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2012 EVOLUTION ALBUM / 2012 婕斯飛躍世紀年會專刊










As Jeunesse redefines youth, it also redefines success 婕斯2012:重啟青春,再顯成就



Highlights and top news from 2012 EVOLUTION

攜手地球村基金會,扶助全球兒童/ 婕斯發表新商標/ 打破紀錄,參會人數創新高/ 把 賓士開回家!/ 節目融合東西,表演精采/ 領導人上台,榮耀與獎勵的時刻/ 婕斯醫美 顧問提升抗老新境界/ 紐曼博士現身,分享幹細胞秘密

JEUNESSE'S WORLD/四海一家 The world, here we come!! 各國會員經驗談

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEUNESSE: A closer look at ceremony and celebration 慶生晚宴精彩再現



The story behind JEUNESSE new logo and branding An interview with Brandon Scott, Chief Marketing Officer, Jeunesse Global 專訪婕斯全球行銷總監,詮釋新品牌策略


ProPectin-VISION OF TOMORROW/醫美明日之星—柏沛樂 Speech from Dr. Michael Nobel 諾貝爾博士專題演講


SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: HK/香港,永遠的東方明珠 Explore HK with 2012 Jeunesse Evolution 跟著婕斯探索香江

Peroration/期待再相見 See you 2013 in Thailand 2013 我們曼谷見

2012 Evolution



Note from founder

親愛的夥伴: 感謝蒞臨美商婕斯環球集團歡慶三週年 的「飛躍世紀全球年會」。能夠與您齊 聚一堂,共同見證這歷史性的一刻,心 情的興奮和驕傲,我真的有說不出的悸 動和感動。 相信各位跟我一樣,對婕斯三年來卓越 的進步真的感到不可思議!然而這一切 都是因為您對成功屹立不搖的堅持和努 力,還有所有婕斯家人的貢獻,婕斯環 球集團才能有如此傲人的成績和奇蹟! 最後,且讓我們珍視此刻,並持續為夢 想一起打拚。


Dear member, Thank you for participation in EVOLUTION: International Conference and Third Anniversary Event! I cannot even begin to describe how excited and honored I am to have all of you gathered here with me to celebrate one of the biggest moments in the history of our company. I hope that you are all as amazed as I am at how far we’ve come. While it is important for me to recognize the tremendous level of success that we have achieved together as a whole, it is equally important that YOU recognize the individual impact your unwavering commitment and dedication have contributed towards your own personal success. Let’s remember what we have at this point and keep on working toward our dream.



Randy & Wendy

Randy & Wendy 2012 Evolution


GRAND OPENING 來自全世界超過二十多國,將近四千名經銷商齊聚為婕斯慶生。三 天活動融合了榮耀、成功、興奮與激情,這是婕斯史上最大型的年 會,也是成就的里程碑。

Near 4000 distributors from more than 20 countries gather to celebrate JEUNESSE’s birthday. 3-day event of glory, success, excitement and passion marks the biggest in the history of the company as well as a milestone of achievement.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

2012 Evolution


BIG SMILES 情侶、夫婦、好朋友…在婕斯的大家 庭中,不少成員都是夫婦、情侶一起 參與,其中更有不少好朋友。有伴侶 一起歡慶,也無怪乎每個人在活動中 都笑顏逐開。

Lovers, couples and friends……in this big family, many of them participate with their loving ones, which partially explains their big smiles in the event.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

ICONS AND HEROES 創辦人、鑽石菁英、搖滾歌手…擠上婕斯名人榜的偶像們,在活動 全程都是矚目焦點,除了上台亮相,在台下,也總是被會員圍繞, 要求合影。

Founders, diamond leaders, rock stars…..they are all favored celebrities in this event. They are the focus on and off the stage.

2012 Evolution


GLORY OF GREATER CHINA 年年寫下婕斯全球最佳業績的大中華地區,今年是參加經銷商人數最多的地區,活動當 中,搶盡鋒頭。

Greater China has the fastest growth in JEUNESSE. In this event, GC has more distributors participating than any other countries.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

2012 Evolution


TRY MY LUCK 最大獎項賓士轎車一開始就亮相,每到抽獎 時間,總是讓台下引頸期盼。而合作的地球 村基金會也推出多項簽名紀念品,其中包括 搖滾樂團LED ZEPPELIN的金唱片。

The brand new Mercedes is the most anticipated prize in the event and draws all participants’ attention in each lucky draw session. On the other hand, the Global Village Foundation also brings in valuable souvenirs, including gold record of LED ZEPPELIN.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

SHARING GLORY 表揚和上聘是最受矚目的榮耀時刻。在今年的年會 上,除了表揚各國領導人之外,婕斯最有名的領導人 Kim也應邀上台, 分享經驗。

This is the glorious moment for all the leaders. In addition to recognizing leaders’ contribution, Kim, JEUNESSE’s No. 1 leaders, is also invited to deliver a speech.

2012 Evolution


IMMENSITY 九天神鼓以浩瀚的鼓陣開場,結合充滿神秘色彩的臉部彩繪和 肢體語言,讓所有人留下深刻印象。

Drum theatre from Taiwan unveil the event with grand drumbeats and impresses all with its mysterious facial makeups and body languages.

