IHS, The Institute for Human Services Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report

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Fiscal Annual Report

July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023


Table of Contents Our Impact In Numbers Employment Programs Outreach Programs Volunteer Program

Executive Director’s Message Housing Programs Children’s Program Emergency Shelters Donor Network Board of Directors Kahauiki Village Case Management Specialty Shelters IHS Services Map Staff, Mission, and Values Offender Re-Entry Program Health Services Meals Program 02 06 10 14 18 19 03 07 11 15 20 04 08 12 16 24 05 09 13 17 1979: At 1128

Audited Financial Report FY23

2 FY2023 Annual Report Table of Contents
Smith Street, the heart of Chinatown, IHS begins as a volunteer venture. 1980: At 49 S. Beretania, IHS serves approximately 75 to 100 persons a day.
For many of those we serve, the biggest challenge they face is believing in their own dignity and, to a very real extent, their self-worth.

For many of us, this year could be remembered by numerous challenges that became opportunities for transformation. We wrapped up pandemic-related temporary programs and assistance and began re-establishing pre-pandemic operations.

In many ways, we started to see long-needed programs become a reality. Our services required further adaptation to meet the evolving needs of those experiencing and at risk of homelessness. Such innovations were only made possible through your support and encouragement.

This year, in a groundbreaking collaboration between the State, City & County of Honolulu, local businesses, and foundations, we achieved a milestone in our mission to end cycles of homelessness. We transformed a former pet hospital into our ‘Imi Ola Piha Homeless Triage and Treatment Center, a first-of-its-kind facility offering medical supervision-assisted, community-based detox treatment and mental health stabilization. It provides critical 24-hour withdrawal monitoring and connection to our supportive services. The center is a testament to years of commitment to serving chronically homeless individuals with an ever-expanding spectrum of intervention, filling a longstanding puka in our homeless service system: easing substance use detox with the help of medication when a person is motivated and making the decision to get clean.

IHS’ Homeless Intensive Case Management Program also expanded to serve more individuals diagnosed mental illness and those frequently arrested. With an expanded team and geographic regions of Oahu for outreach, more individuals engaging with law enforcement resulted in expanded partnerships with the Honolulu Police Department Community Policing Teams and to the Hawaii State Hospital where many were being diverted.

I invite you to read on and delve deeper, hearing stories of hope and renewal that you helped facilitate with your support. Together, we are addressing immediate needs and building the foundation for lasting systems change. Thank you for standing with us, believing in our mission, and being integral to our constant effort towards a more compassionate, engaged society.

Me ke mahalo nui,

Connie Mitchell, M.S, APRN Executive Director
“ 1980: Amid the mixed-community reception of IHS, the mayor helps move IHS to 127 N. Beretania St, renting the space at a subsidized rate. 1981: IHS serves 80 to 100 people daily. 3 Executive Director’s Message FY2023 Annual Report


Tracy Tonaki President

David Morimoto Vice President

Joanna Oshiro Chair, Finance

Lynne Unemori Secretary

Ellen Godbey Carson Chair, Governance Committee

Annie Valentin

Co-Chair, External Affairs & Development Committees

Keala Peters

Co-Chair, External Affairs & Development Committees

Joseph Viola, Esq. Chair, Internal Affairs Committee

K. James Steiner, Jr., Esq. Chair, Audit Committee

Julie Arigo

Sondra Brandon

Christine Camp

Duke DuTeil

Roberta DuTeil (Emeritus)

Kenneth Fink, MD, MGA, MPH

Jerry Gibson

Rev. David J. Gierlach

Sarah Guay

Jayson Harper

Jeff Harris, Esq.

Ian Hogan

Ed Hope

Craig McGinnis

Patrick M. McGuirk

Lauren S. Nahme

Ku‘uhaku Park

Curtis Saiki, JD, LL.M.

LeeAnn Silva

Rev. Msgr. Terrance Watanabe (Emeritus)

Tammi Yokogawa-King

Anthea Wang, MD, MPH


Jayson Harper, Chair

Gordon Furutani

Duane Kurisu

Melvin Kaneshige

Patrick McGuirk

Craig McGinnis

Lauren Nahme

Lloyd Sueda

Connie Mitchell


“Year after year, IHS proves to be resilient, adapting to the changing landscape of community needs. This year, IHS launched the first-of-its-kind community-based detox treatment center for homeless individuals. The new site not only connects existing programs but also fills the gap in a robust continuum of care, meeting individuals where they are, as it has done for over four decades.”

- Tracy Tonaki, Board President

“This year, Connie, our IHS Team and our great IHS supporters were able to expand critical services and partnerships to provide much-needed support to help families and individuals find and maintain stable, permanent housing.”

- David Morimoto, Board Vice President

1982: Father DuTeil receives the George Washington Honor Medal in recognition of the Institute’s service to the community. 4 FY2023 Annual Report Board of Directors
IHS incorporates as a non-profit 501(c)3.


Connie Mitchell, MS, APRN Executive Director

Leina Ijacic, BS-RN, CLSSBB Chief Administrative Officer

Kanui Bell, MBA, MA, CSAC, CCJP, ICADC, ICCJAP Director of Planning and Evaluation

Jerry Coffee, LCSW Clinical Director

Kali French, MSCP, CSAC Director of Clinical Programs Administration

Minda Golez Director of Housing and Employment

Jennifer Hickman, MS Director of Operations

Gordon Ortiz Director of Facilities

Kaelin Ryals Director of Finance

Ruth Weerapan, SPHR Director of Workforce Excellence

Jill Wright, MBA Director of Philanthropy and Community Relations


To create and offer tailored solutions for those in crisis, and nurture homeless people toward greater self-direction and responsibility.


