The IMPACT Spring 2013

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WHAT’S ALL IN HERE? INDEX C SOAR and FIRE Recap D Chapter Chatter E Sponsor Highlight F Live from Trafalgar G State Officer Highlight: Shelby Riley H National Convention J Live From Trafalgar K Crossroads of America L State Officer Highlight: Brandan Bergdall M State Officer Highlight: Mallarie Stookey N Indiana FFA Crossword O Member Spotlight P LOLA


March 15 State Officer Candidate &Nominating Committee Applications Due 20 District Winning Proficiencies Due April 09-10 State Welding CDE 13 Junior High FFA Day 16 Section 1 & 3 Chapter Meeting CDE 17 Section 2 & 4 Chapter Meeting CDE 19 Gold Ranked Proficiencies Due 24 National Chapter Awards App Due 27 Practical Forestry, Nursery/ Landscape, and Small Engines CDE’s 28 SOC Open House


By: SHelby Riley

October and November were full of excitement as the Indiana FFA Leadership Center and the state officer team hosted two camps: SOAR and FIRE! The FFA center truly shined as students came from all over the state to learn about leadership, personal growth, and career success. Students from 7th to 10th grade came together from October 5th-7th for Seeking Opportunities Acheiving Results, which was focused on educating new members about FFA and what kind of opportunities were available through the largest student-led organization in the nation. There was an incredible turnout of members ready to Go For The Gold with the Olympic theme, and there was definitely never a dull moment in our adventures together as young agriculturalists!

November 16th-18th was a memorable weekend in which record-breaking numbers of high school students attended FIRE, also known as Foundations In Reaching Excellence. With a Disney theme for the camp, FFA members were encouraged to bring out their inner child as they learned about AGvocacy, professionalism, and the importance of mentors; they even got a surprise visit from a few past state officers and agriculture majors for a panel discussion on life after high school! I know that these two conferences have been two highlights for my year as a state officer so far, and I know that I can speak for the rest of my team when I say that we had a blast, and that we hope everyone else enjoyed coming to camp as



Rossville FFA

By: Rachel Need, Rossville FFA member Ask anyone around the Rossville area and they will say the Rossville FFA Chapter is most famous for one thing: their mouthwatering pork chops. Made with a secret recipe, known by only a few, these popular pork chops are known by many throughout the state. Each year the Rossville FFA Chapter sells their pork chops at the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon as well as hosting their annual pork chop supper. The Feast of the Hunter’s Moon is held at the Fort Ouiatenon Historical Park near West Lafayette, Indiana. Rossville FFA has two booths, each ran by FFA leaders, members and their families. While workers are dressed in traditional eighteenth century clothing, they


cook the pork chops over an open, charcoal fire which adds a smoky flavor to the chops in addition to the secret seasoning. Many people have told the FFA Chapter that they come to the feast just to have a pork chop. They bring empty bags and take home several pork chops for later. This year the chapter cooked two and a half tons of pork chops, and sold out before the conclusion of the Feast. On November 10 the Rossville FFA Chapter held their annual pork chop supper. The members started cooking early Saturday morning and cooked all day. We cooked two thousand pounds of pork chops. The supper was held at the Rossville High School Ag Barn. Along with the pork chops, guests receive corn,

baked potatoes, and their choice of desserts. This year the chapter served a record number. We served over 1,050 people in our community. We had a special guest corn server at the dinner this year, State FFA Treasurer Mallarie Stookey. We loved having Mallarie with us! Both events are a huge fundraiser for the Rossville FFA Chapter. The total raised from both events was about $16,500. Stop by and see us if you are at the Feast or near Rossville. After all, you haven’t had a true pork chop until you’ve had one from the Rossville FFA Chapter!

