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4 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org TABLE OF CONTENTS JULY/AUGUST 2022 DEPARTMENTS Message from the President 6 Message from the EVP 8 Message from the Natural Resources Policy Director 10 Message from the CattleWomen Council Chair 14 Message from the ICA Summer Intern 27 FEATURES Cover story: Blazing Trails: Idaho CattleWomen Share Perspective on Issues and Future of Ranching 16 Members Meet in Pocatello for 2022 to Connect on Industry Topics 22 Idaho Beef Council: Beef checkoff programs: Embracing change to maximize ROI on checkoff dollars 24 U of I: Weaning Method May Impact Calf Stress and Performance 29 U of I: Raising the Steaks in Meat Science 34 CattleWomen Issue BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Mark Pratt..................(Blackfoot) 208-681-6597 PRESIDENT-ELECT Kim Brackett (Homedale) 208-308-1952 VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Wroten (Wilder) (208) 831-7339 PAST PRESIDENT Jay Smith ...........(Carmen) 208-940-1020 TREASURER Cody Hendrix (Rigby) 208-360-9693 FEEDER COUNCIL CHAIR Spencer Black (Almo) 208-647-8130 PUREBRED COUNCIL CHAIR Val Carter (Pingree) 208-390-4811 COW-CALF COUNCIL CHAIR Brayden Eliason (Holbrook) 208-705-2541 CATTLEWOMEN COUNCIL CHAIR Maggie Malson (Parma) 208-739-2265 DISTRICT 1 REPRESENTATIVES Mike McClean (Post Falls) 208-661-7518 Quin Wemhoff (Kamiah) 208-983-6448 DISTRICT 2 REPRESENTATIVES Lori Ireland (Mountain Home) 208-866-0112 Marg Chipman (Weiser) 208-550-0605 DISTRICT 3 REPRESENTATIVES Eugene Matthews (Oakley) 208-431-3260 John Peters (Filer) 208-358-3850 DISTRICT 4 REPRESENTATIVES Ryan Steele (Idaho Falls) 208-390-5765 Norman Wallis (May) 208-993-1342 DISTRICT 5 REPRESENTATIVES Roscoe Lake (Blackfoot) 208-604-3650 Arnold Callison (Blackfoot) 208-681-8440 ALLIED INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVE Kelton Hatch (Kimberly) 208-539-0417 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Robert Oxarango (Emmett) 208-431-0777 Adrian Meyer (Grand View) 208-509-1892 CATTLEWOMEN BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Tay Brackett (Filer) 208-866-4967 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Cameron Mulrony cameron@idahocattle.org NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY DIRECTOR Karen Williams karen@idahocattle.org ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Michelle Johnson michelle@idahocattle.org DIR. OF MEMBERSHIP & INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT Morgan Lutgen morgan@idahocattle.org Contact Idaho Cattle Association: Mailing address: P.O. Box 15397, Boise, ID 83715 Location: 2120 Airport Way, Boise, ID 83705 Phone: 208-343-1615 For advertising sales, contact: Theidahocattlepublications@gmail.comLineRideristheofficialpublicationof the Idaho Cattle Association. It is published 10 times each year, in January, February, March, April/May, June, July/August, September, October, November and December.
Idaho Cattle Association bylaws state that the Nom inating Committee is comprised of the four past presi dents, the retiring president, and five district vice-pres idents.
A brief cover letter stating the background of the poten tial candidate, their leadership experience, and interest to serve would be appropriate. This could be given directly to a member of the Committee, mailed to the Chair, or mailed to the office to be forwarded on to the Committee.
ICA NOMINATING COMMITEE THE 2022 NOMINATING COMMITTEE: 2022 Nominating Committee Chair: Jay Smith Past Presidents: Dawn Anderson, Marty Gill, and Tucker Shaw Current Retiring President: Mark Pratt District Vice Presidents District I: Quin Wemhoff District II: Marg Chipman District III: John Peters District IV: Norm Wallis District V: Roscoe Lake BOARD POSITIONS THAT HAVE EXPIRING TERMS IN 2022 ARE AS FOLLOWS: • Office of President-Elect • Office of Vice President • Feeder Council Chairman • District One Representative • District Two Representative • District Three Representative • District Four Representative • Allied Industries Representative* *position is nominated and voted during the Allied Industries meeting, no advance nomination required MAIL TO: Idaho Cattle Association Attn: Nom Committee PO Box 15397 Boise, Idaho 83715 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 OR CALL/EMAIL: (208) cameron@idahocattle.org343-1615
The ICA Nominating Committee will consider all names submitted to fill vacated ICA officer and board seats. Please call or submit your letter of interest to any ICA Nominating Committee member prior to October 15, 2022.
Nominations are brought forth in either a council meeting or submitted in a written format to the prop er council chair. The council chairs then submit nom inations to the Nominating Committee for review and consideration. It is important to note that our bylaws allow for nominations to be taken from the floor at any annual business meeting, and are in addition to the rec ommendations put forth by the Nominating Committee. Nominations from the floor are considered official nom inations of the Association.
The Idaho Cattle Association Board of Directors is comprised of 23 members that meet to help direct the organization through the processes of work ing to promote, protect, and preserve the cattle industry in Idaho. ICA Board members include the officer team: President, President Elect, Vice President, Past Presi dent, and Treasurer. In addition to our officers, our Ex ecutive Committee is comprised of the officer team and four council chairs. The four councils represented on the Executive Committee include the Cow-Calf, Purebred, Feeder, and CattleWomen.
You may be able, or know of someone who is able, to join the leadership of ICA. You may also not know the process for nominating a producer to serve on the ICA Board of Directors.
The nine-member Executive Committee is accompa nied by fourteen additional Board members, with two delegates from each of the five ICA districts, two at large positions, an Allied Industry representative, and a Cat tleWomen Council representative. Continued input and support of the ICA Board of Directors is a vital part of the continued success of the Idaho Cattle Association.
The immediate past president will serve as the Chairperson of this Committee. The current retiring president will only vote to break a tie in the process.
Coun cil Chairpersons will be selected by the respective councils when the seat becomes vacant. Each council should submit two names in ranking order for consideration.
front, though every public land agency is struggling to get a handle on it, we’ve yet to find much of an effort being made to address the negative side of recreation. There is a multi-institutional Recreation and Tourism Initiative whose focus seems to be primarily promotion. I understand not wanting to have another job; we struggle with it here on the ranch every day. However, we all know, “We’ve been discovered and we’re not going back.” That seems like a pretty good reason to get our stuff in a pile. During the Trail Ride we saw land scars that without intervention will only get worse. You can certainly understand why there are more and more locked gates. And the longer it takes to make a plan, the more up set people will be when they can no longer go where they used to go. ICA continues to collab orate with others on the agency level and there will be more to come on this topic…
Our partnerships are vital in telling rancher’s stories
6 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
We have more opportunity now than ever to tell the positive story of ranching and how managed grazing works with other uses to enhance the range.
The theme of this month’s issue is Cattlewom en. Besides active involvement in support agencies such as the Public Lands Council, the Idaho Range land Resource Commission and the Idaho Beef Council, women contribute to ranches in a myriad of ways, from an added set of hands and eyes to a different point of view. They serve as managers, truck drivers, cowhands, cooks, accountants, and monitors of everything from finance to range lands. They attend parent teacher conferences, recitals, ballgames, FFA conventions, rodeos, and attend to everything from slivers to broken hearts. During a visit to our ranch by a couple from Aus tralia, Gus said of Ann, “She’s the Minister of War and Finance.” Here’s to all of Idaho’s Cattlewomen who keep us all afloat. FROM THE PRESIDENT
e’ve certainly turned the page to late summer and as we close out July and open August we can look back at events that were held on your behalf. First the Summer Roundup, and second, the 20th an nual Governor’s Trail Ride. These events help to not only keep conversations going, but start new ones as well. Topics ranged from manag ing recreation and updating fencing laws, to financial budgeting and range monitoring for
Keeping the lines of conversation open
On the other hand, we have more opportu nity now than ever to tell the positive story of ranching and how managed grazing works with other uses to enhance the range. Partnerships with outdoor enthusiasts will yield bigger divi dends as Idaho becomes a bigger draw.