PHANTOM 日本幻影藝術大師坂倉勝己(Katsumi Sakakura)突破虛擬界線,呈現炫目視覺 幻想的「 KAGEMU 醇黑幻影秀」。

Phantom master Katsumi Sakakura mixes what’s virtual and what’s real. His Kagemu show is spectacular.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

RELAY 2013年會主辦國泰國婕斯推出泰國傳統舞蹈, 為活動劃下句點,充分展現了南亞文化的魅力。

Thai delegate closes the event with traditional Thai dance. This hosting country of 2013 event fully demonstrates the charm of south Asia.


源於韓國的亂打秀,活力十足,在舞者的帶動下, 參加總裁晚宴的十幾國婕斯會員也立刻感受熱力。

Nanta show comes from South Korea. Dancers’ energy is felt by all the attendants.

2012 Evolution


CELEBRATION 在互動設備和光影的協助下,獨舞的舞者為婕斯舞 出生日祝福。

With the help of interactive devices and lights, solo dancer says “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEUNESSE” with elegance.

SPLANDOR 十幾位舞者登場,共舞千手觀音的曼妙姿 態,強烈視覺衝擊力感動觀眾。

Image of Thousand-hand Bodhisattva, performed by a dozen dancers, impacts all the audiences.

ORIENT 結合了中國與西方,飛天舞蹈團帶 來年會期間最具東方味的演出。

A ribbon brings a flavor of east. This dance is indeed a mix of Chinese style and western dance.

2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

VIBE 激舞與燈光的結合,向來最能展 現熱力,非常適合熱愛 PARTY 的 婕斯會員。

Combination of hot dances and laser beams is a perfect fit for party-loving JEUNESSE members.

LEGEND 本次年會,主辦的台灣婕斯重金禮 聘以Gary US Bonds為首的美國搖滾 巨星,帶來最純粹的美式文化演出。

A band of US rock stars, featuring Gary US Bonds, is invited to perform in the event. What they brings is the American culture in its genuine form.

2012 Evolution


2012 Evolution


Photo Story 世紀盛會 影像直擊

LEADERS 本次年會,主辦的台灣婕斯重金禮聘以Gary US Bonds為首的美國搖滾巨星,帶來最純粹的美式 文化演出。

A band of US rock stars, featuring Gary US Bonds, is invited to perform in the event. What they brings is the American culture in its genuine form.

2012 Evolution


As Jeunesse redefines youth, it also redefines success 重 啟青春 再顯成就

短短三年的時間中,婕斯快 速成長為國際知名品牌,它 的成功,背後關鍵是什麼? In just 3 years, Jeunesse has achieved rapid growth and became a popular brand internationally. What’s its key to success?

2009年9月9日晚間9點,僅有3個員工的婕斯正式誕 生,從那一刻起,婕斯快速成長為業內領導品牌,在過 去3年間,僅僅計算給經銷商的獎金,婕斯就發出了數 百萬美元。在此同時,婕斯的分公司遍及全球14國,經 銷商總數超過10萬,不到三年的時間,即創下傲人的成 績,於2010年的營業額已超過8000萬美元的水準,成 為全美排名第83名的公司。 回顧過往,這個品牌和產品的開端可說是一段無心插柳 的歷程。那是多年前,由於創辦人之一的Randy右膝關 節退化,右膝疼痛讓他四處尋找療方。過程中,他還跟 醫療研究人員合作,找尋治療之道。 也就在那段時間,美國放寬了幹細胞研究的限制,他和 研究團隊發現,從成人脂肪細胞中萃取的幹細胞,可以 用來治療多種疼痛,這項幹細胞療法的突破,後來成為 賦活系列產品使用的技術,自此,這項技術被用在皮膚 上,也從此改變了整個美容、甚至醫美界,以不用動刀 即可回復青春的革命技術,獨步全球。

2012 Evolution 16

好產品、一流科學,但還要善待人 婕斯的成功源於其產品和科學技術,但在這兩點之外, 我們也別忘了,人-才是這個行業乃至所有行業成功的 最主要關鍵。 「經銷商對我們來說非常重要。」創辦人Wendy特別指 出:在這行,經銷商也是客戶;產品和優秀的領導人兩 者對婕斯的成功一樣重要。「我們有很棒的經銷商,他 們才是成就的關鍵。」Wendy說:「我們現在在全球都 有服務設備和網絡,我們各地都有伺服器和自己的程式 人員,這些對於婕斯都很重要,但如果沒有經銷商,婕 斯就不會成功。」 全球24小時,服務不打烊 「此外,我們總是在往前看。」婕斯全球亞洲營運總裁Scott Lewis也強調:「對於公司我們一直有長遠的遠景,我們總 是在思考10年後我們要達到的目標,而不只是兩年後。」 「我們看過很多載浮載沉的公司,但我們想要為長遠的未 來打下基礎。」他總結。重啟青春,再顯成就,用短短三年 寫下傲人成績的婕斯,未來,想必更是驚奇連連。


