Répertoire d’Affaires et des Communautés Autochtones Québec-Labrador - Édition 2023-2024

Page 1









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Distribution gratuite à chaque entreprise et organisme Autochtone au Québec et Labrador par Postes Canada. Free distribution to each Aboriginal business and organization in Quebec and Labrador by Canada Post. GRATUIT aux Entreprises Autochtones !


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Répertoire d’Affaires et des Communautés Autochtones Québec-Labrador Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory ÉDITION 2023-24 EDITION ‘’Le Répertoire d’Affaires et des Communautés Autochtones Québec-Labrador décrit le réseau d’affaires et les communautés autochtones au Québec, Labrador et les Maritimes. The Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory describes the Aboriginal communities and business network of Quebec, Labrador and the Maritimes’’ Directrice générale / Director General..................................................... Anne Gilbert Directeur de publication / Publication Manager..................................... Jeff Houde Directrice de Production........................................................................... Marie-Claude Saint-Hilaire Publicité / Advertising............................................................................... Gaston Jenniss, Yanni Sioui, Jeff Houde Imprimerie / Printing................................................................................. Impression Rive-Sud Infographie, Mise en page / Graphic design, Layouts............................. Marie-Claude Saint-Hilaire Distribution................................................................................................ Postes Canada

Le Répertoire d’affaires et des communautés Autochtones Québec - Labrador est vendu 74.95$ ch. + 12.95$ de transport et manutention chez:

The Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory is sold 74.95$ ea. + 12.95$ for shipping and handling at:

Indiana Communication C.P. 383, Chef Aimé Romain Wendake (Qc) G0A 4V0 T (581) 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com Dépôt légal / Legal deposit:

Bibliothèque Nationale du Canada, #ISSN: 1207-3415 Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, #ISBN: 978-2-923861-30-2

© Warning-Avertissement – Copyright/Droit d’auteur: Indiana Communication ne pourra être tenu responsable en aucune circonstance des omissions, erreurs ou de la mauvaise qualité d’impression d’une publicité ni de son contenu ou de toute faute ou omission lors ou après la parution. Toute reproduction partielle ou complète des données contenues dans cette publication est strictement interdite et assujettie au droit d’auteur. L’enregistrement des données sur support informatique et leur utilisation à des fins personnelles, commerciales ou pour une tierce partie sont interdits. La revente des renseignements contenus dans cette publication est aussi interdite. Indiana Communication cannot in no way be held responsible for any error or omission nor the quality or content of an advertisement or for any mistake or omission during or after publication. Any complete or partial reproduction of the data in this publication is strictly prohibited and protected by copyright. Electronic recording of data in this publication and the use of this data for personal, business or third party uses are also prohibited. The resale of the information contained in this publication is also prohibited.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



A REGIONAL FIBRE OPTIC NETWORK SERVING JAMES BAY AND EEYOU ISTCHEE Eeyou Communications Network Succ. Bureau-Chef CP. 246, Chibougamau, Chibougamau, Qc. G8P 2K7 E-mail: info@eeyou.ca

www.eeyou.ca 2

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

TABLE DES MATIÈRES TABLE OF CONTENTS Message de l’éditeur A Message from the Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Cartes de localisation des communautés Autochtones Québec / Labrador / Maritimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Aboriginal communities location maps Statistiques de la Population Autochtone Aboriginal Population Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45

Premières Nations First Nations

Abénakis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Algonquins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Atikamekw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Cris - Crees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Hurons-Wendat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Innus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Inuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Malécites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Micmacs / Mi’kmaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Mohawks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Naskapis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

Section Atlantique / Labrador/ Maritimes Atlantic / Labrador/ Maritimes Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Section Affaires - Québec / Business section - Quebec Listes des Entreprises et Organismes Autochtones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Aboriginal Businesses and Organizations List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Section Affaires / Business section Atlantic / Labrador/ Maritimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389

Liste des annonceurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Advertisers list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador Au nom de l’Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador (APNQL), J’ai le plaisir de contribuer à l’édition 2023-2024 du Répertoire d’Affaires et des Communautés Autochtones du Québec-Labrador. En vue d’une autre année remplie d’opportunités de rayonnement et d’échange avec la communauté d’affaires autochtone, notamment avec l’organisation de divers cercles économiques régionaux issus du Grand Cercle économique des peuples autochtones et du Québec qui a tenu son premier rassemblement en 2021, et avec celui qui aura eu lieu à Gatineau en 2023. Le développement économique demeure une priorité pour assurer la prospérité sociale et durable de nos populations. Les opportunités d’affaires croissantes donnent lieu à des initiatives pour favoriser la croissance et la réconciliation économique de nos Nations. Par son appui à la communauté économique des Premières Nations, la Commission de développement économique des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (CDEPNQL) se démarque par la qualité et la valeur ajoutée de ses réalisations et de ses services afin de contribuer au développement socio-économique des Premières Nations et de ses membres. Je tiens également à remercier tous ceux qui contribuent au succès économique de la communauté d’affaires autochtone. Dans la Paix et l’Amitié,

Ghislain Picard, Chef de l’APNQL On behalf of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL), It is my pleasure to contribute to the 2023-2024 edition of the Quebec -Labrador Business and Indigenous Communities directory. Looking forward to yet another year filled with opportunities for outreach and exchange with the Indigenous business community, particularly with organisation of various regional economic circles originating from the Grand Economic Circle of Indigenous Peoples and Quebec which had its first gathering in 2021, and with the last one that took place in Gatineau in 2023. Economic development remains a priority to ensure the social and sustainable prosperity of our populations. The growing business opportunities are giving rise to initiatives to promote the growth and economic reconciliation of our Nations. Through its support for the First Nations economic community, the First Nations economic community, the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC) stands out for the quality and added value of its achievements and services in order to contribute to the socio-economics development of First Nations. I invite you reach out to the FNQLEDC and ask for their support, and thank all of those who contribute to the economic success of the Indigenous business community. In Peace and Friendship, Ghislain Picard, Chief of the AFNQL

Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw Le développement économique pour la Nation Atikamekw est primordial. L’important écart socioéconomique créé au fil des décennies par le système colonial nous force à travailler davantage pour pallier le déséquilibre par rapport à la population canadienne et québécoise. Fort heureusement, au cours des ans, nous avons vu naître bon nombre d’initiatives au sein de la Nation. Des initiatives telles que la création, par le Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw, du bureau de développement économique et social Atikamekw Nehirowisiw (DESAN). Un bureau chargé d’offrir à nos membres, support et accompagnement culturellement adaptés dont ils ont besoin dans leurs projets entrepreneuriaux. Aujourd’hui on constate que dans le respect des valeurs traditionnelles des Premières Nations, les opportunités d’affaires sont plus nombreuses qu’elles peuvent paraître. Elles offrent de formidables occasions de bâtir des relations durables et un avenir profitable pour tous. Aussi bien chez les Atikamekw que chez les autres Premières Nations, voyez en eux des partenaires.

Constant Awashish

Grand Chef de la Nation Atikamekw / président du Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Un Message de l’Éditeur Voici votre nouvelle édition du Répertoire d’Affaires et des Communautés Autochtones Québec-Labrador ; vous y retrouverez de l’information stratégique sur toutes les communautés Autochtones, les entreprises et les organismes des Premières Nations situés au Québec, Labrador et les Maritimes. Nous vous invitons à profiter de ces informations pour développer et consolider vos relations d'affaires en milieu autochtone ; les commerçants, entrepreneurs et professionnels de la communauté d’affaires des Premières Nations vous offrent leurs produits et services afin de réaliser des occasions d’affaires et des ententes commerciales stratégiques et profitables pour tous ! Je voudrais remercier bien spécialement chacun de nos annonceurs pour leur appui et pour leur participation. Sans vous, cette publication ne pourrait exister car nous ne bénéficions d'aucune subvention ni programme pour sa réalisation et sa distribution. Cette initiative, 100% autochtone, est autofinancée chaque année pour le bénéfice de l’ensemble de la collectivité d’affaires autochtone ! Merci à tous pour votre considération envers notre média- Meegwetch ! Visitez-nous aussi en ligne ici: www.quebecautochtone.net

A Message from the Publisher Here is your new edition of the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory; you will find strategic information on all Aboriginal communities, businesses and First Nations organizations located in Quebec, Labrador and the Maritimes. We invite you to take advantage of this information to develop and consolidate your Aboriginal business relationships; the traders, entrepreneurs and professionals from the First Nations business network offer you their products and services in order to achieve business opportunities, strategic and profitable commercial agreements for all! I would like to especially thank each of our advertisers for their support and for their participation. Without you, this publication simply could not exist as we do not benefit from any grant or program for its production and distribution. This 100% Indigenous initiative is self-funded each year, for the benefit of the entire Indigenous business community! Thank you all for your consideration in our media – Meegwetch ! Visit us also online here: www.aboriginalquebec.net

In Peace and Friendship Paix et Fraternité ; Jeff Houde Éditeur - Publisher

Conseils et services aux entreprises

Bénéficiez de nos conseils et services financiers pour concrétiser vos projets d’affaires et développer votre entreprise.

Découvrez notre offre desjardins.com/entrepreneurs


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Une aide accessible, adaptée aux réalités autochtones Le Fonds d’initiatives autochtones IV (FIA IV) offre un soutien financier indispensable qui vise à appuyer les Autochtones du Québec dans leur développement économique, social et communautaire en leur fournissant les moyens de mener des projets porteurs pour leurs collectivités. Le FIA IV est un programme qui répond aux demandes d’une clientèle variée, tant au sein des communautés qu’en milieu urbain. Pour soumettre une demande de financement ou pour toute question sur le FIA IV, écrivez à financement_fia4@mce.gouv.qc.ca.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


“Le CGF soutien les Premières Nations à bâtir une gouvernance financière solide et nos certifications offrent une voie vers un financement abordable à long terme pour le développement social et économique. Les services du CGF sont facultatifs et gratuits.”

CONTACTEZ ANIANE Aniane Germain-Savard Gestionnaire, Relations clients au Québec Aniane_Savard@fnfmb.com 438.968.3120


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

COMPLICE DE VOS RÊVES... Tshushimitutatinan anite e puamuieku

Tu es Innu(e) et tu as un projet de démarrage, d’expansion ou d’acquisition d’entreprise... La CDEM peut t’aider ! PARTENAIRE DANS L’ACTION ! 1005, Boul. Laure, bureau 110 UASHAT (Québec) G4R 4S6 Tél.: 418-968-1246 Sans frais : 1 800-463-2216 Courriel : info@cdem.ca

La CDEM s’est donné comme mandat de favoriser le développement économique des communautés innues qu’elle dessert.

Services financiers

- Financement commercial - Fonds de contribution non-remboursable - Microcrédit - Aide financière pour études et plan d’affaires - Réseau d’affaires en financement

L’AFPC Le syndicat le plus présent dans le nord du Canada Des bureaux situés à Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Iqaluit et dans 20 autres villes du pays. Pour se syndiquer : afpcquebec.com info-syndicalisation@psac-afpc.com 1-800-642-8020 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

«L'éducation des adultes près de chez vous qui vous ressemble : Adult Education close to your home that suits you: Lac Simon, Val d'Or, Pikogan, Kahnawake, Kanesatake, • BRIQUETAGE-MAÇONNERIE Montréal, Listuguj, Gesgapegiag, Uashat mak Mani-Utenam»

• CARROSSERIE • CHARPENTERIE-MENUISERIE Programmes d’Insertion Socioprofessionnelles / • Professional CONSEIL ET VENTE DE Programs PIÈCES D’ÉQUIPEMENT MOTORISÉ Social and Insertion Francisation, Préparation à la Formation Professionnelle / • ÉLECTRICITÉ Francization, Vocational Training Preparation • ÉLECTROMÉCANIQUE DE SYSTÈMES AUTOMATISÉS Soutien et Accompagnement / Support and Coaching • FONDERIE avec Différents Partenaires / DEP en Collaboration Vocational Diploma in Partnership with Different Partners • GESTION D’UNE ENTREPRISE DE LA CONSTRUCTION Cours de Langues et Cultures Autochtones / MÉCANIQUEand AUTOMOBILE Aboriginal• Languages Culture Courses • SOUDAGE-MONTAGE www.conseilscolaire-schoolcouncil.org • SOUDAGE HAUTE PRESSION






«L'éducation des adultes près de chez vous qui vous ressemble : Adult Education close to your home that suits you: Lac Simon, Val d’Or, Pikogan, Roberval, Kahnawake, Kanesatake, Montreal, Listuguj, Gesgapegiag, Pessamit, Unamen Shipu, Wemotaci, Opticiwan FORMATION GÉNÉRALE AUX ADULTES / ADULTS GENERAL TRAINING : Programmes d’insertion socioprofessionnelles / Social and Professional Insertion Programs Francisation, préparation à la formation professionnelle / Francization, Vocational Training Preparation Soutien et accompagnement / Support and Coaching DEP en collaboration avec différents partenaires / Vocational Diploma in Partnership with Different Partners Cours de langues et cultures autochtones / Indigenous Languages and Culture Courses

www.conseilscolaire-schoolcouncil.org C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



BE P P y


P P y


y y Q Q



PPP yyy

Cours de conduite d’appareils de levage Programmes spécialisés (citerne, hors-normes, minier, forestier, etc.)

Évaluation des compétences

Basic training


Truck training program and bus training program Defensive driving and operation for forklifts, boom trucks and other scissor lifts Other transport programs (tanker, oversize, mining, forestry, etc.)

PPP yyy

Advanced training

Q Q Q c


NATIVE Communities


Serving the transportation Industry and School Board partnerships including




BE P P y

En ligne, en établissement ou en milieu de travail


c c c PPP PPP

Cours de conduite de véhicules lourds (autobus, camion-porteur, semi-remorque, camion horsroute, etc.)



E W Bc WB E P P c P P Perfectionnement


Formation de base



cB E P W

au service du domaine des transports, des partenaires des centres de services scolaires et des communautés

Competency assessment

On line, at school or at work!


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Grâce au simulateur haute fidélité du service aux entreprises, nous pouvons créer des simulations pour améliorer les compétences de l’employé en lien avec la santé sécurité, la productivité et l’utilisation adéquate des équipements sans risque.


L’EXPERTISE MINIÈRE Le Centre national des mines du CFP Val-d’Or offre des programmes de formation pour former une main d’oeuvre de qualité.


FORMATION MODULAIRE DU TRAVAILLEUR MINIER (FMTM) Cette formation s’adresse à tout travailleur désirant exercer son métier dans une mine souterraine au Québec.


819 825-6366 #2612


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Fier de son implication au Nunavik, à la Baie-James et auprès des communautés autochtones du Québec Proud of its implication in Nunavik, James Bay and with Quebec’s indigenous community DEC et AEC disponibles ! DCS and ACS available!


QL_CMV_avr2023.indd 1

2023-04-24 13:50



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Le Centre d’études collégiales à Chibougamau et le Service aux entreprises et aux collectivités

C’EST CHOISIR IS TO CHOOSE Des programmes de qualité en français et en anglais Quality programs in French and English Des formations adaptées aux besoins du marché du travail Training adapted to the needs of the job market CONTACTEZ-NOUS CONTACT US

Des services personnalisés pour les étudiants des Premières Nations et Inuits Personalized services for First Nations and Inuit students

Chibougamau College Studies Centre T 418 748-7637 infocecc@cegepstfe.ca cec-chibougamau.qc.ca

Business and Community Service T 418 679-5412, Ext. 4600 sec@cegepstfe.ca seccol.com

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Engagée dans les relations autochtones durables Aecon est continuellement à la recherche de moyens significatifs de s’engager dans la réconciliation en travaillant à l’unisson avec les peuples autochtones. Développer et favoriser des relations durables et respectueuses et soutenir le développement économique au sein des communautés autochtones constituent une priorité alors que nous contribuons à bâtir un avenir durable. aecon.com/relationsautochtones


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Exploitation minière responsable

Nouveau Monde Graphite favorise un engagement véritable et significatif avec les Peuples autochtones, les communautés et les organisations afin de construire des relations de confiance à long terme et des partenariats mutuellement bénéfiques basés sur le respect.

Technologies vertes

Développement en partenariat avec les communautés







Wapita Nikanik • nik8nosada • Nikanitetau

3_NMG_pub_Autochtone_F_Mars_2023_V6_mi.indd 3


Nitassinan de Pessamit


2023-03-28 12:05

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

BIOBLEND biodegradable lubricants respect nature and local communities Les lubrifiants biodégradables BIOBLEND respectent la nature et les communautés locales Made from renewable ingredients

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60 à 90 % du produit se décompose naturellement en 28 jours en cas de déversement

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Contact us to learn more or to become a BIOBLEND RESELLER and create sustainable employment in your community!

Communiquez avec nous pour en savoir plus ou devenir un REVENDEUR BIOBLEND et créer des emplois durables dans votre communauté !

of field performance




C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

QAQQALIK LANDHOLDING CORPORATION Working together for a better future

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Aluminerie Alouette, partenaire durable des communautés d’ici depuis plus de 30 ans.




ROSE LITHIUM-TANTALE, UN PROJET D’AVENIR Notre objectif est de fournir de manière rentable et responsable, un lithium au service des énergies vertes, par le biais de nos partenariats avec les parties prenantes.

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Voir grand. Ensemble.


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Construction Construction - Rénovation Entrepreneur Général Résidentiel - Commercial

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Siège social

Bureau administratif


T F C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

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T (581) 300-6313

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info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

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T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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T (581) 300-6313

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T (581) 300-6313

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Communautés autochtones QUÉBEC Aboriginal Communities

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Statistiques de population Population statistics NATIONS


Abénakis Odanak


Wôlinak Total *

351 2813

Algonquins Barriere Lake


Kebaowek First Nation




Kitigan Zibi










Wolf Lake Total *

232 11961

Atikamekw Manawan




Wemotaci Total *

1922 7783

Cris / Crees Chisasibi
















Whapmagoostui Total **

1002 19034

Hurons-Wendat Wendake Total *

4040 4040

Innus Betsiamites




La Romaine




Matimekush-Lac John







C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Pakua Shipi


Uashat et Maliotenam


Total *


Malécites Cacouna


Total *

1188 785





Total *



Micmacs Gaspé

Mohawks Kahnawake




Total *


Naskapis Kawawachikamach


Total **


Indiens inscrits / Status Indians

Inuit Akulivik






























Umiujaq Total **

465 12568

Total global / Grand Total * (Total including outside of community) * (Total incluant hors communauté)

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


581 300-6313

Sublimation Sérigraphie Sublipatch

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


THE ABENAKIS he Abenakis settled in Quebec between 1676 and 1680 in the Sillery region and lived on the banks of the Chaudière River near the falls for some twenty years before finally settling in Odanak and Wôlinak in the early 18th century. Their name comes form the words wabun (the light) and a’Ki (the earth), and means “People of the East“ or “People of the Morning“.


At this time, the Abenakis lived from hunting, trapping and fishing; they grew corn, beans, squash, potatoes and tobacco. They wove ash and sweet-grass baskets togather wild berries and boiled maple sap to make syrup. During the wars between the French and the English, the Abenakis proved faithful allies to the French. It is said that one warrior named Assacumbuit killed more than 140 of the enemies of King Louis XIV, who knighted him. ’The Abénakis population has more than doubled over the past decade in their two communities of Quebec, Odanak and Wôlinak, which have a total area of a little less than 7km2. Both are mainly residential communities and located near the cities of Trois-Rivières and Sorel. The development of touristic projects enables the Abenakis to preserve their culture and traditions while supporting their economic development. Since 1960, the Odanak Historical Society manages one of the most important Native museum in Quebec, a few kilometers from the Montreal-Quebec corridor; the Abenaki Museum welcomes over 20,000 visitors each year. Basketry and other traditional arts and crafts generate important economic fallouts for the members of the two communities. Many Abenakis businesses are successfull and they employ many Native and Non-Native workers in both communities; the Abénakis are recognized for their entrepreneurial spirit as well as for the many partnerships they have developed over the years with Aboriginals and Non-Aboriginals businesses. Abenaki celebrities include filmaker Alanis O’Bomsawin (NFB), singer Sylvie Bernard and former CBC announcer Jean-Paul Nolet.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES ABÉNAKIS es Abénakis se sont établis au Québec entre 1676 et 1680 dans la région de Sillery et ont par la suite vécu pendant une vingtaine d’années sur les rives de la rivière Chaudière, à la hauteur des chutes, avant de se fixer à Odanak et à Wôlinak au début du XVIIIe siècle. Leur nom d’origine est dérivé des termes wabun (la lumière) et a’Ki (la terre), qui signifient « peuple du matin » ou « peuple de l’Est ». À cette époque, les Abénakis pratiquent une économie de subsistance basée sur la chasse, la pêche, la trappe, la cueillette de petits fruits ainsi que sur l’agriculture du maïs, des haricots, des courges, des pommes de terre et du tabac. Ils confectionnent des paniers tressés de frêne et de foin d’odeur pour la cueillette de baies sauvages et font bouillir la sève des érables pour faire du sirop. Lors des guerres franco-anglaises, les Abénakis s’allient aux Français. Une anecdote tirée de cet épisode relate l’histoire d’un guerrier dénommée Assacumbuit qui aurait tué à lui seul plus de 140 ennemis du roi XIV, qui le reçut au rang de chevalier. La population Abénaki a plus que doublé au cours de la dernière décennie au sein de leurs deux communautés au Québec, Odanak et Wôlinak, dont les superficies totalisent un peu moins de 7km2. Les deux communautés sont à vocation majoritairement résidentielle et sont situées près des villes de Trois-Rivières et de Sorel. Le développement de projets à vocation touristique permet aux Abénakis de favoriser leur économie tout en préservant leur culture et leurs traditions. Depuis 1960, la Société historique d'Odanak gère l'un des plus importants musée autochtone du Québec, à quelques kilomètres du corridor Montréal-Québec; le Musée des Abénakis accueille chaque année plus de 20 000 visiteurs. La vannerie et d'autres arts et métiers traditionnels génèrent d'importantes retombées économiques pour les membres des deux communautés. De nombreuses entreprises Abénakises réussissent et emploient de nombreux travailleurs autochtones et non autochtones dans les deux communautés; les Abénakis sont reconnus pour leur esprit entrepreneurial ainsi que pour les nombreux partenariats qu'ils ont développés au fil des ans avec des entreprises autochtones et nonautochtones. Parmi les personnalités abénaquises connues, on peut citer la cinéaste Alanis Obomsawin (ONF), la chanteuse Sylvie Bernard et l’ex-animateur de Radio-Canada Jean-Paul Nolet.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Abenaki Aventure, 2424, rue Asban, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 954.3461

Agence Asban Numérique: 30, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0(

(450) 880-1087

Agence Asban Numérique, 30, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 880-1087

Alnôbak Danseurs, 2007, Tolba, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-5861

Bio MC Inc. 1245, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 552-3212

Boutique Miguen, 1057, rue Awassos, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 818-8311


Brocante Odanak, 2001, rue Tolba, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 801.8791

Centre Culturel Wanaskaodemek, 104, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Centre de santé d’Odanak, 105, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-6766

(450) 568-6017

Commission Locale des Premières Nations d’Odanak,104, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0 (450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Conseil des Abénakis d’Odanak, 104, rue Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Corps de Police des Abénakis (CPDA), 2421, Asban, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-3733

(450) 568-2772

CPE Aw8ssisak, 106, rue Sibosis, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0237

Dépan-O-Gaz Nimowôn, 1100, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0777

Entreprise Abénakis, 2425, rue Asban, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 880-2504

Entreprise Odanak, 2425, Asban, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 880-2504

Essengiciel, 2003, rue Tolba, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 801-8791

Entretien Katom, 1000, rue Awassos, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 818-8311

Fromagerie Odanak 1099, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568.3323

Gestion Abénakis Construction66 rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 818-9030

GP Auto Électrique, 279, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2575

GP Atelier méc. générale (spécialisé en Harley Davidson) 1245, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Qc) J0G 1H0 (450) 561-4748 Hébergement informatique Nordia Crypto inc. JAW’s Hair and Nails 74, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 881.2190

Joyce Panadis - Artiste, 306, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-7009

La plume Blanche, Artisanat des Premières Nations, 298, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (QC) J0G 1H0 (450) 568-7261 La Sublime Pasta, 74, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 817-8889

Lavage Haute Pression Coughlin et Brown, 1066, rue Awassos, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 561-6463

Le Savonneux, 1101, Marie-Victorin, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-6910

Les entreprises B.C.I., 2423, rue Asban, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 881-1665

Lutherie Waban-Aki, 2001, rue Tolba, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(819) 801-8791

Maison des Ainés Kchaiak, 120, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-7064

MarieFleurs & Filles, 5, rue Kisos, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 517-5922

MC Pièces d’auto/Les docteurs du pneu, 46, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568.0243

Mécano Flam, 107, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0249

Motel Industriel, 1245, Route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

Musée des Abénakis d’Odanak, 108, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2600

Piscine d’Odanak, 278, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-3066

Pizzéria Resto Rapide 1099, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568.3777

(450) 568-5959

Presbytère d’Odanak, 1003, Awassos, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0 Remorques Odanak, 1245, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0243

Remorquage Patrick Verville, 295, rue Sainte-Anne, St-François-du-Lac, (Québec) J0G 1M0

(450) 568.2167

Salle Familiale, 1100, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0515

Salon Silki, 2, Managuan, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2511

Soupe Sagamité Watso, 1101, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(450) 494-1265

Studio d’enregistrement Productions Cloral Mosaic, 27, rue Managuan, Odanak (Québec) J0G 1H0

(647) 444-4347

Transport D.S.D. Inc., 30, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-5151

Wanaska Wabanaki, 71, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0587


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire :


Communauté d’Odanak

Community of Odanak

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située en bordure de la rivière Saint-François, à 32 kilomètres à l’est de Sorel.

Superficie :

The community is located beside the Saint-François River, 32 km east of Sorel.

Area: 607.02 hectares

607,02 hectares


Population :


2 462

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées :

Abenaki, French, English

Abénaki, français, anglais


Gouvernement : Conseil des Abénakis d'Odanak 104, rue Sibosis, Odanak, Québec J0G 1H0 Tél: (450) 568-2810 Fax: (450) 568-3553 https://caodanak.com https://gcnwa.com

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, secteur manufacturier, foresterie, construction, tourisme.

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, bureau de poste, confection de vêtements, dépanneur, manufacture de tabac.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 132, la route 143 ou la route 226. Réseau routier : 1 330 mètres de routes en gravier et 6 020 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maison : 186

Conseil des Abénakis d'Odanak 104, rue Sibosis, Odanak, Quebec J0G 1H0 Tel: (450) 568-2810 Fax: (450) 568-3553 https://caodanak.com https://gcnwa.com

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, manufacturing sector, forestry, construction, tourism.

Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, post office, convenience store, taxi, tobacco manufacturer.

Infrastructure: Access: Highway 132, 143 and 226 provide access to the community. Road network: 1,330 metres of gravel road and 6,020 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 186

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Abaziak Construction, 10 120, rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0


1 (888) 798-3981

Abéna-Cake Acier Mécanitec, 10275, rue Leblanc, Local 123, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 609-0345

Artisanat Wnegigw, 4850, rue Mikowa, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9791

Bibliothèque Maskwa, 10120, rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-4385

Casse-croûte La Hutte, 10 355, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 244-4815

Centre de Santé Wôlinak, 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6699

(819) 294-6699

Conseil des Abénakis de Wôlinak, 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6696

(819) 294-6697

Corps de Police des Abénakis - Point de Service Wôlinak, 10120 rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak,(Québec), G0X 1B0

(450) 568-3733

(819) 294-4178

Dépanneur 6 à 11 enr., 10525, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-2828

Général Fibre de Verre enr., 10175, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9849

Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki (Le), 10175, rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-1686

(819) 294-1689

Groupe Awassos inc., 4840 rue Mikowa, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0 Gym Formule Fitness , 4790-A, rue Mikowa, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-1127

Import DBTL, 123-10 275, chemin Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0 Journal Mikw8baït, 10175, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-1686

Le Grand Royal Wôlinak, 10 275, Chemin Leblanc, Wolinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(873) 220-0218

Mawi – Soins des pieds et extension de cils, 82, rue Koak, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 269-4574

Menuiserie Gilles Labarre enr., 10275, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6144

Niaka, agence créative autochtone, 10, rue Nolka, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 699-1381

(819) 294-1689

(819) 294-6144

Petite Chapelle Ste-Thérese, 10110 rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6696

Plumes et Pacotilles, 10525-A, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9110

Radio CKBN, 10275, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-2526

(819) 294-2527

Résidence Au Soleil Levant, 11000, chemin du St-Laurent, Précieux-sang G9H 3E9

(819) 294-1161

(819) 294-1165

Soudure Wôlinak Lucien Milette 10 273, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 531-3825

Traiteur W, 10275, rue Leblanc, Local 102, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6696

Transport Déménagement DEC , 10 463, chemin Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 699-9895

Transport Maxime Cloutier 75, rue des Pins, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 668-8700

(819) 294-6697

Tribal VLT, 10 271, chemin Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0 W Impression, 63 rue des pins, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0


(819) 266-3168

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire : Première Nation de Wôlinak

First Nation of Wôlinak

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située en bordure de la rivière Bécancour, à 20 kilomètres au sud-est de Trois-Rivières.

The community is located beside the Bécancour River, 20 km southeast of Trois-Rivières.


Superficie : 79 hectares

79 hectares

Population :

Population: 351


Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement : Conseil de Bande de Wôlinak 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak Québec G0X 1B0 Tél: (819) 294-6696 Fax: (819) 294-6697

Principales langues parlée : Abénaquis, français, anglais

Abenaki, French, English

Government: Conseil de Bande de Wôlinak 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak Quebec G0X 1B0 Tel: (819) 294-6696 Fax: (819) 294-6697

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, secteur manufacturier, construction, usine de produits plastiques.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, outfitting, construction, plastic products manufactory.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, atelier de fibre de verre, garage de mécanique générale, formation en informatique, résidence pour personnes âgées, dépanneur, fabrication de canots, horticulture, chapelle, multiplex et centre de santé.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par les autoroutes 30 et 55. Réseau routier : 600 mètres de routes en gravier et 1 250 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 100

Arts and handicrafts, automobile repairs, retirement home, computer training, canoe making, construction, convenience store, fibreglass workshop, horticulture, church, multiplex and health centre.

Infrastructure: Access: Highways 30 and 55, provides access to the community. Road network: 600 metres of gravel road and 1,250 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 100

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0


T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


THE ALGONQUINS he Algonquins usually call themselves, “Anishinabeg“, which means “The People“. Their language would be closely related to, amoung others, the Abenakis, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Pequot etc. as it is known that the Algonkian language is the widest First Nation Language in the Americas.


Before being forced to permanently settle in the Outaouais region, the Algonquins lived a nomadic lifestyle through hunting and fishing that was in tune with nature. Before the arrival of the Europeans, a system of trade also existed between the Algonquins and other nations. An example is that they would trade meat, hides and other products in exchange for tobacco, corn, beans and squash with the Iroquois. The Algonquins also traded with the Hurons, exchanging pelts and game for corn and fishing nets. After the arrival of the Europeans, they traded for tools ustensils and clothes. In the 19th century, forestry operations devastated the Algonquin’s hunting grounds along the Ottawa and Gatineau rivers. This trend also resulted in the confiscation of what was left of their trap lines. This resulted in a number of communities moving farther north. The acquisition of firearms and iron traps ushered in an era of prosperity among the Algonqins. Hunting became easier and the fur trade brought in considerable material wealth. Their lifestyle underwent profound changes: fabric replaced birch barks in tents and pelts in clothing. The Algonquins became dependant on trade with the Europeans in spite of themselves. In the 19th century, forestry operations devastated the Algonquin’s hunting grounds along the Ottawa and Gatineau rivers. As a result, they moved farther north. Today, some 4,500 of the 7,747 Algonquins live in nine communities in the Outaouais and Abitibi-Témiscamingue regions, of wich Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg is the largest. Many ser vices are provided in these communities; such as education, health and social services and many small businesses are operating in the construction, forestry and transport sectors, among others. The band council administers police services for the community under an agreement signed with the Quebec and Canadian governments in 1992. The Algonquin Council of Western Quebec, who was founded in 1980 to protect the interests of the Algonquin nation, is now represented by the “Algonquin Nation Programs and Services Secretariat”, wich represents the communities of Wolf Lake, Barriere Lake and Timiskaming. The “Anishinabeg Algonquin Nation” serves the communities of Eagle Village-Kibaowek, Lac Simon, Abitibiwinni, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg and Long Point. Since 1991, the Algonquin Development Association provides financial support and advice to Algonquins who want to undertake business projects. Two Algonquins have made their mark in the National Hockey league: John Chabot and Gino Odjick.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Avant de s’installer définitivement dans l’Outaouais, les Algonquins ont vécu sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent pendant près d’un siècle, de 1550 à 1650. Ils sont ensuite refoulés vers les hauteurs de l’Outaouais par les nations iroquoises. Les guerres avec les Iroquois affaiblissent considérablement les Algonquins qui sont forcés de se réfugier près des forts français. Une trêve est conclue en 1701. Étant des sociétés nomades, bien que les Algonquins s’adonnent un peu à l’agriculture, ils sont avant tout des chasseurs-cueilleurs et des pêcheurs. Grâce au commerce qu’ils pratiquent surtout avec les Hurons, les Algonquins obtiennent du maïs et des filets pour la pêche, en échange de peaux et de gibiers. Ils pratiquent le troc avec les Européens dont ils se procurent des outils, des ustensiles et des vêtements. L’acquisition d’armes à feu et de pièges de fer engendre une ère de prospérité chez les Algonquins. La chasse est plus facile et la traite des fourrures leur procure une aisance matérielle appréciable. Leur mode de vie subit d’importants changements: la toile supplante l’écorce de bouleau pour les tentes et les peaux pour les vêtements. Ce faisant, les Algonquins deviennent malgré eux tributaires du commerce avec les Européens. Au XIXe siècle, l’exploitation forestière dévaste les territoires de chasse des Algonquins le long des rivières des Outaouais et de la Gatineau. Ils se replient vers le nord. Aujourd’hui, environ 4 500 des 7 747 Algonquins résident en Outaouais et en Abitibi Témiscamingue dans neuf collectivités. Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg en est la plus populeuse. On y retrouve des services dans le domaine de l’éducation, de la santé et des services sociaux, ainsi que plusieurs petites entreprises oeuvrant entre autres dans les domaines de la construction, de la foresterie et du transport. Le conseil de bande administre les services policiers de la communauté, en vertu d’une entente signée avec le Québec et le Canada en 1992. Le conseil des Algonquins de l’ouest du Québec, fondé en 1980 pour défendre les intérêts de la nation, est représenté maintenant par le « Secrétariat des programmes et services de la Nation Algonquine » qui regroupe les communautés de Wolf Lake, Barriere Lake et Timiskaming et par le « Nation algonquine Anishinabeg » qui dessert les communautés d’Eagle Village - Kibaowek, Lac-Simon, Abitibiwinni, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg et Long Point. Depuis 1991, l’Association de développement économique des Algonquins offre un appui financier et des conseils aux Algonquins qui veulent réaliser des projets d’affaires. Deux Algonquins ont fait leur marque dans la Ligue nationale de hockey: John Chabot et Gino Odjick.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




es Algonquins se désignent en tant qu’Anishinabeg, ce qui signifie « les vrais hommes ». Ils auraient vraisemblablement une parenté étroite avec les Abénaquis, dont la langue ressemble beaucoup à la leur.

Barriere Lake




Algonquins of Barriere Lake, C.P. 74 General Delivery, Parc de la Vérendrye, Rapid Lake, (Québec), J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2181

(819) 435-2191

General Delivery, Rapid Lake, (Québec), J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2181

(819) 435-2191

Kitiganik Construction, C.P. 74 General Delivery, Parc de la Vérendrye, Rapid Lake (Qc) J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2181

Kitiganik Elementary School, C.P. 74 General Delivery, Parc de la Vérendrye, Rapid Lake (Qc) J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2181

Rapid Lake Clinic, General Delivery, Rapid Lake, (Québec), J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2100

Rapid Lake Public Works : C.P. 74 General Delivery, Parc de la Vérendrye, Rapid Lake (Qc) J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2181

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

(819) 435-2103

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire :


Barriere Lake



Communauté de Lac Rapide (Rapid-Lake)

Situation géographique :

Community of Rapid Lake (Lac-Rapide)

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 134 kilomètres au nord de Maniwaki, sur la rive du réservoir Cabonga.

Superficie :

The community is located 134 km north of Maniwaki, on the bank of the Cabonga Reservoir.


28 hectares

28 hectares

Population :




Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Algonquin, anglais

Algonquian, English

Gouvernement :


Algonquins of Barriere Lake General Delivery, Rapid Lake, Québec J0W 2C0 Tél: (819) 441-8005 Fax: (613) 837-7482 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algonquins_de_Barriere_Lake http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Algonquins of Barriere Lake General Delivery, Rapid Lake, Québec J0W 2C0 Tél: (819) 441-8005 Fax: (613) 837-7482 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algonquins_de_Barriere_Lake http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities: Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, piégeage, construction, foresterie.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, trapping, construction, forestry.

Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, bingo, services.

Art et artisanat, bingo, services.


Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 117 et un chemin forestier. Réseau routier : 7 880 mètres de route en gravier. Nombre de maisons : 65

Access: Highway 117 and a logging road provide access to the community. Road network: 7,880 metres of gravel road. Number of houses: 65

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Kebaowek First Nation

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Drumbeat CKFF 104.1 FM – 106 Ogima Street, Kibaowek (Qc) J0Z 2H0



(819) 627-3455

Kebaowek First Nation Band Administration, 4 Oglma Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-3455

(819) 627-9428

Kebaowek First Nation Fire Department, 4 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-3455

(819) 627-9428

Kebaowek First Nation First Line Services, 3 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-9877

Kebaowek First Nation News, 3 Oglma Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-9060

(819) 627-9428

Kebaowek First Nation Police Department, 2 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-8229

(819) 627-3277

Kebaowek Health and Wellness Center, 3 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-9060

(819) 627-1885

Kebaowek Land Management, 2 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-3309

(819) 627-3531

Lakeview Store, 43 Migizy Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-1307

(819) 627-1680

Migizy Gas Station, 1 Ogima Street, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-3392

(819) 627-1540

Migizy Odenaw Childcare Centre, 301 Amik Avenue, Kibaowek, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-1000

(819) 627-1219

Tell them ! Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory ! This will help us to continue serving you better for our upcoming editions.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Kebaowek First Nation

Territoire :




Communauté de Kebaowek First Nation

Situation géographique :

Community of Kebaowek First Nation

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 10 kilomètres à l’ouest de Témiscaming, en bordure du lac Kibaowek.

Superficie :

The community is located 10 km west of Temiscaming, by the shore of Lake Kibaowek.

Area: 21.49 hectares

21,49 hectares


Population :



Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement : Kebaowek First Nation Band Administration P.O. Box 756, Temiscaming, Québec J0Z 3R0 Tél.: (819) 627-3455 Fax: (819) 627-9428 http://kebaowek.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Principales langues parlées : Algonquin, anglais

Algonquian, English

Government: Kebaowek First Nation Band Administration P.O. Box 756, Temiscaming, Québec J0Z 3R0 Tel.: (819) 627-3455 Fax: (819) 627-9428 http://kebaowek.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, pourvoiries,transport.

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, dépanneur, fabrication de mocassins, traiteur, station service, centre de santé, administration du conseil de bande.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route de Kibaowek qui croise la route 101, à 5 kilomètres à l’ouest. Réseau routier : 1 200 mètres de route pavée. Nombre de maisons : 130

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, outfitters.

Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, caterer, convenience store, moccasin making, gas station, day care, health services, band administration.

Infrastructure: Access: the community can be reached by Kibaowek Road, which crossed Highway 101, 5 kilometres to the west. Road network: 1,200 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 130

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Administration Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Kitcisakik, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 825-1466

(819) 825-5638

Centre de Santé Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3001

(819) 736-3011

Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3001

(819) 736-3012

Dépanneur Pakigan, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3008

(819) 736-3008

École Mikizicec, 1001 Amik Mikana, Val d’Or (Québec) J9P 1P9

(819) 736-3001

Transport Medical, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3001


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 736-3011

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :


Établissement de Kitcisakik (Grand-Lac-Victoria)

Settlement of Kitcisakik (Grand-Lac-Victoria)

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : Le territoire est situé à l’embouchure de la rivière des Outaouais et du Grand lac Victoria, à 94 kilomètres au sud de Val-d’Or.

The territory is located where the Ottawa River flows into Grand Lac Victoria, 94 km south of Val-d’Or.


Superficie :

12.14 hectares

12,14 hectares


Population :



Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement : Administration Kitcisakik C.P. 5206, Val-d'Or, Québec J9P 7C5 Tél: (819) 825-1966 Fax: (819) 736-3012

http://kitcisakik.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Principales langues parlées : Algonquin, français, anglais

Algonquian, French, English

Government: Administration Kitcisakik C.P. 5206, Val-d'Or, Quebec J9P 7C5 Tel: (819) 825-1966 Fax: (819) 736-3012 http://kitcisakik.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Piégeage, tourisme, transport, construction, services et commerces.

Commerces et services : Dépanneur, service d’essence, garderie, sentier de motoneige et casse-croûte.

Infrastructure : Accès : l’établissement d’été est situé à 21 kilomètres à l’ouest de la route 117. On peut franchir cette distance en canot, depuis le réservoir Dozois, jusqu’à Grand lac Victoria. Les bureaux du conseil, le dispensaire, la salle communautaire et 100 habitations sont situés à proximité du barrage Bourque à 7 kilomètres de la route 117.

Trapping, tourism, construction, transport, services et business.

Businesses and services: Convenience store, gas station, day-care centre, snowmobile trail and snack bar.

Infrastructure: Access: the settlement is located 21 km west of Highway 117, which can reached by canoe, from the Dozois Reservoir to Grand Lac Victoria. Band council office, dispensary, around 100 houses and community hall are located close to the Bourque dam, 7 km from highway 117. Number of houses: no permanent facilities.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Kitigan Zibi



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation Tribal Council, 81 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C3 (819) 449-5106 Alice Beaudoin Photography, 1211 Chemin de la Montangne, Gatineau, (Québec), J9J 3S3

f (819) 449-8064

(819) 664-8166

Anishinabe Printing, P.O. Box 317, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-7997

Anish-na-Bead, 4 Kikinamage, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 306-0900

Autodrome Maniwaki Speedway, 15 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 208-7817

Awazibi Pure Maple Syrup, 1 Paganakomin Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 441-2323

Buck’s Auto Parts, 69 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C3

(819) 449-2288

Bucks Sports, 68 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-2655

(819) 441-3559

CKWE-FM Radio (103,9 FM), 3 Kjkinamage Mikan, P.O.Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C3

(819) 449-3170

(819) 449-5673

(819) 449-5097

(819) 449-5673

Clinique de Physiotherapie Lynda Cayer, 98 Chemin Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-3883

(819) 441-3099

Crevier KZ Gas, 90 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-1221

Decontie Construction Inc., 13 Kiwe Quot Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-3277

Enakamigag Anishnabewakin (bulletin / newsletter), 81 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C3

(819) 449-1225

(819) 449-8064


Dylan Whiteduck CounCillors

KWE! - WELCOME TO THE KITIGAN ZIBI ANISHINABEG Home of the proud members of the Algonquin First Nation 1, paganakomin mikan p.o. Box 309 maniwaki (Qc) J9e 3C9

tel: 819-449-5170 toll free: 1-888-449-5170 fax : 819-449-9999 Visit us here: WWW.KITIGANZIBI.CA

· Alice Beaudoin · Frankie Cote · Frank Meness · Natasha Mitchell · Douglas Odjick · Jean-Guy Whiteduck Business Development offiCer

Barry Commando

DireCtor general

Christine Stevens

Expédition Kiniw Zibi, 181, rue Wolfe, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 1S3

(819) 441-6931

Felix’s Casse Croute, 59 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-2181

Hand Made Moccasins, P.O. Box 361, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3G9

(819) 449-5359

Hawk’s Trading Post, 276 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-1673

Holy Rosary Church, 308 Fafard Street, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 1Z1

(819) 449-2900

(819) 441-2616

Hubert Chalifoux Taxi/Trucking/Snow Removal, 69 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-3737

Imprimerie Maniwaki, 153, rue Laurier, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 2K6

(819) 449-1122

(819) 449-5147

K.Z. Freshmart, 35 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C2

(819) 449-3741

(819) 449-3655

K.Z. Sylviculture Inc., 281 Scott Street, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3P6

(819) 449-5072

(819) 449-8627

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Administration (Band Office), 1 Paganakomin Mikan, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-5170

(819) 449-5673

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Centre, 54 Makwa Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-1655

(819) 441-2665


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire :


Kitigan Zibi



Communauté de Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Situation géographique :

Community of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 130 kilomètres au nord de Hull. La réserve est délimitée, au nord, par la rivière de l’Aigle et par la rivière Désert.

The community is located 130 km north of Hull. It is bounded on the north by the de l’Aigle and Désert Rivers.

Area: 18 437 hectares

Superficie : 18 437 hectares

Population: 3,241

Population : 3 241

Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement : Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Administration (Band Office), 1 Paganakomin Mikan, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, Québec J9E 3C9 Tél.: (819) 449-5170 Fax: (819) 449-5673 http://kzadmin.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Principales langues parlées : Algonquin, anglais, français

Algonquin, English, French

Government: Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Administration (Band Office), 1 Paganakomin Mikan, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, Quebec J9E 3C9 Tel.: (819) 449-5170 Fax: (819) 449-5673 http://kzadmin.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, construction, tourisme, transport.

Commerces et services : Alimentation, art et artisanat, buanderie, coiffure, ébénisterie, excavation, garderie, lave-auto, machinerie lourde, restauration, soudure, services de consultants, ambulance et centre culturel.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 105 qui rejoint Hull, à environ 130 kilomètres au sud, ou par les routes 117 et 107 en provenance de Montréal. Réseau routier : 51.31 km de route en gravier et 26.65 km en asphalte.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, construction, tourism, transport.

Businesses and services: Ambulance service, day-care centre, heavy machinery, arts and handicrafts, excavation, laundry, cabinetmaking, food supplier, carwash, restaurant, soldering, consultant services, hairdresser and cultural center.

Infrastructure: Access: the community can be reached by Highway 105, which runs to Hull approximately 130 kilometres to the south, or by highways 107 and 117 from Montreal. Road network: 51.31 km of gravel road and 26.65 km of paved road. Number of houses: 551

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Kitigan Zibi


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



800 degrees wood fired Pizza, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9 Algonquin Windows, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9

(819) 334-0729

Bryan McGregor Heavy Equipment Operation, 315 Paganakomin Mikan, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9 Chelsea’s Kitchen, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9

(819) 334-1623

Kitigan Zibi Education Sector, 54 Makwa Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-1798

Kitigan Zibi Health and Social Services, 8 Kikinimage Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-5593

(819) 449-5673

Kitigan Zibi Human Resource Development Center, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-5170

(819) 449-5673

Kitigan Zibi Natural Resources, 3 Kikinamage Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-2323

(819) 449-5673

Kitigan Zibi Police Department, 10 Kikinamage, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-6000

(819) 449-3361

Kitigan Zibi School, 41 Kikinamage Mikan, P.O.Box 10, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-1275

(819) 449-5503

KZ Gutter Expert, 3 Buckshot Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 334-0130

LBJ Indian Crafts, 68 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-4919

Makwa Cabinets, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9

(819) 441-2525

(819) 449-5570

Marlene Carle Hydrotherapist / Orthotherapist,156 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 (819) 441-6945 MB Radon Solutions, 75 Pitobig Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-7751

Mitigomin Agriculture, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9

(819) 208-6382

Nodin’s Crafts, P.O. Box 232, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B4

(819) 449-4650

(819) 449-1988

Quemeez, P.O. Box 285, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 665-2150

(819) 441-2377

Raven’s Nest Arts and Crafts, 263 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec)

(819) 449-4376

River Garden Café, 86 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C5

(819) 306-1223

Salon Algonquin, 314 Principale Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 2A6

(819) 449-1533

Smiley’s Grocery store, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9

(819) 441-0202

Sweet eeze ice cream parlor, General Delivery, Kitigan Zibi (Québec, J9E 3C9 The Mix / Le Mix Restaurant, 32, Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C4

(819) 441-2811

Wabano’s Esso Gas Bar, 311 Principale Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 2A7

(819) 449-6074

(819) 449-3771

Wanaki Center, 50 Wanaki Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-7000

(819) 449-7832

Wawasamo Creations, 299 Scott Street Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 334-9709

Wawatey Catering, P.O. Box 422, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3G9

(819) 441-1111


Lac-Simon t


(819) 736-2929

(819) 736-3129

Conseil de la Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon, 1026, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-4501

(819) 736-7311

Corporation de Développement Économique Wabak Pimadizi, 1027, rue Tcizo, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2131

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Centre de la Petite Enfance Takinagan, 1029, rue Mohigan, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0 CHUT-FM (92,5 FM)(95,3 FM), 1028, rue Tcizo, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

Dépanneur Wabak Adwagomigok, 1012, rue Wabanonik, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2139 (819) 736-2223

Ébénisterie Anishinabe de Lac Simon, 1005, rue Wenecec, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2131

(819) 736-2139

Entreprise MDJ enr., 95, rue Wabanonik, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-3694

(819) 736-2131

Restaurant Widiah, 1050, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2024

Taxi Algonquin, 72, Matciteia, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2245

Taxi Madeleine, 8, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2664


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Communauté de Lac-Simon

Community of Lac-Simon

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située sur la rive ouest du lac Simon, à 32 kilomètres au sud-est de Val-d’Or.

Superficie :

The community is located on the western shore of Lake Simon, 32 km southeast of Val-d’Or.


275,01 hectares

275.01 hectares

Population :


2 153


Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement : Conseil de la Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon, 1026, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, Québec J0Y 3M0 Tél.: (819) 736-4501 Fax: (819) 736-7311 https://lacsimon.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Principales langues parlées : Algonquin, français

Activités économiques :

Algonquian, French

Government: Conseil de la Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon, 1026, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, Quebec J0Y 3M0 Tel.: (819) 736-4501 Fax: (819) 736-7311 https://lacsimon.ca http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, construction, foresterie, piégeage, transport, tourisme.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, construction, forestry, trapping, transport, tourism.

Businesses and services:

Art et artisanat, dépanneur, machinerie lourde, restauration, taxi, ébénisterie, garderie.

Infrastructure :

Arts and handicrafts, convenience store, heavy machinery, restaurant, taxi, wood furniture, day-care centre.


Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 117. Réseau routier : 1 680 mètres de routes en gravier et 5 040 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 279

Access: the community can be reached by Highway 117. Road network: 1,680 metres of gravel road and 5,040 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 279

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Pikogan t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Aki ressources, 10-A rue Tom Rankin, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-3714

Centre de la Petite enfance Mokaam, 75, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 727-5744

(819) 727-4648

Centre de Santé Pikogan, 35, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6591

(819) 732-9824

CKAG-FM (100,1 FM), 30, rue David Kistabish, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 727-3237

Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni, 45, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6591

Construction Tciman inc. 30 rue John Rankin, Pikogan (Québec) J9T3A3

(819) 527-8151

Coopérative de solidarité de Pikogan, 10 rue Tom Rankin, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 443-3903

École Migwan, 70, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6591

En route 109, 2552-B, Route 109, QC-109, Amos, Quebec J9T 3A3

(819) 727-4888

Formation, emploi et développement social, 55, rue Migwan Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6591 poste 2403

(819) 732-9824

(819) 732-9838 (819) 732-3358

Garage 111, 1025 route 111 ouest, Amos, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 218-9887

Gazonord Inc., 2301, Route 109 Nord, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-3385

GPS Electrical, 2552-B, Route 109, QC-109, Amos, Quebec J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6999

(819) 732-6990

Hôtel Rodeway inn, 2311 QC-109, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(873) 730-3939

(873) 730-3952

Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni Monik Kistabish, Cheffe James Cananasso, Vice-Chef Chantal Kistabish, conseillère Joan Wylde, conseillère Manon Tremblay, conseillère

45, rue Migwan, Pikogan, Québec J9T3A3 info@pikogan.com • www.pikogan.com Tél. : 819 732-6591 • Fax : 819 732-1569 Kiwetin Construction inc. 35 rue Hector Polson, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(418) 765-0104

Location 1025, 1025 route 11 ouest, Amos, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 218-9887

Maison des Aînés, Résidence 8atapi, 33, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-6591 poste 2900

(418) 765-3106 (819) 732-9824

Maison des Jeunes Witcikiwentiwen, La Fraternité, 30, rue David Kistabish, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 (819) 732-6591 Mino Obigiwasin – Pikogan, 25 rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 444-3466 sans frais 1 (833) 444-3466

Nikan construction inc. 100 rue Isaac McDougall, Pikogan (Québec) J9T3A3

(819) 797-6839 poste 143

Police Pikogan, 215, Hector Polson, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-4411

Pourvoirie Mistawak, 10-A Tom Rankin, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-3714

Procon-Amik, 10-A rue Tom Rankin, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 Service Première Ligne Apeminowin, 35, rue Migwan Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 732-3714

TEM-Assini inc. 85 rue Tom Rankin, Pikogan (Québec) J9T3A3

(819) 830-1188


(873) 670-1067

(819) 732-3714 (819) 732-6591 poste 2248

Société de développement économique Amik, 10-A rue Tom Rankin, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 Territoire et environnement, 55, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 444-3004

(819) 732-6591 poste 2403

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 732-9824

(819) 732-3358

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire :





Communauté de Pikogan

Community of Pikogan

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à trois kilomètres d’Amos, sur la rive ouest de la rivière Harricana.

Superficie :

The community is located three kilometres from Amos, on the west bank of the Harricana River.


276 hectares

276 hectares

Population :


1 095


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Algonquin, français, anglais

Algonquian, French, English

Gouvernement :


Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni, 45, rue Migwan, Pikogan, Québec J9T 3A3 Tél.: (819) 732-6591 Fax: (819) 732-9824 https://pikogan.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Activités économiques :

Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni, 45, rue Migwan, Pikogan, Québec J9T 3A3 Tel.: (819) 732-6591 Fax: (819) 732-9824 https://pikogan.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, construction, épicerie, foresterie, hôtel, piégeage, pourvoirie, transport.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, construction, forestry, hotel, grocerie, outfitting, trapping, transport.

Businesses and services:

Service de développement économique, garderie, station d’essence et dépanneur, coopérative de solidaritée, hôtel.

Infrastructure :

Economic Development Service, taxi, day care, gas bar and convenience store, hotel, solidarity cooperative.


Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 109 qui rejoint la route 117. Réseau routier : 167 mètres de routes en gravier et 2 710 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 178

Access: Highway 109, which it connects to Highway 117, provides access to the community. Road network: 167 metres of gravel road and 2,710 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 178

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Timiskaming t


Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development, 6 Kateri Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-5333

(819) 723-5211

Algonquin Nation Programs and Services Secretariat, 6 Kateri, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2019

Algonquin Variety, 92 Ontario Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2000

Anishnabe Long Term Care Centre, 26 Agonquin Avenue, Box 220, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2225

(819) 723-2112

CHNT-FM Radio Station (92,3 FM), 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2121

(819) 723-2167

Conseillers parajudiciaires autochtones / Région Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2313

(819) 723-2345

Kiwetin School, 8 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2533

(819) 723-2578

Pidaban Child Care Centre, 10 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2319

(819) 723-4002

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Senior’s Unit, 21 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-5223

TFN Construction, 28 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2035

Timiskaming First Nation Administration Office, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre Dame du Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2335

(819) 723-2353

Timiskaming First Nation Band Council, 6A Kateri Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2370

(819) 723-2353

Timiskaming First Nation Public Security, 10 Stanger’s Road, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2810

Timiskaming Health Services, 22 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 (819) 723-2260 Widjikiwe Gas Bar, 86 Ontario Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3BO

Timiskaming First Nation 24, Algonquin Avenue Notre-Dame-du-Nord (Qc) J0Z 3B0 Tel (819) 723-2335 Fax (819) 723-2353 www. tfnadmin.wixsite.com Email: reception@atfn.ca


(819) 723-2272

(819) 723-2723

Vicky Chief, Chief Sean McLaren, Vice-Chief Donna McBride, Councillor Sacha Wabie, Councillor Nathan McMartin, Councillor Louise Chaput, Councillor Roselyn Tebiscon, Councillor

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Communauté de Timiskaming

Community of Timiskaming

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est adjacente à la municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Nord.

Superficie :

The community is adjacent to the Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Nord.


2 428,08 hectares

2,428.08 hectares

Population :


2 132


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Algonquin, anglais

Algonquian, English

Gouvernement :


Timiskaming First Nation Band Council, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, Québec J0Z 3B0 Tél.: (819) 723-2335 Fax: (819) 723-2353 www.tfnadmin.wixsite.com

Activités économiques :

Timiskaming First Nation Band Council, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, Québec J0Z 3B0 Tel.: (819) 723-2335 Fax: (819) 723-2353 www.tfnadmin.wixsite.com

Economic activities:

Agriculture, art et artisanat, commerces et services, construction, foresterie, piégeage, tourisme.

Commerces et services :

Agriculture, arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, tourism, construction.

Businesses and services:

Art et artisanat, coopérative forestière, dépanneur, machinerie lourde, taxi.

Infrastructure :

Arts and handicrafts, convenience store, heavy machinery, taxi.


Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 101. Réseau routier : 4 070 mètres de routes en gravier et 5 860 mètres en asphalte.

Access: Timiskaming can be reached by Highway 101. Road network: 4,070 metres of gravel road and 5,860 metres of paved road.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Winneway t


(819) 722-2026

(819) 722-2073

CFWR Winneway Radio Station (93,5 FM), 120 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2797

(819) 722-2579

Kuzzin Gas Station, 205 Kete Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2555

(819) 722-4003

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Amo Ososwan School, 117 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O.Box 43, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0 Amosesag / Daycare Center, 603 Ocki, Box 70, Winneway, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

Long Point First Nation, 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2441

(819) 722-2579

Presbytère de Winneway, 124, Naneweak Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2426

(819) 722-2881

Taxi Winneway, General Delivery, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2057

(819) 722-2057

Winneway Economic Development, 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, Box 1, Winneway, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2441

(819) 722-2579

Winneway Elders Center, 130 Naneweak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2365

Winneway Forestry, 107 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 75, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2005

(819) 722-2579

Winneway Health Clinic, 207 Pawitig Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2440

(819) 722-2768

Winneway Human Resources Development Office, 112, Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2441

(819) 722-2579


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Établissement de Winneway

Settlement of Winneway

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

Le village est situé à 114 kilomètres à l’est de Ville-Marie, sur la rive sud de la rivière Winneway.

The village is located 114 km east of Ville-Marie, on the south bank of the Winneway River.

Superficie :


37,84 hectares

37.84 hectares

Population :




Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Algonquin, anglais, français

Algonquin, English, French

Gouvernement :


Long Point First Nation 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, Québec J0Z 2J0 Tél.: (819) 722-2441 Fax: (819) 722-2579 https://longpointfirstnation.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Activités économiques :

Long Point First Nation 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, Québec J0Z 2J0 Tel.: (819) 722-2441 Fax: (819) 722-2579 https://longpointfirstnation.com http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, système d’information géographique.

Commerces et services :

Businesses and services, forestry, trapping, geographic information system.

Businesses and services:

Restauration, taxi, dépanneur, etc.

Restaurant, taxi, depanneur, etc.

Infrastructure :


Accès : Winneway est accessible en empruntant la route 101, la route 382. Réseau routier : 2 400 mètres de routes pavées. Nombre de maisons : 90

Access: Winneway can be reached by highways 101 and 382 road. Road network: 2,400 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 90

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Territoire :

Wolf Lake


Établissement d’Hunter’s Point

Situation géographique :

Le territoire est situé à 37 kilomètres au nord-est de la ville de Témiscaming, à Hunter’s Point au lac Kibaowek.

Settlement of Hunter’s Point

Geographical location:

The territory is located 37 km northeast of Temiscaming, at Hunter’s Point on Lake Kibaowek.

Superficie : 4 hectares

Area: 4 hectares

Population : 232

Population: 232

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement :


Algonquin, anglais

Wolf Lake First Nation, 5, Riordon street, Temiscaming, Qué bec J0Z 3R0 Té l.: (819) 627-3628 Fax: (819) 627-1109

Algonquian, English Wolf Lake First Nation, 5, Riordon street, Temiscaming, Québec J0Z 3R0 Tel.: (819) 627-3628 Fax: (819) 627-1109

https://www.wolflakefirstnation.com/band-office http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Activités économiques :

Tourisme, arts et artisanat, pâtes et papier, pêche et piégeage, foresterie, pourvoirie, transport.

Commerces et services :

Commerce d'arts et artisanat, production d'art et d'artisanat, pourvoirie canoe et kayak, menuiserie, rénovation d'édifices, station service et dépanneur.

Infrastructure :

https://www.wolflakefirstnation.com/band-office http://www.anishinabenation.ca

Economic activities:

Tourism, hunting, fishing and trapping, arts and handicraft, forestry, outfitting, transport.

Businesses and services:

Arts and handicrafts store, arts and crafts production, carpenters, building renovations, backcountry cabin acoomodations, gas station, convenience store.


Access: Hunter’s Point Lake can be reached by logging road leading from Highway 101. Road network: logging roads. Number of houses: 26

Accès : un chemin forestier, depuis la route 101, permet d’accéder au lac Hunter’s Point. Réseau routier : Chemins forestiers. Nombre de maisons : 26

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Algonquin Canoe Company: P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming (Qc) J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628

Anishinabek Outfitting Inc., P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628

(819) 627-1109

Camp La Lucarne, 1920, Route 101, R.R. #1, Laniel, (Québec), J0Z 2K0

(819) 634-2800

(819) 634-2880

Mahingan Development Corporation, 5 Riordon Avenue, P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628

(819) 627-1109

Nanabush Café : P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming (Qc) J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628

Wolf Lake First Nation, 5, Riordon street, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 627-1109

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


THE ATIKAMEKW round 1650, there were 500 to 600 Atikamekw. They occupied an area crisscrossed by navigable rivers and located at the crossroads of Cree, Algonquin and Innus communities, a situation that favoured barter. The Atikamekw supplemented their diet of game and fish by acquiring agricultural products such as corn. In spring, the Atikamekw would boil maple sap to make sugar and syrup; they are at the origin of the history of maple syrup in Quebec.


Between 1670 and 1680, a smallpox epidemic struck the Atikamekw. The few survivors were driven away by the Iroquois. Some twenty years later, a group of Amerindians settled on Atikamekw territory; they were known as the “Têtes-de-Boules”. Most historians now believe that this goup consisted of a handful of Atikamekw survivors together with other Amerindian nomads. The name Atikamekw would not be used again until the 1970’s. The arrival of the Europeans transformed the lives of the “Têtes-de-Boule”. Under the influence of Christianity, they gave up polygamy, they married and had their children baptised. In 1774, the Hudson’s Bay Company opened the first trading posts in the region. With the intensification of trade relations, non-Native values began to take the place of traditions. In 1831, forestry companies began working in the area and introduced paid work. “Têtes-deBoule” workers knew the forest well and were easily satisfied. The 20th century saw the beginning of a new era, that of hydroelectric projects. The Opitciwan community had to relocate twice because of floods resulting from the creation of the Gouin Reservoir in 1918. All these activities had an adverse effect on the wildlife; log drives and the flooding of the woods by the Gouin Reservoir produced mercury, poisoning in the fish. It became impossible to maintain the traditional way of life. Over 10,000 Atikamekw live in Manawan, Opitciwan and Wemotaci; a few others live in La Tuque, and the Mauricie and Lac Saint-Jean regions. Today, forestry is the main source of employment. Craft work provides an extra source of income, particularly for the women who make bark baskets. In recent years, efforts have been made to develop the region’s tourism potential; in 1993, snowmobilers inaugurated the Northern Triangle, a 1300 km trail that goes through Opitciwan, and many cultural tourism centers were also created. In May 1993, the Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw (CNA) signed an agreement with the federal and provincial governments on the construction and repair of roads providing access to the three communities. Roads that provide year-round access allow now the Atikamekw to make an active contribution to the region’s economic development. Among the Atikamekws, the year is divided into six seasons. Each season corresponds to a main activity. The order of the seasons begins with Sikon which is a kind of pre-spring and, in this season, the Atikamekws make baskets of bark which can contain the maple sap gathered during this time of the year. The next season is Morakamin, equivalent to spring, during which the Atikamekws will fish and hunt partridges. Then comes Nipin, summer; we do the same thing as in the previous season. Fall is Takwakin, where moose hunting begins. It is during the beginning of winter, called Pitcipipon, that the Atikamekws will trap beavers and that the women make coats with their furs. During the winter, or Pipon, they fish under the ice with nets made by men and where others make pairs of rackets; the women remove the hair from the moose skins, then wash them, scrape them, cut them into babiche to weave the rackets On September 8, 2014, the Council of the Atikamekw Nation unilaterally declared its sovereignty over Nitaskinan (traditional terrritory) covering an area of 80,000 km2. One of the main goals of the nation with this declaration is to have a right of scrutiny over the projects of exploitation of natural resources in the Atikamekw territory. 76

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES ATIKAMEKW ers 1650, on dénombre entre 500 et 600 Atikamekw. Ils occupent un territoire sillonné par de nombreuses voies navigables situé au carrefour des communautés cries, algonquines et innues. Cette situation favorise le troc. Les Atikamekw peuvent compléter leur régime alimentaire à base de gibier et de poisson par des produits agricoles comme le maïs. Au printemps, les Atikamekw font bouillir la sève extraite des érables pour en faire du sucre et du sirop, d’où l’origine du sirop d’érable québécois. Entre 1670 et 1680, une épidémie de petite vérole décime la population Atikamek. Les quelques survivants sont chassés par les Iroquois. Une vingtaine d’années plus tard, un groupe d’autochtones s’installe en territoire Atikamekw. Dénommés « Têtes-de-Boule », on émet l’hypothèse sur leur présence comme étant des descendants Atikamekw auxquels se seraient joints d’autres autochtones nomades. L’appellation Atikamekw ne sera réutilisée qu’au milieu des années 1970. L’arrivée des Européens transforme le mode de vie des « Têtes-de-Boule ». Sous l’influence du christianisme, ils renoncent à la polygamie, ils se marient et font baptiser leurs enfants. À partir de 1774, la Compagnie de la Baie-d’Hudson ouvre des postes de traite dans la région. Avec l’intensification des relations commerciales, les valeurs des non-autochtones se substituent aux traditions. En 1831, les compagnies forestières s’installent dans la région et introduisent le travail salarié. Les « Têtes-de-Boule » constituent une main-d’œuvre qui connaît bien la forêt et qui se satisfait de peu. Plus de 10,000 Atikamekw habitent les communautés de Manawan, de Wemotaci et d’Opitciwan; quelques autres vivent à La Tuque, en Mauricie et au Lac St-Jean. Le XXe siècle s’ouvre sur une nouvelle ère; celle des aménagements hydro-électriques. La communauté d’Opitciwan a dû être réinstallée à deux reprises en raison des inondations résultant de la création du réservoir Gouin en 1918. Toutes ces activités ont un impact négatif sur la faune et la flore. La drave et le bois inondé par le réservoir Gouin ont entraîné la contamination de la faune et de la flore et le maintien du mode de vie traditionnel n’est plus guère possible. L’économie actuelle des Atikamekw est basée sur la coupe de bois, qui représente la principale source d’emplois. L’artisanat offre un revenu d’appoint surtout pour les femmes, qui fabriquent des paniers d’écorce. Depuis quelques années, on s’active à exploiter le potentiel touristique de la région: en 1993, des motoneigistes inauguraient le Triangle du Nord, un sentier de 1 300 kilomètres qui passe par Opitciwan. Plusieurs centres de tourisme ethno-culturel ont également vu le jour depuis. En mai 1993, le conseil de la Nation Atikamekw (CNA) a signé une entente avec les gouvernements provincial et fédéral sur la réfection des routes forestières donnant accès aux trois communautés; ces routes d’accès deviendront praticables durant toute l’année tout en permettant aux Atikamekw de contribuer activement au développement économique de la région. Chez les Atikamekws, l’année est divisée en six saisons. Chaque saison correspond à une activité principale. L'ordre des saisons commence par Sikon qui est une sorte de pré-printemps et, dans cette saison, les Atikamekws fabriquent des paniers d'écorce qui peuvent contenir l’eau d’érable cueillie dans cette période de l’année. La saison suivante est Morakamin, équivalente au printemps, au cours de laquelle les Atikamekws vont pêcher et chasser la perdrix. Ensuite, vient Nipin, l'été ; on y fait la même chose qu’à la saison précédente. L'automne correspond à Takwakin où commence la chasse à l‘orignal. C’est durant le début de l’hiver, appelé Pitcipipon, que les Atikamekws vont trapper des castors et que les femmes font des manteaux avec leurs fourrures. Durant l’hiver, ou Pipon, ils pêchent sous la glace avec des filets fabriqués par des hommes et où d’autres fabriquent des paires de raquettes ; les femmes enlèvent le poil des peaux d’orignal, puis elles les lavent, les grattent, les découpent en babiche pour tresser les raquettes. Le 8 septembre 2014, le Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw a déclaré unilatéralement sa souveraineté sur le Nitaskinan (territoire traditionnel) couvrant une superficie de 80 000 km2. L'un des buts principaux de la nation avec cette déclaration est d'avoir un droit de regard sur les projets d'exploitation des ressources naturelles dans le territoire Atikamekw.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Manawan t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Auberge Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-9997

Caisse Populaire Desjardins Centre de service Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1574

(819) 971-1168

Centre de la Petite Enfance Kokom Tcitcatci, 561, rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-9999

(819) 971-1777

Centre Mihawoso (centre de pédiatrie sociale) Manawan, (Québec), J0K1M0

(819) 971-8852

Centre de Santé Masko-Siwin Manawan, 280, Wapistan, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8846

Centre de Télécommunication Manawan, 136, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1304

(819) 971-1208

Centre Mantosakowin, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1533

(819) 971-8867

Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8848

Cremerie cantine Bello, 240, Pinew, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1343

(819) 971-1422

Dépanneur Eneri, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1773

Développement Économique Wapan, 135, Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1533

École Primaire Manawan, 150, Wapoc, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8817

(819) 971-8862

École Secondaire Manawan, 470, Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1379

(819) 971-1266

(819) 971-8848

Chef Paul-Émile Ottawa Conseillers / conseillères : Céline Quitich Ghislain Quitich Sipi Flamand Glenn Dubé Mario Ottawa Claudia Néwashish

135 rue Kicik, Manawan, Qc J0K1M0 Tél. : 819.971.8813 s Fax : 819.971.8848 Courriel : conseil@manawan.com Entreprises Georges Flamand (Les), 210, rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1651

Épicerie Manawan, 120, Amiskwo, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8863

Metabeskeka Transport Ltée., 181, Namekos, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8850

(819) 971-8848

Police Manawan, 10 rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8861

(819) 971-1291

Radio Communautaire Manawan Kitotakan (CHMK 93,1 FM), 261, rue Mahikan, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1390

(819) 971-8860

Rodrigue Quitich enr., 181, rue Newashish, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1725

(819) 971-8808

Service Aménagement Communautaire Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 (819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8849

Service Éducation Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8848

Service Incendie Manawan, 130, rue Amiskw, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1212

Services Forestiers Manawan Inc., 180, Amiskw, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1242

(819) 971-1441

Services Sociaux Manawan, 250, Mistassini, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1417

(819) 971-1411

Tourisme Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1190


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Communauté de Manawan

Community of Manawan

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 120 kilomètres à l’ouest de La Tuque et à 72 kilomètres au nord de Saint-Michel-des-Saints, sur la rive sud du lac Métabeskéga.

Superficie :

The community is located 120 km west of La Tuque and 72 km north of Saint-Michel-desSaints, on the southern shore of Lake Métabeskéga.


797,26 hectares

797.26 hectares

Population :

Population: 2,906

2 906

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées : Atikamekw, français

Atikamekw, French

Gouvernement :


Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, Québec J0K 1M0 Tél.: (819) 971-8813 Fax: (819) 971-8848 http://www.manawan.com https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr

Activités économiques :

Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, Québec J0K 1M0 Tel.: (819) 971-8813 Fax: (819) 971-8848 http://www.manawan.com https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, transport, construction, pourvoirie et tourisme.

Commerces et services : Alimentation, restauration, hébergement, garage, essence, machinerie, vidéo, arcade, dépanneur.

Infrastructure : Accès : une route gravelée atteint la communauté, depuis Saint-Michel-des-Saints (route 131). Réseau routier : 11 680 mètres de routes en gravier. Nombre de maisons : 243

Tourism, arts and crafts, forestry, services, outfitting, construction.

Businesses and services: Food, restauration, lodging, garage, gaz bar, movie rental, machinery, video, arcade, depanneur.

Infrastructure: Access: a graveled road leads to the community from Saint-Michel-des-Saints (Highway 131). Road network: 11,680 metres of gravel road. Number of houses: 243

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Casse-Croûte Opitciwan, 60, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1662

Casse-Croûte Sakiwapan, 200, Mekeiciew, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1382

Centre de la petite enfance Opitciwan, 32C, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1618

Centre Sportif Opitciwan, 32B, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1437

(819) 974-1760

Conseil des Atikamekw d’Opitciwan, 22 rue Amiskw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8837

(819) 974-8828

(819) 974-1714

Conseil en Éducation d’Opitciwan, 22, rue Amisk, C.P. 162, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8852

(819) 974-1336

Développement Économique Opitciwan Inc., 24, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8837

(819) 974-8828

Dispensaire Opitciwan, 15, Wapitan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8822

(819) 974-8876

École Niska d’Opitciwan, 70, rue Niska, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8842

(819) 974-1395

École Secondaire Mikisiw, 22, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1221

(819) 974-1224

Entreprises forestières Mahikan enr. (Les), 9, Wapistan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1228

Conseil des Atikamekw d’Opitciwan Chef

22, rue amisk C. p. 135 obedjiwan (Québec) g0W 3B0

t : 819 974-8837 f : 819 974-8828 www.opitciwan.ca

Jean-Claude Mequish


· Ronny Chachai · Fernand Denis-Damée · Martine Awashish · Yvan-Rock Awashish · Carole Jean-Pierre · Roger Chachai DireCteur général

Jacinthe Petiquay

Épicerie Opitciwonok, 9, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8877

(819) 974-1237

Maison des Jeunes d’Opiticiwan, 24 rue Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1898

(819) 974-8828

Radio Communautaire Opitciwan (CITK-FM 98,9), 27, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0 (819) 974-1299

(819) 974-1204

Scierie Opitciwan, Route 164, C.P. 270, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1116

(819) 974-1118

S.E.C. Station Service, 1, rue Opitciwan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1296

Sécurité publique Opitciwan, 13, Uapistan, C.P. 243, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8814

Services des incendies Opitciwan, 13, Uapistan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1669

Services Forestiers Opitciwan Inc., 22 rue Amiskw, C.P. 108, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8837

Services Sociaux Opitciwan, 5, Amisk, C.P. 81, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8871

Transport Miguel Petiquay, 14 de la Pointe, Obedjiwan QC G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1486


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 974-1309

(819) 974-8834

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Communauté d’Opitciwan

Community of Opitciwan

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située sur la rive nord du réservoir Gouin, en Haute-Mauricie, source de la rivière St-Maurice dans le comté fédéral de Champlain.

Superficie :

The community is located on the north shore of the Gouin Reservoir in Haute-Mauricie, source of the St-Maurice river, in the Champlain federal county.


926,76 hectares

926.76 hectares

Population :


2 955


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Attikamekw, français

Attikamekw, French

Gouvernement :


Conseil de bande d'Opitciwan, 24, rue Masko, Opitciwan, Québec G0W 3B0 Tél: (819) 974-8837 Fax: (819) 974-8828 http://www.opitciwan.ca https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr

Activités économiques :

Conseil de bande d'Opitciwan, 24, rue Masko, Opitciwan, Québec G0W 3B0 Tel: (819) 974-8837 Fax: (819) 974-8828 http://www.opitciwan.ca https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, construction, tourisme, transport, scierie.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, construction, tourism, transport, sawmill.

Businesses and services:

Alimentation, art et artisanat, dépanneur, restauration.

Infrastructure :

Arts and handicrafts, convenience store, restaurant.


Accès : un chemin forestier de 165 kilomètres relie la communauté à la route 167 au Lac St-Jean. Opitciwan est aussi accessible par La Tuque (route forestière no. 10). Réseau routier : 7 690 mètres de route en gravier.

Access: a 165 km forest road links the community to Lac St-Jean via road 167. Opitciwan can also be accessed via La Tuque (Forest road no. 10) Road network: 7,690 metres of gravel road.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Wemotaci t


(819) 666-4023 (819) 666-2331 (819) 666-2241 (819) 666-2469 (819) 666-2302 (819) 666-2237 (819) 666-2226 (819) 666-2232 (819) 523-4059 (819) 523-2037 (819) 666-2751

(819) 666-4023 (819) 666-2815 (819) 666-2181 (819) 666-2603 (819) 666-2847 (819) 666-2209 (819) 666-2479 (819) 666-2233

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Aréna-Salle communautaire Wemotaci, 52, rue Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Centre de la petite enfance six saisons, 68, rue Kenosi, C.P. 218, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Centre de Santé de Wemotaci, 93, rue Kenosi, C.P. 217, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Centre des services sociaux Wemotaci, 110, Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Confection Tapiskwan, 72, rue Wemotaci, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci, 36, Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 École Primaire Seskitin, 41, rue Kenosi, C.P. 222, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 École Secondaire Nikanik, 20, rue Waratinak, C.P. 222, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Construction Meskano Inc., 60, rue Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Les Constructions Atikamekw, 128, rue Wemotaci, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Maison des jeunes, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

Conseil des Atikamekw de

(819) 666-2080


Vivianne Chilton Conseillers

36 rue Kenosi, Wemotaci (Québec) g0X 3r0

t : 819-666-2237 f : 819-666-2161


· Canuel Biroté · Marco Chilton · Miguel Coocoo · Hervé Ottawa · Alys Quoquochi · Jon-Evan Quoquochi DireCtriCe générale

Isabelle Wood

Radio Wemotaci Kitotakan (750 AM)(89,9 FM), 74, rue Kenosi, C.P. 139, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 SEC - Développement Économique Nictamitakok, 55, rue Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 SEC - Services Forestiers Atikamekw Aski, 55, rue Kenosi, C.P. 225, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Sécurité publique de Wemotaci, 64, rue Kenosi, C.P. 220, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Service aux patients - La Tuque, 530-2 Commercial, La Tuque, Quebec, G9X 3A8 Station / Dépanneur Wemogaz Inc., 1, rue Acokan, C.P. 219, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Transport Onikam, 118, rue Wemotaci, C.P. 60, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 Weymok 128, rue Wemotaci, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 660-2037


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 666-2668

(819) 666-2209

(819) 666-2525

(819) 666-2609

(819) 666-2525 (819) 666-2238 (819) 523-4522 (819) 666-2880 (819) 666-2650

(819) 666-2609 (819) 666-2396 (819) 523-6323 (819) 666-2870 (819) 666-2361

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire : Communauté de Wemotaci et de Coucoucache

Territory: Communities of Wemotaci and Coucoucache

Situation géographique : La communauté de Wemotaci est située sur la rive nord de la rivière Saint-Maurice, à 100 kilomètres au nord-ouest de La Tuque. La communauté de Coucoucache est située sur la rive nord de la rivière Saint-Maurice et du réservoir Blanc, à 53 kilomètres au nord-ouest de La Tuque.

Geographical location: The community of Wemotaci is located on the north shore of the Saint-Maurice River, 100 km northwest of La Tuque. The community of Coucoucache is located on the north shore of the Saint-Maurice River and the Blanc Reservoir, 53 km northwest of La Tuque.

Area: Wemotaci: 2,978 hectares Coucoucache: 4.8 hectares

Superficie : Wemotaci : 2 978,00 hectares Coucoucache : 4,80 hectares

Population: 1,922

Population : 1 922

Principal languages spoken: Attikamekw, French

Principales langues parlées : Attikamekw, français


Gouvernement : Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci 36, Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, Québec G0X 3R0 Tél.: (819) 666-2237 Fax: (819) 666-2209 https://www.wemotaci.com https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, construction, transport, pourvoirie, tourisme. Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, bureau de poste, garderie, magasin général, mécanique automobile, restauration, dépanneur, station service. Infrastructure : Accès : deux chemins forestiers, la route 25 Ouest (100 km) et la route 10 Nord (200 km), atteignent Wemotaci depuis La Tuque. La communauté est aussi accessible par train. Réseau routier : 11 980 mètres de routes en gravier. Nombre de maisons : 209

Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci 36, Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, Québec G0X 3R0 Tel.: (819) 666-2237 Fax: (819) 666-2209 https://www.wemotaci.com https://www.atikamekwsipi.com/fr

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, construction, tourism, transport, outfitting.

Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, auto repair, general store, post office, dairy, restaurant, daycare centre, convenience store.

Infrastructure: Access: two logging roads, route 25 West (100 km) and route 10 North (200 km), reach Wemotaci from La Tuque. The community can also be reached by airplane and by train. Road network: 11,980 metres of gravel road. Number of houses: 209

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




he Crees are the largest group in the Algonkian family in Canada. They are found in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but the majority of them live in Ontario (over 13,000) and in Quebec (over 20,000).

Their presence in Quebec dates back to the beginning of human occupation of the Quebec territory, when they took their subsistence from the rich and various natural resources of the Hudson and James Bay shores. At that time, they were one of the small nomadic groups living primarily from game (moose, caribou, goose) and fish. The area’s unfertile soils and rigorous climate were not well suited to agriculture; however, birch trees and game abounded. Because of the intense cold, the furs were of exceptional quality and quickly attracted European merchants, despite the distance. The first contacts with the Europeans occured in 1610, during the explorations of Henry Hudson. The fur trade boomed with the creation of the Hudson’s Bay Company, which obtained a monopoly on 13 million km2 of land in 1670. The French traders provided fierce competition for the English traders as they established themselves upstream of the major waterways and bought the furs before they reached the Company posts, which were near the coast. The rivalry does not appear to have affected the Crees, who dealt with both the English and French traders. The second wave of contact was with the missionaries who settled there during the second half of the 19th century. During the 1950’s, the federal government starts the colonization of northern of Quebec and imposes the Indian Act to the Cree communities. Until that time, the Cree way of life remained almost unchanged, but with the introduction of mandatory schooling, the construction of permanent housing and the decline in the price of furs, the Crees way of life was dractically impacted. The most important changes for the Cree communities (and the Inuit communities) occured in the 1970s. In 1975, as a result of the government of Quebec’s large scale hydroelectric projects, the Crees signed the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) with the provincial and federal governments. In exchange for important land concessions, they obtained monetary compensation and the rights and powers conferred by the JBNQA. This agreement was the first of its kind ever signed in North America between Native and non-Native governments. However, the implementation of the JBNQA created many problems, which the Government of Quebec and the Cree nation agreed to resolve by signing the ‘Paix des Braves’ in 2002, thereby establishing the basis for a new nation-to-nation relationship. The Agreement establishes the system of Category 1 (Villages) and Category 2 (exclusive hunting grounds) lands. It grants significant powers and defines the institutions authorized to exercise them, such as the Cree Regional Authority, the Cree Board of Health and Social Services, the Cree Hunters and Trappers Income Security Office and the Cree School Board. The Grand Council of the Crees, established before the JBNQA, is still the political organization wich represents the Crees in dealings with the various governments. The Cree Regional Authority manages the services and programs offered to the communities, such as housing and environment. The Cree communities have realized drastic changes, particularly in the social transportation, construction and tourism sectors, but it has not meant the loss of traditions. Over 30 of the actual members of the Cree communities in Quebec still live from traditional activities related to fishing, hunting and trapping, the Cree People, as a whole, benefit from harvesting wildlife resources.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES CRIS Leur présence au Québec remonte au tout début de l’occupation humaine du territoire québécois, où ils exploitaient les ressources fauniques et halieutiques des côtes de la Baie d’Hudson et de la Baie-James. Ils forment de petits groupes de nomades se nourrissant principalement de gibier (original, caribou, oie sauvage) et de poisson. Ces terres peu fertiles, au climat rigoureux, ne se prêtent guère à l’agriculture. En contrepartie, le gibier abonde et, à cause du froid intense, la fourrure est d’une qualité exceptionnelle; elle a tôt fait d’attirer les marchands européens en dépit de l’éloignement. Les premiers contacts avec les Européens ont été établis dès 1610, lors des explorations d’Henri Hudson. Le commerce des fourrures prend alors son essor avec la fondation de la Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson qui obtient, en 1670, le monopole de ce commerce sur un territoire de 13 millions de kilomètres carrés. Les marchands français livrent toutefois une concurrence féroce aux marchants Anglais: ils s’installent en amont des grands cours d’eau et achètent les fourrures avant qu’elles n’atteignent les postes de la Compagnie, situés près de la côte. Cette lutte ne semble pas déranger les Cris, qui traitent aussi bien avec les marchants Anglais qu’avec les Français. La seconde vague de contacts se fait avec des missionnaires qui s’installent sur leurs territoires au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Dans les années 1950, le gouvernement fédéral entame la colonisation du nord québécois et impose la Loi sur les Indiens aux communautés cries. Jusque là, le mode de vie des Cris n’avait guère changé mais avec l’instauration de l’école obligatoire, la construction d’habitations permanentes et le déclin du prix des fourrures, le mode de vie des Cris fut secoué drastiquement. Ce sont toutefois durant les années 1970 que les changements les plus importants se produiront pour les Cris comme pour les Inuit. En 1975, dans la foulée des grands projets hydroélectriques du gouvernement québécois, les Cris signent la Convention de la Baie James et du Nord Québécois conjointement avec le gouvernement fédéral et provincial. En échange d’importantes concessions ter-ritoriales, ils obtiennent une compensation monétaire, ainsi que des droits et des pouvoirs consignés dans la Convention de la Baie James et du Nord québécois (CBJNQ). Ce fut la première convention du genre signée en Amérique du Nord entre des instances gouvernementales et autochtones. La mise en œuvre de la CBJNQ engendre cependant de nombreux problèmes, que le gouvernement du Québec et la nation crie conviennent de régler par la signature de la ‘Paix des Braves’ en 2002, établissant ainsi les bases d’une nouvelle relation de nation à nation. La Convention de la Baie-James détermine le régime des terres de catégorie I (les villages) et celles de catégorie II (les territoires de chasse exclusifs). Elle accorde des pouvoirs administratifs aux Cris et définit les institutions autorisées à les exercer par la création de nouvelles structures telles l’Administration régionale crie, le Conseil régional de la santé et des services sociaux cri, l’Office de la Sécurité du revenu des chasseurs et piégeurs cris, la Commission scolaire crie. Le Grand Conseil des Cris, mis sur pied avant la signature de la CBJNQ, demeure l’organisme politique représentant les Cris auprès des gouvernements. L’Administration régionale crie gère les services et programmes offerts aux collectivités tels l’habitation et l’environnement. Les communautés cries ont connu des changements drastiques, notamment dans les secteurs sociaux, du transport routier et aérien, de la construction, du tourisme, etc. ce qui ne remet pas en cause le mode de vie traditionnel, car la plupart des membres des communautés cries du Québec vivent encore des activités traditionnelles reliées à la chasse la pêche et le piégeage, ainsi que des ressources de la faune et de la flore. C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




es Cris constituent le plus important groupe de la famille linguistique algonquienne du Canada. Ils sont présents en Saskatchewan et au Manitoba, bien que la majorité des Cris vivent en Ontario (plus de 13 000) et au Québec (plus de 20 000).

P.O. Box 150 / 1 Riverside Drive, Chisasibi, Quebec J0M 1E0 Tel: (819) 855-2878 Fax: (819) 855-2875 www.chisasibi.org

" & ' ' &%$&( ' ' ) ! (+ $'% ( ! " & # + & % &(" #(

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$)# ! Daisy House Lameboy, Chief Mark Wadden, Deputy Chief Natasha Bates, Concillor Mabel Bearskin, Concillor James Bobbish, Concillor Kevin House, Concillor Christina Kitty, Concillor

Charlotte Kanatewat Moar, Concillor Archie Moar Sr. , Concillor Pauline K. Matthew, Councillor Gordon Neacappo, Concillor Lucy Neacappo, Councillor Tommy Sam, Concillor

# $&


" !

& ( $# $ Brighter Futures / Waaskimaashtaau Newletter, (819) 855-2878, ext. 309 Field Office / Carpentry Shop, (819) 855-2500 Fitness Centre, (819) 855-2878, 420 Heritage & Cultural Centre (Museum), (819) 855-3311 )' # '' '


' '

# , ( $#'

Air Creebec Inc., (819) 855-2715 Anjabowa Childcare Centre, (819) 855-1850 / 855-2050 / 855-1857 BakeCree, General Delivery, Chisasibi (Qc) J0M 1E0 - (819) 550-0367 Bear Construction, (819) 855-2106 / 2360 Brian’s Photo Studio, (819) 855-7917 Bruno's Towing & Service, (819) 855-2937 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, (819) 855-2803 Chee-Bee Cree Construction, (819) 855-1700 Chez-Asipi (Mitchuap) Restaurant, (819) 855-2426 Chisasibi Business Development Group, (819) 855-2977 Chisasibi Business Services Centre, (819) 855-3380 Chisasibi Centre Inc. / Motel / Maamuu Centre, (819) 855-2838 Chisasibi Community Radio Station (CHFG 101.1 FM), (819)855-2527 / 855-2619 Chisasibimi Gas Station, (819) 855-2622 Chisasibi’s Retro Daze Café, General Delivery, Chisasibi (Qc) J0M 1E0 - (819) 855-1847 Chisasibi Tourism, (819) 855-2878, ext. 334 Chistapitan True Value Reg'd (Hardware), (819) 855-2078 Cody’s Convenience Store, (819) 855-2257 ConCreete Construction, (819) 855-1740 Consumer's Co-operative of Chisasibi, (819) 855-2828 Cree Board of Health & Soc. Serv. of James Bay, (819) 855-2744 Chisasibi Hospital (CBHSSJB), (819) 855-2844 Chisasibi Miyupimaatisiiun Centre, (819) 855-3150 Multi-Service Day Centre, (819) 855-2660 Social Services, (819) 855-3150 Weesapou Group Home, (819) 855-2681 Youth Protection, (819) 855-3044 / 1(819) 409-6884 Cree Construction & Development Company, (819) 855-1700 Cree Human Resources Dept. (CHRD/CNG), (819) 855-2675 / 855-2676 Cree Mart, (819) 855-1765 Cree School Board, (819) 855-2230 Head Start Program, (819) 855-2833 James Bay Eeyou School, (819) 855-2833 Waapinichiskush Elementary School, (819) 855-2833 Sabtuan Adult Education, (819) 855-2230


& '' '

Coordinator of Finance, pharen@chisasibi.ca Dir. of Housing, Shaunadowling@chisasibi.ca Dir. of Human Resources, barbaraspencer@chisasibi.ca Director of Public Works, willardshem@chisasibi.ca

Director General of Operations, inimikipolson@chisasibi.ca Assistant DGO, christophernapash@chisasibi.ca Corporate Secretary, fawnisheroff@chisasibi.ca Treasurer, bessiehouse@chisasibi.ca

*( &# ! ' Job's Memorial Gardens (Arena), (819) 855-2515 Mitchuap Building, (819) 855-2888 Recreation Dept., (819) 855-2878, ext. 311 Swimming Pool, (819) 855-2775 Youth Centre, (819) 855-2211 ! % $#



Cree Trappers Association, (819) 855-2878 EC Taachiiwaatin Driving School, (819) 855-2387 Eeyou-Eenou Police Force (EEPF), (819) 855-3499 / 855-2332 First Nations Bank of Canada, (819) 855-3458 Income Security Program, (819) 855-3458 Inuit Multi-Purpose Complex, (819) 855-1886 James Bay Eeyou Companee, (819) 855-2830 Jimmy’s Photo Shop, (819) 855-2992 / 855-7171 Justice Building, (819) 855-2120 Kin-wapt Cable TV Inc., (819) 855-2191 Minhamin Trucking & Landscaping, (819) 855-5408 Moookabi Construction, (819) 855-2360 Niskamoon Corporation, (819) 855-3377 North Auto Garage, General Delivery, Chisasibi (Qc) J0M 1E0 -(819) 855-5888 Northern Store, (819) 855-2710 Petronor Gas Station, (819) 855-2427 RPM (Ryan Sam), (819) 855-5288 / 855-6027 Saskounan Excavation, (819) 855-6690 St. Philip’s Anglican Church , (819) 855-3480 St. Joseph Catholic Mission /Church, (819) 855-2892 / 855-2893 Taxi Martinhunter, (819) 855-2104 / 855-7051 Taxi Picard, (819) 855-7800 Taxi Rupert, (819) 855-5820 / 855-7030 Thunderstorm Lights & Sound, (819) 855-7717 Victoria’s Floral, (514) 978-3312 Wapinchuksh Consulting, (819) 855-6690 Welfare Office, (819) 855-2894 Wildlife Protection (WPO), (819) 855-2449 / 1 (819) 638-8305

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territory: Community of Chisasibi

Territoire : Communauté de Chisasibi Situation géographique : Le village de Chisasibi est bordé, à l’ouest, par la Baie James et, au nord, par La Grande Rivière.

