Souranshi - Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine | Inspiring Interiors Edition | May 2020

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Biggest achievementHelping her clients lead a happier and fulfilling life through spiritual guidance

thevibrations of surroundingstoachieve balanceinlife.


Hey reader, hope you all are doing fine and staying strong during these tough times.

"The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what's in or what's out. This is not an easy job."

The definition of the terms “design” and “art” varies as per the opinion and taste of the designers & the artists and off-course the end-user. Both design and art connect with different audiences in different ways. The elements and details of a good design or a marvelous art effectively convey its true meaning and hence, establish a strong connection with its audience.

An Interior designer is an artist whose job is to study the physical space and understand the purpose of the design needed by that space and make it aesthetically beautiful and functionally viable for the probable inhabitants of the space.

The artist, covering the front page of this issue of Souranshi, is a learned astrologer Ms. Anamika Rana. She is a Vastu expert, a tarot card reader, a numerologist and, a crystal healer by profession. Anamika’s art is special in such a rewarding way that she has gained the trust of her clients and became more than a friend and helped them through spiritual guidance.

3Co., a new venture in the industry of interior designing, delivers timeless design solutions. Their first project “Language of lines” is an exemplary combination of art and design. Using Lines, these artists cum designers have created a designer spaceenhancing the spatial volume and forming areas that showcase every member’s personality giving it a unique character.

Special article unfolding the reasons why adding an interior designer to your team is worth it, and another article about the psychological meaning of colors takes a little bit load off your shoulders and brings you closer to resolving at least one dilemma churning in your mind.

We are doing a home tour for the first time and featuring a self-designed & self-decorated beautiful home of Mrs. Sumati and Mr. Gaurav. This is surely an inspiration for many home-makers who wish to walk that extra mile and can make any house a home; where they can feel cozy and comfortable; most importantly, where they can be their true self.

Art and design are much more than some eye-pleasing ideas. The design takes the decoration to yet another level and creates lasting impressions that you love from the core of your heart often and always, the design speaks the story of the home narrated by the designer and lived by the home-owner for years and generation to come.

Special Note: The situation across the world due to COVID-19 is not unknown to any of us. This pandemic and the lockdown declared by the government as the necessary precautionary measure have affected many businesses in the worst way possible. The interior designing industry and media houses also are no exception; repercussions are drastic, leaving all of us worried about our future. Hang on there, stay strong, and support the needy.

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THE NATURAL WASH FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION TEAM Sourabh Bindlish Owner & Publisher Deepanshi Tiwari Marketing and Designing Megha Tiwari Rawat Sr. Editor Shruti Agarwal Website Editor Jyoti Jain Website Editor Yash Kumar Website Editor Printed and Published by Sourabh on behalf of ilkway Digital Company and Printed at Print Source Glazers Pvt. Ltd., 9641/12 Sadar Thana Road Paharganj New Delhi 110055 and Published at 239 GF Street 8 Joshi Road Karol Bagh New Delhi 110005 Publisher and Editor: Sourabh RNI REF NO.: DELENG19761 Copyright © 2019 ilkway Digital Company, All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text , photography or illustrations without witten permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsiblity for unsolicited manuscipts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and according no liability is assumed by the publisher. FAZZN FEMMPOURE

A Anamika Rana

strology is a science that uses mathematics and planetary alignments to define the probability of events that might occur in the future. Since human actions and behavior play a major role in influencing the future, several people across the globe seek guidance on how a particular action might turn out in the future. This divine science is designed to provide guidance which helps us prepare for a probable future event rather than mere predictions for the same.

Tarot Card Reading, Numerology, and Crystal Healing are different modalities of Astrology that provid guidance about the present and the future using tarot cards, numbers, and crystals as an interpretative tool. Tarot Card Reading is very specific to a situation & time and mostly focuses on the short-term future. In Numerology, the date-ofbirth is used as the base for calculating the timing of an event along with the personality of the querent.

Astronomy and Astrology are interrelated. Since ancient times, the astrologers have been studying the position of the planets and the constellations to predict the weather, manage the investments and learning about the destiny of an individual.

Similarly, even today the alignment and movement of the planets in their orbits at the time of birth affects human behavior and their horoscope or birth chart.

Anamika Rana is an Astrologer,Numerologist, and Tarot Card Reader. She is a Chartered Accountant by educational qualification and had spent her childhood in Jamshedpur post which she moved to

Delhi for graduation from Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi. It was during her college when Anamika first started reading tarot cards and that is when her journey began.

During her journey, Anamika has acquired much-deserved fame as a healer and astrologer. She has been a guiding figure and a trustworthy friend for her clients who are from various

backgrounds and professions like business, politics; technology, etc. Herclientele is spread across the globe.

