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NEWSLETTER Issue 1, 2011


It is the third year we speak to you via our electronic newsletter. You are among the first ones to have access to news from developer Inter IKEA Centre Česká republika and Inter IKEA Centre Slovensko that ranks among the international developing group - Inter IKEA Centre Group (IICG). Feel free to use all the information and press releases for your work. In this year´ s first issue you can find out more about the plans of Inter IKEA Centre Česká republika and Inter IKEA Centre Slovensko in the field of environment protection and energy saving. We will reveal how much money the company invests in these areas and how it reflects in Avion Shopping Parks. You will also learn the results of the latest international survey in the area of corporate responsibility. We believe that newsletter IICG will be useful and you will find answers to the questions about our company activities. We welcome all your questions and initiatives. If you need more information please contact us any time. Pleasant inspiration wishes

Luboš Rumian Property Manager Inter IKEA Centre Česká republika a Inter IKEA Centre Slovensko


FIRMS HAVE CHANGED THEIR APPROACH TOWARDS RESPONSIBLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP The number of national and local firms, which realise that they can help not just their own development but also the world´s, is rising every year. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has changed in recent years from “pretty activity” to a business value that defines the best firms in the world. The number of companies that have information about CSR on their websites has grown from 75 % to 81 % during one year as sourced from CSR Trendy 2010 survey conducted by Craib and PrincewaterhouseCoopers. According to the survey, European companies are the most responsible and 94 % of them regularly inform about their CSR activities. Most frequent CSR activities are projects with environment protection. According to survey 92 % of all firms include in their reports information about emission consumption. Other areas of CSR activities are support of disadvantaged social groups or civilisation illness treatment. Almost one fourth of companies use social networks such as Twitter or Facebook to inform about their CSR activities.


One of the biggest developers in Slovakia and Czech Republic Inter IKEA Centre Group that developes and operates Avion Shopping Parks, where the anchor tenant is IKEA, will increase investments to energy saving and environmental protection from 600 thousand to a million euro in 2010-12. ,,The reason why we increase investments

are new energy saving technologies available on the market and we would like to introduce them in our shopping centres”, says Luboš Rumian, Property Manager for Inter IKEA Centre Česká republika and Inter IKEA Centre Slovensko. One of the biggest investments, he says, is the replacement of strip lamps for economic LED lights at the car parks and lights used to lighten logos. Another great investment will be used for environmental protection and a special project IIC CZ/SK in cooperation with ČEZ group. ,,By the end of the year we will have built public charging stations for electric cars in every Avion parking lot. We realise that electric cars are not widely used but we want to show that this is one of the ways of development for future electro transport. The more public charging stations we have the more electric cars there will be”, Rumian added. Charging stations will serve to charge ecological cars with electric engines that have zero emissions.

Another innovation is reusing waste heat from air-technical units through recuperation. “In future we would like to produce electric energy with solar panels placed on the roofs of our buildings. Unfortunately, because of legislation in both countries it is difficult to get permission so we have to put this project off for now” says Luboš Rumian.

ENERGY SAVING IN 2010 IN AVION SHOPPING PARK IN CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA • Total energy savings: 2,6 % • Energy savings in common areas: 5,6 % • Energy saved by renters: 4,5 % • waste produced: 13,7 % lower • waste recycled: 42,2 % of the total volume Source: IIC CZ/SK


place the clothes and shoes into the

find their place in society. The clothes

ched in Czech Republic and Slovakia

containers located near the centres.

collected are separated by Diakonie

a unique project with clothes con-

In contrast to other collecting cen-

Broumov staff to clothes usable for

tainers so the old unneeded clothes

tres such clothes does not have to

humanitarian purposes and clothes

will not end up at a waste dump.

be separated or chemically cleaned


The Avion Shopping Park visitors in

before placed in the red containers.

Processing and separation of clothes

Czech Republic and Slovakia can

The clothes collected will go to peop-

gives work to socially disadvantaged

le who need it the most - those in

people and homeless people. Their

poverty or homeless. Inter IKEA Cen-

job is to gather and separate the

tre CZ/SK cooperates with Diakonie

clothes in the main centre of Diako-

Broumov. The mission of this organi-

nie Broumov. 85 % of collected mate-

sation is to help people in need or so-

rial is used and only 15-20 % needs

cially disadvantaged. Their aim is to

to be disposed. 7-8 thousand tons of

help people become independent and

clothes are collected every year.