Geographical location: Chisasibi is bounded on the west by James Bay and on the north by the La Grande River.

Superficie : 1 309,56 kilomètres2

Area: 1,309.56 square kilometres

Population : 4 604

Population: 4,604

Principales langues parlées : Cri, anglais Gouvernement : Cree Nation of Chisasibi C.P. 150, 1 Riverside Drive, Chisasibi, Québec J0M 1E0 Tél.: (819) 855-2878 Fax: (819) 855-2875 https://chisasibi.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr Activités économiques : Commerces et services, construction, piégeage, tourisme, pourvoirie, transport. Commerces et services : Alimentation, art et artisanat, articles de sport, bureau de poste, dépanneurs, essence, garderies, hôtelleries, magasins à rayons, mécanique automobile, moteurs hors-bord, motoneiges, production audiovisuelle, réparation de canots, restauration, services bancaires, taxi.

Principal languages spoken: Cree, English Government : Cree Nation of Chisasibi P.O. Box 150, 1 Riverside Drive, Chisasibi, Québec J0M 1E0 Tél.: (819) 855-2878 Fax: (819) 855-2875 https://chisasibi.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr Economic activities: Businesses and services, construction, tourism, trapping, outfitting, transport. Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, department store, restaurants, food supplier, audio-visual production, canoe repairs, gasoline, sporting goods, automobile repairs, hotel, taxis, convenience stores, banking services, day-care centres, post office.

Infrastructure : Accès : Chisasibi est accessible toute l’année par Infrastructure: la route Chisasibi-LG2 qui rejoint la route Access: Chisasibi is accessible year-round by asphaltée se rendant à Matagamii, à 684 kilothe Chisasibi-LG2 Road, which connects with mètres au sud. Une ligne aérienne relie Eastmain, the paved road leading to Matagami, 684 km Chisasibi Waskaganish, Wemindji, Whapmagoostui to the south. An airline provides connections et Val-d’Or. between Eastmain, Chisasibi, Waskaganish, Réseau routier : données non disponibles. Wemindji, Whapmagoostui and Val-d’Or. Road Nombre de maisons (including apartments): 836 network: data unavailable. Number of houses (including apartments): 836 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Air Creebec / Chisasibi, Chisasibi Airport, P.O. Box 52, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2665

(819) 855-2666

Anjabowa Daycare Services, P.O.Box 219, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1850

(819) 855-1860

Apatisiiwin Training Programs, P.O. Box 620, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

(819) 855-2677

Bear Construction (RBQ # 8334-4754-01), P.O. Box 564, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2106

(819) 855-2383

Brian Stewart Photographer, P.O. Box 408, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3479

Bruno’s Towing & Services Reg’d, P.O. Box 227, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2937

(819) 855-2937

Canada Post Corporation / Chisasibi, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2890

(819) 855-2376

Chaapnikshii Outfitters Reg’d, P.O. Box 551, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2255

Chez Asiipii Restaurant, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1765

(819) 855-1742

Chisasibi Airport, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2622

(819) 855-2875

Chisasibi Anglican Church of Canada, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3480

Chisasibi Band Garage, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2700

(819) 855-2701

Chisasibi Business Development Group, P.O. Box 339, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1700

(819) 855-2271

Chisasibi Business Services Centre, P.O. Box 939, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3380

(819) 855-3374

Chisasibi Center Inc., P.O.Box 330, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3089

(819) 855-2271

Chisasibi Co-op, P.O.Box 390, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2828

(819) 855-3091

Chisasibi Cree Court Worker Program, P.O. Box 305, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2962

(819) 855-2483

Chisasibi Cree Hunters & Trappers Income Security Program, P.O. Box 300, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2067

(819) 855-2403

Chisasibi Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-3304

Chisasibi Firehall, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2911

(819) 855-2546

Chisasibi Fitness Center, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2330

Chisasibi Group Home, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2681

(819) 855-2356

Chisasibi Hospital Center & CLSC, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-2867

Chisasibi Hydro Quebec, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2694

Chisasibi James Bay Eeyou Corporation, P.O.Box 360, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

Chisasibi Local Employment Centre, P.O. Box 899, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2894

(819) 855-2574

Chisasibi Northern Store, P.O. Box 120, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2710

(819) 855-2511

Chisasibi Police Force, P.O. Box 329, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2882

(819) 855-2298

(819) 855-2677

Chisasibi Telecommunication Association (CHFG 101,1 FM), P.O. Box 420, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2527

(819) 855-3186

Chisasibi Youth Council, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Chisasibi Youth Protection, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-9066

Chistapitin True Value Reg’d, P.O. Box 587, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2078

(819) 855-3386

Cody’s Convenience Store 14 Chisasibi Rd, Chisasibi (Québec) J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2257

Concreete Construction, 21 Industrial Park Road, P.O. Box 449, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 (819) 855-1740

(819) 855-1909

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Head Office, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-2098

Cree Construction Development Company - Chisasibi, 3 Aahppisaach, P.O. Box 860, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1700

(819) 855-1701


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Chisasibi f

Cree Mart 16 FORT GEORGE ROAD, Fort-George, Quebec, QC J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1765

Cree Nation of Chisasibi, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

Cree School Board Education Services, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2230

(819) 855-2519

Eeyou Eenou Police Force, 455 Wolverine Road, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2332

(819) 855-2832

(819) 855-2875

First Nations Bank of Canada - Chisasibi Branch, P.O. Box 399, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(888) 825-3458

(819) 855-3496

Fort George Heritage & Cultural Centre Project, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Ginwat Cable Television Inc., P.O. Box 420, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2191

(819) 855-3186

James Bay Eeyou School, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2833

(819) 855-2534

Martinhunter Taxi, P.O. Box 1, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3241

Mitchuap Community Center, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2888

Nadockmi, P.O. Box 240, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3000

(819) 855-3289

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / James Bay Area, Centre administrative, C.P. 305, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 855-2962

(819) 855-3304

Ouwah Store 18 Fort George Road #151 Inuit complex, Chisasibi (Qc) J0M 1E0

(514) 588-3162

Pimiiukimikw (Chisasibi Gas Station), P.O. Box 159, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2427

Waastooskuun Hotel 1 Aschishtuu Rd, Chisasibi (Qc) J0M 1E0

(844) 855-3335

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 855-3462

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations






Deputy Chief - Daniel Mark-Stewart youth Chief - Denis Moses CounCillorS: • tina petawabano • Stanley Gilpin • Johnny tomatuk


ASSiStAnt DG - oliver Moses treASurer - Graham Cheezo CoMMunity ServiCeS DireCtor - Dawn namagoose eConoMiC DevelopMent - elvis Weapenicappo houSinG DireCtor - Stacey Cheezo publiC Work DireCtor - Derek Moses huMAn reSourCeS DireCtor - lorna Moses exeCutive SeCretAry - Shirley Moses Culture AnD reCreAtion DireCtor - ricky Gilpin publiC heAlth DireCtor - vacant publiC SAfety DireCtor - ivan Gilpin

tel.: (819) 977-0211-0279 / fax: (819) 977-0281

box 90 eastmain, (Quebec) J0M 1W0

Air Creebec / Eastmain, Eastmain Airport, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0212

Apatisiiwin / Eastmain Office 76, Nouchimi Eastmain (Qc) J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2501

(819) 977-0351

Cree Nation of Eastmain, Wellness Department 3 Memao Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2002

(819) 977-2088

Cree Nation of Eastmain, P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0211

(819) 977-0281

Cree School Board / Eastmain, P.O. Box 110, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0244

(819) 977-0277

Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 59, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2165

(819) 977-2168

Eastmain Airport / Tower, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0332

(819) 977-0387

Eastmain Arena, P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2262

(819) 977-2071

Eastmain Clinic, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0241

(819) 977-0342

Eastmain Grocery Store Enr., 14 Opinaca Road, P.O.Box 79, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0285

(819) 977-0364

Eastmain Income Security Program, 4 Cariboo Road, P.O. Box 59, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 (819) 977-2165

(819) 977-2168


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire : Communauté d’Eastmain

Territory: Community of Eastmain

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:



The territory is located where the Eastmain River flows into James Bay.

Eastmain est situé à l’embouchure de la rivière Eastmain sur la baie James.

Superficie : 589 kilomètres2

Area: 589 square kilometres

Population : 978

Population: 978

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken: Cree, English, French

Cri, anglais, français

Gouvernement :

Gouvernement : Cree Nation of Eastmain P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, Québec J0M 1W0 Tél.: (819) 977-0211 Tél.: (819) 977-0281 https://www.eastmain.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Cree Nation of Eastmain P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, Québec J0M 1W0 Tel.: (819) 977-0211 Tél.: (819) 977-0281 https://www.eastmain.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art artisanat, commerces et services, piégeage, tourisme, restaurants, transports, construction, pourvoirie.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, tourism, trapping, restaurants, transport, construction, outfitting.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, hôtellerie, salle de jeux électronique, bureau de poste, câblodistributeur, magasin général, tissus, eau de source, traiteur, essence, restauration, salle de billard, eau distillée, épicerie.

Infrastructure : Accès : Eastmain est accessible par une route de gravier qui rejoint la route Matagami-Chisasibi. Une ligne aérienne relie Eastmain, Chisasibi et Val-d’Or. Réseau routier : 14 km Nombre de maisons : 150

Gasoline, post office, arts and handicrafts, restaurants, cable system, general store, spring water, caterer, hotel, video arcade, pool hall, grocery store, distilled water.

Infrastructure: Access: Eastmain is accessible by a gravel road, that connects with the highway running between Chisasibi and Matagami. An airline connects Eastmain, Chisasibi and Val-d’Or. Road network: 14 km Number of houses: 150

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees

Eastmain t


Eastmain NNADAP Program, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0286

(819) 977-0342

Eastmain Northern Store, P.O. Box 150, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0269

(819) 977-0350

Eeyou Eenou Police, 2 Mewabin Road, P.O. Box 89, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0213

(819) 977-2442

Eastmain Post Office, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0268

Eastmain Public Safety Department, 2 Mewabin, P.O. Box 89, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

(819) 977-3080

(819) 977-2442

Eastmain Water Treatment Plant, 147 Shabow Meskino, P.O. Box 80, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 (819) 977-2025

(819) 977-0281

Eastmain Wellness Centre, 3 Memao Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2000

(819) 977-2088

Eastmain Youth Protection, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0282

(819) 977-0342

Eneyaauhkaat Lodge River Side Dr, Eastmain, Quebec, Quebec J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2220

Multi-Service Development Centre, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2650

(819) 977-0342

Stajune Construction Inc., 76 Nouchimi Rd, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0234

(819) 977-0313

Stajune Gas Bar, 76 Nouchimi Rd, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2141

(819) 977-2151

Sunrise Amusement Center, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0375

(819) 977-0281

Wabannutao Eeyou Development Corporation - Eastmain, 76 Nouchimi Rd, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0355

(819) 977-0356

Wabannutao Eeyou School, P.O. Box 110, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0244

(819) 977-0277

Wabannutao Eeyou Telecommunication Association (WETA-FM 89,9), P.O. Box 83, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0267

(819) 977-3088

Waseyapin Childcare Centre, 320 Shibish Meskino, P.O. Box 2, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 (819) 977-2207

(819) 977-2209

94 94

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


A.C. Plastering & Painting – 15 Bedabin Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8128

Ace Hardware 152 Amisk, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3898

Addy’s Corner Store – 8 Queen Street, G0W 1C0

(819) 860-3922

Adels Canteen – 206 Main Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2737

Adels Restaurant, 127 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3201

Aamuu Solutions – 32 CoonCome Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6586

(418) 923-3801

Apatisiiwi Mistissini 32 Amisk Street, Mistissini (Québec) G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2525

Auberge Mistissini Lodge, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2333

(418) 923-2335

Awash Daycare, 104 St-John Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-4040

(418) 923-4044

Awassah Store – 168 Main Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2933

Big Rock Eeyou Management – 192A Awashish Drive, G0W1C0

(514) 601-1095

Caisse Desjardins Eenou Eeyou, 136 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3289

(418) 923-2224

Chiiwetin Gas Station, 200 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2949

(418) 923-2961

C.I.N Transport – 10 Waapstan Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6054

CoonCome Enterprise/RCI 243 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-5878

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Mistissini Clinic, 395 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3376

(418) 923-2040

Cree Department of Justice and Correctional Services, 301 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 745-2260

(418) 923-2661

Cree Hunters and Trappers Income Security Program / Mistissini, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

Cree Icon Inc. – 43 Iserhoff Street, G0W 1C0

(819) 862-7237

Cree Nation of Mistissini Economic Development, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

Cree Nation of Mistissini, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

Cree Nord Excavation – 31 Waapstan Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-9744

Cree School Board / Head office, 203 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2764

(418) 923-3838

Cree Source for Sports, 155 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2733

(418) 923-2704

Cree Trapline Contracting Services, P.O. Box 1461, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

Cree Trappers Association / Mistissini, 139 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

DS.Macleod Consulting – 3 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6071

Eenatuk Forestry – 187, Main Street, Mistissini (Qc) G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2233

Envirocree – 28 Main Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2887

(418) 923-3086

Eskan Company / Makaahlikan Construction, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 (418) 923-2233

(418) 923-2666

Exploration J.A. MacLeod, 168 Riverside, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3310

(418) 923-3310

Flair Salon – 152 Amisk, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3040

GB Auto Repair, 285A Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2483

Gingras – Shecapio Inc. - 246 Awashish Drive, G0W1C0

(418) 770-5906

Grizzly Excavation – 348 Queen Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6716

James Bay Cree Communications Society / Société des communications cries de la Baie James, 75 Riverside Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 (418) 923-3191 J.Coon Transport Reg’d – 19 Waapstan Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3515

Johnny Gunner Reg’d, 43 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3108

KWB Consultant – 359 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6103

Lakeview Restraunt – 24 Amisk Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2300

Loon Plastering & Painting – 20 Bedabin Street, G0W 1C0

(581) 579-0570

Matoush Tire Shop – 251 Main Street, G0W1C0

(418) 923-2763

Meechum Inc. Store, 136 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3217

Minnie Coonishish Consulting – 310 Queen Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-5905

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


(418) 923-2088 (418) 923-3115

(418) 923-2450

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

95 95


Cris / Crees

Cris / Crees

Mistissini t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Mista Hotdog, 6 Waapstan Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3177

Mistay Enterprises – 51 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3262

Mistissini Church of St. John Evangelist, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3230

Mistissini Dental Clinic, 395 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2338

Mistissini Elders Home, 8 Cheno Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-4055


(418) 923-3240

Mistissini Group Home, 96 Riverside Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2260

(418) 923-3015

Mistissini Inland CLSC, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2332

(418) 923-2040

Mistissini Lake Telecommunication Association (CINI - FM Radio), 163B Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3333

(418) 923-2413

Mistissini Lodge, 24 Amisk street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2333

Mistissini Maamuu Ataawaaukamikw (General Store), 152 Amisk, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3898

(418) 923-2413

Mistissini Municipal Garage / Road and Walk-Ways, 189 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2409

(418) 923-3968

Mistissini Municipal Services, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3259

(418) 923-3115

CREE NATION OF MISTISSINI 187 Main Street, Mistissini (Québec), G0W 1C0 Tel.: (418) 923-3461 Fax.: (418) 923-3115 Website: www.mistissini.com

Home of the largest natural lake in Québec Site du plus grand lac naturel au Québec


Thomas Neeposh


COUNCILLORS/CONSEILLERS Justice Coon Come Willie Iserhoff William Macleod Jerry Matoush John S. Matoush

Samuel Mianscum Mary Jane Petawabano Roderick Petawabano Abel Trapper




96 96







C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees


Territoire :




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Territory: Community of Mistissini

Communauté de Mistissini

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : Mistissini est situé à 90 kilomètres au nord-est de Chibougamau, en bordure du lac Mistassini.

The territory is located 90 km northeast of Chibougamau, on the shore of Lake Mistassini.


Superficie :

1,380.43 square kilometres

1 380,43 kilomètres2

Population : 3 903

Population: 3,903

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken: Cree, English

Cri, anglais

Gouvernement :

Gouvernement : Cree Nation of Mistissini 187 Main Street, Mistissini, Québec G0W 1C0 Tél.: (418) 923-3461 Fax: (418) 923-3115 https://www.facebook.com/Cree-Nation-of-Mistissini 283179395149064 https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Cree Nation of Mistissini 187 Main Street, Mistissini, Québec G0W 1C0 Tel.: (418) 923-3461 Fax: (418) 923-3115 https://www.facebook.com/Cree-Nation-of-Mistissini 283179395149064 https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, tourisme, pourvoirie, construction, transport.

Business and services, logging, tourism, trapping, outfitting, transport, construction.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Alimentation, services de secrétariat, art et artisanat, dépanneur, meubles, services immobiliers, articles de pêche, essence, buanderie, exploration pétrolière, restauration, bureau de poste, services bancaires, vêtements, canots, garderie, vidéos, centre d’entrainement, motel/hotel, B&B.

Arts and handicrafts, convenience store, laundry, banking services, day-care centre, oil exploration, secretarial services, food supplier, post office, tackle shop, real estate services, clothing, furniture, restaurant, video rental, gasoline, fitness center, motel/hotel, B&B.


Infrastructure : Accès : Mistissini est accessible en automobile toute l’année par une route pavée, depuis Chibougamau (route 167). Un aéroport à Chibougamau, à 100 kilomètres au sud, dessert la région. Réseau routier : données non disponibles. Nombre de maisons : 719

Access: Mistissini is accessible by automobile throughout the year by the paved road from Chibougamau (Highway 167). An airline connects the community with Chibougamau, 100 km to the south. Road network: data unavailable. Number of houses: 719

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Mistassini Outfitting Camps Inc. 187 Main (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

Mistissini Pentecostal Church, 204 Nesk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3365

Mistissini Police Service, 192 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3278

Mistissini Post Office, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2378

Mistissini Public Safety / Fire Department, 259 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3222

(418) 923-3883

Mistissini Readaptation Center, 282 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3600

(418) 923-3610

Mistissini Sabtuan Adult Education Services, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3347

(418) 923-3076

Mistissini Social Services, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2334

(418) 923-2040

Mistissini Student Services, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3485

(418) 923-3302

Mistissini Tourism Office, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

Mistissini Youth Protection, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2334

M.Y. Surveying – 192 Awashish Drive, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8156

(418) 923-2040

M.Y. Construction – 192 Awashish Drive, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8156

Naococoane Construction – 216 Industrial Road, G0W 1C0

(418) 879-0141

(418) 770-0130

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / James Bay Area (Chibougamau), General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2661

(418) 923-3115

Neeposh Enterprise – 227 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-3315

Niibiischii Corporation – 1584, route 167 Nord C.P. 38 Chibougamau (Québec), G8P 2K5

(418) 748-7748

Nikki’s Grill – 20 Mishekw Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2432

Nisk Construction, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2276

Petawabano Flooring – 80 Albanel, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8721

Pimi-Plus Esso, 284 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2727

Rabbitskin Excavation – 288 Nesk Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-5611

R & D Eenou Lumber, 285-B Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2571

SN Landworks – 40 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W1C0

(418) 770-9422

R.J. Coon Equipment Reg’d, 240 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2700

Tim Hortons, 200B Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2909

Transport Gunner – 43 Queen Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-4187

(418) 923-2729 (418) 923-2573

Transport M Mark – 17 Waabinuutau Street, G0W1C0

(418) 770-1279

Voyageur Driving School – 203 Mistissini Boulevard, G0W 1C0

(418) 770-3699

Voyageur Memorial School, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3485

(418) 923-3302

Waasheshkun Airways, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3236

(418) 923-3312

Wapachee & Sons – 275 Amisk Street, G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2812

Wasteskun Youth Center, 184 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2274


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 923-3115

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees


Air Creebec - Airport / Nemaska, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 672-2121

Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee Head Office, 2 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, Ontario, J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2600

Cree Nation of Nemaska Municipal Garage, 21 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2144

Cree Nation of Nemaska Social Services, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2516

Cree Nation of Nemaska - Nemaska Head Office (Band Office), 32 Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2512

Cree School Board Sabtuan Adult Education Nemaska, 9 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2228

Cree Trappers Association: Nemaska, 12 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2030

(819) 673-2033

Eenou Eeyou Police Force, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2506

(819) 673-2158

Gestion A D C Ltée Restaurant Némiscau, KM 290 Route du Nord, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 672-2202

Nemaska Clinic, 7 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 29, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2511

Nemaska Community Church, 13 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2223

Nemaska Development Corporation (N.C.D.), 32 Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2512

Nemaska Fire Hall Public Safety, 11 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2442

(819) 673-2000

Nemaska First Nation Sports Complex, 13 rue Lakeshore, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2244

(819) 673-2245

Nemaska FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), 6 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2290

(819) 673-2360

(819) 673-2542

(819) 673-2554

(819) 673-2542

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581 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(819) 673-2606

Cris / Crees

Nemaska t


Nemaska Gas Bar, 60 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2559

(819) 673-2542

Nemaska Hotel and Restaurant, 2 Lake Shore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2615

(819) 673-2233

Nemaska Multiday Services Center, 20 Bedabin Trail, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2050

Nemaska Omni Groceries, A-25 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2525

Nemaska Post Office, D 25 George Cheezo Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2565

(819) 673-2542

Nemaska Wellness Center, 6 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2188

(819) 673-2323

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Nemaska Wellness Residence, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2311

NNADAP / Nemaska, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2529


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 673-2147

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees


Territoire : Communauté de Nemaska

Territory: Community of Nemaska

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

Le territoire est situé à l’intérieur des terres, sur la rive ouest du lac Champion, à 160 kilomètres à l’est de Waskaganish.


The territory is located inland, on the western shore of Champion Lake, 160 km east of Waskaganish.

Superficie : 152,80 kilomètres2

Area: 152.80 square kilometres

Population : 858

Population: 858

Principales langues parlées : Cri, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Cree, English

Gouvernement :

Government :

Cree Nation of Nemaska 32, Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, Québec J0Y 3B0 Tél.: (819) 673-2512 Fax: (819) 673-2542 http://www.nemaska.com https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Cree Nation of Nemaska 32 Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, Québec J0Y 3B0 Tel.: (819) 673-2512 Fax: (819) 673-2542 http://www.nemaska.com https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Commerces et services, piégeage, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Businesses and services, trapping, tourism, construction, transport, outfitting.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Bureau de poste, essence, hôtellerie, magasin général, restauration, arcade.

Gasoline, general store, hotel, post office, restaurant, video arcade.


Infrastructure : Accès : Nemaska est accessible en automobile toute l’année, par la route qui relie Nemaska, Chisasibi et Matagami. Un aéroport a été construit par Hydro-Québec pour désservir Nemaska. Réseau routier : données non disponibles. Nombre de maisons : 170

Access: Nemaska is accessible by automobile throughout the year by the road that connects Nemaska, Chisasibi and Matagami. HydroQuébec built an airport to serve Nemaska. Road network: data unavailable. Number of houses: 170

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire :




Village d’Oujé-Bougoumou

Oujé-Bougoumou Village

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

Le village d’Oujé-Bougoumou est situé sur la rive nord-est du lac Opémisca, à 59 kilomètre de Chibougamau.

Superficie :

The Oujé-Bougoumou Village is located on the northeastern shore of Lake Opémisca, 59 km away from Chibougamau.




Population :




Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Cri, anglais et français

Cree, English and French

Gouvernement :

Government :

Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, Québec G0W 3C0 Tél.: (418) 745-3911 Fax: (418) 745-3426 https://www.ouje.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Activités économiques :

Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, Québec G0W 3C0 Tel.: (418) 745-3911 Fax: (418) 745-3426 https://www.ouje.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Exploration minière, piégeage, tourisme, transport, construction, pourvoirie, culture de bleuets, foresterie.

Commerces et services :

Tourism, trapping, mineral exploration, construction, transport, outfitting, blueberry farm, forestry.

Businesses and services:

Bureau de poste, dépanneur, essence, gîte, restaurant, village culturel et tours culturels.

Infrastructure : Accès : Oujé-Bougoumou est accessible par une route provinciale qui rejoint la route 113 entre Chapais et Chibougamau, à 26 kilomètres au nord. Réseau routier : Double voie pavée. Nombre de maisons : 182

Convenience store, gasoline, lodge, post office, restaurant, cultural village, cultural tours.

Infrastructure: Access: Oujé-Bougoumou can be reached by provincial route joins Highway 113 between Chapais and Chibougamau, 26 km to the north. Road network: Double surface paved Number of houses: 182

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees

Oujé-Bougoumou t


Aanischaaukamikw (Cree Cultural Institute), 205, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2444

(418) 745-2324

Albert Mianscum Memorial Sports Complex, 11, Medowouin Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2332

(418) 745-2331

Auberge Capassisit Lodge, 1, Wastawshkootaw Meskino, P.O. Box 221, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3944

(418) 745-3469

Broadback Outfitting Camp, General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-8044

Casey’s & Gas Bar / Depanneur, 110, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3211

(418) 745-2750

CKOJ 91,1 FM, 120, Ouje-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 231, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2779

(418) 745-3354

Cree Board of Compensation / CreeCo, 203, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 220, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3931

(418) 745-3844

Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou, 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3911

(418) 745-3426

Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association, 205, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Apatisiiwin Skills Development – 207, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou (Qc) G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3001

(418) 745-3002

Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association / Association Crie de pourvoirie et de tourisme, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2220

(418) 745-2240

Cree Pentecostal Church, General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2488

Eenou Plumbing and Heating, 81, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 770-8110


Gloria’s Décor Wedding/Event Planner Designer, 240 Oukauw Sakhegun, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-8725

H.M.A. Tires & Accessories, 114 Obatagamou, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2475

Justice Department, 19 Ouje-Bougoumou, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2260

(418) 745-2325

MSDC, 68, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-4070

(418) 745-4075

Native Exploration Services Red’g, 209, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2632

(418) 745-2638

Nimsken Corporation, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Niskamoon, 207 Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3901

(418) 745-3901

Nuuchimi Winuu, 74, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3212

(418) 745-3500

Oujé-Bougoumou Cree Trappers Association, 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3911

(418) 745-3426

Oujé-Bougoumou Eenou Companee & Entreprises, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Oujé-Bougoumou Enterprises Inc., 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Oujé-Bougoumou Fire Hall Station, 90, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2576

(418) 745-3804

Oujé-Bougoumou Fitness Centre, 11, Medowouin Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2332

(418) 745-2331

Oujé-Bougoumou Healing Centre, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3901

(418) 745-3043

Oujé-Bougoumou NNADAP Services, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3902

(418) 745-3043

Oujé-Bougoumou Police, 80, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 234, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2573

(418) 745-3836

Oujé-Bougoumou Public Works, 209, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2345

(418) 745-2346

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Oujé-Bougoumou t


Oujé-Bougoumou Tourism, 203, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 131, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3905

(418) 745-3426

Oujé-Bougoumou Youth Centre, 120, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 231, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3366

(418) 745-3354

Oujé-Bougoumou Youth Protection, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3902

(418) 745-3043

Sheskatuk Enterprise Enr., General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2266

(418) 745-2123

Waapihtiiwewan School, 200, Opemiska, P.O. box 18, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-2542

(418) 745-2652

Waspshooyan Childcare & Family Services Centre, 19, Opataca, P.O.Box 19, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3841

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 745-2526

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees


Cris / Crees

Waskaganish CREE NATION OF WASKAGANISH P.O. Box 60 70, Waskaganish Street Waskaganish, Quebec JOM 1RO Tél.: (819) 895-8650 Fax: (819) 895-8901 WEBSITE : www.waskaganish.ca Facebook : http ://www.facebook.com/waskaganishfirstnation


Greta Whiskeychan-Cheechoo DEPUTY CHIEF Samson Wischee






Tyrone Blackned Conrad Blueboy Sarah Cowboy Brenda Hester Leona Hester Raymond Jolly Hannah Moses Mary Jane Salt Neesha-Chanan Shecapio




Betty Blueboy



Charles J. Hester

WASKAGANISH BUSINESS CORPORATION INC. 18 Nottaway Street PO Box 70 Waskaganish, (Quebec) J0M 1R0 Tél.: 819.895.2273 Fax: 819.895.2213

WEBSITE : www.thewbc.ca Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/thewbcorp/ DIRECTOR / CHAIRMAN

Charles J. Hester

NANAAKATHETH CORPORATION P.O. Box 60 70, Waskaganish Street Waskaganish, Quebec JOM 1RO CHAIRMAN

Wayne Cheezo


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire :


Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

Communauté de Waskaganish

Community of Waskaganish

Le territoire est situé sur la rive de la baie de Rupert à l'embouchure de la rivière Rupert, au sud de la baie James.

The territory is located on the shore of Rupert Bay at the mouth of the Rupert River, south of James Bay.

Superficie :


Population :


784,76 kilomètres2

784.76 square kilometres

2 962


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement :

Government :

Cri, anglais

Cree, English

Cree Nation of Waskaganish 70 Waskaganish PO Box 60 Waskaganish, (Quebec) J0M 1R0 Tél.: (819) 895-8650 Fax: (819) 895-8901 https://waskaganish.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Activités économiques :

Cree Nation of Waskaganish 70 Waskaganish PO Box 60 Waskaganish, (Quebec) J0M 1R0 Tel.: (819) 895-8650 Fax: (819) 895-8901 https://waskaganish.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, chasse, piégeage, pêche, pourvoirie, construction, transport, tourisme.

Arts and Crafts, businesses and services, hunting, trapping, fishing, outfitting, construction, transport, tourism.

Commerces et services :

Arts et artisanat, vêtements, épiceries, hôtel, restaurants, services bancaires, meubles, appareils ménagers, centre commercial, essence, taxi, magasin général, activités touristiques, Complexe sportif, Centre de fitness, Justice, Police.

Infrastructure :



Accès: Waskaganish est accessible par une route de 102 km (80 km de gravier + 22 km revêtue) qui relie l’autoroute Billy Diamond entre Chisasibi et Matagami (autoroute 109). Une compagnie aérienne (AirCreebec) relie Waskaganish, Eastmain, Wemindji, Chisasibi et Whapmagoostui, Val d’Or, Montréal, Nemaska et Chibougamau. Nombre de maisons : 626

Businesses and services:

Arts and handicrafts, clothing, grocery stores, hotel, restaurants, banking services, furniture, household appliances, shopping centre, gasoline and oil, taxi, general store, tourism activities, Sports complex, Fitness Centre, Justice, Police.


Access: Waskaganish is accessible by a road 102 km (80 km gravel + 22km paved) that connects with the Billy Diamond Highway between Chisasibi and Matagami (highway 109). An airline (AirCreebec) connects Waskaganish, Eastmain, Wemindji, Chisasibi and Whapmagoostui, Val d’Or, Montreal, Nemaska and Chibougamau. Number of houses: 626

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees

Waskaganish t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Emergency Numbers: Emergency (Medical) Fire & Rescue Emergency Police Emergency


(819) 895-8833 (819) 895-9000 (819) 895-8961

Adrian Erless T Transport, P.O. Box 411, 9 Whiskeychan, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4673

Air Creebec Inc., 520 Chief Isaiah Salt Road,Waskaganish (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8876

Waskaganish Airport, 520 Chief Isaiah Salt Road, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8757

(819) 895-8686

Annie Whiskeychan Memorial Elementary School, P.O. Box 300, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0 (819) 895-8819

(819) 895-2111

(819) 895-8703

ApatisiiwinSkills Development – 6, Chief Isalah Salt Road, Waskaganish (Qc) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2223

Auberge Kanio Kashee Lodge, P.O. Box 360, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2005

(819) 895-2008

Banque de Montréal / Bank of Montreal, Neepsee Plaza, P.O. Box 150, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2178

(819) 895-2179

Bedabin Childcare Center, 7 Shûshûkweu, PO Box 490, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2828

(819) 895-2830

Blackned B.B.Q Stand, 220 Missisicabi Street, Waskaganish (Quebec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4849

Blackned Construction 2015 Inc. 9 Pontax, PO Box 90, Waskaganish (Québec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8694

Blackned & Sons P.O Box 365,231 Missicabi Street, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 527-7584

(819) 895-8927

Blackned Excavation, 20 Harricanaw Street, Waskaganish (Quebec), J0M 1R0

(819) 209-8846

Café Alexis, P.O. Box 91, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2292

(819) 895-2504

Capital Works Warehouse, P.O.Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8986

(819) 895-8041

Creebear Consulting, P.O. Box 152, 7 Kapsii, Waskaganish (Qc), J0M 1R0


413 Canteen, PO Box 281, 50 Smokey Hill, Neepsee Plaza, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay / Cree Social Services of Waskaganish, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-8833

(819) 895-8047

Cree Gospel Fellowship Church, 288 Broadback, PO Box 247, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-4151 Cree Nation Government Department of Justice and Correctional Services, 2 Kapatagan Meskanu, PO Box 330, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2126

(819) 895-2184

Cree Nation Government Offices, 4 Chief Isaiah Road, PO Box 270, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2620

(819) 895-2623

Cree Nation of Waskaganish, 70 Waskaganish, PO Box 60, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

(819) 895-8901

CreeNewable Energy, 86 Harricanaw, PO Box 273, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4093

(819) 895-2095

Cultural Heritage Center, 14 Cowboy Trail, PO Box 60, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2250

(819) 895.8901

D&C Landscaping & Snow Removal Services, 20 Waskaganish Street, P.O. Box 604, Waskaganish (Quebec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4655

Eeyou Adventures Waskaganish, 50 Smokey Hill, P.O Box 285, Neepsee Plaza, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895 4635

Eeyou Marine Region, 4 Chief Isaiah Road, PO Box 270, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2262

Eeyou Istchee Lifestyle, 402 Maskuchi Street, Waskaganish, Quebec J0M 1R0

(819) 527-9640

Eeyou SP Mecanique Services S.E.N.C., 3 Smokey Hill, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M1R0

(819) 527-6199 (514) 268-2377

Erless Woodworking, general delivery, Waskaganish (Qc) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4670

Essence Blackned Inc., 22 Smokey Hill, PO Box 449, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8900

(819) 895-2474

(819) 895-2898

Evelyn Moses' Canteen, general delivery, Waskaganish (Qc) J0M 1R0 Gordon’s Canteen, 17 Smokey Hill, PO Box 308, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8000 ext 206

G Moar Transport, 335 Wiinibek, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 208-4548

Hester Transport, 4 Kaapshi Street, P.O. Box 354, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4626

Jacobs Restaurant, 50 Smokey Hill, Neepsee Plaza, Waskaganish (Québec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8821

Kapeshii Tour Operators, P.O box 540, KM 48 Camp Site, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 860-9390

Mission Amerindienne de Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde (Roman Catholic Mission), General delivery, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8875


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Waskaganish (819) 895 2749

Moses Gift Shop, 5 McLeod Street, PO Box 71, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8147

Moses Land Scaping, 53 Harricanaw Street,Waskaganish, Quebec J0M1R0

(514) 893-4611

Multi-Service Day Center, 8 Cowboy Trail, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Québec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2300

My Father’s House Fellowship, 15A Nottaway, PO Box 154, Waskaganish (Québec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8905

Nâtâmûh Management Inc.,14 Nottaway Street, PO Box 569, Waskaganish, (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-2261

(819) 895-2305 (819) 895-2313

Noel’s Chipstand, PO Box 171, 36 Waskaganish, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8005

Northern Stores 654 Inc. 2 JSC Watt, PO Box 120, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8865

(819) 895-8864

Precious Ones Childcare Center, 7 Kâpitakanas, PO Box 490, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-2828

(819) 895-8212

Raymond Hester's Canteen, general delivery, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 Robertson'S Construction, 12 Mcleod street, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2001

Robin's Nest, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0


(819) 895-2315

Rupert River Sports Complex, 17 Smokey Hill, PO Box 60, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8000

(819) 895-8010

Rupert Stream, P.O. Box 610, 227A Kaominak Street, Waskaganish (Quebec), J0M 1R0

(819) 918-8064

Salt Consulting, 435 Maskuchi Street, P.O Box 460, Waskaganish, Quebec, J0M1R0

(819) 218-8088

Salt’s Taxi, P.O.Box 219, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4150

(819) 895-8901

Siibii Development Corporation, 70 Waskaganish Street, PO Box 430, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

(819) 895-2091

Smokey Hill Grocery Store, P.O. BOX 400, 24 Smokey Hill, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2727

(819) 895-2320

Tim Whiskeychan’s Art Studio, PO Box 597, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8163

Transport Stanley Diamond, PO Box 30, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 732-4871

Waskaganish Business Corporation, PO Box 60, 18 Nottaway Street, Waskaganish, Quebec, J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2273

Waskaganish Community Radio Station (92,5 FM), P.O. Box 17, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8984

(819) 895-2016

Waskaganish Cree Pentecostal Church, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8837

(819) 895-8039

(819) 895-2313

Waskaganish Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 291, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2030

(819) 895-2141

Waskaganish Eeyou Eenou Police Force, P.O. Box 242, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2029

(819) 895-8848

Waskaganish Fire Emergency & Public Safety, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8720

(819) 895-8901

Waskaganish Garage, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8746

(819) 895-8730

Waskaganish Gathering Place, P.O. Box 460, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2882

(819) 895-2888

Waskaganish Income Security Program, P.O. Box 81, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2030

(819) 895-2141

Waskaganish Miyupimaatsiun Center, 2 Taktachun Road, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-8833

(819) 895-8871

Waskaganish NNADAP Services, 2 Taktachun Road, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0 (819) 895-8833

(819) 895-8871

Waskaganish Northern Store, P.O. Box 120, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8864

(819) 895-8865

Waskaganish Post Office, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8646

Waskaganish Rental Housing, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8780

(819) 895-8790

Waskaganish Sîbî Ayimuweyâbî Inc.,17 Nottaway Street, PO Box 17, Waskaganish (Québec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8984

(819) 895-2016

Waskaganish Tourism, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2250

(819) 895-8901

Waskaganish Water Treatment Plant, 2 Waskaganish Eeyou Meskanu, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2400

(819) 895-2405

Waskaganish Wellness Centre, P.O. Box 419, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2204

(819) 895-2034

Waskaganish Wiichihiiwewin Centre Inc. 18 Nottaway street, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2276 / 2284

Waskaganish Women’s Association, PO Box 602, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4177

Waskaganish Youth Council, PO Box 60, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2882

(819) 895-2888

Waskaganish Youth Protection, PO Box 390, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8662

(819) 895-8008

Cree Automotive Repair Services, 3 Smokey Hill, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4652

Whiskeychan Finishing, PO Box 182, 10 Tamarack, Waskaganish (Quebec) J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4144

Wiinibekuu Eeyou School, P.O. Box 300, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8819

(819) 895-8906

Winiibekuu EeyouTaxi, P.O.Box 210, 41 Smokey Hill Street, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0 (819) 895-4150

(819) 895-8901

Wiinipaakw Tours, Inc, 12 J.S.C Watt Street, P.O Box 180,Waskaganish, Quebec, J0M 1R0 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 895-2121

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Moses Excavation , 53 Harricanaw Street,Waskaganish, Quebec J0M1R0

Th hee Cree First Nation of Waswanipi Edifice Diom Blacksmith Building 1 Chief Louis Gull Street, P.O. Box 30 Waswanipi, Quebec J0Y 3C0 Tel: (819) 753-2587 Fa ax: (819) 753-2555 Irere Neeposh Rhonda O. Cooper

Chief Deputy Chie Chief Councillors

Executive Corporate Secretary

Flora Blacksmith Eleanor Gull Gloria Jolly Alex Moses Paul Gull Michael Neeposh Don Saganash Sr. Patricia Wapachee

Management; Interim Director General Assistant Director General Treasurer Interim Director of Human Ressources Director of Community Serv rvices Interim Director of Capital Works Director of Social Development Director of Natural Ressources Director of Community Housing Director of Health and Savety Director of Economic Development Executive Assistant

Naomi Awashish Kenny Cheechoo Laurie Neeposh Patricia Trapper Matthew Blacksmith Jarris Gull Aaron Happyjack Steven Blacksmith Flora Gull Bruno Blacksmith Jacob Ottereyes Nathalie Icebound

www.waswanipi.com ww w.waswanipi.com 110

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire :




Communauté de Waswanipi

Community of Waswanipi

Situation géographique : Le territoire est situé à 154 kilomètres à l’ouest de Chibougamau, sur les rives de la rivière Waswanipi et de la rivière Chibougamau.

Superficie :

Geographical location: This territory is located 154 km west of Chibougamau, on the banks of the Waswanipi and Chibougamau rivers.

Area: 598.5 square kilometres

598,50 kilomètres



Population :


2 627

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées :

Cree, English, French

Cri, anglais


Gouvernement : Cree First Nation of Waswanipi (The) Diom Blacksmith Building, 1, Chief Louis R. Gull Street P.O. Box 8, Waswanipi, Québec J0Y 3C0 Tél.: (819) 753-2587 Fax: (819) 753-2555 https://www.waswanipi.com https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, pêcherie, piégeage, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services : Bureau de poste, foresterie, services bancaires, centre de transformation du poisson, magasin général, société de communications, mécanique automobile, eau distillée, ambulance, essence, restauration.

Infrastructure : Accès : Waswanipi est accessible en automobile toute l’année, par la route 113, depuis Chapais à l’est, et Senneterre à l’ouest. Réseau routier : directement sur l’autoroute. Nombre de maisons : 390

Cree First Nation of Waswanipi (The) Diom Blacksmith Building, 1, Chief Louis R. Gull Street P.O. Box 30, Waswanipi, Québec J0Y 3C0 Tel.: (819) 753-2587 Fax: (819) 753-2555 https://www.waswanipi.com https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, forestry, businesses and services, tourism, fisheries, trapping, construction, transport, outfitting.

Businesses and services: Ambulance service, general store, restaurant, banking services, distilled water, logging, fish processing plant, post office communication services, gasoline, automobile repairs.

Infrastructure: Access: Waswanipi is accessible by automobile throughout the year by Highway 113, which runs from Chapais in the east to Senneterre in the west. Road network: right on the main highway. Number of houses: 390

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Amisk Excavation, 38 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7037

Apatisiiwin Skills Development, 1 Chief Louis Gull , Waswanipi (QC) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2025


Bedabin Gas Bar, General Delivery, 14 A Chief Billy Ottereyes Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2249

(819) 753-2171

Brighter Futures / Waswanipi, 40 Cedar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2828

(819) 753-2829

Cafeteria M.B.R., 64 Tamarack Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2320

(819) 753-2449

Caisse Populaire Desjardins de Waswanipi, 5 Route 113, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2576

(819) 753-2665

Chiisek Willie Company, 20 Cedar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7459

Community Health & Fitness Centre, 20 Alder Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2600

Construction Cooper-Gilbert Inc, 115 Tamarack Street, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(418) 284-5532

Cooper Apatisiiwiin, llc Chief Simon Ottereyes Street, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7289

Cooper Real Estate, Gatineau, (Québec)

(819) 431-9788

C.P.R & A.E.D Training Services, 93 Pine Street, Waswanipi (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7070

Cree First Nation of Waswanipi (The), Diom Blacksmith Building, P.O. Box 8, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

Creeation Designs, Vandreuil-Dorion

(514) 910-5955

Cree School Board / Waswanipi (Willie J. Memorial School), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2566

Dreamcatchers Outtting Camp, 122 Poplar Street, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 860-8140

Educational Consultant, P.O Box 502, Kahnawake (Québec)

(514) 601-8026

Eenou Eeyou Constuction, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3CO

(514) 716-5512

Eeyou Economic Group / CFDC Inc., 12 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2560

Flower Shop, 17 West Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2346

Howard Blacksmith, Waswanipi, 4 Maple Street (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 550-0457

International lndigenous Entrepreneur, Gatineau (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 210-1014

(819) 753-2555

(819) 753-2793

(819) 753-2568

J/C Adventures, 6 Balsam (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

J.C.L.S, 6 Balsam Street (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2118/7359

Karen's Video Depanneur, 49 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7256/2947

Katapatuk Renos,115 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec)

(819) 527-1003

Keven Blacksmith’s Transport, 8 Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec)

(819) 753-2587

Maschisk Mistuck, 13 Alder, Waswanipi, (Québec) J0Y 3C0


Mel’s Beauty Salon, 104 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 859-0887

MJS Transport, 115 Tamarack Street, Waswanipi, (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 354-9289

Nabakatuk Forest Products Inc.2008, 17 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2388

Rate Enterprise, 76 Pine Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2388

Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre, 1 Elder David Neeposh Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(866) 921-4040

Sibi Construction, 19 Spruce Street, Waswanipi, (Québec)

(819) 753-7528

SM'S Tire & Welding Shop Reg'd, 3 Alder (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 333-0221

Terry’s Plastering and Painting, 39 Jack Pine Street, Waswanipi, (Québec)

(819) 527-9169

Transport Kevin Blacksmith reg'd 108 Tamarack (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7098

Ungava Gourmet, 19, Jack Pine West, Waswanipi (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 550-0162

Waswanipi Ambulance Service, General Delievry, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2332

Waswanipi Anglican Church, 105 Polplar, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2559

Waswanipi Clinic (Inland CLSC), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2511

(819) 753-2640s

(819) 753-2842 (819) 753-2362

Waswanipi Communications Society (93,9 FM), 20 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2557

(819) 753-2755

Waswanipi Cree Trappers Association, General Delievry, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2082


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 753-2322

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees


Waswanipi Cultural Department, Communications Building, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0



(819) 753-2562

(819) 753-2219

Waswanipi Day Care Center, 2A Spruce Street, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2623

(819) 753-2964

Waswanipi Dental Clinic, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2448

(819) 753-2362

Waswanipi Development Corporation, 16 Poplar, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2389

(819) 753-2842

Waswanipi Eeyou Cabinets, 115 Poplar (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 527-1003

Waswanipi Eenouch Company, 92 Pine Street, Waswanipi (Québec) J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-7313

Waswanipi Fire Department (Emergency Only), 15 Birch Street, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2411

Waswanipi Fire Department, 15 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2522

Waswanipi Garage, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2598

(819) 753-2409

Waswanipi Grocery Reg’d, General Delivery, 19, Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2514

(819) 753-2940

Waswanipi Income Security Program, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2322

(819) 753-2082

Waswanipi Membership Clerk, Diom Blacksmith Building, 1 Chief Louis Gull Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

(819) 753-2555

Waswanipi Mishtuk Corporation, 17 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2388

(819) 753-2854

Waswanipi NNADAP Services, 1 West Aspen, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2325

(819) 666-2362

(819) 753-2444

Waswanipi Police Station (Emergency Only), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2553 Waswanipi Police Station (Office), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2545

Waswanipi Post Office, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2595

Waswanipi Public Works, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2313

Waswanipi Social Services, 1 West Aspen, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2324

(819) 753-2323

Waswanipi Warehouse (Rental Housing), Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2321

(819) 753-2341

Waswanipi Welfare Department, Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

(819) 753-2555

Waswanipi Youth Center, 17 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2726

(819) 753-2727

Waswanipi Youth Protection, 1 West Aspen, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2324

(819) 753-2362

Willie .J. Happyjack and Jolina Gull Blacksmith Memorial School, 6 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2583

(819) 753-2532

Waswanipi Elders Department - General Delivery

(819) 753-2550

Waswanipi MultiService Dev. Centre - General Delivery

(819) 753-4010

Waswanipi Justice Dept. - General Delivery

(819) 753-2770

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 753-2544 (819) 753-2409

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire :


Communauté de Wemindji

Community of Wemindji

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

Le territoire est situé sur la rive est de la baie James, à 60 kilomètres au sud de Chisasibi, approximativement 800 kilomètres de Val-D’or.



The territory is located on the eastern shore of James Bay, 60 km south of Chisasibi, approximately 800 km from Val-d’Or.

Superficie : 512,82 kilomètres2


Population : 1 707

Population: 1,707

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

512.82 square kilometres

Cree, English

Cri, anglais


Gouvernement : Cree Nation of Wemindji 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, Québec J0M 1L0 Tél.: (819) 978-0264 Fax: (819) 978-0258

https://www.wemindji.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Cree Nation of Wemindji 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, Québec J0M 1L0 Tél.: (819) 978-0264 Fax: (819) 978-0258

https://www.wemindji.ca https://www.cngov.ca/fr

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, piégeage, tourisme, exploration minière, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services : Arts et artisanat, pâtisserie, alimentation, essence, hôtel, bureau de poste, restaurants, centre d'achats, garage municipal, police, conseil-jeunesse, café, studio d'enregistrement, service d'habitation, centre de bien-être, service des incendies, Banque de Montréal, santé et services sociaux, gymnase, bed & breakfast, garderie, éco-tourisme et aventure, lavomat, centre sportif, piscine, quicaillerie, terrain de baseball, église, chantier naval, aéroport, tourisme.

Infrastructure : Accès : Wemindji est accessible par un chemin d'accès permanent relié à la route MatagamiLG2 au kilomètre 518, Route de la Baie-James. Aussi accessible par air, un ligne aérienne relie Wemindji à Val-d’Or et Montréal. Nombre de maisons : 370 incluant CSB + CHB.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses & services, trapping, tourism, mining exploration, construction, transport, outfitting.

Businesses and services: Arts & crafts, bakery, food supplier, gasoline, hotel, post office, restaurants, shopping center, municipal garage, police, youth council, coffee shop, community housing, wellness center, fire department, bank of montreal, social and health services, fitness center, bed & breakfast, taxi services, day care, eco-tourism and adventure, laundry mat, sports center, swimming pool, hardware store, fully equipped ballfield, church, shipyard, airport, tourism.

Infrastructure: Access: Wemindji is accessible by a permanent access road which connects to the Matagami LG2 road at kilometre 518, Route de la Baie-James. Also accessible by air, an airline connects Wemindji to Val-d’Or and Montreal. Number of houses: 370 includes CSB + CHB Housing.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Medical Emergency Fire Emergency Police Emergency



(819) 978-0225 (819) 978-3911 (819) 978-0320

Air Creebec / Wemindji Airport, Air Creebec Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0215

(819) 978-3132

Apatisiiwin Skills Development, 1 Mayaupui Road, Wemindji (QC) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3131

(819) 978-3136

Atsynia Taxi Services (George Atsynia)

(819) 978-7677

Arena (Mawabou Gardens), 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

Banque de Montréal - Bank of Montreal / Wemindji, 37 Maquatua Road, P.O. Box 120, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3588

Community Hall (Wellness Center) C.O.O.L. Building

(819) 978-3868 (819) 978-3303

(819) 978-3061 (819) 978-3331

Cree Home & Community Care Program, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Cree Miiyuupimaatisiiun Center of Wemindji (Clinic), 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Cree Mineral Exploration Board (The), 16 Beaver Road, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264 ext.252

Cree Nation of Wemindji Sports & Recreation, 1 Georgekish Road, P.O. Box 129, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3060

(819) 978-3061

Cree Nation of Wemindji, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Cree School Board / Wemindji, P.O. Box 59, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 Administration Maquatua Eeyou School Joy Ottereyes Rainbow Memorial School

(819) 978-0389 (819) 978-0270 (819) 978-3388

(819) 978-3107 (819) 978-0246 (819) 978-3380

Cree Trappers Association - Wemindji, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3128

(819) 978-0258

Eeyou Communications Network

(819) 978-3400

(819) 978-3696

Eeyou Eenou Police Force Wemindji Detachment, P.O. Box 189, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0320 Eeyou Lumberjack – 12, Tawich Road Wemindji (Québec) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-7130

H&V Convenience – General Delivery, Wemindji (Québec) J0M 1L0

(819) 527-9805

Jamesian Transport (Truck Delivery Services) - General Delivery, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-7023

Kaamipinii & Linky’s Enterprises (Garage) – General Delivery, Wemindji (Québec) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-7108

Kakabat Enterprises (Randy Kakabat)

(819) 978-7239

Kanawhymigoo Daycare, P.O. Box 240, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3605

Kepa Transport – 12 rue Finlay, Val-D’or (Qc) J9P 0K9

(819) 874-0262

Kookum Sarah’s Bed & Breakfast (Donna Danyluk), 15 Riverside Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3004

(819) 978-3630

Lee's Garage (Lee Visitor)

(819) 978-0301

Maquatua Inn Restaurant, 22 Gilpin Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0343

(819) 978-3196

Maquatua Inn, 22 Gilpin Road, P.O. Box 89, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 Wishtan Arts & Crafts Boutique

(819) 978-3166

(819) 978-3196

Mawabou Gardens (Arena)

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3969

Multi Purpose Day Center (MSDC), 27 Gilpin Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3500

(819) 978-3800

Nomad Entertainment (Event Planning & Promoter, AV Services) General Delivery, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(438) 871-3714

Paint Hills Cultural Camp, General Delivery, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

Sam’s Place, 30 Beaver Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3999

Shiwhymigoo Daycare, 24 Spruce Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0360

(819) 978-0228

Sibi Gas Station, S&M Moto Shop, P.O. Box 149, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 Manager

(819) 978-3508 (819) 978-3510

(819) 978-3610

Sibi Hardware Store, General Delivery, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3510


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Wemindji f

Tawich Construction,12, Tawich Road, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3030

(819) 978-3039

Tawich Development Corporation, 12, Tawich Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3030

(819) 978-3039

Walter Hughboy Memorial Sports Centre, 1 Georgekish Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-3060

(819) 978-3061

Waptum Management Services, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3030

Wemindji Airport Garage, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3936

Wemindji Community Hall, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Wemindji Community Store, 30 Beaver Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3656

(819) 978-3659

Wemindji Community Workers, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

(819) 978-3936

Wemindji Explorations Services, 21 Hilltop Drive, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Wemindji Fire Hall

(819) 978-3774

(819) 978-3773

Wemindji FM (CHPH-FM 99,7), 14 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3535

(819) 978-3413

Wemindji Garage (Band)

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3305

Wemindji Gathering Center, P.O. Box 9, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3868

(819) 978-3993

Wemindji Income Security Program, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3128

(819) 978-3834

Wemindji Justice and Corrections Department

((819) 978-3300

(819) 978-3301

Wemindji Laudromat, Dry Cleaning

(819) 978-3080

(819) 978-3081

Wemindji Medical Clinic 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-3075

Wemindji Post Office

(819) 978-3333

Wemindji Paving, 21 Hilltop Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 732-3351

(819) 732-2933

Wemindji Rental Housing, 21 Hilltop Drive, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Wemindji St. John the Baptist Anglican Church (Rectory), P.O. Box 29, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3140

Wemindji Telecommunications Association

(819) 978-3535

Wemindji Tourism

(819) 978-3737

Wemindji Trappers Association

(819) 978-3128

Wemindji Youth Center, 1301 Maquatua, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3949

Wemindji Youth Protection, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0349 Wemindji Waste Management (Incinerator)

(819) 978-3050

Wemindji Waste Water Lifting Station

(819) 978-0357

Wemindji Water Treatment Facility

(819) 978-3119



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

(819) 978-3513 (819) 978-3005 (819) 978-3716

Wolf Camp Corporation, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0 819-978-7876 VCC Enterprises

(819) 978-3335

Waptum Management Services, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3030

WHM Sports Center, 1, Georgekish Road, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3060

Wolf Camp Corporation, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji (Qc) J0M 1L0

(819) 978-7876

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 978-0361

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees

Whapmagoostui t


(819) 929-3646

(819) 929-3646

Apitsiiwin Skill Development, 427, Talliniq Avenue, P.O. Box 599, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3959

(819) 929-3470

Auberge Qilalugak Resto-Pub, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3374

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Air Creebec / Whapmagoostui, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

Awash Estchees Daycare, P.O. Box 423, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3395

(819) 929-3547

Badabin Eeyou School, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3428

(819) 929-3548

CLSC / Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3467

(819) 929-3851

Canada Post, Whapmagoostui

(819) 929-9672

Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3734

Cree School Board Adult Education - Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3617

Eeyou Eenou Police Force, P.O. Box 540, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3700

Eeyou Garage, General Repair, Whapmagoostui

(819) 929-3687

FNBC Bank, Whapmagoostui

(819) 929-9672

(819) 929-3343

(819) 929-3919


Whapmagoostui First Nation P.O. Box 390 Whapmagoostui, Tel: (819) 929-3384 #1 #4 Fax: (819) 929-3203

Chief Deputy Chief Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor


Robbie Kawapit George Kawapit Rita Sheshamush Masty Maggie Kawapit Maria Kawapit Jr. Jimmy George Jordan Masty Vera George Maggie George Noah Sheshamush Matthew A. Iserhoff Nancy Sheshamush Amy Dick Samson Petagumskum Candace Sheshamush Lucy Petagumskum Elijah Sandy Isaac Masty Stella Masty

WFN DIRECTORS Robert Kawapit Brian Wynne Frances Kawapit Stanley George George Sandy Samson Kawapit Brian Atchynia Bruno Sheshamush

Director General Treasurer Director of Human Resources Director of Community Programs Director of Capital Projects Director of Public Works Director of Public Security Director of Housing

WFN YOUTH COUNCIL Wesley George Youth Chief Christa Bobbish Deputy Youth Chief Kaydie Dick Councillor Gail P. Dick Councillor Naamon Dick Councillor Kurtis Cooper Councillor Leona Masty Councillor Joni Boudrias Councillor Deborah Kawapit Jr. Councillor


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Cris / Crees

Territoire :




Communauté de Whapmagoostui

Community of Whapmagoostui

Situation géographique : Le territoire est situé à l’embouchure de la Grande rivière de la Baleine sur la baie d’Hudson.

Superficie :

Geographical location: This territory is located where the Great Whale River flows into Hudson Bay.

Area: 316.20 square kilometres

316,20 kilomètres2


Population :


1 072

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées :

Cree, English, French & Inuit

Cri, anglais, français & Inuit

Government :

Gouvernement : Whapmagoostui First Nation P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, Québec J0M 1G0 Tél.: (819) 929-3384 Fax: (819) 929-3203 http://www.whapmagoostuifn.com

Whapmagoostui First Nation P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, Québec J0M 1G0 Tel.: (819) 929-3384 Fax: (819) 929-3203 http://www.whapmagoostuifn.com

Economic activities:

Activités économiques :

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, trapping, tourism, outfitters.

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, piégeage, tourisme, pourvoiries.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Services de consultants, art et artisanat, taxi, buanderie, plomberie, transport aérien, magasin général, conciergerie, construction, restauration, dépanneur

Infrastructure :

Air transport, convenience store, arts and handicrafts, variety store, construction, plumber, consultant services, restaurant, maintenance.


Accès : aucun accès routier. Des lignes aériennes relient le village à Val-d’Or, à LG2 et à Montréal (Air Creebec, Air Inuit, Chrono Aviation, Propair). Réseau routier : données non disponibles. Nombre de maisons : 207

Access: no road access. Airlines connecting the village with Val-d’Or, LG2 and Montreal (Air Creebec, Air Inuit, Chrono Aviation, Propair). Road network: data unavailable. Number of houses: 207

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Cris / Crees


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3364

Jones and K Services, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3486

Masty’s Variety, P.O. Box 64, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 929-3660

Minheku Construction, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3384

Minnie’s, Hope Family Center

(819) 929-3384

Natashia Mukash Art Studio, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Qc) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3311

f (819) 929-3660

NNADAP / Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3269

(819) 929-3851

Northern Store, General Delivery, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3270

(819) 929-3667

Restaurant Whapmagoostui, P.O Box 300, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3267

Sage Mukash Photography, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Québec) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3718

Triple Gymnasium, P.O. Box 360, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3401

Wapitstan Construction, General Delivery

(819) 929-3199

Whalemart, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui (Qc) J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9595

Whapmagoostui Arena, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3694

(819) 929-3585

Whapmagoostui Cree Clinic, P.O. Box 180, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3307

(819) 929-3526

Whapmagoostui Cree School Board, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3428

(819) 929-3548

Whapmagoostui Cree Social Services, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3596

(819) 929-3581

Whapmagoostui Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3528

(819) 929-3203

Whapmagoostui Eeyou Enterprise Development Corporation, P.O. Box 149, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3364

(819) 929-3435

Whapmagoostui Eeyou Telecommunication Association (CKRQ-FM 96,5), WATA, P.O. Box 189, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3421

(819) 929-3201

Whapmagoostui First Nation Fire Hall, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3619

(819) 929-3230

Whapmagoostui First Nation Garage, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3687

Whapmagoostui First Nation Housing, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3330

Whapmagoostui First Nation Samson Dick Memorial Arena, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3694

(819) 929-3303

Whapmagoostui First Nation Warehouse, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3330

(819) 929-3970

Whapmagoostui First Nation, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3384

Whapmagoostui Income Security Office, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3384 Whapmagoostui Legislative Department, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3384 Whapmagoostui Recreation Department, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3384 Whapmagoostui Social Aid Office, P.O. Box 330, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3325

(819) 929-3292

Whapmagoostui Student Services, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3428

(819) 929-3458

Whapmagoostui Water Pump, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3314

(819) 929-3203


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




t the beginning of the 17th century, there were between 16,000 and 30,000 Hurons living in lands distributed in southeastern Ontario (Georgian Bay), overlapping the actual frontiers of Quebec and the United States. Agriculture and trade made the Hurons one of the most prosperous and stable nations in North America at the time. The Hurons, called Wendat, had a monopoly on corn and tobacco, wich they traded for furs with other Aboriginal nations. Afterwards, the trading will be done with European groups, who will later exploit and colonize those territories. Their trading area took in the Great Lakes region, the Saint-Maurice Valley, the Saguenay region and even Hudson Bay. According to Marguerite Vincent, author of the book La Nation Huronne, “The Hurons were very much aware of the perfection of their trading system and very proud of the influence they enjoyed among other Indians, to the point that they refused to learn any dialect other than their own, forcing the Indians that traded with them to learn Huron“. When Jacques-Cartier arrived in 1534, the Hurons were at war with the Iroquois. The two nations were fighting over the fur trade in the Ohio Valley and along the Mississippi. The situation worsened once the Europeans brought in firearms. Soon the war imported by the English and French was superimposed on the war between the Iroquois and Hurons, adding further violence to the hostilities. From 1649, the Hurons were defeated many times with many casualties, many deaths also occur from diseases caused by contacts with the Europeans. Pursued and harassed by the Iroquois, they live the Hurons land and the survivors took refuge in Quebec City, where they were welcomed by the Ursulines, Hospitalers and Jesuits. The Hurons then moved successively seven times, (either on conceded lands or into reductions in the Quebec area) before settling permanently in Wendake (Village-des-Hurons) in 1697.By 1740, all that was left of what had been a stable and populous nation at the beginning of the 17th century was 400 to 1,000 individuals living in Loretteville and along the shore of Lake Erie. In 1829, there were 179 people in Wendake. The Hurons form today a prosperous community. The snowshoes, mocassins and canoes built by the Hurons enjoy an international reputation. The touristic, cultural, manufacturer and services sectors are at the heart of the communitie’s economic development.Wendake includes a recently developed historic area, a residential area and an industrial area. The Wendake Economic Development Corporation brings its expertise to many local businesses that provide employment not only to HuronWendats, but also to many non-native people. In addition, tourism is a very important economic contribution for the community. In this regard, the First Nations Museum Hotel, inaugurated in 2008, is a big success. In 1990, a Supreme Court of Canada decision recognized the validity of a treaty (Murray Treaty) signed in 1760 that assured the Huron-Wendats the free exercise of their religion and customs in the territory they frequented. In 1998, the Council of the Huron-Wendat Nation initiated and later adopted an in-depth reform of the way leaders were elected and represented and the governance structure of the nation's affairs. In 2000, the Council of the Huron-Wendat Nation signed a framework agreement with the Quebec government that served as a new negociation basis on issues such as hunting, fishing, taxation, land issues. Famous Hurons include Degandawida, the father of the Five Nations Confederacy that was one of the models for the American constitution; Chief Kondiaronk, who was famous for his skill as a diplomat and his role in the conclusion of the 1701 peace treaty, to wich all the Indian nations of New France adhered; Prosper Vincent (1842-1915), the first Huron elected to the Quebec National Assembly and a prosperous business man; Oscar Bastien, the first Huron radio announcer (19271942); and Léon Gros-Louis, the first Huron doctor to graduate from Laval University.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES HURONS-WENDAT u début du XVIIe siècle, on estime que la population huronne compte entre 16 000 et 30 000 individus établis sur des territoires répartis dans le sud-est de l’Ontario (BaiGeorgienne), chevauchant les frontières actuelles des États-Unis et du Québec. Vivant principalement de l’agriculture et du commerce, la Nation huronne est, à cette époque, un des groupes les plus prospères et stables en Amérique du Nord. Les Hurons, appelés les Wendat, détiennent le monopole du maïs et du tabac dont ils font le commerce avec les autres nations autochtones, contre des fourrures et des objets quotidiens. Par la suite, le troc se fera avec les groupes européens qui viendront exploiter et coloniser ces territoires. La zone commerciale des Hurons comprend la région des Grands-Lacs, la Mauricie et même la Baie d’Hudson. Selon Marguerite Vincent, auteure du livre La Nation Huronne, « Les Hurons étaient bien conscients de la perfection de leur système de commerce et très orgueilleux de l’influence dont ils jouissaient parmi les autres Indiens; au point qu’ils refusèrent d’apprendre d’autres dialectes que le leur, forçant les Indiens qui trafiquaient avec eux à apprendre le Huron ».Lors de la première visite de Jacques Cartier (en 1534), les Hurons sont en guerre contre les Iroquois. Les deux nations se disputent le contrôle du commerce de la fourrure et du tabac dans la vallée de l’Ohio et le long du Mississipi. La situation s’envenime avec l’apport des armes à feu par les Européens. Bientôt, la guerre que se livrent les Anglais et les Français se superpose à celle des Iroquois et des Hurons, ajoutant ainsi à la violence des hostilités.À partir de 1649, les Hurons subissent de sérieuses défaites et de nombreuses pertes en vies humaines qui s’ajouteront à celles subies par les maladies contagieuses dues aux contacts avec les Européens. Ils quittent définitivement la Huronnie avec une délégation de missionnaires jésuites pour se réfugier au Québec. Ils sont toujours poursuivis par les Iroquois, qui les relancent jusqu’à leur dernier retranchement. Les Hurons-Wendat se déplaceront successivement à sept emplacements différents (soit sur des terres qui leur seront concédées ou dans des réductions) avant de se fixer de façon permanente dans la communauté indienne de Wendake (Village-des-Hurons) près de Québec en 1697.La population huronne chute dramatiquement; on ne compte qu’environ 400 à 1,000 membres, en 1740, installés dans la région de Lorette et sur les rives du lac Érié. En 1829, la population du Village-des-Hurons ne compte plus que 179 individus. Les Hurons forment aujourd’hui une communauté prospère. La fabrication de raquettes, de mocassins et de canots de facture huronne-wendat jouissent d’une renommée internationale. Les secteurs touristiques, culturels, manufacturiers et de services constituent le moteur du développement économique de la communauté. Aujourd’hui, Wendake comprend un secteur historique récemment mis en valeur, un quartier résidentiel et une zone industrielle. La Société de développement économique de Wendake apporte son expertise à plusieurs entreprises locales qui fournissent de l’emploi non seulement aux Hurons-Wendats, mais aussi à de nombreux non-autochtones. Par ailleurs, le tourisme constitue un apport économique très important pour la communauté. À cet égard, l’Hôtel-Musée des Premières Nations, inauguré en 2008, s’avère une grande réussite. En 1990, un jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada a reconnu la validité d’un traité signé en 1760 (Traité de Murray), qui assurait aux Hurons-Wendats le libre exercice de leur religion et de leurs coutumes sur le territoire qu’ils fréquentaient. En 1998, le Conseil de la nation Huronne-Wendat a amorcé et adopté par la suite une réforme en profondeur du mode d’élection et de représentation des dirigeants ainsi que de la structure de gestion des affaires de la nation. En 2000, le Conseil de la nation Huronne-Wendat a signé avec le gouvernement du Québec une entente-cadre qui sert de nouvelle base de négociation sur des sujets tels que la chasse, la pêche, la fiscalité et la territorialité. Parmi les Hurons les plus célèbres, mentionnons Degandawidam qui fut le père de la Ligue des cinq Nations dont le fonctionnement a inspiré la constitution américaine; le chef Kondiaronk, reconnu pour ses talents de diplomate et pour son rôle dans la conclusion du traité de paix de 1701 auquel ont adhéré toutes les nations indiennes de la Nouvelle-France; Prosper Vincent (1842-1915), premier Huron a être ordonné prêtre; le chef Ludger Bastien (1879-1948), premier Huron élu comme député à la législature du Québec et homme d’affaires prospère; Oscar Bastien, qui fut le premier Huron annonceur à la radio (1927-1942); et Léon Gros-Louis, qui fut le premier médecin de la nation diplômé de l’Université Laval.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Alignement Picard, 590, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7685

(418) 842-5433

Alpha & Oméga enr., 546, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-8621

(418) 847-0137

Andicha n’de Wendat «Les Femmes au Tambour de Wendake», 37, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3692

(418) 843-3693

André Picard Distribution enr., 20, rue Kondiaronk, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-5112

(418) 847-3321

Armatech Inc., 565, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 255-0003

Armoires Sioui Signature, 32, Rue Kateri Tekakwitha, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1969

Art Huron International, 595, Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-0005

(418) 840-0004

Artisans Indiens du Québec, les / Indian Craftsmen of Quebec, The, 540, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-2151

(418) 845-9633

Association Québécoise autochtone en science-ingénierie, 90, Chef Wellie-Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 684-1889

Automobile Huron Wendat, 2907, de la Faune, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2283

(418) 843-9217

Banque Royale du Canada, 2938, rue de la Faune, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7715

(418) 842-8210

Bastien Industries enr., 620 rue Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9819

(418) 842-1330

Boutique KAÏA, 30-B, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2700

Conseil de la Nation Huronne-Wendat Centre administratif

granD Chef

255, place Chef michel laveau Wendake (Québec) g0a 4v0

Chefs familiauX

t : 418 843-3767 - 877 712-3767 f : 418 842-1108


Rémy Vincent · Chef Dave Laveau · Chef Denis Bastien · Chef Carlo Gros-Louis · Chef René W. Picard · Chef Stéphane Picard · Chef William Romain · Chef Daniel Sioui · Chef Jean-Mathieu Sioui

Boutique Le Pédalier Inc., 99, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2734

Branchaud Portes et Fenêtres, 89, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-1510

(418) 842-2734

Bureau de poste de Wendake, 15, Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-5666

Cabanon 2000 enr., 595, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-2000

(418) 847-2103

Caisse Desjardins de Wendake, 155, Chef Aimé-Romain, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(800) 955-0242

(418) 843-8087

Centre chiropratique Harold Chantal enr., 89-1, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 845-8835

(418) 845-8835

Centre d’affaires Bastien, 93, Boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1500

(418) 842-1556

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Québec, 15, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-4640

(418) 843-8960

Centre d’archives huron-wendat (C.N.H.W.), 255, Place Chef Michel-Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3767

(418) 842-1108

Centre de développement de formation et main-d’oeuvre (CDFM) huron-wendat, 100, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1026

(418) 842-3076


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire : Communauté de Wendake

Territory: Community of Wendake

Situation géographique :

Geographical location :

Wendake est situé à 15 kilomètres du centre-ville de Québec, sur la rive est de la rivière Saint-Charles.

Superficie : 167 acres

Area: 167 acres

Population : 4 040

Population: 4,040

Principales langues parlées : Français

Principal languages spoken: French

Gouvernement : Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat, 255, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, Québec G0A 4V0 Tél.: (418) 843-3767 Fax: (418) 842-1108 https://wendake.ca/

Activités économiques : Secteur secondaire : 22%

Wendake is located 15 kilometres from downtown Quebec City, on the eastern bank of the St.-Charles River.

Gouvernement : Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat, 255, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, Québec G0A 4V0 Tel.: (418) 843-3767 Fax: (418) 842-1108 https://wendake.ca/

Economic activities:

Secteur tertiaire : 78%

Secondary sector: 22%

Commerces et services : Abris d’auto, acupuncture, alimentation, art et artisanat, assurances, automobiles, boulangerie et pâtisserie, cabanons, centre de conditionnement physique, chaussures, coiffure, communication, construction, couvreplanchers, dépanneurs, essence, excavation et terrassement, fabrication de canots, fabrication d’échelles et escabots, garderie, graphisme, haute couture, informatique, infrastructure d’accueil touristique, ingénieurs-conseils, location de films, massothérapie, matériaux de construction, mécanique automobile, meubles, mocassins, naturopathie, organisation de fêtes, peintre, peinture et débosselage, photographie, pièces d’automobiles, plomberie, portes et fenêtres, poterie, prothèses capillaires, publicité, quincaillerie, raquettes à neige, restauration, réfrigération, rénovation en bâtiments, tannerie, toilettage d’animaux, traduction, traîneaux, transport routier et scolaire, vente en gros de copeaux de bois, vente, location et réparation de petits moteurs, vêtements, site touristique. Wendake regroupe plusieurs organismes autochtones provinciaux et regionaux qui concerne les Premières Nations: APNQL (Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador), CEPN (Conseil en éducation des Premières Nations), CDEPNQL (Commission de développement économique des Premières nations du Québec et du Labrador), Commission de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec et du Labrador (CSSSPNQL), Société de crédit commercial autochtones (SOCCA) et Régime bénéfice autochtone (RBA), etc.

Infrastructure : Accès : Wendake est accessible par la route 369 qui rejoint le boulevard Henri IV, à quelques kilomètres à l’ouest, ou par l’autoroute Robert-Bourassa, à l’est. Réseau routier : 7 510 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 601

Tertiary sector: 78%

Businesses and services: Acupuncture, canoes, electricians, high fashion, photography, small engine sales, rentals and repairs, advertising, car dealership, engineering consultants, plumber, arts and handicrafts, caretaking services, excavation and landscaping, insurance, pottery, snowshoes, automobile boby shop, carpots, real estate services, automobile parts, caterer, fitness centre, ladders, refrigeration, tannery, automobile repairs, clothing, floor coverings, massotherapy, restaurants, tanning salons, bakery, communication services, food supplier, mocassins, road transport, tire services, banking services, computer ser vices, furniture, mufflers, school bus service, tourist accomodation, beauty salon, construction, gasoline, naturopathy, sheds, translation services, bookbinding, construction material, hairdressing, painter, shoes, video rental, building restoration, convenience stores, hairpieces, party organizers, sleighs, bulk wood chips, day-care centre, hardware store, tourist site. Wendake houses several aboriginal provincial and regional First Nations’ organizations like: AFN (Assembly of First Nations), FNEC (First Nations Education Council), FNQLEDC (First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission), First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission(FNQLHSSC), Native Commercial Credit Corporation (NACCC) and Native Benefits Plan (NBP), etc.

Infrastructure: Access: Wendake can be reached by Highway 369, which connects with Henri IV Boulevard a few kilometres to the west, or by the Laurentian Highway to the east. Road network: 7,510 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 601

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Centre de formation en secourisme du Québec, 25, rue Ovide-Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-5055

(418) 843-4994

Centre de la Petite enfance ORAK, 75, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-8118

(418) 842-5979

Centre de Santé Marie-Paul-Sioui-Vincent, 40, Chef Simon Romain, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 842-6255

(418) 842-8628

Centre Wendat Arenatsi Enr., 465, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 915-7737

(418) 845-9338

Clinique de santé Richard Dumont, 40, du Loup, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-2161

Clinique Robin Paul, 80-1, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9670

(418) 842-2129

Commission de développement économique des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (CDEPNQL), 265, Place Chief Michel-Laveau, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-1488

(418) 843-6672

Commission de la Santé et des Services Sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, 250, Place Chef Michel Laveau, 1er étage, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1540

(418) 842-7045

Commission Locale des Premières Nations huronne-wendat, 30, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1026

(418) 842-3076

Comptoir Agoshin, 16, boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-9838

Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat, 255, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3767

(418) 842-1108

Conseil des Jeunes des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, 430, rue Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-1011

(418) 842-5966

Conseil en Education des Premières Nations (CEPN), 95, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7672

(418) 842-9988

Conseillers parajudiciaires autochtones / Région Québec Wendake, 190, rue Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-2094

(418) 847-5799

Construction et rénovation Denis, 630, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 808-1506

(418) 661-5707

Dépanneur Alphé Picard, 25, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-8996

(418) 845-9973

Dr. Christian Sioui, 630, Chef Jean Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8638

Ébénisterie NICHé, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 802-9061

École Wahta’, 20, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3740

Éconobois 1996 Enr., 595, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-4161

(418) 847-2103

Église Notre-Dame de Lorette, 73, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3569

(418) 842-0474

Entreprises Denis Cloutier (Les), 15, rue des Écureuils, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2706

Entreprises Sioui & Frères inc., 605, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8384

Entreprises W.G.S., 595, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-4161

Expair.ca, 630, rue Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-0756

Garage Martin W. Picard, 567, rue Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-2332

Garderie Carole Talbot, 725, Chef Maurice Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-3326

(418) 842-2084

(418) 843-8384 (418) 840-0752

Garderie Hélène Poulin, 175, Chef Herménégilde Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6260

Gîte La Huronnière, 415, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-4118

(418) 845-5403

Glam Inc., 565, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-7915

(418) 842-1763

Gripma, 35, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 573-1375

(418) 845-9973

Gros-Louis, Hélène, 530, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1242

Hôtel-Musée des Premières Nations, 5, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (866) 551-9222

(418) 847-2903

Huro Plus, 42, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2953

(418) 842-4138

Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Institut de Beauté Maryse, 95, Chef boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0756

Institut de Développement durable des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labarador, 250, Place Michel-Laveau, bureau 201, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-9999

(418) 842-5966

Investissement Premières Nations du Québec, 2936, boul. de la Faune, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-7070

(418) 843-2727


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



JME Électrique Inc., 625, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2000

(418) 843-6411

Les éditions Hannenorak, 24, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-4578

Yarha Inc., 465, rue Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-4439

Librairie Hannenorak, 24, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-4578

L’usine à frites, 60, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 915-4447

M.A. Construction Wendake Enr., 515, de la Courge, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0445

Maison Aorhenché (La), 90, Chef François Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0646

Maison des Jeunes Wendat, 40, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-0657

(418) 842-1108

Maison Tsawenhohi, 75, rue Chef Nicolas-Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-0700

(418) 845-0030

Medic-Contact, 93, boulevard Bastien,, bureau 205, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(450) 733-0539

Menuiserie des Érables Inc., 612, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-5013

Mireille Siouï, artiste, 60, Chef Alphonese T. Picard, Wendake, (Québec), (Québec)

(418) 843-0361

Musée de la Nation huronne-wendat, 15, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-2260

(418) 847-1696

Nation Santé-Spa S.E.N.C., 5, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-5050

(418) 847-2525

Nouveaux sentiers, 250, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1540

Office du tourisme de Wendake, 10, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0624

Paradis du chien (Le), 85, boulevard Bastien, suite 00, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-1511

(418) 847-4527

(418) 840-5015

(418) 847-2903

Peinture Ultra Moderne inc., 565, Chef Pierre Athironta, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-7619

(418) 843-7407

Petit Huron Moc (Le), 85, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9395

(418) 842-0915

PMM Wendake, 580 Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6223

(418) 842-2522

Uniprix Wendake, 2946, rue de la Faune, suite 114, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-5050

Picard Genest, 570, du Maïs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 802-5721

Picard Service de Pneus, 590, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7685

Picard, Nathalie - musicienne, 294, rue du Vieux-Pins, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 255-0185

Planchers Atout Prix, 225, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-5504

Pneus économiques GLC (Les), 535, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 576-8777

Poterie Monique Picard, 440, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3685

Prémontex Enr., 597, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-3630

Prévention-Incendie des Premières Nations, 565, Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 999-8363

Produits Autochtones Terre de l’Aigle (Les) / Earth Eagle Native Products, 443, rue des Trois Soeurs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2733

Psycho-Solutions, 415, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2970

(418) 842-5433 (418) 845-2221

(418) 847-0356

(418) 845-5304

Radio Communautaire huronne-wendat (CIHW 100,3 FM), 545, Chef Thomas Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3937

(418) 843-4116

Raquettes G.V. enr., 605, Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-0321

(418) 842-2003

Raquettes Gros-Louis, 30, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2704

Régime des Bénéfices Autochtones, 2936, rue de la Faune, bureau 202, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-1840

(418) 847-3990

Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ), 85, boulevard Maurice-Bastien, suite 100, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6354

(418) 842-9795

Regroupement Mamit-Innuat - Services aux patients de Québec, 225, Chef Max Gros-Louis, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-6442

(418) 843-1671

Rénovation Wendat, 490, Chef Thomas Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0353

Résidence Marcel-Sioui, 70, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8004

Restaurant La Traite, 5, place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0624

Restaurant Sagamité, 10, boul. Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-6999

(418) 847-7420

Revêtement Premium, 602, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-5212

(418) 847-6436

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 843-8890

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Salle Kondiaronk, 83, boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-1835

(418) 842-1108

Scierie Wendake, 602, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-4161

Secteur Tourilli - Conseil de la Nation Huronne-Wendat, 490, rue des Trois Soeurs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-9355

Service policier de Wendake, 650, rue Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-5491

(418) 843-6216

Services parajudiciaires Autochtones du Québec (Les) / Native-Parajudicial Services of Quebec, 190, rue Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 847-2094

(418) 847-5799

Signalisation routière Plus Inc., 563, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 767-0143

Silencieux Gros-Louis, 70, Chef Nicolas Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8044

(418) 843-4287

Site culturel amérindien Tsonontwan, 310, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-6471

(418) 843-5990

Site traditionnel Huron-Wendat Onhoüa Chetek8e, 575, rue Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-4308

(418) 842-3473

SMD Construction,175, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Qc) G0A 4V0 (418) 955-6292 Société de Communication Atikamekw-Montagnais (SOCAM), 50, boul. Chef Maurice-Bastien, 4e étage, bureau 600, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3873

(418) 843-4198

Société de Crédit Commercial Autochtone (SOCCA), 2936, rue de la Faune, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-0972

(418) 842-8925

Station Service huronne-wendat, 2909, rue de la Faune, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-9775

(418) 842-1007

Tannerie Huronne-wendat, 150, Herménégile Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 928-1800

Taxi Wendake, 455, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3838

Tourisme Autochtone Québec, 50, Chef Maurice-Bastien - #220, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-5030

(418) 843-7164

Troupe de danse Huronne-Wendat Sandokwa, 605, Lahontiach, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-2503

(418) 843-5930

Urne Ata, 92, Chef François Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0646

Usinage Huron 9223-2727 Québec Inc., 540, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-1717

Vizion Design, 110, rue des Loutres, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9858

(418) 842-0649

Voyages Inter-Nations & associé, 2936, rue de la Faune, local 120, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-1750

(418) 840-1751

Wendake Construction - Énergie, 17, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 955-5911

Wendake Hélicoptère Inc., 130 rue Tibo, Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, (Québec), G3N 2Y7

(418) 843-7272


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 843-1012

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


THE INNUS he Innus form the most populous Indian nation in Quebec. Before colonization, they occupied a vast area along the North Shore and in the Saguenay region and inland as far as Schefferville. According to oral tradition, the Innus lived side by side with the Inuit in relatively harmonious manner until the Inuit moved farther north in 1760. In the 15th century, the Innus established the first contacts with French whalers and cod fishermen. They quickly developed relations with the Europeans based on the fur trade. The Innus abandoned a number of traditional practices to devote themselves almost exclusively to trapping fur-bearing animals.


Innu oral tradition preserves many details about the impact of the Europeans’arrival. It is said that the Innus and the French concluded an agreement to allow the French to occupy certain areas in exchange for flour to protect the Innus against the periodic famines. The tales thus refer frequently to the “pre-flour era”. In the “pre-flour” era, the Innus lived primarily on the plentiful faunistic resources of their territory. They used pelts and bones to make clothes and weapons. In the“post-flour” era, they traded their furs for lard, tea, butter, cloth and weapons. The cleargy quickly established themselves near the trading posts in order to increase the size of the Christian family. As early as 1632, the Jesuits opened their first mission among the Innus. At the end of the 18th century, the Hudson’s Bay Company was operating several trading posts on innu territory. The Innu nation is one of the most populous Aboriginal nations in Quebec. Seven of the nine Innu villages are established on the North Shore, the other two being located in Lac-Saint-Jean as well as near Schefferville. The Innu language is used in everyday life, as is French. Innu communities are very different from each other, both in terms of their geographic location and size, and in terms of their socio-economic development. The main economic activities include shops, businesses, outfitters, as well as activities related to hunting, traditional fishing and commercial fishing. Several organizations, such as the Montagnais Cultural and Educational Institute, the Shaputuan Museum and the Amerindian Museum of Mashteuiatsh, to name a few, work to develop and spread Innu culture. In addition, all Innu communities have a community radio station connected to the network of the Atikamekw-Montagnais Communication Society (SOCAM). The Innu have had numerous land negotiations in recent years with the governments of Quebec and Canada to obtain for their nation recognition of ancestral and territorial rights as well as that of the right to self-government. The term Innu comes from the Innu language, Innu-aimun, and means ‘’ Human being ’’. This name was officially adopted in 1990 replacing the term ’Montagnais’ given by the first French explorers. The Innu designate their overall ancestral territory under the name of Nitassinan. Several Innu personalities have marked contemporary history in Quebec, including: Joséphine Bacon - writer and poet, Bernard Cleary - Bloc Québécois member, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine - writer and poet, Jonathan Genest-Jourdain, New Democrat federal member, Rita Mestokosho - writer and poet, Claude McKenzie - singer-songwriter, Florent Vollant - singer-songwriter, Peter Penashue - Conservative federal member, Ghislain Picard - Chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, Stanley Vollant first native surgeon in Quebec and in Canada and first native president of a medical association in North America.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES INNUS es Innus forment la nation autochtone la plus populeuse du Québec. Avant la colonisation, ils occupaient un immense territoire longeant la Côte-Nord et le Saguenay, englobant les terres jusqu’à la hauteur de Schefferville. Selon des témoignages issus de la tradition orale, les Innus côtoyaient les Inuit de façon plus ou moins harmonieuse jusqu’à ce que ces derniers se replient au nord, en 1760. Au XVe siècle, les Innus ont établi les premiers contacts avec des baleiniers et des morutiers européens venus pêcher sur les côtes et établir des campements temporaires. Très tôt, ils nouèrent avec les Européens des relations basées sur le commerce des fourrures, ce qui les amenèrent à modifier leur mode de vie traditionnel nomade pour s’adonner quasi exclusivement au piégeage des animaux à fourrure. La tradition orale innue conserve de nombreux détails sur cette période. On raconte par exemple que les Innus et les Français avaient conclu une entente permettant à ces derniers d’occuper certaines terres en échange de farine, afin de prémunir les Innus contre les famines chroniques. Ainsi, dans les récits, il est souvent question de l’époque « pré-farine ». À l’époque « pré-farine », les Innus pratiquent une économie de subsistance tirée des ressources fauniques abondantes. Ils utilisent les peaux et les os pour se confectionner des vêtements et des armes; ils échangent leurs pelleteries contre du saindoux, du thé, du beurre, de la toile et des armes à feu. Le clergé a tôt fait de s’établir à proximité des postes de traite pour agrandir la famille chrétienne. Dès 1632, les jésuites ouvrent leur première mission chez les Innus. À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, la Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson exploite plusieurs postes de traite en territoire innu. La nation innue est l’une des nations autochtones les plus populeuses du Québec. Sept des neuf villages innus sont établis sur la Côte-Nord, les deux autres étant situés au Lac-SaintJean ainsi qu’à proximité de Schefferville. La langue innu est utilisée dans la vie quotidienne, de même que français. Les communautés innues sont très différentes les unes des autres, tant par leur situation géographique et leur taille que par leur développement socioéconomique. Les principales activités économiques comprennent les commerces, les entreprises, les pourvoiries, ainsi que les activités liées à la chasse, à la pêche traditionnelle et à la pêche commerciale. Plusieurs organismes, tels que l’Institut culturel et éducatif montagnais, le musée Shaputuan et le Musée amérindien de Mashteuiatsh, pour ne nommer que ceux-là, œuvrent à l’épanouissement et à la diffusion de la culture innue. De plus, toutes les communautés innues possèdent une station de radio communautaire reliée au réseau de la Société de communication Atikamekw-Montagnais (SOCAM). Les Innus ont eu ces dernières années de nombreuses négociations territoriales avec les gouvernements du Québec et du Canada en vue d’obtenir pour leur nation la reconnaissance de droits ancestraux et territoriaux ainsi que celle du droit à l’autonomie gouvernementale. Le terme Innu provient de la langue Innu, l’innu-aimun, et signifie ‘’Être humain’’. Ce nom fut officiellement adopté en 1990 remplaçant le terme ‘’Montagnais’’ donné par les premiers explorateurs français. Les Innus désignent leur territoire ancestral global sous le nom de Nitassinan. Plusieurs personnalités Innu ont marqué l’histoire contemporaine au Québec, dont : Joséphine Bacon - écrivaine et poète, Bernard Cleary - député bloquiste, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine - écrivaine et poète, Jonathan Genest-Jourdain, député fédéral néodémocrate, Rita Mestokosho - écrivaine et poète, Claude McKenzie - auteur-compositeurinterprète, Florent Vollant - auteur-compositeur-interprète, Peter Penashue - député fédéral conservateur, Ghislain Picard - Chef de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, Stanley Vollant - premier chirurgien autochtone au Québec et au Canada et premier président autochtone d'une association médicale en Amérique du Nord. C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Boutique d’artisanat innu Essipit, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Club Claire, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Chalets Shipek, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Pourvoirie des Lacs à Jimmy, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Bar Essipit, 27, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2945

(418) 233-2888

Camping Le Tipi (Hébergement Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Camping Tadoussac (Hébergement Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 (418) 235-4501

(418) 235-4902

Centre Communautaire Montagnais, 27, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2945

(418) 233-2888

Centre de réservation Essipit, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Chalets de l’Anse à Jos / Yves (Hébergement Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit, 32, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2509

(418) 233-2888

Croisières Essipit, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Dépanneur montagnais, 44, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2202

(418) 233-2942

Domaine du Lac des Cœurs (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Domaine Sportif du Lac Loup (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit ChEf

Martin Dufour ConsEillERs

· Kim Moreau · David Ross · Jean-François Boulianne DiRECTEuR GénéRal

Marc Genest

32, rue de la Réserve Essipit (Québec) G0T 1K0 T : (418) 233-2509 F : (418) 233-2888 www.innu-essipit.com

Groupe Namesh - S.E.C. (Poissonnerie), 152, rue St-Marcellin, Les Escoumins, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-3122

(418) 233-2981

Lac Bernier (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Natakam Condos-Hôtels sur mer, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Police Essipit, 14, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2037

(418) 233-3598

Pourvoirie des Lacs à Jimmy (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Pourvoiries Essipit, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Radio Essipit Haute-Côte-Nord inc. (CHME-FM 94,9 - 99,7), 34, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2700

(418) 233-3326

Salle de quilles Essipit, 27, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2053

(418) 233-2888


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire Communauté d’Essipit

Community of Essipit

Situation géographique

Geographical location



La communauté est située sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent, près de Les Escoumins, à 40 kilomètres au nord-est de Tadoussac.

The community is located on the north shore of the St.Lawrence River near Les Escoumins, 40 km northeast of Tadoussac.

87 hectares

87 hectares


Population 1600


Principal languages spoken

Principales langues parlées




Gouvernement Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit 32, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, Québec G0T 1K0 Tél.: (418) 233-2509 Fax: (418) 233-2888 https://www.innu-essipit.com/essipit/index.php

Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit 32, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, Québec G0T 1K0 Tel.: (418) 233-2509 Fax: (418) 233-2888 https://www.innu-essipit.com/essipit/index.php

Economic activities

Activités économiques Croisières, art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, tourisme, pourvoirie, kayak sur mer, camping, chalets, condos, pêche commerciale, hébergement, observation de l’ours noir.

Cruises,arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, tourism, outfitting, sea kayaking, campground, cottages, condos, commercial fishing, lodging, black bear watching.

