MiBihar Vihara Diwali Dhoom 2014

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Welcome note from the President October 25th, 2014

by Rachna Kumar

Dear Friends, I wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali! May the festival of lights brighten your lives and fill it with abundant happiness, health and wealth. Have a blessed Dussehra and Deepavali! Diwali is the time of rejuvenation. It is a celebration of a new beginning. MIBIHAR is ecstatic to begin another year of joyous journey toward forming new friendships, and toward marking new milestones as we celebrate our culture, heritage and humble origin from the great states of Bihar and Jharkhand in India. It is our privilege to see you all attend the 3rd Annual MIBIHAR Dussehra Diwali Dhoom in large numbers. I thank you very much for attending the show today. The MIBIHAR team has worked meticulously toward the success of the event. Everyone in the organizing committee hopes that you all have a great time tonight! In 2014, MIBIHAR major focus was on strengthening and growing its team. As many of you know that as an organization we are in our infancy years. It was crucial for us to work on making a team that’s strong, motivated and eager to give back to the community. I am very happy to inform you all that we have the best team of volunteers in our group this year. They all have the selfless drive to make MIBIHAR the best it has ever been. I’m extremely proud of the current team. Unlike previous years, MIBIHAR began the year with its annual picnic celebrated on July 26th at the Boulan Park in Troy. The picnic was very well attended by over 100 guests who enjoyed delicious food, fun games, bounce house, melodious singing and more. The MIBIHAR camaraderie was evident as both the organizers and the guests bonded over food and fun activities. The kids were the highlight as usual! The MIBIHAR collectively made a decision of skipping the annual Holi event this year to concentrate on team building and overall organization growth. Although, many of our membership missed this fun event, they understand how crucial the decision was to the health of this young organization. We concentrated onincreasing the number of team members and strengthening the financials instead. I’m pleased to inform everyone that we are back! We are back with all our three mega events of the year – Holi in spring, Picnic in summer and Dussehra Diwali in fall. Our events are going to be bigger and better. You will not want to miss any MIBIHAR events. I would urge you all to stay connected with us. Share your contact information with us so we can stay in touch with you. We would also like to hear from you. Let us know your ideas on how we can improve ourselves and make it a congenial, friendly community for you. Please consider joining MIBIHAR team of volunteers. On the left: A eclectic performance from MiBihar Diwali 2013. The team performed ‘once more’ on audience demand

Welcome note from the President by Rachna Kumar We are always looking for talented and motivated people with the desire of community service. Let me know, if you would be willing to give us your time. Time commitment and dedication to your volunteer task is all we ask for. I invite you to join the MIBIHAR team. MIBIHAR takes pride in encouraging young children in the community. We provide a platform for our kids to showcase their talents and efforts. This organization was formed to give our children a chance to form friendships, learn culture, take part in social and charitable events, gain self Another beautiful performance at Diwali-2013 reliance, confidence and most importantly grow up as productive members of the society. Event like this gives our children a unique opportunity that might not be possible so easily in any other way. These are the experiences that our children will remember all their lives. The kids feel comfortable growing up in a nurturing environment that we provide. MIBIHAR is working hard to keep up this mission and vision of the organization.

In a continuous efforts to give back to our community, MIBIHAR since inception has always supported local charities. Keeping up with the tradition this year we are promoting charities like MAI Family Services, Autism Foundation and Bone Marrow Drive. I urge all the guests to visit their informational booths at the event tonight. Feel free to donate your time or money to the causes that are important to MIBIHAR and to the society as a whole. We do this for the betterment of our fellow citizens and also to be a good role model for our young generation. I sincerely hope that you have an enjoyable evening. The food is scrumptious, cultural program is entertaining, decorations are beautiful, ambience is friendly, but most importantly we have a lovely audience like you! We are happy to have your company and look forward to many more fun gatherings with all of you. Thanks for attending. I’m very appreciative of your love and support! Sincerely, Rachna Kumar President MIBIHAR – 2014 info@mibihar.com (248)835-2528 Rachna was born in Patna and brought up in New Delhi in India. She has a Master of Arts and Journalism Degree from the University of Delhi. She is married to Saurabh Kumar and has two lovely kids Riya and Sanchit. The family stays in Troy, Michigan. Rachna is a Financial Professional and an active volunteer for several community service and cultural organizations. She has been a radio host in her early career. Rachna has been with MiBihar ever since its inception in 2011. For past two years, she has been leading the organization as its president.

ववद्या ददातत ववनयं ववनयाद्यातत पात्रताम ् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोतत धनाद्धमं ततः सख ु म ्॥

तक्षशिला नालन्दा का इततहास लौट कर आयेगा|

Nalanda University:

Back to school after 8 Centuries!! True knowledge gives humility, from humility comes worthiness| From worthiness one gets wealth, with wealth happen good deeds, from good deeds come joy|| Likely, similar were the principles of life, once taught at Nalanda University– world’s oldest seat of learning. This ancient University functioned from 413 CE to 1193 CE. Nalanda attracted research scholars from all over the world. It had students from China, Japan, Korea and countries across southeast, central and western Asia. Although the school infrastructure itself was burnt to ashes over 8 centuries ago, much of its might got referenced in the literature created by its students and visitors. Fa Hien, a Chinese pilgrim visited Nalanda in the first half of fifth century and has left records of what he saw. Hieuen Tsiang, another Chinese traveler, visited Nalanda at the beginning of 7th century CE. He left behind detailed information on Nalanda as a university. He was a student at Nalanda for seven years, before working there as a professor. In an article in The Economic Times on October 16, 2014, India’s Vice-President Md. Hamid Ansari recalls his recent visit to X'ian city in China when he visited the Ancient Pagoda where thousands of manuscripts translated by Hieuen Tsiang from Sanskrit to Mandarin, were on display. Ansari said Nalanda University was the first institution of higher learning in the world.

भारत का स्वर्णिम गौरव केंद्रीय ववद्यालय लायेगा|| These two lines in the school prayer, probably didn’t mean much at the time, But on September 1st 2014, when I heard of classes starting at the Revived Nalanda University, it was a moment of pride. I instantly started to rhyme the school prayer after more than a decade.

It was a moment of pride for Bihar. We knew, Nalanda had to be the focus of Vihara2014. Back to School after 8 Centuries, is a composure of information from several sources, including Newspapers, Documentaries & internet. I hope you enjoy reading it. This year’s Vihara has introduced several new categories. It is also almost 40% more in page count than 2013. This wouldn’t have happened without the support from our authors & our members specially Swati & Abhishek of the publication team as well as other members like Payal, Vinita, Sanjeev & Rachna. . My sincere thanks goes to everyone. I look forward to hearing comments from our readers and hope to present a further enhanced Vihara-2015. Enjoy Amit Ranjan Disclaimer: MiBihar does not own any content presented in Vihara. Any concerns for the presented material, must be addressed to the respective author.

Continued on Next Page… A brief introduction to myself: I was born and brought up at Ranchi, Bihar in India. I am an alumnus of BIT Mesra Ranchi, India & University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. I work for Cummins Inc. & live at Columbus, Indiana. My immediate family consists of my parents and two sisters located at Ranchi, Mumbai-India & Kassel-Germany. I enjoy photography, driving, doing hands-on work on machines & cooking. I have been with MiBihar since its inception in 2011, beginning as the event photographer, then as the editor of our magazines and currently serving as the Vice-President.

Hieuen recorded that in 7th century, there were around 10,000 students and 200 0 professors at Nalanda University. The alumni of Nalanda were highly respected both inside and outside of India. Most alumni went on to become advisors and ministers in courts of Kings of the time. Several turned into pre-eminent interpreters and translators of religious scriptures in many languages. Nalanda gathered some of the best scholars of the country as professors & administrators. Among the many outstanding Chancellors of Nalanda were: Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dinnaga, Dharmakirthi, Shantharakshita, Dharmapala and Shilabhadra. Several inscriptions have been discovered among the ruins of Nalanda giving further details. When missile man Dr. Abul Kalam mooted the revival of Nalanda University in 2006, he had similar vision for the quality of education & scholars Nalanda would produce. A twelve member mentor group led by Novel laureate & Harvard economist Amartya Sen, was formed to instate the being of such a vision. The group was later renamed to ‘Governing Board of Nalanda University’. It now consists of distinguished academicians from Harvard University, USA; Peking University, China; National University of Singapore; Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan; London School of Economics, UK; Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Baruch College, USA; Pune University, India and government ministers from Singapore & India.