Sponsor ponsor S Highlight ighlight H By Cameron Mann

Harvest Land Co-op & CoBank The Indiana FFA would not be able to provide extraordinary opportunities to its members without the help of our partners! The Indiana FFA is fortunate to have many corporate and individual partners that give generously to the organization. Recently, the Indiana FFA Foundation was ecstatic to have two new sponsors climb aboard. Harvest Land Co-op is a locally owned cooperative that offers a broad range of agricultural products and services to its customers. Harvest Land operates in east central Indiana and west central Ohio, and Harvest Land recently made a $5,000 contribution to the Indiana FFA Foundation. Scott Logue, Chief Executive Officer of Harvest Land, said this about their recent contribution to the FFA Foundation, “Harvest Land is proud to support youth organizations, especially when agriculture and leadership education are the heart of their foundations. The FFA organization is where many of our employees gained their start in this industry. We deeply respect the FFA organization and the endless opportunities it affords its members.” To

make Harvest Land’s donation even more special, CoBank, a national cooperative bank serving vital industries across rural America, such as agriculture and more specifically, Harvest Land Co-op, stepped up to the plate and matched Harvest Land Co-op’s donation of $5,000. This match created a significant $10,000 donation to the Indiana FFA Foundation. Christopher Jones of CoBank said, “CoBank matched Harvest Land Co-op’s donation of $5,000 to the Indiana FFA Foundation. FFA promotes leadership development, career success and community service through FFA local chapters. Throughout rural America, cooperatives of all sizes are working not only to provide value to their members but to improve the quality of life in their local communities. CoBank’s matching contribution leverages the support cooperatives provide to worthy causes in the areas they serve.” It’s partners old and new that make the Indiana FFA and its activities possible! Thank you to our partners for investing in the future of agriculture and the personal development of our members!



a BY: C

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Sitting down to write this article, I discovered that there are 187 days left for Brandan, Briley, Katherine, Mallarie, Marshall, Shelby, and I to serve the Indiana FFA as state officers, and by the time this article is published and sent out, we will have even less, but that thought doesn’t really hit us too hard because we know we will be impacting and giving back to FFA and agriculture far beyond our year of service as state officers. This year has been a whirlwind of fun, and the seven of us wouldn’t change anything about our year this far. To switch things up a bit for this Live from Trafalgar article I have decided to document each one of our favorite memories so far in our journey. Marshall’s favorite memory thus far is the chapter visit season. He loved the opportunity to see a bunch of people and places while growing closer with his teammates! Mallarie’s favorite memory occurred during our first few weeks of being elected. She will always remember our team bonding around a bowl of popcorn while sitting on the living room floor. We learned a lot about our teammates that night, and Mal will always cherish the memories we made! Your State Reporter, Shelby Riley, thinks back to the Lights Out Ceremony at the Indiana State Fair

during National FFA Convention. The renovation of the Pepsi Coliseum is history in the making, and Shelby couldn’t have been happier to be a part of the beginning of the renovations. Briley puts National Convention at the top of her list because of the opportunity to meet and build relationships with so many members and state officers from across the nation! As for Katherine, the Colts Kickoff Luncheon will always be memorable due to the opportunity to meet Tony Dungy. Thank you to the Indiana Soybean Council for providing us tickets to the luncheon! Brandan’s favorite memory is reflections at conferences. The chance to connect with members on a personal level always means the most to him. Finally, home-stays rank at the top of my list! I will always remember the members and their families who have opened up their doors for us. From seeing members’ homes, farms, animals, families, and schools, I have certainly made memories along the way. While the team has their favorite moments so far, there is still plenty of time for more memories to be made within the next 187 days of our year of service as state officers!