Businesses and services

Commerces et services Art et artisanat, camping, hôtellerie, croisières d’observation des baleines, dépanneur campings, pourvoiries, radio régionale, centre récréatif (bar, tennis, conditionnement physique, piscine, racquetball, patinoire et baseball, etc.).

Infrastructure Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 138. Réseau routier : 150 mètres de routes en gravier et 3 340 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 125

Arts and handicrafts, camping, hotel, caterer, convenience store, campground, outfitting, whale watching, regional radio, recreationnal center (bar, tennis, workout, pool, racquetball, baseball, rink, etc.).

Infrastructure Access: the community can be reached by Highway 138. Road network: 150 metres of gravel roadand 3,340 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 125

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Mashteuiatsh t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations 3DIX7 Services conseils aux Premières Nations, 11, rue Nahtipi, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 1G0 Agrinova, 2061, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 480-3300 poste 242

Artisanat Eshkan, 2204, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0


(418) 818-9917 (418) 668-1917

(418) 275-5593

Ashini consultants, 1020, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(581) 803-0065

Asphalte Dallaire et St-Pierre, 2041, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6667

Assi-Nipi écohébergement , 2202, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 618-1604

Atelier de perfectionnement des textes en français enr., 205, rue du Boisé,Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0023

Atelier mécanique Utapan, 1371, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4422

Autobus Gill 2015, 1828, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5051

Aventure Myco Boréale, 1901, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 630-6013

Aventure Plume Blanche, 2228, Albanyse, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6857

BioChar Boréalis, 2061, Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(450) 521-4208

Boutique d'arts amérindiens, 1857, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-9155

(581) 882-7998

(418) 637-1235 (418) 637-8701 (418) 637-0926 (418) 637-6050

Première Nation des Pekuakamiulnuatsh


MASHTEUIATSH 1516, rue ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2h0 T : (418) 275-5757

1671, rue ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2h0 T : (418) 275-2473

Caisse Desjardins du Pekuakami, 1838, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0655

Camping de La Pointe,1358, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6006

Camping Domaine Philippe JPG - Secteur central enr., 200, rue du Boisé, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0023

Camping plage Robertson SENC, 2202, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1375

(418) 637-1068

Centre de la Petite Enfance BC Auetissatsh, 50, rue Auetissatsh, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5703

(418) 637-6362

Centre La Loba, 2289, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-8882

(418) 637-1235

Clinique de psychologie Marie-Pierre Philippe Labbé, 1903, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Qc) G0W 2H0 (418) 275-1433 Comptabilnu inc., 1903, rue Ouiatchouan, Bureau 106, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-7464

Construction Mahikan, 2041, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-0104

(418) 671-8088 (418) 671-0960

Constructions B.C. Robertson Inc., 1260, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6288

(418) 637-1057

Coopérative agro-forestière de Pointe-Bleue, 63, rue Mahikan, C.P. 246, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0 (418) 679-4749

(418) 515-4749

Coopérative de solidarité Nimilupan Nitshinatsh, 1761, rue Amishk, C.P. 208, Mashteuiatsh (Québec)G0W 2H0 (418) 275-0990 Corporation médiatique Teuehikan, 1491, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4684

Création Florent Robertson, 2662, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-3291

(418) 637-2967

Création Neka, 1888, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5171

(418) 637-8155

Créations Soleil, 389, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-8649


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire :

Community of Mashteuiatsh

Communauté de Mashteuiatsh

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : Mashteuiatsh est la seule communauté autochtone au Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean. Elle est située sur la rive ouest du Pekuakami, nom ilnu qui désigne l’immense étendue d’eau que constitue le lac Saint-Jean, à six kilomètres de Roberval.

The community is located six kilometers from Roberval, on the west shore of Lac Saint-Jean.

Area: 1627 hectares


Superficie : 16,27 km2


Population : 7 667

Principal languages spoken: Nehlueun, French

Principales langues parlées : Nehlueun, français


Gouvernement : Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan 1671, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, Québec G0W 2H0 Tél. : (418)-275-2473 Fax : (418)-275-6212 https://www.mashteuiatsh.ca www.mamuitun.com

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, construction, industrie du bois, tourisme, transport et administration publique.

Commerces et services : Alimentation, art et artisanat, bureau de poste, camping, construction, dépanneurs, électricien, essence, excavation, finance, fourreur, garderie, gîte, mécanique automobile, musée, pépinière, quincaillerie, restaurant, scierie, soudure, taxi, transport.

Infrastructure : Accès : La communauté de Mashteuiatsh est accessible par la route 169, par Roberval ou par Saint-Prime. Réseau routier : 3657 mètres de routes en gravier et 17 060 mètres en asphalte.

Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan 1671, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, Québec G0W 2H0 Tel.: (418)-275-2473 Fax: (418)-275-6212 https://www.mashteuiatsh.ca www.mamuitun.com

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, construction, forestry, manufacturer, tourism and transport.

Businesses and services: Alimentation, arts and handicrafts, post office, campground, construction, convenience store, electrician, gasoline, excavation, finance, furrier, child care, lodging, automobile repairs, musée, tree nursery, hardware store, restaurant, sawmill, welding, taxi, transport.

Infrastructure: Access: the community can be reached by Highway 169, which runs through Roberval. Road network: 3,657 metres of gravel road and 17,060 metres of paved road.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Déneigement Sylvain Philippe, 2160, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5748

Dépanneur Ilnu Gaz, 1020, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1625

Dépanneur Simon-Pierre, 1443, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5892

Développement PEK, 1425 rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4262

Développement Piekuakami Ilnuatsh (S.E.C.), 1425, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0 (418) 275-8181 p.229 Domaine Philippe - Secteur central enr., 200, rue du Boisé, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0541

Domaine Philippe -Terrains JGP enr., 200 rue du Boisé Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0023


(418) 637-0530 (418) 637-1235

Dufresne Asphalte 2015 9321-5911 Québec inc., 2041, rue Mahikan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0 (418) 275-6667 Écofaune Boréale, 1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 630-6687

Électro-Ilnu inc., 1138, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-6383

Entreprise Forestière L.R., 2086, rue du Rivage, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 879-0365

Entretien Malu enr., 1939, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 879-1864

Épicerie Paul (Omni), 1748, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1084

Excavation Piékouagami inc., 1618, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 817-4753

Excavation Robert Duchesne enr., 26, rue Pishu, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-8949

Ferme Abénakis, 2160, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5748

(514) 816-1569

Fond de garantie de prêts de Mashteuiatsh ,1903, rue Ouiatchouan, bur 102 Mashteuiatsh (Qc) G0W 2H0 (418) 961-3849 Foresterie Innit, 1940, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 915-1648

Foresterie Nitassinan Inc., 1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6325


Forestier Piekouagami, 1618, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 817-4753

(514) 797-1280

Garderie chez Clémence, 35, rue Ntshuk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1786

Garderie chez Loulou, 1323, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1207

Granules LG, 1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6161

GraphiSK, 1115, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1561

(418) 618-4667

Groupe Aishkatsh, 1747, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(581) 814-3383

(418) 218-0911

Groupe Conseil Nutshimit-Nippour inc.,1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-8041

Groupe Meshtuk, 2255, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 618-0912

Groupe PEK, 1425, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4262

Groupe Sinergys, 1665 rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-8041

Ilnu Trans Forme, 1665 rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 671-2814

Innutek inc., 14, Domain Robertson, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-5779

Intact Construction inc., 1138, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1441

Jolyane Tremblay, 1665 rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-8668

KB Mécanique, 1850 rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 930-8466

Kamishkak'Arts, 55, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-3003

(418) 618-3194

(418) 637-6383

Les Entreprises Louma (4344081 Canada Inc.) 1777, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Qc) G0W 2H0 (418) 275-5275

(418) 679-6850

Les entreprises Mitshuap inc.,1147, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(581) 815-0056

(418) 275-2684

Les Immeubles Guylaine Robertson, 1903, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-3374

Les services parajudiciaires autochtones du Québec,1903, rue Ouiatchouan bureau 105, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5878

Location Ilnou-Tec, 2, rue de l'Orme, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6321

Location Pishimuss, 112, rue Mahikan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 618-8563

LT Administration inc., 1765, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 618-4999

Luke Studio, 2277, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-3363

Maison Uashteu, 1761, rue Amishk Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0990

Massinak, 1132, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-3377

Matsheshu Créations 24, rue Mush, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0


Max Asphalte, 1680, rue Nishk Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-0362

Me Yvon Parent, avocat, 16107 rue Matishu, case postale 129, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-2080


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 618-5784

(418) 618-6838

(418) 637-1617

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Mashteuiatsh t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Mikuniss Collection, 1619, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 719-4089

Mini excavation Roberval, 1031, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1850

MJM Soudure Mécanique, 2750, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 515-9093

Nitsh Dessin d’architecture, 2180, rue Nishk Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 515-0508

Nutshimitsh, 2005, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0666

Parc Sacré, 1901, rue Ouiatchouan,( Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 765-7326

Paroisse Sainte-Kateri-Tekakwitha, 1745, rue Amishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-2938

Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan, 1671, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-2473

Photographe-Studio, 1468, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-6510

Plomberie Nipi Inc, 29, rue Uapush, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(514) 929-5137

Poste Canada, 1738, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5454

Premières Nations enr., 1571, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-3570

Productions Élizabeth Raphaël enr., 1896, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 1G0

(581) 721-0028

Puakuteu,1740, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

f (418) 879-0357

(418) 618-4118



(418) 765-0219, poste 22

Puamuna-Artiste Art-thérapeute, 2174, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 618-2212

René Robertson Fourrures EDA, 1619, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0795

Réseau Conseil JC, 1392, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 515-1515

Restaurant le Raf-inné, 2190, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 1G0

(418) 671-7755

Resto du Lac, 1544, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1919

Salon Aluepi S.E.N.C., 66, rue Pishu, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 630-8321

Salon belle à croquer, 2735, Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 637-6649

Sciage GP, 1739, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 630-6116

Sécurité Mahikan, 2050, rue Mahikan (Québec) Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 637-1550

Serrurier Larouche, 400, rue Mahikan, bureau 247, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5930

Shukan Construction inc. 29, rue Uapush, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(514) 929-5137

Société de développement Économique Ilnu, 1516, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5757, poste 110

Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Mashteuiatsh,1787, rue Amishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4842

Société en commandite Néro Onikam, 1440, Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 679-2711

Soleil Launière, 1307, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(514) 433-1023

(418) 637-9759

(418) 618-0127

Soudure express, 1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 669-1911

(418) 720-9415

Taxi Rod, 1393, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-3832, (418) 275-2222

(418) 275-2092

Technologie forestière R.C.T.F. inc.,1665. rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-7575

(418) 480-8432

Transport 3SKJ, 1440, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4095

(418) 618-0127

Transport C. Moar, 1637, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 679-7674

(418) 765-3265

Transport Duchesne Kapatakan, 2238, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 275-8701

(418) 630-0722

Transport Eddy Ross (9206-0235 Québec inc.) 1258, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 679-7420

Tshietin Solution industrielle inc., 1739, rue Nishk (Québec) Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 630-6116

Uasheiashteu Services conseils, 65, rue Auetissatsh (Québec) Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 618-1546

Uitshiten, consultant, 1115, rue Ouiatchouan Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H)

(418) 637-1331

Ussi communications inc., 1759, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 812-3939

Ussi logistique (division),1759, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 812-3939

Utapi Consultants, 1293, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W2H0

(418) 720-1494

Utehi, 1293, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(581) 306-4320

Vacances Uashau, 108, Domaine de la Détente, Mashteuiatsh (Québec) G0W 2H0

(418) 515-0994

Vitrerie JMS Glass,1935, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1218

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 765-1675

(418) 618-8563

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Matimekush - Lac John



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Béton Naskinnu

(418) 296-6633

Cantine Chez Rita’s

(418) 585-2379

Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush - Lac-John, C.P. 1390, Schefferville, (Québec), G0G 2T0 (418) 585-2601 CPE Uatikuss

f (418) 585-3856

(418) 585-2820

Dispensaire Matimekush - Lac John, C.P. 549, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2667

(418) 585-2890

École Kanatamat Tshitipenitamunu, C.P. 1000, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2116

(418) 585-3921

Garage Montagnais

(418) 585-3303


(819) 333-4354

Hôtel Innu Rodeway

(418) 585-3888

Location Discount

(418) 585-3888

Maison d’hébergement pour les femmes, C.P.2214, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-3419

Pétroles Pimi Naskinnuk

(418) 585-2349

Pourvoirie Nessipi Kantuet

(418) 585-3756

Radio CRKA-FM Kue-Attinukan Matimekosh inc. (106,9 FM), C.P. 2095, Schefferville, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2632

Santé & Services Sociaux Montagnais, C.P. 187, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-3324

(418) 585-2114

Services Techniques, C.P. 1390, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2404

(418) 585-2445

Transport Nirinnu

(418) 585-2106

Transport Ferroviaire Tshiuetin

(418) 585-2333

(418) 585-2289

Conseil de la Nation Matimekush-Lac John 170 Pearce Lake, Shefferville (Québec) G0G 2T0 Chef : Réal McKenzie Directeur général : François Monfette





418-585-3303 418 585-3888 418 585-2106 418 585-2333


Conseiller (ères) :

Nathalie Gabriel Dan-Georges Gabriel Didier Grégoire Pier-Luc André


585-3761 585-2116 585-3419 585-3664 585-3303 585-3608

• SERVICES SOCIAUX 585-3324 • SERVICE PARAJURIDIQUE 585-2600 • RADIO COMMUNAUTAIRE 585-2632 585-2115 • POLICE 585-2463 • FEU (418) 585-3856 • FAX

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

418 296-6633 418 585-2349 418 585-2379 418 585-3756 418 585-2820

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Matimekush - Lac John

Territoire :




Communautés de Matimekush et de Lac-John

Situation géographique :

Communities of Matimekush and Lac-John

Geographical location:

La communauté de Matimekush est située au bord du lac Pearce, à environ 510 kilomètres au nord de Sept-Îles. La communauté de Lac-John est située à 3,5 kilomètres de Matimekush et du centre de Schefferville.

The community of Matimekush is located by the shore of lake Pearce, about 510 km north of Sept-Îles. The community of Lac-John is located 3.5 km from Matimekush and from the centre of Schefferville.


Superficie :

15.91 hectares (Matimekush) 23.5 hectares (Lac-John)

15,91 hectares (Matimekush) 23,5 hectares (Lac-John)


Population :



Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées : Innu, français

Innu, French

Gouvernement :


Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush Lac-John 170 Pearce Lake, Schefferville, Québec G0G 2T0 Tél.: (418) 585-2601 Fax: (418) 585-3856 http://www.matimekush.com www.mamuitun.com

Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush Lac-John 170 Pearce Lake, Schefferville, Québec G0G 2T0 Tel.: (418) 585-2601 Fax: (418) 585-3856 http://www.matimekush.com www.mamuitun.com

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, construction, piégeage, transport, tourisme, pourvoirie.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, construction, trapping, transport, tourism, outfitting.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Alimentation, machinerie lourde, mécanique automobile, dépanneur, pharmacie, équipement de camping, plomberie, essence, pourvoirie, vidéo.

Heavy machinery, automobile repairs, outfitter, camping and equipment, pharmacy, convenience store, plumber, food supplier, gasoline, video.


Infrastructure : Accès : Matimekush est accessible par avion ou par train, à partir de Sept-Îles. Réseau routier : 550 mètres de routes pavées.

Access: the community can be reached by airplane or train from Sept-îles. Road network: 550 metres of paved road.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Caisse populaire Desjardins de Mingan-Anticosti, 998, chemin du Roi Ouest, C.P. 40, Longue-Pointe de Mingan, (Québec), G0G 1V0


(418) 949-2882

(418) 949-2025

Centre d’affaires Kanikaniteth inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0 (418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Centre de santé Mashtishanitshuap, 27, rue Mathias Uashaunu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0 (418) 949-2300

(418) 949-2328

Compagnie Atautshuap inc., 45, rue Mista-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2920

(418) 949-2725

Conseil des Innu de Ekuanitshit, 35, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2234

(418) 949-2085

Corporation de développement économique Ekuanitshinnuat inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2245

(418) 949-2177

Corporation Ka Tshishpeuatak, 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Côte-Nord Sanitation inc., 159, rue Père-Divet, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 3P5

(418) 962-6523

(418) 968-3917

CPE Mikupishan, 25, rue Teueikan, Ekuanitshit, (Québec) G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2901

(418) 949-2993

Distribution MV inc., 1411, du Canot, Havre St-Pierre, (Québec), G0G 1P0

(418) 538-2010

(418) 538-3644

École Teueikan, 29, rue Tshiaht-innuat, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2113

(418) 949-2449

Conseil des Innus de Ekuanitshit ChEf

Jean-Charles Piétacho ConsEillERs

· Adeline Basile, vice-chef · Léo Basile, conseiller · Audrey-Lise Basile, conseillère · Bernard Lafontaine, conseiller DiRECTRiCE GénéRalE

Monique Mestokosho


35, rue Manitou, nitassinan, Mingan (Québec) GoG iVo Courriel : reception.conseil@ekuanitshit.ca T : (418) 949-2234 F : (418) 949-2085 ligne sans frais : 1 888 949-2406

Église St-Georges de Mingan, 35, rue Manitu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2234

(418) 949-2085

Gestion Ka Uauetinahk inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2303

(418) 949-2177

Innukoptères inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 962-1214

Les Produits Ekuanitshiu-Inniminana inc., Production de bleuets

(418) 949-2425

(418) 949-2177

(418) 538-1414

(418) 538-7446

Maison de la Culture Innue / Mitshuap Utaitun, 34, rue Nashipetimit, Ekuanitshit, (Québec) G0G1V0

Minganie Équipement inc., 1223, rue de l’Escale, Havre St-Pierre, (Québec), G0G 1P0 Pahin Électrique inc. et Construction et Développement Ekuanitshit inc., 34, rue Mathias Uashaunnu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-0084

(418) 949-2177

Pêcheries Shipek S.E.C., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2099

(418) 949-2177

Petahu Transport inc., Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 571-0140

Poissonerie Fortier et Frères inc., 1, rue Père-Divet, Sept-Ïles, (Québec), G4R 5B6

(418) 962-9751

(418) 968-5878

Pourvoirie du Lac Allard et Rivière Mingan inc., 35, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2234

(418) 949-2177


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





-Territoire : Communauté de Ekuanitshit (Mingan)

Community of Ekuanitshit (Mingan)

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : La communauté est située au confluent de la rivière Mingan et du fleuve Saint-Laurent, à 37 kilomètres à l’ouest de Havre-Saint-Pierre.

The community is located where the Mingan River flows into the St. Lawrence River, 37 km west of Havre-Saint-Pierre.


Superficie :

3,887.82 hectares

3 887,82 hectares


Population :



Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées : Innu, français

Innu, French

Gouvernement :


Conseil des Innu de Ekuanitshit 35, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, Québec G0G 1V0 Tél.: (418) 949-2234 Fax: (418) 949-2085

Conseil des Innu de Ekuanitshit 35, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, Québec G0G 1V0 Tel.: (418) 949-2234 Fax: (418) 949-2085

https://www.ekuanitshit.com/fr http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/ekuanitshit.aspx

https://www.ekuanitshit.com/fr http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/ekuanitshit.aspx

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, piégeage, tourisme, pourvoirie, transport, construction, pêche commerciale.

Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, tourism, trapping, outfitting, transport, construction, commercial fishing.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, magasin communautaire, pêcherie, restauration, pourvoirie.

Arts and handicrafts, restauration, community store, fisheries, outfitting.


Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 138. Réseau routier : 6 060 mètres de routes en gravier et 800 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de logements : 180

Access: the community can be reached by Highway 138. Road network: 6,060 metres of gravel road and 800 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 180

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Pourvoirie du Lac Allard et Rivière Mingan inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0 (418) 949-2425

f (418) 949-2177

Radio CKKE-FM Ekuanitshit Kaiamiumishtuk (89,9 FM), 40, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2829

(418) 949-2918

Regroupement Mamit Innuat / Mingan, 3, rue Hinipeh Muanen, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2215

(418) 949-2416

Sécurité Innu inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2874

(418) 949-2177

SEIE, division Buanderie, 1067, rue de la Dérive, Havre St-Pierre, (Québec), G0G 1P0

(418) 538-2017

(418) 538-0879

Société de Gestion Ekuanitshinnuat inc. (SGE), 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Société des Entreprises Innues d’Ekuanitshit (2009) sep (SEIE sep), 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 964-6363

(418) 949-2177

Société Ishpitenitamun, 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Uanan, Expert conseils inc., 37, rue Chef Petahu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 979-2177

Voyages Inter Nation et associés, 2936 rue de la Faune #120, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

(800) 463-4673

(418) 840-1751




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Corporation de Développement Économique Nutashkuan, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

CPE Uapukun, 188, rue Pashin, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3800

(418) 726-3803

Dispensaire Nutashkuan, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3355

(418) 726-3398

École Uauitshitun, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3368

(418) 726-3620

Épicerie Nutashkuan, 139, route 138, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3161

(418) 726-3687

Pompiers Nutashkuan, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Pourvoirie Hipou, C.P. 148, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3609

(418) 726-3509

Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan, 78, rue Maskush, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0 (418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Radio CFNQ-FM Ushashumek Nutashkuan’u (89.9 FM), 19, rue Matshteu, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3327

(418) 726-3430

Services sanitaires Nutashkuan, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Services Sociaux de Nutashkuan, General Delivery, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3434

(418) 726-3414



Marcel Mestokosho Paul-Émile Uapistan Pierre Kaltush, Maxime Ishpatao DIRECTEUR GÉNÉRAL

Jules Wapistan


Alain Wapistan Nutashkuan, Cte Duplessis (Québec) G0G 2E0 Tél. : (418) 726-3529 • Fax : (418) 726-3017


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire :

Community of Nutashkuan

Communauté de Nutashkuan

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : La communauté est située à l’embouchure de la rivière Natashquan, sur le golfe du Saint-Laurent, à 336 kilomètres à l’est de Sept-Îles.

Superficie :

The community is located where the Natashquan River flows into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 336 km east of Sept-Îles.

Area: 20.63 hectares

20,63 hectares


Population :


1 217

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées :

Innu, French

Innu, français


Gouvernement : Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan 78, rue Maskush, Nutashkuan, Québec G0G 2E0 Tél.: (418) 726-3529 Fax: (418) 726-3606 http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/nutashkuan.aspx http://www.mamit-innuat.com

Activités économiques :

Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan 78, rue Maskush, Nutashkuan, Québec G0G 2E0 Tel.: (418) 726-3529 Fax: (418) 726-3606 http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/nutashkuan.aspx http://www.mamit-innuat.com

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, trapping, outfitting, transport, construction.

Art et artisanat, piégeage, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoiries.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat, magasin communautaire, équipement de camping, taxi et ambulance, machinerie lourde, traiteur, services sanitaires.

Infrastructure : Accès : Nutashkuan est accessible par la route 138, par bateau et par avion. Réseau routier : 6 100 mètres de routes en gravier et asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 229

Arts and handicrafts, camping equipment, heavy machinery, caterer, community store, taxi and ambulance, sanitary services.

Infrastructure: Access: Nutashkuan can be reached by Highway 138, by boat, and by plane. Road network: 6,100 metres of gravel road and asphalt. Number of houses: 229

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 143

Pakua Shipi



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Centre de santé de la Réserve Indienne / Pakua Shipu, C.P. 39, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2757

(418) 947-2682

Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu, 9, rue Innu, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2253

(418) 947-2622

École Pakuashipu, C.P. 68, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2729

(418) 947-2209

Garderie Chez Nukum, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2539

(418) 947-2622

Hotellerie Pakua Shipi, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2253

(418) 947-2622

Pakua Shipi Service Incendie, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2787

(418) 947-2397

Radio Communautaire CIBE-FM Pakua Shipu Paushtuk Kaiamiumishtuk (89,3 FM), C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-1591

(418) 947-2622

Sécurité Publique Pakua Shipi, C.P. 265, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2787

(418) 947-2397

Services Sociaux Mamit Innuat / Pakua Shipu, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2308

(418) 947-2484

Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu Denis Mestenapeo, Chef Jacques Mark, Vice-Chef Maurice Bellefleur, conseiller Josiane Bellefleur, conseillère Nina Malleck, conseillère

9 rue Innu, C.P. 178 Pakua Shipi, P.Q. G0G 2R0 Tél : 418-947-2253 s Fax : 418-947-2622

1 144

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Pakua Shipi



Territoire :


Communauté de Pakua Shipi

Community of Pakua Shipi

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

L’établissement est situé sur la rive ouest de la rivière Saint-Augustin, à 550 kilomètres au nord-est de Sept-Îles.

Superficie :

The territory is located on the western bank of the Saint-Augustin River, 550 km northeast of Sept-îles.


4,47 hectares

4.47 hectares


Population : 395


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Innu, français, anglais

Innu, French, English

Government :

Gouvernement : Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, Québec G0G 2R0 Tél.: (418) 947-2253 Fax: (418) 947-2622 http://www.mamitinnuat.com/membres/pakua_shipu.aspx http://www.mamit-innuat.com

Activités économiques :

Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, Québec G0G 2R0 Tel.: (418) 947-2253 Fax: (418) 947-2622 http://www.mamitinnuat.com/membres/pakua_shipu.aspx http://www.mamit-innuat.com

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, trapping, tourism, construction, transport, lodging.

Art et artisanat, piégeage, tourisme, construction, transport, hébergement.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Art et artisanat

Arts and handicrafts


Infrastructure : Accès : l’établissement de Pakua Shipu est accessible par avion et par bateau. Réseau routier : 280 mètres de routes en gravier et 2 130 mètres de routes en terre battue. Nombre de maisons : 112

Access: Pakua Shipu can be reached by airplane and boat. Road network: 280 metres of gravel road and 2,130 metres of forest road. Number of houses: 112

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 145





Banque de Montréal - Bank of Montreal / Pessamit, 44, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-9543

(418) 567-9540

Bar Meshk-Uits, 63, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-9616

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Bar Meshtuk, 45, Pisto, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4838

Cantine Berniss, 18B, rue Metsheteu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-9118

Centre de la Petite enfance Nuitsheuakan, 2, Place Niash Picard, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 (418) 567-2000 Clinique dentaire, 2, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2256

Centre Uatik, 4, Penshu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-7962

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Administration générale, 44, rue Messek - Local 136, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8000

(418) 567-2265

(418) 567-8560

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Bureau Politique, 4, rue Metsheteu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 (418) 567-8488

(418) 567-2868

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre communautaire Ka Mamuitunanut, 2, rue Kepatakan, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4377

(418) 567-9898

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre de santé et Services Sociaux, 5, Place Niash Picard, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2241

(418) 567-2542

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit CHEF DE PESSAMIT

Jean-Marie Vollant CONSEILLERS


4 rue Metsheteu, Pessamit (Québec) G0H 1B0 T : (418)-567-8488 F : (418)-567-2868 Ligne sans frais : 1 800 705-8488

· Jérôme Bacon-St-Onge · Suzanne Bacon-Charlant · Gérald Hervieux · Jean-Noël Riverin · Marielle Vachon DIRECTRICE GÉNÉRALE

Sylvie Vollant

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre Local d’Emploi et de Formation, 2, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4741

(418) 567-8085

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre Ushteshimau (Aréna), 30, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-1246

(418) 567-1253

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - École Primaire Nussim, 4, rue Pulis, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 (418) 567-2215

(418) 567-8010

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - École Secondaire Uashkaikan, 63, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2271

(418) 567-8772

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Maison des jeunes de Pessamit, 5, Place Niash Picard, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2814

(418) 567-8560

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Sécurité publique de Pessamit, 80, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2211

(418) 567-2269

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Services Publics / Habitation 44, rue Messek, bureau 122, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4443

(418) 567-3292

Conseil Tribal Mamuitun, 20, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2295

(418) 567-8528

1 146

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire :


Communauté de Pessamit

Community of Betsiamites

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située sur la côte nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, à 54 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Baie-Comeau.

Superficie :

The community is located on the north shore of the St.Lawrence River, 54 km southwest of Baie-Comeau.


25 536,57 hectares

25,536.57 hectares

Population :


4 103


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Innu, français

Innu, French

Gouvernement :

Government :

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit 4, rue Metsheteu, C.P. 130, Pessamit, Québec G0H 1B0 Tél.: (418) 567-8488 Fax: (418) 567-2868 https://pessamit.org/ http://www.mamuitun.com

Activités économiques :

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit 4, rue Metsheteu, C.P. 130, Pessamit, Québec G0H 1B0 Tel.: (418) 567-8488 Fax: (418) 567-2868 https://pessamit.org/ http://www.mamuitun.com

Economic activities:

Commerces et services, foresterie, pêche, piégeage, construction, transport, tourisme, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services :

Businesses and services, fishery, forestry, trapping, construction, transport, tourism, outfitting.

Businesses and services:

Alimentation, machinerie lourde, magasin général, art et artisanat, bar, quincaillerie, bureau de poste, restauration, dépanneurs.

Infrastructure :

Arts and handicrafts, general store, bar, hardware store, heavy machinery, convenience stores, post office, food supplier, restaurant.


Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 138. Réseau routier : 8 480 mètres de routes en gravier et 4 530 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 859

Access: the community can be reached by Highway 138. Road network: 8,480 metres of gravel road and 4,530 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 859

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 147




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Dépanneur Ashini Boni-Soir, 33, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-3131

Dépanneur Messek, 65, Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2333


Dépanneur Pessamit, 78, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-1212

Épicerie Le Montagnais, 3, Mitesh, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4000

(418) 567-4000

Gestion Rousselot inc., 50, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-7800

(418) 567-8063

Maison des Aînés, 10, rue Utapan, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-0163

Pourvoirie du Lac des Ïles, 1, rue Papinachois, C.P. 812, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8350

(418) 567-2508

Presbytère de Pessamit, 3, Laletaut, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4030

(418) 567-4854

Projet de restauration du saumon, 2, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2265

Quincaillerie Meshtuk, 5, Mitesh, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8368

(418) 567-8063

Radio Ntetemuk inc. (CIMB 95,1 FM), 8, rue Laletaut, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4642

(418) 567-8559

Restaurant Le Bidou 2.0, 11, Itual, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-5054

Restaurant Penshu, 2, Penshu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8682

Station Takutaut, 1, route 138, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-1301


Uashat mak Mani-utenam

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Académie Maikan, 282 boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec),G4R5R1


Atikuss, 136 boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, Québec), G4R 5R2

(418) 962-6377

Amik (Agence Mamu Innu Kaikusseht) 283A boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-0103

(418) 962-0136

Assi Ingénieurs & Constructeurs Inc., 287, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1 (418) 961-2402

(418) 968-4372

Asham Construction Inc., 1002, rue Cartier, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 2W1

(418) 962-3098

Association Hockey Mineur Uashat mak Mani-Utenam


Atautshuap (Centre du travail, Chlorophylle, Chaussures POP et Go Sport) 1008, boul. Laure, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P1

(418) 960-5580

Atuan Impression et Broderie, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2



Bienvenue à Uashat mak Mani-utenam INNU TAKUAIKAN


Partenaire d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain

Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam 265, boulevard des Montagnais Uashat (Québec) G4R 4L9

L’Immobilière Montagnaise Ltée. Directeur : monsieur Stéphane Aubut Téléphone : 1-418-962-4979 Télécopieur : 1-418-968-6114

Chef : Mike McKenzie Téléphone : 1- 418-962-0327 Télécopieur : 1-418-968-0937

Hôtel Quality Inn Sept-Iles 1005 Laure, Sept-Iles QC G4R 4S6 Téléphone : 1-418-960-1888


1 148

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Uashat mak Mani-utenam

Ka uatshinakanashkasht

Territoire : Communautés de Uashat et de Maliotenam

Situation géographique : La communauté de Uashat est située à la limite ouest de Sept-Îles. La réserve de Maliotenam est à 16 kilomètres à l’est de Sept-Îles. Ka uatshinakanashkasht (nouvel agrandissement Situé à l'intérieur des terres de la Baie de Sept-Îles).

Superficie : Uashat : 108,31 hectares Maliotenam : 499,28 hectares Ka uatshinakanashkasht : 111 hectares

Population : 4 826 Principales langues parlées : Innu, français

Gouvernement : Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam 265, boulevard des Montagnais, C.P. 8000 Uashat, Québec G4R 4L9 Tél.: (418) 962-0327 Fax: (418) 968-0937 https://www.itum.qc.ca/ http://www.mamuitun.com

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, foresterie, piégeage, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services : Alimentation, couture, services de gestion, aménagement paysager, dépanneurs, machine-rie lourde, soins esthétiques, électriciens, traduction, camping, essence, produits pétroliers, traiteur, centre commercial, fabrication de canots, restauration, fabrication de poêles à bois, arcade.

Infrastructure : Accès : Uashat et Maliotenam : accessibles par la route 138. Réseau routier : Uashat : 5 730 mètres de routes en asphalte. Maliotenam : 690 mètres de routes en gravier et 13 140 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : Uashat : 513. Maliotenam : 552

Territory: Communities of Uashat and Maliotenam Geographical location: The community of Uashat is located on the western outskirts of Sept-îles. The community of Maliotenam is located 16 km east of Sept-îles. Ka uatshinakanashkasht (new expansion Located inland of Sept-Îles Bay) Area: Uashat: 108.31 hectares Maliotenam: 499.28 hectares Ka uatshinakanashkasht : 111 hectares Population: 4,826 Principal languages spoken: Innu, French Government: Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam 265, boulevard des Montagnais, C.P. 8000 Uashat, Québec G4R 4L9 Tel.: (418) 962-0327 Fax: (418) 968-0937 https://www.itum.qc.ca/ http://www.mamuitun.com Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, forestry, trapping, construction, transport, outfitting. Businesses and services: Gasoline, restaurant, convenience stores, heavy machinery, shopping centre, beauty treatments, electricians, landscaping, translation, camping site, fashion, management services, video arcade, canoe making, food supplier, oil products, wood stoves, caterer. Infrastructure: Access: Uashat and Maliotenam can be reached by Route 138. Road network: Uashat: 5,730 metres of paved road. Maliotenam: 690 metres of gravel road and 13,140 metres of paved road. Number of houses: Uashat: 513. Maliotenam: 552

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 149


(Nouvel agrandissement Baie de Sept-Îles)


Uashat mak Mani-utenam t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Béton Nuten Inc., 3 rue Ti-Basse, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Béothuk Inc., 1034, av. de Quen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E4

(418) 961-9897

Caméléon Entretien, 1025, rue Atamu, (Québec), G4R 0A5

(418) 961-5971

Casse-croûte Ali-BaBa, 1005, boul. Laure #1-101, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 961-9833

Casse-croûte du Vieux-Poste, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 968-5905

CDEM, 110-1005 boulevard Laure, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 968-1246

(418) 962-2449

Centre administratif Mani-Utenam, 14, rue Innuat, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3550

(418) 927-3950

Centre d’affaires Premières Nations,1005 boulevard Laure, local 305, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-1232

Centre d’Amitié Autochtones Sept-îles, 37, rue Père-Divet, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 3N3


(581) 505-9005

Centre de la petite enfance Auassis, 30, rue Manakash, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3570

(418) 927-3394

Centre de la petite enfant Metuetau, 101, rue Pashin, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E8

(418) 968-5397

(418) 968-5398

Centre de santé de Mani-Utenam, 14, rue Innuat, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2660

(418) 927-2165

Centre de santé Uashat, 1084, Dequen, C.P. 8000, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4L9

(418) 962-0222

(418) 962-0890

Centre Kapatakan Gilles Jourdain, 60, rue Innut, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2984

(418) 927-3523

Centre Kutikuniu, 21 Pshi-Nuen, Moisie, (Québec), G0G 2B0

(418) 927-3151

Centre Miam Uapukun, 191 rue de l'Église, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2254

(418) 927-2262

Centre Nin Ishkueu Uashat & Mani-Utenam, 135, de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2782

(418) 927-2793

Centre Tipinuaikan, 1, rue Shapadesh, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R5

(418) 968-9402

(418) 968-9799

Construction Karkajou, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 961-9124

Construction Tshiuetin Inc., 216, route 138, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 960-0000

(418) 960-2012

Corporation de développement économique montagnaise (CDEM), 1005 boul. Laure, bureau 110, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 968-1246

(418) 962-2449

Danielle Descent Psychologue, 312, Anek, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2985

Distribution Manicouagan, 216, route 138 est, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2615

Ébénisterie Shakastueu, 110, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 962-0992

École Johnny Pilot, 100, Pashin, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5V2

(418) 962-5777

(418) 961-2666

École Manikanitesh, 1, rue Ukuiass, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4K1

(418) 968-1550

(418) 962-6509

École Tshishteshnu, 130A, rue Montagnais, C.P. 430, Moisie, (Québec), G4R 2B0

(418) 927-2956

(418) 927-3127

Épicerie Innu, 138, rue de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2204

(418) 927-2635

Entreprise Bastien, 40, chemin des Forges, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2204

(418) 927-2635

Entreprise Nishk, 3, rue Katimen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R3

(418) 965-1612

Excavation innu, 29, rue Tibasse, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R4K2 Festival Innu Nikamu, 100, rue des Montagnais, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2476

Genest-Jourdain Avocat, 1005, Boulevard Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-1234

Gestion Innue Campement, 271, boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

GSV Construction, 11, rue Shaush, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 906-6055

Immobilière Montagnaise, 1005, boulevard Laure, Uashat (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 962-4979

Innu béton, 3, rue Tibass, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 968-2800

(418) 962-1118

Innu construction, 121, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-3378

(418) 962-3468

(418) 968-6114

InnuCommunik, 282, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S2

(418) 960-4807

Innuweb tv, 3, rue du Vieux Poste, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4G4

(418) 964-9391

Institut Tshakapesh, 1034, rue Dequen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 2Z1

(800) 391-4424

(418) 968-1841

Journal Innuvelle, 108-B, boul. des Montagnais, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 962-3535

(418) 962-3575

Judith Utakukuman (Les ciseaux de Judith), Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2241

Kung-Fu Massage, rue Atuan, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5N7

(418) 960-2252

JG Construction, 6, rue Shapatesh App: 1, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R6

150 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Uashat mak Mani-utenam t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations La maison Tshimishtin, 2 rue Shimun, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R9



Les entreprises Bernadette Michel, 18 rue Tupitshi, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E7 Les Jardins secrets d’Océane, 225, route Jacques-Cartier, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3386

Maintenance Metshu. S.E.N.C., 100, rue des Montagnais, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 965-0160

Makusham Musique Inc., 204 rue Ueniss, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 (418) 350-5993

Minaik entreprise plâtre peinture, 39 rue Penashue, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Minibus Fontaine, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2271

Mishen Construction, 10 rue Katinen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R4 Mishkau Construction, 216, Route 138 E, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2615

MJ Consultant, 9 rue Mc Kenzie, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E5

(418) 694-6055

Musée Shaputuan, 290, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R2

(418) 962-4000

Napo Construction, 227, rue Venish, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 961-8099

Nemetau Resources, 26, rue Pien, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2615

(418) 962-3131 (418) 927-2869

Nitassinan Aviation Inc.,1 rue Atikut, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Nutin Nettoyage, 39 rue Pien, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Pêcherie Norbert Fontaine, 5, rue Shamani, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5W2

(418) 409-6724

Pêcherie Shellsea, 144 rue de l'Église, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Pêcherie Uapan, 271, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

(418) 968-6939

Pelash Construction Inc., 33 rue Uishtapish, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 Premières Nations Construction, 287, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 968-2404

Productions Manitou, C.P. 1243, Sept-îles, (Québec), G4R 4X7

(418) 927-2251

Productions Nutshimit, 29, rue Pinip, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5N1

(418) 598-9859

Quality Inn Sept-Iles, 1009 Boulevard Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-5600

Radio CKAU-FM Kushapetsheken Apituamiss (90,1 FM)(104,5 FM), 100, rue des Montagnais, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 (418) 927-2476 Rénovations Marcel Vollant RMV, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 927-2800

(418) 965-4162

RGL Fontaine, 282, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5S2

(418) 952-2148

Salle communautaire Naneu, 1062 Arnaud, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 962-1223

Salon J. Coiffe, 180-C, rue Napoléon, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 3M5

(418) 965-7046

Sanitation Pashkui, 205, Anek, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3527

Shetush Ondel Électrique, 283, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 968-8112

(418) 962-9433

Société de développement économique Uashat Mani-Utenam, 271, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

(418) 968-6939

Station Dan Esso Service, 200, Jacques-Cartier, C.P. 52, Moisie, (Québec), G0G 2B0

(418) 962-4748

(418) 927-3734

Vitrerie Shakashtueu, 110, boul. des Montagnais, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 960-0982

(418) 960-0984

Sécurité Akua, 271 boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

Solutions industrielles Tshiuetin, 216, route 138 Est, Maliotenam (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2444

SSTP Plomberie, 130, rue de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 350-1784

Station Innu Enr.

418) 961-1487

Studio Inniun, 3, rue Vieux-Poste, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4G4

(418) 964-9391

Studio Makusham, 166, de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2816

(418) 962-5284

Tabagie Kamakukan, 1005, Laure - 108A, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6 Transport ferroviaire Tshiuetin, 148 boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R2

(418) 960-0982

Transport Pipo Innu, 29, rue Tibasse, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2271

Vitrerie Shakashtueu, 110, boul. des Montagnais, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 960-0982

(418) 960-0984

Uisht Construction inc., 1035, Brochu, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S8

(418) 962-5254

(418) 962-6036

Unaman, Avenue Arnaud, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5N2

(418) 961-8619

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 960-0984

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 151 151 151


Mikuen services environnementaux, 45, rue Pashin, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E8

Unamen Shipu



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Aéroport de La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2984

(418) 229-2987

Aréna Terry Lalo Unamen Shipu, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2371

(418) 229-2579

Boutique d’artisanat Teueikan, 20 Rue Teueikan, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2677

(418) 229-2921

Caisse populaire Desjardins de La Romaine, C.P. 15, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2982

(418) 229-2982

Casse-Croûte, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2156

Centre de santé Unamen Shipu, 77, rue du Large, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2166

(418) 229-2234

Conseil des Innus d’Unamen Shipu, Comté de Duplessis, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2917

(418) 229-2921

Corporation de Dévelopement Économique Unamen Shipu, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2917

(418) 229-2921

École Marie Sarah, C.P. 115, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2333

(418) 229-2449

École Olamen, C.P. 222, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2450

(418) 229-2247

Église Marie-Reine des Indiens (La Romaine), C.P. 71, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2080

Entreprise Henri Jenniss Inc., C.P. 62, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2944

Garderie Nussim, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2332

(418) 229-2224

La Corporation de développement économique de Unamen Shipu est un organisme sans but lucratif dont la gestion relève de l’agent de développement encadré par un Conseil d’administration. La Corporation de développement économique de Unamen Shipu est implantée pour susciter et soutenair les projets d’entrepreneurship dans la communauté

La Société Mukutan Inc. est un organisme à but lucratif dont la gestion relève du directeur des entreprises encadré par un Conseil d’administration. La Société Mukutan Inc. est implantée pour encadrer, superviser et contrôler la gestion des entreprises existantes apparentées au Conseil des Montagnais de Unamen Shipu, pour faire l’acquisition de nouvelles entreprises et pour développer des approches de partenariats d’affaires lorsque la situation est favorable pour la communauté.

Propriété de la communauté d’Unamen Shipu, Innu Voyages a pour mandat d'organiser, gérer et réserver les transports et l'hébergement des membres de la communauté (santé, éducation, travail), mais aussi et surtout de recevoir les visiteurs dans la région de la Basse-Côte-Nord grâce à la mise en place de multiples forfaits touristiques en collaboration avec Tourisme Winipeukut Nature. Innu Voyages est au service de toutes les communautés des Premières Nations pour la préparation de voyages à l’international aussi! M. Edmond Mestenapeo Nos conseillères se feront économique un plaisir de et vous informer par clavardage, agent de développement touristique courriel ou téléphone, du lundi au samedi: 418-229-2424 / 418-229-2218, poste 103 info@innuvoyages.ca

Tourisme Winipeukut Nature

Cette organisme gère au nom de la communauté le développement et les services touristiques. Différents forfaits guidés par avion ou par bateau sont offerts à l’année et disponibles sur le site web www.winipeukut.ca L’authenticité de notre culture millénaire, la grande nature et le professionnalisme de nos guides garantissent des séjours mémorables.

M. Edmond Mestenapeo agent de développement économique et touristique

418-229-2218, poste 103

1 152

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Unamen Shipu



Territoire :


Communauté d’Unamen Shipu

Community of Unamen Shipu

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 400 kilomètres au nord-est de Sept-Îles, sur la côte nord du Saint-Laurent.

Superficie :

The community is located 400 km northeast of Sept-Îles, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River.


40,47 hectares

40.47 hectares

Population :


1 200


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Innu, français

Innu, French

Gouvernement :


Conseil des Innus d'Unamen Shipu Comté de Duplessis, La Romaine, Québec G0G 1M0 Tél: (418) 229-2917 Fax: (418) 229-2921 https://www.unamenshipu.com/ http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/unamen_shipu.aspx

Activités économiques :

Conseil des Innus d'Unamen Shipu Comté de Duplessis, La Romaine, Québec G0G 1M0 Tel: (418) 229-2917 Fax: (418) 229-2921 https://www.unamenshipu.com/ http://www.mamit-innuat.com/membres/unamen_shipu.aspx

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, piégeage, tourisme, transport, construction, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, tourism, trapping, transport, construction, outfitting.

Businesses and services:

Art et artisanat, coiffure, dépanneur, arcade, garderie.

Infrastructure :

Arts and handicrafts, hairdresser, arcade, daycare, depanneur.


Accès : la communauté est accessible par avion et par bateau. Réseau routier : 4 120 mètres de routes en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 155

Access: the community can be reached by airplane and boat. Road network: 4,120 metres of roads in asphalt. Number of houses: 155

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 153


Unamen La Romaine Shipu t


Hôtel Madame Ruby, C.P. 83, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2118

(418) 229-2952

Innuberge, 13 rue D, La Romaine (Québec) G0G 1M0

(418) 229-1299

Maison des Jeunes - La Romaine, 56, du Large, C.P. 370, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-1200

Northern - La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2144

Pourvoirie Etamamiou, 46 rue du Large, La Romaine (Québec) G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2916

Quai Relais Nordik General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2006

Quincaillerie - Épicerie Kamatshenan Inc., C.P. 195, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

(418) 229-1210

(418) 229-2101

(418) 229-2402

Radio CFRL-FM Papanassi Kaiamiumishtuk (89,9 FM), C.P. 197, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0 (418) 229-2075

(418) 229-2315

Salle communautaire Kaniapishkat, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2318

(418) 229-2921

Services Sociaux Mamit Innuat / La Romaine, C.P. 293, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2166

(418) 229-2003

Services Techniques de La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2957

(418) 229-2921

Société Mukutan, 46, rue du Large, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2209

(418) 229-2220

Sureté du Québec - La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2181

(418) 229-2466

Tourisme Winipeukut Nature (Edmond Mesténapéo) General Delivery, La Romaine (Qc) G0G 1M) (418)-229-2218#103 Usine d’eau portable, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

1 154

(418) 229-2698

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 229-2921

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 155

THE INUIT n Quebec, the Inuit live in a vast toundra territory situated north of the 55th parallel called Nunavik. The population is spreaded throughout 14 villages regrouping 160 to 1,400 residents each. Those villages, distant from hundreds of kilometres, are situated on the banks of the Hudson Bay (Kuujjuarapik, Umiujaq, Inukjuak, Puvirnituq, Akulivik), the Hudson Straight (Ivujivik, Salluit, Kangiqsujjuaq, Quaqtaq) and the Ungava Bay (Kangirsuk, Aupaluk, Tasiujaq, Kuujjuaq and Kangiqsualujjuaq). Over 60 Inuit also live in Chisasibi, a Cree village of the Hudson Bay.


The Nunavik is the Inuit’s traditional hunting and fishing territory. It was peopled by the Inuit ancestors, over 5000 years ago, who came from Siberia and Alaska by successive waves at the beginning of the human peopling of the Canadian and Quebec northern territories. Nomadics, they pursued their herds and progressively settled into their actual territories. Around 1400, whalers and European explorers started to frequent the region and established contact with the Inuit for commercial exchanges. But it is mostly from the fur trade that came, in the 18th century, a major change in the Inuit way of life. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Inuit turned down their traditional weapons for guns and started to use the products exchanged at the fur trading posts. In the 1950’s, government services were gradually introduced north of the 55th parallel. Today, even though snowmobiles and houses have replaced dogsleighs and igloos, the Inuit care to preserve their values, culture and language. The Inuit language, Inuktitut, is a rich and versatile language, adapted to contemporary realities. The Inuit’s second language is English. The Inuit also signed the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) wich gives them administrative authority in their communities. With the Agreement, new structures are created and rule the health, education, and social services sectors. The Makivik society, created after the signature of the Agreeement, plays an important part in the social and economic development of the region. Municipal services are provided by the Northern Village Corporations, wich are ruled like the municipalities of the South. The Kativik Regional Government (wich was also created after the signature of the Agreement) is in charge for the ensemble of the northern villages from its Kuujjuaq headquarters. The Inuit strengthened their economic prosperity with the creation of the cooperative movement, wich became today one of the basis of their economic development and autonomy. The cooperative movement, wich started at the end of 1950, took a prominent part in the historical evolution of the Inuit. It allowed Inuit to take in charge their commercial activities on their territory and opened to the Inuit artists and craftsmen international markets. Today, there is 13 cooperative stores in the 14 Inuit villages. The Inuit’s economy is also based on businesses related to air and sea transportation, construction, mining and exploration, fisheries, energy, services, administration and tourism sectors. The Inuit improved, all along the centuries, the manufacturing of utilitary objects like made of stone, wood, bones and ivory. Today, Inuit crafts are world-renowned; especially the sculptures they make from soapstone, wich became their international trademark.

156 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES INUIT u Québec, les Inuit habitent un vaste territoire de toundra situé au nord du 55e parallèle aujourd’hui dénommé le Nunavik. La population se répartit dans 14 villages comptant chacun entre 160 et 1 400 habitants. Ces villages, distants de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres les uns des autres, sont situés sur les littoraux de la Baie d’Hudson (Kuujjuarapik, Umiujaq, Inukjuak, Puvirnituq, Akulivik), du détroit d’Hudson (Ivujivik, Salluit, Kangipsujjuaq, Quaqtaq), et de la Baie d’Ungava (Kangirsuk, Aupaluk, Tasiujaq, Kuujjuaq et Kangiqsualujjuaq). De plus, une soixantaine d’Inuit vivent à Chisasibi, un village cri de la BaieJames. Les Inuit possèdent un territoire de chasse et de pêche traditionnel dénommé le Nunavik, d’où l’origine de l’appellation. Il fut peuplé par les ancêtres des Inuit actuels, originaires de Sibérie et de l’Alaska, au tout début du peuplement humain du Grand nord Canadien et Québécois qui s’est fait par vagues successives. Nomades, ils ont poursuivi leurs troupeaux et ont habité et exploité progressivement leurs territoires actuels. Vers l’an 1400, les baleiniers et les explorateurs européens ont commencé à fréquenter la région et ont pris contact avec les Inuit lors d’échanges commerciaux. C’est alors que s’amorce, aux XVIIIe siècle, un tournant décisif dans le mode de vie des Inuit avec l’intensification du commerce des fourrures. Au début du XXe siècle, les Inuit abandonnent leurs armes de chasse traditionnelles au profit des fusils, et ils utilisent de plus en plus les produits troqués aux postes de traite. Les ser-vices gouvernementaux commencèrent à s’implanter graduellement vers les années 50 au Nord du 55e parallèle. Aujourd’hui, quoique la motoneige et la maison aient remplacé le traîneau à chien et l’igloo, les Inuit tiennent à conserver leurs valeurs, leur langue et leur culture. La langue des Inuit, l’inuktitut, est une langue riche et souple, capable de s’adapter aux réalités contemporaines. La langue seconde des Inuit est l’anglais. Les Inuit sont également signataires de la Convention de la Baie James et du Nord Québécois qui leur confère l’autonomie administrative de leurs communautés. De nouvelles structures sont mises sur pied et régissent les secteurs de la santé, de l’éducation et des services sociaux. La société Makivik joue un rôle actif dans le développement socio-économique de la région. Les services municipaux sont fournis par des corporations de villages nordiques, dont le fonctionnement est semblable à celui de nos municipalités. L’Administration régionale Kativik a son siège social à Kuujjuaq et chapeaute l’ensemble des municipalités nordiques. Les Inuit ont renforci leur prospérité économique à l’aide notamment de la mise sur pied des coopératives, devenues aujourd’hui une des bases de leur développement et de leur autonomie économique. Le mouvement coopératif, amorcé vers la fin des années 50, a joué un rôle majeur dans l’évolution de l’histoire des Inuit. Il a permis de contrôler une grande partie des activités commerciales sur leur territoire et a ouvert aux artistes et aux artisans inuit la voie aux marchés internationaux. Il y a aujourd’hui des magasins coopératifs dans 13 des 14 villages inuit. L’économie inuite repose également sur des entreprises de transport aérien et maritime, de la construction, des mines et de l’exploration minière, des pêcheries, de l’énergie, des services, de l’administration et du tourisme.. Les Inuit ont perfectionné, au cours des siècles, la fabrication d’objets utilitaires en pierre, en bois, en os et en ivoire. À l’heure actuelle, les objets d’arts de facture Inuit ont acquis une renommée internationale; notamment leur sculpture de stéatites, qui sont devenues leur marque de commerce mondiale.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 157



Akulivik Akulivik




Air Inuit / Akulivik, P.O. Box 89, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2213

(819) 496-2169

Akulivik Airport - Kativik Transport, P.O. Box 99, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2183

(819) 496-2183

Akulivik Carvers Association, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2222

(819) 496-2200

Akulivik Co-op Store, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2121

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Co-op Warehouse / Purchasing, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2576

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Cooprative Association, P.O. Box 51, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2002

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Doctor’s Office, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2110

(819) 496-2231

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Akulivik Fire Hall, P.O. Box 61, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9000

(819) 496-2200

Akulivik Housing Workshop, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2630

(819) 496-2593

Akulivik Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 9, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2095

(819) 496-2868

Akulivik Income Security, P.O. Box 119, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2043

(819) 496-2043

Akulivik Kativik Employment & Training Center, P.O. Box 119, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2437

(819) 496-2500

Akulivik Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2564

(819) 496-2200

Akulivik Petro Garage, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2229

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Police Station, P.O. Box 110, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9111

(819) 496-2661

Akulivik Post Office, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2559

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Social Services, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2232

(819) 496-2727

Akulivik Transit, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2534

Akulivik Youth Centre, P.O. Box 129, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2977

(819) 496-2610

Ayagutaak Recreation Center, P. O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2440

(819) 496-2200

Church / Akulivik, P.O. Box 23, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2246

(819) 496-2246

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Akulivik Nursing Station, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9090

(819) 496-2231

Iqupiluk Arcade, P.O. Box 42, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2395

Kaguup Nipinga FM Radio Station (98,1 FM), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2033

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2645

(819) 496-2200

Kativik School Board Commissioner’s Office, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2119

(819) 496-2809

(819) 496-2200

Komatik Store, P.O. Box 54, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2708

(819) 496-2200

Makivik Corporation / Akulivik, P.O. Box 33, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2993

(819) 496-2693

Northern Village of Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2073

(819) 496-2200

Pirursaivik Childcare Centre, P.O. Box 69, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2957

(819) 496-2959

Qekeirriaq Landholding Corporation - Akulivik, P.O. Box 59, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2640

(819) 496-2629

Qitsualuk Arena, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2891

(819) 496-2200

Tukisiniarvik Cultural Shop, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2657

(819) 496-2611

Tukisiniarvik School, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2711

(819) 496-2611

158 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Akulivik

Territory: Akulivik

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle: le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 663

Population: 663

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais Gouvernement/Government: Northern Village of Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, Québec J0M 1V0 Tél.: (819) 496-2073 Fax: (819) 496-2200 www.nvakulivik.ca www.nlhca.ca

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English Gouvernement/Government: Northern Village of Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, Québec J0M 1V0 Tél.: (819) 496-2073 Fax: (819) 496-2200 www.nvakulivik.ca www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 159


Aupaluk Territoire : Aupaluk Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Population : 210 Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Territory: Aupaluk Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population: 210 Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Principal languages spoken:


Inuktitut, English

Northern Village of Aupaluk P.O. Box 16, Aupaluk, Québec J0M 1X0 Tél.: (819) 491-7070 Fax: (819) 491-7035 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aupaluk www.nlhca.ca



Air Inuit / Aupaluk, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7010

(819) 496-7154

Aupaluk Airport, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7255

Aupaluk Community FM Radio Station (89,9 FM), General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7535

Aupaluk Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7455

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Aupaluk Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 8, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7060

Aupaluk Fire Station & Emergencies, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9000

Aupaluk Health Services / Nursing Station, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9090

Aupaluk Hydro-Quebec, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7000

Aupaluk Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7353

Aupaluk Post Office, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7552

(819) 491-7035 (819) 491-7182

(819) 491-7035

K.M.H.B. Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7090

(819) 491-7204

Kativik Regional Police Force / Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9111

(819) 491-7355

Makivik Corporation / Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7345

(819) 491-7345

Northern Village of Aupaluk, P.O. Box 16, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7070

(819) 491-7035

Nunavik Landholding Corporation of Aupaluk, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0 (819) 491-7045

(819) 491-7045

Nunavik Landholding Hotel, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7575

Sukliateet (Child Care), General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7531

(819) 491-7533

Taqsakallak School, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7081

(819) 491-7082

160 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Territoire : Inukjuak Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Population : 1 775 Activités économiques:


Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme,construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Territory: Inukjuak Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population: 1,775 Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Gouvernement/Government: Northern Village of Inukjuak, P.O. Box 234, Inukjuak, Québec J0M 1M0 Tél.: (819) 254-8822 Fax: (819) 254-8779 https://www.makivik.org/fr/inukjuak/ www.nlhca.ca

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English



Air Inuit / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8840

(819) 254-8179

Andrew Echalook Jewelry, P.O. Box 112, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-1074

Andrew Nulukie Jewelry, P.O. Box 28, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8366

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Daniel Weetalutktuk Museum, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8277

Innalik School, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8211

Inukjuak Airport, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-1530

(819) 254-8953

Inukjuak Cable TV, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8232

Inukjuak CLSC / Inukjuak Nursing Station, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9090

(819) 254-8588

Inukjuak Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8306

(819) 254-8306

Inukjuak Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 53, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8969

(819) 254-8138

Inukjuak Fire Department & Emergencies, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9000

Inukjuak Hunter’s Support Program, House 61 3, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8836

Inukjuak Hydro-Quebec, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8877

(819) 254-8779

Inukjuak Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0 (819) 254-8760

(819) 254-8763

Inukjuak Northern Store, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8880

(819) 254-8824

Inukjuak Petro Garage, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8608

Inukjuak Post Office, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8646

Inukjuak Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8910

Inukjuak Pumping Station, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8244

Inukjuak Social Services, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8708

Inukjuak Water Plant, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8243

Inukjuak Youth FM Station (97,9 FM), General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8258 (819) 254-8848

(819) 254-8633

(819) 254-8779

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0 (819) 254-8902

(819) 254-8779

Kativik Regional Development Council / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8622

(819) 254-8621 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 161





Kativik Regional Police Force / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9111

(819) 254-8561

Makivik Corporation / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8878

(819) 254-8706

Northern Village of Inukjuak, P.O. Box 234, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8822

(819) 254-8779

Nunavimmi Pigiursavik, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8686

(819) 254-8595

Pituvik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8101

(819) 254-8252

Tasiurvik Child Care Center, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8999

(819) 254-8722

Tukisivik Reg’d, P.O. Box 64, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8724

(819) 254-8381

Tuliup Nipingat FM Radio Station (97,1 FM), General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8967

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

IMPACT A prime choice to reach your target area, the First Nations members of Quebec and Labrador. Don’t be left behind and bypass your competitors, invest in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory info@indianacommunication.com

162 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Territoire : Ivujivik Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Population : 371 Activités économiques:


Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Territory: Ivujivik Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Gouvernement/Government: Northern Village of Ivujivik P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, Québec J0M 1H0 Tél.: (819) 922-9940 Fax: (819) 922-3045 https://www.makivik.org/fr/ivujivik/ www.nlhca.ca

Population: 371 Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Air Inuit / Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3065

(819) 922-3163

Amaarvik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3678

(819) 922-3680

Appalimmiut Tusautinga Radio Station (82,5 FM), P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9966

(819) 922-3045

Hunter’s Support Program, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9944

(819) 922-3045

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Ivujivik Nursing Station, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9090

(819) 922-3098

Inuulitsivik CLSC Dental Clinic, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3097

(819) 922-3098

Ivujivik Airport, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3005

(819) 922-3005

Ivujivik Arena, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9940

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Blue Garage, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3590

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Coop Gas Station, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9923

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9922

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Fire Department & Emergencies, House 29, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9000

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Hotel, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3216

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3090

(819) 922-3635

Ivujivik Petro Garage, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9923

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Post Office, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3113

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Public Works Garage, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3215

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Water Pumping Station, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3540

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Youth Protection, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3393

(819) 922-3537

Ivujuvik Social Services, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3096

(819) 922-3537

Kativik Employment & Training / Ivujivik, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3328

(819) 922-3333

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3124

Kativik Regional Police Force / Ivujivik, General Delievry, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9111

Northern Village of Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9940

(819) 922-3045

Nuvvitik School, P.O. Box 60, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9917

(819) 922-3112

Pirnoma Technologies, P.O. Box 82, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3040

Uqaujait Women’s Centre, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3038

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 922-3478

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 163


Kangiqsualujjuaq t


Air Inuit / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5277

(819) 357-5207

Aqaivik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5624

(819) 337-5626

Emudluk Fuels Inc., P.O. Box 51, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5476

(819) 337-5476

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-1530

(819) 337-5391

Kangiqsualujjuaq Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5404

(819) 337-5320

Kangiqsualujjuaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-9000

(819) 337-5351

Kangiqsualujjuaq FM Station (92,1 FM), P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5267

(819) 337-5200

Kangiqsualujjuaq Garage, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5242

(819) 337-5242

Kangiqsualujjuaq Housing Corporation (KMHB), P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5688

(819) 337-5703

Kangiqsualujjuaq Hydro-Quebec Power House, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-1500

Kangiqsualujjuaq Makivik Wildlife Management, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5676

Kangiqsualujjuaq Northern Store, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5275

Kangiqsualujjuaq Post Office, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5331

(819) 337-5320

Kangiqsualujjuaq Recreation Department, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-5451

(819) 337-5200

Kangiqsualujjuaq Social Services, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5269

(819) 337-5252

Kangiqsualujjuaq Youth Center, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5741

(819) 337-5746

Kangiqsualujjuaq Youth Committee, P.O. Box 103, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5568

(819) 337-5431

Kangirsualujjuaq Cooperative (George River), P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0(819) 337-5241

(819) 337-5320

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5308

(819) 337-5204

(819) 337-5260

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-9111

(819) 337-5364

Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5271

(819) 337-5200

Palaqsivik CLSC / Kangiqsualujjuaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-9090

(819) 337-5252

Qiniqtiq Landholding Corporation, P.O. Box 160, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5449

(819) 337-5752

Ullariaq School, P.O. Box 90, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5250

(819) 337-5354

164 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Kangiqsualujjuaq

Territory: Kangiqsualujjuaq

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 896

Population: 896

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement :

Government :

Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq Québec J0M 1N0 Tél.: (819) 337-5271 Fax: (819) 337-5200 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangiqsualujjuaq/ www.nlhca.ca

Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq Québec J0M 1N0 Tel.: (819) 337-5271 Fax: (819) 337-5200 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangiqsualujjuaq/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 165



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Air Inuit Ltd. / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 29, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3245

(819) 338-3296

Arsaniq School, P.O. Box 160, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3332

(819) 338-3369

Canada Post / Kangiqsujuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3320

(819) 338-3316

Charlie Arngak Hotel and Lodging, P.O. Box 14, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3228

(819) 338-3237

Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kativik Transport, P.O. Box 29, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3343

(819) 338-3343

Kangiqsujuaq Co-op Store, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3252

(819) 338-3316

Kangiqsujuaq Fire Department, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-9000

(819) 338-3237

Kangiqsujuaq Hunter Support Program, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3342

(819) 338-3342

Kangiqsujuaq Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 139, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-1500

(819) 338-1131

Kangiqsujuaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3398

(819) 338-3237

Kangiqsujuaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-9090

(819) 338-3313

Kangiqsujuaq Petro, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3334

(819) 338-3316

Kangiqsujuaq Recreation Department, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3342

(819) 338-3237

Kangiqsujuaq Social Services, General Delivery, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3218

(819) 338-3313

Kangiqsujuaq Welfare & Employment & Training Center, P.O. Box 89, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3327

(819) 338-3339

Kangiqsujuaq Youth House, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-1233

(819) 338-3237

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 99, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3217

(819) 338-3237

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 69, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0 (819) 338-9111

(819) 338-3360

Mikijuq Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 169, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3362

(819) 338-3242

Mission Catholique, P.O. Box 30, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3344

(819) 338-1140

Northern Store / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 90, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3222

(819) 338-3269

Northern Village of Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3286

(819) 338-3237

Nunaturlik Landholding, P.O. Box 39, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3368

(819) 338-1071

Qarqalik FM Radio Station (88,9 FM), P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3365

(819) 338-3237

Tertiluk, Mark - Arts and Crafts, P.O. Box 84, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3332

(819) 338-3369

Wakeham Bay Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3252

(819) 338-3316

Wakeham Bay Hotel (Kangiqsujjuaq Co-op Hotel), 19950 Clark Graham, Montreal, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

166 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Kangiqsujuaq (Baie Wakeham)

Territory: Kangiqsujuaq (Wakeham Bay)

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 754

Population: 754

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie, sports etc.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, outfitting, transport, sports, etc.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais et français

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English & French

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Kangiqsujuaq P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq Québec J0M 1K0 Tél.: (819) 338-3286 Fax: (819) 338-

Government: Northern Village of Kangiqsujuaq P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, Québec J0M 1K0 Tel.: (819) 338-3286 Fax: (819) 338-3237

3237https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangiqsujuaq/ www.nlhca.ca

https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangiqsujuaq/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 167




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Air Inuit / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4260

(819) 935-4073

Amaartuavik Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 150, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4848

(819) 935-4851

Innautik Radio Society, General Delievry, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4388

(819) 935-4284

Kangirsuk Airport, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4056

Kangirsuk Co-op Hotel (Payne Bay Hotel), General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4762

(819) 935-4121

Kangirsuk Cooperative (Payne Bay), P.O. Box 9, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4382

(819) 935-4121

Kangirsuk FCNQ Petro, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4686

Kangirsuk Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9000

Kangirsuk FM Station (88,7 FM), P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4258

Kangirsuk Garage, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4288

(819) 935-4287

Kangirsuk Health Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4255

Kangirsuk Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4354

(819) 935-4254

Kangirsuk Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4406

(819) 935-4436

Kangirsuk KMHB, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4275

(819) 935-4335

Kangirsuk Municipal Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4614

Kangirsuk Northern Store, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4384

(819) 935-4023

Kangirsuk Nursing Station, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9090

(819) 935-4254

Kangirsuk Post Office, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4400

Kangirsuk Pumping Station, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4552

Kangirsuk Qwikstop, P.O. Box 42, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4537

Kangirsuk Social Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4270

Kangirsuk Sports & R.V. Inc., P.O. Box 43, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4388

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9111

(819) 935-4615

Kiluit Shop, P.O. Box 72, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4406

(819) 935-4436

Lizzie’s Variety Reg’d, P.O. Box 72, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4531

(819) 935-4436

Makivik Corporation / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4054

(819) 935-4792 (819) 935-4287

Martha Kauki Reg’d, P.O. Box 43, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4553

(819) 935-4554

Northern Village of Kangirsuk, P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4388

(819) 935-4287

Payne Bay Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 66, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4382

(819) 935-4121

Saputik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4269

(819) 935-4440

Sautjuit School, General Delievry, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4369

(819) 935-4223

168 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Kangirsuk

Territory: Kangirsuk

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 593

Population: 593

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, construction, transport, outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Kangirsuk P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, Québec J0M 1A0 Tél.: (819) 935-4388 Fax: (819) 935-4287 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangirsuk/ www.nlhca.ca

Government : Northern Village of Kangirsuk P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, Québec J0M 1A0 Tel.: (819) 935-4388 Fax: (819) 935-4287 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kangirsuk/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 169




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Air Inuit Cargo, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0


(819) 964-2938

Air Inuit Office / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2935

Amautik Reg’d, P.O. Box 98, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-8860

(819) 964-2788

Anglican Church / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2119

Auberge Kuujjuaq Inn Inc., P.O.Box 840, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2903

(819) 964-2031

Avaatani Environmental, P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0131

(866) 823-9581

Avataa Catering, P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0131

(819) 964-6977

Avataa Explorations & Logistics Inc., P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0131

(819) 964-6977

Banque CIBC Bank / Kuujjuaq, P. O. Box 121, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2724

(819) 964-2494

Canada Post / Kuujjuaq, General Delievry, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2947

CKUJ-FM Radio (97,3 FM), P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2921

Canadian North, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(800) 267-1247

Fort Chimo Co-op Association, P.O. Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2272

(819) 964-0589

Fort-Chimo Co-operative Association / Charlie Kudluk Hotel, P.O. Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2272

(819) 964-0589

Fort-Chimo Cooperative Association / Co-op Store, P.O.Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 (819) 964-2990

(819) 964-2019

Gad’s Grill, P.O. Box 784, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1720

Garage Jobie, P.O. Box 772, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0610

(819) 964-2229

Halutik Entreprise Inc., P.O. Box 690, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2978

(819) 964-2639

Iglooapic Construction, P.O. Box 976, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2289

(819) 964-2289

Ikkaqivvik Bar, P.O. Box 21, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2097

Immutik Boutique, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 Iqaluppijait Arctic Char Reg’d, P.O. Box 528, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0054

Iqitauvik and Tumiapiit Childcare Center, P.O.Box 78, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2754

(819) 964-1995

Isuarsivik Treatment Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2592

(819) 964-2041

J.D.’s Pizzeria Reg’d, P.O. Box 530, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2574

(819) 964-6319

J.F. Rentals (Kuujjuaq) Inc., P.O. Box 93, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2796

(819) 964-0404

Jaanimmarik High School, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2912

(819) 964-2818

Kajusivik Adult Education Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2750

(819) 964-2745

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Kuujjuaq, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2620

(819) 964-2267

Kativik Regional Development Council / Head Office, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2035

(819) 964-2611

Kativik Regional Government / Head Office / KLDC, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 (819) 964-2961

(819) 964-2956

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-9111

(819) 964-2830

Kautaq Construction P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2925

Kuujjuamiut Inc., P.O. Box 719, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2625

Kuujjuaq Chicken (Chester Fried Chicken), P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2395

Kuujjuaq Courthouse, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2973

Kuujjuaq Elders Hme, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2005

Kuujjuaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-9000

Kuujjuaq Forum / Fitness Club, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2069

Kuujjuaq Group Home, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2785

Kuujjuaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2869

Kuujjuaq Legal Aid Office, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2333

(819) 964-2167

(819) 964-2980 (819) 964-2167 (819) 964-2848

Kuujjuaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0298

(819) 964-2010

Kuujjuaq Municipal Housing Bureau, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2000

(819) 964-0749

Kuujjuaq Municipal Swimming Pool, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2581

Kuujjuaq Petro Inc., P.O. Box 363, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0543

170 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 964-2980

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Kuujjuaq

Territory: Kuujjuaq

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle: le Nunavik

Geographical location:

Population : 2 120

Population: 2,120

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, transport, pourvoirie, construction, administration, etc.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, transport, outfitting, construction, administration, etc.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Kuujjuaq P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, Québec J0M 1C0 Tél.: (819) 964-2943 Fax: (819) 964-0734 http://www.nvkuujjuaq.ca/index.html www.nlhca.ca

Government: Northern Village of Kuujjuaq P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, Québec J0M 1C0 Tél.: (819) 964-2943 Fax: (819) 964-0734 http://www.nvkuujjuaq.ca/index.html www.nlhca.ca

North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 171


Kuujjuaq t


Kuujjuaq Propane Inc. (Les), P.O. Box 630, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2316

(819) 964-2112

Kuujjuaq Real Estate Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

Kuujjuaq Recreation Center, P.O. Box 563, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2069

(819) 964-2167

Kuujjuaq Social Services, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2905

(819) 964-2666

Kuujjuaq Taxi (Star Taxi), P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2008

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Kuujjuaq Water Plant, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2988

Mary Kaye May, P.O. Box 45, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2689

Miqulilitalik Tannery Inc., P.O. Box 412, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2382

Nasittuq Corporation , 1830-360 Albert St, Ottawa (Ont) K1R 7X7

(613) 234-9033

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / Baie d’Ungava Area, C.P. 659, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2881

(819) 964-2689

Nayumivik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2870

NEAS GROUP, P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2925

(819) 964-2280

Newviq’vi Inc. - Les magasins Tullik Inc., P.O. Box 810, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2228

Newviqviapik, P.O. Box 413, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2142

(819) 964-0031

Northern Store / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2877

(819) 964-2584

Northern Store Quick-Stop, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2447

Northern Village of Kuujjuaq, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2943

Nunalituqait Ikajuqatigiitut Inuit Association, P.O.Box 809, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2976

(819) 964-2741

Nunavik Communications Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

Nunavik Creations Inc., P.O. Box 729, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1848

(819) 964-1950

Nunavik Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

Nunavik Furs, P.O. Box 729, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1702

(819) 964-1708

(819) 964-2020

(819) 964-2980

Nunavik Geomatics, P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964.2925

Nunavik Investment Corporation, P.O. Box 789, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1872

(819) 964-1497

Nunavik Lab, P.O. Box 484, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1877

(819) 964-1878

Nunavik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0364

(819) 964-0331

Nunavik Marine Supply and Services, P.O. Box 184, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0242

(819) 964-0242

Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund, P.O. Box 909, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1316

(819) 964-1328

Nunavik Regional Board of Health & Social Services, P.O. Box 900, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 (819) 964-2222

(819) 964-2277

Nunavik Rotors Inc., P.O. Box 510, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1188

(819) 964-1185

Nunavik Tourism Association / Association Touristique du Nunavik, P.O.Box 779, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2876

(819) 964-2002

Old Chimo Restaurant, P.O. Box 281, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2233

(819) 964-0788

Ookpik Taxi, P.O. Box 14, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0220

(819) 964-2375

PAIL, P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964.2925

Pyramid Camp, P.O. Box 342, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2761

(819) 964-1802

Qimuk Music Inc., P.O. Box 264, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0566

(819) 964-0825

Quebec Police Force / Sûreté du Québec / Kuujjuaq, General Delievry, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2400

(819) 964-2227

Sanavik Inc., P.O. Box 429, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 964-0086

(819) 964-0496

Saputiit Youth Association of Nunavik, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0335

(819) 964-0441

Société Makivik Corporation / Head Office, P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2925

(819) 964-4825

Tamaani Internet, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2961

(819) 964-2255

Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Television / Kuujjuaq, P.O.Box 360, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2565

(819) 964-2252

Tarquti Energy Corp. P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2925

Tik’s Pool Hall (Kuujjuaq Pool Hall), P.O. Box 270, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2828

172 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Tivi Galleries, P.O. Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Tivi Inc., P.O. Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Tivi Transport Inc., P.O.Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Tullik Inc. True Value Hardware, P.O.Box 1140, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2356

(819) 964-2020

Unaaq Fisheries, P.O. Box 179 , Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964.2925

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Ungava Tulattavik Health Centre, P.O.Box 149, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2905

Nunavik Parks, General Delievry, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2961

(819) 964-2071

Pour placer une annonce dans notre prochaine édition, appelez-nous aujourd’hui au:


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 173






Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Air Creebec / Kuujjuarapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3646

(819) 929-3642

Air Inuit / Kuujjuarapik, P.O. Box 570, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3356

Airport Resto, P.O. Box 148, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3606

(819) 929-3786

Asimautaq School, P.O.Box 60, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3409

(819) 929-3332

Atsaniq Radio Station, P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3305

(819) 929-3106

Awash Estchees Child Care Center, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3395

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Kuujuarapik, P.O.Box 250, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3596

Entreprises Sanaji Inc. (Les), P.O. Box 61, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 929-1098

Great Whale Coop: P.O. Box 419 Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3266

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Kuujjuarapik Nursing Station, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9090

(819) 929-3656

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Kuujjuaraapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3214

(819) 929-3404

(819) 929-2098

Kativik Regional Government / Kuujjuaeapik / Child Care, P.O. Box 509, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3054

(819) 929-3852

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kuujjuarapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9111

(819) 929-3872

Kuujjuarapik Airport / Kativik Transport, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-2530

(819) 929-3389

Kuujjuarapik Coop Hotel (Great Whale River Hotel), General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3734

(819) 929-3734

Kuujjuarapik Cooperative Association (Great Whale), P.O. Box 419, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3266

(819) 929-3525

Kuujjuarapik Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9000

Kuujjuarapik Gymnasium, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3401

Kuujjuarapik Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-1500

(819) 929-1518

Kuujjuarapik Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3552

(819) 929-3576

Kuujjuarapik Northern Store, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3270

(819) 929-3667

Kuujjuarapik Petro Garage, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3205

Kuujjuarapik Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3287

(819) 929-3107

Kuujjuarapik Social Club, P.O. Box 600, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3514

(819) 929-3666

Kuujjuarapik Social Services, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3377

(819) 929-3676

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / Hudson Bay Area, P.O. Box 94, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3336

Northern Village of Kuujjuarapik, P.O. Box 360, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3511

Nunami, P.O. Box 120, Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec, J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3348

(819) 929-3453

Plomberie Rolly Inc., P.O.Box 286, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3296

Qilalugaq Hotel, P.O. Box 129, Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec, J0M 1G

(819) 929-3374

Sakivivvik Adult Education, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3284

(819) 929-3522

Sakkuq Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3348

(819) 929-3275

Sandy’s Corner Store P.O. Box 23, Kuujjuaraapik, Quebec, J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3508

Saqliavik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3361

Service d'entretien Nordique B.L. Inc P.O. Box 480, Kuujjuarapik, Quebec, J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3664

174 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 929-3520

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Kuujjuarapik

Territory: Kuujjuarapik

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 675

Population: 675

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, pourvoirie, transport, construction.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, transport, outfitting, construction.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Kuujjuarapik P.O. Box 360, Kuujjuarapik, Québec J0M 1G0 Tél.: (819) 929-3511 Fax: (819) 929-3453 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kuujjuarapik/ www.nlhca.ca

Government: Northern Village of Kuujjuarapik P.O. Box 360, Kuujjuarapik, Québec J0M 1G0 Tel.: (819) 929-3511 Fax: (819) 929-3453 https://www.makivik.org/fr/kuujjuarapik/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 175





Air Inuit / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2968

(819) 988-2222

Allie’s Coffee Shop, P.O. Box 62, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(867) 988-2600

CKPV-FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), P.O. Box 54, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2581

(819) 988-2571

Entreprises Aliva Tulugak Inc., P.O. Box 122, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2799

(819) 988-8383

Housing Maintenance, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2909

(819) 988-2870

Iguarsivik School, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2960

(819) 988-2090

Inuulitsivik Health Centre, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9090

(819) 988-2434

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Iqiquq Arcade, P.O. Box 27, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2937

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2886

Kativik Regional Police Force / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9111

Makivik Corporation / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2363

(819) 988-9903

Mikikattit Wild Life Management, House 301, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2160

(819) 988-2751

(819) 988-2785

Northern Village of Puvirnituq, P.O. Box 150, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2825

(819) 988-2751

Novalinga Hotel, P.O. Box 67, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2946

(819) 988-2751

Nunavik Arctic Survival Training, P.O. Box 285, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2825

(819) 988-2751

Pétro FCNQ, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2525

(819) 988-2354

Pitsituuq Smoke Plant, P.O. Box 113, Puvirnituq, Quebec, J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2001

Puvirnituq Adult Education, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2269

(819) 988-2204

Puvirnituq Airport, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2153

(819) 988-2153

Puvirnituq Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2914

Puvirnituq Cooperative Association, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2972

(819) 988-2982

Puvirnituq Fire Hall, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9000

(819) 988-2751

Puvirnituq Group Home, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2534

(819) 988-2492

Puvirnituq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2975

(819) 988-2535

Puvirnituq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2733

(819) 988-2227

Puvirnituq Northern Store, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2920

(819) 988-2729

Puvirnituq Post Office, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2663

(819) 988-2982

Puvirnituq Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9919

(819) 988-2751

Puvirnituq Pumping Station, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2024

(819) 988-2751

Puvirnituq Recreation Committee, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2837

Puvirnituq Social Services, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2957

(819) 988-2639

Puvirnituq Water Plant, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2024

(819) 988-2751

Puvirnituq Youth House, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2297

Puvirnituq Youth Protection, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2191

(819) 988-2304

Sarliatauvik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2197

(819) 988-2565

Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Television / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0 (819) 988-2421

(819) 988-2421

Women’s Auxiliary, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

176 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Puvirnituq

Territory: Puvirnituq

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 1 676

Population: 1,676

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerce et services, tourisme et pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Puvirnituq P.O. Box 150, Puvirnituq, Québec J0M 1P0 Tél.: (819) 988-2825 Fax: (819) 988-2751 https://www.makivik.org/fr/puvirnituq/ www.nlhca.ca

Government: Northern Village of Puvirnituq P.O. Box 150, Puvirnituq, Québec J0M 1P0 Tel.: (819) 988-2825 Fax: (819) 988-2751 https://www.makivik.org/fr/puvirnituq/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 177

Quaqtaq Quaqtaq




Air Inuit / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9915

(819) 492-9057

Hydro Quebec Transit, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9901

Inutsiaq Translation, P.O. Box 46, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9114

(819) 492-9359

Isummasaqvik School, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9955

(819) 492-9971

Kamattsiavik Daycare Center, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9337

(819) 942-9442

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9957

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Kativik Regional Police Force / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 942-9111

Kativik Transport / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9079

Koartak Hotel (Quarqtaq Co-op Hotel), General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9289

Kuvviti Fuel Inc., P.O.Box 98, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9353

(819) 492-9296

Makivik Corporation / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9359

(819) 492-9359

Neighborhood Worker / Quataq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9312

(819) 942-9300

Northern Village of Quaqtaq, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9985

(819) 492-9935

Quaqtaq Arena, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9523

(819) 492-9935

Quaqtaq Christian Fellowship, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9917

Quaqtaq Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 105, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9206

Quaqtaq Fire Department, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9000

Quaqtaq FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9946

Quaqtaq Gym / Recreation Hall, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9029

(819) 492-9086 (819) 492-9935

Quaqtaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9974

(819) 492-9560

Quaqtaq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9183

(819) 492-9197

Quaqtaq Post Office, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9538

Quaqtaq Social Services, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9933

Quaqtaq Water Plant, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9371

(819) 492-9004

Quaqtaq Youth Centre, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9630

Tuvaaluk Landholding Corporation - Quaqtaq, P.O. Box 98, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9281

(819) 492-9302

Umikallak Clinic / Nursing Station, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9090

(819) 492-9004

IMPACT A prime choice to reach your target area, the First Nations members of Quebec and Labrador. Don’t be left behind and bypass your competitors, invest in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory info@indianacommunication.com

1 178

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Quaqtaq

Territory: Quaqtaq

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 410

Population: 410

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme et pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services, outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Quaqtaq P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, Québec J0M 1J0 Tél.: (819) 492-9985 Fax: (819) 492-9935 https://www.makivik.org/fr/quaqtaq/ www.nlhca.ca

Government : Northern Village of Quaqtaq P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, Québec J0M 1J0 Tel.: (819) 492-9985 Fax: (819) 492-9935 https://www.makivik.org/fr/quaqtaq/ www.nlhca.ca

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 179





Adamie Keatainak Fisheries, P.O. Box 62, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8971

(819) 255-8864

Adamie's Place, P.O. Box 6, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8168

Air Inuit / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8897

(819) 255-8011

Airport Kasurvik, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8158

(819) 255-8011

Aivik Safari, P.O. Box 63, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8329

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Angngutigiarvik Reg’d, P.O. Box 129, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8915

Arnauti Boutique Reg'd, P.O. Box 6, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8168

(819) 255-8282

CBC / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8947

Federation of Co-operatives of Northern Quebec, 19950 Clark Graham, Baie D'Urfé, (Québec) H9X 3R8

(514) 457-9371

Hydro-Quebec / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1500

(819) 255-8231

Ikusik School, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8827

(819) 255-8909

Ikusik Ware House, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8818

(819) 255-8909

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Salluit Nursing Station, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9090

(819) 255-8861

Kanguk Caribou Outfitters Inc., P.O. Box 63, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8974

Katinniq Transport Inc., P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8924

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8849

(819) 255-8581

Kativik Regional Development Council / Salluit, P.O. Box 89, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8120

(819) 255-8864

Kativik Regional Government Welfare Agent, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8954

(819) 255-8059

Kativik Regional Police Force / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9111

(819) 255-8887

Mark Kakayuk Taxi Service, P.O. Box 129, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S

(819) 255-8035

Northern Store Inc. / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8949

(819) 255-8936

Northern Village of Salluit, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8953

(819) 255-8802

Nunavik Lodging Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Nuvu Fuels Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Nuvu Transport Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Nuvumiut Developments Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Nuvumiut Drilling Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Padlayat Foods Services, P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8924

(819) 255-8581

Pirutsiak Daycare, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1186

(819) 255-9937

Qarqalik Landholding, P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Quannaq Adult Education, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8857

(819) 255-8804

Qavvik Hotel Inc., P.O. Box 219, Salluit, Quebec, J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8500

Salluit Arena, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8606

Salluit Community Hall, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8336

Salluit Community Wellness, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9932

(819) 255-8207

Salluit Co-op Association, P.O. Box 59, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8910

(819) 255-8087

Salluit Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8888

Salluit Garage, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8820

(819) 255-9959

Salluit Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8801

(819) 255-8059

Salluit Post Office, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8447

(819) 255-8207

Salluit Rehabilitation Center, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1188

(819) 255-1192

Salluit Social Services, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8829

(819) 255-8201

Salluit Youth Centre, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8898

(819) 255-8188

Salluit Youth Protection, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8135

(819) 255-8289

Sugluk Cooperative Association, P.O.Box 59, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8910

(819) 255-8087

180 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Salluit

Territory: Salluit

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location:

Population : 1 506

Population: 1,506

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme et pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Salluit P.O. Box 240, Salluit, Québec J0M 1S0 Tél.: (819) 255-8953 Fax: (819) 255-8802 https://www.makivik.org/fr/salluit/ www.nlhca.ca

Government: Northern Village of Salluit P.O. Box 240, Salluit, Québec J0M 1S0 Tel.: (819) 255-8953 Fax: (819) 255-8802 https://www.makivik.org/fr/salluit/ www.nlhca.ca

North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Radio / Salluit, P.O. Box 120, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8822

(819) 255-8891

Tasiursivik Daycare, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8048

(819) 255-8031

Transport Katinniq Inc., P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8279

(819) 255-8295

Tusaayut Reg’d, P.O. Box 149, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8963

Tusarvik Radio Station (89,9 FM), P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8951

(819) 255-8864

Women Shelter Initsiak, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1082

(819) 255-8150

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 181


Tasiujaq Territoire : Tasiujaq Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Population : 328 Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme et pourvoirie.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Territory: Tasiujaq Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population: 328 Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services and outifitting.

Principal languages spoken:

Gouvernement/Government :

Inuktitut, English

Northern Village of Tasiujaq P.O. Box 54, Tasiujaq, Québec J0M 1T0 Tél.: (819) 633-9924 Fax: (819) 633-5026 https://www.makivik.org/fr/tasiujaq/ www.nlhca.ca


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Air Inuit / Tasiujaq, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5062

(819) 633-5114

Ajagutak School, P.O.Box 27, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9955

(819) 633-5020

Arqivik Landholding Corporation - Tasiujaq, P.O. Box 52, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5464

(819) 633-5655

FCNQ Co-operative, P.O.Box 26, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5691

(819) 633-5106

Iqaluppik Hotel, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5414

(819) 633-5337

Kativik Regional Police Force / Tasiujaq, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9111

(819) 633-5287

Northern Village of Tasiujaq, P.O. Box 54, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9924

(819) 633-5026

Qulliapik Daycare, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5301

(819) 633-5026

Tasiujaq Airport, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5142

Tasiujaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9000

(819) 633-5026

Tasiujaq FM Radio Station (93,1 FM), P.O. Box 36, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9915

(819) 633-5026

Tasiujaq Garage, P.O.Box 54, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5003

(819) 633-5026

Tasiujaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5013

Tasiujaq Independent Co-operative, P.O. Box 26, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9933

(819) 633-5106

Tasiujaq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0 (819) 633-5249

(819) 633-5026

Tasiujaq Nursing Station, P.O.Box 53, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9090

(819) 633-5098

Tasiujaq Post Office, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9924

Tasiujaq Social Services, P.O.Box 53, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5022

182 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Territoire : Umiujaq

Territory: Umiujaq

Situation géographique : Au nord du 55e parallèle : le Nunavik

Geographical location: North of the 55th parallel: the Nunavik

Population : 465

Population: 465

Activités économiques: Art, artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme et pourvoirie.

Economic Activities: Arts and handicrafts, tourism, services and outfitting.

Principales langues parlées: Inuktitut, anglais

Principal languages spoken: Inuktitut, English

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Umiujaq P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, Québec J0M 1Y0 Tél.: (819) 331-7000 Fax: (819) 331-7057 https://www.makivik.org/fr/umiujaq/ www.nlhca.ca

Gouvernement : Northern Village of Umiujaq P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, Québec J0M 1Y0 Tel.: (819) 331-7000 Fax: (819) 331-7057 https://www.makivik.org/fr/umiujaq/ www.nlhca.ca


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Air Inuit / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7004

(819) 331-7166

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Umiujaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 88, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9090

(819) 331-7880

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0(819) 331-7346

(819) 331-7400

Kativik Regional Police Force / Umiujaq, P.O. Box 46, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9111

(819) 331-7600

Kiluutaq School, P.O. Box 98, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7060

(819) 331-7025

Makivik Corporation / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7443

Northern Village of Umiujaq, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7000

Richmond Gulf Tourism, General Delivery, Umiujaq, Quebec, J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7901

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 331-7057

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 183





Tuttulik Outfitters Inc., General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7831

(819) 331-7832

Umiujaq Adult Education, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 331-7060

(819) 331-7025

Umiujaq Airport, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7004

(819) 331-7166

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Umiujaq Anglican Church, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7871

Umiujaq Child Care, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 331-7933

(819) 331-7935

Umiujaq Community House, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7840

(819) 331-7843

Umiujaq Cooperative Association, P.O.Box 78, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7013

(819) 331-7942

Umiujaq Fire & Emergencies, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9000

(819) 331-7057

Umiujaq FM Radio Station (89,9 FM), P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7065

(819) 331-7057

Umiujaq Gas Station, P.O. Box 78, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7310

(819) 331-7942

Umiujaq Hotel, 19950 Clark Graham, Montreal, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

Umiujaq Housing Authority, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7053

(819) 331-7189

Umiujaq Hunter Support Program, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7111

(819) 331-7096

Umiujaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7170

(819) 331-7267

Umiujaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7083

(819) 331-7057

Umiujaq North West Store, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7590

(819) 331-7593

Umiujaq Outfitters Inc., General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7094

Umiujaq Post Office, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7960

(819) 331-7942

Umiujaq Social Services, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7019

(819) 331-7096

Umiujaq Water Plant, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7845

(819) 331-7057

Umiujaq Youth Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7964

Umiujaq Youth Protection, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7643

(819) 331-7096

Tell them ! Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory ! This will help us to continue serving you better for our upcoming editions.

184 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 185



he Malecites lived in New Brunswick; their territory extended west from the SaintJohn River. They were members of the Wabanaki Confederation, wich also included the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Maine Abenakis and Micmacs.

