Spring 2015 IMPACT

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Katy McFarland, Madison FFA member, on stage at National Convention after winning her National Proficiency Award.



A F F m a n t u P h t u With So

By Allacyn Arnold, Chapter President South Putnam FFA The South Putnam FFA Chapter has been running our current aquaculture program for the past twelve years. In our aquaculture laboratory, we focus on raising tilapia. Tilapia originally came from Africa and are now raised commercially in the United States. Tilapia are raised for food and as a control species in many ponds. While they are sensitive to temperature, tilapia are very adaptable to other conditions such as the salt content of water, making them good to raise in an aquaculture program. Another attribute of tilapia is that they are fast-growing and tolerant of higher stocking density. These characteristics make them perfect for our program because they allow students


to be able to study the fish over the course of the year and witness how the tilapia grow and change. In addition to their other great characteristics, tilapia are low in saturated-fat, calories, carbohydrates, and sodium. They are also a good source of protein, making them a healthy meal choice. The aquaculture lab is almost completely student-ran, with our ag teacher monitoring over the weekends. Students in our Animal Science class take care of the fish throughout the school year. The South Putnam aquaculture program once bred the fish, but we do not any longer because of the sensitive pro-

cess. Instead, we now buy our tilapia from a breeder in Southern Indiana. We currently have 800 fingerlings and 1,500 larger fish. We receive the tilapia when they are one to one and a half inches long and are called fingerlings. They are raised in a fingerling tank until they are two and a half inches long. We then transfer them to a five hundred and fifty gallon tank where they live until time for harvest. The tanks are set up on a recirculating system, with the pumps running twenty-four hours a day. They are monitored periodically throughout the day. Students clean filters, weigh the fish to collect data, count the fish, and keep track of the tilapias’ overall health. They also feed the fish 10% of their body weight over five to eight feedings throughout the day. In addition to our lab, we also have and aquaculture education trailer. We are able to take this trailer to dierent events and teach about tilapia and aquaculture in general. We often take the trailer to county 4-H functions such as Ag Day and the 4th Grade Field Day. For the first time last year, our trailer was able to stay at Shakamak State Park during the month of June and be a part of the Monsanto Fish Farm Challenge. The third to sixth grade campers worked in groups to try to build an automatic fish feeder out of supplies such as newspapers and tape. The campers truly enjoyed seeing the fish after experimenting with this hands-

on activity. Our chapter members get great practice public speaking and demonstrating through these presentations. The South Putnam aquaculture program benefits our Chapter in many ways. Our members learn responsibility from having the duties of taking care of the fish. They also learn communication through the presentation of the program and the use of the trailer. The hard work put into raising the fish truly pays o at the end of the year when the tilapia are filleted and cooked for our Chapter banquet. Everyone always looks forward to this delicious treat!



By Kathleen Jacobs

As I was trying to determine what to write about I thought it would be a good idea to figure out how many days were left in our year of service. Man was that a bad idea! Sitting here writing this article we have only 181 days left, and by the time you read this there will be even less. I finally realized we’re about halfway through this journey we’ve been blessed with, which means that we’ve had a little bit of time to create some awesome memories. I decided to ask each one of my teammates what their favorite part has been, and with much deliberation (seriously it took FOREVER to decide), the results are in! Your State Reporter, Dakota, came to the conclusion that her favorite part has been working with members during their community service projects. Dakota has a true servant’s heart, so helping the community is right up her alley! Skylar’s favorite part so far has been the conferences. He loves the opportunity to mingle with members as they grow in their FFA career. Brittany shows her desire to be an ag teacher and advisor by sharing that she loves getting to visit all the different ag programs. She enjoys seeing how each individual program is ran as well as how the advisors decorate their classrooms! On top of the ag programs Brittany loves getting to learn

...WE HAVE 181 DAYS LEFT TO MAKE AN IM PACT AND MAKE MORE ME MORIES. about all the experiences members have had. Your Southern Region Vice President, Jacob, deduced that his favorite part has also been conferences. He loves being able to impact members and work with them to grow and develop. Miss Lindsey shows her passion for agriculture and people by telling me that she has loved getting to know the members. She truly believes the only way you can serve someone is to know them and she loves getting to do just that! She has also loved growing close as a team and family this year. Your crazy State Sentinel, Derek, confirms that his favorite part has been conferences as well. Conferences are his favorite part because not only does he get to hang out with members, but it’s also a challenge for him as far as always trying to outdo his past performances. So I suppose that leaves me. It’s incredibly hard to narrow it down, but if I had to, Business and Industry visits have been my favorite activity. I love getting to meet our many generous sponsors and see how they operate as well as learning why they value the FFA Organization. Outside of specific activities I love getting to know members and their stories. Seeing that we have only 181 days left is daunting. I choose to look at it as we have 181 days left to make an impact and make more memories! Thank you for making our first half of the year outstanding Indiana FFA! B


