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102 €1.80

December 1 – December 14, 2018 La Laguna

Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands

Southern Europe




Acid attack

Still slacking?

Human traits?

The Jacksons

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Pages 10 & 11

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After the storm

€1.5 million in emergency aid

On the third weekend of November, gigantic waves rolled up to eight metres high towards the Canarian coasts, causing severe storm damage, especially in Garachico, Tacoronte and the coastal areas of La Laguna. Fortunately, the damages were mainly material in nature. Only one person was injured, in Puerto de La Cruz, where a 70-year-old slightly injured his head and leg when a high wave at the lighthouse ripped him from the pier onto the concrete blocks below. He was lucky and was rescued. The residents of 67 apartments in the Mar y Sol building in Mesa del Mar, Tacoronte were evacuated and escaped unharmed, although on the first two floors of their building, the waves swept away some balcony railings, smashed window panes and seawater was able to enter some of the lower apartments unhindered. Continued on page two

Local politicians inspect the level of damage in Garachico

Most admired knowledge city

Canaries wins MAKCi award “Knowledge itself is power”, as the English philosopher Francis Bacon wrote in the 16th century, and the Canary Islands are coming out on top for development in this area. Knowledge is a common word, sometimes transcribed as wisdom, which has lost none of its topicality in the 21st century. The organisation World Capital Institute (WCI), which sees itself as a large think tank, is also concerned with knowledge and how it can be used to develop regions. Every year the institution distinguishes cities that stand out as places of knowledge. This year, the Canary Islands are among those recognised. “Every woman and every man is an island. With birth begins our personal ‘island existence’. Each one develops his or her own intelligence, consciousness and identity, which ultimately define us and are the greatest human capital”, said WCI President Javier Carillo at the opening of this year’s award ceremony.

Fernando Clavijo (r) accepts the award on behalf of the Canary Islands

The celebration of the eleventh international congress and the Most Admired Knowledge City Awards (MAKCi) were brought to Tenerife thanks to the commitment of the Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity, led

by its founder Dr. Günther Koch and Vice-President Rodrigo Trujillo González, lecturer at the University of La Laguna, and the support of the Canary Islands Government. The Humboldt Cosmos Multiver-

sity, founded six years ago and based in Tacoronte, regards Tenerife as a think tank from which new multidisciplinary impulses for the economy, science and society emanate. Due to the HCM activities, high-ranking and experienced scientists, artists and managers visit the island and exchange their knowledge with counterparts in Tenerife and with the younger generation. The renowned natural scientist Alexander von Humboldt is a symbol for understanding the world through different approaches and therefore the namesake of the Multiversity. “Next year will see two anniversaries: Humboldt’s 250th birthday and his first research visit to Tenerife 220 years ago. I consider Humboldt to be such an important universal scientist that he could also be the namesake of this conference. He could be defined as a ‘knowledge researcher’ according to current thinking,” explained Dr. Günther Koch. Continued on page two






Sharing and caring

The three winners of MAKCi 2018: Canaries, Singapore and Vancouver

Continued from front page

What does a Knowledge City need? The award recognises the development of a city or region in terms of eight factors: 1. It must have an identity of its own, meaning the ability of a city or region to develop an urban personality. 2. Intelligence - the capacity to anticipate and respond appropriately to developments and events. 3. The ability to regenerate and maintain a stable financial situation. 4. Healthy relationships, including ethnic diversity



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and respect, security, strong family structures and good external relations. 5. A focus on people as individuals and assessment of how well they can develop from a biological and psychological basis. 6. The well-being of the human collective, which includes, for example, health care, population development, birth rates/percentages and social security systems. 7. Instrumental-material development, which includes the development of a first-class infrastructure using local conditions, climate and geographical location or cultural heritage.

8. Intangible assets are also considered. This means the ability to impart knowledge and introduce innovative support in all important areas of urban life.

Eleventh award ceremony a Canary Islands’ success The three winners, who were honoured for their development as knowledge cities in 2018, were: Singapore in the Metropolis category, Vancouver in the City/Region category and the Canary Islands in the Emerging City/Region category. The Canary Islands beat the nominees: Arequipa in Peru, Bento Gonçalves in Bra-

Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609 Print: Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A., Agüimes, Gran Canaria Circulation controlled by

Rainy day blues zil, Lund in Sweden, Nancy in France, Britain’s Newcastle upon Tyne, Manama in Bahrain and Panama City to get the award - strong competition indeed! For Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo, the award is recognition that in addition to strengthening tourism, strategies in other areas are being sought and promoted. Rafael Rebólo, Director of the Astrophysical Institute of the University of La Laguna, highlighted the important role of universities in development and growth. In the Canary Islands there are two large universities, in Gran Canaria and Tenerife, each with an international reputation. "The Canary Islands are on a path towards social, economic and scientific development," he stressed. They are on the way to establishing themselves as a benchmark in many ways. This was also underlined by the participants, who came from many different parts of the world, with a focus on business and research. More details about the Canary Islands’ candidacy and the aims of the institution can be found on the www.worldcapitalinstitute. n org website.

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Continued from front page The Atlantic was also thundering once again at Garachico, which suffered particularly badly. The coastal road was closed to traffic as it became a raging river. The Castillo next to the natural swimming pools stood like an island in the middle of the Atlantic floods. The municipal swimming pools and local football ground were severely damaged by the waves. On the Saturday evening at 10pm, 24 people had to be evacuated from a building in Calle Esteban Pons after the waves reached the elevator. Firefighters led the evacuation. Only a few hours later, at around 2am, they were called back into action because in Calle Tomé Cano, waves had destroyed a third floor balcony. A total of 39 people had to leave their homes in Garachico that night and were partly accommodated by family members. The remainder were taken to the gymnasium for the night. In Adeje in the south of Tenerife, the waves penetrated the restaurant at a hotel in Calle La Lava, where several guests were having dinner. Two cars, one in Bajamar and another in Puerto de la Cruz, were washed into the sea.

Damage limitation Canary Island President Fernando Clavijo and Island President Carlos Alonso gained an impression of the devastation the following day walking through the scene of destruction in Garachico. The damage there amounts to around €800,000. Among other things, the sewage treatment plant was affected and had to be immediately repaired and restarted. In Tacoronte and La Laguna, the material damage is currently estimated at €400,000 and €350,000 respectively. In view of the immense devastation involving apartments, shops and public areas, President Clavijo assured immediate aid amounting to one and a half million euros. “It’s our top priority to carry out the necessary repairs as quickly as possible so that everyday life can return to the communities affected” he stressed. President Alonso promised to include €400,000 in aid in the 2019 budget. He also called for risk assessment to be carried out and for measures to be taken if possible so that n a similar scenario is not repeated.

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Gillian Sibbald Tel. 660 026 849 · Classifieds:

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018




Presidency of the ultra-peripheral zones in Europe

Recently, for the last time, Canary Island President Fernando Clavijo chaired the Conference of the Ultraperipheral Regions of Europe, which took place in the Las Palmas Auditorium. After a year of hard work, he handed over to Daniel Gibbs, President of Saint Martin, the Franco-Dutch outpost in the Caribbean. "Eight years ago, during the Santa Cruz Conference in Tenerife, we accepted Saint Martin into this Commission. I am delighted that today you have taken over the presidency for the first time and that this is happening in the Canary Islands. We are now resigning, after a year of hard work and in a difficult situation, but I think we have achieved results that strengthen our negotiating position so that our regions are treated with the specifics they deserve because of their situation", Clavijo told his successor. The conference was also attended by the Commissioner for Regional Policy in the EU, Corina Cretu, representatives from Spain, France and Por-

tugal, MEPs and representatives of the other outermost regions (OR) in Europe. Even King Felipe VI accepted the invitation. "The RUPs today face a Europe that not only recognises that the reality in these remote outposts is different, but has also come to understand the opportunities opened up by these regions", the King said. He was attending this annual meeting of the RUPs for the first time in 25

Photos: GobCan

The Canaries hand over to Saint Martín

A relaxed atmosphere between Fernando Clavijo and King Felipe VI (R)

Congratulations from Clavijo to his successor David Gibbs (L), and European Commissioner Corina Cretu (centre)

years. Clavijo responded "The fact that you are all here means a lot to the outermost regions. Not only because it makes our

regions more visible, but also because it helps us to explain our uniqueness and why we need different rules because of

the special situation, which are adapted to the circumstances and at the same time give us European legal certainty. “We live in a Europe in times of uncertainty and concern about the present and with enormous doubts about the common future. These instabilities and political tensions, the rise of populists and the distrust and

displeasure of citizens towards common projects are reflected in undesirable realities within and outside our national and European borders. The opponents of Europe emphasise everything that divides us and undermine the values that unite us." Clavijo spoke clearly and left no doubt that the cohesion of all, and pro-

jects such as the promotion of agriculture, must continue to be worked on. He also took the opportunity to present the ocean platform Plocan, in which the Canary Island Government has already invested over €19 million and which is a huge floating research station for marine sciences. He also highlighted the Canary Islands' desire to switch to renewable energy and a blue economy. He promoted common visions and sustainability. "We, each at our own level, are the leaders of the people who live in our territory. We must restore trust. It is our responsibility to use the media available to us to inspire our citizens and lead them into a common future," he advised. His clear credo is for a plural, inclusive, citizenoriented and equal future in a common Europe. Clavijo thanked all his colleagues for their support and collegiality over the last year. He wished his successor good luck and assured him of his n full support.




One step forward, two steps back

Southern hospital delays

Mayor Mena asks his party colleague Ángel Torres (L) for help

"The residents of southern Tenerife are far too patient. Our schools, roads and health centres are still the same as they were decades ago, despite the fact that many more people now live here and we are the economic engine of the island through tourism," exclaimed Arona's mayor, José Julián Mena, after it became known that the third construction phase of the southern hospital will be postponed again.

"We were promised that it would be completed in April and now there are more delays. Before the elections there is always one step forward, and then it takes two steps back afterwards," he said angrily. In concrete terms, the furore is about the third construction phase of the hospital, which is to include a surgical block with four operating theatres, a maternity ward with three delivery rooms and another operating

theatre. There will also be two new floors for in-patient treatment and complementary facilities such as a pharmacy and sterilisation room. The progress of construction depends on the Island Council and Canary Island Government. This is why Mayor Mena recently asked the Vice-President of the Gran Canaria Island Council and Secretary General of the Socialist Party PSCPSOE, Ángel Víctor Torres, for a

meeting and called for support from the Canarian Parliament so that the delegates there could understand the urgency of the southern hospital and press ahead with its expansion. He is backed by La Gomera's Island President Casimiro Curbelo, who is also pushing for its completion because the southern hospital would be less expensive to reach for islanders who cannot get sufficient medical care in La Gomera. Mena indirectly accuses the Coalicion Canaria party-led Island Council and Canary Island Government of having political reasons behind the delay because Arona is ruled by socialists. In addition to the main concern of the southern hospital, he demands an overhaul of the health centres in the districts of Las Galletas and Los Cristianos, as well as a sewage treatment plant for Las Galletas in order to improve the disposal system in the districts of Guaza, El Fraile and Costa n del Silencio.

