इंडिया बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्‍स, अंक 36

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इ डया बक ऑफ रकॉडस

2024 माच 2024 अक 36
R.N.I. No: HARENG/2010/32259
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में�ेशिशयोा मेंं वर्ल्डथतिकॉग्स और

एबीीआर कॉा शानदाार सामेंारोह

कॉई सांस्कृृ डितकॉ औरो प्रडितस्पधाी कॉाया�क्रमां स सुसज्जि�त

‘फेस्टिस्टवल तहुन बुहारु धिसना 2024’ कॉा शानदेारो

समाारोोह, कॉोटा डिकॉनाबुालु, डिपटास मा वर्ल्ड�डिकॉग्स, एशिशयाा

बुुकॉ ऑफ रिरोकॉॉर्ड्‌�स औरो मालेशिशयाा बुुकॉ ऑफ रिरोकॉॉर्ड्‌�स द्वाारोा आयाोजि�त एकॉ भाव्य शो थॉा।


मेंधुुमेंेह कॉ लि�ए योोग


अनकॉ प्रति�भााए

आईबीीआर कॉॉन्वोोकॉेशन मेंं एकॉजुुट हुईं

ज़ुुवंटस हैल्थकॉयारो लिलडिमाट�, माुंबुई न माधामाेह प्रबुधान हत याोग कॉो बुढ़ाावा देेन

कॉ लिलए एकॉ डि�जि�टल प्रडितज्ञाा परो

हस्तााक्षरो कॉरोन वाल अधिधाकॉतमा �ॉक्टरों कॉा रिरोकॉॉ�� बुनायाा है। कॉुल 6803 प्रडितभााडिगयां न इंस माुद्देे कॉो

उ�ागरो कॉरोन कॉ लिलए अपनी डि�जि�टल

सहमाडित देी।

छठेे कॉॉन्वोोकॉेशन समाारोोह मा 10 फरोवरोी, 2024 कॉो इंंडि�याा बुुकॉ ऑफ रिरोकॉॉर्ड्‌�स (आईबुीआरो) कॉी ओरो स रिरोकॉॉ�� धाारोकॉं औरो आईबुीआरो एचीीवस� कॉो सम्मााडिनत डिकॉयाा गयाा। देेश कॉ अलग-अलग डिहस्सोंं स पधाारो एचीीवस� न फरोीदेाबुादे (डिदेल्लीी एनसीआरो) स्थि�त आईबुीआरो कॉायाालया कॉा देौरोा डिकॉयाा। 30

प्राथॉना, प्रति�ज्ञाा, खेे� ‘रंग�ा पंंजुाबी’ कॉ लि�ए नशा-माुक्त प�ाबु हत प्राथॉ�ना कॉरोन कॉ लिलए अमाृतसरो कॉ स्वर्ण माडिदेरो मा छात्रोंं कॉी सबुस बुड़ीी सभाा औरो वॉकॉथॉॉन कॉा कॉीडितमाान कॉडिमाश्नरोेट पुलिलस, अमाृतसरो औरो दे कॉ�डिनटल एनोमाली ट्रीीटमांट ट्रीस्ट (कॉैट) द्वाारोा �ाडिपत डिकॉयाा गयाा।

�ुधिधुयोाना मेंं ‘नशा मेंुक्त पंंजुाबी’ कॉ लि�ए सााइक्लोोथॉॉन

‘नशा-माुक्त प�ाबु’ कॉ लिलए साइंक्लोोथॉॉन मा प्रडितभााडिगयां कॉी अधिधाकॉतमा संख्याा कॉा रिरोकॉॉ�� लुधिधायााना कॉी कॉडिमाश्नरोेट पुलिलस द्वाारोा बुनायाा गयाा, जि�समा कॉुल 25,000 साइंडिकॉल सवारों न भााग लिलयाा। ए��ुडि�कॉेटरो कॉ रूप मा आचीाया� मानीष न देाव कॉी पजि� कॉी।

ii इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

प्रधुानमेंंत्रीी नरंद्र मेंोदाी


कॉ 75 मेंनोभााव

प्रधाान मात्रोंी कॉ डिवडिभान्न भाावनाओ कॉो देशान वाल अधिधाकॉतमा धिचीत्रोंं कॉा कॉीडितमाान शांतमालिर्ण कॉला कॉंद्र, बुंगलुरु, कॉनाटकॉ द्वाारोा �ाडिपत डिकॉयाा गयाा, जि�सकॉ तहत कॉला कॉंद्र कॉ �ीन, �ॉ. अडिवनाश न प्रधाानमात्रोंी नरोंद्र माोदेी कॉ 75 धिचीत्रों प्रदेशिशत डिकॉए।

�जुस्वि�नी तिवधुान साभाा


त�स्टिस्वनी डिवधाान सभाा मा व्यापकॉ यावा सशजिक्तकॉरोर्ण परो लोकॉतांडित्रोंकॉ सत्रोंं मा भााग लन वाली लड़ीडिकॉयां कॉी अधिधाकॉतमा संख्याा कॉा रिरोकॉॉ�� ग�रोात कॉ माडिहला एव बुाल डिवकॉास (माडिहला कॉल्याार्ण) आयाक्तालया द्वाारोा �ाडिपत डिकॉयाा गयाा।

ओमाान और भाारत काा नॉलेेज काोलेाज


प्रि�य पााठकोंं, ऋतुुरााज वसंंतु कोंा आगमन होो चुुकोंा होै। माचु कों महोीन म मौसंम बेेहोद संहोावना होोतुा होै, जिजसंम न तुो बेहुतु गमी होोतुी हो औरा न होी ठंड। स्वच्छ नीलेे आसंमान कों नीचु होल्कोंी होवा रागं कों त्यौहोारा होोलेी कोंा संंकोंतु दतुी �तुीतु होोतुी होै। ऐसं संहोावन मौसंम मं, इंंप्रिडया बेकों ऑफ रिराकोंॉडचसं मासिसंकों आपाकों जिलेए सिवसिवध सिवषयं औरा असंाधाराण कोंीर्तितुमानं कोंी एकों श्रृंंखलेा लेेकोंरा आई होै। होाले होी म मलेेजि�या म आयोजिजतु एजि�या बेकों ऑफ रिराकोंॉडचसं कों एकों अद्भुतु औरा भव्य कोंायचक्रम कों अलेावा, होम आपाकोंो अपान छठ आईबेीआरा कोंॉन्वोकों�न संमाराोहो कोंी एकों झलेकों भी प्रिदखा राहो हों, जिजसंम द� भरा सं आए महोमानं न भाग जिलेया। बेंगलेुरु, कोंनाटकों कों डॉ. असिवना� कोंातु न �धानमंत्रीी नरांद्र मोदी कोंी भावनाओंं कोंो द�ाचतु हुए उनकोंी 75 पाप्रिटंग बेनाकोंरा, औरा �दर्शि�तु कोंराकों अपानी तुराहो कोंा पाहोलेा कोंाम प्रिकोंया होै। इंन तुस्वीरां कोंी खबे तुाराीफ होो राहोी होै। ओंमान संल्तुनतु कों इंंप्रिडयन स्कोंले अले संीबे म भारातु कों बेारा म जानकोंाराी दन वालेी एकों अद्भुतु पाहोले कोंी गई। दूसंराी ओंरा, रााष्ट्रीीय बेाजिलेकोंा प्रिदवसं कों उपालेक्ष्य म गुजराातु सिवधानसंभा म छात्रीाओंं कों जिलेए एकों सिव�ेष


लेोकोंतुांप्रित्रीकों संत्री आयोजिजतु प्रिकोंया गया।

आपाकोंो अंदरा कों पान्नोंं पारा कोंई अन्य प्रिदलेचुस्पा कोंहोाप्रिनयां भी सिमलेगी। यवाओंं कों बेीचु न�ा-मुक्त पाजाबे कोंा संंद� फलेान कों जिलेए पाजाबे पाजिलेसं द्वााराा आयोजिजतु लेसिधयाना कोंा भव्य संाइंक्लेोथॉॉन औरा अमंतुसंरा कोंा वॉकोंथॉॉन ऐसितुहोासिसंकों रिराकोंॉडच संासिबेतु हुए। पावच आईएएसं असिधकोंाराी डॉ. रााज रूपा फजिलेया कोंी कोंहोानी भी बेड़ीी �राणादायकों होै। उन्होंन

भारातु औरा दुप्रिनया कोंी कोंई भाषाओंं म अनप्रिगनतु गीतु गाए हों। डॉक्टरां द्वााराा मधमहो �बेंधन कों जिलेए योग कोंो बेढ़ाावा दन होेतुु एकों प्रिडजिजटले संंकोंल्पा पारा होस्तुाक्षरा कोंराना औरा संबेसं कोंम संमय म पारा चुहोरा पारा सिवप्रिटजिलेगो कोंमोफ्लेाज कोंरान कोंा �यासं भी ऐसं होी कोंुछ असंाधाराण रिराकोंॉडच हों।

इंनम सं कोंुछ कोंहोाप्रिनयां आपाकोंो भी नए कोंीर्तितुमान बेनान कों जिलेए �ेरिरातु कोंरा संकोंतुी हों।

आपा होम अपाना फीडबेकों ईमले कोंरा संकोंतु हों: media@indiabookofrecords.in

नीराजा राॉय चुौधराी �बेंध

अचीीवर 74
राज रूप फुुलिलेयाा एका
हैंं पर चेे हैंर पर वि� विटलिलेगाो कामाोफ्लााज 36 40 42 iii इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024 संंपाादक डेेस्क
ब्यूूरोक्रेेट जो गाायाका

आंरा एनी आंई नीं. : HARENG/2010/32259

प्रबुंध संपाादेक नीीराजीा राॉया चौधराी

संपाादेक नीराविं�जीया याादी�

कॉपाी एडोीट� सेोनीमु गग�, शुभाा विंप्रयाा

रिडोजाइंना ए� वि�न्याास स्वपनी �निनीक, शंकरा लिसेहो कोरागा

रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स समन्वयाक कविं�ता जीयााड़ा

इंमेज संकलना कविं�ता कन्नौौजिजीयाा

संकलना मुानीसेी सेतीजीा

रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स प्रबुंधना टीम सेगाता दीासे, प्रविंतमुा डॉ सेराकारा, नीदीीमु अहोमुदी, सेगीता लिसेन्हा, जीसेप्रीत कौरा गांधी, गुंजीनी काचरू, इमुनीुएली जीॉ�, अराविं�दी कमुारा समर्थ�ना मुोहोम्मदी इकराामु

आंईटी टीम शांतनी चौहोानी, पदीमु लिसेहो रााणा, कविंपली अत्राी

सेंपक� करां: इंंरिडयोा बुुका ऑफ


413ए, HSIIDC, सेैक्टरा-68, आंईएमुटेी

फुराीदीा�ादी -121004, होबिरायााणा, भाारात

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ई-मुली: ibr@indiabookofrecords.in media@indiabookofrecords.in abr@asiabookofrecords.com

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हमाारेे सहयोोगीी

एशि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स सेेल्वााराानीी मुुथैैयाा

वि�यातनााम बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स लीी त्राानी त्रांग अनी

वि�श्व रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स वि�श्ववि�द्याालया राचनीा शमुा�

इंंडोो वि�यातनााम मरिडोकल बुोडो� गुएनी होोआंंग अन्ह

नाेपााल बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स दीीपक चन्द्र सेेनी

बुंगलादेे� बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स डॉॉ. गोविं�दी दीासे

इंंडोोनाेशि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स आंस्मरा सेीमुेस्ताा सेशीलीो


सेंदीीप बि�श्नााई, डॉॉ. आंरा आंरा फुुलिलीयाा, लिश�ांगी अग्र�ाली, आंरा क �मुा�, सेराजीीत लिसेहो, डॉॉ. प्रदीीप भााराद्वााजी

नि�र्णाा�योका मांडला / रिरेपोोर्ट�रे

आंंध्र प्रदेे� बिदीलीीप पात्राो

असम � उत्त� पा�� जिजीतदीरा कमुारा जीनी

छत्तीसगढ़ किकराण शमुा�, कृष्ण कमुारा गुप्ताा

रिदेल्लीी विं�नीोदी कमुारा लिसेहो, मुोबिहोत �त्स, सेमुीरा दीासे

गुज�ात नीीलिलीमुा छााजीेड़, शलीसे सेी पटेेली

हरि�यााणाा आंशतोष जिमुत्तली

विहमाचल प्रदेे� जी क शमुा�, चिचतराजीनी मुहोंत

झाा�खंंडो प्राकृत कमुारा लिसेहो

कनाा�टक होराीश आंरा, प्रदीीप पीटेरा जीोसेेफु, गिगराीश �ान्वीी, अशोक बि�राादीरा

क�ल श्रीीश्रीी आंया�मुहोविंष, विं��ेक नीायारा, सेागरा एआंरा, फुालिसेली अशराफु

मध्य प्रदेे� अविंतमु कमुारा जीनी

महा�ाष्ट्र बि�स्वदीीप राॉया चौधराी, निनीखि�लीेश सेा�राकरा, डॉॉ. मुनीोजी तत्वाादीी, डॉॉ. सेुनिनीता धोते, रा�ा लिसेहो, नीागंद्र लिसेहो, बिदीलीीप मुानीे, सेीमुा मुलिणकोथै, डॉॉ. चिचत्राा जीनी

उड़ीीसा बि�भाविंत �ाबिराक

पाजाबु किकराण कौरा जीडॉ

�ाजस्थााना भा�नीेश मुथैबिरायाा, रााजीलीक्ष्मीी चौधराी

शिसक्कि�म सेोनीी विं�दीी

तमिमलनााडो विं��ेक नीायारा, कविं�ता जीनी, फ्रेंंकलिलीनी होा�डॉ� दीासे

तलगानाा �सेधा अशोक, सेुनीीता आंया�, राामुमुोहोनी राेड्‌डॉी, स्क्वााड्रनी लीीडॉरा जीयालिसेम्हाा उत्त�ाखंंडो विं�रादीरा लिसेहो

उत्त� प्रदेे� तषारा चेत�ानीी, रााकेश व्याासे, विं�नीोदी कमुारा लिसेहो, स्मिस्मता लिसेहो, आंनीदी �दीांत, नीीविंत अस्मि�होोत्राी, प्रजिमुली स्मिद्वा�ेदीी

पाशि�म बुगाल सेमुरा चक्र�ती, सेुनीीता कबिड़याा अखिखंल भाा�तीया मुनीोजी प्रजीापविंत, मुनीोजी लिसेहो,

iv इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
होमुंत शमुा�, अजीली तोमुरा
मलेेशि�याा म वर्ल्डडकिं�ग्स
M 2024 2024 1 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
�ानदाार समारोह F T B C

लेेशि�याा सरकाार का सहयाोग स वर्ल्डडकिंकांग्स, एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स और मलेेशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स द्वाारा 9 फरवरी स 24 फरवरी, 2024 तका काोटाा किकानााबुालेु, पि�टाास, मलेेशि�याा म ‘फेस्टि�टावले तहुना बुहारु शिसनाा 2024’ नाामका एका भव्य उत्सव काा आयाोजना किकायाा गयाा, जिजसम काई सा�काकितका और प्रकितस्पर्धीी काायाडक्रम �ापिमले थेे।

एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का प्रर्धीाना स��ादका, र्ड्ॉ. किबु�वरू� रॉया चौौर्धीरी काो काोटाा किकानााबुालेु, पि�टाास, मलेेशि�याा म मलेेशि�याा सरकाार द्वाारा चौीनाी नाव वर्ष काा जश्न मनााना का शिलेए आयाोजिजत काायाडक्रम ‘फेस्टि�टावले तहुना बुहारु शिसनाा 2024’ म किव�र्ष अकितशिथे का रू� म आम�कि�त किकायाा गयाा थेा। सुश्रीी

रचौनाा �मा का नातृत्व म वर्ल्डडकिंकांग्स और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स काी टाीम महोत्सव म एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स स्टि�ताबु का शिलेए प्रकितस्पर्धीा कारना वालेे रोमाचौका प्रयाासं काी किनागरानाी और किनार्णडया का शिलेए काोटाा किकानााबुाले �हु�चौी। मलेेशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स काी सुश्रीी एवशिलेना काुप्�ा ना इसका शिलेए फरीदाबुाद म आईबुीआर �रिरसर स्थि�त वर्ल्डडकिंकांग्स और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का भारतीया काायााडलेया का साथे समन्वया किकायाा।

इस काायाडक्रम म प्रकितपि�त राजनापियाकां और मानानाीया दातका सरी ��गशिलेमा एचौज नाूर, सबुा का मुख्याम��ी; मानानाीया दकितना सरी जशिलेयाा सालेाग, सबुा का सीएम काी �त्नाी; सबुा दातो का किवत्त म��ी दातका सरी ��गशिलेमा मसीदी म�जना; श्रीी रुर्ड्ी अवाह और दकितना श्रीी अशिसयााह उदयाना जस गर्णमान्या व्यस्थि�तयां ना भाग शिलेयाा। याह असार्धीारर्ण काायाडक्रम 9 फरवरी, 2024 काो �ुरू हुआ, और इसकाा स�चौालेना मानानाीया उ� मुख्याम��ी III एव� सबुा मामलें का राज्या म��ी, वाई.बुी. दतका इर ना किकायाा। �ाहेल्म यााह्याा और राष्ट्रीीया �तर व पि�टाास जिजलेे का अन्या सरकाारी अपिर्धीकाारिरयां ना भी इस �ानादार समारोह काी �ोभा बुढ़ााई।

इस काायाडक्रम ना ‘सबुस ले�बु चौीनाी नाव वर्ष’ उत्सव काा जश्न मनााना का शिलेए एका उल्लेे�नाीया किवश्व रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनाायाा, जो आयाोजका दातो श्रीी रूर्ड्ी

कई सांं�स्कृति�क कंर्ययक्रमोंं� सां

सांसांज्जि�ि� ‘फेे ज्जिस्िवल �हुन बहांरु

सिसांनं 2024’ कं शांनदांर सांमोंंरंहा, कंिं तिकनंबंलु, ति�िंसां मोंे वर्ल्ड�यतिक� ग्सां, एसिशार्यं बुक ऑफे रिरकॉर्ड्‌यसां और

मोंलसिशार्यं बुक ऑफे रिरकॉर्ड्‌यसां द्वांरं आर्यंजिि� एक भव्र्य शां थां।

अवाह, दकितना श्रीी अशिसयााह उदना और सह-आयाोजका �याारिरकाटा बुुमी जयाा, इ�र्ड्ाह �ैलेे ए�र्ड् रिरज़ॉॉटाड , नाहलेाना एचौज मेहदुनााह, सबुा टाूरिरज्म बुोर्ड्ड, कामटाेरिरयाना बुशिलेयाा र्ड्ाना सकाना र्ड्रा पि�टाास, �जाबुात र्ड्रा पि�टाास व अन्या पि�टाास अपिर्धीकाारिरयां काो प्रदाना किकायाा गयाा। चौीनाी नाव वर्ष, जिजस ‘स्प्रिं�ंग फेस्टि�टावले’ और ‘चौ�द्र नाव वर्ष’ भी काहा जाता ह �यांकिका याह वस�त ऋत म आता ह और चौीनाी चौ�द्र कालेर्ड्र का आर्धीार �र दिदनाा�किकात होता है, जनावरी याा फरवरी म आता है। प्रत्याका चौीनाी नाव वर्ष काो चौीनाी राशि� चौक्र का 12 जानावरं म स एका का ‘वर्ष’ का रू� म नाापिमत किकायाा जाता है, जो उस वर्ष और उसम �दा हुए सभी लेोगं काी किव�र्षता मानाा जाता है। काायाडक्रम म एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का 6 स्टि�ताबु दिदए गए।

2 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
3 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

वर्ल्डड�किं�ंग्स और एशि�याा बुु� ऑफ रिर�ॉर्ड्सस� �ी किं�र्णाा�या� सुश्रीी रच�ा �र्माा�, र्माा��ीया दति�� सरी जूूलि�याा सा�ाग, सबुा � सीएर्मा �ी पत्�ी, दति�� श्रीी असिसयााह उदया� और दा�ो श्रीी रूडी अवाह फेस्टि�िव� �ह� बुहारु सिस�ा 2024 � आयाोजू�ं � साथ ‘सबुस �बुी अवति� � जूा�ीया सगी� और �ृत्या प्रद���’ � लि�ए सबुा किं�र्माारगांग

एसोसिसए�� � एशि�याा बुु� ऑफ रिर�ॉड� एचीवर िीर्मा सद�यां �ो सम्र्मााकिं�� �र� हए। 4 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
5 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
6 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

1. सबस बड़ा� पेनकैकै सिसला�ट प्रदर्शन

पि�टाास जि�लाा काार्याालार्या नेे का�ी सालिलाम�ोडोोने लाौटा पि�टाास, सबाा, मलाेशि�र्याा म ‘सबास बाड़ेे �नेकाका सिसलााटा प्रद�ने’ काा रि�काॉडोश बानेार्याा। काला 1000 प्रति�भााति�र्यां नेे एका साथ इकाट्ठेे होोका� �नेकाका सिसलााटा काा प्रद�ने तिकार्याा, �ो एका �ा��रि�का मा�ला आटाश होै। इसम होथिथर्याा� का अलाावाा �� ��ी� काी लाड़ेाई का रू� म प्रहोा�, होाथा�ाई, फेंं कानेा आदिद �ापिमला होै। सि सलााटा �ा��रि�का मा�ला आटाश का एका वा�श काो संदलिभा� का��ा हो �ो दसि�ण �वाश एशि�र्याा म व्याा�का रू� स प्रचलिला� होै। सि सलााटा दसि�ण �वाश एशि�र्यााई इति�होास का असि�काां� भाा� म अ�नेे वा�शमाने स्वरू� म तिवाकासिस� हुआ। सिसलााटा नेे समुद्रीी र्याात्राा का�नेे वााला लाो�ं का �त्रां काा तिवास्ताा� का�नेे म महोत्व�णश भापिमकाा तिनेभााई। मलाेशि�र्यााई सिसलााटा काो 2019 म र्याूनेेस्कोो मानेवा�ा काी अम�श सांस्कोृति�का तिवा�ास� का रू� म ��ीका� तिकार्याा �र्याा।

7 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

2. सबस लाबी पेनसोह सिड़ार्श

�ेसलाटाने इटा�नेे�नेला स्कोला चैरि�टाी एसोसिसए�ने नेे का�ी सालिलाम�ोडोोने लाौटा पि�टाास, सबाा, मलाेशि�र्याा म ‘सबास लाबाी �नेसोहो दिडो�’ काा रि�काॉडोश बानेार्याा। अर्याम होनेसोहो र्याा मनेका �नेसोहो एका ऐसा व्या�ने हो जि� स बाांस म मांस काो �कााका�, �ानेी वा मसाला भा�का� औ� कासावाा �ौ� काी टाैपि�ओकाा �पि�र्यां स ढंंकाका� �र्याा� तिकार्याा �ा�ा होै। बाांस म �काानेे स इसकाा स्वाद बाढ़ �ा�ा होै। इ स पिफें� उबाला चावाला औ� सब्जि�र्यां का साथ ��ोसा �ा�ा होै, �ो तिवा�ेष अवास�ं औ� उत्सवां का लिलाए �सदीदा भाो�ने होै। प्रति�भाा ति�र्यां नेे एका साथ आका� मलाेशि�र्याा काा �ा��रि�का व्या�ने सबास लांबाा �नेसोहो �र्याा� तिकार्याा, जि�सकाी लांबााई 59 मीटा� थी। इस रि�काॉडोश काी �ति� 19 फें�वा�ी, 2024 काो काी �ई।

8 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

3. जा�तीीय संगीीती और

नृत्य प्रदर्शन

सबाा तिकामा��ां� एसोसिसए�ने नेे का�ी सालिलाम�ोडोोने लाौटा पि�टाास, सबाा, मलाेशि�र्याा म ‘सबास लाबाी अवासि� का लिलाए �ा�ीर्या स�ी� औ� नेृत्य प्रद�ने’ काा रि�काॉडोश बानेार्याा। �ा��रि�का �ो�ाका �होनेे प्रति�भाा�ी एका साथ एकात्रा हुए औ� ला�ा�ा� 5 घंंटा �का तिबानेा रुका एका

9 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

4. सबस लाबी एंंड्यूूरो मोोटरस�इसिकैला रस

पि�टाास ऑफें�ोडो एडो एडोवांच� नेे का�ी सालिलाम�ोडोोने लाौटा पि�टाास, सबाा, मलाेशि�र्याा म ‘सबास लाबाी एडो�ो मोटा�साइतिकाला �ने’ काा रि�काॉडोश