8th Grade: FFA Discovery Degree 3rd District Discovery Prepared Public Speaking Freshman Year: FFA Greenhand Degree Chapter Reporter 3rd District Freshman Prepared Public Speaking Animal Science Demonstration Crops Judging Sophomore Year: Chapter Degree Chapter Secretary Prepared Public Speaking Advanced to State for Crops Junior Year: Hoosier Degree Chapter Vice President District XI Reporter Won District Ag Mechanics Demo (3rd at State) Senior Year: Chapter President District XI President 3rd District Leadership Ambassador 2nd District Prepared Public Speaking


GET THE FACTS Birthday: March 18, 1996 Parents: Kevin & Terri Young Sibling: Braden Young Hometown: Hope, Indiana FFA Chapter: Hope FFA Chapter Advisor(s): Arnold Ellison, Sara Rapp, & Aleesa Dickerson Favorite Food: Honey BBQ Boneless Wings Favorite Movie: Secondhand Lions Favorite Pastime: Spending time with family and friends! Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Animal: Beef Cattle Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Music: Country, Contemporary Christian, & Pop C

State President


Attend the Columbus Ivy Tech for two years, transfer to Purdue University to major in Agricultural Education with a minor in Agriculture Communications.

THE TEAM VOTED BRITTANY... Most likely to star in the next romantic comedy!

Brittany Young is one of the most gifted, hardworking, and dependable women I have ever met. Growing up together, I witnessed firsthand that she has a love for agriculture, a love for education, and a love for people, and she combines all three of those to reach out to others as a teacher, a helper, and a friend. -Sarah Craig, Friend Growing up, I cannot remember a time when Brittany was not busy. Whether it was sports, church activities, or spending time on the farm, she was always challenging herself and striving to meet her goals. Brittany has a smile that can light up a room and her passion for agriculture and FFA is just as contagious. She is truly an inspiration and I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments. I’m very blessed to not only call her my cousin, but also my best friend. I wish Brittany the best of luck as she continues her year as a state officer and with all of the adventures yet to come. -Taylor Embry, Cousin

Morgan Winder

Ryan Scully

Chapter: South Newton Favorite CDE: Soil Judging or Chapter Meeting SAE(s): Ag Education and Ag Mech. Repair and Maintenance FFA has taught me: How to get comfortable with being outside my comfort zone! Favorite Quote: “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough” & “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt”

Chapter: Owen Valley Favorite CDE: Extemporaneous Public Speaking SAE(s): Beef Cattle Production FFA has taught me: What it means to be a leader, the importance of having a great work ethic, and nothing in life is free. Hobbies Outside of FFA: Trap shooting, shooting target rifle, target archery, 4-H, hunting, playing tennis, wrestling, church youth group, and leading others in my school’s AFJROTC unit.


Bailey Crowder

Dylan Stambaugh

Chapter: Springs Valley Favorite CDE: Forestry SAE(s): Equine Science Entreprenuership Favorite Quote: “Nothing will work unless you do” -Maya Angelou Hobbies outside of FFA: Horses, Playing the Clarinet, Cheerleading, Archery, and Martial Arts

Chapter: Clinton Prairie Favorite CDE: Livestock Skill-a-thon SAE(s): Agriculture Placement FFA has taught me: To make the most of every opportunity given. Favorite Quote: “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” -Vince Lombardi D

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adVisOr sP By Lindsey O’Hara Mrs. Lynnette Markley WarsaW FFa

QUICK FACTS 1. 2014 Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year. 2. Five Indiana FFA State Officers. 3. Three final four National finalists in proficiency award areas. 4. 2004 National FFA Horse and Pony Evaluation Team. 5. Opportunity to attend the Star over America and Proficiency Awards trip to Costa Rica.

Working with Mrs. Lynnette Markley the past 4 years at Warsaw has been an amazing experience. She is a great teaching partner and FFA Advisor. It has been awesome to bounce ideas off of each other, come up with amazing activities/lessons, and work with some great students. Every day, Mrs. Markley is able to make a huge impact on each student who comes through her door. She has an authentic ability to push students toward their dreams, find out what makes them tick, laugh with them and pick them up when they are down. -Rob Hayes, Teacher Partner She makes the agriculture department a comfortable and safe place for students to be at. No one feels out of place in the ag rooms. Not only is Mrs. Markley like our mom, she is also a mother of three. After staying for practices or officer meetings she will rush over to her kids’ elementary school to watch her boys play their basketball game. Then later that week go watch her daughter play soccer. There is no good way to summarize the impact and dedication that Mrs. Markley has for the Warsaw FFA Chapter. The students here at Warsaw think of her as superwoman and the chapter would not be where it is today without her! -Sydney Susaraba, Student

