITSANE inNKUNYE the TEBOHO ntend ng m RACLE HEALER All persons having objection this change of BoxMOSHOESHOE 534 MANONYANE CENTREsurname 2 FLOORsituated As my surname whereas my right isto MASERU 100ofURBAN LADYBRAND, MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND of NKUNYE to that of SITSANE in the CONTACT: 57751415 assum MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! All persons having objection to this change P.P.BOX 174 LADYBRAND, MASERU OF HOME AFFAIRS MADE TO THE COMPANY FROM THE ROLL WITH THE ‘Masemethe M Sales Consultants MABOTE Tel: 5890 5 right surnam at work P/REMOVE BagHA 11645 ultants P.O.MINISTRY Box 11341 Makopo register of the register ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi QUICK & SAFE All persons having objection to this change of ma FROM R300.00 • FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the SAFE ARBOTIONS CALL DR MOLIFE r ghtofthem surname s S TSANE right s FICKSBURG Maseru West 105 Lower Thetsane MOTAUNG . COMPANIES OFFICE Butha-Buthe 460 surname of100NKUNYE to that of S TSA MASERU e of MASERU P.P.BOX 174 100 All persons having objection toGeneral the issue of the0738111635 said copy Br arengrequested to Lover lodge inregister writing to the Land Registrar Tel: 5890 5 Maseru CALL WHATSAP register of the register Sales Consultants masemethe.m@inform ‘Maletlala Motoena • to 084 3815 584 register the General MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS All persons having objection this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing MASERU 100 back Lost ALSO FAMILY PLA BOOK ANYTIME MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS All persons having objection to this change of All persons right s FROM R300.00 Mosebetsi Oa Lapeng MASERU 100 MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 QUICK CLEAN SO MINIS ON The reason of such aob change that I wrongly Motoena MASERU 100 g to FOR Lesotho ster ofofthe AND reg ster Genera Sales Consultants NOTICE OF CHANGE OFthem SURNAME +27 786905056 A persons hav ng ectKARABO on tois thmasemethe.m@inform sreg change ‘Maletlala 861237/58778947 WOMB Basement Mapetla House P/advised Bag 11645 Tankiso Mot ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: CLARK POOPA /Motoena SETHO P.P.BOX 174 F nanc aCLEANING Prob ems NOTICE OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT Tel: 5036 surname to lodge in writing All pe The reason offrom such a change is are that I wrongly within three weeks the last5890 publication of the notice. LADYBRANDFICKSBURG ‘Maletlala Motoena ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi SISTER surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the mas ‘Maletlala Motoena CALL DR MOLIFE MASERU 100 The reason of such a change is that I wrongly Ke hloka kapele motho ea sebetsang ka matla ho Sales Consultants NKURU to the Book your nearby TAX n seconds w th your ce phone 24 hours a day 365 days a year Pregnancy Prob ems Tel: 5804 4612 NOTICE is given for general information that Tankiso Mots MASERU AND MAPUTSOE. surname are The reason of such a change s that Tel: 5903 7 FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 5804 4612 P.P.BOX 174 surname are advised to lodge them in writing assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas my FIND ME AT LADY All per surname are adv sed to odge them n wr t ng 4612Kingsway ‘Maletlala Motoena LESOTHO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.P.BO NOTICE OF Street CHANGE OF SURNAME Maseru 100 assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas my NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME C ean ng Ev & Promot on • 084 3815 584 tla thusa Lapeng. A be lilemo tse 25-37. A be Le STD, STI ETC NOTICE OF CHANGE OFintend ADDRESS Tel: 5903 7 SAFE ABORTION Tel: 4612 TEBOHO NKUNYE changing my present Tel: 5804 4612 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi adverts@informati Tel: 5804 4612 surnam TEL: 22312012 / 22323997 tothatthe5804 assumed NKUNYE my surname assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas Tel: 5890 5036 NOTICE is given for general information DR VICTOR MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NOTICECONSULT: ismy given forAs general information w th to the at work Tel: 5890 5036 FAX: 22310038 to the MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 tsebo ea mosebetsi. Bopaki ka passport kapa lenright surname is SITSANE. right surname is SITSANE. adverts@informativ Maseru Lesotho MASERU 100 NKUNYE to that ofADDRESS SITSANE in ‘Masemethe toHOUSE the Notice surname is APPLICANT’S hereby of given that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has changed its addresses as r ght NTSESE NOTICE OFSAFE CHANGE OF SURNAME THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing ADDRESS NAME AND GLADYS intend surnam changing m MASE CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 CALL WHATSAPP Mokoatsi Sales BRIDGE P.P.BOX 174 surname sDR SMACHINE TSANE QUICK &5036 LNDCConsultants DEVELOPMENT ALSO FAMILY PLANNING Tankiso Motsamai RITA right surname is SITSANE. to the LADYBRANDFICKSBURG golo la Morena lea hlokahala. Letsetsa 50115352 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS my present surname of A, KAMOHO to that of Tel: 5890 present surname of MACHINE to that of MOTAUN register of the register General +27 786905056 All persons having objection to this change of BLOCK LEVEL5 KINGSWAY Tel: 5903 7274 Tankiso Motsamai follows: MASERU 100 having Notice byinAdv. M.A. Motebang All persons objection to this change ofof the AMASERU persons hav ng ob56988518 ect onto tothat th s LAND REGISTRAR MOHAU A. such SEKHIBA Mokoatsi ‘Maletlala Motoena LETSAU the register the register in the register register General ROADofP/BAG A 96General MASERU the WOMB CLEANING NOTICE is given for general information CELL: +266 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi AND MAPUTSOE. ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi The reason of a change is that I wrongly Tankiso Motsamai CONTACT: 266 57 FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing MINISTRY O FROM TO P.P.BOX 174 The reason of such a change is that I wrong reason of such a change is that I wrongly M N STRY OFTel: HOME5903 AFFA RS surname are adv sed to odge them Tankiso Motsamai 7274them ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi 5804 4612 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS LANDTel: ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX 1785 As my surname surname are advised to lodge in writing assumed NKUNYE whereas my Tel: 5903 7274 5036The Airport taxi services +27783637008 assumed MOCHINE STD, STI ETC assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my Tel: 5890 5036 P.O. Box 0813 677 Fairview Road to the TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present to the 174 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS surname are advised to lodge them inAswriting Tel: 5890 5036 PPBOX 174 MASERU 100 my surname whereasP.P.BOX my rightNOTIC surnames NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME BRIDGE right surname is country SITSANE. rightLEROTHOLI surnames is LETSAU . 07381 MINIS Trips in and outside the ROAD HA MABOTE OPEN MON.-SUNDAY to the Tel: 5903 7274 ALSO FAMILY PLANNING Maseru West 105 Lower MOTAUNG . P.P.BOX 174door 5890 5036 NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OFofINCORPORATION All having objection to thisTel: change LOST LEASE All persons havingNOTICE objectionOF to the this change of100Thetsane MASERU 100o MINIST MASERU surname of NKUNYE to that of SITSANE in the to ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi Door to services All persons having objection to this change NOTIC MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND P.P.BOX 174 P.O.BOX 1185 MASERU 100 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to CONTACT: 266 57751415 is given for general information that Basement Mapetla House P/ Bag 11645 P.P.BO MASERU ROLLERMINISTRY MILLS (PTY) LTD REG. NO.NOTICE 168/96 M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS OF HOME AFFAIRS FIND ME AT LADYBRAND MASERU surname are advised to lodgeTankiso them in writingMotsamai surnameAND are advised to lodge them in writing to th otsamai the is hereby NOTICE given that the above5036 mentioned has lostthe or misplaced Acompany night on town shopping trips MASERU 100 Tel: 5890 FICKSBURG P.P.BO Kingsway Street Maseru 100 MASERU 100 the Certificate ofP.P.BOX Incorporation and wishes to apply for the re-issue of the said to the register of the register General P P BOX 174 NOTICE OF5903 CHANGE OF SURNAME MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS THABA 174Tankiso Tel: +266 283 283 22 BRIDGE 0738111635 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MASERU 100 Tel: 7274 THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing certificate in the office of the Registrar of companies. MASE Business meetings Motsamai 7274 MINISTRY OF HOME BOOK ANYTIME Maseru Lesotho All persons having anyAFFAIRS objection to the said re-issue are hereby required to lodge MASERU 100 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100 Cell: +266 142with 89Tankiso MASE NOTICE is given for general information that Motsamai such objections in writing the Registrar ofPackage Companies within THREE (3) my pr The reason of such a change is that I wrongly P.P.BOX 174 567 CONTACT: 266 57751415 delivery services NOTICE OF CH P.P.BOX 174 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MASERU 100 Tankiso Motsamai Weeks from the last publication of this Notice. Notice by Adv. M.A. Motebang my present surname of KAMOHO to that of NOT CE s g ven for genera nformat on that MASERU 100 Tel: 5903 7274 NOTICE is Notice by: Du Preez Liebetrau & Co. P.P.BOX 174 P.P.BOX 174 THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing 0738111635 LETSA The Legal Representatives of the Company. Tel: 5903 7274 MASERU 100 assumed NKUNYE As whereas myNK Tel: 5903 7274 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOT CEmy OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Notice is hereby THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO ntend chang ng surname MASERU 100 NOTICE OF CHANGENOTICE OF SURNAME TEBOHO LETSAU in the register of the register General NOTIC MASERU 100 OF CHANGE OF SURNAME myCHANGE present surname of KAMOHONOTtoCEthat gof ven for generaThe nform NOTICE OF OFsurname ADDRESS mythat present ofsurname KAMOHOisTHABANG to that ofsANDREAS NOTIC NOTICE is given forNOTICE general information that right SITSANE. is given for general information surname ofre KAMOHO ntend follows: NOTIC Sales Consultants The reason of such a change is that I wrongly LETSAU in the register of the register General NOTICE OF CHANGE OFinformation SURNAME given for general that Notice is hereby given thatn theSECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) hasOFchanged itsregister addresses THABANG ANDREASNOTICE KAMOHO is intend changing LETSAU reg ster of theOF reg stermy Genera NOTICE CHANGE ADDRESS assum NOTICE OFthat CHANGE OF SURNAME present surname of KAMOHO NOTIC ofofth All persons having objection to this change THABANG ANDREAS intend changing NOTICE is KAMOHO given for general information The reason of such a change is that I wrongly THABA my present surnameTHABANG of KAMOHO to that of NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME FROM ‘Maletlala Motoena assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my The of such ageneral change sinformation thatLETSAU wrongthat ynthat theSECO reg sterGroup of thereason reg ster ANDREAS KAMOHO intendNOTICE changing Notice is hereby given (Pty) THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing follows: isreason given for right s The THABA surname are advised to lodge them in writing LETSAU in the register of the register General assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my my present surname KAMOHO to that of The reason of such a changemy s that my present of surname of KAMOHO to that ofKAMOHO NOTICE is given for general information that pr assumed As my surname whereas my follows: Tel: 5804intend 4612 right surnames is LETSAU . of theTHABANG P.O.AsBox 0813 ANDREAS KAMOHO changing assumed NK present surname of register KAMOHO to that of FROM TO All per The reason of such my a change is thatLETSAU I wrongly in the register General assumed KAMOHO my surname w my pre right surnames is LETSAU . to the r ght surnames s LETSAU THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing LETSAU in the register of the register General LETSA FROM The reason of such a change is that I wrongly my present surname of KAMOHOr ghttosurnames that Fairview of sMaseru LETSAU right surnam assumed KAMOHO LETSAU As surname whereas my Allmypersons having objection toBox this change of myhaving West 105 P.O. 0813 677 Road surnam in the register of the register General LETSA A persons hav ng ob ect on to th s change of All persons objection to this change assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my present surname of KAMOHO to that of A persons hav ng ob ect on to s P.O. Box 0813 right surnames is LETSAU . Theth re The reason ofright such atochange is that I wrongly All persons LETSAU in the register ofodge the them register General surnames isMaseru LETSAU .West ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi surname are advised lodge them in writing to surname are adv sed to n wr t ng to the Lower surname are advised to of lodge them in General writing toThetsane surname are adv sed to odgeMapetla them ren The The reason such changeobjection is thatLETSAU I105 wrongly Basement in the register theOF register All persons having objection to thisof change ofa having Maseru West 105 All persons to thisreason change of of such MINISTRY HOME AFFAIRS surname ar assum The a change is that I wrongly assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my the the surname are advisedassumed to lodge them in writing to the surname are to lodgeMapetla them reason in writing the Tel: 5890 5036 The ofto such a change is that I wrongly House P/ Bag 11645 assum Basement Mapetla House KAMOHO As advised myBasement surname whereas myKAMOHO Kingsway to theStreet assumed As my surname whereas my right s P.P.BOX 174 the the right surnames is LETSAU . assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my


m m m TICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME TICE is given for general information that SITO PETER MOSITO intend changing my m m m m sent surname of MOSITO to that m of POLAKI m he register of the register Generalm reason of such a change is that I wrongly m m m umed MOSITO As my surname whereas my ht surnames is POLAKI. persons having objection to m this change m of m m name are m advised to lodge them in writing he

right surnames is MOTLALEPULA. All persons having objection to this change of N surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the m m m m


