EQUANS’ response to the National Bus Strategy
FOREWORD With the routes privatised in the 1980’s the bus operators were left to operate under their own conditions and collect the revenues direct from the passenger. This incentivised operators to attract as many passengers as possible. Operator’s focus therefore was on increased patronage over operational efficiency.
All routes are run independently and with little sharing of information between operators. This leads to the passenger having a broken and fragmentated experience even within a single city having to purchase tickets from multiple operators to complete a single journey. The National Bus Strategy (NBS) mandates that there is a common ticketing solution alongside LTA controlled and monitored routes. The control and monitoring data, based on routes and schedules, will be provided by a Computer Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location (CAD/AVL) system that is currently not present today. A CAD AVL solution will help control and manage the routes efficiently, manage compliance with timetables and regularity, reduce waiting times and increase in the commercial speed through efficient use of resources and effective incident management. It will also increase the quality and reliability of services and adequate information: greater predictability and control of events, along with better communication with the passenger and driver. That's why at EQUANS, we support LTAs and the National Bus Strategy with our Navineo transportation solutions. Navineo by EQUANS is a set of solutions including equipment, software and services (maintenance and training) to optimise the operation of a ground public transport network. Above all, we work to enable travellers in cities around the world to travel more smoothly every day. We provide CAD/AVL and real-time passengers information systems (RTPI) to make public transportation more sustainable, more attractive, more efficient, more innovative and more secure. Our solutions are currently in use in over 220 public transit networks and 50,000 installations on buses, light rail and heavy rail applications worldwide.
Let’s build Tomorrow’s transit for better lives in smarter cities
CASE STUDY : NAVINEO & LOTHIAN BUSES (EDINBURGH) EQUANS provided a Navineo CAD/AVL and RTPI solutions to facilitate the operation of a network of more than 700 buses (benefiting from efficient tools for an optimal service and to ensure the punctuality and regularity of vehicles and real-time passenger information): Fleet management: Navineo has been deployed since 2004 on the entire Edinburgh bus network. Navineo enables the operator to have an accurate and reactive regulation in real time: control of service take-offs, early and late arrivals, programming of diversions, relief... A dense offer of real-time information: Navineo's concentrated data feeds a comprehensive and attractive passenger information system (traffic conditions, journey time, waiting time, nearby stops based on the location of their mobile phone, etc.).
735 vehicles equipped with a supervision, communication and information system.
EQUANS’ Response National Bus Strategy (NBS) with Navineo transportation solutions. 20221904.
MORE FREQUENT : Navineo CAD/AVL solutions increase the overall performance of public transport by improving the punctuality and frequency of public transport : through route optimisation and traffic light priority or data analysis.
FASTER AND MORE RELIABLE : We know how to evolve our solutions to perfectly meet the needs of our operating customers. We offer packaged or customised solutions designed to solve all the problems of cities, whatever their needs or size. Our response is both global precise and always up-to-date. In addition to the quality of the equipment we build, we have great skills in integration (interfacing our solutions), validation and training. We improve the quality of the city by providing our operating customers with an efficient, complete and always operational product that guarantees the smooth transport of passengers in cities.
EASIER TO UNDERSTAND : Navineo solutions make the passenger more autonomous in managing his daily schedule by reducing or eliminating the uncertainties inherent in public transport.
Accompanying passengers in their daily lives means providing them with transport that arrives on time (timetable respected), is available at all times and is (timetables respected), available all the time (sustained rhythm) and which runs smoothly (traffic traffic).
We improve the quality of the city by allowing passengers to choose a more comfortable and therefore more pleasant collective mobility solution.
BETTER TO RIDE IN : Whether it be onboard the vehicles, at stops, on their smartphone or other mobile device, passengers receive reliable and real-time information regarding their journey thanks to Navineo Real-time passenger information (RTPI) system.
Navineo solutions provide precise, clear and real-time information (on the on-board screen, the ground screen or the application). The presentation of the different lines and connection times at downstream stops also reassures passengers who have to use another means of transport, such as Heavy Rail or Light Rail.
EQUANS’ Response National Bus Strategy (NBS) with Navineo transportation solutions. 20221904.
ACCESSIBLE AND INCLUSIVE : Navineo’s complete set of solutions includes audio announcements to help everyone know where the bus is going, connections and when they have reached their stop.
A SAFER MODE OF TRANSPORT : Navineo solutions include equipment that protects drivers from disruptive behaviour such as a call pedal to discreetly contact the central station on the ground with a listening device or CCTV onboard. Even if he is alone at the wheel, the driver is never isolated but is constantly in contact with an operator able to assess and prevent the danger.
We also improve safety by making transport more welcoming: a well-informed passenger who does not wait and who has more room on board is less likely to get angry. Finally, it should be remembered that in terms of road safety, public transport remains a much safer means of transport than the car. We improve the quality of the city by giving drivers and passengers the means to travel more serenely.
ABOUT NAVINEO : Navineo by EQUANS empowers public transport operators to improve the daily lives of their passengers. We provide CAD/AVL and intelligent transportation systems to make public transportation more sustainable, more attractive, more efficient, more innovative and more secure. Our Navineo solutions are currently in use in over 50,000 installations on buses, light rail and heavy rail applications worldwide.
ABOUT EQUANS : EQUANS is a multi-service company that employs 74,000 people and offers its expertise worldwide. Present in several industrial sectors, it strongly evolves in transport. At EQUANS Transport, we see public transport as a key factor in the attractiveness of cities and regions. EQUANS Transport designs, builds, maintains and delivers infrastructure, and digital solutions & products. As a reliable partner in all phases of complex projects, its teams provide integrated and tailor-made turnkey solutions for its international customers. EQUANS ́ transport activity is based on the knowledge and know-how of its subsidiaries with their wide range of public transport services. Bringing together 2,700 public transport experts, EQUANS’ decentralised organisation enables its teams to carry out operations throughout the world.
EQUANS’ Response National Bus Strategy (NBS) with Navineo transportation solutions. 20221904.
More sustainable More comfortable More efficient More innovative More secure
EQUANS @navineo
Tous droits réservés. EQUANS : société par actions simplifiées - RCS Nanterre 892 318 312 - Siège Social : 1, place Samuel de Champlain 92400 Courbevoie, France.