May 2019 Booklet

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Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

This booklet belongs to:………………………………………………… My Exchange Partner is:……………….……………………………………..

 IES BLAS INFANTE Platero Pedro de Bares, 31 A. 14007 Córdoba. SPAIN  ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA PACOV. Nám. Svobody 321. 395 01 Pacov. CZECH REPUBLIC  FLIGHTS 7th May flight Prague-Málaga FR 5007 Ryanair 9.40-13.00 15th May flight Sevilla-Barcelona VY 2253 Vueling 7.45-9.25 flight Barcelona-Prague VY 8656 Vueling 18.15-20.45  TELEPHONE NUMBERS - Emergencies:112 - Ambulance and hospital emergencies: 061 - Fire Brigade: 080 - Local Police: 092 - National Police: 091 - IES Blas Infante: 0034957XXXXX - Spanish Teacher Coordinator, Inmaculada Gañán: 0034 XXXXXXXXX


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Exchange partners Erasmus+ “Smart Wellness” May 19 Visit KA219 Strategic Partnerships 2017-1-ES01-KA219-038402_1 CZECH PARTICIPANTS Group 18-19 SPANISH PARTICPANTS 3º ESO C 1. Á, Aitana 1. V Natálie 3º ESO C 2. B Tereza 2. C, Paula 3º ESO C

3. G, Marta


S Karolína

3º ESO C

4. R, Nekane


D Pavlína

3º ESO C

5. S, Yago


K Adam

3º ESO D

6. C, Manuel J.


J Šimon

3º ESO D

7. R, Alba


S Denisa

3º ESO D

8. S, Hugo


L Tomáš

3º ESO E

P Kristýna

9. S, Irene


3º ESO E

10. S, Ana

10. S Natálie

3º ESO E

11. T, Lucía

11. M Adéla

4º ESO C

12. P, Manuela

12. R Pavla

4º ESO C

13. R, Ángel

13. V Filip

4º ESO C

14. T, Andrea 15. G, Alba

14. M Aranka

16. G, F. Javier

15. H Kateřina 16. M David

4º ESO D

17. M, Adrián

17. P Vít

4º ESO D

18. P, David

18. V Aleš

4º ESO E

19. D, Lucía

19. V Pavla

4º ESO E

20. P, Ángela 21. T, Alba 22. M, Noelia

20. N Marie

4º ESO D 4º ESO D



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019


- Obey the teachers’ instructions, cooperate and behave. Don’t take risks. - Don’t leave the group without permission. - Don’t speak loudly anywhere. - Use the paper baskets. Don’t throw litter. - At museums: don’t take pictures if not allowed, don’t use the flash if prohibited, don’t touch anything, don’t paint on the walls, don’t run, don’t use your mobile, don’t chew gum, keep next to your teachers, listen to your guide, fill in the activities in the exchange booklet and do the challenges as you are told. - Fill in your exchange notebook. Ask for help to your host family. It will favour communication. Don’t forget your booklet and a pen in any activity. Try to speak English and try to learn some Spanish words at home with your Spanish family. Take down the words you come through in your notebook so you can revise and learn them. Use the dictionary and ask what you don’t know. Be patient if you don’t understand what they tell you or you don’t manage to convey what you want. You should be ready to certain misunderstandings and frustrations. Learning a language is not an easy task! We should face the exchange experience with an open mind and ready to make new friends. The student should be self-confident and be able to face difficulties. -Learn as much as you can about the country and city you are visiting. Be ready to talk about your own country and town. -Limit the time you spend on the phone or the computer with your family and friends from the Czech Republic. It will distract you from other activities and, at the same time, it will make more difficult to integrate in the new culture. Please, when you have a problem, never call your parents first. Ask your host family for help and then to your teachers if needed. They will contact your parents if they think they should. It is not a good idea to worry your parents if we can avoid it because they cannot do anything from the distance.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Tuesday, 7th May 09:40-13:00 Flight PragueMálaga FR 5007 Ryanair 14:30- 18:30 MÁLAGA VISIT Picasso Museum, Alcazaba and city centre. (Inma and Carmen M.) 21:00 Arrival in Córdoba. Commentaries about the flight (perfect) (good) (bad) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 14:30-15:00 PICASSO MUSEUM The Museo Picasso Málaga is a museum in Málaga, Andalusia, Spain, the city where artist Picasso was born. It opened in 2003 and has 285 works donated by members of Picasso's family. Málaga also boast Picasso’s Birthplace Museum. Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. He was a painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright who spent most of his adult life in France. Regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), and Guernica (1937), a dramatic portrayal of the bombing of Guernica by the German and Italian airforces during the Spanish Civil War. Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years, painting in a naturalistic manner through his childhood and adolescence. During the first decade of the 20th century, his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. After 1906, the Fauvist work of the slightly older artist Henri Matisse motivated Picasso to explore more radical styles, beginning a fruitful rivalry between the two


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

artists, who subsequently were often paired by critics as the leaders of modern art. Picasso's work is often categorized into periods. While the names of many of his later periods are debated, the most commonly accepted periods in his work are the Blue Period (1901–1904), the Rose Period (1904–1906), the African-influenced Period (1907–1909), Analytic Cubism (1909–1912), and Synthetic Cubism (1912–1919), also referred to as the Crystal period. Much of Picasso's work of the late 1910s and early 1920s is in a neoclassical style, and his work in the mid-1920s often has characteristics of Surrealism. His later work often combines elements of his earlier styles. Exceptionally prolific throughout the course of his long life, Picasso achieved universal renown and immense fortune for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments, and became one of the best-known figures in 20thcentury art. Among other works in Picasso Museum Málaga are Restaurant (1914), an exceptional oil painting that has been cut out and stuck onto glass, and which is shown here for the very first time; The Three Graces, a large canvas that shows a more classical and monumental Picasso; and the iconic bronze, Head of a Bull (1942), made from the seat and handlebars of a bicycle. Along with the rest of the works on display, they give shape to an exhibition narrative that starts with the artist’s formative years, continues with the great stylistic and thematic moments of his career – cubism, the Mediterranean, portraiture – and ends with his reinterpretation of the great masters, all of them with that combination of talent, technique and expression that made Picasso the great artist of the 20th-century. 16:30 -18:00 ALCAZABA The Alcazaba is a palatial fortification in Málaga. It was built by the Hammudid dynasty in the early 11th century. This is the best preserved alcazaba or citadel in Spain. Adjacent to the entrance of the Alcazaba are remnants of a Roman theatre dating to the 1st century BC. Some of the Roman-era materials were reused in the Moorish construction of the Alcazaba.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Ferdinand and Isabella captured Málaga from the Moors after the Siege of Málaga (1487), one of the longest sieges in the Reconquista, and raised their standard at the "Torre del Homenaje" in the inner citadel. The Alcazaba of Málaga is the prototype of military architecture in the Taifa period, with its double walls and massive entry fortifications. This Castle, built in the 14th Century to house troops and protect the Alcazaba, is today one of the most visited monuments in Málaga. From its walls, you can get spectacular views of the city. Although it was used by the Phoenicians and Romans, in 1340 the Nasrid King Yusuf I made the place into a fortress. During the reconquest, it was besieged by the Catholic Monarchs in the summer of 1487 and Ferdinand the Catholic made it his temporary residence after the victory. In addition, he designated the castle as a symbol on the coat of arms of the city. It was considered the most impregnable fortress on the Iberian Peninsula for a time. It has two lines of walls and eight towers. The outer wall meets the coracha, zigzagging walls arranged to link to the Alcazaba Castle. Inside you can walk around the whole perimeter of the fortress. The Castle is divided into two parts. The upper part is called the main courtyard and houses the Interpretation Centre where you can discover the history of the castle through the lives of its inhabitants. You will find the Main Tower (Torre Mayor), 17 metres high, the Phoenician well and the baths in this section. The Airón well was dug in solid rock to a depth of 40 meters. The lower part, or courtyard, held the troop barracks and stables. The watchtower or White Tower (Torre Blanca), facing the North East, is one of the most visible ones and inside you will find a water tank, auxiliary buildings and storerooms. How did you feel before meeting your Spanish family, nervous/ happy/ frightened? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you enjoy it? (perfect) (good) (bad) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Comment your first day in Spain. (perfect) (good) (bad) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

