New St.Luke Magazine 2014

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Message from the Headmaster Being a part of such a wonderful school is nothing less than a blessing from God! A day doesn’t go by that I don’t see evidence of how our staff, our students, and our families exhibit the “iCan” attitude. I am so fortunate to be a part of a school that sees the whole child in each and everything we do to develop them academically, spiritually, and physically. This year we have been so blessed to have worked with so many different community groups through our monthly mission projects as well as those things that come up as needs throughout the year like supporting a local elementary school with donations of books for their media center. We have watched undefeated sports teams, winning Robotics performances, visits to the Georgia coast, exploration of downtown Columbus, and of course, the weekly opportunity to worship in song and message during Chapel. We believe in working, giving, thinking, growing, seeking, dreaming, trusting, learning, sharing, and caring. We CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens us! Watch us go! Join us when you can! Help us along the way!

A Letter from the Chair St. Luke United Methodist Church has been blessed to have St. Luke School as a part of its ministry. As chair of the St. Luke School Board, it is an honor to watch your child grow in a setting that has set high standards for their future. Families of our St. Luke Lions have made an excellent decision in selecting St. Luke where teachers, staff and board members have your child’s best interest in mind and at heart. As a parent of a child that attended St. Luke School in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, I will tell you that St. Luke helped to form the foundation for him to be prepared for high school and college. My wife and I are forever grateful St. Luke School was and continues to be part of our lives. Thank you for your generous support.

A Word from Robert Beckum “I can do all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) Paul’s statement is more than a motto. His words compose one of the earliest affirmations of faith in the Christian church. This affirmation arises from a community experiencing the power and possibilities of Christ in and through their lives. I cannot think of a more appropriate description of life at St. Luke School. I am proud that our excellent headmaster, faculty and staff have created a positive “can do” atmosphere where our students live into the possibilities before them every day. We celebrate our students’ high academic achievements, but more importantly, we rejoice in our students’ growth in character. A faith-based approach to education involves more than Bible instruction and chapel worship, as important as these two aspects are. St. Luke School excels in helping students grow into well-formed children and youth who exemplify integrity, compassion, mercy and generosity. Solid character coupled with academic competence is a formula for success! Certainly, schools like St. Luke do not happen by chance. The excellence so readily seen at St. Luke School is the result of a continual commitment on the part of the school’s leadership, parents, students and supporters. The generosity of St. Luke School’s “second mile” donors is and always will be a critical part of the school’s success. Beyond tuition, these donations enhance, enrich and expand educational opportunities at St. Luke. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who make St. Luke School a truly wonderful place for children and youth. Your dedication of time and financial support through the Mane Event and our Annual Fund Drive make possible the school experience we all want for our children. Thank you for all you have done in the past, and let me thank you, in advance, for all you will do in the year ahead. Together, we can indeed do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

2013-2014 St. Luke School Board Ann McDuffie Headmaster/Principal Teresa Abell Philip Adams, Jr. Stephanie Alford Mark Baker Colby Cardin Leila Carr Pat Kilpatrick Susan Lawhorne Laura Culpepper Martin Venus McWilliams George Mize Marie Moshell Tracy Sayers Doug Schorr Lee Sessions Len Sexton Sam Warren Leslie Wood

Ex Officio Rev. Robert Beckum Gene Cone Brooke Gates - PTO President Ann McDuffie Jennifer Oliver

Officers Sam Warren, Chair Stephanie Alford, Secretary

Mission Statement The mission of St. Luke School is to provide each student with an excellent academic education that is faith-based; by challenging and nurturing the mind, body and spirit; and by developing responsible servant leadership. St. Luke School is open to academically qualified students without regard to race, religion, creed, sex, or national origin.


Students seek ways to use technology.