Statue of Hsuan Tsang in Nalanda University

Professor Amartya Sen has been appointed as the first chancellor of the revived Nalanda University which reopened after nearly 800 years on September 01, 2014. Jeffrey E. Garten, former dean of Yale School of Management and professor of international trade & finance authored an article in The New York Times on December 09, 2006 titled “Really Old School”. The article outlines a comparison between the ancient Nalanda and the vision for its revival. It speaks about the importance of such center of excellence as a top flight system of higher education and also as a peaceful & constructive interaction of the Asian nations into pooling their individual strengths for betterment of the region. The article also touches on the investment commitments from various countries on the project. The proposed investment in 2006, was $1billion of which $500million was towards development of the university infrastructure itself and $500million towards development of the region around it. Garten goes on saying: “The University was an architectural and environmental masterpiece. It had eight separate compounds, 10 temples, meditation halls, classrooms, lakes and parks. It had a nine-story library where monks meticulously copied books and documents so that individual scholars could have their own collections. It had dormitories for students, perhaps a first for an educational institution, housing 10,000 students in the university’s heyday and providing accommodations for 2,000 professors. Nalanda was also the most global university of its time, attracting pupils and scholars from Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia and Turkey.” Government of India in 2010, brought the special ‘Act of Nalanda University’ formally bringing Nalanda University in existence. The university was inaugurated by the Minister of External Affairs, Govt of India – Sushma Swaraj on September 19, 2014. She announced the sanction of Rs.27,27Crores (~$500million) from Government of India apart from roughly 500acres of land close to the ruins of the ancient university, provided Nalanda University: Back to School after 8 centuries

"I'm hoping this project can bring China and India closer together, two great countries, representing two great civilizations of East Asia and South Asia,” : said George Yeo, a former Singaporean Foreign Minister and head of the Nalanda international advisory panel.. by the Govt. of Bihar, for the revived university. She announced processes to encourage outstanding faculty and students to this institution. This included scholarship for students from CLMV (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Burma, and Vietnam) countries. Sushma went of saying: “The endeavor of Nalanda was to promote an understanding of Knowledge in all the dimensions and to connect this with the society that it existed in. Nalanda was the bridge and Nalanda was the fountain, the new Nalanda University will seek to revive the tradition. ” The Times of India, in its article of September 1st 2014, “Nalanda University reopens” talks about international collaboration for bringing up the revived university: “The University is an initiative of the Indian government and the 18 East Asia Summit (EAS) countries. During his trip to Brunei in October 2013, then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had inked agreements with seven EAS countries — Australia, Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei, New Zealand, Laos and Myanmar — that have pledged their commitment to the project. China has committed $1 million for the project and a MOU on this was signed during Manmohan Singh's visit to Beijing in November 2013. Singapore has pledged $5-6 million and Australia about $1 million Australian dollars.”

Furthermore, the article talks about the architecture of the upcoming university: “In May 2013, the Nalanda board had approved the architectural plan of the university, proposing a massive lake at the centre of the campus. A library & a huge dome-shaped structure, would come up in the middle of the lake and be half submerged.” The Hindu on June 05, 2013 detailed further: “Plans to build a new campus took shape a few days ago when the international jury comprising four architects from Singapore, Japan, China and India and three members from the University chose the winning design from an international competition. Of the eight proposals submitted by pre-qualified architectural firms, including five from abroad, the jury selected the design drawn by Vastushilpa Consultants, a well known architecture firm based in Ahmedabad for its

Winning Architectural plan for new Nalanda

“conceptual planning, clarity of thought and ability to take forward the vision of Nalanda.” The ancient Nalanda University was devoted to Buddhist studies, but it also trained students in fine arts, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, politics and the art of war. Slated to be fully functional by the year 2020, new Nalanda will establish seven Schools: Historical Studies; Ecology and Environment Studies; Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Comparative Religions; Linguistics and Literature; International Relations and Peace Studies; Information Science and Technology, and Economics and Management. The schools plan to offer Master’s, M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees. The school of Historical Studies and The school of Ecology & Environmental Sciences have formally started in September 2014. The classes are being held at a nearby convention hall of the state government. Nalanda University: Back to School after 8 centuries

Excavated Remains of ancient Nalanda

The new Nalanda University plans to have a faculty to student ratio of 1:8. The university is on lookout for accomplished academicians across the globe. The university review committee is focused on demonstrated good record of teaching, research and publications. The university requires its professors to assist in developing a body of courses in their areas and contribute to developing the curriculum for the schools as a whole. All faculty will need to teach and supervise theses at Masters’ and MPhil levels. In addition, university expects the individuals to support in establishment of remaining schools. The university claims to offer salary and benefits which will be internationally competitive. It is also supporting VISA processing & relocation for hired faculties, which is uncommon for Indian Universities.

At current, The School of Historical Studies has six faculty members out of which two are international hires one each from USA & Singapore. The School of Ecology & Environment Studies is running with four faculty members out of which, one is an international hire from Germany. The ancient Nalanda university is said to have been very selective of the students which it undertook. Some literatures reference that even the gatekeepers at Nalanda University were very knowledgeable and played a role in admission process. Visitors were intellectually challenged on philosophical questions by the gate keepers, only the successful ones would enter and become students of the university. At the new Nalanda University, from over 1,400 applicants, just 15 were accepted for the two disciplines - Historical Sciences and Environment & Ecology. Defending the tiny student population, Vice Chancellor Gopa Sabharwal said, "We are a research university and we wanted only the best." The 15 students include a Bhutan University Dean on study leave and a post graduate in Buddhist studies from Japan. Each discipline of the University, at its capacity would target 20 students, per term. The university is to be established at Rajgir, which is around 100KMs from the state capital of Bihar. Several people have posed severe doubts for feasibility & success of such a mega project in one of the most underdeveloped states of India. Prof Altbach, an expert on world-class universities says:” "The site of an academic institution is important. Nalanda may attract a certain number of big thinkers, but academics like to be where the infrastructure is. They want culture and amenities and coffee shops, and a wider community of intellectuals than that on campus". Some others are optimistic for the plans. They take reference of the destruction of Nalanda University in the past and its re-establishment. Some literatures suggest that Nalanda University got destroyed three times by invaders, but rebuilt only twice. The first destruction was to its library, by the Huns under Mihirakula during the reign of Skandagupta (455–467 CE). But Skanda’s successors restored the library and improved it with an even bigger building.

A gallery in the mighty building, shows a well developed drainage system

Nalanda University: Back to School after 8 centuries

The second destruction came in the early 7th century by the Gaudas. This time, the Buddhist king Harshavardhana (606–648 CE) restored the university. The third and most destructive attack was when the ancient Nalanda University was destroyed by the Turkish leader Bakhtiyar Khilji in 1193. It is said that black smoke from the 9 million manuscripts in Nalanda’s libraries piled the area for several months. Only a few monks were able to escape with hand full of scriptures. It is believed that Buddhism as a major religion in India had a setback for hundreds of years due to the loss of the religious texts during the attack. And, since then, the NU has not been restored until the recent developments. It is believed that Buddhism as a major religion in India had a setback for hundreds of years due to the loss of the religious texts during the attack. And, since then, the NU has not been restored until the recent developments. With the commitment from an international community, hopes are now high for revival of the university. A huge amount of infrastructure is planned for Bihar, including roads and an international airport at Gaya, with the Bihar State government fully committed to the university project.