The southern hospital is urgently waiting for the completion of its third phase

Partners and enemies

Attack on a woman with a baby

As the Canaries geared up to celebrate various acts in recognition of the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women on November 25, several calls from residents in Calle Franco de Medina, in the La Cuesta district of La Laguna alerted the Local Police to the fact that a woman was calling for help in an apartment. Three patrols drove to the possible crime scene. When nobody answered the door, they called for help from the fire brigade and found out who the owner of the property was. He confirmed that the apartment was rented to a young couple and unlocked it with his own key. The police stormed the apartment and found a young woman in a room on the bed, marked by several violent blows. She held her eleven-month-old baby in her arms and was protecting the child with her body. Only slowly did she calm down and was treated by a doctor. Social workers took care of the frightened, possibly pregnant woman. The attacker, her own partner, had left the apartment a few minutes before the arrival of the police and had taken refuge on the roof terrace of an adjacent house where he was caught and taken away by the officers. It was the second case of domestic violence n in a space of just seven days in La Laguna.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018







Love, joy and freedom

Concert dates:

The Gospel Canarias Festival is here!

Joshua Nelson and the New York Project: November 29, 9pm, the Anglican Church in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Free December 1, 8.30pm, Teatro Víctor Fernández Gopar in Arrecife, Lanzarote. €20 December 2, 8pm, Auditorio de Guía de Isora. €10 or €12 December 4 to 7, 8pm, Teatro Leal, La Laguna. From €12 Latonius, the Las Palmas Municipal Symphony Band and the Rainbow Gospel Choir: November 30, 9pm, Parque Doramas, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Free The Chicago Mass Choir appears only once in the festival, in Gran Canaria

Naturally Gospel: December 1, 8.30pm, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava. €10 Latonius: December 5, 8.30pm, Centro Cultural de Alcalá, Guía de Isora. €5 The Chicago Mass Choir: December 8, 9pm, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. €23 to €33. The Latonius Gospel Choir: December 14, 8.30pm, Centro Cultural de Adeje. €5 December 21, 8.30pm, Casa de la Cultura, Los Realejos. Free December 22, 8pm, Iglesia del Convento Franciscano de San Luis Obispo, Granadilla de Abona. Free

Joshua and his gospel will move the audience

The Gospel Festival has arrived in the Canaries, and for the 13th year running, offers concerts in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Gomera. Each performance gives the audience a unique experience of love, joy, freedom, and plenty of good energy. This year the festival welcomes both international and local groups and artists.

Two special highlights in this year's festival promise unforgettable performances. The Chicago Mass Choir won the Stellar Award for the Best Traditional Choir 2017. Founded in 1988 by James C. Chambers, the Chicago Mass Choir has from the outset delighted audiences with its wonderful voices and moving songs. At their only performance in Gran

Canaria this year, they will present their new show Connecting Souls. There's no question about it, the audience will be thrilled again this time. The second big highlight arrives with Joshua Nelson & The New York Gospel Project. Joshua Nelson, who was born as a coloured Jew, humorously describes himself as the Ku Klux Klan's worst

The Latonius Gospel Choir sings with enthusiasm and emotion

nightmare. When he went on stage in Brooklyn for the first time, he made a tribute to Mahalia Jackson, who he highly admired. Since then, he has never stopped singing and has been able to delight audiences from New York to Jerusalem. With his new show El Evangelio según Joshua (The Gospel according to Joshua) he aims to touch and amuse his audience. Never before has he been on tour in Europe with such a large ensemble. The Believers Gospel Singers also come from America. This group was founded 15 years ago in Georgia by the brothers Michael and Kenneth Bolden and their school friend Ren Brown. After three years, in 2006, Sharmar Stevens joined the group and the trio became

The Believers Gospel Singers: December 15, 9pm, Plaza de Las Américas, San Sebastián de La Gomera. Free December 16, 9pm, Auditorio Infanta Leonor in Los Cristianos. €15 to €18 To keep up to date with additional fixtures and ticket buying information, see a quartet. Their first album was called Be Real and they are still true to this motto today. Tony Jermaine Earl, alias Latonius, is a great singer from the pop, soul, R&B and gospel scene. He is characterised by a voice that is intimate, vulnerable and expressive at the same time, not to mention his marvellous stage presence. He has the ability to captivate his audience with pure emotion. In 2011 the artist moved to Hamburg, where he lived and directed a choir until 2015. Since then he has lived in Tenerife and founded the Latonius Gospel Choir in the same year. He contributes one solo performance to the fes-

tival and three with his Latonius Gospel Choir. The choir Naturally Gospel, which is made up of professional musicians who have found their passion in gospel music, and who have already performed on numerous theatre and auditorium stages in the archipelago also takes part as a local group. Their interpretations are fresh and new. During the festival they will present their new show called Reliving, a tribute to Whitney Houston. It's really hard to decide which concert to go to with this wonderful selection. To keep up to date with additional fixtures and ticket buying information, n see



The artists celebrate the start of work on the nativity scene on the beach

no longer lived on the island, the danger was classified as low, obviously a grave misjudgement. The National Police intercepted the man with his new partner of the same age, who was also present during the attack and is therefore considered an accomplice, at the Reina Sofía airport, from where they intended to take a flight back to Italy. The investigation was aided by the fact that on the night before the attack, Local Police officers observed a couple loitering in the area of María's apartment, which they found suspicious. They told the police that they were playing Pokémon Go. Nevertheless, the officers had asked the couple to show their identity cards. This incident contributed significantly to the rapid resolution of the case and the detainment before their departure. After the arrest, the suspicion that the acid attack was not committed by the man but by his current girlfriend, while he waited for her in a white Fiat



Photo: Guardia Civil

Recently, the National Police from La Laguna arrested an Italian couple who are accused of attacking the man's 25-yearold ex partner with acid. Maria was on her way home from her workplace at a security company, when she suddenly faced her former partner Matteo at the tram stop. He poured corrosive acid onto her face, though fortunately she held her mobile phone up and was able to keep off much of the liquid. The rest, however, hit the young woman mainly in one eye, which was severely damaged. After a twelve-hour hospital stay, the woman was discharged, accompanied by her current partner, and taken to an apartment with police protection. The relationship between María and Matteo ended about a year ago. At that time, he apparently suffered greatly from the separation. Matteo finally left the island and returned to Italy. Shortly before the attack, the man began to insult his ex by WhatsApp messages so she filed a complaint. As he

The acid attack took place only a few days before the International Day Against Violence Against Women

Punto, to drive to the airport immediately after the attack, became even stronger. They had also tried to set up a false trail. It was meant to appear that a former girlfriend of the current boyfriend had committed the attack. In the Plaza de la Tranvia, the site of the incident, numerous demonstrators went on to protest against domestic violence against women. "I wish today to condemn any violence against women and to reject it, particularly in view of the

woman who was attacked by her ex partner in La Laguna last night. Remember, there is the emergency number 016 for victims of domestic violence, or even the emergency number 112, which can be used to report any form of abuse and callers will be treated professionally and anonymously," the mayor, José Alberto Díaz Domínguez advised. The good news is that the recovery of the young woman is going very well and she will probably not be left with any scars. n



“Leave your coat at home and don’t forget to drive to the famous Playa de Las Canteras,” the Spanish daily El País recommended its readers as it named Las Palmas as one of the 15 best Spanish cities in which to spend Christmas. The traditional sand nativity scene is just one of the attractions praised in the article. In addition, the journalists recommend the mild climate instead of the cold Peninsula winter and the many Christmas activities that provide entertainment in the city. In Gran Canaria, work has already begun on this year’s enormous nativity scene. The sculptures, which create a Christmas message from the sand on the beach, are up to four metres high. This year, eight international artists are working on the festive creation. Their Christmas message is a clear commitment to the rights and welfare of children. Therefore, at the beginning of their work, they announced “A child can change the world” and captured it in photographs. This year’s Christmas scene on the beach is to be finished by November 30. Donations collected from visitors will be used for social welfare purposes. The nativity scene is one of Las Palmas’ biggest Christmas magnets and is popular with locals and tourists alike. Last year there were over 170,000 visitors to the spectacular showing. n

Acid attack


Christmas under the sun in Las Palmas

Domestic violence in the street


A leisure tip from El País



1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018

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PROMOTION | A fun proposal by Rossini for December

The journey to Reims

A Journey to Reims makes a stop at the Tenerife Auditorium

The third title of Tenerife's lyrical season will be Rossini's comical creation, El Viaje a Reims (The journey to Reims), which will be performed at the Auditorio de Tenerife on December 15 and will serve to bring together a cast of artists made up entirely of former members of Opera (e)Studio, thus celebrating its fifth anniversary, a

project that was set in motion under the artistic direction of Giulio Zappa. The rough and tumble journey of a picturesque group of aristocrats and officials travelling to join in the celebrations for the coronation of King Charles X in Reims gave Rossini the opportunity to narrate the meeting of these characters at the Il Giglio d'Oro spa.

In this comic opera a series of virtuous arias unfolds, among which the great 14-voice concert stands out at the place where the centre of the plot converges. The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will contribute the music to this work under the virtuous baton of Yi-Chen Lin who visits the island again after La Noche de Fígaro (Mozart)

in 2015, in which the Chinese conductor directed the second edition of Opera (e)Studio. The scene bears the signature of Stefania Bonfadelli, the Italian director who debuted at Ópera de Tenerife with the production Don Pasquale (Donizetti) in the 2016-2017 season, proposing a recreation of a tennis court set in the eightn ies of the last century.

Masdunas project

Maspalomas Dunes rescue The iconic Maspalomas Dunes, which are slowly eroding away, are to be rescued in a pioneering project that is unique in the world. Work on the promised mission began in October, and by the end of 2019, 60,000 cubic metres of sand will have been moved Island President Antonio Morales and restacked. The Maspalo- Méndez (l) and Environment Officer mas dune system is a circuit Miguel Ángel Rodríguez are taking that carries sand from Playa a whole new approach to counterdel Inglés to the Maspalomas acting sand loss coast by wind. It’s a system that works well except when it comes to southern storms, which sweep the dunes empty and leave only stones behind. For more than 40 years the dunes, which are the landmark of Maspalomas, have been continuously disappearing. Up to 40,000 cubic metres can be lost each year, as the sea takes away sand and deposits it in the depths of the ocean around the La Bajeta underwater canyon which slopes directly behind the coast. Now, sand is being reclaimed, with a total of around 13,000 cubic metres of sand currently being moved. Once the dunes are replenished, they will have indigenous coastal plants sown on and amongst them so the sand mountains will have greater stability. As the project, which has an estimated investment of €1 million, is unique, it is being followed by representatives from Mexico, Australia and Great Britain who are interested in the results. If the method succeeds in Gran Canaria, it n will most likely find imitators.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018







Eurofins-mas Control - food safety experts

Is Southern Europe really more sloppy? Antonieta Campos runs the company Eurofins-mas Control in Tenerife and sees herself as a consultant to the companies

ins (fungus) or antibiotics’ residues. We work with the veterinarians, who also carry out checks and have a great deal of responsibility. A few years ago, for example, chickens and eggs from Spain were remarkably heavily contaminated with salmonella. The problem was so acute that the European Union threatened to ban Spanish poultry products. We then worked specifically with veterinarians and poultry farmers to improve the situation and get the problem under control. When we inspect a poultry farm, we take samples from a dirty egg and not the cleanest, because if that one is all right, the rest will be.” European standards are the same everywhere and are strictly controlled

By Sabine Virgin For a long time the prejudice was that in Southern Europe the clocks tick at a different pace with regard to food controls and their safety. In some cases, this attitude still persists, although it has long since ceased to correspond to reality. The same standards apply in all European countries, Antonieta Campos, head of the laboratory analysis company Eurofins-mas

Control, confirmed. Labelling in particular has taken another important step towards giving consumers greater safety. "A banana jam, for example, must contain real bananas and not just a banana aroma, as in the past," she explains. And, of course, the labelling of allergens is very important today and another important point of reference for consumers. How are food standards monitored in the Canary Islands?

