A young european unity e journal

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A Young European Unity


Writing an e-journal Hi everybody, Three schools, three countries, what do all three have in common? They are young, they are curious, they are European, and they use English. What is their aim: they all want to learn more about their European partners and they are eager to share and be part of a great Union and better world. In this journal, students have written several articles from the different countries participating in the ETWINNING project: SPAGERITA (A European Unity). Italy – Germany – Spain

TOPICS:  Business  Entertainment and art  Local news  Politics  Science and environment  Sports

“Volkswagen“ was sentenced from a district court Hildesheim: „Volkswagen” is a global playing company. The company has got over 600.000 employees and generates sales over Euros a year, so it´s very important for our economy. Unfortunately, VW has manipulated the motor software of million cars. They wanted to show up lower exhaust gas emissions, but this software is an unlawful manipulation of the car engine. This manipulation violates the European requirements and laws. American customers of such cars can complain this mistake. They can easily get their money back and change the car. Unfortunately, Germany and other EU countries haven´t got such a program, but some German customers don´t give up and open proceedings against VW and his subsidiary companies. Hundreds of civil proceedings against VW are the results. But the VW group remains strong and disputes many things. One of these proceedings took place in Hildesheim. In the first half of January the Hildesheimer district Court condemned the VW Group but they refused it and said it was not in conflict with the European exhaust gas standard. Actually even in Paderborn a proceeding against VW took place. It´s a long way for the customers to fight against VW and actually you can see no ending. The future will show what will happen.

By Ruben Meyer, business news, HH2B, Germany, source: deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de ; zeit.de/wirtschaft

Chiara Ferragni goes to Harvard Businness School Chiara Feragni is an Italian fashion blogger who went to teach a lesson in Harvard Business school along with her businness partner. She explained the evolution of her Blond Salad from a point strictly business point of view and she talked about the editorial side of her blog. Many of her fans were involved in her blog and their passion was a key factor in her success. Chiara founded her blog theblondesalad.com in 2009 and this platform has become a lifestyle over the year. Chiara has 24 employees who work in five different areas. Chiara has been on the cover of over 50 fashion magazines all over the world and has millions of followers on Instagram.

By Michael

Fabbri, Caterina Offenheusle, Alessia Cusato, Enrico DeChiara

SAP Business

Baden-Württemberg. SAP, is a leading business software solution. This software company started very late with cloud computing. Anyway, somehow they managed to made up that lost time by taking a few risky acquisitions and that paid off in 2016.

The German companies profit soared about 20% to € 5.1 this year. A large part of this is the cloud computing business, this grew by 30% up to € 3 billion.

So SAP took a lot of risky decisions in the last years, but the most expensive one was the takeover of Concur Technologies with a price of $7.3 billion in 2014.

Analysts speculated that SAP would focus on cloud computing now but to the detriment of its software-licensing business.

Well that’s not what the numbers say. Revenue from software licenses and support grew by a robust 3 percent to € 15.4 billion in 2016. SAP’s overall revenue grew by 6 percent to €22 billion.

SAP also has plans for the future, they aimed high for 2020. They want to generate about €8.5 just with the sales of the cloud computing and a total revenue of €28 billion by the end of this decade.

The software program S4/Hana, for example, has done particularly well since its introduction in 2015, providing SAP with a stable source of revenue unlike rivals such as Oracle.

SAP is a high aiming German company. I think we will hear a lot of them in the future.

By Berat YĂźksel, business, source: https://global.handelsblatt.com/companies-markets/sap-rides-the-cloud689588