A community where homeless people are empowered with hope, dignity, and confidence to quickly access and sustain a safe, decent and affordable home.


ALAKA‘I - Leadership by example. We take initiative and empower others to find their voice.

HA‘AHA‘A - Humility. We are open to learning from one another, admitting our mistakes and living transparently.

HO‘OHANOHANO - Honor the dignity of others. We practice and cultivate respect for all guests and protect their rights and privacy.

HO‘OKIPA - The hospitality of complete giving. We welcome guests with the spirit of aloha and offer the gift of hope.

KULEANA - One’s personal sense of responsibility. We encourage and challenge guests and staff to accept responsibility and be held accountable.

KULIA IKA NU‘U - Pursuing excellence. We commit to growing our competence in helping our clients achieve their goals.

LOKAHI - Collaboration and cooperation. We work in harmony and concert with each other and others outside our organization. We achieve more when we work together.

MALAMA - To care deeply. We serve, honor, and inspire our guests to be part of an ohana that genuinely cares.

rehab property
an estimated 300 to 500
1986: The first IHS shelter is built at 350 Sumner Street as the first homeless shelter on Oahu. 5 Staff, Mission, and Values FY2023 Annual Report
Honolulu City Council earmarks $500,000 in
money to
homeless people.

6,093 Individuals served across all IHS programs

1,744 Individuals served at our shelters

844 Individuals served through our Outreach Program

1,499 Individuals served through our Health Services and partnerships

791 Individuals served through our Homeless Prevention Program

1,484 Households served through our Case Management Program

657 Individuals through our Hele2Work Employment Services

468 Children served through our Family Programs

430 Clients served through our Rapid Rehousing, Housing First, & PSH

151 Veterans through our VET Program

1993: Father DuTeil and his wife, Roberta “Tutu Bert,” retire and move to Texas to be closer to their children and grandchildren.
6 FY2023 Annual Report Our Impact In Numbers
1997: Surrounded by loved ones in Texas, Father Claude DuTeil passes away on January 23, 1997.


For those experiencing a homeless crisis, the path to stable housing is rarely linear. It is often a winding road filled with many obstacles, challenges, and opportunities.

IHS’ Housing Programs helps guide this journey by helping individuals and families locate their next home and help settle them in. The programs are distinguished by its commitment to delivering wrap-around support and coaching to clients placed. Rental assistance programs are designed to prevent and end homelessness.

Populations served by our Housing Programs include:

Households on the verge of homelessness or who are doubled up with others.

Those currently experiencing unsheltered homelessness or staying in a shelter.

Chronically homeless individuals whose vulnerabilities often include physical or medical disabilities, substance use disorders, and/or mental illness.

Housing specialists work with clients to identify reasons a household is in crisis and provide financial management strategies, connect underemployed people with employment services to increase household income and assist with applications for housing vouchers.

Of course the highlight of each episode of assistance is celebrating a new home or the fact that homelessness was avoided in the case of those that had been facing eviction. This year, we also continued to see the need for utility assistance.

Number of Individuals Stabilized by Program Total Clients Served: 1,221 Homeless Prevention Rapid Re-Housing Permanent Supportive Housing Housing First 791 182 99 149
1999: 2,574 people / year and 900 meals per day are served between two locations. 7 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
1998: IHS’ logo as we know it today is created.


Created as a public-private partnership with support from local businesses and individuals, Kahauiki Village (KV) has provided a model for ending family homelessness with low-cost housing and supportive services. Throughout the year, 159 households called KV home, totaling 714 residents.

Support and amenities at KV include access to a recreational pavilion, mailboxes, a convenience store, case management, employment services, a youth center, community gardens, and an onsite childcare center operated by partner agency Parents and Children Together (PACT).

Designed to be a permanent housing stepping stone for formerly homeless families and kupuna, KV offers resources to establish stability and build skills for independent living. This feat is only possible with our community’s support. KV residents this year were able to establish or re-establish

stability by simply making on-time monthly rent payments through a grant from the Kaiser Permanente Foundation. Chaminade public health and nursing students curated health and wellness education activities for residents, such as Zumba, coping with stress, hygiene, and healthy eating on a budget classes. Additionally, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa nursing students and Kapiolani Community College community health students partnered to provide family health resources.

Through key partnerships with local businesses, individuals, and organizations, KV has created a supportive environment where formerly homeless families and kupuna can not only find stable housing but also access the resources and skills they need to build independent, fulfilling lives. The success of Kahauiki Village serves as an inspiration and a model for what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared vision of ending homelessness.

ALICE Cohort

Kahauiki Village joined Aloha United Way and Hawai‘i Community Foundation’s 2022-2024 Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Cohort. The Cohort gathered service providers focused supporting economic sustainability for this growing vulnerable population in our community. Partners provided opportunities for job training, career advancement and preparing for home ownership.

HCAN Partnership

Kahauiki Village joined the Hawaiʻi Children’s Trust Fund Strategic Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Prevention Program 2022-2024 Cohort. This program exists to connect families with mental health, substance use, and family resource programs and services in an effort to prevent family violence.