“The controls apply equally to all member states. All food processors must undergo voluntary self-monitoring. There are currently four companies in Tenerife that are authorised to offer this service, which must be paid for by the companies. We differentiate, among other things, according to the area in which the company is active. Particularly strictly controlled are companies that process milk or meat. At Wurstquelle in La

Orotava, for example, around five different types of samples are taken each week. If we see that the company is working well, as in this case, we can also reduce the number of samples. But there are always weekly checks. That is the law.” Is there such a thing as frequent problems? “You can't put it like that. Sometimes we find bacteria, heavy metals, mycotox-

What mistakes do consumers make? “Of course, the consumer must also ensure that his food is well treated, especially here, where we often have high temperatures. Perishable goods such as meat, sausages, cheese and fish are best placed in refrigerated insulated bags and taken home immediately. Under no circumstances should you take a stroll while the food is lying in the car. Those who are on the road for hours after they bought their perishable goods cannot blame the manufacturers for the fact that they are no longer fresh when they arrive home.”

Don't the strict standards cause small businesses to close down? “That depends. Of course, different standards apply, depending on the size. We also see ourselves as consultants and not as judges of a company. For example, the supplier of a meat-processing company may be the reason why we find his premises to be contaminated in some way. If this is the case, the entrepreneur can take responsibility for his supplier and demand targeted improvements. I believe that the rules must be applied with common sense, for the benefit of people and businesses. We cannot make the same demands of small businesses as industrial businesses.” Is it not the case that too much hygiene can weaken the immune system? “We are not doctors, but I think that too much hysteria is not good either. That is why I emphasise that common sense is necessary. If we surround ourselves with too much sterility at home, we no longer demand anything of our immune system. There are studies in Italy that link the increasing number of allergies to an under-taxed immune system which is then directed against one's own body. There, for example, a woman suffering

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018


from arthritis was treated with a small dose of tuberculosis. This stimulated her immune system to such an extent that she soon felt better. This was a trial and the results gave rise to further research in this direction. We should act with common sense in terms of cleanliness, even in our pri-

because ever more vigorous cleaning agents, which are necessary there, lead to the development of resistances that are increasingly difficult to treat with antibiotics. In addition, our bodies often no longer react to antibiotics, even if they are taken lightly. Here, too, a rethink must take

All analysis data is listed and discussed with the customer

vate environment, and not with exaggerated panic.” What about the multi-resistant germs that were recently discussed with the University Hospital? “There are multi-resistant germs in all hospitals and every year people die from them, not only in the Canary Islands. This is precisely

place so that we do not shoot sparrows with cannons thus ensuring that therapies no longer work in an emergency.” How are you received in the establishments, are the controls obligatory? “As already mentioned, we see ourselves as consultants and helpers to the companies. But of course there are



cially earlier, many people were working in kitchens who weren’t trained and had no idea about the hygienic treatment of food, but now that is improving enormously. A lot has happened in this area in the last 20 years. The first important Europe-wide laws,

for example on food traceability, were introduced in 2002. This was followed by modifications and new regulations in 2004, 2005, 2011, 2014 and 2016. Today we have a high standard in Spain and Europe that guarantees food safety for n the consumer.”

Farms that process milk or meat, such as the sausage source here, are subject to particularly strict controls

reservations. In the past, for example, cooks used to have a towel hanging from their belt to wipe their hands or to use as a pot holder. But they also used it when they went to the toilet. That is no longer possible today. Many chefs did not like this habit

and today, paper towels are quite normal as a substitute. And quite honestly, when someone tells me: "But the cook on TV also has his towel hanging on his belt", I can only reply that this is not a company that is subject to controls. In addition, espe-




Interactively discovering nature

An encounter with botany The Tenerife Island Council department for sustainability, the environment and security led by José Antonio Valbuena, has created an interactive web page where the most beautiful specimens of exotic and endemic plants are catalogued. A total of 323 are listed, some of which are located in towns and cities, in public squares, and others on private land. The most beautiful plants and trees in the forests, in rural as well as urban areas have been taken into account. Soon the catalogue will also be available as an app. The individual splendid specimens can then be geo-localised. They will also be explained and their special features highlighted. They all have one thing in common:

Illegal trading

Elephant ivory in all sizes Such a tree bears witness to centuries

A huge Canary Island spurge

they are unusually majestic, old and imposing. If you like, you can use the app to go on a hike to see the almond trees in Santiago Curious figures by the wayside

del Teide or the pines in Los Realejos or to explore a path along which you'll find the most beautiful dragon trees in Adeje. Suggestions can be found at www.arbolesmonumentales. n

El Tablero

In yet another violation of international animal protection law, the 57-year-old owner of a second-hand shop in La Laguna was recently arrested for selling unlicensed ivory. As part of the Iohannes operation, the Guardia Civil confiscated 29 individual pieces of elephant ivory carved into different shapes, such as crocodiles, vegetables and chess pieces, as well as a chessboard with inlays. In addition, an inkwell consisting of two hippopotamus teeth and two nautilus shells, which were purchased at a price of €400 and whose sellers could not prove their legal origin, was seized, and the remaining pieces with a total value of around €7,000 could not be legally documented either. For this reason, the shop owner will now have to answer for a violation of the protection law CE 338/1997 of December 1996. Illegal trading in protected species is punishable by between six months and two years imprisonment or a fine over eight to 24 months. In any case, a professional ban and a prohibition on fishing and hunting are imposed n for a period of two to four years.

New sport amusement park The borough of San Bartolomé de Tirajana in the south of Gran Canaria, has announced the imminent opening of the new urban park in the El Tablero district. Thanks to the council's initiative, an old park has been transformed into a multifunctional leisure park cover-

ing more than 8,900 square metres, offering numerous sports and leisure facilities from the children's playground to the shaded area under olive trees, and the 361-metre-long, signposted cycle path, which is also suitable for skaters, to jogging and sports equipment. The park is laid out with arti-

The cycling path can be used by cyclists and inline skaters

ficial turf in order to be sustainable and water-saving. A final touch of painting and gardening work remains to be

Gala Opening

done and soon young and old will be able to actively let off steam in the well-lit park by n day and night.

Ivory in various sizes and forms, whose legal origin could not be proven, was confiscated

High quality women’s fashion in your area...

New night and homewear collection

Las Américas Night Market Starts on Saturday evening 8th December

and will continue every Thursday, Friday and Saturday

From 18.00hrs – 22.00hrs

CC. Oasis. Avenida Las Américas, Playa de Las Américas Tenerife’s Golden Mile (infront of Zara Store) Enquiries 922 71 32 46 · 610 464 841

C.C. Plaza del Duque, Local B23/Floor -1 Plaza Playas del Duque, Costa Adeje Metropolis Center, Local 2A, Arenas Blancas 3 (directly on the beach promenade) Playa de las Américas

C.C. Plaza del Duque, Local B 42/Floor -1 Plaza Playas del Duque Costa Adeje

Canary Center, Local 7, 11+12, Urb. La Paz Puerto de la Cruz

Canary Center, Local 9, Urb. La Paz Puerto de la Cruz

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018




Marine research for animals and the environment

With the collaboration of the Loro Parque Foundation, 24 orcas were studied at Loro Parque, SeaWorld Orlando and SeaWorld San Diego by Yulán Ùbeda, author of a new and fascinating study and scientist at the University of Girona. The aim of the research was, for the first time in history, to determine the personality structure of cetaceans in order to get to know them better. "The personality studies of the animals help us to better understand their behaviour and can soon be accompanied by social measures," explains Dr. Javier Almunia, Director of the Loro Parque Foundation. He also points out that "a more detailed knowledge of an animal's personality makes it possible, for example, to enrich its environment or social conditions in such a way that they adapt better to the animal's needs and preferences". In order to determine their personality structure, a questionnaire with 38 factors was applied, based on a counterpart that is also

applied to humans - the 'fivefactor model'. An average of 20 evaluators per centre - primarily trainers - with a minimum experience of eight years in dealing with these animals, assessed all the key points of the study. "In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted on the personality of many animals - including invertebrates, insects and fish - but curiously, in the area of cetaceans, there have only been personality studies on bottlenose dolphins. They also focused only on the interactions and not on the determination of a personality structure of this species" emphasised Yulán Ùbeda. And she found something interesting, because the study results about the orcas could not be compared with the results of other cetaceans. Therefore, humans and chimpanzees were used for comparison. According to the study, the personality of the orcas is made up of three factors: Extroverted, which combines the factors of responsibility and kindness,

Photos: Loro Parque

How similar are orcas to humans?

Scientist Yulán Ùbeda

Orcas seem to be close to primates according to the study

dominance and intelligence. The first three points are consistent with those found in chimpanzees - and previously published in a technical report by the same author in Evolutionary Psychology - while the similarity with humans is also reflected in terms of traits. The similarity of the results found

The Loro Parque’s orcas were just some of the protagonists of the study

could indicate an evolutionary agreement. The scientist summarised that despite the great evolutionary distance between cetaceans and primates, the adaptation to very different habitats and a very unequal neuro-anatomical development, there are similarities in complex cognitive abilities,

such as cooperation, cultural mediation and social structures and even a similar development of brain functions.

What is the impact of climate change? The Loro Parque Foundation and the Canary Islands Gov-

ernment are investigating this question as part of the 'CanBio' joint project. Both are investing two million euros over four years. As part of the project, the two Canary Island universities in Tenerife and Gran Canaria are studying the impact of global climate change on marine organisms in Macaronesia. The studies are divided into different tasks ranging from the observation of marine chemistry parameters to the study of algae, angel sharks and sea turtles. This agreement initiates the development of a coastal network to monitor the marine environmental parameters associated with climate change, ocean acidification and underwater acoustic pollution and their impact on the marine biodiversity of the Canary Islands. In this way, the region will become a global reference address, providing international scientific circles with relevant data on climate change and helping to diagnose the effect of global n change on the region.



Musical history


An interview with The Jacksons a group or family but when we were performing we knew exactly where Michael would have been on the stage and that he would have given it 110 per cent as we all did and do still." It's also obvious to see that they are very passionate about their music, their families and their fans! There was also a hint of maybe a few Christmas songs making an

By Tracey Cutting Tenerife's capital Santa Cruz is proud to be welcoming one of the most prestigious families in the music industry over the last 50 years, The Jacksons, for their only concert in the Canary Islands, on December 21. This unique event will serve as the 25th anniversary of the concert performed by their pop icon brother Michael Jackson in Tenerife in 1993 which sent the island into a frenzy, and what's more, it will be in the same location. The Jacksons will be performing all of their favourite hits that you know and love, such as ABC, Can You Feel it, Blame it on the Boogie, Shake your body down, I Want You Back and many more, giving us a concert to remember. With a hint of what's to come, Jackie Jackson announced on a video message "Bring your dancing shoes!" The Jacksons recently flew to London to perform at the

Abbey Road Studios and luckily I was able to catch up with them to get an interview and some great photos. When The Jacksons walk into a room you know that musical royalty has arrived! Meeting them was a little surreal but they have a great ease about them and seem to treat everyone in the same pleasant manner. Having the opportunity to interview one of the most famous musical families in history was an absolute pleasure. The easy manner and humility of the brothers made it a memorable interview. It's obvious that Tito, Marlon, Jackie and Jermaine still have the passion, heart and spirit for their music 50 years on, with the hint that 2019 will bring us some new music from The Jacksons! What gives you your motivation after performing for 50 years in the music business?