In this digital world, Anamika gives credit to technology which helps her stay connected with her clients based in India & overseas and provide guidance to them as and when they need it.

According to Anamika, Astrology is a different kind of science which requires deep knowledge of planetary bodies and how they affect human life and their activities. “Several people, who believe in logic and science, also believe in predictions through astrology. However, due to the lack of understanding, the majority of people misinterprets this ancient science and dismisses it as asuperstition.Astrology is a science that is based on mathematics, logic & astronomy and to interpret its results, people should seek the right guide or mentor. This science is all about belief, faith, and trust.” said Anamika.

Anamika has dedicated over 10 years towards understanding this science and has acquired vast experience as a professional Astrologer. Anamika provides many services like horoscope analysis, tarot card reading,

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numerology based analysis, business, and name change analysis, crystal healing, relationship consultation and many more.

Anamika is also well versed in Vastu Shastra which is an ancient Indiansciencethatusestheenergy ofanyphysicalspace,theelements of nature and the physical directions to help optimize the design of buildings and workspaces. Physical spaces alignedwiththeprinciplesofVastu, attract positive energies while repellingthenegativeenergies.

In Anamika's words, Vastu plays a key role in setting up the interiors of a home and office space. The arrangement of the interiors of a

physical space will have an impact on the people living or working in that space.

While planning a physical space consulting a Vastu expert, who can chart out the positioning of various elements, will bring good health, prosperity, and harmony to the inhabitants of that space.

Anamika has some Vastu related tips for the entrance of any house, “A beautiful, well-lit entrance attracts wealth and prosperity. A North-facing entrance attracts prosperity while an East-facing entrance attracts fame. However, depending upon the nature of work and individuals’ birth details,

other directions can also be beneficial.”

Years ago, when Anamika first started tarot card reading, the practice was not widely known or accepted. With the increasing availability of information through the internet, experienced and knowledgeable practitioners, there is more awareness amongst the people and their perspective has broadened towards the fields of astrology and occult science. In her opinion, the field of astrology is growing and every day, more and more people are discovering and cherishing the benefits of this science.

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ANAMIKA'S Interview Section

Why did you choose this profession? What does thisprofessionmeanforyou?

Anamika Rana: Honestly, I did not choose this profession but the profession chose me. I first came across it while I was pursuing Chartered Accountancy. I was drawn towards it and started researching about it. The more I learnt, the more I found it interesting and insightful. That’s when I decided that I wanted to spend more time learning about this divine science and use it to help the society.

This profession has given me a way through which I gained the honor of becoming a guide and reliable friend for my clients and help them choose a direction towards a better future.

Were you into some other profession prior to this?

Anamika Rana: Yes, I was working as an Audit Professional in Big-4 consulting firms before taking up tarot card reading professionally. I am still in touch with my earlier profession as a CA.

What made you believe in astrology and other relatedthings?

Anamika Rana: I had believed in astrology since childhood because I have seen my predictions come true. But I was never aware of the science behind this.

It is only after I did my first session and the predictions came true, that I started understanding the science behind it and my belief became even stronger.

What makes this belief stronger as the days pass?

Anamika Rana: The testimonials I receive from my clients worldwide, make my belief stronger and I feel motivated to become a better version of myself.


Anamika Rana: These services benefit my clients because I suggest them practical and easy to do remedies on a daily basis. I try not to keep it complex and rather focus on simple solutions. I also try to explain the logic or science behind every practice so that they can be more receptive towards it.

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What effect does numbers; especially prime numbershaveinone’slife?

Anamika Rana: In every aspect of our life, numbers appear in one way or the other. Numbers are equally important as alphabets and name spellings. Universally we use the numbers in our day to day life. Their vibrations affect our actions, be it the date, phone number, vehicle number, house number or any other similar aspect. It is important to balance these vibrations to achieve success and harmony.

recommend the lucky colors depending on the date of birth and the horoscope details of the person.

According to you, why do people wait for auspicious‘muhrat’beforeimportanttasks?

Anamika Rana: For any task, there is an auspicious time, based on the favorable alignment of planets and energy vibrations. If a task is performed at this particular time, the probability of success is higher.

This timing is derived from the person’s birth chart or horoscope. My clients often seek consultation for confirming the auspicious time before taking any important decision be it marriage, business deal or purchasing an asset, etc.

Whatbasicinformationdoyouseekfromaclient beforeyoustartaconsultation?

Anamika Rana: The most basic information I require is name, date-of-birth and a few other horoscope details. However, in tarot card reading, just the name serves the purpose since its approach is based on energy vibrations of alphabets rather than numerological calculations.

Please share a few tips with our readers to repel the negative energy that might be surrounding them.