TRUMP HAS TRIED TO DO BUSINESS IN RUSSIA FOR THREE DECADES NEW YORK, UNITED STATES (JAN/17/2017). The elected president Donald Trump has tried to do business in Russia for decades; where (according to his own statements) he traveled several times so as to gather with the political and economic elite, The New York Times (NYT) pointed out. The newspaper emphasized that Trump’s search for business in Russia contradicts his affirmations, where he said he “stayed away” from looking for negotiation in that country. The attention about possible Trump’s business in Russia has increased due to the positive comments of the elected president himself about the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Likewise, Trump’s relationship with Russia has gained relevance because of the dissemination of a salacious and compromising inform. This inform talked about Trump and Russian agents trying to hack Democratic Party’s information. Trump has repeatedly looked for business in Russia since 1987, when he travelled there to explore the construction of a hotel. According to The Times, he also applied for registration of his brand in the country. His children and associates have also appeared in Moscow repeatedly to forge joint companies and meet government developers and officials. During a trip in 2006, two sons of Trump, Donald Jr and Ivanka, stayed at the National Hotel of Moscow to make contact with potential partners for several days. In 2013, Trump travelled to Moscow where he sold the rights to organize the contest of Miss Universe that year. He sent a message on his Twitter account at the end of the trip: “The Moscow Tower Trump is the next”. Trump and his partners looked for wealthy Russians to buy apartments in the Trump towers in New York and Florida after the fall of the Soviet regime. “I know Russians better than anyone”, he boasted in an interview. Trump’s efforts to join his brand directly with Russia put him in contact with the authority of the elite in that country, The Times noted. “I was with high category people, oligarch, generals and civil servants. I can't say anything else, but I will say that I met the highest-level people and the relationship was extraordinary” Trump confirmed. By Paula Olivera, Leire Fernández, Ribe Esuba and Jone García Source: http://www.informador.com.mx/economia/2017/702512/6/trump-busco-hacernegocios-en-rusia-durante-tres-decadas-nyt.htm

Italy: SANREMO FESTIVAL Sanremo festival is a singing contest which takes place every year in Saremo (Liguria) since 1951; This competition is held every February. The festival consists in a competition among selected italian songs. The songs are voted by juries or by popular vote and the first three songs that get the most votes, will be declared winners. This festival lasts five days and many old and young artists perform on stage. The winning song will represent Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest. This year the winning song is Occidentalis karma by Francesco Gabbani and the festival was hosted by Maria de Filippi and Carlo Conti. By Jessica

Bravaccini, Jenny Cornigli

SPANISH CINEMA Like every years, Goya awards festival has been celebrated in February. This year, has been an special year because it has been the 30th anniversary of the festival. In this festival, the best cinema professionals are awarded with the goya, an award that looks like a mini statue of an historic spanish filmmaker. This year, once again the best filmmakers have laughed and cried, this is what makes The Goyas a beautiful festival. Also, The Goyas festival has many audience out of Spain. We can say that every spanish people know something about this famous festival.

The Goyas are divided in some sections, examples of these sections are the best film director or the best movie, but there are 29 sections at all. For example this year “Tarde para la ira� has been awarded as the best film and Juan Antonio Bayona has been

awarded as the best director. But the most hard-fought award usually is the best lead actor. This award has been for Roberto Álamo this year. The Goya's festival is made since 1987 in the Lope de Vega theatre. They are like The Oscar's in USA or the Cesar´s in France, but with the difference that the Goya´s are made with a very happy spanish emotion. One curious anecdote about this year's festival is that Adriana Ugarte confused the best original original song award. She gave the award to “Los niños salvajes” instead of giving the award to the real winner, the makers of “Blancanieves”. When the makers of “Los niños salvajes” were getting up of their chair, she told that she was wrong and told that the real winners were the makers of “Blancanieves”. Obviously the makers of “Los niños salvajes” felt so sad.

By Mikel Loyo, Igor Gonzalez, Mikel Lopez, Jon Aparicio

Thousands of refugee`s children wait for places in school in North Rhine-Westphalia. The Christian democratic union Landtag representative Kirstin Korte from Minden demands more flexibility. Dusseldorf/Minden. The refugee`s advice NRW hits alarm: For months several thousand refugee`s children have waited for a place in school. To allow lessons to children as quickly as possible, the Landtag representative of the CDU for the county of Minden-LĂźbbecke, Kristin Korte, demands more flexibility of the authorities. Presently, according to estimates of the refugee`s advice, there are eight percent of 90,000 refugee`s children in NRW without place in school. Therefore, currently 7,200 children are waiting.

In Minden 29 refugee`s children wait for a place in school. Nevertheless, not only cities in NRW have problems with the allocation of places in school. In Minden eleven children have waited since October for a place in school in the area of the Sekundarstufe I. Besides, in the Sekundarstufe II and in the vocational area another 12 youngsters wait for a place.

