Turf Line News - May Issue

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Vol .250•Apr i l-May 2017


CanadaPostPubl i cat i onsAgr eementNo.41926518




Top St or i es 51

'Dad and th e Dandel i ons' WCTA M ember Resource Fi nal V ersi on

2017 WCTA Li f e M ember A w ard Reci pi ents




2017 Conference Fundraising Efforts Successful


CEC Tracking Program Member Question of the Month


Management of European Chafer Double Shot


How to Report Your Pesticide Use


Athletic Field Paint and the Turfgrass Response






Cover St or y

58 CEC Tracking Program Member Question of

the Month

51 'Dad and the Dandelions' WCTA Member

Resource - Final Version Regu lar Colu m n s

66 Membership Is For Everyone 68

7 Top Image: SCGA 13 The President's Report: One Winter for the

Record Books!

17 Look Who's Joined the WCTA & Call for 2017

Member Dues Payment 38 Boardroom Yarn #52: Who's Got Your Back?

Associat ion New s 10 Introducing the New WCTA Board of

Directors 23 Executive Director Update - April 2017 35 2017 AGM Minutes 39

2017 WCTA Student Award Winners Announced

40 Olson Named Finance Director for 2nd Term 41 In Profile: 2017 WCTA Life Member Award Recipients 54 "Why is Nobody Replying to my Great Job


Coming Events Summary Updated April 2017 In du st r y New s

15 IPM Manual Update 33

Management of European Chafer Double Shot

45 WCTA Announces 2017 Turf Research

Project Funding

57 How to Report Your Pesticide Use 59 Athletic Field Paint and the Turfgrass


70 BC Golf Association Supports Anti-Bullying

in Sport Campaign Con f er en ce New s 20 2017 Conference Fundraising Efforts

Successful 26 A Note of Thanks to our Penticton

Conference Exhibitors 30 Penticton Turf Management Conference

Image Anthology




Photo Credit: Jerry Rousseau

SCGA A slide wit h relevant m essaging from Sout h Cal Golf Associat ion?s Kevin Heaney during a present at ion at last year ?s BC Golf Associat ion AGM on indust ry advocacy.






NEWS In t r odu cin g t h e New WCTA Boar d of Dir ect or s

Over 60 WCTA m em bers at t ended t he 2017 Annual General Meet ing held Friday, February 17t h at t he Pent ict on Trade and Convent ion Cent re. With an equal number of nominees for Officer and Directors as there were positions open, the new Board was established by acclamation. A personal note to the new Board from the WCTA President, Peter Sorokovsky, follows.

PRESIDENT: Peter Sorokovsky City of Burnaby, Parks, Rec & Cultural Services (604) 297-4494 peter.sorokovsky@burnaby.ca

VICE PRESIDENT: Norley Calder City of Calgary Parks (403) 268-8484 norley.calder@calgary.ca

FINANCE DIRECTOR: Travis Olson Kamloops Golf and Country Club (250) 319-4669 trav_olson@hotmail.com

TWO YEAR DIRECTORS: Davin Marr Hillview Golf Course (250) 549-4653 davintmarr@hotmail.com

DIRECTORS WITH ONE YEAR REM AINING: Andre Dionne City of Coquitlam (604) 927-6246 adionne@coquitlam.ca

Stan Kazymerchyk KPU Turf Management (604) 599-3295 stan.kazymerchyk@kpu.ca

Frits Verkerk Gallagher 's Canyon Golf Course (250) 861-4040 fverkerk@golfbc.com

Cameron Watt Redwoods Golf Course (778) 840-8161 camfwatt@gmail.com

PAST PRESIDENT: Jason Pick Olds College (403) 556-8243 jpick@oldscollege.ca

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Jerry Rousseau Box 698 Hope, B.C V0X 1L0 (604) 869-9282 O exec.director@wctaturf.com

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Leslie Carnell admin@wctaturf.com Email addresses are provided for WCTA business and inquires only. Permission is not given or implied to use addresses listed on this website for unsolicitted emails.





On e Win t er f or t h e Recor d Book s! Wow, that was, still feels like, one winter for the record books in many parts of western Canada. For the lower mainland of BC, it was incredible that the Farmer ?s Almanac predicted it almost to the hour (I jest) but they did get it close. For their December forecast it said ?Snowstorm? three times and they only missed the dates by a day or two each time. Although only the 17th most snowfall on record, it was the ?gloomiest? March ever recorded, so if you have damage on your turf after the snow cover lifted and with temperatures below seasonal, seed germination was, is still, slow. Good luck growing it out, I feel your pain. Many other challenges are also present for the coming year, such as reduced use proposals and deregistration of ?older ?

fungicide chemistries from the PMRA, mandatory water restrictions in various locations and negative perceptions of the turf industry (i.e. ?Dad and the Dandelions?). We will continue to work hard to influence the various stakeholders and decision makers for the benefit of our members. There were other reasons for a challenging start to the season. The market was saturated (turfgrass pun intended) with opportunity to learn in British Columbia. So many tradeshows and only limited budgets to attend caused most managers to choose. Starting with the VIGSA event in November, STMA in January, GIS in February, WCTA in February, BCGSA/CGSA in March, and lastly the USGA in March those, limited budgets, were stretched very thin for both individuals and suppliers. This year, I hope to work with our allied groups to reduce the amount of competition and create more collaboration however, there will still be competition for discretionary spending due to the difficult start to the year. I am sure we have all been told in CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


one way or another to tighten the purse strings. With that said, it?s important to know that competition, whether its athletics, business, personal achievement, or not-for-profit associations, typically brings the cream to the top. The WCTA is proud to say that we had another successful year ending September 2016 and kept on

rolling into 2017 with a well-produced and supported tradeshow and conference. Our conference budgetary goals were exceeded by over $10K and we anticipate net revenue for the year a modest $3500 (after directing an additional $1500 to turf research) instead of a planned loss of about the same amount. The Board of Directors and Executive Director wish to thank you, the membership, for your continued support; we will continue to lead this diverse and great industry to the best of our ability. Although 2017 has had a tough start, there are better days ahead. The Farmer ?s Almanac predicts a warmer and drier May and seasonal temps, but slightly wetter, for June and July which should mean less pressure on water restrictions. Take all your holidays in August as the prediction is for drier and warmer. Right now drier and warmer sounds good, but as Dave Fair would always say to me when times get tough ?chin up?, well chin up everyone, let?s try to enjoy the rest of your season. Respectfully submitted, Peter Sorokovsky, WCTA President




IPM M an u al Updat e A major rewrite to the IPM Manual for Turfgrass Managers, originally a resource produced in partnership between the WCTA and the BC Ministry of Agriculture in the early 2000's, is well underway. Funded entirely by a $35,000 grant from the BC Ministry of Environment, work began last fall after an RFP for the rewrite was circulated. CropHealth Advising and Research, Mario Lanthier Principal, was awarded the contract to produce this free, online resource, the creation of which is being steered by the BC Allied Golf Association's 'Environmental Advocacy Committee'.

discussion at the WCTA?s conference in Penticton last month. He is expecting to have the legal aspects of our IPM Manual ready by the end of this month. This part will have all of the regulatory components that we need to understand and follow. The Pest Profile component will be a bit longer, no exact date yet. Mario has visited many sites collecting data and photos, has sent those samples he collected from our sites to Guelph for analysis. He has gone to three turfgrass conferences to do as he says ?to catch up with the current knowledge?. There is no doubt that the information and pictures he?s acquiring will make our manual one of the best in the world. Finally, on this topic you may hear from him asking for a site visit, he wants to get out and see molds that have grown

CropHealthAdvisingandResearch,Mario Lanthier Principal,wasawardedthecontract toproducethisfree,onlineresource,the creationof whichisbeingsteeredbytheBC AlliedGolf Association's'Environmental AdvocacyCommittee'.

Committee Chair Keith Lyall, Sun Peaks Resort, recently submitted the following update:

"Firstly, Mario Lanthier and I had a long

over the winter, specifically Grey Snow Mold. If you have any active, please let him or I know and so he can get some samples." Completion of the IPM Manual is expected early this summer.





Look Wh o's Join ed t h e WCTA & Call f or 2017 M em ber Du es Paym en t As a unified voice for the professional golf and sportsturf management industry in western Canada, the WCTA is now 728 m em ber s strong! Last year we welcomed 84 new members and in our new fiscal year started October 1st, we have already welcomed 46 n ew m em ber s. Welcome and thank you for your support and confidence in our association. We also communicate with about 1600 non-WCTA members and would like to thank everyone on our mailing list for your interest in WCTA activities.