As I left them, it was sweet that Marlon said in Spanish "Nos vemos pronto" (see you soon). I'm certainly looking forward to seeing them soon and catching up with them again. This is definitely a night for your diary, an amazing chance to see some real live legends performing on our island. The Jacksons will be performing live at Dársena de los Llanos del Puerto de Santa Cruz

on December 21 at 10pm. Gates open at 7pm. Ticket prices start as low as €38 and are available from the box ofice at Magma Arte y Congresos in Costa Adeje, www.tomaticket. es or from the website www. If you are travelling from the south or the north of the island, there will be special buses to take you directly to the concert costing as little n as €12 return.

Jackie: "Performing for all of our fans and to see everyone enjoying themselves and singing the words to all our songs, in fact if I forget the words I can just give the mic to our fans to sing them." What are your most memorable times as a family with Michael? Jackie: "I remember the first time we flew into London at 5am, we were going to perform for the Queen, we had 10,000 fans waiting for us and it was a big shock, (a good one!). We got attacked, Michael had his scarf taken off him and his hat, and we were getting grabbed and pushed around, that's when it really hit home." Do you still get attacked now? Marlon: "Only by pitbulls!" How was it when Michael went solo, as it was the group that gave him his first taste of freedom? Jackie/Jermaine "It's always hard when there's a split in

appearance at the concert as it will be so close to the festive season. When asked if they had a favourite Jacksons’ song, they chose several, but said that Can you feel it is special because Michael cowrote it. It was very clear to see that they individually have their own unique personalities with Marlon being the joker, Tito the smooth one, Jermaine very cool/collected, and Jackie the calm and sensitive one.

Win two tickets to see The Jacksons Send an email to, with the heading THE JACKSONS, your phone number, and tell us why you would like to see The Jacksons, and you will be entered into a draw for two tickets to see this fabulous concert in Santa Cruz. The draw will take place on December 11. The winner will be notified by phone and the result will be published on n the Island Connections Facebook page.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018





Digital radio goes ‘Old School’ Island Connections recently sat down for a chat with Ian McKenzie Anderson, Katy Kennedy and Mark Adams, the weekday crew from X-Pat Radio Two. Some people here in Tenerife might not be familiar with this exciting new station, even though it’s now been broadcasting for nearly a year. XPR2 began as an online station, solely on the internet, aimed at British and Irish ex-pats around the world. It has gained thousands of global listeners in the USA, Far East and Europe as well as the UK and Ireland, but, along with its more youthoriented sister station, X-Pat Radio One, it has its studios here in Tenerife. We asked Ian, the station owner, about the decision to begin broadcasting XPR2 ‘the old fashioned way’ on FM. Isn’t that a backward step? “Here at our radio station”, Ian replied, “we work as a team. The move to add local transmitters to all the digital ways listeners can tune in was

very much a joint decision. All the station’s presenters have strong connections to the Tenerife community, and most of us have lived here for many years, so we feel that our station needs to reflect that. Digital and online broadcasting is a growing market, but FM is still the way that most local listeners prefer to tune in.” X-Pat Radio Two has managed to achieve what many thought was impossible by tempting veteran broadcaster Katy Kennedy out of retirement. Her sense of fun is proving to be a great hit with their listeners. So how does Katy feel about joining the ‘digital age’? Katy gives a cheeky smile as she replies “My first thought was ‘Where’s the record player?’ I’d never used a computer for presenting before, so it’s been quite a learning curve. But when I make a mistake (and I often do), I never try to hide it, and the listeners seem to like that sense of ‘anything could happen’.” “It’s become a bit of a running joke at the station”, says

The lovely Katy Kennedy

The XPR2 team. L-R: Mark Adams (Weekday Breakfast & Sport), Ian McKenzie Anderson (Owner & Lunchtime Show), Katy Kennedy (Afternoons), Nobby (Weekend Brunch) and Alex Blunt (Weekday Evenings)

Breakfast Show presenter Mark. “When any of the rest of us presses the wrong button, we say ‘Oops, I’ve done a Katy’!” Katy giggles and adds “It’s like a family here. We have fun together and support each other, and I hope our listeners enjoy that.” You can find X-Pat Radio Two on 97.1 and 107.4 FM in South Tenerife, online at or ‘TuneIn’, on IPTV set-top boxes, or ask any Alexa device to play ‘X-Pat n Radio Two’.




Stage design for Carnival 2019

Christmas time is just around the corner, but in the Canary Islands some folk are already impatiently ready and waiting with anticipation for the local ‘fifth season’, Carnival. The absolute strongholds are the two provincial capitals, but carnival is also celebrated in all of the boroughs to a greater or lesser extent. In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Javier Caraballero is once again the designer for the important main stage. Mayor José Manuel Bermúdez highlighted the great talent of the young designer who hails from Santa Cruz himself. Javier Caraballero holds a degree in psychology from the University of La Laguna and is licenced as a head technician in styling and fashion by the Fernando Estévez School of Art and Design. He has designed the costumes of carnival queens and murgas (ironic singing groups) several

Photo: Ayto. Santa Cruz

The magic of the deep sea

Caraballero’s design to bring the underwater world to life

times during the Tenerife Carnival, and has been responsible for the stage design of the Carnival now for two consecutive years. His field of activity extends beyond this fiesta to the world of theatre. At the Auditorium Adán Martín in Santa Cruz he created the stage set for the operas Aida, La Traviata and La Bohême as well as the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita. Following this year's Carnival theme Deep Sea, the stage design will take the audience into the underwater world. Inspired by movies such as Finding Nemo, the effects will take the audience into a world full of colourful fish and coral reefs. The stage will be brought to life with the use of modern technologies, integrated LED screens and lighting effects. The cool colours of the sea will alternate with warm lighting effects. Carnival in Tenerife begins on February 1 with the presentation of the candidates for the 2019 Carnival Queen. The actual carnival week is relatively late this year, from n March 2 to 5.

79 arrests nationwide - including the Canary Islands

In an operation that began in January 2016, the National Police have carried out the biggest blow against child pornography recorded to date in Spain. A total of 79 people were arrested and 80 house searches carried out. The suspects were identified and located in 13 provinces throughout Spain: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, Aragón, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and the Canary Islands.

Photo: Policía Nacional

A heavy blow against child pornography

National Police special units have been investigating to expose the child pornography network since January 2016

In the course of the investigation, a 57-year-old repeat

offender was arrested, among others, who abused a rela-

tionship of trust with a child's parents and sexually abused their three-year-old daughter between 2010 and 2013 to produce paedophile video material that he shared with others through online networks. A 27-year-old from Madrid took advantage of his work with minors to produce and distribute over 2,000 paedophile photos. However, no sexual abuse could be proven against him. A woman from Peru was identified as the author of numerous videos with two underage

girls. She received payments via a money transfer service immediately after the release of her videos. All information was passed on to Peruvian special investigators, leading to the woman's arrest. It was revealed that she abused her own eleven-year-old daughter and four-year-old niece to make the videos. A Peruvian citizen living in Barcelona was arrested for taking and distributing paedophile children's photos on his mobile phone during his holiday in Lima. His victim was also

identified. In northern Spain, six laptops and 22 DVDs with child pornography content were seized from a female suspect in San Sebastián. In the course of the operation, not only material with clear sexual abuse of children and adolescents was seized, but also 97 balls of hashish, 120 grams of MDMA, 100 grams of designer drugs, a revolver, a large quantity of ammunition in various calibre sizes, smoke bombs used for military purposes, a silencer and n two large knives.

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1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018



€ 279,00

€ 145,30

€ 188,30

€ 140,80

€ 109,00

€ 139,00

€ 207,90

€ 209,00

€ 214,80



Avenida Barranco de Las Torres Los Olivos 38670 Adeje - Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Exit 81 Autopista del Sur TF1 - Next to Lidl Supermarket) +34 922 929617

Puerto de La Cruz Calle de la Hoya, 41

Costa Adeje Centro Comercial The Duke Shops Centro Comercial Siam Mall Hotel Iberostar Sàbila Blow Project (Planta - 2) Arona Centro Comercial Parque Santiago III - Evelino (Locales 108A, 135 y 136) Brillit Calzados Calle Central, 4 Las Galletas





Illegal animal trading

A big step closer to the climate target

African dwarf crocodile in Callao Salvaje Photo: Guardia Civil

A Guardia Civil patrol in Adeje recently encountered an African dwarf crocodile on the roadside while patrolling in Callao Salvaje. The animal was dead and had been dried and the officers at first were not sure what species they had in front of them and whether the confiscated specimen belonged to an endangered animal species or not. They brought in their colleagues from the Special Unit for Nature Conservation, SEPRONA. It turned out to be a dried African dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus Tetraspis) from the Gulf of Guinea. The species is considered as threatened with extinc-

Confiscated from the roadside - a dried dwarf crocodile

tion. Due to the destruction of its habitat and poaching, the wild population has been decimated to such an extent that it’s on the international list of endangered animals and plants (C.I.T.E.S.), which was adopted in Washington on March 3, 1973 and which

imposes a strict ban on trade for lucrative purposes. It’s not known who dumped the dried animal on the street. Illegal trading in protected species is punishable by between six months and two years imprisonment or a fine

XXIII International Story Festival

Once upon a time...

"The air is filled with stories. It rains words like raindrops, like heavy rain showers. Cotton-blossom clouds are like treats from the past. Later thunderstorms will soak everything. Then comes tranquillity, serenity, peace. Commas, dots and quotation marks dry

on the leaves of the trees in the sun, from time to time a bracket dissolves to catch a smile. The sky above Los Silos lights up in a new splendour, as if it would reinvent itself every year. And the mischievous wind mixes all the accents and lets them melt into a voice

Wind farm inaugurated

that recounts, that paints pictures in the air with prose, that ‘sows words for the future’". This is a small preview of the stories that will fill Los Silos from December 5 to 8 with poetry, laughter, compassion, melancholy or even horror. The festival was founded by

over eight to 24 months. In any case, a professional ban and a ban on fishing and hunting is imposed for a period of two to four years. In this case, a smuggling charge would be filed because of the high level of threat to the species. n Ernesto Rodríguez Abad in 1996 in order to preserve the narrated word, the stories of the past for the future, and to form a counterpoint to modern entertainment, but one that still touches the hearts of listeners. Whether young or old, it doesn't matter at this festival, there are stories for all ages and preferences that are just waiting to be heard. The festival aims to arouse curiosity about literature and demonstrate how different stories are told in different cultures. That's why a colourful mix of storytellers are invited to share their stories. This year they are from Tenerife, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and the Spanish Peninsula as well as from Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Ireland, Finland and even Japan. Highlights include performances of Teatrosilos including the horror offering Artet-

Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo recently inaugurated the new Agüímes wind farm on the east coast of Gran Canaria. At full capacity, it should be able to supply around 50,000 households with electricity. “Taken together, all the projects we have planned in the Canary Islands could reach the target of 45 per cent of our energy supply coming from renewable sources by 2025. This would mean that we would achieve the target set by the European Union five years earlier than planned”, emphasised Clavijo. It’s an important step towards successively switching the energy supply from fossil fuels to a sustainable system. Since 2015, the renewable energy supply capacity in the archipelago has doubled and now amounts to up to 390 megawatts. “This order of magnitude corresponds to 43 per cent of the annual consumption of almost 802,000 households that exist on the island. This progress has only been possible because the central government in Madrid lifted the ten-year blockade on the expansion of wind energy made at the beginning of the last legislative period. Further wind projects are also planned for the Canary Islands in the next legislation. In the first half of 2019, more wind and photovoltaic plants are to be installed. n

The Islands are constantly moving towards a renewable energy supply

eror at the public swimming pool. Timid and easily scared people should not attend, and the minimum age is 16 years. On December 6, the Cantos and Cuentos Canarios (Canarian songs and stories) at 11am in the Zona Natural Pino will be something special, as will be the stories in the cave at different times or the Canary Guitar Quartet at 1pm. Or how about a story picnic at 2pm on December 7? In the evening at 6pm, Melodías al Atardecer, a mixture of music, poetry and stories is offered at sunset.