In Bielefeld the situation has relaxed. The speakers explained that in other capital towns in OWL and Bielefeld all refugee`s children received a place in school after a few weeks. Also the Landtag representative Korte praises the growing readiness of the schools to furnish international classes. „Education is the fulcrum and pivot of succeeding integration. Therefore, children should receive immediately a place in school after the allocation in the commune“, demands the basic schoolteacher. The international classes, where mainly German was taught, are the most suitable. "Nevertheless if capacities are absent, authorities must react adaptably and move the lessons of refugees, for example, temporarily in other municipal buildings", complements Korte.

Written by Carolin Nieder-Entgelmeier, the freelance journalist of the newspaper „Neue Westfälische“ and translated into English by Agnes Wolf

Bünting group closes Combi and Jibi markets The supermarkets in Bielefeld, Borgentreich, Delbrück and Gütersloh are concerned

The Bünting trade group gives up more and more stores of its supermarket chain Combi and Jibi in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (region in Germany). About 100 employees are concerned. The Bünting group organizes about 200 supermarkets in Germany. In the last months they closed several stores in Ostwestfalen-Lippe. The Bünting group wants to lower the material and personal costs. In 2015 they had a loss of 20 million Euro. In the future Bünting will optimise the branch network and they want to close the non cost-efficient branches. This is a successive process. Supermarkets which continue become modernise. Now it isn´t clear, whether the employees get less salary, no money or if they get the sack. Written by Lena Erhardt, local news from Germany source: Westfalen-Blatt

AVIAN FLU - IN GERMANY Cologne – At the beginning of November there were reports about a dead bird at the Lake Constance and seabirds in Schleswig-Holstein. Later there have been now the first mass destructions in two poultry farms in Vechta and district Soest (NRW): The avian flu called avian fluvirus H5N8 is spreading in Germany. Before there were virus-reports from Russia, Hungary, Poland and other eastern placed states. For many people this could remind at the strong avian flu wave in the years 2005/2006. Long time ago the virus came from Asia. In Germany tens of thousands animals had to been killed.

Will there be culls again in NRW ? Probably yes, up to now there are Avian flu-reports from 14 federal states. There had been preventive slaughters. The affected farm by Soest is placed in a district, where poultry have to stay in the gates, so that the virus can spread. Around the company a restricted area got established. In this restricted area it isnt allowed to transport poultry in it.

S: KĂślner Stadt-Anzeiger By Francis Paul Buchholz

20.12.16, 14:11

Martina Darchini, Melissa Micheli, Italy - « la bicicletta rossa » a local theatre performance In Lugo in this period, especially in January there are several artistic representations. The first representation is a local show THE RED BICYCLE. This artistic representation won a local prize "EOLO PRIZE AWARDS 2013" for the best drama and "SPECIAL MENTION IN THE FESTIVAL OF FERRARA FESTEBÁ 2012" Actor Theatre. The Red Bicycle comes from a strong need to tell the story of a family that can speak to today's audiences. The challenge was to create a job for a different kind of people with the theme of the crisis witch unite children and adults- the performance is about job seeking during recession and the difficulties a family has to over come in order to make it in these difficult times. The performance was a great success and was enjoyed by everyone. By Martina Darchini, Melissa Micheli.

Butane’s lorry has been stolen in Barcelona 21/02/2017, Barcelona

A lorry full of butane was stolen in Barcelona the 21st of February in the morning. The police eventually caught the thief after a long pursuit through the Barcelonian roads. There surprisingly were just few damages caused in some cars by the butane bottles that fell out from the lorry, and only three people got injuries. A 32 years old swedish man took an stolen lorry full of butane bottles and drove it through a road of Barcelona. The perpetrator of the theft drove the truck in the opposite direction along nearly 3 kilometres causing some damages in the cars of the road and disturbing the traffic. Mossos and City Police finally achieved to stop the vehicle after shooting seven times to it. Even though some bullets went through the windscreen, none of them hit the driver. The police assures not only that he hadn’t tried to run over any pedestrian, but also that the event wasn’t likely to be any terrorist act. After investigating the detainee, the authorities found out that he had precedents of psychiatric disorders. The detainee is now waiting for being moved to a mental health care unit.