All persons having objection to this change of surname are m advised to lodgemthem in writing to the





surnames is MOTLALEPULA . Nm right RA ONhaving AU mobjection HOR tom Y this change P OofBOX m m 1785surname m A areti advised to lodge them in writing to he 06 o heAND ADM +27 All 730 persons m 405 w Oin B wR m m advised to lodge them surname are writing to the

All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge M themm in writing to the M




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NOT s gCHANGE ven MO o OF gene a no m NOT CE CE OF SURNAME M M K G CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME m W TH US P NOTICE m NQU NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME TO ADVERT SE EASEMOF CONTACT & AA M A M MASERU 100 NOTinformation CE OFthat CHANGE SURNAME PNOT TSO TROS n Mend CEP s CHANGE g venKUTU gene am nOcha o m NOT CE OF SURNAME M o OF NOTICEOF is given for general information that NOTICE is given for general information that NOTICE is given for general NO NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that WCE MO CHANGE O SURNAME A A O WOMEN S CL N C NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME MORAPELI MATELILE intend changing mGREKORI MASAENE VITALINA TSIU intend changing my MASEKOATI GLADYS +266KAMOHO 22327228 EMA @a n mo w WOM AN NG tifi d op o MALINEO MARY MATELILE intend changing NOTintend CEchanging OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NO C h b n h n o pp o d D d o mmo b p op s g ven o gene n ma on ha % NO CE m p esen su name o KUTU o ha o mM W M TEBOHO NKUNYE n end chang ng m O NOT CE s g ven o gene a nm o my present surname of MATELILE to that of NOT CE s g ven o gene nMoMma on ha A A O ON present surname of TSIU to that of NKOPE in the my present surname of KAMOHO to that of 00% GUARANTEE m M a my present surname of MATELILE to that of NOT CE g n o g n n o on h mm m m m m M D N MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register D EBOHANG DAN E HE HA NOT CE s g ven o OF gene n 800 ochang ma register of the LETSAU in the register ofNOTICE the register General MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register d MOS und NoSURNAME 13281 on 5on 2010 n OF ou CHANGE HAB OR NCng KH BA O register ON General m MOS TO PETER TO naend ng my m m OF CHANGE QU & AUGU Aha nTSO he eg s eNKUNYE he eg Gene a MASAENE VMAR TAL NA TS U Kn end chang my name o o msn ha o ng Schan TSA General Psu P SURNAME TROS M M NOTICE OF MAL NEO MARY MATEL LEo KUTU n nd heend ng General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly The reason wrongly Mof Dsuch a change is that I m WOMEN’S CLINIC mSURNAME m HE HA PA N FREE SAME T ME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF Aisothat OPOLAK ANN NG The reason ofn such a change IAM wrongly QU & As my surname whereas my right P TSO P TROS KUTU end chang ng my The reason of such a change is that I wrongly p esen su name o MOS TO o ha assumed TSIU assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my AND MOHAU KH BA p o NOTICE is given for general information that WOM AN NG tifi NOTICE N NO C h100% bassumed nMATELILE h ONS n mynsurname oNDpp opMA o su D o dha information o mmo nbthat pdAND esen TS MONOS U o NKOPE hep op G m p n given ueg n s meason oogeneral MATEL LE o o h a o o As whereaso is Uname givenodfor general The o such aem change haM e su he egoinformation sKUTU Gene p esen name has assumed MATELILE whereas my NOTICE is for that surnames right surnames is LETSAU . GUARANTEE M A myAD AND m m WOM is NKOPE. N NG tifi SAFE ARBOT NO C D As my surname mm M M right surnames is MOTLALEPULA .D pn esen su o o o abu MOKOENA WOM N NG m m m mha he s name heKUTU eg shaving e Gene w surnames is MOTLALEPULA. MOSITO PETER intend my heof oomd nMOSITO on nd o 800 hchanging d5change n AUGU nd o 2010 hMASAENE d sne opm nMAR o mp P O KH having of All b persons having objection to this eg change eg oou he egpsHAB e TSIU Gene a d n changing MOTLALEPULA h s o ma und No 13281 Kintend OR nNC VITALINA my BA NO C h bN n h All npersons ppobjection o to thistifichange d op o right dMKobjection D toMOR dthis NC mmo All persons objection toon this of Dn o MALINEO MARY MATELILE intend DG assumed KUTU As my su wh The change s ha m n heneason eg eog osuch he egh schanging e gname Gene a All persons change o ofKH m QU GN D to H AUGU HAB having BA surname SAME TIME are advised lodge ineg writing surname are advised to lodge them in writing to MAR CKFREE, AND CLEAN ON m M HE HA A m m n Gthem he sPAIN eto he eMO Gene a surname ares advised toSO lodge them inO writing to the y ANN NG AHO AM The eason o800 aeg change sothat ha w ong present surname to of POLAKI them in writing to the G n present surname of MATELILE The AR eason aM change ong no 13281 uMOSITO ed HO MA RU URBAN A on Po nsuch No 13281 hs NKOPE dhab MONOS Chw in uthey mo w my WOMAN S CL Nosuch C of O M416 onNN present surname of TSIU to800 that of KH BA p to that of ON A op 17NG AUGU 1987 nsurname ouare Kadvised K to lodge O MORO p o the m M AND MOHAU M AND pMOHAU KH BA d und Nothe13282 gh su names s MOKOENA assumed NKUNYE As my su name Theu eason ongsuch ahm change s haw ARBOTIONS FOR MORE NFORMAT ONND w The o SAFE such a change y d op Meas A my ANDassumed AND MA ofTS U Uregister m MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS assumed TO my su name ND MOF HOMEDAFFAIRS ND ND M U in the register of register General m Th on o ong name whe MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Am Ameason p MOS on n As ob tion ooshhhawhe onong h AD od n wd tin hn Pmy R OUR SERV CES NCLUDE MOTLALEPULA inh the h register of the w register MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS hCONSULT oh nthe on ndname buuDG deas nd o h register d qu opmthe nd o As p my hGeneral osu mp n Moeas Ond gh h o nm on ndMINISTRY o h bu d n nd o h d opm n p o mp d n n P O P.P.BOX 174 m m O P.P.BOX 174 A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s D ND M U gh su name s S TSANE QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON assumed KUTU As my su name wh DR V CTOR M DG assumed KUTU As my su whe my P.P.BOX 174 P.P.BOX 174 mM m General w um d MATEL LE A m BOX 174 u n m wh m gh w suh names snMASERU POLAK M 100 The reason such change is that I wrongly su names NKOPE 100 The reason a change I wrongly nFOR hof eeMORE wee om MO hABORT o hRUnoti Unw daINFORMATION on ON 100% MASERU 100 no 13281 800 uDR ed HOpubHO MA URBAN AR A ons Pof nsuch No 13281 800 is h that d b Ch u o u dmu MO HO URBAN AR AR A A on MASERU SERU 100 no 13282 416 edm HO HAMASERU MABO URBAN PNon No h d bC Ch u OM o M ………… M ON 100MAMARURU Ation M pe M su name a ehav adv susons names sng MOKOENA Agh pe ob oecodge on o hem hs R gh reason u n m of MOTLALEPULA susons sng MOKOENA Agh hav ob ecTA on o h whereas sON change o O assumed MOSITO As my surname my A pe sons hav ngmy obsurname ec on o h s change o The such anames change issed that DR assumed TSIU As whereas mynd right MO I wrongly m A m EVANS wh tim nMw tin oRh NOT CE OF CHANGE OF ADDRE A p on h n ob tion o h u o h d op qu d o od h m n w tin o h R NOTICE p OF onSURNAME h n tiob tion o h N u o h d op qu d o od nd OF CHANGE OF SURNAME TICE OF A CHANGE NOTICE OF A p on h ng ob on oWOM h whereas ng my CONSULT: DR VICTOR A pe sons hav obOF ec on oSURNAME h8s change o +266 569885 o pe he name a adv oh odge su a CELL e adv sed omCHANGE odge hem n w that ng su name aiseNKOPE. adv sed o odge hemM n w ng o Asu sons hav ng ob ec on oo hem hs assumed MATELILE As 07 mye surname right surnames isng POLAKI. M name NOTICE is given for general information that • SAME DAY TICE given NOTICE is given for general July -Osed 13 2015 w ish R n h for general ww hinformation m N information ECO G ADDR L M N S RY O HOME A A RS ADDR APP CAN surnames NAM AND BLOOD CONTROL w h na hemy ee+27 wee om h 06 pub ong NTJAMORENA MOELI intend changing u n surnames m dis MOTLALEPULA. d o odg h m n wJuly o h n h eethat wee OFomti h pub ti tion o h noti RELEBOHILE CECILIA MATELILE intend changing su sed o405 odge hem n tion w SO PITROS KUTU intend changing my DR RITA P P BOX to this change of right he persons having objection 730 omto name he All persons objection to this change ofh noti All madv o name he m m m m su a e adv sed o ng odge hem present surname of MOELI that of MOSAE having in • mPAIN FREE my M present surname of MATELILE w to that of N m sent surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA NOT CE O CHANGE O ADDRE MO R CELL: G RAR MOHAU A OF KHADDRE BA WOMB CLEAN NG 12ofmthe nregister MASERU m W M NOT CE OF CHANGE the register of the register General All persons having objection toWOM this change of o heAND are BABA ENTERPRISE MOTLALEPULA in the them register % +266 56988518 he register of the register General OPEN MON SUNDAY surname advised to lodge in writing surname are advised to lodge them in writing to m M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS ROM TO m m m m N CO G o he ADDR APP CAN NAM AND ADDR The reason of such a change is that I wrongly General WOMB CLEANING M N STRYare OFadvised HOME RS them OOtheO O reason of such a change is that I wrongly AND ADM NmBR RA ONof AU HORSTD P O BOX 1785 FAM LY PLANN NG 2000/124 NYis that I wrongly G OF to CHANG lodge writing to NO C AFFA O O O in URNAM ADDR APP CAN AND ADDR m m ADDR APP NAM AND ADDR • MNAM N ECO STRY HOMELAFFA RS WOMAN assumed MOELI As my to surname whereas my HOME The reason such m m 405 ma change M N STRY OF AFFA RS the +27 730 106 the ffi A CAN m w MASERU DGE LADYBRAND O Bwhereas wR TASHA S CL N C surname 07 July - 13 July 2015 umed KUTU As myRAR surname whereas my INF RMATIVE G AND R G MOHAU KH public BA that the PMPNBOX 174 OF HOME AFFAWOM RS m P P BOX assumed MATELILE my NO C STRY m right surnames is MOSAE. m Notice is hereby given above mentioned company has lost/ VAGINAL DISCHARGE m APPO % As my surname w RO ROAD MABO MAKE AN NTMENT ht surnames is MOKOENA. M STRY OF AFFANOW AND RHO GOPEN RAR MOHAU A PKH BA 174 P BOX m w ROM O • M AND RN G RA RAR MPHto the H MORO surnames isRS MOTLALEPULA P PN 174 All persons having objection toBOX this change of HOME M. WHA L w  T MON.