IRT Annual Impact Report: 2016-2017 Season

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Live theatre connects us to meaningful issues in our lives and has the power to shape the human experience. The mission of the Indiana Repertory Theatre is to produce top quality, professional theatre and related activities, providing experiences that will engage, surprise, challenge and entertain people throughout their lifetimes, helping us build a vital and vibrant community. OUR VISION:

The Indiana Repertory Theatre will be a life-long destination of choice for an ever-expanding audience of all ages and backgrounds seeking enjoyable and meaningful experiences. Using theatre as a springboard for both personal reflection and community discussion, our productions and programs will inspire our neighbors to learn about themselves and others. As an arts leader in the state of Indiana, the IRT’s goal is to make Indiana a dynamic home of cultural expression, economic vitality, and a diverse, informed, and engaged citizenry. YOUR INVESTMENT:

Because of your support, the IRT has grown to become the largest nonprofit theatre in the state of Indiana. As we look back on 45 seasons of producing professional theatre and arts education programming, we are incredibly grateful to count you as a partner in all that we do.



Welcome to the 2016-2017 Season Annual Impact Report for the Indiana Repertory Theatre! Our report is full of information about last season’s programming and the impact it had on our community. As an investor in the IRT, we hope you read this report with a sense of pride in what your generosity has made possible. This year’s report contains some new information, including expanded reporting on community engagement programming, such as Many Mentors and Scrooge Gives Back. Programs like these leverage the IRT’s mission in order to create a ripple of good that reaches even further out into our community. We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about them! As you may have heard us say in the past, contributed income—donations from you— cover half of the expenses here at the Theatre, and last season was no exception. As we look back on some of our favorite moments from the 2016-2017 Season, we are humbled by the fact that none of it would have been possible without your partnership. Thank you for making our 45th season possible! We look forward to sharing more evenings of surprising and inspiring theatre with you in 2017-2018. With gratitude,

Janet Allen Executive Artistic Director

Suzanne Sweeney Managing Director

“We look forward to every show and brag to our friends and relatives about how good the product at the IRT is. We have seen Broadway shows, and IRT is every bit as good.”

– David Gotshall, IRT Donor

Arya Daire and Jennifer Coombs in IRT’s 2017 production of Miranda. Photo by Zach Rosing.










# of years the Indiana Theatre building has graced downtown

# of performances in the IRT’s 2016-2017 Season

# of artisans employed by the IRT in the 2016-2017 Season

# of pounds of snow used during the run of A Christmas Carol

# of sheets of plywood used to construct nine custom-designed sets

# of Indiana counties served by the IRT in the 2016-2017 Season

BUILDING ACCESS & LOYALTY In an effort to make the IRT more accessible to people across our community, we implemented a new Value Seats program in 2015-2016. This program ensures that a guaranteed number of affordable $25 seats are available at each public performance. We were excited to double the number of Value Seats available in 2016-2017 during our second year of this program, offering 40 Value Seats at each Upperstage performance and 48 Value Seats at each Mainstage performance.

SIGNATURE SIX SEASON TICKET PACKAGE HOLDERS Season Ticket holders are the Theatre’s most loyal patrons, providing a guaranteed audience base for our programming each season. Season Ticket Packages have been on the decline nationally for many years now. The 2016-2017 Season was the first in many that the IRT saw an increase in the number of package holders!





2016-2017 4

3,203 Opposite: Jeb Burris, David Folsom, Nathan Hosner, and Ryan Artzberger in the IRT’s 2016 production of The Three Musketeers. Photo by Zach Rosing.

2016-2017 PRODUCTIONS The Three Musketeers Finding Home: Indiana at 200 A Christmas Carol Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner The Cay

Stuart Little Boeing Boeing Miranda Dial “M” for Murder


# of audience members served in the 2016-2017 Season

STUDENT ATTENDANCE The student attendance increase seen in the 2015-2016 Season is due in large part to the programming of To Kill a Mockingbird, an incredibly popular piece of literature that serves a far greater age range than is typical for student programming.



2015-2016 2016-2017

43,801 38,574




The creation of new work is in itself a risky proposition; the creation of new work by 29 writers catapults that risk into potential chaos. The ultimate success of Finding Home: Indiana at 200 was a result of years of experience with new play development and the sheer professionalism and stamina of the artists involved. This production brought together writers, actors, designers, and musicians from all walks of life, resulting in the creation of a true Hoosier anthology. The public’s warm reception of the production and the resulting ticket sales had much to do with our ongoing Indiana Series, a group of plays that focus on sharing Hoosier stories and traditions. Over the past twenty years, 16 plays have been produced as a part of the Indiana Series, and the remarkable reaction to these plays from our audiences allowed Finding Home to become a lodestar of that process of developing place-specific work. The show brought historical figures to life amid song, poetry, dialogue, and monologue —an approach that proved particularly impactful for our student audiences, where sales exceeded expectations by nearly 30%. There was tremendous enthusiasm from teachers and students alike for the productions. One teacher wrote: “Because we are studying Indiana History in our Social Studies curriculum, everything that took place in the play has been touched upon in our studies... History was literally brought to life before them in an unbelievably engaging manner!” Through this live theatre experience, students had a more nuanced interaction with the concepts and people of Indiana’s past, resulting in particularly lively post-show discussions.


Rivaling the excitement of the live production itself is the news that Finding Home will have a life beyond the closing performance. Due to an extraordinary funding opportunity, we are now in the process of moving the production into broadcast form and DVD mastering with our partners at WFYI. An investment was made to professionally film and edit the show before it closed, which allowed this transfer into other media to happen. This will be the first time in IRT history that one of our productions moves from a live performance platform into a digital one. The DVD set will be given to every public library in the state of Indiana, and is expected to air on WFYI in December 2017. The ability to conceive, develop, and produce this ambitious theatrical undertaking was made possible by the generous support of individuals, foundations, corporations, and public funds. In the true spirit of Hoosiers coming together to make something possible, Finding Home was made possible by all of you. In the Community: Finding Home provided a wealth of opportunities for us to take a little bit of the IRT into the community. We partnered with the following organizations and events to present songs and scenes from Finding Home : - Congregation Beth-El Zedek - Eli Lilly Corporate headquarters - Indiana Bicentennial Commission - Indiana Historical Society - Indiana State Fair - Indiana Statehouse Grounds - The Penrod Arts Fair - Sun King Brewery

Top: Gail Rastorfer and Michael Joseph Mitchell in the IRT’s 2016 production of Finding Home: Indiana at 200. Second: The cast of the IRT’s 2016 production of Finding Home: Indiana at 200. Third: Kim Staunton in the IRT’s 2016 production of Finding Home: Indiana at 200. Bottom: The cast of the IRT’s 2016 production of Finding Home: Indiana at 200. All photos by Zach Rosing.


# of unique versions created: Blue & Gold Productions




writers from 18 counties

by Tim Grimm, Indiana singersongwriter-actor, included in Finding Home.

to Finding Home

# of Hoosier

# of songs

Aaron Kirby and Jan Lucas in the IRT’s 2016 production of Finding Home: Indiana at 200. Photo by Zach Rosing.

# of tickets sold


# of students and teachers who attended Finding Home




A key element of the IRT’s mission is to engage audiences of all ages and to serve Hoosiers throughout their lifetimes by producing inspiring theatre. To fulfill this promise, the IRT debuted a new program in 2014 called Exploring Stages. This program serves our youngest theatre-goers, children from 3-8 years old, who now have the opportunity to experience theatre for the first time in an environment created specifically for them in both content and scale. The Theatre has presented three shows in the Exploring Stages series. In the 2016-2017 season, the IRT produced Stuart Little, the story of a tiny hero exploring the world around him. Pre-schools and elementary schools from across Central Indiana filed into The Cabaret, designed for the production as an informal and child-scaled space, to be immersed in Stuart’s world. They were taken on adventures across Central Park, met a friendly bird, and helped Stuart with his nemesis: the evil cat Snowbell. Children not only saw the play, but were also able to interact directly by petting Snowbell’s robe and answering questions posed by the cast during the show. The IRT believes that professional performing arts should play a larger role in enriching the educational experience for young learners. To that end, Exploring Stages helps children grow through specially crafted pre-show and post-show activities that are tailored to the emotional and cognitive development of young children. These activities help children develop empathy based on


character interactions in the play while improving early literacy. In addition to providing remarkable access to live theatre for young children, Exploring Stages also allows the IRT to engage local artists, particularly young actors, in professional productions. Young actor Lex Lumpkin was 11 years old when he brought Stuart to life this year, making him more accessible to children than if the role had been filled by an adult actor. Lex and his family have been involved with the IRT for two years in our Summer Conservatory for Youth. He was able to take the skills he learned during his classes and apply them to his first IRT production. “I believe that being Stuart Little carried a huge responsibility,” Lumpkin said. “We wanted to teach kids to be adventurous and responsible, and the importance of caring for others. To be a part of something that could possibly change the lives of young kids and to help shape the way they view others was a great experience for me. I learned so much and I had a great time. I will always be grateful to the IRT for taking a chance on me.” Your support of the IRT makes the most thrilling part of Exploring Stages possible: watching young audience members—many experiencing live theatre for the first time—wriggling comfortably on the floor in The Cabaret, their faces alight with the joy of an experience created just for them.

Above: Audience participates in post-show activities with the cast of Stuart Little. Photo by Amber Mills. Opposite: Lex Lumpkin and Antonio King in IRT’s 2017 production of Stuart Little. Photo by Zach Rosing.


