SW_Scientific women in the world

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Cynthia Kenyon is developing ways to help us live longer and healthier lives.

Kenyon is the vice president of aging research at Calico.


Elizabeth Holmes developed a groundbreaking blood test that will transform the future of healthcare.

Holmes is the founder and CEO of Theranos.


Emily Levesque is discovering the hidden mechanisms driving the formation and collapse of massive stars and galaxies.

Levesque is a Hubble Fellow at the University of Colorado at Boulder.


Helen Fisher is an expert on love, relationships, and sex.

Fisher is a biological anthropologist at Rutgers University.


Holley Moyes explores caves and examines artifacts to understand the rituals of ancient people.

Moyes is an assistant professor at the University of California at Merced. 6

Jennifer Doudna’s discovery could cure tons of diseases — or create superbabies.

Doudna is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley.


Jennifer Eberhardt is improving race relations between police and the communities they serve.

Eberhardt is an associate professor at Stanford University in the department of psychology.


Karen King decrypted a third-century message and helped set history straight.

King is the Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard University.


Katrin Amunts is building a 3D map of the human brain.

Amunts is a professor at JĂźlich Research Centre in Germany and the director of the Cecile and Oskar Vogt Institute for Brain Research at the Heinrich Heine University. 10

Katherine Freese developed a revolutionary theory about a new kind of star.

Freese is the George Eugene Uhlenbeck Collegiate Professor of Physics at the University of Michigan. 11

Maryam Mirzakhani is helping us understand the complex mathematical relationships that govern twisting and stretching surfaces.

Mirzakhani was a mathematics professor at Stanford University.


Nina Tandon is using stem cells to grow human bone — potentially changing how 900,000 surgeries a year are performed.

Tandon is the CEO and cofounder of EpiBone.


Sara Seager has discovered more than 700 new planets.

Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Sonja Lyubomirsky can teach you how to be happy.

Lyubomirsky is a professor of psychology at the University of California at Riverside.


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