Coronavirus Is Changing How In-House Counsel Works

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Coronavirus Is Changing How In-House Counsel Works The novel coronavirus pandemic is forcing businesses to change how they typically work and switch the very operation of the organisation. Many companies have gone from having everyone working at a central location to allowing employees to work at home in order to practice social distancing and stay safe during these trying times. While the change has been rough for some to adapt, it has allowed businesses to keep operating and allowed many to continue to work. These changes are expected to continue past the pandemic and that means there will be changes in how companies decide to work with a legal recruitment agency. One of the most well-regarded analyst firms, Gartner, found in a study that over 40 per cent of the workforce will continue to work from home in some capacity after the pandemic is over. This includes those that split time between their own house and the business’ office and those that will solely work remotely. This isn’t something businesses should fight against as studies have shown that remote workers are actually more productive than those in an office environment and that they generally have a higher morale while working. With that said, businesses will have to think about what additional changes this brings such as how it impacts business continuity and risk management. What legal recruitment agencies have to offer in this new working world It’s important to know that the In-House Counsel staff will have to shift their focus as businesses start focusing on having workers operate remotely rather than at a central office. In particular, there are two places that will need to receive a revised policy as the organisation refocuses: 1. Technology – If workers are to work from home then they will have to be able to connect to the businesses’ online network remotely. This causes some new risks such as storing confidential information in public clouds or staff using technology that isn’t secure (such as home computers, routers and printers). This gives hackers more of an opportunity to reach this information than ever before. This means that In-House Counsel members will need to develop a new strategy that will allow workers to operate from home while also protecting the

company from any damage that would occur from would-be hackers. This should be every team’s top priority going forward. 2. People Policy – It’s also important for companies to think about mentorship and promotions during this time. Since it is more difficult to have a direct and physical presence with regards to direct reports and being a leader in the workplace, the In-House Counsel will want to make sure that the flexible workplace protects against these human resource worries. Workers will also expect more flexible work hours going forward due to the move.

The novel coronavirus pandemic is changing how businesses operate for the long-term and not just right now. Organisations will have to deal with many issues, especially economic setbacks during these difficult times. Managing any downsizing or cashflow issues is why a legal recruitment agency can help businesses during the COVID-19 crisis and ensure that the In-House Counsel has all the skills to help Australian companies deal with continuity issues.


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