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Computers and communications that have
It’s all in how you say it MESSAGE FROM THE EVP
The other part of this equation would be the scarcity of food from time to time. Hard winter? Lower population. Disease? Lower population. Regardless of how people choose to consume their nutrients today, our world would look much different today without livestock domes tication in history. We would not be discussing many of the current issues related to food choic es and the impacts of our management decisions as we produce food and fiber for the world.
ICA Executive Vice President
The first statement was: “Livestock domesti cation is the basis of all civilization.” You have most likely read this statement in other articles and updates that I have written, and I contin ue to stand behind this statement. Without the domestication of our protein, we would have to move with the protein sources and rely on our ability to hunt those wild animals in our area. It’s my guess that this action would have a dras tic impact on wildlife and human populations.
If we take the human interaction away from our businesses and/or society, we will fail. is of
missed in writing and reading
texts and/or emails.
A s a high school ag teacher, I would start my Intro to Ag course with 2 thought provoking statements at the freshman level. One was ag related and the other a ‘dis cussion starter’ to assess the student’s willing ness to engage in topics that may be controver sial, as we often see many topics of controversy during our working years.
The second statement: “Computers are the downfall of society.” This statement, as one might hypothesize, often brought out the think ers and the more natural leaders. In my obser vation, students knew in their hearts this was a fallacy. How could a current teacher surrounded by computer technology, let alone in the world of agriculture where technology was making rapid advancements to help feed the world pop ulation make such a statement? Now for those of you who have your hackles up as you read this, it did exactly as it was intended to do in the classroom. It generated discussion and it made critical thinking come to the forefront of our discussion, as students all gave examples of useful and productive ways computers had benefited society. Many of their arguments were well thought out and factual. However, this was a 2-part training for those high school freshmen. Part of our course was related to public speak ing and communication. This would lead me to my point. If we take the human interaction away from our businesses and or society, we will fail. Many things are sent via text message that are taken out of context or would never be spoken in a face-to-face conversation.
Although there are many studies and dis cussions around non-verbal communication, I would discuss the 55/38/7 rule, which says 55% of communication is our body language, 38% are the tones, and facial expressions given with delivery, and only 7% of our communication is the actual words we use.
Being present allows us to understand the 93% of message that
8 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
For our membership we need you too to be present: attend local meet ings, attend our state convention in Sun Valley, attend the ball games, the fairs, the community events. As more and more folks join us here in Idaho, we need to be visible and present and make sure our communications are sent in their full context, in person when possible, face to face with our friend and neighbors or others.
It may be more convenient to stay on your place and most likely less costly, but the messages we need to send are best delivered by you, in person. information
continued to grow over the past de cade remove 93% of our communica tion signals. We only have the words. This brings me to my point of to day’s ramblings. As we approach late summer and fall, we will be hosting events at the state and local levels for input surrounding our industry. At tendance is critical to getting our mes sages heard. For ICA leadership and staff, it’s the attendance at our nation al meetings and conventions, atten dance at local events around the state, engaging with folks from Washington State to Washington, D.C. Being pres ent allows us to understand the 93% of the message that is missed in writing and reading of texts and/or emails.
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10 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
T wo decades ago, C.L. “Butch” Otter was serv ing in his first term as one of Idaho’s elected representatives to the United States House of Representatives. During his time in Washington D.C., he noticed a disconnect between those who made land management decisions in our nation’s capital and the land to which those decisions ap plied. This juxtaposition was nothing new to ICA. It had long been our frustration that Idaho ranch ers frequently bore the brunt of burdensome laws and regulations that government leaders enacted. Those federal actions, while often well-intended, often resulted in hardships on land users and man agers while failing to achieve the purpose for which they were enacted. A primary cause for this was that those calling the shots had never even set foot on the land for which they made the management decisions, nor did they ever have a chance to see the practical application of those decisions. And so out of this frustration, combined with the creative, out side-the-box-thinking of Representative Otter and ICA leadership at the time, the ICA trail ride event was born in 2002. The intent behind the trail ride event was to invite decision-makers in Washington to come to Idaho and meet with ICA and state leadership while getting their shoes a little dirty on a trail ride and at a campsite in a setting as contradictory to crowd ed halls of government in DC as possible. The for mula proved itself successful as previous walls in communication evaporated and bridges were built on horseback and around a campfire, all while be ing out of the demands of cell phone range. Born from the success of the inaugural event, the trail ride became an annual occurrence. When Repre sentative Otter made the move back to Idaho and become Governor Otter, the event did not die but rather morphed into the Governor’s Trail Ride, carried out in partnership with ICA. From the Jo seph Plains in north central Idaho to Grays Lake in southeastern Idaho and many out-of-the-way lo cations in between, the event has covered the state for 20 years and proven its effectiveness time and again in bridging the divide between regulators and ranchers, political leadership and industry leader ship, and has tackled the tough issues of the time— often resulting in meaningful change. As you would suppose, outfitting government of ficials who typically have little to no horse-riding experience can be a challenge. Consequently, we in tentionally keep the trail ride itself to a manageable size by limiting participation to ICA leadership, the 20th Annual Governor’s Trail Ride : a formula that works
The annual event covering the state for 20 years and bridging the agency gap
ICA Natural Resources Policy Director
The intent behind the trail ride was to invite decision-makers in Washington to come to Idaho and meet with ICA and state leadership while getting their shoes a little dirty.
12 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
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governor, heads of state agencies, and key officials from the U.S. Departments of Ag riculture and Interior. We expand the op portunity for greater participation on the afternoon of the trail ride by hosting a dis cussion and dinner gathering at the camp site for additional agency staff, elected of ficials, and local ICA members. It is often at this discussion that we really get into the meat of key issues impacting Idaho ranch ers and natural resource use and manage ment in Idaho. Participants are invited to stay for dinner and camp overnight. Each year, I continue to be impressed at the pro ductivity of discourse that occurs in the in formal setting of a campfire. When people are removed from the formalities of meet ings in boardrooms and offices, mutual un derstanding and the resulting creativity in solutions is much easier to be found.
It is fortunate that Brad Little, who had participated in several trail rides as lieutenant governor, chose to keep the event going when he was elected gover nor. In keeping with the tradition, we just wrapped up our 20th annual Governor’s Trail Ride. This year’s event was host ed by ICA President Mark Pratt and his family on private range ground owned by the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association since 1916. The area proved to be the ide al setting for the event’s selected focus on the increasing impacts of recreation on public and private land. In fact, when we arrived to set up the camp, we found an RV that had been parked and set up right at the location of our campsite, in spite of the fact that it was on private land and no permission had been sought or giv en. The Pratt family and other member of the grazing association in attendance relayed that on weekends, that partic ular location is full of campers. To fur ther illustrate the problem, a new trail had recently been carved out of the hill side by motorbikes and ditch banks had been damaged. This type of scenario is played out across Idaho throughout the summer and hunting season. Recreators often errantly assume that if the location is remote and un developed, it must be pub lic. This, in and of itself, does not necessarily create problems but when gates are left open, drainages are mud bogged and scarred, infrastructure damaged, ATVs go off trail, and other irresponsible recreational use, the landscape and its users all suffer. During the trail ride event, we discussed these types of scenarios and fo cused on ways that ranch ers, agencies, recreational ists, and others can work together to develop solu tions to land management challenges associated with a growing Idaho population and the re lated increase in recreational use of Ida ho lands. In the discussion circle, we had the heads of key agencies that play a role in this issue including Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, Idaho Depart ment of Lands, Idaho Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management, along with other agency representatives. It was a general consen sus amongst the group that there is a lack of enforcement related to recreation in fractions. This only serves to breed more problems as new people move into the state and mimic the behavior of recre ators before them, often ignorant of their violations. Some of this lack of policing is due to limited staff and funding. Some of it is due to incomplete or unenforceable recreation-related guidelines. The differ ing signage and rules across the various jurisdictions upon which recreators cross further adds to the problem.