Later, at 9pm and 10pm, the organiser Ernesto Rodríguez Abad, Juanma Moreno and Aarón Rodríguez invite you to discover the sky with El Cielo de Los Silos. Finally, on December 8, there will be stories from the rural washing areas called lavaderos. Some will make you laugh, others will make you think, but in any case they're definitely worth listening to. The detailed programme as well as tickets are available via the web page www. n

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018



high quality food gastronomy and beers and wines from all over the world. The Duke Shops is located in one of the most privileged areas in Tenerife, El Duque, which has some of the best beaches in the south of the island, as well as the most five star luxury hotels in the Canary Islands. This area is also becoming popular as an elegant residential area, mak-

ing The Duke Shops the perfect addition to any day. The Duke Shops also offers all its visitors a comfortable private underground car park complementing the spacious outdoor car park only a few metres away. The Duke Shops easily interconnects with all public transport and has its own bus stop right outside the entrance as well as a large taxi rank and discretionary passenger transport. n


A new shopping centre for the south of Tenerife

The Duke Shops now open with almost 60 commercial premises distributed over three floors. Spacious exterior terraces with views and landscaped areas are sure to captivate all its visitors thanks too to a careful selection of top brands and service operators. All this with a clear and defined

Together for Peace

Erasmus+ in Granadilla de Abona

Photo: Ayto. Granadilla de Abona

A group of around 30 young people from Portugal, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic visited Granadilla de Abona mayor José Domingo Regalado in mid-November as part of the Erasmus+ exchange programme. They were accompanied by their peers from the IES Los Cardones school. The common theme of the meeting was the Fight for Tolerance. The young people defended values such as tolerance towards other religions, diversity of beliefs and religions, freedom of expression, mutual respect and trust. On this occasion, the choir from the San Isidro school interpreted the well-known song Imagine by the Beatles, which has n become a symbol for the peace movement.

They stand for peace and respect as basic characteristics of European culture

Doctor´s Practice El Médano and Puerto de la Cruz General medicine/Internal medicine Neurology/Psychiatry Stefanie Liffler-Bennewitz & Dennis Bennewitz Calle Teobaldo Power 5, El Médano, Tel: +34 922 177 527

objective: to differentiate this shopping centre from others on the island. More than half of the selection of stores consists of exclusive mono-brand spaces. The latest trends in fashion, footwear and accessories are represented, including reference brands such as Armani Exchange, Ted Baker or Poden & Cool with their first and only shops in the Canary Islands. Top brands such as Vans, Hurley, Levi's and Guess accompany a select collection of boutiques and unique operators with widely contrasted references. Two complete floors are dedicated to fashion and to satisfying the desires and needs of the client who will be assisted by staff who are

exclusively trained to advise and guide you.

Food Court The penthouse floor of this centre is reserved for gastronomy in the form of a wide, elegant and welcoming food court that sits under a splendid wooden pergola and offers a gastronomic variety that provides the perfect combination between

Tenerife forWard

Development through exchange Island President Carlos Alonso recently met in London with a group of around a dozen young Tinerfeños who live in the British capital and stay in touch with their homeland through the Tenerife forWard initiative. They exchange their experiences directly and online. Over 80 members now belong to this network, not only those from Tenerife who are far away from home, but also young people on the island, who are in regular contact with foreign countries and foreign cultures. It’s a multidisciplinary network of engineers, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, sales direcConsultation hours: Mon - Fri 9am to 6pm Sat 9am to 1pm ©Google

tors and journalists. A look from the outside at the home country can provide inspiration, to which Alonso is open. "With this initiative, we want to build economic relations with a globalised world, using the visions of people who are closely connected to the island," he explained. Tenerife forWard aims to be a reference address for interaction with Tenerife. The members contribute their visions, experience and knowledge and they are ambassadors for the island in very different areas. Anyone who is interested can join this initiative at any time

Photo: Cab. Tenerife

The Duke Shops, occupying 9,000 square metres, opened its doors on November 23 in the El Duque area of Costa Adeje. A new concept of open commercial space, The Duke Shops offers customers a different and unique shopping experience in the Canary Islands,

Alonso is interested in the opinion of the young Tinerfeños living abroad

via Another meeting with Tinerfeños living abroad, who are

coming to the island for seasonal celebrations, is planned n for Christmas.



Photos: Brunellis

Where better to celebrate than Brunelli's?

Brunelli’s is the perfect place for great meat lovers and gourmets

An elegant, modern and yet comfortably decorated ambience awaits guests at Brunelli's restaurant in Puerto de La Cruz, which was voted the best meat restaurant in Tenerife by TripAdvisor customers. As the ideal backdrop there is the sight and sound of the Atlantic that appears to be almost within touching distance through the gigantic glass window that can be drawn up in good weather. Not only is the atmosphere festive, but also the menus, which are intended to spoil the guests for their special celebrations on Christmas and New Year's Eves. The Christmas Eve menu begins with a classic Christmas punch. This is followed by a velvety cream soup made from sweet potatoes and chestnuts with poached egg and croutons. Next, goose liver pâté

with quince filling and raspberry vinegar, followed by a lemon sorbet with champagne to refresh the palate. The delicious Chateaubriand matures for 28 days and is waiting to be perfectly cooked, tender and aromatic as always this Christmas on the amazing Southbend grill (unique in the Canaries). It will be served with a mushroom-truffle sauce, wild asparagus, caramelised spring onions and Pont Neuf potatoes. As a crowning finish, flambéed strawberries will be served with vanilla ice cream. The price of €85 per person includes half a bottle of white and half a bottle of red wine. Brunelli's diners will also be able to bid farewell to the last day of the year and welcome in 2019 in this very special venue. For the first time, this year there will be live music,

the classic Spanish New Year's Eve party bag and, of course, the package includes the traditional 12 grapes and the glass of champagne at midnight. The evening also opens with champagne in the form of a champagne mojito. The gourmet menu begins with an almond cream soup with roasted flaked almonds and a fine herb emulsion. Then follows lobster, in a very classic preparation of lemon and butter sauce, and a fruity raspberry sorbet with kirsch. The main course for two consists of a porterhouse steak weigh-

wines are included in the price of €125 p.p. Anyone who would like to be lavishly spoiled on these festive days should reserve a table in good time. Of course, on the other days of the festive season, the restaurant is available to its guests with a superb varied à la carte selection of the best meats which are professionally prepared in the Southbend. There is also a wide range of Canarian and Spanish wines to choose from. The restaurant is located in Calle Bencomo, directly opposite the entrance to Loro Parque, in the

Lobster with lemon and butter forms part of the New Year’s Eve menu

ing about 1.2 kilograms with fresh mushrooms, plum sauce and duchess potatoes. And the menu ends with a delicious American-style cheese cake. In this case too, a half bottle each of quality red and white

Punta Brava district of Puerto de La Cruz. It opens daily from 1pm to 3.30pm and 7pm to 11pm. Table reservations can be made by calling 922 062 600. Information can also be found at n


Fresh and tasty For many years the Frutería Agaves in Calle Venezuela, Playa de Las Américas has been a benchmark in the south for fruit, vegetables and nuts, and if new customers had special orders, it was always the first greengrocer to fulfil their needs. For over 20 years fresh moringa, or okra has always been available here. After the recent autumnal rains, fresh local mushrooms were in stock. Very few people even know what a real forest mushroom can do for the palate. The owner, José Fumero is always looking for surprises and he is fairly sure what his customers want. If you don’t want to go out and search for fresh porcini mushrooms yourself, José has them. The ‘small’ mushroom in the photo weighs 850 grams. n

Tapas and vino

Food and wine belong together Trevejos is a district of Vilaflor and the turnoff to Bodega TreVejos is on the main road to La Escalona. Alma de TreVejos is a bodega that produces wines along ecological guidelines. Jancis Robinson is a wine expert who, after having sipped her way through 10 Spanish denominations, found that the wines from this bodega have the most potential. The Bodega is open from Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 6pm. From the bodega there are easily accessible paths through the area of cultivation. Afterwards the door is open for tastings, and inexpensive tapas help to ensure that the wine doesn’t overly flood the senses. n

Maningos Avenida Rafael Puig 39 Playa de las Américas Opening times: daily 11:00 - 24:00 Thursday closed Closed on December 24th

& 634 744 673

Christmas Menu 25th of December 2018 from 5pm

Prices mentioned below are menu-prices which include a soup or starter and the dessert

Avocado with prawns Porcini-soup Beef fillet w. porcini mushrooms, chestnuts, truffled mashed potatoes or Sole rolls stuffed with gambas in champagne sauce with buttered vegetables and potato gratin or Goose leg w. orange sauce, Brussels sprouts and potato croquettes Forest fruits with gingerbread ice cream Please reserve your table

At Maningos lovers of German and Bavarian cuisine will enjoy themselves big! We highly recommend the original breaded veal cutlets, delicious salads, vegan specialties, Kässpatzen, Kaiserschmarrn, and also the homemade cakes! Enjoy a beautiful view of the sea or a wonderful twilight, accompanied by a fresh draught Krombacher pils or a special Maningos cocktail. You can also watch live football and other sporting events. Maningos is located directly in the seafront in Playa de Las Américas, opposite Monkey Beach Club.


Christmas and New Year's Eve dining



PROMOTION Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz

& 922 062 600

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Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.

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La Guinguette Carretera General Piedra Hincada 42, Guía de Isora Opening hours: Wed - Mon 12:30-16.00 Wed - Sat 19.00-22.00

& 922 857 327 La Guinguette is a French Restaurant where you can enjoy music, dancing, good food and wine. We have created a place where we combine Art, Food and Drink at La Guinguette in the South Tenerife. The food is based on traditional French cuisine, combined with fresh country-specific and local products. Musicians of all genres provide inspirational shows, theme nights and also perform during our Sunday BBQ or Wednesday Lunch. Our terrace with shady trees and breathtaking view invites you to relax. Have an unforgettable time with us.


Bodegón Las Vistas Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923 ide urant in & outs Heated Resta

Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.