CONTENTS iCan Do All . . . . . .2

Work . . . . . . . . .10

Trust . . . . . . . . . .20

Intro . . . . . . . . . . .3

Give . . . . . . . . . .12

Shine . . . . . . . . .22


. . . . . . . . . .4

Dream . . . . . . . .14

Feed the Lion . . .24

Think . . . . . . . . . .6

Care . . . . . . . . . .16

Learn . . . . . . . . . .8

Grow . . . . . . . . .18

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In this edition of Lion’s Heart Magazine there is a very special opportunity to see video from many aspects of St. Luke School. You will need to download a QR code reader on your smartphone and then simply scan the codes throughout the magazine to bring learning to life. COVER PHOTO: St. Luke School students representing growth in mind, body and spirit. Back, left to right: Garrett Jimmerson (eighth), Garrett McNeil (second), Roman Beck (kindergarten), Griffin Morgan (eighth), and Margaret Lane Hollingsworth (eighth). Seated in front: Brittany Mahone (fifth) BACK COVER PHOTO: Just a sampling of the many devices and technology tools that enhance learning at SLS. Back, left to right: Libby Paul (seventh), Luke Majors (fifth), Savannah Jeter (second grade teacher), Jenna Anker (eighth), Brooks Buffington (fourth), Isabelle Coleman (sixth), Breanna Asante-Bediako (third). Seated, left to right: Remi Miller (second), Jake Wood (kindergarten), and Ella Hudson (first)

Lion’s Heart Magazine 1


do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13


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St. Luke School


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Yes, the Lord has given all of us the assurance that “weCan” do all things through Christ who strengthens us! Our theme for the 2013-2014 school year centers around this promise. We work toward giving God the credit for the many ways that we are growing in Mind, Body and Spirit. As we move through the year each grade level is supporting an organization to benefit others and we are implementing our theme as we set goals with iCan…Seek… Think… Learn… Work… Give… Dream… Care… Grow… Trust… and Shine. Pictured here are examples of our focus words in action. The pages that follow will give our readers many examples of our focus on these words. Enjoy finding out about the great things happening at SLS and scan the QR code on this page for... The Rest of The Story!



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Rest of the Story.

Lion’s Heart Magazine 3


do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

A trip to the Georgia coast by our eighth graders finds them seeking ways to make memories and have fun together!

Sixth grade science students in Mrs. Watkins’ class are seeking ways to tell what types of rocks they have. Are they metamorphic, sedimentary or igneous?


St. Luke School


As the saying goes, what we seek we shall find. Whether it’s the answer to a challenging Algebra problem, wisdom to determine the best way to program a robot, or inspiration to finish the last leg of a Cross Country meet, St. Luke School students actively seek. What they find is often incredible.

These third grade girls are seeking to use information from their class novel Charlotte’s Web to write about the story on their NEO keyboards.

Mrs. Cunningham gives her students a chance to seek answers to some of the exciting science demonstrations she conducts! What do you think she is doing?

Wow – These students are seeking a way to make a LEGO robot do exactly what they want it to do by how they program it to operate. Sounds complicated!

Lion’s Heart Magazine



do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

Students must be able to think critically and understand what is taught well enough to apply it – whether it’s physical science, phonics or the Bible. Students at St. Luke School are encouraged to work creatively and collaboratively, allowing them to think and work in ways that will prepare them for the future.

Willow Kendrick and Makenzie Weekly, kindergarten students, think that using “Doodle Buddy”, an iPad app, is a great way to learn to write and spell their sight words.

Studying the landforms of our great Earth was exciting for our third grade students! Tayveon McDougall, Hendley Parker, Sydney Sanders, and Johny Arevalo created models of the landforms of the United States. Thinking creatively about the materials they used helped them understand how the landforms shape the experiences around us. Fourth grade students have studied the parts of speech. To teach their classmates how to use a verb in a sentence, groups wrote and preformed skits. Teachers encourage their students to think of creative ways to apply their knowledge and share with each other.

Parts of Speech Skit 6

St. Luke School


St. Luke has six recycling teams made up of fifty-four fifth through eighth grade students and eight staff sponsors. These teams encourage everyone to think about protecting one of God’s greatest creations by recycling paper and plastic.

The Accelerated Math Live program helps students to sharpen their math skills. Steve Lorentz and Emma Chandler think about what they have learned in math by completing AM Live assessments.

