Spring 2014 IMPACT

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CHAPTER CHATTER By Colton L. Fleetwood, District XI Reporter

During PLT, the District XI Officer Team decided the most successful way to lead is by applying the FFA Motto to all events and activities. The Motto was implemented in full force for the District XI Chapter Challenge, where chapters compete against one another for the “braggin’ rights” of Chapter Challenge Champions, while doing a community service project. Many may recall the snow storm that devastated farmers in South Dakota this fall. While their livelihoods were compromised, many FFA members specifically lost SAE projects that they

with District XI

had their time, effort, and finances invested. The South Dakota FFA foundation established an Emergency SAE Fund to aid in the reconstruction of these projects. Chapters in District XI took to the challenge and raised funds in several ways. The event was a great success with Hope FFA raising $1,184 and District XI raising a grand total of $2,844.51. Gerri Eide of the SD FFA Foundation said, “Thank you so much for your assistance in this effort. To date we have over $13,000 to help SD

FFA members with SAE losses. We can’t express how grateful we are to chapters like yours for the assistance in helping these members in need. It is humbling to see how many have reached out to them through us. Please thank every Indiana member who helped for this effort. May God bless you all and have a wonderful year in FFA. ” If your chapter would like to help South Dakota FFA members, you can contact Gerri Eide: gerri@ sdffafoundation.org

Just as the newest Hunger Games movie “Catching Fire” came out and movie theaters were packed, Indiana FFA members flooded the Leadership Center for two weekends in November for the Foundations in Reaching Excellence Conference. Ironically, the 2013 FIRE Conference theme was inspired by the Hunger Games - “Catching Fire”. Over 300 FFA members had the opportunity to attend FIRE where they continued to develop their leadership skills, set goals, learn about Purdue’s Agriculture Education program, explore service opportunities, and reflect on mentorship. The FIRE conference helped FFA members continue to fuel their passion for FFA, and the State Officer team is excited to see members ignite action within their FFA chapters and communities.With two victorious weekends in the book, we cannot go without sending a huge thank you to our sponsors Ice Miller LLP and Farm World. By Allie Abney



GET THE FACTS Birthday: August 28, 1995 Parents: Matthew and Paula Dirksen Siblings: Mark, Benjamen, Stephanie, Christopher, Michael, Kimberly, and Allison Dirksen Hometown: Winchester, IN FFA Chapter: Jay County FFA Advisors: Melissa Wolters, Brittany Bridges, Cody Linville, Seth Swallow Favorite Food: Any kind of fruit Favorite Movie: Sweet Home Alabama Favorite Pastime: Playing Family Football Favorite Sport: Football Favorite Animal: Dog Favorite Color: Sunshine Yellow Favorite Music: Everything BY: KAYLA HOENERT


9th Grade - Greenhand Parliamentarian - State Crops Participant - Chapter Meeting Participant 10th Grade - Assistant Secretary - State Crops Participant - State Soil Participant - Animal Science Demonstration - Food Science Demonstration - State Poultry Participant

11th Grade - Chapter Secretary - State Crops - Area Soils - 3rd Place Animal Science Demonstration - 2nd Place Essay Contest - 2nd Place District Dairy Proficiency 12th Grade - Chapter Secretary - District VI President - State Soils - Leadership Ambassador - Chapter Parliamentary Procedure Team - 4th Place State Dairy Proficiency

The Team Voted SARAh...