2017 dues invoicing has been completed. For facilities with multiple members, invoices were emailed early November and for individuals, they were mailed mid-November. If you haven't seen your dues invoice or to remit your 2017 payment by credit card, please contact Leslie at admin@wctaturf.com Du es paym en t opt ion s n ow in clu de t h e f ollow in g: -



PayPal - go t o w w w.w ct a-on lin e, click Pay In voice at t h e bot t om of t h e h om e page em ail/ scan you r in voice t o u s at exec.dir ect or @w ct at u r f .com w it h cc paym en t -f ax you r in voice w it h cc paym en t t o 1-866-366-5097 call Leslie at (604) 780-9130 w it h a cc n u m ber m ail a ch equ e t o WCTA, Box 698, Hope, BC V0X 1L0

If you know someone who would benefit from a WCTA membership, ie Turf Line News, annual conference, membership roster, job postings, CEC program, etc, have them visit our online sign-up page at http://www.wctaturf.com/forms/joinwcta.php PLEASE EXTEND A WARM WELCOM E TO OUR M OST RECENT NEW AND RETURNED WCTA M EM BERS: Steve Beasley City of Surrey Parks Warren Blue Two Eagles Golf Course Marcus Boutilier City of Edmonton Allison Brown Forestar Golf Sales Jason Chanasyk March Meadows Golf Club Bill Field Forestar Golf Sales CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Margot Hollinger BC Ministry of Environment Daniel Howie Sun Peaks Resort Mike Howie District of North Vancouver Parks Patrick Johnson Brett Young


Alyssa Lake Belvedere G&CC Erik Landsvik City of Port Alberni Parks Curtis Leganaar City of Port Alberni Parks Brennan Lessick Kwantlen Turf Management Shawn Marjoram BrettYoung Yvonne McNab Municipality of Jasper Margaret Mills City of Nanaimo Parks Gord Nicholson Fairview Golf Club Brady Penson Bootleg Gap Golf


Tom Peterson City of Surrey Parks Gerald Rees City of Saskatoon Kevin Robertson Surrey Golf Club Mark Sands Pheasant Glen Golf Resort Justin Smidt Glencoe G&CC Peter Spindlove Westwood Plateau G&CC Barry Teichroeb Westbank First Nation Jason Thompson Kwantlen Turf Management Jason Tonks The Canal at Delacour Tim Vannice Summerland Golf Club Michael Wallace City of Nanaimo Parks Mike Walsh Lakepoint G&CC Keith Wojtkiw Radium Hot Springs Resort Darren Work City of Nanaimo Parks Susan Zaric City of Nanaimo Parks

Consider a contribution to pink snow mold research. Member dues invoices include an area on the form to indicate a financial contribution from your facility. The WCTA thanks everyone for supporting the projects that help support the turf industry! Like all associations, we lose members too. Congratulations to retirees Bob Garnett, Len Walters, Larry Stansfield, Don Castron, Dale Daniels, Jacob Colyn and Hugh McDonald and all the best to those who have moved to greener pastures!





2017 Con f er en ce Fu n dr aisin g Ef f or t s Su ccessf u l Conference t im e is m uch m ore t han a gat hering of t urf m anagem ent professionals seeking educat ion, net working and a t rade show, it ?s a t im e of philant hropy, a chance t o give back in a variet y of ways.

at turf research project funding that supports the turf management industry. Thank you to all who contributed and of course the bidders, as without either, the auction would not be possible. Special thanks also to Syd and Janice Pickerell for administering the auction and WCTA staffer, Leslie Carnell for her efforts securing auction items. For final results of this year ?s Silent Auction CLICK HERE. For last year ?s turf research summary report CLICK HERE. Over the past few years, the Kwantlen Turf Club has done an extraordinary job in many areas including raising money for

We?re humbled by the tremendous efforts on this front and are pleased to make the following post-conference fundraising announcements.


Our 2017 Silent Auction was ?relocated?to the Dave Creamer Memorial Hockey Game evening social, raising $4,451 aimed

You bet, let's have a few beverages and then start the bidding!

KPU Turf Club members acknowledged during the AGM, thanks guys!

KPU Turf Club President, Josh Carlsen (right), presents WCTA President and Research Chair Peter Sorokovsky with $4160 Research contribution. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


turf research. The fact is, student efforts are now second only to the aforementioned annual Silent Auction, this year raising an impressive $4,160, a new record! Winners of this year ?s golf package contest are listed below and again, we need to thank prize donors and ticket purchasers for their support. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank students for their tireless volunteer assistance with conference production. 1. Fairmont Hot Springs, Copper Point, Grey Wolf ? Chappy 2. Crown Isle, Morningstar, Qualicum Beach - Scott Regamble 3. Richmond, Westwood Plateau, Fraserglen ? Donald Freschi 4. Summerland, N?KMip, Penticton - Jeff Johnson 5. Northlands, Squamish Valley, Fort Langley - Cam Murchison 6. Kamloops, Eagle Point, Rivershore Barb Kelly 7. Cranbrook, St. Eugene Mission, Wildstone - Dave Duncan 8. Surrey, Guildford, Tall Timbers - Felix Arnouse 9. Bear Mountain, Olympic View, Highlands - Charles Mueller 10. Kelowna, Gallaghers Canyon, Tower Ranch - Jason Andrew KPU Turf Management putting challenge hoodie winners - Jason Bird and Barry Evans Last but certainly not least, hats off to Larry Olson of the Penticton Golf Club and Jeff Bennett of Mabel Lake Golf Course for taking on the challenge of hosting this

The puck drops here! (that's Jason Pick, WCTA President in the stripes keeping things under control as usual)

Everybody wins at the DCM hockey game. Great effort players and coaches, and thanks to all the fans for cheering them on! year ?s Dave Creamer Memorial Hockey Game. The participating players need to take a bow as well with their collective entry fees raising $500 for the Dave Creamer Scholarship fund. Sponsors played a key role also, generously covering things like icetime and insurance, so that all player fees could go directly to supporting the scholarship. TURF HEALTH PRODUCTS PRAIRIE COAST EQUIPMENT CPS EVERGRO While it?s still cold and wintery outside, these charitable efforts warm the heart and say a lot about the sportsturf management industry at large. Keep up the great work!





Execu t ive Dir ect or Updat e Apr il 2017 Industry advocacy has been a prominent topic of conversation amongst most golf industry associations for some time with efforts escalating over the past 6-8 weeks or so since the Suzuki program ?Dad and the Dandelions?was aired by CBC. On February 17th (the last day of our conference), the WCTA broke news that the March 2nd broadcast of CBC?s THE NATURE OF THINGS, focused on golf course use of pesticides. According to the media preview, ?there now exists a groundbreaking revelation uncovering the deceptively deadly nature of the golf course and the role of pesticides in maintaining its lethal beauty.? The morning after the broadcast, the National Allied Golf Association, lead by the NGCOA, released a ?FAQ Document For Golf ?intended to support golf industry

personnel if/when fielding questions and concerns from media, golfers, the public, etc, regarding the use of pesticides on golf courses in Canada. Immediately after the NAGA document?s release, we were in touch with Jeff Calderwood at the NGCOA to express concerns that their piece seemed to be put together hastily, included inaccuracies about how pesticide product registrations are funded, it unnecessarily compared golf course pesticide use to agriculture and generally could have been written much better. We?ve been told the messaging was an interim measure and that a long term version, developed without the time pressures, is appropriate. We know the Suzuki program was sensational with very weak and anecdotal correlations portraying golf courses as ?toxic waste sites?, and while some think the issue will go away, the WCTA Board feels this type of scrutiny will continue to be recycled by special interest groups, media and potentially local governments and has undertaken its own response which included a feedback campaign seeking input from members and contacts. The WCTA draft response in support of its members can be found at the following link: http://wcta-online.com/images/16.12.04WCTA_Dump_Folder/WCTA-ResponseDad-and-the-Dandelions-draft.pdf After many hours of work, we?re closing in on a final document however the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


fact-checking is proving to be more difficult and time consuming than first thought. For example, we can?t say ?In Canada, approximately 94% of all pesticides are used in agriculture, home and garden use constitutes approximately 5% of the total and golf courses use about 1-2%,? without properly verifying and including sources for these statements. With any luck, the final document will be released by April 20th. If there are any further comments, questions or general feedback on this subject, please get in touch with me immediately at exec.director@wctaturf.com. Ch lor ot h alon il an d Ipr odion e r e-evalu at ion Health Canada presented a stakeholder webinar on March 31 aimed at providing an update on the health risk assessment for chlorothalonil after considering the information received in response to REV2016-06. Former Prairie Turfgrass Research Center Executive Director Jim Ross participated on our behalf and made the following brief report. Jim is also in charge of fact-checking our Suzuki response so you know. With regards to the chlorothalonil webinar, it seems like usage will be restricted to two applications a year plus one for snow mould prevention. Worker exposure levels are calculated based on the toxicological information. Chloro was determined to be quite high and short term dermal exposures (less than 21 days

per year) would be all that is allowed. I would assume that this means that there would be minimal exposure concerns after 10 days, although I did not fully understand this and they said that there would be some supplementary information forthcoming. As for iprodione, there has been no further update from Health Canada but in the case of both active ingredients, we know re-evaluation decisions won?t happen until at least March 2018 and there will be no label changes in the interim. Im idaclopr id This insectice is used in the turf management industry for control of European chafer, Japanese beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenuis and European crane fly larvae on turf. A multi-stakeholder workshop took place in Ottawa on Dec 21, to discuss the impacts of PMRA's decision to phase out most uses of imidacloprid. Information from a loosely conducted poll by the WCTA of approximately 50 turf managers, was provided to the Canada Nursery Landscape Association for a presentation at this meeting. The WCTA has made a submission to Health Canada regarding the importance of this active ingredient to its members but has received no further updates. IPM M an u al Updat e A report was recently submitted to AGA-BC by Environmental Advocacy Committee Chair and can be found at the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


following link: http://wcta-online.com/content/75industry-news/1882-ipm-manual-update Can adian Tu r f Resear ch Fou n dat ion Work to transition the CTRF administration from the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association is well underway with major improvements to the system being implemented as we change-over. The WCTA should be holding the reins by end of May. There is quite a bit more to report but I?ll end by thanking everyone for their support of our Penticton Conference and Trade Show. A lot of people have asked if the event was successful, yes, yes it was. Two shows in BC this year were

challenging, three if you count the VIGSA MS event, but we hit our numbers and everyone from both the delegate and exhibitor side of things were very happy. I look forward to seeing you all at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond February 14-16, 2018 for our 55th Annual event (still tentative at this point, should have an announcement out by early May). Go to www.wcta-online.com for updates on the following: Turf Manager ?s Guide to new IPM Regulations Groundwater licencing Vancouver ?s Water Shortage Response Plan Changes Canadian Turf Research Foundation Awards Services Contract to WCTA



