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Goal academic excellence Mission involvement proactive response

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Academics Committee structure

Notes:  The structure of the committee is team-based. PMs get to work with their own team and with other teams as well. It is structured this way so that ideas will not be limited to the team members only. The Directors, on the other hand, will function to oversee each project and will assist the PMs to ensure that the goal/s of the project will be met.  Since we envision AcadComm to be proactive and responsive, the committee will be open to Project: Suggest. You have the freedom to suggest any project that you think will be beneficial to AcadComm and to IE Club. (It must be in-line with AcadComm and IE Club’s objectives)  To promote involvement among committee members is AcadComm’s mission this year. The following are just guidelines. In AcadComm, there will be a lot of room for your ideas




Job Description

100% COMMITTEE INVOLVEMENT in all projects

Maximizes the use of the committee’s human resources for each project (apps, committee members, and clubbers)  Project team staffing, assignment and titles of project team members, recruitment from other committees for projects

To make sure that committee members LEARN something from each project

Facilitates the growth of each committee member through team-building activities, bonding sessions, and regular evaluations  Skills enhancement, bonding sessions, committee culture enrichment, end-of-the sem evaluation by the directors and VP

Ensures the smooth flow of communication between each project and each committee member  Project updates, member involvement check-ups

Assists the PMs in formulating and creating their pub materials for their events  In-charge of Acadcomm pub team


Job Description

Consistent UPDATE AND MAINTAINANCE of the committee’s records

Facilitates the committee’s use of all its available records  Main bookkeeper

Facilitates consistent update and retrieval of documents, forms, pictures, etc. from all the committee’s projects

Ensures the AVAILABILITY of the records for the use of members

Organizes all the documents, pictures, evaluations, etc. for easy access

Transforms data gathered from each project into useful interpretations (i.e graphs, diagrams, etc.)

In charge of the committee’s presentation during Gen Meets


Job Description

100% PROJECT SUCCESS (measures of success are different for each project)

Assists the PMs in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling each of their projects  Project check-ups, Project methodology assessment, Main Overseer in each project, Evaluations for future PMs

Assists the PMs and their respective teams in coordinating with the directors for human resources and database  Reports the development of each project to the VP and to his/her codirectors

Assists the PMs and their respective teams in coordinating with other committees

Facilitates and coordinates the use of forms that are needed in every project


* PMs will work in a team of 1 or more members. Work stated in the job description will be done as a team with support from the whole AcadComm.



AcadComm Online


Job Description

To provide an ONLINE VENUE where AcadComm can reach the clubbers and vice versa To EASILY CHANNEL the committee’s project updates to the members For AcadComm to be IN THE KNOW about the clubbers’ activities

To ASSIST THE MEMBERS in maximizing the use of their resources for their upcoming major subjects

   

 

Creates and maintains a facebook group/yahoo group for AcadComm Makes sure that all clubbers are members of that group Coordinates with the PMs, directors, and VP all updates that will be posted on the groups Channels the concerns of clubbers to the committee for immediate response Makes sure that all concerns will be resolved properly

Facilitates gathering of information about each major subject What the subject is about, tips and strategies to pass, where to find useful review materials, what subjects come after Ensures that AdvisorIEs are ATTRACTIVE and PRESENTABLE Ensures that AdvisorIEs will be VISIBLE both


To PROVIDE BOOKS to members which they can use in their subjects

Calcu Sale

To EARN MONEY for AcadComm’s projects

  


To HELP unprivileged students prepare for UPCAT

       

online and at the tambayan at all times Evaluates the outcome of the project

Facilitates the publication for book lending and book borrowing Priority system for book lenders, Consistently updated sign-up sheet Administers the collection, distribution, and retrieval of these books Control system for easy-tracking, Excel file for records Ensures strict implementation of lending and borrowing rules Borrower Agreement Form Evaluates the outcome of the project

Manages the advertisement campaign for the sale of calculators Eng’g, Institute of Chemistry, NIP, Math, and Internet Ensures the AVAILABILITY of stocks at all times All orders must be served Keeps track of the sales Evaluates the outcome of the project

Manages the overall flow of tasks Calendar of deadlines, Formulation of ways to efficiently and effectively perform each task, Anticipation of possible future problems Facilitates the Venue Hunt Manages the distribution of invitations to schools Continuously tracks the list of attendees In charge of the search for the next UPCAMP teachers and class advisers Manages the update/editing, printing, and distribution of modules Ensures the availability of food for the UPCAMP attendees Manages the publication for UPCAMP Evaluates the outcome of the project


Job Description

To ensure consistency and quality in holding tutorial sessions

  

Facilitates and Oversees all PMs for Tutorials and the PM for Lab Rats Coordinates with the other Directors regarding all the needed materials for the tutorials Tracks the progress of the tutorial sessions End of the tutorial evaluations, Tracks the passing rate of the attendees


* PMs will work in a team of 1 or more members. Work stated in the job description will be done as a team with support from the whole AcadComm.



Lab Rats

PM for Tutorials (For 1st year subjects)

To INTELECTUALLY PREPARE the students in their upcoming major subjects To give the students a GLIMPSE of what the subject is about

To hold consistent and quality tutorial sessions for the first year major subjects (Based on the IE Curriculum)

Job Description      

   

PM for Tutorials (For 2nd year subjects)

To hold consistent and quality tutorial sessions for the second year major subjects (Based on the IE Curriculum)

 

Surveys which major subjects need to be taught in advance to the students Ensures that all subjects have teacher/s Provides additional review materials to the teachers from the committee’s files In charge of confirming the review attendees Suggests venues where each session can be held Evaluates the outcome of each session

Introduces AcadComm to the freshmen students Forms a pool of tutors for the subjects under his/her supervision Conducts consistent evaluation after every session Tracks the passing rate of those who attended the session Attendee Performance Evaluation, Best Tutor and Best Tutee awards

Forms a pool of tutors for the subjects under his/her supervision Conducts consistent evaluation after every session

PM for Tutorials (For 3rd year subjects)

To hold consistent and quality tutorial sessions for the third year major subjects (Based on the IE Curriculum)

PM for Tutorials (For 4th year subjects)

To hold consistent and quality tutorial sessions for the fourth year major subjects (Based on the IE Curriculum)

Tracks the passing rate of those who attended the session Attendee Performance Evaluation, Best Tutor and Best Tutee awards

What are you waiting for? Apply now

Contact Miguel Urbano 09155680246

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

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