Bihar, has also emerged as India's fastest growing state with economic growth of 12% in the year 2013. The Governing Board of Nalanda’s leader and Chancellor of the Nalanda University Professor Amartya Sen commented: “Our job is to get the university going and to establish the teaching. But this is just the beginning – the old Nalanda took 200 years to come to a flourishing state. We may not take 200 years but it will take some decades I think.” External Affairs Minister Shushma Swaraj during inauguration of the university, went on saying: Nalanda is not just a university, it’s a tradition. And traditions don’t die, because of circumstances, they some times tend to disappear. Those who believe in them, bring them back again.

ववदे ि मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज : नालंदा एक ववश्वववद्यालय नहीं एक परमपरा का नाम है । और परम्परायें कभी मरती नहीं, पररस्स्ितत वि कभी कभी लुप्त सी हो जाती हैं। लेककन उनमे आस्िा रखने वाले लोग उन परम्पराओं की िरु ु आत दब ु ारा जरूर करते हैं ।

Akhil Autism Foundation (AAF) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) registered with the State of New Jersey. Our mission is to educate, support and research Autism and bring a hope in autism community. We provide a helping hand to parents and ensure that the latest information is available to both parents and the medical profession. Autism is a neurological developmental disorder that begins at birth or within the first two and a half years of life Communication, Social interaction and Behaviors are the major concerns. It is widely accepted that Autism is just a twist of fate, and behavior therapy and drugs are the few known treatment options. In fact now a wide variety of treatment options are available that can be helpful. Some treatments may also lead to such great improvements that they can place the person on the path towards recovery and reversal from Autism!. In Oct 2009, we sponsored first Defeat Autism Now (DAN) doctor for India. Since 2009, India DAN doctor has been treating children with alternative biomedical protocol and foundation has been providing Methyl B12 first treatment to Indian parents. In Dec 2010, we had our first international conference in Kolkata India. April 2011, we conducted 100 autism awareness and detection camps in Kerala, India. Through educational webinars we provide parents and professionals awareness of new cutting edge interventions and treatments. March 2014 and June 2014 we had two successful Rapid Prompting Method workshop, which is academic instruction leading towards communication for persons with autism. July 2014, Akhil Autism Foundation (AAF) in collaboration with Autism Research Institute (ARI) began first MB12 clinical trial In India a initiative by Dr Arun Mukherjee - UDAAN project India. A grant of $23,000 was given by both organizations to conduct the study. Raising an autistic child in USA • It is estimated total societal costs of caring for children with ASD were over $9 billion in 2011. • In addition to medical costs, intensive behavioral interventions for children with ASD cost $40,000 to $60,000 per child per year • In 2005, the average annual medical costs for Medicaid-enrolled children with ASD were $10,709 per child, which was about six times higher than costs for children without ASD ($1,812)

Upcoming opportunity to make a difference in autistic individuals’ lives Please join our workshop on autism in New Jersey Contact: Manisha M Lad director@akhilautismfoundation.org ph: (732)-516-0541 www.akhilautismfoundation.org

Our Mission •

Educate, Support, Research Autism

Our Vision: Autism a battle to be won •

To empower the parents and generate a positive hope among the affected families that "Autism is Treatable"

Our Purpose • • • •

To create awareness around autism and help families with various treatments and intervention options. To educate parents, professionals and care givers on the treatment options available. To eradicate various myths related to autism by doing innovative research To provide unique , direct programs and resources needed to treat the underlying causes of autism to help them to manage the autism in a functional way www.akhilautismfoundation.org

Our belief: Every special child has chosen special parents to make a difference in life. Our philosophy: Autism is not a brain disorder but a medical disorder.

MiBihar is proud to sponsor & promote ‘Akhil Autism Foundation’ at Dussehra Diwali Dhoom 2014 & in Vihara: Diwali Edition 2014

Atithi Vichar

A Modern Day Silk Road: Gifts of Fashion from India By Claire-Marie Brisson Turmeric yellow, luminescent rose, royal jades, opulent violets – these are but a few of the hues that make up the fabric mosaic of India’s timeless creations. As a reflection of the variety that exists from region to region, clothing is just as unique as the different languages, customs, and cultures. Even more important than what might separate a lehenga from a sari is the emotional impact each piece has on its wearer – particularly when that piece of clothing is a gift. The first moment I truly felt that connection was with my first kurta and jhumka. A friend had just arrived back from India and decided to surprise me with these gifts. The soft fabric had been ornately decorated with gold, red, and black, and the earrings complimented it beautifully. Looking at myself in the mirror, I instantly was struck by the value of these gifts to me – the stitches were the fabric of my friendship; the soft jingle of the earrings a soft song of happiness. And so began my journey… From Delhi to Chennai, from Mumbai to Bangalore, piece by piece India has opened its arms to me through its vibrant culture and elegant styles. My memories are woven into the fabric of the clothes I have worn: the communal peace I felt wearing churidaar kurta at a Diwali celebration; the bhangra I attempted to do in my salwar kameez; and the joy I felt receiving my first handmade sari from a friend in Mumbai. There is something both humbling and awe-inspiring in wearing Indian traditional clothing. It is an opportunity for me to be a welcomed guest in a culture that continues to reach out and embrace me, and has allowed me to learn and grow so much more as an individual. In a world where globalization has made jeans and a t-shirt a sort of universal uniform, it is beautiful to be able to see the reflections of a rich past continue to live vibrantly in the present. This Diwali, I am very grateful for the light that has come into my life from India, whose culture is not only electrifying and inspiring, but welcoming in the most humble way possible. May you, your family, friends, and loved ones continue to stitch memories into the fabric of your lives.

Claire is a Instructor of French at Wayne State University. She is a University of Michigan graduate. Other than teaching, she enjoys trying new food recipes. Claire is fond of Indian culture. She can be spotted at several MiBihar functions, some times wearing an Indian outfit.

Bullying, Is it related to school Gun Violences? By Dr. Niru Prasad, M.D. At elementary Schools

What defines as Bullying? Bullying occurs when a child or group of children is mean to someone repeatedly and the target does not know how to defend themselves. Bullying could be verbal or physical, giving the bully a sense of power by picking on others who are weak. There is a big difference in the perception a bullying problem between staff and the victimized children. During early childhood, parents play a major role in encouraging emotional development as well as teaching children the unpleasant results and punishments if a child is bullying others.

Little Johnny goes to a kindergarten summer camp. He meets another boy Andy with whom he gets involved fighting. Andy throws away Johnny’s lunch box. Johnny hits Andy on his buttock and Andy hits him back. Johnny now punches him in the nose. By this time, school counsellors are there and separate both kids. Johnny is asked why he hit Andy in the nose. Johnny said he had done this before to Danny, another kindergarten classmate of his. He is also asked who taught him to punch anybody in the nose. Little Johnny says his grandpa told him that if any kid fights with you, do not come home crying – just hit him back on his face and he will never fight with you again. The counsellor got very upset and call Johnny’s mother and explains the situation and also separates these 2 youngsters into different groups.

Role of parents The 1st step is to separate the child from others and tell them how they will be punished. Parents should also praise their children for little good things they have done and reward them. Research studies have shown that aggressive behavior is often learned early in life and parents and teachers can help children respect and be nice to their friends while avoiding fighting. Remember five ways to prevent bullying: 1. Empathy. Teach the child to be compassionate with others. 2. Teach kids how to control their anger and fear. 3. Supervision. Always make sure these children are well supervised at playgrounds, bus stops, and schools. These should be safe places for all children and bullying should not be part of a child’s experience at any of these places. 4. Values. Children are constantly developing social skills, and should be taught good moral values and good interpersonal skills. Strong emphasis should be put on their studies and finishing their homework. 5. Children need to know that they do not have to put up with being a victim of bullying and they should use their assertiveness in any way they can.