# of student matinee performances this season




who attended Stuart Little, 2,148 of whom came from United Way partner schools

underwriting provided by the IRT’s Alan and Linda Cohen Education Fund to schools across the state

students who experienced theatre for the first time at Stuart Little

# of students

amount of ticket

percentage of



of students attending Stuart Little who were from Marion County




PARTNERSHIPS - Our celebration of the state Bicentennial, Finding Home: Indiana at 200, was featured as a part of the Spirit and Place Festival, helping Hoosiers explore the theme of “home”. - The IRT presented our inaugural Girls Night Out event in March 2017. A dozen local vendors provided professional and personal services to the women in attendance. MANY MENTORS The Many Mentors program provides deeply discounted tickets to mentoring pairs for designated performances throughout our season. This program seeks to expand our educational offerings, providing access to the theatre that encourages non-traditional learners and people in a variety of educational relationships to learn together at the theatre. The program reaches new audience members each season, and in 2016-2017, 122 tickets were obtained through the Many Mentors program. PAY WHAT YOU CAN The IRT offers one Pay What You Can night per calendar year, which reduces any real or perceived cost barriers for theatre attendance. We hosted a Pay What You Can night during Finding Home: Indiana at 200. Twenty-five audience members took advantage of the opportunity, paying as little as $4.00 per ticket.


AUDIENCE DISCUSSIONS During the 2016-2017 Season the IRT hosted more than 200 pre-show chats and post-show discussions with our audience members. The aim of these programs is to help encourage discussion and reflection about the topics and themes presented in our shows. Among some of the highlights: - The Historical Context of The Three Musketeers Jason Kelley, Director of IUPUI Arts & Humanities Institute & Associate Professor of History in the IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI, discussed the relationship between the setting of The Three Musketeers and the year it was published.

- Miranda & Perspectives on the Middle East Dr. Amira Mashhour, Senior Lecturer & Director of the Arabic Program in the School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI, and Dr. Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science/International Studies Program at IUPUI joined the IRT for post-show discussions after Miranda. Both shared their insight into and expertise on the Middle East as it related to Miranda. - The Art of Murder Mystery Father/daughter duo and local Indiana authors Tony Perona and Elizabeth Dombrosky shared how they write murder mysteries together during the season’s thrilling finale of Dial “M” for Murder.

Opposite: Milicent Wright in IRT’s 2016 production of A Christmas Carol. Photo by Zach Rosing.


Our largest community outreach event of the season took place in November 2016. The IRT partnered with the Indiana Blood Center, Toys for Tots, and Gleaners Food Bank to encourage the community to give back during the holiday season. During this program we collected:


Units of Blood


Pounds of Food


Large Tubs of Holiday Toys for Children in Need


FINANCIAL REPORTING Cash & Cash Equivalents Pledge Receivables Long Term Investments Property & Equipment (net) Other Assets

$326,875 $1,067,732 $11,892,782 $1,996,601 $1,846,851

$411,769 $1,903,073 $18,972,131 $1,775,927 $165,235

$525,292 $4,689,786 $19,731,516 $1,795,062 $186,725





Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses Deferred Ticket Revenue Unrestricted Net Assets Temporary Restricted Net Assets Permanently Restricted Net Assets

$262,015 $758,482 $3,713,439 $2,861,390 $9,535,515

$234,316 $782,915 $2,168,664 $5,004,725 $15,037,515

$187,049 $928,746 $2,177,283 $8,533,637 $15,101,666





Ticket Sales Annual Campaign Contributions Investment Income Other Income

$2,406,757 $2,385,101 $517,515 $428,949

$2,951,366 $2,540,207 $575,208 $479,339

$2,818,647 $2,646,875 $554,627 $502,152





Artistic Production Marketing & Education Public Operations Building Services Development Administration

$1,528,323 $1,700,723 $1,846,243 $1,206,872 $1,296,060 $1,386,544 $1,408,746 $1,467,300 $1,421,050 $163,690 $165,582 $178,281 $341,504 $472,106 $476,472 $378,204 $425,645 $415,348 $707,889 $841,247 $798,363




$3,094 $177,457






CORPORATE $467,821 (17.7%)

SPECIAL EVENTS: $230,145 (8.7%)

FOUNDATION $655,000 (24.7%)

PUBLIC: $165,976 (6.3%)

IN-KIND: $132,191 (5%) MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS: $41,419 (1.5%)

INDIVIDUAL $954,323 (36.1%)







“IRT is a top notch venture and an asset to the community.” – Greg Grossart, IRT Donor


BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Indiana Repertory Theatre is governed by a board of directors comprised of community and business leaders. We are grateful for this group’s dedicated service and visionary leadership during the 2016-2017 Season. OFFICERS

Michael J. Harrington, Chair Thomas C. Froehle, Jr., Vice Chair Nadine Givens, Secretary Amy Griman, Treasurer Daniel C. Emerson, Immediate Past Chair DIRECTORS

Tammara D. Avant Sharon R. Barner Frank Basile Gerald Berg Keith A. Bice Carl W. Butler Mary Beth Claus Ann Colussi Dee Gary Denney Michael P. Dinius Richard D. Feldman

James W. Freeman Ron Gifford Ricardo L. Guimarães Michael N. Heaton Holt Hedrick Brenda Horn Rebecca King John Kline Amy Kosnoff Jill Lacy Sarah Lechleiter

Jeff MacKay Andrew Michie Lawren K. Mills Timothy W. Oliver Brian Payne Peter N. Reist Susan O. Ringo Don Robinson-Gay Wayne Schmidt Michael Semler Mark Shaffer

Jacqueline Simmons Mike Simmons Jennifer Vigran Amy Waggoner L. Alan Whaley David Whitman William O. Williams Heather Wilson

Michael Lee Gradison*

E. Kirk McKinney, Jr.

Margie Herald David Klapper David Kleiman*

Richard Morris*

Jack Shaw* William E. Smith III* Eugene R. Tempel*


Robert Anker* Rollin Dick Berkley Duck* Dale Duncan*


in memoriam

in memoriam in memoriam

Jane Schlegel* Jerry Semler*

*Denotes a Past Board Chair

Opposite: Sarah Ruggles and Matt Mueller in IRT’s 2017 production of Dial “M” for Murder. Photo by Zach Rosing.

“I love your work. We would be a much poorer community without IRT.” – Dr. Kathy Krol, IRT Donor


DONOR LISTING INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS REPERTORY SOCIETY — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1,500+) The Repertory Society exists to recognize and thank individual donors giving $1,500 or more each season to the IRT. Donors at this level get unparalleled access to our art and artists. PLAYWRIGHT CIRCLE ($10,000+) Bob & Toni Bader Leo G. Bianchi & Jill A. Panetta Michael Dinius & Jeannie Regan-Dinius Nancy & Berkley Duck Dan & Ginny Emerson Tom & Jenny Froehle Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Susan Golden The Judy and Michael Harrington Family Foundation, a fund of CICF David I. & Betty Klapper Sarah & John Lechleiter Jackie Nytes & Michael O’Brien Mel & Joan Perelman Sue & Bill Ringo Wayne & Susan Schmidt Simmons Family Foundation, a fund of CICF David P. Whitman & Donna L. Reynolds Dr. Christian Wolf & Elaine Holden-Wolf DIRECTOR CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999) Susie & Joel Blum Scott & Lorraine Davison Gary Denney & Louise Bakker Rollie & Cheri Dick David & Ann Frick Drs. Cherryl & Shelly Friedman Ann Hinson Bill & Nancy Hunt Clifton & Janet Johnson Dr. & Mrs. William Macias Carl Nelson & Loui Lord Nelson Mary Frances Rubly & Jerry Hummer Mike & Sue Smith Cheryl & Ray Waldman Pam & Bill Williams ARTIST CIRCLE ($3,000-$4,999) A.J. Allen & Kathy Maeglin Daniel & Rita Blay Mary Findling & John Hurt Dick & Brenda Freije Nadine & Alvin Givens Charles Goad & James Kincannon Donald & Teri Hecht Richard & Elizabeth Holmes John & Liz Jenkins Eric & Karen Jensen David Kleiman & Susan Jacobs John & Susan Kline Steve & Bev Koepper Scott & Amy Kosnoff Kevin Krulewitch & Rosanne Ammirati* Dr. & Mrs. Dan & Martha Lehman


David & Leslie Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Kimball Morris Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Nagy Mr. Stephen Owen & Dr. Cheryl Torok Owen Ben Pecar & Leslie Thompson Dr. Christine & Mr. Michael Phillips Becca & Jonathan Polak Bob & Kathi Postlethwait N. Clay & Amy Robbins Dr. Eric Schultze & Dr. Marcia Kolvitz Jerry & Rosie Semler Mark & Gerri Shaffer Cynthia & William Smith III Cheryl & Bob Sparks Cheryl & Jim Strain Gene & Mary Tempel Jeff & Benita Thomasson PATRON CIRCLE ($1,500-$2,999) Eric & Catherine Allen Janet Allen & Joel Grynheim Anonymous Tammara D. Porter Avant & Jesse Avant Sharon R. Barner Frank & Katrina Basile Gerald & Moira Berg Benjamin & Ashley Blair Dan Bradburn & Jane Robison Carl W. Butler Vince & Robyn Caponi Mary Beth Claus James & Kathy Cornelius Susan M. Cross Daniel & Catherine Cunningham Dr. Frank & Noreen Deane Gregory Dedinsky, M.D. & Cherri Hobgood, M.D. Ann & Kenneth Dee Dr. Brian Dillman & Erin Hedges* Drs. Richard & Rebecca Feldman Barrie K. & Gary R. Fisch Jim & Julie Freeman Brian & Lorene Furrer Rick Fuson Phyllis & Ed Gabovitch Mr. Jim Gawne Paul & Beth Gaylo Dorothea & Philip Genetos Robert Giannini Ron & Kathy Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Griman Dr. & Mrs. James & Pat Hamby Lisa Harris, M.D. Michael N. Heaton Jeff & Mindy Henry Jane Herndon & Dan Kramer Bruce Hetrick & Cheri O’Neill