10 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

5. नॉन-स्टॉपे ड्रैगीन

बोट रोइगी

मलाेशि�र्याा काी कादा� ड्रैै�ने बाोटा एसोसिसए�ने नेे सबास लाबा समर्या �का ला�ा�ा� ड्रैै�नेबाोटा चलाानेे काा रि�काॉडोश बानेार्याा। खबास��ी स दिडो�ाइने काी �ई �ा��रि�का ड्रैै�ने बाोटा काो 27.22 तिकामी (14.7 समुद्रीी मीला) काी द�ी �का ला�ा�ा� चलाार्याा �र्याा, �ो सबाहो 7:12 बा� म�ीनेा �ेट्टीी काुद� स �ुरू होोका� 11:17 बा� दा�ा�ने पि�टाास �ेट्टीी �� समाप्त हुई। काला 4 घंंटा औ� 5 पिमनेटा काी अवासि� वााला इस आर्याो�ने काी �ति� 20 फें�वा�ी 2024 काो काी �ई।

11 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

6. स्टिस्टल्ट पेर चलान वा�ला असि�कैतीमो प्रसितीभा�गीी

सबाा टाोम्बोोनेुओ नेे�ने एसोसिसए�ने नेे का�ी सालिलाम�ोडोोने लाौटा पि�टाास, सबाा, मलाेशि�र्याा म स्टि�ल्ट्स �� चलानेे वााला असि�का�म प्रति�भााति�र्यां काा रि�काॉडोश बानेार्याा। �सी तिका 16 फें�वा�ी, 2024 काो �ति� काी �ई, 100 प्रति�भाा�ी �ा��रि�का टाोम्बोोनेुओ �ो�ाका म एकात्रा हुए औ� बाांस स बानेे स्टि�ल्ट र्याा दिटार्याोने�ौ काा उ�र्याो� का�का 200 मीटा� द�ी �का चलाे।

12 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

उत्सव का दौराना प्रकितदिदना अनाका जीव�त सा�काकितका प्रद�डना और साहशिसका कारतबु �� किकाए गए जस जनाजाकित काा �ार��रिरका नाृत्या, चौीनाी गीत प्रद�डना, याी संग लेायाना नाृत्या समारोह, जनाजातीया �ार��रिरका नाृत्या, कालेा प्रद�डनाी, का राष्ट्रीीया गीत और सबुा तनााह एयार काा गायाना, याुगले गीत प्रकितयाोकिगता, चौेओंगसम �वीना और काराओका प्रकितयाोकिगता, चौीनाी नाव वर्ष �वीना उत्सव, मकिहलेा वॉलेीबुॉले टानााडमटा, बुर्ड्मिंमटाना टानााडमटा, ऑटाो�ो प्रकितयाोकिगता, बुटाले ऑफ बुर्ड््स, सॉकार टाक्रॉ टानााडमटा, आदिद।

एका प्रद�डनाी ऐसी भी थेी जिजसम जिजलेा पि�टाास, मत्�या �ालेना किवभाग, जले उ�चौार और आ�ूर्तितं किवभाग, बुका, कापिर्ष उ�कारर्ण, र�म उत्�ादना और �याडटाना किवभाग, एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स तथेा वर्ल्डड किंकांग प्रकितकिनापिर्धी सुश्रीी रचौनाा �मा (नाई दिदल्लेी, भारत), सुश्रीी एवशिलेना काुप्�ा (वर्ल्डडकिंकांग्स एर्ड्जपिर्ड्काटार, मलेेशि�याा), सुश्रीी सरीफा (मलेेशि�याना एबुीआर एर्ड्जपिर्ड्काटार) तथेा क्र सुश्रीी एनााबुलेा, सुश्रीी वावा, सुश्रीी जकिनाना मकिगटाोटा, श्रीी महाशिथेर और श्रीी �ोह (जेआईएससीए) ना अन्या अपिर्धीकाारिरयां का साथे पि�टाास का बुार म अपिर्धीका जानाना का शिलेए दौरा किकायाा। इसम किकासानां, मछुुआरं और �ानाीया व्या�ारिरयां काो

शि�जि�त कारना का शिलेए बुथे �ापि�त

किकाए गए थेे, जिजसस पि�टाास जिजलेे काी अथेडव्यव�ा काो ऊ�र उठााना म मदद पिमलेी।

इस अवसर �र पि�टाास का काई नाौकार�ाहं और अपिर्धीकाारिरयां ना उ�स्थि�त लेोगं काो स�बुोपिर्धीत किकायाा और उत्सव का दौराना �ुरू काी गई स��काकित एव� किवकाास काायाडक्रमं का बुार म जानाकाारी दी।

मलेेशि�याा म चौीनाी नाव वर्ष: याह मलेेशि�याा म सबुस बुड़ेे उत्सवं

म स एका है, �यांकिका वहा चौीनाी लेोग रहत हं। इस त्याौहार का दिदना, मलेेशि�याा म चौीनाी समदाया सबुहसबुह अ�ना घरं काो साफ़ कारता ह �यांकिका उन्ह त्याौहार का दौराना

काचौरा साफ़ कारना काी अनाुमकित नाहं होती है, �यांकिका इस र्धीना साफ़ कारना काा काायाड मानाा जाता है। जबुकिका काचौरा फकाना काा स�बु�र्धी घर स सौभाग्या काो दूर कारना स है। इसका अलेावा, चौीनाी समदाया भी अ�ना घरं काो लेाले लेालेटाना स सजात हं। व मेहमानां का शिलेए �ानाा भी बुनाात ह और आ�ग �ाउ दत हं। इस त्याौहार काो मनााना का शिलेए काछु ��ं म �ेर नाृत्या किकायाा जाता है। चौीनाी नाव वर्ष उत्सव काा इकितहास लेगभग 3,500 वर्ष �हलेे काा है। चौीनाी नाव वर्ष किवकाशिसत हो चौुकाा है, और इसका रीकित-रिरवाज एका ले�बुी किवकाासात्मका प्रकिक्रयाा स गज़ॉर हं। काछु लेोगं काा मानानाा ह किका चौीनाी नाव वर्ष काी �ुरुआत �ा�ग राजव�� म हुई थेी जबु लेोग प्रत्याका वर्ष काी �ुरुआत याा अ�त म देवताओं और �वडजं का सम्माना म बुशिलेदाना समारोह आयाोजिजत कारत थेे।

दा�ो श्रीी रूडी अवाह र्माा��ीया उप र्माुख्यार्मांत्रीी ��ीया और सबुा � �ाया� राज्या र्मांत्रीी, वाईबुी दा�� आईआर �ाहर्ल्डर्मा यााह्याा �ा एफिीबुीसी 2024 � उद्घााि� र्माौ� पर सम्र्माा� �र� हए।

13 कवर स्टोो र ी इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

आईबीीआर कॉॉन्वोोकॉेशन मेंं

ठा काॉन्वोका�ना समारोह म 10 फरवरी, 2024 काो इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स (आईबुीआर) काी ओर स रिरकाॉर्ड् र्धीारकां और आईबुीआर एचौीवसड काो सम्माकिनात किकायाा गयाा। द� का अलेग-अलेग किह�सं स �र्धीार एचौीवसड ना फरीदाबुाद (दिदल्लेी एनासीआर) स्थि�त आईबुीआर काायााडलेया काा दौरा किकायाा। आम�कि�त एचौीवसड अ�ना �रिरजनां का साथे काायाडक्रम म �हु�चौे, जहा उन्हंना रिरकाॉर्ड् सत्याा�ना काी प्रकिक्रयाा काो द�ा-समझाा और अ�ना स�नां काो साकाार कारत व�त आई मुश्कि�कालें का बुार म बुात काी और सफलेता काी काहाकिनायाा सुनााईं। रिरकाॉर्ड् र्धीारकां काो प्रेरिरत कारना और उनास सीर्धी जड़ेना का शिलेए इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स काी ओर स इस तरह का काॉन्वोका�ना समारोह किनायापिमत रू� स आयाोजिजत किकाए जात हं। छुठा काॉन्वोका�ना@आईबुीआरऑकिफस समारोह म भाग लेेना वालेे मेहमानां म प्रम� थेे

- चौ�गनाा�सरी का सयाा हरिरप्रसाद, �ले�काड़े काी काृष्र्णा पिप्रयाा सी., �थेानामशिथेट्टाा का मुहम्मद हापिमज़ॉ इब्ना अजमले, वायानाार्ड् का सूरज बुी. टाी., काोट्टायाम का अर्धीवड काृष्र्णना, �ले�काड़े का काार्तितंका आर. तथेा काेरले 14 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

एकॉजुुट हुईं अनकॉ प्रति�भााए

का ही श्रीीहरिर सर�, काुरू��, हरिरयाार्णा का र्ड्ॉ. राज रू� फशिलेयाा आईएएस (सवाकिनावृत्त), चौेन्नई, तपिमलेनाार्ड् काी कााव्या हरिरकाा र्ड्र्ड्कारी, मसूरु काी रुशि�काा सी., बुंगलेुरु काी याानाा ए. जना; बुंगलेुरु काी ब्लेेशिसनाा ए�जले एस., दिदल्लेी काी पिप्र�ा अग्रवाले एव� �वना बु�सले; मुजफ्फर�ुर, किबुहार काी जाहन्वी सिंसंह, हैदराबुाद, तले�गानाा का साकाेत नाागभर्षर्ण काे.एम., बुीरभूम, �जि�म बु�गाले काी रैनाा सुल्तानाा, और �र्णे, महाराष्ट्री का शि�वा� नाागा आदिदत्या काासकाथेी।

कााचौ काी बुोतले �र किवश्व प्रशिसद्ध काले�थेी रथे म�दिदर काी आकाकित उकाेरना का शिलेए काृष्र्णा पिप्रयाा काो सम्माकिनात किकायाा गयाा। र्ड्ॉ. राज रू� फशिलेयाा, आईएएस (सवाकिनावृत्त) काो किवजिभन्न भार्षाओं म सवाडपिर्धीका गीत गाना का शिलेए सम्माकिनात किकायाा गयाा। सयाा हरिरप्रसाद, श्रीीहरिर सर�

और पिप्र�ा अग्रवाले ना अलेग-अलेग प्रकाार का रूकिबुका �याूब्स काो हले कारका सभी काो म��मुग्र्धी कार दिदयाा। भारत का प्रशिसद्ध �मारकां का र�ापिचौ� बुनााना का शिलेए 15 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

बुी. टाी. काी सराहनाा काी गई। कााव्या हरिरकाा र्ड्र्ड्कारी काो याकाृत स�बु�र्धीी रोगं (ह�टाोलेॉजी) म �ो�टा र्ड्ॉ�टारले फलेोशि�� म प्रव� �ाना का शिलेए प्र��सा-�� पिमलेा। अर्धीवड काृष्र्णना काो जिजग्सॉ �हशिलेयाा सलेझााना का शिलेए मान्याता पिमलेी। जाहन्वी सिंसंह काो स�या�त राष्ट्री फाउ�र्ड्�ना स 500 र्ड्ॉलेर काा 'गलेड अ�' �ुर�काार प्राप्त कारना का शिलेए और रुशि�काा काो एका ही द�ताना वालेे हाथे स कााचौ काी चौादर तोड़ेना का शिलेए सराहनाा पिमलेी। काार्तितंका आर. ना �लेाउर्ड् का� प्याूटिंटांग सवाओं म काई प्रमार्ण�� हाशिसले

किकाए और �वना बु�सले ना वर्षं तका ह�तशिलेस्टि�त बुका लेेनादना मनाटाना र�ना

का शिलेए मान्याता प्राप्त काी। मुहम्मद हापिमज़ॉ इब्ना अजमले, याानाा ए. जना, साकाेत नाागभर्षर्ण काे.एम., शिसवा� नाागा आदिदत्या काासकाथेी और रैनाा सुल्तानाा काो तज़ॉ यााददा�त का शिलेए सराहनाा पिमलेी, तो 52 सका�र्ड् म छुोटा आकाार काी काागज़ॉ काी नााव बुनााना का शिलेए ब्लेेशिसनाा ए�जले एस. काो सराहा गयाा।

16 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

प्र�ा� सपाद�, डॉ. किंबु�वरूप रॉया चौ�री, प्रबु� सपाद�, श्रीीर्मा�ी �ीरजूा रॉया चौ�री और डॉ. राजू रूप फलि�याा, आईएएस (सवाकिं�वृत्त) इंंतिडयाा बुु� ऑफ रिर�ॉड�स �ी भव्या इंर्माार� � सार्मा�े, छठेे �ॉन्वो��� सर्माारोह � सर्मााप� � सर्माया आईबुीआर एचीवस� और उ�� परिरजू�ं � साथ।

17 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

कांच काी �ोतील पर कालपथीी रथी मंंदि�र

�लक्कड़, केे रील केी कृृष्णाा प्रिप्रर्याा सूी. (जन्मति�थि� 2 जना, 2003) ना केांचं केी �ो�ल �री वि�श्व प्रसिसेद्ध केल��ी री� मंदि�री �नााना केा केीर्ति�माना स्�ावि�� विकेयाा। उन्हैंना केाड़त�ोड़त, �केारी �ड़ी फूोरीेक्से �ीटे, से�ी �ागे, ऐक्रेे विलके �टे, प्लााई�ड़, मिमट्टाी, फूेवि�केोल औरी फ्लेेक्से क्विक्�के केा उ�याोग केरीकेे केांचं केी एके �ो�ल �री केल��ी री� मंदि�री �नाायाा, जिजसेकेी ऊंंचंाई 50 सेेमी औरी चंौड़ाई 40 सेेमी हैै।

वि�वि�न्न �ाषााओंं मं सु�सु ज्याा�ा गीीती गीाए केुरूक्षेेत्रों, हैरिरीयााणाा केे सेे�ातिना�ृत्त आईएएसे अथि�केारीी, डॉॉ. �ाज रूप फुु प्रिलर्याा ना वि�भि�न्न �ार्षाओंं म से�सेे अथि�के गी� गाना केा रिरीकेॉड़त �नाायाा हैै। उन्हैंना स्टेारीमकेरी सिंसेगिंगग ऐ� �री 37500 + 27500 गी� औरी स्मल सिंसेगिंगग ऐ� �री 35000 गी� गाए। जलाई 2018 सेे जना 2022 �के 4 �र्षं म 52 अलग-अलग �ार्षाओंं म 1,01,111 गाना गाए, जिजनाम 27 �ारी�ीया �ार्षाए औरी 25 वि���ी �ार्षाए �ामिमल हैं।

सुुलझााए वि�वि�न्न प्रकाार का रूवि�का क्यूू�

चंंगनाास्सेेरीी, केे रील केे सूूर्याा हरि�प्रसूाद (जन्मति�थि� 8 अगस्�, 2011) ना अथि�के�के सेंख्याा म वि�भि�न्न प्रकेारी केे रूवि�के क्याूब्से सेुलझााना केा केीर्ति�माना स्�ावि�� विकेयाा हैै। ��माना म �है मलेशि�याा म रीहै� हैं। उन्हैंना 11 सेाल, 4 माहै औरी 29 दि�ना केी आया म एके घंंटेे केे अ�री 69 �रीहै केे रूवि�के क्याूब्से केो हैल विकेयाा।

�च्चेे काी तीीव्र �ुद्धि� नेे उसु ख्यााविती दि�लाई

��ानामथि�ट्टाा, केे रील केे मुुहम्मुद हामिमुज़ इब्नुु अजमुल (जन्मति�थि� 14 अप्रैल, 2021) केो 2 �र्ष 7 माहै केी आया मं, 20 रीाज्यां, 7 महैाद्वीी�ं, 8 ग्रहैं, 9 जाना�रीं केे नााम सेुनााना ��ा 130 भिचंत्रोंं, 9 खेेलं, 22 �ाहैनां, 14 आकेृति�यां, 14 फूू लं औरी 20 फूलं केी �हैचंाना केरीना केे विलए सेरीाहैनाा मिमली।

18 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

�ारती का प्रसिसु� स्माारकां का रेखााचिचत्र �ायानााड़, केे रील केे सूू �ज बीी. टीी. (जन्मति�थि� 26 अप्रैल, 2000) केो �ारी� केे प्रसिसेद्ध स्मारीकें केे रीखेाभिचंत्रों �नााना केे विलए सेरीाहैनाा मिमली हैै। उन्हैंना केाली स्यााहैी �ाली केलम सेे �ाज महैल, जामा मस्जिस्ज�, लाल विकेला, लोटेसे टेैम्�ल, चंारीमीनाारी औरी गटे� ऑफू इंंडिड़याा सेविहै� �ारी� केे 10 प्रसिसेद्ध स्मारीकें केे सेुं�री रीखेाभिचंत्रों �नााकेरी याहै उ�लब्धिब्� हैासिसेल केी।

याकाती रोगीं मं पोस्ट डॉक्टरल फैै लोशि�प चंेन्नई, �मिमलनााड़ केी कृाव्र्याा हरि�कृा डॉडॉकृ�ी (जन्मति�थि� 9 ना��री, 1985) केो विल�री रीोगं (है�टेोलॉजी) म �ोस्टे ड़ॉक्टेरील फ़ेे लोशि�� म प्र�� औरी जना�रीी 2017 म आयाोजिज� �रीीक्षेा म उनाकेी सेफूल याोग्या�ा केे विलए ‘आई�ीआरी अचंी�री’ केा खिखे�ा� दि�याा गयाा �ा। 6 सिसे��री 2017 केो आयाोजिज� �ीक्षेां� सेमारीोहै म 31 �र्ष 9 माहै केी उम्र म डिड़ग्री प्र�ाना केी गई।

�हुती सुी �ाती याा� रखानेे मं मंहुारती

�ंगलुरु, केनाातटेके केी र्याानुा ए. जनु (जन्मति�थि� 20 अप्रैल, 2022) केो 1 �र्ष औरी 8 माहै केी आया म 6 अग्रजी नासेतरीी केवि��ाएं, 5 जना प्रा�तनााएं, सेप्तााहै केे दि�ना औरी अग्रजी �णातमाला सेुनाानाे, 7 आकेृति�यां, 10 �क्षिक्षेयां, 6 �ाहैनां, 24 जना �ी�केरीं, 25 फूलं, 20 जाना�रीं, 9 रीगं, 19 फूू लं, 14 सेब्जिब्जयां केी �हैचंाना केरीना औरी 1 सेे 15 �के थिगना�ी सेुनााना केे विलए आई�ीआरी एचंी�री केा खिखे�ा� मिमला।

विपराविमंड रूवि�का क्यूूब्स काो परं सु हुल किकायाा केे रील केे श्रीीहरि� सू�श (जन्मति�थि� 1 सिसे��री, 2008) ना �रीं औरी हैा�ं केा उ�याोग केरीकेे अथि�के�म सेंख्याा म रूवि�के क्याूब्से हैल केरीना केा रिरीकेॉड़त �नाायाा। उन्हैंना 13 सेाल, 11 महैीना औरी 28 दि�ना केी उम्र म 6 मिमनाटे औरी 11 सेेकेड़ म 9 रूवि�के क्याूब्से हैल विकेए। इंनाम 8 वि�रीामिमड़ रूवि�के क्या� �ोनां �रीं

सेे औरी 3 x 3 केा एके रूवि�के क्या� हैा�ं सेे हैल केरीकेे
19 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

5 x 5 रूवि�का क्यूू� हुल का रनेे मं सु�सु तीेज़

दि�ल्लीी केी प्रिप्रशा अग्रवााल (जन्मति�थि� 3 मई, 2012) ना 5 x 5 रूवि�के क्या� केो से�सेे �जी सेे हैल केरीना केा रिरीकेॉड़त �नाायाा हैै। उन्हैंना 11 सेाल औरी 2 महैीना केी उम्र म 5 x 5 रूवि�के क्या� केो 2 मिमनाटे, 8 सेेकेड़ औरी

40 मिमलीसेेकेड़ म हैल केरीकेे याहै केीर्ति�माना स्�ावि�� विकेयाा।

पंच जि�ग्सॉॉ प�ल ती�ी सु हुल का र दि�ए

केोट्टायाम, केे रील केे अधवा कृृष्णानु (जन्मति�थि� 1 मई, 2020) केो 3 सेाल औरी 8 महैीना केी उम्र म 12 मिमनाटे औरी 14 सेेकेड़ म (90 �ीसे �ाली �ांचं जिजग्से �जल हैल केरीना केे विलए आई�ीआरी एचंी�री केा खिखे�ा� दि�याा गयाा।

सुयाुक्त राष्ट्र फैाउड�ने काी ओंर सु गील अप पुरस्काार

मुजफ्फूरी�री, वि�हैारी केी जाहन्वाी सिंसूह (जन्मति�थि� 21 अगस्�, 2006) केो सेयाुक्त रीाष्ट्र फूाउड़�ना सेे 500 ड़ॉलरी केा ‘गलत अ�’ �रीस्केारी प्राप्ता केरीना केे विलए सेरीाहैनाा मिमली। �है एके सेविक्रेया �ाल केायातके�ा है औरी उन्है याहै फूड़ उनाकेी क्ल� एक्विक्टे��ना गति�वि�थि�यां केे विलए मिमला हैै। उन्है 7 अगस्�, 2020 केो 13 सेाल औरी 11 महैीना केी उम्र म याहै �रीस्केारी मिमला।

एका हुाथी सु कांच काी चा�र तीोड़ �ं

मसेूरु, केनाातटेके केी रुशिशकृा सूी. (जन्मति�थि� 20 अक्टे�री, 2017) ना �स्�ाना �ाल एके हैा� सेे से�सेे अथि�के सेंख्याा म केांचं केी चंा�री �ोड़ना केा रिरीकेॉड़त �नाायाा। उन्हैंना 4 सेाल, 10 महैीना औरी 19 दि�ना केी अल्�ाया म अ�ना �ाविहैना �स्�ाना �ाल हैा� सेे केांचं केी 26 चंा�री �ोड़ �ं।

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कामं उम्र मं दि�याा अपनेे ती� दि�मंागी काा सु�ती

हैै�रीा�ा�, �लगानाा केे सूाकृ� नुागभूूषणा कृ.एमु. (जन्मति�थि� 13 मई, 2020) केो 2 सेाल औरी 11 महैीना केी उम्र म 20 वि��रीी� �ब्�ं, 25 ��ं केी रीाज�ातिनायां, 15 रीाष्ट्रीया प्र�ीकें, 14 �ारी�ीया प्र�ानामतित्रोंयां केे नााम, 1-20 �के सेंख्यााए सेुनाानाे, भिचंत्रोंं सेे अग्रजी �णातमाला केी �हैचंाना केरीनाे, 11 फूल, 25 �� औरी मानाभिचंत्रों �री 28 �ारी�ीया रीाज्या, �रीीरी केे 15 विहैस्सेे, 17 आकेारी, 70 ��ं केे झाड़े, 28 प्रसिसेद्ध हैस्तिस्�याां, 14 रींग ��ा 36 �स्�ुओंं केी �हैचंाना केरीना केे विलए सेरीाहैा गयाा।

क्लााउड कांप्यूूटिं�ंगी प्रमंाणपत्रं सु विमंला फैाया�ा

�लक्कड़, केे रील केे कृार्ति�कृ आ�. (जन्मति�थि� 18 जना, 1997) ना एके हैी जारीीके�ा सेे क्लाउड़ केंप्या ूटिं टेग सेे�ाओंं �री अथि�के�म सेंख्याा म प्रमाणा�त्रों प्राप्ता केरीना केा केीर्ति�माना स्�ावि�� विकेयाा। उन्हैंना 17 दि�से�री, 2020 सेे 4 जना, 2021 �के अमेज़ॅॅना �� सेर्वि�सेेज (एड़ब्ल्याूएसे) सेे 81 प्रमाणा�त्रों हैासिसेल विकेए।

52 सुकांड मं �नेाई काागी� काी छोो�ी नेा�

�ंगलुरु, केनाातटेके केी ब्लसिसूनुा एजल एसू. (जन्मति�थि� 1 माचंत, 2011) केो 17 सेाल औरी 7 महैीना केी उम्र म अ�नाी उंगविलयां केा उ�याोग केरीकेे 52 सेेकेड़ म 2 मिमलीमीटेरी केे छोोटेे आकेारी केी केागज़ॅ केी नाा� �नााकेरी दि�खेाना केे विलए सेरीाहैनाा-�त्रों प्र�ाना विकेयाा गयाा।

�च्चेी नेे अपनेी याा��ाश्त काा लोहुा मंने�ायाा

�ीरी�ूम, �वि�म �गाल केी �नुा सूुल्�ानुा (जन्मति�थि� 17 माचंत, 2021) केो 2 सेाल औरी 10 महैीना केी उम्र म 11 फूलं, 12 जाना�रीं, 5 �ाहैनां, 4 सेरीीसे�ं, 4 केीड़ं औरी 13 सेब्जिब्जयां केी �हैचंाना केरीनाे, 9 रिरीश्��ारीं केे नााम ��ानाे, �रीीरी केे 10 विहैस्सें केे नाामं केा अग्रजी सेे �गाली म अना�ा� केरीना औरी 1 सेे 10 �के थिगना�ी सेुनााना केे विलए केे विलए एचंी�री’ केा खिखे�ा� मिमला।