Half-nomads, they lived from hunting and fishing, but they also grew corn. The main Malecite community, Médotec, was along the banks of the Saint-John River. In 1694, a plague killed some 120 Malecites, and the rest of the community was forced to flee the village temporarily. The Malecites proved to be faithful allies to the French in the colonization wars; they were considered a key element in the French defence. In 1728, however, the Malecites ratified the peace treaty concluded in Boston with the English. Under this treaty, the Indians of New England and Nova Scotia recognized British sovereignty over Nova Scotia. Malecite resentment of the English continued, however, until the surrender of Quebec City in 1763. In 1826, thirty families form a settlement in Viger behind La Seigneurie de l’Isle-Verte in the county of Rivière-du-Loup, forming their actual name: Les Malécites de Viger. According to the sedentarisation policy in force at this time, the Malecites were encouraged to settle there by the government, who will give them seeds and provisions. Those methods proved wrong and, as the Malecites did not settle there, the Canadian government give up to the pressure exerted by colonists interested in those fertile lands, and Viger is retroceded in 1869. In 1876, the federal government created the Whitworth community and in 1890 the Cacouna community, and houses are built there for the Malecites. However, the Malecites resisted a sedentary way of life for a long time. The presence of this nation in Quebec was almost forgotten by the population because the members were so spread out across the province. The band never ceased to exist in the federal government’s registers. In 1975, some hundred individuals were deemed to be part of this nation. After Bill C-31 (modifying the Indian Act ) was passed in 1985, many Malecites recovered their registered Indian status. In 1987, some 130 of them gathered in Rivière-du-Loup to elect a band council. Two years later, the Government of Quebec officially recognized the Malecite First Nation. Nearly 800 Maliseet people live in Quebec. The offices of the Maliseet Viger First Nation, the only band located in Quebec, are located in Cacouna, near Rivière-du-Loup. In Quebec, the Maliseet people speak French and English. However, in New Brunswick and the state of Maine, some speak their mother tongue. The Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation, formerly called the Maliseet of Viger First Nation, is the only Wolastoqiyik Nation in Quebec territory. Six other Wolastoqey Nations are in New Brunswick. After the loss of Viger's reserve lands in 1869, the community dispersed over the territories of Quebec, Canada and the United States. Today, the First Nation owns a small reserve land at Cacouna in Bas-Saint-Laurent and the members still constitute a diaspora living on the Québec territory and beyond. Several members of the Nation still go to Wolastokuk, ancestral territory, to practice traditional activities.

186 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Semi-nomades, ils vivaient de chasse et de pêche, mais ils cultivaient aussi le maïs. La principale communauté malécite, Médotec, était située aux abords de la rivière Saint-Jean. En 1694, au contact des Européens, la peste décime la population emportant ainsi 120 Malécites; le reste de la communauté délaisse temporairement le village. Les Malécites se sont alliés aux Français lors des guerres de colonisation : ils furent considérés comme un élément majeur de la défense française. En 1728, toutefois, les Malécites ratifient le traité de paix conclu à Boston avec les Anglais et, en vertu de ce traité, les Indiens de la Nouvelle-Angleterre de la Nouvelle-Écosse reconnaissent la souveraineté britannique sur la Nouvelle-Écosse. Le ressentiment des Malécites à l’endroit des Anglais dura jusqu’à la capitulation de Québec, en 1763. En 1826, une trentaine de familles formèrent un établissement à Viger derrière la seigneurie de l'Isle-Verte dans le compté de Rivière-du-Loup, d'où l'origine de leur appellation actuelle, les Malécites de Viger. Selon la politique de sédentarisation en vigueur à cette époque, on incite les Malécites à s’y installer de façon permanente et le gouvernement leur fournira des semences et des provisions à cet effet. Les mesures d’incitation échouent et faute d’occupation de cet établissement par les Malécites, le gouvernement canadien cède aux pressions des colons intéressés par ces terres fertiles et Viger est rétrocédé en 1869. En 1876, le gouvernement fédéral crée la communauté de Whitworth, puis celle de Cacouna en 1890 et on y construit des maisons. Les Malécites résistent cependant au mode de vie sédentaire; la population canadienne et québécoise en vint presque à oublier leur présence au Québec tant les Malécites se sont dispersés sur le territoire québécois. La bande de Viger n’a jamais cessé d’exister dans les registres du gouvernement fédéral. En 1975, une centaine d’individus étaient considérés comme faisant partie de cette nation. Dans la foulée du projet de loi C-31 modifiant la Loi sur les Indiens adopté en 1985, plusieurs Malécites ont recouvré le statut d’Indien inscrit. En 1987, environ 130 d’entre eux se sont réunis à Rivière-du-Loup pour élire un conseil de bande. Deux ans plus tard, le gouvernement du Québec reconnaissait officiellement la Première Nation Malécite de Viger. Près de 800 Malécites vivent sur le territoire québécois. Les bureaux de la première nation malécite de Viger, la seule bande située au Québec, se trouvent à Cacouna, près de Rivièredu-Loup. Au Québec, les Malécites s’expriment en français et en anglais. Cependant, au Nouveau-Brunswick et dans l’État du Maine, certains parlent leur langue maternelle. La Première Nation Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk, autrefois appelée Première Nation Malécite de Viger, est la seule Nation Wolastoqiyik en territoire québécois. Six autres Nations Wolastoqey se trouvent au Nouveau-Brunswick. Après la perte des terres de réserve de Viger en 1869, la communauté s’est dispersée sur les territoires du Québec, du Canada et des États-Unis. Aujourd’hui, la Première Nation possède une petite terre de réserve à Cacouna au Bas-Saint-Laurent et les membres forment une diaspora, répartie sur tout le territoire québécois et au-delà. Plusieurs membres de la Nation se rendent toujours sur le Wolastokuk, territoire ancestral, pour y pratiquer des activités traditionnelles.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 187



usqu’au XVIe siècle, les Malécites vivaient au Nouveau-Brunswick; leur territoire s’étendant vers l’ouest à partir de la rivière Saint-Jean. Leurs membres sont originaires de la Confédération Wabanaki qui regroupait les Penobscots, les Passamaquoddy, les Abénaquis du Maine et les Micmacs.

Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk

Territoire :



Territoire de Kataskomiq

Territory of Kataskomiq

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La réserve de Kataskomiq est située sur la rivesud du Saint-Laurent, à 30 km de Rivière-duLoup, et Kataskomiq se trouve près de la municipalité de Cacouna.

The reserve of Kataskomiq is located on the south shore of the Saint-Laurent river, 30km south of Rivière-du-Loup, and Kataskomiq is located near the municipality of Cacouna.

Superficie :


Kataskomiq : 173,01 hectares Cacouna : 0,17 hectare Population : 1 188

Population: 1,188

Principales langues parlées : Français

Principal languages spoken: French

Gouvernement :


Première Nation Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk 217, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, Québec G0L 1G0 Tél.: (418) 860-2393 https://wolastoqiyikwahsipekuk.ca/

Activités économiques : Entreprise de pêche commerciale, poissonnerie Crabe en Vrac.

Commerces et services : Boutique d’artisanat et centre d’interprétation de l’histoire des malécites à la Maison Denis-Launière, tourisme.

Infrastructure : Accès : Le territoire est accessible par l’autoroute 20 et par la route 185 aussi. Réseau routier : aucune installation permanente. Nombre de maisons : aucune installation permanente.

Kataskomiq: 173.01 hectares Cacouna: 0.17 hectare

Première Nation Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk Québec G0L 1G0 Tel.: (418) 860-2393 https://wolastoqiyikwahsipekuk.ca/

Economic activities: Commercial fisheries, Wholesale Crab fish market.

Businesses and services: Art & handicrafts store, Malecites history interpretation Center at Maison DenisLaunière, Tourism.

Infrastructure: Access :The territory can be reached by highway 20 and by road 185 also. Road network: no permanent facilities. Number of houses: no permanent facilities.



(418) 860-2393

(418) 867-3(418)

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Boutique d’artisanat Matuweskewin, 215, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, (Québec), G0L 1G0 Crabe en Vrac, 700, boulevard Du Rivage, Rimouski, (Québec), G3L 1G9

(418) 730-0773

Maison Denis-Launière, 215, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, (Québec), G0L 1G0

(418) 860-2393

Pêcheries Malécites, 217, rue de la Grève, Cacouna (Québec), G0L 1G0

(418) 860-2393

Première Nation Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk, 217, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, (Qc), G0L 1G0

(418) 860-2393

Société de gestion Toku, 181, avenue du Havre, Rimouski, (Québec), G5M 0B3

(418) 723-7089

188 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 189

THE MICMACS efore the arrival of the Europeans, the members of the Wabanaki Confederation, the Souriquois, now called the Micmacs, occupied Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the southern portion of the Gaspé peninsula. In 1611, Father Pierre Briard estimated their population at 3,000 in these areas.


A nomadic people, the Micmacs lived primarily from the traditional activities of hunting, trapping, fishing and the harvesting of wild berries. Because of their way of life, they built their wigwams so that they could be easily moved from one place to another. In the 16th century, the Micmacs were one of the first peoples to encounter Europeans. They tried to profit from the fur trade between the Europeans and the tribes further to the west by acting as middlemen. As for all the other Aboriginal nations in America, a very large portion of the Micmac population was wiped out by the diseases contracted from the contacts with Europeans. At the beginning of the XVII century, the arrival of Europeens missionary sack Micmacs way of life. As early as 1624, this nation will progressively abandon their spiritual and cultural values to the benifit of Europeen religion and way of life. Following their victory over the French in 1763, the English from New England moved into the Atlantic region in large numbers. The British government tried to turn the Micmacs into farmers; its efforts failed and instead the Micmacs became workers in the forestry and transportation sectors, wich produced significant sociocultural changes. The Micmacs are fishermen by tradition and they continue to fish salmon. In 1982, the community of Gesgapegiag and the owners of riverfornt property joined forces to form the Cascapedia River Salmon Management Society, wich organizes fishing trips for anglers. There is also the Micmac Crafts Cooperative, wich exports its products to the United States. They also built several facilities to deal with problems that are present in their communities that are worth mentioning: an addiction centre in Gesgapegiag, a youth centre and a battered women’s shelter in Listuguj. Listuguj and Gesgapegiag are also two dynamic MicMac business communities. In 2001, the three Micmac communities in Quebec (Listuguj, Gesgapegiag, Gaspé) united to form a political and administrative body, the Mi'gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, in order to provide common services, to establish links with non-native partners, particularly in the fishing and forestry sectors, and prepare their land claims negotiations.

190 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES MICMACS vant l’arrivée des Européens, les membres de la Confédération Wabanaki, les Souriquois, aujourd’hui nommés les Micmacs, occupaient la Nouvelle-Écosse, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, le Nouveau-Brunswick et la partie sud de la péninsule gaspésienne. En 1611, le père Pierre Nilard en dénombrait environ 3 000 en ces lieux. Peuples nomades, les Micmacs vivaient surtout des activités traditionnelles de chasse, de pêche, de trappe et de cueillette de petits fruits. Étant donné leur mode de vie, ils construisaient leur wigwams de manière à pouvoir les transporter aisément d’un lieu à l’autre. Au XVIe siècle, les Micmacs sont l’un des premiers peuples à entrer en contact avec les Européens. À titre d’intermédiaires, ils tenteront de tirer profit de la traite des fourrures entre les Européens et les nations situées plus à l’ouest. Comme toutes les autres nations autochtones d’Amérique, une très grande partie de la population sera décimée par les maladies contagieuses attrapées au contact des Européens. L’arrivée des missionnaires européens, au début du XVIIe siècle, transformera le mode de vie des Micmacs. Dès 1624, ce peuple délaissera progressivement ses valeurs spirituelles et culturelles au profit de la religion et du mode de vie européens. À la suite de leur victoire sur les Français en 1763, les Anglais de la Nouvelle-Angleterre s’installeront en grand nombre dans la région atlantique. Le gouvernement britannique tentera de faire des Micmacs des agriculteurs et ces tentatives de sédentarisation échoueront. Malgré tout, les Micmacs deviendront une main-d’œuvre bon marché dans les domaines du transport et de la foresterie au détriment de leurs activités traditionnelles, ce qui entraînera des modifications socio-culturelles importantes pour leur nation. De nos jours, la pêche au saumon est toujours pratiquée par les Micmacs et cette activité est devenue un facteur de développement économique important pour cette nation. Ainsi, la communauté de Gesgapegiag s’est associée à des propriétaires riverains pour former, en 1982, la Société de gestion du saumon de la Grande rivière Cascapédia qui organise des séjours de pêche pour les amateurs. Nous retrouvons également la coopérative d’artisanat micmac de Gesgapegiag, une coopérative florissante aux États-Unis. Plusieurs réalisations du peuple micmac ayant pour but de résoudre certains problèmes sociaux au sein de leurs communautés sont dignes de mention: la création d’un centre de désintoxication situé à Gesgapegiag, un centre d’accueil pour les jeunes en difficulté et un centre d’hébergement pour les femmes victimes de violence, tous deux à Listuguj. Listuguj et Gesgapegiag sont aussi deux communautés d'affaires dynamiques. En 2001, les trois communautés Micmacs au Québec (Listuguj, Gesgapegiag, Gaspé) se sont unies pour former un organisme politique et administratif, le Secrétariat Mi’gmawei Mawiomi, afin de se donner des services communs, d’établir des liens avec des partenaires allochtones, notamment dans les secteurs de la pêche et de la foresterie, et de préparer leurs négociations en matière de revendications territoriales.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 191





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations



Conseil de bande Micmac de Gespeg, 34, Montée de Corte-Real, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2

(418) 368-6005

(418) 368-1272

Site d’interprétation Micmac de Gespeg, 783, boul. de la Pointe-Navarre, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2

(418) 368-7449

(418) 368-1272

Pour placer une annonce dans notre prochaine édition, appelez-nous aujourd’hui au:


192 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire :





Une partie des membres de Gespeg résident à proximité de Gaspé, l’autre partie résident dans la région de Montréal et à l’extérieur du Québec.

Situation géographique : Les membres de la bande résident à proximité de Gaspé. Aucun territoire n’est réservé à l’usage de la bande.

Superficie :

In the Montreal region and outside of the province of Quebec.

Geographical location: The Gespeg members lives near Gaspé, in the Montreal region and outside of the province of Quebec.

Area: Not applicable.


Ne s’applique pas.


Population :

Principal languages spoken:


French, English

Principales langues parlées :


Français, anglais

Gouvernement : Conseil de bande Micmac de Gespeg 34, Montée de Corte-Real, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2 Tel.: (418) 368-6005 Fax: (418) 368-1272 https://www.micmacgespeg.ca/ https://www.migmawei.ca/

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, musée d’interprétation, site d’interprétation avec artisanat, pêches commerciales, foresterie.

Infrastructure : Accès : la route 132 mène à Gaspé. Réseau routier : ne s’applique pas. Nombre de maisons : ne s’applique pas.

Conseil de bande Micmac de Gespeg 34, Montée de Corte-Real, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2 Tel.: (418) 368-6005 Fax: (418) 368-1272 https://www.micmacgespeg.ca/ https://www.migmawei.ca/

Economic activities: Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, interpretation museum, interpretation site arts and handicrafts, commercial listing, forestry.

Infrastructure: Access: Highway 132 leads to Gaspé. Road network: not applicable. Number of houses: not applicable.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 193



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Aligewogwom Thrift Shop, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3431

Angie’s Bakery, 35 Jerome Street, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-8011

Caisse populaire Desjardins de Maria, 554, Blvd. Perron, Maria, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3456

Chalets De L'Anse Ste-Helene, 892 Boulevard Perron O, Maria, QC G0C 1Y0

(581) 886-5455

f (418) 759-3801

CHRG Radio, 55 School St., Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-8196

Chucky’s Auto Repair, 30 Beach Rd., Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5273

Dépanneur Martin, 185 Main Street, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5440

First Nation Baskets, 15 Droken Road, Maria, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5988

(418) 759-5988

Galgoasiet Natural Resources, 101 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 429, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-1303

(418) 759-1301

Gesgapegiag Early Childhood Center, 35B Main Street, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5448

(418) 759-5759

(418) 759-5788

Gesgapegiag Education Services, 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3441

(418) 759-5856

Gesgapegiag Excavation, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3441

Gesgapegiag Handycraft Coop - Coopérative Artisanat de Maria, 120 Perron Blvd., Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3504

(418) 759-5424

Gesgapegiag Health & Community Services, 95 Main Street, P.O. Box 1450, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3431

(418) 759-5866

Gesgapegiag Kateri Tekakwitha Church General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3406

Gesgapegiag Police and Fire Department, 110 Perron Boulevard, P.O. Box 369, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3113

Indian Handicraft, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-1300

Indian Bay Smokehouse, 7 Perron Blvd, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-6908

Jerome’s Canteen, 130 Main Street, P.O. Box 1182, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5600

Le Relais De La Cache, C.P 706 Route 299 Km 62 Lac-Casault, (Quebec), G0C 1Y0

(581) 880-6025

Lobster Wholesale 104 Droken Road, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0.

(418) 759-1303

Lobster Hut, 4 Perron Blvd., General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(419) 759-5467

Lumberjack Service General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(581) 886-4081

Mawiomi Treatment Services, 85 School Street, P.O. Box 1068, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0 (418) 759-3522 Micmac Cabinet Making, 30B Church Court, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3209

(418) 759-3048

(418) 392-9841

Micmac Camp General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-6327

Micmac Co-Op, 6 Perron Blvd, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3504

Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band Council, 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3441

Micmacs Of Gesgapegiag Joneve, 100 Perron Boulevard, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-1918

Micmacs of the Grand Cascapedia, 10 Drokon, P.O. Box 516, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0 (418) 392-6327

(418) 759-5856

(418) 392-5044

Psychic Medium And Intuitive Coach, General Delivery, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-1918

Walgwan Center, P.O.Box 1009, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3006

(418) 759-3064

Wejgwapniag School, 40 Main Street, P.O.Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3422

(418) 759-5446

194 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire :

Community of Gesgapegiag

Communauté de Gesgapegiag

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : La communauté est située à 45 kilomètres à l’ouest de Bonaventure, sur la rive nord de la baie de Cascapédia.

Gesgapegiag is located 45 km west of Bonaven-ture, on the north shore of Cascapédia Bay.


Superficie :

182.26 hectares

182,26 hectares


Population :


1 501

Principal languages spoken:

Principales langues parlées :

Micmac, English

Micmac, anglais


Gouvernement : Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band Council 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, Québec G0C 1Y0 Tél.: (418) 759-3441 Fax: (418) 759-5856 https://www.gesgapegiag.ca/en/index https://www.migmawei.ca/

Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band Council 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, Québec G0C 1Y0 Tel.: (418) 759-3441 Fax: (418) 759-5856 https://www.gesgapegiag.ca/en/index https://www.migmawei.ca/

Economic activities:

Activités économiques : Art et artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, foresterie, construction, transport, pourvoirie.

Commerces et services : Alimentation, articles de sport, art et artisanat, restauration, vêtements, station service.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la 132. Réseau routier : 1 490 mètres de routes en gravier et 4 490 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 154

Arts and handicrafts, services, tourism, forestry, construction, transport, outfitting.

Businesses and services: Arts and handicrafts, clothing, food supplier, restaurant, sporting goods, service station.

Infrastructure: Access: Gesgapegiag can be reached by Highway 132. Road network: 1,490 metres of gravel road and 4,490 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 154

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 195





Alaqsite’w Gitpu School, 18 Caplin, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3100

(418) 788-3120

Barnaby’s, 113 Riverside West, P.O. Box 273, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2047

Birch Bark Canoes Sales / Fabrication, 47 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2963

CHRQ-FM Radio (106,9 FM), 116 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2121

Conseillers parajudiciaires autochtones / Région Restigouche-Gaspé, 6, Church Crescent, C.P. 203, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5455

Dépanneur Restigouche Drive-Throu, 17 Interprovincial Blvd., Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3203

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

(418) 788-2653

(418) 788-5225

Gignu / Restigouche Redaptation Center, 4 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 193, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5605

(418) 788-2751

Haven House, 2 Ennu, P.O. Box 99, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5544

(418) 788-2687

J. Mitchell Trucking, 89 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3204

(418) 788-5460

Jerome Grocery, 17 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2836

Kosh Construction, General Delivery, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5106

Listuguj Community Development Center, 42 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3000

(418) 788-3001

Listuguj Community Health Services, 6 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 377, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2155

(418) 788-3155


Darcy Gray CounCilloRs

Welta’Sualul ! Pjila’Si - Welcome to Listuguj 17, Riverside West, p.o. Box 298 listuguj (Quebec) G0C 2R0

T : (418) 788-2136 f : (418) 788-2058

· Lloyd Nicholas Alcon · Calvin Barnaby · Dolly Jane Barnaby · Sky Metallic · Wendell Metalli · George Martin · Sheila Swasson · Chad Gedeon · Gary Sr. Metallic · Gordon Jr. Isaac · Scott Martin · Marsha Vicaire sEnioR DiRECToR of opERaTions


Donna Metallic

Listuguj Eats (Subway), 88 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2286

(418) 788-2709

Listuguj Education Directorate, 1 Riverside West, P.O. Box 298, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2248

(418) 788-5980

Listuguj Fire Department, 17-A Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5848

(418) 788-3157

Listuguj Home Care, 9B Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2988

(418) 788-3146

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Development Center, 2 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 173, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 (418) 788-1347

(418) 788-3095

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government, 17 Riverside West, P.O.Box 298, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 (418) 788-2136

(418) 788-2058

Listuguj Natural Resources, 44 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3022

(418) 788-3058

Listuguj Police Department, 17-B Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2003

(418) 788-2330

Listuguj Social Assistance Services, 5 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2909

(418) 788-3113

Listuguj Social Services, 17 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3039

(418) 788-9021

Martin Grocery Store, 3 Pacific Drive, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2173

Mawo’Itijig Mijjuaji’jg Child Care Center, 8 Pacific Drive, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2553

(418) 788-2603

Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n Wind Farm, 2 Riverside Drive West, P.O. Box 135, Listugui, (Québec), G0C 2R0 (418) 788-1760

(418) 788-1315

Metallic’s Grocery, 34 Riverside West, P.O.Box 117, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2324

Mic Mac Electric, 67-A Interprovincial Blvd., Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5152

1 196

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 788-5152

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Territoire :




Communauté de Listuguj

Community of Listuguj

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté est située à 118 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Bonaventure, sur la rive nord de la rivière Ristigouche.

Superficie :

Listuguj is located 118 km southwest of Bonaventure, on the north shore of the Ristigouche River.


3 663,22 hectares

3,663.22 hectares

Population :


4 021


Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Mimac, Anglais

Micmac, English

Gouvernement :


Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government 17 Riverside West, P.O.Box 298, Listuguj, Québec G0C 2R0 Tél.: (418) 788-2136 Fax: (418) 788-2058 http://listuguj.ca https://www.migmawei.ca

Activités économiques :

Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government 17 Riverside West, P.O.Box 298, Listuguj, Québec G0C 2R0 Tel.: (418) 788-2136 Fax: (418) 788-2058 http://listuguj.ca https://www.migmawei.ca

Economic activities:

Art et artisanat, commerces et services, tourisme, construction, transport, foresterie, pêcheries.

Commerces et services :

Arts and handicrafts, businesses, services, tourism, construction, transport, forestry, fisheries.

Businesses and services:

Alimentation, électriciens, art et artisanat, plomberie, bureau de poste, quincaillerie, décoration intérieure, tabagie, essence, fleuriste, vêtements, fumoir, nourriture, fleuriste, paysagiste, tabagies.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté est accessible par la route 132. Réseau routier : 5 890 mètres de routes en gravier et 4 540 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 805

Arts and handicrafts, gasoline, clothing, hardware store, interior decoration, landscaping, electricians, post office, florist, smoke shop, food supplier.

Infrastructure: Access: the community can be reached by Highway 132. Road network: 5,890 metres of gravel road and 4,540 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 805

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 197




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, 2 Riverside West, P.O. Box 135, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 (418) 788-1760

(418) 788-1315

Sophia’s Creative Spirit, 94 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2712

(418) 788-2589

Sphinx International Consultants, 42 Caplin Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3377

St-Anne’s Church, 4 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2853

Tracey’s Canvas, Migmag Artisan, 21 A Church Crescent, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(581) 884-0707

VM Wood Working, General Delivery, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2657

Woodpile Gas Bar & Handicrafts, 32 Gaspé Highway, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5876

Wysote Depanneur, 1 Principal Street, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2518

(418) 788-5530

Wysote’s Pro Hardware, 1 Principale, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2932

(418) 788-5530

(418) 788-5876

Pour placer une annonce dans notre prochaine édition, appelez-nous aujourd’hui au:


1 198

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, info@indianacommunication.com C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, info@indianacommunication.com Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0 www.quebecautochtone.net Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0 www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net T (581) 300-6313 www.aboriginalquebec.net T (581) 300-6313

1 199




efore the 16th century, the members of the Five Nations Iroquois Confederacy (Haudenosaunee), called the Iroquois, lived primarily by farming, commercial trade of agricultural (corn floor, tobacco) and handicraft products, and traditional activities such as hunting, fishing, trapping and harvesting. In the 17th century, the territory of the Confederacy, along the SaintLawrence River and the Mohawk River is estimated to be 35,000 km2. Contact with Europeans in the 17th century gradually began to change the Mohawk way of life; especially with the fur trade, the use of firearms, metal, etc. At the same time, under the influence of the many Jesuits from Europe, the Mohawks were converting to Catholicism. Skilful in the arts of war and trade, the Mohawks took part in the English-French wars who marked the beginning of the colonization in Nouvelle-France by being allies to the English forces. They progressively take the place of the Hurons in the monopole of fur trade and they will battle them fiercely. In the middle of the 16th century, the Mohawks gradually settle in reductions near English villages and, after several moves, they settle in 1717 in what is now Kahnawake. A group of Mohawks from the village moved again, in 1721, to an Algonquin village, wich they renamed Kanesatake in 1755. Beginning in the 19th century, the Mohawks, with their ability to brave rapids and navigate rough waters, distinguished themselves as oarsmen with several shipping companies. In 1884, they proved their mettle by leading a British expedition up the Nile to Khartoum in Sudan. Other Mohawks were hired by construction companies because of their exceptional ability to climb the highest scaffolding. In Montreal, the Mohawks helped build the Victoria Bridge in 1860. In 1889, they worked on the Quebec city bridge. On August 29, 1907, the bridge collapsed, killing 96 people including 33 Kahnawake Mohawks. Living on both sides of the Canada-US border, the Mohawks reject the actual frontiers of Canada and the United States and will claim the right of free circulation for their people and for merchandise over the borders. Many major demonstrations will be held to support these revendications. One of these demonstrations, with regards to land claims in the Oka village, remains a sadly well-known event in relations between the Mohawks and non-Native people in Quebec. This conflict, in wich the Canadian army and the Sûreté du Québec had to intervene in the summer of 1990, was one of the worst episodes in the history of relations between Native people and Quebecers. Today, the Iroquois nation is spread across Quebec, Ontario and New York State. In Quebec, over 10,000 Mohawks live in Kahnawake, a 53 km2 territory. This dynamic community has four schools, including two high schools, a radio station, a newspaper (The Eastern Door), a hospital managed entirely by the community and a Caisse populaire. The Mohawks aspire to a great deal of control over their own affairs. Kahnawake signed a framework agreement with the federal government in December 1991 in order to negotiate greater autonomy than provided for in the Indian Act. In Kanesatake, negotiations are still under way to definitively settle this community’s grievances. The actual economy of the Mohawk communities is mainly based on public and private services businesses; the nearness of major urban centers helped the Mohawks to develop small businesses in various sectors of activities that are today flourishing.

200 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Habiles dans les arts de la guerre et du commerce, les Mohawks participent aux guerres franco-anglaises qui marquèrent les débuts de la colonisation en Nouvelle-France en s’alliant aux forces britanniques. Ils supplantent progressivement les Hurons dans le monopole du commerce des fourrures et ils livreront à ces derniers une guerre sans merci.Au milieu du XVIe siècle, les Mohawks s’installent graduellement dans des réductions près des villages anglais et après plusieurs déménagements, ils s’installent en 1717 sur le site de Kahnawake. Un groupe de Mohawks de ce village déménage à nouveau en 1721 dans un village algonquin, nommé Kanesatake en 1755. À compter du XIXe siècle, les Mohawks travaillent comme pagayeurs dans plusieurs compagnies de transport, étant donné leur aptitude à affronter les rapides et à voguer sur des eaux agitées. Ils s’illustreront à cet effet en 1884, en permettant à une expédition britannique de remonter le Nil jusqu’à Khartoum, au Soudan. Leur aptitude à travailler dans les hauteurs les amèneront à travailler dans d’importants chantiers de construction tant aux États-Unis qu’au Canada, d’où l’adage faisant état du fait que les autochtones n’ont pas le mal du vertige : à Montréal, les Mohawks participent à la construction du pont Victoria en 1860; en 1899. Ils travaillent aussi au montage du pont de Québec (le 29 août 1907, le pont s’écroule et fait 96 morts, dont 33 sont de Kahnawake). Répartis de chaque côté de la frontière canado-américaine, les Mohawks rejettent les frontières actuelles du Canada et des États-Unis et revendiqueront le droit de libre circulation personnel et des biens du commerce. Quelques manifestations majeures viendront appuyer leurs revendications.Une de ces manifestations, à la suite d’un litige concernant la revendication territoriale du village d’Oka, demeure un épisode tristement célèbre dans les relations entre les Mohawks et les non-autochtones au Québec. Ce conflit, dans lequel l’armée canadienne et la Sûreté du Québec sont intervenus à l’été 1990, est l’un des pires de l’histoire moderne des relations entre Québécois et Autochtones. Aujourd’hui, la nation iroquoise est répartie entre le Quebec, l’Ontario et l’État de New York. Au Québec, plus de 10,000 Mohawks résident à Kahnawakeprès, sur un territoire de 53 km2. Dans cette communauté dynamique, on retrouve quatre écoles, dont deux offrent aux étudiants l’opportunité de poursuivre leurs études secondaires. Il y a également une station radiophonique, un journal (The Eastern Door), un hôpital entièrement géré par la collectivité et une caisse populaire. Ceux-ci se rendent dans les villes environnantes pour étudier ou pour recevoir des soins médicaux. Les Mohawks aspirent à un haut degré d’autonomie dans la gestion des affaires de leur bande. Kahnawake a signé une entente cadre avec le gouvernement fédéral, en décembre 1991, en vue de négocier un régime offrant une plus grande autonomie que celui prévu par la Loi sur les Indiens. À Kanesatake, des négociations se poursuivent toujours en vue du règlement territoriale définitif des griefs de cette collectivité.L’économie actuelle des communautés mohawks est basée principalement sur des entreprises de ser vices publics et privés, leur voisinage des grands centres urbains leur a permis de développer des petites entreprises aujourd’hui très prospères.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 201



vant le XVIe siècle, les membres de la Confédération iroquoise des Cinq Nations (Haudenosaunee), communément appelés les Iroquois, vivaient principalement d’une économie de subsistance basée sur l’agriculture, l’échange commercial de produits agricoles (farine de maïs et tabac) et artisanaux, ainsi que sur la pratique d’activités traditionnelles de chasse, de pêche et de cueillette. Au XVIIe siècle, on évalue la superficie du territoire de la Confédération, qui longe le fleuve Saint-Laurent et s’échelonne le long de la rivière Mohawk, à environ 35 000 km2.Au contact des Européens, au XVIIe siècle, le mode de vie des Mohawks se transforme peu à peu; notamment avec l’usage de plus en plus répandu du métal et des armes à feu. À la même époque, sous l’influence des missionnaires jésuites, les Mohawks se convertissent au catholicisme.




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations 1 Smart Cookie, P.O. Box 1235, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 677-4449

4 Paws Grooming, P.O. Box 1235, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7297

7 Generations Day Care, P.O. Box 2220, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8838

99 Resto Bar, P.O. Box 2279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7529

Ahke:nonsah Basic Home Maintenance and Training Services, P.O. Box 532, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3867

Akwa Construction, P.O. Box 1869, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2892

Akwesane Sports, 1023 Highway 138 West, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4447

Alan Goodleaf Plumbing, P.O,. Box 576, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 952-9584

All In Good Spirits, P.O. Box 1163, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0,

(450) 638-2463


All Kinds of Crap, P.O. Box 1042, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Angel Deer Artist, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2463

Aromatic Spirit, P.O. Box 1827, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8009

ATD Manufacturing Technologies, 2100, route 138, PO box 2254, Highway 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7171

Atohnhetsha, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 743-4635

(450) 635-8009

$+4(00(0+$7( -9 ((3




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18 $+0$7$-(


Aurora Leborgne Painting, P.O. Box 1255, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 773-1728

Avery’s Guest & Meeting Facilities, P.O. Box 939, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3322

Bad K Designs, P.O. Box 874, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9819

Battling Cage / Eagle Eye Recreation, P.O. Box 716, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-1040

Bayview Restaurant, P.O. Box 2132, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5656

Bear Design, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0,

(514) 968-7989

Bee Gone - Infestation Removal Service, P.O. Box 36, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6439

Big Bear Trading, P.O. Box 1814, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7893

Black Berries Specialty Foods, P.O. Box 1695, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6301

Bryan Lawrence Garage, P.O. Box 328, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9947

Built-Rite Foundation, P.O.Box 985, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6471

Bully’s Truck Stop, P.O. Box 1080, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2152

Burton Jacobs Construction, P.O. Box 391, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 262-8453

1 202

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


(450) 635-7087

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake (Qc) J0L 1B0 Tél.: (450) 632-7500 http://www.kahnawake.com Territoire : Communauté de Kahnawake

Territory: Community of Kahnawake

Situation géographique :

Geographical location:

La communauté de Kahnawake est située à 10 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Montréal, sur la rive sud du lac Saint-Louis.

Superficie :

The community of Kahnawake is located 10 km southwest of Montreal on the southern shore of Lake Saint-Louis.


Kahnawake : 5 059,17 hectares Doncaster : 7 896,20 hectares

Population : 10 982

Kahnawake: 5,059.17 hectares Doncaster: 7,896.2 hectares Population: 10,982

Principales langues parlées : Mohawk, anglais

Principal languages spoken:

Activités économiques : Commerces et services

Mohawk, English

Economic activities: Businesses and services.

Commerces et services : Buanderie, ébénisterie, informatique, peintre, services de secrétariat, alimentation, bureau de poste, électriciens, jardinage, pharmacie, services de produits et de nettoyage, aménagement et entretien paysager, cadeaux, embarcations, jouets, photographes, services funéraires, carrière, entrepreneurs en construction, journal « The Eastern Door », pièces automobiles, services juridiques, centre de jardinage, lave-auto, piscines, soins esthétiques, art et artisanat, centre sportif, équitation, plomberie, soudure, articles de sport, céra-mique, essence, produits de beauté, structures d’acier, automobiles, cimenterie, excavation, maçonnerie, produits pétroliers, bar laitier, confiserie, marina, quincaillerie, taxi, bétail, fleuristes, matériaux de construction, restauration, traiteur, bijoux, débosselage, fondations, menuiserie, revêtement routier, transport ambulancier, bingo, décoration et désign intérieur, foresterie, meubles, salon de beauté, transport routier, dépanneurs, garderies, services bancaires, vêtements, boulangerie, disquaire, golf, nettoyage à sec, services de consultants, boutique chasse et pêche, eau de source, imprimerie, nettoyage de tapis.

Infrastructure : Accès : la communauté de Kahnawake est accessible par la route 132, la route 138 et la route 207. Réseau routier : 32 120 mètres de routes en gravier et 59 250 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 2 190

Businesses and services: Ambulance service, cabinets, dry cleaning, home decorating/interior design, painting, road transport, arts and handicrafts, candy, electricians, horseback riding/stables, paving, sandblasting, athletic centre, carwash, excavation, household appliances, pharmacy, automobiles, carpenters, florists, hunting and fishing supplies, sporting goods, bakery, caterer, forestry, jewellery, plumbing, steel erectors, banking services, cemetery, foundations, landscaping/maintenance, pools, taxis, beauty salons, ceramics, funeral parlour, laundry, post office, toys, beauty treatments, cleaning products and services, furniture, livestock, printing, bingo, clothing, garden centre, marina, quarry, typing services, boats, computer services, gardening, masonry, consultant services, gasoline, newspaper “The Eastern Door”, welding, building contractors, convenience stores, gifts, restaurant, building materials, cosmetics, golf, oil products, day-care centres, hardware store.

Infrastructure: Access: Kahnawake can be reached by Highway 132, 138 and 207. Road network: 32,120 metres of gravel road and 59,250 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 2,190

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 203


Gouvernement/ Government:




Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Bush Tree Service , General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 206-9001

Business Plans Plus, P.O. Box 1786, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9045

Busy Bee Social Media Marketing, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0,

(514) 773-1728

Calico Cottage Quilt and Gift Shop, P.O. Box 1488, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7070

Cannon’s Auto Sales, P.O. Box 850, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8664

Carolyn’s Activity Planner, P.O. Box 558, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7960

Caughnawaga Construction, P.O. Box 87, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4556


Caughnawaga Garage, P.O. Box 96, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0571

(450) 632-0192

Caughnawaga Golf Club & Dining Room, P.O. Box 840, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7163

(450) 632-0192

Cedar Hedge Trimming, P.O. Box 687, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 776-9759

Central Station, P.O. Box 949, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6186

Chainsaw Landscapers, P.O. Box 1484, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 716-6952

Chris Montour Construction, P.O. Box 181, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5278

Clear Sky Painting, P.O. Box 575, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 821-6810

Club Rez, Route 207, P.O.Box 1350, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9434

(450) 635-3695

Commission de développement des ressources humaines des Pemières Nations du Québec (CDRHPNQ), New Business Complex, 2 River Road, P.O. Box 2010, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4171

(450) 638-4101

Conseillers parajudiciaires autochtones / Région Montréal-Kahnawake-Akwesasne, P.O. Box 2143, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5647

Country Peddlers Gas Bar, P.O. Box 530, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6357

Country Side Gas Station, P.O. Box 454, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5183

Creekside Store, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9772

Cross Painting, P.O. Box 171, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6281

Dairy King, P.O.Box 304, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9661

(450) 632-8351

Dave’s Auto Body, P.O. Box 1029, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3492

(450) 632-3548

Dave’s Industrial Sandblasting, P.O. Box 1029, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3492

(450) 632-3548

Day Taxi, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 795-8928

Deer, Angel - Artist, P.O. Box 1923, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-2640

Deer Crossing, P.O. Box 899, Route 132, Kahnawake, QC,

(450) 638-4422

Deere Garage, P.O.Box 71, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0744

Devcom Installations, P.O. Box 1594, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1741

(450) 638-7244

Diabo Auto, P.O. Box 1017, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9009

(450) 638-2369

Diabo Construction, P.O.Box 743, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0594

(450) 635-0694

Diabo Excavation, P.O. Box 1449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1364

Diabo Trucking, P.O. Box 1449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1364

Diva’s Den, P.O. Box 1075, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 654-7611

Dustin’s, P.O. Box 82, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3613

Eagle’s Nest, P.O. Box 1651, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-0181

Eastern Door, The, P.O. Box 1170, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3050

(450) 635-8479

Echos of a Proud Nation Pow Wow, P.O. Box 1079, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8667

(450) 632-2813

Eileen’s Cakes & Pastries, P.O. Box 777, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2253

(450) 638-9866

Electrician J. Diabo Electric, P.O. Box 1243, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4369

(450) 632-9420

Electrolux Kahnawake, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9396

(450) 635-9113

Erlene & Joanne’s Catering, P.O. Box 1244, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6268

(450) 633-0181

Fadee’s Chip Stand, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Favors, P.O. Box 1724, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6669

(450) 635-6669

Femmes Autochtones du Québec inc. (FAQ) / Quebec Native Women Inc. (QNW), Business Complex, 2 River Road, P.O. Box 1989, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0088

(450) 632-9280

1 204

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Kahnawake t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


First Choice Gas Station, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7211

First Nations TV, P.O. Box 1311, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 880-9449

(450) 632-9066

First Nations Wireless, P.O. Box 1749, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4441

(450) 632-2692

Franklin Empire Electric, P.O. Box 1455, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4407

(450) 632-9954

Fun Bounce Inflatables, P.O. Box 1472, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6236

G. Dione Construction, P.O. Box 333, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0790

G.D.’s Garage, P.O.Box 298, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9891

Gail Horne’s Meat Pies, P.O. Box 689, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5856

Gene’s Machines, P.O. Box 677, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6975

Get Plastered, P.O. Box 1107, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3115

Get-N-Go Gas Station, P.O. Box 643, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1937

(514) 835-2081

Golden Meadow’s Professional Certified Wedding Consultant & Event Planner, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 580-5661

(450) 638-5968

Goodleaf Consulting, P.O. Box 550, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5108

(450) 632-0665

Goodleaf Convenience, P.O. Box 1857, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5103

Goodleaf Gas Station, P.O. Box 1256, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4261

Gran Sport Auto, P.O.Box 553, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1177

Host Hotel, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4678

Hurrican Fuel, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9229

Iron Horse Wear House, P.O. Box 952, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0873

J & J Mini Mart, P.O. Box 651, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4545

J P Iroquois Woods, P.O. Box 1808, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2381

J. R. Petroleum, P.O. Box 96, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0571

J.R.’s Evergreen Lawn Service, P.O. Box 430, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 968-8401

Jacobs Excavation, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9796

Jacob’s Hardware & Supplies, P.O.Box 780, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0328

Jacobs Taxi Service, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9396

(450) 635-5949

(450) 635-9173 (450) 638-0368

Jacobs Woodwork & Cabinets, P.O. Box 963, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3155

JFK Concrete, P.O. Box 1620, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0110

(450) 234-3227

JFK Quary, P.O. Box 1620, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7625


Jimmy Goodleaf’s Auto Supply, P.O.Box 560, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5103

Joe Flo Musky Tackle, P.O. Box 721, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8848

JoJo Nursery, P.O. Box 351, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7095

Jungle Love, P.O. Box 338, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7673

K-103 Mohawk Radio CKRK-FM (103,7 FM), P.O. Box 1050, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1313

Kahkotsi:io Beauty Salon, P.O. Box 1629, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9360

(450) 635-9861 (450) 638-4009

Kahnawà:ke Sustainable Energies, 2 River Road, 3e étage, C.P. 1110, Kahnawà:ke, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4280

Kahnawake Computer Service, P.O. Box 449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8996

Kahnawake Crossfit, P.O. Box 15, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8885

Kahnawake Driving Range, P.O.Box 391, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0280

Kahnawake Dry Cleaning, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

(450) 635-5521

Kahnawake Environment Office, P.O. Box 1089, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0600

(450) 635-2787

Kahnewake Gas & Grocery, General Deliveery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7372

Kahnawake Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 166, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-2616

Kahnawake Lands Unit, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-8244

Kahnawake Learning Center, P.O. Box 550, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7878

Kahnawake Library, P.O. Box 1950, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1016

(450) 633-1017

Kahnawake Marina, P.O.Box 98, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6061

(450) 632-7991

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 635-1773

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 205







Kahnawake Peacekeepers, P.O. Box 203, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6505

(450) 632-4763

Kahnawake Pizza & Subs, P.O. Box 1802, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1583

Kahnawake Pool Supplies, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

Kahnawake Social Development Unit, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0500

(450) 632-0976

Kahnawake Sports Complex, P.O.Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3311

(450) 638-7063

Kahnawake Survival School, P.O. Box 1978, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8831

(450) 632-9081

Kahnawake Taxi, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 210-7599

Kahnawake Youth Center, P.O.Box 907, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6601

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations

Kahnawakenews.com, P.O. Box 841, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 591-6012

Kambry’s Smoothies, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9119

Kateri Memorial Hospital Center, P.O. Box 10, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3930

Kateri School, P.O. Box 100, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3350

Keepers of the Eastern Door - Mohawk Singers and Dancers, P.O. Box 332, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6521

Khanata Gas Bar, P.O. Box 1053, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8487

Kirby Tree Service, P.O. Box 773, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7506

Kwe Kwe Gourmet, P.O. Box 2015, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5338

L. Albany Construction, P.O. Box 862, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7503

Lafleur Golf Club and Dining, P.O.Box 132, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0274

Leborgne Masonry, P.O. Box 474, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 820-7736

Legendz Barber Shop, P.O. Box 2397, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5304

(450) 635-5521

(450) 638-4634

(450) 635-2174

(450) 638-7217

Leonard Homer Construction, P.O. Box 1287, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Listen Entertainment Services, P.O. Box 480, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2167

Lori’s Sewing, P.O. Box 640, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3819

Martha Montour, Lawyer, Accredited Mediator and Other Professional Services, P.O. Box 939, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3322

McComber Archery, P.O.Box 690, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5732

(450) 638-2586

McComber Fisheries, P.O. Box 1535, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2892

(450) 638-7742

McComber’s Convenience, P.O. Box 340, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6225

McComber’s Fish and Game, Highway 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2892

McWeld, P.O.Box 1119, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3732

(450) 638-7742

Megan Whyte, Artist, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Men at Work, P.O. Box 2087, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 649-2599

Mikies Taxi, P.O.Box 1784, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3114

Millie’s Antiques, P.O. Box 1119, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0266

MMA Fight Shop, P.O. Box 2242, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6363

Mohawk Bingo, Route 138, P.O. Box 1149, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6830

(450) 638-3969

Mohawk Bridge Consortium, P.O. Box 2253, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6063

(450) 638-4990

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, P.O.Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7500

(450) 638-5958

Mohawk Hills Golf & Country Club, P.O. Box 505, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7446

(450) 635-4790 (450) 638-1502

Mohawk Internet Technologies, 1470 Route 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4007

(450) 638-9885

Mohawk Market, P.O. Box 2279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0099

(450) 638-8960

Mohawk Masonry, P.O. Box 2278, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 820-7526

Mohawk Nation News, P.O. Box 991, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9345

Mohawk Painting, P.O. Box 1636, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3918

Mohawk Princess Productions, P.O. Box 1971, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 777-8759

Mohawk Royal Equestrain Centre, P.O. Box 1980, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1444

Mohawk Wood Products, P.O. Box 746, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4775

Mouchie’s Mobile Music, P.O. Box 327, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9613

206 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 632-7625

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Musée Kateri Tekakwitha Museum, P.O.Box 70, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6030

Musky Mike’s Charter Service, P.O. Box 432, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 795-7998

My Messy Kitchen Catering, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 561-3420

Mystic Pines Golf & Country Club, P.O. Box 279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 817-7849

National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization, 1 Roy Montour Lane, P.O. Box 1019, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0892

North American Towing Service, P.O. Box 1712, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4453

OCR Gas Bar and Car Wash, P.O. Box 53, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7147

OCR Necessities & Gas Bar, P.O. Box 1354, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8821

Okwaho’s Mohawk Moving Systems, P.O. Box 531, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4357


(450) 632-2111

Okwari Arts / Rapid Water Studio Gallery, Rte 138 West, Khanata Plaza, P.O. Box 389, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7771

(450) 632-7527

Old Malone Gas Bar, P.O. Box 53, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7100

(450) 632-0177

Organizational Development Services, P.O. Box 1440, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6880

Patton’s Glen Golf Club, P.O. Box 1815, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6132

Patton’s Woodcraft, P.O.Box 492, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7126

Perron, Tonya - Lawyer, P.O. Box 38, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9929

Playground Poker, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4318

Poissant & Deer Funeral Directors, P.O. Box 558, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7960

Precision Audio Lab, P.O. Box 1795, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 516-4143

Pro Cut Tree Service, P.O. Box 695, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 293-6500

Quick 8 Construction, P.O. Box 1859, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8808

R & S Construction, P.O. Box 2041, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 887-8789

Rail, The @ Playground Poker, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4318

Rakwatakwas Carpentry, P.O. Box 837, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1953

Redwire Computers, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 867-4062

Revolutionary Creations, P.O. Box 1331, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0818

Rice Mohawk Lawn & Landscaping, P.O. Box 430, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 999-7963

Ristorante La Vista, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 528-4782

Riverside Inn, P.O. Box 1636, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6228

(450) 638-7863

(450) 632-8804

(450) 638-9084

(450) 638-6412 (450) 635-8479

Robbie’s Smokehouse & Burger Bar, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Sequoia Soaps, P.O. Box 1443, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2197

Simple Pleasures Catering, P.O. Box 1276, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2630

Snake’s Poker, P.O. Box 1349, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6999

Step-By-Step Child Family Center, P.O. Box 771, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7603

Tammy Beauvais Designs, P.O. Box 1599, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6757

(514) 717-6757

Tewatohnhi’saktha (Kahnawake Economic Development Commission), P.O. Box 1110, 2 River Road, 3rd Floor - Kahnawake Business Complex, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4280

(450) 638-3276

The Barn , General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5757

The Batting Cage, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-1040

The Rail Coal Fire Bistro General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4318

Tota Màs Café, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7500

Total Fitness, P.O. Box 933, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 464-4348

Delectable Delights, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8995

Triple Delights Chocolate, P.O. Box 339, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 222-9561

Caisse Populaire Kahnawake, P.O. Box 1987, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5464

Turtle Clan Construction, P.O. Box 1277, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1062

Turtle Island Arts & Crafts, P.O.Box 77, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8702

Two O Seven Steak and Seafood, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 923-8236

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 638-3411

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 207





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


Two Row Occupational Health & Safety Services, PO Box 1789, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 922-7120

United Church Office, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7799

V.I.S.T.A. Seminars, P.O. Box 1117, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4544

Victor K. Diabo Construction, P.O. Box 88, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1866

Village Variety, P.O.Box 99, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2445

Vision Design, P.O. Box 1798, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 898-1769

W.J.S. Gas Bar / Excavation, P.O. Box 1080, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3986

Wacky Weedeaters, P.O. Box 2228, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 433-7245

Wayne’s Complete Tree Service, P.O. Box 1229, Old Malone Highway, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7590

West Island Tree Service, P.O. Box 1526, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1924

Wild Wild West, P.O. Box 1372, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 444-2373

Wine Barrel, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1787

Wolfco, P.O. Box 1809, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6679

Wolf’s Den, P.O.Box 743, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5270

WWK Stacey Printing & Office Supplies, P.O. Box 837, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1953

Yes Sir Taxi, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 318-5070



(450) 635-9974 (450) 635-2648 (450) 638-3589

(450) 638-4787

(450) 638-9084

Kanesatake t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations Kohsatens Stables, 501 Ste. Philomene, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0


(450) 479-6822

Moccasin - Jo Coffee + Tea, 113 Ahsennenson, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8415

Mohawk Council of Kanesatake, 681, Ste-Philomène, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8373

Onen’to:kon Treatment Center, P.O. Box 89, 380 St. Michel, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8353

(450) 479-1034

Ratihente High School, 681-A Ste-Philomene, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-1904

(450) 479-8249

IMPACT A prime choice to reach your target area, the First Nations members of Quebec and Labrador. Don’t be left behind and bypass your competitors, invest in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory info@indianacommunication.com

208 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Territoire :


Communauté de Kanesatake et établissement de Doncaster

Situation géographique :

Community of Kanesatake and settlement of Doncaster

Geographical location:

L’établissement de Kanesatake est situé sur la rive nord de l’Outaouais, à 53 kilomètres à l’ouest de Montréal.

Superficie :

The settlement if Kanesatake is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, 53 km west of Montreal.


Kanesatake : 958,05 hectares Doncaster : 7 896,2 hectares

Kanesatake: 958.05 hectares Doncaster: 7,896.2 hectares

Population : 2 513

Population: 2,513

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken:

Mohawk, anglais et français

Mohawk, English and French

Gouvernement :


Mohawk Council of Kanesatake 681, Ste-Philomène, Kanesatake, Québec J0N 1E0 Tél.: (450) 479-8373 Fax: (450) 479-8249 https://kanesatake.ca

Activités économiques : Agriculture, art et artisanat, commerces et services, construction, transport.

Commerces et services : Confection de vêtements, mécanique automobile, dépanneurs, réparation de petits moteurs, ébénisteries, services ambulanciers, entrepreneur général, site de camping, équipement de bureau, vente et location de matériel de pêche, essence, vergers.

Infrastructure :

Mohawk Council of Kanesatake 681, Ste-Philomène, Kanesatake, Québec J0N 1E0 Tél.: (450) 479-1690 Fax: (450) 479-1622 https://kanesatake.ca

Economic activities: Agriculture, Arts and handicrafts, businesses and services, construction, transport.

Businesses and services: Ambulance service, automobile repairs, cabinet making, camp ground, clothing manufacturing, convenience stores, fishing equipment, gasoline, general contraction, office equipment, apples, small engine repair.


Accès : Kanesatake est accessible par la route 344. Réseau routier : 4 680 mètres de routes en gravier et 4 620 mètres en asphalte. Nombre de maisons : 327

Access: Kanesatake can be reached by Highway 344. Road network: 4,680 metres of gravel road and 4,620 metres of paved road. Number of houses: 327

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 209






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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 211

THE NASKAPIS small nomadic tribe of 1,500 Indians, the Naskapis lived south of Ungava Bay, between the Labrador coast and Hudson Bay until the 17th century. Since agriculture was impractical in thes northern lands, the Naskapis lived by trapping, hunting caribou, seal, migrating birds and fishing.


They hunted mainly caribou, and they followed the migration of the game. Hunting required families to split up during the winter when game was scarce and to regroup in the spring to hunt the herds of caribou returning from the south. These reunions were a cause for celebration and prayer. The women prepared the pelts used to make clothes, bags, tents, and strips for the snowshoes and drums. The Naskapis have a culture and a language of their own; distinct from the language and traditions of all the other Native nations in Quebec. They preserved this way of life since the beginning ot the 20th century because they were in contact occasionally with Europeans, and with Quebecers after 1821. When a fur post opened in the Schefferville region at Fort Nascopie in 1838, however, it disrupted the Naskapi way of life. Because the trading post was close to their encampment, they were encouraged to abandon the caribou hunt to trap small animals whose pelts fetched a good price. The Naskapis quickly became dependant on the trading posts. This dependance cut ties among families frequenting different posts. The lack of communication meant the hunters did not know what path the herds of caribou were taking, and a lack of caribou meat caused a famine among the Naskapis that threatened the community’s existence. In 1949, the federal government had to send to Fort Chimo food rations and provided health care to the population. In 1956, the federal government decided to move the Naskapi community to Schefferville. Over the course of twenty-five years, the Naskapis established good relations with the neighbouring Innus in the village of Matimekosh. The signing of the Northeastern Quebec Agreement, in January 1978, marked a new turning point in the life of the Naskapis. In compensation for the loss of their lands and ancestral rights, they receive 9 million dollars. The Naskapis are also given a 41.1 km2 of (1A-N) land by the federal government for their exclusive use and a 284.9 km2 of (1B-N) land. They also have exclusive hunting and fishing rights on 4,144 km2. In the fall of 1984, they move into their new village, Kawawachikamach, 20 km north of Schefferville. In 1984, the Cree-Naskapi Act exempted the latter from the Indian Act and granted them great administrative autonomy. The Naskapi Development Corporation was then created to ensure the socio-economic development of the community. The main economic activities of the community revolve around adventure tourism, construction, mining services and transportation, trapping of fur animals and handicrafts. Kawawachikamach has wellequipped community buildings, including a primary and secondary school, a CLSC, a fire station, a police station, a shopping center, a community center and a multi-purpose arena.

212 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

LES NASKAPIS etite communauté nomade d’environ 1 500 autochtones, les Naskapis vivaient au XVIIe siècle, au sud de la Baie d’Ungava, entre la côte du Labrador et de la Baie d’Hudson. L’agriculture étant impraticable sur ces terres nordiques, les Naskapis tiraient leur subsistance de la chasse au caribou, au phoque et aux oiseaux migrateurs ainsi que de la pêche blanche. La Nation Naskapi possède une culture et une langue spécifique et distincte des autres nations autochtones et Inuit. Ceux-ci ont pu préserver leur mode de vie traditionnel jusqu’au début du siècle, puisqu’ils n’ont été en contact que de façon occasionnelle avec les Européens, et par la suite avec les Québécois à partir de 1821. Toutefois, l’ouverture d’un comptoir de fourrures dans la région de Schefferville, à FortNascopie, en 1838, vient bouleverser le mode de vie des Naskapis. L’installation de ce poste de traite à proximité de leur campement les encourage à abandonner leurs pratiques de chasse traditionnelle pour s’adonner au piégeage des animaux à fourrure, qui devient une bonne monnaie d’échange. Les Naskapis deviennent vite dépendants des postes de traite. Cette dépendance entraîne une séparation des familles qui fréquentent différents postes de traite. Fautes d’échanges, les chasseurs ne connaissent plus la trajectoire suivie par les hardes de caribous. Privé de cette source d’alimentation, le peuple naskapi fait face à la famine qui menace l’existence de la communauté. Ainsi, en 1949, Fort-Chimo doit recourir à l’aide alimentaire et sanitaire du gouvernement fédéral pour assurer sa survie. En 1956, le gouvernement fédéral décide de déménager la communauté naskapie à Schefferville. Durant vingt-cinq ans, les Naskapis font bon voisinage avec les Innus, dans le village de Matimekosh. La signature de la Convention du Nord-Est québécois, en 1978, marque un nouveau tournant dans la vie de la population naskapie. En compensation de la perte de leurs territoires et droits ancestraux, on leur accorde 9 millions de dollars. Les Naskapis se voient concéder un territoire de 41,1 km2 (terre 1A-N) par le gouvernement fédéral pour leur usage exclusif ainsi qu’un terrain de 284,9 km2 (terre 1B-N). Ils disposent d’un territoire exclusif de chasse et de pêche de 4 144 km2. À l’automne 1984, ils déménagent dans leur nouveau village, Kawawachikamach, à 20 kilomètres au nord de Schefferville. En 1984, la Loi sur les Cris et les Naskapis soustrait ces derniers à la Loi sur les Indiens et leur confère une grande autonomie administrative. La Société de développement des Naskapis est alors créée pour assurer le développement socioéconomique de la communauté. Les principales activités économiques de la communauté gravitent autour du tourisme d’aventure, de la construction, des services miniers et du transport, du piégeage d’animaux à fourrure et de l’artisanat. Kawawachikamach est doté d’édifices communautaires bien équipés, dont une école qui offre l’enseignement primaire et secondaire, un CLSC, une caserne de pompiers, un poste de police, un centre commercial, un centre communautaire et un aréna multifonctionnel.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 213



1009, Naskapi Road P.O. Box 5111 Kawawachikamach Nuchimiyushiiy, Québec G0G 2Z0 Tel.: (418) 585-2686 Fax.: (418) 585-3130 E-mail: naskapination@naskapi.ca Web Site: www.naskapi.ca

Naskapi Nation Office & Administration Chief : Theresa Chemaganish Deputy-Chief : Louise Nattawappio Councillors : Stephen Noah Mameamskum Jeremy Einish Ronald Tooma David Swappie Director General : Stella Pien Department of Public Works: Tel.: (418) 585-3650 Fax.: (418) 585-3267 E-mail: dpw@naskapi.ca Naskapi Fire Department: Tel.: (418) 585-3297 214 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Territoire :

Community of Kawawachikamach

Communauté de Kawawachikamach

Geographical location:

Situation géographique : Le territoire est situé à 15 kilomètres au nordest de Schefferville, près du lac Matemace.

The territory is located 15 km northeast of Schefferville, near Lake Matemace.

Superficie : 326,34 kilomètres carrés

Area: 326.34 squares kilometres

Population : 1 356

Population: 1,356

Principales langues parlées :

Principal languages spoken: Naskapi, English

Naskapis, anglais


Gouvernement : Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, Québec G0G 2Z0 Tél.: (418) 585-2686 Fax: (418) 585-3130 http://www.naskapi.ca

Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, Québec G0G 2Z0 Tél.: (418) 585-2686 Fax: (418) 585-3130 http://www.naskapi.ca

Economic activities:

Activités économiques :

Arts and handicrafts, tourism, trapping, outfitting, construction, transport.

Art et artisanat, piégeage, tourisme, pourvoirie, construction, transport.

Businesses and services:

Commerces et services : Bureau de poste, essence, restauration, magasin général, arcade, vidéo, dépanneur.

Gasoline, restaurant, general store, arcade, post office, video, gas bar, depanneur.


Infrastructure :

Access: the community can be reached by car, train or airplane from Sept-îles. Road network: 2,880 metres. Number of houses: 160

Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach

Accès : la communauté est accessible par auto, train, ou par avion, depuis Sept-Îles. Réseau routier : 2 880 mètres de routes. Nombre de maisons : 160

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

1 215


Kawawachikamach t

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations


CLSC Naskapi (Community Local Services Centre), P.O. Box 5154, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2131

(418) 585-2430

Drop-In-Centre, P.O. Box 5004, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3587

(418) 585-3130

James Chescappio Memorial Learning Centre, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2621

Jimmy Sandy Memorial School, P.O. Box 5152, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3811

(418) 585-3347

Jonathan Shecanapish’s Memorial Fire Station, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3297

(418) 585-3267

Kathleen Tooma Beautiful Dawn Centre, 177 Chittspattio Road, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2663

Kawawachikamach Energy Services Inc., P.O. Box 5036, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 (418) 585-3271

(418) 585-2439

Kawawachikamach Gas Bar, P.O. Box 5112, Kawawachikamach, (Quebec) GOG 2Z0

(418) 585-2070

(418) 585-3267

Manikin Center, P.O. Box 5113, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3660

(418) 585-2737

Naskapi Arts & Crafts Shop, P.O. Box 5113, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3660

(418) 585-2737

Naskapi Catering LP, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Naskapi Department of Public Works, P.O. Box 5112, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 (418) 585-3650

(418) 585-3267

Naskapi Community Center, General Delivery, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3059

(418) 585-2164

Naskapi Development Corporation - Société de Développement Naskapis / Kawawachikamach, P.O.Box 5153, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 (418) 585-2612

(418) 585-3953

Naskapi Gas Bar & Garage Inc., P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2070

(418) 585-3267

Naskapi Heavy Machinery LP, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2888

(418) 585-2889

Naskapi Housing Maintenance, P.O. Box 5140, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3650

(418) 585-3267

Naskapi Hunters Support Program, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Naskapi Justice Healing Committee, P.O. Box 5121, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2186

(418) 585-3810

Naskapi Landholding Corporation, PO Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 (418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Naskapi NNADAP Program, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3130

(418) 585-8020

Naskapi Northern Wind Radio Station (CJCK-FM 89,9), P.O. Box 5153, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2111

(418) 585-3953

Naskapi Police Force, P.O. Box 5011, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2293

(418) 585-2294

Naskapi Post Office, General Delivery, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3097

(418) 585-2737

Naskapi Recreation Facility, P.O. Box 5004, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2123

(418) 585-2446

Naskapi Wellness Center , 1008 Naskapi Road, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-8020

Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 5112, Kawawachikamach, (Quebec) GOG 2Z0

(418) 585-2603

(418) 585-2634

Pimi Naskinnuk LP, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Sachidun ChildCare Center, P.O. Box 5075, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2020

(418) 585-2050

Shinapest Tooma Memorial Arena, General Delivery, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2264

Shinapest Tooma Memorial Arena Restaurant, General Delivery, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2772

Sichuun Inc., 96 rue Atlantic, Schefferville (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-8000

Social Services of CLSC Naskapi, P.O. Box 5154, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3507

(418) 585-2430

St. John’s Anglican Church, P.O. Box 5119, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2557

(418) 585-3130

216 1

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Communautés autochtones LABRADOR-MARITIMES Aboriginal Communities

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



New brunswick FIRST N ATIO N S


2 Bathurst

3 5 4 6



7 8


Moncton 9

13 12 11 10 Fredericton

Saint John



12. Kingsclear 15. Madawaska Maliseet First Nation 10. Oromocto 11. Saint Mary’s 14. Tobique 13. Woodstock

8. Buctouche 3. Esgenoopetitj First Nation 5. Eel Ground 1. Eel River Bar First Nation 7. Elsipogtog First Nation 9. Fort Folly 6. Indian Island 4. Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation 2. Pabineau

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


MALISEET he Maliseet nation was a member of the Wabanaki Confederacy that controlled much of the Maritimes and New England. The Maliseet themselves are original natives of the area between New Brunswick and Maine, and are part of the Algonquian linguistic family. The Maliseet and Passamaquoddy people are closely related to each other. They spoke dialects of the same language, and shared the same custom and history. The Maliseet were also closely tied with Abenaki in Québec, Mi’kmaq in Maritimes and Penobscot Indians in Maine. The main Maliseet settlement was Medoctec, along the banks of the St. John River.


River people, the Maliseet were expert fishermen, using pronged spears to catch fish from their birch bark canoes. The Maliseet also hunted deer and moose; while men did the hunting and fishing, women harvested corn and gathered fruits. The Maliseet were considered semi-nomadic people. They lived in small round structures called wigwams, and traditionally wore the moccasins and beaded clothing. The acquaintance of the Maliseet with the French began probably even earlier than the voyage of Cartier in 1535, through the medium of the fishing fleets which to the French as early as 1558, but the tribe is first mentioned, under the name of Etchemin, in 1604, by Champlain, who entered the mouth of this river close to Quebec city and was welcomed by the natives with feasts and dances. The Maliseet were allies with Mi’kmaq and Abenaki against the Iroquois, and allies to the French during the colony wars. They were considered a key element in the French defence against the English invaders. In 1728, however, the Maliseet ratified a peace treaty concluded in Boston with the English. Under this treaty, the Indians of New England and Nova Scotia recognized British sovereignty over Nova Scotia. The resentment of the Maliseet towards the English continued until the surrender of Québec City in 1763. The main settlement Medoctec was finally abandoned around 1765. Since 1801, the federal government has established several reserves in western New Brunswick and in Québec. A few (about 100) stayed at Viger in Quebec and in eastern Maine; the Maliseet were all in New Brunswick, distributed upon small reserves, of which the most important was Tobique, with a population of about 200 individuals at that time. Most of the territory of Atlantic Canada derives from Aboriginal treaties with the crown. The 1763 proclamation reserved all the lands in Atlantic Canada as the "Hunting Grounds" of the Indian nations and tribes, the only exemption being for land that was either ceded or purchased. The provinces of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec were originally part of Mi'kma'ki. The treaties signed with the Mi'kma'ki were intended to protect the aboriginal hunting grounds in the Atlantic. Today, the Maliseet First Nation continues to prosper. Their economy is based on fishing, forestry, services and tourism. There are more than 6000 registered Maliseet in Canada, 745 in Québec and close to 5400 in New Brunswick.










5 Moncton

6 1 4 Fredericton 3

Saint John

Maliseet 1. Kingsclear 2. Madawaska Maliseet First Nation 3. Oromocto 4. Saint Mary’s 5. Tobique 6. Woodstock

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Kingsclear Access Kingsclear First Nation is located 14.4 km west of Fredericton.



Area 374.7 ha. Moncton


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities

1 006

Band office, school and community access centre, band hall, and convenience.

Languages spoken


Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Maliseet) Mother Tongue: Maliseet, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

Government Kingsclear First Nation Address: 77 French Village Road, Kingsclear First Nation, NB E3E 1K3 Tel.: (506) 363-3028 Fax: (506) 363-4324


Affiliations: Tribal Council: Unaffiliated Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians


Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Historical Notes The reserve was established in 1814.

Fishing, manufacturing industry, services and trades.



Kingsclear First Nation Band Hall, 77 French Village Road, Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3

(506) 363-3028

(506) 363-4324

Kingsclear First Nation ETO, 77 French Road, Kinsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3

(506) 363-3022

(506) 363-4324

Kingsclear First Nation, 77 French Village Road, Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3

(506) 363-3028

(506) 363-4324

Wulastukw Convenience Store, 77 French Village Road, Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3 (506) 363-5518

(506) 363-5833

Businesses and organizations

Wulastukw Elementary School, 77 French Village Road, Kinsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 363-3019

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Madawaska Maliseet Fist Nation Access Bathurst



The Madawaska Maliseet First Nation inhabits the St. Basile Reserve which is located 1.6 km east of Edmundston. On Highway 144 and Trans-Canada Highway.

Area 310 ha. Fredericton

Saint John




Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian Mother Tongue: French, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: Drumbeat Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Address: 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB E7C 1W9 Tel.: (506) 739-9765 Fax: (506) 735-0024

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: Saint John River Valley District Tribal Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

The reserve was established prior to 1867. Before the arrival of the first Acadian settlers in about 1784, the Upper St.John River valley was home to Native Peoples, in particular to the Wulustukieg or Malecite (Maliseet) Nation, who were members of the Wabanaki Alliance (a confederation of native nations), a branch of the Algonquin peoples. The very name Madawaska is from the Malecite's Algonquin language: "madawes" -- porcupine, "kak" -- place.

Languages spoken

Industries Trades, retail and service industries, entertainment centre.

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, recreation centre, economic development, alcohol and drug program, education, community health representative, community nurse, gas bar, smoke shop, fitness center, municipal garage.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Madawaska Maliseet Fist Nation

Businesses and organizations

Eagle View Smoke Shop, 1814 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1X1

(506) 737-9003

J. Bernard & Sons Excavating & Paving, 1671 Main Street, Madawaska First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 739-0101

Madawaska Entertainment Center, 1791 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 735-1752

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Community Health, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 735-0676

(506) 735-1746

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Community Nurse, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 735-0676

(506) 735-1746

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Education, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 739-9765

(506) 735-0024

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Headstart, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 739-9765

(506) 735-0676

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Housing, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 739-9765

(506) 735-0024

Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 739-9765

(506) 735-0024

Madawaska Maliseet Native Alcohol and Drug Program, 1771 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 735-1751

(506) 735-1746

Pirate de la Mer, 1791 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W9

(506) 735-7111

St-John Valley Gas Bar, 1637 Main Street, Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, NB, E7C 1W6

(506) 735-1885


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 739-5742

(506) 735-3701

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Oromocto Access: The Oromocto Band inhabits the Oromocto Reserve which is located north and adjacent to Gagetown.





27.3 ha.


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities


Languages spoken

Administration office, day care and Aboriginal Headstart program, health centre, child and family services, gas station.

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Maliseet) Mother Tongue: Maliseet, English


Oromocto First Nation Address: P.O. Box 417, Oromocto, NB E2V 2J2 Tel.: (506) 357-2083 Fax: (506) 357-2628

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Tribal Council: Saint John River Valley District Tribal Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Most jobs are in agriculture, fishing industry, wholesale and retail trade, education and health sector, also construction and manufacturing.

The reserve was established in 1895.




Canada Seafood Products Inc., 121 Waasis Road, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2V4

(506) 476-2035

(506) 455-5202

George & Sons Woodworking, 4 Wela-mooktook Street, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2R6

(506) 357-2288

(506) 357-2199

Oromocto First Nation Fisheries, P.O. Box 417, Station Main, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2J2

(506) 357-2093

(506) 357-4812

Oromocto First Nation Fuels, 2 Hiawatha Avenue, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2J2

(506) 446-4847

(506) 446-9046

Oromocto First Nation Headstart Program and Day Care, 35 Nikie Drive, P.O. Box 21014, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2R9

(506) 357-3570

(506) 357-3572

Oromocto First Nation Wel-A-Mook-Took Health Centre, P.O. Box 21014, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2R9

(506) 357-1027

(306) 357-1026

Oromocto First Nation, 33 Hiawatha Avenue, P.O. Box 417, Oromocto, NB, E2V 2J2

(506) 357-2083

(506) 357-2628

Businesses and organizations

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Saint Mary’s

Maliseet Businesses and organizations Bear Construction Ltd., 120 Maliseet Drive, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2V9

(506) 453-7891

(506) 459-7001

Chief Harold Sappier Memorial Elementary School, 305 Maliseet Drive, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 5R7

(506) 462-9683

(506) 462-9686

Earthly Enhancements Landscaping, 207 Paul Street, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2V7

(506) 470-5629

Gabriel Electric Ltd., 35 Maliseet Drive, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2W1

(506) 474-1123

(506) 458-8114

Kchikhusis Commercial Centre / Saint Mary's Retail Sales, 150 Cliffe Street , Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 452-9367

(506) 462-9629

Kchikhusis Daycare, 150 Cliffe Street, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 452-7019

Paul's Pottery, 260 Maliseet Drive, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2V9

(506) 474-0721

Saint Mary's Cultural Centre, 35 Dedham Street, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2V2

(506) 454-2186

(506) 462-9491

Saint Mary's Entertainment Centre, 185 Gabriel Drive, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 5V9

(506) 462-9300

(506) 462-9333

Saint Mary's First Nation Child and Family Services, 440 Highland Avenue, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2S6

(506) 452-2750

(506) 452-2759

Saint Mary's First Nation Veterans Memorial Health Centre, 440 Highland Avenue, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2S6

(506) 452-2750

(506) 452-2759

Saint Mary's First Nation, 150 Cliffe Street, Box R2, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 458-9511

(506) 462-9491

Saint Mary's Forestry, 150 Cliffe Street, Box R2, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 459-2200

(506) 452-2763

Saint Mary's Gas Bar, 150 Cliff Street, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 458-5400

(506) 462-9680

Saint Mary's Lasting Impressions, 150 Cliff Street, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 458-8531

(506) 462-9680

Saint Mary's Smoke Shop, 150 Cliffe Street, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 462-9603

Saint Mary's Supermarket, 150 Cliffe Street, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 462-9604

Saint Mary's Tree Service, 56 Sappier Street, Saint Mary's First Nation, Fredericton, NB, E3A 2T9

(506) 472-8441

Sitansisk Fisheries, 150 Cliffe Street, Box R2, Fredericton, NB, E3A 0A1

(506) 458-9511

Spirit Lake Taxidermy, 25 Barlow Court, Fredericton, NB, E3A 5V9

(506) 457-2497


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 462-9680

(506) 459-5202

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Saint Mary’s


Access: The St. Mary's Band inhabits the Devon and St. Mary's Reserves which are located on the north bank of the St. John River and 6 km east of Fredericton




Area: Devon No. 30: 125.8 ha. St Mary’s No. 24: 1 ha.


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities

1 849

Languages spoken

Administration office, cultural centre, entertainment centre, school, hair salon, clothing, supermarket and gas bar.

Linguistic Affiliation: Wolastoq (Maliseet) Mother Tongue: Maliseet, English

Communications Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

Government Saint Mary’s Indian Band Address: 150 Cliffe Street, Box R2, Fredericton, NB E3A 0A1 Tel.: (506) 458-9511 Fax: (506) 462-9491


Affiliations: Tribal Council: Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

Water: City of Fredericton Sewage: City of Fredericton Other waste: City of Fredericton Energy/electricity: City of Fredericton


Historical Notes

Retail and service industry, gaming, construction and forestry, arts and crafts, fishing.

The reserves were established in 1929 and 1867.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Businesses and organizations

Adam's Plowing Service Ltd., 100 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y5

(506) 273-0136

Bodin's Crafts and Supplies, 275 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2X7

(506) 273-4066

First Rate Residential Construction, 48 Loop Road, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2W5

(506) 273-3735

Mah-Sos School, 270 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y8

(506) 273-5407

(506) 273-5436

Maliseet Gas Bar & Convenience Store Ltd., 13094 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3Y4

(506) 273-4463

(506) 273-3035

Maliseet Smoke Shop, 18 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y4

(506) 273-4320

(506) 273-4321

Maliseet St. Anne's Catholic Church, 28 River Road, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3T1

(506) 273-3220

NeGoot-Gook Day Care, 3rd Street, Box 1567, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 4Z2

(506) 273-5536

(506) 273-5420

RCMP - Tobique First Nation Detachment, 812 Boulevard E.H. Daigle, Grand Falls, NB, E3Z 3Z4

(506) 273-5003

(506) 273-5005

Tobique Child and Family Services, 13102 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3Y2

(506) 273-5405

(506) 273-5432

Tobique Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre & Family Balance Prevention Program, 23 Rehab Road, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3M9

(506) 273-5403

(506) 273-4286

Tobique Emergency Services, 286 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y8

(506) 273-5410

(506) 273-5434

Tobique Employment and Training, 13100 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3Y2

(506) 273-5533

(506) 273-5435

Tobique First Nation, 13156 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 5M7

(506) 273-5433

(506) 273-3035

Tobique Fisheries, 13056 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3Y4

(506) 273-1843

(506) 273-1849

Tobique Head Start, 240 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y8

(506) 273-5408

Tobique High Stakes VT, 24 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y3

(506) 273-1850

(506) 273-1840

Tobique Post Secondary, 13100 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 3Y2

(506) 273-5543

(506) 273-5435

Tobique Social Services, 13156 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 5M7

(506) 273-5400

(506) 273-3035

Tobique Wellness Center, 278 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y8

(506) 273-5430

(506) 273-5428

Tobique Youth Centre, 272 Main Street, Tobique First Nation, NB, E7H 2Y8

(506) 273-1858


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 273-2258

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Access: Tobique reserve is located 27 km south of Grand Falls.



Area: 2724 Moncton


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities

2 293

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Maliseet) Mother Tongue: Maliseet, English

Band office, radio station, emergency services, fire department, drug and alcohol rehab centre, day care, employment and training, child and family services, church, youth centre, police, gas bar and convenience, pool hall and VT centre.



Tobique First Nation Address: 13156 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, NB E7H 5M7 Tel.: (506) 273-5400 Fax: (506) 273-3035

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels



Tribal Council: Mawiw Council Provincial Organization: n.a.

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken

Industries Sales and services sector, trade and transportation, education, health and government service, business and administration, forestry, arts and crafts.

Historical Notes The reserve was established in 1801.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Dr. Michael Perley Preofessional Corporation, 1 Maliseet Drive, Woodstock First Nation, NB, E7M 4J5

(506) 328-8813

(506) 328-9387

Eagles Nest Bingo, 150 Hodgden Road, Woodstock First ation, NB, E7M 4L4

(506) 328-1600

(506) 328-1601

Maliseet Fuels II, Mowin Lane, Woodstock First ation, NB, E7M 4K6

(506) 328-0491

Maliseet Fuels, 3 Wulastook Court, Woodstock First ation, NB, E7M 4K6

(506) 328-0580

(506) 328-2420

Saint John River Valley Tribal Council, 7 Wulastook Court, Woodstock First ation, NB, E7M 4K6

(506) 328-0400

(506) 328-0987

Woodstock First Nation Police, 3 Wulastook Court, Woodstock First ation, NB, E7M 4K6

(506) 325-8114

Woodstock First Nation Preschool, 6 Eagles Nest Drive, Woodstock First Nation, NB, E7M 4J3

(506) 328-4332

Woodstock First Nation, 3 Wulastook Court, Woodstock First Nation, NB, E7M 4K6

(506) 328-3303

(506) 328-2420

Woodstock First Nations Health Centre, 10 Turtle Lane, Woodstock First Nation, NB, E7M 3B4

(506) 325-3570

(506) 325-3580

Businesses and organizations


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Access: The Woodstock reserve is located 5 km south of Woodstock.



Area: 91.5 ha.



Saint John



1 005

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Maliseet) Mother Tongue: Maliseet, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Woodstock First Nation Address: 3 Wulastook Court, Woodstock First Nation, NB E7M 4K6 Tel.: (506) 328-3303 Fax: (506) 328-2420

Water: Sewage: Other waste: Energy/electricity:


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: Saint John River Valley Tribal Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

The Woodstock First Nation reserve was established in May 1851. But this was not the original reserve which was in Meductic, nine miles south of the Woodstock First Nation today. Before the technology of today like cars, airplanes, and various others, the people of the Woodstock First Nation would travel by canoe made of birch bark, foot or horse. The first Aboriginals at Woodstock were hunters. The caribou as well as beaver, muskrat, deer and moose were their main sources of food. Fishing was also a mean that brought in plenty of food for the families.

Languages spoken

Industries Fishing and hunting, forestry, retail and service industry, arts and crafts

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, health centre, gas station, police, preschool and day care.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



MI’KMAQ he first known inhabited Mi’kmaq site in the Maritimes has been dated back 10,600 years. Before the arrival of Europeans, their traditional territories included Nova Scotia, the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Prince Edward Island, the eastern coastal regions of New Brunswick, and later in the 17th Century some parts of Newfoundland. The term Mi’kmaq comes from their word nikmak, meaning “my-kin-friends”.


The Mi’kmaq lived in wigwams; the word “wigwam” originates from the word “wiknom”, meaning a dwelling. Wigwams were build using spruce poles tied up at top and spread out at bottom, and birch barks as shingles. Their clothing was made from the skins of mammals, birds and fish. A semi-nomadic people, the Mi’kmaq lived together in familial tribal groups, and they would move around between their seasonal villages. Because of living far north, the Mi’kmaq did very little farming but they were very skilled hunters and gatherers, especially on fishing sea mammals and harvesting wild berries; they were also known for their unique canoe skills. Before the Europeans arrived, the entire Maritime region from east of St. John River to west of the St. Lawrence was know as Megumaage. It was divided into seven hunting districts with a chief for each district. Each of the districts was made up of several villages with each village has its own chief. While each group tended to live on its own, the whole community would assemble to make collective decisions in critical times, such as war. All of the district chiefs would convene in a Grand Council to achieve a consensus, and elect one of their members ‘Grand Saqamaw’ to act as their spokesman with outsiders. The wampum belts were used by each tribe to record its history. The Mi’kmaq made their first recorded contact with Europeans in 1497 and the first permanent European settlement in the Maritimes was at Port Royal in 1605. The French settlers and Mi’kmaq became friends through the fur trade. The Mi’kmaq acted as middleman between the Europeans and the other native group. The British’s attack on the French settlements in the Mi’kmaq territory in 1613 convinced the Mi’kmaq that the British were their enemy. Since then, the hostilities between French/Mi’kmaq and the British lasted on and off for over 150 years. The Mi’kmaq have been at peace since 1779, and treaties signed during the early 1800s established the reserves which the Mi’kmaq still occupy in the Maritimes today. The Mi’kmaq population was estimated between 3,000 and 20,000 before the contact with Europeans. The epidemics and typhus outbreak drastically reduced its population to as low as 1,800 in early 19th Century. Today, there are over 27,600 registered Mi’kmaq in the Martimes and Québec including 9 bands and over 6, 750 Mi’kmaq in New Brunswick, 1 band and 2,385 Mi’kmaq in Newfoundland, 13 bands and more than 12,700 Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, 2 bands and over 1,000 Mi’kmaq in Prince Edward Island, and 3 bands over 4,800 Mi’kmaq in Québec.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





9 Bathurst

2 3

8 7


5 1 Moncton 6


Saint John

Mi’kmaq 1. Buctouche 2. Burnt Church 3. Eel Ground 4. Eel River Bar First Nation 5. Elsipogtog First Nation 6. Fort Folly 7. Indian Island 8. Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation 9. Pabineau

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Buctouche Access The Buctouche Band inhabits the Buctouche Reserve which covers 154 acres and is located 2 miles southwest of Buctouche.




Area 62.32 Ha. Fredericton

Saint John


Community Services and Facilities


Band office, cultural and health centre are located on the reserve.

Languages spoken


Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government Buctouche First Nation Address: 9 Reserve Road, Bouctouche Reserve, NB E4S 4G2 Tel.: (506) 743-2520 Fax: (506) 743-8995

Affiliations: Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians




Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Historical Notes The reserve was established in September of 1810.

Forestry, tourism, arts and crafts



4 Directions, 9 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G2

(506) 743-2524

(506) 743-2523

Buctouche First Nation Economic Development Office, 9 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G2

(506) 743-2520

(506) 743-8995

Buctouche First Nation Health Centre, 9 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G2

(506) 743-2537

(506) 743-2536

Buctouche First Nation, 9 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G2

(506) 743-2520

(506) 743-8995

Buctouche Micmac Band Headstart / Daycare, 9 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G2

(506) 743-2173

River of the Little Fire Inc., 14 Reserve Road, Buctouche Reserve, NB, E4S 4G4

(506) 743-8084

Businesses and organizations

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Eel Ground

Businesses and organizations

Assembly First Nations Regiona Chief - New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island, 8 Gitpo Road, Eel Ground First Nation, NB, E1V 4E4

(506) 625-7878

Beaver Enterprises, 43 Riverview Road West, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4G2

(506) 627-4611

Craft and Grow, 60 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4B1

(506) 624-9317

Eel Ground Child and Family Services, 47 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6

(506) 627-4610

Eel Ground Community Bingo, 47 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6

(506) 627-4600

(506) 627-4602

Eel Ground Community Development Centre, 40 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4B1

(506) 627-4604

(506) 627-4605

Eel Ground First Nation School, 55 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6

(506) 627-4615

(506) 627-4621

Eel Ground First Nation Social Development, 47 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6

(506) 627-4600

(506) 627-4602

Eel Ground First Nation, 47 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6

(506) 627-4600

(506) 627-4602

Eel Ground Head Start, 2 Riverview Road East, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4G1

(506) 627-4612

(506) 627-4602

Eel Ground Health Centre, 364 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4B1

(506) 627-4667

(506) 627-4715

Joe's Kwik Way, 35 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4B6

(506) 622-3597

(506) 622-6194

KEJU Development, 9 Pine Street, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4C2

(506) 622-1756

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehabilitation - Rising Sun, 31 Riverview Road West, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4G2

(506) 627-4626

(506) 627-4627

North Shore Mi'kmaq District Council Post-Secondary Education, 38 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 1B1

(506) 627-1383

(506) 627-4613

North Shore Mi'kmaq District Council, 38 Micmac Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4B1

(506) 627-4611

(506) 627-4613

Ray & Ray Carpet Cleaning & Upholstery, 39 Riverview West, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4G2

(506) 622-5936


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 627-4602

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Eel Ground Access: Bathurst



Eel Ground First Nation Community is situated on the banks of the Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick. The community inhabits Eel Ground which the majority members of the community live on, Big Hole Tract and Renous Reserves. They are all located within 28 km of Miramichi City.

Area: Eel Ground No. 2: 1072.8 ha Big Hole Tract No. 8 (South Half): 1740.2 ha Renous No. 12: 10 ha


Saint John



1 032

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Eel Ground First Nation Address: 47 Church Road, Eel Ground, NB, E1V 4E6 Tel.: (506) 627-4600 Fax: (506) 627-4602

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken

Affiliations: Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council

Industries Forestry, fishing, trades and service sector, arts and crafts.

Community Services and Facilities The band hall is the centre of the community. It holds the offices of Chief and Councils as well as community social services. It is also the place for weekly bingos, wedding receptions and other community events. Many other services and facilities can be found on the reserves as well: school for grades k-8, Rehabilitation centre, community development centre offering continuing education programs, group home, police, child and family service, health centre and Headstart program.

Historical Notes The reserve was established in 1783. Eel Ground First Nation was limited as a result of a treaty between King John Julien and King George. At that time England's King George had given Eel Ground six miles of land on both sides of the Southwest and Little Southwest Miramichi. Today Eel Ground consists of three tracts of land with total of 2823 hectares.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Eel River Bar First Nation

Businesses and organizations

Eel River Bar Child and Family Services, 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-5654

Eel River Bar First Nation Economic Development Office, 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6277

(506) 684-6283

Eel River Bar First Nation, 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6277

(506) 684-6283

Eel River Bar Headstart, 11 Main Street, Unit 217, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6305

(506) 684-6282

Eel River Bar Medical Services, 11 Main Street, Unit 207, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6297

Eel River Bar Native Alcohol and Drug Program, 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6293

Eel River Bar Pre-School, 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 684-6307

G and L Trophies, 29 Blueberry Point Road, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Y6

(506) 684-3203

Glooscap Homebuilders, 19 Blueberry Point Road, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Y6

(506) 684-2445

LaBillois Lobster Shop, 28 Beach Road, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Y4

(506) 684-5208

Narvie Fisheries & Forestry, 2 Bayview Lane, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Y1

(506) 684-5480

(506) 684-4513

Pictou Trucking, 26 Main Street, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 3A4

(506) 684-4534

(506) 684-9803

Simonson's Auto, 1 Beach Road, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Y2

(506) 684-2659

Simonson's Grocery, 5 Main Street, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 2Z7

(506) 684-3125

Ulnooweg Development Group Inc. - Eel River Bar Office, 11 Main Street, Unit 211, Eel River Bar First Nation, NB, E8C 1A1

(506) 259-1952


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Eel River Bar First Nation Access: The main reserve, Eel River Bar, is located 3.2 km south of Dalhousie, off highway 134.



Area: Moncton

Eel River No. 3: 122 ha Indian Ranch: 45.7 Moose Meadows No. 4: 404.7


Saint John




Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: n.a. Internet Access: Yes



Eel River Bar First Nation Address: 11 Main Street, Unit 201, Dalhousie, NB E8C 1A1 Tel.: (506) 684-6277 Fax: (506) 684-6283

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

The Eel River Band inhabits the Eel River, Moose Meadows, and Indian Ranch Reserves which cover a total of 572.4 hectares and are located within 32 km south of Dalhousie. The reserves were established in 1807 and 1978.

Languages spoken

Industries Fishing, forestry, manufacturing industry, retail and trades, service sector, economic development and construction

Community Services and Facilities Administration building, Headstart program, pre-school, child and family services, alcohol and drug program, ball park, medical services, convenience and grocery store, bed and breakfast.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Elsipogtog First Nation

Businesses and organizations Augustine's Renovation, 43 Maple Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2Y2

(506) 523-6448

Augustine's Variety, 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-9277

Bear Paw Production, 17 Union Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2Z5

(506) 523-4116

Bud's Smoke Shop, 427 Graham Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2T8

(506) 523-1889

C.L.C.D., 241 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-4704

Cara's Cafe, 34 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S4

(506) 523-6601

(506) 523-9277

(506) 523-4743

CFTI 101.1 F.M., 77 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W8

(506) 523-7339

(506) 523-4142

Chief Young Eagle Recreation Centre, 241 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8279

(506) 523-8230

Clair Louis - Basket Maker, 180 West Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2X8

(506) 523-6109

Clifton's Wood Burning, P.O. Box 1138, Rexton, NB, E4W 5N6

(506) 523-4215

Crafty Lady, P.O. Box 1138, Rexton, NB, E4W 5N6

(506) 524-9197

Elsipogtog Adult Education Centre, 6 Ball Park Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2R9

(506) 523-8246

(506) 523-8364

Elsipogtog Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program, 205 - 2 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8320

(506) 523-8321

Elsipogtog Ambulance Service, 205 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8227

(506) 523-8232

Elsipogtog Child and Family Services, 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-8224

(506) 523-8226

Elsipogtog Crisis Centre, 349 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-5999

(506) 523-0139

Elsipogtog Day Care Centre, 208 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2X9

(506) 523-8305

Elsipogtog Economic Development, 29 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-4726

(506) 523-8350

Elsipogtog Federal School, 356 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S6

(506) 523-8240

(506) 523-8235

Elsipogtog First Nation Education, 342 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S6

(506) 523-4608

(506) 523-8234

Elsipogtog First Nation Family Wellness, P.O. Box 1078, Rexton, NB, E4W 5N6

(506) 523-4666

(506) 523-8226

Elsipogtog First Nation, 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-8200

(506) 523-8230

Elsipogtog Fisheries, 51 Hill Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2V4

(506) 523-8267

(506) 523-8205

Elsipogtog Forestry, 230 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S5

(506) 523-4736

(506) 523-2009

Elsipogtog Headstart Centre, 361 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-8254

(506) 523-8226

Elsipogtog Health Centre, 205 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8227

(506) 523-8232

Elsipogtog Home Community Care, 205 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8227

(506) 523-8232

Elsipogtog Maintenance, 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-4751

(506) 523-8230

Elsipogtog Priest House, 202 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2X9

(506) 523-9788

(506) 523-6219

Elsipogtog Psychology, 205 - 2 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-8222

(506) 523-8321

Elsipogtog R.C.M.P., 206 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-8282

(506) 523-8204

Elsipogtog Restorative Justice, 205 - 2 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S1

(506) 523-4747

(506) 523-8321

Elsipogtog St. Anne's Church, 199 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W9

(506) 523-7578

Elsipogtog Welfare, 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S3

(506) 523-4676

(506) 523-4651

Elsipogtog Youth Center, 250 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S5

(506) 523-4741

(506) 523-6082

Francis Excavation, 139 Main Street, Unit 1, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W9

(506) 523-0992

(506) 523-9448

Frank's Rustic, 244 Levi Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W6

(506) 524-9832

Jac's Pawnshop, 72 Army Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2R7

(506) 523-4544

Jen's Beaded Flowers, 73 Echo Drive, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2T4

(506) 523-7463

Joe and Irene's Baskets, 467 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2X4

(506) 523-9868

Levi and Levi Amusement, 142 Main Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2X9

(506) 523-6449

(506) 523-6449

Levi's Physiothery and Wellness Clinic, 9086 Route 116, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 3C2

(506) 523-6994

(506) 523-0997

Liapi's, 5 Levi Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2V8

(506) 523-8987

Lola's Lounge, 547 Graham Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2T9

(506) 523-6516


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(506) 523-8098

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Elsipogtog First Nation Access: The Elsipogtog Community inhabits the Richibucto Reserve which is located 8 km southwest of Rexton.





1667.3 ha


Saint John



3 287

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Historical Notes


The reserve was established in September of 1805. Big Cove is one of the two biggest Native Communities in New Brunswick.