A Not e of Th an k s t o ou r Pen t ict on Con f er en ce Exh ibit or s On behalf of the WCTA Board of Directors and entire membership, we would like to thank our event sponsors, Syn gen t a, Tu r f Healt h Pr odu ct s Com pan y (THP Co.), CPS Ever gr o, Pr air ie

Coast Equ ipm en t , Tor o Ir r igat ion an d Oak cr eek Golf & Tu r f , and the following exhibitors who participated in our 2017 conference and trade show: (WCTA members & partners in bold). Be sure to support the vendors who support your education and networking opportunity! Allied Golf Associat ion of BC www.agabc.ca Apex Alpine Ski Resort #67 www.apexresort.com AR M ow er & Su pply #7 www.armower.com Astro Turf West Distributors #16 www.astroturfcanada.com CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Au du bon In t er n at ion al #52 (ed. pr ogr am speak er ) www.auduboninternational.org Bar t let t Tr ee Exper t s #19 www.bartlett.com Bos Sod Far m s In c. #6 www.bossod.com

www.hutchesonsand.com In side Golf M edia www.insidegolf.ca In t er ior Tu r f Equ ipm en t #35,36 www.iteequipment.com Ion Ir r igat ion #29 www.ionirrigation.com

Br et t You n g #33 www.brettyoung.ca

Ir r igat ion In du st r y Associat ion of B.C. #61 www.irrigationbc.com

Cit y of Kelow n a #60 www.kelowna.ca

Keso Tu r f Su pplies #8-11 www.kesoturfsupplies.com

Consolidated Turf Equipment #55 www.cte.ca

KPU Tu r f gr ass M an agem en t Diplom a #68, 69 www.kwantlen.ca/hort/turf

Cor ix Wat er Pr odu ct s #45,46 www.corix.com CPS Ever gr o #57, 58 - SPONSOR www.growercentral.com

Ku bot a Can ada #41 & 50 www.kubota.ca ML Agri Products Ltd. #1

Dr ain gar de #25 www.draingarde.com

NETEX Net t in g #15 www.netexnetting.ca

Eagle Lak e Pr of ession al Lan dscape Su pply #14 www.eaglelaketurf.com

Neudorff North America #13 www.neudorffpro.com

Earth Smart Solutions #20 www.earth-smart-solutions.com En glish Law n s #3 www.englishlawns.com Far m Tek Ser vice #28 Fir st Gr een Fou n dat ion #59 www.thefirstgreen.org Harco Fittings #66 www.harcofittings.com Hu t ch eson San d & M ixes #62

NutriGrow #47 www.nutrigrow.ca Oak Cr eek Golf & Tu r f In c. #21-24 SPONSOR www.oakcreekgolf.com Ok an agan Fer t ilizer Lt d. #53 www.fusionfert.com Olds College #63 www.oldscollege.ab.ca Over t on En vir on m en t al #2 www.overtone.ca CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Plan t Healt h Division #54 www.planthealthdivision.com PMRA Health Canada #51 www.healthcanada.gc.ca/pmra Pr air ie Coast Equ ipm en t #42, 43 & 48,49 - SPONSOR www.pcequipment.com Pr air ie Tu r f gr ass Resear ch Cen t r e #64 https://www.oldscollege.ca/ research-innovation/Turfgrass-Research/ Pr em ier Pacif ic Seeds #34 www.premierpacificseeds.com Revolution Organics #26 www.aforceofnature.ca Rollin s M ach in er y Lt d. #18 & 27 www.rollinsmachiinery.ca Sit e On e Lan dscape #70 www.siteone.ca Spor t s Tu r f Can ada #40 www.sportsturfcanada.com Sybertech Waste Reduction Ltd. #30 www.swrl.com Syn gen t a - SPONSOR www.syngenta.ca Synthetic Turf International #17 www.synthetic-turf.ca Tar get Pr odu ct s Lt d. #37 www.targetproducts.com Taylor 's Tu r f Car e Pr odu ct s Lt d. #5 www.taylorsturfcare.com TDS West #39 Ter r alin k Hor t icu lt u r e $4 www.tlhort.com

Tor o Ir r igat ion #12 - SPONSOR www.thetorocompany.com Travel Penticton Tu r f Healt h Pr odu ct s Com pan y #38 SPONSOR www.turfhealthproducts.com University of Guelph #56 www.uoguelph.ca/dtm Ver m eer BC #31,32 www.vermeerbc.com WCTA #C & D www.wcta-online.com West er n Tu r f Far m s Lt d. #44 www.westernturffarms.com





Pen t ict on Tu r f M an agem en t Con f er en ce Im age An t h ology The 54t h Annual WCTA Conference and Trade Show t hat t ook place February 15-17, 2017 in sunny, Pent ict on, BC, is now part of t his est eem ed associat ion?s hist ory. The question, ?Was the show successful?? often gets asked during post-production, by delegates, vendors, our own Board and

Mario Lanthier (left) starts us off with a pre-con seminar on back-pack calibration. Somehow, Tom Calder wound up being the guinea pig.

anyone interested, and while the WCTA has a pretty good track record of happy conference attendees, every year is a moving target and there are many different ways to gauge success. Instead of writing a lengthy post-Penticton report, we thought it better to provide some imagery that speaks for itself. BTW, as an important revenue generator for our organization, we?re pleased to report financial targets were met while providing an experience our delegates have come to expect. For those who supported this year ?s WCTA Conference and Trade Show, thank you very much! Thank you as well to our Organizing Committee, speakers, KPU Turf Club, local hosts Larry Olson and Jeff Lynka, vendors and sponsors, production team and everyone who worked hard to bring it all together. We look forward to another great event next year, tentatively planned for February 14-16, at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond, BC. We?ll be able to confirm this by end April.

Nobody said there was going to be a test! Oh wait, yes they did. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Wh en t h e Su zu k i 'Nat u r e of Th in gs' br oadcast an n ou n cem en t cam e ou t , it ju st so h appen ed t h at Tar a Don adio f r om Au du bon w as pr esen t in g in Pen t ict on .

Keyn ot e speak er Dr . Tim Ball deliver s an ot h er view of clim at e ch an ge. Th in gs w er e h eat in g u p w it h som e of h is con t r over sial st at em en t s!

It w as a lit t le w or k coaxin g Kyle Kem ball (lef t ) an d Bill Qu in n f r om Bear M ou n t ain t o pr esen t in f r on t of t h eir peer s f or t h e f ir st t im e. No sw eat , gr eat job gu ys!

Rod M acDon n ell says a f ew h ear t f elt w or ds af t er r eceivin g h is WCTA Lif e M em ber Aw ar d.

Jason Pick , WCTA Pr esiden t an d Con f er en ce h ost w as k eepin g t h in gs u n der con t r ol as u su al. " Ise calls t h em s as ise sees t h em s," h e says.

In gen er al, t h e an n u al bu sin ess m eet in g of t h e associat ion w as f air ly ser iou s...

For t h e m ost par t .

To t h e KPU Tu r f Clu b volu n t eer s, ou r sin cer est gr at it u de f or all you r h elp!



TECHNICALSIDE M an agem en t of Eu r opean Ch af er Dou ble Sh ot ?No insect causes m ore dam age in Michigan lawns t han European chafer ? said Dr. David Sm it ley. ?The dam age is oft en m isdiagnosed - European chafer adult s fly at night and hom e owners t hink t he grubs in t heir lawns are Japanese beet les.? The presenter is a turf entomology specialist and is known as ?the man who wrote the chapter ? on European chafer. He was speaking at the Michigan Turfgrass Conference held this past January in East Lansing (see the website www.michiganturfgrass.org). European chafer has been found for many years in Michigan. The cool weather pest arrived from Europe and spread rapidly before natural enemies could establish. The worst damage is in the fall when small animals such as

raccoons destroy the lawn while feeding on the grubs found in the root zone. Dr. Smitley suggested the following management tactics for European chafer. 1) Water during dry periods. This is especially important in September and October when grubs are most active. ?This insect is a problem of drier sites. We rarely see any grub damage in lawns with a good irrigation system? added Dr. Smitley. 2) Raise the mowing height. Higher mowing means more roots, thus less stress from grub feeding. ?Lawns with a large root system are more tolerant because a very heavy infestation of grubs will never consume more than 50% of the roots? said the presenter. ?If you combine mowing high with modest applications of fertilizer and watering during dry periods, you may not need to use any insecticide on your lawn ? or any herbicide to control weeds, for that matter ?. 3) Where pesticide can be used, spray in June or July in areas with damage the previous year, and follow with ½ inch of CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


irrigation to wash into the roots. Said Dr. Smitley: ?The early spray is targeting young grubs before there is visible damage. Over 20 years of field trials, there is 100% control when spraying at the proper time followed by irrigation. An application without irrigation will give about 90% control?. Products registered in Canada include Acelepryn, Arena, Merit and Quali-Pro. The presenter is a professor at Michigan State University. For more on European chafer (Rhizotrogus majalis), see the excellent website msuturfinsects.net. ?Create a resilient foundation? was the theme of a talk by Dr. Michael Brownbridge at the Landscape Ontario Congress, held in Toronto in early January. ?For European chafer, nematode