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�का लने�ने काा हुस्तलिलद्धिखाती ब्यौौरा तीैयाार किकायाा दि�ल्लीी केे पवानु बीसूल (जन्मति�थि� 1 माचंत, 1977) ना से�सेे अथि�के �र्षं �के �के लना�ना केा हैस्�विलखिखे� ब्याौरीा �ैयाारी केरीना केा रिरीकेॉड़त �नाायाा। उन्हैंना 1 ना��री 2003 सेे 1 ना��री 2023 �के अ�नाी के�नाी केे चंाल खेा� केे से�ी �के लना�ना 17 �ासे�कें म विलखे केरी रीखेे। हैस्�विलखिखे� लना�ना म 20 �र्षं केे एनाईएफूटेी, गूगल �े, के� औरी चंके �ुग�ाना केा वि��रीणा �ामिमल हैै।

सु�ी 195 ��ं का झाडं काी पहुचाने काी �णाे, महैारीाष्ट्र केे शिशवााश नुागा आदिदत्य कृासूकृुर्थीी (जन्मति�थि� 19 ना��री, 2018) केो 4 सेाल औरी 9 महैीना केी उम्र म सेयाुक्त रीाष्ट्र सेे मान्या�ा प्राप्ता से�ी 195 ��ं केे झाड़ं केो टेी�ी स्क्रेीना �री �खेकेरी 5 मिमनाटे, 30 सेेकेड़ औरी 90 मिमलीसेेकेड़ म उनाकेे नााम सेुनााना केे विलए सेरीाहैनाा मिमली।

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प्रबु� सपाद�, श्रीीर्मा�ी �ीरजूा रॉया चौ�री (बुाएं) और प्र�ा� सपाद�, डॉ. किंबु�वरूप रॉया चौ�री, चेन्नई �ी सुश्रीी �ाव्याा हरिर�ा डड�री �ो सम्र्मााकिं�� �र� हए। साथ र्मा ह डॉ. राजू रूप फलि�याा, आईएएस (सवाकिं�वृत्त)।

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मोंधुुमोंहा क

लिलए र्यंग

मर्धीमेह भारत सकिहत दुकिनायाा भर का काई द�ं म �हलेे स काहं अपिर्धीका तजी स बुढ़ा रहा है। भारत का 7.7 कारोड़े स ज्याादा नाागरिरकां काो मर्धीमेह (र्ड्ायाकिबुटाीज) काा �तरा है। अ�वास्थ्याकार जीवना�लेी और �ाद्य �दाथें म पिमलेावटा इस तरह काी वजिद्ध काा प्रम� काारर्ण है। चौू�किका आबुादी काा इतनाा बुड़ेा किह�सा इस बुीमारी काी जद म ह और लेा�ं लेोग �हलेे स ही मर्धीमेह स �ीपिड़ेत हं, इसशिलेए जीवना�लेी काो लेेकार हमारी किनार्धीारिरत प्रथेाओं काो बुदलेनाा जरूरी हो गयाा है। इस स�बु�र्धी मं, याोग एका अच्छाा किवकाल्� प्रतीत होता है। मानाा जाता ह किका याोग काी उत्�जित्त भारत म हुई। याोग एका प्राचौीना �द्धकित ह जो यावाओं सकिहत हर उम्र का लेोगं का बुीचौ लेोकापिप्रयाता हाशिसले कार रही है। वस तो याह किवजिभन्न �वास्थ्या सम�यााओं म लेाभप्रद साकिबुत हुई है, लेेकिकाना मर्धीमेह एका ऐसा �� ह जहा याोग स�भाकिवत स�ोटाड और सकाारात्मका प्रभाव उत्�न्न कारता है।

याोग काो अगर सही तरीका स किकायाा जाए, तो र�त �काडरा का �तर काो �वाभाकिवका रू� स काम कारना म याह अद्भुुत �रिरर्णाम द सकाता है। याह �ारीरिरका, भावनाात्मका और मानाशिसका �वास्थ्या काो बुढ़ाावा दना का शिलेए सभी �वास्थ्या मा�द�र्ड्ं काो बुेहतर बुनााना म मदद कारता है। याह स�भाकिवत जदिटालेताओं का जोस्टि�म काो काम कारना म भी मदद कारता है। मर्धीमेह का प्रार�जिभका चौरर्ण मं, याोग �काडरा का �तर काो किनाया�कि�त कारना और अन्या �वास्थ्या सम�यााओं स लेड़ेना म मदद कारता है। मर्धीमेह स �ीपिड़ेत काई लेोग अबु अ�ना र�त �काडरा �तर काो किनाया��र्ण म र�ना का शिलेए याोग काी ओर रु� कार रह हं। जबु र�त �काडरा प्रबु�र्धीना काी बुात आती ह तो याह असार्धीारर्ण �रिरर्णाम दता है। दकिनाका जीवना म मर्धीमेह प्रबु�र्धीना का शिलेए याोग काा प्रयाोग कारना और इस बुढ़ाावा दना का शिलेए, जवटास हैल्थकायार

शिलेपिमटार्ड्, मुबुई ना बुड़ेी स�ख्याा म पिचौकिकात्सकां काो इस अजिभयााना स जोड़ेना काी �हले काी।
26 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

का��नाी ना मर्धीमेह प्रबु�र्धीना म याोग काा महत्व बुताना और इस बुढ़ाावा दना का शिलेए एका पिर्ड्जिजटाले प्रकितज्ञाा �र ह�ता�र कारना का शिलेए द� भर म काले 6803 र्ड्ॉ�टारं स स��काड किकायाा और उन्ह अजिभयााना म �ापिमले कारना म का��नाी सफले रही। इस प्रकिक्रयाा ना गकित �काड़ेी और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का तहत मर्धीमेह प्रबु�र्धीना का शिलेए याोग काो बुढ़ाावा दना हत पिर्ड्जिजटाले प्रकितज्ञाा �र ह�ता�र कारना वालेे अपिर्धीकातम र्ड्ॉ�टारं काा एका काीर्तितंमाना �ापि�त हो गयाा। पिर्ड्जिजटाले प्रकितज्ञाा ह�ता�र अजिभयााना 6 नाव�बुर, 2023 स 20 नाव�बुर, 2023 तका चौलेा।

अजिभयााना का माध्याम स याह स�द� फलेायाा गयाा किका मर्धीमेह �ीपिड़ेतं का शिलेए याोग म सा�स लेेना काी तकानाीका का साथे �रीरिरका गकितकिवपिर्धीयां काा समन्वया �ापिमले है। �रिरर्णाम�वरू�, याह त�कि�कााओं काो आराम दता ह और काोशि�कााओं का भीतर रासायाकिनाका �रिरवतडना काी सकिवर्धीा प्रदाना कारता है। याह र�त �काडरा काो स�तशिलेत कारना का शिलेए आ�तरिरका अ�गं काो सकिक्रया कारता है। टााइ� 2 र्ड्ायाकिबुटाीज का शिलेए याोग और प्री-र्ड्ायाकिबुटाीज का शिलेए याोग ज्याादा अलेग नाहं हं। हालेा�किका, टााइ� 1 र्ड्ायाकिबुटाीज का शिलेए याोग का काछु आसना ऐस ह जिजनाम अकितरिर�त सावर्धीानाी काी आव�याकाता होती है। दिदनाचौयाा म सरले याोगाभ्याास �ापिमले कारनाा मर्धीमेह स किना�टाना काा एका तरीकाा हो सकाता है। मर्धीमेह का शिलेए उ�याोगी याोगासनां स सवोत्तम �रिरर्णाम प्राप्त कारना का शिलेए किनार�तरता और किनायापिमतता बुनााए र�नाा आव�याका है। मर्धीमेह स बुचौाव का शिलेए �ारीरिरका गकितकिवपिर्धीयाा महत्व�ूर्ण हं। �ारीरिरका रू� स सकिक्रया रहना का शिलेए किनायापिमत रू� स व्यायााम कारनाा चौाकिहए। इसस एरोकिबु�स काी तरह मा�स�ेशि�यां म ददड नाहं होता। इसका बुजाया, याोगाभ्याास �रीर काो आराम दता है।

जवटास हैल्थकायार शिलेपिमटार्ड् काी चौार प्रम� पिर्ड्वीजना हं। इनाम स सबुस बुड़ेी ह मल्टाीस्प�शिलेटाी पिर्ड्वीजना। दूसरी ह ग्रो म�स, जो ग�ट्रोो का साथेसाथे श्वसना म एका किव�र्ष पिर्ड्वीजना है। किफर ओर्ड्किनायाा ह और अ�त मं, काार्डिर्ड्ंयाो-र्ड्ायाकिबुदिटाका पिर्ड्वीजना, जो एका जीवना�लेी पिर्ड्वीजना है। जनाेरिरका और व�सीन्स का दो अन्या प्रभाग ह जहा याोग काा प्रयाोग बुढ़ा रहा है। का��नाी 2002 म 350 कामडचौारिरयां का साथे �ापि�त हुई थेी, जबुकिका आज इसम 3500 कामडचौारिरयां काी मौजूदगी है।

ज़ुुवेिसां हार्ल्डथाकर्यर लिलमिमोंि�, मोंु�बई

न मोंधुुमोंहा प्रब�धुन हा� र्यंग कं

बढ़ांवं दान क लिलए एक ति�जिििल

प्रति�ज्ञां �र हास्�ंक्षर करन वंल

अजिधुक�मों �ॉक्िरं� कं रिरकॉ�य

बनंर्यं हाै। कुल 6803 प्रति�भंमिगर्यं�

न इसां मोंुद्देे कं उिंगर करन क

लिलए अ�नी ति�जिििल सांहामोंति�

दाी। 27 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

प्राार्थथनाा, प्राति�ज्ञाा, खेेल

‘ रंंगला पंंजााब ’ केे लिलए ना

�ीलेी दवाओं का �तर स प्रद� काो बुचौाना का शिलेए 'प्राथेडनाा, प्रकितज्ञाा, �ले' �हले �ुरू कारना हत ��जाबु का मुख्याम��ी भगव�त माना काी सराहनाा कारत हुए, बुड़ेी स�ख्याा म प्रकितभागी यावाओं ना ��जाबु काो ना�ा-म�त राज्या बुनााना काा दृढ़ा स�काल्� शिलेयाा। ��जाबु सरकाार का ना�ा किवरोर्धीी प्रयाासं काा समथेडना कारना आए 36,600 स अपिर्धीका यावाओं ना ना�ीलेी दवाओं का स्टि�लेाफ अजिभयााना �ुरू कारना का शिलेए मुख्याम��ी का दूरद�ी नातृत्व काी सराहनाा काी और राज्या काो 'र�गलेा ��जाबु' का रू� म �नाजीकिवत कारना का शिलेए काई तरह का प्रयाास किकाए।

अमृतसर का �ुतलेीघर स्थि�त सरकाारी सीकिनायार हाई �माटाड �काले काी छुा�ा श्रीद्धा पिमश्रीा ना अ�ना किवचौार साझाा कारत हुए काहा किका मुख्याम��ी का गकित�ीले नातृत्व म ना�ा किवरोर्धीी काायाडक्रम म भाग लेेना काा अवसर पिमलेनाा उनाका शिलेए बुहुत गवड काी बुात है। अजिभयााना म भागीदारी स ना�ा-म�त ��जाबु का किनामाडर्ण म याोगदाना कारना काी उनाकाी प्रकितबुद्धता काो बुले पिमलेा

है। स�त सिंसंह स��ा सिंसंह मॉर्ड्नाड हाई �काले, अमृतसर का छुा� हरप्रीत सिंसंह ना काहा किका राज्या सरकाार द्वाारा चौलेाए जा रह ना�ा-म�त ��जाबु अजिभयााना काा किह�सा बुनाकार बुहुत अच्छाा लेगा। इस अजिभयााना काो लेेकार यावाओं म कााफी उत्साह ह �यांकिका इसकाा उद्देे �या राज्या काो ना� काी किगरफ्त स बुाहर लेानाा है।

इस अजिभयााना ना इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का तहत, ना�ा-म�त ��जाबु हत प्राथेडनाा कारना का शिलेए अमृतसर का �वर्ण म�दिदर म छुा�ं काी सबुस बुड़ेी सभा और वॉकाथेॉना काा काीर्तितंमाना बुनाायाा है। रिरकाॉर्ड् काा श्रीया कापिमश्नरटा �शिलेस, अमृतसर और का�जकिनाटाले एनाोमलेी ट्रोीटामटा ट्रो�टा (काटा) काो जाता है। रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनााना काा याह प्रयाास ��जाबु का अमृतसर स्थि�त �वर्ण म�दिदर म 18 अ�टाबुर, 2023 काो किकायाा गयाा, जिजसका अ�तगडत �ीलेे र�ग काी �ो�ाका म 65 �कालें का 36,605

छुा� वार्ल्ड शिसटाी स गुजर और ना�ा-म�त ��जाबु काी प्राथेडनाा (अरदास)

28 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

कारना का शिलेए �वर्ण म�दिदर म एका� हुए। दाव काा सत्याा�ना दोनां रिरकाॉर्ड्

बुु�स काी किनार्णाडयाका सुश्रीी रिरचौी �मा और सुश्रीी जसप्रीत काौर गार्धीी ना किकायाा।

��जाबु काा गौरव काहलेाना वालेा अमृतसर �हर ना�ीलेी दवाओं का दुरु�याोग काी ग�भीर सम�याा काा सामनाा कार रहा है। याह �ाकिका�ताना

सीमा का �ास स्थि�त ह और इसकाी �हचौाना सीमा �ार स मादका �दाथें

काी त�कारी का कांद्र का रू� म काी गई है। प्रकितदिदना 1 स 2 लेा� �याडटाकां

काी आमद का साथे, इस सम�याा काा दुष्प्रभाव �हर स काहं आग तका

फलेा हुआ है। श्रीी दरबुार साकिहबु का काारर्ण याह �हर अ�ना आध्याात्मित्मका

प्रभाव का शिलेए जानाा जाता है। साथे ही याहा जशिलेयाावालेा बुाग काा दु�द इकितहास भी दफना है। द हो� इकिनाशि�एदिटाव स जड़ेी गकितकिवपिर्धीयां ना इस ऐकितहाशिसका �हर म एका नाए सूरज का उदया काी आस जगाई है। याह अनाो�ा आयाोजना थेा जिजसना राज्या सरकाार काो प्राथेडनाा, प्रकितज्ञाा और �ले काी �स्थि�त का माध्याम स ना�ीलेी दवाओं का दुरु�याोग स किना�टाना का शिलेए प्रेरिरत किकायाा।

मुख्याम��ी ना काहा किका 'द हो� इकिनाशि�एदिटाव' शिसफड एका पिम�ना नाहं है; याह एका साहशिसका याा�ा है, जो अटाटा किवश्वास स प्रेरिरत है। याह

नशां-मोंुक्त ��िंब हा� प्रंथायनं करन

क लिलए अमों�सांर क स्वर्ण मों�तिदा र मोंे छांत्रोंं� की सांबसां बड़ीी सांभं और

वॉक थाॉन कं कीति�यमोंंन कमिमोंश्नरि

�ुलिलसां, अमों�सांर और दा क�ितिनिल एनंमोंली ट्रीीिमोंेि ट्रीस्ि (कि) द्वांरं

स्थांति�� तिकर्यं गर्यं।

आ�ा काो किफर स जगाना और इस व्या�का पिमथेका काो तोड़ेना काा वादा ह किका अमृतसर ड्रग्स काी किगरफ्त म है। याह आध्याात्मित्मकाता (प्राथेडनाा), ऐकितहाशिसका प्रकितकिंबुबु एव� प्रकितबुद्धता (प्रकितज्ञाा), और यावा ऊजा का चौनालेाइज़ॉ�ना (�ले) का माध्याम स समदाया काो एकाजटा कारका �हर का शिलेए एका नाए याुग काी �ुरुआत कारना �र आर्धीारिरत है। इस �हले काा उद्देे �या एका उज्जवले, ना�ा-म�त भकिवष्या काी दृपि� प्रदाना कारका आ�ा काो बुहाले कारनाा है। याह यावाओं काो स��त बुनााएगी, �यांकिका व हमारी आ�ा, हमारी ताकात और हमारा भकिवष्या ह और हम ना�ीलेी दवाओं का दुरु�याोग का स्टि�लेाफ लेड़ेाई म उनाकाी असीम ऊजा और जनाना काो �ापिमले कारना �र किवचौार कार रह हं।

29 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

नाशाा मुुक्त पंंजााब ’

केे लिलए सााइक्लोोर्थॉना ए

का ऐकितहाशिसका �हले का तहत हजारं यावाओं ना लेपिर्धीयाानाा म द�

काी सबुस बुड़ेी साइकिकाले रलेी म भाग शिलेयाा, जिजस जागरूकाता

�दा कारका ना�ीलेी दवाओं का �तर काो दूर कारना का शिलेए ��जाबु �शिलेस द्वाारा आयाोजिजत किकायाा गयाा थेा। रलेी म सभी वगं का लेोगं काी भारी

भागीदारी द�ी गई, जिजसस ��जाबु काो �री तरह स ना�ा-म�त राज्या बुनााना काा स�द� फले गयाा। ना� काी बुुराई काो दूर कारना और ��जाबु काो एका �व� व समृद्ध राज्या बुनााना का शिलेए प्रकितभाकिगयां, किव�र्षकार यावाओं मं, कााफी उत्साह द�ा गयाा। याह �हले सामान्या रू� स ��जाबु �शिलेस और किव�र्ष रू� स राज्या सरकाार काी महत्व�ूर्ण सामाजिजका मद्दें काो स�बुोपिर्धीत कारना काी प्रकितबुद्धता काा एका प्रमार्ण साकिबुत हुई। इस आयाोजना

का माध्याम से, लेपिर्धीयाानाा काी कापिमश्नरटा �शिलेस ना ना�ा-म�त ��जाबु

का शिलेए एका साइ�लेोथेॉना म सबुस अपिर्धीका स�ख्याा म प्रकितभाकिगयां काा रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनाायाा।

16 नाव�बुर, 2023 काो महाना भारतीया क्राकितकाारी कारतार सिंसंह सराभा का �हीदी दिदवस का अवसर �र, �शिलेस कापिमश्नरटा, लेपिर्धीयाानाा ना ना�ाम�त ��जाबु हत जागरूकाता बुढ़ााना का शिलेए साइ�लेोथेॉना काा आयाोजना किकायाा थेा। साइ�लेोथेॉना म काले 25,000 साइकिकाले चौालेकां ना भाग शिलेयाा, जो ��जाबु कापिर्ष किवश्वकिवद्यालेया, किफरोज�ुर रोर्ड्, लेपिर्धीयाानाा स �ुरू हुई और उसी �ाना �र समाप्त हुई। इस प्रकाार इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का तहत एका साथे एका नायाा रिरकाॉर्ड् �ापि�त हो गयाा। दोनां रिरकाॉर्ड् बुुका का किनार्णाडयाका, किहम्स ग्र� ऑफ

30 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

हॉस्पिस्पटाल्स का स��ा�का, आचौायाड मनाीर्ष ना आयाोजकां काो �दका और रिरकाॉर्ड् का प्रमार्ण �� सं�े।

मुख्याम��ी ना काहा किका इस आयाोजना काा प्राथेपिमका फोकास ना�ीलेी

दवाओं का दुरु�याोग का �तर स प्रभावी ढंग स किना�टानाा और �व� और दिटाकााऊ जीवना �लेी का रू� म साइकिकाले काो बुढ़ाावा देनाा थेा। उन्हंना काहा किका रलेी काा उद्देे �या ना�ीलेी दवाओं का दुरु�याोग का �रिरर्णामं और

ना�ा-म�त जीवना�लेी का महत्व का बुार म जागरूकाता बुढ़ााकार ना�ीलेी

दवाओं काी मा�ग काम कारना म महत्व�ूर्ण याोगदाना देनाा है। रलेी काो हरी झा�र्ड्ी दिद�ात हुए, भगव�त माना ना काहा किका इसकाा गहरा महत्व ह �यांकिका याह भारत का सबुस काम उम्र का क्राकितकाारी �हीद कारतार सिंसंह सराभा का

�हीदी दिदवस का �मरर्णोत्सव �र आयाोजिजत हो रही है, जिजन्हंना 19 साले काी उम्र म अ�ना जीवना काा बुशिलेदाना दिदयाा थेा। याह दिदना उनाकाी �हादत काी मार्डिमंका यााद दिदलेाता ह और इस आयाोजना म ऐकितहाशिसका महत्व काी एका काड़ेी जोड़ेता है।

याह दावा किकायाा गयाा किका लेपिर्धीयाानाा साइकिकाले रलेी भारत काी सबुस बुड़ेी साइकिकासिंलेंग ईवटा रही, जिजसकाा उद्देे �या यावाओं म ना�ीलेी दवाओं का �तर का स्टि�लेाफ जागरूकाता �दा कारनाा थेा। याह बुहुत गवड और स�तपि�

काी बुात थेी किका रलेी का दौराना साइकिकाले चौालेकां ना �ाचौ अलेग-अलेग �किव� �ानां स याा�ा काी, जिजनाम स प्रत्याका �ाना �हीद भगत सिंसंह, �हीद स�देव, �हीद राजगुरु, �हीद कारतार सिंसंह सराभा और �हीद ऊर्धीम सिंसंह जस �हीदं का बुशिलेदाना स जड़ेा थेा।

साइकिकाले चौालेका स�बु�पिर्धीत �ानां स �किव� पिमट्टाी लेेकार �हु�चौ थेे, जिजसकाा उ�याोग क्रम�ः सद्भुाव, वादा, ज्ञााना, एकाता और आ�ा नााम वालेे �ौर्धीारो�ड़े का शिलेए किकायाा गयाा। मुख्याम��ी माना ना काहा किका याह

‘नशां-मोंुक्त ��िंब’ क लिलए

सांंइक् लंथाॉन मोंे प्रति�भंमिगर्यं� की

अजिधुक�मों सां�ख्र्यं कं रिरकॉ�य

लजिधुर्यंनं की कमिमोंश्नरि �ुलिलसां

द्वांरं बनंर्यं गर्यं, जििसांमोंे कुल

25,000 सांंइतिक ल सांवंरं� न भंग

लिलर्यं। ए�िति�किर क रू� मोंे

आचांर्यय मोंनीष न दांव की �मि� की।

प्रतीकाात्मका भाव राज्या का प्राचौीना गौरव काो बुहाले कारना का उद्देे �या स आयाोजिजत काायाडक्रम काी गहराई और उसका मकासद काो बुले दता है। याथे अग�टा ड्रग्स शिसफड एका साइकिकाले रलेी नाहं थेी, बुस्पिल्का याह ना�ीलेी दवाओं का दुरु�याोग स किना�टानाे, �व� जीवना �लेी काो बुढ़ाावा दना और क्राकितकाारी नाायाकां का बुशिलेदाना काो यााद कारना काा एका सामकिहका प्रयाास थेा। एसी�ी गुर इकाबुाले सिंसंह ना इस रिरकाॉर्ड्ड-मेकिंकांग मगा ईवटा का आयाोजना म महत्व�ूर्ण भपिमकाा किनाभाई।

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प्रधाानमंंत्रीी नरेंंद्र मंोदीी

केे 75 मंनोभााव


रंद्र दामोदरदास मोदी का सम्माना �वरू�, जना (र्ड्ीम्र्ड्-टाू-बुी याकिनावर्सिसंटाी) का �ा�तमजिर्ण कालेा कांद्र का र्ड्ीना र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� ना एका असार्धीारर्ण कालेात्मका प्रयाास किकायाा। इस �हले म प्रर्धीाना म��ी का 75 भावनाात्मका रू�ं काो द�ाडत उनाका पिचौ� बुनाानाा �ापिमले रहा। या सभी पिचौ� एका प्रगकित�ीले नाता और नाए भारत का प्रकितकिनापिर्धी का रू� म उनाकाी भपिमकाा काो प्रदर्सि�त कारत हं। ऐक्रशिलेका र�गं काा उ�याोग कारका कानावास �र सावर्धीानाी�वडका तैयाार किकाए गए किवकिवर्धी पिचौ� मोदी का कााम, भावनााओं और भारत माता का प्रकित उनाका सम�डर्ण का बुहुम�ी �हलेुओं काो द�ाडत हं। प्रद�डनाी म भारत का प्रर्धीाना म��ी का रू� म मोदी काी याा�ा का स�जि�प्त अवलेोकाना का साथे-साथे इना पिचौ�ं काा स�कालेना भी प्रदर्सि�त किकायाा गयाा। इस अनाठाी उ�लेश्कि� ना कालेाकाार काा नााम इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का प्रकितपि�त �न्नं �र लेा दिदयाा। रिरकाॉर्ड् काा �ीर्षडका थेा - किवजिभन्न भावनााओं काो द�ाडना वालेी प्रर्धीाना म��ी काी अपिर्धीकातम त�वीरं।