The use of technology enhances our curriculum. Janey Mims and Remi Miller, think it is great to share an iPad as they peer edit each other’s writing during a “Writer’s Workshop”.

Lion’s Heart Magazine 7


do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:13

Learning at St. Luke School happens on SMART Boards, computers, tablets and more. It happens in the classroom, in the Gym, at Chapel, and on stage. It happens on field trips near and far. It happens individually and in groups, but it doesn’t happen without a great deal of planning. The flexibility of being able to design a unique curriculum means that our staff is always using the latest technology to engage our students, and to instill a love of learning.

Fourth grader Macon Dudley learns to use a microscope to see things that are very small!

8th graders Isabelle Darrah and Kaitlynne Cone are learning about solving a physical science lab activity to determine density.

Kindergarten students like Mason Griffin are learning to read and to love books!


St. Luke School


Seventh grader Raymond Peebles seems to be seriously learning about life in Ancient Rome. In social studies, students learn about Roman society and how it influenced our culture today.

First graders in Mrs. Hopkins’ class love learning on their mobile devices. There are so many ways to learn about math, words, places, and our big world – right at their desks!

Lion’s Heart Magazine



do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:13

Eighth graders work hard to master algebra concepts so that they will be ready for high school next year.

Who says work can’t be fun? Eighth graders find that working on physical science experiments can have some unexpected, and at times, amusing results.

Student Council representatives worked hard to clean up the St. Luke campus as part of the Keep Columbus Beautiful Help the Hooch initiative.


St. Luke School


St. Luke School students are hard workers, as evidenced by their accomplishments over the years. Our students often find that they learn more when working together to reach a common goal.

Writing isn’t always a third grade student’s favorite thing to do. But St. Luke third graders love working on their writing skills when they get to use the Neo laptops!

Student Council representatives gave their hands a workout clipping Box Tops for Education. The money raised from the Box Tops will be used to fund their service projects.

Second grade students enjoy working together, whether it’s using paper and pencil or using their iPads.

Hard work pays off! See a list of current student accomplishments.

Lion’s Heart Magazine 11


do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

Giving at St. Luke School takes on many different forms. Whether it is money donated through Chapel Change or Jeans Days, items donated for the Food Pantry or service projects in our community, our students are learning to be life-long givers.

Fourth grade students led us in our mission to support Trees Columbus. They worked hard to organize bags for each student to use in collecting spare change. When we give those loose coins, it really adds up! St. Luke School students raised over $2100 for Trees Columbus.

During September, students kept Habitat for Humanity calendars that prompted them to collect change each day based on features that they found in their own homes. These second grade students are proud of what they gave, and grateful for the comforts and conveniences in their own homes.

Second grade students enjoyed giving boxes of cereal to the Food Pantry, which is just a short walk across campus from their building. At the end of each month, St. Luke students deliver all food items collected for the Food Pantry.


St. Luke School


Students didn’t just give spare change for Trees Columbus. They gave of their time and talents, too. Thanks to our art teacher, Sietske Johnson, all SLS students learned to crochet during Art class. Many continued their crochet work at home, and we even had a few grandmothers give of their time to help. The end result was enough crochet pieces to “yarn bomb” a tree on the St. Luke Campus. What a fun and creative way to express the generosity of SLS and bring awareness to a mission project!

Our Student Council representatives give in many different ways. They spent an afternoon baking cookies and delivering them to police officers and fire stations to thank them for all they do in our community. They also made Christmas cards to send to soldiers deployed throughout the Middle East.

St. Luke School in the news

Lion’s Heart Magazine 13


do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:13

Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” The supportive environment at St. Luke School encourages students to dream big. And the challenging academic program ensures that they will be well prepared to realize those dreams.

On the first day of school, this third grade class had the opportunity to dream of their future days together while completing a “getting to know you” activity. They knew from day one that dreams are a vision of the great things to come.

Mrs. Franklin’s second grade class dreams of friendships that will last a lifetime! These friendships begin at St. Luke School.