Most likely to star in 27 Dresses

FUTURE PLANS Attend IVY Tech to earn an Associate degree in Applied Sciences of Agriculture and also work on a business degree. Starting out our freshman year of high school, I can still remember walking into the first agriculture class we took together. Looking back however, I would have never predicted that our Fundamentals of Agriculture class would lead her to where she is today. Her willingness to serve is rooted in the impact that the organization has played in her life. By being one of her close friends, I know that FFA was an outlet socially in high school and a means of making friends and fitting in with our peers. She was challenged through various CDE events to improve her knowledge and to strive to reach her goals. She was also challenged through her leadership rolls to take initiative, so that projects were completed in a timely manner. Even if she didn’t always place among the top in an event or contest, Sarah always took something positive away from the experience; whether it was making a new friend or learning how to do better next time. This is why I believe Sarah is able to make such an impact in the lives of others as a state officer. She has been through many of the trials that FFA members face within the organization and through life in general, and she knows how to always bring forth something positive from the situation. - Anna Muhlenkamp, Advisor




The Renewable Fuel Standard in 2014 BY ETHAN McKNEELY

As 2014 rolled around, the Environmental Protection Agency began to develop a new Renewable Fuel Standard. The EPA proposed a reduction in the total amount of biofuels produced due to declining demand for gasoline caused by an increase in fuel efficiency. Less gasoline and a congruent proposal in 2014 to the previous year’s requirements would mean coming upon the E10 blend wall and using higher blends to use the excess, but many cars cannot use higher percentage blends. It appears the EPA’s proposal was simple. In reality, the proposal came with apprehensions to the agriculture industry. Don Villwock, President of the Indiana Farm Bureau, stressed his concern for the industry at the Indiana Farm Bureau State Convention. In his address, he mentioned a meeting with EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy,

where he told her, “The EPA has just shot the golden goose of American Agriculture.” What may seem like a bold statement was certainly more than accurate. Villwock, in interview, explained since the release of the proposal, corn prices have dropped 5 percent and estimations are as high as a 20 percent decline. Those prices are a result of the ethanol industry’s decrease in demand for corn. With America’s production of 14 billion bushels of corn and an upward trend in yields, the debate no longer rests as food versus fuel. Villwock explained that to keep agriculture running at “full throttle,” “it will take a combination of all three big users of corn, ethanol, feed usage, and exports.” Without the high demand for corn that was developed by the RFS in 2007, Agriculture could see slowed growth. Growth in biofuels has provided endless

opportunities for all in agriculture, but this slowdown may be trying. “Since 2008, farmers have upgraded machinery, have adopted new precision technology that reduces the amount of fertilizer and pesticides we use, and have greatly improved our water and air quality in rural America,” said Villwock. These technologies may not be as accessible if prices drop as low as estimated, and rural America could pay the price. The EPA stated, “Growth in capacity for ethanol consumption would be reflected in the standards set beyond 2014,” showing their willingness to accept solutions during their 60-day comment period in order to continue growth. Voices can be heard in these matters, and it is important as FFA members we remember we are the future leaders, but we are the present leaders as well.



CDE: Livestock Skill-A-Thon, Livestock Evaluation, Horse and Pony Evaluation, Parliamentary Procedure SAE: Beef Production Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance, Diversified Horticulture Placement FFA TAUGHT ME: FFA has taught me life long skills such as leadership and strong work ethic. FFA has also helped me keep my faith strong by teaching me simple principles of life such as respect, keeping hope, and to D thrive to be the best you can be. D always


CDE: Crops Evaluation, Livestock Evaluation, Prepared Public Speaking, and Agricultural Mechanics Demonstration SAE: Agricultural Education FAVORITE THING ABOUT FFA: The experiences and memories that have been made during my FFA career! I am blessed to have the opportunity to be involved in the organization and to have the chance to meet so many amazing people who also share a passion for the blue corduroy jacket!

GET THE FACTS Birthday: May 10, 1994 Parents: Alicia Swick Siblings: Hillary Frazier Hometown: Rosedale, IN FFA Chapter: Riverton Parke Advisors: Mr. Adam Tyler Favorite Food: Nachos Favorite Movie: The Sandlot Favorite Pastime: Hanging out with friends Favorite Sport: Soccer Favorite Animal: Dogs Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Music: Awolnation, Imagine Dragons, and anything country Favorite Quote: “Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.” Walt Disney BY: Kayla Hoenert

Cameron’s TIMELINE: 9th Grade - 1st Place District Novice Chapter Meeting 10th Grade - Chapter Reporter - 4th Place State Talent - 3rd Place District Forestry 11th Grade - Chapter Vice-President - 4th Place State Horticulture Demonstration - 2nd Place District Senior Chapter Meeting - 2nd Place District Talent 12th Grade - Chapter President - District VII Sentinel - 2nd Place District Senior Chapter Meeting - 3rd District Horticulture Demonstration

The Team Voted Cameron...