By Leire Gómez, Ane Alende, Osane González and Mikel Saiz

Italy: what will change? On December 4, 2016 Italy held a costitutional referendem wherepeople were called to the polls for a vote to approve the text of the costitutional law, about the overcoming of equal bicameralism, the number of members of parlament, limiting of the mind maining cost of istitution, suppression of CNEL and revison of the Costitution. Matteo Renzi was a strong supporter of voting yes to the changes. The results is that the majority italian population didn't agree and voted no. After this referendum the prime ministre Matteo Renzi, as promised resigned, and in his place was named on December 12 by president of the President of Republic Mattarella, a new Prime Minister: Paolo Gentiloni. By Giada

Minghetti, Martina Mero, Evelyn Panzica, Filomena Mereu

Politics: Finding a job in Germany

Are you looking for a job in Germany? Or are you interested in doing a work placement to make some work experience? Most students don’t know what they want to do after school and where they can find job offers. First, if you do not know in what kind of areas of work you are interested in, you can easily do a work placement for some weeks or months to find what kind of work you are good in. “Work in Germany” is a company where you have the chance to try jobs for one year, four different jobs, each job for three months. This is a really good thing when you are new in Germany or have no alternative to find your right job. The job market in Germany Germany has a company that is called: “Agentur für Arbeit”. On the homepage you can find all information you need to choose. These include qualified engineers like mechanical, automotive, electrical and building, scientists, mathematicians, IT specialists and hospital doctors. And there you can also read what you have to do for a successful application. This homepage includes also much experience of others, who have searched for a job, too. After reading this exciting article you will be able to apply for every job. Languages You need to be able to speak at least some German to get a job and it’s unlikely that you would get a professional level job without good language skills. If you can’t speak German and English very well you can do a language course about some weeks to improve your language skills.

If you are following these steps, you will be able to get every job you want. Sources: www.expalica.com, www.agenturfürarbeit.de Written by Miriam Klassen

Angela Merkel comes back like in 2015

After Merkel’s image decreased, after she has gathered thousands of refugees from Budapest, her voting amount (53%) was as high as in 2015. Her opponent SPD-Leadership Sigmar Gabriel only has 15%. A long not seen value concerning electing none of both had 32%. Angela Merkel said, that this election is the hardest election of all the other elections. Although the image of Angela Merkel decreased, she still has nobody as rival that could win against her. Many people internationally see her as the last „defender“ against Donald Trump, the new President of the USA. Barack Obama called Angela Merkel tough and said at his farewell that he would vote for her if he would be a German citizen. Most likely Angela Merkel will become the Federal Chancellor in 2017 again, after seeing the votes for her. She is really famous and she has been well-known for a very long time. People “can’t” vote for anyone else because there is no trust in other politicians and Angela Merkel knows the present situations which pushes her votes.

Written by Furkan Akbas, politics

Terroristic attack in Germany (politics) Berlin. Lately there were a lot of terroristic attacs in Germany. In summer 2016 there was a teenager who attacked people in a train. This happened in Würzburg. He tried to kill others with a knife and an ax. Recently there was a terroristic attac in Berlin. A man drived with a lorry in the big christmas market at the „Breitscheider“ place. He has stolen the lorry from a Polish man who was found on the passenger seat. Twelve people died and 48 were injured. The men´s name was Anis Amri (25). He died in Sesto San Giovanni in Italy, on the 23rd of December 2016. This happened while he was controlled by the police near Milano. At that moment he was internationally wanted. They knew that he was the wanted person because they registered his fingerprint. When they asked him for his passport, he took a pistol out of his backpack. After he shot a police man in his shoulder, another police man killed Anis Amri.

Breitscheider Platz, Berlin: A lorry drove into the Christmas market, 12 people died, 48 were injured.

Written by Valerie Delija

Digital infrastructure for schools in the criticism The supply of a secure IT infrastructure at school about the platform, “Logineo North Rhine-Westphalia“, had to be shifted because of massive data protection-jourdical doubts Paderborn/Germany To finish the digital chaos at schools, the government and the communes in North Rhine-Westphalia have resolved to provide schools a digital infrastructure. The platform Logineo NRW should offer every school protected access to communication, learning aids and file management. But the announced implementation in summer 2016 was missing because of massive data protection-jourdical doubts up to now. Teachers, students and parents fear injuries of their personal rights. The regulations for these planned changes are currently as a presentation in the association hearing in the state parliament.