GET THE FACTS Birthday: July 10, 1993 Parents: Robert & Sandra Riley Siblings: Taylor Riley Hometown: Noblesville FFA Chapter: Hamilton Southeastern Advisor: Tom Younts & Charity Keffaber Favorite Food: Steak Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump Favorite Pastime: Horseback riding & playing guitar Favorite Sport: Football Favorite Animal: Horse Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Music: Country Favorite Quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt BY: Brandan Bergdall

Shelby’s TIMELINE: 9th Grade - Joined FFA - 3rd Place District Creed Speaking - 4th Place State Parliamentary Procedure 10th Grade - Chapter Secretary - 2nd Place District Prepared Public Speaking 11th Grade - Chapter President - Lost State Prepared Public Speaking - 3rd Place Section Parliamentary Procedure 12th Grade - District V President - Chapter President - 4th Place State Leadership Ambassador - High Individual in the State Horse CDE

The Team Voted Shelby...

Most likely to release a country music CD.

FUTURE PLANS Attend Black Hawk College to judge horses and receive Agriculture Transfer Degree before attending Purdue University to double ma jor in Ag. Ed. & Ag. Comm. “Shelby is well known for her bright smile and welcoming personality. She found her home within her high school FFA Chapter where she began to form her leadership skills and began to form bonds with others who reach outside of the state of Indiana. She is very close to her sister Taylor and they continue to be friends as well as sisters and God has blessed all of us. We are so very proud of Shelby and all of her accomplishments, and we know that this is only the beginning!“ - Sandy Riley, Mom “Shelby has a big heart... she cares about people. Shelby is a person who seeks self improvement. She is a strong student and sets high standards for herself. It has been fun watching her grow as a leader over the past five years.” – Charity Keffaber, Advisor “Shelby is one of the most patient people I’ve ever met. She always has something good to say about people, you never hear negative words coming from her. She is one of the only friends I have that I have known for years but has stayed the same wonderful person she was when I met her.” – Josie Muench, Friend

Shelby Riley


5thN 885th NATIONAL ATIONAL the year! f o ts n e v e st e b e th f o e Reliving on g for so lon n waiting g ee in b m el ad h h rw address, The ove g e. n er ri ad h ti h re t as en his e w arful mom 0 said in nothing and find th and very te was time for the plus 50,00 t t is er ec th b il xp h G it “e it er when .” W Brantley flooding in people ers come 12 National FFA Offic r ld jackets 0 FFA memb wn best ei , -2 to d th n 11 in p 0 w blue and go u m 2 o g d in an dh tivated s of message to retire an tears ed and mo the street means that it’s ame inspir d a better place team s for good. While ec s b li o ! ap n n o ti et rl tears n o , ck ve India w ja n go e o th C em ational to make to see th me. This ti ed a as sh e at er time for N m all over the ey on w ll our es , person fro ter focused e of joy began to fi ate one le la st el t as en Chapters ea w Jo gr n , e io e to th inspirat lenge. Th ie, Brennan ipped on al al er h K C re l y, ca ea la country cam e M C sl to visit th engaged the Million d Lindsey of Indiana ete in National Officer team to fight Wiley, an own National FFA al n io at p N m y ll ry ra to T h e se show, co li st en n their ve ts in their ja ck e ts . and as studen to help feed childre er ch ic e next ff su C D E ’s , O th s d er k d en r hunge al spea s will sp were foo al u o ing id h iv w d motivation ton, Dr. Lowell av in s life tr el d il and adult nger is the right of their n a ar u Scott Ham r Bond, and Josh y ye “H tr n . y u re te insecu the co d it’s full re an d u n , u lt A ro F Catlett, Wal diana FFA State cu a F agri and In issue for oting the e next three ur values o m ro Bleill. The Indiana’s National h p it w 2011 ng th aligned d Ryan Best, ent. industry. Duri Convention will Officers an ie Abney, enjoyed sion,” said sid al ll vi n re A P io e, at n A o N at F ti F eg s, n Del nal nve year Louisville, ing of co 2012 Natio ids Against be moved down to K e see th h the beginn national delegate it a is sad to Working w anization, over cky. Indian Convention tu en voting on g in on training rg K o rs er FA in Hung membe National F pact members FFA issues, sitt d drinking shakes well the ,0 0 0 e im ed 10 an th ag k t s, e u ac ar b th p in t e, u d m se an leav itho lis in 2012 assembled ’N Shake w for families made in Indianapo bered by ls ea m n from Steak er all the business o li mem a mil Aft rever be re eth, over long lines! e. will fo om all around. ne, Ryan, S a all over! m o d co e er ad w h s e tim ple fr d Alici session Finally, the heart began to peo y, Jason, an d Cain, Kenn vention with crazy an s d I an t h n My omen kicked off co and inspirational knew the m s ache as I w o d sh n o r se rm la hu As Cain T speeches.