Starting with just 3 staff on Sept. 9, 2009 at 9 p.m, Jeunesse quickly makes itself a giant globally. For the past 3 years, it has paid out millions in distributor commissions. And with offices in 14 countries, headcounts of its distributors exceeds 100000 and its volume nears $80 million annually. Looking back, however, the story behind the brand name and its products is actually a tour full of surprises. That was a few years ago when founder and CEO Randy Ray, bothered with pain in his right knee, started to look for a way to ease it. While he collaborated with some researchers looking for the remedy, it was right around this time that many restrictions on stem cell research were lifted in the United States. He found a new procedure where adult stem cells are extracted from an adult’s own adipose tissue and used to treat various ailments. This serious break-through involving adult stem cell therapy is the technology around which the LUMINESCE line of products is based, helping redefine and revolutionize skin care forever. KEY BEHIND PRODUCTS AND SCEIENCE

its products, and the science behind them. But, there’s more to it than that. Let’s not forget the key factor in this business, as in any other business. “Distributors are very important for the organization,” says Wendy. In this business, distributors are also customers. Both Wendy and Randy agree that, products and exceptional people on staff are critical to Jeunesse’s rapid growth. “We have great distributors—that’s what makes you or breaks you in this industry,” she says. “We have the infrastructure and customer service in place all around the world; we have the servers and the programmers in-house—all of the things it takes. But, without the distributors we’d have nothing.” WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK “We always look forward,” says Scott Lewis, president of Asia Pacific operation. “We really have a long-term vision of the company and where we want it to be 10 years from now—not just two years from now.” “We’ve seen companies come and go very quickly, but we’re focused on having a solid foundation for many, many years to come,” he concludes.

It might seem obvious to tie the company’s success to

2012 Evolution 17


Scott Lewis Randy Ray

Scott Lewis Wendy Lewis

Scott Lewis Rob Dawson

ScottA.Lewis Scott Lewis

Founder/ CEO 創辦人/首席執行長 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Founder/ COO 創辦人/營運長 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Executive - Legal Council 法律顧問 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Vice President of Global Operations 全球營運副總裁 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Scott Lewis Ryan Ogden VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Lucy West VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Director of Sales 銷售總監 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Scott Lewis Debbie Kurley VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Director of Customer and VIP "Thank you for all the Jeunesse Relations 客戶關係總監 partners for making this possible."

Scott Lewis Darren Jensen VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Brandon Scott VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Nathan Newman VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Vincent Giampapa VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis William Amzallag VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Chief Marketing Officer 行銷總監 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

M.D. MEDICAL ADVISOR 醫學顧問 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

M.D. MEDICAL ADVISOR 醫學顧問 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

M.D. MEDICAL ADVISOR 醫學顧問 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Executive – CFO 財務長 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

2012 Evolution 18

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Executive – CSO 業務總監 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."



Scott ChrisLewis Cooper

Scott Lewis Thamrin Selamet

Scott Lewis Hiroaki Miyahara

ScottJung Lewis B.K.

General Manager of Japan 日本總經理 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

General Manager of Korea 韓國總經理 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

Scott Lewis Robin Lee 李偉行

Scott Lewis Lawan Wateprasertwong VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Paul J.H. Lim VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Scott Lewis Quang Ngoc, TRAN

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

General Manager of Australia and New Zealand 紐澳總經理 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

General Manager of Malaysia & "Thank you for all the Jeunesse Singapore 新馬總經理 partners for making this possible."

Senior Manager of Indonesia 印尼資深經理 "Thank you for all the Jeunesse partners for making this possible."

General Director of Vietnam "Thank you for all the Jeunesse 越南國家經理 partners for making this possible."

General Manager of Taiwan and "Thank for all the Jeunesse Greateryou China partners for making this possible." 台灣暨大中華區總經理

VP Global Operations of Jeunesse Global

Thailand Country Manager "Thank you for all the Jeunesse 泰國總經理 partners for making this possible."

2012 Evolution 19

Collaborating with Global Village and Reach Out to Kids Globally 攜手地球村基金會,扶助全球兒童 在今年的婕斯週年慶當中,最受歡迎的名流來賓 之一是著名的美國歌手、諾貝爾和平獎提名人Yank Barry。這一次,他所屬的地球村基金會,與婕斯守 護兒童關懷計畫合作,在活動中進行募款。

In Jeunesse’s 3rd anniversary event, one of the celebrities that receive heated welcome from the audience is Yank Barry. On behalf of the Global Village Champion Foundation, Mr. Barry participated in fundraising for the collaboration with Jeunesse Kids™, new charitable organization of Jeunesse Global.

婕斯守護兒童關懷計畫是婕斯環球旗下的慈善基金 會,成立以來,該計劃投入多項公益性活動。此次 與地球村基金會合作,兩者攜手協助中國境內飽受 飢餓之苦的兒童,該計畫將提供醫療用品、衣服、 教育資源以及玩具給這些兒童,以實際的行動,發 揮人溺己溺的精神。

Since its establishment, Jeunesse Kids™ has been working toward several charitable goals. And in this join program with Global Village Champion Foundation, it aims to feed hungry children around the globe, deliver urgently needed medical supplies and provide clothing, educational materials, and toys to kids, especially those in China and other Asian countries.

地球村基金會是由志工組成的非營利組織,婕斯守 護兒童關懷計畫則是該基金會的官方贊助商,這個 在美國非常知名的基金會旗下有許多超級志工,這 些有名的志工包括拳王阿里、麥可喬丹以及太空人 愛德林等,而這一次,婕斯年會募得的所有款項, 將直接投入中國,進行兒童照護計畫。

Global Village is a non-profit organization staffed completely by volunteers. As a corporate sponsor, Jeunesse Kids™ is in good company with other champions including Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Buzz Aldrin, and more. Donations from Global Village partners and members are able to go directly to people who are hungry and in need.