Anamika Rana: We interact with many kinds of people every day and their energies influence us in various ways. Since the negative energy causes harm, it is important to get rid of it on a daily basis. The simplest way of balancing it out, is through daily meditation and using rock salt while bathing. This in turn will help us in attaining internal peace, enhancing the efficiency and feel optimistic from within.


Anamika Rana: Colors play a vitally important role in today’s world. Colors can influence our thinking, change the course of actions, and also cause reactions. In spiritual terms, they affect the electromagnetic field of the human aura. When used in the right ways, colors can even save on energy and help us to divert it into a higher purpose instead.

What colors must be avoided if one is going throughalowphaseoflife?

Anamika Rana: Just like numbers, colors are equally important in every decision of life. Based on one’s date of birth, they emit vibrations and vary for every individual. The lucky set of colors for one person might not be favorable for the other. Hence, I usually

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Do you feel that your connection with the Almighty is increasing with time? Can you tell ushow?

Anamika Rana: Being a professional in the field of Astrology, I have learnt a lot over time and in fact, I feel it is an ongoing process. I have always believed in a higher power and researching the spiritual sciences has led me to understand and develop a strong connection with my inner self and the creator of the universe.

How do you manage stress and challenges in yourlife?


Rana: Meditation is the simplest quick-fix when it comes to managing work and the demands of daily life. Since I enjoy my work, I usually never feel stressed out. However, like any human being, there are days when I need to detox and meditate to get my spiritual energy back and rejuvenate myself.

What is that one thing you believe-in the most? What makes your beliefstronger?

Anamika Rana: Karma! I believe that every outcome is related to out karmic energy and maintaining a good karma or doing good deeds is very important. Even if there are some unintentional mistakes, one should always keep doing good actions to generate a positive karmic balance.

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Would you like to tell us about your awards and achievements?

Anamika Rana: I feel that my biggest achievement is helping thousands of people lead happier and more fulfilling lives through spiritual guidance. Over the years, I have also received awards and recognition from the media for my work.

But I take the most pride in the testimonials which my clients share with me when they are able to achieve their goals and dreams. It’s these messages which make me happy and keep me motivated.

Do you believe in miracles/magic?

Anamika Rana: Yes, I believe that miracles do happen especially when you try your best to manifest them.

Manifestation is a very powerful technique. I have done several sessions and workshops to educate my clients, students and the general public about this technique.

As an entrepreneur, do you consider yourself successful?

Anamika Rana: I feel that I am yet to achieve a lot in life and I trust that the Universe will show me the right path. I am also grateful for what I have achieved till now and I always thank the Almighty for choosing me to serve a higher purpose.

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3Co.-A Collaboration That Delivers Timeless Design Solutions

Design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to createfunctionalspaceswhichreflects theuser’spersonality.

3Co is a young “design collaborative” between three independently practicing architects who have come together to pool their experiences and strengths in order to create better design experiences for their clients.

The collaborative was established in 2019 by Ar. Viragi Parekh, Ar. Vatsal Mewada, Ar. Shyam Chandarana bringing together their individual aesthetic strengths, cultivated techniques, trailblazing concepts and artistic vision to the table. Together becoming an ocean filled with qualified, dynamic, young and sensitive professionals, the company offers multi-functional spaces high on utility and

sensitive to the requirements of the end users. Engaged in doing both Architectural as well as Interior Design Projects, 3Co. enjoy, doing spaces like Holiday Homes, Farm Houses, Stand-alone Architectural projects, Interiors – Residential and commercial, and graphic design. Apart from design, it also undertakes and promotes research and documentation work.

About The Owners

Ar. Viragi Parekh – Viragi Parekh, 27, has a keen interest in observing new spaces, and has developed a distinctive eye for creating new designs and intricate details.

“You only live once, make it worth the living!” believing in this motto she ensures to create her own story by living to the fullest. Her experimental nature leads her to explore different design details and materials in her projects.

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Ar. Vatsal Mewada - Vatsal Mewada, 29, is an architect by profession who has been working with core design studios and renowned architects. Cultivating his skill sets and with great determination he has carved himself into an entrepreneur.

Having an experience above 4 years in the field, he simply follows the mantra ‘God lies in Details’. Keen learning and self-improvement continues to be his key characteristics while operating on his projects.

Ar. Shaym Chandarana- Shyam Chandarana, 28, pursued his passion for visual arts with Architecture. Given his background and upbringing, he is basically a curious brain who likes to do thorough research and come up with innovative ideas and details.

Since he started his own independent practice, he has mainly worked on architectural design consultation, interior design and project management.

Language of Lines- A home that rejuvenates and revitalizes

The team 3Co. created spaces using Lines that helped in enhancing the spatial volume and forming areas which showcase every member’s personality giving it a unique character. Endearing towards creating a home where memory resides and allows for nostalgia. Interiors are designed considering family’s growth, needs variation and mindsets evolution, keeping terms of endearment constant.