2004: IHS receives CARF accreditation for community-based case management. 2006: Connie Mitchell joins as IHS Executive Director.
8 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs


Community re-entry is more sustainable in welcoming and supportive environments. Statistics show that about half of formerly incarcerated individuals become homeless upon release. Without money or a place to live, they can quickly fall back into old habits, resulting in recidivism.

With the expansion of two small houses at the Village of Redemption, IHS expanded its capacity to house 32 guests at any given time. On the east side, Beacon of Hope houses up to six women at a time on extended furlough. Across our locations, residents live in a community that transfers the wisdom they have learned since their release to the next class of housemates. They also connect peers with job opportunities,

recreational programs, supportive networks, and faith communities. This year, participants of the program maintained zero instances of recidivism.

This program and homes are a vital bridge toward a successful transition into the community and healthy daily routines. Residents participate in life skills development, men’s/women’s support groups, spiritual counseling, employment and financial support, case management, and more. Leaning on each other for support, participants encourage one another on the path to productive, clean, and sober citizenship.

PICTURED: Weekly meetings allow participants to encourage one another, offer support, and celebrate milestones.
9 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
2007: IHS
expands and formalizes services to include case management, children and family programming, housing placement services, and medical care. 2007: IHS serves 2,700 people.


IHS’ Employment Services programs, including Hele2Work, Taking Root, and New Leaf, provide vital support and training to help clients build the skills and confidence needed to secure and maintain employment, a key step towards achieving financial stability and permanent housing.

Our Employment Services program, Hele2Work (H2W) helps clients with resume writing, interview preparation, soft skills training, and application assistance. Job search and placement is through local job fairs and referrals to business partners.

Taking Root is IHS’ Urban Agriculture Program, where participants engage in a unique learning experience, working together to grow organic food within

hydroponic, aquaponic, and traditional growing systems. Produce harvested by Taking Root is shared with the IHS Kitchen and sold in monthly pop-up farmers’ markets.

New Leaf is a pre-vocational training program with three learning tracks: janitorial, landscaping, and building maintenance. Participants may select one or a combination of tracks in order to update or learn new skills that can be applied directly in today’s job market. After completing courses, participants are able to earn as they learn and be referred to business partners for potential hiring.

657 Individuals served

1,568 pounds of produce harvested Employment Program Numbers

398 job-learning projects completed

2013: IHS opens the Veterans Engaged in Transition (V.E.T.) House in Kalihi Valley in partnership with the VA. 2014: The Kaaahi Shelter rooftop is transformed into an urban agriculture training and education center.
10 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs


IHS’ Children’s Program provides stability and a nurturing environment for keiki temporarily staying at the family shelter and those residing at Kahauiki Village.

The program helps create a sense of normalcy and security for these children, establishing predictable routines and structured activities. Family case managers work closely with parents to develop customized plans for each child, ensuring that their individual needs are met and overall well-being is prioritized.

At Kahauiki Village, staff maintain strong partnerships with neighborhood schools and teachers to ensure students remain enrolled and engaged in their education. This collaborative approach minimizes disruptions to their learning and helps them stay on track academically.

After-school programs at both our locations provide tutoring, art classes, and extracurricular activities that enrich

each child’s educational experience while supporting their parents’ work commitments.

During summer, fall, and winter school breaks, the children’s program offers full-day programming for students, alleviating the childcare burden for working parents who may struggle to find affordable and reliable care options during these periods.

The program also leverages partnerships with local businesses to provide children with valuable field trips and learning experiences. These opportunities broaden their horizons, expose them to new ideas and potential career paths, and help them feel connected to the wider community.

By fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment, the Children’s Program inspires these children to dream big and see a brighter future for themselves.

123 364
2015: IHS wins its first State-funded homeless outreach contract with services to Waikiki and Moiliili. 2015: The city-funded Hale Mauli‘ola Housing Navigation Center at Sand Island opens.
11 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
Kaaahi Family Shelter Kahauiki Village


Case managers help clients achieve long-term stability through collaborative goalsetting and access to resources to live independently. IHS’ Case Management program offers a comprehensive range of services, each tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals and households.

All shelter guests have access to case management services, which include a thorough assessment of needs and referrals to vital services such as medical care, substance use disorder treatment, mental health support, employment assistance, housing, and retrieval of vital documents.

Case managers also connect clients with appropriate subsidies, including housing choice vouchers, social security, food stamps, and veterans’ benefits. Often, the key to a client’s overall success lies in the case manager’s ability to forge a strong connection and identify unique sources of hope that can motivate and sustain positive change.

The supportive services programs include:

General Case Management is made available to all shelter guests to assess unique needs and is focused on housing navigation.

Homeless Intensive Case Management (HICM) is designed for adults who are high utilizers of emergency services or have been arrested repeatedly. Services are focused on diverting from criminalization when appropriate.

Community Integrated Services (CIS) provides specialized psychosocial rehabilitation for homeless clients who required support and guidance in transitioning to permanent housing.

Community Care Services (CCS) is for clients who have been diagnosed with chronic mental illness and require extra support to transition from living on the streets to permanent housing.

Family Case Management is focused on strengthening family units with programs for parents and children.

588 363 372 93 68 Clients served through Case Management Total Clients Served: 1,484
2016: In partnership with Queens Medical Center and HomeAid Hawaii, IHS opens two Medical Respite Homes in Kalihi and Makiki. 12 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs
2015: Governor David Ige issues Emergency Proclamation on Homelessness.