8th May, Wednesday

08:30- 09:30 Welcome. Assembly Hall. 9:30- 10:30 *Group 1. 11 Cz students. PTVAL cooking workshop. *Group 2. 9 Cz students. Recipe book workshop with Sp 4º ESO partners. 10:30- 11:30 Group 2. 9 Cz students. PTVAL cooking workshop. Group 1. 11 Cz students. Recipe book workshop. Menus special diets. Sp students 3º ESO with partners. 11:30- 12:00 Break 12:00- 14:55 Courtyards visit San Lorenzo, San Agustín and Santa Marina neighbourhoods with PTVAL class. No Spanish students. Carmen and Inma. 14:55 Back to school Afternoon with families *Group 1. 3º ESO 11 al and exchange partners *Group 2. 4º ESO 9 al + Alba T and Noelia and partners

08:30-09:30 Welcome. Assembly Hall. (20 Cz+ 22 Sp: 44 students)

Explain booklet. Please, always bring your exchange booklet and a pen to be able to do the planned activities. Health Challenge. Video about teen obesity. Start Special diets workshop.

9:30 a 10:30 GROUP 1 Only 11 Czech students

for COOKING MINIENTERPRISE with PTVAL. V Natálie, B Tereza, S Karolína, D Pavlína, K Adam, J Šimon, S Denisa, L Tomáš, P Kristýna, S Natálie, M Adéla You will be cooking in the PTVAL class. Students in this class have special needs and are here in a special programme to learn how to be more independent as adults. They have a sort of flat, which has a bed and a kitchen. They learn how to make a bed, iron, work a washing machine, and all the tasks in a kitchen. Every Thursday they cook for teachers who pay for their lunches. Today you will be able to help them cook and see how well they are able to develop their skills. You will also be able to learn about Andalusian cuisine and our culture.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

After cooking, you will eat it for break time. The recipes are from our SMART RECIPES BOOK and were made by the PTVAL. Today’s Healthy Breakfast for group 1: YOGURT CAKE, FRUIT SALAD AND ORANGE JUICE. YOGURT CAKE        1. 2. 3.


Ingredients 1 lemon yogurt. 1 measure of sunflower oil. 2 measures of sugar. 3 measures of flour. 3 eggs. 1 packet (16g) of baking powder. Butter to grease the mold. * measure = yogurt cup

How to do it Preheat the oven at 180ºC. Put the yogurt in a bowl and use the cup as a measure. Beat the eggs with the sugar, and then add the yeast with the sifted flour and the oil. Whipping after each addition of a new ingredient. When we have a homogeneous and fine dough, pour over a removable mold, which we will have smeared with butter and sprinkled with flour so that later it is easy to unmold the cake. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 180ºC, or until we see that the tip of a knife comes out clean when pricking in the center of the cake. Smart tip Change the sugar by grated carrots to reduce calories. Use margarine to grease the mold for vegans, halal or kosher. Use corn flour for coeliacs.

FRUIT SALAD Ingredients  1 dessert orange.  2 juice oranges.  1 banana.  2 figs.  1 kiwi.  4 strawberries.  1 apple.  6 blueberries.  4 chopped nuts. How to do it 1.

Peel and wash the fruit.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Chop the fruit in a container, leave some whole fruit to decorate later. Add the orange juice and the orange liqueur (optional) If necessary, add a little water. I do not usually add sugar to the fruit salad but if you consider it necessary, it is always better to add brown sugar. Let everything marinate together for a minimum of one hour. Smart tip Very healthy dish suitable for all diets. Do not add any sugar for low-calorie diets.

10:30 a 11:30 GROUP 2 9 Czech students for COOKING MINIENTERPRISE with PTVAL. R Pavla, V Filip, M Aranka, Kateřina, M David, P Vít, V Aleš, V Pavla, N Marie Today’s Healthy Breakfast for group 2: CARROT CAKE, CHOPPED ORANGES AND LEMONADE


CHOPPED ORANGES    1. 2. 3. 4.

Ingredients Oranges (3 or 4 pieces). Sugar to taste). Cinnamon powder (to taste) How to do it Peel the oranges and cut into thin slices. Place them on a plate on layers. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon each layer. So on one layer after another until we have placed all the slices cut. Leave it to rest so that the oranges absorb the sugar and release their juice on the plate. Smart tip We can change the sugar by some honey.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

After cooking, think and tick if these dishes belong to the different diets: Mediterranean

Halal Kosher

Vegetarian Vegan

Gluten Free

Low Calorie

Yogurt Cake Fruit Salad Orange Juice Carrot Cake Chopped Oranges Lemonade How we adapt the Yogurt Cake for a coeliac, for Halal or Kosher diets and for a person on a low calorie diet? Gluten free: ________________________________________________________________________________ Halal and Kosher: _______________________________________________________________________________ Low calorie: ________________________________________________________________________________

9:30 a 10:30 GROUP 2 RECIPE BOOK WORKSHOP. 9 Cz students. with Sp 4º ESO partners+ Alba T 19 students. Make 5 groups of 4. 2 Czech and 2 Spanish. 4+4+4+4+3

10:30 a 11:30 GROUP 1 RECIPE BOOK WORKSHOP. Menus special diets. 11 Cz students with Sp 3º ESO partners. 22 students. Make 6 groups of 4 or 3. Include Czech and Spanish students. 4+4+4+4+3+3  Bring felt pens, scissors, glue and anything you think will help you to create a lovely poster.  Students will choose one of the special diets: Vegan,


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

vegetarian, gluten free. lactose free, low calorie, Halal, Kosher or Sephardic and Mediterranean. Each group a different diet.  Use the Smart Recipes Book to choose a menu for a person with the chosen special needs.  Choose one starter, one first course, dessert and a drink.  Each group will use a thin cardboard and will create a poster sort of an advertising menu for a restaurant specialized in one of the special diets.  Use felt pens, supermarkets leaflets with photos of food.  You can write the recipe or the ingredients or the smart tip.  You can also write some slogan to advertise the restaurant, etc.