2012 Evolution 20



「在婕斯,我們鼓勵人們追求年輕,我們是全球唯一 拿出實際行動的社群行銷網絡。」談起婕斯的品牌精 神,亞太地區總裁Scott Lewis這麼詮釋。為了擴大這 個即將成為全球品牌的網絡的品牌形象,他特別選 在今年年會,發表了帶有金木水火土意涵的婕斯新 商標。此外,婕斯環球也公佈了全新的企業標語- REDEFINING YOUTH和GENERATION YOUNG。 Scott並指出,「發展網路不僅僅是為了找客戶做生 意,網路更讓人與人變成朋友。在享受頂級生活的同 時,人也應該追求價值,至於每個人狀況則由他們自 行定義,所以我們才主張REDEFINING YOUTH。」 「年輕不僅是年齡,更是一種態度。」Scott接著解 釋,「我們的產品強調年輕,但我們認為年輕並非只 能由年齡所定義,而是由我們的未來所定義,所以我 們是GENERATION YOUNG。」

“JEUNESSE® is the only global social marketing network that rewards everyone for staying young,” says Scott Lewis, Jeunesse’s President of Asia Pacific. And well, with an eye to further promote this soon-to-be global brand name, he also introduces the company’s new logo mark, a symbol representing wood, fire, water, metal and earth. In addition to new logo, he also explains the meanings behind the company’s new taglines: REDEFINING YOUTH and GENERATION YOUNG. “We network to make friends, not just customers. We salute value while enjoying lifestyle of luxury. We leave the status quo to everybody else. We say yes to REDEFINING YOUTH.” “Young isn’t an age. It’s an attitude,” says Mr. Lewis, “our products promote youth. We are real people defined not by the years behind us, but by those that lie ahead. We are GENERATION YOUNG.”

2012 Evolution 21

Number of Participants Sets New Record 打破紀錄,參會人數創新高

受到婕斯獨特文化的號召,此次香港年會吸引了全 球超過20國、總數超越3500的經銷商自費飛到香 港參與盛會。想要知道這個活動有多迷人,看看內 容就明白:精心策劃、令人瞠目結舌的表演向來精 采,而與全球總部高層相遇、近距離接觸的機會更 屬難得。最後,又有誰能抗拒贏得大獎的機會呢? 當然,對於許多從沒到過香港的會員來說,這次機 會也讓他們可以見識香港中西合璧的文化,無論是 舞龍舞獅、街頭遊行還是港式點心,香港總是充滿 各類吸引力。 作為東道主,婕斯環球台灣分公司為了籌備這場活 動,可是整整努力了一整年呢。

2012 Evolution 22

Lured by the vibe unique to Jeunesse culture, more than 3,500 distributors from more than 20 countries flew to Hong Kong to be part of the company’s 3rd anniversary. Just take a look at the event rundown, it’s not difficult to understand the charm of the 3-day event. There are stunning performances, chances to meet and mingle with corporate executives in global management and, on top of all, opportunities to win big prizes. To many participants, this is also a chance to see for themselves the sophisticated lifestyle and glamorous atmosphere that surround a city famous for its dazzling “East-meets-West” culture. Authentic dragon dances, street parades, savory dim sum, and shopping–these are just a few of the exciting activities that Hong Kong has to offer. As the hosting country of the event, it took JEUNESSE Taiwan a full year to prepare for the event.


Bring My Mecerdes Home!! 把奔馳開回家! 婕斯製造贏家,每個婕斯活動也總會改變許多人 的命運。在每年的活動中,總有些超級幸運兒脫 穎而出,飛躍世紀年會也不例外。 9月11日中午剛過,3位婕斯會員成為奔馳轎車車 主,這一下,他們可得把這項貴重的行李另外打 包了。最讓人興奮的是,今年的3位得主當中,有 兩位來自台灣-分別是家住高雄的林玉蘋,以及 來自台北的陳美雲。 現場分為兩階段抽獎,今年,抽獎的規則也很簡 單,所有會員都可以參加兩輪的抽獎,積分夠多 就可以晉級下一輪,在此同時,自己累積的積分 也可以幫助同隊的隊員,增加他們贏得大獎的機 率。除了全新的奔馳轎車外,其他大獎包括歐米茄 名錶、勞力士名錶以及鑲有婕斯商標的元寶等,現 場分兩階段抽獎,幾乎人人有獎、皆大歡喜。

In each of Jeunesse’s grand event, the company produces winners. And among all the winners, there are a handful who are truly lucky. And in this year’s EVOLUTION, there’s no exception. In the early afternoon of September 11, there are three lucky members of Jeunesse family having trouble packing. They are the winners of 3 brand new Mercedes Benzes. The rules of this year’s lotteries are simple. Members of Jeunesse are allowed to participate in one or both of two spectacular EVOLUTION lotteries. The more the member cycles, accumulates travel points, advances to the next rank level, and assists his or her teams with doing the same, the better chances he or she would have at winning some fantastic prizes! Other than Mercedes Benz, valuable prizes include an authentic Omega watch, a luxurious Rolex watch and a gold bullion emblazoned with the Jeunesse logo!

2012 Evolution 23

Performances Featuring a Fusion of East and West 節目融合東西,表演精采 今年是龍年,位處亞洲中心的香港,向來東西方文 化匯聚,在今年的年會上,呼應龍年以及香港的特 色,年會的表演也同樣呈現東西方融合的風格。 年會一開始,香港最著名的醒獅團就以舞獅迎賓, 舞獅源出中國傳統,表演者模仿獅子的神態,微妙 微肖,舞獅還特地來到Randy和Wendy面前討紅包, 給婕斯創辦人一個好彩頭。 除了舞獅之外,精采的演出還包括著名的千手觀音,日 本幻影大師的表演以及由Gary U.S. Bonds領銜、由多 位美國著名搖滾歌手擔綱的演唱音樂會等。

2012 Evolution 24

And this year, to the Chinese people, is the year of dragon. In the heart of Asia, Hong Kong has long been a city that boasts mixed flavor of east and west, especially when it comes to culture. In the year’s EVOLUTION, performances are also tuned with flavors from east and west. On the opening ceremony of the event, Lion dance greets participants. Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture, in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume. In addition to Lion dance, other performances in the event includes famous thousand-hand Bodhisattva, KATSUMI SAKAKURA’s Projection show and the mini live music featuring Gary U.S. Bonds. Gary U.S. Bonds is an American rhythm and blues and rock and roll singer.