Dr. Niru Prasad got her medical degree in Bihar, India. She is certified in Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine. She has authored a book called “How to Keep Your Child Safe and Healthy”. This book has been distributed to the developing countries through Orphan Medical Network International (OMNI). With the proceeds of the book, Dr. Prasad started a charity fund for blind orphans at her hometown Patna. Niru is married to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bala Prasad. She is blessed with four children and six grandchildren.

What is bullying for teenagers?

How to prevent bullying?

Teenage bullying is more common in young teens than older teens.

• Raise awareness through school assemblies and classroom discussions

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children who have previously been exposed to these behaviors while they were at elementary and middle schools. There are different types of bullying:

• Have a friend help settle an incident before it gets out of control • Get parents and teachers involved closely

1. Verbal bullying: Use of bad, abusive words.

• Increase supervision in playgrounds, gym rooms

2. Physical bullying: Related to body as opposed to mind, involves body contact, sometimes involves sexual assault.

• Provide support and protections for the victims of bullying

3. Cyber bullying: Reliance on social networking sites to showdown a victim. Opportunity of being anonymous encourages cyber bullies to go further than they would in a physical exchange. 4. Violent behaviors with use of firearms A survey of more than 15,000 American high school students found that victims of bullying are nearly twice as likely to carry guns and other weapons at school. An estimated 200,000 victims of bullying bring weapons to school over the course of a month, according to the authors' analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control's 2011 Youth Risk Surveillance System Survey. That's a substantial portion of the estimated 750,000 high school students who bring weapons to school every month.

MiBihar is proud to sponsor ‘Seva’ & ‘Detroit Indians’ at Dussehra Diwali Dhoom 2014 & in Vihara: Diwali Edition 2014

Narendra Modi: The Man and the Prime Minister Article contribution by Riya Kumar, 12th Grade IA East The 2014 elections in India marked a defining moment for the world’s largest democracy, ushering in a new era of political change with Narendra Damodardas Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) winning a breathtaking mandate. This was the first time that any non-Congress party had won a stunning majority on its own, garnering 282 seats out of 534 in the Lok Sabha (House of the People). It was history in the making with an all-time record of 66.5 percent voter turnout, largely to support Modi who had promised the nation transparency and good governance, all inclusive economic development and jobs. On May 26th, the man who rose from humble beginnings, unaided by riches and dynasty was sworn in as India’s fifteenth Prime Minister at the country’s largest prime ministerial ceremony till date in Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. Who is Narendra Modi- the Prime Minister who works 19 hours a day and has declared himself the servant of the people? What drives the 63-year old dynamic introvert who has over five million followers on Twitter and whom Time magazine named as one of the world’s 100 most influential people? To understand Modi, we must first understand his life. Narendra Modi was born on September 17, 1950 in the small town of Vadnagar, in northern Gujarat to Damodardas Mulchand Modi and Heeraben Modi. Hailing from a family of grocers, Modi was the third of six siblings. While in his teens, he helped his father establish a tea stall at the railway station in Vadnagar and would later spend many of his preteen years selling tea with his brother at the main bus terminal in Ahmedabad. Though an average student, he had a penchant for debates and theater and spent many hours in the library while balancing studies and responsibilities at home. In 1978, Modi graduated from Delhi University and five years later he earned his master’s degree in Political Science. Modi as the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy has an uphill battle against pervasive issues that demand his immediate attention. Whether it is rural upliftment, economic revival, clean environment, protecting women, water management or fighting the multi-headed demon of corruption, the Prime Minister’s new paradigm for governance will necessitate innovative and sustainable solutions to transform the nation. One of the oldest civilizations and the world’s largest youth population, India has unprecedented potential to make a significant impact in the new global order. The Prime Minister firmly believes in Swami Vivekananda’s vision that the youth will take India to great heights and carry forward his ideals for the country’s growth. Earlier this year Modi addressed the closing ceremony of the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda where he passionately spoke about Swamiji’s dream of India once again becoming the vishwa guru (leader of the world). Modi’s passion, spiritual vision and policy choices for good governance will define the contours of change, both on the national and global stage in the decades to come. His inspiring motto, “Sabka Satth, Sabka Vikas” (together with all, development for all), embodies the aspirations and dreams of 1.25 billion Indians of all stripes and the high expectations of the Indians living abroad. (Excerpt from an article by: Renee Mehrra, A television broadcaster and community activist)

श्री वरदराज पेरूमाल दे वस्िानम, ववष्णु धाम------ एक संक्षक्षप्त वववरण स्वातत शसन्हा

31 अविल 2014 बबहार के शलए बहुत ही िभ ु समाचार का ददन है . क्योंकक इसी ददन से बबहार के गणपतगंज िांत मे एक नया और भव्या ववष्णु मंददर साविजतनक दि​िन और पज ू ा के शलए खोल ददया गया है | मंददर में भगवान ववष्णु की िाण िततष्ठा ३१ अविल से ५ मय तक चली| यह मंददर दक्षक्षण भारतीय वास्तक ु ला पर आधाररत है और उत्तर भारत में इस तरह का सबसे बडा मंददर है | इस मंददर का नामकरण भी दक्षक्षण- भारतीय मंददरो के अनरू ु प है | इस मंददर का तनमािण इस ग्राम के तनवासी डा0 पवन कुमार मस्ललक एम0 एस0 सवु वख्यात िलय चचककस्तक की सविरूपेण अग्रणी भशू मका है | इसको तनमािण होने मे १२ वषि लगे| इस मंददर की स्िापना डा0 जय नारायण मस्ललक के पररवार जनो का "ना भत ू ो ना भववष्यातत" एक िबल और सफल ियास है | यह मंददर गा​ाँव गणपतगंज और इसका रे लवे स्टे िन और िाना राघोपरु है ,स्जला सप ु ौल, िांत बबहार| यह भारत -नेपाल सीमा से लगभग ३० कक0मी0 दक्षक्षण राष्रीय राजमागि पर स्स्ित है | श्री ववष्णु मंददर, गनपतगंज श्री वैष्णव संिदाय ही नहीं अवपतु समस्त धाशमिक जगत की अमल ू य धरोधर है | श्री वरद्राज भगवान श्री ववष्णु भगवान के रूप है |दक्षक्षण भारत मे श्री ववष्णु को पेरूमल भी कहा जाता है |श्री ववष्णु भगवान िंख चक्र, गदा और पद्म कमल से सि ु ोशभत माने जाते है |वरद्राज भगवान वविेष रूप से मनोशभलावषत वरदायक है |इसशलए इस मंददर का नाम श्री वरद्राज पेरूमल दे वस्िान श्री ववष्णु धाम रखा गया|यह मंददर दक्षक्षण िदे ि के चोल साम्राज्य के मंददरो की स्िापत्य-कला और मंददरो के स्वरूपो के अनरू ु प बना है |तशमलनाडु से ही भवन तनमािण हे तु कुिल कारीगर और काष्ठ-कला के शलए भी कारीगरो की वायवस्िा की गयी|संितत मंददर पररसर का क्षेत्रफल १५ एकड है |मंददर का िवेि द्वार दक्षक्षण भारतीय पद्द्तत के गोपरु म से िारं भ होता है | यह ७१ फीट उाँ चा है और इसके सामने श्री हनम ं ी का ु ज मंददर है |गोपरु म के एक ओर पक्षीराज गरुडजी की िततमा है तो दस ू री ओर हनम ु ान जी की िततमा|इस मंददर का मख् ु या मंददर द्ववतालीय है | इसका आंतररक भाग तीन खण्डो मे है- गभि-गह ृ , अधि मंडप और महामंडप|मंददर के दक्षक्षण मे कलयाण मंडप का तनमािण हुआ है |दक्षक्षण भारत मे भगवान के ववशभन्न िकार की अचिना को मत ू ि रूप दे ने हे तु अलग अलग मण्डपो मे अचिना की जाती है |कलयाण मंडप के पव ू ि मे बह ृ त यज्ञ िाला का तनमािण ककया गया है | यज्ञ िाला के उत्तर मे" वैकंु ठ द्धार " है ,इसके बगल मे "चंद्रकूप" है स्जसके तनमिल जल से भगवान का दै तनक कैं कयि संपन्न होता है |वैकंु ठ द्धार के पव ू ि मे "श्री बसंत मंडप" है |इसके अततररक्त मंददर पररसर मे वविाल श्री तल ं ृ ावन है और मौसमी फलो और फूलो की वादटका भी है | ु सी वादटका वद इस मंददर मे अततचि, आगंतक ु संत- महात्मा और दि​िनाचि​ियो की सशु भधा के शलए एक अततचि गह ृ का भी तनमािण हुआ है | इसके साि ही िद् ु ध िाकाहारी भोजनालय की भी व्यवस्िा है | मंददर मे लकडडयो का भी भव्य और अद्भत ु कला कृतत के साि दरवाजे और उपस्कर बनाए गये है |मंददर के दरवाजे पर भगवान ववष्णु के दस अवतारो की स्पष्ट आकृततया​ाँ बनाई गयी है | मंददर मे भगवान की पज ू ा- अचिना पा​ाँचरत्रा आगम पदम संदहता पद्द्तत के अनरू ु प होगी|यह सोलहो कलाओ से पण ू ि वविाल और भव्य ददव्य मंददर श्री वरद्राज पेरूमल दे वस्िान श्री ववष्णु धाम अपने अतल ु नीय वपहं गम छवव से दि​िको को बार बार और कई बार आने को िेररत करे गी| नारायणं रं गनािं भक्तानामभयिदं । वरदं वरदराजम ् दह िणमाशम पन ु : पन ु :||