Ted Hingst William & Patricia Hirsch Brenda S. Horn Randolph & Rebecca Horton Robert Hunchberger & Kathy Callahan The Indianapolis Fellows Fund, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation Tom & Kathy Jenkins Daniel T. Jensen & Steven Follis Philip & Irma Johnson Denny & Judi Jones Mike & Pegg Kennedy Phil & Colleen Kenney Arthur & Jacquelyn King Gary Knott & Colette Irwin-Knott Richard & Mary Kortokrax Kurt & Judy Kroenke Jill & Peter Lacy Alan P. & Tonya A. Ladd Ed & Ann Ledford Andrew & Lynn Lewis Joe & Deborah Loughrey John & Laura Ludwig John & Barbara MacDougall Jeff & Patricia MacKay Donald & Ruth Ann MacPherson Mike & Pat McCrory Dod & Laura Michael Andrew & Amy Michie Lawren Mills & Brad Rateike Penn & Connie Moody Michael D. Moriarty Stephen & Deanna Nash The Blake Lee and Carolyn Lytle Neubauer Charitable Fund, a fund of Legacy Fund Anne Nobles & David L. Johnson Nancy & John Null Tim Oliver Larry & Louise Paxton Brian & Gail Payne The Pletzer Endowment Fund, a fund of Legacy Fund Phil & Joyce Probst Myrta Pulliam Peter & Karen Reist Ken & Debra Renkens Karen & Dick Ristine The Robinson-Gay Family Marya & Tony Rose Chip & Jane Rutledge Francisnelli Santos & Brian S. Newman Charles & Jenny Schalliol Jane & Fred Schlegel Tom & Barbara Schoellkopf Tim & Karen Seiler

Michael & Holly Semler Jack & Karen Shaw Marguerite K. Shepard, M.D. Reuben & Lee Shevitz Jacqueline Simmons & Tom Schnellenberger Michael & Cynthia Skehan Edward & Susann Stahl Robert & Barbara Stevens Suzanne Sweeney & Todd Wiencek Joe & Jill Tanner Jonathan Tempel John & Deborah Thornburgh Jennifer C. Turner John & Kathy Vahle Larry & Nancy VanArendonk Bill & Jana Varanka Jennifer & Gary Vigran Amy Waggoner Dorothy Webb Rosalind Webb & Duard Ballard Carol Weiss Emily A. West Alan & Elizabeth Whaley Cliff & Molly Williams Ken & Peggy Williams Bob & Dana Wilson Heather Wilson John & Margaret Wilson Jim & Joyce Winner *Denotes a sustaining member

The IRT gratefully acknowledges the remarkable support we received from all of our generous donors during the 2016-2017 Season. Your commitment to our mission made the season possible! INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) Donations of all sizes work together at the IRT to ensure world-class theatre can continue on the IRT’s stages. We thank our Donor Guild contributors for their generous support of our mission. DRAMA GUILD ($650-$1,499) Bob & Patricia Anker Anonymous (3) Naseer & Heather Bade Andrea Best Jesse L. & Carolynne Bobbitt Charles Boswell Thomas & Victoria Broadie Gordon A. & Celia Bruder Reverend & Mrs. Jack & Pam Burks Paul & Renee Cacchillo Brady Clark Dr. & Mrs. John J. Coleman III Craig & Marsha Dunkin Julie & Jeff Eggert Jim Eup Drs. Eric Farmer & Tate Trujillo Dr. Mary L. Forster, M.D. Paul & Phylis Gesellchen Bruce J. Glor Christopher & Sheila Gramling Susan C. Guba, M.D. Robert & Melanie Haskell Marjorie & James Herald Greg & Kathy Hill Drs. Meredith & Kathleen Hull Jesse & Sara Klug Eric & Susan Learned Linebarger Janin Family Fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation James & Sara Lootens Liz & JD Masur James & Kathleen McGrath William & Nancy McNiece R. Keith & Marion Michael John & Carolyn Mutz Ann Marie L. Ogden Merrell & Barbara Owen Robert M. & Kelli DeMott Park Noel & Mary Phillips* Gail & Bill Plater Paula F. Santa Richard & Christine Scales Owen Schaub & Donna McClearey Robert & Alice Schloss Thomas & Teresa Sharp Mark & Alice Martina Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Pat Spence Ed & Jane Stephenson The Ruth E. Stilwell Endowment Fund, a fund of CICF Robert & Debra Titus Dr. James & Linda Trippi Barbara S. Tully* Craig & Karin Veatch Richard Vonnegut Brian West Philip & Shandon Whistler John & Ingrid Barbro Wiebke

Frederick & Jacquelyn Winters John & Linda Zimmermann Robina Zink THEATRE GUILD ($250-$649) Juan Acosta William Adams & Dawn Zimmer John & Eileen Ahrens* David & Mary Allen Dr. Carl Anderson Anonymous (11) Cindy Baker Laura Baker Jeri Ballantine Trudy W. Banta Stephen & Maureen Bard John & Mary Bartley Walter Bartz* Constance C. Beardsley* Kristen Belcredi Michelle Bell Emily & Tom Benner Keith A. & Heather Bice Dan & Barb Bickel David & Etta Biloon Barbara & Christopher Bodem* Ted & Peggy Boehm Stephen Bogdewic & Betsy Lee Joseph & Helen-Louise Boling Ellen Boruff Risa Brainin & Michael Klaers Jim & Carmen Brining Ray & Kathy Brinkmeyer Bob & Chris Broughton Charles W. Brown & Louise Tetrick Melanie Brown & Amy Harbin* Pam & Tony Brozan Dr. Mellonee Burnim David & Beverly Butler Sherry Butler William Capello & Georgia Strickland Clarence L. & Carol Casazza Eddie & Kim Caudill Richard Chance Doug & Brenda Chappell Steve Chatham Circle City Rebar, LLC Robert & Jennifer Cochrane Jeff Coffee Linda S. Cohen William S. Coleman Jr. Keith & Brenda Coley Jerry & Carol Collins Complete Technology Solutions Congregation Beth-El Zedeck John & Ulla Connor Larry & Debbie Corbett William E. & Angela Corley Carl & Norma Crabiel

Don & Dolly Craft David Crites & Joan Tupin-Crites Brian Crouse Karen Dace* Thomas & Sue Dapp Forest & Marsha Daugherty Fr. Clem Davis Paul and Carol DeCoursey* Phillip & Caroline Dennis* Caroline Derbin Steve & Mary DeVoe Catharine Diehr Ditech Inc. Mr. & Dr. Jody Donaldson Rosemary Dorsa John & Cynthia Dozier* Richard & Judith Essex Sherry Faris James Farrar Rick & Kathy Feid Dr. Thomas Ferry Hank & Nanci Feuer Joan M. FitzGibbon Bill & Jennie Forehand Erik Fosnaught George & Sheri Foster Kerry & Kimberly Foster Edward & Elizabeth Frazier Garry & Glenda Frey Matt Fritz & Kara Ooley & Family Julie Funk Peter Furno & Pamela Steed Lance & Carrie Gallahan Paul & Danielle Galley Gamma Nu Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Bob & Bev Gardner Michael & Beth Gastineau Greg Gault & Jeanne Maurer-Gault Robert & Christy Gauss Priscilla Gerde Jodi Gick Richard & Sharon Gilmor Mark & Laurel Goetzinger Darrell & Thecla Gossett Drs. Robert & Barbara Goulet Anne & Tom Greist Greg Grossart Bill & Phyllis Groth Chad & Kelli Grothen Ricardo & Beatriz Guimarães Marla & Mike Guzman Rebecca A. Gwin David J. & Jeanne C. Hamernik Emily F. (Cramer) Hancock* Don & Carolyn Hardman Alexandra & Justin Harris* Betty (Etheridge) Harris Hear Here LLC Steve & Kathy Heath

Holt Hedrick Catherine Herber Mike & Noel Heymann Tom & Nora Hiatt Ellen Hines Karen Holmes Lindsey & Tom Horan Charles Howe Alice Hughes Indy Instrument Service, LLC Greg & Patricia Jacoby Paula Jarrett Dave & Tina Jenkins Ron & Shannon Jones Dave & Donna Kaiser Frank & Frances Kelly Freddie & Anne Kelvin Karen A. Kiefer Louise & Mike Kinney Jay & Carole Kirkpatrick Steven & Mary Koch* Paul Anderson & Sara Konrath Dr. Donald & Mrs. Shirley Kreipke Paul & Lana Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Erica Kuchinski J.A. & Elizabeth Lacy Dr. John Ladd Kim & Jay Lane & Milo Roger & Janet Lang John Langham I.M. Larrinua & M.T. Wolf Lisa Le Crone Celeste Jasmin Ledezma Stephen Lehman & Maureen Toth Lehman Margaret Lehtinen & Dr. Lawrence Mark Andra Liepa Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Dr. David & Anna Mandelbaum Lyle & Deborah Mannweiler Dr. & Mrs. Peter Marcus* Patrick Marlatt* Anne & Ken Marnocha Randy & Rita Martin Tom & Sandy Mason Melissa Maulding Charles & Sonnie McAuley Donald & P.J. McCullough Monty & Brenda McMahan James M. McMechan Marie McNelis Brenda & Rick Merkel Don & Kimberly Meyer Milton & Margaret Miller Dr. Frederick & Alice Milley Molly-Maid of Indy Rev. Mary Ann Moman* David H. Moore, M.D. & M. Kristine Beckwith, M.D. James A. & Tammy Morris