Location- KANDIVALI WEST, MUMBAI- Area covered-650 SQ.FT

This apartment catering a family of four, happens to be 2BHK where the architect managed to create a space that looks large and spacious, giving it a feeling of being free spirit. Conceptually, the house has a play of lines which is why it is called “Language of lines”. Material palette is kept really neutral by adding Wood, Veneers, Italian Marble, Cane and warmth is added by colors like Shades of Browns, Mustard, Blues, Greys and keeping White as the Base color.

Entering through the main door which has an angle with vertical grooves, you are welcomed by greens which soothes your eyes. The entry console that happens to be a multi-functional unit which forms a shoe rack at the bottom, a Planter bed on the top and a dining bench on the back. This Planter becomes a cushioned backrest for Dining bench with a stone top

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dining table having Upholstery with Ikkat prints that adds coziness to the space. Similar Flutes will be seen in the living room in forms of P.O.P groves on walls behind the huge L-shaped grey Sofa and a metal art piece, with an Italian marble, glass and veneer T.V. unit followed by wooden stripes at the end.

Turning these straight lines into different angles it forms a beautiful pattern for the kitchen sliding door which then turns into the kid’s room forming an interesting pattern as wall paneling.

Aqua Blue and peach color add some trend and Vibrance to the room. keeping the room trendy yet simple. The wardrobes are kept plain having veneer finish with a cane backrest and side table that even forms a dresser which hides itself behind the mirror in the paneling with a supercool hanging light made from bulbs. The Peach Curtains and a little book reading corner forms a perfect intimate Space.

Keeping the geometry same and minimalist, wooden vertical and horizontal stripe on the master wardrobe forms inbuilt handles not making them prominent. With sufficient amount of storage, Master bedroom has a high veneer backrest with two brass stripes on either side with inbuilt side tables and wall lights. Trying to keep the feel sophisticated yet homely the colors used are grey on the walls and mustard into Upholstery in form of cushions, bedding and Curtains.

The space has been characterized by creating a layered environment with textures, prints, patterns and colors. A happy mishmash of opposite: ethnic and modern; neutrals and punchy vibrant colors; textured and smooth, and that is what makes it plush and playful.

3Co’s Signature Style and USP

Each project is developed around a specific design concept that is reflected in every element of a project. Taking a brief of user’s current specific behaviour and habits, and setting them into a new better designed space, so they don't need to adapt to a new space separately, and the newer space has the perks of old and the beauty and function of the new. Being Inclined towards OCD, we try to formulate clean and obstacle free Spaces, designing of bespoke intimate spaces, specific and tailor made- according to client's preference and ergonomics.

Souranshi | Inspiring Interiors | May 2020 17 _threeco_ Architectural Design| Architecture | Interior | Graphic Design | Product Design & Branding | 3D Visualisation |

Reasons Why Adding an Interior Designer to Your Renovation Team is Worth It

Building a dream home can be quite overwhelming. Everyone expects a wonderful end-result in the form of a beautifully designed interior which definitely requires a lot of time, money, energy, planning, and whatnot. For the majority of people, building a new home or remodeling an old one is a one-time process and involves a huge investment, in terms of money, mind, and labor. One might wonder whether or not to hire an interior designer or just save the lump sum amount and invest it somewhere else and make a profit out of it. Hiring an Interior designer to work with you on building a dream home/office, be it a brand new one or renovating your old ancestral property has various benefits. We have tried to list out some of the reasons supporting the above-said statement.

The saviors and guiding figure:

The interior designers are our saviors and also act as a guiding figure in many ways. They bridge the gap between your and ample choices that you have to make for home improvement, making the selection easier. Starting from the selection of tiles for the kitchen

or bathroom, from choosing hues and shades for the wall to the appliances, finalizing brands of furniture to lights, and more, designers guide you in every aspect. They go way beyond to save you from unnecessary hassles and hurdles.

They are exceptionally skilled and experienced:

Visualizing the need of the homeowner and turning it into reality requires skills and experience. Interior designers have a knack to assimilate the need of their clients and make the best use of the space provided. They have the product knowledge and they know how the arrangement of furniture will turn out, or what kind of door will be feasible for a given space. They will bring you the best quality products while considering the budget constraints and also your need.

Connections & network and industry knowledge:

WeWork, Prestige Atlanta, 80 Feet Road, Koramangala 1A Block, Koramangala 3 Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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The interior designing company works with various other companies and over the period of time they develop good communication and coordination with them. They have the insight into the entire industry which the homeowner might lack. Utilizing their connections and their knowledge of the industry from previous experience saves you from unnecessary hassles, making designing and remodeling a smoother process.

