The Story of the Victorians

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Victorians The Story of the

s Victoria & Albert s The legacy of empire s The fight for the vote s The Victorian Christmas s Victorians at play s Life in the slums




Queen & country / Victoria’s wars Victoria: not just Queen, but also Empress of India, a title reflecting the British empire’s growth during her reign


The story of the Victorians


WARRIOR QUEEN During Queen Victoria’s reign, the British empire became the largest the world had ever seen. But, Saul David explains, this was achieved not just through commerce and control, but also a series of wars



ensington Palace, London, six in the morning. Princess Victoria is woken by her mother and told that two men are there to see her. She rises quickly, throws a dressing-gown over her nightdress and, with her hair still loose about her shoulders, receives the two visitors in her sitting-room. She recognises them as Lord Conyngham, the portly lord chamberlain, and Dr William Howley, the septuagenarian archbishop of Canterbury. They have come from Windsor Castle and their presence can only mean one thing: her uncle, King William IV, is dead. The king “had expired at 12 minutes past two this morning”, she records later in her journal, “and consequently I am Queen”. Victoria was just 18 when she became Queen on 20 June 1837. At the time, Britain was the world’s leading industrial power, with apparently limitless supplies of coal and iron and a virtual monopoly of steam power. London was not only the largest city in the world, but its principal financial exchange. Victoria’s navy was recognised as the ultimate arbiter of world affairs, while her army basked in the reputation it had won at Waterloo. Yet the British empire was, if anything, in decline. The American Revolution had helped The Story of the Victorians

to sour the notion of empire, and powerful commercial interests were arguing for free trade and against the protectionism of the 18thcentury imperial system. In 1837, the empire consisted of a jumbled collection of territories acquired in bits and pieces over the generations, administered partly by government and partly by chartered companies. It is hard to believe, then, that during the period known as the Dual Monarchy, from The ‘dual monarchy’ Victoria with her husband Albert. The empire almost quintupled in size from her accession in 1837 to his death in 1861

Victoria’s accession to the death of her husband Prince Albert in 1861, the British empire almost quintupled in size thanks to territorial acquisitions in Asia, Africa, the South Sea and the Far East. By the end of the 19th century, it had become the greatest empire the world has ever known, covering a quarter of the earth’s surface and a quarter of its population. What made this huge initial period of growth possible was a series of ruthless wars of conquest. The one constant in this period of unprecedented expansion, always at the centre of the imperial web, was the formidable figure of Victoria herself: shaping, supporting and sometimes condemning her government’s foreign policy – but never ignoring it. Though British monarchs no longer had the power to make or break governments, they still had, in the words of Walter Bagehot, the great constitutional historian, “three great rights”: to be consulted, to advise and to warn. Aided and abetted by her hugely underrated husband, Prince Albert, Victoria made full use of these rights to influence government policy.

Doing the right thing Of course, Victoria took time to find her political feet. During the lead-up to the First Afghan War of 1839–42, for example, she was 3

Cradle to grave / The police and the poor


Keeping law and order in Victorian London’s most deprived areas was a job that brought out the best and worst in the police. Sarah Wise reports on a force that was by turns brave, brutal, caring and corrupt


The Story of the Victorians

Children sitting in a London courtyard, 1889. Youngsters living in the capital’s slums had a complex relationship with the local police The Story of the Victorians


At work and at play / The Victorian Christmas


A Victorian advert promotes Christmas shopping, which rose to prominence thanks to the increasing resources of the middle class. Shoppers’ purses were opened by seductive shop window displays


The Story of the Victorians


Shop ’til you drop

The Victorians were the first to fully exploit Christmas for its commercial opportunities. Mark Connelly looks at how they turned the season of goodwill into an orgy of consumption


owadays it is often said by both clergy and members of the general public alike that Christmas is no more than an orgy of consumerism, and that the message of Christmas has been drowned in a frenzy of competitive presentbuying and consumption on an almost obscene level. However, this complaint is by no means new. In fact, it stretches back to the last quarter of the 19th century, a time when many of us believe Christmas, infused by the spirit of Dickens, was more homely, wholesome and spiritual. The Story of the Victorians

Another much repeated ‘fact’ about Christmas is that it was invented by the Victorians, and Charles Dickens in particular. While there is no doubting the fact that the Victorians, partly inspired by Dickens, were fascinated by the celebration of Christmas, they didn’t invent it. Rather they reinvigorated it and brought together the many Christmas customs of Britain and threw themselves into the season in a way not seen before. Being a nation of manufacturers, industrialists and shopkeepers, it was not long before Victorians realised that Christmas, with its emphasis on generosity and hospitality, could be exploited for commercial 7

At work and at play / Seaside holidays



Increased spending power, cheap fares, new train routes and an entitlement to holidays made a break at the seaside accessible to thousands of working-class Victorians


The Story of the Victorians

LOVE AFFAIR Victorian Britons were the first to head for the seaside in their thousands. John K Walton reveals how growing prosperity and the birth of the railways brought the delights of donkey rides, peep shows and Punch and Judy to the masses

The Story of the Victorians



Victorians The Story of the


Victorians The Story of the

rt s Victoria & Albe ire s The legacy of emp vote s The fight for the tmas s The Victorian Chris s Victorians at play s Life in the slums


A dynamic era is explored in this BBC History Magazine collector’s edition – that of the Victorian period, 1837 to 1901 Inside you will find: ◆ A timeline of the key milestones in Victorian history ◆ A cast of intriguing characters, from naturalist Charles Darwin to social reformer Florence Nightingale ◆ A fascinating insight into the marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert ◆ Explorations into the lives of ordinary ONLY working people, at work and at play ◆ Dramatic accounts of the events that led to social and political change PLUS P&P* ◆ Expert analysis of the huge expansion of the British empire and its enduring legacy




Find out how war helped to build the British empire

Learn about law and order in London’s East End

Discover the impact of the industrial revolution

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