Time of Glory for Leaders 領導人上台,榮耀與獎勵的時刻

對於經銷商的獎勵,婕斯向來是業界出手最大方的 公司之一,由於婕斯快速突破國界成長,全球上聘 的經銷商數目和層級也隨之水漲船高。 在年會當中,婕斯特別頒發7座「EVOLUTION Global Visionary」獎,這些獲獎人必須是鑽石以上階級,並 且在過去一年內曾到5個以上國家拓展業務,今年的 得獎名單包括Kim Hui、Samson Li、Tina Hu、Jason Caramanis、Theresa Gregory、蔣奇叡,以及Thanet Wongsa和Anusara Chantarangsi等。 此外,婕斯年會還同時頒發了「積極開發先趨領導 人獎」、「最短時間內獲得超優業績」以及「克服 多種困難」等多個獎項。

JEUNESSE has been one of the most generous companies when it comes to rewarding its leaders. As the company moves fast from country to country, its leaders elevate swiftly along the way. In this event, JEUNESSE hands out EVOLUTION Global Visionary Award to 7 members. These distributors must be Diamond or higher levels and have traveled to at least 5 countries to build throughout the past year. Winners of this award include Kim Hui, Samson Li, Tina Hu, Jason Caramanis, Theresa Gregory, Chi Jui Chiang, Thanet Wongsa & Anusara Chantarangsi. In addition, there are also awards that recognize distributors’ other efforts, they are Evolution Champion Award, Evolution Climber Award, Evolution Highent Points Award and Evolution Pacesetter Award.

2012 Evolution 25

Dr. Giampapa Lifts Anti-Aging to an Art Form 婕斯醫美顧問提升抗老新境界

婕斯醫療顧問Vincent Giampapa博士本身是獲得認 證的整形醫師,他也是紐澤西醫療和牙科大學的助 理教授,作為整型專家,博士受業於紐約西奈山醫 學院,並在紐約大學醫學中心完成了微整形相關研 究。他同時是世界上最早獲得認證的抗老權威,並 在醫美領域的技術和器材發展上都有卓著貢獻。此 外,他也是美國抗老醫學會的創會成員。 在年會上,博士指出抗老領域未來將聚焦細胞和基 因層次的老化過程研究,也因此,他將婕斯的未來 方向,定位在研究提升青春活力的公司。 「沒錯,生命中最重要的投資就是提升生命的品質 和長度,這樣我們才能充分享受家庭、朋友以及我 們工作的果實。」他為抗老的意義做了如此總結。

Dr. Vincent Giampapa is a Board Certified Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Dr. Giampapa did his medical training at Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York, New York, and is a specialist in plastic surgery, having completed fellowship in microsurgery at New York University Medical Center. Dr. Giampapa is one of the first Board Certified antiaging physicians in the world and has pioneered new cosmetic surgical techniques and instrumentation. He is a founding member of the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine. In this year’s EVOLUTION, he points out that the future focus of the origin of aging process is at the cellular level and genetic level. In addition, he foresees Jeunesse’s future as a company that focuses on Youth Enhancement System. “Truly, the most important investment we can make, with the greatest return, is in the QUALITY and DURATION of our lives, so that we may fully enjoy our family, friends, and fruits of our labor,” he concludes.

2012 Evolution 26


Cutting Edge Without Cutting, Dr. Newman Shares the Secrets of Stem Cell Treatments 紐曼博士現身,分享幹細胞秘密 婕斯另一位醫療顧問、世界知名的整形外科醫師紐 曼博士,本身也是在加州比佛利山莊執業的醫師, 年會中他也親臨現場,分享幹細胞治療的秘密。 幹細胞治療是一種侵入式治療,主要是把成人幹細 胞植入受損細胞內,用來治療受傷或生病的細胞。 紐曼博士研發了一種稱為基因訊息啟動技術,這項 創新技術完全不需開刀。 在演講中,他特別說明了基因訊息啟動技術相對於 傳統整形技術的優點,其中包括不需住院、不需大 範圍麻醉、手術時程較短、術後的表情不緊繃較為 自然,以及完全沒有傷疤等等。

Dr. Nathan Newman, a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon with a fully-accredited and respected cosmetic surgery practice in Beverly Hills, California, shares the secrets of stem cell treatments. Stem cell treatments are a type of intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. As a Jeunesse medical advisor, Dr. Nathan Newman is the innovator of Stem Cell Lift™ - cutting edge cosmetic surgery without cutting. In his speech, he briefs the advantages of Stem Cell Lift™ over a traditional facelift, including it is a walkin/walk-out procedure; No general anesthetic or local anesthesia is used; it’s a shorter procedure; it gives a refreshed but natural look rather than a tight, plastic appearance; there are NO visible scars and so on.

2012 Evolution 27

THE WORLD, HERE WE COME!! 各國會員經驗談 Eugenie & Lisa,20+。CHINA 我們是因為台北朋友介紹認識婕斯,嘗試了產品後,皮膚問題在短時間內 立即獲得改善,變得細緻並且擁有光澤。 Through our friends from Taipei, we get to know JEUNESSE. Its products help us improve skin conditions.