Most likely to have been a super hero in a former life.

FUTURE PLANS Attend Purdue University ma joring in Agricultural Education. He hopes to be an agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor.

“Cameron was one of those students who always stepped up and got the job done and was willing to give 200% to make it the best it could be and at the same time to meet the needs of all our members. He also was an excellent role model for all FFA members in our FFA chapter here at RP and for District 7. I feel very blessed to have had the chance to work with and get to know Cameron and I am so proud of his accomplishments he achieved academically and through FFA. I feel the Indiana FFA Association is truly lucky to have Cameron as part of our 201314 State Officer team.” - Mr. Tyler, Advisor “Although he is my little brother, I look up to him in many ways. He goes after his dreams and despite any obstacles, he never gives up. He is an amazing brother and friend. I am so proud of him and can’t wait to see what else he will accomplish and where he will go in life.” - Hillary Frazier, Sister



FROM TRAFALGAR It is hard to believe that as I am sitting here writing this article the year is half over! It feels like just yesterday I was on way down to Trafalgar to move in with six complete strangers, who have since become my very best friends. This year my team and I were fortunate enough to be the guinea pigs hosting each conference two weekends in a row. We were completely blown away with the opportunities that it gave members as well as ourselves. Having each conference twice gave more members the opportunity to attend, giving us the opportunity to reach more members. It was amazing to watch members grow throughout the weekend, from being completely shy on Friday night to not wanting to

BY: SARAH DIRKSEN leave Sunday. We were very thankful opportunity to sit on the floor for all of to have met so many incredible the sessions, where we listened to members throughout the state. Our many motivational speakers, heard the national officers give their retiring future will be in good hands. Other than the conferences that addresses, and even watched some of were held, the team and I had an our Indiana members receive awards! Last but not least, the team and I absolute blast serving as delegates at the 86th National Convention in have been very busy meeting with Louisville, Kentucky. We started off several sponsors and partners of the the week with the delegate days of Indiana FFA. We have had the great service, where we helped set up for the opportunity to visit a wide variety of rest of the week’s Days of Service at businesses, anywhere from Poynter Safe Place. The rest of the week the Sheet Metal all the way to Dow team and eighth delegate, Dakota AgriSciences, and we now understand Westphal (Tri-County), spent time the importance of their impact on meeting with our specific committees agriculture. It has been an amazing and brainstorming on how we can ride so far, and I cannot wait to see improve the National FFA where the rest of the year brings us. Organization. We also had the



R SPOTLIGHT BY Cameron Frazier




“In all of my interactions I have grown as a professional. I have not been looking out for my best interests, but the interests of all programs in the state of Indiana and all students who walk in an agriculture classroom.”


“Mr. Scherer has made a huge impact on my life by pushing me to grow as a person, in leadership skills, and in my knowledge about agriculture. He’s a very straightforward teacher and advisor who doesn’t let somebody just get by, but do everything to the best of their abilities. He has helped me decide what I want to major in in college and also what colleges would be the best for me. No matter what, he wants the best for his students and will do whatever he can to make us succeed!” - Alexis Pearson, Tri-County FFA President