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The Indiana FFA State Officer team has been keeping busy during the winter months. The Officers, along with the Indiana FFA Foundation Executive Director, Mrs. Lisa Chaudion, and the Indiana FFA Program Specialist, Mr. Joe Martin, set out on business and industry visits for two and a half weeks. These visits were made possible thanks to Ice Miller and Bill Estes Chevrolet. During these two and a half weeks we had the opportunity to visit over fifteen agriculture businesses and industries within the great state of Indiana. Many of these companies we had the opportunity to visit are partners of the Indiana FFA. These



visits allowed the State Officers to learn more about the various companies, what they do, what they strive for, and many of us learned of new agricultural professions and how Indiana FFA and their respected companies matched up. These businesses and industries opened our eyes to so many aspects of the agriculture industry in Indiana that some of us did not realize we had. I think I can speak for the entire team when I say that our experience at Indiana Packers, which processes pork alive to the plate, was an eye opening experience and helped us better understand that the hard work continues after the farmer has grown

the livestock. Not only did we all learn more about Indiana agriculture, but we also were able to grow closer as a family. Countless hours were spent on the road, sometimes it felt like we were in the crammed Traverse all day…but looking back this was not a bad thing. Those priceless car rides, you know what I am talking about, the ones with conversations that make you laugh until you cry, inside jokes, stories, and unforgettable memories. Even though I at times felt awkward when my teammates would stare at me while crocheting rather quickly in the car, I would not trade the business and industry visit experience for anything.

THE CROSSROADS By Marshall Perkins

of America

Check out this small town charm.

While Florida and warm weather seem to be popular vacation areas, Indiana is fortunate to be blessed with amazing towns all across the state. Hidden in the crossroads of America are jewels, waiting to be unearthed. So next time you want to get away for the day – or maybe the weekend – consider one of these small towns.

SHIPSHEWANA Step back in time and visit Shipshewana in western LaGrange County. The area is home to the nations third largest Amish settlement and has no shortage of things to do. Walk down the streets and visit the small town and Amish shops, or tour the barn quilts hung all across the county. Take an Amish buggy ride, or visit the Bluegate Dinner Theater!

NASHVILLE A quaint town in south central Indiana, Nashville offers a wide array of thrift shops and restaurants. In the surrounding Brown County area, you can hike trails or ride horses at Brown County State Park. You might even try rolling down a hill, who knows, it could be fun!

CHESTERTON Located in Porter County, Chesterton is known as the home of Indiana Dunes State Park. What you may not know is that the town is home of the largest and most recognized Wizard of Oz Festival. Check out all that this small town has to offer!

SANTA CLAUS Obviously unique for its unusual name, there’s a certain type magic in this southern Indiana town. Visit Holiday World (Indiana’s only holiday themed amusement park), the Santa Claus Post Office (where thousands of letters to Santa are mailed), or take a relaxing dip in lake Rudolph!