So where do we go from here on this issue? As a result of discussions held at the trail ride event, ICA is in the process of meeting with Idaho Parks and Recreation, other agen cies, and recreation groups in a solu tion-finding effort. Meanwhile, Gov ernor Little is convening discussions between the responsible agencies. It is our goal that the momentum on this issue started at the trail ride will lead to meaningful solutions on the ground. Idaho’s population continues to grow which further underscores the need for a serious upgrade on recreation management and oversight in our state. Across the landscape, public land management problems are complex. It is pre cisely this complexity that the trail ride was created and has continued for 20 years. And it is precisely why ICA continues to not only find a seat at the table but create the meal for which the table is set in a consistent effort to protect Idaho’s cattle indus try and promote its longevity.
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There are countless ways to be an Idaho cattle woman. However, we are also united in one mis sion—to promote beef and beef production in Idaho. We are all Idaho CattleWomen! One of the biggest projects the ICWC continues to grow is the Scholarship Saddle Raffle. Each year tick ets are sold for the saddle and the proceeds are used to award scholarships to Idaho students pursuing ca reers in agriculture. In the last two years alone, ICWC has been able to award $24,000 to deserving stu dents. That is a testament to the support and impor tance our community places on the future of agricul ture and the students who will be moving it forward. This year’s saddle was made by Nancy Martiny and as a special addition, brands were sold and included. Thank you for your continued support of this program. For more information on the Idaho CattleWomen, please visit www.idahocattlewomen.org. We have shared cattlewomen profiles, scholarship applications, beef recipes, and more.
Suport beef in our state through your involvement as an Idaho CattleWoman CATTLEWOMEN
What does it mean to be an Idaho Cattle woman? I’ve pondered this question many times during the last two decades I’ve been involved with the Idaho Cattlewomen Council. Is it simply a title given to a dues-paying member of an organization? Is there only one way to be an Idaho Cattlewoman? Being an Idaho cattlewoman isn’t defined solely by membership or owning cows and living on a ranch. It goes much deeper than that. It’s why through all the years of changes our industry has seen, many aspects of it remain the same. Deep down at its core, being an Idaho cattlewoman is having a love of the cattle, the industry, and the people in it. It’s wanting to support those who produce beef, and share with consumers why beef is part of a healthy diet.
So, who are Idaho Cattlewomen? They are expe rienced, skilled and educated. They are students, passionate and ready to learn. They are mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunts. They work beside spouses and partners—roping, riding and branding. They work the chute, give the shots, keep the records, and run the errands. They feed the crew and families. They work other jobs in town and in the industry to help support the ranching lifestyle. They set policy and are involved in local, state and national cattle leadership. They teach and guide the younger generations. They care for the land and cattle. They support their family, friends and neigh bors. They volunteer in their communities, schools and churches. They are diverse.
Of course, monetary support of ICW and the Ida ho Cattle Association is vital to helping continue the grassroots work done on behalf of cattle producers of Idaho. But, being a cattlewoman goes beyond that. It is who we are. It’s a spirit and a passion for an in dustry. From the women who started the Idaho Cow Belles in 1940 to the three (so far) women who have served as president of the ICA, women have been both working behind the scenes AND leading oth ers to promote beef and the Idaho cattle industry for more than 80 years.
BY MAGGIE MALSON CattleWomen Council Chair
Being an Idaho cattlewoman isn’t defined solely by membership or owning cows and living on a ranch. It goes much deeper than that.
14 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
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daho CattleWomen have long been an active, vocal part of our association’s membership. You’ll see these women in every role—whether it be on the ranch or taking a leadership position with our Idaho Cattle Association Board of Directors, they are making a mark. The problem solving and forward thinking initiative brought by this group of women is a large part of the success seen by the beef industry in Idaho.
There are several definitions of sustainability that focus on the environmental aspect of the word. I look at it from a broader lens that encompasses not only the environment, but also economic sustainability and the sustainability of our small towns and rural areas. Envi ronmentally, our goal is to make management decisions that improve or maintain the ecosystem on our ranch. We also work to be engaged in our community and do our part to strengthen the fabric of rural life in southern Idaho. Finally, we have to remain economically sustain able in order to accomplish the environmental and social goals of sustainability.
16 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org COVER STORY
We’re sharing some thoughts from Idaho CattleWomen from around the state in regards to sustainability, ranch life, and what they would share with those not involved in ranching.
Kim Brackett is the ICA President-Elect. She ranch es with her husband, Ira, and their four children in Three Creek. What does sustainability mean to you?
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 17 Idaho CattleWomen Share Perspective on Issues and Future of Ranching Photo from ICA Archives BY TAY BRACKETT
What lessons from ranch life do you feel are the most important?
Ranch life has taught me the in terconnectedness of life. That may be the interdependence of species on the ranch or the necessity of maintaining successful working relationships with different agencies. It has taught me that our decisions have consequenc es, seen and unseen, for our cattle, the land and the people in our lives. What do you hope ranching teaches the next generation on your ranch? I hope that growing up on the ranch as has taught my children the value of hard work and that caring for the animals and land that has been en trusted to our family is paramount. Additionally, I hope they understand that volunteering and being commu nity-minded will always have value in our society. What would you like folks NOT involved with ranching to know about? That we care. We truly care about the animals on the ranch and the health of our rangelands. We care about beef consumers and want to address their concerns. Tay Brackett was born and raised in the Magic Valley of Southern Idaho. She married a local rancher and they cur rently have a cow-calf operation and also custom feed yearlings. Tay is serving as the ICW representative on the ICA Board of Directors. What does sustainability mean to you? This word is the essence of ranch ing. We have always been sustain able as cows are the ultimate recy cling machines. They utilize feeds converting that energy into tasty beef for all to enjoy. What lessons from ranch life do you feel are the most important? Feeding others feeds your soul. What do you hope ranching teaches the next generation on your ranch? That working the land, feeding the world through hard work and dedi cation is worth every drop of sweat. Being able to work side by side with family and neighbors is a blessing from God. Work hard to preserve this way of life because it’s a freedom few ever feel. What would you like folks NOT involved with ranching to know about? That we LOVE animals that’s why we dedicate our lives to raising them. We try our best to raise every animal with kindness in a healthy environ ment that we ourselves would want to be in because we survive with them side by side.
Photo provided by Tay Brackett
18 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
Lori Ireland is from Prairie. She is married to a fourth gen eration rancher, Jake Ireland. They have been married for 12 years and have two sons. The Irelands raise Black Angus cattle along with a few horses. Lo ri’s favorite thing to do is rope, whether it be in an arena for competition or in the brand ing pen. Lori serves on the ICA Board of Directors for District 2. What does sustainability mean to you? Sustainability to me is taking care of the livestock and the land by Kim Brackett Tay Brackett
I feel responsibility and work eth ic are a huge part of any ranch. There is always something that needs to be done on a ranch so I feel both those things go hand in hand. Ranchers are responsible for their animals and often spend countless hours making sure those animals are well cared for by either building fences or moving them to better feed and water.
What would you like folks NOT involved with ranching to know about?
Livestock grazing helps to reduce fuel loading for wildfires and helps Lori Ireland Meg Clancy Photo from ICA archives
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 19 maintaining or improving it for the next generation. What lessons from ranch life do you feel are the most important?
What do you hope ranching teaches the next generation on your ranch? I hope it teaches them that hard work and dedication does pay off. Cattle prices may be low while fuel and hay may be high but you can’t lose if you’re doing what you love day in and day out.
20 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org with the ecosystem. Ranchers spend many hours mak ing sure their cattle are properly grazing not only for the well being of the cattle but also for the well being of the land. Meg Clancy is from Nampa Idaho. She is a stu dent studying animal science at the University of Idaho and hopes to go into ranch manage ment one day. What does sustainability mean to you?
ing this, but they joys of this life outweigh the hard things. They joys make things so much sweeter and so worth it. What do you hope ranching teaches the next genera tion on your ranch? I hope ranching teaches the next generation on my ranch that hard work always pays off, even if it’s in a way we didn’t expect. Always work hard even when discour aged. You will never regret working hard. What would you like folks NOT involved with ranching to know about? I would like non-ranching folks to learn more about how agriculture is evolving and improving the future through its sustainable practices. I hope they become more involved in the future of agriculture.
Sustainability to me means using our current resources to meet needs and demands without compromising our future generations ability to ac complish their goals. What lessons from ranch life do you feel are the most important?