Mrs. Johnson, St. Luke’s art teacher, dreams big when planning her lessons and helping her students create amazing pieces of art. Merritt Covington is creating a picture using a sponge.


St. Luke School


After learning about the different habitats for mammals, our first grade students dream of visiting a forest, a desert, and an ocean. River Baker, Ava Mickelson, Gabriella Sanks and Boon Bickerstaff made a drawing to highlight the characteristics of a desert and what they dream of experiencing.

Do you dream about traveling to many different places around the world? As sixth graders Paul Kilpatrick, Sarah Hardin, Caroline Hollingsworth, and Ashley Wellborn study geography concepts, they dream of taking trips to visit far away places and to experience what the world has to offer.

St. Luke eighth graders dream big! Kate Eberhardt dreams of going to a good college to further her education. Belle Copelan dreams of helping people through the medical field, and Anna Carroll loves to travel. She dreams of visiting and touring each state.

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do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

Parents begin teaching their children to care about others at a young age. St. Luke School reinforces that life lesson. We care, plain and simple – about our students, their families, and our community. This “caring� atmosphere is a big part of what makes up the St. Luke Difference.

At the first pep rally of the year, our eighth grade students cared so much about our new kindergarten students that they formed a student tunnel to greet them. Our new little lions appreciated that the eighth graders went out of their way to make them feel welcome.

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson cares about our second graders learning about city government. She took time from her busy schedule to give them a tour and explain about her job and how she cares for our city.


St. Luke School


Mrs. Fulleton’s fourth grade students show how much they care about their school as they sing the alma mater one Friday morning.

All St. Luke students know that they can find ways to “do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Mrs. Scott’s door decoration reminds us of our iCan theme!

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do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:13

St. Luke School students are always growing in mind, body and spirit – both in the classroom and beyond.

Spiritual growth is encouraged daily at St. Luke School. Each day begins with our school prayer, and students can always share prayer requests with their teachers and classmates. Each month those students who consistently make good choices and try to be Christian role models are honored at a Christian Citizen luncheon.

Growing as an eighth grade team.

Eighth grade students enjoyed their class trip to the Georgia Coast. They participate in team building activities while learning about the coast’s environment and history. The trip, a culminating experience for their time at St. Luke, strengthens bonds and grows those friendships that will last a lifetime.


St. Luke School


Students grow in making responsible decisions. Students who are spotted making good choices around campus are often rewarded with a “POP” (or Paw of Pride), given by a St. Luke staff member. Students turn their POPs in for a monthly drawing and a chance to earn a “Little Luke” lion!

St. Luke’s Cross Country teams finished their 2013 season experiencing a growth in their ability to run and maintain an appropriate pace from the beginning of the season until the end! We were all proud of their individual and team accomplishments. We hope that many of the runners have grown to enjoy running and will continue it as a life long sport.

From Kindergarten through eighth grade our students grow in so many ways. And we like to share the ways in which students are growing at school with St. Luke families at our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day event. The Fall 2013 event was our biggest yet, and highlighted our mission projects for the year. Lion’s Heart Magazine 19


do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13

Our emphasis on educating students in mind, body and spirit creates an environment where students trust. They trust that the faculty will lead them. They trust their peers will be supportive and kind. Above all, they trust God will care for them each and every day.

St. Luke students love to read! The fourth grade students shared their love of books by dressing as main characters and giving a presentation to their classes. They trust that their joy of reading will increase their vocabulary, will help them improve their memory, discipline, concentration and focus, and will foster the learning of many things.

Before each game, the St. Luke Softball Team and their community coaches reach out to the Lord in prayer. They trust that the Lord will keep them safe and give them the wisdom and strength to always do their very best. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding�. Proverbs 3:5

Seventh grader Neal Austensen and kindergarteners William Brown, Willow Kendrick, Makenzie Weekley, and Robbie Scott trust in each other to work together on a weekly basis. On this special day, Mrs. Grantham’s kindergarten class appreciates the help and encouragement from Neal in completing a math activity of apple patterns.