DONOR LISTING INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS, CONT. — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) Donations of all sizes work together at the IRT to ensure world-class theatre can continue on the IRT’s stages. We thank our Donor Guild contributors for their generous support of our mission. THEATRE GUILD ($250-$649) CONT. Kent & Elaine Morrison* Jim & Judith Mowry Mr. Electric Sharon & Dan Murphy Anne Myers Susan & Jim Naus Dr. LeeAnne M. Nazer John & Patricia Nichols Northside Mental Health Deena J. Nystrom Diana J. Ohman Mr. & Mrs. Niels Ostergaard Srikanth Padmanabhan Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Pearce Gary & Pam Pedigo* Greg Perkins Daniel & Donna Perrott Robert Perry Mr. & Mrs. John and Ellie Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Lee Phipps Michael & Patricia Pillar David & Dorian Poole J. Thomas & Jane Ann Porter Apurva Prakash Scott & Susan Putney Nancy Quest Roger & Anna Radue Leslie Dianne Rankin Flora Reichanadter John & Alicia Reuter Dr. Nenetzin Reyes* Richard & Diane Rhodes Ann & Richard Riegner Charlotte Robertson Larry Robinette Therese Rooney William Tod Rosenbaum Craig & Jan Royal Brent & Kristen Ruder Dennis & Sandy Sasso Mark & Julanne Sausser Scampers the Cat Anne & Rod Scheele Dan & Patty Schipp Steve Schlangen* Ms. Karen Schnyder Dr. Jill Shedd* Harry J. Sherman Dr. Stephen Shideler Richard & Kimberly Shields Kevin & Amy Sobiski* Larry & Karen Sowinski Tom & Mary Sparrow Ross & Rosemarie Springer Luke Stark* Bob & Pam Stearman Andrew Stegman


Amanda Stevenson-Holmes & Matt Holmes Doshia Hall Stewart Glenn E. Stewart Stillpoint Family Chiropractic Nancy S. Stokely, Ph.D. Dan & Diana Sullivan Martin & Lee Summers Richard & Lois Surber Darrell & Melanie Swartzentruber Nela Swinehart* Mary C. Tanner Fred & Carol Terzo Tom & Karla Thompson Matthew Allan Thornberry Jim & Jayne Thorne Lynne & Alex Timmermans Jennifer & Randall Todd Donald & Shirley Trapp Robert & Barbetta True* Dr. & Mrs. Kurt Van Scoik Ann & Mark Varnau Steve & Teresa Vincent Dr. William C. Vladuchick & Ms. Susan M. Meloy David & Jenny Wade Norma Bangel Wallman Karen S. Waltz Bill & Joan Warrick Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Washburn Susan Weatherly* Zoe Urena Weiss John & Pamela West Terry & Shirley West Karen J. Weyrauch Dan Wheeler & Susan Wakefield* Bill & Audrey Wiebenga A. Donald & Jeanette B. Wiles Allen R. Wilkie Jan & John Williams Prof. Gail F. Williamson John & Judy Wilson Reba Boyd Wooden* Harold Woodman Patrick & Laurie Wootan Brant & Lorene Wright STAGE GUILD ($100 - $249) Louis Ackerman Tia M. Agnew* D. Robert & Lynn Akerhielm Mrs. Bernadette Allison Robert Alonso & Deborah Givan Robert & Julie Anger Anonymous (29) Mark Argentine Connor & Kathy Avery Russ & Shelley Bachman Larry & Donna Badger Mr. & Mrs. James Bagnoli Adam Bailey Vernon Bailey

Kay Jett Baker Phillip Baker Roger & Barbara Barksdale Leon & Mary Ann Beaty Jim & Sherri Bell Jeannine Bell Karen M. Bellinger Don & Carla Bennett Jane & Mike Bennett Pamela J. Bennett David & Dianne Berry Wayne Bewley Pat Beyland Florrie Binford-Cooper James Bing Suzanne B. Blakeman Don & Kathy Blanch Carolyn Bogue Jerry & Eva Bohannon Karry Book Theresa Bordenkecher Sheila Barton Bosron Jeffrey T. Botteron Paul Boykas Terry & Carolyn Bradbury Glenn M. Brazel* Stuart & Patricia Breslin John & Catherine Bridge Dennis & Marian Brinker Roger & Janet Brinkman Duane & Marcia Brock Brandon Brown Chris & Kristine Brown Ethan & Amy Brown Michael Brubaker Marsha Bugalla Karen G. Burch Dr. Frederick Burgomaster Daniel & Abigail Burke* James & Andrea Burnett Pat & Ben Bush Bill & Diane Byron Kristi Campbell Dr. Louis B. & Linda E. Cantor Stephen B. & Bonnie Caplin Susan Carlson Diane & Dan Carmen Lee & Patricia Casebere Fred & Doris Chandler Barbra Chaplin Dr. Valeria S. Chapman* Victor Childers Jeffrey Christoffersen Karen Church Richard Clark P. Scott Cleveland Mark & Ann Clevenger Julie Comella Ann & David Cook Mike & Lucia Corcoran

Michael Courtney Hester H. Coward Mike & Pat Cracraft Denise Craig Carolyn Cunningham Tammy Cunningham Mel & Deedee Daniel David & Shirley Daniell Drs. Constance & Themen Danielson Anita Dansker Sharon David Pam & Jef Davidson Susan & John Davis* Jeffrey & Barbara Dean Kevin & Natalie Dempsey Joe & Mia Dennett Robert & Marianne Dice Dr. Andrew D. & Ruth Dick Burton Dicus Tom & Celia Dollmeyer Paul & Glenda Drew* Dave & Cathy Drzewiecki Ray Dubea & Sue Green Phillip & Jane Duchemin Linda Dulin Katherine Eardly Burak Ecevit Wayne & Lynne Eckerle Carol Edgar Tom & Becky Eggers Lawrence & Claudette Einhorn Kent S. Elliott & Amy Comer-Elliott Jessica Evers Mrs. & Mr. Cate & Kyle Falk Richard Farmer Bill & Maureen Farrell Karen & Terry Feltner Margaret Ferguson* Marvin & Bronwen Ferguson Elaine K. Fetta Marlyssa Fillmore Edward & Lisa FitzGerald Janice Fitzgerald Judy K. Fletcher Jo & Mike Flinn Robert Foote & Cheryl Hughes Mary Fortney Carol Fowler Keith & Diana Fox Hayley & Eric Frandsen Linda & Bruce Frank Mark & Indra Frank Thomas Frank & Angeline Larimer Kay L. Franscoviak Roger & Susan Frick David & Jean Fronek Howard & Phyllis Fulford James Fung Joe G Barbara Garing

The IRT gratefully acknowledges the remarkable support we received from all of our generous donors during the 2016-2017 Season. Your commitment to our mission made the season possible! INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS, CONT. — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) Kelly Garverick William & Jill Ann Garvey Mrs. Lynne Gauthier Terry & Sherry Gentry Christopher & Debra George Marcia Goldstone Robin Goodwin Connie Gorman Jacqueline Gough Bob Gowen & Virgil Chan Thomas & Elizabeth Graffis Tom & Jo Dee Grau Frances Gray & Warren Jones Mary Green-Higgins John & Mary Ann Grogan Othmar & Libby Grueninger Richard & Millicent Gunnell* Andrew Gustin Janet Guthridge Jerry & Kathleen Hacker Todd & Kerry Hacker Tom & Susie Hacker Ron & Ellie Hackler Marion S. Haerle Brian Hale Dave & Shirley Halterman Elizabeth Anne Hammond Flora Hammond Dick & Sherry Hamstra Paul & Judy Hanson* Cathy Harms Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hart William & Josephine S. Harter Ed & Louise Hartigan Pat & Frank Hartman Guille & Ann Harvey David & Patricia Haskett Jerry & Carol Hathaway Marty Havely Dennis & Amy Haworth Theodore & Linda Hegeman Brian & Louise Henderson* Jessica & Joseph Hisch David Hochoy Betty Hogsett Donald & Shirley Holmes Steven & Janet Holzer Peg & Dave Homeier Eleanor Hood Dennis & Susan Hoover Dianne Hubbard Mary Huber Don & Maureen Hunton Chris & Nancy Iles Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. & Betsy Ingle Dr. & Mrs. Philip Ireland David Jackoway Jan Jamison Sara & Tom Janson Janet Jegen Henry & Anita Johnson Mike & Beth Johnson

Rick & Katy Johnson Richard Judy & Jane Lommel Marty & Linda Kaplan Marc & Dana Katz Fr. Leopold R. Keffler, O.F.M. Conv. Kathryn S. Keller Joe Kirk Cindy & Daniel Kleyn Daniel J. Knight Michelle Korin* Norbert & Katherine Krapf Hon. Scott A. Kreider Dr. Loretta Kroin Dr. Kathy Krol, M.D. Bob & Marilyn Kuhn Michael & Mina La Londe Dr. Ned & Martha Lamkin Beverly Landis Michael & Elizabeth LaRoche* Joseph & Dee LaRosa Lucinda Lautz Dave Lawrence Frank & Sandra Learned Elisabeth Lesem Ned & Shirley Lewis Ryan Lewis & Jenny Skehan Pastor Tim Lindsey II Robert & Sharon Lipford Paul Logan Christine Long Lee & Pat Lonzo* Stefan Ludlow Dr. Michael Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lyday Harold Mack Sr. Jeanne & Jim Madison Patrick & Virginia Maher Tracy Manning Katrina Marichal Scott & Elena Marr* Sharon & Toad Mason Marcia Mather Dr. & Mrs. Scott E. Mattson Paula E. Mauzy* B.T. Maxam James & Sharron McCarthy Louise McCleary Amy McClellan Jeff & Karen McComas Eric McCorkle Rebecca McCreery Martha McCullen Brian McDermott Edie McDonnel Dr. & Mrs. Grant B. McDougal Janice & William McFerran Jeff McGinnis Janet S. McIntyre Kevin McKasson Catherine Scott McKinney Megan McKinney Jack McMahon