Aaron Byerlee & Nicole Follas。SIDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 婕斯的產品改變了我們的生活模式,投入這事業後擁有了更多的收入,有 效率的組織運作,學習更多的領導統御。 JEUNESSE products changed our life style. This business increases our income and with its effective system, we get to learn more about leadership.

Kittipong(Pong)。THAILAND 創新的產品與溫暖的工作團隊使我對婕斯充滿了信心,搭配自己的人生規 劃,我深信婕斯產品必是未來的趨勢,未來是發光發亮的舞台。 Innovative products and teamwork bring me confidence about future with JEUNESSE. With a career program of my own, I believe its products belong to the trend of future.

Daphne Loh。SINGAPORE 婕斯最新的產品科技使人們變的更健康,也帶來了更大的快樂。全新的契 機人生帶來改變。在婕斯,不管你的背景為何,只要你肯努力,只要有一 顆渴求成功的心,你就有成功的機會。 JEUNESSE products not only make you healthier, but also happier. This is a transformation of life. With JEUNESSE, you have a chance to succeed as long as you work hard and long for it no matter where you come from. Amy Tan。MALAYSIA 2012年2月加入,因為看到家人、朋友使用產品後,明顯的改善了身體狀 況,非常驚人的產品效果讓我決定加入婕斯,期待早日晉升鑽石。 I joined JEUNESSE in February 2012 after witnessing my family and friends improve their health condition with the help of its products. I look forward to becoming a diamond leader.

Ricky Smith。SCOTLAND, UK 婕斯擁有強大產品力量,因為看到抗老市場的需求,讓我選擇婕斯。我會 有愈來愈多的人加入,此次年會蘇格蘭雖然只有2位代表,期許下一屆年會 時蘇格蘭將有2000位婕斯人共同參與。 Powerful products. Growing market of aging population is why I joined 。I believe our troop will be stronger. Although we have only two JEUNESSE. distributors from Scotland, I expect the number to exceed 2000 in next anniversary. 2012 Evolution 28


Panyawat Tawadee & Rawatchanan Pattanapoonnatorn。THAILAND 從前兩人都是從事模特兒工作,自從見識到婕斯的產品及事業藍圖後就決 心加入,也因為加入婕斯,我們擁有了比以往更好的生活。 We were both in model business and chose to join after seeing the power of its products and career map. Now we have better life than ever.

Jenny Praseho。INDONESIA 朋友介紹我認識婕斯產品,困擾了自己4年多的肌膚問題在幾個月內就獲得 了明顯改善,驚人的體驗讓我願意分享給所有朋友有關婕斯的一切。 I get to know JEUNESSE through friends. Before that, my skin problems have been bugging me for 4 years. This amazing experience makes me want to share it with all my friends.

A. Fatahillah。INDONESIA 本身是位醫師。在自己行醫的歲月裡,看到了婕斯產品為病患帶來了健康 的生活,於是自己也投入婕斯的行列。 I am a doctor. I see its products improve the life of patients in my medical career, which is why I chose to join it.

郭彩雲(Alice)。TAIWAN 本身從事美容業,看到婕斯產品在抗老市場有著革命性的突破,是我加入 婕斯的主因。同時,我認為電子商務將是未來的趨勢,此次年會我帶著女 兒一起來,即是希望女兒一同加入婕斯的行列。 I am from beauty industry. The reason I join JEUNESSE is because of the breakthrough I made in anti-aging market. I think e-commerce is the future. This year I bring my daughter to the event with a hope she's join me. Liz Sayers。AUSTRALIA 產品功效在我身上就是最佳的例證,已經44歲的我,因為婕斯的產品,看 起來年輕了許多。此外,身為單親媽媽,也因婕斯獲得更高收入,享受更 好的生活,還得以有更多時間跟小孩相處。 I am a living proof of the products. I look younger despite the fact I am 44. In addition, it not only improves my income and life, it also allows me more leisure to hang out with my kids. 張美珍。中國 60歲的年紀,婕斯產品讓我覺得更健康、更年輕,所以我願意將自己的婕 斯經驗分享給大家,非常開心能成為婕斯這大家庭的一份子。 At the age of 60, its products make me healthier and younger and that's why I am willing to share my experience with everyone. I am happy to be part of this big family.

2012 Evolution 29

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEUNESSE : A Closer Look at Ceremony and Celebration 慶生晚宴精彩再現 九月九日晚上九點,婕斯歡度誕生時刻,在這個特別的晚上,婕斯人在歡慶的同時, 也表達對未來的期待。

9/9 marks the 3rd anniversary of Jeunesse. On the night celebrating its milestone, people of Jeunesse flashback their past and envision the future.