Elsipogtog First Nation Address: 373 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB E4W 2S3 Tel.: (506) 523-8200 Fax: (506) 523-8230 http://www.bigcoveband.com/

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Mawiw Council Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries Agriculture, manufacturing and construction industries, health and education, wholesale and retail trade, service sector

Community Services and Facilities Band Office, psychology, child and family services, health centre, adult education centre, treatment centre, headstart program, police, day care centre, alcohol and drug prevention program, community channel, recreation centre, church, economic development, gas bar and convenience, physiotherapy and wellness centre.

Communications Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

The Mi'kmaqs of New Brunswick were Kent County's first inhabitants. Their nomadic life style led them as far as Prince Edward Island in the summer, while Big Cove represented a better shelter in the winter. The main body of the tribe stayed at what is presently called Richibucto, originally Melsigpogtog, meaning "Strong Point". Their right to the land was eroded in 1725, when a treaty guaranteed undisturbed encroachment by white settlers. The Mi'kmaqs dispersed as white settlers grew. From 2000 originally, the population dropped to 12 families scattered around Richibucto and another 12 families up the river at the present reserve location. In 1802, the New Brunswick Legislature set aside 51,200 acres for the Big Cove Community but reclaimed over 3,000 acres in 1866, and by 1900, the Community only had 2,222 acres left. In 1871, the Federal Government initiated a process to prepare the Indians for the transition to a farming mode of life. A first school was built in 1855 and a church in 1897. The outbreak of the Spanish Flu in 1919 decimated the Big Cove Community of 40 families to half its size. It was only after the second World War that it started to rebuild to the level known presently.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Elsipogtog First Nation

Lone Eagle Treatment Centre, 491 Graham Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2T8

(506) 523-8244

(506) 523-8242

Mic Mac Industries, 9142 Route 116, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 3C3

(506) 523-9668

(506) 523-1810

Mi'gmag Carving, 49 Hollow Cresent, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 5S5

(506) 523-1139

(506) 523-4184

New Brunswick Aboriginal Women's Council Inc., 230 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S5

(506) 523-4732

(506) 523-6014

Pete's Place, 64 Riverside Drive, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2Y8

(506) 523-4514

(506) 523-0192

Pizza Place, Ball Park Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2R8

(506) 523-9302

Rosalies Pizza, 9060 Route 116, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 3C3

(506) 523-0985

Businesses and organizations

Saint Bernadette Convent, 343 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2S2

(506) 523-6447

Self Storage Barn, 34 Big Cove Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2R7

(506) 523-7373

Shirley's Sub Shop, 36 Maple Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2Y2

(506) 523-6571

Shooter Lounge, 107 Levi Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W1

(506) 523-9248

Simon Computer Services, 27 Hill Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2V4

(506) 523-9195

Sock Sanitation Services, 127 Levi Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2W1

(506) 523-6370

Spirit Thunder Studio, 93 Bridge Road, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2V4

(506) 524-9810

Stan's Grocery, 29 Maple Street, Elsipogtog, NB, E4W 2Y2

(506) 523-6196


(506) 523-8098

(506) 523-0974

Esgenoopetitj First Nation

Businesses and organizations

Burnt Church Child and Family Services, 610 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1249

Burnt Church Community Access Center, 621 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A5

(506) 776-4807

Burnt Church Economic Development Office, 621 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1205

Burnt Church Education Department, 626 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1206

Burnt Church First Nation Social Development Department, 620 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1202

Burnt Church Fishery, 2930 Peter's Road, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2E3

(506) 776-1310

(506) 776-1313

Burnt Church Learning Centre, 621 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A5

(506) 776-1201

(506) 776-1214

Burnt Church Paintball Filed and Supply Store, 2870 Peter's Road, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2E3

(506) 776-5918

Burnt Church Peat Moss, 156 Burnt Church Road, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 4E2

(506) 776-5255

Burnt Church Police, Burnt Church, Neguac, NB, E0C 1S0

(506) 776-1212

(506) 776-5136

Burnt Church School, 626 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1206

(506) 776-1226

Burnt Church Wellness Centre, 610 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1244

(506) 776-1254


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Esgenoopetitj First Nation Access The Burnt Church First Nation inhabits 3 reserves. Burnt Church No. 14 is 32 km northeast of Chatham and is the most occupied reserve. Pokemouche No. 13 is 64 km east of Bathurst. And Tabusintac No. 9 is located at 40 km northeast of Chatham.




Area Burnt Church No. 14: 14: 985.4 ha Pokemouche No. 13: 151.4 ha Tabusintac No. 9:3268.7 ha


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities

1 870

Languages spoken

Band office, learning centre, school, grocery store, restaurants, convenience and gas bar, police, fire department and community access centre.

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English




Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

Government Esgenoopetitj Address: 620 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church, NB E9G 2A8 Tel.: (506) 776-1200 Fax: (506) 776-1214



Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Tribal Council: Mawiw Council Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries Fishing, retail and service industry, education and government service.

Historical Notes The reserve was established in September of 1800’s.

D.E.A. Office Supplies, 8 Condo Court, Burnt Church, NB, E9G-2B1

(506) 776-4135

(506) 776-4956

Drake's Sports Bar, 2883 Peter's Road, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2E1

(506) 776-4519

Esgenoopetitj (Burnt Church) First Nation, 620 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church, NB, E9G 2A8

(506) 776-1200

(506) 776-1243

Four D's Grocery Store, 2996 Peter's Road, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2E3

(506) 776-5010

(506) 776-5014

Hilda's Convenience Store, P.O. Box 2094, New Jersey, NB, E9G 4J7

(506) 776-8930

Businesses and organizations

Sharing and Caring, 611 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A5

(506) 776-1210

Tiny Treasure, 611 Bayview Drive, Burnt Church First Nation, NB, E9G 2A5

(506) 776-1210

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Fort Folly


Access: The reserve is situated at 1.6 km southeast of Dorchester.



Area: 40.6 ha. Moncton


Saint John




Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink, Rogers Radio: Local Radio Stations. Newspapers: Times & Transcript Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Fort Folly First Nation Address: P.O. Box 1007, Dorchester, NB E4K 3V5 Fax: (506) 379-3408 Tel.: (506) 379-3400 Fax: (506) 379-3408 W Web Site: http://www.fortfolly.nb.ca

Water: Village of Dorchester Sewage: Village of Dorchester Other waste: n.a. NB Power Energy/electricity: NB Power


H Historical Notes

Languages spoken

Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

Industries The main industry is fishing.

The original Fort Folly Indian Reserve No. 27 was situated near the Village of Beaumont. In 1840, the New Brunswick Indian Act began the reserve system, and Fort Folly was created. The new reserve Palmers Pond Indian Reserve No. 1 which was renamed Fort Folly Indian Reserve No. 1 was established in 1969.

Community Services and Facilities Band office and health centre.

Fort Folly First Nation Economic Development Office, F Box 1007, 38 Bernard Trail, Dorchester, NB, E4K 3V5 P.O.

(506) 379-3400

(506) 379-3408

Fort Folly First Nation, P.O. Box 1007, 38 Bernard Trail, Dorchester, NB, E4K 3V5

(506) 379-3400

(506) 379-3408

Fort Folly Habitat Recovery, 100 Bernard Trail, Fort Folly First Nation, NB, E4K 3B3

(506) 379-3401

Businesses and organizations


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Indian Island


Access: The Indian Island Reserve is situated at 8 km northeast of Rexton.



Area: 26.4 ha.



Saint John


Community Services and Facilities


Band office, health centre, church, Child and family services.

Languages spoken


Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government Indian Island First Nation Fax: (506) 523-8110 Address: 61 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB E4W 1S9 Tel.: (506) 523-4875 Fax: (506) 523-8110 A


Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: n.a. Internet:Yes


Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tourism, arts and crafts.

The reserve was established in 1948.

Businesses and organizations Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Church, 110 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1T3

(506) 523-4875

BIndian Island First Nation Economic Development Office, 61 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1S9

(506) 523-4875

(506) 523-8110

Indian Island First Nation, 61 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1S9

(506) 523-4875

(506) 523-8110

Indian Island Health Centre, 61 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1S9

(506) 523-4875

(506) 523-8110

Indian Island Vacations Ltd., 6 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1T2

(506) 523-9676

Mi'kmaq Designs, 160 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1T5

(506) 523-7294

(506) 523-8110

Oounig Crafts, 179 Island Drive, Indian Island, NB, E4W 1T1

(506) 523-4539

(506) 523-8110

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation

Businesses and organizations B and M Construction, 70 Shore Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1A5

(506) 836-2409

Cloud's Convenience Store and Cigar & Smoke Emporium, 1928 Micmac Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1B6

(506) 836-1109

(506) 836-7494

Four Directions Child and Family Services Inc., 1926 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 293, Red Bank, NB, E2E 2P2

(506) 743-2171

(506) 836-2492

Hawkeye Photography, 171 Indian Garden Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1T2

(506) 836-2841

Metapenagiag Heritage Park Inc., 2156 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 301, Red Bank, NB, E9E 2P3

(506) 836-6118

(506) 836-6186

Metepenagiag Federal School, 1926 Micmac Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1B3

(506) 836-6127

(506) 836-2787

Metepenagiag Headstart and Day Care Program, 1926 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 293, Red Bank, NB, E2E 2P2

(506) 836-6165

(506) 836-2492

Metepenagiag Health Centre, 1926 Micmac Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1B3

(506) 836-6130

(506) 836-6140

Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation, 1926 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 293, Red Bank, NB, E9E 2P2

(506) 836-6111

(506) 836-7593

Metepenagiag Outdoor Adventure Lodge and Conference Centre, 2202 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 332, Red Bank, NB, E9E 2P3

(506) 836-6128

(506) 836-6188

Red Bank Native Alcohol and Drug Program, 1926 Micmac Road, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1B3

(506) 836-6144

(506) 836-6140

St. Thomas Roman Catholic Church, 19 St. Thomas Street, Red Bank, NB, E9E 1B2

(506) 836-2610


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation Access: Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation inhabits the Red Bank, Big Hole Tract and Indian Point Reserve which are located within 24 km West of Newcastle. The Main Reserve Red Bank No. 4 is located 22.4 km west of Miramichi City, off Route 8 on Highway #425.




Area: Big Hole Tract No. 8 (North Half): 1396.2 ha. Indian Point No. 1: 42.1 ha. Red Bank No. 4: 1457 ha. Red Bank No. 7: 1011.7 ha.


Saint John




Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: Satellite Internet Access: Yes



Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation Address: 1926 Micmac Road, P.O. Box 293, Red Bank, NB E9E 2P2 Tel.: (506) 836-6111 Fax: (506) 836-7593 Web Site: www.metepenagiag.com

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


The main reserve Red Bank No. 4 was established in 1783. The traditional name for the native community of Red Bank on the Northwest Miramichi River is Metepenagiag. Since 1975 over one hundred archaeological sites have been discovered in the Red Bank area. Several ancient campsites and a ceremonial site have been excavated. In recognition of their outstanding contribution to Canadian history both the Oxbow and the Augustine Mound sites have been declared National Historic Sites by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. The key events and attractions are Annual Trout Derby, Annual Pow Wow, National Aboriginal Day, and Metepenagiag Heritage Exhibit. Metepenagiag is also known as the largest salmon fishing capital on the beautiful Miramichi, thus, tourists from all over the world share in the agricultural wealth of Red Bank.

Languages spoken

Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians

Industries Fishing, Eco-tourism, Silviculture, construction and service industry

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, Headstart program and day care, child and family services, school, church, 2 ball parks, health centre, healing lodge, Native Alcohol and Drug Program, and police.

Historical Notes

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Access: The Pabineau First Nation inhabits the Pabineau Reserve which is located 8 km south of Bathurst.



Area: Moncton

429.1 ha.


Saint John


Community Services and Facilities


Languages spoken

Band administration, cultural centre, and convenience store, Pabineau First Nation Community Health Centre, Pabineau Seafood Market & Takeout.

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Communications Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

Government Pabineau First Nation Address: 1290 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB E2A 7M3 Tel.: (506) 548-9211 Fax: (506) 545-6968 www.pabineaufirstnation.ca

Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Affiliations: Tribal Council: North Shore Micmac District Council Provincial Organization: Union of New Brunswick Indians, Atlantic Policy Congress.

Historical Notes


The reserve was established in 1867.

Tourism, agriculture, arts and crafts, retail trade.

Businesses and organizations

Mother Earth's Journey (Tour), 1295 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M3

(506) 544-0103

Muin Adventures, 40 Sewell Street, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7N8

(506) 548-1017

Pabineau First Nation Community Health Center, 1290 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M3

(506) 547-4204

(506) 547-4894

Pabineau First Nation, 1290 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M3

(506) 548-9211

(506) 545-6968

Pabineau Gas Bar & Smoke Shop, 1295 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M3

(506) 546-7440

Pabineau Pow Wow, 1358 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M3

(506) 548-2666

Pabineau Seafood Takeout, 1295 Pabineau Falls Road, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7M2

(506) 546-5150

Sipu River / Mi'gmag Beading Company, 65 Sewell Street, Pabineau First Nation, NB, E2A 7N7

(506) 546-3230


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Inuit 1. Hopedale 2. Makkovik 3. Nain 4. Postville 5. Rigolet

3 6




5 North West River

7 Happy ValleyGoose Bay



Channel Port aux basques



6. Mushuau Innu First Nation 7. Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation

8. Miawpukek

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



INNU Innu 1. Mushuau Innu First Nation 2. Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation


North West River

2 Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

INNU he Innu, formerly known as the Naskapi-Montagnais Indians, are Algonkian-speaking people whose traditional territory, Nitassinan, is a vast area covering eastern portion of the Québec-Labrador peninsula.


The Innu were one of the first North American peoples to encounter European explorers, first the Norse, and later the Portuguese, Basques, French, Dutch and British. The Innu spent most of the year deep in the interior of Québec-Labrador for the winter months, living off moose, caribou and birds, and came to coast in the summer to live off wild berries, fish, seals, and sea birds. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, the Innu visited the Basque fisherman at their stations in Southern Labrador. The Innu quickly became dependent on those trading posts especially after French traders and missionaries in the 17th century, and British and Moravians in the 18th century. The nomadic life of the Innu started to evolve; in the 20th century many of these coastal places became year-round Innu villages. The Innu were hit by many European diseases. By 1920s, Smallpox, Spanish flu, tuberculosis, syphillis, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles and other diseases wiped out the Innu population by as much as two-thirds. During the 1940s-1950s, the Innu were in a desperate situation. The collapsed fur trade, the reduction in the size of the caribou herds, the building of the mining towns in Schefferville, Wabush and Labrador City, the military base at Goose Bay, and the shipping terminus at Sept-Iles alienated vast quantities of land from the Innu. The growing dependence of the Innu on government services and social assistance had restricted them to the vicinity of the villages and prevented them making living by hunting and trapping, and living the traditional way The growing social problems of settlement life led to formation of Innu political organizations such as the Naskapi Montagnais Innu Association in Labrador (later became the Innu Nation), and the Conseil Atikamekw-Montagnais in Québec in the 1970s. They lobbied and obtained programs for making it possible for some people to return to their traditional hunting and trapping grounds. The Innu began to turn their lives around by introducing the Innu language and culture to the school curriculum and by beginning programs to teach to the young members of the Nation harvesting skills, knowledge of the land, and oral traditions. The Innu also have been assuming increasing levels of control over their lives by taking over many elements of public administration, municipal services and local government, living the modern way. The Mushuau Innu in Labrador were relocated to Utshimassits in 1967, and it was proven unsuitable for the difficulty access to the hunting, fishing and trapping grounds on the mainland. In December 2003, the federal government set apart the new community, Natuashish, nearly 4265 hectares as the reserve land for Mushuau Innu First Nation. Currently, there are two Innu communities (Sheshatshiu and Natuashish) in Labrador, and 11 (Betsiamites, Essipit, La Romaine, Mashteuiatsh, Matimekush-Lac John, Ekuanitshit, Natashquan, Pakua Shipi, Uashat mak Mani-Utenam) in Québec.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Mushuau Innu First Nation t

Businesses and organizations


Innu Steel, P.O. Box 85, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(902) 448-0716

Mushuau Innu Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 178, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-2062

(902) 832-1186

Mushuau Innu First Nation, P.O. Box 190, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8827

(709) 478-8936

Mushuau Innu General Store, NL

(709) 478-2112

(709) 478-8937

Mushuau Innu Health Commission, P.O. Box 188, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8871

(709) 478-8821

Mushuau Innu Natuashish School, P.O. Box 189, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8971

(709) 478-8989

Mushuau Innu Translation Services, General Delivery, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8998

Mushuau Water Treatment Plant, P.O. Box 190, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8827

(709) 478-8936

Natuashish Fire Department, P.O. Box 190, Shango-Bay, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-2133

(709) 478-2135

Natuashish Housing Authority, P.O. Box 190, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8827

RCMP - Natuashish Detachment, P.O. Box 181, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8900

Sango Drilling Limited Partnership, P.O. Box 65, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 897-7711

Sango Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 65, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 897-7711

Skidoo Innu and Recreation, P.O. Box 35, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8804

Teunike Atik Innu Wellness, 2 Nui Street, Natuashish, NL, A0P 1A0

(709) 478-8784


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(709) 478-8910

(709) 478-8776

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Mushuau Innu First Nation Access Situated on the northern coast of Labrador 185 miles north of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Natuashish is only accessible by water or air.

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Area 4267.3 ha

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques


Historical Notes


The Mushuau Innu were relocated to Utshimassits (Davis Inlet) on Iluikoyak Island, Labrador in 1967. It was then proven that Utshimassits was not a suitable site for a permanent community due to a rapidly growing population and unaccessiblity to the productive hunting, fishing and trapping grounds on the mainland for at least 5 months a year during winter freeze up and break up.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Innu) Mother Tongue: Innu-aimun, English

Government Mushuau Innu First Nation Address: P.O. Box 190, Natuashish, NL A0P 1A0 Tel.: (709) 478-8827 Fax: (709) 478-8936

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Unaffiliated Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries The primary industry is hunting and fishing

Community Services and Facilities Band Office, RCMP, school, nursing station, fire hall, general store, recreation centre, and child care centre.

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels

Utilities Water: The water intake is from the pump house facility at Sango Brook and then through the water main to an underground reservoir. There is a water treatment plant on the reserve to treat the leaving water from the underground reservoir and coming water to the reservoir. Sewage: All sewerage from the community discharge into a 1.9 million litre facultative lagoon structure which will treat the water naturally through the action of micooorganismes and algae. Other waste: Landfill Energy/electricity: Electrical transmission distribution, fuel supply and diesel generation.

On December 11, 2003 the new community of Natuashish was set apart as reserve land for the Mushuau Innu First Nations. The community of Natuashish was constructed from previously undeveloped land as a part of the Mushuau Innu Relocation Agreement (MIRA). The Mushuau Innu from Davis Inlet have now relocated to Natuashish. Reserve creation at Natuashish, along with the relocation of the Mushuau Innu, is part of a long-term strategy, to address the social challenges of the community. The Mushuau Innu chose the Natuashish site, which is within the traditional territory, with the agreement of Canada and the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1996. There are no neighbouring municipalities. The nearest communities are Davis Inlet, which will be decommissioned as part of the Mushuau Innu Relocation Agreement, and the coastal community of Hopedale. The area at Natuashish set apart as reserve land is approximately 4265.486 hectares, which includes a water lot for the wharf site of approximately 1.582 hectares and a water lot for the barge site of approximately 0.252 hectares.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation t

Businesses and organizations Aboriginal Hvac Plumbing Limited - Sheshatshiu, P.O. Box 333, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3367

ACM Investments Ltd., P.O. Box 91, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 765-8532

AJ's Innu Store, 88 Mistashini, P.O. Box 333, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3858

Antuan Woodworking, 8 MacKenzie Drive, P.O. Box 309, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3382

f (709) 497-3858

Benuen's Musical Instruments Rentals, 13 MacKenzie Drive, P.O. Box 288, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 897-5887

Charles J. Andrew Youth Treatment Centre, P.O. Box 109, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8995

(709) 497-8993

Dee-Max Innu Taushuap, P.O. Box 372, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8488

(709) 896-3149

Eimi Consulting, P.O. Box 537, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8952

Etienne Andrew Translation Services, 181 Beach Road, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8879

G.P. Automotive & Small Repair, P.O. Box 411, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 725-5358

Heli-Meikan Limited, 148 Shuashem Street, P.O. Box 403, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(450) 668-3431

IDLP Properties Limited, P.O. Box 449, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3670

(709) 497-3677

Innu Atautshuap, P.O. Box 391, 40 MacKenzie, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8451

(709) 497-8120

Innu Dawn Works Inc., 59 McKenzie Drive, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(902) 746-3569

Innu Furniture Inc., P.O. Box 525, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8101

(506) 383-4560

Innu Nation, P.O. Box 119, Sheshstshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8398

(709) 497-8397

Innu Recording Studio, General Delivery, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 478-2778

Innu SNC Lavalin Inc., P.O. Box 119, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3670

Innu Studio, P.O. Box 72, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3995

Innu Uauitshitun Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8231

(709) 497-8502

Kuekuatsheu Construction, 5 Broomfield Street, P.O. Box 1750, Station B, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, A0P 1E0

(709) 497-8791

(709) 897-4034

Mamu Atushetau Adult Day Program, Sheshatshiu, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8739

Mani Ashini Health Centre, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8202

(709) 497-8202

Mista Metshu Aviation Services Inc., 301 Uapush Road, P.O. Box 477, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3677

(709) 497-8445

(709) 497-8445

North West River Child, Youth and Family Services, P.O. Box 29, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8280

(709) 497-8459

Peenamin McKenzie School, P.O. Box 70, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8361

(709) 497-8310

Penashue-Davis Consulting, P.O. Box 252, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8161

Picard Plaster & Painting, 4 McKenzie Drive, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3408

(709) 497-8120

Shakastueu Mitshuap Day Care & Head Start & Family Resource Centre, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8393

(709) 497-8723

Shatshameu Biting Fly Management Inc., P.O. Box 457, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(866) 648-7773

Sheshatshit P. McKenzie Construction, P.O. Box 142, Shesahatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8207

(709) 497-8915

Sheshatshiu Adolescent Home, P.O. Box 59, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8242

(709) 497-8849

Sheshatshiu Community Access Centre, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8522

(709) 497-8757

Sheshatshiu Community Youth Network, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8880

Sheshatshiu Innu Construction Limited, 84 Mistashini Crescent, P.O. Box 334, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-3417

(709) 497-3922

Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8522

(709) 497-8757

Sheshatshiu Innus Radio Station, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8732

(709) 497-8396

Sheshatshiu Plumbing & Ventilation, 20 Mitchell, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, A0P 1E0

(709) 896-3761

(709) 896-4761

Sheshatshiu Volunteer Fire Department, P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-2222

Shuashim Group Inc., 253 Jerome Street, P.O. Box 202, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8116


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Access Sheshatshiu community is situated on the south side of Hamilton Inlet.

Area n.a.

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



1 561

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels from satellite.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Innu) Mother Tongue: Innu-aimun, English


Government Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Address: P.O. Box 160, North West River, NL A0P 1M0 Tel.: (709) 497-8522 Fax: (709) 497-8757

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: Unaffiliated Provincial Organization: n.a.

Sheshatshiu is an Innu community positioned where Grand Lake meets Lake Melville. Traditionally the Innu people lived in small bands on a large piece of land called the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula. They were very knowledgeable about the land and relied on this information to survive. They lived in skin tents, later in canvas tents, and were highly dependant upon the Caribou for much of their food and clothing.

Industries Main industries are hunting and fishing, transportation and aviation, services sector and various businesses in construction.

Community Services and Facilities Band Office, alcohol and drug program, treatment centre, radio station, health centre, RCMP, child , youth and family centre, fire department, day care and family resource centre.


Businesses and organizations Siska Contracting, 150-SC, Shesahatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0


(709) 497-8562

Starr Transportation, P.O. Box 197, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0 Teueikan Construction Limited - Sheshatshiu, P.O. Box 278, Sheshatshiu, North West River, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8170

Uapishkut Construction Ltd., 85 North Street, P.O. Box 70, St. Anthony, NL, A0K 4S0

(709) 454-2113

(709) 454-2116

Uinepeuk Hydraulic Limited, P.O. Box 202, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(902) 468-4605

(506) 859-6152

Ushkutum, P.O. Box 202, Sheshatshiu, NL, A0P 1M0

(709) 497-8116

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(709) 497-8188

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



INUIT Inuit 1. Hopedale 2. Makkovik 3. Nain 4. Postville 5. Rigolet

3 1



5 North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


INUIT he Inuit live in a vast tundra territory scattered from Russia, across Alaska and northern Canada to Greenland (covering a distance of 9,500 km). There are thirteen distinct groups that make up the Inuit: Siberian, North Alaskan, Mackenzie, Copper, Peninsular, Caribou, Netsilik, Igloolik, Labrador, Polar, North Baffin, West Greenland and Angmagssalik. The Inuit living along the northern coast of Labrador are the direct descendants of a prehistoric hunting society that spread across Canada from Alaska and centered on capturing massive bowhead whales. Although the early Labrador Inuit lived mainly on the north coast, they travelled widely to harvest the resources of the land and sea.


The Labrador Inuit people expanded southward along the Labrador coastline, likely following the movements of whales and seals, to the Strait of Belle Isle in the mid-16th century. There they first made contact with Europeans, who were Basques from Spain looking for new whale hunting grounds. For over 200 years, Labrador Inuit would travel south to follow animal migrations and to trade with the seasonal, but growing, European population. Although the contacts and conflicts with European fishermen continued for centuries, the lifestyle of Inuit still followed their traditional patterns. People hunted game all year around for food and material to craft articles needed for everyday life. They travelled in kayaks and umiaks framed with wood and covered by seal skins. Their clothing were made from the pelts of seals for summer and caribou for winter. They lived in skin tents during mild seasons, and settled during winter either in earthen huts banked by sods with a roof supported by whale ribs and shoulder blades, or in snow houses ingeniously shaped from blocks of hard snow, the igloo. In the 1760s, Moravian missionaries became the first Europeans to establish a presence beyond north of Hamilton Inlet. They were granted large tracts of land by the British and settleed themselves in Nain, Okak, Hopedale and Hebron. They also set up trading posts and began to convert Inuit to Christianity. This resulted the beginning of large-scale change in Inuit Society. The Inuit were discouraged to live in southern Labrador and seasonal dwellings. By the late 1800s, the majority of Labrador Inuit were living in Moravian Mission Stations. With such close contact with Europeans, many Inuit had died from their diseases. Most devastating one was the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918, which decimated the Inuit population by a third. Through the 19th and 20th century, the Inuit became increasingly dependent on the market economy and adopted new technology to earn income from industries centered on fishing and trapping. The Inuit life became more and more tied to the trading posts. Initially, the trading posts flourished, but in the 1920s the Moravians experienced losses and sold their stores in the northern communities from Killinik to Makkovik to the Hudson’s Bay Company. After Confederation, the Moravian Church, the Grenfell Medical Mission and the provincial government decided to suspend services to the northern communities of Hebron and Nutak. The Inuit were to be resettled in other existing communities such as Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik and North West River. The Labrador Inuit Association was formed in 1973 to promote the Inuit culture and advance the rights of Inuit to land which they traditionally harvested and occupied. It represents over 5,300 Inuit and Kablunângajuit (mixed of Labrador Inuit and European ancestry) members living mainly in the Labrador Inuit communities of Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik, Postville, and Rigolet, also in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and North West River.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Today’s Inuit have to compete in the modern economic world instead of the world of nature. They live in wooded homes instead of tents, sod houses or igloos. The kayaks and umiaks are replaced by motor boats. The dog sleds are changed for snowmobiles; the Inukshuk are replaced by satellite phones, etc.; thus the hunting techniques and harvesting patterns have also changed drastically over the last several decades, the Inuit care to preserve their values, culture and language. The Inuit language, Inuktitut, is a rich and versatile language, adapted to contemporary realities. The Inuit’s second language is English.

The Inuit’s economy is also based on businesses related to the transport (aerial), services, administration and tourism sectors. The Inuit improved, all along the centuries, the manufacturing of utilitarian objects like made of stone, wood, bones and ivory. Today, Inuit crafts are world-renowned, especially the sculptures they make from soapstone, which became their international trademark.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Hopedale t

Businesses and organizations


Air Labrador - Hopedale, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3709

Amos Comenius Memorial, P.O. Box 105, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3815

(709) 933-3709 (709) 933-3805

Canada Post - Hopedale, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3710

(709) 933-3710

College of the North Atlantic / Hopedale Learning Centre, P.O. Box 134, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3718

(709) 933-3718

Concerned Citizen's Group, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3820

(709) 933-3730

D.J. Gift Shop, P.O. Box 133, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3750

(709) 933-3464

Forestry, Resources and Agrifoods, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3785

Grace Hotel Ltd. (Amaguk Inn), P.O. Box 133, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3750

(709) 933-3464

Health Labrador Corporation / Clinic - Hopedale, P.O. Box 97, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3887

(709) 933-3651

Health Labrador Corporation / Hopedale Nursing Station, P.O. Box 102, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3857

(709) 933-3744

Hopedale - Inuit Child Care Initiative, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3821

(709) 933-3645

Hopedale - Public Health, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3842

(709) 933-3645

Hopedale - Team Leader, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3739

(709) 933-3645

Hopedale Fire Department, P.O. Box 190, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3701

(709) 933-3800

Hopedale Garage, P.O. Box 190, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3880

(709) 933-3800

Hopedale Inuit Community Government, P.O. Box 190, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3864

(709) 933-3800

Hopedale Local Housing Committee, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3809

(709) 933-3645

Hopedale Pump House, P.O. Box 190, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3646

(709) 933-3800

Hopedale Radio Station, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3808

(709) 933-3800

Hopedale Women's Group, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3687

Hosanna Pentecostal Church, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3830

Labrador Inuit Health Commission - Hopedale / Aboriginal Head Start, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3846

Labrador Investments Ltd.- Hopedale, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3844

(709) 933-3676

Labrador Legal Services - Hopedale, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3790

(709) 933-3790

Labrador Marine Inc., P.O. Box 108, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3660

Labrador Winter Trails, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3864

(709) 933-3800

Moravian Church - Hopedale, General Delivery, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3773

(709) 933-3782

Nunatsiavut Government - Hopedale Office, P.O. Box 12, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3777

(709) 933-3746

RCMP - Hopedale Detachment, P.O. Box 106, Hopedale, NL, A0P 1G0

(709) 933-3820

(709) 933-3730


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Hopedale Access The community of Hopedale is situated on a peninsula amid surrounding hills that dominate the landscape. Hopedale is about 236 km from Happy Valley – Goose Bay.

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Area 336 hectares

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



Total Population: 555

Telephone: Aliant Radio: CBC (HVGB) and local community radio station Newspapers: none Television: 17 cable stations including VOCM Radio broadcast from St. John’s Satellite T.V. (private), (Star Choice, Express Vu) Internet Access: Aliant provides Sympatico internet service throughout the community.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Inuit-Aleut (Inuit) Mother Tongue: Inuktitut, English

Government Hopedale Inuit Community Government Address: P.O. Box 190, Hopedale, NL A0P 1G0 Tel.: (709) 933-3864 Fax: (709) 933-3800


Affiliations: Tribal Council: Hopedale Inuit Community Government Provincial Organization: N/A

Industries and Economic Activities Economic activity centers around government organizations and private businesses. Life in the community of Inuit, Settler and mixed Inuit/Settler decent revolves around seasonal activities of hunting and fishing. Residents pursue subsistence and recreational activities such as hunting, trapping, boating, snowmobiling, and camping in outlying bays. In a sculptured landscape of winter snow and windswept ocean the inhabitants pursue a livelihood that is still reflective of a traditional Inuit/Settler lifestyle.

Community Services and Facilities The community is managed by the HICG-Hopedale Inuit Community Government Nunatsiavut Government. Amongst the numerous groups and organizations dedicated to the betterment of the community are the Women’s Group, Local School Committee, Housing Committee, Crime Prevention, Search and Rescue, Radio Society, and Recreation Committee. Hopedale has a nursing station staffed by 2 nurses and monthly visits by dentist and doctor. Police services are provided by RCMP with 4 regular members. There are also 2 churches, a school for Kindergarten to grade 12, fire department, legal services, gymnasium for recreation and sports, and postal services.

Water: Full community water and sewer system. Sewage: Full community water and sewer system. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: Diesel Power and pumping station. Transportation: Airlines fly into Hopedale from Sunday to Friday. Marine Atlantic coastal boat from July to November. Speedboats, snowmobiles, trucks and four wheelers are other means to get around by local people.

Historical Notes Agvituk, the Inuktitut original name for Hopedale means “place of the whales”. Hopedale is one of the largest Inuit communities of the five existing settlements on the northern coast of Labrador. The majority of the inhabitants are members of the Nunatsiavut Government. According to W.W. Fitzhugh (1977), Inuit occupation of Hopedale began around 1600 A.D. with people building small nuclear-family sod houses during the Seventeenth Century. Winter settlements were located on or near the coast where seals could be easily killed by hunters. The Inuit dispersed to family groups in the fall when, based in skin tents erected on the outer islands, they fished char and trout. Whales and harp seals were also hunted during this season while caribou were hunted in the interior. During the early Eighteenth Century the Hopedale Inuit played important role as “middlemen” in the developing trade between Europeans and Inuit throughout Labrador.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Makkovik t

Businesses and organizations Canada Post Postal Outlet - Makkovik, General Delivery, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0


(709) 923-2396

CIML Radio Station, General Delivery, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2327

Department of Health and Social Development, P.O. Box 105, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2340

(709) 923-2146

Health Labrador Corporation - Makkovik Clinic, General Delivery, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2229

(709) 923-2428

Hotel Makkovik, P.O. Box 123, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2389

(709) 923-2388

Inuit Pathway, P.O. Box 116, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2009

(709) 923-2347

John Christian Erhardt Memorial School, P.O. Box 134, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2275

(709) 923-2106

Labrador Investment's Limited - Makkovik, P.O. Box 71, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2277

(902) 923-2116

Makkovik Fire Department Building, P.O. Box 68, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2379

Makkovik Health and Community Services, P.O. Box 76, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2187

(709) 923-2181

Makkovik Inuit Community Government, P.O. Box 132 , Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2221

(709) 923-2126

Makkovik Recreation, P.O. Box 73, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2123

Moravian Church Provincial Board, General Delivery, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2382

(709) 923-2383

Nunatsiavut Government - Inuit Pathways, P.O. Box 116, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2105

(709) 923-2366

Nunatsiavut Government - Makkovik Office, P.O. Box 92, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2001

(709) 923-2366

Nunatsiavut Solutions, P.O. Box 123, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2349

(709) 754-7924

RCMP - Makkovik, P.O. Box 131, Makkovik, NL, A0P 1J0

(709) 923-2317

(709) 923-2406

Tell them ! Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the Atlantic Region Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory!


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Access: The town of Makkovik is located on the north coast of Labrador, about 210 kilometers northeast of Happy Valley – Goose Bay.

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Area: 197 hectares

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



Total Population: 360

Telephone: Aliant Radio: CBC, local radio station Newspapers: n.a. Television: CBC Internet Access: The school has a public Community Access Centre. It operates daily.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Inuit-Aleut (Inuit) Mother Tongue: Inuktitut, English



Makkovik Inuit Community Government Address: P.O. Box 132, Makkovik, NL A0P 1J0 Tel.: (709) 923-2221 Fax: (709) 923-2126

Affiliations: Tribal Council: N/A Provincial Organization: N/A

Industries and Economic Activities The main source of employment for the people of Makkovik is the fish plant. It operates from June to mid-November and employs about 125 workers at peak periods. Most people have a food license and ten trout and salmon nets in their spare time. Hunting is still carried on for ducks, geese, partridge, seal and the most important meat source, caribou. Berry picking for baking apples, blueberries, blackberries, and partridge berries is a favourite pastime in the fall. Other businesses are in retail and service industry such as variety stores, general store, hotel, bed and breakfast

Community Services and Facilities Makkovik has a school from kindergarten to grade 12. Inuktitut is taught as a subject in school. There is a gymnasium which the community uses in the evenings for recreation programs. The nursing clinic is staffed with a doctor, a dentist and a public health nurse. There is also a church. Police services are provided by a RCMP officer stationed in the community with two constables’ assistance from the local community.

Water: Full community water and sewer system. Sewage: Full community water and sewer system. Other waste: Energy/electricity: Diesel Power supplied by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. Woodward’s Oil Ltd operates a fuel and gas station. Transportation: Makkovik has an airstrip. Airlines fly into Makkovik from Sunday to Saturday. Marine Atlantic has a passenger boat which, along with two freight boats, serves the coast from July until midNovember. Most families own their owne speedboat as well as one or more snowmobiles. The snowmobile is an important means of travel during the long winter.

Historical Notes The community was founded in 1859 by a Norwegian named Torsten Kverna Anderson and his wife, Mary Ann Thomas from Makkovik Bay (her father was from England and her mother was a Labradorian). Together they settled in Flunder’s Bight which, in time, became better know as Makkovik. In 1959, during the resettlement program, about thirty Inuit families were resettled here from Hebron when that community closed. The most people in the community have ancestry that is mixture of European settler and Inuit.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net








Aivek Holdings Incorporated, P.O. Box 101, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2326

(709) 922-2012

Aivek Stantec Limited Partnership, P.O. Box 101, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2326

(709) 922-2012

Aivektuuk Holdings Inc., P.O. Box 101, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2326

(709) 922-2012

Atsanik Lodge, P.O. Box 10, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2910

(709) 922-2815

Bank of Montreal / Nain Community Branch, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2430

(709) 922-2432

Canada Post - Nain, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2217

(709) 922-2969

Businesses and organizations

Child Youth and Family Services (H.L.C.), P.O. Box 130, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2860

(709) 922-2396

CHL/HSL, P.O. Box 38, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2959

(709) 922-2897

CJ Webb, P.O. Box 132, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2945

(709) 922-1052

College of the North Atlantic / Nain Learning Centre, P.O. Box 129, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2985

(709) 922-2835

D & J Construction (1995) Ltd., P.O. Box 399, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2846

(709) 922-2207

East End Express, P.O. Box 217, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2172

(709) 922-2172

East End Holdings Inc., 1 Middle Path Road, P.O. Box 217, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1194

(709) 922-2172

Fire Emergency Reporting, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2929

Gilbert Hay Sculptures, P.O. Box 144, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1020

Hayne's Store Ltd., 57 Middle Path Road, P.O. Box 23, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2822

(709) 922-2897

Health Labrador Corporation Nain Health Centre, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2912

(709) 922-2103

Innu Mikun Airlines - Nain, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2500

(709) 922-2500

Jens Haven Memorial School / K-3, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1270

(709) 922-1130

Jens Haven Memorial School /4-12, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2813

(709) 922-2119

Jens Haven Memorial Student Council, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2842

(709) 922-2119

Jesse's Taxi, P.O. Box 383, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1549

John Terriak - Carver, P.O. Box 338, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2188

Labrador Investments Ltd. - Nain, P.O. Box 29, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2814

(709) 922-2247

Labrador Legal Services, Bldg. 217 Hamilton River Road, P.O. Box 899, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 896-2919

(709) 896-2588

(888) 717-5801

(709) 922-1236

Lyall Enterprises Ltd., P.O. Box 89, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2831

(709) 922-2284

Martin Martin Group Home, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2211

(709) 922-2212

Moravian Church in Labrador, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1223

Nain Care, P.O. Box 43, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2910

Nain Community Elders, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2364

Nain Crime Prevention Committee, P.O. Box 220, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2862

(709) 922-2133

Nain Family Resource Centre, P.O. Box 179, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2003

(709) 922-2004

Nain Harbour Authority, P.O. Box 189, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1999

(709) 922-1490

Nain Husky Centre, P.O. Box 59, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2879

(709) 922-2295

Nain Inuit Community Government Garage, P.O. Box 400, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2842

(709) 922-2295

(709) 922-2815

Nain Inuit Community Government Recreation Department / After School Program / Community Youth Network, P.O. Box 400, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2842

(709) 922-2295

Nain Inuit Community Government, P.O. Box 400, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2842

(709) 922-2295

Nain Local Housing Committee, P.O. Box 59, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2842

(709) 922-2295

Nain Safe House, P.O. Box 447, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1229

(709) 922-1424

Nain Search & Rescue, P.O. Box 220, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2862

(709) 922-2133

Nain Volunteer Fire Department, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2951

(709) 922-2952

Nanuk Diving Inc., P.O. Box 281, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1061

(709) 922-1061

Nanuk Hi-Point Ltd., P.O. Box 281, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1385

(709) 922-1061

Natsik Services Incorporated, P.O. Box 222, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 576-6488

(709) 576-6489


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Access: Nain is the most northern community found on the coast of Labrador. It is approximately 230 air miles north of Happy Valley Goose Bay.

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Area: 9458 hectares

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques

RCMP, bank, postal service, child and family services, schools, day care centre, and sports and recreation centre. Various federal and provincial government departments are represented in town as well.

Population Total Population: 1 185

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Inuit-Aleut (Inuit) Mother Tongue: Inuktitut, English

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: CBC radio from Goose Bay, one local radio station broadcast from Nain - Goose Bay. Newspapers: n.a. Television: Regional cable from St. John’s provides cable service. Internet Access: Internet access through Sympatico is available in the community.

Government Nain Inuit Community Government Address: P.O. Box 400, Nain, NL A0P 1L0 Tel.: (709) 922-2842 Fax: (709) 922-2295

Affiliations: Tribal Council: N/A Provincial Organization: N/A


Industries and Economic Activities Fishing, hunting and trapping are still the big part of the economic activities in this community. The commercial fishing season usually lasts from July to October. The main species of fish are arctic char, Atlantic salmon, turbot, grenadier and scallop. In late spring just before the ice breaks up, people fish for trout, for home consumption, in the mouths of rivers in the Nain area. Subsistence hunting is performed year round for different species of animals, marine mammals and birds: ducks and geese are hunted in the fall just before freeze-up; caribou is mainly hunted in the spring when the George River Caribou Herd often passes on its way to calving grounds between Nain and Hebron. Some trapping is done during winter months for fox, wolf, etc., while seals are hunted year-round. Nain also has a wide variety of businesses including: hotel, restaurants, craft shop, diving company, bulk fuel storage facility, snack bars, boarding houses, retail stores. There are numerous small contracting companies offering home office services, construction, heavy equipment, heating, plumbing, electrical, trucking, long liner charters and other services.

Community Services and Facilities There is wide range of services available such as medical clinic and health services provided by the department of Health and Social Development, churches,

Water: Nain is fully served with a town water supply going to every house in the community. Sewage: All houses are hooked into a town sewage system. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: Diesel Power and community gas and oil station. Transportation: Airline service into Nain twice a day from Goose Bay. There are also regular cargo flights into the community each week. Marine services (freight or passenger) are operating from July to November. Local speedboats, trucks, cars, four wheelers and snowmobiles are used in the winter.

Historical Notes Established in 1771 by Moravian Missionaries, Nain is the most northern community found on the coast of Labrador. Nestled between two mountains with Mount Sophie to the south and Nain Hill to the north, the community faces a large harbour which supplies the people with their main means of transportation both in summer and winter. The surrounding landscape includes mountains, tundra, woodland areas, bays, islands, fjords and lakes. The local wildlife is made up of caribou, wolves, foxes, black bears, many types of birds and an occasional polar bear. The people of the community are mostly of Inuit descent, with some people of European and mixed descent.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Businesses and organizations


Nortech Holdings Limited Weather Station - Nain, P.O. Box 429, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2405

(709) 922-1273

Northern Store - Nain, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2832

(709) 922-2101

Nunatsiavut Government - Environmental Research Office, P.O. Box 70, 25 Ikajuktauvik Road, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2847

(709) 922-2902

Nunatsiavut Government - Department of Health and Social Development - Nain, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2232

(709) 922-2216

Nunatsiavut Government - Department of Health and Social Development Public Health, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2962

(709) 922-2216

Nunatsiavut Government Research Office, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2847

(709) 922-1040

Nunatsiavut Government, 25 Ikajuktauvik Road, P.O. Box 70, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2942

(709) 922-2931

Okalakatiget Society, 22 Ikajutauvik Road, P.O. Box 160, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2955

(709) 922-2293

Philip Rideout Electrical, P.O. Box 175, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1382

Pigutsavik Children's Centre (DHSD), P.O. Box 250, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1330

Ray Ford Construction Ltd., P.O. Box 46, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2949

(709) 922-2934

RCMP - Nain Detachment, P.O. Box 220, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2862

(709) 922-2133

Rising Youth Council, P.O. Box 450, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1206

(709) 922-1207

Sikumiut Environmental Management Ltd., 2 Morhardt Road, P.O. Box 189, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1999

(709) 922-1490

Tasiujatsoak Wilderness Camp Ltd., P.O. Box 253, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2201

Thule Consulting Incorporated, 19 Sandbanks Road, P.O. Box 247, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2193

Torngasok Cultural Centre, P.O. Box 430, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2158

(709) 922-2863

Torngat Fish Producers Co-Operative Society, Limited - Nain, General Delivery, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0(709) 922-2853

(709) 922-2801

Ulapitsaijct Steering Committee, P.O. Box 490, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2942

(709) 922-2931

Utshimau Sales & Rentals Inc., P.O. Box 281, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-1061

(709) 922-1105

(709) 922-2193

Webb's Boarding House & Gift Shop, P.O. Box 55, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2960

(709) 922-2294

Webb's Services Ltd., P.O. Box 55, Nain, NL, A0P 1L0

(709) 922-2865

(709) 922-2294





B.L. Morrison All Grade School, 22 Paipokok Drive, P.O. Box 76, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9811

(709) 479-9796

Canada Post Co-Operative - Postville, 31 Kaipokok Drive, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9739

Innu Mikun Airlines / Postville, 1 Airport Road, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9835

(709) 479-9835

Nunatsiavut Government - Postville Office, 37 Kaipokok Drive, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9880

(709) 479-9891

Nunatsiavut Government -Department of Health & Social Development, 35 Kaipokok Drive, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9842

(709) 479-9745

Postmill Lumber, P.O. Box 79, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9706

(709) 479-9752

Postville Community Health Nurse, 35 Kaipokok Drive, P.O. Box 78, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9878

(709) 479-9745

Postville Ground Search and Rescue Team, General Delivery, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9826

Postville Health Clinic, 3 Park Road, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9851

(709) 479-9715

Postville Inuit Community Government, 20 Kaipokok Drive, P.O. Box 74, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9830

(709) 479-9888

Postville Local Housing Committee, General Delivery, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9897

Postville Radio Society, 20 Kaipokok Drive, P.O. Box 74, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9870

Businesses and organizations


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Access: Postville community is located approximately 40 kilometres into the scenic interior of Kaipokok Bay. North West River


Happy ValleyGoose Bay

196 hectares

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



Total Population: 205

Telephone: Bell Aliant Radio: - CBC Radio One CBND-FM 105.1 FM Relay inc., CFGB from Goose Bay. - CSPL 89.9 FM - Local Community Radio - Relays OK Society from Nain at all non-local times. Newspapers: n.a. Television: 15 channels cable television available, CBC from Goose Bay. Internet Access: Available

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Inuit-Aleut (Inuit) Mother Tongue: Inuktitut, English

Government Postville Inuit Community Government Address: P.O. Box 74, Postville, NL A0P 1N0 Tel.: (709) 479-9830 Fax: (709) 479-9888



The economy depends largely on seasonal employment with the local sawmill, housing corporation, community council and fisheries as the main employers. The local business establishments in Postville are one general store, a gas station, a Bed & Breakfast and Canada Post.

Water: Full community water and sewer system. Sewage: Full community water and sewer system. Other waste: Community dump Energy/electricity: Diesel power. Stove oil can be purchased. Transportation: Airline service into Postville daily via Air Labrador. Sunday to Friday via Innu Mikun Provincial Airlines. Labrador Coastal Services are available from July to November. Cars, trucks and four wheelers can be used from May to November. Snowmobiles during the winter.

Community Services and Facilities

Historical Notes

The municipal council serves the people of the community. The nursing station is staffed with a nurse and an assistant with visits from the doctor, dentist and optometrist regularly. School education is provided by Labrador School Board for kindergarten to grade 12. Day care, Pentecostal church, and recreation services are also available in the community.

Like all other communities on the north coast of Labrador, most people of the Postville community are of Aboriginal descent. First known as the Post, it was originally a traditional trading post. Postville’s rugged mountains, fast-flowing rivers and abundant forests are home to black bears, foxes, wolves, caribou and even moose. Migratory birds also flock to the area in spring and fall. It is said to have some of the finest rivers in the area for Atlantic salmon. It is also possible to fish for char and brook trout almost year round.

Tribal Council: Nunatsiavut Government Provincial Organization: N/A

Industries and Economic Activities



Postville Recreation Committee, 20 Kaipokok Drive, P.O. Box 74, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9882

(709) 479-9888

Postville Volunteer Fire Brigade, General Delivery, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9899

Sheppard's Ski-Doo & Variety Shop Inc., P.O. Box 35, Postville, NL, A0P 1N0

(709) 479-9840

Businesses and organizations

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(709) 479-9771

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Businesses and organizations Bear Safe Planning Inc., P.O. Box 66, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3335

Blakes Efficiency Units, P.O. Box 16, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3364


Blake's, P.O. Box 23, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3450

Canada Post Corporation - Rigolet, General Delivery, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3366

Health Labrador Corporation / Rigolet Medical Clinic, P.O. Box 25, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3386

(709) 947-3401

Michelin Gas - Convenience Ltd., P.O. Box 40, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3399

(709) 947-3471

Native Spirit Youth Centre, General Delivery, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3539

Northern Lights Academy, P.O. Box 89, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3350

(709) 947-3429

Northern, General Delivery, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3380

(709) 947-3436

Nunatsiavut Governement - Health and Social Development - Rigolet, P.O. Box 26, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3328

(709) 947-3412

Nunatsiavut Government - Rigolet Office, P.O. Box 47, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3363

(709) 947-3371

RCMP - Rigolet, P.O. Box 170, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3400

(709) 947-3447

Rigolet Community Hall, P.O. Box 69, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3411

(709) 947-3360

Rigolet Fire Station, P.O. Box 69, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3377

(709) 947-3360

Rigolet Inuit Community Government, P.O. Box 69, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3382

(709) 947-3360

Sinittavik Inn, P.O. Box 123, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3459

(709) 947-3430

Sister's By Two Ltd., P.O. Box 165, Rigolet, NL, A0P 1P0

(709) 947-3414

(709) 947-3414


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Access: Rigolet is located on Hamilton Inlet, which is at the entrance to Lake Melville.


North West River

361 hectares

Happy ValleyGoose Bay

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



Total Population: 305

Water: Water is pumped to homes from a local lake. Water samples are taken for testing regularly. Sewage: Full community water and sewer system. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: A hydro plant runs diesel generators to supply electricity to town. Most homes burn wood. Oil can be bought locally or bought yearly in the fall when the oil boat fills school tanks. Transportation: Air service to Goose Bay and North Coast every day except Saturday. Labrador Coastal Services are available from July to November. Trucks, ATVs, snowmobiles and speed boats are local methods of transport.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Inuit-Aleut (Inuit) Mother Tongue: Inuktitut, English

Government Rigolet Inuit Community Government Address: P.O. Box 69, Rigolet, NL A0P 1P0 Tel.: (709) 947-3382 Fax: (709) 947-3360

Affiliations: Tribal Council: N/A Provincial Organization: N/A

Historical Notes

Industries and Economic Activities Rigolet’s economic base has taken a blow with the decline of the cod and salmon fishery. A cruise ship occasionally visits in the summer bringing opportunities for tourism development. The whale watching from Rigolet is spectacular. Local businesses includes: general store, convenience store and accommodations,

Community Services and Facilities The nursing station operated by Health Labrador is staffed by 2 nurses with periodical visits from doctor, dentist and some specialists. RCMP officer is stationed in the community with 2 constables, school.

Rigolet was established in 1735 as a trading post. Rigolet is a small community nestled in a sheltered cove close to the entrance to Lake Melville. Lake Melville is a fresh water lake and freezes over winter, closing the port of Goose Bay to navigation. Rigolet, on the other hand, is on salt water and is accessible just about year round. Existing for over 200 years, it was first settled by French and native fur traders and boasts the first Hudson Bay Trading Post in Labrador. Although isolated, Rigolet has always been important to the region. The rich Inuit heritage of the people offers the newcomer an opportunity for immersion into a traditional northern lifestyle involving a closeness to the land and its resources.

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: There is a local channel (89,9 FM) and CBC. Newspapers: The Labradorian. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Dial-up internet access is available with a local dial-up number, also high speed.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





MI’KMAQ he first known inhabited Mi’kmaq site in the Maritimes has been dated back 10,600 years. Before the arrival of Europeans, their traditional territories included Nova Scotia, the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Prince Edward Island, the eastern coastal regions of New Brunswick, and later in the 17th Century some parts of Newfoundland. The term Mi’kmaq comes from their word nikmak, meaning “my-kin-friends”.


The Mi’kmaq lived in wigwams; the word “wigwam” originates from the word “wiknom”, meaning a dwelling. Wigwams were build using spruce poles tied up at top and spread out at bottom, and birch barks as shingles. Their clothing was made from the skins of mammals, birds and fish. A semi-nomadic people, the Mi’kmaq lived together in familial tribal groups, and they would move around between their seasonal villages. Because of living far north, the Mi’kmaq did very little farming but they were very skilled hunters and gatherers, especially on fishing sea mammals and harvesting wild berries; they were also known for their unique canoe skills. Before the Europeans arrived, the entire Maritime region from east of St. John River to west of the St. Lawrence was know as Megumaage. It was divided into seven hunting districts with a chief for each district. Each of the districts was made up of several villages with each village has its own chief. While each group tended to live on its own, the whole community would assemble to make collective decisions in critical times, such as war. All of the district chiefs would convene in a Grand Council to achieve a consensus, and elect one of their members ‘Grand Saqamaw’ to act as their spokesman with outsiders. The wampum belts were used by each tribe to record its history. The Mi’kmaq made their first recorded contact with Europeans in 1497 and the first permanent European settlement in the Maritimes was at Port Royal in 1605. The French settlers and Mi’kmaq became friends through the fur trade. The Mi’kmaq acted as middleman between the Europeans and the other native group. The British’s attack on the French settlements in the Mi’kmaq territory in 1613 convinced the Mi’kmaq that the British were their enemy. Since then, the hostilities between French/Mi’kmaq and the British lasted on and off for over 150 years. The Mi’kmaq have been at peace since 1779, and treaties signed during the early 1800s established the reserves which the Mi’kmaq still occupy in the Maritimes today. The Mi’kmaq population was estimated between 3,000 and 20,000 before the contact with Europeans. The epidemics and typhus outbreak drastically reduced its population to as low as 1,800 in early 19th Century. Today, there are over 27,600 registered Mi’kmaq in the Martimes and Québec including 9 bands and over 6, 750 Mi’kmaq in New Brunswick, 1 band and 2,385 Mi’kmaq in Newfoundland, 13 bands and more than 12,700 Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, 2 bands and over 1,000 Mi’kmaq in Prince Edward Island, and 3 bands over 4,800 Mi’kmaq in Québec.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Mi’kmaq 1. Miawpukek

North West River Happy ValleyGoose Bay



Channel Port aux basques

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Miawpkek t

Businesses and organizations Amalijek Lake Outfitting, P.O. Box 120, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0


(709) 687-7554

Bayview Cloverfarm, P.O. Box 140, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2095

Canada Post - Conne River, General Delivery, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2185

Canadian Helicopters, General Delivery, Connie River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2858

Capital Lands and Housing, P.O. Box 10, Connie River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

(709) 882-2255

Cecil Benoits Youth Center, P.O. Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2895

(709) 882-2836

Christmas Tree Farming, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Coast of Bays Contracting & Development Ltd., General Delivery, Netukulimk Fisheries Building, Connie River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-3500

(709) 882-3478

Conne River Ambulance, P.O. Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2705

(709) 882-2836

Conne River Fire Department, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2222

(709) 882-2292

Conne River Garage, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2731

Conne River Gas Bar, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2731

Conne River Health & Social Services, P.O. Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2710

(709) 882-2836

Conne River Nutrition Centre, P.O Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2131

(709) 882-2836

(709) 882-2292

Conne River Outfitting, P.O. Box 10, Bay D'Espoir, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

(709) 882-2292

Conne.com, P.O. Box 100, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2952

(709) 882-2528

Connie River Building Supplies, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2882

(709) 882-2276

Connie River Marina, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

Dashwoods Diner, P.O. Box 180, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2976

(709) 882-2976

Eaglequest Tourism Adventures, P.O. Box 10, Bay D'Espoir, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Fortune Bay Aquaculture, General Delivery, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2653

(709) 882-3475

Four Winds Day Care, P.O. Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2710

(709) 882-2836

Glenn John Arts and Crafts, P.O. Box 10, Bay D'Espoir, P.O. Box 10, Bay D'Espoir, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2555

(709) 882-2292

Iroquois Bone Carvings, P.O. Box 180, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2976

(709) 882-2976

Jane's Flower Shop, General Delivery, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2579

Jeddore Store, P.O. Box 29, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2454

Jeddore's Aviation Maintenance, P.O. Box 120, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 538-7773

(709) 882-2460

Jipuji'j Nature Park, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

(709) 882-2460

Kopit Enterprises Ltd., P.O. Box 10, Bay D'Espoir, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Miawpukek Cable Vision, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Miawpukek Economic Development, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2458

Miawpukek First Nation Band Office, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Miawpukek First Nation Training & Economic Development Department, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-1272

(709) 882-2401

Miawpukek Justice Department, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

(709) 882-2894

Miawpukek Public Work, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2470

(709) 882-2292

Micmac Air Charter, P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

(709) 882-2292

Mik'maq Discovery Centre, P.O. Box 10, Connie River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2148

Netukulimk Fisheries Ltd., P.O. Box 10, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-3500

Nicole's Hair Salon, General Delivery, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2158

Patridge Point Lounge, P.O. Box 99, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2229

(709) 882-2169

RCMP - Bay D'Espoir Detachment / Conne River Aboriginal Police Force, P.O. Box 99, Milltown, NL, A0H 1W0

(709) 882-2915

(709) 882-2274

Riverside Arcade and Take Out, P.O. Box 27, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2073


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(709) 882-3478

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Miawpukek Access Conne River Reserve is located on the South Central Coast of Newfoundland and is approximately 224 km south of Gander. North West River


Happy ValleyGoose Bay

548 ha

Saint-John’s Channel Port aux basques



3 004

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: The Coaster Television: The Miawpukek First Nation Cablevision Operation provides cable television service to the Conne River & the community of Morrisville.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation : Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue : English

Government Miawpukek First Nation Address: P.O. Box 10, Bay D’Espoir, Conne River, NL A0H 1J0 Tel.: (709) 882-2470 Fax: (709) 882-2292 Web Site: http://www.mfngov.ca


Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: Most of the homes in Conne River are heated by wood and electric heat.

Historical Notes

Tribal Council: Unaffiliated Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries The most employment opportunities are from band office, clinic and school. The major businesses in the community are owned by the band and are operated by band members. Some businesses are owned privately. Most businesses are in outfitting, aquaculture industry, tourism, forestry, service sector and arts and crafts.

When Newfoundland and Labrador (NFLD) joined Confederation in 1949, its Aboriginal people were not distinctly recognized but were accorded the same status as other Newfoundlanders. In 1973 Conne River was established as a native community. But it was only until 1986, the Miawpukek First Nation finally received recognition under the Indian Act. The existing band office was constructed in 1991 with an expansion in 2000 to accommodate more new offices and a resource centre.

Community Services and Facilities The facilities and services that exist are band office, fire station, health and social services building, post office, marina, church, recreation, softball field, playground, air services, school, RCMP, convenience stores and gas bar.


Businesses and organizations


Riverside Video, P.O. Box 9, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2729

Sentanneway School, P.O. Box 100, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2941

(709) 882-2528

Wellness Center, P.O. Box 160, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2710

(709) 882-2836

Wetzel's Law Office - Barrister and Solicitor / First Nation Consultant, P.O. Box 74, Conne River, NL, A0H 1J0

(709) 882-2666

(709) 882-2666

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



MI’KMAQ he first known inhabited Mi’kmaq site in the Maritimes has been dated back 10,600 years. Before the arrival of Europeans, their traditional territories included Nova Scotia, the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Prince Edward Island, the eastern coastal regions of New Brunswick, and later in the 17th Century some parts of Newfoundland. The term Mi’kmaq comes from their word nikmak, meaning “my-kin-friends”.


The Mi’kmaq lived in wigwams; the word “wigwam” originates from the word “wiknom”, meaning a dwelling. Wigwams were build using spruce poles tied up at top and spread out at bottom, and birch barks as shingles. Their clothing was made from the skins of mammals, birds and fish. A semi-nomadic people, the Mi’kmaq lived together in familial tribal groups, and they would move around between their seasonal villages. Because of living far north, the Mi’kmaq did very little farming but they were very skilled hunters and gatherers, especially on fishing sea mammals and harvesting wild berries; they were also known for their unique canoe skills. Before the Europeans arrived, the entire Maritime region from east of St. John River to west of the St. Lawrence was know as Megumaage. It was divided into seven hunting districts with a chief for each district. Each of the districts was made up of several villages with each village has its own chief. While each group tended to live on its own, the whole community would assemble to make collective decisions in critical times, such as war. All of the district chiefs would convene in a Grand Council to achieve a consensus, and elect one of their members ‘Grand Saqamaw’ to act as their spokesman with outsiders. The wampum belts were used by each tribe to record its history. The Mi’kmaq made their first recorded contact with Europeans in 1497 and the first permanent European settlement in the Maritimes was at Port Royal in 1605. The French settlers and Mi’kmaq became friends through the fur trade. The Mi’kmaq acted as middleman between the Europeans and the other native group. The British’s attack on the French settlements in the Mi’kmaq territory in 1613 convinced the Mi’kmaq that the British were their enemy. Since then, the hostilities between French/Mi’kmaq and the British lasted on and off for over 150 years. The Mi’kmaq have been at peace since 1779, and treaties signed during the early 1800s established the reserves which the Mi’kmaq still occupy in the Maritimes today. The Mi’kmaq population was estimated between 3,000 and 20,000 before the contact with Europeans. The epidemics and typhus outbreak drastically reduced its population to as low as 1,800 in early 19th Century. Today, there are over 27,600 registered Mi’kmaq in the Martimes and Québec including 9 bands and over 6, 750 Mi’kmaq in New Brunswick, 1 band and 2,385 Mi’kmaq in Newfoundland, 13 bands and more than 12,700 Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, 2 bands and over 1,000 Mi’kmaq in Prince Edward Island, and 3 bands over 4,800 Mi’kmaq in Québec.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Cape Breton


7 5





6 Halifax




Mi’kmaq 1. Acadia 2. Annapolis Valley 3. Bear River 4. Chapel Island First Nation 5. Eskasoni 6. Glooscap First Nation

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

7. Membertou 8. Millbrook 9. Paqtnkek First Nation 10. Pictou Landing 11. Shubenacadie 12. Wagmatcook 13. Waycobah First Nation

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Businesses and organizations

Acadia First Nation Youth Centre / Headstart Program, 10526 Highway 3, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-6928

Acadia First Nation, 10526 Highway 3, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-0257

(902) 742-8854

Gold Reserves AFN, 13 Beech Hill Road, Gold River, NS, B0J 1K0

(902) 627-1189

(902) 627-1242

Gold River Health Centre, R.R. #2, Chester Basin, NS, B0J 1K0

(902) 627-1245

(902) 627-1361

Kespuwick Fisheries, 10526 Hwy 3, Starr's Road, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-7354

(902) 742-9355

Medway River Entertainment Limited - AFN, 5163 Highway 210, Greenfield, NS, B0T 1X0

(902) 685-2319

(902) 685-2308

The Gold Nugget AFN, 35 Beech Hill Road, Gold River (Western Shore), NS, B0J 1K0

(902) 627-1265

(902) 627-1416

Wildcat Entertainment, R.R. #1, South Brookfield, NS, B0T 1X0

(902) 682-2665

(902) 682-2324

Winners Corner AFN, 11 Reserve Road, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-1140

(902) 742-5829

Yarmouth Health Centre, 10526 Hwy 3, R.R. #4, P.O. Box 5914C, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-4337

(902) 742-4824

Your Winners World - AFN, 10588 Starrs Road, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8

(902) 742-4715

(902) 742-5880


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Acadia Cape Breton

Access Acadia First Nation is composed of Gold River (off Highway 103 near Chester Basin), Medway, Ponhook Lake (off Highway 8 on the Indian Garden Road), Wildcat and Yarmouth Reserves. Most of these reserves are located within 116 km of Halifax except Yarmouth Reserve which is most populated site located at 3.2 km east of Yarmouth.


Area Gold River No. 21: 270.2 ha. Medway No. 11: 403 ha. Ponhook Lake No. 10:101.8 ha. Wildcat No.12: 465.4 ha. Yarmouth No.33: 27.57 ha.




1 511

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Historical Notes

Government Acadia First Nation Address: R.R. #4, 10526 Hwy 3, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4A8 Tel.: (902) 742-0257 Fax: (902) 742-8854

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Advisory Services Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries There are 6 gaming facilities and stores on the reserves. Fishing and hunting, arts and crafts are still the traditional activities kept by the people of Acadia First Nation. Health, education and forestry sectors also employs large percentage of its band members.

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, youth centre, health centre, day care and Headstart program.

Acadia First Nation is composed of five reserves spread throughout the south western shore of Nova Scotia and across three counties. Gold River Reserve was established on May 8, 1820. Local myths claim that the first settlers in the area panned for gold in the river adjacent to the reserve, which is how it got its name. Wildcat Reserve is a native settlement that has managed to maintain its traditional activities such as hunting, trapping, fishing, and canoeing. The Reserve was established on June 8, 1820. Ponhook Reserve was established on June 8, 1843. Due to its isolated rural environment, the reserve becomes an ideal summer vacation land and hunting ground in the winter. Medway Reserve, established on May 8, 1865, is the smallest reserve among the 5 reserves. There are very few band members that inhabit the land. Finally, the Yarmouth Reserve which is now most populated reserve was established on June 8, 1887. However, before 1986, the reserve was situated on a swampy and inferior land until the land at the opposite of the original reserve was purchased by the band.

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Annapolis Valley

Annapolis Valley First Nation Health Centre, 640 Ratchford Road, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-1444

(902) 538-1353

Annapolis Valley First Nation Smoke Shop, 64 Goo-ow Lane, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-7525

Annapolis Valley First Nation, 29 Toney Boulevard, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-7149

Annapolis Valley Gas Bar, 38 Goo-Ow Lane, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-1407

Annapolis Valley Recreation Hall, 120 Kakwa Street, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-3317

NADACA - Annapolis Valley First Nation, 640 Ratchford Road, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-1444

(902) 538-1353

Three Wishes Childs Care, 58 Goo-Ow Lane, Cambridge 32, NS, B0P 1G0

(902) 538-1048

(902) 538-7734

Businesses and organizations


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 538-7734 (902) 538-7734

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Annapolis Valley Access:

Cape Breton

The Annapolis Valley First Nation inhabits the Cambridge Reserve which is located 88 km northwest of Halifax and the St. Croix Reserve which is located 46.4 km northwest of Halifax.



Cambridge No. 32: 18.7 ha. St. Croix No. 34: 126.2 ha. Yarmouth




Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Historical Notes

Government Annapolis Valley First Nation Band Council Address: 29 Toney Blvd., Cambridge Station, NS B0P 1G0 Tel.: (902) 538-7149 Fax: (902) 538-7734

Affiliations: Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries Fishing, retail and trades, service industry, education and health.

Cambridge reserve and St. Croix reserve were established in 1880 and 1851. In the late 1940’s Indian Brook Reserve offered houses to a number of families from Annapolis Valley. A large segment of the population moved to Indian Brook, resulting in a breakdown in language and culture. Today, the Annapolis Valley First Nation is determined to regain its identity. Their reserves are surrounded by two mountains. Beyond the mountain to the north lies the Bay of Fundy, a natural habitat of lobster where the community normally harvests its stock of seafood. The fresh water Cornwallis River, a good source for trout, flows through the southern part of the reserve.

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, day care, recreation hall, senior’s centre, and health centre

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




(581) 300-6313




Bear River Access:

Cape Breton

The Bear River First Nation inhabits 3 Bear River Reserves which are located 17.7 km southeast of Digby, 9.6 km southeast of Annapolis Valley, and 6.4 km southeast of Annapolis Valley. To get there, take Trans Canada 101 towards Annapolis Valley and take right at exit #24 until you reach the Bear River Community.




Bear River No. 6: 633.8 ha Bear River No. 6A: 31.2 ha. Bear River No. 6B: 24.3 ha.




Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Bear River First Nation Address: P.O. Box 210, Bear River, NS B0S 1B0 Tel.: (902) 467-3802 Fax: (902) 467-4143

Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.

Water: Main system with pumping station. Sewage: A solar aquatics wastewater treatment facility is in place to treat the community's sewage. The plants and animals serving the system are housed within a greenhouse at the centre of the village. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Fishing, tourism, forestry management, construction, arts and crafts

Bear River reserves were established in 1820, 1938, and 1962. The community established its own church in 1831. The people of the Bear River hunted porpoise as well as blackfish, white whales and seals in the Bay of Fundy during the summer months in the nineteenth century. They would travel from forest to coast during the month of May and June. Canoes were used to carry the families and goods for the summer long hunt.

Languages spoken


Community Services and Facilities Band office, cultural and learning centre, alcohol and drug program, health centre, playground and pool, church, family and children services.


Bear River

Bear River First Nation Band Office, P.O. Box 210, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-3802

(902) 467-4143

Bear River First Nation Health Centre, P.O. Box 210, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-4197

(902) 467-0951

L'sitkuk Gas Bar, General Delivery, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-0557

Businesses and organizations

Muin Sipu Learning Centre, P.O. Box 210, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-4193

Stone Bear Tracks and Trails, General Delivery, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-3963

TINT Equipment Services, General Delivery, Bear River, NS, B0S 1B0

(902) 467-3828

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Al Gould's Electrical, 4243 Eskasoni Road, P.O. Box 8111, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2707

(902) 379-2707

Allan W. Jeddore Trucking, 74 Castle Bay Road, Eskasoni First Nation, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2583

Allison Bernard Memorial High School, 4673 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7969, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-3000

Bernard's Apartments, 4759 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7669, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B1

(902) 379-2178

Cal's Cash N Go, 78 Mini Mall Drive, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A3

(902) 379-1282

Crane Cover Seafoods, 4115 Shore Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2024

Denny's Auto Sales and Repairs, 5 Jown Street, P.O. Box 8066, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C1

(902) 379-2734

Businesses and organizations

(902) 379-3011

(902) 379-2159

Douglas Denny Trucking, 40 Denny's Lane, P.O. Box 8050, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C1

(902) 379-2920

(902) 379-2844

East Eagle Contracting, 65 Minimall Drive, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 564-5600

(902) 564-5684

Emergency Health Services, 10 Arena Road, P.O. Box 7801, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-2052

Eskasoni Home Care, 15 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7745, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-1357

(902) 379-2421

Eskasoni Commercial Fishing, 4115 Shore Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2024

(902) 379-2159

Eskasoni Community Health Center, 15 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7745, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3 (902) 379-3200

(902) 379-2421

Eskasoni Dan. K Memorial Rink, 26 Arena Road, P.O. Box 7117, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A2

(902) 379-2344

Eskasoni Economic Development, 63 Mini Mall, P.O. Box 7172, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2242

(902) 379-2172

Eskasoni Elementary and Middle School, 4675 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7970, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-2825

(902) 379-2886

Eskasoni First Nation, 63 Mini Mall Drive, P.O. Box 7040, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2800

(902) 379-2172

Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commission, 4115 Shore Road, P.O. Box 8097, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2024

(902) 379-2159

Eskasoni Fitness Center, 4543-Unit A Shore Road, P.O. Box 7921, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B7

(902) 379-2496

Eskasoni Gambling Commission, 63 Mini Mall Drive, P.O. Box 7117, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A2

(902) 379-2704

(902) 379-2670

Eskasoni Head Start Center, 14 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7745, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-2232

(902) 379-2875

Eskasoni Pharmachoice, 15 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7766, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-1029

(902) 379-1032

Eskasoni Prenatal Clinic, 15 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7745, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-3200

(902) 379-2421

Eskasoni Primary Care, 15 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7745, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-2500

(902) 379-2271

Eskasoni School Board, 4645 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7959, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-2507

(902) 379-2273

Eskasoni School Dental Clinic, 4675 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7970, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-2302

Eskasoni Sewage Plant, 4893 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7739, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-2622

Eskasoni Social Development, 63 Mini Mall, P.O. Box 7070, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2826

Eskasoni Tobacco Shop, 63 Mini Mall, P.O. Box 7117, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2930

Eskasoni Trading Post, 4656 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7847, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B5

(902) 379-2254

First Nations Construction, 22 Castle Bay Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2855

(902) 379-2217

Francis Apartments, 425 John Paul's Lane, P.O. Box 7274, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A3 Frenchie's Canteen, 4850 Shore Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A9

(902) 379-2178

Gould's Auto Body, 10 Crane Cove, P.O. Box 8003, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B9

(902) 379-2319

Gould's Auto Cleaning Services, 16 Crane Cove Road, P.O. Box 8006, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B9 (902) 379-2899 Jackie's Bingo & Casino Tours, 44 Young Street, Eskasoni, NS, B1T 1K5

(902) 304-0115

Joey Jeddore Furnace Repair, 210 Castle Bay Road, P.O. Box 7462, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A6

(902) 379-2839

Ksite'taqnk Day Care, 4531 Shore Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B6

(902) 379-2017

Leonard Paul Apartments, 4762 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7676, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B1

(902) 379-2874

Logan's Variety, 49 Logan Drive, P.O. Box 7161, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A2

(902) 379-2420

Mike Marshall Garage, 137 Castle Bay Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Eskasoni Cape Breton

Access: Main reserve, Eskasoni No. 3 is located 40 km. southwest of Sydney. To access the reserve: Take Trans Canada Highway 104 East to Cape Breton followed by Trans Canada Highway 105 North East to Provincial Arterial 125 East, then take Trunk Highway 4 South and exit at Collector Highway 216 south which will lead you to Eskasoni First Nation.


Area: Eskasoni No. 3: 3504.6 ha. Eskasoni No. 3A: 28.5 ha. Malagawatch No. 4 (20% of): 661.3 ha.




4 371

Water: n.a. Sewage: Eskasoni Sewage Treatment Plant Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English



Historical Notes

Government Eskasoni Band Council Address: P.O. Box 7040, 63 Mini Mall Drive, Eskasoni, NS B1W 1A1 Tel.: (902) 379-2800 Fax: (902) 379-2172 Web Site: www.eskasonibc.ca

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries Fishing, tourism, tobacco plant. There are also numerous private businesses in the retail, trades, forestry, farming, construction, and service industries.

Community Services and Facilities Eskasoni is a growing community that has many facilities to take care of its members. The community is led by the Band council with services such as local police, fire department, housing, health centre, social services, family and children services, Young offender Project to serve the needs of the community. There are also radio station and community channel, day care centre, schools, training and education centre located in the community.

Located in Cape Breton on the north shores of the East Bay of the Bras d'Or Lakes, Nova Scotia, Eskasoni First Nation is a largest First Nation Community in Atlantic Canada Eskasoni is also a very young community, with a large percentage (about 55%)of the residents being under 20 years of age. While the Mi'kmaq people can trace their roots in Eastern Canada and the northeastern United States back over 10,000 years, Eskasoni is a fairly young community. While it was officially dedicated as a Native reserve in 1834 (According to the census of 1871, there were 125 people living in Eskasoni, whose various trades were recorded as fishermen, farmers, basketmakers, and quillworkers), most families in the community did not settle in Eskasoni until a Government relocation program during the 1930s and 40s. In 1958, Band council was established to govern the community and manage Band finances. The word Eskasoni is derived from a Mi’kmaq word “We’kwistoqnik”. It means “Where the fire trees are plentiful”.

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: 25% or less of the residents subscribe to a satellite television service. Internet Access: Less than 50% of the residents subscribe to an internet service.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Mi'kmaq Legal Support Services Network, 29 Medicine Trail, P.O. Box 7703, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B2

(902) 379-2042

(902) 379-2047

Mikmaw Family & Children Services of Nova Scotia, 80 Logan Drive, P.O. Box 7142, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A2

(902) 379-2433

(902) 379-2381

Mi'kmaw Lodge Treatment Center, 70 Gabriel Street, P.O. Box 7824, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B4 (902) 379-2267

(902) 379-2702

Businesses and organizations

Morris Pizza, 4636 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7954, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B8

(902) 379-2517

Muin Gas Bar and Fuels, 183 Castle Bay Road, P.O. Box 7083, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1

(902) 379-2083

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association of Nova Scotia Main Office, 70 Gabriel Street, P.O. Box 7120, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B4

(902) 379-2262

(902) 379-2412

RCMP - Eskasoni Detachment, 4835 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7738, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-2822

(902) 379-2999

Sarah Denny Cultural Centre, P.O. Box 7133, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A2

(902) 379-2298

Poulettes Pizza, 18 George Street, Eskasoni, NS

Sisters of St. Martha, 58 Gabriel Street, P.O. Box 7823, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B4

(902) 379-2224

Slick's Cash & Carry, 4775 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7726, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B3

(902) 379-1268

Steven's Garage, 24 Crane Cove, P.O. Box 8013, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B9

(902) 379-2015

Sylliboy's Grocery and Hardware, 4580 Shore Road, P.O. Box 7932, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1B7

(902) 379-2223

(902) 379-2729

(902) 379-2758

(902) 379-2586

Toney's Place, 4350 Shore Road, P.O. Box 8156, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C4 Unamaki Education and Training Centre, 51 Richards Avenue, P.O. Box 7645, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A1 Unamaki Institute of Natural Resources, 4102 Shore Road, P.O. Box 8096, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2163

(902) 379-2250

Unamaki Oyster Farm, 4115 Shore Road, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1C2

(902) 379-2024

(902) 379-2159

Young's Dairy, 9 Pine Street, P.O. Box 7619, Eskasoni, NS, B1W 1A9

(902) 379-2717


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Glooscap First Nation Access:

Cape Breton

Glooscap First Nation is located 68.8 km Northeast of Halifax. The easiest way to find the reserve by car is to exit 8A, Highway 101, to the Ben Jackson Road until the intersection at Bishopville Road is reached. Turn right on Bishopville Road and continue for 2 km until the entrance to the Glooscap First Nation is visible on the right.


Area: Glooscap Reserve: 171.1 ha.



Community Services and Facilities


The band office consists of staff such as director of administration, native employment officer, social development administrator, education counsellor, community health nurse, community health director, drug and alcohol counsellor, maintenance/security worker and administrative assistant. There is health centre located in the community.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government Glooscap First Nation Band Council Address: P.O. Box 449, Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0 Tel.: (902) 684-9788 Fax: (902) 684-9890 Toll free tel.: (855) 601-4943 www.glooscapfirstnation.com



Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.


Industries A five year gaming agreement is now in place with the province of Nova Scotia, wherein Glooscap operates a “gaming room” at the Glooscap Variety Store under the authority of the Gaming Commission. Profits made from this operation are used to fund various projects and assist the members in special needs. The band also employs several employees and students throughout the year.

Water: Energy/electricity:

Historical Notes Glooscap First Nation (formly Horton First Nation) is a small community which is located within the boundaries of Hants County and 6 km. from the town of Hantsport. It was established March 3, 1907. Chief Rita Smith, the mother of the Horton Band, had the distinction of being the first woman to have been Chief of two Bands, Annapolis Valley and Horton. Until June 6, 1984, Horton was separated from Annapolis Valley and became independent. The name was changed to Glooscap First Nation in 2004.

Glooscap First Nation Band Office, 159 Smith Road, Hantsport, NS, B0P 1P0

(855) 601-4943

(902) 684-9890

Glooscap First Nation Economic Development Corporation, 36A Smith Road, Hantsport, NS, B0P 1P0

(855) 601-4943

Glooscap First Nation Health and Healing Centre, 157 Smith Road, Hantsport, NS, B0P 1P0

(855) 601-4944

Glooscap Variety Store and Gas Bar/Glooscap Entertainment Centre, 92 Smith Road, Hantsport, NS, B0P 1P0

(902) 684-0007

Businesses and organizations

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 684-9890

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






2 Season Sports Inc., 201 Churchill Drive, Unit 103, Membertou, NS, B1S 0H1

(902) 562-0050

(902) 562-1632

Austin Christmas Plumbing & Heating, 17 Aqmoqew Awti, Membertou, NS, B1S 0B6

(902) 304-1090

Caribou Marsh Enterprises Ltd., 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-6466

(902) 539-6645

Edna's Antiques and Collectibles, 32 Tupsi Drive, Membertou Reserve, Cape Breton, NS, B1S 3K6

(902) 539-7772

(902) 539-5856

Eugene Simon Auto Body Repair, 2408 Gabarus Highway, Sydney, NS, B1L 1G1

(902) 562-2337

Businesses and organizations

Herney's Convenience, 127 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2N1 JR and Bucks, 22 Bradley Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3M4

(902) 539-2277

Little Chief Centre, 113 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 562-1121

(902) 539-6645

Marshall Paint Ball, 38 Tupsi Drive, Sydney, NS, B1S 2P3

(902) 539-6466

(902) 539-6645

Membertou CAP Site, 3 Kateri Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2P2

(902) 539-4920

(902) 539-6645

Membertou Cigarette Shop, 115 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 539-3798

(902) 539-6645

Membertou Education, 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-6466

(902) 539-6645

Membertou Elementary School, 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 562-2205

(902) 562-4561

Membertou First Nation, 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-6466

(902) 539-6645

Membertou Gaming Building 1, 42 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3W3

(902) 539-3049

Membertou Gaming Building 2, 40 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3W3

(902) 539-3952

Membertou Gaming Trailler, 115 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 539-3798

Membertou Halifax Corporate Division, 1969 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS, B3J 3R7

(902) 429-5445

(902) 429-5461

Membertou Housing and Public Works, 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-1121

(902) 562-9628

Membertou Market, 38 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2P6

(902) 539-8401

Membertou Natural Resources / Fisheries, 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 567-2018

Membertou Recreation Association, 117 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-6466

Membertou Trade and Convention Centre, 50 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3W3

(902) 562-6826

Membertou VLT 3, 51 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3W4

(902) 562-6969

Membertou Wellness Centre, 109 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2M9

(902) 564-6466

(902) 539-9954

Mi'Kmaq Gas & Convenience, 101 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 3M8

(902) 539-3121

(902) 562-8216

Mi'kmaq Gifts and Collectibles, 6 Micmac Crescent, Membertou, NS, B1S 2P4

(902) 564-8997

Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey, 47 Maillard Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2P5

(902) 567-0336

Moore's Hardwood Flooring, 164 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, B1S 2N5

(902) 539-7645

Native Design Services, 100 Membertou Street, Sydney, NS, B1S 2M8

(888) 828-9355

(514) 828-9345

Union of Nova Scotia Indians, 201 Churchill Drive, Suite 304, Membertou, NS, B1S 0H1

(902) 539-4107

(902) 564-2137


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 567-0933 (902) 562-6828

(902) 567-0337

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Membertou Cape Breton

Access: Membertou First Nation reserves are located in a radius of 1.6 km. to 62.4 km. of Sydney. Take Trans Canada 105 past Baddeck and towards North Sydney until reach exit 20 to get on Highway 125. Follow 125 towards Sydney and take exit 6 onto King Road and follow it till get to Holiday Inn and take the first street on right. Follow this street to the end then take a right and the first street on the left is Membertou street. The Band Office is on the left.


Area: Membertou No. 28B: 95.1 ha. Sydney No. 28A: 5.1 ha Caribou Marsh No. 29: 219.3 ha. Malagawatch No. 4: (20% of): 661.3



Community Services and Facilities

1 460

Administration office, day care, Veterans Memorial Building, senior citizens group, wellness centre, adult education, recreation facilities including a sports complex, 2 ball fields and a track, church services, elementary school, youth peer tutoring, education, housing and public works.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government Membertou Band Council Address: 111 Membertou Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1S 2M9 Tel.: (902) 564-6466 Fax: (902) 539-6645 Web Site: http://www.membertou.ca

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries and Economic Development The main industries are fishing and gaming. Other economic activities can be found are in retail and trades, service industry, construction, arts and crafts. There are numerous entrepreneurs undertaking a variety of business services ranging from the operation of convenience stores, a gas station, art gallery, barber shops, pizza shop, antique store, hair dressing salon, smoke shop, furniture and office supplies, medical supplies, home oil delivery, construction project management services, computer products, computer programming, web design, plumbing, brick laying, and welding amongst others.



Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: Weekly community newsletter. Television: About 50% of the residents subscribe to a satellite television service. Internet Access: More than 50% of the residents subscribe to an Internet service

Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Historical Notes The Membertou reserve was established in August 31, 1925 (The original Membertou reserve was situated along the shore of Sydney Harbour and was known as the Old King’s Road Reserve, until 1927, Membertou was relocated to where it now exists.) Caribou Marsh Reserve was established in April 28, 1882. Sydney Reserve was established in September 7, 1921. And the Malagawatch Reserve (20% held by Membertou) was established in August 2, 1833.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq, The, 57 Martin Crescent, P.O. Box 1590, Truro, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-6385

(902) 893-1520

Digital Sound Mobile D J Services, 127 Fern Drive, Truro, NS, B2N 6N6

(902) 895-6961

Eastern Woodland Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 1590, Truro, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-2038

Businesses and organizations

(902) 895-3030

First Nations Forestry Association in Nova Scotia, 57 Martin Crescent, P.O. Box 1590, Truro, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-6385

(902) 893-1520

G and G Heating, 74 Abenaki Road, Truro, NS, B2N 6N3

(902) 893-1650

(902) 893-0492

Glooscap Heritage Society, 65 Treaty Trail, Millbrook First Nation, NS, B6L 1W3

(902) 843-3496

(902) 893-2269

Glooscaps Trading Post, 900 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 897-6953

Jason's Convenience, 834 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 895-4828

Keith's Gas Bar, 945 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 897-2928

(902) 897-2976

Marshall's Flooring, 975 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 843-3440

(902) 843-3440

Micmac-Maliseet Nations News Association, P.O. Box 1590, Truro, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-2038

(902) 895-3030

Mi'kmaq Family Treatment Centre - Millbrook, Millbrook First Nation, P.O. Box 665, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 893-8483

(902) 893-2987

Mi'kmaq Maintenance, 912 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 893-0444

Mi'kmaq Trading Post, 969 Willow Street, Millbrook, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-9893

(902) 895-9893

Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Nations News, P.O. Box 1590, Truro, NS, B2N 5V3

(902) 895-2038

(902) 895-3030

Millbrook First Nation Aboriginal Headstart, 820 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 896-5731

(902) 896-5732

Millbrook First Nation Economic Development Corporation Limited, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 897-9199

(902) 893-4785

Millbrook First Nation Post Secondary Education, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 897-9199

(902) 893-4785

Millbrook First Nation, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 897-9199

(902) 893-4785

Millbrook Fisheries, 965 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 897-0402

(902) 895-1994

Millbrook Health Centre, 842 Willow Street, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 895-9468

(902) 893-3665

Millbrook Housing Committee, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 897-9199

(902) 893-4785

Millbrook Mi'kmaw Daycare, 851 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 5N5

(902) 897-1249

Millbrook Pre-School, 36 Church Road, Truro, NS, B2N 6N4

(902) 897-0445

Millbrook Senior Centre, 820 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 897-9199

Millbrook Social Assistance Program, 820 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 897-9199

Millbrook Tobacco Store, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS, B2N 5E5

(902) 895-9079

Millbrook Video & Variety, 984 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 895-7039

Native Council of Nova Scotia - Caring Connections Office, P.O. Box 1320, Truro, NS, B2N 5N2

(902) 895-1738

(902) 893-7680

Native Council of Nova Scotia - Netukulimkewe'l Commission Office, P.O. Box 1320, Truro, NS, B2N 5N2

(902) 895-7050

(902) 895-8182

Native Council of Nova Scotia - Provincial Office, Abenaki Road, P.O. Box 1320, Truro, NS, B2N 5N2

(902) 895-1523

(902) 895-0024

Native Council of Nova Scotia , 324 Abanaki Road, P.O. Box 1320, Truro, NS, B2N 5N2

(902) 895-1523

(902) 895-0024

Nova Scotia Native Women's Association, P.O. Box 805, Truro, NS, B2N 5E8

(902) 893-7402

(902) 897-7162

RCMP - Millbrook Detachment, P.O. Box 993, Truro, NS, B2N 5G7

(902) 893-6819

(902) 893-0002

Red Crane Studios, 19 Marshall's Lane, P.O. Box 492, Truro, NS, B2N 5C7

(902) 893-3866

Teazer's Hair & Tanning Salon, 969 Willow Street, Truro, NS, B2N 6N8

(902) 843-3444

Treaty Convenience (James Street), 173 James Street, Millbrook First Nation, Truro, NS, B2N 2Z9

(902) 895-3940

Treaty Convenience (Sheet Harbour), 55 Church Point Road, Sheet Harbour, NS, B0J 3B0

(902) 885-2159

Treaty Enterprises/Gaming - Head Office, 10 Treaty Trail, R.R. #1, Truro, NS, B2N 5A9

(902) 897-0986


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 897-0628 (902) 893-4785

(902) 895-9893

(902) 893-4785

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Millbrook Cape Breton

Access: The main reserve Millbrook is located 8 km east of Truro. Highway 102 and Highway 104 intersect the reserve.

Area: Millbrook No. 27: 300.4 ha. Beaver Lake No. 17: 49.4 ha. Truro No. 27A: 16.7 ha. Truro No. 27B: 9.5 ha. Truro No. 27C: 18.6 ha. Cole Harbour No. 30: 18.6 ha. Sheet Harbour No. 36: 32.7 ha.





1 795

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: Millbrook Newsletter Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Millbrook First Nation Council Address: 820 Willow Street, P.O. Box 634, Truro, NS B2N 5E5 Tel.: (902) 897-9199 Fax: (902) 893-4785 Web Site: http://www.millbrookfirstnation.net

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


The Millbrook Band inhabits the Millbrook, Beaver Lake, Truro, Cole Harbour, and Sheet Harbour Reserves. These reserves were established between 1867 and 1915.

Languages spoken

Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries and Economic Development Fishing, gaming, leasing, retail, trades and service industries. There is a major commercial and business park located on the reserve. The community has many businesses providing a wide range of goods and services such as business advisory service, courier service, trading post, gas bars, convenience stores, business consultants, news editors and publishers, graphic design, hairdressers, and native crafts.

Community Services and Facilities Band administration, literacy centre, day care, Headstart, Adult Care Program, medical transportation, wellness program and health centre, family and children’s services, alcohol and drug abuse counselling, employment and training services, housing committee, post secondary education.

Historical Notes

Sometime during the late 1700's and the early 1800's the Truro natives lived along the banks of the Salmon River which runs between the town and the village of Bible Hill, near where the former Archibald property was located. This parcel of land was sold in 1855 to the School of Agriculture. When the school started expanding, the native people were moved to property on King Street, where the St. Mary's School is now located. The natives called this Christmas Crossing. Cole Harbour is located off Caldwell Road in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, on the Eastern Passage. Sheet Harbour and Beaver Dam are located 50 km. east of Musquodoboit. These lands make up what is now Millbrook Reserve.

Businesses and organizations

Treaty Entertainment, 10 Treaty Trail, R.R. #1, Truro, NS, B2N 5A9

(902) 897-2650

Treaty Gas, 600 Caldwell Road, Dartmouth, NS, B2V 2S8

(902) 434-7777

Truro Power Centre, 8 Treaty Trail, Truro, NS, B2N 5A9

(902) 897-0837

(902) 897-0214

Ulnooweg Development Group Inc. - Head Office, P.O. Box 1259, Truro, NS, B2N 5N2

(902) 893-7379

(902) 893-0353

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation

Businesses and organizations

Judy's Mug-A-Sun, 19 Mug-A-Sun Road, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2021

(902) 386-2117

Lafford Business Consulting, 511 Old Greenfield Road, R.R. #3, Truro, NS, B2N 5B2

(902) 893-2434

(902) 893-7948

Paqtnkek Day Care, 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2244

(902) 386-2180

Paqtnkek First Nation Adult Education Centre, 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2781

(902) 386-2676

Paqtnkek First Nation Water Treatment Plant, 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2137

Paqtnkek First Nation, 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2781

Paqtnkek Pre-School, 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS, B0H 1A0

(902) 386-2820


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 386-2043

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation Cape Breton

Access: The Paqtnkek First Nation is a small native community located approximately 24 km. East of Antigonish. For accessing to the community, take Trans Canada Highway 104 East and take exit 37, then drive for approximately 5 minutes to reach Afton Reserve.