?especially for drought tolerance and reduced maintenance?. In trials at the Vineland Research Centre in Ontario, lawns seeded to perennial ryegrass and fescue had the fastest establishment and less than 5% weed cover. ?Seed with grass blends? he concluded, for example mix Kentucky bluegrass with endophyte-enriched ryegrass or fescue. The parasitic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora is currently used in commercial programs in Ontario for control of European chafer. The provincial legislation is restricting the use of pesticides on residential lawns. The nematode application is made after the first rain of August (after egg hatch of the insect) using 2 gallons of spray solution per 1000 ft2. ?Moisture is important, especially in loam or clay soils - too dry or too wet, these nematodes will not work as well? said Richard Reed of Lawn Life Natural Products. ?Steinernema scarabaei is a much better product to control European chafer with efficacy up to 95%? he added, ?but it is not yet commercially available."

Thecool weather pest arrivedfrom Europeandspreadrapidlybefore natural enemiescouldestablish. applications work, but the trials show the efficacy is 40 to 60%, consistently year after year ? he said. ?Is this enough? It may be if we integrate multiple strategies that work well together and provide the desired level of control? he added. First, promote turf health with practices such as irrigation, mowing, aeration, fertilization and overseeding. Next, examine the grass types. ?This is becoming more critical? he added


WCTANEWS 2017 AGM M in u t es

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES 54t h Annual WCTA Conference & Trade Show 11:30 pm Friday, February 17, 2017, Salon B/ C, Pent ict on Trade & Convent ion Cent re 1. CALL TO ORDER - President Jason Pick called the meeting to order at 11:50am, introduced the Board of Directors and Past Presidents. - Quorum was met with 61 WCTA members present. M / S/ C C. Paw son / K. Hew let t ; t o appr ove AGM Agen da

2. NOM INATING COM M ITTEE REPORT Presented by Committee Chair, Trevor Smith President (2 years): Peter Sorokovsky, City of Burnaby Golf Operations Vice President (2 years): Norley Calder, City of Calgary Parks Directors with 1 year remaining:

Stan Kazymerchyk, Kwantlen University Frits Verkerk, Gallagher?s Canyon GC Cameron Watt, Redwoods GC Directors to be elected (2 years): Travis Olson, Kamloops GC Davin Marr, Hillview GC Directors to be elected (1 year): Andre Dionne, City of Coquitlam Past President (2 years): Jason Pick Olds College M / S/ C K. Lyall / C. Paw son ; t o close n om in at ion s

3. M INUTES M / S/ C D. M ar r / C Paw son ; t o adopt m in u t es of t h e AGM Febr u ar y 24, 2016 4. PRESIDENT'S REPORT ? Jason Pick Necrology Report - A moment of silence was observed for WCTA Members and Turf Industry Colleagues - Matt Suderman, Bearspaw Golf Club, Calgary AB Thanks to the board for their hard work. Notable 2016 events include: - First Green event in Langley - Summer field day in Calgary - Advocacy efforts - CTRF administration services contract Thanks to KPU students for their help and conference research fundraising efforts Thanks to Trevor Smith

5. FINANCIAL REPORT 2016 Fiscal Year En d (Sept 30, 2016) Presented by Travis Olson, Finance Director CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


- Balance in bank accounts - General operating: $23,635.53 - Research $15,439.94 - Term Deposits $95,365.91 M / S/ C C. Paw son / J. Ben n et t t h at Sept em ber 30, 2016 year en d St at em en t of Reven u es an d Expen dit u r es be adopt ed as r eview ed by Evan cic Per r au lt Rober t son , Cer t if ied Gen er al Accou n t an t s, an d cir cu lat ed at t h e AGM .

6. RESEARCH REPORT Given orally by Peter Sorokovsky, Research Chair (full report posted online). - 2016 expenditures $19,000 - $5,000 special contribution to AGA for IPM Manual - $7,500 to Guelph University - $2,500 to Goose Management - $4,000 to CTRF, annual contribution to remain at table - 2017 approved for $20,000 - $4,000 CTRF - $6,000 OSU for alternative irrigation strategies - 2nd year $10,000 for OSU alternative fungicide use M / S/ C C. Paw son / K. Hew let t t h at Evan cic Per r au lt Rober t son , Cer t if ied Gen er al Accou n t an t s, be appoin t ed t o r eview WCTA f in an cial st at em en t s f or f iscal year en din g Sept em ber 30, 2016.

7. COM M ITTEE REPORTS An overview of Environmental Advocacy committee status was given orally by Keith Lyall. - IPM manual legislative side should be ready by the end of March 2017; pest profiles will be a living, breathing document as it goes forward. - Water Sustainability Act specifically regarding wells & well water - Continue to discuss the Metro Vancouver Water Shortage Response Plan - New WHMIS 2015 standard - IPM regulation compliance has received good feedback

8. NEW BUSINESS Presentation of Life Member Awards ? Rod MacDonnell, Dan Cooper Student Awards - Justin Smit, Olds College $1,250 - Jason Morgan, KPU $750 - Alyssa Lake, Olds College $500

9. PRESIDENT REM ARKS Peter Sorokovsky - Thanks all for attending. Looks forward to being President

10. ADJOURNM ENT 12:39pm M / S/ C C. Paw son / K. Hew let t t o adjou r n





YARN#52 Wh o's Got You r Back ? Recent ly a golf course superint endent called t o t ell m e he had been dism issed from all dut ies t hat m orning. I?m familiar with this golf club, and the heat had affected the greens this year. The superintendent was unable to bring them around until after the heat let up at the end of summer. By that time the members?concern had taken its toll on the board, green committee and general manager. It was irreversible. I asked the superintendent if the GM had his back. His answer? Yes. The GM allowed the superintendent to resign and was also working on a severance package for him. Both men maintained a high level of respect for each other and the dismissal of the superintendent was done in a professional manner. There was not a right or wrong and it was not a good-guy, bad-guy situation. But it was a decision based on the circumstances over an extended period of time and all parties understood why the action was necessary. I wrote about ?Four-Way Management? in

the Boardroom, September/October, 2015 issue, and I can say this situation was handled with ?Four-Way Management.? The job of being a GM or superintendent is a very difficult one. At no time is every golfer or board member happy with both the condition and the management of a golf course. We all face criticisms and stress every day in our lives, however there are very few professions where the scrutiny is as intense and constant as in trying to maintain or manage a golf course property. For a golf course superintendent to try and maintain the best playing and esthetically pleasing conditions, without the GM having his back to explain to the boards and golfing members exactly what he is doing and why, is a lost cause. The GM must have the superintendent?s back to maximize the effectiveness of his resources and produce a course that everyone is proud of and can enjoy. The same can be said for the GM except to a greater degree. The general manager needs to understand what the superintendent is doing and why, in order to keep the board and committees informed. The GM needs the superintendent to have his back as well and both of them should be on the same page. The GM must also have the support and understanding of the club?s different committees, and they too should have his back. Fact is, very few of us are able to succeed without someone having our back.




2017 WCTA St u den t Aw ar d Win n er s An n ou n ced As presented at the Annual General Meeting during our Penticton Conference by WCTA Award Committee Chair, Peter Sorokovsky, we?d like to congratulate the following 2017 WCTA Student Award Recipients: 1. Justin Smidt, Olds College $1250.00

2. Jason Morgan, KPU Turfgrass Management $750.00 3. Alyssa Lake, Olds College $500.00 We would like to take a moment to thank our other award committee members, Dave Duncan, Kevin Neufeld and Scott Mitchell, for making the time to assist with this year ?s selections. It?s worth noting all nine applications were of very high quality and it was an extremely difficult decision making process. Committee Chair, Peter Sorokovsky commented, ?Student Award applications have been consistently improving every year and I?m encouraged by the strength and depth of our up-and-coming turf management professionals.? Thanks to all those who applied, We?ll publish photos and thank-you?s in the next newsletter.




Olson Nam ed Fin an ce Dir ect or f or 2n d Ter m Travis Olson, Superint endent of t he Kam loops Golf Club, was nam ed WCTA Finance Direct or at t he first m eet ing of t he new Board t hat t ook place on March 17t h.


Re-elected to the Board for a second term, Olson had taken on duties of the Finance Director in his first term and was the obvious and best choice to continue. The position was originally created in 2015 with Peter Sorokovsky, now WCTA President, the inaugual Director tasked to oversee the association's finances. Olson stated, "I'm happy to continue with this important responsibility. The Board looks at our financial situation very closely, making adjustments as we need to." The Finance Director is appointed annually within 1 month of the AGM from among the Directors-at-large.


Fir st Gr een Execu t ive Dir ect or In t er view ed at GIS 2017 February 15, 2017 - ?Katrek and Maginnes On Tap? interviewed First Green's executive director, Karen Armstead, as part of the Golf Industry Show 2017 in Orlando, Fla.