मोदी का 75 पिचौ�ं म स प्रत्याका �ोट्रोटा ऐक्रशिलेका र�गं काा उ�याोग कारका 2 फीटा x 1.5 फीटा (24-इ�चौ x 18 इ�चौ) कानावास �र एका अलेग चौेहर काी अजिभव्यस्थि�त काो द�ाडता है। या पिचौ� आजादी काा अमृत महोत्सव

मनााना का शिलेए बुनााए गए थेे। बुंगलेुरु

म आयाोजिजत सम्माना समारोह म काहा गयाा किका याह अभूत�वड कालेात्मका उ�लेश्कि� वजिश्वका �तर �र �हलेी बुार हुई है, �यांकिका किकासी अन्या कालेाकाार ना एका ही व्यस्थि�त का सार काो किवजिभन्न रू�ं म पिचौकि�त कारना वालेी �ंटिंटांग्स काी इतनाी व्या�का श्रीृ�लेा �ुरू नाहं काी है। र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा�

प्रधुंन मों�त्रोंी क मिवमिभन्न भंवनंओं

कं दाशांयन वंल अजिधुक�मों जिचात्रोंं�

कं कीति�यमोंंन शां��मोंसिर्ण क लं के�द्र, बे�गलुरु, क नंयिक द्वांरं स्थांति�� तिकर्यं गर्यं, जििसांक �हा� क लं के�द्र क �ीन, �ॉ. अमिवनंशा न प्रधुंनमों�त्रोंी नरे�द्र मोंंदाी क 75 जिचात्रों प्रदासिशाय� तिकए।

म किवश्वकिवद्यालेया का प्रर्धीाना काायााडलेया
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33 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

ना काहा, “म तीना महीना का अथेका प्रयाास का बुाद याह उ�लेश्कि� हाशिसले कार सकाा, और याह प्रकिक्रयाा वा�तव म ध्यााना दना याोग्या रही। इस प्रोज�टा काो अप्रत्या� रू� स वेदमूर्तितं, त�ोकिना� ��पिर्ड्त श्रीीराम �मा और गाया�ी �रिरवार का स��ा�का आचौायाड द्वाारा किनादेशि�त किकायाा गयाा थेा, जिजसस पिचौ�ं म आध्याात्मित्मका आयााम जड़े गयाा।

जना (र्ड्ीम्र्ड्-टाू-बुी याकिनावर्सिसंटाी) का चौा�सलेर र्ड्ॉ. चौनाराज रॉयाचौ�द ना दिटाप्�र्णी काी, “याह स�ग्रह र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� काी काल्�नाा काी एका अनाठाी झालेका

प्रदाना कारता है, जिजसम मोदी जी काी भावनााओं काा सार �ापिमले है।

उनाका नातृत्व ना ना काेवले वतडमाना काो आकाार दिदयाा ह बुस्पिल्का ऐस भकिवष्या

काा मागड प्र��त किकायाा ह जहा भारत वजिश्वका म�चौ �र मजबुती स �ड़ेा हो। याह स�ग्रह र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� का प्रयाासं और कालेात्मका दृपि� का प्रमार्ण का रू� म सामना है, जो एकाता काी भावनाा, राष्ट्री का प्रकित प्रेम और वजिश्वका म�चौ �र भारत का आ�ाजनाका भकिवष्या म किवश्वास स ओतप्रोत है।'' प्रद�डनाी का दौराना र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� ना काहा, “हमार सम्मानानाीया प्रर्धीाना म��ी काा प्रेरका नातृत्व और उनाकाी अटाटा प्रकितबुद्धता मर शिलेए प्रेरर्णा काा किनार�तर स्रोोत रही है। याह स�ग्रह उनाकाी भावनाात्मका याा�ा का पिचौ�र्ण का रू� म है, जो उन्ह आ�ा का सच्चेे राजदूत का रू� म पिचौकि�त कारता है। इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका

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ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स काी किनार्णाडयाका, र्ड्ॉ. किवहानाी �ाह ना एका किव�र्ष काायाडक्रम म र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� काो मर्ड्ले और रिरकाॉर्ड् सर्टिटांकिफकाटा दकार सम्माकिनात किकायाा। बुाद मं, इस स�ग्रह काो नाई दिदल्लेी म भी प्रदर्सि�त किकायाा गयाा, जिजसम बुड़ेी

स�ख्याा म कालेा प्रमी �ापिमले हुए। कालेा का �� म समाज का प्रकित अ�नाी प्रकितबुद्धता का सम्माना मं, र्ड्ॉ. अकिवनाा� काो काई �ुर�काार और सम्माना

प्राप्त हुए हं।

भारत का �ीर्ष किवश्वकिवद्यालेयां म �मार और प्रकितभा किवकाास का अ�ना

�ानादार इकितहास का शिलेए दुकिनायाा भर का छुा�ं और किव�र्ष रू� स बुंगलेुरु

का शिलेए एका प्रम� ग�तव्य मानाा जाना वालेा जना (र्ड्ीम्र्ड्-टाू-बुी याकिनावर्सिसंटाी)

�ब्द का हर मायाना म सी�ना काा एका कांद्र है। जना ट्रो�टा द्वाारा प्रचौारिरत,

भारत काी शिसशिलेकाॉना वलेी, बुंगलेुरु स्थि�त याह किवश्वकिवद्यालेया, सी�ना का शिलेए एका अनाकाले वातावरर्ण प्रदाना कारता है, चौाह वह ��जिर्णका रू� स हो याा �ाठ्येेतर गकितकिवपिर्धीयां का रू� मं। शि��ा, उद्यपिमता, अनास�र्धीाना और �ले �र जोर दना का शिलेए किवख्याात, इस स��ाना म �जि�का और अनास�र्धीाना ��ं म काछु बुेहतरीना दिदमाग और कांद्र मौजूद ह जो जीवना काो सरले बुनााना और बुेहतर प्रबु�र्धीना का शिलेए उद्यम�ीलेता और अभूत�वड कााम कारना का शिलेए प्रेरिरत कारत हं।

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ओमुाना औरं भाारं� केा नाॉलजा केोलाजा

36 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

का भारत श्री� भारत काायाडक्रम का तहत, ओमाना सल्तनात स्थि�त इ�पिर्ड्याना �काले अले सीबु ना एका महत्व�ूर्ण �हले �ुरू काी। याह सीबुीएसई काा एका अजिभयााना है। इस गकितकिवपिर्धी का जरिरए �काले ना साले काी �ुरुआत मं, गर्णत�� दिदवस उत्सव का अवसर �र एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स (एबुीआर) म प्रव� कार शिलेयाा। काले 2252 छुा�ं काी उत्साह�ूर्ण भागीदारी और याोगदाना का साथे, �काले ना एका उल्लेे�नाीया दृ�या रचौनाा 'काे-ओइना' (ओमाना और भारत काा नाॉलेेज काोलेाज) काा समन्वया किकायाा, जो अबु तका काा सबुस व्या�का काोलेाज है। स��काकित, किफल्म, वनास्पकित, जीव, प्रद�डना कालेा, �ले, उद्योग, साकिहत्या और �याडटाना जस नाौ अलेग-अलेग र्ड्ोमना काो �ापिमले कारत हुए, इस उत्का� काकित ना ओमाना और भारत का बुार म आ�याडजनाका 30,608 तथ्या प्रदर्सि�त किकाए।

ओंमोंंन सांर्ल्ड�न�

मोंे इ�ति�र्यन स् कूल

अल सांीब न भंर� और ओंमोंंन

�र हास्�लिललि�� िंनकंरी कं

सांबसां बड़ीं कंलंि बनंकर एक

कीति�यमोंंन स्थांति�� तिकर्यं हाै।

इसांमोंे 14 वषय सां क मों आर्य क

कुल 2252 छांत्रोंं� न बढ़ा-चाढ़ा कर

तिहास्सांं लिलर्यं।

का�ा एका स आठा तका का छुा�ं ना इस ह�तशिलेस्टि�त काोलेाज म याोगदाना दिदयाा, जिजसम 1050 वगड मीटार का किव�ाले �� म फैलेे 2326 चौाटाड �ापिमले किकाए गए।

इस �हले ना दो अकिवश्वसनाीया राष्ट्रीं काी गौरव�ूर्ण उ�लेश्कि�यां काा जश्न मनाायाा। इसना किवकिवर्धीता म एकाता

काो बुढ़ाावा दिदयाा और स��ूर्ण भारत एव� ओमाना सल्तनात का राज्या�ालें म सवोत्तम प्रथेाओं काो साझाा किकायाा। मिंप्रसी�ले र्ड्ॉ. लेीनाा फ्रांाशिसस का नातृत्व म प्रभारी किनाद�का श्रीी �मीर, �ी.टाी.काे., का का�ले मागडद�डना म और श्रीी किनार्धीी� कामार, �ी.�ी., अध्या� श्रीी काृष्र्णना रमना, एव� �काले प्रबु�र्धीना सपिमकित का अन्या सम्माकिनात सद�यां काी �हले ना इ�पिर्ड्याना �काले अले सीबु काा नााम एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स म दजड कारा दिदयाा।

काायाडक्रम समन्वयाका – �ारीरिरका शि��ा किवभाग का वरिर� शि��का श्रीी टाोनाी थेॉमस, और वाजिर्णज्या एव� मानाकिवकाी किवभाग का प्रम� श्रीी जिजर्धी� टाी. का नातृत्व मं, समर्डि�त ��जिर्णका टाीम और का�ा 1 स का�ा 8 तका का शि��कां का प्रयाासं से, याह प्रोज�टा एका �ानादार आयाोजना

37 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

का रू� म सामना आयाा। इस

महत्व�ूर्ण अवसर �र, ओमाना सल्तनात म भारत का राजदूत श्रीी

अपिमत नाार�ग काी मुख्या अकितशिथे

का रू� म गरिरमामयाी उ�स्थि�कित

ना काायाडक्रम काी गरिरमा बुढ़ाा दी।

बुालेाबुले समूह का अध्या�, उद्यमी

और �रो�काारी श्रीी दी�का कामार

ठााकाुर एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स

का एर्ड्जपिर्ड्काटार का रू� म उ�स्थि�कित रहे।

काायाडक्रम काा समा�ना तबु

अ�ना चौरम �र �हु�चौ गयाा जबु

�काले प्रबु�र्धीना सपिमकित का अध्या� श्रीी काृष्र्णना रमना और इ�पिर्ड्याना

�काले अले सीबु काी मिंप्रसी�ले

र्ड्ॉ.लेीनाा फ्रांाशिसस काो एशि�याा बुुका

38 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स प्रमार्ण�� प्रदाना

किकायाा गयाा। श्रीी काृष्र्णना रमना ना काहा, “काे-ओइना प्रोज�टा �काले काी प्रकितबुद्धता और सम�डर्ण काो द�ाडता है, और इसकाा उद्देे �या �जि�का मूल्यां, स��ागत मूल्यां और सबुस महत्व�ूर्ण रू� स

भारत-ओमाना रिर�तं काो मजबुती

प्रदाना कारनाा है। इस महत्वाकाा�ी

काायाडक्रम काी सफलेता �काले का दूरद�ी लेोकााचौार काो र�ा�किकात कारती है, जहा स�ना किनाबुाडर्धी रू� स ठाोस वा�तकिवकाता म �रिरवर्तितंत होत हं।”

सदिटानाले �टाीले �ीएलेसी का सीओओ श्रीी �ी. किवक्रा�त राव ना एका सो�ले मीपिर्ड्याा �ो�टा म काहा, “भारत का बुार म ह�तशिलेस्टि�त

जानाकाारी काो �ापिमले कारना वालेा सबुस बुड़ेा काोलेाज बुनााकार एका बुड़ेी उ�लेश्कि� हाशिसले कारना का शिलेए द इ�पिर्ड्याना �काले अले सीबु काो मरी बुर्धीाई। याह महत्व�ूर्ण उ�लेश्कि� ना काेवले इसम �ापिमले छुा�ं काी प्रकितभा और सम�डर्ण काो द�ाडती है, बुस्पिल्का किवजिभन्न ��ं म नाई चौीज सी�ना काो भी बुढ़ाावा दती है। इस तरह काी �हले द� कार अच्छाा लेगा जो सा�काकितका आदाना-प्रदाना काो बुढ़ाावा दती ह और किवजिभन्न ��ं का बुीचौ सवोत्तम प्रथेाओं काो साझाा कारना काो प्रोत्साकिहत कारती है। इसम �ापिमले सभी लेोगं काो हमारी �ुभकाामनााए�।”

39 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

डॉॉ. रंाजा रूपं


गायाके भाी हैंं

ब्यूूरंोक्रेेट जाो

अलेग-अलेग भार्षाओं म सवाडपिर्धीका गीत गाना काा रिरकाॉर्ड् काुरु��, हरिरयाार्णा का र्ड्ॉ. राज रू� फशिलेयाा, आईएएस (सवाकिनावृत्त) ना बुनाायाा है। उन्हंना जलेाई 2018 स जना 2022 तका चौार वर्षं का दौराना, �टाारमकार (37500 गाना + 27500 गानाे) और �मूलेे (35000 गानाे) सिंसकिंगंग ऐप्स �र 27 भारतीया भार्षाओं और 25 किवद�ी भार्षाओं सकिहत 52 अलेग-अलेग भार्षाओं म 1,01,111 गाना गाए। एका वरिर� आईएएस अपिर्धीकाारी, र्ड्ॉ. राज रू� फशिलेयाा हरिरयाार्णा सरकाार का अकितरिर�त मुख्या सपिचौव का �द स सवाकिनावृत्त हुए हं। इ�पिर्ड्याा

बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स द्वाारा फरीदाबुाद म आयाोजिजत छुठा काॉन्वोका�ना

समारोह मं, उन्ह 1,01,111 गाना रिरकाॉर्ड् कारना और �ो�टा कारना का शिलेए एका प्रकितपि�त रिरकाॉर्ड् र्धीारका का रू� म सम्माकिनात किकायाा गयाा। जलेाई 2018 स जना 2022 तका चौार वर्षं मं, �टाारमकार और �मूलेे सिंसकिंगंग

ऐप्स म 25 किवद�ी भार्षाओं सकिहत 52 भार्षाओं म उनाका गाए गीत �ापिमले हं। इसस �हलेे, 30 मई, 2020 काो उन्हंना �टाारमकार ऐ� �र एका दिदना म इ�र्ड्ोनाेशि�यााई भार्षा म 202 गाना �ो�टा कारका 16 घ�टा काी नाॉना-�टाॉ� गायाकाी काा एका और रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनाायाा थेा।

30 माचौड 1954 काो जन्मे, �हलेी �ीढ़ाी का शि��ाथेी, र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा ना अ�नाी शि��ा गा�व का ही सरकाारी �काले स �ुरू काी और किफर दिदल्लेी चौलेे गए जहा उन्हंना 1972 स 1980 तका बुका ऑफ इ�पिर्ड्याा म �हलेे �लेकाड का रू� म और बुाद म प्रोबु�नारी ऑकिफसर का रू� म काायाड किकायाा। दिदल्लेी किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स बुीकाॉम (ऑनासड) कारना का बुाद, 1980 म भारतीया आर्सिथेंका सवा �री�ा उत्तीर्ण कारना का बुाद वह उर्धीर �द� रहे। किफर 1981 मं, वह भारतीया रलेव काार्डिमंका सवा म �ापिमले हो गए और

40 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

दो साले तका वहा रहना का बुाद, 1983 म भारतीया प्र�ासकिनाका सवा, हरिरयाार्णा कार्ड्र म �ापिमले हो गए। उन्हंना अ�नाी शि��ा जारी र�ी और दिदल्लेी किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स वाजिर्णज्या म अ�नाी �हलेी मा�टार पिर्ड्ग्री प्राप्त काी। इसका बुाद, उन्हंना जम्म किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स एलेएलेबुी काी पिर्ड्ग्री प्राप्त काी, और ��जाबु किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स लेोका प्र�ासना म एमए काी दूसरी पिर्ड्ग्री प्राप्त काी।

साथे ही, चौौर्धीरी दवीलेाले किवश्वकिवद्यालेया, शिसरसा स लेोका प्र�ासना म र्ड्ॉ�टारटा काी उ�ापिर्धी प्राप्त काी। सवाकिनावजित्त का बुाद, उन्हंना काुरु�� किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स अथेड�ा�� और व्यवसाया प्र�ासना म अ�नाी तीसरी और चौौथेी मा�टार पिर्ड्ग्री प्राप्त काी और अबु द�डना�ा�� म एमए काी �ाचौवं पिर्ड्ग्री का शिलेए �ढ़ा रह हं। उन्हंना इग्ना स एचौआरएम म �ीजी पिर्ड्प्लेोमा

और आईआईएम, बुंगलेुरु स �स्थिब्लेका �ॉशिलेसी ए�र्ड् मनाेजमटा म �ीजी पिर्ड्प्लेोमा भी प्राप्त किकायाा है।

र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा ना एसर्ड्ीएम शिसवानाी; अकितरिर�त उ�ाया�त, फ़रीदाबुाद;

उ�ाया�त, यामुनाानागर एव� महंद्रगढ़ा; स�भागीया आया�त, किहसार; काले�कित, गुरु जम्भेेश्वर किवश्वकिवद्यालेया, किहसार, और चौौ. दवीलेाले किवश्वकिवद्यालेया, शिसरसा म अ�नाी फीर्ल्ड �ोस्टिं�टांग का दौराना उत्का� काायाड किकाए हं। वह गृह, किवत्त, शि��ा, उद्योग, �ाना, सिंसचौाई, किबुजलेी, �ीर्ड्ब्ल्यार्ड्ी (बुी ए�र्ड् आर) और सावडजकिनाका �वास्थ्या, कापिर्ष, वना, �याावरर्ण, बुागवानाी, ���ालेना, चौुनााव, तकानाीकाी शि��ा, किवज्ञााना व प्रौद्योकिगकाी, नावीकारर्णीया

ऊजा, सावडजकिनाका उद्यम एव� आवास किवभाग म उ�/स�या�त/अ�र सपिचौव रहना का अलेावा, र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा �याावरर्ण, माध्यापिमका किवद्यालेया शि��ा, आ�ूर्तितं एव� किना�टााना, किवज्ञााना एव� प्रौद्योकिगकाी, और नावीकारर्णीया ऊजा

किवभाग म किनाद�का का �द �र भी तैनाात रहे। मुख्या प्र�ासका, हाउसिंसंग

बुोर्ड् और अकितरिर�त �रिरवहना आया�त, हरिरयाार्णा रोर्ड्वेज काा �द स�भालेना का अलेावा वह बुीसी काल्याार्ण किनागम और एससी काल्याार्ण किनागम का प्रबु�र्धी किनाद�का; अध्या�, हाट्रोोना; अध्या�, हरिरयाार्णा प्रदूर्षर्ण किनाया��र्ण बुोर्ड्ड; आया�त/ किवत्तीया आया�त और प्रर्धीाना सपिचौव, सचौनाा प्रौद्योकिगकाी एव� इलेे�ट्रोॉकिना�स, �याावरर्ण और �ारिरस्थि�कितकाी; मुद्रर्ण, �टा�नारी एव� �रालेे� किवभागं का आया�त/किवत्तीया आया�त और प्रर्धीाना सपिचौव का रू� म भी तैनाात रहे।

रोमाचौ का �ौकाीना र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा एलेबुीएस ना�नाले एकार्ड्मी ऑफ एर्ड्पिमकिना�ट्रो�ना, मसरी का सवडश्री� घड़ेसवार रह हं। उन्हंना 1984 और 1985 म लेगातार दो वर्षं तका घड़ेसवारी म �वर्ण �दका जीता। उन्हंना ऊ�चौ �हाड़ें म काई याा�ाए� कां और किहमाचौले प्रद�, उत्तरा��र्ड् और जम्म और का�मीर म 25 स अपिर्धीका दरं काो �ार किकायाा है। वह एका जिजज्ञाास याा�ी रह ह और एशि�याा, यारो�, अमेरिरकाा तथेा अफ्रांीकाा का दो दजडना स अपिर्धीका द�ं काी याा�ा कार चौका हं। उन्ह फ्लेाइ�ग और ड्राइकिंवंग बुहुत �स�द ह और उन्हंना 2004 म अ�नाी मारुकित ज़ॉना काार स भारत का काोनाे-काोना म 54 दिदनां तका सोलेो ड्राइकिंवंग कारत हुए 18,666 किकालेोमीटार काी दूरी तया कारका इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स म एका और रिरकाॉर्ड् अ�ना नााम किकायाा।

52 भार्षाओं म 1,01,111 गाना गाकार 5वा रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनाात हुए र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा ना काुरू�� किवश्वकिवद्यालेया स अथेड�ा�� और किबुजनाेस एर्ड्पिमकिना�ट्रो�ना म तीसरी और चौौथेी मा�टार पिर्ड्ग्री प्रथेम श्रीर्णी म उत्तीर्ण काी। अबु वह द�डना�ा�� म अ�नाी �ाचौवं मा�टार पिर्ड्ग्री (अ�कितम वर्ष) का शिलेए �ढ़ााई कार रह हं। र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा यामुनाानागर और महंद्रगढ़ा जिजलें म उ�ाया�त एव� जिजलेा मजिज�ट्रोटा का �द �र तैनाात रहे। उन्हंना 1993-94 म श्रीमदाना का माध्याम स जले-महले �मारका काी गाद किनाकाालेना और छुी�ी जौहर काो भरवाना काा कााम �रा किकायाा। किहसार म�र्ड्ले का आया�त का रू� म कााम कारत हुए, उन्हंना �कालें का किनारी�र्ण का शिलेए एका किव�र्ष अजिभयााना चौलेायाा, जिजसका बुाद �राबु प्रद�डना कारना वालेे �कालें का �रिरर्णामं म र्धीीरे-र्धीीर सर्धीार हुआ।

गुरु जम्भेेश्वर किवश्वकिवद्यालेया का काले�कित का रू� म र्ड्ॉ. फशिलेयाा ना 24 घ�टा स भी काम समया म अस्टि�ले भारतीया इ�जीकिनायारिंरंग प्रव� �री�ा का �रिरर्णाम घोपिर्षत कारना काा रिरकाॉर्ड् बुनाायाा। वह वॉलेीबुॉले, काबुर्ड्र्ड्ी, बुर्ड्मिंमटाना, ��व� और टाकिनास का स्टि�लेाड़ेी रह हं। घड़ेसवारी, उड़ेाना, �रा-ससिंलेंग, रिरवर रास्थिफ्टा�ग, �वडतारोहर्ण, ड्राइकिंवंग और ले�बुी सैर भी उनाका मना�स�द �ौका रह हं।

मिवमिभन्न भंषंओं मोंे सांबसां

अजिधुक गी� गंन कं कीति�यमोंंन

कुरु क्षत्रों, हारिरर्यंर्णं क सांवंतिनवृत्त

आईएएसां अजिधुकंरी, �ॉ. रंि रू� फेुलिलर्यं न स्थांति�� तिकर्यं

हाै, जििन्हां�न िलंई 2018 सां िून 2022 �क स्िंरमोंेकर व

स्मोंल ऐप् सां �र 52 भंषंओं मोंे

1,01,111 गी� गंए।

41 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

पंरं चेे हैंरं पंरं ति�टिटलिलगो

केमुोफ्लााजा ए

का ऐसी का�र्ड्ी�ना जो त्वचौा म पि�गमटा�ना लेॉस (र�जकाता काी हाकिना) काा काारर्ण बुनाती ह और जिजसका �रिरर्णाम�वरू� सफेद र्धीब्बु �ड़े जात हं, किवदिटाशिलेगो काहलेाती ह जो जीवना का शिलेए �तरा तो नाहं है, लेेकिकाना �ीपिड़ेतं का शिलेए मनाोवैज्ञााकिनाका रू� स �र�ाना कारना वालेी हो सकाती है। किवदिटाशिलेगो कामोफ्लेाज (छुलेावरर्ण) नाामका �ाई मकाअ� उ�चौार ऐस व्यस्थि�तयां का शिलेए एका समार्धीाना ह जो अ�नाी त्वचौा काी स्थि�कित म सर्धीार कारनाा चौाहत हं। याह प्रकिक्रयाा एका प्रकाार काी माइक्रो-पि�गमटा�ना (सूक्ष्म-र�जकाता) ह जिजसम त्वचौा म पि�गमटा याा र�ग प्रत्याारोपि�त कारना का शिलेए टाटाइ�ग तकानाीका काा उ�याोग �ापिमले होता है। याह एका समी-�रमानाटा