MADISON This river town bustles with life. Visit nearby Clifty Falls State Park, considered one of the State’s prettiest parks, you can hike to your heart’s content. While you’re there, be sure to check out Madison's downtown district, which includes a thriving, and revitalized shopping area offering vintage quilts and antiques, gourmet foods, clothing, arts and crafts.


brandan’s TIMELINE:

GET THE FACTS Birthday: June 26th, 1992 Parents: Brian Bergdall Siblings: Brittany & Alan Hometown: Ossian, IN FFA Chapter: Bellmont Advisor: Brad Smazenko Favorite Food: Steak and Baked Potatoes Favorite Movie: 8 Seconds Favorite Pastime: ATV OffRoading Favorite Sport: College Basketball Favorite Animal: Basset Hounds Favorite Color: John Deere Green Favorite Music: Country Favorite Quote: “Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.” - Gordon B. Hinkley BY: mallarie stookey

9th Grade - Lost District Creed Speaking - Lost County Soils - 4th Place Team State Poultry CDE 10th Grade - Chapter Secretary - Lost Area Forestry - 2nd Place Team State Poultry CDE

11th Grade -Chapter President -Lost Area Crops -3rd Place District Job Interview -10th Place Individual State Poultry CDE 12th Grade -Chapter President -District VI Secretary -Won State Team Poultry CDE -7th Place Individual State Poultry CDE -Won State Forest Management & Products Proficiency

The Team Voted brandan...

Most likely to get married on the TV Show “My Big Redneck Wedding”


Attend Ivy Tech, receive Associates, and transfer to Purdue University to ma jor in Agriculture Education. “Brandan has always been very hard working and fun to be around. He likes riding 4 wheelers and having fun with friends. Whether it’s going muddin’ or going to watch a tractor pull. Brandan has always had a passion for the FFA and always strived to become more involved. This year when Brandan got elected as state officer I knew he would make a great officer. He is always full of energy and has a passion to serve others. Brandan is my best friend and I’m proud he is serving on this year’s state officer team.” - Paul Mesing, Best Friend “Brandan is the type of guy who will give his all in absolutely everything he puts his mind to and always goes above and beyond what is required. He is a natural born leader whether that be at work, school, or a member of the FFA; he gains the respect and admiration of everyone he meets. Brandan has the ability to make the most out of every situation. He can make even the most boring and monotonous task feel like it’s something you only get to do once in a lifetime. His positive outlook on life and work ethic make him one in a million and a person everyone should emulate to be. I am very proud to have been his coach for so many years but I am even more privileged to be able to call Brandan a true and valued friend. - Andrew -Goober- Werling, Bellmont High School Rifle Coach/Poultry Coach From Brandan’s first day of Agriculture classes, he has lived up to the motto of FFA. Brandan was an outstanding leader in the classroom. He was an inspiration to his classmates competing in at least one of the CDE’s offered in each season of the year. I acquired Brandan as a freshman my very first year serving as an Indiana FFA Chapter Advisor. Brandan’s motivation and contagious smile was uplifting and much appreciated by others in the agricultural community as well as myself!!! - Brad Smazenko Agriculture teacher & FFA Advisor

Brandan bergdall L


GET THE FACTS Birthday: October 4th, 1993 Parents: Jeff & Marla Stookey Siblings: Maranda and Jordan Hometown: Milford FFA Chapter: Warsaw Advisor: Mrs. Markley, Mrs. Jarrett, & Mr. Hays Favorite Food: Turkey & Noodles Favorite Movie: She’s the Man Favorite Pastime: Showing Dairy Cattle Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Animal: Dairy Cows Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Music: Country Favorite Quote: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” - Oscar Wilde BY: Shelby Riley

Mallarie’s TIMELINE: 9th Grade - Lost Demonstration 10th Grade - Lost District Prepared Public Speaking 11th Grade - Lost Prepared Public Speaking - Won District Ag. Issues 12th Grade - Lost District Leadership Ambassador - Named State Star Farmer

The Team Voted mallarie...

Most likely to talk about someone in her sleep.

FUTURE PLANS Attend Purdue University and have a career connected to the Dairy Industry.