Katrek and Maginnes On Tap is heard on XM 92 and Sirius 208.





2017 WCTA Lif e M em ber Aw ar d Recipien t s Two individuals were recognized for t heir out st anding achievem ent s at t he recent WCTA Conference and Trade Show, held in Pent ict on, BC, February 15-17, 2017. Present ed wit h WCTA Life Mem ber Awards were Rod MacDonnell, Hope Golf Club and Dan Cooper, Oakcreek Golf & Turf. Congrat ulat ions t o you bot h!

Rod M acDon n ell: A Few Car eer High ligh t s Rod started thinking about turf in the late 1960's when his dad bought him a "Lawnboy" push mower. He quickly established a list of 10 regular customers who wanted lawn service. In 1972, his dad encouraged him to apply for a job in his hometown of Kingston, Nova Scotia at the Paragon Golf & Country Club.

Rod MacDonnell says a few words after accepting a WCTA lifetime membership award. Successfully hired, he worked after school and through the summer months. During this time frame, Rod was involved with Boy Scouts and was considered Canada's Top Boy Scout during 1973. He attended National and International Jamborees, where he learned much about the environment and the land we live on. Upon graduation he hitch-hiked out west, seeking employment in the forestry industry to gain experience that would allow him to attend Forest Ranger School in New Brunswick. Arriving in Vancouver with only a couple hundred in his pocket and with no immediate jobs in forestry, he went through the phone book and was hired sight unseen, resulting in five years of employment at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club. Rod enrolled in BCIT's night school program for Turfgrass Management in 1978 and was awarded one-year membership into the WCTA through sponsorship for his high marks in the program. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Rod?s next move to Hope, BC in 1981, was his last in the golf industry. For the ensuing 33 years, he worked at the beautiful 9-hole Hope Golf Club not only as superintendent, but as mechanic, irrigation tech, spray tech, logger, welder, architect and so on. Particularly challenging was the major renovation work required after severe flood damage to the course by the raging Coquihalla River where the single lane suspension bridge was destroyed and several acres swallowed into the river. All restoration projects were done in house by Rod and his team and he went as far as designing an additional 9 holes for future development. Rod was involved with the local justice system, providing restitution for those

Hebrought alot of hisown toolstoworkonthecourse?s equipment andgrounds caught by the law and whose penalty was community work hours. The School Board of Hope also liaised with Rod with onsite work experience for many years. For many who worked with Rod, it was their first job resulting in lifelong positive memories from what began as a less than ideal situation; some even went on to higher levels of education within the turfgass industry. He was lucky to have all four of his children work with him at the course, both of his sons working full time for over 5 years each. He brought a lot of his own tools to work on the course?s equipment and grounds

and designed/built his own sawmill supplying the course with material for different construction projects. Rod became an accomplished woodworker, building fine furniture, sheds, log structures, garages and his dream home. As a result, the Hope Golf Club was well known for immaculate conditions on a very small budget due to Rod's hands-on capabilities. While admirable, Rod?s efforts are practically normal for a golf course superintendent and it needs to be said that the Board?s rationale for his life member award deservedness has less to do with his ability to grow grass and more to do with his selfless efforts toward the golf industry as throughout his career, Rod volunteered much if his spare time helping others. Whether it was his role as BCGSA secretary/treasurer, organizing and attending countless chapter meetings, offering advice to the up-and-comers or calling around making sure local superintendents remained involved in the industry, you might say Rod was the glue that kept the golf maintenance community in the Fraser Valley together for over three decades. Rod is also a pretty good artist, creating snow sculptures that made the local news and he has a talent for painting bodies, both automobiles and live models. In retirement, he has now turned his hobby of collecting auto parts and restoring vehicles, mainly International Scouts, into an international business called ?ScoutPluSS!!' CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Dan Cooper : A Few Car eer High ligh t s by Car y Blu e For those who don't know, Dan has had two lives, life before Oakcreek and life with Oakcreek. He?s not sure which was better! Born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, he moved to Calgary at one year of age where he grew up and graduated from high school. He went to college at Mount Royal and played on the golf team at the 1974 Canadian University Championship in Toronto. Upon moving to Vancouver, Dan managed the old Mulvaney?s Restaurant on Granville Island. He started working as a bartender at the Richmond Inn and had a long run in the bar industry. Knowing him now, I am sure he was a great bartender.

Dan Cooper, right, accepts WCTA Life Member award from Cary Blue of Oakcreek Golf & Turf golf car line and British Columbia was a new frontier. He wasn't just a territory rep, he was THE territory rep. In 1989, Oakcreek picked up the Toro commercial products line for western Canada. Dan was appointed the Manager of BC and now had 2 salesmen and 4 mechanics. In 1991, the Toro Golf Irrigation line was added and the staff became 13 strong. Later on, branch locations in Kelowna and Duncan were opened.

In1988,hewashiredtocall on golf coursesthroughout the provinceof BCandwasoneof thefirst Oakcreekemployees.

The contacts he made included Jack Skellern, Power Built Golf Club rep, who was good friends with Barb Dodge, then owner of Oakcreek Developments, the Yamaha Golf Car distributor for western Canada. His reputation was passed along to Barb who was looking for a BC sales rep and early in 1988, it got him an interview. It was sort of like the meeting of Smith & Wesson.

So in 1988, he was hired to call on golf courses throughout the province of BC and was one of the first Oakcreek employees. Back then, there was only the

The company continued to progress, currently with 6 branches and approximately 80 staff. With Dan on board as salesman, manager, partner and eventually shareholder, the company came a very long way. Those who know Dan, know that throughout his career customer service CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


has always been his top priority. Calls at night, weekends or when he was on holidays didn't matter, he was constantly ready to serve. Customers always came first and the next call was always the most important. Customers knew this and never hesitated to ask him for a favour and he was always around to do what was needed even if it was to give some friendly advice. Oakcreek and the industry is so grateful for his service. Dan was a member of WCTA for many years, as well as various other industry memberships. He attended conferences, regional meetings, field/demo days and other events that are too numerous to count.

Editor?s note: Dan contributed far more to the turf management industry than just good service. Not only was he a big part of Oakcreek?s formative years, an accomplishment in itself, Dan gave back by volunteering at dozens of golf events, large and small including 7 PGA tour stops and 3 LPGA Canadian Women?s Opens. He gave of himself with unparalleled energy and enthusiasm, a quality that exemplifies the spirit of the WCTA Life Member Award. In an email Dan stated, ?It was a very rewarding, challenging and fun career and at no other time in my life did I have a chance to work with the most professional and dedicated group of individuals whose life work is to grow grass and take the game of Golf and all Sports to new levels.?



WCTA An n ou n ces 2017 Tu r f Resear ch Pr oject Fu n din g Based on funds raised in 2016, cash available to the Research Committee for 2017 projects is a little over $10,000. As recommended by the Research Committee, the WCTA Board is pleased to announce $21,000 in approved 2017 Turf Research project funding as follows (difference will be made up from reserves): Pr oject Tit le: Can adian Tu r f Resear ch Fou n dat ion Cooper at ive Fu n din g The CTRF collects and distributes research monies much like the WCTA but on a National Scale. We have contributed to

this collaborative approach to research funding annually since 1992. PROJECT LENGTH: multiple projects / varies WCTA COMMITMENT: $4,000 See turfresearchcanada.ca/current-research for list of current research projects.

Pr oject Tit le: Evalu at ion of Alt er n at ive M an agem en t St r at egies t o Redu ce or Elim in at e t h e Use of Fu n gicides f or Con t r ol of M icr odoch iu m Pat ch , Or egon St at e Un iver sit y More money is spent on fungicides to control Microdochium patch than any other turfgrass disease in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest United States. Turfgrass managers continue to be scrutinized when it comes to pesticide use for the control of problematic turf pests. This project will evaluate cultural practices as well as new alternative products that have shown potential to control Microdochium patch. Each component will be evaluated individually and upon completion of the two year research project be integrated into a complete management program for the control of Microdochium patch with the intent of greatly reducing or eliminating fungicide use. PROJECT LENGTH: 2 years WCTA COMMITMENT: $15,000 USD or approx. $21,000 CDN (50/50 split with OTRF with each group contributing $10,500) TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: $30,000 USD CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


Pr oject Tit le: In vest igat in g Alt er n at ive Ir r igat ion St r at egies, Or egon St at e Un iver sit y Researchers in arid regions have explored greywater as an alternative irrigation source for turfgrass; however, poor-quality water sources have a tendency to increase soil nutrients (particularly salts) to toxic levels. Fortunately, the cool-humid climatic regions of North America have significant precipitation throughout the year; potentially enough to mitigate nutrient toxicity associated with regular greywater use. This study includes cultivar assessment of salt-tolerant perennial ryegrasses, irrigated under three levels of greywater applications (continuous, supplemental, and control) throughout multiple years. An additional study is being conducted to determine optimal irrigation scheduling for perennial ryegrass in the Pacific Northwest, in an effort to reduce water consumption. PROJECT LENGTH: 1 year WCTA COMMITMENT: $6,000 CDN (partnering with CTRF, $6,000 each for a total of $12,000 CDN) TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: $38,597 USD Current priorities for WCTA turfgrass research funding are as follows: - Nutrient and fertility management, best management practices - Soil and root-zone management, best management practices - Evaluation of alternatives to pesticides

- Irrigation and water use issues (water quality and reducing water usage) - Investigations into the biology, ecology and management of current and emerging pests - Alternative cultivar and species for new turf construction, integration and conversion into existing turf areas - Species/cultivar evaluation and improved management practices for areas of heavy traffic and wear tolerance

Th an k you t o all t h ose w h o h ave con t r ibu t ed t o ou r t u r f r esear ch pr ogr am !