© Google

© GoogleMaps



d RestauranteLa-Guinguette


Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm


Brunelli’s Steakhouse




d bodegonlasvistas

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018





Lobster mobile service for expats infrastructure and company to date. Jansen Reyes, Director of Technology at Gibtelecom, has been responsible for leading the technical deployment and other necessary requirements for Lobster to be able to operate in the Spanish market. "Lobster is a very important project for the Group. I am convinced that as well as being a commercial success in Spain, it will create important synergies with Gibtelecom." Lobster uses Telefónica coverage to provide the best quality

The Lobster management team

national service, with the rest of the technological Infrastructure supplied by Gibtelecom. The Customer Contact Centre, exclusive to Lobster, will have agents that communicate with customers in native English. It will provide a high quality service for the entire English speaking community, as well as handling calls and providing documentation in Spanish for those customers who prefer. Lobster will launch a simple proposition of competitive and innovative tariffs, which will be n announced shortly.

Breast cancer charity

Walk for Life Lobster, the newest mobile operator in Spain, will shortly launch its services with a unique proposition which is a differentiator in the Spanish market, offering a service that is completely in English to its customers. Lobster will mainly target British expatriates and other English speakers who reside in Spain, located mainly on the Mediterranean coast and the Balearic and Canary Islands. It’s estimated there are over 1.5 million English speakers residing in Spain, with Lobster aiming to be the benchmark for this market, and grow rapidly in the coming years. After extensive market research, the Lobster brand was created to establish an emotional bond with British values and service. The DNA

of the Company is “English, easy and effortless”, state representatives, together with a personality that is authentic and straightforward. Its offering is based on simplicity and understanding of the customer so that they’ll be able to enjoy an experience ‘like home’. Why the name Lobster? The company decided that “it’s something different and refreshing that can be associated with the good life. After all, sun and wonderful food is to be found in Spain!” It is very easy to become a customer, just identify yourself and provide a payment method through a totally secure process for paying month by month. From December, signing up for the service can be done online or by calling the Customer Con-

tact Centre for free. In early 2019 this will also be possible through an extensive network of specialised retail outlets and other points of sale. The Lobster management team was formed at the beginning of this year with three industry leading directors with extensive experience of the telecommunications sector in Spain. It is led by Gabriel Miguez, Executive Board Director-Managing Director, previously General Manager of Yoigo and Telefónica; Tony Watts, Marketing Director, and previously Product and Offer Director at Yoigo; as well as Alfonso Rodríguez, Sales Director, and previously the Commercial Director at Lebara. "We have a unique proposition in the market based on creating an emotional bond with Eng-

lish-speaking expatriates, with competitive tariffs, and a team with the necessary experience to lead the project to success. With Lobster we will meet the needs of expatriate customers who are currently underserved when it comes to mobile services," said Gabriel Miguez. Lobster is a registered brand of Zinnia Telecomunicaciones, a Spanish Company and part of the Gibtelecom group, whose parent is the leading telecommunications company in Gibraltar, providing fixed lines, mobile and TV, as well as business enterprise services. The Group also has submarine cable and European fibre network investments, and runs data centres through its subsidiary, Rockolo Limited. Over €4 million have been invested in the systems,

This year the short charity walk in aid of breast cancer victims and their families will go from the ‘Golden Mile’, Avenida de Las Américas, Arona to Plaza Salytien, Avenida Rafael Puig Lluvina, Costa Adeje. The walk starts at 11am, but get there early to enjoy the atmosphere and the entertainment, to register and pick up one of the free promotional items and your raffle ticket for some fab prizes. Preregistration at: Siam Mall December 1, 8 and 15 11am - 6pm; CC Nivaria, Santa Cruz, December 1, 11am - 5pm or the Pink Room Wednesday afternoons. There is a downloadable sponsor form available at All money raised will go to the Walk for Life Foundation for breast cancer aid projects and research. n

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018




Blevins Franks

Switzerland shares information on two million financial accounts By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

The era of financial privacy is over. Switzerland, once the bastion of banking secrecy, has begun automatically exchanging information on financial accounts owned by non-residents. This was a landmark moment in the history of international banking and cross-border tax planning. Although expected, it still feels a little unbelievable considering it’s not that long since Switzerland was insisting it would not give up its secrecy laws. In October 2018, the Swiss Federal Tax Administration confirmed that it had handed over details on accounts held at 7,000 Swiss banks, trusts, insurers and other financial institutions. The information was passed on to tax authorities in EU countries as well

as Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Iceland, Norway, Australia, Canada, Japan and South Korea. In a statement, the Swiss tax administration explained “Identification, account and financial information is exchanged, including name, address, state of residence and tax identification number, as well as information concerning the reporting financial institution, account balance and capital income. The exchanged information allows the [local] tax authorities to verify whether taxpayers have correctly declared their financial accounts abroad in their tax returns.” This information sharing takes place under the Common Reporting Standard, which applies Automatic Exchange of Information around the world. The data exchange occurred at the end of September, with financial information relating

Switzerland, once the bastion of banking secrecy, has begun automatically exchanging information on financial accounts owned by non-residents to 2017. It will be repeated annually. Over a hundred jurisdictions have committed to automatic exchange of information so far, with another 42 developing countries in the pipeline.

Switzerland was under international pressure for years to stop allowing people to use its banks to hide funds away from the tax authorities. It slowly made various concessions, but stopped short of automatic dis-

closure. Then in February 2014, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), presented its new standard on automatic exchange of information, the Common Reporting Standard. A couple of months later, all OECD countries signed a declaration committing to automatic exchange of information between jurisdictions – a breakthrough moment – Switzerland was one of the signatories. And it has now made its first exchange. We can expect the tax authorities here in Spain to use the information they receive from not only Switzerland, but the many jurisdictions around the world collecting data under the Automatic Exchange of Information agreement, to their advantage. They can compare it to the information the taxpayer has provided on their tax returns. In Spain they will also compare it to residents’ Modelo 720 declarations.

So, if you have not already done so, you need to carefully review your tax planning, the way you hold your assets and what you declare and where, to ensure you are following double tax treaties carefully to pay tax in the right country, and that the arrangements you use to hold assets are fully compliant. Tax planning remains alive and well. You can often use tax-compliant arrangements in Spain and the UK to lower tax liabilities, particularly on your capital investments. Take personalised, specialist advice. Blevins Franks provides tailor-made advice on investment strategies, tax mitigation and estate planning. It has decades of experience advising British expatriates in Spain. Contact Paul Montague on 922 716 079 or

WHAT’S ON 2018




December 7 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30.

9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30. 8.30pm: Fundraising charity concert in aid of investigation into Retinosis Pigmentaria, various well known singers from the island, Auditorio de Teror, Teror, €10.

November 29

December 8

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish) for adults and children, plus music, theatre and dance spots, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 go free. 7pm: Salvaje, 26 different Canarian musicians play various genres, Teatro Víctor Jara, Vecindario, €10. December 13 8.30pm: Jurandir Santana, world music, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €10. December 14

7pm: Charity concert in aid of children with cancer, various acts, Teatro Victor Jara, Vecindario, €10.

6pm: El Secreto del Ratoncito Pérez, Children’s theatre (in Spanish), Auditorio de Teror, Teror, €5.

December 6

Until further notice

8pm: Quinteto Ars Nova with Mónica Campovarde, jazz and swing, meal included, Finca Montecristo, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, from €35.

11am: La Ruta de los Castillos, guided tour (in Spanish) around Santa Cruz’s early fortifications, Castillo de San Juan, Casa de la Pólvora, Castillo San Cristóbal, Torre de San Andrés and Castillo de Paso Alto, €9. 8.30pm: Naturally Gospel, Reliving Show and tribute to Whitney Houston, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, €10.


8pm: Loquillo, rock and roll, 40th anniversary tour, Gran Canaria Arena, LPGC, from €27.

December 9

5pm: Al Paso, al trote, al galope (On walking, trotting, galloping), children’s musical, Teatro Municipal Juan Ramón Jiménez, Telde, €5.

Neurociencia y Humor (Neuroscience and humour), a fascinating look into humans’ adaptability and continuing sense of humour despite adversity, displayed outside the Museo Elder de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Parque de Santa Catalina, LPGC, can be visited at any time. Otherwise, entrance to the museum costs €6 / €4 residents / €15 for a yearly pass. www.


9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPCG, 8/9 hours long, children €19, adults €39. www.

12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish) for adults and children, plus music, theatre and dance spots, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 go free.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

All year


8.30pm: Charity concert in aid of children with cancer, various acts, Centro de Entrenamiento Deportivo de Arucas, Arucas, €10.

December 2

December 1

Cúpula de las Ondas (Dome of waves), exciting demonstration of how our body can perceive various wave lengths, Museo Elder de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Las Palmas, Saturdays and Sundays, 11.30am and 6.30pm, entrance from €2.

9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPCG, 8/9 hours long, children €19, adults €39. www.

10pm: The Electric Alley, rock, The Paper Club, LPGC, €12.


Until further notice

December 1

8.30pm: Boleros sinfónicos (Symphonic boleros), Auditorio de Teror, Teror, €5.


Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

8.30pm: Festival de Tenerife: Ana, 1960s Spanish woman rebels against her role in life, Teatro Guimerá, Santa Cruz, from €16. www.

8.30pm: Magnificat, La Laguna University Symphony Orchestra and Choir, Claude Debussy, Eric Whitacre, John Rutter, Iglesia de Santa Úrsula, Adeje, free event.

November 30

9pm: Rosendo, urban rock, final tour, Pabellón municipal Quico Cabrera, Santa Cruz, €25/€30.

Celebrations in honour of San Andrés, patron saint of fishermen and rope-makers, plus festivities coincide with the welcoming of the new wine, fiestas in many areas, in particular: Puerto de La Cruz and parts of La Orotava, children roam the streets with noisy ropes of tin cans; for the ‘Tablas’, people slide down steep lanes on boards, especially Icod de los Vinos and La Guancha; La Caleta de Interian near Garachico has a stunning firework display. See individual councils for events. 8pm: Jocelyn Pook Ensemble, renowned British violinist, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Santa Cruz, €15. 8pm-11pm: Karaoke night, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/Restaurante. La.Guinguette 8.30pm: Magnificat, La Laguna University Symphony Orchestra and Choir, Claude Debussy, Eric Whitacre, John Rutter, Paraninfo, La Laguna University, €12. 9pm: Noches de Museo (Museum Nights), guided tour through the history of Tenerife (in Spanish), recommended for the over 16s, Casa Lercaro, La Laguna, €9.

9pm: Concert in aid of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Folclórico Tabercorade folk group, Plaza La Padilla, Tegueste, free event. December 1 & 2 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018

WHAT’S ON 2018



1pm-4pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette

December 2 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am–2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.

10am – 2pm: Mercado ArteSano, crafts, culture and local agricultural produce, San Juan de la Rambla.

3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8.30pm: Spanish tenor Vicente Ramos, Mozart, Schubert and more, Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, El Médano, €12. 922 176 120 / www.hotel

9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette

10pm: Sud Sound System, reggae, Discoteca Marinha Beach club, Adeje, €12. www.

December 3

December 13

9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.

5pm: Circolandia, children’s circus show, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, €12. www.