Sharal Beyeler and her husband, Merrill, have their family ranch on the headwaters of the Lemhi River, south of Salmon at Leadore. Five generations now call Leadore home. They run Angus cattle on their cow-calf operation and calve in the fall. The Beyelers run on private, public and state lands. What does sustainability mean to you?
An important ranch life lesson I have learned is that hard things will come and make you wonder why you are do
An appreciation for the land, water, and all the things they sustain and support. What do you hope ranching teaches the next generation on your ranch? A good work ethic, integrity, an appreciation for the rural communi ty, and a respect for our rangelands and what they provide. What would you like folks NOT in volved with ranching to know about? If we lose the ranching communi ty, open space, and all the values they provide from access to recreation to solitude and everything in between will be put at risk. Ranchers are liter ally the gatekeepers.
Photo provided by Tay Brackett Sharal Beyeler
To be sustainable it has to have the ability to move from one generation to the next. It has to be profitable. It, also, has to be able to support plant and wildlife diversity and health. It should maintain the values of open space. What lessons from ranch life do you feel are the most important?
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 21 www.performixnutrition.com • 800.426.3572 Features a complete macro and trace mineral formulation and vitamins to support immune function, growth and reproduction. 02 OZ intake products for mid-summer to SUSTAIN animal’s vitamins and minerals. ALL IN 100 POUND BOXES IDEAL TO RELOCATE AS NEEDED 04 OZ intake products to RESTORE animal’s vitamin and mineral levels later in the year MINERAL BOX a box for all seasons with to better serve your needsmultiple formulations Our mineral boxes feature a convenient package that offers: EASY HANDLING WEATHER RESISTANCEA BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGE Give your cows the best. Start an order or request a nutritional consultation today. RUMAX RESTORE ITEM# 920088 RUMAX RESTORE FLYAWAY (JUSTIFLY) ask RUMAX RESTORE FLY REPEL (GARLIUM) ask RUMAX SUSTAIN ITEM#920071 RUMAX SUSTAIN FLY REPEL (GARLIUM) ask Your Nutritional Answers Company 2 0 8 4 7 7 . 9 1 6 Ryan@gatewayra.com1 Lon@gatewayra.com w w w . g a t e w a y r a . c o m G AT E W AY R e a l t y A d v i s o r s
22 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
Contact Dixie Barry for all your Ranch Real Estate needs. DIXIE BARRY Farm & Ranch Sales Working ranches need working ra nc hers . scan the qr code to learn more INVEST IN THE AMERICAN WEST SHILO Bancroft,RANCHIdaho|$4,200,000 | 530± acres CABIN CREEK RANCH Montpelier, Idaho | $5,975,000 | 1,720± acres Ldbarry@fayranches.com208.606.6494icensedinIdaho&Oregon NEW LISTINGS
I CA’s Annual Summer Round Up event has once again come and gone. Members from all over the state met in Pocatello to attend a 2 day meeting which encompassed edu cation and industry updates, flanked by networking with producers and supporters alike. With nearly 200 in attendance, sessions and events had great interaction & representation from all segments of the industry.
During the opening session, ‘Being Good Neighbors and Idaho Fence Laws’ panelists Cory Kress, Chairman of the Idaho Wheat Commission, Ida ho wheat/barley farmer Jake Ozburn and Mark Pratt, current President of the ICA discussed the interpretations of fence liability as open range laws are more frequently seeing debate in tandem with Idaho’s growth. The topic of Idaho’s fence laws has grown more prominent as new neighbors aren’t always willing to take respon sibility for their legal half of bound ary fences. Audience members also chimed in on the delineation between reality of cattle getting out and ranch er negligence.IntheIdaho Beef Council session, information was presented in combi nation by Bill Lickley, T.K. Kuwahara, and Trish Dowton surrounding how your checkoff dollars are being put to work in the consumer space. One highlight was the partnership with the NCBA to utilize their expertise on commodity and retail resources,
Members Meet in Pocatello to Connect on Industry Topics
Article by Morgan Bayes, ICA Summer Intern and Morgan Lutgen, Dir. of Membership & Industry Engagement
24 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
Dr. Scott Barnes discussed the ne gotiated rulemaking for trichomoni asis (still open for public comment at time of meeting through the ISDA website) and how Idaho has one of the oldest trich testing programs in the West. At this point, producers have the option to utilize PCR testing or culture testing, but PCR is more efficient and identifiable, which elim inates human error. Also brought before this session were negotiat ed rulemaking updates surrounding CAFO and dead animal disposal.
The Monday evening Cattle Bar on’s Bash included an award to the Grass Futurity entrant with the top carcass was awarded to Bill & Laurie Lickley by Logan Peters of Agri Beef. Plenty of fun was had by all with Cal cutta auction event as well! AT THE GOLF
Oral arguments for the Sackett deci sion begin in October.
FEEDER The feeder workshop opened with an announcement from Executive Vice President Cameron Mulrony on the CAFO improvement fund. The application for the 60/40 cost share program will be open from July 1st through August 30th 2022. The pro gram is designed to utilize $5 million of Idaho’s surplus tax revenue des ignated for environmental projects. There will be a $1 million limit per owner and funds will come by way of reimbursement at the conclusion of the project. Examples of projects that are applicable include but are not lim ited to; lagoon improvement, lining, flow meters, and compost turners. Mulrony also discussed the comments the ICA submitted regarding WOTUS implementation discouraging the reg ulation of water that is isolated and non-navigable such as secluded wet lands and ponds. ICA signed onto the Sackett v EPA brief where NCBA re quested a standard be set that would not change with each administration.
www.idahocattle.org as well as experience. The Idaho Beef Council is continually seeking infor mation in the retail and food service sectors to help guide their decisions and the Beef Checkoff program is also taking note of their demographics by utilizing data analytics to advertise to a uniquely Idahoan audience.
As part of the Idaho Politics gener al session, Speaker of the House Scott Bedke reflected on his time as an Ida ho rancher and past ICA president while encouraging the audience to en gage in building a political relation ship with their local legislators. Addi tionally, he discussed the importance ICA’s track record of good mainte nance of vital relationships with leg islators in the state to keep the voice of cattlemen on the forefront of polit ical conversations, as well as the need to educate new incoming legislators on Idaho agricultural interests.
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Attendees of the Idaho Public Lands session were introduced to the state’s new BLM Director, Karen Kelleher. Director Kelleher covered discussion in the area of drought & wildfire, including funding from the infrastructure bill that will assist with fuel breaks and treatments. Also cov ered in this session were the topics of re newable energy in the state, as an initiative of the current administration and BLM’s current capacity limitations in managing increased demand for recreation. Thadd Strom, Range Program Manager with ISDA presented on the Range Monitoring Program, which is now available for col laborative permittee monitoring with new technology making this more accessible.
In a separate session, Beymer and John Nalivka of Sterling Marketing presented on updates/current changes in prices and implications of the USDA Contract Li brary. The pilot program is anticipated to portray some transparency in the indus try. The intention is to allow producers to view the terms and conditions of packer
Following lunch, attendees chose to at tend either the Range Tour, which toured the Portneuf Wildlife Management Area, or Annual Golf Tournament (held in American Falls) to wrap up a fun and edu cational Summer Round Up 2022!
contracts. Nalivka also detailed shifts in demand, profits, slaughter rates and in ventory, as well as forecasting for 2023.
Tuesday morning saw an update on the national level, with Tanner Beymer from the National Cattlemen’s Beef As sociation presenting on pertinent top ics including the Cattle Prices Trans parency Act hearing in the US senate, which revealed a bipartisan list of supporters and opponents to this bill. This is something NCBA is utilizing to help push this bill forward. He also discussed the Cattle Contracts Library Act purpose and future, which will al low for a database of cattle contracts available for one full year beginning in September 2023. This now passed act will allow producers to see the types of contracts the packers are making re garding hormone free, grass-fed, and other marketing programs.
Clinical Accounting professor Brody Fitch of ISU discussed growing owner’s equity through revenues and expenses by way of contributing money from our own pocket, or taking a dividend. Fitch drove home sound accounting practices, including the philosophy that every op eration have a chart of accounts to de sign an accounting system that utilizes assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenses and speaking to how aware ness of notes payable, lines of credit, and financial obligations will also help you reach your financial goals.
