Kekiongan 1954

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Th e Tec h ba se ball team wa s fa c ed with many adjustments at the beginning of the sea so n and limited practices are greatly t o b lame fo r the poo r showing o f o ne win and nine losses thi s season. Sh o rtly after the beginn ing o f the spring term , C o ach Mur ray Mendenhall c alled the baseball interests t o pra ctice, but ol d man weather was o ppose d , and o nly a few trials were held. Al so only three ve teran s returned f ro m last year' s squad . That pro p ose d an all o pen drive fo r the positions and it wa s, as the new line-up saw, practica lly all new fa ces.. Th ose that ret urned from last year' s team were Bo b Davison, Don N unamaker, and Warren Keller. Opening Apri l 7 after a series o f rain ou ts , the Techmen fa ce d Franklin C ollege at Frankli n and were d o wned 12-4. The next game on the sche du le was with Defiance C o llege at M c M ille n Fiel d and went t o them 3-0, fo r the only shutout o f the sea so n. Man chester then filling in fo r a home rai n ou t , tripped the Orange and Black 13 -4. The la st game cf April went t o Anderso n 9-1. Beg inning Ma y I , Tech fa ced the ol d rival Tri-State and the Ang olia ns held the edge in a 5-4 victo ry. Man ches ter then re t urr e d here and ook ho me a 5-1 de cisio n. The heartbreaking game o f the se a so n wa s lost t o T riState at M c Mil le n Field in I I inning s. Warren Ke ll er pitched wonderful ball fo r eigh t inning s giving up o nly 2 hits, but th e field ing fell apart in t he t o p of the 9th, and T ri- State tied up the game and went ahead 5-3.


Left t o Right : Don ald Rudolf , Ron al d D. W alt , Dave Seasho'h , J ohn Host , Ted Kurek , Robert Ewen , Bil l Berndt , Tom Gill ie . Front Row: Cc;dch M endenha ll, Don a ld Nunam aker , W arren Keller , Bob Ba bb itt , Bob Daviso n, Dave Graven , Allen Ja ckson , Bob Sandfur , Ha rold Otis .


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