December 4 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour around the Dorada beer factory plus tasting, around one and a quarter hour long, Avenida Ángel Romero, Santa Cruz, €10. December 5 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour around the Dorada beer factory plus tasting, around one and a quarter hour long, Avenida Ángel Romero, Santa Cruz, €10. 1pm-4pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www. 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. December 6 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

6pm: Children of the 80’s, retro concert, Jocelyn Brown, Dream3team Reload, Puretas Party, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, from €22.50.

December 10

8pm: Loquillo, rock and roll, 40th anniversary tour, Pabellón Santiago Martín, Los Majuelos, from €27.

December 11

8.30pm: Piano concert, Mirjana Anastasijevic, Oscar nominated for best film music 2019, Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, El Médano, €10. 922 176 120 / December 8 & 9 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoelrosario. org

8.30pm: Buenos Aires tango show, four female musicians, two pairs of dancers, one female vocalist and an incredible evening, Sala Timanfaya, Puerto de La Cruz, €15, or €10 for residents.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto.

December 7

December 9

8pm-11pm: 4th anniversary celebration, set menu, live music, surprise show and lots of fun, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/ Restaurante.La.Guinguette

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

December 8

9am - 2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette


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9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour around the Dorada beer factory plus tasting, around one and a quarter hour long, Avenida Ángel Romero, Santa Cruz, €10. 8.30pm: Duo Piazello, and Helena Lima (cello) and Mirjana Anastasijevic (piano), Offenbach, Massenet, Bizet, Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, El Médano, €12. 922 176 120 / www.hotel December 12

8.30pm: Buenos Aires tango show, four female musicians, two pairs of dancers, one female vocalist and an incredible evening, Sala Timanfaya, Puerto de La Cruz, €15, or €10 for residents. Until December 31 9.30am-6.30pm: One hour long open-top bus tours, Plaza de España, Santa Cruz, adults €22, 6-13 year olds €11, children under six go free. Until April 2019 4pm: The magic town of La Orotava, dramatised guided walks through the area’s history, starting at the Tourist Office, town centre, by Jaster y Luis Creaciones, in Spanish, English and German, around two hours long, €20 per person including a brief stop at a charming Canarian patio and a tasting of local products. Tel: 922 323 041, e-mail: jasterluis@gmail. com,

8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour around the Dorada beer factory plus tasting, around one and a quarter hour long, Avenida Ángel Romero, Santa Cruz, €10. Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

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Animal charities’ round up lots of bargains to be had and our volunteers will make you very welcome.

K9 Tickets are now available for our annual pre-Christmas dinner and show, to be held at the Music Hall Tavern on December 8. It includes a three course meal, drinks, entertainment and much more! For further information contact Lyn on 626 344 799 or

Adoptions We have many beautiful dogs waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9.

Calendar cuties Our 2019 calendar pays homage to the lovely animals adopted from K9 over the years, with 12 adoptees featured on one each of the months and a collage of other ex K9 pets. If you would like to purchase it (for €5) please call 667 638 468. Ways you can help We always appreciate any help. You could buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at the refuge, you can sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, you can donate money either via our website or in cash at the refuge, or food and other items which help us look after our dogs and cats. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker by calling us or simply popping by any day during our opening hours. Remember to

Cats Welfare

keep an eye on our website or Facebook page (information below) for any fund raising events which you may like to attend. Also, why not come along to our charity shop in Alcalá? Shop till you drop You can visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza every day from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods,

Don Perro

clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. All the proceeds from our shop go towards funding the animals’ care and are essential to ensuring our K9 dogs and cats have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible. There are always

& 922 735 824

• Veterinary Clinic • Specialist Shop Everything your pet needs • Canine Grooming C/ Fundadores Cooperativa, 72 · Las Chafiras • Dog Hotel • Dog Training School The largest organisation at the service of your pet. • Cattery

With this coupon you will get a 10% discount on any of our services.

See some of our kittens during opening times at Don Perro Vets, Las Chafiras (tel: 922 735 824), and Yaiza Vet, Los Cristianos (922 169 381). As well as kittens, we also have several adult cats, ranging from 18 months to seven years old. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. All cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then kitten injection, microchip and neutering is free for the second one. Adopt a black kitten or two and both will receive the above treatments for free. We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats if you have any spare please.


Looking for love

Contact us via our website at www.cats-welfare-tenerife. com or ring/whatsapp Sharon on 662 524 006, or Sandra on 671 282 773 (for English, Spanish and German, after 6pm). Alternatively, message us on Facebook. Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in the shop?

Acción del Sol With Christmas not too far away we would love people to donate a shoe box of goodies (such as dog treats, tinned food for our older dogs, puppy milk, collars, doggie snacks, toys and chews) for the dogs. You can deliver your box personally to the refuge on December 20 between 2pm and 5pm. It would be great to bring some festive cheer to the dogs. The beautiful Canarian Podencos make lovely pets. They are wildly used on the island for hunting and breeding and often lead awful lives, kept on chains or in squalid conditions, many are underfed in the belief they will hunt better. We have nearly 90 of these gorgeous dogs at the refuge and many arrived with horrendous injuries, emaciated and full of fleas. We painstakingly restore them to full health and socialise them ready for rehoming. Do come and visit us if you are thinking of adopting a dog. We are completely full up and reaching crisis point, with over 230 gorgeous dogs of all shapes and sizes looking for new loving homes. From Yorkshire terriers to Dalmatians we have every type of dog imaginable all ready for adoption. We don’t charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every one of the dogs has a full clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro-chipped, heartworm- and flea-free, has a passport and is sterilised, the last one being compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife.

This beauty is just one of the over 220 dogs at the Acción del Sol refuge waiting for a home. If you are thinking of adding a new friend to your family, you are sure to find one there. Call the refuge on 664 321 219 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you would like any more information or to meet any of them. n

How you can help We need many things for the animals and refuge, such as products for our clinic and cleaning products and utensils, building materials, dog toys, leads, etc., tinned food for our elderly dogs, puppy milk, and dog jackets for when our dogs travel by flight to Germany, as well as materials to help with our educational programme (pens, paper, glue, play-doh and crayons). Every donation is greatly appreciated. In addition, we are desperately looking for people who are travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. Please do call us on 664 321 219 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on teneriffa@ or visit our Facebook page at Action tier n Acción del Sol.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018



For daily news, updates and event information







th 30

Cicloturista Gran Canaria Bike Week stars on two wheels who have already confirmed their participation are Monika Sattler, the first woman to circumnavigate Spain, and Patxi Cía, twice European champion in mountain biking. Depending on their physical condition and mood, the participants can ride all seven stages or pick their personal favourite routes. The toughest stage is scheduled for December 5, and runs from Playa de El Burrero in Ingenio to the Pico de

Las Nieves at 1,950 metres. This climb is one of the most strenuous in Europe. Athletes have access to a wide range of services related to the sporting event. These include health insurance, first aid teams, free transport, bicycle hire, physiotherapists, masseurs and much more to make the stay as pleasant as possible, particularly for the athletes who come from off the island. More information can be found at n


For the first time, TLP Tenerife Winter will be held after its summer counterpart has attracted e-gamers with growing enthusiasm and regularly filled the Recinto Ferial in Santa Cruz. What for some is just a virtual game is for others a real sport and for some even a profession. From December 6 to 9, Magma Arte & Congresos in Costa Adeje is expecting over 1,200 players to take part in more than 30 competitions. A total of over €15,000 in prize money will be distributed. The relatively new game Tekken7, which attracts local, national and international players with a prize of €3,000, has the highest reward money. In addition, classics such

Photo: Cab.Tenerife

TLP Tenerife Winter seeks winners

Amateurs and professionals fight in virtual worlds

as League of Legends, Overwatch, CS:GO, Hearthstone, FIFA19, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Clash Royale will be offered.

A distinction is made between pure fun competitions and those that are really about victory and prize winning. Even at night on the TLP Night LAN the

Discipline and stamina are required to conquer these mountains

computers won't rest. On an area of around 22,000 square metres, the focus will be on familiar games and innovations. QiCanarias celebrates its premiere with Virtuix Omni and hopes to be well received by the gaming community. The platform offers a whole new way of moving around in virtual worlds. Everything that revolves around motorsport is very popular in Spain. That's why race simulators are an absolute hit with many, and even Fernando Alonso has his own virtual racing team, SimRacing. There will be various cockpits where motorsport fans can prove their driving skills. The section with the typical games of the 80s and 90s is interesting not only for nostalgics, and this will be revived thanks to the collaboration with Canariacades. In addition, TLP Tenerife Winter will feature numerous exhibitions of suppliers, board games, competitions in the Cosplay and K-Pop categories, and specialities from all over the world n for refreshments.

German Car Service Tenerife

In De headlighcember t and sea cleaning ling for only €7 0

Tel. 922 790 825 I Email: Calle Arujo 60, 38639 Las Chafiras

- Mechanic - Diagnostics - Paintwork - Tire service - ITV inspection - Long-term parking - Car wrapping - Tuning

Sport competition with your dog

III Copa Canicross Isla de La Palma Haridaira

For the third time La Palma has a cup to be won, for a cross country race which must be run on six legs - those of a dog and its human companion. The animals will be examined by a veterinarian before the starting shot and they must have valid documents and vaccinations as well as a microchip. During the race the human must not run in front of his animal friend. A total of six boroughs will be taking part in the cup with the following races: Vertical run in Santa Cruz de La Palma (January 20), Run against the clock in El Paso (February 14), Puntagorda (April 6), Breña Alta (May 18), Garafía (October 19), and the Breña Baja night run (November 23). Registrations n are being accepted via the website

Pedro Alegre Alonso Pilates trainer ä Physiotherapist ä

Tel. 699 521 649

©2014 FLN

More than 500 kilometres, around 10,000 metres of difference in altitude, and seven tough stages are the conditions which await participants in the 30th La Cicloturista Gran Canaria Bike Week, which takes place across the island from December 2 to 8. Numerous cyclists from ten countries, including Argentina, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Colombia and 19 Spanish provinces have already registered. Among the

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018




CD Tenerife

Home form is the key to survival for the blanquiazules new blood with fresh ideas to take Tenerife on to the next stage. However, the fan clubs have vowed to stop, for now, protests during matches so that the negativity does not affect the players at this crucial stage of the season.