St. Luke School


Our eighth grade students built trust in each other as they traveled to Georgia’s Coast, explored Cumberland Island, learned about animals of the surrounding area, and participated in team building activities.

Team building experiences foster trust.

Sixth grade students embraced the volunteers and families benefiting from a Columbus Habitat for Humanity home as they encouraged the collection of donations and the trust in our community and the Lord to provide for those in need. They visited a Habitat site and spoke to the new homeowners for a hands on experience.

The National Junior Honor Society filled 100 boxes for children in Monrovia, Liberia with school and hygiene supplies. Their participation in one of Ricks Institute Student Sponsorship projects shows that they trust in the Lord to help those in need. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory and in Christ Jesus.”

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do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:13

Kindergarten students shine in the light of the Lord as they share a blessing during our annual Thanksgiving luncheon.

Wow! Eighth grade students have bright shining faces as they display the number of Georgia counties they can name, spell, and locate in the yearlong Georgia County Challenge!

During the week of December 9th, St. Luke students K-8 participated in an Hour of Code. The worldwide Hour of Code was promoted by Computer Science Education Week. Students used devices to master the challenge of writing lines of computer code. They will shine in the future with this impressive skill!


St. Luke School


It is an exciting time at St. Luke School! With a record number of students, accomplishments in the classroom and beyond, more in-depth focus on missions, and pilots of the newest technology and software, it’s easy to see how St. Luke Lions shine.

All of St. Luke’s tennis teams had a shining season on the courts. Two teams were awarded trophies for their achievements and all ended the season proud of their accomplishments.

Our first grade students shine for third grade students as they show off their reading skills. First grade students rewarded classes that met their goal to fund at least one child with books for a year through the Ferst Foundation by sharing a book of their choice.

Our cheerleaders, dance team and Luke the Lion lead us in all of our pep rallies during the year. Whether we win or lose, our teams shine in their efforts and sportsmanship. Watch our kindergarten through fourth grade young ladies perform during a basketball game!

Lion’s Heart Magazine 23

FEED THE The Annual Campaign for St. Luke School We are so grateful to all of the donors who made the 2013 campaign a success. Over $98,000 was raised, exceeding both the amount raised during the 2012 campaign AND the goal set for 2013. Funds raised through the Annual Fund campaign support the regular operating budget of the school. Without those funds, we would not be able to keep tuition as affordable as possible, while still delivering the quality program that St. Luke School families expect. Your generous support shows us that you believe in our mission. For that, we extend our most sincere thanks. We hope “weCan” count on your support again in the future. LEGACY CIRCLE $10,000 OR MORE St. Luke School PTO MANE Event Josh & Claire Dunlap DIRECTOR'S CIRCLE $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Marie T. Moshell HEADMASTER'S LIST $1,000-$4,999 Frank & Katherine Ahouse In honor of Kate & Sarah Cartwright Wanda & Shelby Amos Mr. & Mrs. Whitfield Athey Margie B. Bickerstaff Russ & Allyson Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bode Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Cannon In honor of Lane & Wylie Cannon Rob & Katherine Cartwright Genevieve Green Jill & John Dale Hester In honor of Jack & Weston Hester Andy & Tish Hidle Kevin Johnson & Dr. Wendy Mahone-Johnson In honor of Riley, Avery & Drew Johnson Anthony Lamar Randy & Jennifer Lester The Lipham Foundation, Inc. Dan & Ann McDuffie Dr. & Mrs. Woodrow McWilliams III In honor of Charity McWilliams David & Jill Moore Frank & Cheryl Myers In honor of Emiline Myers Dr. Edwin L. Page & Pamela Harmann Page Mr. & Mrs. George D. Pattillo Brandon & Brooke Peak 24