How t o Repor t You r Pest icide Use Recently, I have received many questions on reporting pesticide products used for the Integrated Pest Management Regulation in

BC and I?ve been asked to put together a how to doc to help people complete the process. At the time of writing, there are just two weeks left to report. Integrated Pest Management Regulation in BC 1. Go to http://www2.gov.bc.ca/ gov/content/environment/pesticidespest-management/business-industry/ recordkeeping-reporting

2. Look for ?Annual Use Summary? and open either the Annual Report Form for License Holders (PDF) or the Annual Report Form for License Holders (Fillable PDF) Must be opened in Internet Explorer.


3. Complete section 1 ?Licence Holder Information?, make sure you have your Use Licence number. 4. There are two tables in the above link, use ?Pest icides Applied Ot h er Th an a Ser vice t o An ot h er Licen see?. Note that

our purposes we do not need to enter the ?Size of Area Treated? column. 5. Complete section 3 ?Au t h or izat ion? and either mail, fax or submit. Personally, I recommend sending by mail or fax. Below is a copy of my submitted use

table, there is no requirement to separate totals of different applications of the same product. Please contact me if you have any questions. klyall@sunpeaksresort.com 250-819-0440 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE






'Dad an d t h e Dan delion s' WCTA M em ber Resou r ce Fin al Ver sion



following link, feel free to share: Dad an d t h e Dan delion s Fin al

Aft er seeking m em ber feedback, dozens of hours spent fact -checking and five re-writ es, t he WCTA m em ber resource in response t o t he CBC broadcast 'Dad and t he Dandelions', is now com plet e.

The WCTA would like to thank Jim Ross, Executive Director of the Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre (now retired) for his exhaustive volunteer efforts put toward this project. We'd also like to thank all those who responded to our inquires by providing information sources:

This final version is meant to act as a resource for WCTA members if/when responding to questions regarding the use of pesticides at their facilities. Often a sensitive and divisive issue, our goal was to provide an easy-to-use tool for turf managers to confidently reference as needed.

BC Ministry of Environment

The document can be found at the

Alberta Ministry of Environment Audubon International

Canadian Turf Research Foundation Guelph Turfgrass Institute Health Canada Olds College Ontario Golf Superintendents Association CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


West ern Canada Turfgrass Associat ion Mem ber Response t o CBC?s ?Dad and t he Dandelions? from March 2, 2017 ISSUE The CBC?s broadcast of ?The Nature of Things with David Suzuki? produced by film maker Andrew Nisker, portrayed golf courses in one of his interviews as ?toxic waste sites."

Sources for this document include: Alberta Ministry of Environment Audubon International

The program also negatively implicated sportsfields and other managed turf areas. As an association of multiple sportsturf management sectors, this is a good opportunity for our industry to dialogue with the public, media, government, environmental groups and any other stakeholders, about the benefits of turf and greenspace, sometimes called ?Natural Capital," along with our environmental stewardship efforts as professional turfgrass managers. We should not be afraid to promote our position in our communities.

BC Integrated Pest Management Act


IPM Council of Canada

The following messaging will support that dialogue with the intent to align all our individual statements for consistent representation of the facts. The topic of pesticides can be a sensitive one with arguments often based more on opinion and emotion than on science.

Karolinska Institute

BC Ministry of Environment BC Pest Management Program Pub 92-1 BC Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016 Canadian Golf Superintendents Association Canadian Turf Research Foundation Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Guelph Turfgrass Institute Health Canada

Mortality study among golf course superintendents, Burton C. Kross, Ph.D., P.E., Leon F. Burmeister, Ph.D., and Linda K. Ogilvie CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


NAGA Canadian Golf Economic Impact Study Prairie Turfgrass Research Center University of Guelph

that pesticides are stringently regulated including Health Canada?s rigorous testing, approval and re-evaluation process, along with individual requirements for the protection of human health and the environment in each province.

Expect that youwill never beaskedabout thegood Please note: While Health regulates points,sofit inthebenefits Canada pesticides federally, there are some provincial and of golf courses, municipal variances in sportsfields,andturfgrass terms of pesticide regulations at everyopportunity application and governmental

The document is presented in a ?Potentially Asked Questions? format. Some of these questions are directly relevant to clarifications needed due to the CBC broadcast and some are more broadly based information you may get asked about from time to time. At the end of this document is an audited list of turfgrass environmental benefits presented by the Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation. When being interviewed, keep in mind to never simply answer yes or no without providing an explanation / rationale. Expect that you will never be asked about the good points, so fit in the benefits of golf courses, sportfields, and turfgrass at every opportunity.

It?s important to remain respectful and professional when addressing any concerns raised over pesticide issues. Being aggressive or too defensive generally will not accomplish the intended goal of separating the myths from facts of the issue. We recommend you don't attack the sources of any misinformation or alternative opinions or throw any other pesticide user industries ?under the bus?. Instead, direct any concerns back to the facts, which usually means pointing out

responsibilities related to the protection of human health and the environment. Further customizing your comments for more detailed statements about your specific area and circumstances, can be added as required. The Western Canada Turfgrass Association, with its mandate of "Research Education, Networking, and Advocacy", will continue its leadership role through concerted efforts supporting the turfgrass management industry in western Canada and enabling individual professional sportsturf managers from all sectors help the public gain an understanding of our environmental achievements and the benefits to our communities and economies as a result of our responsible efforts. Keep up the great environmental stewardship! Peter Sorokovksy, MSc. President, WCTA




" Wh y is Nobody Replyin g t o m y Gr eat Job Post in g?" This art icle st em s from m any let t ers and calls of concern I have received recent ly from Golf Supes and Owners. These are reflect ive of unfilled m anagem ent jobs open in BC golf course m anagem ent , especially out side Vancouver. From the past month alone? "Looks like the Golf Industry is getting tougher and tougher to find qualified people. Just to keep you updated- we have had zero response to our job posting. Copper Point had the same result 2 months ago. Even hearing that Asst Supt positions are getting hard to fill. Wondering what your thoughts are on the mindset of Turf Students these days. Are they all employed already, don?t want to move, not enough $ or ??? Be interested to hear your comments" "We are still looking for a greenskeeper/super. We have very little response to our advertising ads and would appreciate if you would bring it to light with your graduate or current students again."

"I offered to fly one applicant in for an interview, but he declined."

"Still have not had any interest from your students or recent grads for our 2nd Assistant position. This is a great starting management job for an up and coming turf student. Why are they not even applying?" "I have had only one feeler from your students and grads on my job offer! An Intern job with all the training they will need to run their own show. Not the highest wage, but local and a great way to move up quick. What's going on?" Here are some other observations from other BC Turf managers on the situation: "Some students are sponsored by their clubs, so they choose to stay loyal. Others appear to simply not want to leave home" "In 6-10 years we may see the "Death of the Superintendents Profession", except for perhaps only the wealthiest courses, due to the lack of educated turfies to move into these roles" "Salary should not be the only determining factor in choosing a job. I hope students consider the significant difference in cost of living between Greater Vancouver and the hinterland."


"Golf courses can't compete with money offered by Parks, so clubs need to simply pay more" "I think kids these days are simply reluctant to move and want to stay at home and save money. Or they want to remain at their local clubs during school." I speak often with my students and grads about their careers and why they were not applying to these opportunities, but needed confirmation. So I sent this request out to KPU Turf students and recent grads: Tu r f ies, I h ave h ad m an y let t er s of con cer n lat ely sim ilar t o on e at t ach ed f r om M ik e Baden , Su pe at Wildst son e in Cr an br ook . I w ou ld lik e t o r espon d t o M ik e w it h r eal dat a, so ask in g you t o t ak e a m in u t e t o r eply back t oday w it h you r an sw er t o a sim ple qu est ion : "Assu m e t h at you ar e in t o a golf job, n ow possess t h e qu alif icat ion s t o be su ccessf u l at job lik e t h e Wildst on e job at t ach ed, t h at it w ou ld be m or e $$$ t h an you m ak e n ow an d t h at it w ou ld be a def in it e 'st ep u p' in you r car eer pat h . Wh at is you r r eason (s) f or n ot even applyin g f or a job lik e t h is?" St an Here is a summary of their responses:

"If I was qualified for this job, my reason for not going would probably be that I loved where I was working and I really liked the people I was working with." "The big issues for me are money, job security, benefits, training and quality of life. I have to think long term and how my goals in life align with my career path. Family and friends are another motivating factor. How will moving 12 hours away from my father affect his well-being and the time we have left together? I think positions like Wildstone are great opportunities for the right person. The problem is their location and the amount of competitive jobs in the market. With few turf graduates every year and multiple postings, demand for quality managers is high." "I am in a fairly new relationship and my girlfriend would be unable to move to the Kootenays at this point in time. In addition, the health of a close family member is a factor, in addition to aging parents who I will be unable to see with any degree of frequency like I do now." "I really wanted to try for these jobs, but with my student debt, cannot turn down the money offered by the Parks job I am taking this summer." "I would apply and be willing to move if I were ready and looking for a position as a Second Assistant, but I personally feel I am a minority when it comes to this willingness to move and seek opportunities among people my age?