My focus has been on claims regarding fire, annual grass invasion, and grass cover for Sage Grouse habitats. Raising cattle is often a big pic ture process and bringing forth the ecological context of how cattle interactions with grass, soil, and fire has been crucial. I have utilized my experience as a wildland firefighter, classes in grassland ecology to bring together the big pic ture. Idaho grazing is far from simple, but this resource will be very beneficial to members of the ICA should they need to respond to litigation.
Meet the IPLC/ICA Summer Intern! MESSAGE FROM THE ICA SUMMER INTERN BY MORGAN BAYES ICA Summer InternFocusing on how to support Idaho ranchers by using our resources at hand
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 27
Currently, I am earning a degree in Agricul tural Sciences with a minor in Global Foods and Business through Eastern Oregon University’s consortium program. I also run track for EOU and recently finished 7th at NAIA National’s in the 400 Hurdles! I am planning to attend law school to focus on Natural Resource or Agricul tural law. My love for the western way of life and background in ranching has helped me under stand the need to actively advocate for the in dustry and protect grazing and property rights. I take great joy in shining a light on the positive impacts of cattle have on soil carbon sequestra tion, upcycling of nutrients, and fuel reductions in the face of many hasty claims made in main stream media. It’s a personal mission of mine to continue working to bring the producer-ori ented perspective into the public view.
One of the main focuses of my internship this summer has been examining claims used against ranchers in litigation filed during grazing permit renewals and federal grazing-related planning documents. Utilizing the work compiled from past interns; I have been able to take the ar guments from past lawsuits to determine their credibility. First, I determine if the claims were taken out of context in the opposing counsel’s studies. Then, put these claims into their larger context as I work on a document that houses re search that counters these claims. One of the big gest takeaways from the project for me has been how quick it is to further a narrative, and how slow it is to provide the truth. These sources are more difficult to find, and I often sort through sources that don’t consider the many ways cat tle interact with their environment. When com pleted, the document will be used to help Idaho ranchers respond quickly to litigation.
I’ve enjoyed meeting the producers and mem bers of the Idaho Cattle Association so far and am proud to be able to contribute to further support ing the beef cattle industry in Idaho!
M y name is Morgan Bayes and I am the Idaho Public Lands & Idaho Cattle As sociation’s summer intern! I spent my most formative years growing up on Seven Mile Ranches in Emmett, Idaho working cattle, riding horses, and raising 4-H lambs. Through these experiences, I learned about the ins and outs of ranch life and gained a firsthand perspective of what cattlemen battle to keep their operations running. In high school my family moved to Adrian, Oregon where I was an active chapter FFA officer, participated in the Malheur County Heifer Replacement Program, and showed heif er and steer projects at the county fair. While I finish my education, I stay involved with the in dustry by helping brand, sort, and move cattle for family and friends. I really enjoy putting my stockmanship skills to use and working cattle as efficiently as possible.
• Implementing hyper-targeted social media campaigns that effectively reach target consumers as well as foodservice pro fessionals with Idaho beef educational messaging.
1 Grow consumer trust in Idaho beef production;
2 Promote and drive demand for Idaho beef; 3 Drive growth in beef exports from the Pacific Northwest to benefit Idaho. Idaho as we know it has been changing and growing at a rap id rate. In fact, we’re currently one of the most moved to states in the United States. Population growth aside, this influx of new consumers bring with them new ideas, values and prefer ences. The IBC has been presented with the unique opportunity to expand education about the various sectors of Idaho’s beef industry, how ranchers care for their animals and the land, its importance to our state’s economy and how it helps protect our beautiful landscapes. It’s essential that new Idahoans under stand the deep history and connection that beef ranching pro vides in Idaho to build appreciation, increase understanding, grow consumer trust in Idaho beef production and ultimately, encourage additional beef consumption.
28 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
• Over 15,603,668 impressions achieved through consumer campaign
• Over 516,460 impressions achieved through foodservice campaign
It’s easy to forget how soon the narrative has changed nationwide from COVID to Ukraine to inflation and potential recession. All of these global events impact businesses from the ranch to con sumers at retail and foodservice. The Idaho Beef Council (IBC) is repositioning programs to adapt to the future and yield the best return on investment of checkoff dollars. Not only are we making those changes to programs but improving our abilities to make changes in the future even more quickly and effectively.
Over the past fiscal year, the IBC has been focused on new activities to build trust in Idaho’s beef industry, and communi cate authentically and effectively that Idaho beef is Raised Right, Here. Examples of programs implemented on behalf of Idaho beef ranchers include:
Beef checkoff programs: Embracing change to maximize ROI on checkoff dollars BEEF COUNCIL
BY BILL LICKLEY Idaho Beef Council Chairman
A s chairman of the Idaho Beef Council, I am tasked with a re view of the prior year. Given that the Fiscal year ends June 30th, I am set ting to this task in the middle of summer.
To ensure the Idaho beef checkoff programs are meeting the needs of the Idaho beef industry, the IBC embarked on a strate gic planning process using the national beef long range plan as a guide. Starting with the national strategic objectives relevant to beef checkoff programming, we surveyed the Idaho industry to gather feedback on what was most important to Idaho ranch ers. Several one-on-one interviews were conducted with Idaho beef leadership, seedstock producers, cow/calf producers, back grounder/stockers, feed yards, processors, value-add proces sors, retailers and foodservice to ensure programming direction is most impactful for our industry. This information was sum marized and presented to the Board of Directors to further dis cuss, debate and determine what is most important to the Idaho beef industry. The core strategies that emerged are:
• Leveraging Idaho beef ranchers, Jessie Jarvis and Lance Pekus, who are influencers with large social audiences, to tell their personal Idaho beef stories.
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 29 Saddle Maker: Nancy Martiny Tree by Warren Wright Ray Hunt tree Seat: 15 1/2” seat Semi QH bars-standard gullet Cantle: 3 1/2” h x 12” round Horn: 3” h x 3” cap Stainless steel hardware 2022 ICWC Scholarship Saddle Tickets: $5 for one OR 5 for $20 Visit www.idahocattlewomen.org/store or call the ICA office at 208-343-1615 to purchase. Thanks to Northwest Farm Credit, WESTERRA Real Estate Group and D&B Supply for sponsoring the saddle. Rio Hondo Livestock Supply 19645 Hwy 30 Buhl Idaho Richard Brook @ 208-308-8912 www.hi-hog.comrbrook2012@aol.comRIOLivestockHONDOSupply
Building the foundation of beef information through beef re search projects
• New permanent and limited time offer (LTO) beef menu items launched as direct result.
Implementing targeted digital retail promotions in partner ship with local Idaho retailers WinCo & Albertsons which both carry beef from local companies. The campaign is still in progress; however, we are cur rently performing at 2x the benchmarks set and expected to achieve over 8 million impressions and increased beef sales for our retail partners
To stay connected with the Idaho Beef Council and what we’re up to, please visit www.IDBeef.org or follow us on social media @IdahoBeefCouncil.
30 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org •
Regional BQA trainings with value-add options that direct ly impact producer operations and overall beef quality to consumers such as: Stockmanship and Stewardship clinics Branding clinics Biosecurity training Feedyard assessment training
• Workshops held in collaboration with the University of Idaho reaching over 40 attendees.
• 6 research projects funded focused on dry aging, ex tending beef shelf life for export markets, analyzing underutilized cuts for finger steak applications, alter native fabrication and muscle profiling, early beef con sumption and child cognition, zeolite impact on ammo nia emissions.
Providing beef education and culinary innovation to Idaho retailers and foodservice professionals who directly impact consumer’s beef choices and purchases.
• Building industry capacity, profitability and competitive ad vantage through the newly standardized Beef Quality Assur ance (BQA) program, aligning to the national BQA ten key pillars of information and demonstrating to consumers cattle is Raised Right, Here.
• Funding projects through U.S. Meat Export Federation in Japan, South Korea and China to support Pacific Northwest beef demand and increased carcass values.