{SEE WHAT STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY...} Ever since 6th grade he has always encouraged me to get involved and without that encouragement I would not be on the Indiana FFA Executive Committee. If I ever have a problem with FFA, school, or anything he is always willing to listen and give out advice. And he always reminds me to take a break and see everything I already am blessed with. Every project I have he has us practice with every opportunity and gives real situations so we are well prepared....I have seen it throughout the whole chapter that he is like a father figure to all of our members... he’s done great as a district advisor because he keeps me on track and makes sure everyone is well informed...he has a strong passion for others as he has helped many other FFA members in the state with their contests and paperwork and the advisors as well....even with his busy schedule around school and FFA he has a very supportive family of him and the FFA. Mr. Scherer remembers to have fun too on trips during practice and in class...overall he is the best teacher and encourages students and members to get involved but still have time to keep up with his work. - Dakota Wesphal, District I FFA President


GET THE FACTS Birthday: February 5, 1995 Parents: Douglas and Sherry Abney Siblings: Angela and Doug Abney Hometown: Bargersville, IN FFA Chapter: Franklin FFA Advisors: Tom Bechman, Bill McIntire, and Heather Dougherty Favorite Food: Popcorn Favorite Movie: The Parent Trap Favorite Pastime: Reading and Photography Favorite Sport: Cheerleading Favorite Animal: Cow Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Music: Everything Favorite Quote: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou BY: KAYLA HOENERT

8th Grade - Joined FFA - Participated in State Soils Judging 9th Grade - Participated in State Meats Judging - Participated in District Quiz Bowl Contest 10th Grade - Chapter Secretary - Won District Landscape Management Proficiency - 3rd Place State Ag. Issues Team 11th Grade - Chapter Student Advisor - District VIII Secretary - Won District Agriculture Sales Placement - 3rd Place State Farm Business Management Demonstation - 3rd Place State Ag. Issues Team - 3rd Place State Ag. Sales Team - State Winner Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management Proficiency - State Winner Ag. Sales Presentation 12th Grade - Chapter President - District VIII President - Indiana Delegate at National FFA Convention - 15th Place Individual State Meats Judging - Section Parliamentary Procedure Team Member - Section Star in Agricultural Placement - Participated in State Job Interview Contest - 2nd Place State Farm Business Management Demonstration - 2nd Place State Ag. Sales Placement Proficiency - State Winner Leadership Ambassador

The Team Voted Allie...

Most likely to randomly burst out into song anywhere and everywhere.


Attend Purdue University to double ma jor in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Communications. After that, she plans to attend law school and become and an attorney for a progressive company that will utilize her degrees, experiences, and passion for agriculture! “Allie’s FFA passion was ignited in middle school when we attended the Greenhand Ceremony of her sister, Angela. From that moment on, Allie was captivated with and hooked on FFA. Her passion was fueled throughout high school with each new event she participated in. Allie particularly enjoyed meeting and networking with members from other chapters, districts, and even states through the WLD and national conventions she attended.” - Sherry Fabina-Abney, Mom “Allie has never known and has yet to meet a stranger. She possesses the unique gift of being able to bring out the best in everyone she meets. From day one, Allie has outlived the definition of a positive attitude. I believe that I can speak for anyone who has ever met Allie when I say that I have never met anyone who is able to wake up in an absolutely glorious mood (singing at the top of her lungs all the while), maintaining a contagiously positive mood the entire day, and yet still manage to put forth her usual 110% effort, and might I add, this is all going on after which she has managed to capture a total of an hour?s worth of sleep the previous night. She is truly one of a kind and one of the most selfless people I have ever met.” - Bridgette Hardamon, Long-Time Friend & FFA Alumni




Over the span of three weeks our team led by Mrs. Chaudion visited 15 businesses, both current and potential partners of the Indiana FFA. Each visit displayed different areas of agriculture from business to production. My team and I were enlightened and educated at each visit. We have some amazing businesses that are located within the state of Indiana and we are so grateful to have these businesses as partners with the Indiana FFA


Association. To all partners thank you so much for everything you do for Indiana FFA. Whether or not we notice it, all 10,000+ members are positively affected by these partnerships, we could never say thank you enough! We also want to send out a huge thank you to Ice Miller for sponsoring our business and industry visits and giving us the opportunity to experience the vastness of Indiana agriculture.

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