Pomquet and afton No. 23: 191.5 ha. Franklin Manor No. 22: 212.5 ha. Summerside No. 38: 43.4 ha.





Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmaq

Historical Notes

Government Paqtnkek First Nation Address: 7 Dillon Street, R.R. #1, Afton, Antigonish County, NS B0H 1A0 Tel.: (902) 386-2781 Fax: (902) 386-2043

Affiliations: Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.

Industries and Economic Development 6 fishing vessels lobster and crab, Paqtnkek Gas Bar and Tobacco store. Fisheries employs over 20 or so seasonal workers and also Paqtnkek Carpenters crew employs 12 or so people. There are also several retail businesses in the community and a full self gas bar.

Community Services and Facilities Band office, pre-school, day care, adult education centre and medical centre, dental services and doctor.

The Paqtnkek First Nation is composed of Pomquet –Afton (established March 3, 1820), Franklin Manor (established March 3, 1865), and Summerside reserves (established August 28, 1990). Paqtnkek in Mi’kmaq means “by the bay”. This meaning emphasises the importance of the bay and its resources to the Mi’kmaq people of this region. The Antigonish and Pomquet harbours along with the associated watershed and the land surrounding this area have been the source of many types of food for all Mi’kmaq throughout the Maritime provinces. Traditionally, the Mi’kmaq were a nomadic tribe travelling throughout the Maritimes in order to sustain their way of life. Often they would move according to seasons and were careful to treat Mother Nature with respect for they wanted to ensure the bountiful resources for future generations.

Communications Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Pictou Landing

Alden Francis Fisheries, R.R. #2, Site 6, Box 138, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-4912

(902) 755-4715

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pictou Landing First Nation, New Glasgow, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-3995

Pictou Landing Development Corporation, Site 6, Box 55, R.R. #2, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-4912

(902) 755-4715

Pictou Landing First Nation Elementary School, Site 6, Box 55, R.R. #2, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0 (902) 755-9954

(902) 752-4916

Businesses and organizations

Pictou Landing First Nation Falcon Fisheries, 6504 Pictou Landing Road, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-5631

Pictou Landing First Nation, Site 6, Box 55, R.R. #2, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-4912

(902) 755-4715

Pictou Landing Health Centre, Site 6, Box 55, R.R. #2, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-0085

(902) 752-6465

Pine Breeze Logging Services, Site 6, RR #2, P.O. Box 77, Trenton, NS, B0K 1X0

(902) 752-6234


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Pictou Landing Cape Breton

Access: Pictou Landing First Nation inhabits the Fisher’s Grant, Boat Harbour, Merigomish Harbour, and Franklin Manor Reserves. The reserves are located near New Glasgow, Pictou Landing, and Amherst. The most populated site is Fisher’s Grant Reserve No. 24G which is 3.2 km southeast of Pictou Landing.

Area: Franklin Manor No. 22 (Part): 212.5 ha. Boat Harbour West No. 37: 98.2 ha. Fisher’s Grant No. 24: 142.7 ha. Fisher’s Grant Reserve No. 24G: 60 ha. Merigomish Harbour No. 31: 14.2 ha.






Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Pictou Landing Band Council Address: Site 6, Box 55, R.R. #2, Trenton, NS B0K 1X0 Tel.: (902) 752-4912 Fax: (902) 755-4715

Water: Water tower, community wells. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Provincial Organization: n.a.

Pictou Landing First Nation is composed of Fisher’s Grant No. 24 (established March 3, 1866), Fisher’s Grant No. 24G (established March 3, 1927), Boat Harbour No. 37 (established May 18, 1961), Merigomish Harbour No. 31 (established March 3, 1865), Franklin Manor No. 22 (established March

Languages spoken

Industries and Economic Development Main industries on the reserves are fishing, hunting and forestry. There is also a large percentage of the employment in the education, health, retail and service sectors.

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, school, medical centre, church, fire hall and CAP site.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Potlotek Island First Nation

Apaqtukewaq Fisheries Co-op, Box 574, R.R. #1, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2191

(902) 535-3454

Basque Convenience, Chapel Island, R.R. #1, St. Peters, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3405

Businesses and organizations

C.I. Enterprises, Tourism Development Corp., P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Cap Site, P.O. Box 538, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3160

(902) 535-3164

Chapel Island Community Centre, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2565

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Day Care, P.O. Box 508, Chapel Island First Nation, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2041

(902) 535-3164

Chapel Island Economic Development, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Fire Department, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2825

Chapel Island Housing, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Human Resource, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Medical Centre, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2961

(902) 535-2077

Chapel Island Mi'Kmawey Elementary School, R.R. #1, P.O. Box 638, Chapel Island First Nation, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2307

(902) 535-3428

Chapel Island Social Welfare, P.O. Box 538, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004

Chapel Island Water Treatment Plant, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3547

Chapel Island Youth Centre, Old School Road, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3904

Indian Lake Handcraft and Variety, Box 614, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3299

Johnson's Body and Paint, 19 Old Trunk - #4, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3644

(902) 535-3164

Ma'sl Production, P.O. Box 606, St. Peters, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-2462

Potlotek Education Office, 342 Sitimuk Road, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3160

(902) 535-3164

Potlotek First Nation, P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS, B0E 3B0

(902) 535-3317

(902) 535-3004


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Potlotek Island First Nation Cape Breton

Access: Potlotek Island reserve is located 69 kilometres southwest of Sydney and l0 kilometres from St. Peter's on Cape Breton Island. Access to the community is easy by taking route 4 north: 164 km. North East of the Canso Causeway to St. Peters, then a further 10 km North to Chapel Island.


Area: Chapel Island No. 5: 592.5 ha. Malagawatch No. 4 (20% of): 661.3 ha.





Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: 50% or less resident subscribe to a satellite television service. Internet Access: More than 50% of the residents subscribe to an internet service.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government Potlotek Island First Nation Address: P.O. Box 538, Chapel Island, NS B0E 3B0 Tel.: (506) 535-3317 Fax: (506) 535-3004 Web Site: http://chapelisland.ednet.ns.ca/main.html

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services Provincial Organization:

Industries Main industries include: fishing, tourism, retail and trades, and service industry.

Community Services and Facilities

Utilities Water: Band has purchased a nanofiltration system plant. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Historical Notes The Potlotek Island Reserve was established between 1792 or 1834, and the Malagawatch Reserve was established in 1833. (With 20% or 132.26 hectares, Malagawatch Reserve is held by each of the following reserves: Chapel Island, Sydney, Eskasoni, Wagmatcook, and Whycocomagh).

Band office, day care, school, medical centre, housing, economic development, convenience and variety stores, fire department, board of education, recreation and community centre.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Businesses and organizations Bernard David Siding & Seamless Eavestrough, P.O. Box 117, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-1521

C.P.S. Excavating, P.O. Box 98, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 236-2773

(902) 236-2773

Copage Proposal Development Services, P.O. Box 98, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 236-2773

(902) 236-2773

Eagle's Nest Recovery House, 40 Eagle's Nest Road, P.O. Box 263, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-4277

(902) 758-4229

Economic Development Service, General Delivery, Micmac Post office, Hunts County, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-4218

Indian Brook Building Supplies, 400 Meadow Road, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-1394

Indian Brook Community Health Care, General Delivery, Micmac Post office, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-1017

Indian Brook First Nation School, 522 Church Street, Shubenacadie, Hants County, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-1229

Indian Brook Food Bank, 529 Church Street, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-2301

Indian Brook Gas Bar, 224 Robinson Road, General Delivery, Micmac, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-4236

(902) 758-2566

(902) 758-1492

Ki'tpu Computer & Training Services, 37 Meadows Lane, P.O. Box 238, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 222-2704

Little Eagle Day Care, General Delivery, Micmac Post Office, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-1273

(902) 758-2017

Mi'kmaq Employment and Training, 526 Church Street, P.O. Box 99, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-4181

(902) 758-2127

Mi'kmaq Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Resource Centre, 586 Church Street, P.O. Box 341, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-1953


Mi'kmaw Family and Children's Services of Nova Scotia, 515 Church Street, P.O. Box 179, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-3553

(902) 758-2390

Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey - Sub-Office, Indian Brook First Nation, Micmac Post Office, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-1185

(902) 758-1184

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Conselling Association of Nova Scotia Sub-Office, 40 Eagle's Nest Road, P.O. Box 263, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-2776

(902) 758-4229

RCMP - Indian Brook Detachment, P.O. Box 292, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-3388

Sack's Excavating, 3206 Indian Road, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-2973

(902) 758-2506

Shubenacadie First Nation, General Delivery, Micmac Post office, Hunts County, NS, B0N 1W0

(902) 758-2049

(902) 758-2017

Sister Elizabeth Cody Pre K School, 512 Church Street, General Delivery, Micmac Post Office, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0

(902) 758-3788


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Shubenacadie Cape Breton

Access: Shubenacadie First Nation inhabits Shubenacadie, Pennal, New Ross, and Indian Brook Reserves. The most populated site is Indian Brook Reserve which is 29 km. southwest of Truro.

Area: New Ross No. 20: 408.3 ha. Pennal No. 19: 43.5 ha. Shubenacadie No. 13: 412 ha. Indian Brook I.R. No. 14: 1234.2 ha





2 598

Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes



Shubenacadie Band Council Address: General Delivery, Micmac Post Office, Hants County, NS B0N 1W0 Tel.: (902) 758-2049 Fax: (902) 758-2017

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.


Historical Notes

Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services Provincial Organization: n.a.

Most Shubenacadie reserves were established in 1820 except Pennal Reserve was established March 3, 1858. Indian Brook Reserve was also the site of a historically important event. A most significant treaty – one that has been referred to as the “Magna Carta of native Aboriginal rights” – was signed there in 1752. Dealing with lands, hunting, fishing, trapping, gathering, and trading, this treaty forms the very foundation of aboriginal rights settlements in Canada today.

Languages spoken

Industries and Economic Development There are a number of businesses operated within the Shubenacadie First Nation Reserve: apartment rentals, tobacco shop, video lottery terminals, construction, gas bar and convenience stores, building supplies, crafts making, and entertainment.

Community Services and Facilities Band office, day care, employment and training secretariat, family and children services, church, pre-school, school, food bank, Aboriginal rights research centre, health centre and recovery house.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Clean Wave Restaurant, 10765 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30029, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1542

(902) 295-3306

First Chief Trading Post, 10863 Bachelor Lane, P.O. Box 30047, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1956

Businesses and organizations

Indian Maiden Maple and Native Trail Tours, 10 Jo-Gun Road, P.O. Box 30003, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-3466

(902) 295-1367

Kun Dow Masonary and Associates, 10 Jo-Gun Road, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-3466

(902) 295-1367

Mi'kmaq Employment Training Secretariat, 75 Humes Rear Road, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2598

(902) 295-3398

People of the Dawn Canteen, 10904 Hwy 105, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1481

Stephens Convenience Store, 10783 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 646, Baddeck, NS, B0E 1B0

(902) 295-1715

Wagmatcook Agency Bank, 10759 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1579

(902) 295-1454

Wagmatcook Band Office, 75 Humes Rear Road, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2598

(902) 259-3398

Wagmatcook Board of Education, 75 Humes Rear Road, P.O. Box 30018, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-3267

(902) 295-1331

Wagmatcook Commercial Fishery, P.O. Box 30001, 75 Humes Rear Road, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2598

(902) 295-3398

Wagmatcook Community Channel, 10765 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30029, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2999

(902) 295-1487

Wagmatcook Community Support, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-3332

(902) 295-2720

Wagmatcook Culture and Heritage Centre, 10765 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30029, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2999

(902) 295-3306

Wagmatcook Daycare, 73 Humes Rear Road - Upper Level, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1526

Wagmatcook Economic Development, 75 Humes Rear Road, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2598

(902) 295-3398

Wagmatcook Fire Department, 10687 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0 (902) 295-1525 Wagmatcook Gaming House, 10687 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-1295

Wagmatcook Gas Bar and Convenience, 10526 Hwy 105, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2122

(902) 295-2133

Wagmatcook Head Start Program, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2357

(902) 295-2345

Wagmatcook Health Centre, 147 Humes Rear Road, P.O. Box 30004, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2755

(902) 295-1844

Wagmatcook Housing Program, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2598

(902) 295-3398

Wagmatcook Marina and Wharf, 57 Fishery Road, P.O. ox 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0 (902) 295-1682 Wagmatcook Youth Centre, P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-2127

Wagmatcookewey School, 1 Sugar Bush Road, P.O. Box 30018, Wagmatcook, NS, B0E 3N0

(902) 295-3491


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 295-1091

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Wagmatcook Access:

Cape Breton

Wagmatcook First Nation is composed of Wagmatcook, Margaree and Malagawatch. Most populated site is Wagmatcook which is 51.2 km. west of Sydney and 16 km. west of Baddeck, along the shores of the famous Bras d'Or Lake.



Malagawatch No. 4 (20% of): 661.3 ha. Margaree No. 25: 0.8 ha. Wagmatcook No. 1: 319.7 ha.





Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: More than 75% of the residents subscribe to a satellite television service. Internet Access: Close 50% of the residents subscribe to an internet service.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government: Wagmatcook First Nation Band Council Address: P.O. Box 30001, Wagmatcook, NS B0E 3N0 Tel.: (902) 295-2598 Fax: (902) 259-3398

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services Provincial Organization: n.a.

Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Historical Notes

Industries and Economic Development Most employment opportunities are found in Fishing, education and health, construction, retail and trades, and other service industries.

Wagmatcook Reserve was established August 1, 1833 and Margaree Reserve was established August 1, 1834. Malagawatch No. 4 is divided among five First Nation reserves, each of which hold 20% of the total

Community Services and Facilities Administration office, healing project, craft shop, health centre, culture and heritage centre, school, day care, and Headstart.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Waycobah First Nation

Businesses and organizations

Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief - Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, P.O. Box 28, Waycobah, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 565-2422

Diversity Management Group, 32 Bernard Boulevard, P.O. Box 360, Waycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-3333

(902) 756-9130

First Nation Engineering & Technical Services, 28 Kitpu Lane, P.O. Box 426, Waycobah First Nation, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-3158

(902) 756-3089

Mi'kmaq Family Treatment Centre - Waycobah, P.O. Box 310, Waycobah First Nation, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-3440

(902) 756-3441

Negemow Basket Shop, Trans Canada 105, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-3155

Rod's One Stop, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-3088

(902) 756-3583

Waycobah Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-1119

(902) 756-2060

Waycobah First Nation Fire Hall, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-2220

Waycobah First Nation Housing, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-2440

(902) 756-2393

Waycobah First Nation, P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-2337

(902) 756-2393

We'Koqma'q Mi'kmaq School, 15 Reservation Road, P.O. Box 209, Whycocomagh, NS, B0E 3M0

(902) 756-9000

(902) 756-2171


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Waycobah First Nation Access:

Cape Breton

Located on Cape Breton Island, Waycobah (We’koqma’q) First Nation is composed of Whycocomagh #2 and Malagawatch #4. Whycocomagh Reserve is located 70 km. west of Sydney and on the west side of the Bras d’Or Lakes.



Malagawatch No. 4 (20% of): 661.3 ha. Whycocomagh No. 2: 828.5 ha.





Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Telephone: Aliant Radio: n.a. Newspapers: n.a. Television: All major channels Internet Access: Yes.



Waycobah First Nation Band Council Address: P.O. Box 149, Whycocomagh, NS B0E 3M0 Tel.: (902) 756-2337 Fax: (902) 756-2393

Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity: n.a.

Languages spoken

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Union of Nova Scotia Indians – Advisory Services

Industries and Economic Activities Fishing, arts and crafts, retail and service industry. The largest basket shop in Atlantic Canada is on this reserve.

Community Services and Facilities There are many facilities and services available on the reserve such as band administration, fire hall, police station, fitness centre, childcare centre, K-12 school, treatment centre, medical clinic providing services by doctors, Community Health Nurse and Community Health Representative. There is also a Catholic church on the reserve.

Historical Notes At the foothills of Skye Mountain lies beautiful Waycobah First Nation. Waycobah First Nation inhabits Whycocomagh and Malagawatch Reserves. Whycocomagh Reserve was established in the January 31, 1833. Presently, Waycobah First Nation holds 20% of Malagawatch Reserve along with four other Cape Breton reserves. Waycobah First Nation was officially declared a band in May of 1958. Before that time, it was under the jurisdiction of Eskasoni Chief and Council. It was not until June 24, 1958, that Waycobah First Nation held its first election for its own chief and council. Every year, Waycobah First Nation hosts the Great Cape Breton Fishing Derby, the largest fishing derby in Nova Scotia.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





MI’KMAQ he first known inhabited Mi’kmaq site in the Maritimes has been dated back 10,600 years. Before the arrival of Europeans, their traditional territories included Nova Scotia, the Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, Prince Edward Island, the eastern coastal regions of New Brunswick, and later in the 17th Century some parts of Newfoundland. The term Mi’kmaq comes from their word nikmak, meaning “my-kin-friends”.


The Mi’kmaq lived in wigwams; the word “wigwam” originates from the word “wiknom”, meaning a dwelling. Wigwams were build using spruce poles tied up at top and spread out at bottom, and birch barks as shingles. Their clothing was made from the skins of mammals, birds and fish. A semi-nomadic people, the Mi’kmaq lived together in familial tribal groups, and they would move around between their seasonal villages. Because of living far north, the Mi’kmaq did very little farming but they were very skilled hunters and gatherers, especially on fishing sea mammals and harvesting wild berries; they were also known for their unique canoe skills. Before the Europeans arrived, the entire Maritime region from east of St. John River to west of the St. Lawrence was know as Megumaage. It was divided into seven hunting districts with a chief for each district. Each of the districts was made up of several villages with each village has its own chief. While each group tended to live on its own, the whole community would assemble to make collective decisions in critical times, such as war. All of the district chiefs would convene in a Grand Council to achieve a consensus, and elect one of their members ‘Grand Saqamaw’ to act as their spokesman with outsiders. The wampum belts were used by each tribe to record its history. The Mi’kmaq made their first recorded contact with Europeans in 1497 and the first permanent European settlement in the Maritimes was at Port Royal in 1605. The French settlers and Mi’kmaq became friends through the fur trade. The Mi’kmaq acted as middleman between the Europeans and the other native group. The British’s attack on the French settlements in the Mi’kmaq territory in 1613 convinced the Mi’kmaq that the British were their enemy. Since then, the hostilities between French/Mi’kmaq and the British lasted on and off for over 150 years. The Mi’kmaq have been at peace since 1779, and treaties signed during the early 1800s established the reserves which the Mi’kmaq still occupy in the Maritimes today. The Mi’kmaq population was estimated between 3,000 and 20,000 before the contact with Europeans. The epidemics and typhus outbreak drastically reduced its population to as low as 1,800 in early 19th Century. Today, there are over 27,600 registered Mi’kmaq in the Martimes and Québec including 9 bands and over 6, 750 Mi’kmaq in New Brunswick, 1 band and 2,385 Mi’kmaq in Newfoundland, 13 bands and more than 12,700 Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, 2 bands and over 1,000 Mi’kmaq in Prince Edward Island, and 3 bands over 4,800 Mi’kmaq in Québec.


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net







Mi’kmaq 1. Abegweit 2. Lennox Island

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Businesses and organizations

Abegweit First Nation Economic Development, P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-2494

Abegweit First Nation Headstart, P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-2412

Abegweit First Nation Health Centre, P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-3007

(902) 676-2734

Abegweit First Nation NNADAP, P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-3007

(902) 676-2734

Abegweit First Nation, P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-2353

(902) 676-3206

Redstone Auto and Marine, 22 Redstone Drive, P.O. Box 36, Scotchfort, PEI, C0A 1T0

(902) 676-3112


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(902) 676-2734

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Abegweit Access The Abegweit First Nation is a small Mi’kmaq community located in near proximity of Charlottetown. It consists of three reserves: Rocky Point No. 3 located on the outskirts of Charlottetown, Scotchfort No. 4 located 57 km. from Rocky Point on Highway #2, Morell Rear No. 2 located 23 km. beyond Scotchfort.


Area Rocky Point No. 3: Scotchfort No. 4: Morell Rear No. 2:

2.8 ha. 56.6 ha. 80.94 ha.




Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: The Guardian, The Journal-Pioneer, East Prince Graphic, West Prince Graphic Television: all major channels Internet Access: Yes

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government: Abegweit First Nation Band Council Address: P.O. Box 36, Mount Stewart, PE C0A 1T0 Tel.: (902) 676-2353 Fax: (902) 676-3206 Web Site: www.abegweitfirstnations.com

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI

Utilities Water: n.a. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: n.a. Energy/electricity:

Historical Notes The Band was created in 1972.

Industries and Economic Activities Farming and fishing, services.

Community Services and Facilities Band administration, health centre, Headstart, NNADAP, softball diamond, church, gas bar, Redstone Seafood, Redstone auto & marine.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Lennox Island

Aboriginal Women Association of P.E.I., P.O. Box 145, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-3059

(902) 831-3181

Anita Bernard - Basket Weaver, General Delivery, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2003

Businesses and organizations

Christine's Crafts, General Delivery, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0 Doe's Bannock Bakery / Wild Food Boutique, 28 Eagle Feather Trail, P.O. Box 176, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2277

Jake's Kwikway, General Delivery, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-3211

(902) 831-2984

John J. Sark Memorial School, P.O. Box 124, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2777

(902) 831-3065

Lennox Island Aboriginal Ecotourism, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2510

Lennox Island Daycare, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-3480

(902) 831-3153

Lennox Island First Nation, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2779

(902) 831-3153

Lennox Island Fishery, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-3399

(902) 831-3153

Lennox Island Health Centre, P.O. Box 135, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2711

(902) 831-2780

Lennox Island Learning Centre, 312 Sweetgrass Trail, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-3438

(902) 831-3153

Lennox Island Mi'kmaq Cultural Centre, P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2779

(902) 831-3153

Lennox Island Native Alcohol Abuse Program, P.O. Box 135, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2711

(902) 831-2780

Micmac First Nations Craft, 4 Eagle Feather Trail, P.O. Box 176, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2653

MicMac Productions, 28 Eagle Feather Trail, P.O. Box 176, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2277

Mi'Kmaq Kayak Adventures, 26 Eagle Feather Trail, P.O. Box 180, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 831-2277

(902) 831-3312

Out of the Blue, P.O. Box 131, Lennox Island, PEI, C0B 1P0

(902) 888-8809

(902) 831-3153


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Lennox Island Access Lennox Island is located on the north shore of Prince Edward Island in the Malpeque Bay, approximately 50 km. northwest of Summerside..



Lennox Island 1: 520 ha.




Water: New multi-million dollar water and waste treatment system including multiple lagoons and water tower. Sewage: n.a. Other waste: 75% of household wastes (paper, metals, glass, plastic) are recycled through Island Waste Watch Program. Energy/electricity: Single and 3-phase power system. Wind turbine will be installed within a year, with surplus power being sold back to Maritime Electric.

Languages spoken Linguistic Affiliation: Algonkian (Micmac) Mother Tongue: Micmac, English

Government: Lennox Island First Nation Band Council Address: P.O. Box 134, Lennox Island, PE C0B 1P0 Tel.: (902) 831-2779 Fax: (902) 831-3153 Web Site: http://www.lennoxisland.com

Historical Notes

Affiliations: Tribal Council: Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI Provincial Organization: n.a.

In 1870 the Aborigines Protection Society (APS) bought Lennox Island for 400 pounds. They purchased the Island for the benefit of the Mi’kmaq People.

Industries and Economic Activities Agriculture (mainly farming and fishing), arts and crafts, construction, ecotourism, and service industry are the predominant economic activities on the reserve.

Community Services and Facilities

In 1873, Prince Edward Island’s Mi’kmaq fell under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Government when the colony entered Confederation. Ownership continued to be vested by the APS.

Band office, school, health centre, cultural centre, fire department, church, learning centre, day care, restaurant, gas and convenience.

Lennox Island gained “special” reserve status in the passing of the Indian Act in 1876.


In 1912 an order transferring trusteeship of Lennox Island from the APS Society to His Majesty King George the Fifth, his heirs successors and assigns (The Crown).

Telephone: Aliant, Eastlink Radio: n.a. Newspapers: The Guardian, The Journal-Pioneer, East Prince Graphic, West Prince Graphic. Television: More than 50% of the residents subscribe to a satellite television service. Internet Access: Close to 75% of the residents subscribe to an internet service.

In 1970, Lennox Island was formally set aside as a reserve for use and benefit of the Lennox Island First Nation.

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




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Section Affaires / Liste des Entreprises et Organismes Autochtones Québec Business Section / List of Aboriginal Businesses and Organizations


(581) 300-6313

INDEX - FRANCAIS Secteurs d’activités


A Agences de publicité et de marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Agriculture - Cultures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Aliments et boissons - Détaillants & fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Ambulances - Transport Médical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Architectes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Arpentage et cartographie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Artisanat - Détaillants, fabricants et grossistes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Artistes, professionels et promoteurs de spectacles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Assurance - Courtiers et services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Autobus, autocars et minibus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Automobiles - Réparation et entretien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Automobiles - Vente et Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Avocats, notaires et services légaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

Banques et services de financement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Bibliothèques publiques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Bijouterie - Détaillants et fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

C Campings et parcs de véhicules récréatifs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Casinos, Bingos et appareils de loterie vidéo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Centre d’emploi et de formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Centres d’amitié Autochtones et centres culturels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Centres sportifs, de loisirs et de récréation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Chasse et pêche, trappage - Équipement et programmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Comptables et services de comptabilité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Concierges - Service d’entretien et fournitures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Conférences et événements spéciaux - Organisateurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Construction - Autres entrepreneurs spécialisés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Électriciens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Entrepreneurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Excavation, fondation et équipement lourd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Construction - Finissage intérieur et extérieur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Construction - Menuisiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Construction - Plomberie, chauffage et climatisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Construction - Routes, rues et ponts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Construction - Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Consultants et conseillers en gestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Courriers et messagerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Cuir, fourrures et mocassins - Détaillants, fabricants & grossistes. . . . . . . . . . . . 336



D Déchets - Enlèvement, traitement et assainissement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


INDEX - FRANCAIS Secteurs d’activités


Dépanneurs et magasins de variétés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Développement économique - Services de soutien aux entreprises . . . . . . . . . . 337 Drapeau et mats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

E Eau - Traitement, assainissement et distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Ébénisterie (produits du bois) - Vente et fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Éditeurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Éducation - Autres écoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Éducation - Écoles élémentaires et secondaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Éducation - Écoles techniques & de métier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Éducation - Programmes Autochtones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Éducation - Service de soutien à l’enseignement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Éducation - Universités . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Églises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Électronique et appareils électroménagers - Vente, réparation et service. . . . . . 344 Énergie Renouvelable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Enseignes - fabricants, vente et service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Entrepôts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Environnement -services et gestion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Équipement et founitures médicales - Vente et fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

F Fleuristes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Foresterie et sylviculture - Exploitation et fournitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Fournitures de bureau - Papeteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

G Galeries d’art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Garderies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Golf clubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Gouvernement - Administration publique fédérale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Gouvernement - Administrations publiques provinciales et territoriales . . . . . . . 348 Gouvernement - Conseils de bande, conseils tribaux, villages Inuit et autres administrations autochtones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Grossistes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

H Hébergement - Services communautaires d’habitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Hôpitaux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Hôtels, motels et autres services d’hébergement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

I Immobilier, coutiers et gestionaires immobiliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Import et export. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Imprimeurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

INDEX - FRANCAIS Secteurs d’activités


Infographie et graphisme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Informatique - Conseillers, vente et service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Ingénieurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Internet - Produits et services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

L Logistique de transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Machinerie - Vente et réparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Magasins cadeaux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Magasins généraux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Matériaux de construction - Détaillants, grossistes et fabricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Médecins et autres praticiens en santé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Métal et produits métalliques - détaillants et fabricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Meubles - Détaillants & fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Mines - Exploration, exploitation et fournitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Moteurs et petits moteurs - Réparation et entretien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Motoneiges et VTT - Location, vente et service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Musées et lieux d’intérêt patrimonial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Musique, disques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

N Nettoyage à sec et laveries automatiques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

O Objets promotionnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Organismes et associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Outils et équipement - Location et service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361




Paysagistes et service d’enlèvement de la neige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Pêcheries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Personnes âgées - Services et résidencess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Pétrole - Huile, essence, gaz propane et naturel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Pharmacies et produits de santé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Photographie et services de photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Plongée sous-marine et équipement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Police et pompiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Poste - Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Pourvoyeurs - Chasse & pêche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 Produits de Beauté . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Produits naturels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

Q Quincailleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


INDEX - FRANCAIS Secteurs d’activités


R Radios - Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Remorquage de véhicules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Ressources humaines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Ressources naturelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Restaurants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

S Salons de coiffure et d’esthétique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Santé - Centres de santé et services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Santé mentale - Conseillers et services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Sécurité et investigation - Agences et services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Services à l’enfance, à la jeunesse et à la famille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Services correctionnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services de design d’intérieur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services de recherche et autres services professionnels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services financiers et d’investissement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services funéraires - Monuments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services personnels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services publics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Services sociaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Sports et articles de loisirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Stations-service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

T Tabac, cigares, et cigarettes - Vente et fabricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Taxidermistes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Taxis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Télécommunications - Télécommunication sans fil et par satellite. . . . . . . . . . . 381 Télévision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Textiles - Détaillants et fabricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Tourisme et agences de voyages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Toxicomanie - Centres de traitement et d’information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Traduction et interprétation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Traiteurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Transport aérien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Transport par bateau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Transport par camion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Transport par chemin de fer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Travaux publics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

V Vêtements - Détaillants et fabricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Vétérinaires, fournitures d’animaux domestiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Vidéo - Location & vente. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Vidéo et film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 314

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

INDEX - ENGLISH Activity Sectors


A Accountants and Accounting Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Addiction - Information and Treatment Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Advertising and Marketing Agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Agriculture - Crop Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Air Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Ambulance Services and Medical Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Architects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Art Galleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Artists, professional performers and show promoters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Arts and Crafts - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Automobile - Repair and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Automobile - Sales and Leasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

Banking and Financing Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Beauty Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Boat Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Building Materials and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Bus Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Business Support Services / Economic Development Agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

C Camping and RV Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Casinos, Bingos and Video Lottery Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Caterers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Child, Youth and Family Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Clothing - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Computers - Sales, Services and Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Conference and Special Event Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Construction - Building Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Carpenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Construction - Electrical Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Highway, Street and Bridge Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Construction - Interior and Exterior Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Construction - Other Trade Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Construction - Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Construction - Site Preparation Work and Heavy Equipment Contractors. . . . . . 334 Construction - Structure Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Consulting and Management Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Convenience and Variety Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Correctional Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Couriers and Messengers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




INDEX - ENGLISH Activity Sectors


D Day Care Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Diving Services and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Dry Cleaning and Laundromat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

E Education - Aboriginal Headstart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Education - Business, Technical and Trade Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Education - Elementary and Secondary Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Education - Other Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Education - Support Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Education - Universities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Electronics and Appliances - Sales, Repair and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Employment and Training Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Energy – Renewable Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Environmental Services and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Expediting and Logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

F Fisheries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Flags and Poles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Florists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Food and Beverage - Sales and Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Forestry and Silviculture - Logging and Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Friendship and Cultural Centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Fuel, Propane and Natural Gas Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Funeral and Memorial Services - Monuments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Furniture - Sales and Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

G Gas Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 General Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Gift Shops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Golf Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Government - Band Councils, Tribal Councils, Inuit Villages and other Aboriginal Administrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Government - Federal Government Public Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Government - Provincial and Territorial Public Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Graphic Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

H Hair Dressers and Beauty Salons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Hardware Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Healing, Wellness and Counselling Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Health Centres and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 316

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

INDEX - ENGLISH Activity Sectors


Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Hotels, Motels and Other Accommodations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Housing Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Hunting and Fishing, Trapping - Equipment and Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

I Import and Export. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Insurance Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Interior Design Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Internet - Products and Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Investment and Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

J Janitorial, Cleaning Services and Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Jewellers - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Land Surveying and Mapping Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Landscaping and Snow Removal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Lawyers and Legal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Leather, Furs and Moccasins - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

M Machinery - Sales and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Medical Equipment and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Metal Products - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Mining - Exploration, Exploitation and Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Museums and Heritage Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Music, Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

N Natural Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Natural Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

O Office Supplies and Stationery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Organizations and Associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Outfitters - Hunting and Fishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

P Personal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Pharmacies and Health Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Photographers and Photo Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Physicians and Other Health Practitioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Police and Fire Fighters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




INDEX - ENGLISH Activity Sectors


Postal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Promotional Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Publishers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

R Radio Stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Rail Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Real Estate, Property Managers and Related Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Research and Other Professional Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Restaurants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

S Security and Investigation Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Senior Citizens Services and Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Signs - Sales and Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Small Engines Repair and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Snow Mobiles and ATVs - Sales, Rental and Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Social Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Sporting Goods and Hobby Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Sports, Amusement and Recreation Centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

T Taxidermists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Taxis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Telecommunications - Wireless Telecommunications including Satellite. . . . . . . 381 Television Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Textile Products - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes - Sales and Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Tools and Equipment - Rentals and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Tourism and Travel Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Translation and Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Trucking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

U-V-W Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Veterinary, Pet Shops and Animal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Video and Film Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Video Stores - Sales and Rental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Warehouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Waste Management - Treatment and Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Water - Treatment, Sanitation and Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Wholesalers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Wood Products - Sales and Manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Agences de publicité et de marketing Advertising and Marketing Agencies Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Agriculture - Cultures Agriculture - Crop Production 9017-6322 Québec Inc., 25, rue Kanishushiht, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2027

Bleuets Mistassini Ltée. (Les), 555, Dequen, Mistassini-Dolbeau, (Québec), G8L 5M3

(418) 276-8611

(418) 276-8612

Aliments et boissons - Détaillants & fabricants Food and Beverage - Sales and Manufacturers 1 Smart Cookie, P.O. Box 1235, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 677-4449

AMI Magasin du Nord, 9, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8877

AMT Dairy Bar, 448 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2060

Awazibi Pure Maple Syrup, 1 Paganakomin Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9 kzadmin.com/Awazibi.aspx

(819) 441-2323

Black Berries Specialty Foods, P.O. Box 1695, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.blackberriesfood.com

(450) 638-6301

(819) 974-1237 (819) 449-5673

Distribution alimentaire Diane Chilton, 596, rue Desbiens, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 2J8

(819) 676-3944

(819) 666-2273

Eastmain Grocery Store Enr., 14 Opinaca Road, P.O.Box 79, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0285

(819) 977-0364

Eileen’s Cakes & Pastries, P.O. Box 777, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2253

(450) 638-9866

Entreprise Odanak, 2425, Asban, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 880-2504

Épicerie Innu, 138, rue de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2204

(418) 927-2635

Épicerie Manawan, 120, Amiskwo, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8863

(819) 971-8808

Épicerie Nutakuan, 139, route 138, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3161

(418) 726-3687

Épicerie Paul (Omni), 1748, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1084

(418) 275-0419

Gail Horne’s Meat Pies, P.O. Box 689, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5856

Hawk’s Trading Post, 276 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 www.hawkstradingpost.ca

(819) 441-1673

(819) 441-2616 (819) 964-2325

(819) 964-2817 (819) 964-0054

Jerome Grocery, 17 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2836

K.Z. Freshmart, 35 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C2

(819) 449-3741

(819) 449-3655

Magasin Picard enr., 18, Metsheteu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4066

(418) 567-4066

Mamartuq Bakery, General Delivery, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3293

(819) 338-3369

Martin Grocery Store, 3 Pacific Drive, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2173

Meechum Inc. Store, 136 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3217

Metallic’s Grocery, 34 Riverside West, P.O.Box 117, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2324


Inuksiutiit Arctic Foods Inc., P.O. Box 369, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 Iqaluppijait Arctic Char Reg’d, P.O. Box 528, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(418) 923-2450

Mohawk Market, P.O. Box 2279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0099

(450) 638-8960

Nemaska Omni Groceries, A-25 Chishtaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2525

(819) 673-2147

Newviq’vi Inc. - Les magasins Tullik Inc., P.O. Box 810, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2228

(819) 964-2020

Nunavik Arctic Foods (1998) Ltd., 650 32nd Avenue, Suite 600, Lachine, (Québec), H8T 3K5

(514) 634-8091

(514) 634-6750

Poissonerie Fortier et Frères inc., 1, rue Père-Divet, Sept-Ïles, (Québec), G4R 5B6

(418) 962-9751

(418) 968-5878

Sheskatuk Enterprise Enr., General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2266

(418) 745-2123

Triple Delights Chocolate, P.O. Box 339, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 222-9561

Wakeham Bay Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3252

(819) 338-3316

Waswanipi Grocery, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2514

(819) 753-2940

Wemindji Community Store, 30 Beaver Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3656

(819) 978-3659

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Boucherie Chez Phil, 30A, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




*2023-24 ISSUE*

*ÉDITION 2023-24*

The only reference guide to discover and reach directly over 6 500 Aboriginal businesses and organizations.

Le seul outil de référence pour découvrir et rejoindre directement plus de 6 500 entreprises et organismes autochtones.

INFORMATION – COMMUNICATION - MARKETING Information for 63 Aboriginal Communities and 11 First Nations: Economy, Demography, History, Territories, Access Maps and Locations, etc.

Information sur 63 Communautés Autochtones et 11 Premières Nations : Économie, Démographie, Histoire, Territoires, Cartes et Localisation, etc.

Corporate Name, Address, Phone and Fax, Communities, Business, Alphabetical and Internet Sections

Raison Sociale, Adresse, Téléphone et Fax, Sections Communautés, Affaires, Alphabétique et Internet

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T (581) 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com 320

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Ambulances - Transport Médical Ambulance Services and Medical Transportation Cree Nation of Eastmain Ambulance Administration, 3 Memao Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 (819) 977-2002

(819) 977-2088

Kanesatake Medical Emergency Services, 384 St-Michel, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-6060

(450) 479-6925

Medical Transportation, 22, Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2381

Waswanipi Ambulance Service, General Delievry, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2332

(819) 753-2842

Architectes Architects Habitation Design D.M.G. Inc., 2, rue de l’Orme, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6499

EVOQ est une firme multidisciplinaire offrant des services en architecture, en architecture de paysage et en design d’intérieur | EVOQ is a multidisciplinary firm providing architecture, landscape architecture and interior design services.



Architectes | Architects Directeurs | Directors

MARIE-FRANCE TURGEON Architecte paysagiste et chef d’équipe | Landscape Architect and Team Leader


JULIA HERVIEUX Designer d’intérieur | Interior Designer


Arpentage et cartographie Land Surveying and Mapping Services Ondecha Société de géomatique, 115, Chef Herménégilde Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 254-1561

(418) 843-3150

Artisanat - Détaillants, fabricants et grossistes Arts and Crafts - Sales and Manufacturers Anish-na-Bead, 4 Kikinamage, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 306-0900

Art Huron International, 595, Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.arthuronintl.com (418) 840-0005

(418) 840-0004

Artisanat Eshkan, 2204, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4657

Artisanat montagnais Essipit, 46, de la Réserve (Essipit), Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-3096

(418) 233-3960

Artisanat Wnegigw, 4850, rue Mikowa, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9791

(819) 294-9791

Artisans Indiens du Québec, les / Indian Craftsmen of Quebec, The, 540, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.nativecraftmen.com

(418) 845-2151

(418) 845-9633

Boutique d’artisanat Matuweskewin, 215, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, (Québec), G0L 1G0 www.malecites.ca

(418) 860-2393

(418) 867-3418

Boutique d’artisanat Teueikan, 20 Rue Teueikan, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2677

(418) 229-2921

Boutique d’arts amérindiens, 1849, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.boutiquedartsamerindiens.com

(418) 275-9155

Boutique KAÏA, 30-B, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2700

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Boutique Teuehikan 9254-1283 Québec inc., 1873, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.mashk.com

(418) 275-7012

(418) 275-6820

Confection Tapiskwan, 72, rue Wemotaci, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2131

(819) 666-2847

Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association, 205, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-3001

(418) 745-3002

First Nation Baskets, 15 Droken Road, Maria, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5988

(418) 759-5988

Gesgapegiag Handycraft Coop - Coopérative Artisanat de Maria, 120 Perron Blvd., Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3504

(418) 759-5424

Gros-Louis, Hélène, 530, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1242

Innivik Arts & Crafts, P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2590

Innu Apakuai Artisanat, 33 Rue du Vieux-Poste, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4G5

(418) 962-6377

(418) 962-1448

Khewa, 737 Riverside, C.P. 4, Wakefield, (Québec), J0X 3G0

(819) 945-2112

(819) 959-3607

La Maison Shukupuan, 1758, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6873

LBJ Indian Crafts, 68 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-4919

Le Savonneux, 1101, Marie-Victorin, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-6910

Nodin’s Crafts, P.O. Box 232, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B4

(819) 449-4650

(819) 449-1988

Okwari Arts / Rapid Water Studio Gallery, Rte 138 West, Khanata Plaza, P.O. Box 389, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.okwari.com

(450) 632-7771

(450) 632-7527

Owisokon, P.O. Box 329, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9470

Petit Huron Moc (Le), 85, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.okiart.com

(418) 842-9395

Plumes et Pacotilles, 10525A, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9110

Poterie Monique Picard, 440, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3685

(418) 842-0915

Raquettes Gros-Louis, 30, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.raquettesgroslouis.com (418) 842-2704 Raven’s Nest Arts and Crafts, 263, Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec)

(819) 449-4376

Ruby’s Native Crafts, 84 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec)

(819) 441-1322

Shenandoah Beards, P.O. Box 1140, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1031

Silver Feather Jewellery, P.O.Box 211, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2158

Sophia’s Creative Spirit, 94 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2712

Stacy Sports and Crafts, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2342

Tertiluk, Mark - Arts and Crafts, P.O. Box 84, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3332

Turtle Island Arts & Crafts, P.O.Box 77, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8702

Urne Ata, 92, Chef François Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0646

Wolf’s Den, P.O.Box 743, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5270

(418) 788-2589 (819) 338-3369

Artistes, professionnels et promoteurs de spectacles Artists, professional performers and show promoters Sound Machine, P.O. Box 1121, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.mysoundmachine.com

(450) 635-3668

Alnôbak Danseurs, 2007, Tolba, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-5861

(450) 568-5341

Andicha n’de Wendat «Les Femmes au Tambour de Wendake», 37, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3692

(418) 843-3693

Atelier de sculpture Thomas Siméon, 1541, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5361

Avery’s Descent, P.O. Box 743, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 968-7989

Deer, Angel - Artist, P.O. Box 1923, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-2640

James’ Wood Carving, 13 Alder Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2162

Jamie’s Mobile Music, 10 Cedar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2032

Mireille Siouï, artiste, 60, Chef Alphonese T. Picard, Wendake, (Québec), (Québec)

(418) 843-0361

Mouchie’s Mobile Music, P.O. Box 327, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9613

PCM Arts, P.O.Box 1043, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0409

Picard, Nathalie - musicienne, 294, rue du Vieux-Pins, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 255-0185

Souled, P.O. Box 1262, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.souled.ca

(450) 635-1334

Spirit of Light Stained Glass Designs, P.O. Box 797, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6972

Troupe de danse Huronne-Wendat Sandokwa, 605, Lahontiach, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.sandokwa.com

(418) 843-2503

(418) 843-5930

Troupe K8anonia, 620, Pierre-Athironta, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-9867

(418) 845-3178

Turtle Island Theatre Company, P.O. Box 343, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5300


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 632-7625

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Assurance - Courtiers et services Insurance Services

FRÉDÉRIC BILODEAU Service professionel et personnalisé

Professional and custom-made service

Assurance-vie Assurance salaire Assurance d’affaires REER, FERR Rente viagère Soins longue durée Placement 1 mois, 25 ans Fonds distincts

Life Insurance Disability insurance Partnership insurance Rsp’s, Rif Annuities Long term care Critical illness Retirement plan


Conseiller en sécurité financière Insurance representative

Produits haut de gamme I


204-6700, Boul. Pierre-Bertrand Québec, Québec G2J 0B4 Tél. : (418) 622-8181 Fax: (418) 628-6383 frederic.bilodeau@bell.net High end products

ANNONCEZ-VOUS Rejoignez votre clientèle efficacement et directement grâce à nos publications !



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations : Contact us for more information : Hub International Québec Sans frais / Toll free: 1-800-561-2137 Mario Morse Vice-président Courtier en assurance de dommages



HUB International est fier d’offrir une couverture d'assurance adaptée aux Premières nations du Canada depuis plus de 30 ans. En fait, nous possédons le programme d’assurance pour les Premières Nations avec le plus d’expérience au Canada. Notre modèle est simple. Nous vous représentons en tant qu’acheteur, donc nous travaillons dur pour gagner votre confiance et votre respect.

Vice-President Damage Insurance Broker Tél.: 514-284-8145 Cell.: 514 567 3259

HUB International is proud of the fact that we have been providing insurance coverage to First nation communities for over 30 years now and we have the longest running First Nations program in Canada.

Régime des Bénéfices Autochtones, 2936, rue de la Faune, bureau 202, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 rbagroupefinancier.com


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Our model is simple.We represent you, the buyer therefore we work hard to earn your trust and respect.

(418) 847-1840

(418) 847-3990

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Autobus, autocars et minibus Bus Lines Cooper Transport, 37 Pine Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2537

Automobiles - Réparation et entretien Automobile - Repair and Maintenance Alignement Picard, 590, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7685

(418) 842-5433

André Picard Distribution enr., 20, rue Kondiaronk, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-5112

(418) 847-3321

Bryan Lawrence Garage, P.O. Box 328, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9947

Caughnawaga Garage, P.O. Box 96, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0571

(450) 632-0192

Dave’s Auto Body, P.O. Box 1029, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3492

(450) 632-3548

Deere Garage, P.O.Box 71, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0744

(450) 638-7244

Diabo Auto, P.O. Box 1017, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9009

(450) 638-2369

G.D.’s Garage, P.O.Box 298, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9891

Garage Indien Mécanik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(450) 960-2049

Garage Jobie, P.O. Box 772, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0610

Garage Martin W. Picard, 567, rue Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-2332

Garage Mikisiw, 1, rue Opitciwan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1296

Garage Service Plus D.G.L., 1371, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4422

GP Auto Électrique, 279, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2575

Gran Sport Auto, P.O.Box 553, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1177

H.M.A. Tires & Accessories, 114 Obatagamou, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2475

Hemlock Garage, P.O. Box 943, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7406

Jimmy Goodleaf’s Auto Supply, P.O.Box 560, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5103

John’s Car Wash & Cleaning Services, 54 Waposite, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-4629

M.J. Garage, P.O. Box 674, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4790

Mécano Flam, 107, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0249

(450) 635-4790



(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Picard Service de Pneus, 590, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7685

(418) 842-5433

Pièce Xpress, C.P. 243

(418) 229-2352

Pneus économiques GLC (Les), 535, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 576-8777

Rick’s RV Service, P.O. Box 986, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7959

Sanavik Inc., P.O. Box 429, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 964-0086

(819) 964-0496

Silencieux Gros-Louis, 70, Chef Nicolas Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8044

(418) 843-4287

Tasiujaq Garage, P.O.Box 54, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5003

(819) 633-5026

UAP/NAPA / B. Goodleaf Machinery, P.O. Box 327, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4261


Mistissini Auto Centre, 285A Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 Naskapi Gas Bar & Garage Inc., P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

Automobiles - Vente et Location Automobile - Sales and Leasing Automobile Wendake Inc., 240, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-9111

Buck’s Auto Parts, 69 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C3

(819) 449-2288

Cannon’s Auto Sales, P.O. Box 850, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8664

Avocats, notaires et services légaux Lawyers and Legal Services Carol Robitaille Avocat, 50, boul. Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-5757

(418) 648-1931

Chisasibi Cree Court Worker Program, P.O. Box 305, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2962

(819) 855-2483

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


(418) 275-6758

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Conseillers parajudiciaires autochtones / Région Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Genest-Jourdain Avocat, 1005 Boulevard Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-1234

Justice Department, 19 Ouje-Bougoumou, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2260

Kuujjuaq Courthouse, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2973

Kuujjuaq Legal Aid Office, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2333

Naskapi Justice Healing Committee, P.O. Box 5121, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2186

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / Baie d’Ungava Area, C.P. 659, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2881

Native Para-Judicial Services of Québec Courtworkers / Hudson Bay Area, Services parajudiciaires Autochtones du Québec (Les) / Native-Parajudicial Services of Quebec, 190, rue Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.spaq.qc.ca

(418) 847-2094

(418) 847-5799

Services parajudiciaires autochtones du Québec (Les), 1903, Ouiatchouan, bureau 105, C.P. 93, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.spaq.qc.ca

(418) 275-5878

(418) 275-5857

Banque CIBC Bank / Chisasibi, Chiasasibi Commercial Centre, P.O. Box 60, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 (819) 855-2803

(819) 855-2226

Banque CIBC Bank / Eastmain, Cree Nation Building, C.P. 135, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2062

(819) 977-2066

Banque CIBC Bank / Kuujjuaq, P. O. Box 121, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2724

(819) 964-2494

Banque de Montréal - Bank of Montreal / Pessamit, 44, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-9543

(418) 567-9540

Banque de Montréal - Bank of Montreal / Wemindji, 30 Beaver Road, #5, P.O. Box 120, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 www.bmo.com

(819) 978-3588

(819) 978-3590

Banque de Montréal / Bank of Montreal, Neepsee Plaza, P.O. Box 150, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2178

(819) 895-2179

Banque Royale du Canada, 2938, rue de la Faune, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7715

(418) 842-8210

Caisse Desjardins de Wendake, 155, Chef Aimé-Romain, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(800) 955-0242

(418) 843-8087

Caisse Desjardins du Pekuakami, 1838, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.desjardins.com

(418) 275-0655

(418) 275-0519

Caisse Populaire Desjardins Centre de service Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 (819) 971-1574

(819) 971-1168

(418) 745-2325

(418) 585-3810

Banques et services de financement Banking and Financing Services

Caisse populaire Desjardins de La Romaine, C.P. 15, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2982

(418) 229-2982

Caisse populaire Desjardins de Maria, 554, Blvd. Perron, Maria, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3456

(418) 759-3801

Caisse populaire Desjardins de Mingan-Anticosti, 998, chemin du Roi Ouest, C.P. 40, Longue-Pointe de Mingan, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2882

(418) 949-2025

Caisse populaire Desjardins de Mistissini, 136 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3289

(418) 923-2224

Caisse populaire Desjardins de Natashquan, 76, Chemin d’En-Haut, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0 (418) 726-3334

(418) 726-3307

Caisse Populaire Desjardins de Waswanipi, 5 Route 113, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2576

(819) 753-2665

First Nations Bank of Canada - Chisasibi Branch, P.O. Box 399, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(888) 825-3458

(819) 855-3496

Kativik Investment Corporation, P.O. Box 789, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1872

(819) 964-1497

Tsi Iehwistaientahkwa-Caisse Populaire Kahnawake, P.O. Box 1987, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 (450) 638-5464

(450) 638-3411

Bibliothèques publiques Libraries Bibliothèque Maskwa, 10120, rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-4385

Kahnawake Library, P.O. Box 1950, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1016

Librairie Hannenorak, 24, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-4578

(450) 633-1017

Bijouterie - Détaillants et fabricants Jewellers - Sales and Manufacturers Andrew Echalook Jewelry, P.O. Box 112, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-1074

Uniquely Waneek, P.O. Box 2125, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.web.me.com/uniquelywaneek www.uniquelywaneek.com/welcome.html

(514) 730-8956


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Camping de La Pointe, 1358, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.campingdelapointe.com

(418) 275-6006

(418) 275-6188

Camping Le Tipi (Hébergement Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Camping Plage Robertson S.E.N.C., 2202, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.campingquebec.com/plagerobertson

(418) 275-1375

(418) 275-7463

Camping Tadoussac (Hébergement Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 235-4501

(418) 235-4902

Camping et parcs de véhicules récréatifs Camping and RV Parks

Casinos, Bingos et appareils de loterie vidéo Casinos, Bingos and Video Lottery Terminals Mark’s Video and Gaming, 80 Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 100, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-2054 Mohawk Bingo, Route 138, P.O. Box 1149, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6830

Playground Poker, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.playgroundpoker.ca

(450) 635-4318

Snake’s Poker, P.O. Box 1349, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.snakespoker.com

(450) 632-6999

(450) 638-3969

(819) 496-2437

(819) 496-2500

(819) 491-7353

(819) 491-7035

Centre de développement de formation et main-d’oeuvre (CDFM) huron-wendat, 100, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1026

(418) 842-3076

Chisasibi Local Employment Centre, P.O. Box 899, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2894

(819) 855-2574

Commission Locale des Premières Nations d’Odanak, 104, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Commission Locale des Premières Nations huronne-wendat, 30, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 842-1026

(418) 842-3076

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre Local d’Emploi et de Formation, 44, rue Messek - Local 202, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-4741

(418) 567-8085

Cree Hunters and Trappers Income Security Program / Mistissini, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

Eastmain Income Security Program, 4 Cariboo Road, P.O. Box 59, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2165

(819) 977-2168

Inukjuak Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8760

(819) 254-8763

Kangiqsujuaq Welfare & Employment & Training Center, P.O. Box 89, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0 (819) 338-3327

(819) 338-3339

Kangirsuk Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4406

(819) 935-4436

Kativik Employment & Training / Ivujivik, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3328

(819) 922-3333

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5204

(819) 337-5308

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Kuujjuaq, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2620

(819) 964-2267

Kativik Employment & Training Center / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7346

(819) 331-7400

Kuujjuarapik Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3552

(819) 929-3576

Puvirnituq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2733

(819) 988-2227

Quaqtaq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9183

(819) 492-9197

Salluit Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8801

(819) 255-8059

Tasiujaq Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5249

(819) 633-5026

Waswanipi Vocational Training Centre, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-4040

(819) 753-2640

Wemindji Income Security Program, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3834

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Akulivik Kativik Employment & Training Center, P.O. Box 119, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0 Aupaluk Kativik Employment & Training Center, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0


Centre d’emploi et de formation Employment and Training Services

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Avataq Cultural Institute, Suite 400 - 215 Redfern Avenue, Westmount, (Québec), H3Z 3L5 www.avataq.qc.ca

(800) 361-5029

(514) 989-8789

Centre Culturel Annharisk8a, 465, Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.webtamtam.com/loup

(418) 845-5580

(418) 845-9338

Centres d’amitié Autochtones et centres culturels Friendship and Cultural Centres

Centre Culturel Wanaskaodemek, 104, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Lanaudière, 128, rue du Précieux-Sang, Joliette, (Québec), J6E 2L9

(450) 760-3865

(450) 760-9923

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Montréal / Native Friendship Centre of Montréal, 2001, boul. St-Laurent, Montréal, (Québec), H2X 2T3 www.nfcm.org

(514) 499-1854

(514) 499-9436

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Québec, 15, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-4640

(418) 843-8960

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Val-d’Or / Native Friendship Centre of Val-d’Or, 1272, 7e Rue, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 6W6 www.caavd-vdnfc.ca

(819) 825-6857

(819) 825-7515

Centre d’amitié autochtone La Tuque, 544, rue St-Antoine, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 2Y4

(819) 523-6121

(819) 523-8637

Centre d’Amitié Autochtones Sept-îles, 34, rue Smith, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 1X1

(418) 960-5025

Centre d’entraide et d’amitié Autochtone de Senneterre / Native Friendship Centre of Senneterre, 910, 10e Avenue, Senneterre, (Québec), J0Y 2M0

(819) 737-2324

(819) 737-8311

Centre indien Cri de Chibougamau / Cree Indian Centre of Chibougamau, 95, rue Jaculet, Chibougamau, (Québec), G8P 2G1

(418) 748-7667

(418) 748-6954

Kuujjuarapik Social Club, P.O. Box 600, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3514

(819) 929-3666

Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ), 85, boulevard Maurice-Bastien, suite 100, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6354

(418) 842-9795

Centres sportifs, de loisirs et de récréation Sports, Amusement and Recreation Centres Albert Mianscum Memorial Sports Complex, 11, Medowouin Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2332

(418) 745-2331

Arena (Mawabou Gardens), 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 www.wemindji.ca

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3696

Aréna Terry Lalo Unamen Shipu, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2371

(418) 229-2579

Aréna-Salle communautaire Wemotaci, 52, rue Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-4023

(819) 666-4023

Autodrome Maniwaki Speedway, 15 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 208-7817

Aventures Inuit Adventures, 19950, Clark Graham, Baie-d’Urfé, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(800) 363-7610

(514) 457-4626

Ayagutaak Recreation Center, P. O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2440

(819) 496-2200

Centre Communautaire Montagnais, 27, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2053

(418) 233-2888

Centre Sportif Opitciwan, 32B, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1437

(819) 974-1760

Community Health & Fitness Centre, 20 Alder Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2600

Centre communautaire Ka Mamuitunanut, 2, rue Kepatakan, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4377

(418) 567-9898

Centre Ushteshimau (Aréna), 30, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-1246

(418) 567-1253

Eastmain Arena, P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0211

(819) 977-0281

Formule Fitness, 4790, rue Mikowa, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-7727

Iqiquq Arcade, P.O. Box 27, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2937

Iqupiluk Arcade, P.O. Box 42, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2395

Ivujivik Arena, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9940

Kahnawake Crossfit, P.O. Box 15, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 http://www.shopkahnawake.com/business.php?businessID=658

(450) 635-8885

Kahnawake Driving Range, P.O.Box 391, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0280

Kahnawake Marina, P.O.Box 98, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6061

(450) 632-7991

Kahnawake Sports Complex, P.O.Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3311

(450) 638-7063

Kanesatake Padaling Club, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 474-8373

(450) 479-1622

Kangiqsualujjuaq Recreation Department, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5451

(819) 337-5200


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 922-3045

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Kangiqsujuaq Recreation Department, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3342

(819) 338-3237

Kuujjuaq Forum / Fitness Club, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2069

(819) 964-2167

Kuujjuaq Municipal Swimming Pool, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2581

Kuujjuaq Recreation Center, P.O. Box 563, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2069

Kuujjuarapik Gymnasium, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3401

(819) 964-2167

Listuguj Community Development Center, 42 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-3000

Mitchuap Community Center, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2888

Mohawk Royal Equestrain Centre, P.O. Box 1980, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.mohawkroyal.com

(450) 633-1444

Naskapi Recreation Facility, P.O. Box 5004, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2123

(418) 585-2446

Nemaska First Nation Sports Complex, 13 rue Lakeshore, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2244

(819) 673-2245

(418) 788-3001

Okwaho’s Outdoor Adventure / Digital Underwater Video, P.O. Box 531, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 (450) 638-4357 www.okwahos.com

Plein Air Wendake, 10, rue Alphonse T.- Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 915-6195

Puvirnituq Recreation Committee, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2837

Qitsualuk Arena, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2891

(819) 496-2200

Quaqtaq Arena, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9523

(819) 492-9935

Quaqtaq Gym / Recreation Hall, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9029

Salle communautaire Kaniapishkat, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2318

(418) 229-2921

Salle communautaire Naneu, 1062 Arnaud, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 962-1223

(418) 962-9433

Salle de quilles Essipit, 27, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2053

(418) 233-2888

Salle Kondiaronk, 83, boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-1835

(418) 842-1108

Salluit Arena, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8606

Salluit Community Hall, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8336

Sarah Stephen Memorial Arena, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8769

(819) 895-2153

Sunrise Amusement Center, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0375

(819) 977-0281

Tik’s Pool Hall (Kuujjuaq Pool Hall), P.O. Box 270, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2828

Total Fitness, P.O. Box 933, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 464-4348

Walter Hughboy Memorial Sports Centre, 1 Georgekish Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3060

(819) 978-3061

Waskaganish Gathering Place, P.O. Box 460, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2882

(819) 895-2888

Waswanipi Amusement Hall, 75 Tamarack Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2677

Waswanipi Recreation and Fund Raising Department, 19 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 (819) 753-2450

(819) 753-2896

Waswanipi Youth Camps, Community Health & Fitness Centre, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2600

(819) 753-2498

Wemindji Community Hall, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Wemindji Gathering Center, P.O. Box 9, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3868

(819) 978-3993

Whapmagoostui First Nation Samson Dick Memorial Arena, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3694

(819) 929-3303

Whapmagoostui Triple Gymnasium, P.O. Box 360, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3401

(819) 929-3585

Chasse et pêche, trappage - Équipement et programmes Hunting and Fishing, Trapping - Equipment and Programs (819) 496-2043

(819) 496-2043

Chisasibi Cree Hunters & Trappers Income Security Program, P.O. Box 300, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 (819) 855-2067

Akulivik Income Security, P.O. Box 119, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 855-2403

Chisasibi Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-3304

Cree Trappers Association - Wemindji, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3128

(819) 978-0258

Cree Trappers Association / Mistissini, 139 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3276

(418) 923-3086

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(418) 745-2331

(450) 568-3066


Oujé-Bougoumou Fitness Centre, 11, Medowouin Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-2332 Piscine d’Odanak, 278, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 59, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 www.collections.ic.gc.ca/trappers

(819) 977-2165

(819) 977-2168

Cree Trappers Association: Nemaska, 12 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2030

(819) 673-2033

Hunter’s Support Program, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9944

(819) 922-3045

Inukjuak Hunter’s Support Program, House 61 3, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8836

(819) 254-8779

Kangiqsujuaq Hunter Support Program, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3342

(819) 338-3342

Naskapi Hunters Support Program, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Office de la sécurité du Revenu des chasseurs et des piègeurs Cris, 2700, boul. Laurier, bureau 6340, Sainte-Foy, (Québec), G1V 4K5

(418) 643-7300

(418) 643-6803

Opimiscow Companee, P.O.Box 620, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

(819) 855-2368

Oujé-Bougoumou Cree Trappers Association, 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3911

(418) 745-3426

Umiujaq Hunter Support Program, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7111

(819) 331-7096

Waskaganish Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2030

(819) 895-2141

Waswanipi Cree Trappers Association, General Delievry, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2322

(819) 753-2082

Whapmagoostui Cree Trappers Association, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3528

(819) 929-3203

Whapmagoostui Income Security Office, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3615

(819) 929-3203

Comptabilnu, 1903, rue Ouiatchouan, bureau 101, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.comptabilnu.comw

(418) 275-7464

(418) 275-6418

Comptables et services de comptabilité Accountants and Accounting Services Cree Nation of Chisasibi Finance, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Gestion Ka Uauetinahk inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2303

(418) 949-2177

Montour, Patricia - Tax Consultant, P.O. Box 1751, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7840

Nakoolak, Christine, P.O. Box 528, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0054

(819) 964-0054

Concierges - Service d’entretien et fournitures Janitorial, Cleaning Services and Supplies Caméléon entretien, 1025, Atamu, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 0A5 www.l-amik.ca

(418) 961-5971

(418) 962-0136

Côte-Nord Sanitation inc., 159, rue Père-Divet, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 3P5

(418) 962-6523

(418) 968-3917

Cree Commercial Cleaning Products, 272 Nesk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2272

(418) 923-2243

Entretien Malu enr., 1939, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1385

(418) 275-1385

J.C.L.S., 6 Balsam Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2505

Men at Work, P.O. Box 2087, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.menatworkkahnawake.com

(514) 649-2599

MNG Nunavik Inc., P.O. Box 1058, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2549

(819) 964-2422

Naskapi Housing Maintenance, P.O. Box 5140, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3650

(418) 585-3267

Nunavik Cleaning & Exterminating Inc., P.O. Box 329, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2028

(819) 964-2336

Squeaky Clean Windows, P.O. Box 1518, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5671

Yaronta espace vert, 70, rue Claude-Siouï, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 655-5016

Conférences et événements spéciaux - Organisateurs Conference and Special Event Organizers Carolyn’s Activity Planner, P.O. Box 558, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7960

Festival Innu Nikamu, 100, rue des Montagnais, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2476

Fun Bounce Inflatables, P.O. Box 1472, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6236

Gloria’s Décor Wedding/Event Planner Designer, 240 Oukauw Sakhegun, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-8725

Golden Meadow’s Professional Certified Wedding Consultant & Event Planner, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 580-5661


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 638-5968

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Construction - Autres entrepreneurs spécialisés Construction - Other Trade Contractors Dave’s Industrial Sandblasting, P.O. Box 1029, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3492

(450) 632-3548

Entreprises Sioui & Frères inc., 605, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8384

(418) 843-8384

Entreprises W.G.S., 595, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-4161

Expair.ca, 630, rue Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.ventilez.com

(418) 840-0756

Get Plastered, P.O. Box 1107, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3115

KZ Gutter Expert, 3, Buckshot Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 334-0130

Manouthan Construction, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3161

Mohawk Material Handling, P.O. Box 400, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0394

Mohawk Roofing, P.O. Box 472, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7431

Painting and Plastering, 267 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3012

Patton’s Structures & Roofs, P.O. Box 1994, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9892

Picard Genest, 570, du Maïs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 802-5721

PJ Plastering / PJ Window-Wash, P.O. Box 1808, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2381

(418) 840-0752

(819) 978-3162

Electrician J. Diabo Electric, P.O. Box 1243, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4369

(450) 632-9420

Électro-Ilnu Inc., 1138, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0271

(418) 275-0239

Franklin Empire Electric, P.O. Box 1455, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4407

(450) 632-9954

JME Électrique Inc., 625, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2000

(418) 843-6411

Matoush Entreprises (Electrical), 425 Amisk, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8778

(418) 343-7038

Mic Mac Electric, 67-A Interprovincial Blvd., Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5152

(418) 788-5152

Pijaki Heating, 407 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(613) 791-4347 (418) 968-8112 (418) 968-8112

Uikui Électrique s.e.c., 54, rue Mathieu, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 350-1686

(418) 968-8100


Shetush Électrique, 283, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1 Shetush Ondel, 283 Boulevard des Montagnais, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 5R1 http://www.shetush.ca/

Construction - Entrepreneurs Construction - Building Contractors Armatech Inc., 565, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 255-0003

Bear Construction (RBQ # 8334-4754-01), P.O. Box 564, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2106

(819) 855-2383

Blackned Construction Reg’d, P.O.Box 90, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8694

(819) 895-8927

Burton Jacobs Construction, P.O. Box 391, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 262-8453

Capital Works Warehouse, P.O.Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8986

Caughnawaga Construction, P.O. Box 87, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4556

Chishtatao Construction, P.O. Box 95, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2021

Chris Montour Construction, P.O. Box 181, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5278

(450) 632-8351

Concreete Construction, 21 Industrial Park Road, P.O. Box 449, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1740

(819) 855-1909

Construction B.C. Robertson inc., 1260, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6288

(418) 275-6938

Construction Courtois Girard, 14, rue Domaine Robertson, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4908

(819) 895-8041

Construction et rénovation Amiskw, 134, rue Wemotaci, C.P. 234, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2588

(819) 666-2133

Construction et rénovation Denis, 630, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 808-1506

(418) 661-5707

Construction Karkajou, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 961-9124

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Construction - Électriciens Construction - Electrical Work

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


f (418) 276-8115

Construction Manikan, 15, rue Tomak, C.P. 215, Opiticiwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(877) 676-2969

Construction Shanamas, 17, rue Mathias Uahaunu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 538-4775

Construction Tshiuetin Inc., 1005, boul. Laure, # 220B, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-0000

(418) 960-2012

Cree Construction & Development Company / Compagnie de Développement & Construction Cris, 3983, boul. Lite, Laval, (Québec), H7E 1A3

(514) 738-3414

(514) 342-7778

Decontie Construction Inc., 13 Kiwe Quot Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-3277

Diabo Construction, P.O.Box 743, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0594

(450) 635-0694

Entreprise Henri Jenniss Inc., C.P. 62, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2944

(418) 229-2224

Eenou Eeyou Constuction, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3CO

(514) 716-5512

Entreprises Denis Cloutier (Les), 15, rue des Écureuils, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2706

Entreprises Georges Flamand (Les), 210, rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1651

Entreprises Sanaji Inc. (Les), P.O. Box 61, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2316

(819) 964-2112

Eskan Company / Makaahlikan Construction, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2233

(418) 923-2666

G. Dione Construction, P.O. Box 333, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0790

Garnet Bauersfeld Construction, P.O. Box 1733, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Gestion de projets Planitech, 112, avenue de l’Église, bureau 135, Dolbeau-Mistassini, (Québec), G8L 4W4

(418) 548--4653 (418) 276-9839

Gestion Rousselot inc., 50, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-7800

(418) 567-8063

Iglooapic Construction, P.O. Box 976, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2289

(819) 964-2289

Innu Construction, 121, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-3378

(418) 962-3468

Intact Construction inc., 1138, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.intactconstruction.com

(418) 275-1441

(418) 275-0239 (418) 847-3436

KESI Construction, 3 Petawabano Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 915-5980

Kosh Construction, General Delivery, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5106

L. Albany Construction, P.O. Box 862, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7503

Leonard Homer Construction, P.O. Box 1287, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Louie Deer Construction, P.O. Box 2032, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7850

M.A. Construction Wendake Enr., 515, de la Courge, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0445

Maanuchetaau Construction Services, 200 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 Mishkau Construction, 216, Route 138 E, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2615

Nawestanan, 12 Washtawskootaw, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-9479

Nemetau Resources, 26, rue Pien, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2615

Norton Family Construction, P.O. Box 1712, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 260-3041

(418) 927-2869

Nunavik Construction, P.O. Box 88, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1858

(819) 964-2407

Pahin Électrique inc. et Construction et Développement Ekuanitshit inc., 34, rue Mathias Uashaunnu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-0084

(418) 949-2177

Quick 8 Construction, P.O. Box 1859, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8808

(450) 632-8804

R & S Construction, P.O. Box 2041, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 887-8789

Rénovation Wendat, 490, Chef Thomas Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0353

Rénovations Marcel Vollant RMV, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 965-4162

Right on Target, P.O. Box 986, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 981-8378

Russell Jacobs Home Improvement, P.O. Box 129, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6487

S. Construction, P.O. Box 465, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0717

Sallumiut Developments Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

Sky High Steel Erectors and Fabrication, P.O. Box 1636, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4835

Société des Entreprises Innues d’Ekuanitshit (2009) sep (SEIE sep), 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 964-6363


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 699-9749 (819) 255-8864

(418) 949-2177

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(819) 977-2268

Stajune Construction Inc., 76 Nouchimi Rd, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2115

Steelhawk Homes, 1500 Unit 2, Route 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.steelhawkhomes.ca

(450) 638-0839

Tawich Construction, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

Turtle Clan Construction, P.O. Box 1277, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1062

Uisht Construction inc., 1035, Brochu, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S8

(418) 962-5254

Unaman, Avenue Arnaud, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5N2

(418) 968-1950

(819) 978-3010 (418) 962-6036

Utaapaan Construction Reg’d, P.O. Box 1620, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2941

(819) 855-2945

Utshu Construction, 279, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R4

(418) 961-2114

(418) 961-2141

VCC Entrepreneur Général, Siège social : 12, Tawich Road, Wemindji (Québec) J0M 1L0 Bureau administratif: 105, rue des Distributeurs, Val-d’Or (Québec) J9P 6Y1

(819) 978-3335 (819) 824-9587

(819) 978-3330 (819) 824-4827

Victor K. Diabo Construction, P.O. Box 88, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1866

Waswanipi Eenouch Construction Inc., 23 West-Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2120

Wejuseg Construction, 74, Riverside West, Listuguj, Québec G0C 2R0

(581) 884-0306



(819) 753-2130



Eskan Company: Holding Company, Administration Eenatuk: Tree planting, Scarification, Camp Construction, Woodsales Makaahiikan: Building Works, Road Maintenance, Housing Construction ACE Hardware: Supplies and equipment related to Hardware, key cutting, paint center Yoshtin Enterprises Inc.: Holder of all works, contracts, projects of the Parent company in Camp services, Project Management Waskaahiikan Properties: Real Estate

Administration reception@eskan.ca

Tel: 418-923-2233 Fax: 418-923-4017 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Construction - Excavation, fondation et équipement lourd Construction - Site Preparation Work and Heavy Equipment Contractors A.T. Mianscum Reg’d, 59 Pine Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8550

Built-Rite Foundation, P.O.Box 985, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6471

Coonishish Coon Excavation Reg’d, 147 Riverside Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2896

Cree Trapline Contracting Services, P.O. Box 1461, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8988

Diabo Excavation, P.O. Box 1449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1364

Emmet Coonishish & Sons Heavy Equipment Reg’d, 451 Mistissini Boulevard, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 770-8877

Innu béton, 3, rue Tibass, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 968-2800

Jacobs Excavation, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9796

(418) 962-1118

JFK Concrete, P.O. Box 1620, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0110

(450) 234-3227

JFK Quary, P.O. Box 1620, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7625


Mohawk Nation Excavation, P.O. Box 1485, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0738

Nelson Construction, 3 Nelson Road, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8503

P.E.T.C.A.M. Services, 76 Opataca, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2872

R.J. Coon Equipment Reg’d, 240 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2700

Rodrigue Quitich enr., 181, rue Newashish, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1725

Washeyaabin Construction, 10 Waapstan Street West, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 770-6054

(450) 479-8281

(418) 748-6626

Construction - Finissage intérieur et extérieur Construction - Interior and Exterior Work Clear Sky Painting, P.O. Box 575, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 821-6810

Cross Painting, P.O. Box 171, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6281

Entreprises Pierre Cloutier (Les), 207 des Anges, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8427

(514) 258-3397

Leborgne Masonry, P.O. Box 474, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 820-7736

(450) 638-7217

Mohawk Masonry, P.O. Box 2278, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 820-7526

Mohawk Painting, P.O. Box 1636, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3918

Peinture Ultra Moderne inc., 565, Chef Pierre Athironta, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-7619

(418) 843-7407

Cree Construction Development Company - Chisasibi, 3 Aahppisaach, P.O. Box 860, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1700

(819) 855-1701

Mohawk Bridge Consortium, P.O. Box 2253, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6063

(450) 638-4990

Pro Rebar Benders, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 777-2839

Construction - Menuisiers Construction - Carpenters Ébénisterie NICHé, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 http://ebenisterieniche.com/

(418) 802-9061

Menuiserie des Érables Inc., 612, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-5013

(418) 840-5015

Menuiserie Gilles Labarre enr., 10275, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6144

(819) 294-6144

Nisk Construction, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3529

Patton’s Woodcraft, P.O.Box 492, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7126

Rakwatakwas Carpentry, P.O. Box 837, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1953

TD Carpentry and Handyman Services, P.O. Box 1181, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3331

VM Wood Working, General Delivery, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2657


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(450) 638-9084

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Construction - Plomberie, chauffage et climatisation Construction - Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Alan Goodleaf Plumbing, P.O,. Box 576, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 952-9584

Eenou Plumbing and Heating, 81, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-8110

Kuujjuaq Propane Inc. (Les), P.O. Box 630, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2316

MB Radon Solutions, 75 Pitobig Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-7751

Plomberie Rolly Inc., P.O.Box 286, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3296

Tuyauterie Nipi, 46, rue Georges-Ernest, Uashat, (Québec), G4S 0A4

(418) 409-7712

(819) 964-2112

Construction - Routes, rues et ponts Construction - Highway, Street and Bridge Construction Dufresne Asphalte enr., 1995, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4836

(418) 275-7181

Innu Uapeneku, 142 Maltais, Québec, (Québec), G4R 3J7

(418) 968-6915

(418) 962-1118

Meseuk Innu Inc., 211, Route 138, Suite #3, Sainte-Augustin-de-Desmaures, (Québec), G3A 2P4

(877) 678-0009

(418) 878-0037

Mohawk Paving and Construction, P.O. Box 634, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4408

Signalisation routière Plus Inc., 563, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 767-0143

T Bridge Construction, P.O. Box 1554, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 831-9157

Wendake Construction, 255 Place Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec) G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3767

Wemindji Paving, 21 Hilltop Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 732-3351

McWeld, P.O.Box 1119, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3732

Mohawk Steel Erectors, P.O. Box 583, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7706

(450) 632-7706

Consultants et conseillers en gestion Consulting and Management Services Arthur B. Diabo, Estate Planning & Consulting, P.O. Box 737, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7329

Awimel Consultiing, P.O. Box 1680, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5646

Business Plans Plus, P.O. Box 1786, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9045

Creetech Management, 80 Mistissini Boulevard, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3560

Ds Consulting, 3, Mistissini Blvd, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3227

(450) 632-3297 (418) 923-2458

  5000, 3e Avenue Ouest - bureau 204 Québec (Québec) G1H 7J1 tél.: 418-628-9690 fax: 418-622-9632 Courriel: service@groupe-gsp.com

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Construction - Structure Construction - Structure Work


(819) 732-2933

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


f (819) 451-1340

Geewehdin Consulting Services, 34, Chemin du Lac Sinclair, La Peche, (Québec), J0X 1S0

(819) 456-4141

Gestion M.V., 635, Chef Jean Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 580-4442

Gestion Manaik, 100, rue des Montagnais, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 961-5637

Gestion ML Bastien, 35, Chef Émile-Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 806-1267

J.N.A. Nunavik Consulting, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2943

(819) 964-2980

KW Consultant, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2516

(418) 923-3388

Les Entreprises BJAT Inc., P.O. Box 389, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2235

LL Consultants, 1827, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 637-5311

Mary Kaye May, P.O. Box 45, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2689

Native Thoughts, P.O. Box 1638, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6839

Partylite Consultant, P.O. Box 1325, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9725

Pathfinders, P.O. Box 1331, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2818

(450) 638-2818

Pujjunaq Consulting Corporation, P.O. Box 74, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4054

(819) 935-4086

Service d’assistance Canadienne aux organismes (SACO) - Services autochtones, 615, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, bureau 750, Montréal, (Québec), H3B 1P5 www.ceso-saco.com

(514) 875-7226

(514) 875-6928

(819) 964-2689

Simon Management Services, P.O. Box 4140, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-1941

(450) 479-6589

Smart Start Ventures, P.O. Box 1331, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2818

(450) 638-2818

Société de Gestion Ekuanitshinnuat inc. (SGE), 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Sphinx International Consultants, 42 Caplin Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3377

Uanan, expert conseils inc., 37, rue Chef Petahu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 979-2177

(418) 275-8701

(418) 765-3164

Courriers et messagerie Couriers and Messengers Duchesne Kapatakan, 2238, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

Cuir, fourrures et mocassins - Détaillants, fabricants & grossistes Leather, Furs and Moccasins - Sales and Manufacturers Bastien Industries enr., 620 rue Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.bastienindustries.ca

(418) 842-9819

(418) 842-1330

Fur the win studios, 200, rue de l’Érable, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 261-4530

Hand Made Moccasins, P.O. Box 361, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3G9

(819) 449-5359

Miqulilitalik Tannery Inc., P.O. Box 412, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2382

Quemeez, P.O. Box 285, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 665-2150

(819) 441-2377

René Robertson fourrures E.D.A., 1619, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.fourruresrobertson.com

(418) 275-0795

(418) 275-7463

Déchets - Enlèvement, traitement et assainissement Waste Management - Treatment and Decontamination Quaqtaq Water Plant, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9371

Sanitation Pashkui, 205, Anek, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3527

Services sanitaires Natashquan, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Dépanneurs et magasins de variétés Convenience and Variety Stores Algonquin Variety, 92 Ontario Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2000

All Kinds of Crap, P.O. Box 1042, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Angngutigiarvik Reg’d, P.O. Box 129, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8915

Barnaby’s, 113 Riverside West, P.O. Box 273, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2047


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 255-8282

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Big Bear Trading, P.O. Box 1814, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7893

(450) 635-7087

Chisasibi Enterprises Reg’d / General Store, P.O. Box 322, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2415

(819) 855-2250

Creekside Store, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9772

Dépanneur 6 à 11 enr., 10525, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-2828

Dépanneur Alphé Picard, 25, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-8996

(418) 845-9973

Dépanneur Ashini Boni-Soir, 33, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 (418) 759-5440

Dépanneur Messek, 65, Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2333

(418) 759-5448

Dépanneur montagnais, 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2202

(418) 233-2942

Dépanneur Muashk, 21, du Vieux-Poste, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5B5

(418) 960-1285

(418) 968-8843

Dépanneur Nishk, 1999, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1473

(418) 275-3463

Dépanneur Pakigan, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3008

(819) 736-3008

Dépanneur Pessamit, 78, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-1212

Dépanneur Restigouche Drive-Throu, 17 Interprovincial Blvd., Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3203

(418) 788-5225

Dépanneur Simon-Pierre, 1443, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0479

(418) 275-5892

Dépanneur Wabak Adwagomigok, 1012, rue Wabanonik, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0 Dustin’s, P.O. Box 82, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3613

(819) 736-2223

Eagle’s Nest, P.O. Box 1651, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-0181

(450) 633-0181

Entreprises Aliva Tulugak Inc., P.O. Box 122, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2799

(819) 988-8383

Épicerie Le Montagnais, 3, Mitesh, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4000

(418) 567-4000

Fort Chimo Co-op Association, P.O. Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2954

(819) 964-2019

Goodleaf Convenience, P.O. Box 1857, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5103

J & J Mini Mart, P.O. Box 651, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4545

(450) 635-5949

Kandi’s Convenience Store, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1715

(819) 855-2176

Kangirsuk Qwikstop, P.O. Box 42, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4537

(819) 935-4792

Karen’s Depanneur / Video Reg’d, 11 Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2947

(819) 753-2840

Komatik Store, P.O. Box 54, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2708

(819) 496-2200

Lakeview Store, 43 Migizy Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(819) 627-1307

(819) 627-1680

Lizzie’s Variety Reg’d, P.O. Box 72, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4531

(819) 935-4436

Magasin L.D., C.P. 41, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2012

(418) 229-2452

Masty Variety Shop, P.O. Box 64, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 929-3660

(819) 929-3660

McComber’s Convenience, P.O. Box 340, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-6225

Midjim Depanneur, 73 Polson Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2944

Neebin Enterprises, 272 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 Newviqviapik, P.O. Box 413, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2142

OCR Necessities & Gas Bar, P.O. Box 1354, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8821

(819) 964-0031

Pitaavik Reg’d, P.O. Box 14, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3378

(819) 338-3340

Suqatsivik, P.O. Box 27, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2235

(819) 988-2751

Village Variety, P.O.Box 99, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2445

(450) 635-2648

Wysote Depanneur, 1 Principal Street, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2518

(418) 788-5530

Développement économique - Services de soutien aux entreprises Business Support Services / Economic Development Agencies Arqivik Landholding Corporation - Tasiujaq, P.O. Box 52, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5464

(819) 633-5655

Centre d’affaires Première Nations, 1005, boul. Laure, #1-101, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6 Centre Mantosakowin, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1533

(819) 971-8867

Chisasibi Business Development Group, P.O. Box 339, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1700

(819) 855-2271

Chisasibi Business Services Centre, P.O. Box 939, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3380

(819) 855-3374

Chisasibi James Bay Eeyou Corporation, P.O.Box 360, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

(819) 855-2677

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(819) 971-1771

Dépanneur Martin, 185 Main Street, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0


Dépanneur Eneri, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Commission de développement économique des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (CDEPNQL), 265, Place Chief Michel-Laveau, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cdepnql.org (418) 843-1488

(418) 843-6672

Corporation de développement économique Ekuanitshinnuat inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2245

(418) 949-2177

Corporation de Développement Économique Montagnaise (CDEM), 1005 boul. Laure, bureau 110, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 968-1246

(418) 962-2449

Corporation de Développement Économique Natashquan, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3529

Corporation de Développement Économique Wabak Pimadizi, 1027, rue Tcizo, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2131

(819) 736-2139

Corporation Développement Nikanik, 56, rue Kenosi, C.P. 225, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2526

(819) 666-2609

Cree Nation of Mistissini Economic Development, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.nation.mistissini.ca

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

Développement Économique Opitciwan Inc., 24, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8837

(819) 974-8828

Développement Économique Wapan, 135, Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1533

(819) 971-8848

Développement Piekuakami Ilnuatsh (DPI), 1425, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-8181

(418) 275-2055

Développement Socio-Économique, 55, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com (819) 732-3350

(819) 732-3358

Eeyou Economic Group / CFDC Inc., 12 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2560

(819) 753-2568

Institut de Développement durable des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labarador, 250, Place Michel-Laveau, bureau 201, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-9999

(418) 842-5966

Kativik Regional Development Council / Head Office, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.krg.ca

(819) 964-2035

(819) 964-2611

Kativik Regional Development Council / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8621

(819) 254-8622

Kativik Regional Development Council / Salluit, P.O. Box 89, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8120

(819) 255-8864

Kuujjuamiut Inc., P.O. Box 719, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2625

(819) 964-2167

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Development Center, 2 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 173, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 www.lmdc.ca

(418) 788-1347

(418) 788-3095

Mahingan Development Corporation, 5 Riordon Avenue, P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0 (819) 627-3628

(819) 627-1109

Multi-Service Development Centre, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0241

(819) 977-0342

Naskapi Development Corporation - Société de Développement Naskapis / Kawawachikamach, P.O.Box 5153, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2612

(418) 585-3953

Naskapi Development Corporation / Société de Développement Naskapis, 1404, rue Blanchette, Cap-Rouge, (Québec), G1Y 1P2

(418) 871-5100

(418) 871-5254

Nayumivik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2870

(819) 964-2280

Nemaska Development Corporation (N.C.D.), 32 Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0 (819) 673-2512

(819) 673-2542

Niskamoon Corporation, 216, 34e Avenue, Lachine, (Québec), H8T 1Z3 www.niskamoon.com

(514) 637-3669

(514) 637-4017

Niskamoon, 207 Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3901

(418) 745-3901

Nunalituqait Ikajuqatigiitut Inuit Association, P.O.Box 809, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2976

(819) 964-2741

Nunavik Investment Corporation, P.O. Box 789, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1872

(819) 964-1497

Nunavik Landholding Corporation of Aupaluk, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7045

(819) 491-7045

Oujé-Bougoumou Eenou Companee & Entreprises, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.ouje.ca

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Pituvik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8101

(819) 254-8252

Qekeirriaq Landholding Corporation - Akulivik, P.O. Box 59, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2640

(819) 496-2629

Qiniqtiq Landholding Corporation, P.O. Box 160, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5449

(819) 337-5752

Sakkuq Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3348

(819) 929-3275

Saputik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4269

(819) 935-4440

SEC - Développement Économique Nictamitakok, 55, rue Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2525

(819) 666-2609

Service Aménagement Communautaire Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8849

Société de développement économique de Pessamit, 18, Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8864

(418) 567-8868

Société de Développement Économique Ilnu, 1516, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.sdei.ca

(418) 275-5757

(418) 275-6048

Société de développement économique Uashat Mani-Utenam, 271, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

(418) 968-6939


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Société des Entreprises Innues d’Ekuanitshit inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2214

(418) 949-2177

Tawich Development Corporation, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3493

Teharonhio:rens Development Group - Native Financial Planning, P.O. Box 992, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5736

(450) 638-4671

Tewatohnhi’saktha (Kahnawake Economic Development Commission), P.O. Box 1110, 2 River Road, 3rd Floor - Kahnawake Business Complex, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kedc.biz (450) 638-4280

(450) 638-3276

Wabannutao Eeyou Development Corporation - Eastmain, 76 Nouchimi Rd, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0355

(819) 977-0281

Waswanipi Development Corporation, 58 Pine Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2389

(819) 753-2842

Whapmagoostui Eeyou Enterprise Development Corporation, P.O. Box 149, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3364

(819) 929-3435

Winneway Economic Development, 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, Box 1, Winneway, (Québec), J0Z 2J0 (819) 722-2441

(819) 722-2579

Drapeau et mats Flag and poles Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Eau - Traitement, assainissement et distribution Water - Treatment, Sanitation and Distribution

Inukjuak Water Plant, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8243

Ivujivik Water Pumping Station, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3540

Kangirsuk Pumping Station, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4552

Kuujjuaq Water Plant, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2988

Puvirnituq Pumping Station, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2024

(819) 988-2751

Puvirnituq Water Plant, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2024

(819) 988-2751

Umiujaq Water Plant, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7845

(819) 331-7057

Usine d’eau potable, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2698

(819) 229-2921

Whapmagoostui Water Pump, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3314

(819) 929-3203

(819) 922-3045

Ébénisterie (produits du bois) - Vente et fabricants Wood Products - Sales and Manufacturers Ébénisterie Anishinabe de Lac Simon, 1005, rue Wenecec, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2131

(819) 736-2139

Groupe LG International inc., 1665, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.granuleslg.com

(418) 275-6161

(418) 275-6188 (418) 275-6887

Industries Piékouagame, Les, 3001, rue Ouiatchouan, C.P. 240, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0780

Les entreprises de Yarha, 465, rue Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-4439

Micmac Cabinet Making, 30B Church Court, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-9841

Mohawk Manufacturer Enr., 691 Ste-Philomène, P.O. Box 1076, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-6938

Mohawk Wood Products, P.O. Box 746, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-4775

Scierie Wendake, 602, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-4161

(450) 479-6118

Éditeurs Publishers Beesum Communications, 5505, St. Laurent Boulevard, Suite 3018, Montréal, (Québec), H2T 1S6 www.beesum-communications.com

(514) 272-3077

(514) 278-9914

Eastern Door, The, P.O. Box 1170, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.easterndoor.com

(450) 635-3050

(450) 635-8479

Echos of a Proud Nation Pow Wow, P.O. Box 1079, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kahnawakepowwow.com

(450) 632-8667

(450) 632-2813

Enakamigag Anishnabewakin (bulletin / newsletter), 81 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C3 www.anishinabenation.ca

(819) 449-1225

(819) 449-8064

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(819) 977-0281

(819) 254-8244


Eastmain Water Treatment Plant, 147 Shabow Meskino, P.O. Box 80, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 (819) 977-2025 Inukjuak Pumping Station, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Gillcom Communications, 1571, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.premieresnations.ca/conditions-utilisation.php

(418) 275-3570

(418) 275-3570

Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Journal Innuvelle, 108-B, boul. des Montagnais, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 5P9 www.innuvelle.net

(418) 962-3535

(418) 962-3575

Journal Mikw8baït, 10175, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-1686

(819) 294-1689

Kahnawakenews.com, P.O. Box 841, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kahnawakenews.com

(514) 591-6012

Kebaowek First Nation News, 3 Oglma Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-9060

Les éditions Hannenorak, 24, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-4578

Mohawk Nation News, P.O. Box 991, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9345

Nation to Nation, P.O. Box 498, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7742

Nitemare Productions, P.O. Box 166, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.nitemareproductions.com (450) 635-2675 Whiteduck Publishing / Thunderbird Time, 241 Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 www.whiteduckpublishing.com and www.thunderbirdtimes.com

(613) 890-3436

Yakwennra, 255, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3767

(819) 627-9428

(450) 635-3859

(418) 842-1108

Éducation - Autres Écoles Education - Other Schools Cree School Board Adult Education - Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0(819) 929-3617 Cree School Board Sabtuan Adult Education Nemaska, 9 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0 (819) 673-2228 Institut linguistique Atikamekw, 290, rue St-Joseph, P.O. Box 848, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 3P6

(819) 523-6153

(819) 523-8706

Institut Tshakapesh, 1034, rue Dequen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 2Z1 www.icem.ca

(800) 391-4424

(418) 968-1841

James Chescappio Memorial Learning Centre, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2621

Kahnawake Learning Center, P.O. Box 550, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7878

Kajusivik Adult Education Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2750

(819) 964-2745

Kativik School Board / Adult Education, 9800 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 400, Montréal, (Québec), H4M 2V9 www.kativik.qc.ca

(514) 482-8220

(514) 369-2636

Kativik School Board / Continuing Education, 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400, Saint-Laurent, (Québec), H4M 2V9 www.kativik.qc.ca

(514) 482-8220

(514) 369-2636

Mistissini Sabtuan Adult Education Services, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3347

Nunavimmi Pigiursavik, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8686

(819) 254-8595

Puvirnituq Adult Education, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2269

(819) 988-2204

Quannaq Adult Education, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8857

(819) 255-8804

Sabtuan Continuing Education, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3090

(819) 978-3099

Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre, 1 Elder David Neeposh Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(866) 921-4040

(819) 753-2640

Sakivivvik Adult Education, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3284

(819) 929-3522

Umiujaq Adult Education, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 331-7060

(819) 331-7025

Éducation - Écoles élémentaires et secondaires Education - Elementary and Secondary Schools Ajagutak School, P.O.Box 27, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9955

(819) 633-5020

Alaqsite’w Gitpu School, 18 Caplin, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-3100

(418) 788-3120

Amo Ososwan School, 117 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O.Box 43, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2026

(819) 722-2073

Annie Whiskeychan Memorial Elementary School, P.O. Box 300, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8819

(819) 895-2111

Arsaniq School, P.O. Box 160, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3332