-SUNDAY HAB NG AB H MA Fright CKSBURG WOMB CLEAN NGMINISTRY % ANDhaving ADMobjection ON AU ofHOR misplaced P its O BOX memorandum of Association and intends to apply for duplicate persons to this change MASERU OF HOME MASERU 100 P P BOX 174 M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS All persons having objection to this change of ROM TO AFFAIRS surname are advised to lodge them in writing to M K O M OW CELL: +26650073516/ w O B w R PDR OMASERU BOX 1185 MA RU 1785 100MINISTRY W M to m m m MA m mON CALL MOL FE MASERU 100 P P BOX 174 OO O O name are AND advisedADM to lodge themRA in writing AND ADM NBOOK RAAFFAIRS AU HOR P OF HOME AFFAIRS BY inm M B  D SCHARGE MASERU 100 N ON AU HOR Y P O BOX surname are advised lodge them writing toO theBOXH MINISTRY OF HOME originals in theMABO office of the9419 registrar of companies. BRIDGE, LADYBRAND the ANYT ME RO HO ROAD HA m m m m MO M O B wR he MO 174 A U A P.P.BOX 174 PMASERU M N W w WOM G 100 P BOX +27738283534 MASERU 100 K w M MA RU 100 084 3815 P.P.BOX 174 Any person having objection to such an issuance should lodge them in writing M 584OF HOME AFFAIRS M ROm174 HO ROAD P.P.BOX MINISTRY HA H WOM G P O BOXRO HO ROAD RU FAM LY PLANN NG FICKSBURG M MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS B m MA M H MABO B M W WHA MABO L w  T MASERU 100 MASERU 174M NISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MOK OF SURNAME within 21 days to,  WOM G 100CHANGE M L 174 w LADYBRAND, MASERU P.P.BOX NOT CE OF MASERU 100 M O M OW CON ACH100 NUMB R 58861237 58778947 MON 081185 00BOOK 17P.P.BOX 00 ANYTIME NOT CE OF CHANGE OF MASERU 100 P–SUN O BOX RU m m 100 SURNAME K w M W M MA174PRU MASERU O BOX 1185 m BOX B m MA M B  STD NFECT ONS  100 H G O MA RU 100 G MASERU m MA A m m w K m CANTACT; 57648516 MO N A M A M SERU 100 M  M G M FROM R250.00 NOT SURNAME NOTCE CEmOF s CHANGE gMO ven M o OF gene nOo m NOT CE s g100 ven o OF gene a n oKma won ha NOTMA CE OF CHANGE SURNAME Ma LADYBRAND F CKSBURG CONONAC NUMB R O m M RU  MORN NG AFTER P LLS MA RU 100 M M  O WOMEN S CL AN CU A m WITH US PLEASE CONTACT: NQU MA M A TISE &A MO NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME P TSOCEP TROS n Mend chang my NOT s gMAPUTSOE venKUTU gene a OFnSURNAME oMma ng onCON haAC NUMB R 58861237 58778947 TICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOT CE sNKUNYE gCHANGE ven on OF gene a n ng o m NOTICE OF CHANGE SURNAME M o OF L  MO G OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE TEBOHO end chang m NOTICE OF CHANGE MASERU AND NOT CE OF SURNAME CALL +266 50261481 OF CHANGE OF SURNAME WOMEN’S CLINIC NUMB R July 58077125 SISTER KARABO CON AC 07 July - 13 2015NOTICE 00% GUARANTEE m m wK TICE given for information that NOTICE is given for general information that G NOTICE is given for general information that 7228 EMAIL: WOM N NG tifi NOis C D 100% GUARANTEE mmgeneral information NOTICE is given for that NOTICE is given for general information that A MA M pTEBOHO esen su name o KUTU o ha oN MOKOENA NKUNYE n end chang ng my pchanging esen NOTICE is given for general information that THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO nOo end RETSEPILE JEANETT MATELILE intend changing SAFE ABORTION BOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present M M su name o NKUNYE o ha o S TSA THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend +27 730823341 NOT CE s g ven o gene a n m M M m m m m PAINK FREE, SAME TIMENC PADANIEL N FREETHETHA SAME Tintend ME changing D DANIEL THETHA intend my changing present surname MATELILE to that of N in the AUGU MAR HABLEBOHANG OR KH BA name of NKUNYE to that of SITSANE my present surname ofSKAMOHO to that of EVANS K ofDR G LEBOHANG QUICK & SAFE n he eg s e o he eg s e Gene a su name o NKUNYE o ha o TSANE n he m PITSO intend changing my ARBOTIONS register of thePITROS my p esen suAeg name oGene KAMOHO my SAFE present surname of THETHA to O that of in theWOMAN LADYBRAND F CKSBURG Sregister CLDAY N CKUTU eg sR e he a ng m LETSAU in the register of the register General ister of the register General O M NN NG TEBOHO NKUNYE chang M MOTLALEPULA SAFE ONS M N surname O oARBOT HOM As Rneend QUICK AND SO ON AND MOHAU KHis BA • season SAME General CLEANING my present of THETHA to that of is hereby that I intent WOMB toND for aDcertified registered TitleMONOSI Deed/Lease propThe reason of to suchthat that inCLEAN the to register of the register General e NOTICE reason of such change I wrongly The o such a s of haisMOKOENA wI wrongly ong y eg e o he egof sKUTU e change Gene aa change present M o pp ND U o m m BO eason Thebreason of such a change that Isurname wrongly FORd MORE INFORMATION MAPUTSOE NO CAsa my h given bthat n apply n o ND copy tifiMofd amop D d immovable o mmo LETSAU egSO s aeON o ha heo eg sha e OUR CES NCLUDE assumed KAMOHO AsC my surname whereas my The ohe change s TSA sumed NKUNYE surname whereasnmyh su name onCLEAN NKUNYE o S QU CK AND The reason of such a change is that I wrongly STI • isSERV PAIN FREE S su CLis LETSAU N mLIKELELI OSEKHIBA MONOSI in register of such the register General assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my WOMEN erty registered under No. 13281-800STD, onDG 5TH ETC /AUGUST/ 2010 in Favour MARETHABILE CONSULT: DRFLORENCE VICTOR MAtheRU assumed KUTU As name whe w eas myy The eason o ofsuch amy change s . ha ong right register surnames in the register the General ht E surname is SITSANE. M assumed THETHA As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . p op d und No 13282 416 on 17 AUGU 1987 n ou K K O MORO p o The eason o such a change s haw WOMAN’S CLINIC ALSO FAMILY PLANNING DR RITA Unw n d on ABORT ON 100% • WOMB CLEANING All GUARANTEE persons having objection to this change of assumed my su FOR ON uto this d respect MOof HO MA RU URBAN AR A No Mright C eg ssuch e o NKUNYE he eg sAs Gene aname persons having objection change The reason ofMORE a NFORMAT change ise that I wrongly 00% AND MOHAU SEKHIBA of HO ON All persons having objection to reason this change of such surnames is MONOSI. gh su names s MOKOENA assumed NKUNYE As my su name whe eas my CELL: +266 56988518 The of a change is that I wrongly surname are advised to lodge them in writing to AND name are advised tohlodge writing are advised to lodge them in writing to the INCLUDE • SERVICES VAGINAL DISCHARGE nb onintiand nd FIND hMEbu dand n o otifiMASERU h d dop oopm n orAllm ppersons mp n o Rmmo ntoPthis Osurname assumed KAMOHO As my su name OUR of A NO wotiin ho them non h the no n oAT LADYBRAND pp d +27783637008 Dhaving d dobjection bchange CONSULT DR V CTOR assumedNO THETHA As my whereas the gh su name s TSANE Every rightCor interest to buildings(s) othernddevelopments express implied certain PLOT PA Nsng FREE SAME NO CE O CHANGE O SURNAME The o surname such a change smy haw he M CE eason O CHANGE O SSURNAME A gh pesu sons hav ob ec on To ME hwhereas s changemy o name S TSANE BRIDGE assumed KUTU As my surname WOMEN C N C OPEN MON.-SUNDAY advised to lodge them CELL: +26650073516/ OF HOME AFFAIRS NO CE m 416 um ed HA MABO MA RU URBAN AR onn PNo:13281-800 nouNo ………… hLADYBRAND d bChief Ch Surveyor. o in writing su names LETSAU • Unwanted ones ( ABORTION 100% w hpno n op h13282 wsituated till MASERU tiAUGU right surnames issons MONOSI. DR Rhav TAsng CONTROL d und No CONTACT: 13282 416 on 17 1987 Ksurname K Oare MORO p u o MINISTRY no.13281-800 at MOSHOESHOE URBAN AREA onAPlan as held by NO m name SAFE ARBOT ONS MASERU BRIDGE, MINISTRY OF odge HOME AFFAIRS AghCE pe obmy ec su on o hw s 266 57751415 to the 00% GUARANTEE assumed NKUNYE As P.P.BOX 174 NISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS su a eBLOOD adv sed oec n w ng A name pe sons hav ob on o hem h s change o right surnames isng MOKOENA. +27738283534 MOS O PE ER MOS O m persons M 174 P.P.BOX FICKSBURG MASAENE V A hav NA SU m MASERU 100 All having objection to this change of .BOX 174A p having NOT CE O CHANGE O ADDRE on h n ob tion o h u o h d op qu d o od h m n w tin o h nd A pe sons ng ob ec on o h s safe) All persons objection to the issue of the said copy are requested to lodge them in writing to the Land Registrar CELL +266 569885 8 PA N REE AME T ME 0738111635 WOMB CLEAN NG 12change m h o n on nd o h bu d n nd o h d opm n MINISTRY p BOOKoANYTIME mp d n nP O QU CK AND SOthis ON W M CLEAN MASERU 100 su name a e adv o NKOPE odge hem m MOS O PO AK o persons he ghadvised su name sS U Ssed TSANE su name a e adv sed o odge hem nn w ng All having objection to of LADYBRAND, MASERU SERU 100 m OF HOME AFFAIRS N om hAPP surname are toadv lodge them in writing A E ARBOT ON ADDR CAN NAM AND ADDR NO D mm within weeks lastHA publication of the notice. +2 8363 008 R three w n uh the ee pub tion oCOAR hG Anoti su name a e sed o odge hem • BLOOD CONTROL G FAM LY PLANN NG STD no 13282 416h from edwee MABO MA RU URBAN on P n No ………… u o G P.P.BOX 174 h d b Ch FOR MORE NFORMAT ON o he FROM R250.00 surname are advised to lodge them in writing he sons hav ng ob ec on o h sn Ao pe w QU CK AND C EAN O ON w to the DR TICE OF CHANGE SURNAME AND R G OFRAR MOHAU BA NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME N MOLIFI HA A A MA AN w OPEN MON SUNDAY %CTOR he • WOMB CLEANING ( jst 12 min) MAKE AN APPO NTMENT NOW p for on h information n ob thattion NOTICE oROM h OF u CHANGE o h A OF dKHADDRESS op qu d o MASERU od h 100 m n w tin o h nd CONSULT DR V TICE is A given general WOMAN’S CLINIC MN STRY OF HOME AFFA RS OR MORE NOTICE is given for general information that O to the NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME m MOS O AO N m ORMAT m ON w m su name adv sedm ow odgem hem m S Ua Ae m AND ADM KAMOHO N RAintend ONchanging AU HOR Notice P O BOX is APPLICANT’S hereby given that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has changed its addresses as ABANG ANDREAS m m NOTICE OF CHANGE OFinformation SURNAME ADDRESS NAME AND ADDRESS NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my OUR SERVICES INCLUDE NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general that MASERU BR DGEOFLADYBRAND NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME CON U T DR V CTOR ADDR APP CAN Oom B h wR TASHA WOMAN’S CLINICpresent surname of MACHINE • FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME m PO AK W RS M DRchanging TA CALL DR MOL FE h n hto ee pub tion o NAM h notiAND ADDR m NKOPE P BOX 174 MP STRY OF HOME presentR surname of w KAMOHO that wee of toN that ofDANIEL MOTAUNG LOST MEMORANDUM NOTICE is given for general information that • R Unwanted ones ( ABORTIONm LEBOHANG THETHA intend AFFA NOTICE is given AFFA for general informat MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS follows: M N STRY OF HOME RS NOTICE is given for general information that RO HO ROAD HA MABO o he H AN MA U U AN A A N LAND REGISTRAR NOTICE is given for general information A that DR R TA TSAU in the register of the register General in the register of the register M WMOHAU A. SEKHIBA w  WOMB CLEANING FMAHLOMOLA CKSBURG AM my present surname of THETHA toMATELILE that NOW!!!!! of M safe) ITHABELENG ELIZABETH intend 100% AND R G RAR KATLEHO EMMANUEL NKAOTA intend changing myN STRY OF HOMEJOHANNES AFFA RS MATELILE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CELL +266 57 894 728 MASERU 100 PGeneral PisBOX 084 584 MINISTRY OF AFFAIRS FROM MA RUMPH H MORO TO KARABO MORENABONA intend changing my The reason of such a change that I register wrongly reason of such a change is that I wrongly M M P.P.BOX 174 MONOSI in themy ofHOME the3815 register General P O BOX changing present surname MATELILE to W CELL 6988 • of BLOOD CONTROL A174 m wm w 8m to w PinPm BOX 174 changing my present surname of m wMATELIL LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY B m P.O.BOX M H1785 B  DISCHARGE present+266 surname of NKAOTA that of LEBOTSA assumed MOCHINE umed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my present surname of MORENABONA to that of BOOK ANYT ME M The reason of such a change is that I• wrongly P.O. Box Y 0813 677 Fairview Road that of–SUN MOTLALEPULA in the register of the AND ADM N RA ON AU HOR P O BOX 9419 WOMB CLEANING ( jst 12 min) MASERU 100 P P BOX 174 CALL DR MOLIFE of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the +27 632 860 27 P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100 the register of the register General ADDR APP CAN NAM AND ADDR MON 08 00 17 00 +2 30 40 06 As my surname whereas my right surnames is ht LEROTHOLI surnames is LETSAU . K w M MA RU MAFOSO in the register of the register General assumed