11:30- 14:55 COURTYARDS VISIT San Lorenzo, San Agustín and Santa

Marina neighbourhoods with PTVAL class. No Spanish students. Carmen and Inma. Free entrance from May 6 to 19, both included, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Patios of Cordoba (World Heritage) really come into their own during the Festival of the Courtyards (“Patios”) of Cordoba, held in the first half of May every year, when all the owners participating in the contest open up their courtyards for the public to visit. During the Courtyards Festival, you’ll discover Cordoba’s lively side. Join in on the street celebrations and dance to the sounds of Flamenco while enjoying the scents of jasmine and orange blossom. The people of Cordoba proudly open the gates of the courtyards in the old quarter of the city during the days of the festival. They deck the courtyards out specially for the occasion with pots full of geraniums, carnations and jasmines that hang from the whitewashed walls. They can be visited at practically any time of the day and the hosts always give a warm welcome. There are often even flamenco shows and the chance to taste delicious tapas from Cordoba and Montilla-Moriles wine. The festival is celebrated during the first fortnight of May. It is not, however, the only chance you will have to visit the courtyards in


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Cordoba. You can visit the Trueque Cuatro Courtyards Festival Visitor Centre, the Palacio de Viana or sign up for a special visit at any time of the year.

What did you have at lunch time? Did you like it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you do the rest of the day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

9th May, Thursday 08:30-9:30 Food preservatives experiment. Czech students. 9:45 Bus to IMIBIC Czech students and 4º ESO. 10:30-12:30 Visit of the IMIBIC. 12:30 Walk to Jewish quarter. Sightseeing bus. 14:55 Blas Infante 15:00 Lunch in families 21:30 Night visit of the Mosque Cathedral. Carmen and Enrique

8:30- 9:30 FOOD PRESERVATIVES LABORATORY EXPERIMENT Only Czech students. Biology teachers Carmen Gómez and Luisa Morales Recognition of immediate principles in foods: Carbohydrates (sugars) Lipids (fats) Protoids (proteins) These immediate principles are the nutrients of food. The foods may be more or less complete and complex according to their nutrients. Some foods are misleading with respect to the nutrients they contain. Other foods are very complete because they contain all as well as a variety of mineral salts. Other foods are simple because they contain only one or two nutrients. In today's lab practice, we will check these facts. We will see that there are foods that are not what they seem because of the additives they contain.

9:45 Public Bus Line 2 to Reina Sofía Hospital stop.


Czech students and 4º ESO.

Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019


The Maimónides Institute of Biomedical Research of Cordoba (IMIBIC) is a Research Health Institute created on April 24, 2008, based on an agreement between the Regional Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía, the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Board of Andalusia and the University of Córdoba. The IMIBIC, one of the 31 institutes accredited in Spain for health research by the Health Institute Carlos III, is a multidisciplinary research space in which scientists from the university and health sector work together to improve the health of citizens and the social and economic development of the province of Córdoba. We will be hosted by Scientist Elena Yubero, who last year came to school to speak about women scientists within our Erasmus+ “Smart Wellness”.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

12:30 Walk to Jewish quarter. SIGHTSEEING BUS We will be enjoy a sightseeing trip of Córdoba by courtesy of Córdoba Main Hall. The nearest stop to school this bus leaves us is Plaza del Corazón de María. From there, we will walk back to school to be there about 14:50.

15:00 Lunch in families


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

21:30 THE SOUL OF CÓRDOBA. A SPECIAL VISIT TO THE MOSQUECATHEDRAL Carmen and Enrique Important to be there by 21:10!!!!! Spanish students should give the teachers the tickets back as we need them. Meeting point: Deanes Gate. The Cathedral of Córdoba is a sacred place. Follow these rules:  You will be filmed during the visit.  Use an appropriate tone of voice.  Photographs and videos are forbidden.  Remove your hat when going into the temple.  Keep your mobile off or silent. The Cathedral of Cordoba, formerly the Mosque, is without a doubt one of the most amazing monuments in the entire world and the most singular religious building in existence. The complete evolution of the Omeyan style in Spain can be seen in its different sections, as well as the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles of the Christian part. On October 31st, 1984, UNESCO declared it 'World Heritage Monument'. The Chapter of the Cathedral and the Cordoba Local Tourist Board with the Sponsorship for the Plan for Excellence in Tourism of Cordoba are working together to offer, as of Spring 2010, a new way to understanding this singular Temple and admiring its beauty, discovering aspects unknown until now, submerging us in experiences and transporting us, by


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

way of new technologies, on a trip in Time, through art and spirituality that will lead us through the Monument´s history, its artistic value and its cultural and religious importance. The building today is the result of several expansions of the Muslim mosque started in the 8th century and the Christian cathedral, which was erected mainly in the 16th century in the central part of the mosque.

Have a look at the timeline to identify the Christian and Muslim building period.







The site which the Mosque-Cathedral occupies has been used for the worship of different divinities since ancient times. Under the rule of the Visigoths, the Basilica of San Vicente occupied this very site, and later, after the Moslems bought part of the plot of land, a primitive Mosque was built. The basilica was rectangular in shape, and for a while was shared by Christians and Moslems. As the Moslem population increased, the ruler Abderraman I acquired the whole site and demolished the basilica to make way for the first Alhama (main) Mosque in the city. Some of the original building materials from the Visigothic basilica can still be seen in the first section of the Mosque built by Abderraman I. The great Mosque is made up of two distinct areas, the courtyard or sahn, with its porticos (the only part built by Abd al- Rahman III), where the minaret stands nowadays, encased in the Renaissance tower - and the prayer hall, or haram. The area inside is made up of a forest of columns with a harmonious colour scheme of red and white arches. The five separate areas of the Mosque correspond to each of the five extensions carried out.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Comments about the visit:  _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you do the rest of the day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. CĂłrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?

10th May, Friday No Spanish students in today’s visits. Inma guides. 08:30 Public Bus Line 2 or 6 to Seville Gate stop. Must be there before 9:30. 9:15 Alcazar visit. 11:30-14:00 San Basilio courtyards visit. 14:15 Public Bus Line 2 or 6 from Seville Gate stop to school. 15:00 Lunch and afternoon with families.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

9:15-11:30 ALCÁZAR OF THE CHRISTIAN KINGS. 1.-OUTSIDE. Lion Tower. We are in front of the Alcázar of the Christian Kings. This is a castle and a palace where lots of archaeological remains -Roman, Visigoth and Arab- have been found, which show the different cultures once established in Córdoba. It was built by King Alphonso XI in the 14th century. The Alcázar’s most outstanding features are its magnificent gardens, the Roman mosaics and the royal baths. We are in front of the “Lion Tower”. This is the main entrance to the monument.