(819) 338-3369

Asimautaq School, P.O.Box 60, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3409

(819) 929-3332

Badabin Eeyou School, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 www.cscree.qc.ca

(819) 929-3428

(819) 929-3548

École Primaire Nussim, 4, rue Pulis, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-2215

(418) 567-8010

(418) 567-2271

(418) 567-8772

École Secondaire Uashkaikan, 63, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


École Johnny Pilot, 100, Pashin, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5V2

(418) 962-5777

(418) 961-2666

École Kanatamat Tshitipenitamunu, C.P. 1000, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2116

(418) 585-3921

École Manikanitesh, 1, rue Ukuiass, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4K1

(418) 968-1550

(418) 962-6509

École Marie Sarah, C.P. 115, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2333

(418) 229-2449

École Migwan, 70, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(819) 732-6591

(819) 732-9838

École Niska d’Opitciwan, 70, rue Niska, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8842

(819) 974-1395

École Olamen, C.P. 222, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2450

(418) 229-2247

École Pakuashipu, C.P. 68, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2729

(418) 947-2209

École Primaire Manawan, 150, Wapoc, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8817

(819) 971-8862

École Primaire Seskitin, 41, rue Kenosi, C.P. 222, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2226

(819) 666-2479

École Secondaire Manawan, 470, Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1379

(819) 971-1266

École Secondaire Mikisiw, 22, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1221

(819) 974-1224

École Secondaire Nikanik, 20, rue Waratinak, C.P. 222, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2232

(819) 666-2233

École Teueikan, 29, rue Tshiaht-innuat, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2113

(418) 949-2449

École Tshishteshnu, 130A, rue Montagnais, C.P. 430, Moisie, (Québec), G4R 2B0

(418) 927-2956

(418) 927-3127

École Uauitshitun, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3368

(418) 726-3620

École Wahta’, 20, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3740

(418) 842-2084

Iguarsivik School, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2960

(819) 988-2090

Ikusik School, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8827

(819) 255-8909

Innalik School, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8211

(819) 254-8953

Isummasaqvik School, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9955

(819) 492-9971

Jaanimmarik High School, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2912

(819) 964-2818

James Bay Eeyou School, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2833

(819) 855-2534

Jimmy Sandy Memorial School, P.O. Box 5115, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3811

(418) 585-3347

Kahnawake Survival School, P.O. Box 1978, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.monecole-myschool.com

(450) 632-8831

(450) 632-9081

Kanesatake Education Center, 14 Joseph Swan, #277, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0 www.kanehsatake-edu.com

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-6022

Kateri School, P.O. Box 100, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3350

Kiluutaq School, P.O. Box 98, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7060

(819) 331-7025

Kitigan Zibi School, 41 Kikinamage Mikan, P.O.Box 10, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 www.kza.qc.ca (819) 449-1275

(819) 449-5503

Kiwetin School, 8 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2533

(819) 723-2578

Maquatua Eeyou School (Administrative Building), P.O. Box 180, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 www.cscree.qc.ca/csb04/schools/About/WEMINDJI/INDEX.HTM

(819) 978-0270

(819) 978-3107

Nuvvitik School, P.O. Box 60, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9917

(819) 922-3112

Ratihente High School, 681-A Ste-Philomene, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-1904

Sautjuit School, General Delievry, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4369

(819) 935-4223

Taqsakallak School, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7081

(819) 491-7082

Tukisiniarvik School, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2711

(819) 496-2611

Ullariaq School, P.O. Box 90, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5250

(819) 337-5354

Voyageur Memorial School, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 http://www.cscree.qc.ca/DirMistissini.htm

(418) 923-3485

(418) 923-3302

Waapihtiiwewan School, 200, Opemiska, P.O. box 18, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.cscree.qc.ca/csb04/schools/About/Waapihtiiwewan/index.htm

(418) 745-2542

(418) 745-2652

Wabannutao Eeyou School, P.O. Box 110, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0244

(819) 977-0277

Wejgwapniag School, 40 Main Street, P.O.Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3422

(418) 759-5446

Wiinibekuu Eeyou School, P.O. Box 300, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8819

(819) 895-8906

Willie .J. Happyjack and Jolina Gull Blacksmith Memorial School, 6 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2583

(819) 753-2532

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Éducation - Ecoles techniques & de métier Education - Business, Technical and Trade Schools Algonquin Nation Programs and Services Secretariat, 6 Kateri, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 www.algonquinnation.ca

(819) 723-2019

Apatisiiwin Training Programs, P.O. Box 620, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

(819) 855-2677

(418) 726-3800

(418) 726-3803

(418) 745-2444

(418) 745-2324

Éducation - Programmes Autochtones Education - Aboriginal Headstart CPE Uapukun, 188, rue Pashin, Nutashkuan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

Éducation - Service de soutien à l’enseignement Education - Support Services Aanischaaukamikw (Cree Cultural Institute), 205, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.creeculture.ca/e/institute/


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Association Mamo Atoskewin, 290, rue St-Joseph, C.P. 848, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 3P6

(819) 523-6153

(819) 523-8706

Commission scolaire Kativik / Kativik School Board, 9800 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 400, Montréal, (Québec), H4M 2V9

(514) 482-8220

(514) 482-8220

Conseil en Education des Premières Nations (CEPN), 95, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cepn-fnec.com

(418) 842-7672

(418) 842-9988

Conseil en Éducation d’Opitciwan, 22, rue Amisk, C.P. 162, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8852

(819) 974-1336

Cree School Board / Eastmain, P.O. Box 110, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0244

(819) 977-0277

Cree School Board / Head office, 203 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.cscree.qc.ca

(418) 923-2764

(418) 923-3838

Cree School Board / Post Secondary Student Services / Hull, 98 Lois Street, Hull, (Québec), J8Y 3R7

(819) 776-1685

(819) 776-6108

Cree School Board / Post Secondary Student Services / Montreal, 1950 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 100, Montréal, (Québec), H3H 1E7

(514) 846-1155

(514) 846-1266

Cree School Board / Waswanipi (Willie J. Memorial School), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2566

(819) 753-2793

Cree School Board / Wemindji, P.O. Box 59, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0267

(819) 978-3107

Cree School Board Education Services, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2230

(819) 855-2519

Gesgapegiag Education Services, 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0 (418) 759-3441

(418) 759-5856

Ikusik Cultural Boys Trailer, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8721

(819) 255-8909

Kativik School Board / Commission scolaire Kativik / Head Office, 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400, St. Laurent, (Québec), H4M 2V9 www.kativik.qc.ca

(800) 361-2244

(800) 361-2157

Kativik School Board Commissioner’s Office, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2119

(819) 496-2809

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Centre, 54 Makwa Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 www.kza.qc.ca/cultural/pijashig2

(819) 441-1655

(819) 441-2665

Kitigan Zibi Education Sector, 54 Makwa Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-1798

(819) 449-5570

Listuguj Education Directorate, 1 Riverside West, P.O. Box 298, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 www.listgujeducation.com

(418) 788-2248

(418) 788-5980

Mistissini Student Services, 232 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3485

(418) 923-3302

Service Éducation Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8848

Tukisiniarvik Cultural Shop, P.O. Box 80, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2657

(819) 496-2611

Whapmagoostui Cree School Board, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3428

(819) 929-3548

Whapmagoostui Student Services, P.O. Box 150, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3480

(819) 929-3458

(306) 790-5950

(306) 790-5999


Éducation - Universités Education - Universities


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

First Nations University of Canada, 1 First Nations Way, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 7K2 www.sifc.edu

Églises Churches Anglican Church / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2119

Catholic Mission / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2860

Chisasibi Anglican Church of Canada, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3480

Church / Akulivik, P.O. Box 23, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2246

Cree Pentecostal Church, General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2488

Église Marie-Reine des Indiens (La Romaine), C.P. 71, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2080

Église Notre-Dame de Lorette, 73, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3569

(418) 842-0474

Église St-Georges de Mingan, 35, rue Manitu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2272

(418) 949-2085

Holy Rosary Church, 308 Fafard Street, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 1Z1

(819) 449-2900

Mission Catholique, P.O. Box 30, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3344

Mistissini Church of St. John Evangelist, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3230

Mistissini Pentecostal Church, 204 Nesk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3365

Nemaska Community Church, 13 Chistaastihkw, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2223

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 496-2246

(819) 338-1140

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Petite Chapelle Ste-Thérese, 10110 rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6696

Presbytère de Pessamit, 3, Laletaut, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4030

(418) 567-4854

Presbytère de Winneway, 124, Naneweak Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2426

(819) 722-2881

Presbytère d’Odanak, 1003, Awassos, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0 Quaqtaq Christian Fellowship, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9917

St. John’s Anglican Church, P.O. Box 5119, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2557

St-Anne’s Church, 4 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2853

Umiujaq Anglican Church, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7871

United Church Office, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7799

Waskaganish Cree Pentecostal Church, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8837

Waswanipi Anglican Church, 105 Polplar, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2559

(418) 585-3130

(819) 895-8039

Wemindji St. John the Baptist Anglican Church (Rectory), P.O. Box 29, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0256

Électronique et appareils électroménagers - Vente, réparation et service Electronics and Appliances - Sales, Repair and Maintenance Electrolux Kahnawake, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9396

(450) 635-9113

(819) 895-2095

Énergie - Renouvelable Energy - Renewable Energy CreeNewable Energy, 86, Harricana Street, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4198

Kahnawà:ke Sustainable Energies, 2 River Road, 3e étage, C.P. 1110, Kahnawà:ke, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.ksenergies.ca

(450) 638-4280

Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n Wind Farm, 2 Riverside Drive West, P.O. Box 135, Listugui, (Québec), G0C 2R0 http://www.migmawei.ca/mwp/

(418) 788-1760

Wendake Construction - Énergie, 17, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 955-5911

(418) 788-1315

Enseignes - Fabricants, vente et service Signs - Sales and Manufacturers Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 info@indianacommunication.com

(581) 300-6313

Entrepôts Warehouses Akulivik Co-op Warehouse / Purchasing, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2576

(819) 496-2122

Aulavik Leasing, P.O. Box 243, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8615

(819) 254-8615

Ikusik Ware House, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8818

(819) 255-8909

Inukjuak Maintenance Inc., P.O. Box 378, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8002

(819) 254-8621

Nunavik Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

Nunavik Lodging Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Waswanipi Warehouse (Rental Housing), Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2321

(819) 753-2341

Whapmagoostui First Nation Warehouse, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3330

(819) 929-3970

Environnement - Services et gestion Environmental Services and Management Amun Solutions environnementales, 49, Rue Uishtapish, Maliotenam, Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 878-0009

Avataa - Sanexen Environmental, P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0131

(819) 964-6977

EnviroNord Services, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Groupe Conseil Nutshimit, 1738, rue Ouiatchouan, C.P. 100, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.nutshimit.ca

(418) 275-8041

(418) 275-8335


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Kahnawake Environment Office, P.O. Box 1089, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0600

(450) 635-2787

Kahnawake Lands Unit, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-8244

(418) 635-1773

Kangiqsualujjuaq Makivik Wildlife Management, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0(819) 337-5676 Listuguj Natural Resources, 44 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-3022

(418) 788-3058

Madzewin enr., 156, du Ravin Bleu, Hull, (Québec), J8X 1X8

(819) 771-0813

(819) 771-0871

Mikikattit Wild Life Management, House 301, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2160

(819) 988-2751

Projet de restauration du saumon, 2, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-3132

Silatsiak Inc., P.O. Box 304, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2384

Tewatehontsanohnha - Caretakers of Mother Earth, P.O. Box 1763, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 444-3139

Waskaganish Wildlife Protection Office, 1 JSC Watt Street, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-5006

Wildlife and Parks Québec / Kuujjuaq, General Delievry, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2791

(819) 964-2840 (819) 895-5007

Équipement et founitures médicales - Vente et fabricants Medical Equipment and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, 250 Rue, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, Quebec G0A 4V0,

(418) 842-1540

Fleuristes Florists Foresterie et sylviculture - Exploitation et fournitures Forestry and Silviculture - Logging and Supplie Aménagements Forestiers P.B.H., 9, Chicoine, Grande-Vallée, (Québec), G0E 1K0

(418) 393-2841

(418) 393-3001

Botalys, 605, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-9179

(418) 843-3551

Coopérative agro-forestière de Pointe-Bleue, 1655, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 679-4749

(418) 679-5702

David Neeposh Forestry Reg’d, 8 Waapstan Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3177

Déboisement Shakau, 2743, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1306

Développement forestier Ekuanitshit, 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 682-8220

(418) 275-1942

Ébénisterie Shakastueu, 110, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 350-2683

(418) 968-0779

Eeyou GD Lumberjack, 40 Maquatua, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3202

(819) 978-3203

Entreprise MDJ enr., 95, rue Wabanonik, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-3694

(819) 736-2131

Entreprises forestières Mahikan enr. (Les), 9, Wapistan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1228

Filière forestière des Premières Nations, 1423, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-5757 www.ffpnq.com

(418) 275-6048 (418) 275-6691

Foresterie Ilnu, 1562, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-2949

Foresterie Kashutshit (9267-7814 Québec inc.), 1352, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-5134

Foresterie Minaik, 1427, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.uapats.com

(418) 275-4545

(418) 275-4325

Foresterie Nitassinan inc., 1740, rue Ouiatchouan, C.P. 59, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6325

(418) 275-8335

K.Z. Sylviculture Inc., 281 Scott Street, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3P6

(819) 449-5072

(819) 449-8627

Kisis Technologies Inc., 330, 7e avenue, Dolbeau-Mistassini, (Québec), G8L 1Y7

(418) 276-7551

(418) 276-8302

Landes forestières Uapats, 1427, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.uapats.com

(418) 275-4545

(418) 275-4325

Luc Brascoupe, Cedar et cours à bois, 60 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-5621

Mitimeu inc., 34, rue Tshiat-Innuat, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

Nabakatuk Forest Products Inc.2008, 17 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2388

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 949-2177

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(450) 635-7664


Turtle Basket Flowers, P.O. Box 1101, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Petahu transport inc., Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 571-0140

Pro Cut Tree Service, P.O. Box 695, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.pro-cut-tree-service.ca

(514) 293-6500

Services Forestiers Notcimik, General Delivery, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1117

Services Forestiers Opitciwan Inc., 1, de la Pointe, C.P. 108, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1116

Tree Master, P.O. Box 1867, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 969-7392

(819) 974-1118

Waska Ressources, P.O. Box 610, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2244

(819) 895-2212

Waswanipi Forestry Services, 23 West-Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2120

(819) 753-2130

Waswanipi Mishtuk Corporation, 17 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2388

(819) 753-2854

Wayne’s Complete Tree Service, P.O. Box 1229, Old Malone Highway, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 (450) 635-7590 Winneway Forestry, 107 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 75, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2005

(819) 722-2579

(418) 923-3001

(418) 923-3005

Fournitures de bureau - Papeteries Office Supplies and Stationery S & S Office Depot, 207 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

Galeries d’art Art Galleries Stained Glassworks Enterprises, P.O. Box 551, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4920

Tivi Galleries, P.O. Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Garderies Day Care Services 7 Generations Day Care, P.O. Box 2220, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.7generationsdaycare.com

(450) 632-8838

Amaartuavik Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 150, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4848

(819) 935-4851

Amaarvik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3678

(819) 922-3680

Amosesag / Daycare Center, 603 Ocki, Box 70, Winneway, (Québec), J0Z 2J0 Anjabowa Daycare Services, P.O.Box 219, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1850

(819) 855-1860

Aqaivik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5624

(819) 337-5626

Awash Daycare, 104 St-John Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-4040

(418) 923-4044

Awash Estchees Child Care Center, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3395

Awash Estchees Daycare, P.O. Box 423, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3395

(819) 929-3547

Centre de la petite enfance BC Auetissatsh, 50, rue Auetissatsh, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-5703

(418) 275-8765

Centre de la petite enfance Kanitautshinaushit Malio, 30, rue Manakash, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3570

(418) 927-3394

Centre de la petite enfance Kanitautshinaushit Uashat, 101, rue Pashin, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5E8 (418) 968-5397

(418) 968-5398

Centre de la Petite Enfance Kokom Tcitcatci, 561, rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-9999

(819) 971-1777

Centre de la Petite enfance Mokaam, 75, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3

(819) 727-5744

(819) 727-4648

Centre de la Petite enfance Nuitsheuakan, 2, Place Niash Picard, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2000

(418) 567-8000

Centre de la petite enfance Opitciwan, 32C, Tcikatnaw, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1618

(819) 974-1714

Centre de la Petite enfance ORAK, 75, rue de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-8118

(418) 842-5979

Centre de la petite enfance six saisons, 68, rue Kenosi, C.P. 218, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2331

(819) 666-2815

Centre de la Petite Enfance Takinagan, 1029, rue Mohigan, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2929

(819) 736-3129

Centre de la petite enfance Wapikoni, 20, rue Waratinak, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2002

Centre Mikueniss Inc., 234, St-Louis, 1er étage, Loretteville, (Québec), G2B 1L4

(418) 843-5818

CPE Aw8ssisak, 106, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0237

CPE Uapukun, 192, rue Pashin, Natashquan, Québec, G0G 2E0,

(418) 726-3800


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 843-8960

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

f (450) 479-9960

Early Childhood Center, 14 José Enensakenrat, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-6062

Garderie Audrey Grenier Skeene, 1871, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1741

Garderie Boulianne, 1928, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6286

Garderie Carole Talbot, 725, Chef Maurice Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-3326

Garderie chez Clémence, 35, rue Ntshuk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1786

Garderie chez Gaétane, 1346, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4453

Garderie chez Loulou, 1323, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1207

(418) 275-1207

Garderie Chez Nukum, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2539

(418) 947-2622

Garderie Hélène Poulin, 175, Chef Herménégilde Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6260

Garderie Ilnu Amuse, 1079, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0989

Garderie Nussim, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2332

Garderie Uatiku, 25, rue Teuaikan, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2901

(418) 949-2993

Gesgapegiag Early Childhood Center, 35B Main Street, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5759

(418) 759-5788

Iqitauvik and Tumiapiit Childcare Center, P.O.Box 78, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2754

(819) 964-1995

Kamattsiavik Daycare Center, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9337

(819) 942-9442

Kanawhymigoo Daycare, P.O. Box 240, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3605

(819) 978-3630

Mawo’Itijig Mijjuaji’jg Child Care Center, 8 Pacific Drive, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2553

(418) 788-2603

Migizy Odenaw Childcare Centre, 301 Amik Avenue, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-1000

(819) 627-1219

Mikijuq Child Care Centre, P.O. Box 169, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3362

(819) 338-3242

MSDC, 68, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-4070

(418) 745-4075

Pidaban Child Care Centre, 10 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2319

(819) 723-4002

Pirursaivik Childcare Centre, P.O. Box 69, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2957

(819) 496-2959

Pirutsiak Daycare, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1186

(819) 255-9937

Qulliapik Daycare, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5301

(819) 633-5026

Sachidun ChildCare Center, P.O. Box 5075, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2020

(418) 585-2050

Saqliavik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3361

(819) 929-3520

Sarliatauvik Child Care Centre, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2197

(819) 988-2565

Services de garde Nishkiss, 1021, rue Atamu, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 0A5

(418) 968-4187

Shiwhymigoo Daycare, 24 Spruce Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0360

(819) 978-0228

Sukliateet (Child Care), General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7531

(819) 491-7533

Tasiursivik Daycare, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8048

(819) 255-8031

Tasiurvik Child Care Center, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8999

(819) 254-8722

Umiujaq Child Care, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 331-7933

(819) 331-7935

Waasekun Childcare Center, P.O. Box 490, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-5005

(819) 895-2830

Waseyapin Childcare Centre, 320 Shibish Meskino, P.O. Box 2, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2207

(819) 977-2209

Waspshooyan Childcare & Family Services Centre, 19, Opataca, P.O.Box 19, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2526

(418) 745-3841

Waswanipi Day Care Center, 2A Spruce Street, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2623

(819) 753-2964

Caughnawaga Golf Club & Dining Room, P.O. Box 840, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.caughnawagagolfclub.com

(450) 632-7163

(450) 632-0192

Lafleur Golf Club and Dining, P.O.Box 132, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0274

Mohawk Hills Golf & Country Club, P.O. Box 505, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7446

Mystic Pines Golf & Country Club, P.O. Box 279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 817-7849

Patton’s Glen Golf Club, P.O. Box 1815, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6132

Golf clubs Golf Courses

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Services aux Autochtones Canada – Indigenous Services Canada 320, St-Joseph Est, bureau 400, Complexe Jacques-Cartier, Québec, (Québec), G1K 9J2

(418) 648-7551

(418) 648-7347

Services aux Autochtones Canada – Indigenous Services Canada 10, Wellington Street, Room 1400, Gatineau, (Québec), K1A 0H4

(819) 997-0380

Gouvernement - Administration publique fédérale Government - Federal Government Public Administration

Gouvernement - Administrations publiques provinciales et territoriales Government - Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Secrétariat aux Relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit 875, Grande-Allée Est #1 - 431, Québec, (Québec), G1R 4Y8 www.autochtones.gouv.qc.ca

(418) 646-8661

(418) 528-9242

Gouvernement - Conseils de bande, conseils tribaux, villages Inuit et autres administrations autochtones Government - Band Councils, Tribal Councils, Inuit Villages and other Aboriginal Administrations Administration Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Kitcisakik, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 825-1466

(819) 825-5638

Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation Tribal Council, 81 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C3 www.anishinabenation.ca

(819) 449-5106

(819) 449-8064

Algonquins of Barriere Lake, C.P. 74 General Delivery, Parc de la Vérendrye, Rapid Lake, (Québec), J0W 2C0

(819) 441-8005

(613) 837-7482

Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (APNQL), 250, Place Chef Michel Laveau, bureau 201, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.apnql.com (en construction) (418) 842-5020

(418) 842-2660

Centre administratif ITUM (Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam), 265, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4L9 www.icem.ca/communautes.uashat-maliotenam.asp (418) 962-0327

(418) 968-0937

Centre administratif Mani-Utenam, 14, rue Innuat, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3550

(418) 927-3950

Conseil de bande d’Opitciwan, 24, rue Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0 www.opitciwan.ca

(819) 974-8837

(819) 974-8828

Conseil de bande Micmac de Gespeg, 34, Montée de Corte-Real, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2 (418) 368-6005 www.gespeg.ca

(418) 368-1272

Conseil de la Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon, 1026, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0 www.anishinabenation.ca/fr/comme_lacsimon_fr.htm

(819) 736-4501

(819) 736-7311

Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw - Sipi, 290, rue St-Joseph, C.P. 848, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 3P6 www.cnalatuque.com

(819) 523-6153

(819) 523-8706

Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat, 255, Place Chef Michel Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 (418) 843-3767 www.wendake.ca

(418) 842-1108

Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush - Lac-John, C.P. 1390, Schefferville, (Québec), G0G 2T0 www.icem.ca/communautes.matimekosh.asp

(418) 585-2601

(418) 585-3856

Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni, 45, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(819) 732-6591

(819) 732-1569

Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit, 32, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.innu-essipit.com

(418) 233-2509

(418) 233-2888

Conseil des Abénakis de Wôlinak, 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0 www.cawolinak.com

(819) 294-6696

(819) 294-6697

Conseil des Abénakis d’Odanak, 104, rue Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2810

(450) 568-3553

Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6 www.kitcisakik.ca

(819) 736-3001

(819) 736-3012

Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 www.manawan.com

(819) 971-8813

(819) 971-8848

Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci, 36, Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2237

(819) 666-2209

Conseil des Innu de Ekuanitshit, 35, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0 www.mamit-innuat.com/ekuanitshit.htm

(418) 949-2234

(418) 949-2085

Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu, 9, rue Innu, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0 www.mamit-innuat.com/Pakuashipu.htm

(418) 947-2253

(418) 947-2622

(418) 567-9463

(418) 567-8560

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Administration générale, 44, rue Messek - Local 136, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Bureau Politique, 4, rue Metsheteu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-8488

(418) 567-2868

Conseil des Innus d’Unamen Shipu, Comté de Duplessis, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0 www.mamit-innuat.com/Unamenshipu.htm

(418) 229-2917

(418) 229-2921

Conseil des Montagnais de Nutashkuan, 78, rue Maskush, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0 www.nutakuan.com

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Conseil Tribal Mamuitun, 20, rue Messek, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2295

(418) 567-8528

Cree First Nation of Waswanipi (The), Diom Blacksmith Building, P.O. Box 8, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0 www.waswanipi.com

(819) 753-2555

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Cree Nation of Eastmain, P.O. Box 90, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0 www.eastmain.ca www.gcc.ca

(819) 977-0211

(819) 977-0281

Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee Head Office, 2 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, Ontario, J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2600

(819) 673-2606

Cree Nation of Mistissini, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.nation.mistissini.qc.ca

(418) 923-3461

(418) 923-3115

(819) 673-2512

(819) 673-2542

(418) 745-3911

(418) 745-3426

Cree Nation of Nemaska - Nemaska Head Office (Band Office), 32 Machishteweyah Street, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0 http://www.lino.com/nemaska/ Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou, 207, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.ouje.ca


(819) 753-2587

Cree Nation of Chisasibi, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 www.mandow.ca/chisasibi.htm

222, Queen Street, Suite 305, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5V9 • Tél.: (613) 234-4288 Fax: (613) 234-8102 Toll Free: (888) 236-6603 www.creenaskapicommission.net


The Cree-Naskapi Commission is an independent, non-governmental body established to monitor the implementation of the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act-Canada’s first Aboriginal self-government legislation which is provided for by the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and the Northeastem Quebec Agreement. Cree Nation of Wemindji, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 www.wemindji-nation.qc.ca

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Cree Regional Authority / Montreal, 277 Duke Street, Suite 100, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 2M2

(514) 861-5837

(514) 861-0760

Cree-Naskapi Commission, Capital Square Building, 222 Queen Street, Suite 305, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5V9

(613) 234-4288

(613) 234-8102

Crees of Waskaganish First Nation, The, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

(819) 895-8901

Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki (Le), 10175, rue Kolipaïo, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0 www.gcnwa.com

(819) 294-1686

(819) 294-1689

Grand Council of the Crees / Ottawa Embassy, 81 Metcalfe Street, Suite 900, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K7 (613) 761-1655

(613) 761-1388

Grand Council of the Crees Eeyou Istchee - Montreal, 277 Duke Street, Suite 100, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 2M2

(514) 861-5837

(514) 861-0760

Grand Council of the Crees Eeyou Istchee, 2 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2600

(819) 673-2606

Kativik Regional Government / Kuujjuaeapik / Child Care, P.O. Box 509, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3054

(819) 929-3852

Kativik Regional Government / Head Office / KLDC, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.krg.ca

(819) 964-2961

(819) 964-2956

Kebaowek First Nation Band Administration, 4 Oglma Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-3455

(819) 627-9428

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




(819) 449-5170

(819) 449-5673

(418) 788-2136

(418) 788-2058

Long Point First Nation, 112 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0 (819) 722-2441 www.anishinabenation.ca/eng/comm_longpoint_en.htm

(819) 722-2579

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Administration (Band Office), 1 Paganakomin Mikan, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9 Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government, 17 Riverside West, P.O.Box 298, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

Makivik Corporation / Akulivik, P.O. Box 33, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2993

(819) 496-2693

Makivik Corporation / Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7345

(819) 491-7345

Makivik Corporation / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8878

(819) 254-8706

Makivik Corporation / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4054

Makivik Corporation / Ottawa, 170 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 504, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5V5

(613) 234-5530

(613) 234-6297

Makivik Corporation / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2363

(819) 988-9903

Makivik Corporation / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9359

(819) 492-9359

Makivik Corporation / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7443

Makivik Corporation Hse #140, P.O. Box 4, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2735

(819) 496-2578

Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band Council, 100 Perron Blvd., P.O. Box 1280, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0 www.gesgapegiag.com

(418) 759-3441

(418) 759-5856

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, P.O.Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kahnawake.com

(450) 632-7500

(450) 638-5958

Mohawk Council of Kanesatake, 681, Ste-Philomène, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0 www.kanesatake.com

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-8249

Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

National Centre for First Nations Governance / Centre national pour la gouvernance des Premières nations - Bureau régional du Québec, 2 Business Complex, P.O. Box 2173, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.fngovernance.org

(450) 635-5390

Northern Village of Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0 www.nvakulivik.ca

(819) 496-2073

(819) 496-2200

Northern Village of Aupaluk, P.O. Box 16, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0 www.nvaupaluk.ca

(819) 491-7070

(819) 491-7035

Northern Village of Inukjuak, P.O. Box 234, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0 www.nvinukjuaq.ca

(819) 254-8822

(819) 254-8779

Northern Village of Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0 www.nuivujivik.ca

(819) 922-9940

(819) 922-3045

Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 www.nvkangiqsualujjuaq.ca

(819) 337-5271

(819) 337-5200

Northern Village of Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0 www.nvkangiqsujuaq.ca

(819) 338-3286

(819) 338-3237

Northern Village of Kangirsuk, P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0 www.nvkangirsuk.ca

(819) 935-4388

(819) 935-4287

Northern Village of Kuujjuaq, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.nvkuujjuaq.ca

(819) 964-2943

(819) 964-2980

Northern Village of Kuujjuarapik, P.O. Box 360, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 www.nvkuujjuaraapik

(819) 929-3511

(819) 929-3453

Northern Village of Puvirnituq, P.O. Box 150, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0 www.nvpuvirnituq.ca

(819) 988-2825

(819) 988-2751

Northern Village of Quaqtaq, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0 www.nvquaqtaq.ca

(819) 492-9985

(819) 492-9935

Northern Village of Salluit, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0 www.nvsalluit.ca

(819) 255-8953

(819) 255-8802

Northern Village of Tasiujaq, P.O. Box 54, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0 www.nvtasiujaq.ca

(819) 633-9924

(819) 633-5026

Northern Village of Umiujaq, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0 www.nvumiujaq.ca

(819) 331-7000

(819) 331-7057

PekuakamiuInuatsh Takuhikan / Direction générale, 1671, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.mashteuiatsh.ca

(418) 275-2473

(418) 275-6212

Première Nation Malécite de Viger, 217, rue de la Grève, Cacouna, (Québec), G0L 1G0 www.malecites.ca

(418) 860-2393

(418) 867-3418

Regroupement Mamit Innuat / Mingan, 3, rue Hinipeh Muanen, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2215

(418) 949-2416

Regroupement Petapan inc., 32, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.mamuitun.com

(418) 233-2509

(418) 233-2888

Secretariat to the Cree Nation / Abitibi-Témiscamingue Economic Alliance, 624, 3e avenue, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 1S5

(819) 824-9888

(819) 824-9588


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Société Makivik Corporation / Head Office, P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.makivik.org (819) 964-2925 Société Makivik Corporation / Montréal, 1111 Doctor Frederic Philips Blvd., 3th Floor, St-Laurent, (Québec), H4M 2X6 www.makivik.org (514) 745-8880

(819) 964-4825

Société Mukutan, 46, rue du Large, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2209

(418) 229-2220

Timiskaming First Nation Administration Office, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre Dame du Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 www.timiskamingfirstnation.ca

(819) 723-2335

(819) 723-2353

(514) 745-4610

Timiskaming First Nation Band Council, 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0(819) 723-2370 (819) 723-2353 Whapmagoostui First Nation, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0 www.municipalite.baie-james.qc.ca/html/e_communautes09.htm

(819) 929-3384

(819) 929-3203

Wolf Lake First Nation, P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0 www.algonquinnation.ca/wolflake

(819) 627-3628

(819) 627-1109

Entreprises Tukkiapik / Consultants de l’Arctique Inc., 10300, Mirabeau, Ville d’Anjou, (Québec), H1J 1T6 (514) 353-3552

(514) 353-1251

Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ) / Nunavik Coops Federation / 19950, avenue Clark-Graham, Baie-d’Urfé, (Québec), H9X 3R8 http://www.fcnq.ca

(514) 457-9371

(514) 457-4626

Stalk Distribution, P.O. Box 1113, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 227-8410

Grossistes Wholesalers

(819) 496-2630

(819) 496-2593

(819) 496-2024

(819) 496-2593

Atugak Leasing Reg’d, P.O. Box 136, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0351

(819) 964-0351

Chisasibi Group Home, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2681

(819) 855-2356

Corporation Waskahegen, 112, avenue de l’Église, bureau 204, Mistissini, (Québec), G8M 2A3

(418) 276-7551

(418) 276-8302

Habitations Éric Parent (Les), 525,, rue du Maïs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 805-5678

Housing Maintenance, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2909

(819) 988-2870

K.M.H.B. Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7090

(819) 491-7204

Kangiqsualujjuaq Housing Corporation (KMHB), P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-5688

(819) 337-5703

Kangirsuk KMHB, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4275

(819) 935-4335

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Akulivik, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2645

(819) 496-2200

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8902

(819) 254-8779

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3124

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 99, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3217

(819) 338-3237

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Kuujjuaraapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3214

(819) 929-3404

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2886

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9957

Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau - Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8849

Kuujjuaq Group Home, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2785

Kuujjuaq Municipal Housing Bureau, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2000

(819) 964-0749

Mistissini Group Home, 96 Riverside Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2260

(418) 923-3015

Puvirnituq Group Home, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2534

(819) 988-2492

Umiujaq Housing Authority, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7053

(819) 331-7189

Waskaganish Rental Housing, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8780

(819) 895-8790

Waswanipi Rental Housing Department, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

(819) 753-2555

Wemindji Rental Housing, 21 Hilltop Drive, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258

Whapmagoostui First Nation Housing, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3698

(819) 929-3970

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Akulivik Housing Workshop (new), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0 Akulivik Housing Workshop (old), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0


Hébergement - Services communautaires d’habitation Housing Services

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Chisasibi Hospital Center & CLSC, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-2867

Kateri Memorial Hospital Center, P.O. Box 10, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kmhc.ca

(450) 638-3930

(450) 638-4634

(Chalets Shipek), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Agara, 136 boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat, Québec), G4R 5R2

(418) 962-6377

Akulivik Cooprative Association, P.O. Box 51, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2002

(819) 496-2122

Akulivik Hotel, 19950 Clark Graham, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

Auberge Capassisit Lodge, 1, Wastawshkootaw Meskino, P.O. Box 221, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3944

(418) 745-3469

Auberge Kanio Kashee Lodge, P.O. Box 360, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2005

(819) 895-2008

Auberge Kuujjuaq Inn Inc., P.O.Box 840, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2903

(819) 964-2031

Auberge le Mistral, Km 105, route 25 Ouest, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2042

Auberge Maison Robertson S.E.N.C., 1645, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.aubergemaisonrobertson.ca

(418) 275-8375

Auberge Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 www.aubergemanawan.com

(819) 971-9997

Auberge Mistissini Lodge, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.aubergemistissini.com

(418) 923-2333

Aupaluk Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0 Avery’s Guest & Meeting Facilities, P.O. Box 939, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(819) 491-7455 (450) 635-3322

Avery’s Guest & Meeting Facilities, P.O. Box 939, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3322

C. Central Lodge, 3 Chistaastihkw Nemaska, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2020

(819) 673-2025

Centre de réservations Essipit, 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Chalets de l’Anse à Jos / Yves (Hébergement Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Hôpitaux Hospitals

Hôtels, motels et autres services d’hébergement Hotels, Motels and Other Accommodations

(418) 275-8375

(418) 923-2335

Charlie Arngak’s Lodging, P.O. Box 15, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3378

(819) 338-3340

Chisasibi Motel, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2838

(819) 855-2735

Centre de Villégiature de Papinachois, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-2265

Domaine Philippe - Secteur Central enr., 200, rue du Boisé, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.domainephilippe.com

(418) 275-0541

(418) 275-0541

Fort Chimo Hotel, 19950 Clark Graham, (Québec), H9X 3R8 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

Fort-Chimo Co-operative Association / Charlie Kudluk Hotel, P.O. Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 (819) 964-2272

(819) 964-0589

Gîte La Huronnière, 415, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.lahuronniere.com

(418) 845-4118

(418) 845-5403 (418) 679-7032

Gîte Pekuakami, 8, Domaine Robertson, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6742

Hôtel Kuei, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2204

Hôtel Madame Ruby, C.P. 83, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2118

(418) 229-2952

Hotellerie Pakua Shipi, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2253

(418) 947-2622

Hôtel-Musée des Premières Nations, 5, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.hotelpremierenations.ca

(866) 551-9222

(418) 847-2903

Hôtels des coops du Nunavik, 19950, avenue Clark-Graham, Baie-d’Urfé, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-3294

Inukjuak Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8306


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 254-8306

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Inukjuak Hotel, 19950 Clark Graham, (Québec), H9X 3R8 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

qaluppik Hotel, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5414

(819) 633-5337

Ivujivik Hotel, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0 www.voyagesfcnq.com

(819) 922-3216

(819) 922-3149

Kangiqsualujjuaq Coop Hotel, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5404

(819) 337-5320

Kangirsuk Co-op Hotel (Payne Bay Hotel), General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(819) 935-4762

(819) 935-4121

Mandow Inn Hotel, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2050

(819) 977-2047

Maquatua Inn, 22 Gilpin Road, P.O. Box 89, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3166

(819) 978-3196

Natakam Condos-Hôtels sur mer, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Nemaska Motel and Restaurant, 2 Lake Shore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2615

(819) 673-2233

Novalinga Hotel, P.O. Box 67, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2946

(819) 988-2751

Nunavik Landholding Hotel, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7575

Au PlAiSiR de vouS ReCevoiR ! PleASed To welCome you !

(819) 988-2610


Téléphone : 418 748-2669 Sans frais : 1 855 948-2669

(450) 635-8479


Situé au centre-ville: 60 chambres rénovées, sauna, salle d'exercice, bronzage, spa, fibre optique, ascenseur et chambres pour personne à mobilité réduite.

473 3e Rue Chibougamau, QC G8P 1N6 www.hotelchibougamau.com

Puvirnituq Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(819) 988-2607

Quality Inn Sept-Iles, 1009 Boulevard Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-5600

Riverside Inn, P.O. Box 1636, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.theriversideinn.ca

(450) 632-6228

Salluit Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8888

Umiujaq Hotel, 19950 Clark Graham, Montreal, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-3294

(514) 457-9834

Wakeham Bay Hotel (Kangiqsujjuaq Co-op Hotel), 19950 Clark Graham, Montreal, (Québec), H9X 3R8 (514) 457-3294 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(514) 457-9834

Whapmagoostui Co-op Hotel, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3734

(819) 929-3343

Centre d’affaires Bastien, 93, Boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cabbc.com

(418) 842-1500

(418) 842-1556

Centre d’affaires Kanikaniteth inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2132

(418) 949-2177

Chisasibi Center Inc., P.O.Box 330, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3089

(819) 855-2271

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Services Publics / Habitation / Télécâble, 44, rue Messek, bureau 122, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4443

(418) 567-3292

Entreprise Loyer, 36, rue Kenosi, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2237

(819) 666-2209

(418) 962-4979

(418) 968-6114

Immobilier, Coutiers et Gestionaires immobiliers Real Estate, Property Managers and Related Services


Immobilière Montagnaises, 1005, boul. Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6



Kebaowek Land Management, 2 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca ATTENTION

(819) 627-3309

Kuujjuaq Real Estate Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 627-3531 DEUXIÈME ÉPREUV (819) 964-6319

En signant cette épreuve, vous nous ❏ OK sans correction ❏ Nouvelle é dégagez de toute responsabilité quant C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, info@indianacommunication.com 353 Notes:_____________________________ aux erreurs qui pourraient y subsister. Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0 www.quebecautochtone.net Pour des changements, svp indiquer www.aboriginalquebec.net T (581) 300-6313 __________________________________ clairement vos corrections sur cette

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


Maintenance Metshu. S.E.N.C., 100, rue des Montagnais, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 965-0160


Neepsee Plaza - Natamuh, P.O.Box: 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

(819) 895-8901

Nunavik Landholding Corporation, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0364

(819) 964-0331

Nunavik Real Estate, P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

(514) 457-9371

(514) 457-4626

(819) 449-3170

Import et export Import and Export Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ) / Nunavik Coops Federation 19950, avenue Clark-Graham, Baie-d’Urfé, (Québec), H9X 3R8 http://www.fcnq.ca

Imprimeurs Printers Anishinabe Printing, P.O. Box 317, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9 www.anishprint.ca

(819) 449-7997

Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

WWK Stacey Printing & Office Supplies, P.O. Box 837, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1953

(450) 638-9084

Infographie et graphisme Graphic Design Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

InnuCommunik, 1005 boul. Laure, local 305, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 960-4807

Makue Production Communication, 1943, rue Atuhk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-2828

Pirnoma Technologies Inc., P.O. Box 82, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3694

Skyworld Graphic Design, P.O. Box 775, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-0886

Vizion Design, 110, rue des Loutres, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9858

(888) 641-9812 (418) 842-0649

Informatique - Conseillers, vente et services Computers - Sales, Services and Design Computer Consulting and Network, General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-4629

Essengiciel, 2003, Tolba, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0138

(450) 568-0138

Inuitech Software Reg’d, P.O. Box 72, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4531

(867) 935-4436

Kahnawake Computer Service, P.O. Box 449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8996

Native Networks Technologies Inc., P.O. Box 625, Merickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0 www.mynativenetworks.com

(613) 286-6924

(450) 479-6587

Night Hawk Technologies, 400 Alexander Taché Boulevard, Unit 111, Hull, (Québec), J9A 1M5 www.nighthawk.com

(819) 771-5054

(819) 771-8384

Nika Technologies Inc. - Branch Office, 7 Riopelle Street, Gatineau, (Québec), T9H 1J3 www.nikatech.com

(819) 684-7391

(819) 686-1686

Société en commandite Minashtuk, 1425, rue Ouiatchouan, C.P. 60, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-8181

(418) 275-2055

Ingénieurs Engineers Alpha & Oméga enr., 546, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-8621

(418) 847-0137

Assi Ingénieurs & Constructeurs Inc., 287, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1 www.assi.ca

(418) 961-2402

(418) 968-4372

Association Québécoise autochtone en science-ingénierie, 90, Chef Wellie-Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 684-1889

Internet - Produits et services Internet - Products and Services Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(581) 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


Mohawk Internet Technologies, 1470 Route 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.mohawk.ca (450) 638-4007 Ooshtaa Web Design, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(613) 552-4886

Pirnoma Technologies, P.O. Box 82, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0 www.pirnoma.com

(819) 922-3040

Tamaani Internet, P.O. Box 9, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.tamaani.ca

(819) 964-2961

f (450) 638-9885

(819) 964-2255

Logistique de transport Expediting and Logistics Awen Logistique Premières Nations inc., 93, boulevard Bastien, bureau 202, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 930-7811

Machinerie - Vente et réparation Machinery - Sales and Repair (514) 335-1768

Usinage Huron 9223-2727 Québec Inc., 540, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-1717



KC Road Maintenance, 21 Bedabin Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

Magasins cadeaux Gift Shops Kahnawake Kids, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

(450) 635-5521

OCR Cultural Emporium, P.O. Box 939, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 894-6035

(450) 635-9252

Magasins généraux General Stores Akulivik Co-op Store, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2121

(819) 496-2122

Aupaluk Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 8, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7060

(819) 491-7182

Chisasibi Co-op, P.O.Box 390, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2828

(819) 855-3091

Chisasibi Northern Store, P.O. Box 120, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2710

(819) 855-2511

Compagnie Atautshuap inc., 45, rue Mista-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2431

(418) 949-2725

Eastmain Northern Store, P.O. Box 150, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0269

(819) 977-0350

Épicerie Diamond, P.O.Box 30, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8858

(819) 895-8710

FCNQ Co-operative, P.O.Box 26, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5691

(819) 633-5106

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Fort-Chimo Cooperative Association / Co-op Store, P.O.Box 330, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2990

(819) 964-2019

Inukjuak Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 53, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8969

(819) 254-8138

Inukjuak Northern Store, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8824

(819) 254-8880

Ivujivik Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9922

(819) 922-3149

Kangiqsualujjuaq Northern Store, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5275

(819) 337-5260

Kangiqsujuaq Co-op Store, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3252

(819) 338-3316

Kangirsualujjuaq Cooperative (George River), P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5241

(819) 337-5320

Kangirsuk Cooperative (Payne Bay), P.O. Box 9, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4382

(819) 935-4121

Kangirsuk Northern Store, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4384

(819) 935-4023

Kuujjuarapik Cooperative Association (Great Whale), P.O. Box 419, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-3266

(819) 929-3525

Kuujjuarapik Northern Store, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3270

(819) 929-3667

Mistissini Maamuu Ataawaaukamikw (General Store), 152 Amisk, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3898

(418) 923-2413

Northern - La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2144

Newviq’vi inc. Les Magasins Tullik inc. Eric Pearson, Co-Owner Newviq’vi

Colin Aitchison, Co-Owner Tullik

Full grocery store dealer Sewing supplies, furs, footwear, clothing, sporting goods and lumber

P.O. Box 810, Kuujjuaq, Qc. J0M 1C0 Tel.: 819 964-2228 Fax.: 819 964-2020 Northern Store / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 90, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3222

(819) 338-3269

Northern Store / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2877

(819) 964-2584

Northern Store / Whapmagoostui, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3270

(819) 929-3667

Northern Store Inc. / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8949

(819) 255-8936

Puvirnituq Cooperative Association, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2972

(819) 988-2982

Puvirnituq Northern Store, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2920

(819) 988-2729

Quaqtaq Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 105, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9206

(819) 492-9086

Sugluk Cooperative Association, P.O.Box 59, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8910

(819) 255-8087

Tasiujaq Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 26, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9933

(819) 633-5106

Tasiujaq Independent Co-operative, P.O. Box 26, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9933

(819) 633-5106

Umiujaq Cooperative Association, P.O.Box 78, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7013

(819) 331-7942

Umiujaq North West Store, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7590

(819) 331-7593

Waskaganish Northern Store, P.O. Box 120, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8865

(819) 895-8864

Whapmagoostui Coop, P.O. Box 419, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3266

(819) 929-3525


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Matériaux de construction - Détaillants, grossistes et fabricants Building Materials and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers Branchaud Portes et Fenêtres, 89, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-1510

Cabanon 2000 enr., 595, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cabanon2000.com

(418) 845-2000

(418) 847-2103

Éconobois 1996 Enr., 595, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cabanon2000.com

(418) 847-4161

(418) 847-2103

Général Fibre de Verre enr., 10175, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-9849

(819) 294-2638

Planchers Atout Prix, 225, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-5504

(418) 845-2221

Prémontex Enr., 597, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-3630

(418) 847-0356

Produits Industriels Fraser, Route 101, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2228

(819) 723-2239

R & D Eenou Lumber, 285-B Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2571

(418) 923-2573

Revêtement Premium, 602, Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-5212

(418) 847-6436

(819) 496-2110

(819) 496-2231

(418) 845-8835

(418) 845-8835

Centre Kapatakan Gilles Jourdain, 60, rue Innut, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2984

(418) 927-3523

Clinique de Physiotherapie Lynda Cayer, 98 Chemin Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-3883

(819) 441-3099

Clinique de santé Richard Dumont, 40, du Loup, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-2161

Clinique dentaire Pierre Martin, 2, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2256

Clinique Robin Paul, 80-1, Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-9670

Danielle Descent Psychologue, 312, Anek, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2985

Dr. Christian Sioui, 630, Chef Jean Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8638

House Sound Services, P.O. Box 633, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2473

Inuulitsivik CLSC Dental Clinic, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3097

Kung-Fu Massage, rue Atuan, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5N7

(418) 960-2252

Marlene Carle Hydrotherapist / Orthotherapist, 156, Pitobig Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-6945

Mistissini Dental Clinic, 395 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2338

(418) 923-3240

Psycho-Solutions, 415, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2970

(418) 845-5304

Sweetgrass Alternative Therapies, P.O. Box 480, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2167

Waswanipi Clinic (Inland CLSC), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2511

(819) 753-2362

Waswanipi Dental Clinic, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2448

(819) 753-2362

Wemindji Medical Clinic Dental Care, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0341

(819) 978-3108

(418) 842-2129

(819) 922-3098

Métal et produits métalliques - détaillants et fabricants Metal Products - Sales and Manufacturers Acier Mécanitec, 10275, rue Leblanc, Local 123, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 609-0345

Glam Inc., 565, Chef Thomas-Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.glaminc.net

(418) 843-7915

(418) 842-1763

Meubles - Détaillants & fabricants Furniture - Sales and Manufacturers Armoires Sioui, 80, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-1960

(418) 842-1960

Asokan Business Interiors, 25, Eddy - suite 25, Gatineau, (Québec), J8X 4B5 www.asokangroup.ca

(819) 772-1001

(819) 772-1322

J P Iroquois Woods, P.O. Box 1808, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2381

Jacobs Woodwork & Cabinets, P.O. Box 963, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-3155

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Akulivik Doctor’s Office, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0 Centre chiropratique Harold Chantal enr., 89-1, boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0


Médecins et autres praticiens en santé Physicians and Other Health Practitioners

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Blackrock Mining, 203 Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Boodoosam Safety, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

Construction Unnu, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 961-2114

Mines - Exploration, exploitation et fournitures Mining - Exploration, Exploitation and Supplies

Cree Mineral Exploration Board (The), 16 Beaver Road, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 (819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3834

Exploration J.A. MacLeod, 168 Riverside, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3310

(418) 923-3310

Explorations Esbec, 239, avenue Jolliet, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 2A8 Native Exploration Services Red’g, 209, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 962-3992

(418) 962-2833

(418) 745-2632

(418) 745-2638

Nimsken Corporation, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2519

(418) 745-3544

Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund, P.O. Box 909, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1316

(819) 964-1328

Nuvumiut Developments Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Nuvumiut Drilling Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Wemindji Explorations, 21 Hilltop Drive, P.O. Box 210, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0258




C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund

Cynthia Brind'Amour-Côté, P. Geo

Technical director / Directrice technique Tel.: (819) 964-1316 Fax.: (819) 964-1328 nmef.kuujjuaq@gmail.com

Nunavik Mining Workshop 2024 Consultez notre site internet pour les mises à jour See our website for updates www.nunavikminingworkshop.ca

• PEA on Chimo Mine Project • Success oriented drill program • Solid investment opportunity Philippe Cloutier, P.Geo. President and CEO Cartier Resources, TSX-V: ECR

Phone (819) 874-1331

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Web: www.ressourcescartier.com


P.O. Box 909, Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canada J0M 1C0


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Moteurs et petits moteurs - Réparation et entretien Small Engines Repair and Maintenance Gene’s Machines, P.O. Box 677, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6975

PMM Wendake, 580, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6223

(418) 842-2522

Kangirsuk Sports & R.V. Inc., P.O. Box 43, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4388

(819) 935-4287

Umiak Builders Inc., P.O. Box 449, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2084

(819) 964-2204

Centre ethno-culturel KANATHA-AKI / 8atabi - Village nomade Algonquin, 303, rue Brisson, St-Donat, (Québec), J0T 2C0 www.dominiquerankin.ca

(819) 326-3540

(819) 424-4172

Daniel Weetalutktuk Museum, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8277

Maison Aorhenché (La), 90, Chef François Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.quebecweb.com/aorhenche

(418) 847-0646

(418) 847-4527

Motoneiges et VTT - Location, vente et service Snow Mobiles and ATVs - Sales, Rental and Service

Musées et lieux d’intérêt patrimonial Museums and Heritage Sites

Maison des cultures amérindiennes (Fondation Ushket), 510, Montée des Trente, Mont St-Hilaire, (Québec), J3H 2R8 www.mculturesamerindiennes.org

(450) 464-2500

(450) 464-0071

Maison Tsawenhohi, 75, rue Chef Nicolas-Vincent, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.wendake.ca

(418) 845-0700

(418) 845-0030

Mamoweedow Mishtuk, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Musée Amérindien, 1787, rue Amishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.museeilnu.ca

(418) 275-4842

(418) 275-7494

Musée da la Nation huronne-wendat, 15, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-2260

(418) 847-1696

Musée des Abénakis d’Odanak, 108, rue Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0 www.museedesabenakis.ca

(450) 568-2600

(450) 568-5959

Musée Kateri Tekakwitha Museum, P.O.Box 70, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 kateritekakwitha.net

(450) 632-6030

Musée Shaputuan, 290, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R2

(418) 962-4000

(418) 962-3131

Site culturel amérindien Tsonontwan, 310, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.quebecweb.com/amerindien

(418) 843-6471

(418) 843-5990

Site d’interprétation Micmac de Gespeg, 783, boul. de la Pointe-Navarre, C.P. 69, Gaspé, (Québec), G4X 6V2 www.gaspesie.ca

(418) 368-7449

(418) 368-1272

Site traditionnel Huron-Wendat Onhoüa Chetek8e, 575, rue Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.huron-wendat.qc.ca

(418) 842-4308

(418) 842-3473

Site traditionnel Innu Ténina, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2306

Site Uashassihtsh, 1514, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1237

Musique, disques Music, Records Don Patrick Martin, Composer / Pianist, P.O. Box 2006, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-0275

KZ Sound, 104, chemin Paganakomin Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 306-1124

Listen Entertainment Services, P.O. Box 480, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.myspace.com/lancedelisle

(450) 635-2167

Lutherie Waban-aki, 2003, rue Tolba, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0138

Qimuk Music Inc., P.O. Box 264, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.qimukmusic.com

(819) 964-0566

Snowball Records Inc., P.O. Box 1076, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(514) 249-3799

Studio Makusham, 166, de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2816


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 964-0825

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Nettoyage à sec et laveries automatiques Dry Cleaning and Laundromat Kahnawake Dry Cleaning, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

(450) 635-5521

Mistissini Laundry Mat, 285A Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2485

(418) 923-2573

SEIE, division Buanderie, 1067, rue de la Dérive, Havre St-Pierre, (Québec), G0G 1P0

(418) 538-2017

(418) 538-0879

Objets promotionnels Promotional Objects Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Agence Mamu Innu Kaikusseht (Amik), 289-A, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1 http://www.l-amik.ca/

(418) 962-0112

(418) 962-0136

Akulivik Carvers Association, P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2222

(819) 496-2200

Association du Parc Sacré - Kanatukuliuesht uapikun, 1787, rue Amishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-4842

(418) 275-7494

Association of Secretary Treasurers of Nunavik, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2943

(819) 964-0573

Centre Nin Ishkueu Uashat & Mani-Utenam, 135, de l’Église, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2782

(418) 927-2793

Conseil des Jeunes des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, 430, rue Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-1011

(418) 842-5966

Corporation métisse du Québec et de l’Est du Canada, 6808, rue Casgrain, Montréal, (Québec), H2S 2Z7 www.metisduquebec.ca

(514) 274-3796

(450) 632-9280

Mistissini Native Women’s Association, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3343

(418) 923-3373

Salluit Co-op Association, P.O. Box 59, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8910

(819) 255-8087

Tuuik Comittee, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4646

Washaw Sibi Eeyou Cree Nation, 4 10th Avenue East, Amos, (Québec), J9T 1H7

(819) 732-9409

(819) 732-9635

ATD Manufacturing Technologies, P.O. Box 2254, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.gotooling.com

(450) 635-7171

(450) 635-6834


Femmes Autochtones du Québec inc. (FAQ) / Quebec Native Women Inc. (QNW), Business Complex, 2 River Road, P.O. Box 1989, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.faq-qnw.org (450) 632-0088

Outils et équipement - Location et service Tools and Equipment - Rentals and Service

Location Ilnou-Tec (Gestion Micaan enr.), 2, rue de l’Orme, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6321

(418) 275-6752

Minganie Équipement inc., 1223, rue de l’Escale, Havre St-Pierre, (Québec), G0G 1P0

(418) 538-1414

(418) 538-7446

Nunaturlik Landholding, P.O. Box 39, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3368

(819) 338-1071

Paysagistes et service d’enlèvement de la neige Landscaping and Snow Removal Services Cedar Hedge Trimming, P.O. Box 687, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 776-9759

Chainsaw Landscapers, P.O. Box 1484, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 716-6952

Entretien Ernest Étienne, 2255, rue Quiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 765-3185

Ferme Abénakis et Déneigement Sylvain Philippe, 2160, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-5748 Iontehonsasheron:ni - Delormier & Son Landscaping, P.O. Box 1628, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 (514) 829-6868 J.F. Rentals (Kuujjuaq) Inc., P.O. Box 93, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2796

(819) 964-0404

J.R.’s Evergreen Lawn Service, P.O. Box 430, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 968-8401

(450) 635-9173

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Organismes et associations Organizations and Associations

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


Kirby Tree Service, P.O. Box 773, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7506

Rice Mohawk Lawn & Landscaping, P.O. Box 430, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 999-7963

Terrassement Robert, 2219, rue Nishk, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0332

Top Notch Tree Service, P.O. Box 346, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7671

Wacky Weedeaters, P.O. Box 2228, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 433-7245

West Island Tree Service, P.O. Box 1526, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1924

f (450) 638-6412

(450) 638-4787

Pêcheries Fisheries Agence Mamu Innu Kakussesht (AMIK), 279, Boulevard des Montagnais, Uashat (Québec), G4R 5R1 (418) 962-0112 Groupe Namesh - S.E.C. (Poissonnerie), 152, St-Marcellin, Les Escoumins, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.fruitsdemeretpoissons.com

(418) 233-3122

(418) 233-2981

Makivik Corp. - Marine Fisheries, 1111 Dr. Frederik-Phillips Boulevard, 3rd Floor, St-Laurent, (Québec), H4M 2X6

(514) 745-8880

(514) 745-3700

McComber Fisheries, P.O. Box 1535, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2892

(450) 638-7742

Payne Bay Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 66, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4382

(819) 935-4121

Pêcherie Uapan, 271, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 962-5433

(418) 968-6939

Pêcheries Shipeku S.E.C., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2099

(418) 949-2177

Seaku Fisheries Inc, 650 - 32nd Avenue, (Québec), H8T 3K5 http://www.makivik.org

(514) 634-8091

(514) 634-3817

Unaaq Fisheries Inc., 650 - 32nd Avenue, Lachine, (Québec), H8T 3K5

(514) 634-8091

(514) 634-3817

Personnes âgées - Services et résidences Senior Citizens Services and Centres Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Roulotte des Aînés, 11, rue Mitesh, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2241

Coopérative de solidarité Nimilupan Nitshinatsh, 1761, ave. Amishk, C.P. 208, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0990

(418) 275-2433

Foyer Pishimuss, 1093, Dequen, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4L9

(418) 962-4736

(418) 962-4112

Kuujjuaq Elders Hme, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2005

(819) 964-2980

Maison des Ainés Kchaiak, 120, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-7064

Maison des ainés, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-4015

Mistissini Elders Home, 8 Cheno Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-4055

Résidence Au Soleil Levant, 11000, chemin Du Saint-Laurant, Bécancour, (Québec), G9H 3E9

(819) 294-1161

(819) 294-1165

Résidence Marcel-Sioui, 70, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cnhw.qc.ca/sante/residence_marcel_sioui/accueil.htm

(418) 843-8004

(418) 843-8890

Senior’s Unit, 21 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-5223

Winneway Elders Center, 130 Naneweak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2365

Pétrole - Huile, essence, gaz propane et naturel Fuel, Propane and Natural Gas Distributors Emudluk Fuels Inc., P.O. Box 51, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5476

(819) 337-5476

Halutik Entreprise Inc., P.O. Box 690, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2978

(819) 964-2639

Kuvviti Fuel Inc., P.O.Box 98, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9353

(819) 492-9296

Nuvu Fuels Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Pétro FCNQ, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2525

(819) 988-2354

PetroNor, 1452, de la Québécoise, C.P. 310, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 4P4

(819) 824-5505

(819) 824-5420

Pimi Naskinnuk LP, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Pharmacie Véronique Lambert et Patrick Allard, 2936, rue de la Faune, suite 114, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-5050


LUNDI AU VENDREDI 8h30 - 21h00 SAMEDI 9h00 - 17h30 DIMANCHE 9h30 - 17h00

Pharmaciens - Propriétaires T 418 840-5050 F 418 840-5079 2936, De la Faune Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0


Véronique Lambert Patrick Allard

Livraison gratuite

Photographie et services de photos Photographers and Photo Services Alice Beaudoin Photography, 1211 Chemin de la Montangne, Gatineau, (Québec), J9J 3S3 www.alicebeaudoin.ca

(819) 664-8166

Atjiapik Photo Inc., P.O. Box 416, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1256

Brian Stewart Photographer, P.O. Box 408, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3479

(819) 964-1257

Cooper Digital Productions, 126-b Ginshaw Wagumshi Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-2441 www.creephoto.com

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Pharmacies et produits de santé Pharmacies and Health Stores


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Plongée sous-marine et équipement Diving Services and Equipment Salvage 1 S.C.U.B.A. Diver, P.O. Box 1522, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9004

Police et pompiers Police and Fire Fighters Akulivik Fire Hall, P.O. Box 61, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9000

(819) 496-2200

Akulivik Police Station, P.O. Box 110, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9111

(819) 496-2661

Aupaluk Fire Station & Emergencies, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9000

Chisasibi Firehall, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2911

(819) 855-2546

Chisasibi Police Force, P.O. Box 329, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2882

(819) 855-2298

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Sécurité publique de Betsiamites, 80, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2211

(418) 567-2269

Corps de Police des Abénakis - Point de Service Wôlinak, 10120 rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(450) 568-3733

(819) 294-4178

Corps de Police des Abénakis (CPDA), 2421, Asban, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-3733

(450) 568-2772

Eastmain Police, 2 Mewabin Road, P.O. Box 89, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0213

(819) 977-2442

Eastmain Public Safety Department, 2 Mewabin, P.O. Box 89, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-3080

(819) 977-2442

Eenou Eeyou Police Force, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(514) 673-2506

(819) 673-2158

Eeyou Eenou Police Force Wemindji Detachment, P.O. Box 189, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3655

(819) 978-3700

Eeyou Eenou Police Force, 455 Wolverine Road, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2332

(819) 855-2832

Gesgapegiag Police and Fire Department, 110 Perron Boulevard, P.O. Box 369, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3113

(418) 759-3209

Inukjuak Fire Department & Emergencies, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9000

Ivujivik Fire Department & Emergencies, House 29, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9000

(819) 922-3045

Jonathan Shecanapish’s Memorial Fire Station, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 (418) 585-3297

(418) 585-3267

Kahnawake Peacekeepers, P.O. Box 203, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6505

(450) 632-4763

Kangiqsualujjuaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-9000

(819) 337-5351

Kangiqsujuaq Fire Department, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-9000

(819) 338-3237

Kangirsuk Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9000

Kativik Regional Police Force / Aupaluk, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9111

(819) 491-7355

Kativik Regional Police Force / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9111

(819) 254-8561

Kativik Regional Police Force / Ivujivik, General Delievry, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9111

(819) 922-3478

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-9111

(819) 337-5364

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 69, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-9111

(819) 338-3360

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9111

(819) 935-4615

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-9111

(819) 964-2830

Kativik Regional Police Force / Kuujjuarapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9111

(819) 929-3872

Kativik Regional Police Force / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9111

(819) 988-2785

Kativik Regional Police Force / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 942-9111

(819) 942-9300

Kativik Regional Police Force / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9111

(819) 255-8887

Kativik Regional Police Force / Tasiujaq, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9111

(819) 633-5287

Kativik Regional Police Force / Umiujaq, P.O. Box 46, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9111

(819) 331-7600

Kebaowek First Nation Fire Department, 4 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-3455

(819) 627-9428

Kebaowek First Nation Police Department, 2 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-8229

(819) 627-3277

Kitigan Zibi Police Department, 10 Kikinamage, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-6000

(819) 449-3361


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Kuujjuaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-9000

Kuujjuarapik Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-9000

Listuguj Fire Department, 17-A Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-5848

(418) 788-3157

Listuguj Police Department, 17-B Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-2003

(418) 788-2330

Mistissini Police Service, 192 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 mistissinicreepolice.com

(418) 923-3278

(418) 923-3076

Mistissini Public Safety / Fire Department, 259 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3200

(418) 923-3883

Naskapi Police Force, P.O. Box 5011, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2293

(418) 585-2294

Nemaska Fire Hall Public Safety, 11 Chistaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2442

(819) 673-2000

Oujé-Bougoumou Fire Hall Station, 90, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 217, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2576

(418) 745-3804

Oujé-Bougoumou Police, 80, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 234, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2573

(418) 745-3836

Pakua Shipi Service Incendie, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2787

(418) 947-2397

Police amérindienne / Manawan, 10 rue Otapi, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8861

(819) 971-1291

Police Essipit, 14, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.innu-essipit.com

(418) 233-2037

(418) 233-3598

Police Pikogan, 215, Hector Polson, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(819) 732-4411

(819) 732-4121

Pompiers Natashquan, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3529

(418) 726-3606

Prévention-Incendie des Premières Nations, 565, Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 999-8363 (819) 988-9000 (819) 492-9000

(819) 988-2751

Sécurité publique de Wemotaci, 64, rue Kenosi, C.P. 220, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2238

(819) 666-2396

Sécurité publique Opitciwan, 13, Uapistan, C.P. 243, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8814

(819) 974-1309

Sécurité Publique Pakua Shipi, C.P. 265, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2787

(418) 947-2397

Service Incendie Manawan, 130, rue Amiskw, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1212

Service policier de Wendake, 650, rue Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-5491

Services des incendies Opitciwan, 13, Uapistan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1669

(418) 843-6216

Sureté du Québec - La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2181

(418) 229-2466

Tasiujaq Fire & Emergencies, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9000

(819) 633-5026

Umiujaq Fire & Emergencies, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9000

(819) 331-7057

Waskaganish Eeyou Eenou Police Force, P.O. Box 242, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2029

(819) 895-2141

Waskaganish Fire Emergency & Public Safety, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-9000

(819) 895-8901

Waswanipi Fire Department (Emergency Only), 15 Birch Street, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2411

Waswanipi Fire Department, 15 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2522

Waswanipi Police Station (Emergency Only), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2553

(819) 753-2444

Waswanipi Police Station (Office), General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2545

(819) 753-2544

Wemindji Fire Department, P.O. Box 299, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3773

(819) 978-3774

Wemindji Public Safety, P.O. Box 299, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3773

(819) 978-3774

Whapmagoostui First Nation Fire Hall, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3619

(819) 929-3230

Whapmagoostui First Nation Police, P.O. Box 540, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3748

(819) 929-3919

(819) 496-2122

Poste - Service Postal Services Akulivik Post Office, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2559

Aupaluk Post Office, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7552

Bureau de poste de Wendake, 15, Émile Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-5666

Canada Post / Kangiqsujuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3320

Canada Post / Kuujjuaq, General Delievry, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2947

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 338-3316

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Puvirnituq Fire Hall, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0 Quaqtaq Fire Department, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Canada Post Corporation / Chisasibi, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2890

(819) 855-2376

Eastmain Post Office, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0211

(819) 977-0281

Inukjuak Post Office, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8646

Ivujivik Post Office, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3113

(819) 922-3149

Kangiqsualujjuaq Post Office, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5331

(819) 337-5320

Kangirsuk Post Office, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4400

Mistissini Post Office, General Delivery, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2378

Naskapi Post Office, General Delivery, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3097

(418) 585-2737

Nemaska Post Office, D 25 Chishtaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2565

(819) 673-2542

Poste Canada - Mashteuiatsh, 1834, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.postescanada.com

(418) 275-5454

Puvirnituq Post Office, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2663

Quaqtaq Post Office, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9538

Salluit Post Office, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8447

Tasiujaq Post Office, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9924

(819) 988-2982 (819) 255-8207

Umiujaq Post Office, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7960

(819) 331-7942

Waskaganish Post Office, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8646

(819) 895-8646

Waswanipi Post Office, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2128

Wemindji Post Office (Canada Post), General Delivery, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-0254

Pour placer une annonce dans notre prochaine édition, appelez-nous aujourd’hui au:

581 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Pourvoyeurs - Chasse & pêche Outfitters - Hunting and Fishing Club Claire, 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 essipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Pourvoirie des Lac à Jimmy, 46, rue de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 essipit.com


(418) 233-3960

Ammarok Outfitters Inc., P.O. Box 8, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5400

Ammuumajuq Advenutres Inc., P.O. Box 39, Kangiqsujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3368

(819) 338-3396

Anishinabek Outfitting Inc., P.O. Box 998, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-3628

(819) 627-1109

Arctic Adventures, 19950, Clark Graham, Baie-d’Urfé, (Québec), H9X 3R8

(514) 457-9371

(514) 457-9834

Awashish Outdoors Adventures, 32 Albanel Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.awashish.com

(418) 923-2576

(418) 923-2602 (819) 964-2761

Bob May & Sons, P.O. Box 342, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2873

Broadback Outfitting Camp, General Delivery, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.broadback.ca

(418) 770-8044

Camp La Lucarne, 1920, Route 101, R.R. #1, Laniel, (Québec), J0Z 2K0 www.camplalucarne.com

(819) 634-2800

(819) 634-2880


La Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique (FQSA) est un organisme à but non lucratif dont la raison d’être est d’unir et de représenter les intérêts de l’ensemble des intervenants du secteur du saumon au Québec.


3137, rue Laberge, Québec, QC G1X 4B5 Téléphone : 1 (418) 847-9191 secretariat@fqsa.ca www.saumonquebec.com Chaapnikshii Outfitters Reg’d, P.O. Box 551, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2255

Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association / Association Crie de pourvoirie et de tourisme, 203, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.creetourism.ca

(418) 745-2220

(418) 745-2240

Domaine du Lac des Cœurs (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Domaine Sportif du Lac Loup (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960 (819) 977-0281

Eastmain Outfitters - Pourvoiries, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0355

Glassy Lake Outfitters, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0

(705) 846-0850

Joe Flo Musky Tackle, P.O. Box 721, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8848

Julian Lake Fishing Camp, P.O.Box 336, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2544

Kiskimaastakin Camp Inc., General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 853-5114

Lac Bernier (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

Lac Tilly Outfitter, P.O. Box 275, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2830

Micmacs of the Grand Cascapedia, 10 Drokon, P.O. Box 516, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 392-6327

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 855-3386 (418) 233-3960

(418) 392-5044

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


Min-A-Wan Touristique Enterprise Reg’d, P.O. Box 505, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

Muskok Adventures, P.O. Box 321, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3373

Musky Mike’s Charter Service, P.O. Box 432, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 795-7998

f (819) 855-3374

Nadockmi, P.O. Box 240, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3000

(819) 855-3289

Nouchimi Tourism Inc., P.O. Box 30, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2220

(819) 855-3374

Osprey Excursions, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.osprey.qc.ca

(418) 923-2233

(418) 923-2299

Polar Adventures Inc., P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0054

(819) 964-0054

Pourvoirie Coucouchi, C.P. 35, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 3P1

(819) 523-7379

Pourvoirie des Lacs à Jimmy (Pourvoiries Essipit), 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Pourvoirie du Lac Allard et Rivière Mingan inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0 www.pourvoirie-lacallard.com

(418) 949-2425

(418) 949-2177

Pourvoirie du Lac des Ïles, 1, rue Papinachois, C.P. 812, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.lacdesiles.net

(418) 567-8350

(418) 567-2508

Pourvoirie du Réservoir Pipmuacan, 1610, rue Matishu, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.pourvoiriepipmuacan.com

(418) 275-2080

(418) 275-6418

Pourvoirie Hipou, C.P. 148, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3609

(418) 726-3509

Pourvoiries Essipit, 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Pyramid Camp, P.O. Box 342, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.pyramidcamp.com

(819) 964-2761

(819) 964-1802

Qimutsik Eco-Tours Inc., P.O. Box 528, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0035

(819) 964-0035

Rapide Lake Outfitters, 491, R.R. #1, Lyster, (Québec), G0S 1V0

(819) 389-5832

(819) 389-2035

Secteur Tourilli - Conseil de la Nation Huronne-Wendat, 490, rue des Trois Soeurs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-9355

Tommy Cain & Sons Outfitters ltd, 639, Curé Labelle, Blainville, (Québec), J7C 3H8

(450) 971-1800

(450) 971-1771

Tuttulik Outfitters Inc., General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7831

(819) 331-7832

Tuvaaluk Landholding Corporation - Quaqtaq, P.O. Box 98, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9281

(819) 492-9302

Umiujaq Outfitters Inc., General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7094

Ungava Adventures - Aventures Ungava, 46 Ste-Anne, Suite 3-A, Pointe-Claire, (Québec), H9S 4P8

(514) 694-4424

Waswanipi Post Adventures, 13 West-Aspen Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2395

Wolf Lake Camp Reg’d, 46 Sainte-Anne Street, Suite 3A, Pointe-Claire, (Québec), H9S 4P8

(514) 694-4424

(514) 694-4267 (514) 694-4267

Produits de Beauté Beauty Products Produits Autochtones Terre de l’Aigle (Les) / Earth Eagle Native Products 443, rue des Trois Soeurs, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-2733

Produits naturels Natural Products Aromatic Spirit, P.O. Box 1827, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8009

Invocations d’Aigle Bleu Ltée, 557A Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-8777

(450) 635-8009

Produits Autochtones Terre de l’Aigle (Les) / Earth Eagle Native Products, 380, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.eartheagle.com

(418) 843-2733

(418) 843-9074

Quincailleries Hardware Stores Chistapitin True Value Reg’d, P.O. Box 587, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2078

(819) 855-3386

Jacob’s Hardware & Supplies, P.O.Box 780, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0328

(450) 638-0368

Nemaska Development Corp Hardware Store, 25 Chishtaastihkw, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2217

Quincaillerie - Épicerie Kamatshenan Inc., C.P. 195, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2101

(418) 229-2402

Quincaillerie Meshtuk, 5, Mitesh, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8368

(418) 567-8063


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Sibi Hardware Store, P.O. Box 149, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3510

(819) 978-3610

Tullik Inc. True Value Hardware, P.O.Box 1140, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2356

(819) 964-2020

Wysote’s Pro Hardware, 1 Principale, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2932

(418) 788-5530

(819) 922-9966

(819) 922-3045

(819) 929-3305

(819) 929-3106

Aupaluk Community FM Radio Station (89,9 FM), General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7535

(819) 491-7035

CBC / Chisasibi, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2595

CBC / Radio Canada - Eastmain 89,9 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Manawan 103,5 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Mistissini 100,7 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Nemaska 99,9 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Opitciwan 92,9 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Oujé-Bougoumou 89,9 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Waskaganish 103,5 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Waswanipi 101,5 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Wemotaci 750 AM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio Canada - Whapmagoostui 96,5 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

(514) 597-4501 (514) 597-4501

CBC / Radio-Canada - Wemindji 103,5 FM, C.P. 6000, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3A8 north.cbc.ca

(877) 597-4369

CBC / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8947

CBC Tuttavik, P.O. Box 629, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 http://north.cbc.ca

(819) 964-2971

(819) 964-2476

CFWR Winneway Radio Station (93,5 FM), 120 Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2797

(819) 722-2579

Chisasibi Telecommunication Association (CHFG 101,1 FM), P.O. Box 420, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0(819) 855-2527 (819) 855-3186 CHNT-FM Radio Station (92,3 FM), 24 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 (819) 723-2121

(819) 723-2167

CHRG-FM (101,7 FM), 68B School Street, P.O. Box 118, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-8196

(418) 759-8196

CHRQ-FM Radio (106,9 FM), 116 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2121

(418) 788-2653

CHUT-FM (92,5 FM)(95,3 FM), 1028, rue Tcizo, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0 (819) 727-3237

(819) 732-1569

CKOJ 91,1 FM, 120, Ouje-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 231, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 (418) 745-2779

CKAG-FM (100,1 FM), 30, rue David Kistabish, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(418) 745-3354

CKPV-FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), P.O. Box 54, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2581

(819) 988-2571

CKUJ-FM Radio (97,3 FM), P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2921

(819) 964-2229

CKWE-FM Radio (103,9 FM), 3 Kjkinamage Mikan, P.O.Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C3

(819) 449-5097

(819) 449-5673

Corporation médiatique Teuehikan (Radio CHUK-FM 107,3), 1491, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.chukfm.ca

(418) 275-4684

(418) 275-7964

Innautik Radio Society, General Delievry, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4388

(819) 935-4284

Inukjuak Youth FM Station (97,9 FM), General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8633

(819) 254-8779

James Bay Cree Communications Society / Société des communications cries de la Baie James, 75 Riverside Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3191

(418) 923-2088

K-103 Mohawk Radio CKRK-FM (103,7 FM), P.O. Box 1050, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.k103radio.com

(450) 638-1313

(450) 638-4009

Kaguup Nipinga FM Radio Station (98,1 FM), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2033

(819) 496-2200

Kangiqsualujjuaq FM Station (92,1 FM), P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5267

(819) 337-5200

Kangirsuk FM Station (88,7 FM), P.O. Box 90, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4258

(819) 935-4287

Mistissini Lake Telecommunication Association (CINI - FM Radio), 163B Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3333

(418) 923-2413

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Appalimmiut Tusautinga Radio Station (82,5 FM), P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0 Atsaniq Radio Station, P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0


Radios - Stations Radio Stations

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Naskapi Northern Wind Radio Station (CJCK-FM 89,9), P.O. Box 5153, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2111

(418) 585-3953

Nemaska FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), 6 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2290

(819) 673-2360

Qarqalik FM Radio Station (88,9 FM), P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3365

(819) 338-3237

Quaqtaq FM Radio Station (99,9 FM), P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9946

(819) 492-9935

Radio CFNQ-FM Ushashumek Nutashkuan’u (89.9 FM), 19, rue Matshteu, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3327

(418) 726-3430

Radio CFRL-FM Papanassi Kaiamiumishtuk (89,9 FM), C.P. 197, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2075

(418) 229-2315

Radio CKAU-FM Kushapetsheken Apituamiss (90,1 FM)(104,5 FM), 100, rue des Montagnais, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2 www.ckau.com

(418) 927-2476

(418) 927-2800

Radio CKBN, 10275, rue Leblanc, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-2526

(819) 294-2527

Radio CKKE-FM Ekuanitshit Kaiamiumishtuk (89,9 FM), 40, rue Manitou, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2829

(418) 949-2918

Radio Communautaire CIBE-FM Pakua Shipu Paushtuk Kaiamiumishtuk (89,3 FM), C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-1591

(418) 947-2622

Radio Communautaire huronne-wendat (CIHW 100,3 FM), 545, Chef Thomas Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cihw.org

(418) 843-3937

(418) 843-4116

Radio Communautaire Manawan Kitotakan (CHMK 93,1 FM), 261, rue Mahikan, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1390

(819) 971-8860

Radio Communautaire Opitciwan (CITK-FM 98,9), 27, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1299

(819) 974-1204

Radio CRKA-FM Kue-Attinukan Matimekosh inc. (106,9 FM), C.P. 2095, Schefferville, (Québec), G0G 2T0 www.crka.net (en construction)

(418) 585-2632

(418) 585-2289

Radio Essipit Haute-Côte-Nord inc. (CHME-FM 94,9 - 99,7), 34, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0

(418) 233-2700

(418) 233-3326

(418) 567-4642

(418) 567-8559

Radio Wemotaci Kitotakan (750 AM)(89,9 FM), 74, rue Kenosi, C.P. 139, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 (819) 666-2668

(819) 666-2209

Société de Communication Atikamekw-Montagnais (SOCAM), 50, boul. Chef Maurice-Bastien, 4e étage, bureau 600, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.socam.net

Radio Ntetemuk inc. (CIMB 95,1 FM), 8, rue Laletaut, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.cimbfm.net

(418) 843-3873

(418) 843-4198

Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Radio / Salluit, P.O. Box 120, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0 www.taqramiut.qc.ca (819) 255-8822

(819) 255-8891

Tasiujaq FM Radio Station (93,1 FM), P.O. Box 36, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9915

(819) 633-5026

Tuliup Nipingat FM Radio Station (97,1 FM), General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8967

Tusarvik Radio Station (89,9 FM), P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8951

(819) 255-8864

Umiujaq FM Radio Station (89,9 FM), P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7065

(819) 331-7057

Wabannutao Eeyou Telecommunication Association (WETA-FM 89,9), P.O. Box 83, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0267

(819) 977-3088

Waskaganish Community Radio Station (92,5 FM), P.O. Box 17, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8984

(819) 895-2016

Waswanipi Communications Society (93,9 FM), 20 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2557

(819) 753-2555

Wemindji FM (CHPH-FM 99,7), 14 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3535

(819) 978-3413

Whapmagoostui Eeyou Telecommunication Association (CKRQ-FM 96,5), P.O. Box 189, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3421

(819) 929-3201

(819) 855-2937

Remorquage de véhicules Towing Bruno’s Towing & Services Reg’d, P.O. Box 227, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2937

Meness Towing, 373 Kichi MiKan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-3972

North American Towing Service, P.O. Box 1712, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 260-3041


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



(819) 723-5333

(819) 723-5211

Commission de développement des ressources humaines des Pemières Nations du Québec (CDRHPNQ) (450) 638-4171

(450) 638-4101

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Chisasibi Office, 457 Wolverine Road, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 www.chrd.ca

(819) 855-2675

(819) 855-2683

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Eastmain Office, 76 Nouchimi, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2501

(819) 977-2503

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Mistissini Coordination Office, 32 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2525

(418) 923-2111

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Mistissini Inland Office, 32 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 chrd.ca

(418) 923-3285

(418) 923-3243

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Oujé-Bougoumou Office, 207, Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2070

(418) 745-2071

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Waskaganish Office, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8501

(819) 895-8503

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Waswanipi Office, 1 Chief Louis Gull, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2025

(819) 753-2026

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Wemindji Office, 16 Beaver Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3101

(819) 978-3103

Apatisiiwin Skills Development - Whapmagoostui Office, 414 Whapmakw Street, P.O. Box 599, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3959

(819) 929-3470

Kanesatake Human Resources Office, 14 Joseph Swan, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-1103

Kitigan Zibi Human Resource Development Center, P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-5170

(819) 449-5673

Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development, 6 Kateri Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 www.anhrsd.ca

Service de développement des ressources humaines des Premières Nations de Québec (SDRHPNQ), 14 rue Saint-Amand, 2e étage, (418) 845-5656 (418) 845-5757 Loretteville, (Québec), G2A 2K9 Winneway Human Resources Development Office, 112, Kakinwawigak Mikana, P.O. Box 1, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2441

(819) 722-2579

Ressources naturelles Natural Resources Drakkar mak Solutions, 100, boul des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 962-6075

Kitigan Zibi Natural Resources, 3 Kikinamage Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-2323

(819) 449-5673


Restaurants Restaurants


Ressources humaines Human Resources

99 Resto Bar, P.O. Box 2279, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.vippokerroom.ca/the99/

(450) 638-7529

Adels Restaurant, 127 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3201

(418) 923-3801

Airport Resto, P.O. Box 148, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3606

(819) 929-3786

Ali’s, P.O. Box 62, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2600

(819) 988-9903

Allie’s Coffee Shop, P.O. Box 62, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(867) 988-2600

Bar Essipit, 27, de la Réserve (Essipit), Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2945

Bar Meshtuk, 45, Pisto, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-4838

Battling Cage / Eagle Eye Recreation, P.O. Box 716, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-1040

Bayview Restaurant, P.O. Box 2132, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5656

Bistro Les Fins Cafés, 1443, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0479

(418) 233-2888

(418) 275-5892

Bistro-Vélo et Domaine Abénakis, 49, rue Ulysse, Domaine Abénakis, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-4906 Bully’s Truck Stop, P.O. Box 1080, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3986

(450) 638-3589

Café Alexis, P.O. Box 91, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2292

(819) 895-2504

Cafeteria M.B.R., 28 Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2320

(819) 753-2449

Caitlin’s Chip Stand, P.O. Box 384, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2333

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Cantine Berniss, 8a, rue Penshu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8119

Cantine Timak, 7, rue Penashue, Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-3582

Casse-croût Ali-BaBa, 1005, boul. Laure #1-101, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 961-9833

Casse-croût du Vieux-Poste, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R1

(418) 968-5905

Casse-Croûte Opitciwan, 60, Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1215

Casse-Croûte Sakiwapan, 200, Mekeiciew, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1382

Casse-Croûte, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2156

Chez Asiipii, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-1765

(819) 855-1742

Cremerie cantine Bello, 240, Pinew, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1343

(819) 971-1422

Dairy King, P.O.Box 304, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9661

Diva’s Den, P.O. Box 1075, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 654-7611

Fadee’s Chip Stand, General Delivery, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Felix’s Casse Croute, 59 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-2181

Gad’s Grill, P.O. Box 784, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-1720

Gestion A D C Ltée Restaurant Némiscau, KM 290 Route du Nord, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 672-2202

GooGoom’s Kitchen, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2636

Ikkaqivvik Bar, P.O. Box 21, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2097

J.D.’s Pizzeria Reg’d, P.O. Box 530, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2574

Jacob’s Restaurant, P.O. Box 369, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8821

Jerome’s Canteen, 130 Main Street, P.O. Box 1182, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-5600

Kahnawake Pizza & Subs, P.O. Box 1802, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-1583

Kambry’s Smoothies, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Kuujjuaq Chicken (Chester Fried Chicken), P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(450) 632-9119 (819) 964-2395

(819) 855-3092 (819) 964-6319

La Cage, Brasserie Sportive, 395, rue Arnaud, Sept-Ïles, (Québec), G4R 3A8

(418) 962-2243

(418) 968-2243

Listuguj Eats (Subway), 88 Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 www.subway.com

(418) 788-2286

(418) 788-2709

Maddie’s Place, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.maddiesplacerestaurant.com

(450) 632-2228

Manikin Center, P.O. Box 5113, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3660

(418) 585-2737

Maquatua Inn Restaurant, 22 Gilpin Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0343

(819) 978-3196

McComber’s Fish and Game, Highway 138, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-2892

(450) 638-7742

Mista Hotdog, 6 Waapstan Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3177

Moccasin - Jo Coffee + Tea, 113 Ahsennenson, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8415

Nemaska Development Corp Mini-Mall Restaurant, D-25 Chishtaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2236

Niskafe (Coffee Shop), P.O. Box 330, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3019

Northern Store Quick-Stop, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2447

Old Chimo Restaurant, P.O. Box 281, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2233

Pash Moar Pizza, P.O. Box 680, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2080

Rail, The @ Playground Poker, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.playgroundpoker.ca/food-and-beverage

(450) 635-4318

Restaurant de l’aréna, 65, rue Uapaka, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0130

Restaurant La Traite, 5, place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-0624

Restaurant Le Bidou 2.0, 11, Itual, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-3131

Restaurant Le Quatuor, rue Acokan, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2666

Restaurant Penshu, 2, Penshu, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-8682

Restaurant Sagamité, 10, boul. Chef Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.wendake.com/sagamite/index.html

(418) 847-6999

Restaurant Wemowk, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2045

Restaurant Widiah, 1050, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2024

Resto du Lac, 1544, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-1919


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 855-3366 (819) 964-0788

(418) 847-7420

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC River Garden Café, 86 Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C5



(819) 306-1223

Robbie’s Smokehouse & Burger Bar, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 Sam’s Video & Coffee Shop, 30 Beaver Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3999

Shayne’s Place, P.O. Box 733, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7804

Simple Pleasures, P.O. Box 1276, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1153

(450) 632-9795

Smiley’s Restaurant, 17 Hilltop Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3031

(819) 978-3203

The Mix / Le Mix Restaurant, 32, Kichi Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3C4

(819) 441-2811 (819) 855-1765 (418) 923-2909

Turn 4 Resto Bar & Grill, P.O. Box 99, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0266

Wild Wild West, P.O. Box 1372, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 444-2373

(819) 855-1742

Salons de coiffure et d’esthétique Hair Dressers and Beauty Salons Huro Plus, 42, Chef Ovide Sioui, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2953

Institut de Beauté Maryse, 95, Chef boul. Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-0756

Joyce Panadis - Artiste, 306, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-7009

Judith Utakukuman (Les ciseaux de Judith), Maliotenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2241

Kahkotsi:io Beauty Salon, P.O. Box 1629, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-9360

Kahnawake Klippers, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

Legendz Barber Shop, P.O. Box 2397, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5304

Makeup Artist - Brittany Leborgne, P.O. Box 1255, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 690-6587

Nation Santé-Spa S.E.N.C., 5, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-5050

Renew Day Spa, 316B Principal Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 306-3306

Salon Algonquin, 314 Principale Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 2A6

(819) 449-1533

Salon Belle à croquer, 42, rue Pishu, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-7084

Salon de Coiffure, General Delivery, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1699

Salon J. Coiffe, 1005, boul. Laure, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4S6

(418) 962-1233

Salon Silki, 2, Managuan, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-2511

Sequoia, P.O. Box 1443, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.sequoia.ca

(450) 638-2197

Tsi’niiohak - Keep Your Skin Nice, P.O. Box 14, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.marykay.com/jkjono

(514) 884-7249

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(418) 842-4138

(450) 635-5521

(418) 847-2525

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Thomas Bobbish Canteen, P.O. Box 881, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 Tim Hortons, 200B Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Anishnabe Long Term Care Centre, 26 Agonquin Avenue, Box 220, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 www.anishnabe.ca

(819) 723-2225

(819) 723-2112

Aupaluk Health Services / Nursing Station, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-9090

Centre de santé de Ekuanitshit, 27, Mathias Uahaunu, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2300

Centre de santé de la Réserve Indienne / Pakua Shipu, C.P. 39, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2757

(418) 947-2682

Centre de santé de Mani-Utenam, 14, rue Innuat, Mani-Utenam, (Québec), G4R 4K2

(418) 927-2660

(418) 927-2165

Centre de Santé de Wemotaci, 93, rue Kenosi, C.P. 217, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2243

(819) 666-2181

Centre de santé d’Odanak, 105, Sibosis, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-6766

(450) 568-6017

Centre de Santé Kitcisakik, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3001

(819) 736-3011

Centre de Santé Marie-Paul-Sioui-Vincent, 40, Chef Simon Romain, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-6255

(418) 842-8628

Centre de Santé Masko-Siwin Manawan, 280, Wapistan, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8818

(819) 971-1208

Centre de Santé Pikogan, 35, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(819) 732-6591

(819) 732-9824

Centre de santé Uashat, 1084, Dequen, C.P. 8000, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4L9

(418) 968-4595

(418) 962-0890

Centre de santé Unamen Shipu, 77, rue du Large, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2166

(418) 229-2234

Centre de Santé Wôlinak, 10120, rue Kolipaio, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6699

(819) 294-6699

CLSC / Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3467

(819) 929-3851

Santé - Centres de santé et services Health Centres and Services

CLSC Naskapi (Community Local Services Centre), P.O. Box 5154, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0(418) 585-2131(418) 585-2430 Commission de la Santé et des Services Sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, 250, Place Chef Michel Laveau, 1er étage, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.cssspnql.com

(418) 842-1540

(418) 842-7045

Community Health Representative, 22 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 (819) 723-2487

(819) 723-2272

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Centre de santé et Services Sociaux, 2, rue Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0 www.pessamit.ca

(418) 567-2241

(418) 567-2542

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Cree Social Services of Waskaganish, P.O. Box 390, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8662

(819) 895-8047

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Head Office, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 www.mednord.org

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-2098

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Kuujuarapik, P.O.Box 250, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3596

(819) 929-2098

Cree Board of Health & Social Services of James Bay / Mistissini Clinic, 395 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3376

(418) 923-2040

Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (Medical Clinic), 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Cree Home & Community Care Program, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Cree Miiyuupimaatisiiun Center of Wemindji (Clinic), 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Cree Patient Services of Chibougamou, 51 3rd Street, Chibougamou, (Québec), G8P 1N1

(418) 748-4450

(418) 748-4448

Cree Patients Services / Chibougamau, 51, 3e Rue, Chibougamau, (Québec), G8P 1N1

(418) 748-4450

(418) 748-4448

Cree Patients Services / Montreal, 1610, Ste-Catherine west suite 404, Montréal, (Québec), H3H 2S2 (514) 989-1393 Cree Patients Services / Val-D’or, 725, 6e Rue, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 3Y7

(819) 825-5818

Dispensaire Matimekush - Lac John, C.P. 549, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-3664

(418) 585-2890

Dispensaire Natashquan, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3355

(418) 726-3398

Dispensaire Opitciwan, 15, Wapitan, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8822

(819) 974-8876

Eastmain Clinic, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0241

(819) 977-0342

Gesgapegiag Health & Community Services, 95 Main Street, P.O. Box 1450, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3431

(418) 759-5866

Gripma, 35, Chef Pierre-Albert Picard, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 573-1375

(418) 845-9973

Inukjuak CLSC / Inukjuak Nursing Station, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-9090

(819) 254-8588

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Akulivik Nursing Station, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-9090

(819) 496-2231


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


(819) 922-9090

(819) 922-3098

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Kuujjuarapik Nursing Station, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 (819) 929-9090

(819) 929-3656

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Salluit Nursing Station, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9090

(819) 255-8861

Inuulitsivik CLSC / Umiujaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 88, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-9090

(819) 331-7880

Inuulitsivik Health Centre, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9090