Breaking the realm of Stigma – Mai Family Services steps up! Vimala* lay there, speechless and numb. A writer by profession, working in a leading Tier 1 auto supplier company, she was abused physically not once but several times. It was mind boggling to note that a person so vocal, so educated, so urban in thoughts could be a victim of domination and deceit. Why did she stay in the relationship after all this? Why didn’t she talk about her plight? Why is she silent and why didn’t she seek help? (*True story, character name changed for confidentiality) So many questions, but the only answer is “Stigma”. The “What if” superseded every other pain and emotion. Violence comes in various forms – physical, mental and emotional. This disease that has spread amongst this most vulnerable gender has taken a toll on the community. The behavioral patterns of certain individuals, including children thrown in the most delicate of situations have caused a critical imbalance in the community. Abuse has spread its wings to an extent that not only women, but men, seniors, children are caught in this whirlwind that has completely stagnated the progress of life.

Welcome to Mai Family Services, a non-profit organization, serving individuals and families in crisis since 1986. From women and men being subjected to abuse and violence owing to behavior and changing lifestyles mixed with new found independence, seniors isolated and challenged, to children subjected to substance abuse and bullying and peer pressure, problems are galore. Owing to the economic conditions and job displacements, stress levels are on a high. Women who have committed suicide leaving behind young children just because of workplace harassment and loneliness have done so because of the stigma and denial, which is slowly claiming the future. Mai Family Services has expanded to offer services to all South Asians in Michigan and over the years, thousands of cases have been helped. Offering a completely non-judgmental stand on issues, MaiFS believes that pain is universal and it does not come attached with religion, political or social bindings. Like any charity organization, MaiFS has its limitations as well. MaiFS needs help from the community to help the individuals & families in distress. Our fund raising activities range from annual spring fundraiser to the walkathon to a host of friendly and personal events like Chai with Mai, MaiFS is inching along to be the only South Asian organization to offer a suite of services as support and encouragement. A life lost is not a life dead. MaiFS volunteers who form the backbone are out there watching and protecting the community.

Mai Family Services needs volunteers!!! With the launch of the new Senior Services Program and new collaborations with local organizations, Mai Family Services is armed with a mission: the need to increase awareness and the need to break the stigma and the denial. Mai Family Services invites you to join and work with the team to build a better future, a healthy and a strong community. Visit www.maifs.org for more information. Also “like MaiFS” on Facebook – www.facebook.com/maifs

MiBihar is proud to sponsor & promote ‘Mai Family Services’ at Dussehra Diwali Dhoom 2014 & in Vihara: Diwali Edition 2014

PROGRAM 5:30 PM SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 PM CULTURAL PROGRAM **********************************************************************************************

CULTURAL PROGRAM Cultural Coordinator: Vinita Keshri Master of Ceremony: Ashwini Dole & Rajeev Tiwari 1.NATIONAL ANTHEM

Students of Namrata Jha- Arpit Bharadwaj, Akriti Bharadwaj, Prisha Agrawal, Vandita Sharma, Anjali Sharma, Aditi Sharma, Renne Tiwari &Vrinda

2. Program inauguration – “lighting of Diya” Announcement of Lifetime contribution Honour 3. Ganesh Vandana Choreographer-Manisha Dongre of taal academy Participants-Pranavi Kumar, Stuti Sinha, Ishani Modi, Jayanti Gupta, Sri Devi Swaminathan, Puvi Venkataratnam, Somya Sakalle & Megha Sharma

4. DANCE DRAMA ON KRISHNA SUDAMA Choreographer – Dhanya kumar Abhinaya School of Dance-Tanvi kadiri, bhavyashree kadiri, suhana gubbi & shivika rao

5. MUKUNDA MUKUNDA Choreographer – sangita shastri Representing the iskon of detroit Participants- nupur shastri, Krishna shastri, Jayanti gupta, brinda khullar, radhika talreja

6. BOLLYWOOD MASTI Choreographer – archana tilekar Rudraa tilekar, sananda tilekar, sansita narra& apoorva mirji

7. SONGS namrata jha

8. PARTY TO BANTI HAI Choreographer – Vinita Keshri participants-Participants- Abhinav, Ishani , Kanush, Pranavi, Satyam & Stuti.

9. RAAG BHOPALI students of namrata jha

10. WO KISNA HAI Choreographer – snagita shastri Sangita shastri,Pooja ranjan, jyoti gupta, Erica Williams& renata

11. ROCKSTARS Participants- Gaurav vyas, sarang newalkar, Rahul gaadhe

12. BOLLYHOP FUSION Choreographers: Shikha Raman and Amritha Sivakumaran Shikha Raman, Amritha Sivakumaran, Shivani Singh, Ankita Kumar &Aditi Putta

13. FOLK DANCE OF JHARKHAND Choreographer – Vinita Keshri Participants-Parnika Kumar, Mona Vyas, Kavya Donepudi, Rujula LNU, Priti Maurya, Nidhi Rathore, Gayatri Gangiseti & Vinita Keshri.

14.SONGS namrata jha

15. GAME-AAO AUR LE JAO 16. RAFFLE BASKET Dj dance By Dj Keshav Raizada & DINNER **********************************************************

‘Be The Match’ is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP). It manages the largest marrow registry in the world. Please visit ‘Be The Match’ information booth at Dussehra Diwali Dhoom 2014 or visit http://bethematch.org to learn how you can be a match.