THETHA As myw surname whereas m• my ROAD HA105 MABOTE m m register General MASERU 100 FAMILY PLANNING M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s General Maseru West Lower  Thetsane MOTAUNG . The reason such a change is that I wrongly persons having objection to this change of right surnames is 100 MONOSI. The reason of such a change is that I wrongly OPEN MONof UNDAY MMON MASERU RO MABO M OPEN SUNDAY m m m AN m • 084 3815 584 MASERU 100 The of such change isAPPOINTMENT that I wrongly NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME RHO G ROAD RARin writing to MPH H RMORO LADYBRAND F aCKSBURG NOW!!!!! The reason of such a change is that I All persons having objection toreason this change of CON ACHA NUMB assumed NKAOTA As my surname whereas my M right P.O.BOX 1185 100 name are AND advised to lodge them All persons having objection toMAKE this change of BasementMASERU Mapetla House P/ Bag  11645 STD INFECTIONS assumed MORENABONA As my surname whereas RY O HOME A N A RS M N S RY HOME Ais LEBOTSA. A RS WOMEN S CL C As my surname whe ffi m MAOERU BR DGE ADYBRAND PNPSBOX 174 assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the CALL DR MOLIFE assumed MATELILE N M A M RU 100 surnames surname are advised to lodge them in writing surnames is MAFOSO. MASERU LADYBRAND PAND O BOX 1185 NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOT CE s08:00-17:00 g venBR gene a n o ma onmy ha AN MON –SUN M oDGE P P BOX m ADM N RA ON AU Kingsway HOR YA P O BOX 9419 MASERU AND MAPUTSOE ADD A right NAM AND ADDto this changeP P Street MA Maseru 100 MORNING AFTER PILLS MASERU 100 is MOTLALEPULA. BOX • 084M3815 584 right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . CK BURG toright the surnames All persons having objection to this change of 00% GUARANTEE All persons having objection of MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MASERU 100 NOT CEAll OFpersons CHANGE OF SURNAME All persons having objection to this change MASERU MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 having objection to this ch ISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NOT CE OF sNKUNYE g ven o gene a n ng oofma on ha MASERU Maseru CONTACT Lesotho +266 50261481/ LLS surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the TEBOHO n end chang my p esen F CKSBURG NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME MA RU 100 LADYBRANDFICKSBURG AND G A O HO MA AN BOOK ANYT ME CALL: NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the P.P.BOX 174 RO HO ROAD HA MABO surname advised to LADYBRANDlodge them in writing to MINISTRY OFare HOME AFFAIRS BOX 174 FICKSBURG surname are advised to lodge them in writin PA WOMEN’S NCE FREE SAME To ME CLINIC MASERU 100 Notice by Adv. M.A. Motebang NOT s g ven gene a n o m THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO n end chang ng P.P.BOX 174 the su name o given NKUNYE ha o information S TSANE MINISTRY nthat SERU 100 +27 730823341 NOTICE is general BOOK ME AND ADM Nfor ANYT AoAND ON AU HO OheO OF HOME AFFAIRS MASERU MAPUTSOE. CON RU AC 100 NUMB R 58077125 MASERU AND MAPUTSOE. MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P O BOX 1185 MA NO CE O CHANGE O SURNAME MASERU 100 SAFE ARBOT ONSKAMOHO 100% GUARANTEE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 my p esen su name oGene KAMOHO o present ha oHO174 LADYBRAND. FICKSBURG, THABANG ANDREAS n end P.P.BOX eg s e o he eg s e a O HO OAD O A O HA TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my NOT CE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NO CE m MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME MA RU 100 MASERU 100 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME QU CKFREE, AND CLEAN SO ONinformation that PAIN SAME TIME MASERU 100 TASHA WOMAN’S CLINIC WOMEN Sothat CLheN CSITSANE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME P.P.BOX 174 O NOTICE for general information that MAPUTSOE LETSAU n NKUNYE he eg s aeto eis given Gene a MASERU 100 NOTICE given for general P SO P ROS KU U NOTICE is given for general m information that p The eason o such change s sha w ong yMATELILE O MOHA HO intend my esen name o MATELILE KAMOHO surname of ofeg in the NOTICE is given for general information that NOT CE s NFORMAT gissu ven o gene a intend no m OF ITHABELENG ELIZABETH  100 WOMB MAHLOMOLA JOHANNES ON MASERU CONo AC R tifi 58077125 KATLEHO EMMANUEL NKAOTA intend changing my SAFE W MCLEANING NO mm FOR MORE ARBOTIONS KARABO MORENABONA intend changingm my KU U MOKOENA 00% GUARANTEE Noti h b n h W n nd pp NUMB o d op o d changing my present surname of MATELILE to The eason o such a change s ha w ong y changing my present surname of MATELILE to that present surname of NKAOTA to that of LEBOTSA in MA U assumed NKUNYE As my su name whe eas my register of the register General LETSAU n he egin s eregister o he eg e present surname of MORENABONA to that of BABA ENTERPR O N N  DISCHARGEU U THABANG ANDREAS n send that M of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the of MOTLALEPULA theKAMOHO G of the register General the register CONSULT DR SE V CTOR QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON of the register MAFOSO in the registerWOMAN of the register General C N C M WOMEN’S CLINIC ApCHANGE 1992 OF n SURNAME N MO U D d o mmo b p op d und No 30082 227 NOTICE on 21 OF PA Ns FREE SAME Tis ME assumed KAMOHO As my su name whe easON myA NUM register General  FAMILY PLANNING General The reason of such w a change is that I wrongly gh su name TSANE The reason of a change that I wrongly The reason of such a change is that I wrongly The osuTA a ochange s ha NOTICE OF CHANGE OFisSURNAME 2000 124 NOTICE OF CHANGE OFSSURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME M such M The reason of suchNOTICE a changeOF is that I wrongly my p eason esen name KAMOHO WOMEN’S CLINIC The reason ofsuch such a change that I wrongly assumed NKAOTA As my surname whereas FOR my right MORE OUR RV C whereas NC UD  STD INFECTIONS ou o U A MO OK NG n p o assumed MORENABONA As my surname DR RMATELILE INFORMATION m mmy surnameCHANGE OOF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that 100% GUARANTEE su names sng LETSAU SAFE ARBOT ONS assumed As whereas my NOTICE is given general assumed As myfor surname whereasinforma my KUNOTICE U A is m given m w m for general information that NOTICE is given for general information surnames is LEBOTSA. Agh pe sons hav ob ec on o hthat sMATELILE change o is given NOTICE for general information that m 100% GUARANTEE assumed NKUNYE As my whereas my my right surnames is MAFOSO. U w ABORT ONobjection % to this assumed KAMOHO As my name w right surnames Noti e he eby ven o he pub ha  MORNING MO OVITALINA O MAFTER U intend UPILLS Nsurname N is MOTLALEPULA. right surnames isg MOTLALEPULA . su MOSITO MOSITO intend changing my LETSAU n he eg s e o he eg s e All persons having change of MORAPELI GREKORI MATELILE intend h o n on nd o h bu d n nd o h d opm n PETER p o MASAENE TSIU changing my MASEKOATI GLADYS KAMOHO intend changing All persons having objection to this change of m MOKOENA CELLAll+266 569885 8 MARY intend changing CONSULT: DR VICTOR A sons ob CLEAN ec on TIME oAll hem h s change ow to this PAIN FREE, SAME TIME persons having MALINEO objection change MATELILE of PAIN FREE, SAME QU CK AND SO ON persons having objection to change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the su pe name a ehav sed odge n wmy ng present surname of MOSITO to that of POLAKI CALL: +266 50261481/ my present of this MATELILE right surname isng SITSANE. m surname are advised to lodge to the present surname of KAMOHO to thatm of present surname ofadv TSIU to thato of NKOPE in the present surname to that surname are advised to lodge them in writing to of MATELILE a+2surname ed memo andum o Ato theo the ato are advised to lodge them in writing ghp su names s surname LETSAU A ofthem in writingmy mp d n n P O No 30082 227 u d BU HA BU H DURBAN AR SAME A on P register n SAFE The eason o such ain change NO mm 8363 008 MOTLALEPULA the registers ofha DR RITA su aFOR e having adv sedobjection oNFORMAT odge to hem w MOTLALEPULA ng of o in the • register of the ARBOTIONS General the ON DAY w w m +27 730823341 SAFE ARBOTIONS register of the register General in the register of the register General in the register of the register BLETSAU OOD CONTRO MORE MINISTRY OF HOME o name he All persons thisnchange MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS m m AFFAIRS w QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON I wrongly General No 30082 227 h d b Ch u o MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS of such a change is that o g na n he offi e o he eg a o N H M TheNreason P.P.BOX 174 A pe sons hav ng ob ec on o h s General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly The reason of such a change is that I wrongly LADYBRAND. OFICKSBURG, O H G O assumed KAMOHO As my su name w P.P.BOX 174 he WOMB AN NG 100 m OPENP.P.BOX MON SUNDAY CELL: +266 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS W C 17456988518 • PAIN FREE FOR MORE INFORMATION QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON The reason of such a change is that I CONSULT DR V CTOR MASERU As assumed MOSITO As my surname whereas my The reason of such a change is that I wrongly surname are advised to lodge them in writing MASERU 100 assumed TSIU As my surname whereas my right assumed KAMOHO my surname whereas my N N M NP.P.BOX 174 A p on h n ob tion o h u o h d mop qu m d o odCONSULT: h mO nDR VICTOR MAPUTSOE NO MASERU 100 D mm Y P ANN NG TD Any pe on ng ob eoAs tion o hem u h wh an AM assumed MATELILE my surname su aDGE ehav adv odge n ghname su names s sed LETSAU assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is POLAKI. MASERU BR LADYBRAND +27783637008 MASERU 100 surnames is NKOPE. right surnames is LETSAU . LOST FOR MORE INFORMATION • o h WOMB CLEANING N MO DR R TARS MN STRY OF HOME AFFA to the right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . w MEMORANDUM tin om h pub All persons tion notiDR % H o Nh M nd U U Nw h n h N3 w RITA to this change of NTMANThaving NUAFFA H Aright surnames is MOTLALEPULA. A A MA MAK MAN N SAN RYAPPO O All HOME ANOW RS having objection OF M HOME All objection to this change of persons objection to this changew of h n 21 day M persons N STRY OF N MN ON O having O O All persons having objection F MON.-SUNDAY CKSBURG OPEN Ahe pe sons havong ob ec on to o this h sc All persons having objection to this change ofBOX BABA ENTERPRISE CONSULT: VICTOR CELL: +266 VAGINAL DISCHARGE CELL 57RS 894 728to msurname w• are w advised to 56988518 lodge them in writing P PUBOX surname are 174 advised to +266 lodge DR them in writing are NOTICE advised to lodge them in writing to W M MA AN & CO u Mo o n CA DR MO surname O Pm P NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME OF CHANGE OF SURNAME surname are advised to lodge them in writ m O O O M O NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME 2000/124 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the CANTACT 57648516 P P BOX 174 M W NOTICE is given for general information that the the +27 730 405 106 to the NO100 D general information mm BOOK ME NOTICE is given for general information that MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND NOTICE is given for general information that NOTICE is givenW for general information suthatname a ANYT e adv sed o odge hem n m AN NOTICE is given for MASERU that Plost/ O Bo 534 C Nthat R the2 aboveOOR Noticew isMANON hereby given to the public mentioned company has RITA CELL: + 266 50073516/ MASERU +27 632 860 O O M U AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF m HOME M MOSITO PETER MOSITO intend changing my MORAPELI GREKORI MATELILE intend changing HDR AN MA27MASAENE U U AN ATSIU intend N VITALINA changing my MASEKOATI GLADYS KAMOHO intend changing OPEN MON.