“Mallarie’s and I’s personalities are complete opposites, but that’s what makes us best friends. She is so genuine and compassionate, it is hard not to let those qualities rub off on you, and I believe she does that with not only me, but also everyone she encounters. God truly gifted her with the ability to talk to anyone and advocate agriculture, which she is so passionate about. It’s been great to see how her time as an FFA officer has allowed her to grow and become a truly amazing young lady.” - Devan L. Ostrom “Ever since Mallarie was a little girl she has always been a go-getter. She is always willing to help everyone. She is concerned with other people’s happiness before her own and always greets everyone with a hug and a big smile. That is what stands out about Mallarie.” - Marla Stookey and Family “A heart of gold, filled with a passion for agriculture and a genuine concern for others. A warm and sincere smile for everyone she meets describes Ms. Stookey. Some of my fondest memories of Mallarie might just be the “little-fun” we may have had over the years with her gullible trait. Your Indiana State Treasurer, Mallarie, has been an inspiration to me. I have been blessed and privileged to have her as a student and an FFA leader in our chapter. “ - Mrs. Markley, FFA Advisor

Mallarie Stookey STATE TREASURER M

Indiana FFA

FFA Trivia Crossword By Brandan Bergdall

1 2


4 6






Across 2 National FFA Magazine 5 2012-2013 Indiana ACROSS FFA State Sentinel 9 University where the 2 National FFA Magazine Indiana FFA State 5 2012-2013 Indiana Convention is FFA heldSentinel 9 University wherewrote the Indiana FFA 10 Person who Statethe Convention is held FFA Creed 10 Person who wrote the FFA creed


Down 1 First building built at the Indiana FFA Leadership Center DOWN 3 City where the Leadership Center is 1 First building built at the Indiana FFA located Leadership Center 4 Short for Career 3 City where the Leadership Center is Development Event located 6 Indiana is ranked 1st in 4 Short Career Development thefor production of this Event 6 Indiana is ranked 1st in the production of animal. this 7 animal. Ledership Development 7 Leadership Development Workshop Workshop 8 State where the 2013 National FFA 8 State will where the 2013 Convention be held National FFA Convention will be held


CHAPTER: Carroll @ Fort Wayne CDE: Horticulture WHAT HAS FFA DONE FOR YOU? Being a frail freshman, FFA has certainly helped me find my voice and establish a passion for agriculture that I never knew I had. FFA has taught me many important lessons in life. It also helped establish a successful and enjoyable SAE project.


CHAPTER: Shenandoah CDE: Prepared Public Speaking FFA TAUGHT ME: FFA has provided opportunities to me that I would have never imagined. When I first began my FFA career, I knew that this organization would impact me for the rest of my life. It began with memorizing a 4 minute speech and has blossomed into presenting at the national level for our chapter for Models of Innovation. Both of these two contests have helped mold me into a better individual.


By Marshall Perkins




CHAPTER: Warsaw CDE: Dairy Foods Evaluation or any Leadership CDE! WHAT HAS FFA DONE FOR YOU? FFA has done many things for me. Some important things include bettering myself as a person to help other people. FFA has equipped me with many life skills and has allowed me to be a better advocate for agriculture as well as educating others about this great organization.


CHAPTER: South Newton CDE: Parliamentary Procedure WHAT HAS FFA DONE FOR YOU? FFA has shown me how to step outside of my comfort zone and to not be afraid to be myself!


Laughing Out Loud IN

AGRICULTURE By Katherine Spencer

How does the pig farmer get to the fair? He rides piggyback Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn have ears! What did the farmer say when his fat pig wouldn’t fit into the pen? “There’s more there than meets the sty.” What did the farmer say when all of his cows charged him at once? I’m on the horns of a dilemma here!


What is the difference between a dressmaker and a farmer? A dressmaker sews what she gathers; a farmer fathers what we sows. Who takes care of the farm when the farmer is sick? The pharmacist Why did the farmer receive an award? Because he was out standing in his field What new crop did the farmer plant? Beets me!

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