The investment is profitable in the longrun:

Interior designers understand the value of money and they know how important is it to stay within the budget. A thorough understanding of the industry, resources,

Heal's, London, United Kingdom

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durability of furniture, its availability in the market, size & shape of furniture (and other design-related products) according to the provided space, etc. and helps you make the best deal for your valuable money. This ultimately makes the investment of hiring an interior designer worthwhile in the future.

It saves a lot of time and energy:

It takes a lot of time and energy researching for material required in the process of designing the interior of any given space. Designing as a whole, right from the conception of an idea to its implementation, from the execution of the plan to achieve the visualized design in reality, is a huge task in itself. Designers know the probable mistakes and obstacles you might face during the project. They know whom to contact exactly as per the requirement, saving your time and energy which you can utilize in other necessary things.

Save you from grieving for unworthy expenses:

Interior designing requires your money, time, energy, and complete dedication. A wonderfully designed space that is comfortable and functional, is what everyone aspires for. The investment is enormous.

Hangzhou, China 2100 Club, the world’s first blockchain bar, designed by LYCS Architecture.
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You will not want to regret investing in a sofa that will not fit in your living area or the furniture and curtains that will not go with the wall color. Here, interior designers come to your rescue, saving you from grieving on investments and choices that you might regret, by making the right choice for you. All you need is to trust your designer because they understand your need.

The designer understands functionality and aesthetics:

The designers work keeping in mind the needs of the inhabitants who will be living in the home. They study every inch and corner of the house minutely and transform it into your dream home. It's not only your money that is invested but it’s the hard work of the designer who works tirelessly to make your home way beyond beautiful and livable. The intellectual designers’ have the ability and they comprehend very well that functionality and aesthetics must go hand in hand and would never compromise on either of the aspects.

Increase the resale value for your property:

Designers understand the market and competition. They know the homes from every perspective. Hiring an interior designer will open up several possibilities where you can have an updated insight on what might give your home some advantage and add value to it. They can also guide you towards the choices that will leave your home competitive for years to come. Furthermore, professionally designed homes always have upper-hand in competitive markets.

-SmartworksCoworking Hyderabad,Telangana,India -TheMallatGreenHills,Nashville, UnitedStatesAnindoorshotofthe rooftoploungeatRestoration HardwareNashville.
Souranshi | Inspiring Interiors | May 2020 22
HellBayHotel,IslesofScilly,UnitedKingdom HellBayHotel,Bryher

Behold the mesmerizing endresult:

Interior designers are experienced and creative enough. They won’t leave any stone unturned and using the intellect will always deliver wonderful and desired results. Their talent helps them perceive the outcome of any design which is a wonder in itself. Designers pay attention to every minute detail of designing from lighting to furniture and color palettes to choose from and make the desired end-result possible. An interior designer will customize the process of designing a house that will be functionally suitable for your every need and also make your home truly distinct in every sense. Get ready to be charmed, your perfectly designed dream home is on the way.

It’s their reputation that is also at risk.

Word-of-mouth is one of the most important ways of acquiring new business. The interior designers also acquire new clients through references from their existing clients. They won’t jeopardize their business and their reputation in the market in any way. They will do whatever it takes to deliver a wonderful and custom-designed project because they also want to rise and shine in this competitive world.

-Cloud Forest Bridge at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore The cloud forest designed by a team of two firms: landscape architects, Grant Associates and architects, Wilkinson Eyre Architects.
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Louvre Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
SOURANSHI FASHION DIARIES Follow Mumbai SAV LAMBA CLOTHING BRAND #Styl e #Glamorous #Elegant Contact Details


This edition of Souranshi presents its very first home tour, showcasing a modern home drenched with Ethnicity. The owner of this lovely adobe is from a beautiful place in middle east famous for oils, pearls and its heritage Sites, the kingdom of Bahrain.

Here is tic-a-tat with Sumati where she unfolds the secrets of her subtle yet vibrant beautiful home and her décor style.

A Little bit more about Sumati’s life in her own words, “I Born and brought up in Delhi, I completed MBA in HR and have worked with companies like EXL & Axa Insurance Pune. I have also worked with Indian Airlines from 2007 to 2010 (In Bahrain) as an Executive Assistant to the Country Head Bahrain until its merger with Air India. I am a home-maker since the birth of my daughter and been a proud, devoted and blessed mother. Following a healthy life style, I love doing yoga to stay fit. I recently developed a keen interest in drawing and coloring Mandala which gives me immense peace and also turns out to be a way of meditating for me. In January 2020, we shifted from a Villa to this beautiful sea-view 3-bedroom apartment.  My Husband, a Piscean, has always been fascinated by the idea of staying in sea facing home.”