MiBihar is proud to sponsor & promote ‘Be The Match’ at Dussehra Diwali Dhoom 2014 & in Vihara: Diwali Edition 2014

Highlights from The PM’s Independence Day Speech Article contribution by Sanchit Kumar, 10th Grade IA East The following is the English translation of the excerpts from a full speech delivered by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Hindi from the ramparts of the Red Fort on August 15th, 2014, the 68th Independence Day of India My beloved countrymen, today Indians all over are celebrating Independence Day. My dear Indians, my greetings to all of you on this day. I am here not as pradhan mantri (Prime Minister) but as pradhan sevak (prime servant in service of country). Independence can become an inspiration to take India to new heights. These days give us inspiration and they showcase the national character. These days can inspire us to take India to newer heights. This country has not been made by politicians, kings or governments. It has been made by farmers, laborers, youth, our mothers and sisters. Our country has progressed because of the hard work of all these people. I salute all those who sacrificed themselves for India's freedom. It is the pride of Constitution that a boy from a poor family has unfurled the flag at Red fort today. It is the strength of our Constitution. I thank the makers of the Constitution. All the previous governments have a hand in developing India. The state governments have a hand in it as well. I offer my

respects to all previous governments and Prime Ministers. We should walk together, work together and progress together. We should move ahead with this mantra. The nation should move towards one target, one direction, one intention and one decision. I assure Indians I will develop India. This I say standing under the Tricolor. I am an outsider to Delhi. But an outsider came to Delhi and got an insider view in the last two months. This is not a platform for politics but nation building. The government should have the same direction, the same intention. Some say now that Modi government is here, people have started going to work at the right time. Should government officials going to work at the right time be in the news in this country? I want to remind government servants that they are not merely doing a job, they are providing a service. I want to expedite the nation-building process by encouraging the capabilities of government functionaries. From a chaprasi to Cabinet Secretary, every government servant in competent. We will harness that strength. We want to move forward not on the basis of majority but on consensus. The first Parliament session of our government just concluded yesterday. The session reflects our thinking. We don't believe in the force of majority. We worked with everyone, we took everyone along. The credit for this goes not

Highlights from PM’s Independence Day Speech -Sanchit Kumar

to the PM but the MPs and the Opposition. With an insider's view, I found that there are many governments within a government. One department was fighting with another department. How can we work for the country if we fight amongst ourselves? I have tried to break the walls. I want the government to be an organic unity and not an assembled entity. I assure you that people in the government and government offices are extremely capable. Isn't it our responsibility to build a nation our freedom fighters dreamed of, the nation they gave their lives for? I want to ask every mother and father, you ask your daughters 'where are you going, who are you going with'. But do you ever ask your sons these questions? After all, those who Indian sportsmen brought pride to our country in the Commonwealth Games. 29 Indian women won medals at the CWG. Give up the path of violence, think of brotherhood and work for the country. Communalism and caste violence are obstacles to India's growth. The law will take its own path but we need to take responsibility to bring our sons who deviated from right path to bring them back.

If 125 crore people work together, India will move forward 125 crore steps. We have not got anything from the path of violence. Today our farmer commits suicide because he cannot repay his debt. We want to give the poor the benefit of bank accounts. Under the PM's jan dhan yojna, the poor will be given insurance through debit card for up to Rs. 1 lakh. We want to integrate the poorest of the poor with bank accounts. With the gun you can make the earth red but if you have a plough you can make the earth green. Come, Make in India. We have the capability. Invite companies from all sectors. I invite our youth involved in manufacturing to ensure that all over the world, products say 'Made in India'. Why should we have to import things when we have such capable young citizens? Out of all the things we import, I will ensure that we start making at least one of those in India. Let us think about zerodefect production with no adverse effect on the environment. The world used to think we are a land of snake charmers and black magic. But our youth has surprised the world with its IT skills. I dream of a digital India. We want to forge ahead with digital India. We want to give good governance through E-governance. E-Governance is easy governance, effective governance. We have to move towards 'Digital India'. Our mission is skill development. There can be no development with a jaded system. The world has changed. India cannot sit isolated in one corner and determine its future. We import electronic goods, but if we start manufacturing these, it will benefit the country. Want to increase tourism. Tourism provides employment to a lot of people. When I became the PM, the first task I took up was that of cleaning. People were surprised. If we keep our country clean, no one can come from outside and spoil it. I don't know whether people will appreciate me talking about dirt & toilets from Red Fort but I come from a poor family. All schools should have toilets. There should be separate toilets for schools. I urge all MPs to spend one year's funds to construct toilets. In 2019, ensuring cleanliness will be the most fitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary. Gandhiji emphasized on cleanliness. We should ensure that every road, school, office, locality and neighborhood is clean.

“Come, make in India, come manufacture in India. Our country is powerful, come I am giving you an invitation

My Connection with Indians and their Culture Monica Luo “Hi Saurabh and Sumit, are you guys talking about the homework for today? And by the way, why are you speaking in English with each other?” I met two of my Indian classmates from my MBA program and was thinking to myself: “Wow, they are really hardworking! They are not only learning business knowledge but also grabbing every chance to practice their spoken English!” “No Monica, English is a common language for us in India too. We are from different regions in India and we have our own languages, so we talk to each other in either English or Hindi, but English is more common in a business setting.” Upon hearing that, I felt that I knew next to nothing about Indians and their culture. I’m intrigued to find out more… MBA days were pretty tough with heavy workloads, and international students sometimes felt very lonely and homesick. Luckily, we all tried to support each other and had some fun cooking and chatting together. That’s when I found out that Indians and Chinese share a lot of common things amid interesting differences. For example, Buddhism which is the biggest religion practiced in China was introduced to Chinese from India, but Buddhism is not the main religion in India. Indians and Chinese share common values with regards to close family ties, but majority of Chinese young people do not have arranged marriages. As two most populated countries in the world, we have also been trying in our own ways to connect with the rest of the world. China through serving as the world’s factory over the past 30 years and India’s growing power in IT and service industries in recent years. But as young people coming out of our home countries, we realized that deep down we have similar aspirations about life and we are all working hard towards our dreamed future. “Guys, sorry but we have to revise a few steps to fit our music”, said Sumit, the leader of our Indian

Culture Night event at school.

Atithi Vichar

Atithi Vichar “But Sumit, I don’t think I have time to memorize and practice the new steps since the performance is only two days away!” I got a bit frustrated with the constant change of moves in our dance group especially at the last minute. I was the only non-Indian in the group and I had to work extra hard to memorize the moves. Seeing me worried, the other teammates offered to give me company in practicing until I could do it well. Sumit also offered to pair up with me in the dance to give me hints of moves. Well, since he was the best among us and we were in the front row, that gave me some pressure, but feeling the encouragement and trust from my friends, I got a lot of energy and vowed to perform well. The performance turned out to be a great success, and I got a pretty set of salwaar kameez as a gift. Talking about Chinese and Indian cultures, one can not forget about the rich cuisines of the two countries. I had a lot of opportunities to try together with my Indian friends and their family, both home cooked and restaurant Indian food of different regional styles. The spices were amazing! I tried my hands at lentil soup and Indo-Chinese chilly chicken and my Indian friends loved them.

As I’m writing this article, the current Chinese President Xi Jinping just paid his first official visit to India in September and met with the new Indian Prime Minister Modi. Billions of dollars of investment agreements were signed by the two governments which will surely bring closer economic ties between the two countries. However, I still think the increasing exchanges and connections between the common people of the two nations are of as much significance as the official ties if not more. I hope someday I will be able to visit India and I know I will learn so much more that will amaze me!

Monica (Yu) Luo was born and brought up at Beijing, China. She did her MBA her Kelley School of Business, Bloomington Indiana. She now works for Cummins Inc. at Columbus, Indiana. Monica is always interested in learning different cultures, languages and cultural exchange. She teaches Chinese as a service to society, but is herself taking lessons in other languages like Japanese. She has particular affinity towards Indian culture. She tries Indian recipes from the internet. She can even speak a few sentences in Hindi

Kid’s Corner

Kid’s Corner Nature All the frogs start bouncing away, Looking at me today and saying, This world is full of kindness, But someone was distracting his way, Please save the natural things that god lay Water starts to ripple away To make us happy today………. -Stuti Sinha, Grade 3 , Morse elementary, Troy, MI

Karate In everyday life, Karate can help a person Kid or adult in many ways. It teaches you self-defense and gives you self-confidence. It also gives you more focus. If someone tries to attack you right away you know what to do. It is also a workout and great exercise. It gives you stamina and teaches you to work harder and to never give up, even if you feel tired or feel like going to fall apart to just keep going till the end. In conclusion, Karate not only helps with your strength, it also helps with your mind. -Adishree Verma , Grade 5 , Sylvania, Ohio

Dining & Catering Services We serve Indian (North & South) Cuisine Indian Chinese Cuisine 3877 Rochester Road Troy, Michigan 48083 Tel: 248 743-0223 Fax: 248 743 0229

Lunchtime buffet


11:30 AM to 2:30 PM (week days) 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM (weekend)

5:00 PM to 10:00 PM (week days) 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM ( weekend)


37116 Six Mile Road Livonia, MI, 48152 Tel: 734 462-1111 Fax: 734 462-1114

Kid’s Corner

Respect Respect is something which we have been taught since childhood. It really makes us humble and kind. When I think about respect is to be nice and courteous to everybody not only girls.