-SUNDAY YEARS EXPER MALINEO MARY MATELILE intend changing MINISTRYsurname OF HOME AFFAIRS toENCE misplaced its memorandum of Association and intends to apply for duplicate MASERU 100 N HAofAM A A MA MON AN UN to MINISTRY MINISTRY OF HOMEinAFFAIRS present surname of MOSITO to that of POLAKI my present of MATELILE FICKSBURG M OF HOME AFFA RS that of M U TSIU to that of NKOPE the present surname of KAMOHO to that of STRY M opo my present surname of MATELILE that of heN MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS OFmy HOME AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS originalsP inO theBo office 11341 of the registrar of companies. +277 38283534 +266 57 894present 728surname MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND 174 OPEN MON SUNDAY P.P.BOX 174 in the register of the register MOTLALEPULA mADYBRAND wCEof Othe CHANGE in P.P.BOX the register ofA theCELL: register General P.P.BOX register of the register General174 inw the register ofNOTICE the register General M MOTLALEPULA in the register register NO SURNAME PASURNAME N FREE SAME DAY CK BURG ON Nwrongly M OF CHANGE OF P.P.BOX P.P.BOX 174 Any having objection to such an issuance should lodge them DDperson N in writing N Bu M h ND m m OO LETSAU P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100 General FICKSBURG MA RU Bu DD h 460 BOOK ANYTIME The reason174 of such a change isM that IM S STER KARABO P P BOX 174 General The reason of such a change 100 is that I wrongly The reason of such a change is that I wrongly MASERU WOMEN’S CLINIC LADYBRAND, MASERU MASERU 100 +27 632 860 271 within 21 days to, MASERU BR DGE LADYBRAND NOT MOSITO CE OFAsCHANGE OF SURNAME NO RU CE m As myNOTICE wsurname m MASERU 100 MASERU The reason of such a change is that I wrongly AND MAPUT 100 O assumed KAMOHO MASERU 100 BOOK ANYTIME assumed my The reason of such aMA change is that I wrongly surname whereas is my given assumed for QU general information that ND G57648516 O HO M N CK AsSAFE ABORT ON H whereas AN my MA assumed U U TSIU AN AAs myA surname whereas N my right CANTACT; MATELILE my surname whereas my assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is POLAKI. SAFE ABORT ON EBOHO NKUNYE is NKOPE. right surnames ism LETSAU . MASERU 100 100% GUARANTEE M N STRY HOME AFFA FROM R300.00 NOT CE s objection ventoFthis o gene a surnames n o ma on ha OPEN MON.-SUNDAY CKSBURG rightOF surnames is MOTLALEPULA . RS ND DM N ON U HO O O right surnames is MOTLALEPULA. MOSITO PETER MOSITO intend changing All persons having change of All persons having objection to this change of All persons having objection to this change of NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME A g m w this change w WOMB CLAEN NGmy NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NKUNYE S SANE All personsOF having objection this change of NOTICE CHANGE OFtoSURNAME All persons having objection tom of SISTER KARABO Sa QU CK FREE, &of SAFE PAIN SAME TIME surname are advised to lodge them KAMOHO in writing surname are chang advisedA to ng lodgees them Consu in NAM writing toANDtants surname are advised to lodge them in writing THABANG ANDREAS n end NOTICE is G given for general information that ADD AN ADD P PtoBOX 174 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND O ABORTION HO O D O HO OH NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME BOOK ANYT ME NOTICE is given for general information that NOTICE is given for general informat present surname MOSITO to that of POLAKI surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the SAFE the the to the w m VAG DMATELILE SCHARGE NTJAMORENA intend changing WOMB my SAFE a a AN Motoena WOMEN C MOELI N C RELEBOHILE CECILIA intend c ARBOTIONS QUICK SAFE C EAN NG NAL PITSO PITROS KUTU intend changing my NO mm O O& MOH HO my su Gname o KAMOHO o haMa o AND A general O et HO MA w that MINISTRY OF HOME General AFFAIRS NOTICE is given for information that OF p esen FICKSBURG MASERU 100 in the register register MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS present surname of MOELI of MOSAE in of the WOMB CLEANING mm my present surname of MATELILE to MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF HOME to AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS % GUARANTEE present surname of KUTU to that of MOKOENA P.P.BOX 174 N U U O MO O Te 5804 4612 DR MOL F P.P.BOX 174 m NKUNYE A m m w m QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON MSTD, STIU ETC STD ETC LETSAU n he eg eANYTIME eg s 174 e Gene a O the register ofP.P.BOX the register General 174 AND ADM N s KAMOHO A oONhe AU P.P.BOX HO BABA M O MOTLALEPULA the register of the P.P.BOX 174ENTERPRISE THABANG ANDREAS intend changing MASERU 100 The reason of ST such a change isinthat I wrongly BOOK in the register General MASERU 100 A N SREE AME T aME m m O ADD A Om@ AN NAM AND ADD WOMAN Nof Cthe register ALSO FAMILY PLANNING MASERU 100 a a MASERU SANE MASERU 100 The reason of such 100 change is that I wrongly ma et venews co s m • C of SAME General ON U U NUM FOR CONTACTS The reason such aDAY change is that I wrongly The eason Oosurname suchOAD a of change s ha ong y A nformat AmySOMORE FAM Y P ANN NG change is my 2000/124 HO O of HO O HAAN FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU my present KAMOHO to wthat assumed AsINFORMATION my surname M O Mm N N ………… A E ARBOT OUR RV C NC UD assumed MOELI ON As my surname whereas MOSITO The reason of such awhereas that I A m AND G A O HO MA BRIDGE assumed KUTU As my surname whereas my Masemethe Mokoats NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME PAw N FREE ABORT ON % NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME m w • CONSULT: VICTOR assumed MATELILE my surname whe U CKsurnames AND C NOTICE EAN O given ON assumed KAMOHO As my su namethat whe eas my right is MOSAE. Notice is hereby given the public the above company has lost/ DR TUM +As O general OADM MOHA HO MO O CONTACT: O M266 57751415 rightinformation surnames is NOTICE POLAKI. LETSAU in register the register General F that ND ME AT OF ADYBRAND AND MASERU m QU m for w is general right surnames is MOKOENA. NOTICE is given AND for the information that is given for general information that N to A of ON AU HO O O mentioned right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . w w m All MORE personsN having objection this change m w NTJAMORENA intend changing of my 0738111635 OR ORMAT ONMOELI toAll RELEBOHILE CECILIA MATELILE intend changing PITSO KUTU intend changing my of Association DR RITA • WOMB CLEAN NGchange of misplaced itsofmemorandum and Te intends5890 to apply5036 for duplicate ghPITROS su names s LETSAU All persons having objection to this MA Uto persons to this change of ch OF that I wrongly The reason such a change is DR MAX +objection BR Allobjection persons having present surname of MOELI to in thatwriting of MOSAE inDGE my surname areDR advised to lodge them tohaving present surname of MATELILE to to thatthis of O HO O HO A nformat O HA OOD CONTRO present surname of KUTU that OAD of MOKOENA masemethe U T V CTOR venews co s CON surname areB advised to lodge them in writing the register of the register General surname are advised to lodge them in writi ENTERPRISE MOTLALEPULA in the them register of the register originals the office of ec the on registrar of companies. CELL: +266 56988518 the A pe sons hav ng As ob oBABA hs change om@ inassumed the register ofin the register General surname are advised to lodge in writing ON A NUM • VAG NAL D NG SCHARGE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS N N M N KAMOHO my surname whereas my WOMB C AN m CONTACT 266 57751415 WHATSAPP ALSO The reason of such a change is that I wrongly to the DR R TA General O a change O MOHA M N S RY O HOME A A RS Tank HO so Motsama The reason of such is that I wrongly Notice is hereby given that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has changed its addresses 2000/124 M NO DCELL + 266 mm N M MO O as Anyname person having objection an issuance assumed MOELI As my to reason ofOF such a change is that I wrongly AM Y ANN NG TD su o odge hem nw ng oshould lodge them in writing P P BOX CELL 730 405 106 the whereas my +27The MINISTRY HOME AFFAIRS right surnames is sed LETSAU . to such assumed KUTU a As e myadv surname whereas my 50073516 894 28is MOSAE. surname follows: MO OFright HOME AFFAIRS 0738111635 assumed MATELILEFROM As my surname M whereas my MA U surnames Notice is hereby given to the 5903 public that 7274 the above mentioned company has MINISTRY lost/ +266 Te N N MN ON U O H TO O O NTMAFFAIRS NT NOW right surnames MOKOENA. P.P.BOX 174 M MAK N AN AOF O MINISTRY HOME within 21is days to, right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . P.P.BOX 174 860 MASERU All persons having objection to this change OPEN of he +2 632 2 O FROM O O MON.-SUNDAY All persons having objection tomisplaced this change its memorandum of Associationvenews and intends to apply +277 38283534 All persons having objection to this change of P.O. Box 0813 677 Fairview O O O MRoad O MASERU 100BR CA P.P.BOX 174 All persons having objection to this change of ONofA nformat NUM adverts@ co for sduplicateMASERU are advised to lodge them in writing to MASERU DGE LADYBRAN 100 surname m m DR MO O property regisM O O EN MON UNDA CANTACT; 57648516 surname are advised to lodge them in writing Maseru West 105 Lower Thetsane surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NOTICE is hereby given that I intent to apply for a certified copy of a registered Title Deed/Lease to immovable originals in the office of the registrar of companies. MASERU the O O M U surname are advised to lodge them in writing to MASERU 100 NO C D mm BRIDGE, LADYBRAND N LADYBRAND MASERU to the BasementM Mapetla HUHouse N M U the U 15TH/APRIL/2009 N P/ Bag 11645 in N the favour of LETSABISA MALEBANYE MA ERU BR DGE AD BRAND NO CE O CHANGE O SURNAME YEARS EXPER BLOEMFONTE N MStreetNo. Any person having objection to such an issuance should lodge them in writing tered under 11294-159 on in respect of MON UN MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS OF ADDRESS NOT CE OF CHANGE Kingsway Maseru 100 M N STRY OF HOME AFFA RS ENCE FICKSBURG the MINISTRY O AND AU OF NAHOME MAAFFAIRS N P.P.BOX O HA 174 O NO CE KO HA m 00PLOT CK BURG mADYBRAND w R300 w P.P.BOX 174 OF CHANGE OF SURNAME MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS N M developments express orFROM Maseru right or interest LesothoON within 21 days to, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME PA N FREE SAME DAY CK BURG M on and to the buildings(s) NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME P.P.BOX 174 NOTICE Every and other implied in certain no. 14324-040 N NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME



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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that ITHABELENG ELIZABETH MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that KARABO MORENABONA intend changing my present surname of MORENABONA to that of MAFOSO in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MORENABONA As my surname whereas my right surnames is MAFOSO. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that KATLEHO EMMANUEL NKAOTA intend changing my present surname of NKAOTA to that of LEBOTSA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed NKAOTA As my surname whereas my right surnames is LEBOTSA. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the



NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that MASAENE VITALINA TSIU intend changing my present surname of TSIU to that of NKOPE in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed TSIU As my surname whereas my right surnames is NKOPE. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that MALINEO MARY MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that MASEKOATI GLADYS KAMOHO intend changing my present surname of KAMOHO to that of LETSAU in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my right surnames is LETSAU . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the




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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that MAHLOMOLA JOHANNES MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that MORAPELI GREKORI MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100

FROM R300.00 register of the register General within 21 tlala Motoena SISTER KARABO CELL: + 266 50073516/ WOMB CLEANING • PAIN FREE • VAGINAL DISCHARGE DR EVANS FROM All persons having objection to this chan register of the register General LADYBRAND, MASERU SISTER KA ‘Maletlala Motoena +277 38283534 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi within 21 ‘Maletlala Motoena SAFE ABORTION FROM TheABORTION reason of such a change isCANTACT that I wro : 5804 4612 +277 38283534 CELL: + 266 50073516/ ‘Maletlala Motoena SAFE surname are advised to lodge them inIABO wr STD, STI ETC The reason of such a change is that wro FROM R300.00 SAFE • WOMB CLEANING Tel: 5804 4612 CANTACT Tel: 5804 4612 LADYBRAND, MASERU assumed NKUNYE As my surname wherea Consultants Tel: 5890 5036 QUICK & SAFE +277 38283534 Tel: 5804 4612 LADYBRAND, MASERU to FAMILY the& SAFE assumed NKUNYE As my surname wherea Consultants QUICK QUICK & NOTICE OF LOST DEED DOCUMENT ALSO PLANNING • VAGINAL DISCHARGE right surname is SITSANE. FROM R300.00 R300.00 LADYBRAND, MASERU tlala Motoena Sales Consultants WOMB CLEANING methe Mokoatsi rightCLEANING surname is SITSANE. WOMB FROM C tlala Motoena SISTER KA WOMB Sales Consultants ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU All persons having objection to this chan FROM R300.00 SISTER KA CELL: + 266 50073516/ 5804 4612 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi ‘Maletlala Motoena MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS All persons having objection to this chang ::: 5890 5036 • Tankiso Motsamai STD, STI ETC STD, STI E SAFE ABO 5804 4612 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi‘Maletlala Motoena Tel: 5890 5036 surname are advised to lodge them in wr STD, STI 5804 ETC174are advised SAFE ABO BRIDGE Tel: 4612 P.P.BOX surname to lodge them in wr +277 38283534 Tel: 5890 5036 ALSO FAM • QUICK & Tel: 5903 7274 ALSO FAMILY PLANNING Tel: 5804 4612 to FAMILY the PLANNING Tel: 5890 5036 QUICK & ALSO MASERU 100 to the CONTACT: 266 57751415 methe Mokoatsi FIND MEC WOMB • iso Motsamai WE DELIVER STAFF!!! LADYBRAND, MASERU methe Mokoatsi Tankiso Motsamai FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU WOMB C ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU BRIDGE 5890 5036 0738111635 STD,• STI E 5903 5036 7274 ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Tel: 5903 7274 ::: 5890 Tankiso Motsamai STD, STI E FROM R300.00 BRIDGE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Tel: 5890 5036 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME Tankiso Motsamai CONTACT BRIDGE ALSO+FAM CELL: 26 P.P.BOX 174 Tel: 5890 5036 ALSO FAM Tel: 5903 7274 P.P.BOX 174 NOTICE 266 is given for general information CONTACT: 57751415 FIND+27 ME Tel: 5903 7274 iso Motsamai MASERU 100 CONTACT: 266 57751415 FIND ME iso Motsamai MASERU 100 THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend chan Tankiso Motsamai NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS BRIDGE 0738111635 Motsamai 5903 7274 7274 LADYBRAN Sales Consultants Tankiso BRIDGE 0738111635 my present surname of KAMOHO to tha :: 5903 Tel: 5903 7274 CONTACT Notice is 5903 hereby given SECO Group Tel: 7274 NOTICE OFinCHANGE OFthat SURNAME FROM R30 NOTICE ‘Maletlala Motoena CONTACT LETSAU the register of the register Gene NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information

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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that RELEBOHILE CECILIA MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the



NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that RETSEPILE JEANETT MATELILE intend changing my present surname of MATELILE to that of MOTLALEPULA in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MATELILE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that NTSESE GLADYS MACHINE intend changing my present surname of MACHINE to that of MOTAUNG in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MOCHINE As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOTAUNG . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that NTJAMORENA MOELI intend changing my present surname of MOELI to that of MOSAE in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed MOELI As my surname whereas my right surnames is MOSAE. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the


NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing my present surname of KAMOHO to that of LETSAU in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my right surnames is LETSAU . All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100


Notice by M.A.m Motebang NOTICE is given for O general information that w Adv. RU AND MA UT situated at THETSANE MASERU URBAN AREA on Plan No 11294-159 as held by Chief MA Surveyor. TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present All persons having objection to the issue of the said copy are requested to lodge themsurname in writingoftoNKUNYE the Land to Registrar within that of SITSANE in the DD weeks from the last publication of the Sales N Consultants N M ND DD register of the register General three notice. ‘Maletlala Motoena N is that I wrongly ND G O HO M N The reason ofWOMEN such a change % As GUARAN EE Tel: 5804 4612 assumed NKUNYE my surname whereas my ND DM N ON U HO O O A N REE AME ME ADDRESS APPLICANT’S NAME AND ADDRESS right surname is SITSANE. O REGISTRAR HO O D O HO OH A E objection ARBO ON All persons having to this change of LAND SEBOPEHO MALEBANYE ‘Masemethe Mokoatsi MASERU RO ER M S PTY TD REG NO 168 96 QU advised K AND to EAN O ON in writing O O MOH HO st surname are lodge them LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX 5045890 5036 Tel: MORE N ORMA ON M U NOT CE he eby g ven haBOTHOBA-PELO he above mentioned ompanyto hathe o OR o ON m p a DR edV OR LEROTHOLI ROAD HA LIBE U ON NUM he CeCE tifi a e o n o po MOHALE’S ation and w he o app y o he e ue he a dA COMPANY NOT DR R P.O.BOX 11856 HOEK MINISTRY OFoHOME AFFAIRS

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MASERU 100 WOMEN’S CLINIC SISTER P P BOXKARABO 174 MASERU 100 g v n No h ANYTIME by h HASECO G ou HABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO BOOK m O BO O O BOOKis ANgiven Tm ME MASERU 100 general information NOTICE for that NOTICE is given for general informat CANTACT; 100% GUARANTEE QU CK SAFE ABORT ON 57648516 m m KAMOHO RETSEPILE MATELILE intend changing SAFE ABORTION MASERU 100 THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend c MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS o ow MA FREE, RU URBAN A N C JEANETT PAIN SAMEAR TIME my present surname of MATELILE to that of E SAU G WOMB CLAEN NG my OF present surname of KAMOHO to NOTICE OF CHANGE SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME QUICK & SAFE NOTICE CHANGE OF SURNAME SAFE ARBOTIONS WOMEN’S CLINIC P.P.BOX 174 wregister R OF w the register m G SISTER KARABO MOTLALEPULA in the register of mthe FROM w general LETSAU inw the register of NOTICE is given for information that NOTICE is given for general information that VAG NAL D SCHARGE QUICK AND CLEAN SO ON100% GUARANTEE General NOTICE is given THABANG for general information WOMB CLEANING JEANETT MATELILE SAFE ABORTION The reason of such a change isthat that I ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing m TIME KAMOHO A mRETSEPILEm w m intend changing MASERU 100 PAIN FREE, SAME O ofBox my 0813 The reason of changeof is that I wrongly FOR MORE INFORMATION my such presenta surname MATELILE toP that present surname of KAMOHO to that of whe assumed KAMOHO As my surname QUICK & SAFE PITSO PITROS KUTU intend changing my E MATELILE SAU SAFE ARBOTIONS m assumed STD, STI ETC MOTLALEPULA the registerwhereas of the register As myin surname LETSAU in the register of the register General CONSULT: DR VICTOR right 105 surnames is LETSAU . Mmy u W AND ON CLEANING A CLEAN NOTICE is hereby given that I intent WOMB to apply for a certified copy of a registered TitleQUICK Deed/Lease toSOimmovable prop-General The KUTU reason of to suchthat a change is that I wrongly right surnames is MOTLALEPULA present . CONTACTS of of MOKOENA ALSO FAMILY PLANNING The reason of such a change is that Isurname wrongly FOR MORE INFORMATION All persons having objection to this ch ADDR DR RITA CANhaving NAMobjection assumed As my surname whereas my m mANDwADDR AllA persons change STD, B ofmymofnthe Mregister pKAMOHO Hou assumed MATELILE Asto my this surname whereas erty ME registered under No.+13281-800 on STI 5TH ETC /AUGUST/ 2010mmin Favour MARETHABILE LIKELELI SEKHIBA CELL: +266 56988518 CONSULT: DRFLORENCE VICTOR surname are advised DR TUM right surnames is LETSAU . to lodge them in w inin the register General FIND AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU M PLANNING surname advised them writing to CLINIC the right surnames is MOTLALEPULA . AND R G RAR KOareHA O to lodge WOMAN’S ALSO FAMILY DR RITA +27783637008 All persons having objection to this change of the AND MOHAU SEKHIBA respect of All persons having objection to reason this change of w m m K ng ysurname Sa change CELL: +266 56988518 DR MAX + The of such islodge that I in wrongly BRIDGE are advised to them writing to FIND ME AT LADYBRAND AND MASERU OPEN MON.-SUNDAY surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the AND ADM N RA ON AU HOR A AN R MAR CHOO OUR SERVICES INCLUDE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS +27783637008 the Every right266 or interest on and toALSO the BRIDGE buildings(s) and other MASERU developments express or implied Min N certain S RY OPLOT HOME 174 A A RS u As BRIDGE, LADYBRAND MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS assumedMKUTU my surname whereas my CONTACT: 57751415 WHATSAPP P.P.BOX OPEN MON.-SUNDAY m ROon HO O BO MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS • Unwanted ones ( ABORTION 100% PP BOX no.13281-800 situated at MOSHOESHOE ll MASERU URBAN AREA PlanROAD No:13281-800 as held by Chief Surveyor. P.P.BOXOF 174 FICKSBURG MASERU BRIDGE, LADYBRAND HOME AFFAIRS MASERU 100 P.P.BOX 174 CONTACT: 266 57751415 mMINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS FROM M 0738111635 right surnames is MOKOENA. No byMINISTRY Adv174M A Mo b ng MASERU 100 P.P.BOX FICKSBURG O BOOK BO to MARegistrar NG MASERU ANYTIME MASERU 100 P.P.BOX 174 All persons safe) All persons having objection to the issue of the said copy are requested lodge them inBOOK writing to the Land 0738111635 MASERU 100 ANYTIME having objection to this change of MASERU 100 MASERU BR DGE MLADYBRAND MA RU within three weeks fromMthe last publication of the notice. • surname areBLOOD CONTROL advised to lodge them in writing DR MOL NO C O CHANG OCHANGE URNAM BLOEMFONTE N DR MOLIFI NOTICE OF CHANGE SURNAME CON C NUM R NOTICE OFOFCHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICE OF OF SURNAME NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS • to the WOMB CLEANING ( jst 12 min) WOMAN CL N C NOTICE is given for general information that NO C m WOMAN’S CLINIC NOTICE is given for general information that Notice is APPLICANT’S hereby given that SECO Group (Pty) has changed Notice is hereby given that SECO Group (Pty) (Ltd) has AND changed its(Ltd) addresses as its addresses THABANG ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NTSESE GLADYS OUR SERVICES INCLUDE N as G AD MACH N MACHINE intend changing m my OUR ERV CE NCLUDE • to that FAMILY PLANNING, STD’s M my present surname of KAMOHO to that of present surname N of MACHINE of MOTAUNG • Unwanted m MACH MO AUNG follows: MOHAU A. SEKHIBA U wones ( ABORTION ABORT O follows: LAND REGISTRAR LETSAU in the register of the register General in the register of the register General 100% safe) G MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS FROM TO % The reason of such a change is that I wrongly The reason of such a change is that I wrongly M • BLOOD CONTROL FROM LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY P.O.BOX 1785 TO w assumed MOCHINE assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my BLOOD CONTROL P.O. Box 0813 677 Fairview Road • WOMB CLEANING ( jst 12 min) CALL DR MOLIFE P.P.BOX 174is m MOCH AsNmy surname whereas my right surnames right LEROTHOLI surnames is LETSAU . ROAD HA MABOTE P.O. Box 0813 677 Fairview Road WOMB CLEAN • FAMILY PLANNING, STD’sNG Maseru West 105 Lower Thetsane MOTAUNG A m m w . m m 100 All persons having objection to this change of • MASERU 084 3815 584 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW!!!!! All persons having objection to this change of AM LY LANN NG TD P.O.BOX 1185 100 surname are West advised to lodge them in writing to Maseru 105 Lower Thetsane MO AUNG BasementMASERU Mapetla House P/ Bag 11645 surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the CALL DR MOLIFE the MAKE AN A O NTMENT NOW A MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 Kingsway Street Maseru 100 MASERUMapetla 100 Basement House P/ Bag 11645 • 084 3815 584 m m w CALL DR MOL E MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS MON –SUN 08:00-17:00 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Maseru Lesotho NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME LADYBRAND- FICKSBURG CONTACT NUMBERS: 58861237/58778947 P.P.BOX 174 Kingsway Street Maseru 100 P.P.BOX 174 LADYBRAND- FICKSBURG 100 A R Notice by Adv. M.A. Motebang MN R O MASERU HOM A MASERU 100 NOTICEAND is given for general information that MASERU AND MON UNMAPUTSOE. MASERU MAPUTSOE. Maseru Lesotho BO CK BURG TEBOHO NKUNYELADYBRAND intend changing my present MA RU Notice by Adv. M.A. Motebang MA ERU AND MA UT OE surname of NKUNYE to that of SITSANE in the register of the register General CLINIC The reason ofWOMEN’S such a change is that I wrongly 100% As GUARANTEE assumed NKUNYE my surname whereas my PAIN FREE, SAME TIME NO C isOSITSANE. O A right surname NO having CSAFE objection ARBOTIONS All persons to this change of D CLEAN SO mmON QUICK AND surname are advised to lodge them in writing AN O FOR MORE INFORMATION to the O CONSULT: DR VICTOR DR RITA MINISTRY OF HOME m AFFAIRS O M NG +266 H O AR A N CELL: 57URBAN 894 728 P.P.BOX 174 C +27 632 860 271 MASERU 100 OPENmMON.-SUNDAY w R w BRIDGE, LADYBRAND NOTICEMASERU OF CHANGE OF SURNAME O O O NOTICE is givenFICKSBURG for general information that O mm A C THABANGADDR ANDREAS KAMOHO intend changing BOOK ANYTIME P.P.BOX 174 MASERU 100