Souranshi: Describe your home in few lines.

Sumati: The décor style of our home is modern with a touch of ethnic. It is a combination of everything we truly love. It feels wonderful to see all of the ideas, we’ve had, finally come to life in this new home. We believe that a clean and well-organized home, always keeps us happy and positive.

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Kitchen: It’s a compact modular kitchen with built in space for most of the appliances. The wooden cabinets, stone countertop and earthy yellow and white tiles make my kitchen warm and inviting. I keep only the essentials on kitchen counter tops. The rest of the stuff is stored away in overhead cabinets and the amazing Kitchen Space Saver Containers from Ikea do the trick too.

Master Bedroom: We have kept the Master Bedroom in neutral shade of Whites. The wall papers have hint of golden and silver which exudes luxury and elegance. We chose a deep beige/brown color for bed side tables and dresser to compliment it.

Guest Bedroom: Again, a simple and elegant room with vintage 3D New York City wallpaper. An adjoining balcony overlooking the breathtaking highway/ sea view from our 36th floor apartment, makes the way for natural light as well.

Souranshi: How did you choose the colors of each room and other areas?

Sumati: My husband has a keen sense of Colors and he chooses the Paints/Wall Papers for the home. Choice of white / cream tones of wallpaper in the living area (where sun-light is scarce) help reflect light across the house making it look brighter, clean, spacious, quiet yet simple. Golden Yellow color paint for the theme wall for prosperity and abundance (as per VASTU).

Souranshi: How have you styled each area of your adobe including the kitchen?

Sumati: Living Room- We wanted to keep the Living room cozy, elegant and comfortable because I believe Cozy isn't a style but a feeling. It was important to have an ambiance that makes us want to curl up and relax and classy at the same time.

And hence we chose the Blue Leather Sofa/Recliners which can be used as a laid-back seating when we want to unwind and as a formal seating otherwise.

Kids Room is another room which our daughter uses a lot to have play dates with her friends, read, color or Study. So, I kept it simple and spacious.

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Sumati Aneja

Souranshi: How have you incorporated nature into your home?

Sumati: We love to be surrounded by nature, first to mention is that our home has a seating area by the window that has mesmeric open sea-view.

• We planted various indoor house-plants for both greenery and fresh air.

• Placed a small desktop-water-fountain for natural water sounds and to purify the air inside.

• Some more green and brown (natural color) artifacts (flower pots) help compliment the yellow while accentuate the white.

Souranshi: How you want your home to be?

Sumati: We define our home to be a place that directly reflects our overall personality and insight. A place full of serenity with each room defining its purpose to the fullest.

Souranshi: Which is your favorite spot in your home and why?

Sumati: The comfortable seating by the sea-view window. This is a perfect spot where I cherish having my first cup of tea in the morning, read or just look out at the marvelous view.

Souranshi: Please give a few pieces of advice for the décor lovers for their homes.

Sumati: There are some general tips that I would like to share mantra for décor lover.

• Keeping it simple and clutter free.

• Changing or adding the runners, rugs, curtains in a year or two, gives an instant face-life to your home.

• Maintaining greenery, by keeping indoor plants, bring in the nature and it's freshness.

• Monthly Deep cleaning is essential for the continues flow of that Positive Aura & Vibrations. Cleanliness is Godliness.

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“Comfortable place, offers extra seating space in the living room and provides additional storage solution”

Tell us about the selection of furniture and

Sumati: When it comes to decor, we love to do everything on our as it gives us immense joy.

• Leather Sofa - easy to maintain and to avoid all food and drink spill-marks that are common in a home with small kids.

• Seating area by the sea-view window in the living room. Very classy all white Pristine wooden seating makes it a warm, cozy and a vibrant spot in the living area connecting us to the nature.

Desktop-water-fountain - the sounds of water are not only soothing but creates an overall positive and calming environment.

Buddha brings peace and serenity to the home. Aptly placed Buddha painting exudes positivity and creates a welcoming environment. "You will see Lord Buddha greeting you as you enter our humble abode".

Elephant Art in the middle of the living roomshowcasing a colorful artwork never fails to add visual interest to a home.

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Globe Light from Ikea- our entry hallway gets very little natural light. We found this Globe lamp from Ikea, fado table lamp. It is well designed, well priced and is very versatile. It gives a soft bright light and keeps the hallway well-lit throughout the day.