Heather McPherson & Malcolm W. Smith Patrick McPherson & Amy Spudic* Greg Merrell Frank Messina & Robin Reagan Trinda & Doug Metzger Andrea Meyer Brian Meyer Ron & Kim Milford Dianne & Randy Miller F. Carl Miller, Jr. Stan & Nancy Mills Jim & Fern Miner Sidney & Shanon Mishkin Whitney Morrill Harry & Harriet Morrison Jo Ann Mullen Michael Mullen Terry & Lew Mumford Steven & Pat Mundy John & Marcia Munshower Michael Myers, Ph.D. Rose Nakeeb Brenda Nelson Kevin & Gloria Nelson* David & Leslee Newhouse Carl W. Newton Stephen Nezovich Sheila Nickle Camille Nicodemus & Chuck Henderson John & Evelyn Noblitt Mrs. Cindy Noe Janis Noelle John & Kathy Null Jon & Andrea Pactor Thomas & Linda Page Angela Paradise Pragna & Shantilal Patel Steve & Quin Paul Joe & Peggy Pearson Laura Peregrim Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Peterson Nancy J. Phillips Andrew Pike & Sharon Horvath Sharon Pinson Tom & Judy Plimpton Robert & Lillian Potts Dottie Powell Richard W. Prather Raymond & Leslie Pratt Charlotte & Jim Price Greg & Jill Pugh Maureen & John Purcell April Pyatt, Esq. Ken Qualls John & Annemarie Quets Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp Debbie Rawlings Linda Rea Susan Reed Jeff & Cathie Reese Rosemary Rehak Kathleen L. Reilly

Tim & Karen Reiman Richard Rejer Mike & Cheryl Rettig Bob & Carol Reynolds Rodney & Judy Rhoades Dr. & Mrs. Jay & Margaret Rifkind River Bend Hose Specialty* Angela Roberts Robert & Cynthia Robinson Tracy & Julie Rosa Jim & Rita Rosensteele Steven & Nancy Roth Elizabeth Russell Sandra RussGlass F. Robert & Linda Sabol David Sadler Rachel Samson Carly Schall Heather Ann Scheel Robert & Rita Schilling Konnie & John Schlechte Robert Alan Schlifke Bill & Joan Schnell Kendall & Jami Schnurpel Hal & Theresa Schoen Pam & Ed Schrager Bonnie Schwartz Todd & Heather Scoggins Gary & Diana Scott Ken & Janet Scott Kevin & Carol Sears Ellen Sebahar James & Janice Seidensticker Dr. & Mrs. James Senetar Carolyn A. Sharp Ada C. Shaum Mark & Pat Shaurette Margaret Shaw Joe & Kathleen Sheehy Susan F. Shepherd* Douglas & Teresa Sherow Bob & Denise Silbert Dr. & Mrs. Michael Silbert Paul & Kathy Sirois Tessa & Zach Skidmore Bob & Helen Slagel James & Anna Sluka Betty Small Amanda Smiley Dale & Feona Smith Linda & Carl Smith Mary Ruth Snyder, Ph.D. Ruth Soper Harriet Stambaugh Janice L. Stamper Lorie Stapler David & Lori Starr Mary E. Staten Patti Stauffer Dodie M. Stein Steven & Sandra Steinkeler


DONOR LISTING INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS, CONT. — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) Donations of all sizes work together at the IRT to ensure world-class theatre can continue on the IRT’s stages. We thank our Donor Guild contributors for their generous support of our mission. STAGE GUILD ($100 - $249) CONT. Sarah Stelzner Alice Steppe & Patrick Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Stevens Lois J. Stewart Michael & Janine Stratton Drs. David & Pinky Stuhldreher Mary C. Sturm Jenni Sujan Gregg & Judy Summerville Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sundheimer Bob & Alice Susemichel Jonathan & Debra Swain* Hilary Swanson Bob & Debie Swinehamer Gene & Rosie Tanner Mr. & Mrs. John D. Tarbox Bill & Janet Taylor Steve & Barb Teagarden Dale R Tekippe Karen Temple & Benedict Dulaski Alice Thomas Joyce Thomas Lori Thompson Michael Thompson Anne C. Toole Trent & Laura Tormoehlen P. Tyree John & Robin Uhrig Theodore & Shelley Voelz Macharri Vorndran-Jones & Tony Dick & Ramona Waddell Candace & Bruce Walker Ron Walker Sarah F. Ward Carl Warner Chris Warren Nancy & Don Watson Maritza Webb* Gerald Weber Tina M. Weldon Joe & Rose Wernicke James & Linda Wesley Edward and Sue West Mr. & Mrs. Wheaton Paula Whitfield Julie Whitman & Ray Stuart Andrew Wilkinson Dave & Doris Wilkinson James & Barbara Williams Joe & Beth Williams Dr. Frank & Christine Wilson Claude & Carla L. Wimmenauer William & Candice Winn Charles & Peggy Wood Tara L. Wood* Marie Wright Sophia Wright


Keliang Wu Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wylde Jenny Yarian-Scalpelli Laura Yeo Richard & Barbara Yoho Steven & Judith Young Jeff Zaring Tom Zeabart Judy M. Zell, C.P.A. Nancy Zent Charles Zwolle PERFORMANCE GUILD ($1 - $99) Steven Abernathy ACDI and Associates Tax and Insurance Services Michael & Claudia Alerding Sheryl Allen Dara & Sharon L. Amlung Anonymous (22) Rachelle Antcliff Don Arbogast & Terri Gill Michael Arnett & Barbara Young James Atkinson Jeremy & Kara Baber Deniece Y. Bailey Russ & Dolly Baker Elizabeth Baltz Dale Barnes Bobbi R. Barnett Jean Barnett Catherine Barrett Lyle Bass Toni Bauer & Matthew Winkler Jerry Bedard & Steven Giovangelo Richard & Diane Bell Tanja Bendixon Lyle Benjamin* Robert & Dagrun Bennett Tom Bennett Brooks Bertl James & Priscilla Bethel Don & Ginger Bievenour Marvi Bikak Elizabeth Binford John Christian Bischoff Norma Blake Tobias & Mindy Blech Natalie Boehm Glen & Jeanne Bohannon Tracey Bonner Zane & Sherri Boucher Fredrick & Elaine Parrah Boyd Leo Boyd Bill & Nancy Bradley Michael Branson Amy Bratsch Ken & Rebecca Brelage Karen Brethauer Jim & Rachel Bridenstine Paul Britt

Christine Brokaw Dennie Brooks Ned & Joan Brown Polly Brown Richard E. & Heather S. Brown The Brumbaugh Family Mary Brunner Tom & Sandy Bruns Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bryant Craig Buckler Allison Burke Herbert & Barbara Cain Lori Caldwell John & Kathleen Chapin Al & Martha Chiscon Maribeth Chitwood Susie Ann Christian-Hodgson Todd B. Clark William Clarke Ronald, Barbara & Stacie Clay Anne Cleary Pamela Clements Adrians Cleveland Alice Cleveland Kevin Cloer Mark Coates & Natalie Chambers Charles A. & Karen Cohen Shirley Cohen Terry Cole Jennifer & Janell Collins Rita Collins Donald & Kim Colvin Christopher B. Cones James Conner Maggie Conner Todd Cook Jack & Sally Cotlar Lynn H. Cowburn Michael J. & Marilyn Cox Ted & Jacquilynn Coyle Tim Craft & Molly Deuberry David Creasey Ligita Cress Iris Cruz Elizabeth Curran Rodney Curry D K Pierce & Associates Eva Daily Dina David Allan & Joanna Day Angela Delise Jennifer L. Denney Mr. & Mrs. Dent Ann Dettwiler Sean Devenney & Jennifer Chelf Suzanne DeWeese Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Dotti Downer Mark Dudley Charles & Mary Duncan Nancy H. Dunn

Robert & Ruth Durbin Gregory Eberhard Sharon Eckstein Mrs. Constance Eggers Joyce Elder Gary Emmert Rebecca Engle Lana Enlow Joseph & Sandra Erler Duane & Jewell Etienne* Mary Ann Fadae John & Linda Fahrenbach Danielle Fiega Scott & Sara Fifer Ellis & Carol Fisher Lindsay Flegge & Ethan Blocher-Smith Steven Flowers Jan Forbes Monica Foster Rhonda Fox Waltz David & Gayle Foy Debbie Frankenberg Tim & Portia Frecker Bill & Katie Frederick Stephen Freund John & Joyce Fruth Jan & Rick Fulmer Meg Gaffney Bridget Gaines Ann Galvin Alison Garby Theresa Garcia & Thomas Orr Jennifer Gates Terence & Leslie Gay Anne & Steve Gaylord Kelly George Lauren Elaine George Shane & Karine Gestenslager Boyd H. Gilbert Robert E. Gildersleeve Todd & Jan Gillespie Gary & Sharon Gillund James Glad Janet Glennon Katie Glick Ric & Jan Good Cliff Goodwin David & Mary Lou Gotshall Richard & Karen Gould Debra Grace-Johnson & Kevin Johnson Brad Gray Denise A. Gray Thomas Gray Jerry W. Grayson Callan & Abigail Hale Cynthia A. Hall Mr. Hugh R. Hanlin Ph.D & Mrs. Rhonda Impink Sharon Hape