St. Luke School

Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Sayers In honor of Caroline & Elizabeth Sayers Doug & Ainslie Schorr Bobby & Hadley Scott In gratitude to Mrs. Jen Grantham for her love & support Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Chip & Audrey Tillman Rick & Jan Ussery In honor of the Hester & Dunlap children Sam & Barbara Warren Dr. James R. & Traci Winchester Dr. & Mrs. George Zimmerman Friends of Lions $500 - $999 Newt & Phyllis Aaron Brian & Stephanie Alford Lynda M. Alford In honor of Jennifer Dykes Enoch & Georgina Asante-Bediako Jeff & Lisa Brown Leila Carr Elizabeth Cottrell Graham S. Dukes In honor of Graham & Molly Gobbel Harvey Dunaway Jennifer & Tra Dykes Ava & Nina Fischer In memory of Senora Bastone Ryan & Casey Geringer Mr. & Mrs. Judson Grantham In honor of Mrs. McMillen, Mrs. Fulleton, Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Peebles & Mrs. Posey Rick & Shelley Hill Mr. & Mrs. J. Hamilton Hilsman Jeremy & Denise Killough Pat & Eve Kilpatrick

Len & Glenda Sexton Mrs. R.T. Short, Jr. Emily & Ed Sutherland Heather Grimes Taylor Scott & Patty Tucker In honor of Mrs. McDuffie, Mrs. Oliver and the St. Luke Staff Brett & Jennifer Walker Lamar & Dorenda Weaver In honor of Sydney Weaver Hal & JayJay Williams In honor of Mack Williams Keith & Angela Wills Red and Gold Club $499 and under Gary & Teresa Abell George & Franke Adams In honor of Brooke, Abby & Rachael Tillery Michael & Meredith Adams Ann Allen Scott & Amanda Allen Jacob & Lesley Amos M.J. Austensen Carol D. Auten In honor of James Moshier Brad & Kim Baker Mary Barnette Shelly Benzon In honor of Luke, Lily & Claire Hubbard Pete & Claire Berry Jay & Angela Blankenship Keith & Kim Boatner Kirven Boyce In memory of Jeanne Bastone Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brannan Judy & Jim Bridges In honor of Audrey Bridges Tim & Traci Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Ray Brinegar III In honor of Carter Elizabeth Brinegar Les & Karen Brown Kim Browning Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Buffington In memory of Jeanne Bastone Sherry & Jeff Bunn Jason & Brandy Burditt Blair & Lesslie Carnahan Kim Carroll Mike & Melissa Charles In honor of Case Charles

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Christopher David & Kim Clepper Stephen & Helena Coates Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cone George & LeAnn Copelan Kimberly K. Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. William B. Dasher, Jr. Steve Davis Elisabeth M. Dobbs In memory of Edward Paul Dobbs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Donohoe Aaron & Faith Dow In honor of Morgan & Alex Dow Joe & Jan DuBose Stacey & Sydney Dudley In memory of Mrs. Jeanne M. Bastone Anna-Louise Dunlap In honor of Orell & Louise Dunlap and Michael & Praskoviya Bashlovka David & Gail Dykes Carol Eberhardt Jon & Kelly Edwards Greg & Kelley Ellington Bart & Kimetha Eysel Kyle & Tammy Fulleton Julie Gaffney Ward & Lisa Garrett In honor of Moma Pat & Papa (Jim & Pat Thompson); Moma Betty (Betty Garrett); & Mrs. Angela Blankenship Don & Sue Goodman In honor of Ty Bondurant Edward & Coleen Grantham In honor of Drake Braski Dr. & Mrs. Shane Green In honor of Connor & Caroline Green Andy & Sandy Gunnels Steve & Mary Hall Karen Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Bob Harper In honor of Henry & Sarah Jane Ellington Ginger & Larry Harper In honor of Claire & Wade Harper Tom & Melissa Hatala Ronald & Peggy Hawkins In honor of Allison Pierce Judy & Bob Heider