We should hold the doors for anybody to give respect. Respect in school is very important. We should respect the teachers even if they do not like our behavior. We should also respect our classmates and do not use insulting words. At home, we should always respect parent, brother and sister and also their opinion even if they are younger in age. Respect is extremely important in our life. We should get respect by our behavior. It should not be demanded. It should be really inside heart. Every country has a different way of giving respect. We Indian greet and respect others with a folded hand and palm touching together. I







during my Taekwondo class. People bow in South Korea to give respect. I am Satyam Sinha 10 yrs. old in grade 5 of Morse Elementary, Troy , MI. I was born in Saharsa, Bihar, India. I really like soccer and Science. Also, I am going to become black belt on October 26th, 2014, very next day after MIBIHAR Diwali event.

Kid’s Corner

Fun Corner

रूबरू (परिचय) स्वाति सिन्हा

Shailesh comes from Muzaffarpur, Bihar in India. He is a Mechanical Engineer by profession. He is a wonderful photographer, a chef and a passionate Bhojpuri speaker. Shailesh can make people laugh in no time.He is married to Shilpi Raman with two beautiful daughters Shreya & Shikha. Shailesh has been with MiBihar since its inception in 2011. He currently leads A/V photography department.

BIHARI DICTIONARY Shailesh Raman Laukna (Verb) English: See Hindi: Dekhna Example: Ball kahan gaya re, uu diwaar paar Iauko na, udhare gaya tha

मैं बहता हुआ ककरदार कहानी का हूाँ , मैं एक बंद ू पानी का हूाँ । जो गीत ककसी ने गाया नहीं , मैं वह लय रवानी का हूाँ । आज भले ही दतु नया​ाँ न करे मझ ु पे ऐतबार , पर मैं वही जोि -जवानी का हूाँ । तुम भला कब तक करोगी मेरा इंतज़ार , मैं तो रमता जोगी बहता पानी का हूाँ । मझ ु े शमली हर खुिी ए स्जंदगी , पर मै गमे ए दास्तां स्जंदगानी का हूाँ ।

Bhaklol or Burbak (Noun) English: Incompetent Hindi: Moorkh Example: Sala etna samjha ke bole the tabhiyo galate kar ke aaya hai, ekdum se bhaklol hai. Khichcha (Adjective) English: Fresh Hindi: Taaza Example: Nenua Iijiye na, ekdume khichcha hai Nimman (Adjective) English: Good Hindi: Badhiya Example: Are kal raat partiya me khaana bahute nimman bana tha ji Noon or Nimak (Noun) English: Salt Hindi: Namak Example: Sabjiya to bejod hoi, Iekin noon tanka kam rah goya hai Narbhasana (Verb) English: Nervous Hindi: Bechain hona Example: Are sawaal ta sabbe aata tha, lekin narbhasa na gaye the

Swati was brought up in Darbhanga, Bihar in India. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Zoology from Science College, Patna. She enjoys reading hindi novels and watching old classic movies. She also writes poems in hindi. Swati is married to Sanjeev Sinha with 5th grader Satyam and 3rd grader Stuti. Satyam is a senior red belt of Taekwondo. Swati has been with MIBihar since its inception in 2011. She currently leads publication department.

Kid’s Corner Horse ride to Vaishno Devi Temple Hi, I'm Shikhar Verma and I'm in 7th grade. My parents and me were born in India. I am a 2nd degree brown belt in karate. I also know how to swim. I play the clarinet and piano. My Mom got me interested in piano. When I grow up I want to become a computer software engineer just like my Dad. I also have a little sister, Sonakshi. I went to the temple Vaishno Devi in India and I want to share that experience with you all. So, sit back and enjoy my story. Click,Click. Click,Click. The horse clatters along the pavement. I’m bucking up and down as the horse’s back lurches around. Where am I you inquire?I’m at a temple in India named Vaishno Devi! The temple is in Jammu & Kashmir(J&K),in the north of India. It was boiling hot there. Vaishno Devi is on a mountain and you have to climb up to get there. The climb is 14 kilometers(8 miles) to get to the main part of the temple. There are many other temples that you can visit around the track you go up. There are 3 ways to get up to the top :Horseback, walking and helicopter. When we got to J&K it felt like I was walking on the sun. And to think I was going to walk in that sun all the way to the top of the temple. We were going to my dad’s friends’ house. He was the Senior Superintendent of Police in J&K. So we got V.I.P. service everywhere, and were guarded by police everywhere we went. It felt amazing. When we got to Vaishno Devi then we got very sorrow. The helicopter was shut down because of the weather. The hazy sky was shimmering. I didn’t know why it was shut down because of the weather. Well, they said that the temple was high it went into the clouds. Because of the misty black clouds the pilot wouldn’t be able to see. The tour man gave us 2 choices:either we wait till the helicopter started back up or we go some other way. My mom was in a hurry so she said that we’ll go by horse. That sounded fun to me so I just said O.K. When we started going up on the horse it was kind of scary. When we took a sharp turn after we actually got onto the road up,I started getting dizzy. It took 2 hours to get all the way up to the top. When we got to the top we went to the main prayer hall. We passed a statue of Durga. After a bit we got to the cave you go into. They had walled off the cave and It was dripping a lot in there. After we prayed we started the ride down on the horses. The horse made the trip joyous.

“America-Thriving on Diversity” Diversity means a variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region. America is made up of a diverse population of natives and immigrants. It is going to be the first country in the history that is literally made up of every part of the world. Walk into a theatre, classroom, food joint or office, we don’t see a homogeneous group anymore. People who have been brought up differently influenced by their culture and its prerogatives have difference in their opinion, habits, lifestyle, language, goals etc. This country is like a a) Melting pot: where different cultures change to fit the society of their new home b) Chemical mixture: where elements of different culture mix but retain their identity c) Kaleidoscope: where both the immigrant and society adapt and change, thus the best in both comes out as a result Continued on next page…

Parnika Kumar is a ninth grader and lives in Troy, Michigan with her mom Vinita Keshri, dad Jitendra Kumar and sister Pranavi kumar. She has a very keen interest in art and enjoys painting. Like every other teenager she loves hanging around with friends.

…Continued from previous page “America-Thriving on Diversity”- Parnika Kumar

छोटी पि बड़ी बािे १) आसमान की तरफ उाँ ची उडान भरनी हो तो

There are several positive aspects of being a diverse nation. People

जमीन से पकड मजबत ू करो।

from different countries get educated and come and provide a

२) मनष्ु य को चार बाते हमेिा याद रखनी

skilled professional bunch of brain which boosts the economy. They

चादहए। अजि (भगवान की पज ू ा), कजि (उधार

help to raise the economy by paying sales and income taxes.

लेन दे न), मजि (स्वास्​्य की दे ख रे ख) और फजि

Talking about cultural diversity, I would like to say that, today our

(अपना कतिव्य)।

dinner tables in America are laid with many items which have come

३) अस्त व्यस्त न रहो वरना पस्त हो जाओगे

from other countries and are loved by a huge population here. Food

अवपतु व्यस्त मस्त रहो तभी स्वस्ि रहोगे।

items like pizza, burritos and chow-mein are enjoyed by all. Many

४) चचंता चचता की ओर जाने का िॉटि कट रास्ता

forms of music have been integrated and blended into ours to make

है ।

a whole new sound such as Reggaeton.