समार्धीाना ह जो काई वर्षं तका चौले सकाता है। किवदिटाशिलेगो का काारर्ण होना वालेे सफेद र्धीब्बुं काो ढं�काना का शिलेए इस उ�चौार म एका किव�र्ष तरह का पि�गमटा काा उ�याोग किकायाा जाता ह जो रोगी काी त्वचौा का र�ग स मले �ाता है। सबुस काम समया म �र चौेहर �र किवदिटाशिलेगो कामोफ्लेाज कारना काा रिरकाॉर्ड् बुंगलेुरु, कानााडटाका काी र्ड्ॉ. �ा�गवी बुालेासुब्रमण्याम ना बुनाायाा है। अ�तरराष्ट्रीीया �तर �र प्रशि�जि�त �रमानाटा मकाअ� आर्टिटां�टा और द� त पिचौकिकात्सका र्ड्ॉ. �ा�गवी ना 19 शिसत�बुर, 2023 काो ज�ी नागर, बुंगलेुरु स्थि�त ए�दिटाकाा नाामका अ�ना �लेीकिनाका मं, सबुह 10 बुज स �ाम 4 बुजलेगातार 6 घ�टा तका, चौेहरे, भंहं और हंठां �र किवदिटाशिलेगो माइक्रोपि�गमटा�ना कारका और र्धीब्बुं काो �री तरह स शिछु�ाकार एका मरीज

काा सफले इलेाज किकायाा। याह असार्धीारर्ण उ�लेश्कि� इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स (आईबुीआर) म दजड हो गई है। आईबुीआर काी किनार्णाडयाका, र्ड्ॉ. किवहानाी �ाह ना दाव काी �पि� कारना का बुाद रिरकाॉर्ड् काी घोर्षर्णा काी और र्ड्ॉ. �ा�गवी काो उनाका �लेीकिनाका म �दका और एका प्रमार्ण �� सं�ा।

याह जानानाा महत्व�ूर्ण ह किका माइक्रो-पि�ग्मटा�ना प्रकिक्रयाा आमतौर �र उ�चौारिरत �� का

42 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

आकाार का आर्धीार �र काई स�ं म काी जाती है। �हलेे स� म रोगी काी त्वचौा और उ�याोग का शिलेए सवोत्तम र�गद्रव्य काा आकालेना कारना का शिलेए एका याोग्या और अनाुभवी �ाई मकाअ� कालेाकाार का साथे �राम�ड �ापिमले है। बुाद का स�ं का दौराना, टाटाइ�ग जसी एका छुोटाी सुई काी मदद स त्वचौा म पि�गमटा प्रत्याारोपि�त किकायाा जाता है। लेक्ष्या होता ह त्वचौा काा र�ग ऐसा बुनाानाा जो आस�ास काी त्वचौा स मले �ाता हो। किवदिटाशिलेगो कामोफ्लेाज �रमानाटा मकाअ� उ�चौार किवदिटाशिलेगो का काारर्ण होना वालेे सफेद र्धीब्बुं काो छुु �ाना काा एका सुरजि�त और प्रभावी तरीकाा है। इसकाा उ�याोग चौेहरे, हाथे और �ैर सकिहत �रीर का किकासी भी किह�स �र किकायाा जा सकाता है। हंठां का शिलेए माइक्रो-पि�ग्मटा�ना काा उद्देे �या किवर्षम आकाार

का हंठां, असमाना वर्डिमंशिलेयाना बुॉर्ड्डर और दाग-र्धीब्बुं काो ठाीका कारनाा है।

याह अकिनायापिमत होठां का आकाार काो दुरु�त कारता है, और उना होठां म र�ग

जोड़ेता ह जो र्धीूम्र�ाना, किवदिटाशिलेगो याा किकासी अन्या काारर्ण स अ�नाी आभा

�ो चौका हं। इसम कालेर ब्लेमिंर्ड्ंग और फले शिले� टिंटाटा भी �ापिमले है।

र्ड्ॉ. �ा�गवी काहती हं, “इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स स मान्याता प्राप्त

कारका म बुहुत �� हूं। इस उ�चौार काा एका फायादा याह ह किका याह ले�बु

समया तका चौलेता है। उ�चौार म उ�याोग किकाए जाना वालेे र�गद्रव्य किव�र्ष

रू� स समया काी कासौटाी �र �रा उतरना का शिलेए तैयाार किकाए गए हं, और व समया का साथे फीका नाहं �ड़ेते। हालेा�किका, वाशिछुत लेका बुनााए र�ना का शिलेए टाचौ-अ� स�ना काी आव�याकाता हो सकाती है। इस प्रकिक्रयाा म त्वचौा

सांबसां क मों सांमोंर्य मोंे �र चाहार

�र मिवतििलिलगं कमोंंफ् लंि

(छालंवरर्ण) करन कं रिरकॉ�य बे�गलुरु, क नंयिक की �ॉ. शां�गवी

बंलंसांुब्रमोंण्र्यमों न बनंर्यं हाै, जििन्हां�न मिवतििलिलगं मोंंइक्रं-

ति�गमोंेिशान नंमोंक प्रतिक्रर्यं की मोंदादा सां एक मोंरीि कं

सांफे ल�ं�वयक इलंि तिकर्यं।

काो नाकासाना नाहं �हु�चौता ह और याह मर �लेीकिनाका - 'ए�दिटाकाा बुाया र्ड्ॉ. �ा�गवी' म सुरजि�त वातावरर्ण म �वच्छा उ�कारर्णं स काी जाती है। हम ग्राहका काी ज़ॉरूरतं का आर्धीार �र भौहं और हंठां काा रू� किना�ारत हं। उ�याोग किकाए गए सभी र�गद्रव्य अ�तरराष्ट्रीीया �तर �र आयााकितत वीगना उत्�ाद हं।

43 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

�जास्वि�नाी ति�धााना साभाा ले

ड़ेकिकायां का शिलेए 'राष्ट्रीीया बुाशिलेकाा दिदवस 2024' काो याादगार बुनााना और लेोकाताकि�का मूल्यां का बुार म मकिहलेाओं काी भागीदारी एव� जागरूकाता बुढ़ााना का शिलेए 24 जनावरी, 2024 काो गुजरात किवर्धीानासभा म 'तेजश्कि�वनाी किवर्धीाना सभा' काा आयाोजना किकायाा गयाा। गुजरात किवर्धीाना सभा अध्या� ��कार चौौर्धीरी काी अध्या�ता म हुए काायाडक्रम काा उद्घााटाना मुख्याम��ी भ�ेन्द्र �टाले ना किकायाा। काायाडक्रम म मकिहलेा एव� बुाले किवकाास म��ी भानाबुना बुाबुरिरयाा किव�र्ष अकितशिथे का रू� म उ�स्थि�त थें। इस तेजश्कि�वनाी सभा म प्रसव, शि��ा, �वास्थ्या, �ोर्षर्ण, सुर�ा और नातृत्व किवकाास जस किवजिभन्न मद्दें �र चौचौा काी गई। काायाडक्रम काा आयाोजना मकिहलेा एव� बुाले किवकाास किवभाग द्वाारा गर्ण� वासदेव मावले�कार स�सदीया अध्यायाना एव� प्रशि��र्ण ब्यारो, गुजरात किवर्धीानासभा का सहयाोग स किकायाा गयाा थेा, जिजसम ईवटा मनाेजमटा सकिहत दिदना काी सभी गकितकिवपिर्धीयां काी द�र� 1588 छुा�ाओं ना काी। इस आयाोजना ना किवभाग

44 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024
45 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

काो इ�पिर्ड्याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स

और एशि�याा बुुका ऑफ रिरकाॉर्ड्् स का गौरव�ालेी �न्नं �र �हु�चौा दिदयाा। दाव काी �पि� कारना का बुाद, एर्ड्जपिर्ड्काटार श्रीी सगाता दास

ना रिरकाॉर्ड् काी घोर्षर्णा काी और आयाोजकां काो �दका एव� प्रमार्ण �� प्रदाना किकाए।

काायाडक्रम काा उद्देे �या लेोकाताकि�का मूल्यां का अनाुरू� नातृत्व काौ�ले

का किवकाास काो बुढ़ाावा दत हुए

राजनाीकित म मकिहलेाओं काी

भागीदारी, जागरूकाता और रुपिचौ

काो बुढ़ाानाा थेा। गुजरात का किवजिभन्न �कालें काी छुा�ाओं ना किवर्धीानासभा

भवना म अ�नाी-अ�नाी भपिमकाा

किनाभाई। गुजरात द� काा �हलेा

राज्या ह जहा छुा�ाओं द्वाारा

प्रबु�पिर्धीत किवर्धीानासभा काा आयाोजना

हुआ। याह लेोकात�� का शिसद्धातं

काो मजबुूत कारना म गुजरात किवर्धीाना सभा काा एका प्रगकित�ीले कादम थेा। गुजरात किवर्धीानासभा का अध्या� श्रीी ��कार चौौर्धीरी ना सभी भागीदारं काो

बुर्धीाई दत हुए काहा किका गुजरात काी बुदिटायां ना जिजस आत्मकिवश्वास का साथे किवर्धीानासभा भवना काा प्रबु�र्धीना किकायाा, वह गुजरात का उज्ज्वले भकिवष्या काा आश्वासना दता है। राज्या काा �रिरदृ�या बुदले चौुकाा ह और यादिद ऐसी

�िज्जिस्वनी मिवधुंन सांभं मोंे

व् र्यं�क र्यवं सांशामिक्त करर्ण �र

लंक�ं�तित्रोंक सांत्रोंं� मोंे भंग लन

वंली लड़ीतिकर्यं� की अजिधुक�मों

सां�ख्र्यं कं रिरकॉ�य गिरं�

क मोंतिहालं एव� बंल मिवकंसां (मोंतिहालं क र्ल्डर्यंर्ण) आर्यक्तंलर्य

द्वांरं स्थांति�� तिकर्यं गर्यं।

प्रकितभा�ालेी बुदिटायाा गुजरात का हर �� काा प्रकितकिनापिर्धीत्व कार तो राज्या काा किवकाास अजया होगा। उन्हंना तेजश्कि�वनाी किवर्धीानासभा काो स�किवर्धीाना काी र�ा का उद्देे �या स काी गई एका �हले बुतात हुए काहा किका याह काायाडक्रम सराहनाीया ह �यांकिका इसम छुा�ाओं काो किवर्धीाना सभा म सकिक्रया रू� स भाग लेेना और प्रबु�र्धीना कारना काी सहूंशिलेयात पिमलेी, जिजसस उन्ह द� काी लेोकाताकि�का प्रर्णालेी काा प्रत्या� अनाुभव पिमलेा और उन्ह लेोकात�� काी बुढ़ाती लेोकापिप्रयाता म याोगदाना कारना काा अनाुभव पिमलेा। मुख्याम��ी का मागडद�डना मं, याोजनाा याह सकिनाजि�त कारना का शिलेए लेाग काी गई किका ना काेवले या बुदिटायाा बुस्पिल्का राज्या का अन्या छुा� व नाागरिरका भी तेजश्कि�वनाी किवर्धीाना सभा काायाडक्रम काो द� सका और उसस जड़े सकां। एका गुजराती काहावत "दिदकारी एतलेे �ारकाी थेा�ना नाहं, दिदकारी एतलेे घर आ�गना नाो तलेसी �याारो" (व दिदना गए जबु बुदिटायां काो व�त मानाा जाता थेा; आज, व जिजम्मदार और का�ले प्रबु�र्धीका हं) का माध्याम से,

46 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

अध्या� ना इस बुात �र जोर दिदयाा

किका गुजरात म �रिरदृ�या बुदले गयाा है। वतडमाना म प्रद� काी बुदिटायाा

बुटां काी बुराबुरी कारत हुए किवजिभन्न

��ं म आग बुढ़ा रही हं। वह दिदना

नाजदीका आ रहा ह जबु इनाम

स काछु बुदिटायाा किवर्धीाना सभा म

प्रकितकिनापिर्धी बुनाकार �ड़ेी हंगी।

मुख्याम��ी श्रीी भ�ेन्द्र �टाले ना काहा किका प्रर्धीानाम��ी श्रीी नारेन्द्र मोदी

ना मकिहलेा स�स्थि�तकारर्ण काो नाया

याुग काी �स्थि�त का रू� म �ापि�त कारना काा अवसर दिदयाा है। इस स�बु�र्धी मं, सीएम ना स�सद म नाारी �स्थि�त व�दना अपिर्धीकिनायाम का हाशिलेयाा अपिर्धीकिनायाम काा उल्लेे� किकायाा, जो किवर्धीाना सभा और लेोकासभा

दोनां म मकिहलेाओं का शिलेए 33

प्रकित�त आर�र्ण सकिनाजि�त कारना वालेी प्रर्णालेी �ापि�त कारता है। याह द� का राजनाीकितका लेोकात��

स सामाजिजका लेोकात�� काी ओर स�क्रमर्ण काा प्रतीका है। मुख्याम��ी

ना 'तेजश्कि�वनाी किवर्धीानाससभा' काो गुजरात किवर्धीानासभा का शिलेए एका ऐकितहाशिसका उ�लेश्कि� मानाा।

47 इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Youngest Qualified Scuba Diver Sibling

The record for being the youngest qualified scuba diver sibling was set by Ruchi Neeraj Malve (born on September 5, 2009), along with her sister Ovee Neeraj Malve (born on October 10, 2013) of Pune, Maharashtra. Ruchi Neeraj Malve achieved the SSI open water certification number 3589153 on October 30, 2022, at the age of 13 years, 1 month and 25 days. Ovee Neeraj Malve achieved the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors-USA) certification number 2310AD6589 on October 10, 2023, at the age of 10 years, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

Fastest child to solve a 4x4 Rubik’s Cube blindfolded

The record for being the fastest to solve a 4x4 Rubik’s Cube blindfolded was set by Mevish Vitrag Chheda (born on May 26, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He solved a 4x4 Rubik’s Cube being blindfolded, 7 months, and 13 January

Fastest recitation of periodic table in forward and backward order by a child

The record for being the fastest to recite the periodic table in forward and backward order was set by S. Guru Rishe (born on May 21, 2014) of Kancheepuram, He recited the names of all the 118 of the periodic table in forward and order (ascending and descending order of atomic numbers) in 2 minutes, 15 seconds and 68 milliseconds, at the age of 9 years, 7 months and 18 days, as confirmed on January 8, 2024.

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Maximum spins with two hula hoops by a kid

The record for performing the maximum number of spins hula hoops was set by Kimayaa Mali November 26, 2018) of New Delhi. She 1,344 hula hoop spins (around her in 14 minutes, 18 seconds and 8 milliseconds, at the age of 5 years, 1 month and 9 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2024.

Fastest couple to cover east, west, north and south municipal towns of Switzerland in a car

The record for being the fastest to cover east, west, north and south municipal towns of Switzerland in a car was set by A.M. Ramakrishnan (born on May 18, 1959) of Palakkad, Kerala, along with his wife. They started their car expedition from Val Mustair (at the eastern end of Switzerland) at 9.01 a.m. on September 18, 2023; travelled to the south and north municipal towns of Switzerland, and completed it at Chancy (at the western end) at 6.10 pm on September 19, 2023; covering 870 km in 31 hours and 9 minutes, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

Fastest child to name 50 rivers of India in alphabetical order

The record for being the fastest to name the maximum number of rivers of India in alphabetical order was set by Jayaprakathi Harish Kumar (born on December 6, 2015) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She recited the names of 50 rivers of India in alphabetical order, including Alakananda, Bhagirathi, Chambal, Damodar, Ganges, Hooghly, Krishna, Luni, Narmada, Parbati, Zuari and others in 34 seconds and 47 milliseconds, at the age of 8 years and 27 days, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

Fastest child to recall the capitals of 100 countries

The record for being the fastest to recall the capitals of 100 countries was set by Ankush Maji (born on April 2, 2013) of Bankura, West Bengal. He recalled the capitals of 100 countries in 1 minute, 15 seconds and 5 milliseconds, at the age of 10 years, 9 months and 13 days, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Youngest resin artist

The record for being the youngest resin artist was set by Yatharth Kushwah (born on November 18, 2009) of Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. He made different resin items, including cards, keychains and frames, at the age of 14 years, 1 month and 15 days, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

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The Indian flag hoisted at the highest points of all Indian states by a team

The record for hoisting the Indian flag at the highest points of all Indian states was set by a team of National Institute of Mountaineering and Adventure Sports (NIMAS), Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, under the leadership of Col. Ranveer Singh Jamwal, Director (born on December 26, 1975) of J&K. The team trekked to the highest points of all 28 Indian states between October 16, 2022 and October 2, 2023 under the campaign ‘Har Shikhar Tiranga’, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

Fastest child to recite all elements of the periodic table in Vrksasana yoga pose

The record for being the fastest to recite all elements of the periodic table in Vrksasana yoga pose was set by Komal Kanwar (born on September 4, 2011) of Churu, Rajasthan. She recited all 118 elements of the periodic table in 54 seconds while being in the Vrksasana yoga pose (Tree pose), at the age of 12 years, 4 months and 9 days, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

Fastest child to recite all even numbers from 1 to 100

The record for being the fastest to recite all even numbers from 1 to100 was set by Rudra (born on December 8, 2015) of Churu, Rajasthan. He recited all 50 even numbers from 1 to 100 in 26 seconds and 18 milliseconds, at the age of 8 years, 1 month and 11 days, as confirmed on January 19, 2024.

Maximum rivers of the world recited by a kid while being blindfolded

The record for reciting the maximum number of rivers of the world while being blindfolded was set by Suryansh Sharma (born on June 7, 2017) of Churu, Rajasthan. He recited the names of 52 rivers of the world in 36 seconds and 16 milliseconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 6 years, 7 months and 10 days, as confirmed on January 17, 2024.

Fastest to recite odd numbers from 1-100 by a child

The record for being the fastest to recite odd numbers from 1-100 was set by Bhavya Rajpurohit (born on November 5, 2016) of Churu, Rajasthan. She recited odd numbers from 1 to 100 in 26 seconds and 6 milliseconds, at the age of 7 years, 2 months and 6 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

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Fastest kid to name the rivers of Kerala

The record for being the fastest to name the rivers of Kerala was set by Ziya Mehvish (born on September 26,

Fastest solo ride on scooty from Ahmedabad to Ayodhya

The record for being the fastest to complete a a solo ride on scooty from Ahmedabad to Ayodhya was set by Rohan Sejal Upadhyay (born on March 4, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Riding a Honda he commenced his journey at 7.55 January 20, 2024, and reached at 7.35 pm on January route traversed four states, namely Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, covering 1,311.2 km in 3 days, including periods of rest, as confirmed on January 24, 2024.

Maximum reverse words in Tamil read normally by a child in 5 minutes

The record for reading normally the maximum number of reverse words in Tamil in 5 minutes was set by A. Adhithvi (born on April 7, 2015) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She read 287 reverse words normally in Tamil in 5 minutes, by viewing the reverse words on a laptop screen, at the age of 8 years, 9 months and 2 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

Counting from 1 to 10 in maximum languages by a kid

The record for counting from 1 to 10 in the maximum number of languages was set by Das (born on January 18, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He counted from 1 to 10 in 12 languages, namely Kannada, Bengali, Greek, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil in 3 minutes and 44 seconds, at the age of 3 years, 11 months and 22 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

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Spoken English academy by a specially abled person employing maximum female trainers

The record for employing the maximum number of female trainers at a Spoken English academy was set by Happy English Language Academy under the leadership of C.P. Shihabudheen (born on June 7, 1992) of Malappuram, Kerala. Suffering from a rare disease called Tetra Amelia syndrome (absence of all four limbs), he established a Spoken English academy on October 7, 2023, named Happy English Language Academy (Registration Number 32AIZPF6378H1ZQ), employing a total number of 62 female 10, 2024.

Fastest kid to recite English months of a year in reverse order

The record for being the fastest to recite English months of a year in reverse order was set by T.R. Pranish (born on October 5, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Fastest kid to read one hundred sight words

The record for being the fastest to read one hundred sight words was set by Duwika Porangada Somanna (born on January 26, 2019) of Kodagu, Karnataka (currently residing in Abu Dhabi). She read 100 sight words (one to six letter words) from a big screen in 1 minute and 34 seconds, at the age of 4 years, 11 months and 9 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2024.

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Youngest to write research paper on Mission Mangalyaan

The record for being the youngest to write a research paper on Mission Mangalyaan was set by Krishiv Mittal (born on November 17, 2013) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He wrote a research paper titled ‘An Overview of Mission Mangalyaan by Indian Space Research Mission’ and published in the International Journal of Research and Technology in Volume 11, Issue 4 (December 2023), at the age of 10 years, 1 month and 25 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

Fastest kid to recite odd numbers from 1 to 100

The record for being the fastest to recite odd numbers from 1 to 100 was set by Rishaan Naitik Ajmera (born on April 3, 2018) of Palghar, Maharashtra. He recited odd numbers from 1 to 100 in 25.57 seconds, years, 9 months and 13 days, as January

Maximum calendar days recalled for five centuries in 5 minutes by a teen

The record for recalling the maximum number of calendar days for five centuries in 5 minutes was set by Hardik Arora (born on March 30, 2010) of Gurugram, Haryana. He recalled 84 days out of 88 days for five centuries (from the year 1500 to 2000) in 5 minutes by viewing the random dates (using mental calculation), at the age of 13 years, 9 months and 12 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

Fastest kid to identify all countries’ flags in alphabetical order

The record for being the fastest to identify all countries’ flags in alphabetical order was set by Kalla Sriyansh (born on December 17, 2018) of Hyderabad, Telangana. He identified the flags and recalled the names of 195 (UN recognized) countries alphabetically from A to Z in 3 minutes and 6 milliseconds, at the age of 5 years and 23 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

Fastest child to solve a 4x4 Rubik’s Cube while being blindfolded

The record for being the fastest to solve a single 4x4 Rubik’s Cube while being blindfolded was set by Mevish Vitrag Chheda (born on May 26, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He solved a 4x4 Rubik’s Cube in 40 seconds, at the age of 8 years, 6 months, and 20 days, as confirmed on December 15, 2023.

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Youngest to complete a large jigsaw puzzle of 150 pieces

The record for being the youngest to complete a large jigsaw puzzle of 150 pieces was set by Ainiti Meda (born on July 24, 2020) of YSR District, Andhra Pradesh. She completed a jigsaw puzzle (Bibi & Tina), consisting of one hundred fifty (150) pieces, in 26 minutes, 1 second and 27 milliseconds, at the age of 3 years, 5 months and 19 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2024.

Longest duration to hold Yoganidrasana pose by a teen

The record for holding the Yoganidrasana pose for the longest duration was set by Adithi R. Rai (born on July 10, 2008) of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka. She held the Yoganidrasana pose (yogic sleep pose) for 18 minutes and 56 seconds, at the age of 15 6 months and 2 days, as confirmed on

Fastest kid to recall the capitals of 100 countries

The record for being the fastest to recall the capitals of 100 countries was set by Thara Sailesh Daly (born on April 17, 2019) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She recalled the capitals of one hundred countries in 1 minute, 53 seconds and 17 milliseconds, at the age of 4 years, 8 months and 29 days, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Fastest kid to recite 50 Aathichudi

The record for being the fastest kid to recite 50 Aathichudi was set by S. Tejas (born on May 28, 2018) of Salem, Tamil Nadu. He recited 50 Aathichudi (collection of single line quotations written by Avvaiyar) in 35 seconds and 19 milliseconds, at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 6 days, as confirmed on January 3, 2024.

Fastest child to recall periodic table while solving Rubik’s Cubes simultaneously

The record for being the fastest to recall the periodic table while solving Rubik’s Cubes simultaneously was set by Arnav Agarwal (born on June 28, 2013) of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. He recalled the names of all the 118 elements of the periodic table in 30.26 seconds while solving 3 Rubik’s Cubes simultaneously, at the age of 10 years, 6 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

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Fastest child to arrange chess pieces blindfolded

The record for being the fastest to arrange the chess pieces blindfolded was set by Shrey Jain (born on September 28, 2012) of Gurugram, Haryana. He arranged 32 chess pieces (segregated to black and white) on the chessboard

Fastest child to recall the periodic table while solving a Pyraminx simultaneously

The record for being the fastest to recall the periodic table while solving a Pyraminx simultaneously was set by Yaggya Vir Goel (born on November 6, 2013) of Hisar, Haryana. He recited of all 118 elements periodic table in 38 seconds and 76 milliseconds while solving a Pyraminx simultaneously, at the age of 10 years, 2 months and 9 days, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Largest typographical circular Mandala art made on paper

The record for making the largest typographical circular Mandala art on paper was set by Supriya Jamuar (born on May 5, 1983) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She made the largest typographical circular Mandala art, measuring 56 inches (4.67 feet) in diameter, by writing the name of Lord Ram in Hindi with a red colored gel pen on a large sheet of paper, as confirmed on January 16, 2024.