2.- MOSAICS HALL. We are in the Mosaics Hall. This is a great hall full of history. It housed the Court of the Inquisition from the XVth century. The Inquisition punished non-Catholics. Nowadays it is used to celebrate civil weddings. The mosaics shown here are from the 2nd and 3rd centuries discovered in the Corredera Square. 3.- ROMAN SARCOPHAGUS. Roman 3rd century sarcophagus. It shows a couple ready to go across the half open After Life doors. The doors are decorated with lions and rams heads, guardians of the graves. The couple is accompanied by a philosopher and a woman pedagogue. There is a dove on the left-hand corner, related to the journey to After Life. There are winged horses, Pegasus on panthers on both sides of the sarcophagus, related to Baco. The work must have been brought from Rome and the faces finished in Córdoba.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

INNER CORRIDOR 4.-TOWERS. The castle is almost a perfect square of two floors with a tower in each corner. The towers are connected by walkways with battlements. 5.-LION TOWER This is the “Lion Tower” from the top. The name derives from one of the gargoyles which can be seen on the upper floor. It’s the oldest tower. What shape is the tower? How many floors does it have? This is inside the Lion Tower on the first floor. Have a look at the crossed vault. Have a look at the loop holes. What were they used for? They were used for looking through and for firing weapons. Go to the upper terrace and have a look at the sights including the Royal Mews. 6.- HOMAGE TOWER. (From the outside). This is the Homage Tower and the main tower. Has it got a round, octagonal or square shape? This is where the occupants swore oaths to protect the fortress. On top there is a smaller tower with a covered balcony, where the Inquisition carried out its public executions. Now we are going to enter the tower. Take a picture performing the soldiers’ oaths to protect the fortress. 7.- THE INQUISITION TOWER. That is the Inquisition Tower. Look at the tower shape. a) Is it octagonal with a square topping? b) Is it round with an octagonal topping? c) Is it square with a round topping? This tower was used to keep the Inquisition documents. 8.- ROYAL BATHS. These are the Royal Baths, made by the Christian King but from Caliph style. This first room is the changing room. The next three rooms are the Cold Room, the Warm Room and the Hot Room. There are skylights in the shape of stars which provide light and ventilation.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

9.- MOORISH PATIO. This is the Moorish Patio. It was used as a prison courtyard. 10.- OLD GARDENS. Following the Arab tradition, palm trees, cypresses, orange trees and lemon trees mix with fountains and pools to create this unique atmosphere. Water supply. The water was brought in by an aqueduct from the Sierra Morena. The great Albolafia waterwheel in the River Guadalquivir nearby helped with the supply. Queen Elizabeth the Catholic forbid the use of the waterwheel because the noise kept her awake. Get closer and try to see the waterwheel. 11.- GARDENS PONDS Fortified by the Romans due to its strategic location at the banks of the Guadalquivir River. During the Arab settlement, the Alcรกzar formed part of the Caliphal Palace. It was turned into a royal residence after the Christian Conquest of the city in 1236 by Ferdinand the IIIrd. With Alphonso the XIth, the Avenging, it acquired its present castle like appearance. 12.- NEXT TO CATHOLIC KINGS The Christian monarchs, Isabel and Fernando lived here for eight years while overseeing the Reconquest of Granada in 1492. Then it became the Court of the Inquisition. Between 1822 and 1931, it was used as a prison. Finally, in 1955 the Alcรกzar and its gardens were transferred to the Town Council of Cordoba. Here you can see a reproduction of the meeting of Isabel and Fernando, the Catholic Monarchs, and Christopher Columbus before the discovery of America. 13.- THE NEWEST PONDS. These large ponds were added in the 19th century. This monument is declared World Heritage.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

About 11:30 Rest on the benches in front of the Alcázar and have a sandwich. (In case we have time) 14.- CALIPH BATHS. They were built in the 10th century. The building was a thermal complex or Hispano-Muslim “hamman”. The eastern part has the classic Caliphal baths structure with a portico, dressing room, cold room, warm room. The western area was built from the XIth century to the XIIth century during the Almoravid and Almohad dysnasties. Now let’s go inside to visit and watch a video. 15.- HANDS MONUMENT. This is the monument to Princess Wallada al-Mustakfi and Ibn Zaydun, known in the city as “The Hands Monument”. Wallada and Ibn Zaydun were two poets from the 11th century who shared a passionate love story. Wallada was the most famous female poet in Al Andalus, daughter of one of the last Caliphs. She had a literary hall in Córdoba where she educated girls. One poem from each of the lovers is engraved on the monument in both Spanish and Arabic. The hands represented in the monument do not meet. These lovers had a very difficult relationship. THE JEWISH QUARTER (In case we have time) Calle Tomás Conde, Plaza de las Bulas, Calle Judíos, Plaza Tiberiades, Monumento a Maimónides, Zoco, Sinagoga, Calle Averroes, Capilla Mudéjar de San Bartolomé, Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, Calle La Hoguera, Calleja de las Flores. Calleja del Pañuelo. Looking to Jews Street. (In Las Bulas Square) The Jewish Quarter is where Jews have lived in Córdoba since Roman times. It is the historic centre of the city and it is a World Heritage site since 1994. The Jewish Quarter has a very irregular design, with narrow streets and small squares, surrounded by whitewashed houses with a central patio. Why do you think streets are so narrow here? Narrow streets protect from the heat and are easier to defend.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

17.- MAIMÓNIDES. Now we are at Jews Street…and this small square is Tiberiades Square, where we can find the statue of Maimónides. Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) was one of the most important scientists of the Middle Ages. He was born in Córdoba, the capital of Muslim Spain, but he had to leave his native land for being a Jew when the radical Muslim Almohads arrived in Spain. He was a doctor and a philosopher for the rich and the poor. He became Saladin’s doctor, Egypt’s sultan. He wrote in Arabic and in Arabic with Hebrew characters. His legacy spread to European Medieval universities. Now we are going to the souk. 18.- TOWN SOUK Souk means market in Arabic. Here we can find a market of Cordobesian Handcrafts created in the 50’s. This is a two-floor Mudejar style building with a magnificent arcaded patio. Here we can find leather artisans, potters and Cordobesian filigree silversmiths. The typical leather handicraft is called cordobán and guadamecí and has its origin in the 8th century with the arrival of Muslims to the city. Scan the QR code to see more crafts. 19.- SYNAGOGUE. This building is the synagogue, a place of worship for Jews. This is the only existing synagogue in Andalusia and one of the three remaining in Spain from the 14th century. It was built in Mudéjar style. Mudéjares were the Arabs who remained in Spain after the Reconquest. 20.- SAINT BARTHOLOMEW MUDEJAR CHAPEL. It was made, as the synagogue, by the Muslim artisans who remained in the city after the Christian Reconquest. This art is the result of the coexistence of Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures in medieval Córdoba. This chapel is part of the building of today’s College of Arts, which we are going to pass by now.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

21.- ALLEY OF THE BONFIRE. This winding alleyway dating from Moslem times links the streets of Deanes and Céspedes. Half-way along is the Averroes Islamic University, where students follow courses in Arabic language, Islamic Sciences and Andalusi (Arabic-Andalusian) culture.