LION! Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hester In honor of Jack & Weston Hester Danny & Lisa Hicks Lee & Sandra Hollingsworth Robert & Sheron Hopkins The Howard Family In memory of Senora Bastone Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hutchens Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hutchens Rita Irons In honor of Emiline Myers John & Kathryn Jenkins In honor of Mr. R.O. Jones William & Savannah Jeter Sietske Johnson Leigh Johnston Lana M. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Kelly George Knight In honor of Alexandra Sass Mark & Pat Langston In honor of Len & Glenda Sexton Dr. & Mrs. Tommy Lawhorne Jonathan & Laura Layfield Sandra LeRoy John & Joi Liscar Renee Lorentz Michael & Christy Lynch Elicia Maholick Mary Elsie Martin Ronnie & Michelle McBride Mr. & Mrs. Ben McCosh In honor of Ashley Cox Angie & Tom McDaniel Ross & Amber McDuffie Brent & Kathy McGilberry Lori & Terry Moshier Mr. & Mrs. Keith Moyer In honor of Caroline & Brendle Moyer Kevin & Deborah Mullins Mary Jean Mullins In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Dan Amos Laura & Howell Newton In honor of Clara & Evie Fuller Jennifer & Rusty Oliver Jeff & Cinda Orr Amy & Brad Palmer Tommy & Jennifer Parker Keith & Vicky Paul John & Anne Peebles John & Ashley Pezold Brian & Brooke Phillips Anne Plott Paula Posey

Brinkley & Jim Pound In memory of Lovick Corn & Libba Neal Matthew & Sarah Prather Archie & Betty Rainey In honor of Abigail Oates Rhonda & Richard Ramey Shelia Redding Kristal Renner In honor of Ms. Browning, Mrs. Ellington, Mrs. Posey & Mrs. Peebles Mimi Rutledge Kevin & Gwen Sass Tom & Amelia Scott Crawford & Lisa Seals Vickie Sharpe Chris Shelnutt Dr. & Mrs. Hollis Daniel Sigman Mark & Lela Snead St. Luke School PTO Board In honor of Mrs. McDufie's birthday and in memory of Jeanne Bastone Rich Stephens Clint & Robyn Streetman Bobby & Nickie Tillery Paul & Hayley Todd Lori Troyer & Kason Crosby In honor of Elise Townsend Christy Tucker Larry & Phyllis Tucker In honor of Amy & Matt Tucker Meredith Urquhart Sue Vaughan Gusty & Holly Walker Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wallace In honor of Eleanor, Peter & Yultan Todd Paula Watkins Jennifer Wellborn Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williams In honor of Rachel Kaye K. Wilson Marty & Leslie Wood Melissa & Jacob Wood Larry & Kaye Woods Rebecca B. Wynn In honor of Abby Wynn John Zeller

Link to give early to the 2014 Annual Fund

Georgia Student Scholarship Organization Tuition Tax Credit Program

GaSSO 20 13 DON ATIONS Gary and Teresa Abell Brian and Stephanie Alford Sterling and Heather Cannon Leila Carr Melissa Cason Reynolds and Dorothy Cheney Leslie and Kimberly Cone Shane and Deanna Darrah Phillip and Rebecca Dickerson Joshua and Claire Dunlap Sidney and Jennifer Dykes Thad and Allison Estes John and Coleen Grantham Genevieve Green Jimmy and Rebecca Hardin Michael and Susan Hardin Wade and Jennifer Harper Jill and John Hester Maurice and Cynthia Hill Lee and Sandra Hollingsworth Jamie and Timothy Howard Matthew and Cynthia Jones Paul and Frances Kilpatrick Sean and Crawford Knox David and Jennifer Lester James and Florence Lipham James and Lisa Majors Scott and Laura Martin Roy and Maryelsie Martin Daniel and Ann McDuffie Woodrow and Venus McWilliams John and Janice Merritt CR and Iva Lou Merritt George Mize Marie Moshell Michael and Elizabeth Ogie Melvin and Jennifer Oliver Ashley and John Pezold James and Regina Ragan William and Lynn Raymond Eben Reid Elizabeth Sayers Caroline Sayers Anna Sayers Laura Sayers Douglas and Ainslie Schorr Guy and Glenda Sexton Thomas and Nancy Sorrell Otis and Audrey Tillman Paul and Hayley Todd Sue Marie and Bradley Waddell Robert Wallace Samuel Warren Karl and Debbie White

318 11th Street

Columbus, Georgia 31901

Phone 706.256.1301

Fax 706.256.1307

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