Fastest toddler to recite all elements of the periodic table

The record for being the fastest to recite all the elements of the periodic table was set by Anurag Mondal (born on January 28, 2021) of He recited all the 118 table in 2 minutes age of 2 years, 11 as confirmed on

Maximum weekly articles on Finance and Taxation written in a Marathi newspaper

The record for writing the maximum number of weekly articles on Finance and Taxation in a Marathi newspaper was set by CA Umesh Ramnarayan Sharma (born on February 28, 1976) of Aurangabad, Maharashtra. He wrote 523 articles on Finance and Taxation for a weekly series ‘Karneeti’ in a Marathi newspaper titled ‘Lokmat Times’ from September 9, 2013 to December 25, 2023, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

56 रि�कॉॉर्ड्‌ �स इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Youngest to walk 500 meters non-stop

The record for being the youngest to walk 500 meters nonstop was set by Anee Prasanth (born on June 9, 2022) of Erode, Tamil Nadu. She walked 500 meters non-stop (while holding the hand of her mother) in 21 minutes and 58 seconds, at the age of 1 year, 6 months and 25 days, as confirmed on

Fastest to mirror write the National Anthem in Hindi

The record for being the fastest to mirror write the National Anthem in Hindi was set by Gayatri Tembhare (born on June 25, 1986) of Pune, Maharashtra. She mirror wrote the complete National Anthem in Hindi in 1 minute, 49 seconds and 11 milliseconds, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

Longest mehndi design made by a teen on sheets of butter paper

The record for making the longest mehndi design on sheets of butter paper was set by Lavanya Pitamber Dandekar (born on July 1, 2005) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. She made the longest mehndi design (measuring 23 feet and 0.378 inches x 1 feet and 7.291 inches) on sheets of butter paper, using mehndi cones, at the age of 18 years, 6 months and 12 days, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

Fastest female to cover three and a half shakti peethas of Maharashtra

The record for being the fastest female to cover three and a half shakti peethas of Maharashtra was set by Aditi Anandrao Shinde (born on August 22, 1992) of Kolhapur, Maharashtra. She started the motorcycle expedition from Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur, at 6.36 a.m. on January 2, 2024; covered three and a half shakti peethas of Maharashtra (Mahalakshmi Temple, Tulja Bhavani Temple, Renuka Temple and Saptashrungi Temple), and terminated at Mahalaxmi Temple at 9.25 p.m. on January 3, 2024; covering a distance of 1,687.8 km in 38 hours, 43 minutes and 56 seconds, as confirmed on January 8,

Largest sand model of Konark Sun Temple

The record for making the largest sand model of Konark Sun Temple was set by Sarita Gochhayat (born on February 3, 1998) of Puri, Odisha, along with 9 team members. They made the largest sand model of the Konark Sun Temple (measuring 41 feet x 26 feet) on Chandrabhaga Sea beach, using sand, rangoli colors and water, as confirmed on January 8, 2024.

57 रि�कॉॉर्ड्‌ �स इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Longest duration to hold Elbow Plank pose by a kid

The record for holding the Elbow Plank pose for the longest duration was set by Neel Subramanian (born on May 25, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He held himself in the Elbow Plank pose (Phalakasana yoga pose) for 20 minutes and 15 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 17 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

Maximum questions on Geography answered in one minute by a kid

The record for answering the maximum number of questions on Geography in one minute was set by A. Nerona (born on June 7, 2018) of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu (currently residing in Dubai). She answered 32 questions on Geography in one minute, at the age of 5 years, 7 month and 8 days, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Longest duration to swim freestyle non-stop by a kid in a lake

The record for swimming freestyle non-stop for the longest duration in a lake was set by Naina Mehak K. P. (born on January 12, 2017) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She swam freestyle nonstop in a lake (Vazhayoor Lake) for 56 minutes and 22 seconds on January 6, 2024, at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January 17, 2024.

Maximum certificates achieved by a child for environmental awareness

The record for achieving the maximum number of certificates for environmental awareness was set by Shiza Fatima Siddiqui (born on February 10, 2012) of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (currently residing in Abu Dhabi, UAE). She achieved 31 certificates for participating in environmental awareness campaigns between 2020 and 2023, including

Maximum Alpine lakes explored by an individual

The record for exploring the maximum number of Alpine lakes was set by Tanveer Hassan Khan (born on September 2, 1981) of Srinagar, J&K. He explored 200 high altitude Alpine lakes in Kashmir in the last 10 years, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

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Maximum hula hoops performed around neck in 30 minutes by a kid with simultaneous hand movement

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins around the neck in 30 minutes with simultaneous hand movement was set by Rabani Khera (born on January 11, 2016) of Delhi. She performed 2,100 hula hoop spins around her neck in 30 minutes while simultaneously moving her right hand up and down, at the age of 7 years, 11 months and 30 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2024.

Youngest female Super Randonneur

The record for being the youngest female Super Randonneur was set by Miruthula Gopu (born on August 18, 2004) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. She completed 4 brevets (BRM) of 200 km (Pondy Pedalers), 300 km (Madras Randonneurs), 400 km (Pondy Pedalers) and 600 km (Trichy Randonneuring) within a calendar year from March 11, 2023

Maximum parts of the body identified by a toddler in 30 seconds

The record for identifying the maximum number of parts of the body in 30 seconds was set by Zoya Nashan S. (born on February 15, 2022) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She identified 21 parts of the body in 30 seconds, at the age of 1 year, 10 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

Maximum research papers on Computer Science as a single author

The record for writing the maximum number of research papers on Computer Science as a single author Karan Chawla (born on August 10, 2002) of Gurugram, Haryana. He wrote 20 research papers on Computer Science as a single author, which were published in reputed journals like IJERT, IJSER, IJCR, IJMTST from February 2023 to July 2023, as confirmed on January 12, 2024.

Fastest kid to identify all countries’ flags in alphabetical order

The record for being the fastest to identify all countries’ flags in alphabetical order was set by Nishmith Kumar (born on January 10, 2018) of Kolkata, West Bengal. He identified the flags and recalled the names of 195 (UN recognized) countries alphabetically from A to Z in 2 minutes and 31 seconds, by viewing the picture of flags on flash cards, at the age of 6 years and 12 days, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

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Fastest kid to recall capitals of Indian states and union territories

The record for being the fastest to recall the capitals of all Indian states and union territories was set by Dasari Vivaan (born on March 21, 2019) of Kandukur, Andhra Pradesh. He recalled the capitals of all 28 Indian states and 8 union territories in 30 seconds and 55 milliseconds, at the age of 4 years, 8 months and 22 days, as confirmed on

Fastest kid to solve a single 6x6 Sudoku puzzle

The record for being the fastest to solve a single 6x6 Sudoku puzzle was set by N. Pranitha (born on February 28, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She solved a single 6x6 Sudoku puzzle (on a sheet of paper) in 2 minutes, 23 seconds and 68 milliseconds, at the 10 months and 12 days, as January

Fastest kid to recite all countries’ names in the plank pose blindfolded

The record for being the fastest to recite all countries’ names in the plank pose blindfolded (born on January 25, 2020) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He recited the names of 195 (UN recognized) countries in the plank pose in 2 minutes and 10 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 3 years, 11 months and 10 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2024.

Maximum finger push-ups in one minute

Youngest to run 100 m

The record for being the youngest to run 100 m was set by Vidhuran L. (born on October 24, 2021) of Vellore, Tamil Nadu. He ran a distance of 100 m in 53 seconds, at the age of 2 years, 2 months and 6 days, as confirmed on

The record for performing the maximum number of finger push-ups in one minute was (born on April 20, 1991) of He performed 125 push-ups finger tips of both hands of palm) in one minute, as January

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Maximum push-ups by a teen in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of pushups in one minute was set by Rahul K. (born on February 11, 2005) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He performed 114 push-ups in one minute, at the age of and 25 days, as confirmed on

Largest seminar of NGOs

The record for conducting the largest seminar of NGOs was set by NGOGURU Private Limited under the leadership of CA Rajesh Kumar Verma (born on December 16, 1982) of New Delhi. The seminar was conducted on December 17, 2023, titled ‘NGO Ka Maha Kumbh’ at Lemon Tree Hotel, Kaushambi, where 511 eminent founders of different NGOs had participated and shared the key topics, including funding strategies, management techniques and action plans for success in the social sectors, as confirmed on January 5, 2024.

Fastest child to name 50 animals and their sounds

The record for being the fastest to name 50 animals and their sounds was set by Dikshu (born on December 12, 2015) of Churu, Rajasthan. She named 50 animals and their sounds in 54 seconds and 84 milliseconds, at the age of 8 years, 1 month and 3 days, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Maximum times English alphabet recited blindfolded in one minute by a child

The record for reciting the English alphabet blindfolded for the maximum times in one minute was set by Harnoor Kaur Sran (born on July 5, 2012) of Bathinda, Punjab. She recited the English alphabet from A-Z 19 times in one minute, while being blindfolded, at the age of 11 years, 6 months and 8 days, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

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Youngest to recite and perform all Shiva Karanas

The record for being the youngest to recite and perform all Shiva Karanas was set by S. Sadhana (born on July 3, 2016) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. She recited and performed poses of minutes and 4 seconds, 5 months, and 3 days, December

Maximum rotations of both hands in opposite directions simultaneously in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of rotations of both hands in opposite directions simultaneously was set by Rishiraj Kannamkulangara Padmaraj on May 15, 2008) of Thrissur, Kerala (currently living in Bahrain). He completed 281 rotations of both the hands in opposite directions simultaneously in one minute, at the age of 15 years, 3 months and 28 days, as confirmed on September 12, 2023.

Maximum participation in a Mega Christmas Carol organized by a Church

The record for organizing a Mega Christmas Carol with the maximum participation was set by St. Mary’s Church, Basavanagar - Kaggadasapura of Bengaluru, Karnataka. A Mega Christmas Carol was organized by the Church on December 17, 2023, wherein 817 faithful people of this parish were dressed as Angels, Santa Claus, Shepherds, Josephs & Marys, Kings, Queens, Trees, Tableau of Nativity and a Mega Chariot. The participants distributed 1,400 gifts while walking a distance of 2.5 km to celebrate Christmas, as confirmed on December 19, 2023.

Fastest teen to recall Euler’s number

The record for being the fastest to recall Euler’s number was set by Aalok Mourya (born on August 20, 2004) of Betul, Madhya Pradesh. He recalled 504 digits of Euler’s number in 4 minutes, 25 seconds and 61 milliseconds, at the age of 19 years, 4 months and 10 days, as confirmed on December 30, 2023.

Maximum spins with two hula hoops by a kid on inline skates

The record for performing the maximum number of spins with two hula hoops on inline skates was set by V. Garvik Goel (born on June 14, 2017) of Nadu. He performed 987 hula (around his waist) and 695 lasso (with his right hand above the head) simultaneously in 10 minutes and 30 seconds while standing on inline skates, at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 19 days, as confirmed on November 2, 2023.

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Maximum hula hoop spins performed by a kid

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins was set by Eva Zayah (born on December 11, 2017) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She 1,500 hula hoop spins the waist) in 12 minutes millisecond, at the age of 6 years, 1 month and 4 as confirmed January 15, 2024.

Oldest to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition from Kanyakumari to Ladakh

Maximum distance covered by a kid on a balance bicycle in 30 minutes

The record for covering the maximum distance on a balance bicycle was set by Siaan Meghan Patankar (born on November 6, 2019) of Thane, balance bicycle (without pedals wheels) on a busy road for a in 30 minutes, at the age of 4 and 2 days, as confirmed on

The record for being the oldest to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition from Kanyakumari to Ladakh was set by Kasinathan Andithevar (born on January 22, 1956) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He started his expedition from Kanyakumari on April 30, 2023, reached Ladakh on May 14, 2023; visited Kargil War Memorial and the Khardung La Pass (17,982 ft); completed it at Kanyakumari on May 30, 2023, covering a distance of 7,675 km in 31 days, at the age of 67 years, 4 months and 8 days, as confirmed on December 13,

Longest duration to hold Purna Matsyendrasana yoga pose by a teen

The record for holding the Purna Matsyendrasana yoga pose for the longest duration was set by Chirayu Verma (born on

Fastest motorcyclist to complete a solo Ashta Vinayak Parikrama tour

The record for being the fastest to complete a solo Ashta Vinayak Parikrama tour was set by Ashok Vishnu Pingle (born on June 7, 1976) of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. He started the solo Ashta Vinayak Parikrama tour from Morgaon (Moreshwar Temple) on December Siddhatek , Pali, Mahad, Theur, Ozar, RanjanGaon and returned December 25, 2023, covering a 465.77 miles (749.58 33 hours and 28 minutes (moving time: 17 hour, 14 minutes and 41 seconds) on his motorcycle, as confirmed on January 3, 2024.

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Maximum countries’ Presidents named by a child in one minute

The record for naming the Presidents of the maximum number of countries in one minute was set by Amaira Singh (born on April 14, 2012) of Gurugram, Haryana. She named the Presidents of 55 countries in one minute by viewing the names of the countries on a at the age of 11 years, 8 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January

Floating in the lake for the longest duration by a kid

Youngest female to complete a half marathon

The record for being the youngest to complete a half marathon was set by Niranjana Raj (born on May 5, 2014) of Palakkad, Kerala. She successfully completed a half marathon (Ranipet Marathon 2023) of 21.1 km in 2 hours, 13 minutes and

Fastest toddler to run 50 meters

The record for being the fastest to run 50 meters was set by Dhruva L.S. (born on July 27, 2021) of Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. He ran a distance of 50 meters in 25.42 seconds, at the age of 2 years, 5 months and 23 days, as confirmed on January 19, 2024.

Maximum pictures identified by a toddler in 15 minutes

The record for floating in the lake for the longest duration was set by Ritika Das (born on January 3, 2018) of West Bengal, Kolkata. She floated in the lake for 10 minutes and 1 second at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 1 day, as confirmed on 2023.

The record for identifying the maximum number of pictures in 15 minutes was set by Devanshi Haresh Abisha (born on December 13, 2021) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. She identified 266 pictures and recalled the names of animals, birds, shapes, fruits, vegetables and others in 15 minutes by viewing the pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 2 years and 6 days, as confirmed on December 19, 2023.

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Maximum times numbers doubled successively by a kid

The record for doubling numbers successively for the maximum number of times was set by Daniel Don Gomez (born on August 24, 2017) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (currently residing at Sharjah, UAE). He doubled numbers successively 20 times from 2 onwards to derive an answer of 10,48,576 by responding to the questions, at the age of 6 years, 3 months, and 26 days, as confirmed on December

Fastest child to spell 200 English words

The record for being the fastest to spell 200 English words was set by Pranaya Poomurugan (born on November 3, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She spelt 200 English

Fastest individual to run barefoot from Chennai to Kanyakumari

The record for being the fastest to run barefoot from Chennai to Kanyakumari was set by B. Srinivasan of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He started running barefoot from Chennai at 4.50 a.m. on December 23, 2023, and reached Kanyakumari at 12.40 p.m. on January 1, 2024; completed 714.79 km in 9 days and 7 hours, as confirmed on January 5, 2024.

Longest duration to hold a plank pose

The record for holding the plank pose for the longest duration was set by Shivraj Choudhary (born on December 2, 2000) of Bhilwara, Rajasthan. He held himself in the plank pose for 9 hours, 42 minutes and 18 seconds at the Body Power Fitness Gym in Sikar (Rajasthan) on November 5, 2023, under the supervision of Mr. Balbeer Choudhary, as confirmed on December, 12, 2023.

Maximum Karate drop kicks performed by a teen in 30 seconds

The record for performing the maximum number of Karate drop kicks in 30 seconds was set by Priyanshu Das (born on September 22, 2006) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He performed 63 Karate drop kicks (raising and dropping his right leg) in 30 seconds, at the age of 17 years, 2 months and 22 days, as confirmed on December 14, 2023.

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Fastest child to type English alphabet on a laptop

The record for being the fastest to type the English alphabet on a laptop was set by Nitin Bhatt (born on May 1, 2011) of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. He accurately typed the letters of the English alphabet from A to Z (in lower case; without space) on a laptop screen in 3 seconds and 71 milliseconds, using both hands, as confirmed on January 2, 2024.

Fastest female child to complete the Chadar trek

The record for being the fastest to complete the Chadar trek was set by Samya Maulik Panchal (born on April 16, 2012) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She successfully completed the Chadar Trek expedition over the frozen Zanskar River in Leh (Ladakh) in 2 days and 11 hours from 7 a.m. on January 17, 2024 to 6 p.m. on January 19, 2024, at the age of 11 years, 9 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 25,

Maximum hula hoop spins performed by a child using two hula hoops in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins using two hula hoops in one minute was set by Jiyannsh Aggarwal (born on February 17, 2015) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He performed 100 hula hoop spins (around the waist) in one minute using two hula hoops at the age of 8 years, 6 months and 29 days, as confirmed on September 15, 2023.

Maximum hula hoop spins in circles by a child in one minute with lemon and spoon

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in circles in one minute with lemon and spoon was set by Radhika Prakash (born on September 24, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. She performed 123 hula hoop spins in circles in one minute while holding a lemon and spoon in the mouth, at the age of 8 years, 3 months and 26 days, as confirmed on January 19, 2024.

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First parachute jump by a Defence Officer and Air Wing NCC Cadet (father and daughter duo)

The record for performing the first parachute jump by a Defence officer and Air Wing NCC Cadet was set by Wing Commander Deepak Sharma (born on October 23, 1973), along with his daughter Air Wing NCC Cadet Devanshi Sharma (born on November 15, 2002) of Agra, Uttar Pradesh, IAF OfficerAir Wing NCC Cadet, and other team members. The record jump was carried out from an An-32 aircraft (at a height of 1,250 feet AGL) during the NCC Para Basic Course 2022, at Malpura Drop Zone (Agra) on September 17, 2022, as confirmed on November 27, 2023.

Maximum distance covered by a child in a one-hour run

The record for covering the maximum distance in a onehour run was set by Nihar Krishna Kochambath (born on January 7, 2013) of Thrissur, Kerala (currently residing in Sharjah, UAE). He covered a distance of 11.10 km in a one hour run at Sharjah University on January 7, 2024 (on his birthday), at the age of 11 years, as confirmed on January 18, 2024.

Maximum certificates achieved from International Astronomical Search Collaboration

Maximum animals with shelter names recited by a child

The record for reciting the maximum number of animals with shelter names was set by Rishika Jain (born on October 14, 2015) of Churu, Rajasthan. She recited the names of 62 animals with their shelters in 52 seconds and 35 milliseconds, at the age of 8 years, 3 months and 1 day, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

The record for achieving the maximum number of certificates from International Astronomical Search Collaboration was set by Pragati Miskin (born on November 22, 1999) of Solapur, Maharashtra. She achieved 22 certificates, 65 Preliminary Detections with 17 certificates and 5 Provisional Detections with 5 certificates from reputed institutions, including NASA for her contribution to observations of near-Earth objects and Main Belt asteroids the analysis of images as confirmed on

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Maximum yoga poses performed in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of yoga asanas in one minute was set by Danriyoli Kausik Bhagawati (born on September 5, 2002) of Nagaon, Assam. She performed 31 different yoga asanas such as Padmasana, Sarvangasana, Tadasana, Trikonasana and others in one minute, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

Maximum portraits of Indian freedom fighters made by a child using dry dung

The record for making the maximum number of portraits of Indian freedom fighters using dry dung was set by Priddhisha Sarkar (born on November of Agartala, Tripura. She made 60 Indian freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi, Chandrashekhar Azad, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, using dry dung, at the age of 9 years, 9 months and 11 days, as confirmed on August 21, 2023.

Maximum Tamil songs whistled in 30 minutes

The record for whistling the maximum number of Tamil songs in 30 minutes was set by Seturam Balasubramanian (born on December 27, 1987) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He whistled 9 Tamil songs (complete with chorus and stanzas) in 30 minutes, including Meenamma, Machan Machan and Kanne Kalaimane, as confirmed on December 22, 2023.

Maximum round trip distance covered in 24 hours by running barefoot

The record for covering the maximum round trip distance in 24 hours by running barefoot was set by Raju Ambresh Gowda (born on October 8, 2001) of Thane, Maharashtra. He covered a round trip distance of 169.69 km in 24 hours by running barefoot. He started his barefoot run from Ambarnath Shiv Mandir (Maharashtra) at 4.09 p.m. on November 25, 2023, and completed it at the same place at 4.09 p.m. on November 26, 2023, as confirmed on December 19, 2023.

Maximum jump squats in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of jump squats in one minute was set by Nigesh Kotoor Padikkal (born on June 1, 1986) of Kannur, Kerala. He performed 89 jump squats in one minute (with both hands held behind the head), as confirmed on December 29, 2023.

Maximum Tachuvallavu poses performed in one minute by a child

The record for performing the maximum number of Tachuvallavu poses in one minute was set by Vamika Shyam (born on December 3, 2011) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She performed 25 Tachuvallavu poses (Kalaripayattu Martial art) in one minute, at the age of 12 years, as confirmed on December 15, 2023.

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Youngest founder of a Non-Governmental Organisation

The record for being the youngest founder of a NonGovernmental Organisation was set by Udayaditya Parbat (born on January 14, 2005) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He, along with two colleagues, founded an NGO ‘Rigel Foundation’ (Incorporation Date: February 1, 2020) and worked for under-privileged, slums and orphanages; distributed sanitary napkins, stationery kits, clothes, essential items, ration, masks and conducted plantation drives between October 2020 and December 2023, at the age of 15 years and 18 days, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

Maximum research papers on Electronics and Communication Engineering

The record for writing the maximum number of research papers on Electronics and Communication Engineering was set by Sanjay S. Tippannavar (born on September 29, 2001) of Mysuru, Karnataka. He wrote 50 on Electronics and Communication and published in international including IRO, IEEE International Scopus indexed journals from March 2022 to December 2023, as confirmed on December 9, 2023.

Smallest handmade book of Bengali poems made by an individual

The record for making the smallest handmade book of Bengali poems was set by Sushanta Nnadi (born on November 1, 1973) of Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal. He made a small sized handmade book (measuring 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm), consisting of 45 printed Bengali poems, as confirmed on September 1, 2023.

Maximum distance cycled from north to south and west to east

The record for cycling the maximum distance from north to south and west to east was set by Kuldeep Kumar Patel (born on April 7, 1996) of Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh. He cycled in 2 phases, started from Srinagar (Jammu on July 23, 2023 at 9.17 am, and Kanyakumari on August 17, 2023 started the second phase from (Gujarat) on August 20, am and completed it at Silchar (Assam) on September 7, 2023 at 5.47 pm. He cycled 7,497.1 km in 45 days, 23 hours and 33 minutes, as confirmed on September 18, 2023.

Maximum postgraduate degrees achieved from different universities

The record for achieving the maximum number of postgraduate degrees from different universities was set by Kripal Singh (born on November 1, 1969) of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. He achieved 15 postgraduate degrees from 4 different universities, including CCS University, IGNOU, UPRTOU and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University (Agra), from 1994 to 2023, as confirmed on December 11,

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Maximum push-ups performed by a teen in 30 seconds

The record for performing the maximum number of push-ups in 30 seconds was set by (born on September 23, 2010) of Ambala, Haryana. He performed 93 push-ups in 30 seconds, at the age of 13 years and 18 days, as confirmed on October 11, 2023.

Tattooing at the highest altitude by a duo

The record for tattooing at the highest altitude was set by Nikita Hemant Pawar (born on May 4, 1998) of Nashik, Maharashtra, along with her friend Vishvl Kishor Sonwane (born on June 23, 1997) of Malegaon, Maharashtra. Nikita Hemant Pawar made a small tattoo (measuring 56 mm x 66 mm) on the left arm of her friend Vishvl Kishor at Umling La Pass at an altitude of 19,024 ft and Vishvl Kishor Sonwane made a small tattoo (measuring 56 mm x 66 mm) on the left arm of his friend Nikita Hemant Pawar at Umling La Pass at an altitude of 19,024 ft as confirmed on September 18, 2023.

Longest bamboo millet dish made by an educational institution

The record for making the longest bamboo millet dish was set by Naipunnya School of Management (incorporated in 2005) of Alappuzha, Kerala. A total number of 10 students of the educational institution made the longest bamboo millet ‘Puttu’ dish (measuring 10 feet) using different varieties of millet, water, grated coconut, salt and other ingredients, as confirmed on November 1, 2023.