Randy and Wendy toss to guests 創辦人舉杯致意


19:50 19:45


19:00 18:30

Guest entering the grand hall 尊客入場

HAPPY TOGETHER: Cock tail treat & rendezvous 相見歡:雞尾酒會前宴

2012 Evolution 30

CEREMONY PHOTO SESSION: Leaders taking photos with founders and executives 婕斯公司主管與領導 人同樂合照




21:15 21:45



Flying Ribbons Dance 彩帶舞表演

Speech from Kim Kim激勵人心的演講

Founders entering the hall on the red carpet 創辦人走紅地毯入場

EVOLUTION SPEECH: Scott Lewis 慶生感言:亞太總裁致詞

2012 Evolution 31

The story behind JEUNESSE new logo and branding An interview with Brandon Scott, Chief Marketing Officer , Jeunesse Global 專訪婕斯全球行銷總監,詮釋新品牌策略

可以請您告訴我們新標語背後的意涵嗎? 婕斯全球新的標語有兩種,分別是REDEFINING YOUTH和GENERATION YOUNG,兩者非常不同。 假如你只有20或是25、30歲,年齡不會是問題,因為 你很年輕,因此對於第一個標語來說,訴求的是35歲以 上的族群;相較之下GENERATION YOUNG則是所有人都 適用,無論是60歲的想看起來只有50歲、50歲的想看 起來只有40歲的人…我們要讓他們感覺「我不只看起來 年輕,我的感覺也很年輕,而且最重要的,我要保持年 輕」。 我們想和大家分享的就是這種感覺,這是你如何看待自 己的問題,這樣的感覺會比較符合所有人的需求,至於 REDEFINING YOUTH則瞄準想要在外表上更年輕的人。 這些人想要外貌年輕,然後會購買各種產品,但 GENERATION YOUNG不只是看起來年輕,思想也要年 輕,慈善活動、婕斯和地球村基金會攜手的援助兒童計

2012 Evolution 32

畫就是年輕的思想,就像創辦人Randy說的,重點是我 們如何善待地球、如何善待居住於其上的人,這就是思 想年輕的精髓。 在發表新商標和標語後,您要如何確保品牌定位在 各國都獲得精確表達? 一開始的時候,你希望所有的東西都一致,就像同 一個家庭出來的一模一樣,這就是我們要去做的。 但有共同點很好,有時候我們也要讓各地不同的文化發 揮作用。我不想蓋過所有人的聲音,我想讓他們能夠保 有自我,讓品牌呈現同時有婕斯特色,又有地方特色。 我們將不同國家想像成兄弟姐妹,每個人都不同,但都 是一家人。在公司內部,所有人都一致,但在對外行銷 上、面對我們想要銷售的對象時,就發揮地方特色。 畢竟,談到消費,人的感情因素都會發揮作用,在韓國 和澳洲肯定都不同,這也將是我的下一步,到各地聽消 費者聲音。


Can you share with us the ideas behind new and taglines? We come up with 2 new taglines: REDEFINING YOUTH and GENERATION YOUNG. And these 2 are different. If you are 20, even 25, 30, you are not thinking about looking young. Cuz you are young. So (for REDEFINING YOUTH) demographic is only 35 and up. At the same time, GENERATION YOUNG is the tagline that encompasses everybody. Because with generation young, you can be 60 and look 50, 50 look 40, 40 look 30, 30 look 20 and so on. It's like “look, I look young, I feel young and I stay young." What we are doing is teaching everyone we are generation young. It's how you think and feel about yourself. That's the one thing we want everybody to embrace about generation young. That's what brings everyone together. Redefining youth is more targeting on those who try to look younger. Redefining youth is focused on those who want to look younger and buy those products. But generation young is not just looking young, It's thinking young. The charity, Jeunesse kids and Global Village collaboration, is young thinking. Young thinking is like what Randy says. There

are 2 things he teaches us: how do you treat mother earth and how do you treat people on earth. That's what generation young is all about. With all the great meaning behind the taglines and logo, how are you going to make sure they are conveyed correctly in different countries? In first place, you want everything to be the same. It's kind of like a family. That's how we're going to approach it. It's good to have similarities. We all have the same elements. But we also let local culture take over and do their thing. That's ok. I don’t want to take away people’s voice. I do want to do is give them the element they say, oh That's Jeunesse, but That's also Korean. We gonna treat it like brothers and sisters, they are different, but they still belong to the same family. We have the corporate side, It's all the same, but when it comes to marketing side, the targeted audiences we're trying to capture and turn it into sales, It's gonna be more cultural-oriented. When it comes to purchasing and influence, you got to get people emotionally involved. In Korea and Australia people do it differently. That's partially my next step, to listen to what their needs are.

2012 Evolution 33

Curing without side-effects, the magic of pectin 果膠魔力:沒有副作用的蘋果黃金 By Dr. Michael Nobel In this year’s Jeunesse Evolution, many medical heavyweights are invited to attend the event and share what’s newest in the world of health. Michael Nobel, who currently serves on several international boards that focus on scientific, medical and charitable initiatives, brings us the benefit of pectin as well as Pro-pectin. 在本年的婕斯年會中,婕斯環球邀請了許多醫學 界重量級人物與會,分享醫美科技發展新知。目前 在全世界科學、醫療以及慈善等領域擔任多個董 事會職務的Michael Nobel,也在會中分享了果膠以 及柏沛樂的療效。本文是摘錄他的演講而成。

果膠是植物細胞間質的重要成分,是一種可溶性纖維, 在水果果皮內含量豐富。果膠外觀看起來像膠體,是果 醬類食品常見的添加物,在此同時,許多醫學實驗也驗 證了果膠的多重療效。 事實上,如果我們深入檢視這些實驗成果,你會發現果 膠實在是一種神奇物質,它的效用是多重的,但幾乎沒 有任何化學成分常見的危險或不適的副作用。 果膠的效用包括防止輻射和重金屬毒害、降低膽固醇、 預防和治療癌症、藥物傳輸、消炎、體重控制、有助療 育失禁、細胞再生以及殺菌等功效。

