In House Legal Counsel Skill Shortages Are Common Due To COVID-19

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In House Legal Counsel Skill Shortages Are Common Due To COVID-19

The widespread impact that COVID-19 has had on Australia’s economy can’t be denied as it has significantly hurt many businesses and allowed the unemployment rate to rise to 7.4 per cent, which marks a new high in over 20 years. This issue with employment isn’t going away any time soon as unemployment has risen from 69,300 to 992,3000, leaving nearly a million without work. The pandemic has damaged many job sectors that were already having issues and has exacerbated them causing many furloughs and lay-offs as a result. While every industry has been impacted by the novel coronavirus pandemic, the businesses hit the most include retail stores that aren’t able to serve customers as they did before, postal services, restaurants that have to rely more on takeout customers, transport, and technical services. Another key issue during COVID19 is that the skill shortage has widened due to all the issues companies are currently facing. Every organisation is having to evaluate how work is done and how they can improve safety during this difficult time and that is creating new challenges to deal with. It’s increasingly hard to employ talent from abroad This skill shortage has really hurt fields that need to employ those that have specialised knowledge, such as In House Legal Counsel, and it has become even

more difficult to find these employees since Australia has closed its border. This has made it harder for companies to look overseas for workers that have the expertise they can’t find locally for their needs. While this skill shortage is making hiring more difficult than ever, the ability to allow remote work has helped in recruitment matters. More than ever before, companies are encouraging employees to work from home. That means that they are willing to employ In House Legal Counsel that works interstate rather than local and this could also apply to hiring talented individuals worldwide. Due to the ability to use Zoom and other video conferencing software for business meetings, it’s less important to physically be in a room with someone. Businesses are able to stay productive and safe. Another challenge that companies have to deal with is that people that are currently employed are less willing to leave their current job. They are looking to minimise risk where they can and changing careers during a pandemic isn’t a popular choice currently. With businesses changing how they operate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it means that In-House Legal Counsel need more specialised knowledge than ever before to deal with continuity and technological challenges. After all, with so many members of the company working abroad it gives hackers an opportunity to take advantage of unsecured networks. Companies have to consider this now that work isn’t centralised and to make sure they find skilled workers that know how to deal with these new issues. With these new difficulties that companies need to overcome, many will be looking towards specialised recruitment services. Expect a surge in demand for these agencies as organisations will be looking to address new issues and find In House Legal Counsel that has the skills they need. For more information pls Contact us: GREENFIELDS EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT & SEARCH LEVEL 8, 99 ELIZABETH STREET SYDNEY NSW Web: Ph: +61 291 861 000

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