Now we are in Flowers Alley. This is the most visited street by tourists. From this perspective, we can see a nice octagonal fountain adorned with a Roman capital. Here you can usually listen to street musicians playing the Spanish guitar. If we look back, we can see the cathedral’s bell tower. In this street we can visit one of the most famous Cordobesian leather workshops called, as we said before, cordobanes and guadamecíes. Cordobanes and guadamecíes are embossed leather work. Guadamecíes are painted in colours. 23.- HANDKERCHIEF STREET This is the Handkerchief Street, which is a blind alley and the narrowest street in Córdoba. The narrowest part only stretches the length of a man’s hankerchief, about 50 centimetres. The alley ends in a small square with a small fountain.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

WORKSHEET. Read the text about the visit on Wednesday and circle the right answer. Do it together with your Spanish partner. 1. The Alcázar of the Christian Kings was built by (…) in the XIVth century. Queen Elizabeth and King Alphonse XI King Ferdinand III Al-Manzur King Ferdinad 2. The name Lion Tower comes from … a prisoner a legend a king a gargoyle 3. The small raised tower with a covered balcony in the Homage Tower was used … for swearing oaths for public executions to keep documents to sightsee 4. We can enjoy here this extraordinary (…) 3rd century sarcophagus, a beautiful work of great quality. 5. The mosaics in the Mosaics Hall are from (…) times. Visigoth Arab Greek Roman 6. There are (...) in the shape of stars which provide light and ventilation. doors windows skylights arches 7. The water was brought in from (...). an aqueduct and a a pipe and an a pipe and a pool a pool and a waterwheel aqueduct waterwheel 8. The Christian monarchs, Isabel and Fernando lived here for (...) years to lead Granada Reconquest until 1492. 8 18 7 17 9. The Alcázar was included within the area the (...) declared World Heritage in 1994. United Nations Main Hall UNESCO European Parliament 10. This is the monument to (...) Wallada al-Mustakfi and Ibn Zaydun. Queen Slave Governor Princess 11. Wallada’s poem is about (...) and Ibn Zaydun’s about the wish to meet. The hands represented in the monument never meet. These lovers had a very difficult relationship. music love hope jealousy 12. The Caliphal Baths were built in the (...). 13th century by the 11th century by the 7th century by the 3rd century by Christians Arabs Visigoths the Romans 13. Maimónides was a doctor and a philosopher (…) born in Córdoba in the XIIth century. Christian Jew Buddhist Muslim 14. What kind of crafts CANNOT be found in the souk of Córdoba? Cordobanes Filigree silk pottery 15. Mudéjares were the (…) who remained in Spain after the Reconquest of the Catholic Kings. Christians Jews Buddhists Muslims


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

16. In the Alley of the Bonfire we can find the Averroes (…) University. Jewish Islamic Buddist 17. From the Flowers Street we can see the tower of the (…). mosque Synagogue Cathedral 18. The Handkerchief Street is called like this due to (…) The width of its The height of its The width of its widest part. widest part. narrowest part.

Christian Inquisition of the Alcázar The height of its highest part.

11:30- 14:55 COURTYARDS VISIT. SAN BASILIO NEIGHBOURHOOD The beautiful old neighbourhood of San Basilio – also called Alcazar Viejo – is one of the most charming quarters in all of Andalusia. This area of scrunched together, whitewashed houses is home to many of Cordoba’s flower-filled patios and courtyards, which are opened to the public every May during the Feria de los Patios, one of Andalusia’s most enchanting events. Some are also open throughout the year, but even those that aren’t can be glimpsed behind heavy iron gates – verdant oases of cool and colour in the hearts of some of the city’s oldest buildings.

14:15 Public Bus Line 2 or 6 from Seville Gate stop to school. 15:00 Lunch and afternoon with families. Pack for our weekend in Antequera, Ronda and Gibraltar!


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

What did you have at lunch time? Did you like it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you do the rest of the day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?

11th May, Saturday Partners weekend together 8:30 Bus to Torcal Antequera. 10:30-13:00 Torcal hiking. 14:50-18:00 Ronda visit. Packed lunch. 19:15 Manilva Green apartments. 20€ deposit. 20:30 Sabinillas. Dinner on their own by the seaside. *The 20€ deposit and 5€ breakfast will be picked up in the bus together with the DNI for Spanish students.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

8:30 Leaving from Jijonenca, bus to Torcal Antequera. Pack some food for the trip.


TORCAL HIKING Wear hiking boots and light clothes. Bring plenty of water and something to eat. Enjoy the scenery!

El Torcal Natural Reserve El Torcal Natural Reserve is situated approximately 45kms north of Malaga and only 13kms south of Antequera. The reserve is home to some of the most striking karst formations in Europe. El Torcal owes its unique appearance due to the simultaneous working of various factors. One of the most important is the nature of the limestone rock itself. The stone that makes up the Torcal belongs to a series of marine sedimentary rock that dates from the Mesozoic age and is comprised mainly of carbonate. Being particularly porous and soluble, the carbonate-rich limestone rock dissolves easily in El Torcal’s unique microclimate. Being higher up, the Sierra de Torcal receives more rainfall than surrounding areas. Coupled with the porous nature of the surrounding limestone rock, makes the region a ‘perfect reservoir’ with underground rivers and a high watertable. The source of one of Antequera’s most important rivers - Rio La Villa is just at the base of the Sierra de la Torcal.

14:50-18:00 RONDA VISIT. Packed lunch. Ronda is one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia. Close to Seville (1h45 by car) and Malaga (1h30), this village located on a rocky promontory offers magnificent panoramas over the whole valley. Divided in 2 by the Guadalevin river, it’s famous for the Puente Nuevo, the bridge linking the 2 sides of the 100m deep El Tajo Canyon.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

The village can be visited on foot and a single day is enough to discover all the must-see attractions and points of interest.

1. Plaza de Toros de Ronda. Bullring. One of the oldest arena in Spain. Ronda is known to be the birthplace of bullfighting. Built in 1785 by the same architect who built the Puente Nuevo (“New Bridge” in English), it can host 5,000 spectators. One of the best bullfighters in Spain founded the bullfighting school of Ronda. 2. Ronda Viewpoint From the Plaza de Toros, take the Paseo Blas Infante to the edge of the cliff. Start from the right side (ending in a dead-end street) and follow it to the end, you will walk along the edge of the cliff and will be able to admire beautiful views of the valley below. Then turn back to Ronda Viewpoint. The opportunity to scare yourself on the footbridge over the cliff, as well as realize the exceptional situation of this perched village. 3. The Puente Nuevo The main attraction of Ronda and the emblem of the city on all the postcards! You should definitely cross the bridge for a picture stop at the Aldehuela viewpoint. Completed in 1793, after 42 years of construction, the Puente Nuevo crosses the valley and connects the old and new town previously


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

separated by the El Tajo valley and the Guadalevin River. This spectacular bridge is nearly 100 metres high. To have the most beautiful view on the bridge and take the perfect picture, follow the Calle Tenorio until you reach the Plaza de Maria Auxiliadora. A path will take you down to the first viewpoint . Be careful, the viewpoint is not well secured, so watch your steps and your camera! Every year, hundreds of cameras are found at the bottom of the ravine. You can then go down to the second viewpoint which will allows you to see the bridge, the waterfall and the river that flows underneath. A second opportunity to take nice pictures! 4. Puerta de Almocabar and Arab Walls Because of its geographical location, and thanks to its high walls and gates built during the Islamic period, Ronda was one of the impregnable cities of Andalusia. In Muslim times, the Puerta de Almocabar was the main entrance to the city and the largest gate. It’s surrounded by two semicircular towers for defensive purpose. 5. Ronda’s Arab Baths The most well preserved in Spain. Built towards the end of the 13th century, they are arranged like the Roman baths with a cold, warm and hot zone. Surprisingly, the hydraulic system is still almost intact today. You can still see the boiler used to heat the water. Take a look at the ceiling and you will see the star-shaped vents directly inspired by the Alhambra of Granada and its baths. 6. La Casa del Rey Moro Located in Calle Cuesta de Santo Domingo, this palace was built by the Moors in the 14th century, who installed an ingenious water pumping system. The mine water system runs all the way down the gully to the Guadalevin River. 34

Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. CĂłrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

You can also take a staircase cut from the rock of 236 steps and which goes down 60 meters to reach a platform allowing you to have a very nice view. As you go back up, have a thought for the Christian slaves who, every day, made this journey to fetch water. You can also stroll through La Casa del Rey Moro (House of the Moorish King) sumptuous gardens. Designed by a French architect, Jean-Claude Forestier (the same architect who built the Maria Luisa Park in Seville), these terraced gardens with canals and fountains are simply magnificent. And the view too!

19:15 MANILVA GREEN APARTMENTS. 20â‚Ź deposit. Take care not to break anything so you are given you deposit back in the morning! -28 girls who will be distributed in 5 apartments of 2 rooms 5 girls in each plus an apartment with 1 room for 3 girls, so (5+5+5+5+5+3 girls). An extra bed in each apartment (6 extra beds) -13 boys who will be distributed in 3 apartments of 2 rooms (5+4+4). Prepare 1 extra bed in one of the rooms) Students can arrange the rooms as they wish mixing Czech and Spanish

20:30 SABINILLAS. Dinner on your own by the seaside.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

What did you have at lunch time? Did you like it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you enjoy the most of the visits of the day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Who are you sharing your apartment with? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?

12th May, Sunday 7:30 Get up and have breakfast 8:30 Leave for Gibraltar 9:30 Gibraltar 10:30 Gibraltar Rock tour 14:00 Lunch on your own 17:30 Back to Cรณrdoba 21:00 Cรณrdoba


Be punctual and make sure you pack everything and leave your apartment tidy!!!!



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

9:30 GIBRALTAR Frontier procedure

Gibraltar (/dʒɪˈbrɔːltə(r)/; Spanish pronunciation: [xiβɾalˈtaɾ]) is a British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It has an area of 6.7 km2 (2.6 sq mi) and is bordered to the north by Spain. The landscape is dominated by the Rock of Gibraltar at the foot of which is a densely populated town area, home to over 30,000 people, primarily Gibraltarians. In 1704, Anglo-Dutch forces captured Gibraltar from Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession on behalf of the Habsburg claim to the Spanish throne. The territory was ceded to Great Britain in perpetuity under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. During World War II it was an important base for the Royal Navy as it controlled the entrance and exit to the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar, which is only 8 miles (13 km) wide at this naval choke point. It remains strategically important, with half the world's seaborne trade passing through the strait. Today Gibraltar's economy is based largely on tourism, online gambling, financial services and cargo ship refuelling. The sovereignty of Gibraltar is a point of contention in Anglo-Spanish relations because Spain asserts a claim to the territory. Gibraltarians rejected proposals for Spanish sovereignty in a 1967 referendum and, in a 2002 referendum, the idea of shared sovereignty was also rejected. Language The official language is English and all residents follow the British education curriculum, sitting their GSCE's and A'Levels as they would in mainland UK. However, Spanish is widely spoken, in fact it is the unusual unofficial ‘dialect’ call ‘Yanito’, a mixture of English, Spanish and some Italian words, which is frequently spoken among the locals.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. CĂłrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

To some outsiders who only speak either English or Spanish, 'Yanito' may sound vaguely familiar, as speakers appear to switch languages in mid-sentence. One feature of the language is the pronunciation of English words with a Spanish intonation. All Gibraltarians, also speak standard Spanish when conversing with Spanish speakers. It seems that, in the first decades of the 19th century, 'Yanito' was full of Genoese words, later substituted mainly by Spanish and some English words. There has been a Jewish community in Gibraltar for many years and this has resulted in a significant Jewish influence on the language. Shopping Gibraltar is a well-known for its VAT-free shopping. With a wide variety of stores to choose from, visitors are spoilt for choice. Most of Gibraltar’s retail establishments are located in Main Street and the surrounding area. This busy street runs throughout the entire length of the city, from Casemates Square to Southport Gates. Stores along this pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare sell everything from clothes to locally produced crystal. Other side streets such as Irish Town and Engineer Lane are very quaint to walk through and have a number of small shops located within the picturesque old buildings. Gibraltar has low prices on certain items such as perfumes, cosmetics, jewellery, tobacco and spirits. Many shops also boast excellent deals on brand name sunglasses and watches. As with anything else, it is a good idea to compare prices at several shops so you get the best value for your purchases. Crystal and porcelain are items that are also very reasonably priced. Shoppers can even watch glass-blowing and intricate hand-crafting at a crystal glass factory located at Casemates Square. On the top floor of the same magnificent


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

building there are a selection of interesting shops some of which sell works of art and locally made handicrafts. When using ATMs and making purchases in Gibraltar, be aware of exchange rates. Most retailers accept Euros and Dollars, however, to ensure the best rate convert your currency at a bureau de change, of which there are plenty or pay with your credit or debit card.

10:30-13:00 GIBRALTAR ROCK TOUR Guided visit by bus with different stops (Appointment with driver and guide in the Parking at Gibraltar Airport). -We'll go through the tunnels in Rosia Bay, reaching the southernmost point of Europe, where we can see the wonderful views of Africa and appreciate the distance between Gibraltar and Mons Abila in the South. -We will continue to the Upper Rock, the nature reserve, home where the famous monkeys live. -We'll go through the monument to the Pillars of Hercules. -Then, we will continue to the Caves of San Miguel, one of the largest examples of limestone cave. -We'll go through the siege tunnels, considered an excellent defense system. -We will follow the route to Princess Caroline Battery and then continue to Moorish Castle, a distinguished castle. Leaving at Casemates Square. 13:00-16:30 GIBRALTAR CASEMATES AND MAIN

STREET. Free time to eat and enjoy the place! Meeting point to go back walking to the frontier at 16:30 at Casemates Square Test to practice English and to handle another currency. Take a picture in the Trafalgar cemetery. Search the oldest newspaper in Europe. Find a phone booth and take a picture. Ask for a fish and chips and look for the restaurant. What did you have for breakfast? Did you like it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

What did you have at lunch time? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you enjoy the most of the visits of the day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?

13th May, Monday 8:30-11:30 Scientific women fair, theatre plays, Kahoot game and votes. 11:30-12:00 break 12:00- 14:00 App Restaurants Breakout. 14:00-15:00 Sevillanas workshop. 15:00-17:00 Farewell party.