Although these examples are not inclusive of all IBC pro gramming, it showcases a snapshot of how beef checkoff dol lars are utilized. The IBC Board of Directors and staff would like to share more information about these programs at your local meetings. We encourage you to reach out to our staff at BeefCouncil@IDBeef.org or 208-376-6004 to let us know how we can partner with you to tell the beef checkoff story to all the hardworking ranching families throughout Idaho.
Over 1,191,312 impressions achieved through Jessie Jarvis partnership; Lance Pekus’ partnership is still ongoing
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University of Idaho T
Gradual separation includes options such as fence-line weaning, nursing prevention, and creep weaning. With each of these options, cows and calves are allowed to have contact during the weaning process.
To gain some perspective as to the weaning methods used by producers and why they are used, consider the results of the 2017 Western Canadian Cow-Calf Survey (WCCCS). Results of the survey include responses from approximately 260 producers, representing approxi mately 35,000 breeding cows. Weaning methods cited in the survey responses included traditional (abrupt) sep aration, fence-line separation, two-stage (nose paddle) weaning, and natural weaning. Forty-nine percent (49%) of responding producers indicated tradition separation as their weaning method of choice. That was followed by fence-line separation (35%), two-stage weaning (11%), and natural weaning (3%). The producers using tradition al separation as their weaning method were asked why they chose that method. Selling calves immediately after weaning was noted by fifty-three percent (53%) of respon dents as their reason for traditionally separating calves at weaning. Seventeen percent (17%) of respondents noted the lack of time and labor resources and sixteen percent (16%) of respondents noted a lack of financial benefits as reasons to traditionally separate calves at weaning.
he weaning process is a traumatic experience for beef calves. It represents environmental, nutrition al, and psychological changes, all of which contrib utes to a great deal of stress. At weaning, calves are ex posed to new environments (pastures, paddocks, corrals, shelters, etc.) to which they must adjust. The food supply (mother’s milk) to which they are accustomed is sudden ly removed. Additionally, the association with and the protection from their mothers is lost. Economic losses from respiratory and digestive problems are often mag nified during this stage of production. As beef producers make plans to wean their calves, they should consider various weaning methods and the level of stress that is placed on the calves.
Research has demonstrated that a reduction in stress behavior and/or an increase in performance may be achieved when gradual weaning methods are employed versus abrupt weaning methods. In 2003, researchers at UC-Davis (Price et al., 2003), examined the levels of stress and weight gain of calves subjected to abrupt sep aration weaning methods and gradual separation wean ing methods. Level of stress was diminished in calves that were gradually separated from their dams. Results (Table 1) indicate that calves weaned by the fence-line method (gradual separation) spent less time bawling (vocalizing) and less time walking than calves that were separated and weaned away from their dams (abrupt separation). The fence-line weaned calves also spent more time eat
BY J. BENTON GLAZE, JR., PH.D. Extension Beef Specialist Animal & Veterinary Science Department
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 33
Generally, weaning methods are grouped into two broad categories. These include abrupt and gradual sep aration. Abrupt separation is a fairly common practice in the beef industry. This method is characterized by (1) cows and calves being separated, (2) cows and calves being moved to separate, distant, well-fenced pastures/ paddocks/pens, and (3) cows and calves not being al lowed to have contact during/after the weaning process.
MethodWeaningMayImpactCalf Stress and Performance
Michigan researchers utilized pedometers, blood stress fac tors (serum haptoglobin), and weights to compare the activity, stress level and performance of calves weaned abruptly or grad ually (fence-line or two-step). Results showed that abruptly weaned calves were more active and vocalized more during the first 24 hours postweaning than calves weaned using the fenceline or two-step weaning method. Fence-line weaned calves gained more weight and had lower levels of blood stress fac tors during the first 14 days postweaning than abruptly weaned calves. In contrast to the UC-Davis study, there was not a sus tained performance (weight, ADG) difference attributed to the weaning method.
34 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org ing and lying down than the calves that were separated and placed in a drylot. In fact, except for vocalizations, the fence-line weaned calves exhibited very similar behaviors to the non-weaned control calves. Postweaning weight gain was greater for calves that were gradually separated from their dams. Results (Table 2) show that fence-line weaned calves gained 95% more weight than the average abruptly weaned calf, and the fenceline weaned calves were still heavier at 10 weeks of age.
In 2018 an Oklahoma study looked at the effects of four weaning methods on the performance of beef calves. The weaning methods included (1) abrupt separation, (2) fence-line sep aration, (3) nursing prevention (nose flaps), and (4) intermittent separation where cows and calves were separated for two 24-hour periods prior to actu al separation (fence-line). This work was conducted at two different loca tions and included several time series. Overall, the performance of fencelined weaned calves was superior to those weaned via other methods. The performance of calves weaned using abrupt separated was inferior to the other weaning methods.
Researchers in Canada examined a two-step (gradual) weaning procedure that helps reduce the stress of weaning. This two-step procedure involves the prevention of nursing while the cows and calves are still together. The prevention of nursing is accomplished by the calf wearing a lightweight, plastic, anti-suckling device (Step 1). A few days later (ap proximately a week) the cows and calves are separated (Step 2), with little disturbance to their normal behavior. Results from this work show that during the first week following weaning, calves weaned according to the two-step method had greater average daily gains than calves weaned tradition ally (abrupt separation). The two-step weaned calves spent 25% more time at the hay feeders than traditionally weaned calves. In addition, during the first four days following wean ing, calves weaned according to the two-step method bawled (called for their mothers) 85% less and walked 80% less than calves weaned traditionally.
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The deadline to submit new or amended resolutions for consideration during ICA's annual convention is Monday, October 3.
ICA’s annual convention is coming up and we are looking forward to meeting up with cattlemen and women from around the state and hearing about current industry issues.
If you have a new or amended resolution, or have any questions about ICA’s current resolutions, please email Karen Williams at karen@idahocattle.org by October 3.
In addition, we will also spend time updating our policy book The resolutions process is one of the main purposes of holding a convention We gather so our membership, the cattle producers of Idaho, have an opportunity to review our existing policies and to present new ideas and new direction for ICA to undertake Our resolutions determine our priorities for the coming year and provide staff and leadership with direction on how to address, improve, or fix issues facing Idaho’s cattle industry This is where you come in If there is an issue that you would like ICA to take a role in, or if you would like to see a change in ICA's policies, this is your chance!
Make Your Voice Heard…Take Part in the ICA Resolutions Process!
Send us your ideas by this date, then come to convention and participate in our resolutions discussions which will occur during the council sessions on Monday, November 14 and at the Committee Business Session on Tuesday, November 15 In addition to the new resolutions, members will also vote on whether to renew or sunset several more resolutions that are up for review this year Resolutions can be submitted after the deadline but will require a 2/3 vote to be brought to the floor for discussion at convention
Since most cattle are sold on the basis of weight, beef producers chal lenge their animals to gain as much weight as possible in the least amount of time. To have an opportunity to reach their optimum level of perfor mance, calves need to drink and eat soon after being weaned. Calves that are less stressed around weaning bawl less, walk/mill less, rest more and eat more. Generally, these calves are bet ter able to withstand disease challeng es and achieve greater gains. Selecting a weaning method that reduces calf stress and performing management practices at a time that reduces calf stress, goes a long way in helping calves get off to a good start. wide precision lab balances to high capacity rail as well as certified scale installation.
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Weaning method clearly has an affect on the level of stress that calves exhibit during the weaning process. However, there are oth er things that affect the calves’ stress levels. These include various management practic es (castration, dehorning, vaccination, etc.).