The IHS Sumner Health Services Center provides urgent care, health screening, medication management, health maintenance coaching, and referral services. Similar services are available through a collaboration with the Kalihi-Palama Health Center at the Kaaahi Women’s and Family Shelter.

Mental health professionals serve many guests of our shelters and on the streets. They maintain relationships with individuals with mental illness and provide assessment and intervention ranging from counseling to administering long-acting injectable antipsychotic medications.

In June, we welcomed the first clients to ‘Imi Ola Piha Homeless Triage and Treatment Center. The center, whose name means “To Seek One’s Fullest Life,” is a responsive solution to the needs of our community. Services offered include community-based medically-assisted detox treatment and mental health stabilization.

Nurses provide 24-hour withdrawal management and monitoring for individuals undergoing detox, while case managers assist clients with setting goals, acquiring vital documents, and navigating housing after completion of ‘Imi Ola Piha’s program.

Total Individuals Served: 5,017 4,019 998
2017: The Kalihi-Uka Recovery Home (KURH) opens expanding IHS’ capacity to shelter homeless individuals in recovery treatment for substance use disorders.
13 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
2018: The third Medical Respite “Tutu Bert” Home opens in Kailua.


Outreach teams venture out across Oahu to develop relationships with unsheltered individuals. Their work involves gathering information and conducting assessments to connect them with services like emergency shelter, stable housing, health care, identification, psychiatric evaluation, medical intervention, and substance use treatment. They regularly visit the parks and streets of Metro Honolulu, Waikiki/East Honolulu, and Windward Oahu, building rapport with those living in their cars or on the streets, and offering referrals to help them navigate toward stable housing.

Last year, the IHS Outreach Team served 844 individuals through outreach and service fairs.

General Outreach, which connects homeless households with shelter and resources, and helps chronically homeless individuals access ‘Imi Ola Piha Homeless Triage and Treatment Center for substance use detox and/or psychiatric stabilization.

The Outreach Navigation Program helps initiate/reinstate treatment for homeless individuals with serious mental illness and those needing court-ordered intervention to facilitate treatment. By building rapport and trust with unsheltered individuals through regular visits, service fairs, night outreach, and street medicine initiatives, our dedicated outreach teams provide a vital lifeline to those who may otherwise slip through the cracks.

Through the Relocation Program, 42 individuals were reunited with loved ones on neighboring islands, the U.S. “mainland,” and beyond. Individuals also received support with vital document replacement, airfare assistance, flight arrangements, ground transportation, and a travel essentials kit. Central to the success of the relocation program is the transformative power of reconciliation of family members and belief in changing one’s life for the better.

As we continue to adapt and expand our outreach efforts, the heart of our efforts remains the same: to connect those experiencing homelessness with the resources, support, and hope they need to navigate their way to sustained permanent housing.

Individuals reunited with family through our Relocation Program

Total Individuals: 42

2019: An additional outreach hub is established in Waikiki with a weekly service depot and evening outreach. 14 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs
2019: IHS starts managing two community re-entry homes, Beacon of Hope for women and House of Redemption for men.


Emergency shelters provide immediate shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. Services available at emergency shelters include intake assessment, three meals a day, health screening, hot showers, laundry, mail service, phones, and access to supportive services such as case management, employment, and housing placement.

IHS’ emergency shelters are more than just places to sleep; they have spaces for guests to connect and build community:

Sumner Men’s Shelter: The first floor is a mixed-use space for guests to sleep at night and use as a multipurpose room during the day. The second-floor houses two dormitories, including our Veteran’s bunker.

Kaaahi Women’s and Family Shelter: The dining room doubles as a classroom, meeting space, and a place to share meals.

Hale Mauliola Housing Navigation Shelter: The central hale, a barbecue pavilion and an open air pavilion near meditation gardens served as gathering places where guests could enjoy meals, meet to talk story, and participate in pau hana and community social events.

Across IHS’ emergency shelters, on-site classes such as selfconfidence, stress management, anger management, and financial literacy, supported guests to develop skills vital to facing and overcoming obstacles of life.

Clients served through Emergency Shelters Total Clients Served: 1,449 656 288 254 Sumner Men’s Shelter Kaaahi Women’s Shelter Kaaahi Family Shelter Hale Mauliola 251
2020: IHS operates the Temporary Quarantine and Isolation Center (TQIC) to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the homeless community. 15 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
2020: A fourth Medical Respite “Tutu Bert” Home and a second community re-entry home for men opens in Pearl City.


pecialty shelters are tailored to address specific needs of guests requiring specialized care. Guests of these shelters may be externally referred and sometimes transition to other emergency shelters when special needs have been addressed.

The “Tutu Bert” Medical Respite Homes provide shelter for homeless adults discharged by local hospitals who may require home care. Rather than returning to life on the streets, guests can complete their recovery from injury or illness safely which also allows a period to work with case managers and housing specialists toward permanent placement, if possible.

The Kalihi-Uka Recovery Homes shelter homeless adults enrolled in or awaiting entry into substance use recovery treatment programs. In a shared house with peers participating in similar

programs, guests encourage one another to live in sobriety and work toward a better life.

The Veterans Engaged in Transition (V.E.T.) House is designed to honor those who have served in their efforts to overcome homelessness. Veterans’ case managers are well versed in navigating the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA) system and applying for all eligible benefits in support of veterans

By offering specialized support and a safe environment for recovery, these shelters serve as a vital bridge between homelessness and stability, empowering guests to overcome challenges and work towards permanent housing solutions. The success stories that emerge from these programs are a testament to the transformative impact of IHS’ personcentered approach and the dedication of our staff in helping individuals rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.