Money is always a factor, but in this scenario I believe its distance away from a major metropolitan area that may be restricting applicants." "The main problem is people not feeling comfortable changing jobs due to the unknown. Not knowing if you will like the staff, operations and management all come into play. Another reason can be that the individual wants to work at a municipality in parks or they have a job that they really enjoy the staff they work with and the operation of that particular work place." "An issue for me is how seasonal so many of these opportunities are. I've never been on EI, always had a second Job to get me through the winter. After completing the diploma I'd love to find work that can support me year round." "One of the issues for me is that employment isn't offered year round and the fact that in this day and age many couples are both working and would need to find suitable jobs in the same place. This is an issue for me as my fiance's job depends on the large companies in Vancouver." "I am quite comfortable living at home and happy working at my local course. Many old-timers above me will be retiring soon, making my rise easy." "Taking a leap such as going from the lower mainland to a place as remote as the Kooteneys is scary. The chore and

stress of finding a permanent residence in the area,the required money to pick my entire life up here and move is just far to much for me to think this a viable opportunity. For me to leave a place that gives me health dental and RRSP at a time of financial chaos, for a realm of uncertainty seems crazy to me. Without some form of insurance be it staff housing and a wage that eclipses my own I couldn't take that chance." "Reasons for me would be the location and term. At the moment I wouldn't want to relocate to out of Vancouver on a temporary basis. If it was a year round position I would be much more interested." "I started going to KPU with the goal to be a super but that has changed over the last year with lots of life changes and goal changes. People my age have to take jobs that will leave them with enough money to pay rent, school, food and gas price. Either courses have to charge more money or find a new revenue to be able to pay their staff more or to find ways intrigue new people into this industry." In summary, these turf student/recent grad responses point out a variety of key obstacles to educated Turfie movement, clearly not just one reason: -Money -Apprehension about the unknown


-Comfort and security -Family and partners -Leaving city life -Seasonal work Golf Course Management went through many years of applicant over-supply, where management openings saw dozens of qualified candidates. Over time, some frustrated Turfies have left the industry due to slow advancement (less supply), while an older generation has been retiring with increasing pace (more demand). The lucrative pay allure of municipal Sportsfield jobs have pulled some away from golf, while KPU is only graduating 5-10 Turf Management grads a year (both less supply). Overall, there now appears to be a smaller supply of educated turfies who are less willing to step into more golf management roles available. This is a great time to be moving up in the turf industry but a challenging time to recruit educated managers. Hopefully this article will inform recruiters about understanding applicant needs and stimulate new ways to attract quality staff.

Turf students and recent grads now may take a different reflection to their career plan. This situation should encourage new entries to our industry in a world where a diploma or degree in most disciplines does not guarantee a good job. I hope this especially stimulates discussion among the turf industry. Be happy to hear your comments about all this.




SERVICENEWS CEC Tr ack in g Pr ogr am M em ber Qu est ion of t h e M on t h The Cont inuing Educat ion Credit (CEU) t racking program is designed t o prom ot e ongoing educat ion t oward pest icide cert ificat e renewal and is encouraged by t he Minist ry of Environm ent who would rat her see applicat ors engaged in ongoing educat ion t o st ay current t han writ ing a t est every 5 years. The tracking program itself sounds simple enough however things can get complicated quickly and there are many rules to follow. In this new segment, we hope to address

common CEC program questions we field from our members. Q. My pesticide applicator certificate expires in less than a year but I don't want to write the test. Can I get on the tracking program now, start collecting points and maybe receive points for seminars I attended in the past? A. Sorry, with less than one year remaining on your 5 year certificate it would be impossible to collect 20 points (the amount needed to recertify) since the maximum you can collect is 10 per year. To answer part 2 of your question, points cannot be awarded retroactively however if you: a) attended a points accredited seminar and b) signed the attendance sheet, we may be able to dig through the records if you're really nice to Leslie. No guarantees this will be fruitful though, as often: a) education seminars you attended were not certified for points or b) you thought you signed the sheets but didn't (this happens quite a bit). For futher information, contact Leslie at admin@wctaturf.com.


TECHNICALSIDE At h let ic Field Pain t an d t h e Tu r f gr ass Respon se

At hlet ic fields are defined by lines and enhanced wit h logos. This m akes paint ing a rit ual repeat ed every week during t he playing season for t housands of fields worldwide. Athletic paints are formulated with the intent that they will not cause harm to the turfgrass when properly applied, yet most sports turf managers have experienced some level of paint-induced damage during their career. While there is still a lot to learn about paints and painting, North Carolina State University has been testing products and application methods for several years to better understand why paints damage turfgrasses. Before discussing paint and how it can influence turfgrass health, it may be helpful to understand a few components of paint. Athletic paints are very similar to common household paints in basic ingredients. They are generally made of



Early evaluation of paint's influence on photosynthesis in a controlled environment four components: binder, solvent, pigment, and additives. The binder (or resin) is a film-forming component of paint that binds pigments together and allows them to adhere to a surface. The solvent in turfgrass paint is water. The pigment is an organic or inorganic particle that provides colour. Additives may be surfactants, thickeners, emulsifiers, etc. that give paint particular properties that make it easier to handle, mix and extend shelf life. Athletic paints have less volatile components than household paints and consequently there is no need for anti-microbial or algaecide components. The opacity of the pigment in the paint that covers the turfgrass?surface alters the normal micro-climate around the plant. Although research has shown that paint may positively influence turfgrass, it routinely has the opposite effect. After repeated applications of athletic paint, we typically see a decrease in turfgrass quality, or in extreme cases, complete CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

60 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE field paint is mostly

due to a decrease in turfgrass stand density as the frequency of athletic paint applications increase. Like most plants, turfgrasses are unable to survive without light. Light is emitted from the sun through wavelengths of particles known as photons. There are a broad range of wavelengths that determine the energy state of light that is The relative influence of paint colour on turfgrass photosynthesis. emitted from the sun but we are only death. A positive influence has been noted interested in photosynthetically active during cooler, sunny weather when a radiation (PAR) which is the group of paint-darkened surface can result in wavelengths (400-700 nm) that is visible to heating of the turfgrass plant which may the human eye. Most importantly, PAR is produce limited growth enhancement. also the range of light that is used by However, in most situations paint provides plants. PAR is separated into three an additional stress. When considering the different colours of light. The 400-500 nm ?quality? of a turfgrass, we look at the range is considered to be blue light, the combination of turfgrass colour, cover, 500-600 nm range is green light, and the and density. The decrease in quality that is 600-700 nm range is red light. So what seen after multiple applications of athletic happens when light strikes the leaf of a turfgrass plant? Light that comes in contact with the leaf surface is transmitted, absorbed, or reflected. From a plant perspective, the best scenario is to maximize the amount of light that is transmitted through the paint since that will be directly utilized by chlorophyll. PAR is

Thedecreaseinqualitythat isseenafter multipleapplicationsof athleticfield paint ismostlyduetoadecreasein turfgrassstanddensityasthefrequency of athleticpaint applicationsincrease


separated into these different colours because when light strikes a chlorophyll molecule, it reflects these colours at their respective range of wavelengths. This is why when we look at a turfgrass plant we see the colour green. Reflected light may be partially transmitted as well, as it can be reflected to other areas of the turfgrass canopy and transmitted there. Absorbed by the paint, light can provide heat, but is largely lost for photosynthesis. Turfgrasses use PAR to produce carbohydrates that provide energy and food storage compounds. The reaction that produces these carbohydrates is known as photosynthesis. For this light driven process to occur, plants exchange water vapour for carbon dioxide through transpiration. Photons of light excite chlorophyll molecules that are housed in the chloroplast of plants and as a result, initiate a chain of reactions that enable the turfgrass plant to capture carbon dioxide and convert it into usable forms of energy

Field day demonstration of colours used in paint research using the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) school colours

How it's done. Hugh Norris, Manager of Parks Operations for the City of Surrey, inspects one of the logo templates such as carbohydrates. Before our research it was not well known how paint colours would influence light reflection, transmission, and absorbance. Our research indicated that lighter colours such as orange, yellow and white could transmit between 12 and 18 percent of available PAR while reflecting 47 to 93%. Darker colours such as blue, green, maroon, purple, and black transmitted and reflected much less (0 to 8%) while absorbing up to 95% of PAR. Our research found that much of the difference was due to the innate properties of the pigment colour and part was due to the percent of solids by volume. So the formulation and colour can impact light transmission. A good test of these transmission results was to measure total canopy photosynthesis. This would account for the high degree of reflected light for a light-coloured paint (e.g., white paint) that may still be used in photosynthesis despite CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


a poor transmission percentage. As a percentage, leaves that were painted white

effects on plant health and may vary based on a particular setting. Without adequate photosynthesis the plant cannot maintain necessary metabolic functions. Athletic paint coating the pores (stomata) on turfgrass leaf surfaces compounds the issue. If the plant cannot freely lose water and take in carbon dioxide from these pores, then canopy temperatures can rise to become an additional stressor. The colour of athletic paint can have a great effect on turfgrass transpiration. In unpainted bermudagrass, water loss