8:30 to 15:00 SCHOOL PROJECT ACTIVITIES 8:30-11:30 MY FAVOURITE SCIENTIST All 4ยบ ESO groups and Czech students You are going to work in groups of ten people. You will visit the fair in your group, will watch some performances and videos and play a group Kahoot game with a tablet each group. Take down notes to be the winning team. The Czech students with a partner from 4ยบ ESO will be with their partners. The other Czech students will be included in other groups from 4ยบ ESO.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

8:30-11:30 SCIENTIFIC WOMEN’S FAIR. Every class has its stall with the woman they have chosen. There are 20 stalls from 20 classes. There are stalls from 1º ESO to 4º ESO, students from 11 to 16 years old. In each stall, there are two students to advertise their scientific woman. During this time, you shall visit the fair with your group and try to get as much information about all the women as you can. There will be challenges and games. You will receive some presents as you visit the fair if you are a smart visitor. Take notes along your visit as you will play a Kahoot game to check how much you have learnt.

9:30-10:30 SCIENTIFIC WOMEN’S PERFORMANCES 4º D (Lisa Meitner), 4º E (Rosalind Franklin), 1º D (Maryam Mirzajani) y 3º E (Hedy Lamarr) WATCHING WINNING VIDEOS Sit next to your group, listen and enjoy the performances. Take down notes about the facts they show. 10:30-11:30 KAHOOT AND VOTES Agree with your group which is the right answer about each scientific woman in the fair. The winning team will have a prize. Then vote for the best scientific woman according to the best way the group has advertised her. Take some photos of your group in front of your favourite fair stall. 11:30-12:00 BREAK. Czech students will be in the courtyard of building A


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Breakout rules Lepanto room. Building A, first floor. Teachers in charge: Antonio Ruiz and Enrique Ruiz. All Czech and Spanish participants take part in this activity. -Groups. You will form groups of four, each group will have two Czech students and two Spanish students. So there will be 10 --groups. -You will sit around a table working in groups around a tablet. -The tablet will have installed our Smart Wellness App of Local restaurants of Cรณrdoba. -The restaurants have been classified into six categories. There are 10 restaurants in each

-Each group will be given a box with a padlock, which has a four numbers code. -You need to get the code to open the box. -To get the code, your group has to undergo a series of challenges using the App. -If you use the App in the correct way, you will able to win. -The challenges are in an envelope. -We have come to learn by playing, not to compete. -Every participant has to see all the challenges. -You have to share ideas and work in groups. -You cannot use a calculator during the activity. -The game ends when the box is open and the counter stops. Good Luck!!!!



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

14:00-15:00 SEVILLANAS DANCING WORKSHOP Assembly Hall. Teacher in charge: Margarita Navas. Noelia‘s mother helps. All Czech and Spanish students.

 Sevillanas are a type of Flamenco and one of the most popular and well-known folk dances from Spain.  These are danced in pairs during celebrations in Andalucía.  Sevillanas are divided into four parts.  The first copla is the easiest. Learn this one first because it's the foundation of all the others.  All the following coplas use the same basic steps in different combinations and with extra flourishes - so once you've mastered this one, you're halfway there.  Here are the steps used in Sevillanas: o Careos - Type of passing step used in fourth copla only o Esquinas (lit. “corners”) - from one side to the other o Pasada - Passing step, changing place with your partner o Sevillana - basic Sevillanas step o Vuelta - Flamenco turn o Zapateado - stamping footwork  Rond de jambe and pas de basque are two steps from ballet, used in the second copla.  This is the traditional version of the steps - you will see many variations.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

PRIMERA SEVILLANA First SEVILLANA 1st 2nd 5 sevillana steps 1 sevillana step 1 pasada 4 esquinas 1 pasada SEGUNDA SEVILLANA SECOND SEVILLANA 1st 2nd 1 sevillana step 1 sevillana step 3 rond de jambe 6 pas de basque 1 vuelta (left) 1 vuelta (left) 1 pasada 1 pasada TERCERA SEVILLANA THIRD SEVILLANA 1st 2nd 1 sevillana step 1 sevillana step 1 vuelta (left)+mark 3 zapateado 1 vuelta (right)+mark 1 vuelta (left) 1 pasada 1 pasada CUARTA SEVILLANA FOURTH SEVILLANA 1st 2nd 1 double spin (left) 1 careo 1 sevillana step 2 pas de basque 1 double spin (right) 1 careo 1 sevillana step 1 vuelta (left) 1 pasada 1 pasada


3rd 1 sevillana step 4 pasadas 1 vuelta (left) 3rd 1 sevillana step 8 pas de basque (circle) 1 vuelta (left) 3rd 1 sevillana step 1 pasada + mark 1 pasada + mark 1 vuelta (left) 3rd 4 careos 1 vuelta (left)

Czech students and all Spanish partners and families. Families come at 14:00 to prepare the tables. 1. Bring food from home. Cook together with your Spanish family. 2. The dishes have been chosen from our Smart Recipes Book, just printed. 3. Print the recipe in English and Spanish. 4. Help with the decoration, setting the dishes, going to pick up drinks and ice, prepare the music. 5. Dance and take part in Informal Sport Competitions 17:00 Home to prepare suitcase and have your last day in Cรณrdoba.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

What did you have at lunch time during the party? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you have for dinner? Did you like it?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What did you enjoy the most of the activities today? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Comments about your day:    ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE. Fill in the exchange booklet for healthy habits challenge everyday: Circle the number of items for each category you had today: How much water have I drunk? How many vegetables have I drunk? How much fruit have I eaten? How many dairy products have I had? How much olive oil have I had? How much physical activity time? How did I feel today?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

14th May, Tuesday


from Jijonenca

Do not forget to take some food from your host families

We hope you have enjoyed your stay in Córdoba!

Enjoy the rest of the trip in Seville and Barcelona and have a safe journey back home!

15th May flight Sevilla-Barcelona VY 2253 Vueling 7.45-9.25 flight Barcelona-Prague VY 8656 Vueling 18.15-20.45 Commentaries on your exchange.    ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Your Spanish Exchange family

Nombre del padre/ Father’s name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Description______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de la madre/ Mother’s name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Description______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de los hermanos y hermanas/ Brothers and sisters’ names: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Description______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Animales domésticos/ Pets ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe tu habitación/ Describe your room ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

VOCABULARIO: LA CASA/ THE HOUSE Visit these webs to learn Spanish and English vocabulary of the house. ESPAÑOL El Cuarto de baño el papel higiénico el cepillo de dientes la pasta dentífrica el peine el espejo el secador el gel el champú el suavizante la toalla el jabón la esponja la taza del water la bañera la ducha la alfombrilla el cepillo el desodorante el calentador de agua El dormitorio la cómoda la almohada el armario la sábana la cama

ENGLISH Bathroom toilet paper toothbrush toothpaste comb mirror hairdryer shower gel shampoo hair conditioner towel soap sponge (toilet) bowl bathtub shower bathmat brush deodorant water heater Bedroom chest of drawers pillow wardrobe sheet bed