Clients served through Specialty Shelters Total Clients Served: 295
Tutu Bert Medical Respite
Home V.E.T. House 170 24 101
Kalihi-Uka Recovery
first property to operate as its fifth Medical
16 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs
2020: IHS begins servicing the Homeless Outreach and Navigation for Unsheltered Persons (HONU) program at Ke‘ehi Lagoon.
IHS purchases its
Respite “Tutu Bert” Home.


The meal program has been at the heart of IHS since our beginning. Nutritious hot meals remind current and prospective clients that they are respected and valued. The IHS Kitchen prepared and served meals to both our shelter guests and unsheltered community members three times a day, seven days a week.

Throughout the year, on average, each day, the meal program serves 945 meals to guests staying at our emergency shelters, specialty shelters, and unsheltered persons near our emergency shelters.

In partnership with the Hawaii Food Bank, monthly community-focused “Ohana Meal Drops” continued in front of the men’s shelter and at Kahauiki Village. These food distribution events enable community, individuals, and families to collect fresh groceries to restock their refrigerators at home.

This year, IHS launched LeaderServe Fridays, an opportunity for community and business leaders to spend a Friday serving lunch at our Sumner Men’s Shelter and connect with shelter guests and staff.

Through the unwavering support of our volunteers, donors, and community partners, we will continue to harness the transformative power of food as we work towards a future where everyone has a place to call home.

Total Meals Served by IHS Meal Program Meals Served 344,895 359,159 255,145
2021: Village of Redemption opens, expanding IHS’ Community Re-entry locations to three for formerly incarcerated men.
IHS. 17 Our Programs FY2023 Annual Report
2022: aio Foundation entrusts complete management
Kahauiki Village to


Volunteers are the backbone and heart of our organization. Individuals from schools, churches, businesses, civic groups, and the military generously have supported our mission with donation drives, preparing and serving meals, assistance around our offices, as well as offering pro-bono professional services. Healthcare professionals and students have also served as volunteers and interns to augment service delivery by staff across our sites and programs.

Local organizations, businesses, and individuals gave their time and talents this year to refreshing the Kaaahi Women’s and Family Shelter’s children’s classroom and garden. Century 21 and the General Contractors Association worked together to raise funds and organize the renovation. Volunteers painted cabinets and the outside walls,

and then refurbished and extended the garden deck and children’s planter boxes. We even worked with a local graffiti artist named Render who spraypainted a mural inside of our garden walls.

We owe a huge mahalo to groups such as The First Presbyterian Church Choir and YMCA’s Camp Erdman for stepping up while our Kitchen was closed for maintenance.

As part of her Gold Award application, a high school volunteer named Lina built mobile greenhouses and created a hands-on learning curriculum and weekly classes for our keiki at Kahauiki Village.

Across all of our programs and services, volunteers worked alongside staff to support our clients and guests in their respective journeys of healing and recovery.

14,828 total hours 76 groups

458 individuals

2022: IHS launches a Community Integrated Services case management program for chronically homeless individuals not staying at shelters.
2022: IHS’ Kahauiki Village joins Aloha United Way’s ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Cohort.
18 FY2023 Annual Report Our Programs



Private Contributions

Government Grants

Specialty Homes

Fee for Services

In-Kind Donations



Social Services

Meal Services

Case Management

Homeless Outreach


Medical Services

Housing Services

Long-Term Housing

Management & General


Total Expenses










$2,463,509 $580,353


IHS has received exceptional ratings by core philanthropic evaluators that assessed fiscal responsibility, financial health, accountability, and transparency; repeatedly awarded four out of four stars by Charity Navigator.

For a copy of the complete FY2023 audited report, contact us at info@ihshawaii.org. IHS is a highly trusted

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$ 27,338,496
Total Revenue
$3,449,181 $13,551,506 $2,667,150 $3,432,930 $2,394,952 $1,518,023 $146,488 $178,266
2023: IHS Intensive Case Management services expands island-wide.
2023: ‘Imi Ola Piha Homeless Triage Center opens.
non-profit organization among
8.8% 11.6% 12.6% 9.8% 18.8% 49.6% 7.8% 12.6% 35.1% 5.6% 9.1% 19 Our Financials FY2023 Annual Report


Thank you to all of the following donors for their generous support during this fiscal year, and to the many individuals and organizations who helped in countless other ways.


• Aditi Fund

• Aloha United Way

• Frederick M. Casciano Trust

• Integra LifeSciences Corp

• Ruth N.and Arthur A. Ushijima


• Atherton Family Foundation

• Bank of Hawaii Foundation

• Matthew J. and Dianne Cox

• East Bay Community Foundation

• George P. & Ida Tenney Castle Fund

• Gertraud G. Maskarinec

• The Gift Foundation of Hawaii

• Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.

• Nareit Foundation

• Zilber Family Foundation


• Bombas

• The Cades Foundation

• The Larry Coltrane Revocable Trust

• Hawaii Pacific Health

• Ellen M. Koenig Memorial Fund of the HCF

• Joseph C. Leonardo

• Jack H. Lirio

• Patricia A. L. Moore

• The Pettus Foundation

• The Jhamandas Watumull Fund

• G.N. Wilcox Trust

• 5 Minute Pharmacy LLC

• Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.

