How to strategize and reset your priorities

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How to Strategize and Reset Your Priorities /2016/07/08/strategize-and-reset-your-priorities/

Do you feel a need to strategize and reset your priorities? Or is it something you rarely think about? Are you an essentialist or a non-essentialist? According to Wikipedia, ‘essentialism’ is the view that for any specific entity, there is a set of attributes which are necessary to its identity and function. For any specific project, endeavor or dream, there is a set of specific activities which will get you to its successful achievement. An essentialist is someone who knows exactly what he/she needs to achieve his/her chosen endeavor. You basically know ‘okay I need to do this’. You don’t dilly-dally around with many things. For example, you don’t carry more luggage to the airport than you actually need. A non-essentialist is someone who just wants to have and do everything at the same time. You want to have the money, the time, the fame, the family all at the same time. You are not realistic with regards to exactly what you need to do at this present moment. I actually have this issue whenever I travel. I always want to carry everything I possibly can with me. I must go with my outfits and they must have matching bags and shoes. I must also go with at least four books (which are usually heavy) and of course, at the end of my journey, I might not have read any of them. I have definitely been guilty of being a non-essentialist.


Be honest with yourself. What do you want and what can help you get there? I know this might sound weird but it is often said that most of what we need to fulfill our dreams is already in us. Really, it is. We just need to search deep within us for the answers. My passion is to inspire and nurture people to achieve their dreams. I love it when I see people live the lives they truly desire to live. However, I would like to pledge allegiance to your inner self. What you need is already inside you. Just take the time to look deep within you. You might need some guidance along the way but I dare say that all the guidance in the world won’t help you if you don’t take the time to look deep within. At this point, you could take a decision. Do you want to be an essentialist or a non-essentialist? Do you want to continue to run around in circles or do you want to strategize and reset your priorities? I believe in being an essentialist. Your life is less cluttered that way. In Greg McKeown’s book ‘Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less’, he emphasizes on the need to declutter your life and get only the right things done. If you have decided to become an essentialist, let me share a few tips on how to achieve this.

Ask yourself the most difficult question “What do I really want?” Yes this question is absolutely difficult. It can be so easy to remain in your comfort zone and what you are used to. But you need to be true to yourself. Shakespeare reiterates this in his profound quote:

To thine own self be true.

Knowing what you really want is the first step to becoming an essentialist. I used to run around in circles earlier on in my life but I got to the point when I decided ‘okay I need to focus’. I asked myself what I really wanted and now I can see significant improvement in my life from this critical question I asked myself.

Ask yourself the next question “Will what I am doing currently get me to where I want to be?” This is another very difficult question. Is it not just easier to go on with life? But if you can have the courage to dream, you can also have the courage to ask yourself if the activities you are currently engaging in will get you there. Are you being an essentialist? Have you researched both within and without on the methods you are currently using? Will these methods get you to where you want to get to? If you honestly know they won’t, then it is time to strategize and reset your priorities. Perform adequate research on what you want and you will discover the strategies to achieve it.

Take daily practical steps towards the achievement of your goals In his book, ‘Awaken the Giant Within’, Tony Robbins says, “be committed to constant and never-ending improvement”. You need to constantly improve yourself everyday. After you have decided on what you really want, strategize and reset your priorities. Also begin to implement the new strategies. It could be something as simple as taking a class on cooking or sewing. It could be taking a business class. Or if you are single, it could be something fun like going to places where single people are actually found.

Whatever strategy you choose, start taking daily steps based on your chosen strategy.


The decision to strategize and reset your priorities is very important. Being an essentialist or a non-essentialist could also depend on your character. Do you tend to lean more towards being an essentialist or a non-essentialist? Whichever mode your character tends to lean more towards, you can still become an essentialist. Life is so much simpler and successful when you do. As always, feel free to comment and share your experiences and thoughts below. Dedicated to your success, Ifeanyi Omoike



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