Thecolour of athleticpaint canhaveagreat effect on turfgrasstranspiration. maintained approximately 80% of the photosynthesis of the non-painted. Yellow and orange was about 70%; whereas red was about mid-50s. Purple and maroon were about 40%. Dark blue and black maintained less than 20% of the non-painted. So, the shading effect of paint by colour turned out to be a very real and significant limitation to the plant. As mentioned earlier, in addition to colour, dilution can also play a role in total canopy photosynthesis. When comparing both white and red athletic paint (diluted and non-diluted) we found that the non-diluted formulation can have a profound effect. White and red non-diluted paint decreased total canopy photosynthesis by 25% more than when it was diluted using a 1 part paint:1 part water dilution. Red, non-diluted paint decreased total canopy photosynthesis by 75%. The reduction in pigment per unit area reduces the opacity so that more light can be transmitted to the chlorophyll. While this may be beneficial to photosynthesis and plant health, diluting paint with water often reduces the brightness, coverage, longevity, and quality of paint applications. As a result, the need for brightness and uniformity must be balanced against the

A team works on the Softball BC logo painting demo at the 2014 City of Surrey West Coast Sportsfield Training Day


increases with canopy temperatures, but it was just the opposite with painted leaves. We typically found that the darker colours affected transpiration to a larger extent. Turfgrass coated with lighter colours such as white, yellow, and orange had similar but slightly lower transpiration rates than the unpainted turfgrass. The darker colours including red, blue, and black showed much higher canopy temperatures and much lower transpiration rates. These results mirrored what we saw with total canopy photosynthesis in that the darker coloured athletic paints have a greater negative effect on turfgrass physiological processes. It is important to note that shading by paint pigments may not always be

School painted logo at football stadium. coat of paint may soon follow the emergence of this new growth. The result is that chronic paint use, especially darker colours, is even more damaging. We looked at application rates and timing in relation to mowing. The results indicate that earlier removal of the paint is beneficial to the plant. We found that one less mowing during the week provided faster recovery. Although a higher frequency of mowing would suggest that more of the paint is being removed from the turfgrass leaf blade, the area of the plant that is not coated with paint (new growth) is also being mown off. Allowing new tissue that is not coated with paint an extra day to expand will increase the leaf area that is able to actively photosynthesize and as a result, promote faster recovery. The timing of athletic paint application had a greater effect on the quality of the painted surface compared to recovery of the turfgrass over time. As expected, earlier applications of paint were of reduced quality compared to

Theresult isthat chronicpaint use,especiallydarker colours, isevenmoredamaging. detrimental. Cool-season grasses grown in northern climates often do not utilize all of the light that is possible for photosynthesis. For example, ryegrasses have a relatively low light requirement and the daily light integral on athletic fields with little to no shade may be sufficient to drive adequate growth, even when accounting for shading effects by paint. Furthermore, regular use of the field and mowing may remove some of the paint from the leaf ?s surface. The plant will also generate new growth that is more efficient at utilizing the light. Of course, the next



applications made later in the week (closer to ?gameday?). Furthermore, we found that paint applications made earlier in the week may minimally increase turfgrass recovery, but not to the degree that would merit sacrificing the overall appearance of the paint application. As mentioned

Painted turfgrass in pots to evaluate influence of dilution before, an athletic field manager may need to balance plant health and quality of paint appearance. Also some limited work on binder concentrations looked very promising for

concentration of binder can affect how long the paint will ?stick? around. One issue that must be addressed when looking at alternative formulations in terms of binder concentration, is the susceptibility of the paint to transfer onto an absorbent material, i.e. an athlete?s uniform. This can be very problematic as this may result in increased staining of uniforms. The severity of this issue may be anywhere from a minor laundry matter or as severe as a need for total uniform replacement. The painting of athletic fields is a ritual that has evolved tremendously as sports have become more and more popular over the years. Not only are athletic paints needed for boundary lines and other field markings for playability of the game, paints are also needed for advertising logos and brand marketing. Logos may not be required for successful completion of a sporting event, but at the time of high-definition television and major companies seizing opportunities to market their brand, athletic field painting will continue to be a major part of athletic field management. We have identified some of the underlying negative effects that athletic field paint has on natural turfgrass surfaces. While there is not much likelihood of teams changing their colours to help minimize turfgrass decline, there are ways to help combat the harmful effects.

Thepaintingof athleticfieldsisaritual that hasevolvedtremendouslyassportshave becomemoreandmorepopular over theyears alternative formulations that would be less damaging. Remember that binder is the ingredient in paint formulations that is responsible for the paint?s ability to adhere to the leaf blade, so manipulating the





Wh o We Ar e An d Ou r Valu e Pr oposit ion The WCTA is a 700+ m em ber, int erprovincial, not -for-profit , indust ry organizat ion act ively involved in t he prom ot ion and support of t urfgrass research, educat ion, discussion and advocacy relat ive t o professional sport s t urf m anagem ent . Those involved represent a diversity of interests such as golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, nurseries, landscapers, lawn bowling greens,

equipment technicians, horticulturalists, industry suppliers and others. WCTA members find great value in the activities of the Association and we respectfully solicit your involvement. Please Choose to Support Your Affordable Regional Industry Association that Directly Supports You! The WCTA is involved with a wide variety of allied organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, private enterprise and others in an effort to provide the best possible information, resources and representation for the professional sportsturf management industry in western Canada.

CLICK HERE for member registration

Thoseinvolvedrepresent adiversityof interestssuchas golf courses,sportsfields,sodfarms,nurseries, landscapers,lawnbowlinggreens,equipment technicians, horticulturalists,industrysuppliersandothers.




NEWS Com in g Even t s Su m m ar y Updat ed Apr il 2017 Wit h so m uch happening in t he worlds of golf and sport t urf m anagem ent , it 's t ough t o keep t rack but we'll do our best t o provide a current list of event s, m eet ings and field days. More information will be added as it's received including times, dates, locations and CEC point availability. M ay 16 VIGSA meeting, Glacier Greens Golf Club M ay 18 BCGSA Lower Mainland meeting, Seymour G&CC Ju n e 7 BCGSA Kootenay meeting, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Ju n e 13 BCGSA Interior meeting, Kamloops GC

Ju n e 13 VIGSA meeting, Nanaimo GC Ju n e 15 BCGSA Lower Mainland meeting, Point Grey G&CC Ju ly 5 BCGSA Interior Pro/Super, Fairview Mtn. Ju ly 18 VIGSA meeting, Salt Spring Island GC Ju ly 27 BCGSA Lower Mainland meeting, Westwood Plateau Ju ly TBD BCGSA Kootenay meeting, location TBA Au gu st 20-22 BCGSA Exchange Tournament, Aberdeen Glen Golf Course, Prince George Au gu st 24 TURF DAY ? PTRC, Olds College Sept em ber 5 BCGSA Kootenay meeting, Fernie G&CC Sept em ber 21 BCGSA Lower Mainland Windup, Nicklaus North (tentative) Sept em ber 27-28 CanWest Hort Show, Abbotsford Tradex Sept em ber 29 VIGSA Windup, location TBA


Sept em ber TBD BCGSA Interior Windup ? location TBA

Febr u ar y 3-8 GCSAA, San Antonio

Sept em ber TBD BCGSA North Windup, Aspen Grove Golf Course

Febr u ar y 14-16 WCTA 55th Conference and Trade Show, River Rock Casino Resort, Richmond, BC (tentative)

Oct ober 1-3 NTA Conference, Suncadia Resort, WA Oct ober 23-24 Can-Am Cup ? Baltusrol Novem ber 14 BCGSA Interior AGM, Gallagher ?s Canyon Novem ber 20-22 VIGSA MS Event and Conference, Victoria Novem ber 25-27 Alberta Property Managers, Canmore Novem ber TBD BCGSA Kootenay AGM, St. Eugene Mission Decem ber 7 BCGSA Lower Mainland Christmas Social, location TBA Decem ber 8 VIGSA AGM, location TBA 2018 Jan u ar y 16-19 STMA Conference, Ft. Worth Jan u ar y 16-18 OGSA Conference, Niagara Falls Jan u ar y TBD IEPMA Conference, location TBA

Febr u ar y 16 WCTA AGM (tentative)

* This is not necessarily a complete list. We will make updates and add details as further information becomes available. If you have an event to add, please contact Jerry Rousseau at exec.director@wctaturf.com




BC Golf Associat ion Su ppor t s An t i-Bu llyin g in Spor t Cam paign Message to Allied Golf Association Board from Kris Jonasson, BCGA Executive Director. Hi Everyone, At our last board meeting I talked briefly about our plans to start a discussion relative to ?Anti-Bullying in Sport?. This initiative was formally launched on February 22, 2017 with a formal signing of Declaration of Commitment by 65 sport leaders. Both the Premier of the Province Christy Clark and

the Minister of Sport Peter Fassbender participated in the signing. I have attached a poster that will be distributed to all clubs starting in mid-May along with a copy of the signed declaration of commitment. We are in the process of having the declaration translated and available in French, Korean, Punjabi, Mandarin and 7 different First Nation languages. We believe this issue does represent a barrier to the growth of the game and a conversation needs to be started. We ask for your support in this initiative. Regards, Kris Jonasson Executive Director British Columbia Golf Tel: 604.279.2580 Toll Free: 1.888.833.2242 Fax: 604.207.9535


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