Why COVID-19 is Changing How We Work Long-Term

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Why COVID-19 is Changing How We Work Long-Term The COVID-19 pandemic is making organisations look at how they operate and look into alternative ways to handle its business. While working at an office used to be standard operating procedure,that is no longer the case during the pandemic. Now an increasing number of employees are working from home and this is demonstrating that many jobs can be undertaken remotely. This allows employers and employees to do their part in social distancing while continuing to operate through this unprecedented period. While the adjustment can be difficult for some that love office culture, companies are still able to keep going because of remote working. While these changes were made due to the pandemic, many will continue working remotely after it ends. What this means is that companies will want to find a leading legal recruitment agency that can help them find the right mix of skills and talents that will help them handle a new set of challenges going forward. Research analyst firm Gartner says that two-fifths of the workplace will keep working remotely after the threat of COVID-19 has ended. This amount includes those that work wholly from home and those that are going to split time between the office and remote locations. While change can be worrying, this isn’t a trend that businesses should be concerned with as research also indicates that those working remotely are more productive on average and that having the option boosts morale. While there are some great positives, companies will have to look at what potential problems this change brings and evaluate how it handles continuity and risk management. Legal recruitment agencies have plenty to offer now As In-House Counsel workers start helping organisations change how they operate to suit employees working remotely, there are two main areas that will need to be revised. It’s important to update your policy as this is an unprecedented situation that everyone is in. 1. Using More Technology –Since so many employees are working from home that means they will be accessing your company’s network remotely. This is a risk in and of itself as they could be hosting sensitive data in a public cloud service or workers haven’t secured all of their technology in their

house. Everything from a home PC to the router and printer they use could be compromised if they aren’t secure. With hackers having more of a chance to get at confidential data now more than ever before, it’s of the highest concern that a new policy is enacted by the In-House Counsel. 2. People Policy – Businesses will also need to consider that workers will want flexible hours due to the shift. It will also make it more difficult for companies to have mentors and enact promotions since there is less direct contact. The In-House Counsel will need to address these concerns.

COVID-19 is forcing companies to change how they operate, and this is a turning point for many. While this is a pivotal time for change, it’s also a difficult one due to the economic turmoil impacting many organisations. It’s not uncommon to have to deal with the legal and regulatory challenges of cutting staff or managing cashflow right now. That’s why it is important to have the support of a legal recruitment agency that can aid companies find the right solutions to navigate this unprecedented period. Contact us:

Greenfields Executive Recruitment & Search LEVEL 8, 99 ELIZABETH STREET SYDNEY NSW 2000 Web: https://greenfieldssearch.com.au/

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