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Guest-editing this issue of Indesign was a delightful process of discovery and learning. The nal result though, isn’t exactly what we set out to achieve.
Gillian Serisier and I began with a focus on the latest educational institutions, hoping to curate an issue focused on the latest thinking in the world of learning. Wood, brick and steel were represented in these buildings, giving a sense of permanence and responsibility to the work. Though aesthetically unde ned: something like a cross between a hotel, o ce and home, there was a notable classic maturity to these projects. The ones that are ge ing it right are extraordinary and this year we celebrate the incredible INDI.Awards 2024 Winners, Honourable Mentions and The Best of The Best (page 19). Also exceptional is the thinking taking place behind the scenes (page 165).
Reviewing other recent projects from around the world, we saw parallels with materials, forms and approaches in buildings and interiors with di erent programmes across the ‘live and learn’ spectrum. From airports (Bangalore, EPA page 108) to embassies (Australian Embassy, Bates Smart, page 144), libraries (Shanghai Book City, Wutopia Lab page 100) to headlands (Barangaroo, PTW + JPW page 181) we sensed a commonality of design selected for this issue of Indesign. These diverse projects feel harmonious when lined up together. Besides the rst impression of material honesty and cra , we observe that they all have a layering of complexity, built from a foundation of simplicity. A single wall from a tapestry of timber ba ens, a circular platform with elevated quadrants for seating (Co on Park, AIM Architecture, page 152), a gridded ceiling that warps around a building’s core (Rivers Edge, Wardle, page 118): these are projects with richness, clarity and complexity.
We recognised a pa ern of ‘complex simplicity’ which was perfectly encapsulated in Jenny Turpin’s body of work (page 166). Here you see a synthesis of nature, poetry and engineering. Red ladders that dance with the wind, water that ows uphill, a circular wind vane balancing from one bearing. The brilliance is in the nal result: simple, poetic and e ortless. And underpinning all of that, there’s all the work to not let the e ort show.
William Smart Guest Editor

design Mario Bellini - bebitalia.com

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Guest Editor
William Smart gillian@indesign.com.au
Editor Gillian Serisier gillian@indesign.com.au
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Indesign Correspondents
Sarah Hetherington (Indo Paci c) Stephen Cra i (Melbourne) Mandi Keighran (London) Andrea Stevens (New Zealand)
Contributing Writers
William Smart, Gillian Serisier, Timothy Alouani-Roby, Alice Blackwood, Tim Brooks, Dr Prudence Gibson, Jan Henderson, Sarah Hetherington, Dr Davina Jackson, Luo Jingmei, Vanitha Pavapathi, Damon Van Horne, Tara Veldman.
Featured Photographers; Featured Artists
Adam Gibson, Brett oardman, Chris Nixon, Claire Takacs, CreatAR Images, Dianna Snape, Dirk Weiblen, Dylan Buckee, Florian Groehn, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Hu on and Crow, Jalaru Torres, Jennifer Turpin, Joe Fletcher, John Wardle, Laundon Peacock & LP Visuals, Leicolhn McKellar, Marley Morgan, Robert Bruce, Space Story Teller, Tina Havelock Stevens, Toby Burrows, Tom Ross, Trevor Mein, turpin Crawford, Wen Studio, Yayoi Kazuma Zan Wimberley, Zanny Begg.
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Meet Percy
A visually striking, yet beautifully simple lounge chair by Nicole Marion for NaughtOne. The bold silhouette provides a blank canvas for colour that can be combined with a wealth of textile opportunities, that can transform it into a quietly vibrant or gracefully sophisticated design.

William Smart,
Director, Smart Design Studio
William Smart is the Founder and Principal of Smart Design Studio, established in 1998. His approach to design is holistic, combining both architectural and interior design with passionate a ention to detail. Over the past 25 years, Smart Design Studio has delivered a wide range of projects ranging from large-scale master planning, cultural buildings, o ces, workplaces to private houses and product design. Although varied in scale, the projects are united by an ethos of “Architecture from the Inside Out”. Smart Design Studio’s buildings have received critical acclaim. Since its inception SDS has received over 50 international and national awards for architecture, urban design and interior design. William is a recipient of INDI.Awards Luminary Award. William has also taught and lectured across Australia, published wri en work and is an active participant in the design community.
A complex Equilibrium, Barangaroo Headland by PWP Landscape Architecture and Johnson Pilton Walker (JPW), page 182. In Conversation –Complex Simplicity – William Smart and Jennifer Turpin, page 166.

Gillian Serisier
Editor of both Indesign and Habitus magazines, Gillian Serisier brings a solid background in design journalism to her role. With twenty years in the design media industry, Gillian is a highly regarded arbiter and advocate. Working closely with the Architecture and Design community, Gillian has selected a series of exceptional Guest Editors to host Indesign over the coming issues. Spanning architecture, landscape, art and all elements of design from textiles to furniture, tiles and lighting, there is a wealth of content to bene t from her collaborative editorship.
Hiroshi Sugimoto: The Accidental Architect, page 92. Shanghai Book City by Wutopia Lab, page 100. Australian Embassy Washington DC by Bates Smart, page 144. Co on Park by AIM Architecture, page 152. Bar Kar by Spacemen Studio, page 160.