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME NOTICE is given for general information that TEBOHO NKUNYE intend changing my present surname of NKUNYE to that of SITSANE in the register of the register General The reason of such a change is that I wrongly assumed NKUNYE As my surname whereas my right surname is SITSANE. All persons having objection to this change of surname are advised to lodge them in writing M to the




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NOTICE is hereby given that I intent to apply for a certified copy of a registered Title Deed/Lease to immovable property registered under No. 11294-159 on the 15TH/APRIL/2009 in the favour of LETSABISA MALEBANYE in respect of Every right or interest on and to the buildings(s) and M other developments express or implied in certain PLOT no. 14324-040 situated at THETSANE MASERU URBAN AREA on Plan No 11294-159 as held by Chief Surveyor. G persons having objection to the issue ofOthe said O copy are requested to lodge them in writing to the Land Registrar within All M O O O O three weeks from the last publication of the notice.






ANDsurname ADDR my present of KAMOHO to that of AND G RARof the register General R N LETSAU in theR register N a RA ON AU is HOR O BO The reasonAND of ADM such change that I wrongly RO HO RO D M R assumed KAMOHO As my surname whereas my O BO O H right surnames is LETSAU . MA RU All persons having objection to this change of CON C NUM R surname are advised to lodge them in writing to the

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22 December - 28 December 2015

By Phongwazana Sakachane Maseru-Telecommunications giant, Vodacom Lesotho hosted an entertainment-packed year end concert at Setsoto Stadium on December 18, 2015. The event was attended by thousands of people around the country with some of South Africa’s hottest acts who gave outstanding performances. Setsoto Stadium was abuzz this past Friday night as house music and hip-hop lovers congregated to indulge in their favorite local and international music. The impressive lineup included the best local and South African DJs

and musicians. The likes of Khu-

and many more musicians set the

li China, DBN Nytz, Uhuru, Black Coffee, KO, Kwesta , Dj Zinhle, Dj Shimza, Tortured Soul, Tore Dj Vesta ,J-Cob, Afro DJ, MIP, Juvy,

spectacularly transformed stadium ablaze with their hot tunes. The stage was set, the orchestra ready, and everything in place when


the man of the moment, Black Coffee, was announced. Black Coffee also span some of his biggest hits, getting the crowds dancing. Then it was time for the big show. In an interview with Relax, Uhuru said he never thought there would be such an audience when he got on stage. “It’s simply incredible. The response by the fans was humbling”. South African and local artists gave a performance that will go down in Lesotho’s music history as “unforgettable”. A lot happened last Friday night and we have picked some highlights of the event for you.



22 December - 28 December 2015

DSTV family hosts second game show By Keletso Nyareli

Six families walked away with an array of prizes during the second DSTV Lesotho's inaugural Family Summer Game Show held at Maseru mall last week Saturday. The families went home with cash prizes, airtime vouchers, grocery vouchers, plasma TVs among other goodies, for answering questions about channels and programmes offered by the digital satellite service. The participants were selected from a pool of customers who upgraded from their previous DSTV packages. Two Dastun Go cars,18 plasma television sets, 20 DSTV Explora packages, 20 DSTV subscriptions, 70 cash prices, 69 grocery vouchers, and airtime vouchers are still up for grabs. According to Dj Hally, the master of ceremony, there is still more to be won from the summer game show. He added that he was very surprised to see participants struggling to answer simple question that do not even require one to stretch their mind. He explained most of the families who lost in the game seemed to be nervous adding that he advices families to be calm in order to get all the answers correct.

Some participants at the DSTV family game show

The game show is said to end on December 30. On stage, Hally explained that the aim of the game show is to give their valued customers a chance to improve their lives and access better and bigger channels that are informative, entertaining and educative for each member of the family by simply upgrading their bouquets.

One of the winners

“Channels offer a wide range of affordable packages to choose from, and by simply choosing to upgrade from any stage between easy view to the premium packages, subscribers stand a chance to win in the competition,” said Harley. In an interview with one of the winners, Kojang Tseeiso from upper Thamae expressed her grati-

tude to DSTV. She explained they had already lost hope after losing in the first round. She added that she feels blessed and thankful for the second round where she won a Plasma TV. “These prizes have motivated us to continue to be loyal DSTV subscribers,” affirmed Tseeiso.

Lakabane to launch his debut album By Palesa Mosola Selimo Lakabane is due to launch his debut album “Dices & Tokens” on December 24, 2015. He broke into the music industry in 2009 and feels it hasn’t been an easy journey for him. Selimo’s interest in music was inspired by his late brother Sello Thabane, who was a huge influence in his life. “Dices & Tokens” is a kwaito album that features two of his latest singles You Can’t Talk To Money and Lepantsula. In his interview with Relax, Lakabane revealed that although he has been in the music industry since 2009, he was unable to officially release his first album back then because of financial challenges. He went on to reveal that 2009 was actually a difficult year for him because it marks the year he lost both his parents. According to him, the main reason he hasn’t been able to put out an album until now is a lack of resources mainly being the lack of access to a proper recording

company. We asked Lakabane about a song he feels is his favorite from the new album and he chose track seven “Lepantsula”; he feels that this track reflects his true identity. He’s really excited about the launch and wants his fans to know that the event is going to be the highlight of Lesotho’s music calendar. The supporting artists to be at the launch are Tokollo of Tkzee and the popular South African kwaito group Alaska. Locally, you can expect to see the likes of Juvy, Dj Tseko, Mookho, Moqhali, Manyofi, Dj Counter Force, and Dj Hally. He is grateful for this opportunity to finally reveal his talent to the world. Lakabane ended off our interview by taking a moment just to thank God and his late parents. The first ten people to arrive at the launch are going to receive his album free of charge and also walk away with some “Dices & Tokens” branded merchandise.

Selimo Lakabane


22 December - 28 December 2015

By Rethabile Lesesa Tlokotsi Rankone together with Eddie Poone from Eddy Foundation on Sunday hosted a Christmas party for orphans from Lesotho save the children, ‘Malibuseng children’s home and L.C.C.U. at Thaba bosiu cultural village which was graced by the presence of the Minister of Police Monyane Moleleki and Chief Khoabane Theko as well as some Basotho from different places. Every child present left with a Christmas package and encouraging words from the guests, “When you share with your fellow people, this is as good as sharing with God,” affirmed Moleleki, when expressing his appreciation for the work that the foundation is doing.

Eddy Poone Foundation

‘Parents, teachers must join hands’

Pupils marching to the hall

By Staff Reporter BUTHA-BUTHE- As 2015 draws closer to an end, Rainbow English Medium School held a graduation ceremony for students who have passed their examinations. It was during this graduation ceremony the Principal of the fast-growing school, Fumane Mofokeng, remarked to parents and guardians of the pupils that they are important in ensuring that their children reach the greatest heights in education. Mofokeng stated that parents and guardians are always around to support the school to achieve what seemed impossible by those in the budding district of Butha-Buthe and other neighbouring districts. The soft-spoken principal said her school could not be where it is today in the absence of firm support of parents whose children have to

travel as far as Hlotse in Leribe. Further addressing the parents in a hall filled to its capacity, the seasoned teacher explained that she is one of the founding members of the English Medium Schools’ Committee concerned with improving education standards in the district. A member of the School Board, ‘Mamohau Mohlotsane explained to the crowd that their school intends to occupy the top 10s spots. “We are expecting a lot from you teachers. We also need firm support from the parents,” explained Mohlotsane. “These graduates have worked hard to reach this far,” she added. As part of celebrations, teachers were also awarded certificates of appreciation in respective areas, which include cleanliness, classroom management, most devoted teacher and best English-speaking amongst others.


Poone also disclosed that the foundation has an ongoing project to build schools where there is shortage of them. The children had an opportunity to convey their gratitude to the foundation and gave Poone a letter of appreciation and a nice Christmas card, which he has not received in many years. Everyone was treated to a wellcooked meal and refreshments. The foundation intends to organize more events in the future for Basotho. The Eddy Poone Foundation was established three years ago by its Manager, Tlokotsi Rankone together with Eddy Poone. The main aim was to give back to the community, a job that Poone was already doing together with his family, friends, and business partners.