A soft bright light that keeps the hallway well-lit throughout the day.
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Buddha brings peace and serenity to the home

Interior Maata

Do you have any Interior related queries? Want to know more about transforming a small or big space without a heavyweight in your pocket? A friend, a guide, a learner, a youtuber, and an engineer by degree and an Interior Designer by heart,

Paints and colors are easy andmostaffordablewaysof transformingandupgrading the interior of your home. Colors are one of the powerfulforcesinyourlives that can affect your mood, emotions, and bodies in unimaginableways.Whenit comes to decorating and designing,colorsofthewall, furniture, artifacts, etc., in your home can uplift your spirit making your life happier, harmonious, and peaceful, if used wisely. When it comes to designing the interior of any given space, each color has its own significance and is associated with various characteristics.

Colors- giving meaning to a design

Red is a very hot color. It is generally associated with fire, violence, anger, danger, and warfare (devil). It is also associated with love and passion (cupid). In design, red being very versatile, can be a very influential accent color. With brighter versions, red can be more energetic and darker shades can be more elegant and powerful.

Yellow, the brightest and the most energizing of the warm colors, gives a sense of happiness and cheerfulness. Softer shades of yellow can be used as gender-neutral colors for baby’s and kid’s room and also any other room. Light yellows are more calming than bright yellows and give a feeling of happiness. Dark yellows and gold-hued yellows augment the antique look in the design and can be used in designs where a sense of permanence is desired.

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Orange, a very energetic and vibrant color, commands attention without being as overpowering as red. It is considered friendly and inviting rather than unwelcoming.

Green represents a new beginning and growth and also signifies regeneration and abundance. It is the most desirable color for designs related to nature, stability, wealth, and rejuvenation. Brighter greens are more energizing and vibrant, while olive greens are representative of the natural world. Dark greens are the most stable and represents affluence.

Blue color, in design, is extensively affected depending on the exact shade and hue. Light blues are often relaxing and calming. Bright blues can be energizing and refreshing. Dark blues, like navy, make an excellent shade of blue for corporate sites.

Purple a combination of red and blue, imbibe the qualities of both the primary colors, and hence it is associated with creativity and imagination. In design, light purples are softer and are associated with spring and romance. Wealth and luxury are perceived as the characteristics of darker shades of purple.

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Black, on the positive side, usually symbolizes power, elegance, and formality. On the negative side, it represents evil, death, and mystery. Occupying the neutral side of the color spectrum, black is commonly used for typography and other functional parts and convey a sense of sophistication and mystery in a design.

In design, white is generally considered a neutral backdrop that enhances the look of other colors it is teamed up with. White lets other colors in design have a louder voice. It’s bright and helps reflect the light across the area. It signifies cleanliness and simplicity and is popular in minimalist designs.

Gray is commonly used in conservative and formal designs but can give a modern look to a design. It can be a very sophisticated color and is generally used in corporate designs, where formality and professionalism are key.

Brown is commonly used as a background color and gives a feeling of warmth, earthiness, and wholesomeness to a design. It is the most sturdy and safe color to play with. The various shades and tones of brown are commonly used in ceramics and earthenware, great for decoration, house plants & exterior pots, and sculptures. It’s also seen in wood textures and sometimes in stone textures.

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The terraplanter is an inside-out planter for growing plants indoors. It holds water on the inside and diffuses it outwards, sustaining the plant which grows on the surface.

No soil or dirt… onlywater

A clean and low maintenance hydroponic planter.

The water diffuses througheachcell

The structure of the material is solid, yet porous. Water is slowly diffused through it and is held by the cells, giving the plant time to drink, and allowing you to water less often.

Plant roots grow on the surface with constant access to both waterandair

A micro-texture designed for plant roots to grip the surface and become one with the planter.


The terraplanter is made from 100% natural materials & you can reuse with new plants anytime.


The technology of the terraplanter is based on the connection between the structure, the material and the plant itself.

THE VISION: The core idea was to create a new home for plants. It needed to be simple, clean, lowmaintenance and hydroponic - without the use of any soil or dirt. Combining the idea of hydroponics and the concept of porous material was the key.

We created a proprietary ceramic material that has just the right amount of porosity and hygroscopic tendencies to allow water to diffuse through the material and allow the plant to grow on the surface of the material.


We wanted to design a piece that was aesthetically beautiful but it also needed to serve a function;itneededtobea goodhomeforplants.For this we needed to produceacomplexshape for the surface of the terraplanter to meet the needs of the plants. It needed to:Hold seeds on the surface while they sprout.Hold water for plant roots to drink.Provideashapeand texture that would allow plant roots to grip the surface.

We used parametric design to create the shapeweenvisionedand created several prototypes to test with seeds and plants. After testing we looked for ways to improve the product and refined the algorithm and design to gettotheoptimalsolution forplantstothrive.

HOW IT WORKS: The terraplanter is a vessel that acts as a water bank. The water is held in the vessel and is slowly diffused through the material to the cells on the surface for the plant to drink.