Mrs. Caroline VanGosen scOttsBurg FFa

Mrs. Vangosen started from scratch. With a whole new group of people to work and interact with, it was a real challenge for her. With this year being her first year of teaching and loads 1. Grew up on a cow/calf operation of about of work to do, she put her head down and went 1,000 acres in Maysville, KY. to work. With her positive attitude and impres2. Attended University of Kentucky with a sive work ethic she was a good addition to the bachelor’s in Career and Technical Scottsburg FFA. With many new improvements Education. already made and many more to come, she is ready to help FFA in any way possible. 3. Wasn’t in FFA in High School but was a -Kevin Hardin, Student Kentucky State 4-H Officer. 4. Passionate about every aspect of agricul- One of the first things I noticed about this wonderful lady was her ambition and her tremendous enthusiasm. It definitely began to shine through very quickly. Not only ture and wants to fuel her students with has she greatly affected our chapter as a whole, but she’s definitely made a difference that passion. for me as well. I’m a sophomore, and younger than our other chapter officers, so I definitely needed some help and assistance learning the ropes of my responsibilities as our reporter. And she was definitely the lady to do that. My favorite thing about her is that when she asks me to do something for a function coming up, she embraces creativity If you would like to see your FFA advisor of the task. I personally love this. It lets me show what I can do, and really show who I am and what FFA really is to me. Mrs. VanGosen has definitely been a blessing to our recognized in the IMPACT, contact chapter, and become a huge role model not only to me but many of our members as well. Mr. Martin at jmartin@inffa.org. -Sarah Edwards, Student E



Freshman Year 4th National Agriscience Fair 1st District Creed Speaking contest Sophomore Year Silver Medal at National Agriscience 3rd State Marketing Team 1st District Extemporaneous Speaking Chapter Sentinel Junior Year 7th place National Land Judging team 1st place State Essay contest 3rd place State Extemporaneous Speaking 1st State Agriscience- Integrated Systems Proficiency Chapter & District I Reporter Senior Year 3rd State Extemporaneous Speaking 3rd State Leadership Ambassador Section 1 Star in Agriscience Chapter Vice-President District I President

GET THE FACTS Birthday: October 18, 1995 Parents: Jeff & Rami Westphal Sibling: Naysa Westphal Hometown: Remington, Indiana FFA Chapter: Tri-County FFA Chapter Advisor(s): Travis Scherer & Ashley Steuer Favorite Food: Peanut Butter Favorite Movie: Draft Day Favorite Pastime: Playing Euchre with family Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Animal: Panda Bear Favorite Color: Mint Green Favorite Music: Country & Pop


Attend Purdue University and major in Agronomics


Most likely to be the next Norman Borlaug.

Dakota is such a unique young lady. She has the biggest heart that I have ever seen. Whenever she meets someone she can’t help but become friends with them. She has more energy than the energizer bunny. She utilizes this energy to promote her passion for agriculture and the many people devoted to it. I am so very blessed to call her my sister, life would not be the same without her. -Naysa Westphal, Sister Dakota has been an amazing friend over this past year. The random text or snapchat can brighten any kind of day that I am having. Her affection for others is unmatched and I am proud of what she has achieved and what she will achieve. -Henry Harrell, Friend


By Jacob Mueller


d n a s s Busine s t i s i V y r t s u e Ind ricultur e of tat s e h t g Tourin


By Skylar Clingan sion, and future seemed to be present in the discussions with numerous business leaders. It was not uncommon to hear the President or CEO of a company explain the importance of agriculture’s need to feed the 9 billion by 2050 and how their company was working to accomplish this task. It is astonishing, the quantity of global agriculture companies that call Indiana home. As a team, we never had a problem waking up in the wee hours of the morning when we knew that we would be meeting with another influential partner to FFA and agriculture that day. As a whole, I have been amazed by the work of these agriculturalists each time we entered a sup-

Over the span of three weeks in December the State Officer team, with the help of Mrs. Chaudion, Indiana FFA Foundation Executive Director, traveled to over 15 generous supporters of Indiana FFA. During this time, we were able to witness firsthand what it is like to work in all avenues of agriculture. From animal health, to soybean by-product manufacturing and marketing, all the way to agriculture lending, we saw it all. Each business provided us a new way of looking at agriculture and where its future is headed. Throughout the length of our travel common trends emerged. Words such as culture, pas-


porter’s office. On behalf of the over 10,300 members of Indiana FFA and the 2014-2015 Indiana FFA State Officer Team, I would genuinely like to thank all of our partners for your support of Indiana FFA and agriculture. Your partnership has positively impacted the lives of today’s youth. We could not say thank you enough for your investment in the future of agriculture. Indiana FFA, I am proud to say that our partners GO ALL OUT for agriculture!

Pictured: Top Left: Donald E. Orr Jr, PhD. of JBS United with the state officers. Top Right: The officers enjoyed learning from employees at Elanco at their Global Headquarters in Greenfield, IN. Bottom: The team suited up for a tour of the Indiana Packers hog processing plant in Delphi, IN.

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