柏沛樂優於其他品牌 而在市面上眾多果膠產品當中,柏沛樂可說是最佳品 牌,最重要的原因在於,柏沛樂用途廣泛,卻沒有任何 副作用。 它可以防止輻射毒害、降低血脂和血糖;它能增強胰島 素抗性、緩和腹瀉、心痛和便秘,在減肥上也很有幫助。 此外,柏沛樂也是市面產品中唯一可以完全溶解的產 品,可以與優格、果醬或是水混合,且製造柏沛樂的蘋 果原料來自波蘭,此一特殊品種不僅優於其他品種,在 種植過程更是禁絕任何殺蟲劑。 最後,由於果膠溶在液體中效用最大,目前其他品牌的果 膠都無法完全溶於水,柏沛樂可溶於水的特性有助於增 加吸收,也因此在排除重金屬等物質的效果也特別良好。

2012 Evolution 34


Pectin is a component of the cell walls of plants, a form of soluble fiber. Fruits contain particularly high levels of pectin in their skins. Pectin has a gel-like consistency, making it a useful additive in the production of jams and jellies. But scientific studies have also revealed and confirmed a number of medical uses of pectin. The more you look into its effects the more you find it is really a kind of wonder remedy with a multitude of beneficial effects, but without the dangerous or uncomfortable side effects of most chemically produced substances. Benefits of pectin include followings, prevention of radiation and heavy metal poisoning, cholesterol reduction, cancer prevention and treatment, drug delivery, anti-inflammatory qualities, weight control, benefits on incontinence, human tissue regeneration, bacteria production and so on. Advantages of ProPectin over other pectin brands ProPectin, to my knowledge has no known side effects and with a large range of beneficial effects. It will help you fight radiation poisoning, it can help reduce your blood fat level and your elevated blood sugar, it improves insulin resistance and relieves diarrhea, heartburn and constipation and can also help in weight reduction.

ProPectin is the only brand on the market, which is completely soluble with a pleasant flavor. It can be mixed with yoghurt or jam or with water. No pesticides are used in the cultivation of the apples. Pectin is the most effective when dissolved in a liquid. Currently there is no other pectin available on the market that is completely soluble. Being soluble gives it high absorption rate, therefore it is the most effective to remove for example heavy metals and to bind other substances.

小檔案 Michael Nobel Michael Nobel (born 1941 in Stockholm) is a member of the Nobel family, a descendant of Ludvig Nobel. He is an advocate and authority on environmental issues and alternative energy technology.

1941年出生的麥可.諾貝爾,是炸藥發明人諾 貝爾的後裔。他目前積極參與各項公共議題, 包括解決國際衝突、參與醫藥研發、開發替代 能源等。

2012 Evolution 35

Explore HK with 2012 Jeunesse Evolution 跟著婕斯探索香江

2012年九月,婕斯環球選擇在香港舉辦全球年會,在 眾多理由當中,香港獨特的魅力無疑是其一。 香港是個年輕的城市,生活節奏快速且刺激,無論是 時尚的娛樂,美食和時尚,再再都凸顯這座城市的驚 艷魅力。在這個生活天堂,東方和西方巧妙融合,自 然和人工互相結合。

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登一趟港島最高峰太平山頂,從山頂可以俯瞰維多利 亞港景致,無論日夜都叫人讚嘆。而對於第一次到香 港的旅人來說,街頭熙來攘往的人潮,永無止境的動 感,都需要一段時間才能適應這個速度。 作為前英國殖民地,東西方文化自然在香港融合,這 座城市有亞洲一流的基礎設施,旅館傲視全亞洲,再 加上各類美食匯集,精采的香港搭配動感的婕斯,彼 此相得益彰。




大中華區行政團隊真誠相挺,才有飛躍世紀年會的 成功, 您的持續支持,更是婕斯環球勇往直前的動 力。明年,讓我們帶著更輝煌的成就前進曼谷。 In September, Jeunesse chooses Hong Kong for its 3rd anniversary celebration. Among plenty of reasons for doing so, her special charm is definitely one. As the world’s most popular tourist destination, this colorful, ever-changing city exhilarates visitors with its gorgeous setting, East-meets-West cultural fusion, buzz of excitement and famed shopping, dining and nightlife. Victoria Peak overlooks the world’s busiest deepwater port, overshadows a city geared not only to making money but feeling good about it with a vibrant nightlife. For those who visit Hong Kong for the first time, visitor often find it takes a while to get used to its speed and hustle and bustle. Hong Kong is well established as a tourist destination with some of the finest hotels in the world, known for impeccable Asian service standards and a wide variety of restaurants. It is a colorful kaleidoscope of attractions to arouse the senses: spectacular sightseeing, sensational shopping and fabulous foods. The Chinese experience is enhanced by strong western influences from its British colonial history, yet Hong Kong has always stuck to its roots and the culture beneath the glitz is pure Chinese.

發行人 / 李偉行 社長 / 王大智 總編輯 / 張兆君 發行所 / 美商環球婕斯大中華區總部 地址 / 香港九龍尖沙嘴廣東道28號816室 力寶太陽廣場 電話: + 852 - 39983750 網址:www.jeunesseglobal.com 台北分公司 地址:台北市民權東路3段35號7樓之一 電話:( 02 ) 5582-1955 高雄分公司 地址:高雄市前鎮區一心二路21號10樓 電話:( 07 ) 951-5830 協力製作 創

台北市內湖區成功路四段323巷8號2樓 電話:02-27960693 手機:0933904334 E-mail:dragon0933@gmail.com

2012 Evolution 37


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