• Sally S. and Duane P. Bartholomew

• The Estate of Anna Maria Brault

• Bright Funds

• The Estate of Faye Kennedy Daly

• Henry D. Damon

• The Estate of Ruth Doyle

• D.R. Horton

• Edna L Covalt Charitable Trust

• First American Title

• First Hawaiian Bank Foundation

• Ku’u Park

• The Ben And Miriam Lau Foundation

• Lotte Championship

• Steven C. H. and Jill Loui

• Mary Lou Cecil Charitable Trust

• Susan W. Masterson

• Jean & William K. H. Mau Foundation

• Thomas & Sumie McCabe Foundation

• The Frances McClurkin Trust

• Audrey L. Mueh

$10,000+ $5,000+

• Richard Hastings

• Hawaii Foodbank

• Hawaii H.O.M.E Project

• Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.

• Hawaiian Sunshine Nursery Inc

• Honolulu Lodge No.616 BPOE

• Seiki R. and Judy R. Ifuku

• Lynne and Randolph G. Johnson

• Robert L. Keller and Betty Jean Keller Charitable Foundation

• Kualoa Ranch Foundation

• Carolyn H. and Lawrence S. Okinaga

• Order of Malta Western Association USA

• R.M. Towill Corporation

• Rinell Wood Systems Inc.

• Serendipity II Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation

• Southwest Airlines

• Keith & Polly Steiner Family Foundation

• Dennis K. and Jean M. Toyama

• Ronald Y. and Judy M. Yamamoto

• A-1 A-lectrician, Inc.

• Aiea United Methodist Church

• AT&T Hawaii

• Bayer Fund

• Benevity Community Impact Fund

• Thomas & Elizabeth Brodhead Foundation

• Frederic Brossy

• Donald & Alana Busekrus

• Buzz’s Original Steak House

20 FY2023 Annual Report Our Donors

• Christine Camp

• Alexander F. and Susan Christensen

• Marilyn J. and Schuyler Cole

• Edward K. Conklin

• Dearonne and Pamela Bethea Foundation Gift Fund

• Christopher K. Edwards

• Enterprise Holdings Foundation

• Ernest & Margaret (Peggy) Kai Charitable Foundation

• Steve and Gloria Gainsley Fund of the HCF

• Geolabs, Inc.

• Girls Scouts Troop 1075

• Lisa M. and Darin Gould

• Gray Hong Nojima & Associates

• David Green

• Marvin B. and Rae A. Hall

• Harmony Chapter #4, OES

• Hawaii Council of Churches

• Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation

• Edward Hope

• InSynergy Engineering, Inc.

• Tad Y. and Carol Iwanuma

• Larry Johnson

• Kaikor Construction Group Inc.

• Kama’aina Kids

• KY International, Inc.

• The John and Maria Laffin Trust

• Mililani High School

• Mililani Middle School

• Carolyn H. Nakagawa

• Gretchen Osgood

• Pacific Rainbow Foundation

• Par Hawaii, Inc.

• Marilyn G. Rigterink

• Abigail and Clifton W. Royston

• S & M Sakamoto, Inc.

• Sean Santiago

• Soroptimist International of Honolulu

• Dennis J. Streveler

• Linda P. and Leighton Taylor

• United Airlines

• Stanley H. Uyehara

• Mary & Paul Wagner Charitable Fund of the HCF

• Marianne K. Whiting

• Carolyn A. Wilkinson

• Marilyn J. Zilber


• Jane and Shunji Adachi

• aio Foundation

• Joseph Aoki

• Atlas Insurance Agency Foundation

• Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

Hawaii Realty

• Thomas Borland

• Celia and Gordon A. Bowker

• Bristol Hospice

• Antoinette G. Brown

• Central Union Church

• Century 21 iProperties Hawaii

• Theodora L. and Chauncey T. K. Ching

• Chung Kun Ai Foundation

• Engineering Employees Services Corp

• Daniel J. Fischberg

• Foodland Super Market, Ltd.

• Marion C. and Dudley W. Foster

• Stephen Gilbride

• Michael A. and Esme Gold

• Winifred Harada

• Richard A. Heltzel

• International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

• Glenn Y. Ishioka

• Akiva Jesselson

• Michael Jones

• Kakatu Foundation

• Melvin Y. and Nancy E. Kaneshige

• Henry C. and Fay A. King

• Kipapa Elementary

• Knights of Pythias, Mystic Lodge #2

• Barbara E. and Dennis S. Kohara

• Kuakini Medical Center

• David Morimoto

• Kelly Laa

• Sherry W. Loo

• Roger and Helen MacArthur Foundation Fund of the HCF

• Matson, Inc.

• Heidi R. Maxie

• Wade and Harue McVay Family Foundation Fund of the HCF

• Mililani ‘Ike Elementary

• Mililani Mauka Elementary

• Mililani Uka Elementary

• Yasuko Mitsuyasu New Year’s Day Meal Fund of HCF

• Gary S. Miyamoto

• The Moore Financial Group LLC

• Ninth Avenue Charitable Fund

• John Noland

• Pikake Foundation Inc

• Planning Solutions, Inc.

