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Follow through and follow up Tell your child how you are going to help him. If you’ve said you will call the teacher, be sure to call. If you decide to reach out to your pediatrician, schedule the appointment. And then follow up with your child. Let him know what you are actively doing to help and that you are taking his stress seriously.

How can parents help? Ask questions

Learn some coping skills

When you first notice a problem, start a conversation to find out what’s bothering your child. Asking “why” they are upset may not get much of an answer, as young children may not know why they feel the way they do. Saying “What happened?” may elicit a better response as kids can describe the events that are causing them stress.

Find out what works for your child when it comes to relieving stress. Does he or she need to get outside and do something physical? Would keeping a journal help? Can you teach some deep breathing exercises to use in the next stressful situation? “Learning some coping strategies for how to deal with these thoughts and worries early on can be wonderful tools for children to be able to access throughout their lives,” says French. Above all, help your child keep the “big picture” in mind and realize that difficult situations will pass.

Listen Once you’ve asked a question, really listen to the answer. Give your child your full attention. The stress he or she is feeling may be difficult to discuss, so be patient and make sure to create a safe environment to talk about their concerns.

Look for positives “If someone can intervene and help model and provide some positive strategies, it can help deter a student from choosing much more negative options down the line in order to deal with the stress,” says French. It’s also important to let children know that stress is something everyone feels from time to time and can actually be a positive thing if it motivates you to prepare for a test or practice a presentation, for example.

Every child, like every adult, handles stress in their own unique way. By being on the lookout for ways in which your child may be manifesting stress and having strategies in place to help them, we can teach our kids how to handle stress appropriately now – and in their future.

January 2017 // INDYSCHILD.COM 31

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