The IRT gratefully acknowledges the remarkable support we received from all of our generous donors during the 2016-2017 Season. Your commitment to our mission made the season possible! INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS, CONT. — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) David Harrison Robert Hatcher Susan Hawyer Thomas & Mary Linda Hays Dr. Thomas Hayward Cole & Catherine Healy Eugene Heinbaugh Robin Heldman Marcus Hendry Carroll & Josie Henneke Debbie Hennessey Holly Elizabeth Herbert Douglas A. Heustis Johnathon Hicks Linda Hicks Lauren Hixson Christopher Holland Steven Holloway Kristine J. Holtvedt Tim Holtz Robert & Rhea Hood Dawn Hooker Berke Hooton Nick & Natalie Hopkins Carla Howard Courtney Howie Chad Hudson Christine Hudson Steven Hughes Ellen Humphrey Charles R. Hunter John Hurlbut Greg & Linda Imboden Tom Imperiale Indianapolis City-County Councilor Jared Evans On behalf of the Indianapolis Police Department Candace Irven Louis Janeira Father William Carl Johanningman Brandon Johnson Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Johnson Audrey Jones Margaret Jones Robert & Georgia Jones La Tonya Jordan Fredricka Joyner Kyle Kaiser Olga Kaufmann James & Nancy Kean Steve & Margo Kelly Jeff & Susan Kent Susan Kerekes-Alexander Kevin Kern Anna Marie Kiefer Ann W. Kieffer Don & Kim Killingback Karen King Carolyn Knaepple John & Sherrie Knighton Tom & Katie Koch

Kenneth & Sara Koehler Patty Kovach Rebecca Kraus Jessica Krug Steven Krusie John Laburda Mark & Deborah Ladendorf Deanna K. Larkin Gary LaSalle James LaSarre Dr. John Lee Dr. Peggy Daniels Lee Ashleigh A. Lehr Joan Leibman Paul & Laura Leiter David & Kathryn Lentz Douglas Leonard Scott and Tina Levine Helen E. Lewis Preston & Rita Light Gerald & Sally Lindenmayer Jim Lingenfelter & Georgia Cravey Bruce & Susan Lippold Mary Lou Lofton Logan Institute for Health & Wellness Jessica Loomis Ernest Lorch Linda Lough Judy Lumbert Stephen W. & Connie S. Lyman Larry & Jennifer Lynch David MacPherson Joanne Mages Margaret Mahoney Jason Mais Sundai Mandeville John Manley John P. Manning III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Mantel Kathleen Marrs Erin Marshall Marcella Marshall Benjamin Martin Rosanne Marusa Vince & Kristy Mathews Thoma Mattox Meredith McAllister James & Mary McAteer Jim & Nancy McClure Sarah & Gene McCullough Kelly McDonald Rod & Lori McKinlay Pamela Meador Carolyn A. Mears Grace Meier Ed Memmen Rick & Linda Merrifield Dr. & Mrs. R.J. Michael Fry Sally Might & Charles Robinson Diane H. Mikiska Earl & Carol Miller Jerry & Barbara Miller

Lucille Miller Philip & Holly Miller David & Robin Miner Jennifer Moehring Christopher Moeller Dr. James A. Monn Bryan Moody & Tim Barshinger Robert Moore Diana Moorman Ann Moriarty Christina Morris Dr. & Mrs. Jack J & Susan Moss Mary Murff Faith Musgrove Constance R. Myers Aaron & Leigh Anne Naas Patricia Nachand Anne Nail Mary E. Nease Theresa Nees Jeff & Cheryl Niemeier Nils Nordell Sara Nordlum Ed & Judy O’Brien Robert Ohlemiller Edward Olberding Chrsitine Osborn Kenneth Oswald Dennis & Teri Ouellette Kathryn Page Witczak Al & Debbie Parrish Kay Pashos Mike Patarino Stacey & Blaine Paul Kenneth Pavnica Steven Pecar Janet M. Penwell Peregrine Tutoring Alfonso & Catherine Perez Nanci Sears-Perry Leila Peters Michael & Donna Petraits Carole Petro Robert & Patricia Pfeifer Stephen Pfingston Keith & Karen Phelps Jane Pidgeon Mary Ann Plahitko Anne Polk Vince & Shika C. Pollard Kim Powers Cathy S. Price Nicholas Provenzano Scott & Laura Pruitt Duane & Peg Queener Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quesada Nicole Quinn Matthew Rager Diana Rains Nancy Rairdon Steven Ramsey Daniel T. Randolph

JoAnne Ratermann Meryn & Jonathan Rathert Pamela Ray Brian Reisinger Kinsley Renshaw Joan Rhodes Gail Richards Nick Richardson Beva Rikkers Nana Rising Ken & Janet Ritter Gordon & Jean Robbins Eric & Karen Roberts Larry & Shari Robinson Carl Rochelle Mark Rolfs Suzanne Romanski Ed Rosenbaum Paul Roth Domoni Rouse Cindy Ruman Dale Rumble Tamara Rumble Daniel Saldi Eric Sampson Robert Sanborn Gayle Sanders Larry & Donna Sandman Janet Sato Floyd Satterlee & Michelle Stone-Burner Sara S. Schacht John & Sandy Schilling Herb Schlotterbeck Robert L. & Becky Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Richard Schumacher Robert & Linda Schussler Steven Setchell Adam & Katie Settle Jacqueline Shaffer Dick & Carole Stanley Mary Shepherd Al Sherman Kent Sherwood Marsha Shilts Andrea Shook Jay Shultz Greg & Beth Silcox Debra Wilson Simmons Kurt Sivilich Julie Slavens Phyllis Slavens Grant Smith John D. Smith Mike & Cheryl Smith Susan & Jeff Smithburn Jerry Smolek Gariathon Snowden Patricia Snyder Tom Soller Dwain & Linda Sparks Margaret Stack


DONOR LISTING INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS, CONT. DONOR GUILDS, CONT. — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($1 - $1,499) Donations of all sizes work together at the IRT to ensure world-class theatre can continue on the IRT’s stages. We thank our Donor Guild contributors for their generous support of our mission. PERFORMANCE GUILD ($1 - $99) CONT. Niki Staggs Joanna Stair William J. Stanley Nancy Starke Keith & Karen Starling Jeffrey & Jane Stautz Tony & Hillary Steinhardt Dan & Moon Stevens Harold & Laura Stocker Lloyd & Sarah Stoel Debra Stonecypher Gae Stoops William Storey Doris & Tom Stump Julia C. Stumpff Matt & Nora Sudduth Ken & Brenda Swain C. Sweets & M. Wible Rhonda Tamulonis Karen Tanner Joseph J. Tauber Tom Terlep

Byron Tetrick Garrett & Elaine Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Thompson Cherril Lynn Threte Kathy Thurston Anthony & Jane Tietz Steve & Maria Tilmans William & Renee Tilt Susan Tomlinson William E. & Carol Torp Alan Trauner Howard Trivers & Catherine Buyarski Linda Troop Eunice Trotter Rebecca Troutman Melissa Trowbridge Patricia Trowers-Johnson Lt. Col. Byrdia Lea Turner John Turner Ruth Turner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ulbright Gregory Ulm Gina Uskert

Patti Valentine Amy Vanderkolk & John McCormick Marilyn Verbeck Jo Vickers Nathan Vineyard Gary & Karen Vollen Dr. Marlene Walk Christen Wall & Jeramy Foltz David K. Wallace Jr.* Bill & Ann Walters Sharon Walters Mary E. Wasky Vincent Welage Katherine Wellington Lincoln & Melanie Wertenberger Linda Sue Westbrook Michael E. Whitaker Jr. Sandra May Whitaker Antonio Ricardo White Maria White Victoria White Marilyn Whitlock Hayley Wigman

Sharon Wilcox Charles Wiles Harriet Wilkins Patty Wilkinson Christopher Williams Elizabeth Williams Robert Williams Brad & Lorrie Wilson Edward & Helen Wilson Margaret Witwer Richard & Katharine Woodhead Jo Angela Woods Donna Worth Kristina Wright Ellie Ypma Fred Zuck & Sue Dumm

*Denotes a sustaining member

TRIBUTE GIFTS The IRT is grateful to have received the following gifts celebrating and honoring the individuals below. In honor of Janet Allen Tom & Nora Hiatt

In honor of Jeff & Benita Thomasson Dan & Diana Yates

In honor of Milicent Wright Adrienne Reiswerg & Rob Young

In memory of Fred Zuck Sue Dumm

OVATION SOCIETY The Ovation Society is an exclusive program that recognizes donors who have made a planned gift to the IRT. The Theatre thanks the following individuals whose legacy gift will ensure that we can continue to provide meaningful and inspirational experiences for future generations of Hoosiers. Gary Addison Janet Allen & Joel Grynheim Bob & Patricia Anker Frank & Katrina Basile Ron & Julia Carpenter John R. Carr (in memoriam) John & Mary Challman Robert V. Robinson & Nancy J. Davis Rollie & Cheri Dick

Nancy & Berkley Duck Dale & Karen Duncan Meg Gammage-Tucker David A. & Dee Garrett (in memoriam) Michael Gradison (in memoriam) Emily F. (Cramer) Hancock Bruce Hetrick & Cheri O’Neill David Kleiman & Susan Jacobs Frank & Jacqueline La Vista

Donald & Ruth Ann MacPherson Stuart L. Main (in memoriam) Michael R. & Sue Maine Sharon R. Merriman David & Leslie Morgan Richard & Lila Morris Deena J. Nystrom Marcia O’Brien (in memoriam) George & Olive Rhodes (in memoriam)

FINDING HOME: INDIANA AT 200 We would like to thank the following for their support of the development and creation of our statehood Bicentennial celebration. Eli Lilly and Company Indiana Arts Commission


Sarah & John Lechleiter The Margot L. and Robert S. Eccles Fund, a fund of CICF

Jane & Fred Schlegel Jerry & Rosie Semler Michael Suit (in memoriam) Gene & Mary Tempel Jeff & Benita Thomasson Christopher J. Tolzmann Alan & Elizabeth Whaley John & Margaret Wilson

The IRT gratefully acknowledges the remarkable support we received from all of our generous donors during the 2016-2017 Season. Your commitment to our mission made the season possible! CORPORATE, FOUNDATION & GOVERNMENT — ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS ($250+) Support from our corporate, foundation, and government partners allows the IRT to create world-class theatre and related programming for central Indiana audiences. CORPORATE Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield AT&T Barnes & Thornburg LLP Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc. Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP BMO Harris Bank Dow AgroSciences LLC Eli Lilly and Company Elliott Company of Indianapolis, Inc. Faegre Baker Daniels Franciscan St. Francis Health Frost Brown Todd