• Ralph E. and Pakinee Portmore

• Lauren & Jared Rish

• Robert J. Clancey

• Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii

• ROSES Systems Solutions

• Thomas F. Shiu

• Shannon Smith

• Elizabeth R. Staley

• Teach for America

• Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation

• United Way Worldwide

• Patrick K. S. L. and Sandy M. Yim

• Yuen-Matsumoto IHS Endowment of HCF

• Ivena M. Ziegenhein Fund of the HCF


• Ryan Abella

• Carolyn C. and Simeon R. Acoba

• Patricia E. G. Adams

• Meshal Albaiz

• Camilla B. Albert

• Alsco Uniforms

• American Academy of Family Physicians

• Armstrong Foundation

• Aston Wakiki

• Kandi Ayakawa

• Chris Beddow

• Robert J. and Sandra I. Bellizzi

• Gardner and Patricia Bemis

• Peter R. and Valerie L. Besenbruch

• Kimberly C. Biggs

• John R. and Susan C. Boken

• Dennis T. Bolger

• Daniel B. and Gloria N. Boylan

• Scott and Rachel Bradley

• Elizabeth L. Bremer

• Alan Bryant

• Jill V. and Norbert M. Buelsing

• Robin K. Campaniano

• Christopher Campbell

• Cardiology Clinic

• Timothy E. and Elizabeth S. Carlson

• William W. Carreira

• Ju Chan

• Sharon K. and Walter G. C. Chong

• Donna J. Christle

• Lina Chun

• Clay Chapman Iwamura Pulice & Nervell

• Stephen and Donna A. Craven

• Robert M. Creps and Debra Pfaltzgraff

• CSW, Inc.

• Dahl Family Charitable Fund

• Dawn Lino

• H. M. D’Olier

• Jacqueline L. and John Earle

• John P. Emery

• Charlene G. and Doug M. Eroh

21 Our Donors FY2023 Annual Report

• Renee S. Evans

• John and Rebecca Faunce

• The Feldstein Foundation

• Salvador U. Fiesta

• Fine Art Restoration

• The First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawaii

• First Church of Christ, Scientist

• Malia Foley

• Sondra J. Fram

• Geoff and Lena Galbraith

• Helen E. Gary

• Geotech Solutions, Inc.

• German Benevolent Society of Honolulu Charitable Fund HCF

• Lena Ghokasian

• Benjamin and Yvonne Godsey

• Garrett G. Goo

• Gourmet Foods Hawaii

• James B. Graves

• Greek Orthodox Church

• Green Drop LLC

• GU Hawaii Club

• Warren S. Hananoki

• Patricia K. Hara

• Harris United Methodist Church

• Diane D. and Mark H. Hastert

• Hawaii Polo Inn

• Hawaii TMK Service Inc.

• Hawaiian Isle Real Estate

• HawaiiUSA FCU Foundation

• Healy Tibbitts Builders, Inc.

• Eric N. Hill

• Lynn A. Hirashima

• Gerald A. and Lorraine T. Hirokawa

• Joanne M. Hogle

• Ida M. Holtsinger

• HonBlue

• The Honolulu Friends Meeting

• Pegge M. Hopper

• Donna M. Howard

• James A. and Karen Howell

• Independent Order of Odd Fellows Excelsior Lodge #1

• Lance M. and Jillian Inouye

• Iolani School

• Sean H. Ishii

• Janell A. Israel

• Jennifer S. Jackson

• Jayar Construction, Inc.

• Jean M. Jaycox

• Jennifer Leung

• James and Monica Jennings

• Donald L. Johnston

• Jonathan Linck

• Amanda Jones

• Kent Jones

• Paul W. and Ann Jones

• Wesley L. and Fay M. Jones

• Kailua Lodge #2230 BPO Elks

• Kailua United Methodist Church

• Steve and Lois Kakuni

• Steven G. Kam

• Kamehameha Lions Club Foundation

• Walter K. and Audrey Kawaa

• Kawaiaha’o Church

• Catherine and Steven Kawamura

• Andrew R. Keith

• Judith Kern

• Janice P. Kim

• Jeananne B. Kim

• Maurine King

• Kathleen K. and Barry H. Kishimoto

• Cami L. Kloster and Jonathan L. Scheuer

• Knights of Columbus St Ann Council 14620

• Koga Engineering & Construction, Inc.

• L.J. Brey, Inc.

