Annual Report 2014

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Thank you for 25 memorable years! The Idaho Lottery has come a long way since its first $1 scratch ticket twentyfive years ago. On our very first day of sales on July 19, 1989, the Idaho Lottery sold $840,000 worth of $1 tickets. This year we launched our first $25 Scratch Game, 25th Anniversary. And much like the success of our very first game, we sold $1.25 million in products the first full day the 25th Anniversary game was on sale. As we highlight our successes and celebrate our accomplishments, over the past two-and-a-half decades the Idaho Lottery has offered 1062 Scratch Games™, 16 Draw Games™, and 200 PullTabs games. We’ve sold $2.7 billion in products along the way and created 46 new millionaires. Most importantly, we’ve returned $649.5 million to our beneficiaries and good causes, public education, the bond levy equalization fund, and the permanent building fund of Idaho. Lottery dollars have funded thousands of building projects for public education and State facilities while creating $160 million in economic opportunities for Idaho’s retail businesses. Congratulations, Idaho. Our success is your success.

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