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Company Indianapolis Colts Integrity One Technologies JPMorgan Chase Bank KPMG LLP Navient Foundation Noble Consulting Services, Inc. OneAmerica Financial Partners Oxford Financial Group, Ltd. PNC Printing Partners Saint Joseph Brewery, LLC T2 Systems

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Taxman Brewing Company Wells Fargo Foundation in cooperation with Wells Fargo Advisors YourCause FOUNDATION The Ackerman Foundation The Jerry and Barbara Burris Foundation Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation Christel DeHaan Family Foundation The Glick Family Foundation

F.R. Hensel Fund for Fine Arts, Music, and Education, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation Lacy Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial Foundation, Inc. The Penrod Society The Shubert Foundation GOVERNMENT Arts Council of Indianapolis Indiana Arts Commission National Endowment for the Arts

THE ALAN AND LINDA COHEN EDUCATION FUND The following donors made gifts in support of ticket underwriting for the IRT’s Student Matinee Program. We thank them for their support, which enabled over 38,000 Indiana school children to experience live theatre during our 2016-2017 season. Carson Abbe Robert Adler II Carly Ahlbrecht D. Robert & Lynn Akerhielm Dr. Stephanie Lynn Albertson Chad Aldridge R Ryan Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Albaugh Jerry Allsop Misti Alvarez Cohen Anonymous Kelly G. Antonelli Dan & Kate Appel Mark Argentine Gustavo Arrizabalaga Dr. Heidi Bagwell Marilyn Baird Michelle Baldwin Daniel K. Bampoh Dr. Tondy Baumgartner Daniel Bechard Dr. Robert Beilouny Kristen Belcredi Matthew Bell Roxana Bell Susan F. Bellanti Kelly Bentley Steve & Pam Benz Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Berdel Alison Birge Timothy Birky Lauren Bishop-Weidner Charles Black Cheryl Blessing Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Bobzien Gary Boehle Jason Bohac Dale Bookwalter Gary Boram Reba Boyd Wooden Darrell Boyll Capt. & Mrs. Jacob Brady

William Brainard Susan Brar Gregory Brassie Teresa Brauer Robert Brennan Dale Lynn Brewer Jason Brewster Ron Brock Bob & Chris Broughton Chris & Kristine Brown Ethan & Amy Brown Tom & Sandy Bruns Chad Lee Buchanan Diane Buergler Martin & Kathy Buis Robert Byers Danielle Byrne Lori Caldwell Francesa Canter Anthony P. Capone Jr. Lyle Carlson Sharon Castillo Leslie Chappelow Elizabeth Cisco Chad Clark James Coffey Jerry & Carol Collins Rita Collins Taylor Comeau Daniel Coppersmith Mr. & Mrs. Casey Cordry Nancy Cotten Michael Courtney Allison Cox Rachel Cox Evan Crawford Karen Creasap Janis Culy James & Susannah E. Cunningham Norris Cunningham, Esq. Jim Cutillo Kevin Dahlenburg

Corey S. Dangler Ann B. Darden Brandon Darnay Michelle Daubenspeck Jeff & Cynthia Davies Stephen Davis Michael R. Davisson Doug Deck John Deiter Derek Denney Charles Dennis Dr. Jennifer DeSilva Joan Devaney Daniel Devellen Kelly DiBenedetto Michael Dick & Leslie Donchetz Jackie Dikos Dr. & Mrs. Joseph DiMicco Tyler & Stacey Dishman Carol Divine Thomas Doehrman Patrick Dan Dougan Julie Dwenger Adrienne Renee Dzelme Anthony & Jennifer Dzwonar Joe Easterbrook Donald & Sharon K. Ebert Josh Eckert Amy Eddy Amanda Edington Eli Lilly and Company Anne Emison Wishard Brenda Engler Chris Ewan Omar Faiz Francie Falls Steven Faris James & Lynette Farless Michele Farley Jill K. Fazio Allison Fetter-Harrott Petra Fippen

Rebecca Fitterling Rebecca Fletcher Paul Ford William Ford Linda & Bruce Frank Paul Franklin Melanie Frauhiger Thomas & Rosemary Frazier Andrew Fries Howard & Phyllis Fulford Janette Fulkerson Susan Furgeson Heather Galanos Stephen Wade Garard Christi Garcia & Mary Forster, M.D. Keiandra Gathings Emily Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Gestner Ann Gioe The Glick Fund, a fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation Robin Goodwin Lesley Gordon Jonathan Gottlieb Arianna Grazzianni Daniel Green & Kristi Allen-Green Heather Grisham Winters Deron Hale Kelly Haluda Amy Hamilton Mr. Hugh R. Hanlin, Ph.D. & Mrs. Rhonda Impink Michael Hanlon Ed & Lisa Hannon Linda K. Hanson Justin Harbin Sandy Harman Jennifer Jo Allio Harris Katherine Harris Leslie Hartlieb Anne Hatton Martha Haynes


DONOR LISTING THE ALAN AND LINDA COHEN EDUCATION FUND, CONT. The following donors made gifts in support of ticket underwriting for the IRT’s Student Matinee Program. We thank them for their support, which enabled over 38,000 Indiana school children to experience live theatre during our 2016-2017 season. William Hendy F.R. Hensel Fund for Fine Arts, Music, and Education, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation Laura Hepfer Jennifer Herring Lindsay Hicks Michael & Ashley Hiland Tony Hill Stephanie Hill-Williams, MBA Ellen Hines Cindy Hoffa Julie Hoffman Abell Lady Marilyn B. Hollander Frank Howland Deborah Hrisomalos Kimberly Huizinga Mary Lou Hulseman Jennifer Hurley Sandra Hursh George Imel Stephanie Inabnit Davina Isaacs Marty & Linda Iwamuro Sarah James Rachel Janitz Abisola Jegede Heidi Jensen Keri Jeter Brandon Johnson Colonel Douglas Johnson Jermaine Johnson Jessica Johnson John Johnson Kristen Johnson Amanda Jones Fredricka Joyner Gail Juerling Elizabeth Justice Aaron Kamp Jordon Keen Laura Kehoe Troy Kelley Kevin Kern Jim Killen Anne M. King Kim Leon King II Janice Klein & Judith Ganser Dawn Knipe Matthew Kolkman Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Koster Tonya Natalya Krajcsi Emiko Kreklau Rolf Kreutz John Krol Jerrett Kucera Chris Kunz Audrey Ladd Sharon Laukhuff Laurie Lavelle


Vivian Lawhead Mr. & Mrs. John Layden Noah Laymon Annette Lee Dennis Lee Julie LeHunt Brenda Lenar Marybeth Leonard Manda Light Lynda Lilly Karlton Litteral Robert Little Hilary Lohrman Eleanor Lopez Bethany Lowery Cathy Luckoski Sherry Lundell Dorothy Mack Eric Magnuson Jennifer Mahin Bill & Donna Marsh Carole Marshall Alex Martin Meghan Martin Verna J. Martin Wesley Matthias Benjamin Maurer Audrey Mayer Laura Mayer Kelly McBride Moriag McCarthy Steve McCormick Dr. Mary McCullough Tony McGuire John McKenna Tony McMichael Patrick McPherson & Amy Spudic David & Susan McRoberts John McShea Jay & Jennifer Medley Thomas Matthew Melville Tilden & Cathy Mendelson Trinda & Doug Metzger Staci Metzler Ashley Miller Jeffrey A. Miller Jim Miller Julie Michelle Miller Kathy Miller Dr. Michelle Miller Richard H. Miller Richard Miller Eric Mirkes Andre Mitchell Dane & Shannon Mize Matt Moore James A. & Tammy Morris Bruce Mullen Lara Mulpagano Randy Myer Jonathan Nall Roger & Leslie Nelson

Newcomb Family Joey Newgarden Linda Newsome Lucy Park Newton Anna Neyman Melody Niquette Megan Oldham Emily O’Neal Amanda Dawn Orduna Josh Oren Michael Padrick Jordan Panich Rana Pascoe Lorrie Pavlack Monica Peacher Cindy Petree Jason Petty Doug Pfaff Greg Phillips Amanda Pickett Katherine Pittman Janeann Pitz Vince & Shika C. Pollard Marjorie Porter Dr. David Posey & Kerrie Posey Sean Prato Carolyn D. Procter Leah Pyle Jennifer A. Pyrz Mark Quante Francis Quinlan Scott & Stacey Ramsey Cara Ratay Brittany Ratcliff Ann Ray Jackie Ray Raymond James Carol L. Reichmuth John Reier Paula Reiss Lynn Remington Rita Kae Restrepo Brenda Rexing Courtney Reynolds Thomas Rich Laura Riley Xavier Rivera Rachel Elaine Roach Micheal Roberts Abe Roll Natalie Rollman Adam M. Roman Amanda Root Johanna Danforth Root Janelle Runge Glen & Mary Rush Jim & Mary Russell Dragos Sabau Gerald Sandoval Susan R. Schacht Regina Schaffner Michael Schafstall

Elizabeth Schilling The Steve and Linda Schneider Family Foundation, a fund of Legacy Fund Dave Schreiber Michael Schug Timothy Schultz Phillip Schuyler Shondria N. Seaton Barbara Sells Charles Shepherd Cheryl Shoemaker Joe Simpson Andrew Smith Kathy Smith Ron Smith Gariathon Snowden Aaron Snyder Judith Snyder Christine Sovich Kate Spanke Robert Spaulding Emily Stace Ann Stankiewicz Michele Stanton Lynne Steele Nelly Steele Frances & Anne Steger Ronald Stone Brian & Constance Straight Stacey Strange Christine Stratton Tammy Stuart Angela Stults Ronald Suh Connie Swaim Robert M. Sweeney Carrie Tackett Gabrielle Tatara Joseph J. Tauber Marianne Taylor Abby Nissan Thomas Brad Thomas Meghan Thomas John Thommen Sharon Thompson Kathy Thurston Meagan Todd Nate Tomlin Robin K. Toulouse Julie Towle James Traut Mary Turner Todd Tyner United Way of Central Indiana Ansley Valentine Christopher Vernon James Vornholt Amy Vyain Greg Wagoner Cheryl & Ray Waldman Rebecca Walker Ron Walker