The Terraplanter indoor garden is not currently available to buy, but to make sure you are the first to find out when orders are being taken sign up to Terraplanter’s notification centre online.

For more information on the Terraplanter indoor garden visit

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GAYATRI MOHANTY is a fitness consultant by profession and Ace certified fitness trainer. She is a motivational speaker & has done public speaking in many places. She is a passionate solo trekker, marathon runner & powerlifter. An avid trekker & had completed many tough treks, "chadar trek " being one among them. Gayatri had also participated in more than a handful of marathons across the country.

Born in 1981 in Cuttack, Orissa, Gayatri had always been an active and outspoken kid with great zeal to learn and to do new things every time she had an

opportunity. She comes from a very educated & supportive family, her father Mr.Ratikanta Mohanty is an ex-banker and mother Mrs. Minati Patnaik is a former senior engineer at BSNL. Her husband Mr. Sandip Patnaik ( Head of Client Servicing Team at Keystone Marketing Services) and her 10-year-old son Naman have always supported her dreams.

She did her schooling from SCB Medical Public School, Cuttack. She was famous by the name “Super Model" in her school. She did her graduation from the very famous "Ravenshaw College" & was called "Rock star”. She holds an MBA degree from KIITS Deemed University & was an active sport and cultural personality. All through her life, Gayatri had been an active participant of all the intercollegiate festivals, annual festival and many more.

Being a proud NCC cadet, Gayatri had represented her state Orissa at a national level as a Best Cadet & was also a part of the Rajpath Marching contingent 2002. Completed the same in spite of the injury and 8 stitches in her left leg palm. Continuing her journey further, she represented India at the international level, under the Youth Exchange Program.

As an avid trekker, Gayatri had completed the most difficult Chadar trek located at Laddak and covered a distance of 70 Kilometers in just 6 days. Even after getting injured (broken wrist) she never stopped, instead she inspired others by not

only continuing the trekking but also completing the same under the added challenges in the form of a freezing temperature of -35 degrees at 11000ft. Recently, she also trekked at Markha Valley and walked a total distance of 81 kilometers in just five days.

Gayatri also has an inclination towards beauty pageants. Recently, she has won the "Mrs. India Global Universe 2019" title held at Mumbai along with "Mrs. Dazzling Diva" as a subtitle. She was 1st runner up in "Mrs. Karnataka" & won the "Best Body" award too.

Interview section

In spite of meeting with an accident, while trekking at Chadar trek, you completed the summit?Whathappenedthere?

Gayatri: It's a glacier trek and we have to walk on ice & I accidentally slipped and broke my left-hand wrist. This happened on the 3rd day of 7 days trekking summit and we still had 4 more days to cover. We had no medical help available so I completed my trek with a broken wrist without any cast or medications

How a fitness trainer and a sports professional gotinspiredtoparticipateinabeautycontest?

Gayatri: Restricting myself to only a few areas is not me. I love trying new things which can teach me something exciting & different. I was referred by a friend to participate. I took the chance and won state & national level pageants.

How does it feel to be the “Mrs. India Global Universe-2019”titlewinner?

Gayatri: When you learn something new & become an achiever too along with recognition. Nothing can beat that feeling. It was quite a hard work, tedious four days stay in Mumbai with multiple photoshoots, trying on countless costumes and before those several months of preparation. I felt enthralled when I heard my name as the winner. To be precise, it definitely felt "on top of the world".

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In your opinion, what is the scope for women in sportsandasafitnesstrainer?

Gayatri: Well!! there is a huge scope for women & in today's day, we lack more women coaches across our country due to various reasons but definitely if, given the opportunity, they can rule the fitness zone.

The entire world is affected by the pandemic COVID-19. How are you dealing with the situation?

Gayatri: I strongly believe in two theories in life, one being "Everything happens for a reason " & secondly, "Every negative has positive in it". So during the lockdown, I am back to basics of managing the entire house along with family time especially with my 10yr old son. Being a fitness enthusiast I can't stop exercising as that's my stress buster. With no honking cars on the road and minimal crowd, I am loving the calmness in the air.

Is the prevailing situation affecting your business?

Gayatri: Not really, as we always have an option of online sessions.

What is your opinion about the after-effects of thepandemic?

Gayatri: World has changed a lot due to this pandemic and I am sure we all have gone through a lot during this time. So we will start valuing everything in and around our atmosphere. With that comes more accountability and surviving with minimal resources.


Gayatri: I wish to be recognized as a fitness influencer & impart for free fitness related services to the needy ones. My motto in life is to inspire people to take up healthy living through exercise and nutrition and become better versions of themselves

: Gayatri Mohanty :

: gytr.mhnty

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B-4, Virat Villa, Mamoorganj, Varanasi-221010, UP, India +91-8887898984 || | @sacredweaves
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