(819) 988-2434

Kanesatake Health Center, 12 Joseph Swan, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-6000

(450) 479-8313

Kangiqsujuaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-9090

(819) 338-3313

Kangirsuk Health Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4255

(819) 935-4254

Kangirsuk Nursing Station, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-9090

(819) 935-4254

Kebaowek Health and Wellness Center, 3 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-9060

(819) 627-1885

Kitigan Zibi Health and Social Services, 8 Kikinimage Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1 www.kza.qc.ca

(819) 449-5593

(819) 449-5673

Listuguj Community Health Services, 6 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 377, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-2155

(418) 788-3155

Listuguj Home Care, 9B Riverside East, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-2988

(418) 788-3146

Mamit-Innuat - Services aux patients de Montréal, 1410, Stanley, bureau 414, Montréal, (Québec), H3A 1P8

(514) 844-7090

(514) 844-6106

Médic-Contact, 93, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-7379

Mistissini Inland CLSC, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2332

(418) 923-2040

Multi Purpose Day Center (MSDC), 27 Gilpin Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3500

(819) 978-3800

National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization, 1 Roy Montour Lane, P.O. Box 1019, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.niichro.com

(450) 632-0892

(450) 632-2111

Nemaska Clinic, 7 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 29, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2511

(819) 673-2554

Nunavik Regional Board of Health & Social Services, P.O. Box 900, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2222

(819) 964-2277

Oujé-Bougoumou Healing Centre, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3901

(418) 745-3043

Palaqsivik CLSC / Kangiqsualujjuaq Nursing Station, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-9090

(819) 337-5252

Rapid Lake Clinic, General Delivery, Rapid Lake, (Québec), J0W 2C0

(819) 435-2100

(819) 435-2103

Regroupement Mamit-Innuat - Services aux patients de Québec, 225, Chef Max Gros-Louis, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-6442

(418) 843-1671

Salluit Community Wellness, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-9932

(819) 255-8207

Service aux patients - La Tuque, 530-2 Commercial, La Tuque, Quebec, G9X 3A8

(819) 523-4522

(819) 523-6323

Social Services of CLSC Naskapi, P.O. Box 5154, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3507

(418) 585-2430

Tasiujaq Nursing Station, P.O.Box 53, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-9090

(819) 633-5098

Timiskaming Health Services, 22 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2260

(819) 723-2272

Umikallak Clinic / Nursing Station, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9090

(819) 492-9004

Ungava Tulattavik Health Centre, P.O.Box 149, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2905

(819) 964-2071

Waskaganish Cree Health Board, P.O. Box 390, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8833

(819) 895-8871

Wemindji Community Workers, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0225

(819) 978-0280

Whapmagoostui Cree Clinic, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3307

(819) 929-3526

Winneway Health Clinic, 207 Pawitig Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2440

(819) 722-2768

Santé mentale - Conseillers et services Healing, Wellness and Counselling Services Centre Wendat Arenatsi Enr., 465, Chef Stanislas Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 915-7737

(418) 845-9338

Eastmain Wellness Centre, 3 Memao Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2000

(819) 977-2088

Healing Journey, The, P.O. Box 1241, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-3433

Nemaska Wellness Center, 6 Lakeshore Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2188

NNADAP / Nemaska, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2529

Waskaganish Wellness Centre, P.O. Box 419, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-2204

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 673-2323 (819) 895-2034

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Inuulitsivik CLSC / Ivujivik Nursing Station, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0



Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Sécurité et investigation - Agences et services Security and Investigation Services Nebatagabo Security, 40 Maquatua Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3202

(819) 978-3203

Sécurité Innu inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 949-2874

(418) 949-2177

Sécurité publique Canada, 115, du Loup, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-0464

Spuluutaq Inc., P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2590

TD Security, P.O. Box 2047, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(438) 322-9257

(819) 964-2206

Timiskaming First Nation Public Security, 10 Stanger’s Road, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0 (819) 723-2810

Services à l’enfance, à la jeunesse et à la famille Child, Youth and Family Services (819) 496-2977

(819) 496-2610

Centre Jeunesse des Laurentides/Kanesatake Social Services, 118 Notre-Dame, Oka, (Québec), J0N 1E0 (450) 479-8309

Akulivik Youth Centre, P.O. Box 129, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(450) 479-6497

Chisasibi Youth Council, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2875

Chisasibi Youth Protection, P.O. Box 250, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2844

(819) 855-9066

Conseil des Innus de Pessamit - Maison des jeunes de Betsiamites, 2, Ashini, Pessamit, (Québec), G0H 1B0

(418) 567-2814

(418) 567-8560

Conseil des jeunes PekuakamiuInuatsh, C.P. 242, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.cjp-ilnu.com

(418) 275-2473

Drop-In-Centre, P.O. Box 5004, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3587

(418) 585-3130

Eastmain Youth Protection, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0282

(819) 977-0342

Gordon & Sandy Memorial Youth Center, 184 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2274

(418) 923-3115

Ivujivik Youth Protection, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3393

(819) 922-3537

Kahnawake Youth Center, P.O.Box 907, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6601

Kangiqsualujjuaq Youth Center, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5741

(819) 337-5746

Kangiqsualujjuaq Youth Committee, P.O. Box 103, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5568

(819) 337-5431

Kangiqsujuaq Youth House, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-1233

(819) 338-3237

Maison des Jeunes d’Opiticiwan, 24 rue Masko, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1898

(819) 974-8828

Maison des Jeunes Wendat, 40, de l’Ours, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-0657

(418) 842-1108

Maison des jeunes, C.P. 221, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2751

(819) 666-2080

Mistissini Youth Protection, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2334

(418) 923-2040

Oujé-Bougoumou Youth Centre, 120, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, P.O. Box 231, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3366

(418) 745-3354

Oujé-Bougoumou Youth Protection, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3902

(418) 745-3043

Puvirnituq Youth House, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2297

Puvirnituq Youth Protection, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2191

Quaqtaq Youth Centre, P.O. Box 107, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9630

(819) 988-2304

Salle Familiale, 1100, route Marie-Victorin, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0515

Salluit Youth Centre, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8898

(819) 255-8188

Saputiit Youth Association of Nunavik, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0335

(819) 964-0441

Step-By-Step Child Family Center, P.O. Box 771, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7603

Umiujaq Community House, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7840

Umiujaq Youth Co-ordinator, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7964

Waskaganish Youth Council, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

Waskaganish Youth Protection, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8662

Waswanipi Youth Center, 17 Birch Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2726

(819) 753-2727

Waswanipi Youth Protection, 1 West Aspen, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2324

(819) 753-2362

Wemindji Youth Center, 1301 Maquatua, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3949

(819) 978-0258

Wemindji Youth Protection, 10 Air Creebec Road, P.O. Box 90, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0349

(819) 978-3716


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 331-7843

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Services correctionnels Correctional Services Cree Department of Justice and Correctional Services, 301 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 (418) 745-2260

(418) 745-2325

Services de design d’intérieur Interior Design Services Johanne Aubin Design, 2215, rue Lavoie, St-Hubert, (Québec), J3Y 8S7

(819) 443-3473

Vision Design, P.O. Box 1798, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 898-1769

(819) 443-4252

Services de recherche et autres services professionnels Research and Other Professional Services Makivik Corporation - Research Center, P.O.Box 179, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.makivik.org

(819) 964-2951

(819) 964-2230

Cree Board of Compensation / CreeCo, 203, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 220, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3931

(418) 745-3844

Investissement Premières Nations du Québec, 2936, boul. de la Faune, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.investpn.ca

(418) 843-7070

(418) 843-2727

Société de Crédit Commercial Autochtone (SOCCA), 2936, rue de la Faune, bureau 200, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.socca.qc.ca

(418) 842-0972

(418) 842-8925

Job’s Memorial Garden, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2518

(819) 855-2218

Poissant & Deer Funeral Directors, P.O. Box 558, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7960

Services funéraires - Monuments Funeral and Memorial Services - Monuments

Services personnels Personal Services (450) 632-6439


Bee Gone - Infestation Removal Service, P.O. Box 36, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0


Services financiers et d’investissement Investment and Financial Services

Services publics Utilities Akulivik Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 9, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2095

Aupaluk Hydro-Quebec, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7000

Centrale Minashtuk, C.P. 242, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-8181

Chisasibi Hydro Quebec, General Delivery, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2694

(819) 496-2868 (418) 275-2055

Cree Nation of Nemaska Municipal Garage, 21 Chishtaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0 (819) 673-2144 Hydro-Quebec / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1500

Inukjuak Hydro-Quebec, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8877

Ivujivik Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3090

Kahnawake Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 166, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-2616

(819) 255-8231 (819) 922-3635

Kangiqsualujjuaq Hydro-Quebec Power House, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0 (819) 337-1500 Kangiqsujuaq Hydro-Quebec, P.O. Box 139, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-1500

Kangirsuk Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4354

(819) 338-1131

Kawawachikamach Energy Services Inc., P.O. Box 5036, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3271

(418) 585-2439

Kuujjuaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2869

(819) 964-2848

Kuujjuarapik Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-1500

(819) 929-1518

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Puvirnituq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2975

(819) 988-2535

Quaqtaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9974

(819) 492-9560

Services Techniques de La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2957

(418) 229-2921

Services Techniques, C.P. 1390, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-2404

(418) 585-2445

Tasiujaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5013

Umiujaq Hydro-Quebec, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7170

(819) 331-7267

(819) 496-2727

Services sociaux Social Services Akulivik Social Services, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2232

Akulivik Transit, P.O. Box 29, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2534

Centre des services sociaux Wemotaci, 110, Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2469

(819) 666-2603

Centre Tipinuaikan, 1, rue Shapadesh, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R5

(418) 968-9402

(418) 968-9799

Comptoir Agoshin, 16, boul. Maurice-Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-9838

Cree Nation of Nemaska Social Services, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2516

Cree Programs, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8916

Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa Social Services, P.O. Box 756, Temiscaming, (Québec), J0Z 3R0

(819) 627-9026

(819) 895-8705

Gignu / Restigouche Redaptation Center, 4 Pacific Drive, P.O. Box 193, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 (418) 788-5605

(418) 788-2751

Haven House, 2 Ennu, P.O. Box 99, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5544

(418) 788-2687

Inukjuak Social Services, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8708

(819) 254-8848

Ivujuvik Social Services, P.O. Box 10, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3096

(819) 922-3537

Kahnawake Social Development Unit, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0500

(450) 632-0976

Kanesatake Social Assistance Program, 127 Notre Dame, Oka, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8373

(450) 479-6912

Kangiqsualujjuaq Social Services, P.O. Box 119, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5269

(819) 337-5252

Kangiqsujuaq Airport Kativik Transport, P.O. Box 29, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3343

(819) 338-3343

Kangiqsujuaq Social Services, General Delivery, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3218

(819) 338-3313

Kangirsuk Social Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4270

Kativik Regional Government Welfare Agent, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8954

(819) 255-8059

Kuujjuaq Social Services, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2905

(819) 964-2666

Kuujjuarapik Social Services, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3377

(819) 929-3676

Listuguj Social Assistance Services, 5 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-2909

(418) 788-3113

Listuguj Social Services, 17 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0 listuguj.ca

(418) 788-3039

(418) 788-9021

Maison d’hébergement pour les femmes, C.P.2214, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-3419

Mistissini Social Services, 203 Mistissini Blvd., Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2334

Nemaska Multiday Services Center, 20 Bedabin Trail, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2050

(418) 923-2040

Puvirnituq Social Services, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2957

(819) 988-2639

Quaqtaq Social Services, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9933

(819) 492-9004

Salluit Social Services, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8829

(819) 255-8201

Salluit Youth Protection, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8135

(819) 255-8289

Santé & Services Sociaux Montagnais, C.P. 187, Matimekush, (Québec), G0G 2T0

(418) 585-3324

(418) 585-2114

Services Sociaux de Natashquan, General Delivery, Natashquan, (Québec), G0G 2E0

(418) 726-3434

(418) 726-3414

Services Sociaux Mamit Innuat / La Romaine, C.P. 293, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2166

(418) 229-2003

Services Sociaux Mamit Innuat / Pakua Shipu, C.P. 178, Pakua Shipi, (Québec), G0G 2R0

(418) 947-2308

(418) 947-2484

Services Sociaux Manawan, 250, Mistassini, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1417

(819) 971-1411

Services Sociaux Opitciwan, 5, Amisk, C.P. 81, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8871

(819) 974-8834

Tasiujaq Social Services, P.O.Box 53, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5022

Timiskaming Social Services, 28 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2955

(819) 723-2925

Umiujaq Social Services, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7019

(819) 331-7096

Umiujaq Youth Protection, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7643

(819) 331-7096


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Waswanipi Social Services, 1 West Aspen, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2324

(819) 753-2323

Waswanipi Welfare Department, Poplar Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2587

(819) 753-2555

Whapmagoostui Cree Social Services, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3596

(819) 929-3581

Whapmagoostui Social Aid Office, P.O. Box 330, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3325

(819) 929-3292

Women Shelter Initsiak, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1082

(819) 255-8150

Women’s Auxiliary, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

Sports et articles de loisirs Sporting Goods and Hobby Stores Akwesane Sports, 1023 Highway 138 West, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 664-4104

Algonquin Canoe Company (The), Long South Island, P.O. Box 27, Thorne, Ontario, P0H 2J0 www.algonquincanoe.com

(705) 981-0053

Birch Bark Canoes Sales / Fabrication, 47 Dundee Road, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-2963

Boutique Le Pédalier Inc., 99, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2734

(418) 842-2734

Bucks Sports, 68 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 441-2655

(819) 441-3559

Chisasibi Fitness Center, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 www.mandow.ca/chisasibi.htm

(819) 855-2878

(819) 855-2330

(819) 978-3061

(418) 923-2733

(418) 923-2704

Kahnawake Pool Supplies, P.O. Box 1139, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-2558

(450) 635-5521

McComber Archery, P.O.Box 690, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-5732

(450) 638-2586

Millie’s Antiques, P.O. Box 1119, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0266

Raquettes G.V. enr., 605, Chef Stanislas-Koska, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.raquettesgv.com

(418) 842-0321

Tracey’s Canvas, Migmag Artisan, 21 A Church Crescent, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(581) 884-0707

(418) 842-2003

Stations-service Gas Stations Akulivik Petro Garage, P.O. Box 20, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2229

(819) 496-2122

Casey’s & Gas Bar / Depanneur, 110, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3211

(418) 745-2750

Central Station, P.O. Box 949, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6186

Chiiwetin Gas Station, 200 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2949

Condo Registered, 20 Main Street, P.O. Box 516, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-1310

Country Peddlers Gas Bar, P.O. Box 530, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6357

Country Side Gas Station, P.O. Box 454, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-5183

Crevler KZ Gas, 90 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-1221

Dépan-O-Gaz Nimôwon, 1110, Marice-Victorin, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0777

Gazonord Inc., 2301, Route 109 Nord, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.pikogan.com

(819) 732-3385

(819) 732-3387

Get-N-Go Gas Station, P.O. Box 643, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1937

(514) 835-2081

Goodleaf Gas Station, P.O. Box 1256, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-4261

Ilnu Gaz, 1020, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 765-1625

Inukjuak Petro Garage, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8608

(418) 923-2961

(418) 765-1625

Ivujivik Coop Gas Station, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9923

(819) 922-3149

Ivujivik Petro Garage, P.O. Box 30, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-9923

(819) 922-3149

J. R. Petroleum, P.O. Box 96, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-0571

Kangiqsujuaq Petro, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3334

Kangirsuk FCNQ Petro, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4686

Khanata Gas Bar, P.O. Box 1053, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-8487

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 338-3316

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



(819) 978-3060

Cree Source for Sports, 155 Amanda Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.nation.mistissini.qc.ca/cree_sports.html


Cree Nation of Wemindji Sports & Recreation, 1 Georgekish Road, P.O. Box 129, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(705) 981-0567

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


f (819) 964-2980

Kuujjuaq Petro Inc., P.O. Box 363, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0543

Kuujjuarapik Petro Garage, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3205

Kuzzin Gas Station, 205 Kete Mikana, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2555

(819) 722-4003

Migizy Gas Station, 1 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-3392

(819) 627-1540

Nemaska Gas Bar, 60 Chishtaastihkw Road, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 673-2559

(819) 673-2542

OCR Gas Bar and Car Wash, P.O. Box 53, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-7147

Old Malone Gas Bar, P.O. Box 53, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7100

(450) 632-0177

Piimi Co-op Gas, P.O. Box 339, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3444

(819) 855-3444

Pimiiukimikw (Chisasibi Gas Station), P.O. Box 159, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2427

(819) 855-3462

Pimi-Plus Esso, 284 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2727

(418) 923-2729

Sibi Gas Station, P.O. Box 149, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3508

(819) 978-3610

Stajune Gas Bar, 76 Nouchimi Rd, P.O. Box 84, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2141

(819) 977-2151

Station / Dépanneur Wemogaz Inc., 1, rue Acokan, C.P. 219, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2880

(819) 666-2870

Station Dan Esso Service, 200, Jacques-Cartier, C.P. 52, Moisie, (Québec), G0G 2B0

(418) 962-4748

(418) 927-3734

Station Innu enr., 100, boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5P9

(418) 967-4866

(418) 968-5254

Station Service huronne-wendat, 2909, rue de la Faune, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 847-9775

(418) 842-1007

Steve’s Gaz Bar, 860 Ontario Street, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2191

(819) 723-2579

Umiujaq Gas Station, P.O. Box 78, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7310

(819) 331-7942

W.J.S. Gas Bar / Excavation, P.O. Box 1080, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3986

(450) 638-3589

Wabano’s Esso Gas Bar, 311 Principale Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 2A7

(819) 449-6074

(819) 449-3771

Wolfco, P.O. Box 1809, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-6679

Woodpile Gas Bar & Handicrafts, 32 Gaspé Highway, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-5876

(418) 788-5876

Tabac, cigares, et cigarettes - Vente et fabricants Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes - Sales and Manufacturers Club Rez, Route 207, P.O.Box 1350, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-9434

(450) 635-3695

(819) 964-1702

(819) 964-1708

Tabagie Kamakukan, 1005, Laure - 108A, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4S6

Taxidermistes Taxidermists Nunavik Furs, P.O. Box 729, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

Taxis Taxis Chisasibi Taxi, P.O. Box 212, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3031

Hubert Chalifoux Taxi/Trucking/Snow Removal, 69 Kichi Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3C9

(819) 449-3737

Jacobs Taxi Service, P.O. Box 131, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-9396

Kahnawake Taxi, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 210-7599

Kebaowek First Nation First Line Services, 3 Ogima Street, Kipawa, (Québec), J0Z 2H0 www.kebaowek.ca

(819) 627-9877

Kuujjuaq Taxi (Star Taxi), P.O. Box 213, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2008

Martinhunter Taxi, P.O. Box 1, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3241

Mikies Taxi, P.O.Box 1784, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3114

Montour’s Taxi, P.O. Box 929, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-5442

(450) 635-4790

Ookpik Taxi, P.O. Box 14, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0220

(819) 964-2375

Salt’s Taxi, P.O.Box 219, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4150

(819) 895-8901

Saugeen Taxi, 33 Stanger, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2072

Taxi Algonquin, 72, Matciteia, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2245

Taxi Fernand Paul, 1381, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0785


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Taxi Gilles Paul, 1466, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-3850

Taxi Madeleine, 8, boul. Cicip, Lac Simon, (Québec), J0Y 3M0

(819) 736-2664

Taxi Snowboy, P.O. Box 128, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3112

Taxi Wendake, 455, Chef Maurice-Sébastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-3838

Taxi Winneway, General Delivery, Winneway River, (Québec), J0Z 2J0

(819) 722-2057

(819) 722-2057

Transport Medical, C.P. 5206, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7C6

(819) 736-3001

(819) 736-3011

Yes Sir Taxi, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 318-5070

Centre de Télécommunication Manawan, 136, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 www.manawan.com

(819) 971-1304

Devcom Installations, P.O. Box 1594, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-1741

Eeyou Communications Network, Succ. Bureau-Chef - CP. 246, Chibougamau (Québec) G8P 2K7

(819) 860-6858

First Nations Wireless, P.O. Box 1749, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-4441

(450) 632-2692

Naskapi Imuun Inc., P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Nunavik Communications Inc., P.O. Box 359, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2305

(819) 964-6319

Qaujimautik Systems Inc., 305 Louise Lamy, Unit 301, Montréal, (Québec), H9S 5V8 http://www.qaujimautik.com

(514) 518-2019

(514) 403-4341

Télévision Television Broadcasting First Nations TV, P.O. Box 1311, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.firstnationstv.com

(514) 880-9449

(450) 632-9066

Ginwat Cable Television Inc., P.O. Box 420, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2191

(819) 855-3186

Inukjuak Cable TV, General Delievry, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8232

Kwatokent TV, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-7500

(450) 638-5958

Loud Spirit Productions / Mohawk T.V., P.O. Box 1311, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 mohawktv.ca

(450) 632-6397

(450) 632-9113

(819) 770-3281

(819) 770-2547

(450) 635-6147

(450) 635-6186

Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Television / Kuujjuaq, P.O.Box 360, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.taqramiut.qc.ca

(819) 964-2565

(819) 964-2252


Nish Média, 365, St-Joseph, suite 107, Gatineau, (Québec), J8Y 3Z6 www.nishmedia.tv Paul’s Communications - Cable TV, P.O. Box 949, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

Textiles - Détaillants et fabricants Textile Products - Sales and Manufacturers Calico Cottage Quilt and Gift Shop, P.O. Box 1488, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.calicocottage.ca

(450) 632-7070

Tourisme et agences de voyages Tourism and Travel Agencies Abitibiwinni Bercé par l’Harricana, 55, rue Migwan, Pikogan, (Québec), J9T 3A3 www.abitibiwinni.com

(819) 732-3350

Aventure Plume Blanche, 1164, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 www.aventureplumeblanche.com

(418) 275-6857

Bakwasiik Ashee Enterprises Reg’d, P.O. Box 775, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-3302

Centre Ethno-Culturel Kanatha-Aki, 303, rue Brisson, C.P. 1207, Saint-Donat, (Québec), J0T 2C0

(819) 424-4411

(819) 424-4172

Chisasibi Mandow Agency, P.O.Box 720, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 www.mandow.ca

(819) 855-3373

(819) 855-3374

Croisières Essipit, 46, de la Réserve, Essipit, (Québec), G0T 1K0 www.vacancesessipit.com

(418) 233-2266

(418) 233-3960

Cruise North Expeditions Inc., 1920 Avenue Road, Ontario, M5M 4A1 www.cruisenorthexpeditions.com

(416) 789-3752

(416) 789-1974

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


Télécommunications - Télécommunication sans fil et par satellite Telecommunications - Wireless Telecommunications including Satellite

(819) 732-3358

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC


Entreprise Natshi, 2694, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-6913

Expédition Kiniw Zibi, 181, rue Wolfe, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 1S3 www.expeditionkiniwzibi.sitew.com

(819) 441-6931

Mistissini Tourism Office, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3466

Natagam Boreal Adventures, General Delivery, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-3775

Nikuishkushtakan - Carrefour d’Accueil Ilnu, 1516, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-7200 www.kuei.ca

f (418) 923-3477 (418) 275-6048

Nunavik Tourism Association / Association Touristique du Nunavik, P.O.Box 779, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.nunavik-tourism.com

(819) 964-2876

(819) 964-2002

Nuuchimi Winuu, 74, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3212

(418) 745-3500

Office du tourisme de Wendake, 10, Place de la Rencontre, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 http://tourismewendake.ca/

(418) 847-0624

(418) 847-2903

Oujé-Bougoumou Tourism, 203, Opemiska Meskino, P.O. Box 131, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 www.ouje.ca

(418) 745-3905

(418) 745-3426

Tourisme Autochtone Québec, 50, Chef Maurice-Bastien - #220, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 www.staq.net

(418) 843-5030

(418) 843-7164

Tourisme Manawan, 135, rue Kicik, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0 www.voyageamerindiens.com

(819) 971-1190

Voyages FCNQ, 19950 Clark Graham, Montreal, (Québec), H9X 3R8 http://www.voyagesfcnq.com

(514) 457-2236

(514) 457-7724

Voyages Inter-Nations & associé, 2936, rue de la Faune, local 120, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 840-1750

(418) 840-1751

Wanaska Wabanaki, 71, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-0587

Waskaganish Tourism, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8650

(819) 895-8901

Toxicomanie - Centres de traitement et d’information Addiction - Information and Treatment Centres Centre Kutikuniu, 21 Pshi-Nuen, Moisie, (Québec), G0G 2B0

(418) 927-3151

Centre Wapan, C.P. 428, La Tuque, (Québec), G9X 3P3

(819) 523-7641

(819) 523-7513

Eastmain NNADAP Program, P.O. Box 149, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0286

(819) 977-0342

Isuarsivik Treatment Centre, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2592

(819) 964-2041

Mawiomi Treatment Services, 85 School Street, P.O. Box 1068, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3522

(418) 759-3048

Mistissini Readaptation Center, 282 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3600

(418) 923-3610

Naskapi NNADAP Program, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

National Native Alcohol and Drug Addiction Program, 22 Algonquin Avenue, Notre-Dame-du-Nord, (Québec), J0Z 3B0

(819) 723-2153

(819) 723-2272

NNADAP / Whapmagoostui, P.O. Box 180, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3269

(819) 929-3851

Onen’to:kon Treatment Center, P.O. Box 89, 380 St. Michel, Kanesatake, (Québec), J0N 1E0

(450) 479-8353

(450) 479-1034

À votre service 24 heures sur 24 heures

Centre de toxicomanie et de désintoxication

Se reprendre en main dans la dignité et la paix 2205, rue du Beau-Site, Lac St-Charles (Québec) G3G 2P8 (418) 849-6534 382

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Oujé-Bougoumou NNADAP Services, 68, Opataca Meskino, P.O. Box 37, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-3902

(418) 745-3043

Salluit Rehabilitation Center, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-1188

(819) 255-1192

Walgwan Center, P.O.Box 1009, Gesgapegiag, (Québec), G0C 1Y0

(418) 759-3006

(418) 759-3064

Wanaki Center, 50 Wanaki Mikan, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-7000

(819) 449-7832

Waskaganish NNADAP Services, P.O. Box 390, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8808

(819) 895-8047

Waswanipi NNADAP Services, 1 West Aspen, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2325

(819) 666-2362

Wemindji NNADAP, General Delivery, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0361

(819) 978-0258

Centre d’archives huron-wendat (C.N.H.W.), 255, Place Chef Michel-Laveau, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 843-3767

(418) 842-1108

Inutsiaq Translation, P.O. Box 46, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9114

(819) 492-9359

Nishnabe Translation & Audio Visual, 4 Kiwe Quote Mikan, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 449-5906

O’hontsa Services, P.O. Box 87, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 699-3634

Wampum Translation, P.O. Box 1307, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 814-7710

York, Lizzie Epoo - Translations, P.O. Box 159, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2970

Traduction et interprétation Translation and Interpretation

(819) 682-1330

(613) 722-4667

(819) 964-0131

(819) 964-6977

Catering Services, 15 Chief Billy Ottereyes Street, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2318

(819) 753-2498

Erlene & Joanne’s Catering, P.O. Box 1244, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-6268

John and Mary Traditional Catering, 158 Ooshedtawk, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 770-1589

Kwe Kwe Gourmet, P.O. Box 2015, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.kwekwegourmet.com

(450) 635-5338

My Messy Kitchen Catering, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(514) 561-3420

Naskapi Catering LP, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Padlayat Foods Services, P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8924

(819) 255-8581

Raf-Inné, traiteur, 2202, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-7755

Sheshekapik Enterprise Inc., 930 Welllington Street, Suite 100, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 1T8

(514) 866-7070

Traiteur W, 10275, rue Leblanc, Local 102, Wôlinak, (Québec), G0X 1B0

(819) 294-6696

Wawatey Catering, P.O. Box 422, Maniwaki, (Québec), J9E 3G9 www.wawataycatering.com

(819) 441-1111

(819) 294-6697

Transport aérien Air Transportation Aéroport de La Romaine, General Delivery, La Romaine, (Québec), G0G 1M0

(418) 229-2984

Air Creebec - Airport / Nemaska, General Delivery, Nemaska, (Québec), J0Y 3B0

(819) 672-2121

(418) 229-2987

Air Creebec / Chisasibi, Chisasibi Airport, P.O. Box 52, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2665

(819) 855-2666

Air Creebec / Eastmain, Eastmain Airport, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0212

(819) 977-0351

Air Creebec / Head Office, Aéroport Val-d’Or, C.P. 430, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 4P4

(819) 825-8355

(819) 825-0208

Air Creebec / Kuujjuarapik, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3646

(819) 929-3642

Air Creebec / Waskaganish Airport, Waskaganish Airport, General Delivery, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8876

(819) 895-8703

Air Creebec / Wemindji Airport, Air Creebec Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0 www.aircreebec.ca

(819) 978-0215

(819) 978-3132

Air Creebec / Whapmagoostui, General Delivery, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3646

(819) 929-3646

Air Inuit / Akulivik, P.O. Box 89, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2213

(819) 496-2169

Air Inuit / Aupaluk, General Delivery, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7010

(819) 496-7154

Air Inuit / Head Office, 547, avenue Meloche, Dorval, (Québec), H9P 2W2 www.airinuit.com

(514) 636-9445

(514) 636-8916

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Aboriginal Catering Services, 192, Maddaire, Aylmer, (Québec), J9H 1P9 Avataa Catering, P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0


Traiteurs Caterers

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Air Inuit / Inukjuak, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8840

(819) 254-8179

Air Inuit / Ivujivik, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3065

(819) 922-3163

Air Inuit / Kangiqsualujjuaq, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5277

(819) 357-5207

Air Inuit / Kangirsuk, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4260

(819) 935-4073

Air Inuit / Kuujjuarapik, P.O. Box 570, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3328

(819) 929-3351

Air Inuit / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2968

(819) 988-2222

Air Inuit / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9915

(819) 492-9057

Air Inuit / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8897

(819) 255-8011

Air Inuit / Tasiujaq, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5062

(819) 633-5114

Air Inuit / Umiujaq, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7004

(819) 331-7166

Air Inuit Cargo, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2938

Air Inuit Ltd. / Kangiqsujuaq, P.O. Box 29, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3245

(819) 338-3296

Air Inuit Ltd., 6005, boul. de la Côte-Vertu, Montréal, (Québec), H4S 0B1

(514) 905-9445

(514) 905-0527

Air Inuit Office / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2935

(819) 964-2788

Air Inuit Ticket Counter / Kuujjuaq, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2914

(819) 964-2413

Air Labrador / Québec, 510, rue Principale, Porte C, Aéroport International Jean-Lesage, Québec, (Québec), G2G 2T9

(418) 780-2300

(418) 780-2195

Air Wemindji Inc., P.O. Box 907, Radisson, (Québec), J0Y 2X0

(819) 638-3392

(819) 638-3746

Airport Kasurvik, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8158

(819) 255-8011

Akulivik Airport - Kativik Transport, P.O. Box 99, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2183

(819) 496-2183

Atai Air Charters Inc., P.O. Box 606, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2271

(819) 964-2523

Aupaluk Airport, General Delievry, Aupaluk, (Québec), J0M 1X0

(819) 491-7255

Chisasibi Airport, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0 Eastmain Airport / Tower, General Delivery, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 855-2622 (819) 977-0332

(819) 855-2875 (819) 977-0387

First Air Cargo / Head Office, 769 Stewart-Graham, Dorval, (Québec), H4Y 1E7

(514) 631-8560

(514) 631-1175

First Air Cargo, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2225

(819) 964-6365

First Air Ticket / Head Office, 915, Roméo Vachon Nord #271, Dorval, (Québec), H4Y 1H1

(514) 633-6811

(514) 631-1175

I First Air Ticket Counter / Kuujjuaq, P.O. Box 605, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2223

(819) 964-2413

nnukoptères inc., 49, rue Mishta-Meshkanau, Ekuanitshit, (Québec), G0G 1V0

(418) 962-1214

Inukjuak Airport, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-1530

Ivujivik Airport, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0 Johnny May’s Air Charter, P.O. Box 89, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 922-3005 (819) 964-2662

Johnny May’s Air Charters, Stewart Lake, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2321

Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport, General Delivery, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-1530

Kangirsuk Airport, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4056

Kativik Regional Government Transport - Nunavik Airports, P.O. Box 90, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 (819) 964-2968 Kativik Transport / Quaqtaq, General Delivery, Quaqtaq, (Québec), J0M 1J0

(819) 492-9079

Kuujjuarapik Airport / Kativik Transport, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 922-3005 (819) 964-0355 (819) 337-5391 (819) 964-2462

(819) 929-2530

(819) 929-3389

Nikan Hélicoptère - logistique et solution inc., 279 boul. Vigneault, C.P. 3, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4K3 (418) 962-7256 (819) 964-1185 Nunavik Rotors Inc., P.O. Box 510, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.nunavikrotors.com

(819) 964-1188

Puvirnituq Airport, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2153

(819) 988-2153

Takatakiaq Helicopters, 341, route 111 Ouest - C.P. 188, La Sarre, (Québec), J9Z 2X5

(819) 333-4047

(819) 333-9894

Tasiujaq Airport, General Delivery, Tasiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1T0

(819) 633-5142

Umiujaq Airport, General Delivery, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7004

(819) 331-7166

Valpiro Inc., Aéroport Val-d’Or, C.P. 67, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 4P4

(819) 825-3312

(819) 825-0387

Waasheshkun Airways, 24 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 Wemindji Airport Garage, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(418) 923-3236 (819) 978-3936

(418) 923-3312 (819) 978-3936

Wendake Hélicoptère Inc., 130 rue Tibo, Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, (Québec), G3N 2Y7 (418) 843-7272

(418) 843-1012

Whapchiwem Helicopters Ltd, P.O. Box 699, Radisson, (Québec), J0Y 2X0

(819) 638-7424


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(819) 638-7904

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Avataa Explorations & Logistics Inc., P.O. Box 939, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0131

(819) 964-6977

Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping Inc., Édifice du Port de Montréal / Cité du Havre, Aile no. 2, bureau 2060, Montréal, (Québec), H3C 3R5

(514) 597-0186

(514) 523-7875

(418) 275-5275

(418) 679-4445

9197-5649 Québec Inc. (Transport Miguel Petiquay), 4 Rue Wapush, Obedjiwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0 (418) 679-2866

(418) 679-2866

Transport par bateau Boat Transportation

Transport par camion Trucking

AET Transport, 9 Whiskeychan, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-4654

CIN Transport Reg’d, 10 Waasptan West Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2871

Diabo Trucking, P.O. Box 1449, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-1364

Georgekish Transport Inc., 2, Porcupine Road, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-7749

Gordon Transport Inc., P.O. Box 123, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2309

H & L Service Transport, 33 Petawabano Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2256

(418) 923-2456

(819) 964-2309

J. Mitchell Trucking, 89 Riverside West, Listuguj, (Québec), G0C 2R0

(418) 788-3204

(418) 788-5460

Johnny Gunner Reg’d, 43 Queen Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-3108

(418) 923-3115

Katinniq Transport Inc., P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8924

(819) 255-8581

Kativik Transport, P.O. Box 29, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-1500

(819) 338-3343

Kepa Transport Inc., 1957, 3e Avenue, Val-d’Or, (Québec), J9P 7B2

(819) 874-0262

(819) 874-1093

Metabeskeka Transport Ltée., 181, Namekos, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-8850

(819) 971-8848

Moosonee Transport Ltd., General Delivery, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(705) 336-2225

(705) 336-2964

Nuvu Transport Inc., P.O. Box 30, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8908

(819) 255-8864

Okwaho’s Mohawk Moving Systems, P.O. Box 531, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.okwahos.com (450) 638-4357 (418) 745-3726

(418) 745-3726

(418) 585-2686

(418) 585-3130

Storage Solutions, Sports Complex Road, P.O. Box 1864, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 633-0202

(514) 978-4347

Tivi Inc., P.O. Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Tivi Transport Inc., P.O.Box 175, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-2465

(819) 964-2831

Transport Atikamekw, General Delivery, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8855

Transport C. Moar, 1088, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

(418) 275-0323

Transport Camille Dubé, General Delivery, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-1617

Transport D.S.D. Inc., 30, Waban-Aki, Odanak, (Québec), J0G 1H0

(450) 568-5151


Owen’s Transport, 71, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0 Pijjit, P.O. Box 5111, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0 www.naskapi.ca

(418) 275-0100 (450) 568-0170

Transport Eddy Rose (9206-0235 Québec inc.), 1258, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0 (418) 275-7228 Transport Interfax Inc., 1430, Rousseau, St-Félicien, (Québec), G8K 1W1

(418) 679-4441

(418) 679-4445

Transport JMCL Inc., 1009, Poliquin, St-Félicien, (Québec), G8K 1V1

(418) 679-0452

(418) 679-0452

Transport Katinniq Inc. / Bureau Québec, 1415, Frank Carrel - #210, Québec, (Québec), G1N 4V7

(418) 657-1881

(418) 657-2245

Transport Katinniq Inc., P.O. Box 91, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8279

(819) 255-8295

Transport Maamuu Inc., C.P. 85, Radisson, (Québec), J0Y 2X0

(819) 638-6666

(819) 638-7111

Transport Manawan, 220, Simon-Ottawa, Manawan, (Québec), J0K 1M0

(819) 971-1429

(819) 971-1269

Transport Miguel Petiquay, General Delivery, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(418) 275-0384

Transport Notcimik, 293, Rang Beaumont, La Tuque, (Québec), G0X 1R0

(819) 523-2400

(819) 523-5656

Transport Onikam, 118, rue Wemotaci, C.P. 60, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0

(819) 666-2650

(819) 666-2361

Transport Opitciwan, 1, Wapoc, Opitciwan, (Québec), G0W 3B0

(819) 974-8855

(819) 974-8828

Transport Petawabano, 28 Waapstan East, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-2622

Transport Richard Picard, 570, Chef Max Gros-Louis, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 845-0845

W.B. Transport Reg’d, 63, Opataca Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0

(418) 745-2264

Yaoutao Transport, 152 Shawbow Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-2370

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


4344081 Canada Inc. Transport général local & longue distance, 1777, rue Ouiatchouan, Mashteuiatsh, (Québec), G0W 2H0

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



(418) 960-0982

(418) 960-0984

Transport par chemin de fer Rail Transportation Transport ferroviaire Tshiuetin, 148 boul. des Montagnais, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 5R2

Travaux publics Public Works Akulivik Municipal Garage (New), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2564

(819) 496-2200

Akulivik Municipal Garage (Old), P.O. Box 50, Akulivik, (Québec), J0M 1V0

(819) 496-2023

(819) 496-2200

Chisasibi Band Garage, P.O. Box 150, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2700

(819) 855-2701

Garage Municipal Wemotaci - Construction Meskano Inc., 60, rue Kenosi, Wemotaci, (Québec), G0X 3R0 (819) 666-2204

(819) 666-2209

Inukjuak Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8910

(819) 254-8258

Ivujivik Blue Garage, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3590

(819) 922-3045

Ivujivik Public Works Garage, P.O. Box 20, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0

(819) 922-3215

(819) 922-3045

Kangiqsualujjuaq Garage, P.O. Box 120, Kangiqsualujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1N0

(819) 337-5242

(819) 337-5242

Kangiqsujuaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 60, Kangiqsujuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3398

(819) 338-3237

Kangirsuk Garage, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4288

Kangirsuk Municipal Services, General Delivery, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4614

Kuujjuaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 210, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-0298

(819) 964-2010

Kuujjuarapik Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3287

(819) 929-3107

Mistissini Municipal Garage / Road and Walk-Ways, 189 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 (418) 923-2409

(418) 923-3968

Mistissini Municipal Services, 187 Main Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0 www.mistissini.ca

(418) 923-3259

(418) 923-3115

Municipal Garage, 21 Hilltop Drive, Wemindji, (Québec), J0M 1L0

(819) 978-0264

(819) 978-3305

Naskapi Department of Public Works, P.O. Box 5112, Kawawachikamach, (Québec), G0G 2Z0

(418) 585-3650

(418) 585-3267

Oujé-Bougoumou Public Works, 209, Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, (Québec), G0W 3C0(418) 745-2345(418) 745-2346 Puvirnituq Public Works Garage, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-9919

(819) 988-2751

Salluit Garage, P.O. Box 240, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8820

(819) 255-9959

Umiujaq Municipal Garage, P.O. Box 108, Umiujaq, (Québec), J0M 1Y0

(819) 331-7083

(819) 331-7057

Waskaganish Garage, P.O. Box 60, Waskaganish, (Québec), J0M 1R0

(819) 895-8746

(819) 895-8730

Waswanipi Garage, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2398

(819) 753-2409

Waswanipi Public Works, General Delivery, Waswanipi, (Québec), J0Y 3C0

(819) 753-2313

(819) 753-2409

Whapmagoostui First Nation Garage, P.O. Box 390, Whapmagoostui, (Québec), J0M 1G0

(819) 929-3687

Vêtements - Détaillants et fabricants Clothing - Sales and Manufacturers Amautik Reg’d, P.O. Box 98, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0

(819) 964-8860

Eva & Daughters Reg’d, P.O. Box 64, Inukjuak, (Québec), J0M 1M0

(819) 254-8555

Immutik Boutique, General Delivery, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 Indiana Communication, C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec), G0A 4V0

(581) 300-6313

Iron Horse Wear House, P.O. Box 952, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 638-0873

Kiluit Shop, P.O. Box 72, Kangirsuk, (Québec), J0M 1A0

(819) 935-4406

Lori’s Sewing, P.O. Box 640, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3819

(819) 935-4436

Native American Products (NAP), P.O. Box 190, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 632-8805

(450) 632-8805

Nunagear Inc., General Delivery, Kuujjuarapik, (Québec), J0M 1G0 www.equipt.ca

(819) 929-3196

(819) 929-3874

Nunavik Creations Inc., P.O. Box 729, Kuujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1C0 www.nunavikcreations.com

(819) 964-1848

(819) 964-1950

Puasi Uqittuq, P.O. Box 98, Kangiqsujjuaq, (Québec), J0M 1K0

(819) 338-3253

Sivuarapik, Lizzie, P.O. Box 276, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0

(819) 988-2951

Tammy Beauvais Designs, P.O. Box 1599, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.tammybeauvais.com (450) 635-6757 Uqaujait Women’s Centre, General Delivery, Ivujivik, (Québec), J0M 1H0


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

(514) 717-6757

(819) 922-3038

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Entreprises et organismes / Businesses and organizations QUÉBEC



Vétérinaires, fournitures d’animaux domestiques Veterinary, Pet Shops and Animal Services 4 Paws Grooming, P.O. Box 1235, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-7297

Auberge des 4 Pattes enr. (L’), 555, Chef Thomas Martin, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0 http://aubergedes4pattes.com

(418) 843-6578

Jungle Love, P.O. Box 338, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.JungleLovepetshop.com

(450) 638-7673

Marty Doggs, P.O. Box 2056, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0

(450) 635-3407

Paradis du chien (Le), 85, boulevard Bastien, suite 00, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 407-1511

Reef Origine, 75, boulevard Bastien, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0

(418) 842-2702

(418) 843-3892

Vidéo - Location & vente Video Stores - Sales and Rental S.G. Video, 91 Shabow Meskino, Eastmain, (Québec), J0M 1W0

(819) 977-0310

Video World, 392 Amisk Street, Mistissini, (Québec), G0W 1C0

(418) 923-4001

(418) 923-4002

VJ’s Video, P.O. Box 809, Chisasibi, (Québec), J0M 1E0

(819) 855-2217

(819) 855-2986

Cinaméric Inc., 1178, rue Patrick, Laval, (Québec), H7Y 2C4

(450) 689-9137

(450) 689-9138

Innuweb tv, 3, rue du Vieux Poste, Sept-Îles, (Québec), G4R 4G4

(418) 964-9391

Mohawk Princess Productions, P.O. Box 1971, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.mohawkprincess.com (514) 777-8759 Precision Audio Lab, P.O. Box 1795, Kahnawake, (Québec), J0L 1B0 www.precisionaudiolab.com

(514) 516-4143

Productions Manitou, C.P. 1243, Sept-îles, (Québec), G4R 4X7

(418) 927-2251

Productions Ondinnok Inc., 6645, avenue des Érables, Montréal, (Québec), H2G 2M9 www.ondinnok.org (514) 593-1990 Studio Inniun, 3, rue Vieux-Poste, Uashat, (Québec), G4R 4G4

(418) 964-9391

T.N.I. Studio, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0

(819) 255-8989

(514) 376-1306 (819) 255-8891

Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Puvirnituq, General Delivery, Puvirnituq, (Québec), J0M 1P0 Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. / Salluit, General Delivery, Salluit, (Québec), J0M 1S0 (514) 683-2330

Wawasamo Creations, 299 Scott Street Sud, Kitigan Zibi, (Québec), J9E 3B1

(819) 334-9709

(514) 683-1078


Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. Administration, 1255, route Trans-Canada, bureau 140, Dorval, (Québec), H9P 2V4 www.taqramiut.qc.ca


Vidéo et film Video and Film Industries

ANNONCEZ-VOUS Rejoignez votre clientèle efficacement et directement grâce à nos publications !



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Une image d’impact

Appelez-nous aujourd’hui pour profiter de nos solutions performantes en communications d’entreprise !

A Sharper Image

Call us today to know more about our performing business communications solutions !










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info@indianacommunication.com T (581) 300-6313

Section Affaires / Liste des Entreprises et Organismes Autochtones LABRADOR / MARITIMES Business Section / List of Aboriginal Businesses and Organizations


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FREE Registration ! Inscription ou correction / Registration or Updates Retournez par E-Mail / E-Mail back to: info@indianacommunication.com indianacommunication C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

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Address / Adresse

Ville / City

Code Postal Postal Code

Tél. Tel Téléc.: Fax : Nom du responsable / Name

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Nombre d’employé / Number of employees

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Oui / Yes Non / No

Communauté / Community Nation

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T (581) 300-6313 info@indianacommunication.com






J JJ J J J J # J =FJ J+3ABJ @716/B J"' J J J J (G@@3::J /;7:GJ ==9933>7<5J J$/G@=::J'3@D713 J$ J








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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313







info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






Accountants Accounting Services J J and J J J J


Air Transportation 7@J /0@/2=@J J =>32/:3 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J" J


7@J /0@/2=@J J 3/2?C/@B3@A J J C44GJ$:/13 J$ # J =FJ

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$J J

$J C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313









info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Automobile - Repair and Maintenance BC9J'/:3AJ J'3@D713A J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

J'/:3AJ/<2J'3@D713A J$ # J =FJ

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Automobile - Sales and Leasing /@A";=@3 J


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J%C33<J'B@33B J @323@71B=< J!/<7B=0/ J

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J+/5;/B1==9 J"' J


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Boat Transportation J+300 J$ # J =FJ

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



)B/>/</A9J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J /0@/2=@J!7<7<5J'>317/:BGJ 7;7B32 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J !


+300 AJ'3@D713AJ B2 J$ # J =FJ


J"/7< J" J




Tell them ! B A-B

Tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory !


This will help us to continue serving you better for our upcoming editions.

Building Materials and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers !J <D3AB;3<BAJ B2 J$ # J =FJ

J'63A6/BA67C J" J

=<<73J&7D3@J C7:27<5J'C>>:73A J$ # J =FJ

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J J!/1 3<H73 J'63A6/BA67C J" J

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J * $J !

"J $

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Business Support Services / Economic Development Agencies 035E37BJ 7@ABJ"/B7=<J 1=<=;71J 3D3:=>;3<B J$ # J =FJ 44/7@3A/CB=16B=<3A 1=;J J 0=@757</:/44/7@A <3B J J@C3J 634J 7;I &=;/7< J+3<2/93 J %CI031 J

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J(@C@= J"' J "J "

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Camping and RV Parks 7>C87 8J"/BC@3J$/@9 J$ # J =FJ

J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J

!79 ;/?J 7A1=D3@GJ 3<B@3 J$ # J =FJ



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3:J @=C<2J =;;C<7BGJ 7<5= J J 6C@16J&=/2 J 3:J @=C<2 J" J *J

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Casinos, Bingos and Video Lottery Terminals








Caterers ( J /B3@7<5 J J 3/1=<67::J @3A13<B J A9/A=<7 J"'


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J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J









MAXIMUM IMPACT A prime choice to reach your target area, the 115,000 + First Nations members of Quebec and Labrador.

!" " " "# $ " !" Don’t your competitors, invest " be ! left" behind and bypass #! ! $ ! in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador ! Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory

# # ! # info@indianacommunication.com 581 300-6313 ""


% %



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Chemical Products - Sales and Manufacturers C@<BJ 6C@16J$3/BJ!=AA J

J C@<BJ 6C@16J&=/2 J C@<BJ 6C@16J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J




Child, Youth and Family Services 0=@757</:J /;7:GJ 3<B@3 J J @3<43::J'B@33B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J



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317:J 3<=7BAJ-=CB6J 3<B3@ J$ # J =FJ

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=A/<</J$3<B31=AB/:J 6C@16 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J" J !=@/D7/<J 6C@16J J =>32/:3 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J" J !=@/D7/<J 6C@16J7<J /0@/2=@ J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J"/7< J" J

J J (






!=@/D7/<J 6C@16J$@=D7<17/:J =/@2 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J!/99=D79 J" J


#C@J /2GJ=4J$3@>3BC/:J 3:> J$71B=CJ /<27<5J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J"3EJ :/A5=E J"' J





!/:7A33BJ'B J <<3 AJ /B6=:71J 6C@16 J J&7D3@J&=/2 J(=07?C3J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J

'/7<BJ 3@</23BB3J =<D3<B J


J!/7<J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J ,

J J ,

J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J ' C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


J J info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


'7AB3@AJ=4J'B J!/@B6/ J J /0@73:J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


'B J(6=;/AJ&=;/<J /B6=:71J 6C@16 J J'B J(6=;/AJ'B@33B J&32J /<9 J" J J


Clothing - Sales and Manufacturers /5:3J!=C<B/7<J#CB47BB3@AJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ J'B J =6< A J"


;>7@3J B:/<B71 J J!B J 3@</@2 J*/::3GJ!/:: J =@<3@J @==9 J" J J -


Indiana Õ V>Ì . °*°ÊÎnÎÊChef iÊ* V>À`, Wendake, (Québec), G0A {6

(xn£) Îää-ÈΣÎ

/0@/2=@J'/43BGJ <1=@>=@/B32 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


!/@?C7<J#@B6=B71J J!=27471/B7=< J ==BAB=>J :25 J J 7>>3<AJ&=/2 J 7>>3<A J"



03</97J AA=17/B3A J J&7D3@D73EJ&=/2J+3AB J 3:J @=C<2 J" J *J



>=</J =;;C<71/B7=<AJ <1 J J 3:163@J'B@33B J$=@BJ+7::7/;A J"' J $J (


/;3:J <4=@;/B7=<J!/</53;3<BJ/<2J(@/7<7<5J =<AC:B/<B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J ==A3J /G J" J $J


5:CB39J <4=@;/B7=<J(316<=:=5GJ'GAB3;AJ <1=@>=@/B32 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


<<CD/B7=<AJ 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J J(=>A/7:J&=/2 J!=C<BJ$3/@: J" J "J


)J 3D3:=>;3<B J J$7<3J'B@33B J 3:J @=C<2 J" J *J




7 B>CJ =;>CB3@J J(@/7<7<5J'3@D713A J J!3/2=EAJ /<3 J$ # J =FJ J'6C03</1/273 J"' J "J


'7;=<J =;>CB3@J'3@D713A J J 7::J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J *


Conference and Special Event Organizers 303@BJ =A>7B/:7BGJ 3<B@3J J J J J /B3@7<5J B2 J J*3<BC@/J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ J 303@B J"' J !J


Construction - Building Contractors 2/; AJ$:=E7<5J'3@D713J B2 J

J!/7<J'B@33B J(=07?C3J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J J -


A67<7J!/BA67B3/C7/B J J$:3/A/<BJ'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


J/<2J!J =<AB@C1B7=< J J'6=@3J&=/2 J&32J /<9 J" J J


3/@J =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J


J!/:7A33BJ @7D3 J'/7<BJ!/@G AJ 7@ABJ"/B7=< J @323@71B=< J" J J *


3/D3@J <B3@>@7A3A J J&7D3@D73EJ&=/2J+3AB J 3:J @=C<2 J" J *J


GJ#B63@AJ <AB/::J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


/:D7< AJ =<AB@C1B7=< J J!7<7J!/::J @7D3 J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


/@70=CJ!/@A6J <B3@>@7A3AJ B2 J


J!3;03@B=CJ'B@33B J'G2<3G J"' J 'J !


=/ABJ=4J /GAJ =<B@/1B7<5J J 3D3:=>;3<BJ B2 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J "3BC9C:7;9J 7A63@73AJ C7:27<5 J =<<73J&7D3@ J" J J


@=AAJ =FJ =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J$ # J =FJ J'B< J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" JJ $J


J J J =<B@/1B7<5 J J+/:A6J D3<C3 J'B3>63<D7::3 J" J "J


7@ABJ"/B7=<AJ =<AB@C1B7=< J J /AB:3J /GJ&=/2 J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


7@ABJ&/B3J&3A723<B7/:J =<AB@C1B7=< J J ==>J&=/2 J(=07?C3J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J J +


J J J =<AB@C1B7=< J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


:==A1/>J =;30C7:23@A J J :C303@@GJ$=7<BJ&=/2 J 3:J&7D3@J /@J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J J -



@33< AJ =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J J /;3:J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


@=AJ+/B3@J /GJ =<B@/1B7<5 J$ # J =FJ J&75=:3B J" J $J $


<<CJ 73E7BJ =<AB@C1B=@A J J0=C: J @/<23J ::33 J =7A0@7/<2 J %CI031 J J !


<<CJ CA6/>/B16393<J =<AB@C1B7=< J J @3<43::J'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


<<CJ CA6/>/BA6393<J =<AB@C1B7=< J J @3<43::J'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Computers - Sales, Service and Design


<<C '6/EJ 11=;;=2/B7=<AJ 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67>A J J 7<5J'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


<<CA6C9J =<AB@C1B7=< J$ # J =FJ


J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J

J =<B@/1B7<5J <1 J J 7::@7253J @7D3 J(@C@= J"' J J


700GAJ 1=<AB@C1B7=< J J <A:C;J&=/2 J A9/A=<7 J"'


AJ+/GJ =<B@/1B7<5 J J /7@D73EJ D3<C3 J"3EJ :/A5=E J"' J J /;/<BA6/<CBJ =<AB@C1B7=<J <1 J J 2;C<2AJ @3A13<B J $ # J =FJ J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J

7 </>J(7/ ;J <B3@>@7A3AJ <1 J J ::3< AJ&=/2 J =@<3@0@==9 J" J J *


/0@/2=@J(316<=:=573AJ/<2J 3D3:=>;3<B J$ # J =FJ J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@ J" J $J !


3< 3<J 3<3@/:J =<B@/1B=@AJ B2 J A9/A=<7 J"'


3=</@2J!/@A6/::J =<AB@C1B7=< J J 3/16J&=/2 J A9/A=<7 J"'



!7</A7AJ =<AB@C1B7=< J J#BB/E/J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


!7AB/J'67>CJ =<AB@C1B7=<J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J'B J =6< A J" J J"


!7ABC9J"/>3/CJ =<B@/1B7<5 J J!1 @/B6J @3A3<B J!=C<BJ$3/@: J" J "J


"77:719J =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J$ # J =FJ


J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J

$/C:=J*3<BC@3AJ <1 J J =23@ AJ$=7<BJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J'B J 3E7A J" J J +


& J <<CJ$/@B<3@A67> J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


&/GJ =@2J =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J$ # J =FJ J"/7< J" J $J


&3/:7AB71J&3<= A J J!/7<J&=/2 J+3ABJ /G J"


'1/@:3BJ <B3@>@7A3AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ J =>32/:3 J" J $J


'63A6/BA67BJ$ J!1 3<H73J =<AB@C1B7=< J$ # J =FJ J'63A/6/BA67C J" J $J !


'63A6/BA67CJ <<CJ =<AB@C1B7=<J 7;7B32 J J!7AB/A67<7J @3A13<B J $ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !


(3C379/<J =<AB@C1B7=<J 7;7B32J J'63A6/BA67C J $ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@ J" J $J !


)/>7A69CBJ =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J J"=@B6J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ J'B J <B6=<G J" J J '


+/0/</97J <B3@>@7A3A J J'B J!/@GAJ'B@33B J @323@71B=< J" J J '



Construction - Carpenters <BC/<J+==2E=@97<5 J J!/1 3<H73J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !


J&7D3@J =<AB@C1B7=<J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J J&=03@BAJ&=/2 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


3=@53J J'=<AJ+==2E=@97<5 J J+3:/ ;==9B==9J'B@33B J#@=;=1B= J" J *J &


!==@3 AJ /@2E==2J :==@7<5 J J!3;03@B=CJ'B@33B J!3;03@B=C J"' J 'J "


$3B3 AJ$:/13 J J&7D3@A723J @7D3 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J -


(@/D3@A>7<3J =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


Construction - Construction Management ;/5C9J =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J$ # J =FJ J"/7< J" J $J <<CJ!C<717>/:J $J <1 J J /@GJ&=19J!7<7<5 J$ # J =FJ

J 324=@2 J"' J J .





<<CJ$@=831BJ!/</53;3<BJ 7;7B32 J J /:74/FJ'B@33B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


<<CJ'" J /D/:7<J <1 J$ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !


"39/BA6C<J /0@/2=@J <1 J J /:3J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J



C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Construction - Electrical Work J A9/A=<7J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


J J J /E@3<13J'B@33B J /@B;=CB6 J"' J -J

GA=<J :31B@71/:J <1 J$ # J =FJ



J'B<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J



;7A6J B2J$/@B<3@A67> ;/C:75/9J'3@D713AJ J =<B@/1B7<5J B2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


/0@73:J :31B@71J B2 J J!/:7A33BJ @7D3 J @323@71B=< J" J








J $













/53@BGJ$3</A6C3J =:27<5J <1 J$ # J =FJ <<CJ :31B@71/: J$ # J =FJ

J +

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

A9C3B3C J J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J =FJ


A9CB3CJ 7;7B32 J J 63@@GE==2J @7D3 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J /:C9J 7;7B32 J

J :/19;/@A6J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

/0@/2=@J!316/<71/:J J :31B@71/: J$ # J =FJ !7A69CAAJ :31B@71J B2 J$ # J =FJ


J+/B3@4=@2J @7253J&=/2 J'B J =6< A J" J $J

J'B J =6< A J" J


J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

J'B/B7=<J J ==A3J /G J" J



!7BA6C/>J'C>>:73AJ <1 J J =@B3J!/<163J'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $67:7>J&723=CBJ :31B@71/: J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J



'J J(J+7::7/;AJ :31B@71/:J B2 J J C@@GJ @3A J$ # J =FJ 'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J


'E7B16J :31B@71/:J <1=@>=@/B32 J J 63@@GE==2J @7D3 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J )<//<J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J




/@@73@J :31B@71 J


:J =C:2 AJ :31B@71/: J


J!1"/;/@/ J$/@/27A3 J" J











Construction - Highway, Street and Bridge Construction <<CJ C;03@J*/::3GJ$/D7<5 J J+67B3J /93AJ&=/2 J =@<3@J @==9 J" J /0@/2=@J+7<B3@J(@/7:A J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J" J "") J

J(=>A=7:J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J'BJ =6< A J" J

(3C379/<J =<AB@C1B7=<J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ (C<2@/J'3@D713AJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ

J (

$J J "


J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J







Construction - Interior and Exterior Work BA/<79J"7B/AA7</<J'1/44=:27<5J B2 J J!=C<BJ /BB=<J @7D3 J'BJ =6< A J" J +J&==47<5J <1 J$ # J =FJ

J'B3>63<D7::3 J" J

J ,

"J -

3@</@2J /D72J'727<5J J'3/;:3AAJ /D3AB@=C56 J$ # J =FJ

J'6C03</1/273 J"' J "J






<<CJ"=@B6E3ABJ&==47<5J 7;7B32 J J 7@AB@7>J&=/2 J"=@B6E3ABJ&7D3@ J" J

$J !


J J'J =<B@/1B7<5 J

$J !


J'63<C;J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ

J'63A6/BA67C J" J

C<J =EJ!/A=</@GJ/<2J AA=17/B3A J J = C<J&=/2 J+/5;/B1==9 J"' J !379/<BA6CJ'3@D713AJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ

J "

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

"/;/AAC J J!7163:7< J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


$3<1/:J$:/AB3@AJ/<2J$/7<B3@AJ 7;7B32 J J$/::7A3@J @3A13<B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J $3<1/:J'C>>:73AJ 7;7B32 J J$/::7A3@J @3A13<B J$ # J =FJ 'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J ' J'63A/6/BA67C J" J

)<7D3@A/:J 31=@/B7<5 J$ # J =FJ










$71/@2J$:/AB3@J J$/7<B7<5 J J!1 3<H73J @7D3 J'63A6/BA67C J" J '7A9/J =<B@/1B7<5 J



$J !

$J !






J'C;;3@D7::3 J"


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Construction - Other Trade Contractors BA/<79J'1/44=:27<5J B2 J$ # J =FJ J J J =:27<5A J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

/0@/2=@J 3@/;71J(7:3 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J




"=@B63@<J':7<5AJ/<2J(67<5AJ B2 J$ # J =FJ

J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


)/67B/CJ!/7<B3</<13J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J










Construction - Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning 0=@757</:J D/1J$:C;07<5J 7;7B32J J'63A6/BA67C J$ # J =FJ 0=@757</:J D/1J$:C;07<5J 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ

J'63A6/BA67C J" J

$J !


J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J



CAB7<J 6@7AB;/AJ$:C;07<5J J 3/B7<5 J J ?;=?3EJ EB7 J!3;03@B=C J"' J 'J


:2=<J =C:2J$:C;07<5 J

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J







J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

<D7@= '/43J C3:J'GAB3;AJ B2 J J A>3<J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J J/<2J J 3/B7<5 J J 03</97J&=/2 J(@C@= J"' J "J " 7/<<CJ 7;7B32 J

J =5GJ /GJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

7/<<CJ!7A9CAJ D/<7J =7<BJ*3<BC@3 J

J'B J =6< A J" J

J =5GJ /GJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

"C</B7A7/DCBJ'C>>:73AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ

J J'B J =6< A J" J

J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J



%C/:7BGJ"BA6C9J$:C;07<5J J 3/B7<5J B2 J J 7@AB@7>J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J"=@B6E3ABJ&7D3@ J" J $J !








'63A6/BA67CJ$:C;07<5J J*3<B7:/B7=< J J!7B163:: J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J




Construction - Site Preparation Work and Heavy Equipment Contractors A>@3G AJ F1/D/B7=<AJ J'<=EJ$:=E7<5 J

J 756E/GJ

J'633BJ /@0=C@ J"' J



C5CAB7<3 AJ&3<=D/B7=< J J!/>:3J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J -


$ ' J F1/D/B7<5 J$ # J =FJ







J J J =<AB@C1B7=<J @/<17AJ F1/D/B7=< J

J'6C03</1/273 J"' J "J

J B2 J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J


J!/7<J'B@33B J)<7BJ J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J +

<<CJ 6/7AA=<AJ =<AB@C1B7=<J B2 J J'B@/B4=@2J D3<C3 J $ # J =FJ J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J



J +



<<CJ!3:D7::3J(@C197<5J J F1/D/B7<5J B2 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J




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J .





<<CJ F1/D/B7=< J!/7<J'B@33B J#:2J'6=> J(@7<7BGJ /G J" J

J 324=@2 J"' J

J 3@</@2J J'=<AJ F1/D/B7<5J J$/D7<5 J

J!/7<J'B@33B J!/2/E/A9/J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J

/B/BA6CJ 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J J @==;473:2J'B@33B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J J!7BA6C/>/CJ*3<BC@3AJ B2 J J#BB/E/J'B@33B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J





=0/:BJ =<B@/1B7<5J J 3D3:=>;3<B J J 7<A:73J =C@B J&7D3@J&G/< J"' J C39C/BA63CJ =<AB@C1B7=< J J @==;473:2J'B@33B J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


/0@/2=@J =<1@3B3J$@=2C1BA J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313




info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



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J =>32/:3 J" J

J"/7< J" J



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J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J =>32/:3 J" J

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net






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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Education - Universities 7@ABJ"/B7=<AJ)<7D3@A7BGJ=4J /</2/ J J 7@ABJ"/B7=<AJ+/G J&357</ J'/A9/B163E/< J' 'J



Great opportunities IIMPACT MPACT

$12,000 scholarships available to A prime choiceFirst to Nations reachstudents your entering targetDalhousie area, the First Nations members of Visit dal.ca/scholarships. Quebec and Labrador. Apply by March 15 Don’t be left behind and bypass your competitors, invest in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory

info@indianacommunication.com info@indianacommunication.com

Electrical Equipment <<C<C9J(@/23@AJ 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J =A3>6J =E3J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ

J /:74/F J"' J




Electronics and Appliances - Sales, Repair and Maintenance 3B60@7253J'=C<2J'GAB3; J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J ==A3J /G J" J




J :744J'B@33B J @323@71B=< J" J




Embroidery '/7<BJ!/@G AJ /AB7<5J ;>@3AA7=<A J

Employment and Training Services $J


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS / LABRADOR - MARITIMES BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS '67>/A6BC9J <<CJ"335/<J C@<A723 J J(=E<:7<3 J#@/<53D7::3 J#<B/@7= J +J & 'B/AA7<CJ'B/<B31J B2 J$/@B<3@A67> J J J J C@<E==2J @7D3 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J (3@>AB@/J <57<33@7<5J B2 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J












Environmental Services and Management J"/7< J" J

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313





info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net





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J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J ' C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313





info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




Gas Stations 1@3;/< AJ'B=@3 J$ # J =FJ

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J :/19J(719:3 J" J

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313



info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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T (581) 300-6313

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info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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J .

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net












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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net




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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313



info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


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Machinery - Sales and Repair !71;/1J'/:3AJ/<2J =<AC:B7<5 J

J /@A63<J&=/2 J /@B;=CB6 J"' J ,J

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):CJ <2CAB@7/:J'3@D713AJ B2 J$ # J =FJ

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Management Company "C</BA7/DCBJ @=C>J=4J =;>/<73A J J 7::1@3ABJ&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Medical Equipment and Supplies - Sales and Manufacturers /ABJ =/ABJ!3271/:J!=07:3J <<CJ <1 J J C<233J D3<C3 J!=C<BJ$3/@: J" J <C7BJ!/9J <<CJ B2 J J A>3<J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

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J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J









Metal Products - Sales and Manufacturers /ABJ /5:3J =<B@/1B7<5 J J!7<7;/::J @7D3 J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J /;7:B=<J'GAB3;AJ J'/:3AJ B2 J$ # J =FJ

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J"/BC/A67A6 J" J

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Métis Organizatioflns "C</BC9/DCB J

J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


Mining - Exploration, Exploitation and Supplies + J"C</8/19J 7;7B32 J J 93@:3GJ =C:3D/@2 J /@B;=CB6 J"' J

J &

<<CJ /@BE@756BJ @7::7<5J B2 J$/@B<3@A67> J J /:74/FJ'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J <<CJ /E<J+=@9AJ <1 J J!1 3<H73J @7D3 J'63A6/BA67C J" J <<CJ'C>>:GJ#CB:3B J(=>A/7:J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ


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J'B/B7=<J J'B J =6< A J" J


J "


IIMPACT MPACT A prime choice to reach your target area, the First Nations members of Quebec and Labrador. Don’t be left behind and bypass your competitors, invest in your business with an ad in the Quebec-Labrador Aboriginal Business and Communities Directory info@indianacommunication.com info@indianacommunication.com


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS / LABRADOR - MARITIMES BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS "C</BA7/DCBJ =D3@<;3<BJJ J"=< &3<3E/0:3J&3A=C@13A J J 7::1@3ABJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J '/<5=J @7::7<5J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J$ # J =FJ '63<7J =@>=@/B7=< J$ # J =FJ

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$J !

J J'3@D713J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J








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Museums and Heritage Sites :==A1/>J 3@7B/53J'=173BG J J(@3/BGJ(@/7: J!7::0@==9J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J"' J

J +

!3B/>3</57/5J 3@7B/53J$/@9J <1 J

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Natural Resources (/ <J <C3GJ B: ;/E:C9E/B;C;9 !79;/EJ&3A=C@13J 3D3:=>;3<BJ =@> J J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J













Office Supplies and Stationery J#44713J'C>>:73A J J =<2=J =C@B J C@<BJ 6C@16 J" J <<CJ >/9C37 J

J /;7:7B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J

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Organizations and Associations 0=@757</:J+=;3<J AA=17/B7=<J=4J$



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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Outfitters - Hunting and Fishing 22D3<BC@3J, J$ # J =FJ J'B J 3=@53 A J" J ;/:7839J /93J#CB47BB7<5 J$ # J =FJ /: AJ C<B7<5J/<2J 7A67<5 J$ # J =FJ =<<3J&7D3@J#CB47BB7<5 J$ # J =FJ

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J ==A3J /G J" J

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Pawnshops /1 AJ$/E<A6=> J J @;GJ'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J &



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J @=E<J @7D3 J /:74/F J"' J "J

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J /AB:3J /GJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

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J J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J



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Pharmacies and Health Stores A9/A=<7J$6/@;/16=713 J J!32717<3J(@/7: J$ # J =FJ

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J



Photographers and Photo Services =C5J ::3<J$6=B=5@/>6G J /E93G3J$6=B=5@/>6G J

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"J .


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313



info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

J J J J J J J' :A7>=5B=5J&J ! $ J J J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J



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Postal Services J JJ J J J J J J J J J J /</2/J$=ABJ J =<<3J&7D3@ J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =<<3J&7D3@ J"


J JJ J J J J J J $J J /</2/J$=ABJ J =>32/:3 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J"



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Printers J J 113AAJ J/03:A J$J# J =FJ

J J J J J ;63@AB J"' J J


Promotional Objects Ê ChefÊ iÊ* V>À`, Ê Ê Ê Indiana Õ V>Ì ] °*°ÊÎnÎ] Wendake, (Québec), Gä Ê{6ä

(xn£) Îää-ÈΣÎ

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Public Works =<<3J&7D3@J /@/53 J$ # J =FJ J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J J


:A7>=5B=5J!/7<B3</<13 J J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J '



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Indiana Õ V>Ì ] °*°ÊÎnÎ]ÊChef iÊ* V>À`, Wendake, (Québec), G0A 4V0ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ­xn£) Îää-ÈΣΠ!71;/1 !/:7A33BJ"/B7=<AJ"3EAJ AA=17/B7=< J$ # J =FJ J(@C@= J"' J "J *


!7 9;/? !/:7A33BJ"/B7=<AJ"3EA J$ # J =FJ J(@C@= J"' J "J *


!=1/AA7J(3:35@/>6 J =FJ J J 3<E719J&$# J /:74/F J"' J J !


Radio Stations 0=@757</:J*=713AJ&/27=J * J J /:74/F J J 23:/723J'B@33BJ /AB J 'C7B3J J(=@=<B= J#<B/@7= J! J ,


( J


J ! J J!/7<J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J +

! J&/27=J'B/B7=< J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J!/99=D79 J" J $J


=>32/:3J&/27=J'B/B7=< J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J =>32/:3 J" J $J


#9/:/9/B753BJ'=173BG J J 9/8CB/CD79J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J"/7< J" J $J


$=ABD7::3J&/27=J'=173BG J J /7>=9=9J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ J$=ABD7::3 J" J $J "


'63A6/BA67CJ <<CAJ&/27=J'B/B7=< J$ # J =FJ J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@ J" J $J !





Rail Transportation <<CJ&/7:J /<B316J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J$ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !

Real Estate, Property Managers and Related Services 3@</@2 AJ >/@B;3<BA J J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


/ABJ <2J F>@3AA J$ # J =FJ J"/7< J" J $J



$J$@=>3@B73AJ 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J$ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !



$J$@=>3@B73AJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ J'63A6/BA67C J" J $J !



=;/B79J&3/:J AB/B3J =@>=@/B7=< J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J



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3=</@2J$/C:J >/@B;3<BA J J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


@/<17AJ >/@B;3<BA J J =6<J$/C: AJ /<3 J$ # J =FJ J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

!/1J J <B3@>@7A3AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ J"=@B6E3ABJ&7D3@ J" J $J !


&=19GJ$=7<BJ /@0=C@J*73EJ =BB/53A J J /@0=C@J*73EJ @7D3 J$ # J =FJ J =@<E/:: J$ J J


'3:4J'B=@/53J /@< J J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J &


(@C@=J$=E3@J 3<B@3 J J(@3/BGJ(@/7: J(@C@= J"' J "J


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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Renewable Energies 3B 53J+7<2J <1 J J!/7<J'B@33B J'B3>63<D7::3 J" J



/EA=<J!7::AJ 7=;/AAJ'=:CB7=<A J J+/BBAJ D3<C3 J 6/@:=BB3B=E< J$ J !7 9;/EJ :B3@</B7D3J <3@5G J


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'C< 7@J <3@5GJ'=:CB7=<A J J 7@16E==2J @7D3 J&=19GJ$=7<B J$ J




J !





Research and Other Professional Services !7 9;/?J&3A3/@16J'3@D713A J

J!3/2=E0@==9J @7D3 J 324=@2 J"' J

!7 9;/?J(@3/BGJ/<2J 0=@757</:J&756BAJ&3A=C@13J 3<B@3 J $ # J =FJ J'6C03</1/273 J"' J "J

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J 6C@16J'B@33B J J

"C</BA7/DCBJ =D3@<;3<BJ&3A3/@16J#44713 J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J"/7< J" J




/;>03:: AJ$:/13 J$ # J =FJ


J$=@BJ =>3J'7;>A=< J" J



/@/ AJ /43 J J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J ' :3/<J+/D3J&3AB/C@/<B J



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/A6E==2AJ 7<3@ J$ # J =FJ



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J$ # J =FJ

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J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J

@33<J @/AAJ&C<<7<5J+/B3@J /43 J

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J$3B3@ AJ&=/2 J C@<BJ 6C@16J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J


J!/7<J'B@33B J(/B/;/5=C163 J"' J

/0@/2=@7B3J =C<53 J J+/B3@ J$ # J =FJ

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J J *




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!=@@7AJ$7HH/ J

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J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


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/253@ AJ$:/13J 13J @3/;J$/@:=C@ J J!/7<J'B@33B J /253@ J"



J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J


J !


J!/7<J'B@33B J!/2/E/A9/J!/:7A33BJ 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J

J +

$7HH/J$:/13 J /::J$/@9J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J &




$=C:3BB3AJ$7HH/ J J 3=@53J'B@33B J A9/A=<7 J"' &32AB=<3J'3/4==2A J J&32AB=<3J @7D3 J'1=B164=@B J$ J &=A/:73AJ$7HH/ J


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'67@:3G AJ'C0J'6=> J J!/>:3J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J -


'7AB3@ AJ GJ(E=J B2 J$ # J =FJ


J&75=:3B J" J

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J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ



' J$7HH/ J J'>3<13@AJ /<3 J A9/A=<7 J"' 'C0E/GJ J A9/A=<7 J



J J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

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C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Security and Investigation Services ' J "")J'31C@7BG J$ # J =FJ

J'B J =6< A J" J

<<CJ'31C@7BGJ 7;7B32 J

J"=@B6J'B@33B J$ # J =FJ

<<CJ'=C@13J'31C@7BG J

J 3;>J&=/2 J'C7B3J

J J /:74/F J"' J

J /:74/F J"' J

J -

J ,

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J"=@B6E3ABJ&7D3@ J" J

J'B J =6< A J" J

$J !

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Senior Citizens Services and Centres A9/A=<7J :23@AJ 3<B3@ J J!32717<3J(@/7: J A9/A=<7 J"' !7::0@==9J'3<7=@J 3<B@3 J


J+7::=EJ'B@33B J(@C@= J"' J "J "

"/7<J =;;C<7BGJ :23@A J 3<3@/:J 3:7D3@G J"/7< J" J




Signs - Sales and Manufacturers '6/<<=< AJ'75<AJ J @/>671A J J =;;3@17/:J'B@33B J =@<3@J @==9 J" J

J *


Snow Mobiles and ATVs - Sales, Rental and Service 2J :/93J <B3@>@7A3AJ B2 J$ # J =FJ

J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@ J" J

'63>>/@2 AJ'97 ==J J*/@73BGJ'6=>J <1 J$ # J =FJ

$J !

J$=ABD7::3 J" J


$J "



Social Services C@<BJ 6C@16J 7@ABJ"/B7=<J'=17/:J 3D3:=>;3<BJ 3>/@B;3<B J J /GD73EJ @7D3 J C@<BJ 6C@16J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J J


6/>3:J A:/<2J'=17/:J+3:4/@3 J$ # J =FJ

J"' J




3:J @=C<2J 7@ABJ"/B7=<J'=17/:J 3D3:=>;3<B J J 6C@16J&=/2 J 3:J @=C<2 J" J *J



:A7>=5B=5J @7A7AJ 3<B@3 J



J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J '

A9/A=<7J /A3J!/</53;3<B J J!7<7J!/::J @7D3 J A9/A=<7 J"'



A9/A=<7J @7A7AJ/<2J&343@@/:J 3<B3@ J J!32717<3J(@/7: J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J



A9/A=<7J'=17/:J 3D3:=>;3<B J J!7<7J!/:: J$ # J =FJ <27/<J @==9J ==2J /<9 J

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

J 6C@16J'B@33B J'6C03</1/273 J"' J "J +

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"/7<J'/43J =CA3 J$ # J =FJ


J+7::=EJ'B@33B J(@C@= J"' J "J "

J"/7< J" J


'63A6/BA67CJ 2=:3A13<BJ =;3 J$ # J =FJ

J"=@B6J+3ABJ&7D3@ J" J

(=07?C3J'=17/:J'3@D713A J

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+/5;/B1==9J =;;C<7BGJ'C>>=@B J$ # J =FJ

$J !



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J "



J+/5;/B1==9 J"' J

Sporting Goods and Hobby Stores J'3/A=<J'>=@BAJ <1 J

J 6C@167::J @7D3 J)<7BJ

J!3;03@B=C J"' J 'J

2</ AJ <B7?C3AJ/<2J =::31B70:3A J J(C>A7J @7D3 J!3;03@B=CJ&3A3@D3 J />3J @3B=< J"' J 'J J/<2J J(@=>673A J J :C303@@GJ$=7<BJ&=/2 J 3:J&7D3@J /@J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J '972==J <<CJ/<2J&31@3/B7=< J$ # J =FJ


J"/BC/A67A6 J" J

J -







C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


Sports, Amusement and Recreation Centres J /9E/J'B@33B J /;0@7253J




J /AB:3J /GJ&=/2 J A9/A=<7 J"'

6/>3:J A:/<2J =;;C<7BGJ 3<B@3 J"' J



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J 75J =D3J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J '

J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J

J J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

A9/A=<7J 7B<3AAJ 3<B3@ J

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

)<7BJ J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

)"2/;3<B/:AJ 7B<3AAJ <1 J J 756J'B@33B J @/<2J /::A +7<2A=@ J" J






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J!/7<J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J ,

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!/@A6/::J$/7<BJ /:: J J(C>A7J @7D3 J'G2<3G J"' J 'J $


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!3;03@B=CJ /;7<5J C7:27<5J J J!/7::/@2J'B@33B J!3;03@B=C J"' J 'J +


!3;03@B=CJ /;7<5J(@/7::3@ J

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A9/A=<7J'>=@BAJ/<2J&31@3/B7=< J J!32717<3J(@/7: J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

!/99=D79J&31@3/B7=< J$ # J =FJ



A9/A=<7J /< J J!3;=@7/:J&7<9 J J @3</J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

3D7J/<2J 3D7J ;CA3;3<B J

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!3;03@B=CJ&31@3/B7=<J AA=17/B7=< J




J!3;03@B=CJ'B@33B J'G2<3G J"' J 'J !


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"/7<J @7;3J$@3D3<B7=<J =;;7BB33 J$ # J =FJ





"/7<J <C7BJ =;;C<7BGJ =D3@<;3<BJ&31@3/B7=<J 3>/@B;3<BJ J 4B3@J'16==:J$@=5@/;J J =;;C<7BGJ-=CB6J"3BE=@9 J$ # J =FJ J"/7< J" J $J



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"/7<J CA9GJ 3<B@3 J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J

&75=:3BJ =;;C<7BGJ /:: J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J

&7D3@A723J @1/23J/<2J(/93J#CB J$ # J =FJ



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$J "

$J $

J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J



(63J =:2J"C553BJ " J J 3316J 7::J&=/2 J =:2J&7D3@J +3AB3@<J'6=@3 J"' J (=07?C3J 756J'B/93AJ*( J J!/7<J'B@33B J(=07?C3J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J (@3/BGJ <B3@B/7<;3<B J J(@3/BGJ(@/7: J& & J


/AB:3J /GJ 7::7/@2A J

J"' J $J


<</>=:7AJ*/::3GJ&31@3/B7=<J /:: J

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+/5;/B1==9J!/@7</J/<2J+6/@4 J J 7A63@GJ&=/2 J$ # J=FJ

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Taxidermists '>7@7BJ /93J(/F723@;G J J /@:=EJ =C@B J @323@71B=< J" J

J *


Taxis 3AA3 AJ(/F7 J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J



Telecommunications - Wireless Telecommunications including Satellite 5:CB39J =;>CB3@AJ <1 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J


"/<C9J'C>>:GJ J'3@D713AJ B2 J J =@7<5J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ 'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J '/<5=(316J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J J =@7<5J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ 'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J








C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Telephone - Local and Long Distance Carriers /7@J*3<BC@3AJ 7;7B32 J J$3/@A=<J'B@33B J'C7B3J

J'B J =6< A J" J

J &




Television Broadcasting A9/A=<7J(3:3D7A7=<J J (* J J!7<7J!/::J @7D3 J$ # J =FJ

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


!7/E>C939J /0:3J*7A7=< J$ # J =FJ

J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J




+/5;/B1==9J =;;C<7BGJ 6/<<3: J




J$ # J =FJ

J+/5;/B1==9 J"' J

J "

Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes - Sales and Manufacturers <</>=:7AJ*/::3GJ 7@ABJ"/B7=<J';=93J'6=> J J == =EJ /<3 J /;0@7253J C2 AJ';=93J'6=> J

J"' J $J


J @/6/;J&=/2 J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J (


/: AJ /A6J"J = J J!7<7J!/::J @7D3 J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


A9/A=<7J(=0/11=J'6=> J J!7<7J!/:: J$ # J =FJ


7@9 AJ';=93J'6=> J

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

J'6=@3J&=/2 J A9/A=<7 J"'


!/:7A33BJ';=93J'6=> J J!/7<J'B@33B J(=07?C3J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J" J !3;03@B=CJ 75/@3BB3J'6=> J

J!3;03@B=CJ'B@33B J!3;03@B=C J"' J 'J !

!7::0@==9J(=0/11=J'B=@3 J$ # J =FJ '/7<BJ!/@G AJ';=93J'6=> J

J -

J(@C@= J"' J "J






J :7443J'B@33B J'/7<BJ!/@G AJ 7@ABJ"/B7=< J @323@71B=< J" J



Tools and Equipment - Rentals and Service <<CJ =<B@=:AJ J ?C7>;3<BJ B2 J$7>>GJ$:/13 J$ # J =FJ

J'B/B7=<J J'B J =6< A J



<<CJ*/::3GJ&3<B/:AJ J'/:3AJ B2 J J /;7:B=<J&7D3@J&=/2 J $ # J =FJ J'B/B7=<J J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J !/;CJ'=:CB7=<AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ

J /:74/F J"' J



J -



!/A6/CJ />7B/:J 7;7B32J$/@B<3@A67> J J'/5=</J D3<C3 J!=C<BJ$3/@: J" J

"J &



"/BC/A67A6J#13/<D73EJ ?C7>;3<BJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ

J -







J /:74/F J"' J

'B@/756BJ'C>>:73AJ <<CJ B2 J J /<5:3GJ /<3 J$=7<BJ(C>>3@ J"' J (=@<5/7BJ$C;>A J'/:3AJ J'3@D713AJ 7;7B32 J$ # J =FJ )BA67;/CJ'/:3AJ J&3<B/:AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ

J .

J"=@@7AJ$=7<B J" J

J"/7< J" J

J *



Tourism and Travel Agencies 0/2/9J+7:23@<3AAJ 2D3<BC@3A J$ # J =FJ

J'7B3J J :/BJ /G J" J

J <B3@>@7A3A J(=C@7A;J 3D3:=>;3<BJ =@> J$ # J =FJ

"J .


J 6/>3:J A:/<2 J"' J



/0=FJ <B3@>@7A3AJ B2 J J!/7<J&=/2 J"=3:AJ$=<2 J'B3>63<D7::3 J"=3:AJ$=<2 J'B3>63<D7::3 J /;>03::J 2D3<BC@3J(=C@A J$ # J =FJ

"J '


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J " C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


J info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net


J 3<<=FJ A:/<2 J$ J

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Treaty Offices

Trucking 7D39BCC9J =:27<5AJ <1 J$ # J =FJ

J"/7< J" J

::/<J 322=@3J(@C197<5 J J /AB:3J /GJ&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J


::/<J+ J 322=@3J(@C197<5 J J /AB:3J /GJ&=/2 J A9/A=<7J 7@ABJ"/B7=< J"' J +J


:/93J <B3@>@7A3J B2 J$ # J =FJ

J 6/@:=BB3B=E< J"


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J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J



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J$=@BJ =>3J'7;>A=< J" J

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Veterinary, Pet Shops and Animal Services '6=@BBAJ /93J =55GJ /G1/@3J/<2J =/@27<5 J

J'6=@BBAJ /93J+3ABJ&=/2 J :B=< J"' J "J


Video and Film Industries 3/@J$/EJ$@=2C1B7=< J J)<7=<J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J .


!/ A:J$@=2C1B7=< J$ # J =FJ


J'B J$3B3@A J"' J


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J :G23J'B@33B J)<7BJ J /:74/F J"' J


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313


info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Video Stores - Sales and Rental &7D3@A723J*723= J$ # J =FJ J =<<3J&7D3@ J" J



Waste Management - Treatment and Decontamination A9/A=<7J'3E/53J$:/<B J

J'6=@3J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ

J A9/A=<7 J"' J +J

<<CJ ==>3@J =<AB@C1B7=<J <1 J J 7@AB@7>J&=/2 J"=@B6E3ABJ&7D3@ J" J

<<CJ&31G1:3FJ B2 J'63A639/B79J <B3@>@7A3J <1 J J(6=;>A=< J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J /0@/2=@J <<CJ+/AB3J!/</53;3<BJ 7;7B32 J J <17<3@/B=@J&=/2 J$ # J =FJ J ' J" J


$J !

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'=19J'/<7B/B7=<J'3@D713A J


J 3D7J'B@33B J :A7>=5B=5 J" J +J +

Water - Treatment, Sanitation and Distribution 6/>3:J A:/<2J+/B3@J(@3/B;3<BJ$:/<B J$ # J =FJ =>32/:3J$C;>J =CA3 J$ # J =FJ

J 6/>3:J A:/<2 J"' J

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Wholesalers /<2/:2/@J <1 J$ # J =FJ



33J!/FJ <<CJ+6=:3A/:3J$/@B<3@A67> J'<3:5@=D3 AJ+6=:3A/:3J 7;7B32 J J @/<2J'B@33B J />>GJ*/::3G ==A3J /G J" J $J

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J!722:3B=< J"' J 'J $

J(@C@=J 3756BAJ&=/2 J(@C@= J"' J "J







Wood Products - Sales and Manufacturers &=G/:BGJ /@2E==2AJ B2 J


J 3=@53B=E<J&=/2 J$==:3AJ =@<3@ J$ J


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Liste des annonceurs / Advertisers list Aecon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Air Inuit Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Alliance de la Fonction Publique du Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Aluminerie Alouette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 ArcelorMittal Exploitation Minière Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador - Chef Ghislain Picard . . . . .4 BDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Béton Provincial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Bird (Bird Construction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Blais et Langlois Inc. (Les Excavations Marchand & Fils) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Brandt Group of Companies (Brand Tractor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Canadien National Railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Cartier Place Suite Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Catalys Lubrifiants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 CDEM - Corporation de développement économique montagnaise . . . . . . . . . . .9 Cégep de Baie-Comeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Campus Val-D'or) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Cégep de St-Félicien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Cégep de Trois-Rivières . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .342 Cégep Marie-Victorin / Formation Continue et Services aux Entreprises . . . . . . .16 Centre de Développement et de Formation de la Main-D'Œuvre Huron-Wendat (CDFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Centre de formation en Transport de Charlesbourg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Centre de formation professionnelle de la Baie-James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Centre de formation professionnelle de l'Estuaire (CFP Forestville) . . . . . . . . . .342 Centre de formation professionnelle Qualitech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Centre de formation professionnelle Val d'or (Centre National des Mines) . . . . .14 Commission de la Construction du Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Séparateur 3 Recto Conseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw-Sipi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Conseil de la Nation Huronne-Wendat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 Conseil des Atikamekw d'Opitciwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Conseil des Atikawekw de Wemotaci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Conseil des Innus de Ekuanitshit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 Conseil des Innus de Pessamit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 Construction Kiewit Cie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Cree First Nation of Waswanipi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Cree Nation of Chisasibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Cree Nation of Eastmain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Cree Nation of Mistissini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



Entreprise / Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .# Page

Liste des annonceurs / Advertisers list Entreprise / Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .# Page Cree Nation of Nemaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Cree Nation of Waskaganish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Cree Nation of Wemindji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Cree-Naskapi Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349 Critical Elements Lithium Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 CSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Doubletree par Hilton Montréal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Dumas Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Eeyou Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Eeyou Eenou Police Force Regional Headquarters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Eldorado Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Eskan company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333 EVOQ Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 Fédération des Caisses Desjardins du Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique (FQSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367 First Nations Financial Management Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 FMI Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373 FNAESC / CSPNEA (Conseil scolaire des Premières Nations en Éducation des Adultes - First Nations Adult Education School Council) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Focus Graphite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Frédéric Bilodeau Conseiller en Sécurité Financière . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323 FTQ Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Séparateur 2 Verso Fury Gold Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Galaxy Lithium Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Gaston St-Pierre & Associés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 GLR Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Goodfellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Groupe ADC (Quality Inn Sept-Iles, Rodeway Inn Pikogan, Innutel Schefferville) . .36 Groupe Hôtelier Grand Château (Hôtel Sheraton Laval - Hilton Laval) . . . . . . .34 Harnois Énergies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363 HEC Montréal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Hecla Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .358 Hélicarrier Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Hélicoptères Panorama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Hilton Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Honco Bâtiments d'Acier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Hôtel Chibougamau / Motel Harricana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 et 353 Hôtel Quartier (Groupe Hôtelier Ben) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 HUB International Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324 Imerys Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 J3 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 38 et 333 Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Laurentian University - Indigenous Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Laval Fortin Ltée (Groupe LFL Group) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Le Nouvel Hôtel & Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37


C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net

Liste des annonceurs / Advertisers list Listuguj MicMac Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Midland Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359 Minerai de Fer Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable . . . . . . . . . .Séparateur 1 Recto MNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Mohawk Council of Kahnawake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 Mueller Water Products Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 Newviq'vi Inc. - Les magasins Tullik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356 Northern College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Nouveau Monde Graphite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359 Nuvumiut Development Corp. / Qaqqalik Landholding Corp. . . . . . . . . .35 et 23 Orizon Mobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Pharmacie Uniprix Santé Lambert, Allard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363 Pneus GBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Pomerleau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Première Nation des Piekuakamiulnuatsh (SDEI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Produits Forestiers Résolu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Couvert 3 Régime des Bénéfices Autochtones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324 Relais Nordik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Réseau des SADC+CAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Couvert 3 Ressources Cartier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Séparateur 3 Verso Sayona Québec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .358 Secrétariat aux Relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Secretariat to the Cree Nation Abitibi-Témiscamingue Economic Alliance . . .Couvert 2 SMS Equipement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Société de Dév. Écon. Uashat mak Mani-utenam (Conseil des Montagnais de Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Société Mukutan (Conseil des Innus de Unamen Shipu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Stelmine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Tacora Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Timiskaming First Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Toromont Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355 et Séparateur 2 Recto Transport Ferroviaire Tshiuetin SEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Séparateur 1 Verso Via Rail Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Villa Ignatia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382 Whapmagoostui First Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118

C.P. 383, Chef Émile Picard, Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0

T (581) 300-6313

info@indianacommunication.com www.quebecautochtone.net www.aboriginalquebec.net



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