The IRT gratefully acknowledges the remarkable support we received from all of our generous donors during the 2016-2017 Season. Your commitment to our mission made the season possible! THE ALAN AND LINDA COHEN EDUCATION FUND, CONT. Sonia Walker Gary Walton David Watson & Nathalie Godinot Gordon Watson Jody Webb Chari Weddle Tom Welch Katherine Wellington

Howard Wente Brian West James & Shelley Wetzel Sandra May Whitaker Patricia Wilhelm Patty Wilkinson Kelly Williams Dr. Frank & Christine Wilson

Gregory Wilson Margo Wininger William & Candice Winn Paula Winnig Jeanne Witt Jennifer Wolfe Mark Wofla Matt & Carmen Wright

Wendy Wright Weston & Karen Young Alan Zerkel Denise Ann Zeurcher Karl Zimmer III Alissa Zink

IRT SUMMER CONSERVATORY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Summer Conservatory for Youth is an immersive program designed to give children hands-on experience in the creative process of theatre. We thank the following donors for supporting this important program. Drs. Robert Baker & Paula Trzepacz

2017 IRT CELEBRITY RADIO SHOW We thank all those who contributed to make the 2017 IRT Celebrity Radio Show a success.

500 Festival Inc. Alan’s Catered Events A.J. Allen & Kathy Maeglin Janet Allen & Joel Grynheim Katy & Tim Allen Jason Andrews Nick Anthony Bob & Toni Bader Charles Bantz & Sandra Petronio Sharon R. Barner Frank & Katrina Basile Frank Becker Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc. Kimberly Bemis Howard James Bennis Gerald & Moira Berg Florrie Binford-Cooper Cheryl Blessing Bluebeard Susie & Joel Blum Jordan Bolden Borshoff Mary V. Boyer Robert & Mary Beth Braitman Stacy Brake Michael & Barbara Branic Heather Brogden Bob & Chris Broughton John Bruch Paul & Kimberly Cantrell Adam Carroll Central Indiana Community Foundation Cerulean Gary Chapman Doug & Brenda Chappell Chef JJ’s Chicago Architecture Foundation Chilly Water Brewing Company Christel DeHaan Family Foundation Karen & Bill Christensen Brady Clark

Betty Cockrum ComedySportz Conner Prairie Mike & Helen Corbitt Rebecca Cowan Don & Dolly Craft Crooked Stick Golf Club Crowe Horwath Cunningham Restaurant Group Daniel & Catherine Cunningham Kevin Cunningham Bruce Curry & Myra Selby Cushman & Wakefield Paul and Carol DeCoursey Ann & Kenneth Dee Jody DeFord Mark Denien Gary Denney & Louise Bakker Samantha DeWester Rollie & Cheri Dick Lesa F. Dietrick Dr. Brian Dillman & Erin Hedges Michael Dinius & Jeannie Regan-Dinius Michael Doty C.H. Douglas Duke Realty Mike Dunlap Zora Dunn Richard Eaton Eddie Merlot’s Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians & Western Art Eli Lilly and Company Ellis Mechanical, Inc. Deborah Ellis Dan & Ginny Emerson Curt & Cindi Fankhauser Dr. Nabil F. Fayad Jill K. Fazio David Feinberg & Maureen Keller Audra Ferguson Allen

Margaret Ferguson Brian Ferris Fifth Third Bank, Indiana Kerry Fletcher Kevin Flynn Franciscan St. Francis Health Franklin College Jim & Julie Freeman Tom & Jenny Froehle Frost Brown Todd John Fry Mary Jo Fuller Natalee Fuller Michael Gargano Ron & Kathy Gifford The Glick Family Foundation Bruce J. Glor Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Griman Tom Griswold GRT Hot Glass Studios Steve Hageman Elizabeth Anne Hammond Monica Hammons The Handlebar Charbel Harb Cathy Harms The Judy and Michael Harrington Family Foundation, a fund of CICF Dan Hartmann Richard Hayes Steve Hazelbaker Donald & Teri Hecht Marjorie & James Herald Christopher Herndon Jane Herndon & Dan Kramer Douglas Hodge Chris Hoke Rebecca Honeywell Adam & Lora Hoover Brenda S. Horn Hotel Tango Artisan Distillery

Michael Hulka Kirk & Tami Hunt Kelly Huntington Ice Miller LLP IGT Indiana, LLC Indianapolis Colts The Indianapolis Fellows Fund, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation Indianapolis Zoo Indy Hot Air Indy Racing Experience Randy Ingram IUPUI Office of External Affairs Patrick F. Jessee, Esq. Amber N. Jett Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP Kenyon’s Creations Eric Kilbride Daniel King Madalyn Kinsey Richard Oliver Kissel II John & Susan Kline Scott & Amy Kosnoff KPMG LLP Ms. Kyle Kroehler Lacy Foundation Sarah & John Lechleiter Ed & Ann Ledford Lisa Lee Margaret Lehtinen & Dr. Lawrence Mark Lilly Endowment, Inc. Joe & Deborah Loughrey Victoria Lyras m.s. Woods Real Estate, LLC Jeff & Patricia MacKay Louvinia Malott Peggy Martelli Brent Marty Meredith McAllister


DONOR LISTING 2017 IRT CELEBRITY RADIO SHOW, CONT. We thank all those who contributed to make the 2017 IRT Celebrity Radio Show a success. Donald & P.J. McCullough Sean & Beth McGraw Alyson McIntyre-Reiger Andrew McLaughlin Lisa Mendoza James J. Meredith Andrew & Amy Michie Milktooth Amber Mills Lawren Mills & Brad Rateike Greg & Denise Mimms Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Moman Monarch Beverage Co., Inc. Jonathan Morris Chris & Marie Gabrielle Morrison Statia Murphy Linda Neil Carl Nelson & Loui Lord Nelson New Day Craft Steven Nichols Noble Consulting Services, Inc. Jackie Nytes & Michael O’Brien Joel & Mary O’Brien Michael O’Connor Tim Oliver OneAmerica Financial Partners Michael & Leanne O’Neil

Jont & Michele Rogers Olivia Roney Melody Schulz The Second City Carol Sergi Mark & Gerri Shaffer Teresa Ann Shaffer Yvonne Shaheen Jacqueline Simmons & Tom Schnellenberger Simmons Family Foundation, a fund of CICF Skyline Club Bryan & Brooke Smith Rob Sperka Lindsey Springer Sarah Stelzner Cheryl & Jim Strain Studio 2000 Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Joe & Jill Tanner Dr. Yolanda L. Taylor Gene & Mary Tempel Deborah Thompson Jennifer C. Turner UnitedHealthcare Larry & Nancy VanArendonk

Mr. Stephen Owen & Dr. Cheryl Torok Owen Oxford Financial Group, Ltd. Pacers Foundation Christopher Park Neel Patel Stacey & Blaine Paul Brian & Gail Payne Elizabeth Petermann Petite Chou Bistro Katie Phelan Phoenix Theatre, Inc. The Pickled Pedaler PNC Charles Powell Printing Partners Glenda Raikes Meghan Reif Terri Reilly Peter & Karen Reist Lamar & M. Jean Richcreek Sue & Bill Ringo Susan B. Rivas Robert’s Camera Richard J Roberts The Robinson-Gay Family Blake Roebuck

Ray Vandivier Regina Vandivier Katie Meister Vicars Jennifer & Gary Vigran Gil Voy Amy Waggoner Cheryl & Ray Waldman Kelly Wensing Philip & Shandon Whistler Cliff & Molly Williams Pam & Bill Williams Heather Wilson John & Margaret Wilson Sue Wilson The Wine Guy WISH-TV Writers Theatre WRTV Cathleen Wyatt Zeller Realty Group

IN-KIND DONATIONS The IRT is grateful to the following individuals and organizations for their donations of goods and services. 9 on Canal A Cut Above Catering Alan’s Catered Events Brooks Publications/Urban Times Candlewood Suites Current Publishing Demco Software


Michael Dinius & Jeannie Regan-Dinius Eco-Kinetic Emmis Communications Corp Hoaglin Fine Catering Hotel Tango Artisan Distillery IBJ Corp Indiana Roof Ballroom

Itex Jacquie’s Gourmet Catering Midwest Parenting Publications National Institute of Fitness & Sport New Day Craft Noble Consulting Services, Inc. NUVO

Pac-Van, Inc. Printing Partners Studio 2000 Sun King Brewery Co. WFYI WICR WISH-TV

Opposite: Chiké Johnson and Nora Cole in IRT’s 2017 production of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Photo by Zach Rosing.

“I love the variety, the quality, the spirit of humanity represented.” – Kathy Heath, IRT Donor


“I’ve been a subscriber for over 40 years. I am thrilled that the IRT has prospered, grown, and continues as a high-value amenity in our community.”

– Barbara MacDougall, IRT Donor

140 W WASHINGTON STREET, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 | IRTLIVE.COM TICKET OFFICE: 317.635.5252 | ADMIN. OFFICE: 317.635.5277 Front Cover: Greta Wohlrabe and Elizabeth Ledo in IRT’s 2017 production of Boeing Boeing. Back Cover: David Alan Anderson and Dalyn Stewart in IRT’s 2017 production of The Cay. Photos by Zach Rosing.

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