The representative for data protection has doubts The representative for data protection has doubts because she thinks the platform can´t work as long as not all teachers are eqiupped with official hardware. An investment from the provincial gouvernment would cause a lot of costs. Responsibly for the processing of private school data on official and private computers of teachers are headmasters. Most headmasters are not more in the situation to overlook all technical relevant security aspects.

Criticism of the data storage in a cloud Besides, critics criticise that the data about Logineo NRW are stored as a platform in a cloud but the school ministry can´t see any problems. They said that the data will only store in certificated trustworthy areas. By Lea


Germany’s supreme court decides not to ban the neo-Nazi party Politics On January the 18th Germany‘s supreme court decided „The National Democratic Party is truly nasty, but not strong enough to be able to fulfil its goals.” “Germanys National Democratic Party (NPD) is related to National Socialism and its aims are to undermine Germany’s constitution and ultimately to establish an ethnically pure German Folk. But there is no sign that the NPD could come close to fulfilling its goals“. So the country supreme court in Karlsruhe. There was a previous attempt to ban the NPD in 2003 because of conflicts with the other parties. The latest push began in 2013, when the supreme court representing Germany’s 16 states opened a new case.The NPD’s membership is about 5,200 (2015). The stats of voters in the most recent national election was 1.3%. Last year it lost its last remaining seats in a regional parliament, in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Today it has only a single elected representative: in the European Parliament. The voters for the party is higher in East-Germany than in West-Germany.

Source: https://subscription.economist.com By Ali_Cem_Yildirim

A NEW ERA FOR “PODEMOS” Pablo Iglesias will be the leader of his party once again

A very decisive voting which determined the future of the Spanish leftist party; Podemos, took place last Saturday. The main aim of this voting called “Vistalegre 2” was to choose who would be the Secretary-General and therefore, who would govern the party. The results of the voting were quite predictable and took nobody by surprise as Pablo Iglesias was likely to win. “In politics, we have to go ahead and forward, but don’t try to find curved paths” said the current leader of Podemos. Iñigo Errejón, another member of the party and also the other candidate for the voting didn’t suffer the same fate. After losing the voting, he said that he will still be supporting Pablo Iglesias and Podemos more than ever. As Pablo Iglesias has said in many meetings and interviews after his victory, he has a lot of new ideas for the future of his political party, such as increasing the amount of money

corrupt politicians would have to pay in case of being caught stealing. However, it is soon to judge and tell if Pablo Iglesias is going to take Podemos off the ground, only time will tell. Written by: Pablo Ocampo, Sara Platero, María Vallejo and Iker Olmedo.

ITALY: SNOW AND EARTHQUAKE The earth continues to shake.

Rigopiano hotel: some people have been extracted alive, but the victims are 29. From 16:48 to 16:49 on 18th January an avalanche destroyed the hotel Rigopiano. The causes are different: the hotel was built in a dangerous zone; the earthquake and the exceptional snowfalls have made the disaster. The alarm was raised immediately, but the rescue operation did not start immediately. Rescuers have tried in every way to save the trapped people. Fortunately, the children are all safe but two of them have loss their parents. Fabio Salzetta, survivor of the tragedy, said "Now, I'm afraid of the dark. I'm not an hero." He was a hotel employee and was rescue alter the tragedy. He also complains about delays in rescue operations. By Martina

Malavolti, Arianna Bacchilega, Angelica Sisto


You can change the world with your ideas Wuppertal. Tobias Gerbracht from Wuppertal got the first price of “Jugend forscht.” He designed an augmented reality projector for visual marketing. Every year in May, many young German researchers meet for a competition which is called “jugend forscht.“ It is made for the youth and refers to special or extraordinary inventions, ideas or achievements in maths, computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering. Everyone under 21 and higher than the fourth grade is allowed to take part in the competition. What kind of projects can you register? Project that are useful for working environment, biology, chemistry, geology, astronautics, maths, computer sciences, physics or engineering – it just has to be a new and creative idea to convince the jury. You can subscribe for the competition on www.jugend-forscht.de. Just to let you know: If you're still under the age of 18 your parents have to sign your application. The winner gets some prize money.

By Matthias Prinz

Take the pain away


Patients suffering from incurable diseases that cause severe pain, have from now on the opportunity to get a prescription for cannabis.

Cannabis is commonly known as a mind-expanding drug and is popular with occasional consumates. The effects the drug can have in the fields of pain therapy are widely unknown.