• Carolyn C. Lalakea

• Shirley F. and Walter J. Laskey

• Alexander Lau

• Lansdale D. and Deborah Lau

• Abraham Lee

• Geraldine Lee

• Marlene H. Lee

• John D. Lewis

• Mary Lou and Peter C. Lewis

• Peter C. and Satoko K. Lincoln

• Bernice Littman

• Tony Makuakane Potter

• Robert L. and Roberta L. Mann

• Manoa Valley Church

• Gina Marting

• Melvyn S. Masuda

• Barbara and Marvin G. Mathews

• Wayne K. and Charlene M. Matsumoto

• Kenneth T. and Diane E. Matsuura

• Verna and Robert F. Maynard

• Mark McKeague

• Marian E. Melish

• Victor and Pat A. Meyers

• Mililani Waena Elementary

• Mary Miller

• Michael M. and Nadine Y. Miyahira

• Amy and Harold T. Miyamoto

• Michael T. Moore

• Ms. Leila Morinaga

• John K. Morioka

• Dwight K. and Mary Morita

• Martha Lee Mullen

• Anne M. and Cat Murphy

• Suzanne and Jerry Murphy

• Na Lei Aloha Foundation

• Lauren S. Nahme

• Neil Nakamura

• Conduit Fund, Suzanne Nakano

• Nakashima Ching LLC

• Allen D. and Sue Ann M. Napoleon

• Ernie W. Nearman

• Newberry Family Foundation

• John S. and Kristin Nitao

• Joyce T. Nouchi

• Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary LLC

• Paul T. Okano

• Susie M. and Gary S. Ota

• Outrigger Malia

• Dennis O. Pacht

• Dr. & Mrs. L.Q. Pang Foundation

• Michael W. H. Pang

• Robert L. Pascua

• Pasha Hawaii Transport Lines LLC

• Pearl City Highlands Elementary School

• Robert Pennybacker

• Pohai Nani Good Samaritan Society

• Robert J. Porter

• J. William Potter

• April M. Putnam

• Deborah A. Putnam and Robert E. Laguens

• Gregory E. Ravizza

• Heidi M. Rian

• Karen N. Robertshaw

• Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates

• Royal Contracting Co., Ltd.

• Lee Saito

• Kenneth M. Sakurai

• Cheryl-Lynn N. Sasaki

• Ms. Pamela Sato

• George J. Schmelzer and Judith K. Inazu

• Marsha Schweitzer

• Susan and Susan Scott

• Miriam Sharma

• Susanne Y. and David Y. Shimabukuro

• Michael and Susan D. Shire

• Shiro’s Saimin Haven

• Douglas C. Smith

• Frank W. and Laura Smith

• Michael E. and Laurel A. Solomon

• Mollie and Mark Sperry

• SSFM International Engineers, Inc.

• St. Clement’s Episcopal Church

• St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

• Keith and Jeri J. Steiner

• Steven C. Ai Charitable Gift Fund

• Nancy S. and Jeffrey Y. Sue

• Sean Sugai

22 FY2023 Annual Report Our Donors

• Yuriko J. Sugimura

• David Suzuki

• Jolene N. and Benjamin T. Taga

• Mark H. and Lianne R. Tagami

• Sara T. and Paul Y. Tamayose

• Clyde Tamura

• Richard E. Tanaka

• Jennifer Taylor and Paul White

• Michael G. and Terri Taylor

• Brennan Tom

• Jeanne K. and Robert S. Tsushima

• Janet T. Umemoto

• Lynne T. and Kevin Unemori

• John J. and Saro Verghese

• Waiokeola Congregational Church

• Marion M. Walker

• Juli M. Walters

• Yuji and Judy Wang

• Terence Wesley-Smith and Laura Dell Sherrill

• Patricia M. and Wiencke

• Timothy C. Wilhelm

• Paulette L. and Robert W. Wo

• Barbara H. Wong

• Nathan A. Wong

• Marcia D. Wright

• Louis P. Xigogianis

• Stanley S. Yamaoka

• Jan Yokota and Kip Wilborn

• Dwight L. and Wynnona L. Y. Yoshimura


Donations were made in honor of the following individuals:

• Jean Adair-Leland

• Gloria and Eric Adams

• Audrey W. and William W. Ahana

• Albie

• Wendy Allex

• Jimmy Borges

• John L. and Wendy M. Brizdle

• Valerie Chang Campaniano

• Pete W. Schempf

• Lloyd F. and Aileen H. Char

• Danny

• Jay Patrick Durant

• Roberta R. DuTeil

• Crisanto and Mary Alice Eduarte

• Gary and Jo Evoniuk

• Maria A. Fines Etrata

• Tama H. Fukuyama

• Betty and Oscar Gelber

• Tony and Irene Gomez

• John R. Heidel

• Leta A. Herman

• Eric N. Hill

• Florence Emilie Hoffman Hill

• Walter Y. Hiranaka

• Herbert K. and Jeanette F. Inouye

• Audrey A. Keller

• Lynne M. Kobayashi

• Brenda C.K. Lee

• Justice Steven Levinson

• Walter Anthony Lichota

• John and Ruth Lockett

• Bertha Y. Lum

• Francis Chan Hing Lum

• Beatrice J. Marcus

• Gregory G. Maskarinec

• Michael T. McEnerney

• Morgan and Sarah McKeown

• Ross Moody

• Barbara Morrison

• Mark Mugiishi

• John W. (Jack) Mullen

• Norman B. Nam

• Diane and Lani Neill

• Joyce Nunokawa

• Sharifeh Saee

• Alexandra Shiroma

• Nathan Solomon

• Betty K. Toda

• George Q.W. Tom

• Kenneth M. Umemoto

• Dick and Debby Wong

• Richard Yamashige

23 Our Donors FY2023 Annual Report

IHS Managed Facilities:






Kahauiki Village

Re-Entry Supportive Housing






Kahauiki Village

Re-Entry Supportive Housing

Kahauiki Village



Shelter HONU Service Fair Joint Outreach Center
IHS Managed Facilities: Emergency
Medical Respite
‘Imi Ola Piha - Homeless Triage and Treatment
*Shaded areas represent IHS’ primary outreach
Shelter HONU Service Fair
Outreach Center
Respite Home
Ola Piha - Homeless
and Treatment Center
primary outreach
service areas
areas represent IHS’
Service Partnerships IHS Managed Facilities:
Shelter HONU Service Fair
Outreach Center
Respite Home
‘Imi Ola Piha - Homeless Triage and Treatment Center
Follow IHS @ihshawaii | IHS hawaii.org | 126 Queen Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
areas represent IHS’ primary outreach and service areas Service Partnerships

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