iCoach Magazine Issue 5: MINDSET

Page 12

‘The more I practice, the more abundance I allow to flow into my life’

PRACTICING SUCCESS “The more I failed, the less I believed... and the less I believed the more I failed. So on the floor I knew I had one thing right. It WAS my fault.”

I don’t know how I got on the floor. I just remember that if felt good -safe and stable, like a memory of my childhood hiding behind my bookcase hoping not to be found. Something was wrong and I was pretty sure it was me. My business was failing and I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. My marketing was impeccable (hello... I’m a Marketing Coach). My website was beautiful. My programs were relevant and really really good. I was networking, getting fans, Tweeting like a mad woman. I was taking all the right steps. But I wasn’t making money. I was getting an occasional client but that was it. I supplemented my income with consulting gigs. But


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