Maximum Kalaripayattu single stick rotations in 30 seconds

The record for performing the maximum number of Kalaripayattu single stick rotations in 30 seconds was set by Kabita Prajapati (born on October 14, 1997) of Kolkata, West Bengal. She performed 50 Kalaripayattu single stick rotations in 30 seconds, using her right hand, as confirmed on January 18, 2024.

Fastest kid to recite 100 English and Bengali poems

The record for being the fastest to recite 100 English and Bengali poems was set by Renee Rihana (born on May 7, 2019) of South Dinajpur, West Bengal. She recited 100 English and Bengali poems (30 English in 5 minutes and 70 Bengali in 13 minutes and 47 seconds) in 18 minutes and 47 seconds, at the age of 4 years, 6 months and 2 days, as confirmed on November 9, 2023.

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Maximum vehicles named in 30 seconds by a kid

The record for naming the maximum number of vehicles in 30 seconds was set Shivanya (born on February 8, 2019) of Ludhiana, Punjab. She recited the names of 50 vehicles in 30 seconds, at the age of 4 years, 11 months, and 10 days, as confirmed on January 18, 2024.

Maximum food items identified by a kid in 30 seconds

The record for identifying the maximum number of food items in 30 seconds was set by M. Anthara (born on August 20, 2020) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. She identified the pictures and recalled the names of 28 food items in 30 seconds by viewing the pictures on a laptop, at the age of 3 years, 2 months and 27 days, as confirmed on November 16, 2023.

Largest Ashtadhatu statue of Ladoo Gopal made by an individual

The record for making the largest Ashtadhatu statue of Ladoo Gopal was set by Dinesh Sharma (born on March 24, 1986) of Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh. He made a large sized Ashtadhatu statue of Ladoo Gopal, measuring 35 inches (2.92 feet) x 18 inches (1.5 feet), using gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, iron and mercury, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

Smallest easel made by an individual using matchsticks

The record for making the smallest easel using matchsticks was set by Susanta Jana (born on December 27, 1993) of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. He made the smallest easel, measuring 1.6 cm in width (at the base) and 2 cm in length, in 4 minutes, 25 seconds and 843 milliseconds, using matchsticks, as confirmed on November 18, 2023.

Fastest to recite Sivapuranam in Tamil language

The record for being the fastest to recite Sivapuranam in Tamil language was set by Kaverinathan Rengarajan (born on August 29, 1988) of Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu. He recited Sivapuranam (95 lines) along with Thevaram (12 lines) and (Thiruvasagam 4 lines) in 2 minutes, 15 seconds and 36 milliseconds, as confirmed on January 23, 2024.

Maximum photographs clicked in 30 minutes by an individual

The record for clicking the maximum number of photographs in 30 minutes was set by (born on January 24, 1998) of New Delhi. He clicked 458 photographs of different items in 30 minutes, using his mobile phone, as confirmed on January 17, 2024.

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Fastest kid to answer 100 General Knowledge questions

The record for being the fastest to answer 100 General Knowledge questions was set by Juan John (born on January 8, 2021) of Thrissur, Kerala. He answered 100 General minutes and 25 seconds, days, as confirmed on

Fastest child to recite Luv Kush Ram Katha in poetic form

The record for being the fastest to recite Luv Kush Ram Katha in poetic form was set by Krisha Vaishnav (born on February 17, 2016) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. She recited Luv Kush Ram Katha in poetic form (consisting of 824 words) in 3 minutes and 48 seconds, at the age of 7 years, 10 months and 4 days, as confirmed on December 21, 2023.

Highest altitude marathon to pay homage to Kargil martyrs on Independence Day

The record for completing the highest altitude marathon to pay homage to Kargil martyrs on Independence Day was set by Mohan Kumar Danappa (born on April 27, 1987) of Bellary, Karnataka. He completed a 42 km run from Kargil City to Kargil War Memorial at an altitude of 10,800 ft. on August 15, 2023, holding the National flag in his right hand, as confirmed on September 18, 2023.

Fastest solo round trip motorcycle expedition to cover all districts of Maharashtra to promote voting

The record for undertaking the fastest solo round trip motorcycle expedition to cover all districts of Maharashtra to promote voting was set by Shailesh Sheshrao Kulkarni (born on May 9, 1984) of Parbhani, Maharashtra. He started his expedition from Parbhani on November 16, 2023; visited all 36 districts of Maharashtra and completed it at Parbhani on November 22, 2023, to promote ‘Vote for Nation’ campaign; covering a distance of 4,252 km in 7 days, as confirmed on December 1, 2023.

Handwritten bank transactions maintained by an individual for maximum years

The record for maintaining handwritten bank transactions for the maximum number of years was set by Pawan Bansal on March 1, 1977) of New Delhi. He wrote all bank transactions of his company’s current account in 17 notebooks (known as bank passbooks) from November 1, 2003 till November 1, 2023. The handwritten bank transactions include details of NEFT, RTGS, Paytm, Google Pay, cash and cheque payments of 20 years, as confirmed on December 12, 2023.

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Fastest child to recite the names of Indian Prime Ministers

The record for being the fastest to recite the names of Indian Prime Ministers was Behani (born on May 12, 2016) of Haryana. He recited the names of 14 Indian Prime Ministers in 9 seconds and 18 milliseconds, at the age of 7 years, 5 months and 13 days, as confirmed on October 25, 2023.

Hiking to and paragliding from the highest elevation

The record for hiking to and paragliding from the highest elevation was set by Jagmeet Singh Brar (born on March 2, 1992) of Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab. He started hiking from Sakti Village, Leh (at an elevation of 3,812 m) at 7.40 a.m. on December 18, 2023; reached the highest elevation of 4,386 m at 10.10 a.m.; started the descent at 11.11 a.m. by self-paragliding; unfurled the National Flag in mid-air during paragliding and landed at Sakti village at 11.16 a.m.; as confirmed on December 26,

Tattooing a client at the highest altitude

The record for tattooing a client at the highest altitude was set by Bhaskar Singh Kanwal (born on July 3, 1988) of Almora, Uttarakhand. He made a tattoo of Lord Shiva (measuring 7 inches X 4 inches) on the posterior side of the client’s body at an altitude of 3689.9 metres (within the premises of the Tungnath temple), as confirmed on October 30, 2023.

Largest portrait of V.O. Chidambaram Pillai made by a child using push pins

The record for making the largest portrait of V.O. Chidambaram Pillai using push pins was set by Arun (born on November 8, 2011) of Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. He made the portrait of of V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (measuring 86 cm x 122 cm), using colourful push pins, at the age of 11 years, 10 months and 12 days, as confirmed on September 20, 2023.

Maximum hula hoop spins by a kid in one minute

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in one minute was set by on March 25, 2019) of Chandigarh. She performed 200 hula hoop spins around the waist in one minute, at the age of 4 years, 10 months and 2 days, as confirmed on January 27, 2024.

Maximum distance swum underwater by a child

The record for swimming the maximum distance underwater was set by Aarnav Annam (born on June 7, 2013) of Hyderabad, Telangana. He swam a distance of 32.5 m (length of the swimming pool 21. 5 m, breadth 7.5 m and additional length 3.5 m) in 42 seconds at the age of 10 years, 2 months and 22 days, as confirmed on August 29, 2023.

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IBR Achiever 2024

Arush Dheeraj Karkera June 1, 2022) of Udupi, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 27 animals, 27 birds, 18 parts of the body, 14 colors, 47 general items, letters of the English alphabet, 10 food items, 26 fruits, 9 gadgets, numbers from 1 to 10, 8 emotions, 6 shapes, 27 toys, 25 vegetables, 24 vehicles, 20 flowers and 33 actions, at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on January 15, 2024.

Arjun Harish Nair (born on February 14, 2019) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reading 3 story books (level 5) in 31 minutes and 42 seconds, at the age of

Abhishek Jena (born on January 6, 2020) of Balasore, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for chanting 12 mantras; writing and reciting Odia Varnamala and the English Alphabet; writing Odia numbers 1 to 20 and English numbers 1 to 100; naming 11 flowers, 14 fruits, 16 vegetables, 10 birds, days of the week and months in a year; identifying 33 parts of the body, 20 National leaders and answering 25 G.K. questions, at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on

Ayisha Yara Ajmal (born on November 18, 2018) of Kannur, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming 12 vegetables, 10 fruits, months in a year, days of the week, 10 National symbols, 11 birds, 6 farm animals, 11 wild animals, 6 water animals, 6 insects, 10 vehicles; answering 26 G.K. questions and recalling phonetic sounds of the English at the age of 5 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 18, 2024.

March – 36th issue
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Ridansh Pandit (born on July 16, 2020) of Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling the capitals of 28 and 1 union territory in 39 age of 3 years and 5 months, as January 10, 2024.

Roshan G. Nayak (born on March 21, 2022) of Tumkur, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 14 famous personalities, 5 internal organs, 8 National symbols, 13 parts of the body, 6 vegetables, 21 animals, 28 miscellaneous items

Armaan Khuntia (born on March 25, 2020) of Cuttack, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting the English alphabet, 19 English and 13 Hindi nursery rhymes; identifying 36 vegetables, 28 fruits, 18 parts of the body, 12 flowers, 77 animals, 25 birds, 14 vehicles, 13 colors and 19 shapes; answering 80 G.K. questions and the capitals of 28 Indian states; imitating the animals and counting from 1 to age of 3 years and 9 months, as on January 19, 2024.

Chirush Preetham Poojary (born on January 9, 2022) of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting an English nursery rhyme; recalling 26 associated words of the English alphabet; counting from 1 to 10; identifying 8 relatives, 7 fruits, 9 vegetables, 18 parts of the body, 6 birds, 23 animals, 9 colors, 10 vehicles and 47 miscellaneous items; performing 6 actions and

Azrin Rahma B. (born on December 21, 2021) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 8 parts of the body, 8 colours, 18 wild animals, 7 community helpers, 9 vehicles, 6 cartoon characters, 8 domestic animals, 13 fruits, 8 vegetables, 22 general objects, numbers from 1 to10; reciting 5 nursery rhymes, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on November 1, 2023.

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Adnan Zayn (born on January 29, 2022) of East Midnapore, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming the months in a year, days of the week, colors of the rainbow, 6 seasons, 8 planets, 5 oceans and 5 fingers; recalling 12 symbols and 26 English alphabetical from A to Z; identifying 10 colors, 18 18 vegetables, 3 colors of the National numbers from 1 to 50 and 20 shapes, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on December 26, 2023.

Ayaan Sha (born on February 3, 2022) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 9 wild animals, 8 domestic animals, 7 insects, 8 birds, 10 parts of the body, 12 vehicles, 10 kitchen items,10 vegetables,14 fruits, 6 medical items; translating 10 English words to Malayalam and answering

K. Ahaana Thiya (born on January 12, 2022) of Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for placing 12 shapes in the matching slots in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on January 3, 2024.

Ahamed Farhan (born on September 24, 2015) of Karimnagar, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for solving 10 Rubik’s Cubes in 37 minutes and 14 seconds, namely 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, Pyraminx, Skewb, Windmill, Fisher, Mirror and Cylinder Cubes, at the age of 8 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2024.

Basa Chaitra (born on June 20, 2020) of Nizamabad, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 17 Indian festivals, 12 National symbols, 13 Space objects, 26 parts of the body, 23 action words, 26 animals, 22 vegetables,13

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Adharv Krishnan (born on May 1, 2020) of Kottayam, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for solving five jigsaw puzzles

Sangapu Mokshavadhuta Sairamesh (born on March 9, 2020) of K.V. Rangareddy, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting the names of all 28 Indian states with capitals in 1 minute and 8 seconds, at the age of 3 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 3, 2024.

Fathima Faiha V. (born on September 12, 2018) of Palakkad, Kerala is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling the names of all rivers of Kerala. She recalled the names of all 44 rivers of Kerala in 42.30 seconds, at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on December 18, 2023.

Bommena Srinidhi (born on January 8, 2020) of Nizamabad, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming the capitals of 28 Indian states, 9 National symbols and 5 sense organs; reciting Gayatri Mantra and the multiplication table of 2, at the age of 4 years, as confirmed on January 18, 2024.

Achyuth R. (born on March 20, 2018) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying the flags of 150 countries in 6 minutes and viewing the pictures of flags on age of 5 years and 9 months, as January 18, 2024.

Adwaith S Nair (born on May 24, 2016) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever, for reciting the names of 28 Indian states in 15 seconds; identifying and naming 112 car logos in 2 minutes and 29 seconds by viewing the pictures of

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Aditya Hari (born on August 4, 2015) of Kollam, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying the flags and recalling the names of 163 (UN recognized) countries in 4 minutes and 3 seconds, at the age of 8 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 19, 2024.

Ram Tejwani (born on January 28, 2016) of Amravati, Maharashtra, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling the capitals of all 28 Indian states in 26.63

Adharsh Pranav V.J. (born on November 8, 2017) of Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for typing and executing codes in HTML in 11 minutes, at the age of 6 years and

Shreyash Tukaram Maishal (born on February 18, 2021) of Bijapur, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 20 animals, 8 shapes, 8 colors, 5 birds, 12 opposite words and 16 vehicles; reciting the English alphabet with associated words, numbers from 1 to 20 in English and 1 to 10 in Hindi; naming the days of the week and the months in a year, at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

Gunjan Bhatia (born on October 21, 2015) of Ludhiana, Punjab, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming 28 Indian states with capitals, 34 countries’ capitals and currencies, 10 branches of medicines and 20 abbreviations; identifying the flags of 50 countries by viewing the pictures of flags on flash cards and answering 100 G.K. questions, at the age of 8 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

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Nitara Jain (born on October 24, 2017) of New Delhi, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for drawing pictures of 20 fruits and

Devansh Srichandan (born on January 21, 2019) of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 111 types of vehicles, including a police car, army tank,

Boddupalli Amaira Raj (born on August 12, 2021) of Konaseema, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 10 freedom fighters, 18 parts of the body, 10 birds, 21 animals, 16 fruits; reciting the English alphabet with associated words, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 22, 2024.

Nyha Zerin K. (born on August 11, 2021) of Idukki, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 16 fruits, 18 animals and 26 letters from A to Z; reciting 2 nursery rhymes

Sanjuktha (born on February 7, 2019) of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting 4 morning shlokas, 2 prayers, 10 shlokas of Hanuman Chalisa, 1 stanza of Aigiri Nandini, Gayatri mantra and 2 verses of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5, at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2024.

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Sanvi R. (born on September 10, 2010) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for authoring a kindle edition book titled ‘Super Heroines of Pinkoxia: The Cosmic Odyssey of Pinkoxia’ (ASIN: B0CR1N16DH), published by Amazon, at the age of 13 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

P. Tamizheniyan (born on May 2, 2019) of Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for solving two snake cubes in 50 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 4 years and 7 months, as confirmed on December 12, 2023.

G. Kiriya (born on January 25, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 22 shapes, 28 random numbers between 1 to 100; reciting 20 vehicles, 10 animals, 15 opposite words; counting from 1 to 20 and placing letters of the English alphabet in matching slots, at the age of 3 years and 9 months, as confirmed on November 7, 2023.

Bandari Parinika Reddy (born on August 25, 2017) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for explaining the proscenium of a theater stage; narrating 2 stories; counting from 1 to 100; naming 9 emotions and answering 5 G.K. questions, at the age of 6 years and 3 months, as confirmed on November 27, 2023.

Yaadhithiran A. (born on October 4, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 24 vehicles, 24 shapes, 24 freedom fighters, 13 national symbols, 14 parts of the body, 20 good habits, 10 animals, 10 fruits, flags of 20 countries; reciting English alphabet from A to Z, at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on August 31, 2023.

K. Srinikka (born on September 14, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 50 animals, 25 fruits, 25 vegetables, 25 flowers,19 famous monuments,15 shapes, 15 vehicles,10 colors, 20 parts of the body, 14 professionals, 20 household appliances, 9 natural disasters, 24 birds, 7 continents, flags of 43 countries and naming 4 seasons, at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 4, 2024.

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Gargi Sahoo (born on April 10, 2021) of Baleshwar, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 10 colors, 10 vegetables, 12 animals, 10 birds, 12 shapes, 6 flowers, 11 fruits; reciting the Gayatri Mantra; recalling the English alphabet with associated words; naming 9 National symbols, 30 districts of Odisha and 28 states of India; answering 5 G.K. questions, at the

Sanvita Sagar Karibale (born on February 7, 2020) of Belagavi, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting 15 rhymes, 10 vachans, 10 shlokas, 15 parts of the body and 28 Indian states, at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on September 1, 2023.

Rohan Saha (born on October 10, 2020) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 11 community helpers, 9 colors, capital and small letters of the English alphabet, 11 stationery items, 19 vehicles, 14 vegetables, 13 fruits, 14 insects, 22 animals, 11 birds, 10 flowers; answering 45 G.K. questions; translating 220 words from English to Bengali; reading vowels of Bengali alphabet and counting from 1 to 30 in English and Bengali, at the age of 3 years and 1

Ewaan Adam (born on December 26, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 5 aquatic animals, 7 insects, 10 vegetables,12 12 shapes and alphabet in 1 year and

Padmajan R. (born on November 6, 1997) of Kollam, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for conducting a ‘Social Work Reliance’ awareness individual campaign and contacting 182 people individually to make them aware of ‘the relevance of social work’ from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on December 10, 2023, in Kollam district of Kerala, as confirmed on December 25, 2023.

Nripanka Das (born on June 7, 1991) of Guwahati, Assam, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for achieving 15 certificates in the field of environmental sustainability and authoring 2 research papers, namely ‘Testing Japanese cedar as wood fuel’, published in the Bioenergy Insight magazine in the December 2020 edition, and ‘Descaling of Production Tubing Using High Pressure Atomisers’, published in the International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (Volume 4, 2020), as confirmed on January 12, 2024.

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Allan Dev S.J. (born on September 28, 2021) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for solving 6 wooden puzzles, namely English alphabet, numbers from 1 to 10, animals, vehicles, shapes and fruits, at the age of 2 years and 1 month, as confirmed on November 17, 2023.

Kurchellapti Premaswarup Raju (born on August 31, 2011) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for authoring a book titled ‘Interstellar Ties: Empathy Across the Cosmos- A Tale of Friendship and Sustainable Abundance’ (ISBN: 979-88-90679-96-3), published by Notion Press in the year 2023, at the age of 12 years and 2 months, as confirmed on November 16, 2023.

(born on March 20, 2021) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying and recalling the names of 21 animals and 11 colors; naming the days of the week, months in a year, 26 associated words of the English alphabet and counting from 1 to 20, at the age of 2 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 15, 2023.

Arjo Konai (born on September 19, 2021) of Birbhum, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for counting 1 to 10 in English and 1 to 20 in Bengali; reciting Saraswati Pranam Mantra and the English alphabet; naming the months in a year, 6 seasons, days of the week, 5 senses, 4 directions, 5 fingers in Bengali, the capitals of 16 countries, 6 poems by poets’ names, 11 National symbols and 2 inventors by inventions, at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on December 27, 2023.

Aksha Binte Anas (born on October 18, 2021) of Murshidabad, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 20 fruits, 15 vegetables, 22 animals, 11 parts of the body, 15 national symbols and answering 5 G.K. questions at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on September 28, 2023.

Peddinti Durshitha (born on July 28, 2021) of Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 11 colors, 20 fruits, 15 animals, 12 shapes, 5 planets, 15 parts of the body, flags of 19 countries, maps of 10 countries, English alphabet

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Nivitha V (born on April 7, 2020) of Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 44 freedom fighters (both male and female) in 2 minutes, at the age of 3 years and

P.S. Saivishnu (born on February 14, 2021) of Theni, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 46 animals, 29 vegetables, 27 fruits, 26 vehicles, 16 musical instruments, 8 planets,11 shapes, 21 flowers, 12 parts of the body, 12 reptiles, 11 political leaders, 27 birds, 114 miscellaneous items; reciting 12 Tamil letters, 5 thirukkurals, Aathichudi (13 lines) and letters of the English alphabet from A – Z words at the age of 2 years and confirmed on August 7, 2023.

Niharika K. (born on March 7, 2022) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 11 colours, 14 birds, 5 flowers, 14 parts of the body, 5 aquatic animals, 29 fruits, 15 vegetables, 23 animals, 24 vehicles, 28 miscellaneous items, 5 insects, 5 famous personalities, 9 actions; reciting English alphabet from A to Z along with 26 corresponding words; answering 6 G.K. questions and mimicking the sounds of 6 animals, at the age of 1 year and 5 months, as confirmed on August 18, 2023.

Azlan Yaseen K. T. (born on February 4, 2022) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 12 fruits, 13 animals, 9 birds, 7 vehicles, 9 reptiles, 7 vegetables, 10 parts of the body

Muhammed Ufran K. (born on February 5, 2009) of Kannur, Kerala is appreciated for completing a 3-month diploma course in Web Designing on May 16, age of 13 years and 3 months, as on October 31, 2023.

Neil Bajaj (born on July 22, 2019) of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, is appreciated for identifying 6 aquatic animals, 15 animals, 12 parts of the body,12 colours; naming the days of the week, months in a year and 4 seasons; reciting 7 mantras and 2 shlokas, at the age of 4 years and 3

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Dhyan Madhav K. (born on November 10, 2018) of Kochi, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying and naming 26 letters of the English alphabet, 10 fruits, 10 birds, 10 animals, 10 parts of the body and 64 car logos, at the age of 5 years and 1 December 12, 2023.

Devarapaga Abhijith Kumaratha (born on October 16, 2021) of Mahabubnagar, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 5 parts of the body; reciting 4 letters of Telugu alphabet; solving picture puzzles of 8 vehicles and letters of the English alphabet; placing 4 shapes in a shape slotter; counting numbers 1 to 5 on his fingers, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on September 1, 2023.

A.P. Hashvanth Raj (born on April 30, 2020) of Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying and recalling number names of 80 three-digit numbers, 2 two-

Dhruti Shloka K.L. (born on May 19, 2022) of Yadgir, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 13 wild animals, 18 domestic animals, 9 flowers, 14 fruits, 12 vegetables, 8 vehicles, 10 birds, computer, 12 parts of the body, items and recalling 5 opposite age of 1 year and 6 months, as December 4, 2023.

Kode Sriyaan (born on November 25, 2017) of Wanaparthy, Telangana, is appreciated for recalling the squares of numbers from 1 to 20 in 28 seconds at the age of 5 years and 10 months, as confirmed on September 29, 2023.

Ratan Kumar Saha (born on July 31, 1971) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for making portraits of Indira Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore on red lentil pulses (masoor dal); Swami Vivekananda on a chalk stick; a world map on the inner part of a thin necked bottle; writing 50 poems of Gitanjali on a one-rupee postal stamp and many micro-words on an egg shell, as confirmed on January 13, 2024.

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Yohan John (born on May 17, 2016) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying the flags and recalling the names of 195 countries in 7 minutes and viewing the pictures of flags on age of 7 years and 7 months, as December 26, 2023.

Reyansh Raj Swain (born on June 11, 2021) of Bhanjanagar, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 6 professionals, 10 shapes, 4 planets, the moon, the milky way, 12 vehicles, 24 vegetables, 15 fruits, flags of 6 countries, 12 birds, 3 eminent personalities, 6 famous places, 24 animals, 6 flowers, 9 colors, 9 aquatic animals and solving 7 puzzles, at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on

Ankana Mahatta (born on January 10, 2003) of Dibrugarh, Assam, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for painting portraits of 4 famous personalities on stone, using acrylic colors, as December 13, 2023.

Aniket Patel (born on February 12, 2020) of Valsad, Gujarat, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming 2 fruits, 3 colors, 2 animals, 3 insects, 3 shapes, currencies of 6 countries, 20 animals’ shelters and answering 12 G.K. questions, at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

Purbasha Das (born on February 23, 2003) of Nadia, West Bengal, is appreciated for painting Warli art figures on an empty glass vial measuring (3 cm x 1.5 cm) using acrylic colours, as confirmed on November 9, 2023.

Girish R. (born on February 9, 1986) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for climbing Mount Lobuje (at an altitude of 6,090 m) in Nepal on May 27, 2022, despite being a cancer survivor, as confirmed on October 20, 2023.

