I Like Her Style Vancouver • Issue 1

Page 36

Maybe it’s the way her photos capture perfection in the candid moments. Maybe it’s her ease and grace in caring for 5

“Oh man, I’m a dreamer! I have so many dreams and goals for this little life of mine.”

young children. Maybe it’s the way she fills every Instagram caption with soul warming words. It is for all of these reasons and more that blogger Michele Phillips caught our attention, and we don’t want to look away.

With beginnings as a professional photographer, Michele’s blog started out as an outlet to share photos and document ‘little bits’ of her kids’ lives. Over time, it has grown into a platform for Michele to share the deeper things that have rested on her heart. Before her journey truly began, a woman from Michele’s church once shared her strong intuition that she was going to do something in life that would positively influence others. This became clear with the post of daughter, Harlan’s birth story – which made the first significant impact. The post gained great exposure and began to spread like wildfire after receiving comments from some local, noteworthy women including Tamara Taggart. “It was the first time I was completely vulnerable and I had no idea that anyone other than my own friends would see it. It changed the way I shared things publicly. It made me realize you never know how sharing something you struggled with, can encourage others and make them not feel so alone. I’m an open book in real life, so sharing so openly feels so very ‘me’.” Since that post over three years ago, Michele’s life has changed and evolved. As her heart and family grew to welcome the birth of her 4th and 5th children (twins named Cove and Meadow) there has been no shortage of stories to share! Michele’s followers just can’t get enough of the ‘Philly 5!’ She now has almost 50,000 followers on her Instagram feed, alone.

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Michele on balance & life at home with the kids. “I am a total home body and I have become one even more-so since the twins were born. I love puttering and decorating our home. Our house can be busy and noisy at times and we tend to be pretty relaxed. We love traditions, dance parties, movie nights and generally just being together! We always joke that our kids are our BFF’s, but it’s kinda true! It’s taken a long time to find balance. For now, whats working is to explain when I have to sit down and do some work during the day, and then investing whole-heartedly when I’m done. I leave my phone upstairs and I give the kids my undivided attention. I look into their eyes and I’m totally hands-on. Being mindful of my time and prioritizing, the kids will always win priority over work. It also helps that I’m a total night owl, so I do most of my work hours late into the evening. (No wonder I’m so tired!)”

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