36 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
service and
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Beef producers often use weaning time to perform a number of these management practices. To alleviate some of the calves’ stress, these procedures should be performed prior to weaning. Animals that are castrated and dehorned at an early age, and returned to their mothers, generally recover faster than those thrust into a new environment imme diately following the procedures. Due to the level of stress that calves are subjected to during weaning, they are often unable to withstand disease challenges. Beef producers should consult a veterinarian and design a vaccination and herd health pro gram that protects the calves against diseases and health challenges that are prevalent on a producer’s farm, ranch, or in their area. Vac cines are designed to stimulate the active im munity of the animal, and when animals are stressed, the process may fail. Though some vaccination stress is unavoidable, most can be reduced. One method to reduce vaccination stress is to simply vaccinate calves prior (two weeks to a month) to them being exposed to the stresses of weaning.
range of equipment, from
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 37 240 82+ Ac Farm Row Crop: 157+ irrigated acres, 229 10+ TFCC water shares Zoned AG and AG preservation SOLD! Buhl $1,447,000 84 56+ AC FARM: 80 21+ irrigated acres, 84 56+ TFCC water shares Includes 1915, 4 bed,1 bath, 2238+ SF home SOLD! BUHL $1,183,840 230 70+/ Ac Farm: 219 72+ irrigated acres, 234 76+ TCFF water shares Includes 2 pivots, wheel lines, & handlines 7 tower pivot with swing arm and 3 towerpivot. PENDING! Filer $2,500,000 We specialize in tax deferred exchange Accredited land consultant You know how to raise them. We know how to sell them. We’ve been working for cattlemen like you since 1987. Consign in an upcoming video auction to take advantage of current market conditions and expose your cattle to a nationwide buyer base of more than 6,500 active buyers ready to compete for your cattle. This gives you the opportunity to utilize the auction method of marketing, while maintaining control of shrink and stress, helping to improve your bottom line. America’s Livestock Marketing Leader - Working for You. True price discovery starts SUPERIORhere. LIVESTOCK AUCTION (855) 868-6842 | 2700 AIRPORT WAY, BOISE, ID 83705 SUPERIORLIVESTOCK.COM | INFO@SUPERIORLIVESTOCK.COM THE AUTHORITY IN LIVESTOCK HANDLING EQUIPMENT Is Proud To Support The Idaho Cattle Association powderriver .com P: 800.453.5318 F: 801.377.6927
38 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
n the spring of 2019, The University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences formally kicked off a campaign to build the Agri Beef Meat Science and Innovation Center Honor ing Ron Richard – recognizing the man whose vision and dedication to the meat science industry improved the lives of many. With a founding gift of $2 million from Boise-based Agri Beef Company, the U of I set in motion a long-anticipat ed plan to build a state-of-the-art facility to match the reputation of the meat sci ence program at U of I.
Raising the Steaks
The U of I has one of the preeminent meat science programs in the nation, producing graduates who are highly sought-after by companies across the country. The home for this program, the U of I meat science laboratory, is a US DA-inspected plant used for teaching, research and outreach activities. The laboratory also serves as home to Vandal Brand Meats – the sales arm of the op eration that sells products generated by the activities that take place there. These sales help compensate for the cost of the livestock, supplies, student labor and maintenance of the facilities. Although the Vandal Brand Meats name has been in use since 1988, the facility has been on campus for more than 50 years. With such a reputation, it is no surprise the program has grown substantially since its humble be ginnings in the 1960s. In the past 10 years alone, the undergraduate teaching program in meat science has doubled and is now teaching at capacity. The 2018 hire of two early career meat scientists, Dr. Phil Bass and Dr. Michael Colle, who joined Dr. Matt Doumit and laboratory manager James Nasados, created a strong faculty of meat scientists to support the growing program. In ad dition, the facility’s status as the only USDA-inspected plant in the Palouse region, has made it a crucial resource to local Despiteproducers.itscritical role, the laboratory has not been updated in decades, creating a tremendous need for modernization.
In Meat Science
Those interested in learning more about the Agri Beef Meat Science and Innovation Center Honoring Ron Richard and donating to the project can find more information online at https://uandigive.uidaho.edu/project/31895. IN THE FUTURE
To continue developing skilled employees and conducting critical research and outreach for the industry, the U of I committed to building a new facility with increased capac ity and modern-day technology. With its emphasis on food and worker safety, humane treatment of animals and re search-based innovation, a new facility will ensure the sus tainability of the meat processing industry in Idaho, across the Northwest and beyond. The location of the meat science laboratory is integral to the success of the facility. A new location will place the facility in a more prominent site on the U of I campus near the entrance to the iconic ASUI-Kibbie Dome and just down the hill from the century-old beef barn. This will improve visibility for the retail operation and pro vide educational opportunities for the public. Construc tion on the project will begin during Summer 2023 with plans to complete the project in 2024.
Currently, the U of I has $3.4 million left to raise toward the $13 million project. Consider making a gift to the facility today and doubling your im pact thanks to the Idaho Cat tle Association’s generous commitment to match up to $50,000 in gifts made by ICA members.BY UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO
Potential Improvements: New lagoon construction o Lagoon lining o Settling cells Compost turners Flow meters Materials will be created to help assist in the application process. The committee is currently creating an application guide and frequently asked questions document to help producers better understand the uses and limitations of the funding. If you have questions regarding projects and applications, please reach out to Valene Lickley (970) 571-9086 or vlickley@agpros.com or Megan Satterwhite (208) 420-6795 or megan@idahodairymens.org
The CAFO Improvement Fund is a 60/40 cost share program with a $1 million cap per owner/partnership. Cost share dollars can come from in-kind labor and/or equipment, cash on hand, NRCS grant funds, or equivalent program. Funds will be distributed by reimbursement of receipts following project completion. In cases where applicable, monitoring project success will be required.
The Idaho Legislature appropriated $5 million of Idaho’s surplus tax revenue for environmental projects to improve CAFO operations and help them meet their manure and nutrient management goals. Legislative intent was to have the fund managed to meet industry needs and representatives appointed by industry make up four of the seven committee members. The committee members are Dr. April Leytem and Tanya Hibler appointed by Idaho Dairymen’s Association, Megan Satterwhite and Valene Lickley appointed by the Idaho Cattle Association, Mary Anne Nelson from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ), Mitch Vermeer from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), and Dr. Zachary Kayler from the University of Idaho. The committee of seven is responsible for creating project priorities, ranking applications, and distributing funds to approved projects. The committee has met and is preparing for the application period.
40 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org
As an example, this could simply be collecting manure/lagoon water samples before and after project implementation to demonstrate an improvement in solids separation. It should be noted that one application criterion is applicant’s willingness to share their project successes with others by means of public outreach (i.e., an article in the Line Rider magazine, hosting a field day, or presenting at a local event).
CAFO Improvement Fund Announcement
The fund is focused on improvements to soils, water, and air quality and any projects under those areas will be considered. However, projects focusing on manure and nutrient management will be given priority. A non-exhaustive list of possible projects is below.
The 60-day application period opens July 1 st, 2022 and closes August 30 th, 2022.
IDEQ will house the application and guidance documents on their website and a link to the materials will be sent out to the Feeder Members as soon as it is established.
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 41 Idah o C att le Wom en Zane Barckholtz
Lauren DeVries Mink is from Cambridge, Idaho and she is a junior at University of Idaho where she is pursuing a degree in Agricultural
The Idaho CattleWomen would like to thank all those individuals that purchased raffle tickets to support this great program.
Annalise DeVries is from IdahoCambridge,andsheis a junior at the University of Idaho pursuing a degree in
Kennedy Farden is from New Plymouth, Idaho and she is attending College of Southern Idaho where she will be majoring in Agribusiness and Animal Science.
Meghan Clancy is from Nampa, Idaho and she a junior at the University of Idaho where she pursuing a degree in Animal Science.
Mattie Merrett is from Central Nevada and she is currently attending the College of Southern Idaho. She is AppliedAssociatestowardsworkingherofSciences in Agriculture.
Additional recipient: Braylee Harwood of Twin Falls, Idaho attending College of Sothern Idaho.
Jarret Mink is from Cambridge, Idaho and he is sophomorea at Blue Mountain Community College where he is pursing his degree in Agricultural Business and Accounting.
Maggie Shaw is from Caldwell, Idaho and she is sophomore at the University of Idaho where she is majoring in Animal Science with the Vet Option.