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Umme Kulsum (born on June 22, 2020) of Khorda, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 12 vegetables, 12 fruits, 15 parts of the body and 10 shapes; singing the National Anthem; reciting 4 Kalimas of Islam in Arabic, 5 English and 3 Hindi nursery rhymes; reading Arabic Noorani

Aradhya Pandit (born on February 28, 2022) of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 18 parts of the body, 14 fruits, 18 vegetables, 4 flowers, 5 animals, 22 household items and 5 toys; reciting the English alphabet with 26 associated words, numbers from 1 to 10 in English and Bengali and singing the phonic song from A to E, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as

Guranshmeet Kaur (born on April 18, 2014) of Fazilka, Punjab, is appreciated for reciting the names of 45 districts of Punjab (23 districts) and Haryana (22 districts) in 14 seconds and 74 milliseconds while being blindfolded, at the age of 9 years and 7 months, as confirmed on November 28, 2023.

Anuva Ghosh (born on November 19, 2021) of Murshidabad, West Bengal, is appreciated for recalling the names of 13 animals, 13 birds, 14 fruits, 11 vegetables and 13 parts of the body at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on August 4, 2023.

Suranya De (born on December 13, 2020) of Hooghly, West Bengal, is appreciated for translating from Bengali to English the names of 25 birds, 34 animals, 15 fish, 15 insects, 30 flowers, 30 fruits, 30 vegetables, 11 professionals, 8 relations, 22 parts of the body, 62 sea animals and 47 vehicles; reciting Bengali and English alphabets with words; counting 1 to 40 (Bengali and English); reciting 42 Bengali and 10 English nursery rhymes; answering 66 G.K. questions; identifying 6 shapes and 6 personalities, at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on October 12, 2023.

Surya Deepan C. (born on August 3,1999) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for completing a round trip motorcycle expedition from Chennai to Rameshwaram. He started his expedition from Chennai at 5.53 a.m. on November 11, 2023, reached Rameshwaram the same day, and returned to Chennai at 9.39 p.m. on November 12, 2023. He covered 1,178 km in 1 day, 15 hours and 46 minutes, as confirmed on December 6, 2023.

86 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Jiyaan Mondal (born on October 19, 2020) of Bardhaman, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 24 vehicles, 12 colors, 14 shapes, 12 domestic animals, 19 parts of the body, 12 wild animals; counting 5 fingers; reciting 2 nursery rhymes and recalling the English alphabet with 26 associated words, at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on December 12, 2023.

Devashree Unnikrishnan (born on April 20, 2021) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 8 colours, 12 animals, 5 birds, 5 vegetables, 5 fruits, 10 parts of the body; reciting letters of the alphabet from A – Z along with 26 words; narrating 2 short stories in Malayalam; answering 5 G.K. questions; and counting numbers from 1 to

Sai Virat Boppudi (born on January 23, 2020) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 30 animals, 10 baby animals, 18 fruits, 16 vegetables, 20 vehicles, 24 colors; naming 10 National symbols, 8 planets, 10 parts of the body, months in a year and the days of the week; reciting 5 nursery counting from 1 to stories; recalling and counting from of 3 years confirmed on

Trijal Pramod (born on March 16, 2021) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 8 famous personalities, 31 animals, 10 fruits, 9 colours, 17 electronic items, 11 food items, 12 vehicles, 11 birds, 16 parts of the body and 26 corresponding words of the English alphabet, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on November 3, 2023.

Piu Biswas (born on October 16, 2000) of 24 Parganas North, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for painting a starry night on a piece of egg shell in 2 minutes and 45 seconds using fabric colors, as confirmed on December 25, 2023.

Dr. Ch. Nageswarao (born on May 25, 1976) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for achieving 23 certificates for participating in various competitions; completing different courses; being awarded the Nelson Mandela Global

University (USA), as confirmed

87 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Nihal H. (born on June 30, 2021) of Kasaragod, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 5 shapes, 6 sources of water, 7 reptiles, 19 vehicles, 13 birds, 7 insects, 22 animals, 14 fruits, 13 sports, 11 parts of a vehicle, 6 space objects, 15 stationery items, 15 vegetables, 26 action words, 10 freedom fighters, 17 electrical items, 24 parts of the body and naming the days of the week, at the age of 2 years confirmed on December 21, 2023.

Sreebhadra S. (born on May 16, 2016) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for arranging a single 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube and representing the flag colors of 50 countries in 20 minutes and 43 seconds, at the age of

K.T. Anuaadhira (born on August 31, 2020) of Salem, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 25 animals, 10 sea animals, 7 shapes, 10 fruits, 12 instruments, flags of 25 the names of 9 countries, English alphabet from A to Tamil alphabet, days months in a year; numbers from 1 to answering 3 opposites at years and 11 months, as August 8, 2023.

Sujith S. (born on January 21, 1985) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for receiving 16 certificates for completing courses, including Traditional Sidha Vaidya, Bone Setting Therapy, Sujok Acupuncture, Hijama Therapy, Acupressure, Magnetic Therapy, Dry Needling, BSS Diploma in Panchakarma Therapy, Nady Vigyan, Reiki, Ayurvedic Acupressure, Alternative Medicine and others, as confirmed on December 14, 2023.

Tejoswini Bera (born on April 28, 2021) of Hooghly, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting the English alphabet with 26 associated words; naming the months in

Muhammed Anees K. (born on January 17, 1995) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for writing two books on Methodology of Teaching Arabic titled ‘Al Siqala’ (ISBN:978-8195213-90-0) and ‘Al Mahaara’ (ISBN:978-93-93238-00-9) for B.A., B.Ed. and D. El. Ed. students, published by Al Huda Book Stall in 2021 and 2022, as confirmed on December 27, 2023.

88 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Gargi Rajan Bhartav (born on August 25, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is ‘IBR achiever’ for summiting 1,646 m high Kalsubai Peak (organized by Rotary Club of Juhu, Mumbai and Phoenix Foundation) on December 7 and December 8,

Jaan Mehak P.K. (born on January 2, 2022) of Malappuram, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 14 animals, 14 relatives, 5 vehicles, 29 domestic items, 52 general items, 4 birds, 8 insects, 8 fruits, 8 vegetables, 11 cosmetics, 18 parts of the body, 14 clothing items, 25 food items, 15 electronic items, 9 furniture items and reciting 2 nursery rhymes, at

Prateek Singh (born on March 26, 2001) of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for performing 2 one-hand push-ups in 10 seconds wherein the left index finger and palm were reversed, as confirmed on December 8, 2023.

Asrithan S. (born on September 5, 2019) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for solving a jigsaw puzzle (consisting of 108 pieces) in 12 minutes and 5 seconds at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on July 29, 2023.

Ayzal Zimaal (born on August 19, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting Alhamd Shareef, Surah Ikhlas and 4 nursery rhymes in Malayalam; naming the days of the week; recalling 6 opposite words; counting 1 to 10; identifying English letters, 11 shapes, 11 colors, 14 animals, 9 vehicles, 9 birds, 12 vegetables, 21

Nainika Aswin (born on December 4, 2021) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 14 farm animals, 17 wild animals, 10 vehicles, 23 miscellaneous objects, 4 ornaments; reciting one prayer; recalling alphabetical words for letters of the English alphabet from A to I; and mimicking the sounds of 3 animals and 2 birds at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on August 7, 2023.

89 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Aathvika M. (born on May 11, 2022) of Karur, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 8 fruits, 7 National symbols, 7 shapes, 6 stationery items, 4 seasons, 7 famous personalities, 15 miscellaneous items, 8 vehicles,

Muhammed Suhail R.M. (born on February 16, 2014) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for solving a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube in 28 seconds, at the age of 8 years confirmed on January 16, 2024.

Perugu Tanvish (born on September 11, 2021) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 6 household items, 7 colours, 10 vegetables and 15 animals; naming the months in a year and the days of the week; reciting the English alphabet with 26 associated words; counting from 1 to 30 and reverse counting from 10 to 1 at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on September 25, 2023.

Jaanvi Pranab (born on November 1, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 76 creatures,12 flowers, 14 colors, 31 vegetables, 22 fruits, 18 vehicles, 12 emotions, 23 shapes (2D & 3D), 20 action words; naming the months in a year, days of the week, 8 planets, 4 seasons and 5 nuts; counting from 1 5 prayer songs; reciting the with 26 associated words, 5 5 English nursery rhymes, years and 2 months, as January 3, 2024.

Asmit Mandal (born on April 22, 2020) of Saguna, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting the capitals of 39 countries, 28 Indian states and 8 union territories, names of 34 inventors with their inventions; translating 24 vegetables, 13 colours, 13 shapes, 32 vehicles, 30 fruits, 31 animals, 29 birds, 38 insects from Bengali to English, 10 nursery rhymes in Bengali and English language at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on August 1, 2023.

Aditya Nandan (born on December 13, 2021) of Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 25 geometrical shapes in 1 minute and 33 seconds, at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on December 25, 2023.

90 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Shreyansh Panda (born on December 4, 2019) of Puri, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 12 colors, 36 animals, 29 parts of the body, 9 birds, 9 vegetables 13 miscellaneous pictures, 13 insects; reciting the English alphabet from A to Z with 26 associated rhymes; naming the days of year, 18 National symbols, 30 Indian states and capitals, years and 11 months, as on November 16, 2023.

Aamod Aniruddha Patil (born on March 18, 2020) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for reciting Pushpanjali mantra in 2 minutes and 25 seconds in Sanskrit language,

Saahir Gandral (born on July 2, 2018) of Jammu, J&K, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reading one English paragraph of a class 7 textbook; recalling multiples of 8 random numbers between 5 to 15, multiples of 2 to 14 and 18 in series and receiving a participation certificate from India Talent War Season 3, at the age of 5 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2024.

Shivada Praveen (born on October 19, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 33 animals in one minute, at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on August 9, 2023.

Urfeena Jamal (born on January 12, 1993) of Ganderbal, Jammu and Kashmir, is appreciated for writing a poem titled ‘Tale of Tangled Life’ (consisting of 251 words), wherein each line begins with a letter from A to Z and each line ends with a letter from Z to A. The poem is handwritten, as confirmed on August 16, 2023.

Pranavi Policepatil (born on July 18, 2021) of Koppal, Karnataka, is appreciated for; identifying 8 birds, 21 alphabetical words, 18 fruits, 24 animals, 8 famous personalities, 8 colours, 11 actions, 10 vegetables, 13 vehicles, 13 electronic items, 56 household items and answering 15 G.K. questions, at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on November 15, 2023.

91 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Anyasha Parida (born on September 11, 2019) of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting 5 shlokas in the fancy dress costume of Lord Krishna, at the age

Daksh Vinayak (born on October 2, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 8 planets, 22 fruits, 22 vegetables, 20 vehicles, 16 professionals, 15 birds, 15 good habits, 15 flowers, 25 images, 28 mudras, 24 animals, 40 parts of the body, 19 shapes, 11 colours, 18 Indian states and 30 road signals; counting from 1 to 100; solving 17 jigsaw puzzles;

Karthika T.S. (born on September 3, 1999) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for achieving 100% attendance in all four semesters of M.Sc. from 2021 to 2023 at Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, as confirmed on December 25, 2023.

Aradhya Paul (born on December 3, 2021) of Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 6 animals, 5 birds, 10 vegetables, 13 parts of the body, 6 fruits, 4 famous personalities; reciting 4 nursery rhymes and the English alphabet with 26 associated words; counting from 1 to 11 and imitating the sounds of 4 animals, at the age of 1 year and

G.V. Kavinika (born on January 18, 2022) of Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 23 parts of the body, 16 animals, 8 birds, 8 fruits, 8 food items, 10

Desu Vedansh (born on September 28, 2021) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 20 animals, 12 fruits, 15 parts of the body, 12 good habits, 27 freedom fighters, 30 household alphabet and performing 25 age of 2 years and 2 months, December 18, 2023.

92 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Harshiv V. Kashyap (born on February 16, 2022) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for solving 4 jigsaw puzzles of fruits; identifying 11 shapes and 11 colors; naming 14 districts of Kerala; reciting the English alphabet and a nursery rhyme, at the age of 1 year and 9 months, as confirmed on November 24, 2023.

Anvit Kumbar (born on February 16, 2022) of Vijayapura, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 10 colors, 10 parts of the body, 10 vehicles, 18 animals, 49 miscellaneous items, 3 birds, 3 famous personalities and 4 fruits, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on

Amosh Ruban H. (born on September 28, 1999) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for completing a round trip motorcycle expedition. He started his motorcycle expedition from Chennai at 5.12 a.m. on December 15, 2023, travelled across Bengaluru, Mysuru, Krishnagiri, and completed it at Chennai p.m. on December 16, 2023, a distance of 1,022 km, as December 26, 2023.

Jagannath R. Krishna K. (born on June 1, 2021) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying and naming 46 animals, 25 birds, 23 story books,12 colors, 52 vehicles and

K.K. Rithvik Arha (born on December 11, 2020) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling English alphabet; counting 1 to 10; identifying 15 natural bodies, 18 fruits, 10 types equipment, 17 parts of the body, colors, 23 water animals, 28 car logos, 24 animals, 10 shapes, 6 and 80 miscellaneous at the age of 3 years, as on December 18, 2023.

Anusree M (born on April 24, 2008) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for making a small sized colourful picture (measuring 3 cm x 2 cm) of Thekke Gopura Nada outside Vadakkunnathan temple on a sheet of white paper, as confirmed on November 6, 2023.

93 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Md. Arman Seikh (born on November 15, 2021) of Bankura, West Bengal, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of 23 Indian states; identifying 17 types of fish; translating English names of 20 animals, 24 fruits and 20 vegetables to Bengali; reciting 39 mixed short poems in Hindi, English and Bengali, at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on

Yendluri Adhvika (born on January 27, 2022) of Vijayawada NTR, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 7 wonders of the world, 27 actions, English alphabet, 30 animals, 26 parts of the body, 27 birds, 13 colors, 7 parts of the computer, 14 electronic items, 14 flowers, 25 freedom fighters, 27 fruits, 27 random pictures, 6 planets, 27 professionals, 4 seasons, 14 shapes and 28 vehicles, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on December 18, 2023.

Madiha Wahid (born on February 7, 2008) of Srinagar, J&K, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for making a long mehndi design (measuring 25 feet x 1 feet and 9 inches) on combined sheets of chart paper, using 20 mehndi cones, as confirmed on December 22, 2023.

Fathima Safa P. (born on January 2, 2019) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting the names of 54 Indian rivers (including 44 rivers of Kerala) in 50 seconds and 54 milliseconds, at the age of 5 years, as confirmed on January 4, 2024.

Trivedh J. (born on December 21, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 9 colors and 10 animals; counting from 1 to 20; naming the young ones of 6 animals; mimicking the sounds of 10 animals; writing to 10 and the letters of the at the age of 3 years, as

Vaswifa U.P. (born on November 26, 1992) of Palakkad, Kerala, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for performing bottle artwork. She beautifully adorned a doll on a glass bottle in 11 different costumes, as confirmed on December 22, 2023.

94 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Sashini Manikandan (born on November 23, 2008) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu (now residing in Sharjah, UAE) is appreciated for organising 9 environmental campaigns including Sweat 4 Soap Run, World Climate Run, World Water Run, My Green Balcony and Desert Clean Up Drive; receiving the Environmentalist of the Year age of 14 years and 8 months, August 17, 2023.

Dr. Atkuri Venkateswara Rao (born on November 30, 1942) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for explaining Numbers’ through 23 videos

YouTube from July 10, 2022

31, 2022, as confirmed on December 21, 2023.

M.D. Tamilvizhi Mediniyazh (born on December 1, 2021) of Salem, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming 31 animals and 22 vegetables; reciting the names of the months in a year in English and Tamil, 13 Aathichudi, 3 nursery rhymes and counting from 1 to 10, at the age of 2 years and

Ramesh Chand Meena (born on January 4,

Zoya Nashan S. (born on February 15, 2022) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 30 vegetables, 53 animals, 31 birds, 30 fruits, 34 gadgets, 22 vehicles, 81 miscellaneous items, 20 22 parts of the body; reciting alphabet with associated age of 1 year and 10 months, December 26, 2023.

Nainika R. J. (born on June 21, 2021) of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 10 sea animals, 23 other animals,10 birds, 8 insects, 14 food items, 11 vehicles, 9 festivals, 16 fruits, 21 vegetables; recalling 7 colors of the rainbow, 5 sense organs, 5 seasons, 7 neighbouring countries; counting from 1 to 10; naming the days of the week and the months in a year, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on November 22, 2023.

95 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

Taan Barman (born on April 1, 2021) of Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for introducing himself; identifying 8 countries’ flags, letters from A to Z and 15 pictures; translating 17 English words to Bengali; reciting 9 Bengali nursery rhymes; the capitals of 13 countries, and 5 National symbols, at 2 years and 8 months, as December 21, 2023.

Amit Tiwari (born on June 9, 1978) of Delhi, is appreciated for writing a book titled ‘Mar-Tech: A Marriage Made on Earth’ (ISBN: 979-8890668-73-8), published by Notion Press. The book highlights the importance of Marketing in an increasingly technology driven world, as confirmed on December 4, 2023.

Nakkidapu Riyanshika Lara (born on December 2, 2021) of Bhadradri, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for solving 10 types of puzzles on world map, Indian map, vegetables, fruits, shapes, vehicles, sea animals, animals, parts of the body, numbers, English alphabet and reciting alphabetical

Azim Ahmad T.K. (born on November 17, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying and naming 20 animals, 5 water animals, 9 birds, 10 fruits, 4 cosmetics, 6 colours, 14 general items, 7 vegetables, 10 vehicles, 10 food items, 4 musical instruments, 4 pictures on nature, flags of 6 countries, 11 famous personalities, at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on November 9, 2023.

Pujya Dhruthi V. (born on July 6, 2022) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 25 birds, 25 fruits, 25 flowers, 25 vegetables, 62 animals, flags of 100 countries; reciting 26 associated words of the English alphabet; naming 50 animals and flags of 65 countries by viewing pictures of animals and flags on flashcards, at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2024.

96 IBR अचीीवर इंंडि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स | माार्चच 2024

• What is ear thing?

R I C H S esearch nstitute omplementary of ealth ciences of Sc y i r e t n is ce in & M T y e b c d h e n s o n l o e g ic y L One Month Online Cer t if icat ion Training on (Ear th Therapy) Zero Volt Therapy Mode of Training: Take -Home Material: Online DIY ear thing t ool ki t
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Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhur y has developed a protocol called the Circadian Chart, where he has integrated the modern evidence base of the Circadian Rhythm with the ancient wisdom of Ayur vedic Panchkarma to get a patient-centric outcome. This book explains the scientific bases of the Circadian Chart, and is a part of the Circadian Clock & Ayur vedic Panchkarma (CCAP)

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Continuity meter
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stay disease free, one needs to be grounded with the mother Earth most of the time. In urban cities, it seems difficult to achieve this target. With the invention of Zero volt bedsheet and mats, one can be grounded even while sleeping & sitting at home. Dynamic Memory P vt. Ltd. 413A, HSIIDC, Sector-68, IMT, Faridabad-121004 (Haryana) E-mail: biswaroop@biswaroop.com Buy online at: www.biswaroop.com/shop Phone & WhatsApp: +91-9312286540
Bedsheet (75 x 36 inch)
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Copper connecting wristband
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Code Blue Cer tification Training

(Protocol To Reverse And Manage Chest Pain, Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest)

Over view: Aim of the training is to equip the clinicians and the layman with the skills to successfully manage and revive a chest pain, heart attack, and cardiac arrest victim. It is an evidence-based training with reference from more than 100 research papers (available in Pubmed) since the propagation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, which started in the early 1960s.

Duration: One-month certification course


1) History of Cardiac Resuscitation

2) Diagnosing a cardiac arrest

3) Principle of Cardiac Resuscitation

4) Cardiac compression technique

5) Comparison of popular CPR vs Cardiac Compression

Training material:

1) Code Blue Trainer’s Reference Book.

2) Cardiac compression training tool.

3) Code Blue Trainer’s practice T-shirt

6) Principle and practice of automated external defibrillator

7) The latest evidence base of the widespread practice of:

a) Oxygen therapy

b) Administering epinephrine

c) Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

d) Bypass Surgery

8. A 3 Step protocol to manage

a) Chest Pain

b) Heart Attack

c) Cardiac Arrest (AED required)

9. Prevention of future chest pain/heart attack/ cardiac arrest

10. CME & practice to be a successful “Code Blue Trainer”.

Course Fee:

INR 21,000/(including GST + Courier)

Mode of Training: 1) Training through online / video modules 2) Practice & evaluation through online / video conferencing

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To register go to www.biswaroop.com/codebluetraining C ALL US :+91-9312286540 MAIL US: biswaroop@biswaroop.com


relief in 2 steps

Step 1 Open the cap Step 2 Sniff the oil

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A D r . B R C P r o d u c t To b u y , g o t o w w w. b i swa ro o p.c o m / s h o p

3 Months Online Certication Advance Nutrition Therapy on from

Lincoln University College, Malaysia

Over view: From common cold to Cancer, from headache to heart attack, you can be your own healer This training comes with a unique tool kit packed with 28 ingredients, the right combination of it can work as a medicine for more than 60 kinds of common illnesses. This training will empower you with skills to heal and make you realize that your home is the best place to reclaim your health.

Duration: 3 Months


Ÿ Diagnosis of Lifestyle Illnesses

Ÿ Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

Ÿ Food–Medicine Interaction

Ÿ Mechanism of Medicine in Body

Ÿ Mechanism of Food in Body

Ÿ When the Food is Medicine

Ÿ When Medicine is Poison

Ÿ Common Kitchen Herbs and their Medicinal Usages

Ÿ Timeline of Recovery of Common Illnesses

Ÿ Food Calculation for Overall Nutrition

Plants V/S Animal Food

Take-Home Material:

Ÿ Hospital in a Box

Ÿ Game of Life Chart

Ÿ Snake Ladder Nutrition Game

Ÿ Reference Book

Course Fee: INR 21,000/- (including GST + Courier)

Mode of Training: Online / viva (oral examination) through a video call

To register go to www.biswaroop.com/mn
C ALL US: +91-9312286540 MAIL US: biswaroop@biswaroop.com

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A step by Step Guide to a Smarter Memory

This book will show you how to:

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· Overcome absent mindedness

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About the author:

Neerja Roy Chowdhury, the name can be found in prestigious record books including Guinness Book of World Records and Indo-China Book of Records for diverse reasons The most interesting of all is her ability to memorize the complete Oxford English-Hind D i c t i o n a r y S h e h a s a l s o d e v e l o p e d s o f t w a r e f o r memorizing a dictionary. She has travelled more than 100 cities internationally in last one decade training people on ‘Memory Techniques’ Her latest book ‘Smarter Memory’ is published by Rupa Publication Presently she is involved in developing curriculum in memory techniques for international universities.

Place your order at: Dynamic Memor y Pvt. Ltd. 413A, HSIIDC, Sector-68, IMT, Faridabad-121004 (Haryana) Mobile No.: +91-9312286540 E-mail: biswaroop@biswaroop.com
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Let every morning be the Hunza Morning

If you have decided to pick only one of my suggestions for the sake of your health, then take this suggestion:

Stop consuming tea specially, morning tea. The early morning tea makes the inner lining of your intestinal wall acidic, as after a long night of fasting your stomach is empty and craving for food. An acidic stomach on a regular basis is the single biggest cause of all kind of inflammatory and lifestyle diseases including arthritis, Diabetes etc.

How to stop craving of tea

Switch to Hunza Tea

Hunza Civilization: Hunza people are the Indians living at extreme northwest of India in Hindu Kush range. They are known to be one of the world's healthiest civilizations, often living up to the age of 110 years.

How to prepare Hunza Tea (serves four)


* 12 Mint leaves(Pudina)

* 8 Basil Leaves(Tulsi)

* 4 Green cardamom (Elaichi)

* 2 gm Cinnamon (Dalchini)


* Take 4 cups of water in a tea pan

* Add all ingredients, simmer it for 10 mins

* Add a dash of lemon juice and serve hot or cold

For those who are too lazy to collect the above ingredients (to make their own hunza tea) may order

You may place your order at:

Dynamic Memory Pvt. Ltd.

413A, Sector-68, IMT, Faridabad-121004 (Haryana) - India

Mobile No.:+91-9312286540

E-mail: biswaroop@biswaroop.com

Log on to www.biswaroop.com/shop to buy products
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इंंरिडयोा बुुका ऑफ रिरेकाॉर्ड्‌�स भाारेत सरेकाारे का आरेए�आई काायोा�लायो मा संख्याा HARENG/2010/32259 स पोंजीीकाृत है। याह एशि�याा बुुक ऑफ रि�कॉर्ड्‌�स स सबुद्ध ह औ� ना�नाल रि�कॉडो� बुुक्स, हो ची मिमन्ह शिसटी, वि�यातनााम म आंयाोजिजत मुख्य संपाादेकं की बुैठक म हुए स��सम्मत मिनाणा�या क आंधा� पा� अंत�ा�ष्ट्रीया प्रोटोकॉल का पाालना क�ती है।
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