RETURN ON INVESTMENT TO ENERGY SAVING ARE EXPECTED IN EIGHT YEARS Luboš Rumian, Property Manager IIC CZ/SK answers the questions about investment to energy savings.

You are planning to invest up to a million euro into new energy saving technologies. When do you expect return on investment? Inter IKEA Centre CZ/SK is not just a developer and investor but also a operator of shopping centres. Our aim is to develop in the long term; therefore we invest into challenging energy saving projects. For a developer that builds shopping centres with purchase pur-

pose such investment would not be profitable. Return on investment is long term but saves energy, money and mainly the environment. We realise the importance of corporate social responsibility and therefore we enforce systematic activities that leads to it. Of course, we care about adequate return on investment regarding effectiveness. That is why we carry out the project with forecasted returns on investment within eight years. Some of the energy saving projects have been implemented already. How much energy did you save last year? Yes, we have replaced some strip lamps for LED diodes at Avion Shopping Parks parking lots in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Also we placed energy saving lights in some of our centres and they turn on by motion. In 2010 we used up to 2.6 % less energy than in 2009. In the case of shopping centres it is a great saving. In common areas we managed to save 5.6 % of energy comparing to previous year and our tenants saved 4.5 % of energy. Do you promote your energy saving campaign among your tenants in Avion Shopping Parks? No, we do not promote any campaign in this matter currently. Have the old clothes collection at Avion Shopping Parks proved good? The most useful are the clothes containers

Luboš Rumian works for Inter IKEA Centre CZ/SK as Property Manager for Czech Republic and Slovakia. His major duty is to manage Avion Shopping Parks in both countries. He is greatly experienced in management of shopping centres. Before he started working for Inter IKEA Centre CZ/SK he worked for retail chain stores Ahold Central Europe and Electro World Central Europe. He was responsible for management of shopping centres and opening of new stores. Luboš Rumian studied at VUT FAST college with major in building construction.


in Brno and Ostrava where we collected more than 30 tons of unneeded textiles. We work on this project together with non-profit organisation Diakonie Broumov that separates clothes and offers jobs for homeless people at the same time. Separated and wearable clothes and shoes are given to people in need and damaged clothes are used for industry processing. The visitors of shopping centres also appreciate containers for old appliances placed at electro stores. This is only running in Czech Republic because we are still looking for a partner in Slovakia. Source: IIC CZ/SK

We want to develop our centres in the long term, therefore we invest into challenging projects of energy saving


INTER IKEA CENTRE GROUP • IICG is an investor, developer and operator of shopping centres • Inter IKEA Centre Česká republika and Inter IKEA Centre Slovensko were founded in 2003 and are a members of IICG group • they operate 4 shopping centres in Prague, Brno, Ostrava and Bratislava known as Avion Shopping Park, together with area of 280 000 m2 • IICG builds shopping centres always with IKEA store that is an anchore tenant and has IICG shopping centres as partner

DID YOU KNOW THAT... • in 2009 Czech Republic produced the third lowest amount of waste per capita (317 kg) among EU countries • Slovakia sits in place behind Czech – fourth place (339 kg) • Both countries overtook Latvia (333 kg) and Poland (316 kg) • The biggest producer of waste is Denmark with 833 kg per capita • The European average is 513 kg per capita • In Europe, 38 % of waste is placed in dump sites, 1/3 is burnt, 1/4 is recycled and 18 % is waste composted. • The most ecological country is Austria with 70 % of recycled or composted waste.


Contact: Katarína Šutarová PR Consultant

Are you inspired by the information in this newsletter? Do you need more information?

PR Agency LIKE Jozefská 19, 811 06 Bratislava Slovakia

Please contact us via e-mail: ksutarova@agency-like.com

Mobil: (+421) 917 654 603


E-mail: ksutarova@agency-like.com

This document is not legally liable and does not serve as a contract offer. All information in this document serves for informative purposes and we do not bear any responsibility for information integrity or correctness. All information can be subject to changes.

© Inter IKEA Centre Group A/S, 2011

Source: Eurostat, IIC CZ/SK

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