Contact Information: ICA Member: Yes ( ) No ( ) County: * On the back of this form please provide a brief description of how the assistance funds requested were or will be utililized. D. Seeding Cost for _______ acres burned: $ ___________ (attach supporting documents) E, G. Other Losses, Costs or Expenses Incurred Fighting Wildfire $ ___________ (attach documents and describe on back) F. Equipment, Supplies or Materials Losses, Used or to be Replaced $ ____________ (attach documentation and describe on back) Fire Name(s) ___________________ Role and Description of Assistance ______________________________ (additional detail or describe on back C. Other Infrastructure Loss (structures, water improvements, etc.) $ ___________ (attach supporting documents) Phone: E-Mail: 2022 Fire Season Wildfire Assistance Application Instructions: ● Wildfire Assistance Applications are due into the ICA Office by September 30, 2022 Mail to: Idaho Cattle Association 21120 W Airport Way 83715; or email to: info@idahocattle.org ● Qualifying Entities or individuals: ICA members and Local Associations, Cattle producers, RFPA's, volunteer fire departments or organizations, individuals or others that provided assistance, resources or funds to fight 2022 Wildfires that caused losses or threatened cattle producers livestock, property or resources. Funds were received by ICA as private donations for Wildfire Assistance (no public funds). ● Assistance applications (with supporting documentation) will be considered for reimbursement of expenses or losses incurred by individuals or entities as a direct result of wildfires in Idaho counties for claims which have not been or are not expected to be covered by the reimbursement of another program or source such as: Property Insurance or the FSA Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) cost share program. ● Assistance applications will be considered for incurred expenses or losses suffered from: A) Emergency Feed, Transport or Pasturing; B) Fencing Loss; C) Infrastructure Loss; D) Seeding Cost; E) Assistance provided to producers or related wildfire costs; F) Supplies and materials used to be replaced; G) Other losses or expenses as described by applicant. ● The format for reviewing received assistance applications, reviewing applicant's supporting documentation, and issuing disbursements to applicants will be determined by the ICA Board of Directors . This committee will determine if the application meets the program criteria and the amounts, if awarded. The wildfire fund may not be sufficient to meet all requests and may be prorated between applicants at the committee's discretion. If you have any questions please contact: Cameron Mulrony, Executive Vice President, Idaho Cattle Association (208)343-1615 or cameron@idahocattle.org Please indicate length or number of miles of fence related to the above listed expenses ___________ Assistance Claim: A. Emergency Feed, Transport or Pasturing for Displaced Livestock: $ __________ (attach supporting documents) 1. Supplies and Materials : $ ___________ (attach supporting documents ) 2. Labor Costs or Contracted Services: $ ___________ (attach supporting documents) 3. Other Costs - describe: $ ___________ (attach supporting documents) B. Permanent or Temporary Fencing: 2022 Fire Season Wildfire Assistance Application Contact Address:Name: City: State: Zip: Application Submittal Deadline to ICA Office by September 30, 2022 Applicant Name:
● Assistance funds requested on this form have or will be spent according to the terms outlined within the agreement. ● Assistance funds requested have not been reimbursed or are not expected to be reimbursed by another program or source. ● To the best of my knowledge the information provided within this Assistance Claim is true and accurate. ● I understand and agree that the Idaho Cattle Association may request additional information or documentation. Signature:____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Printed Name:________________________________________________________ Title:______________________________ For ICA office use only: Assistance Award Number: __________________________ Date of Application Received: _________________________________ Date of Application Review: _________________________ Project Location: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Amount: _________________________________ Payment Date: _____________________________________________ Please provide a brief description of how the assistance funds requested were or will be utililized: Any additional needs or comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The undersigned certifies that: ● I am authorized by the Assistance award recipient to execute this document and legally bind the recipient by this signed execution.
46 LINE RIDER JULY/AUGUST 2022 www.idahocattle.org Adams Angus Acres Charlotte Armacost NelsonCreditNorthwestRanchHarrellTomGersemaLtd.SkookumchuckDowtonCorporateDBellTannerLivestockPerformanceElancoAnalyticsBeymerKeyAngus&BSupplyOffice3XRanchRanchFarmsHamiltonHerefordFarmServicesAngusRanch PowderJackHillLivestockHesselgesserHerefordsHortonRiver, Inc. Darling Ingredients Merck Animal Health Needles View Ranch Chesterfield Land & CompanyPetersonAssociationKendrickMathersMalsonMacKenzieDavidLufkinOldLivestockTomPasturesCattleCo.&LisaCattleCo.RanchIncCattleCattleLLC Linda BlackArimoZollingerZabelWrotenBob,EagleVeterinaryNorthMackenzieNorthShawDearyCompanySouthwestInc.InsuranceSloan-LeavittRiley’sRamseyRiverRanchAgencyHideRanchCattleCoValleyVetClinicStevensValleyClinic,Inc.CanyonRanchJerry&HannaCattleCo.RanchCorporation-PineRanch Braden Tharp Bruce Lake Mike & Susan Vos James Risch Anita ColyerMillerCattle Co. Inc. Guy & Sherry Colyer Doug Haynes Gary & Jackie Ingram Idaho MitchellMarvinDanCarlGregPrescottWyattAssociationTrappers&Christie&LoriIdsingaTaylorMiller&Amy Gary & Gerrie Dickard Jeffery Gregersen Scott & VickiLarryWhitworthGwenWhittier&Michelle Eld Valley CooperativeWide Inc Ed & Jeff Johnson Max S. Palmer Inc Ron & Shellie Eliason Phillip VirgilKarlCaitlinRichardsDanielRobertBassOlmstead&BaileySkulan&CodyFreemanKlaveano,Jr MEMBERSHIP New and renewed ICA members & Trade &Show Trade Show NOVEMBER 14-16, 2022 Sun Valley, Idaho
www.idahocattle.org IDAHO CATTLE ASSOCIATION 47 KODY DEE WILLIAMS Northwest Regional Manager www.allflex.global/us/Cell: Dallas/Ft.P.O.Email:Office:509.948.6430800.989.8247kodydeewilliams@allflexusa.comBox612266•2805East14thStreetWorthAirport,Texas75261-2266 Dennis Boehlke 9351 Lake Shore Drive Dennis: Nampa ID 83686 (208) 989-1612 2 miles west of Hwy. 45 PRIVATE TREATY SALES HEREFORD & RED ANGUS 2 Year Olds & Spring Yearling Bulls Spring Yearling Hereford & Red Baldy Heifers James & Dawn Anderson Beverly208-280-1509208-280-1505Bryan JBB/AL jbbalherefords@gmail.comGOODING,1973HEREFORDSS1500EID83330 Bryan & Charly208-280-1964AndersonJaeAnderson Check out our offering at jbbalherefords.com GUIDESERVICE&BREEDERKNIPE LAND COMPANY “The trusted brand for over 70 years” We specialize in 1031 exchanges. Ready to buy or sell? Call today! info@knipeland.com • 208-345-3163 • www.knipeland.com Premier Ranches • Farms • Real Estate Western Region Field Representative Colt Cunningham 918-978-8779 ccunningham@hereford.org www.hereford.org
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This reference guide is not intended as a substitute for the product label for the product(s) referenced herein. Product labels for the above product(s) contain important precautions, directions for use, and product warranty and liability limitations, which must be read before using the product(s). Applicators must be in possession of the product label(s) at the time of application. Always read and follow all label direction and precautions for use when using any pesticide alone or in tank-mix combinations. Under normal field conditions HighNoon™ is nonvolatile. HighNoon and Milestone® have no grazing or haying restrictions for any class of livestock, including lactating dairy cows, horses (including lactating mares) and meat animals prior to slaughter. Label precautions apply to forage treated with Highnoon and Milestone and to manure and urine from animals that have consumed treated forage. Consult the label for full details. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. Always read and follow label directions.
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©2022 Corteva. CR14-471-020 COR (07/22)
The Foundation to Rangeland Restoration.
To find your local Corteva Range and Pasture Specialist visit rangeandpasture.com/specialist Visit us at rangeandpasture.com
Flexible Use Sites Include: • Rights-Of-Way • Rangeland • Permanent Grass Pastures and Hay Acres • Reserve Program (CRP) • Non-Crop Land Areas Learn more about HighNoon herbicide at HighNoonherbicide.com For More Information About Corteva™ Agriscience Range & Pasture Products, Contact Trent Brusseau at trent.brusseau@corteva.com 22_CR14-471-020_HGN - LineRider_Ad_8.125 x 10.625.indd 2 7/15/2022 10:30:01 AM