As the German newspaper “Die Welt� reported the German Bundestag has therefore decided to pass a law that makes it easier and cheaper for pain-patients to get a cure for their suffering. Health Insurances have to pay for this plant based medication from now on. A lot of people have been waiting for this law and welcomed it happily.

Since the cultivation of Cannabis has been illegal and it was expensive to buy on the black-market a lot of patients did not have the possibility to get a proper medication for their suffering. A lot of chemical drugs (that obviously needed to be prescribed too) had severe side effects and did not really offer the patients the longed relief. Of cause some people also fear abuse of the drug, for example that especially young people underestimate the dangers of this drug because knowing that it is used as medication might convince them that it is harmless.

Written by Christopher Huck

Are we alone? New neighbours in the galaxy? We have always thought that we were alone in the galaxy, but some researchers have demonstrated that maybe we can find live in other planets. The NASA has discovered seven new planets but only six of them are habitable in our galaxy. These planets have the same measurement. Moreover they are similar to our planet conditions that means that they could have water in a liquid state. The seven planets are in the orbit called Trappist-1 System, these star is 10 times smaller than our star; The Sun. Although Trappist-1 is smaller than the Sun, the new discovered star is located not as far as our star from the Earth planet. For that reason these planets are able to pick up live on it. If one day the Sun dies these planets will be able to still alive. As we have said there are six planets that have the best conditions to develop live are E, F and G. And the worse planet to have live on it is H and B. These could sound like a cool place to go but these planets are 40 light years away from us.

By Ane Uriona, Sarah Cucรณ, Maider Casas

Julian Draxler

Julian Draxler is a young footballplayer. He was born on 20 Sept. 1993 in Gladbeck (Germany). In 2001 he moved to the Footballteam Fc Schalke 04. In 2010 Julian Draxler got his debut for Fc Schalke 04. The youngster played 119 matches and scored 18 goals for this club. In 2015, Vfl Wolfsburg bought Julian Draxler for 30 mio â‚Ź. In this season he played 34 machtes and scored 5 goals. In 2017 the footballclub Paris Saint-Germain bought Julian Draxler for 40 mio â‚Ź. Also, the youngster is a national footballplayer for Germany. He played 24 matches and scored 5 goals for Germany.

Source: Transfermarkt.de By Joel Kiranyaz

Philipp Lahm The 33 years old defender has played for the FC Bayern Munich since 1995. In the age of 12 he has started in the youth team. After a two years loan to the VFB Stuttgart, he got the chance to play for the professional team. Two weeks ago, after playing 13 years professional football in Munich, Philipp Lahm said that he will end his career after this season. For many people Philipp Lahm is a legend on the pitch. He has played 318 matches for Bayern Munich and has scored 12 goals. He has also played for Germany for ten years (2004-2014/ 113 matches). One of the greatest seasons Philipp Lahm has played is the season 2012/13. In this season, as the captain he won with his club the triple (Bundesliga, DFB Cup & the Champions League). One year later he also won the world cup as the captain with Germany. After this title he wanted to finish the career in the national team of Germany.

-Transfermarkt.deďƒ By Ridvan Dural, Paderborn(GER)ďƒ&#x;

Bayern Munich thanks FC Ingolstadt Bayern Munich congratulated Ingolstadt for their sizzling performance against RB Leipzig with a pile of sausages. Chief executive Karl-Heinz Rummenigge promised the strugglers a gift if they beat their shock title rivals. And after Ingolstadt stunned this season's surprise package 1-0 in December, he stayed true to his word. Rummenigge visited the club in a truck filled with enough pretzels and Bavarian veal sausages – to feed 80 people. Bayern who lead RB Leipzig by 3 points – have promised the same treatment for any team that beats them in the Bundesliga this season.

Sports By Nico Wüseke Source: www.tz.de

ITALY: 50-cent-beer for Bologna FC fans! A pint of beer will cost 50 cents and a red-blue scarf will be given for free to season tickets holders who just need to show their cards. This is the new marketing strategy of Bologna FC, along with Partesa, the society distributing Heineken's beers within the stadium. Eight pubs in Bologna will also give out 50-cent beers and scarves to Bologna season tickets holders who will also be able to watch Bologna matches while enjoying their drinks there. Bologna FC is advertising this offer on its

Facebook page.

By Mattia Capra

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