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

la colcha la manta el tocador la mesilla de noche ESPAÑOL el edredón la percha el colchón el despertador La cocina el horno el microondas la cacerola / cazuela la sartén la hornilla el calentador de agua la nevera el fregadero la plancha la escoba el cubo de basura la fregona la lavadora la secadora el congelador el lavavajillas el cubo las pinzas de la ropa el delantal El resto de la Casa el equipo de música la mesita de café la mesa

bedspread blanket dressing table bedside table ENGLISH duvet hanger mattress alarm-clock Kitchen oven microwave oven pot frying pan kitchen stove water heater refrigerator / fridge kitchen sink iron broom dustbin mop washing machine dryer freezer dishwasher bucket clothes pegs apron The Rest of the House stereo coffee table table



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

la mesita el radiador la chimenea el vestíbulo la contraventana el escritorio ESPAÑOL lámpara la silla el suelo la pared el techo la puerta el cajón la persiana la mecedora el sofá el sillón la televisión la alfombra el garaje el desván el taburete el teléfono las escaleras la estantería la ventana la cortina la estufa el florero / el jarrón el ordenador el cuadro el marco de foto

endtable radiator chimney lobby shutter desk ENGLISH lamp chair floor wall ceiling door drawer blind rocking chair sofa armchair television carpet garage loft stool telephone stairs shelf / bookcase window curtain heater vase computer painting photo frame



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Ask and find the full names under these nicknames Loli Paco Paqui Curro Maribel Quique Marisa Pepe Nani Nacho

1. Match the words. Do it with your Exchange partner and your host family. 2. Then add the Czech word in the third column. 3. Finally write other words in the three languages you are learning during your exchange.


Inglés salad meat roll cheese oil bread fish butter vegetables fruit chips cake chicken

la carne la mantequilla el pescado el pan el queso las patatas fritas el pollo la fruta el bocadillo la ensalada el pastel las verduras el aceite



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019

WRITE A SPANISH RECIPE INGREDIENTS AND HOW TO DO IT What kind of special diet is it suitable for? Low Calorie/ Halal/ Kosher/ Vegan/ Vegetarian/ Gluten Free/ Lactose Free

Smart Tip to adapt your recipe to a special diet!


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Find out when, how and why these festivals or bank holidays are celebrated in Córdoba Los Reyes Magos. The Three Magi

San Valentín. Saint Valentine

Carnaval. Carnival

Día Andalucía. Andalusia’s Day

Semana Santa. Holy Week

Las Cruces. The Crosses


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Los Patios. The Courtyards

La Feria. The Fair

La Fuensanta

Los Santos. All Saints’ Day

La Inmaculada. The Immaculate Conception

Navidad. Christmas

Fin de Año. New Year’s Eve


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Boarding gate

Puerta de embarque



Flight attendant

Asistente vuelo



Seat belt

Cinturón de seguridad







Conveyor belt

Cinta transportadora



I am feeling sick: Me siento mal Can I have anything for airsickness?¿Tiene algo para el mareo? Would you like something to drink? ¿Quieres algo de beber? Can I have a glass of water, please? ¿Me da un vaso de agua, por favor? Here you are. Aquí tiene

FOTOS/PHOTOGRAPHS Can I take photos here? ¿Se pueden sacar fotos? Would you take a photo of us, please? ¿Nos puede sacar una foto?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Una lata de Coca-Cola

Carrier bag


A bottle of

Una botella de

A tin

Lata conserva

A packet of

Un paquete de

A dozen

Una docena

A slice of

Una loncha de

Wrapping paper

Papel de regalo

Could I have a look at? Can I browse? ¿Puedo mirar? I´m just browsing I´m looking for …

Sólo estoy mirando Estoy buscando....

Who´s next, please? ¿Quién es el siguiente? It’s my turn Can I have…,please?

Me toca a mí Puede darme...

How much is it/are they? ¿Cuánto cuesta? Where are the changing rooms? ¿Dónde están los probadores? Do you have a bag? ¿Tiene una bolsa?: I think you’ve given me the wrong change. Creo que me ha dado mal el cambio.

CONVERSATION Excuse me, sir/madam: Disculpe, señor/señora Thank you: Gracias You´re welcome: De nada Can you help me? : ¿Puede ayudarme? Do you speak Spanish? : ¿Hablas español? I only speak a bit of English : Hablo solo un poco de inglés Can you speak a bit more slowly? : ¿Puede hablar más despacio? I don´t understand you: No le entiendo. Do you understand me?: ¿Me ha entendido?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019

Can you repeat, please? : ¿Puede repetir? I´m sorry : Lo siento I´m so sorry : Lo siento mucho Good morning: Buenos dias Good afternoon: Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas noches Good night Buenas noches (only to say farewell when you go to bed) Goodbye: Adiós See you later: Hasta luego USEFUL QUESTIONS TO USE WITH YOUR HOST FAMILY May I use your toothpaste, shampoo, ...? May I have a shower?

¿Puedo usar vuestra pasta de dientes, champú, …? ¿Puedo ducharme?

What time do you usually have meals?

¿A qué hora se suele desayunar?

Where can I put my clothes? May I have a coat hanger?

¿Dónde puedo colocar mi ropa? Necesito una percha.

May I use the computer, the bicycle…?

¿Puedo usar el ordenador, la bicicleta…?

Where should I store my suitcase?

¿Dónde meto la maleta?

What time should I get up in the morning?

¿A qué hora debo levantarme?

What time should I be back home?

¿A qué hora tengo que volver a casa?

Shall I phone if I am going to be late or if I miss the bus?

¿Debo llamar por teléfono si voy a retrasarme o he perdido el autobús?

Can I watch TV?

¿Puedo ver la tele?


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Note Coin

Billete Moneda

Change Czech crowns

Cambiar Coronas checas

Bank Banco Cash dispenser Cajero automático Amount Importe Counter desk Ventanilla Money Dinero Signature Firma I´d like to change...Czech crowns in euros. Quiero cambiar...coronas checas en euros. May I see your passport, please? ¿Puedo ver su pasaporte? Sign here, please. Firme aquí, por favor. How would you like it, large or small notes? ¿Desea el dinero en billetes grandes o en billetes pequeños? Go to the cashdesk, please. Por favor, vaya a la caja.


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019





MALÁGA (7th) CÓRDOBA (8th-9th-10th-13 ) RONDA (11 ) GIBRALTAR (12 ) SEVILLE (14 )

Answer the questions looking at the weather forecast: 1.- What is the weather like in Málaga on the 7th? It is rainy. / It is sunny. / It is a bit cloudy./ It is stormy./ It is very hot. 2.-Do we need to carry an umbrella for the Courtyards visit of the Wednesday afternoon?______________ 3. What is the weather like on Thursday for the sightseeing bus tour? It is rainy. / It is sunny. / It is a bit cloudy./ It is stormy./ It is very hot. 4.- What is the weather like on Friday for the Alcázar visit? It is rainy. / It is sunny. / It is a bit cloudy./ It is stormy./ It is very hot. 4.- How many degrees have we got on Saturday for the Ronda visit? __________________ 5.- How is the weather in Gibraltar for our Sunday visit, colder or hotter than Córdoba weather? _______________________________________________________________ 6.- Is our farewell party on Monday going to be spoilt because of the weather? __________


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Córdoba 7th-14th May 2019




Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019



Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


Smart Wellness. KA2. Erasmus+ 18-19. Cรณrdoba 7th-14th May 2019


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