22 December - 28 December 2015

ADMACO suspends Letsie

By Tšeliso Tale MASERU- The national A Division Management Committee (ADMACO) presented Majantja Football Club Assistant Coach, Masupha Letsie, with a two-season suspension and an M5, 000 fine payable on or before January 6, 2016. This is after evidence tabled before ADMACO by representatives, that Majantja Assistant Coach Masupha Letsie was dismissed from the technical area in the second half of the match between Sky Battalion and Majantja for insulting an officiating referee during the match was held at kick4life premises on December 5, 2015. The evidence presented before ADMACO further illustrated that, after the match concluded, Masupha, followed by Majantja players, approached the referee from outside, and upon arrival, began to insult the match official. The match referee ran for his life towards a security officer in uniform, Teboho Mohlotsane, who

A Division Spokesperson, Mothusi Letsie

guided him to a safe place and in the dressing rooms. Nonetheless, the attackers had managed to get their hands on the referee. Majantja Football Club was also found guilty and was fined M10, 000 of which M5,000 has been suspended for the entire sea-

son provided they do not commit a similar offence. The M5,000 is payable within one month on or before January16, 2016. Majantja was also fined nine points suspended for the whole of the second round of 2015/16 until the first round of 2016/17.

The results of the match will not change because the incident took place after the game; Sky Battalion won the match 1-0. ADMACO’s panel of judges comprised Rantsubise Matete, Lehlohonolo Makatjane, Mifi Nteso, Mothusi Letsie and Khotso Mapepesa. Majantja’s report expressed remorsefulness and condemnation of misconduct and the act of misbehavior of its coach, players and supporters. ADMACO Public Relations Officer, Mothusi Letsie said, “The case is not over because we still have to deal with Majantja players who were involved during the attack and assaulting of the match official. There are officials in A Division involved in the attacks and the insulting of the match official. The clubs who are involved in the case like this one, which I think must end will face with action taken by ADMACO.” Meanwhile, in the case between Qoaling Highlanders and Mafeteng Stars the results will remain the same; the Highlanders have won the match 4-2 and both clubs have not been fined,” said Letsie.

Thaba-Tseka accidentally awarded overall winners’ title By Tšeliso Tale MAFETENG - The 2015 Vision 2020 Organising Committee erroneously awarded Thaba-Tseka district the overall winners’ title of the tournament instead of the rightful winners, Berea. The organizers denied Berea the right to celebrate the good job they achieved and wrongly awarded Thaba-Tseka. It is not going to be easy to return the overall trophy as it has been handed over to the office of the District Administrator of Thaba-Tseka and presented to the community of the district. Thaba Tseka has won more gold medals than any district, but with one sport code; they have won eight gold medals in athletics alone. Thaba-Tseka also won bronze medals in Taekwondo while Berea came in second with four gold medals in athletics and won gold in soccer and Taekwondo. It is high time that sports must be taken to the rightful hands, people with the technical knowhow of sports codes are embedded within the Lesotho Sports and Recreations Commission (LSRC). The LSRC is working directly with the associations, federations, while the Ministry of Gender and Youth, Sports, and Recreation (MGYSR) is capacitating through the assistance of finances.

This is not the first time MGYSR officers make a similar mistake; in 2014, during the High Altitude Summer Marathon, they wrongly awarded prizes to Mafeteng athletes. Today those athletes and the officials are suspended because they failed to return the prize money. Some of the athletes from South Af-

rica did not receive their prizes, which they demanded during the 2015 High Altitude Summer Marathon in Mokhotlong. This could be the reason why the Marathon lost popularity for some of Lesotho’s elite athletes, media sponsors. The race can still do well if organised by the involved as-

Berea Manager, Posholi Posholi

sociation, the Lesotho Armatures Athletic Association (LAAA). LSRC has been involved in different competitions throughout the years and some of its members are members of international sports committees like COSSASA and COSSANA; they have knowledge and full understanding of what ought to happen in events of this magnitude. Berea Manager, Posholi Posholi protested against the decision of awarding Thaba-Tseka with the overall winner trophy and was promised that the award will be returned to Berea. Berea Manager, Posholi said, “We were already celebrating because we calculated very well that we are the champions. I am the Secretary General of Lesotho Institutes and School Association (LISA) and Women’s Super League. The system they have used in this case is an appropriate system for a sport code event.” “But where there are more than one sport codes, it is supposed to be the team that has done well in more sport codes than other teams. In this case, we have gold in soccer and silver in Taekwondo which makes us the best district because Thaba-Tseka has won one gold with one sport code which is athletics and bronze in Taekwondo.”

22 December - 28 December 2015

Lioli overhauls Matlama

Defending champions Lioli on top again

By Tšeliso Tale LESOTHOThe defending 2014/15 Vodacom Premier League Champions, Lioli ‘Tse Nala’ closed for Christmas with a big smile. This is because they have managed to close the gap with second place Matlama, with four points on Saturday. Prior to the games played, the

weekend fixture consisted of a one point difference between the two teams after 12 games played. However, on Saturday, Lioli defeated FC Likhopo 2-1 while Matlama lost 2-0 at home to the flourishing Mphatlalatsane in a match played at Pitso Ground, Maseru. This is the second consecutive match in which Matlama fell behind expectations; their performance

during a match against FC Likhopo disappointed although they came from behind to win 2-1. Lioli will have enough time to prepare for the second round and CAF against Burundi’s side, Vital‘O FC. Vital‘O FC has won the most Burundi Premier League titles; it is well-known in Africa with 90 percent of its players in the country’s national team. In 2012, Vitals‘O FC drew 0-0 with Nigeria’s Rangers in a match played in Burundi and officiated by Basotho referees. The club is professional; it is going to be tough for Lioli to win, their national team beat Likuena 1-0 in Burundi and drew 2-2 in Maseru in 2011. Lioli has won the last five league matches to retain the top spot of the 2015/16 Vodacom Premier League; they have won more than any Lesotho Premier League club in the past ten years. On the other hand, Bantu’s ‘A Matso Matebele’ position is deteriorating. Bantu have lost four consecutive matches after they won the 2014/15 Independence Cup (Top-4). Bantu failed to secure a win at

Bantu suffers another setback By Tšeliso Tale

MASERU- The four times Independence Cup (Top-4) victors Bantu, “A Matšo Matebele” were struck with dismay when they were crushed by Lesotho Correctional Service (LCS) last Saturday and their dreams of winning the 2015/16 Vodacom Premier League title were shattered for the first time in years as they experienced four consecutive defeats. They lost four premier league matches in succession starting with 1-0 damage against Sandawana FC, which was played at Leshoboro Seeiso Sports Complex in Mafeteng a month ago. The downfall was followed by another knock-back of 1-0 loss against Kick4life three weeks ago at the same venue before losing 1-0 against Matlama in a match that was played at Setsoto Stadium two weeks ago, the stadium Bantu consider their second home ground. On Saturday, Bantu lost the forth match by 1-0 against the Lesotho Correctional Service (LCS). Few Bantu supporters attended the match and were singing hymns of encouragement. Bantu had no difficulty of collecting maximum points before; the outcome has raised concern for all Lesotho football lovers because of Bantu’s winning squad and coaches who now face a contin-

Bantu’s Seperiti attempts to tackle Lieta Lehloka (LCS)

Bantu defending LCS Striker Thabang Rabi



Leshoboro Seeiso Sports Complex for the first time in a league match against Sandawana and Kick4life. They lost against Matlama at Setsoto Stadium, a pitch considered to be their second home. On Saturday, they lost 1-0 against Lesotho Correctional Services (LCS). Bantu’s loss against LCS on Saturday was a duplicate of what transpired between Bantu and Matlama a fortnight ago. During the match, Bantu hit the pole three times. During the last 20 minutes, Bantu was all over LCS but it did not pay as they lost 0-1 since LCS goalkeeper, Daniel Jousse guarded the goalpost. Matlama, Sandawana, FC Likhopo, LCS and Bantu are the clubs with the highest chance to contest for the league title against Lioli. However, Matlama, FC Likhopo and Bantu have lost their last matches of the year. Sandawana was not fixtured because they have completed the first round match and Lioli extended the gap on top of the league table while Mphatlalatsane moved out of the relegation zone when they beat Matlama 2-0 and move up in the league.

uous losing streak. It was announced that, Motlatsi Shale would take over Bantu after the 2014/15 Top-4. Shale resigned from the club at the end of the 2013/14 Vodacom Premier League season following a disagreement with Bantu management. Katiso Mojakhomo appeared on the scene but was sacked due to poor performance. Mojakhomo claimed he could not attain the results expected because he did not receive full support from some Bantu Executive Committee (EC) members, players and the club supporters. One of Bantu’s supporters said, “We all know where the problem is, but no one is ready to face the truth and this is why there are no good results. When watching the match, some players decided not to score goals for us even when they were in a good position. Bantu EC must open a foundation where all Bantu supporters, EC and businesspeople will invest money which will be used to pay players’ salaries rather players being paid by individuals because these players will do as they wish, Bantu is at stake”. Something has to be done before something very serious happens within Bantu’s family; players and the EC must swallow their pride for the sake of the team before it is too late.


01 December - 07 December 2015

22 December - 28 December 2015

Challenges obscure Vision 2020 games By Tšeliso Tale MAFETENG-The 2015 Vision 2020 games were faced with many challenges but managed to be completed on Friday, at Leshoboro Seeiso Sports Complex in Mafeteng. The event commenced on Wednesday last week and was officially opened by the Minister of Gender and Youth, Sports and Recreation, Mathibeli Mokhothu, who also officially closed the games on Friday. The biggest challenge that affected the performance of the athletes during the games was lack of water in the entire district of Mafeteng. The organisers of the event had accommodated Qacha’s Nek and Quthing in Mohale’s Hoek because some of the accommodation facilities in Mafeteng were without water. Mafeteng also ran out of bottled water at all supermarkets forcing athletes to use water from dams in the district. In the past, the water has caused residents diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Maseru and Mokhotlong were the most affected and some of the players from Maseru had to endure hospitalization the night before the closing ceremony. Maseru went on to lose 2-1 against Berea. Mafeteng was the favorite to win the soccer event. This was after Berea defeated Mafeteng 1-0 in the semifinals and Maseru beat Leribe 5-4 during a penalty shootout after they concluded with 0-0 in the regulation time. All matches were played in 60 minutes; each half was made up of 30 minutes and in the case of a draw, the teams had to undergo a penalty shootout. Berea won gold in the boys’ soccer when they defeated Maseru

Maseru and Mokhotlong battle it out

Taekwondo captivates spectators in Mafeteng

2-1 in the final match and Maseru walked away with sliver. Mafeteng beat Leribe 4-0 to secure bronze. Berea also won gold in the taekwondo competition, which made them the best district of the tournament.

Thaba-Tseka competes in the 400 finals

They walked away with the overall championship. Thaba-Tseka won gold in athletics and bronze in taekwondo to become the second best. It was followed by Maseru in third position with two silvers in taekwondo and soccer while Mohale’s Hoek concluded fourth place with one silver in athletics. Leribe used Linare’s player while Berea used A Division Club, Sefotha-Fotha’s player who both did damage to the small players teams before the organisers expelled them from taking part in the tournament. The two players had played all the matches in the group stage, but when they got into the semifinal, they were not allowed to partake in the tournament. This was the first Vision 2020 competition to be hosted by a different district after Maseru hosted the games since the beginning of 2000. The delay of funds for the games resulted in a delay to appoint coaches and select players. This is why Mokhotlong only selected players from town as it was difficult to organize players from the villages due to restricted time. Nonetheless, Mafeteng managed to procure good catering services and construct decent facilities to host the games. There was a complaint raised by some development teams from Maseru that Maseru employs bigger players. However, this did not appear to be the case as some of the players from Maseru were left behind because of the complaint.

Lesotho Vodacom Premier League Log Standings

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