५) ईश्वर ने मस् ु कुराने की कला शसफि मनष्ु य को

These practices have created a pool of talent in US. We have happily

दी है , इस कला को मन से अपनाओ।

accepted the positive practices of other countries. Whether it is

६) कमि के आगे हािो के लकीरो की कोई

learning about the benefits of yoga, herbs and spices from India or

अहशमयत नहीं होती क्योंकक ककस्मत उनकी भी

learning about the medicinal balance of “Yin” and “Yang” to

होती है स्जनके हाि नहीं होते।

maintain good health from China, US has gained a lot.

७) स्जंदगी को या तो स्वीकारो या बदल डालो।

This diverse America is also the result of its ingenuity. Here the new

अगर स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते तो बदल डालो

ideas from various cultures are always supported and encouraged to

और बदल नहीं सकते तो स्वीकार कर लो।

benefit and get benefited. The United States have always been a leader in this. The individual and nation as a whole are more likely to be successful in such an environment than the places where such ideas are not valued. Diversity in America also promotes humanistic values. Diversity also raises the feeling of patriotism among the citizens. As we learn about different cultures, we compare it with ours and start respecting and appreciating the good in our culture.

With these ideas I would like to conclude that America is truly thriving on diversity. As per Theodore Roosevelt, “Wide differences of opinion in matters of religion, political and social belief must exist if conscience and intellect alike are not to be stunted, if there is to be room for healthy growth.” In Leo Tolstoy’s verses “I think, if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.”

Ms. Menuka Keshri is mother of Ms. Vinista Kesri & grandmother to Parnika Kumar. She is married to Mr. Jay Prakash Narayan Keshri and lives at Ranchi. Menuka is a homemaker. She enjoys cooking and watching Hindi Movies.She is often the master of party games in social gatherings.

Gatte ki Sabzi (Gram Flour Curry) Ingredients Besan (Gram flour) Tomatoes Onion Green chillies Ginger and garlic paste Turmeric powder Mustard paste Red chilli powder Corainder powder A pinch asafetida Cumin seed Carom seed Gram masala Oil Salt to taste Water

100 gm 3 2 4-5 1 tbsp

1/2 tbsp 1/2 tbsp 1/4 tbsp 1/4 tbsp 1 tbsp 1/2 tbsp 1/4 tbsp

From Vinita’s Kitchen

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mix besan, 2 green chillies, carom, 1/8 tbsp red chili powder and 1 tbsp oil. Add water into besan to make dough. Make a 1 cm diameter round and 5-6 inches long (like seekh kabab). Put it into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Take out the water and cut the besan round into small pieces and keep aside. (Besan rounds are also called 'gatte'.) 6. Heat oil, add asafetida, cumin seeds, 2 green chilies, stir-fry till browned. 7. Add ginger garlic paste and mustard paste heat for 1 minute. 8. Add chopped onion,cook for 3 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes. 9. Add turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, salt, garam masala and 1.5 cup water and boil for 5 minutes. 10. Now the gravy is ready. 11. Put gatte into gravy and boil for 3 minutes. Cook until gravy is thick. 12. Serve hot with steamed rice or plain paratha.

Vinita Keshri was born at Ranchi and brought up at Bokaro Steel City. She is married to Jitendra Kumar, blessed with two lovely daughters Parnika and Pranavi. She got a bachelor’s degree in Botany from Ranchi Women’s College. Dance and music are her passion. She believes in: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Pittha Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

Make medium hard dough with 1½ cup atta, keep aside. Soak chana daal overnight. Wash and drain in a colander. Put dal in a food processor. Put all the masalas (spices) including heeng and salt and mince without adding any water. When daal is fully grinded take out in a bowl. Put salt according to taste. Make 8 balls with the dough. Make small thick puris with belan out of each ball. Divide grounded dal into 8 equal part. Put one part in the middle of the thick atta puri, then brush with water on half the edge of the puri. Then stick the other half on the wet half by keeping the daal mix inside. Stick nicely by pressing with finger. Meanwhile, fill a 6 quart pot ¾ with water and boil. When the water starts to boil add ½ tsp oil in it. Now slowly put all the 8 pitthas in the boiling water and boil uncovered for 20 mins. After 20 minutes, take out each pittha carefully with a slotted spoon and keep on a plate. When slightly cool, serve with dhania (cilantro) or suran (ole) ki chutney.

Ingredients Chana Daal Atta flour Fresh chopped garlic cloves Garam masala powder Heeng (asafetida) powder Haldi powder Dry red whole chili Salt to taste

1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 4 tsp 2 tsp 1/2 tsp 1 tsp 2-4

From A Traveler’s Diary

From A Traveler’s Diary


Andrew is a lecturer at University of Michigan Dearborn campus. He comes from Nebraska. Andrew travels to India very frequently. He has great understanding of Indian culture & systems. He can be spotted at almost all MiBihar functions.

From A Traveler’s Diary

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Welcome By Rachna Kumar October 26th, 2013 Dear Friends, On behalf of the MIBIHAR Committee, I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Diwali. May the festival of lights illuminate your world with joy, happiness and prosperity. We are really excited to lead this wonderful organization in its 2nd year of existence. Your support and encouragement will help our organization grow and become better by promoting camaraderie, communal harmony, Indian culture and values amongst all people of Indian origin in Michigan. The Committee and Volunteers of MIBIHAR worked very hard this year to successfully ratify the constitution and by-laws of Michigan Bihar – Friends of Bihar and Jharkhand in Michigan, to accommodate the growing membership and changing needs of the organization. This year we also filed our first annual report with the State of Michigan. We celebrated a very entertaining and well attended program on the occasion of Holi in April 2013. Vasantotsav 2013 brought over 300 guests to the Costick Center venue in Farmington Hills. The program was an eclectic mix of performances from almost all states in India. Local singing talents Chitra Sridhar and Amit Deshpande rocked the house with their performance! The food, decoration and the organization was well appreciated by all our guests. In July, MIBIHAR organized its annual summer picnic at Boulan Park in Troy. Our guests enjoyed the outdoor fun in a relaxed setting. There was barbeque, bingo and games for all ages till late hours in the evening. During the event, the youth of MIBIHAR joined hands with the National Bone Marrow Registry and registered more than 40 guests into the registry. This is what we call a social event with a good cause! Our organization would like to encourage youth participation in all social, cultural and charitable causes.

MiBihar thanks its life and annual members for their patronage Abhishek & Aditi Jha

Abhishek Vimal & Madhu Priya

Amit Ranjan

Anand(Dr.) & Arabella Prasad

Ashish & Payal Singh

Bala(Dr.) & Niru Prasad

Dhananjay(Dr.) & Shalini Kumar

Durga Nand & Abhilasha Jha

Jaldhar & Pushpa Prasad

Kanish & Namita Mohan

Kuntal & Anita Kumar

Madhukar(Dr.) & Anshu Prasad

Prem & Punam Mishra

Rajeev & Seema Grover

Rajesh & Rekha Singh

Rakesh & Rimjhim Modi

Sanjay & Chetna Prasad

Sanjeev & Swati Sinha

Saurabh & Rachna Kumar

Shailesh & Shilpi Raman

Shashank & Sunita Gupta

Subir & Pallawi Kumar

Suman & Kavita Tetarbe

Sundeep & Kavita Misra

Taj(Dr.) & Sophia Anjum

MiBihar Executive Committee for 2014-15 Rachna Kumar Payal Singh Kanish Mohan

Rimjhim Modi Vishnu Shankar Vishnu Shankar Shilpi Raman Swati Shashi Shailesh Raman Prabhat Ranjan

President Secretary Youth Volunteer Convener-Picnic

Co-Convener-Picnic Food Convener-Holi Co-Convener-Holi Food Committee Publication (AV/Photography) (AV/Photography)

Amit Ranjan Sanjeev Sinha Saurabh Kumar

Vice President Treasurer

Convener-Diwali Compliance, Website Abhishek Vimal Co-Convener-Diwali Publication Vinita Keshri Cultural Committee Namrata Jha Cultural Committee Namita Prasad Decoration Madhupriya Vimal Decoration Dhananjay Kumar(Dr.) Youth Volunteer

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