CD Tenerife 2:1 Rayo Majadahonda

Bryan Acosta tangles with West Ham loanee Toni Martínez

By Chris Todd Tenerife over the years has made the Heliodoro Stadium something of a fortress. Yes, perhaps there have been too many draws but they rarely lose. The away form is very different and you can normally count wins on one hand (if that). When the team has enjoyed decent away seasons they have been successful

and unless this current team can improve on their travels the best we can hope for is a mid-table finish. Changes at the club seem to be a weekly occurrence at present. Assistant manager Rodri has left to manage fellow 2nd Division side Extremadura and after six years at the club Alfonso Serrano, the Director of Football, resigned after being blamed for a string of

lacklustre signings. CD Tenerife is at a crucial stage in their recent history. President Miguel Concepción proudly reported a profit of €2.7 million for last season whilst also reducing the overall debt to €12 million. When he took over in 2006 the debt stood at over €50 million and the club was on the point of folding. The financial side of his time in power can only be


Tasca Apolo

Centro Comercial Apolo Los Cristianos, Calle Hermano Pedro, Local 15-16

922 12 48 74 RESTAURANT

Bodegon Damary Avenida de la Constitucion 2, Local 2 38670 Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 12.45-23.00, closed Thursday

922 71 03 27

applauded but most supporters now feel that it’s time for him to step aside and let in

With the team hovering just above the drop zone, supporters came out in their thousands to try and spur the players on. In fact the crowd of 11,787 was the second best of the season as everyone grasps the fact that if we do not win at home we could be in serious trouble of relegation. Perhaps we can look at the recent form of Cádiz for inspiration which were struggling in the bottom four until late October and now sit in seventh position. Tenerife got off to a flying start against Rayo when

Naranjo scored after just two minutes after fine work on the right flank by Serbian Malbasic. The visitors have been on fine form recently and fought back. They almost equalised when Benito smashed his shot against the bar but apart from that they offered little in the first half. The second half produced an entertaining spectacle as both sides strove to win the game. When Suso made the score 2-0 to Tenerife from the penalty spot it should have been game over but soon after Rayo pulled a goal back from Toni Martínez who is on loan from West Ham. The closing stages were edgy for the blanquiazules but they held on for a deserved and very important victory. Next up for CD Tenerife is a trip to Gijón to face Sporting on December 1, before taking on Extremadura in Santa Cruz on December 7 at 8pm. n

seppl’s Bäckerei German Bakery Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm Saturday: 9am-2pm Sunday: 9am-1pm

Your German master baker in the usual quality. From now on also open on Sundays. Calle Pizarro 6 · Guargacho (South Tenerife) · Tel. 922 786 611




Horoscope for period: December 1 to December 14 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 It’s a time to get out and meet new people. The planets of responsibility and structure are in your quadrants. Your ambition propels you to great heights in your career or personal life around the 1st. You need clarity of purpose if you are going to go further.


Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 Because Mars invigorates everything it influences, you could very well be a whiz at winning friends and influencing people from now until January. Make the most of that Martian energy to cement friendships and close deals. Don’t waste time.

The way to pleasure. We are here just for you. Real beauty. The best erotic massages in Tenerife. Playa Paraiso, near the Hotel Riu Buena Vista., from Monday to Sunday. Tel: (+34) 662 960 065.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 It might be interesting at some point in your life to explore the ferocious pleasures of single-mindedness. It just so happens that now is a perfect moment to launch such an exploration. You know what you want and you know how to get it! Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 There’s a lot of work to be done connected with communication and getting your message across. The wires are literally buzzing at this time. Things will go just fine if you take one issue at a time and approach it in your usual determined way. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 It’s a perfect moment to purge romantic karma left over from the old days. You shouldn’t go another week without doing a ritual to dissolve the bad memories and lingering resentments. Winter solstice is on the horizon and it’s time for change. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 No longer the shrinking violet. However, there is an aura of instability in all your current relationships, and you may feel like making radical changes in your environment to satisfy the itch that has been in your life for the past several months. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 Your ambition will get back on track now if you choose to become grounded and focused. Your animal energy will return to full vitality if you stop doing the careless thing that’s weakening it; your willpower has been muted by the consequences of a past mistake. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 It feels like one step forward two steps back right now, and apart from being confused you may also feel physically drained. It’s the hidden emotional issues that are so demanding, particularly those connected to unfair judgements.

Los Cristianos, Alejandra, Venezuelan, beautiful, blonde, large breasts, great body. Natural French, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934. Erotic massages in Los Cristianos, young blonde. Enjoy a great massage in good company during your holidays. Tel: 642 615 094. Transsexual, beautiful, tall, fat, brown haired, white skin, long big penis, 140cm breasts, active/passive. €60 for half an hour, €100 an hour. Apartments Royal, in front of the bus station, Los Cristianos. WhatsApp for info. Tel: (+34) 602 626 848.

Los Cristianos, Gaby, brunette, beautiful and sexy. I am complete, I do everything without limits. I am available 24 hours in my apartment and can do outcalls. Tel: 610 609 086.

Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 Rekindle the loving nature of your relationship as your ruler, Uranus, is much in evidence right now. Love is individualised and open to interpretation on the soul level now in a new way. Sexual energy runs high for the next three months. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 After a tough and arduous time relationships should now be more intense and intimate than they have ever has been. Your visions for success are more foolproof and irresistible, as you become very clear about your life goals.

Los Cristianos, two friends, Diana, Russian blonde, 22 years old, and Lina, Latin brunette, large breasts, youthful booty, golden rain, kisses, natural French, positions. 10am to 11pm. Maximum discretion. Opposite the bus station. Tel: 632 847 330.

Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I am in Calle Ramón Pino, behind Avenida Suecia. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 L o s C r i s t i a n o s , n e w, 629 191. Latin girl. My services are Los Cristianos, masseur, complete, French, posivery well endowed guy, tions, kisses, vibrators, mas23 centimetres, available sages. Private apartment in for couples and ladies. I the centre of Los Cristianos. can go to homes or hotels. Tel: 608 103 319. Educated, I speak Spanish, English and Russian. Eco- Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las nomical. I can attend to you Chafiras. Massage service in my salón. Tel: Ivan on available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH 642 910 086. Franciscano Street, beside Transsexual, Los Cristianos, the large park, Las Chafiras. sex symbol, Leona, Latin, Tel: 608 285 035. curly hair, 120 cm breasts, active/passive, 21 centimetre penis, natural French to the end, mutual climaxes, all types of parties, dominant, golden rain. Tel: 632 452 845. Nice little German lady with piercings in the best places. Enjoy French and making your (secret) wishes come true. Erotic massages, private parties, threesomes, bondage, escorts and more. In a beautiful location,

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 You and your tribe are the restless explorers of the zodiac, Sagittarius. Your wanderlust sometimes becomes so consuming that you forget how important it is to have a home base. Focus on your family and close friends, don’t lose touch with your roots. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 Now is the time for Capricorns to express themselves in a determined and serious manner, striving for honour and some kind of recognition in society. There is a desire and ability to reach the top through hard work and perseverance.

Jacuzzi possible. Also at your home/hotel. Tel: (+34) 648 245 425.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

Advert Placement


This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

m 629 244 958


· Completely Equipped Kitchen · Fitted Cupboards · Fitted Wardrobes · Fully Furnished in a modern style


· Sunny large terraces and artificial grassed gardens


· Prestigious Area · Quiet Location · Residential Location


· Coastal · Mountains · Sea · Town · Bathrooms: 3 · Parking: Ample Parking · Pool: Private and heated · Kitchen: Equipped Kitchen

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 836, which is published on 15th December, is 11th Dec. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: * Lineage classifieds: From €16 * Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. * Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.




Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Second Hand Sale LAS CHAFIRAS

Spanish and English Lawyers

Conveyancing • Inheritance & Wills Family Law • Criminal Law Civil Litigation & Personal Injury Timeshare • Tax & Commercial law

MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or

T: E:

922 719 520

Av. de Los Pueblos, Residencial Villaflor B-20, San Eugenio Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304

Everything for your house, holiday home, apartment. We buy and sell high quality, good condition furniture, household appliances, TVs, jewellery.... Household clearances Free on-site assessment! Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00h Sat 10.00-14.00h Calle Tilena, 19 n/r Rachaels Motors & Diverlandia Tel. 922 749 664 Whatsapp 649 574 851 d Las Chafiras Second Hand www.second-hand-tenerife. com


General Services You are invited to

Sunday 11am and Wednesday TBA

Calle Atbitocazpe, Edif. Tamaide II, L4, Adeje Pastor Baz 608 724 369

English/Spanish word to word translator Resident for 15 years. Reasonable price, South & North. Transport available if required. Contact: 662 539 209

We sell furniture suitable for bar/restaurant (tables, chairs, kitchen accessories, decoration etc.) in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Tel: 922 717 613 or 671 912 301

John your driver and tour guide, Tenerife South serious, punctual and always happy. Max. four people - Nissan Juke. Tel: (+34) 639 587 943, or email Johnkdx@ Boost yourself by getting in touch with your inner strengths! Join me on December 8 from 10am to 2pm at Hacienda Cristoforo in Playa Paraíso for a workshop full of good work, fun and discoveries. Energy guaranteed! Prior registration requested! Tel+whatsApp: (+32) 473 373 949

You’re invited!!! FREE BEAUTY SESSION. This is your time to relax with friends or on your own, share the excitement of trying new products, learn about the latest techniques and trends and of course, earn fabulous rewards. More info: 642 601 553 Maggie.

CLASSIFIEDS Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings starting in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: Massage and more. Offer: 60 minutes body massage €36. Couples, four hands, lava stones, tantric massages, etc. Playa de Las Américas, Ernesto Sarti no.8, across from Iberostar Hotel Torviscas Playa. Tel. 602 608 626 Teacher (English and Spanish) and interpreter gives Spanish lessons. I would also like to work as a secretary. Tel: 747 790 001 or email: k.arim555@ Are you looking for an opportunity with financial independence and personal fulfillment? Become an Independent Beauty Consultant!!! More Info: 642 601 553 Body, foot reflexology, Breuss massage, manual lymph drainage. Let yourself be pampered by Simone’s hands. Economic price. Tel: 611 277 578. www. For sale. Home-produced ecological vegetables, Tenerife south. Interested businesses call 650 323 751 (Spanish only), send WhatsApp or email to: Website for our massages, dedicated to bringing the benefits of therapeutic massage to your home or hotel, no charge for travel. Do you want a massage? Tel. 663 190 727 After school classes, help or activities in English, German or Spanish, please contact Mrs. Garus. Tel. 602 506 793. We are 5 minutes away from Wingate School in Cabo Blanco Qualified specialist from Germany helps you with back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and insomnia. Tel. 0034 699 15 61 47 (ask for Eugene) Professional massage therapy, available at the client’s home/apartment. Certified and experienced masseur for remedial, deep tissue, Swedish, sports and relaxing massage. Mobile/WhatsApp: (+34) 683 141 129


Rental Classifieds Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149

nected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879


Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101

Vacant / wanted

Wanted urgently: an apartment to rent in El Médano with 2 bedrooms and a garage. Tel: 676 243 558

Come and join our Dynamic Team! Te l e m a r k e t i n g company on the coast surrounding Marbella / Fuengirola is looking for Brokers /Qualifiers. High revenue. English, German, Dutch and Scandinavian. Send your CV to: telesalestenerife@

Looking to swap my house in Tenerife for a house in Dublin or surroundings. If agreed, the time could be arranged. From a month to a year time gap. Call Carmen 693 727 683 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191 Garage to rent, double width. Victoria Court 1, Los Cristianos. Close to Sunday market. Very secure lock-up. Tel: 679 919 623

Sales Classifieds Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426 Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ m For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room con-

Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660761270, e-mil: ulrika.fagerlund18@

Vehicles To advertise please call 922 75 06 09

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618


Color British Racing green and beige leather interior. Full option, perfect condition. Price: €23,500. 84.000km Please contact via email on or whatsap 615 929 818.



Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958 Pickup Point

Viajes LMX Miraverde

Place your advert at

Mundo del Mapa Classified Agent for

Mundo del Mapa Calle San Felipe, 12 Puerto de la Cruz

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018







1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018






Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries


Tenerife Property Shop wins five star award Tenerife Property Shop has been presented with a five star award for the Best Real Estate Agency Website, Spain at the European Property Awards 2018-2019, one of the most prestigious industry events in the region. At the Royal Lancaster Hotel London on October 25, companies received awards for categories ranging across property development, real estate, interior design and architecture. Chosen from over 200 entries spread across the European regions, the members of the Tenerife Property Shop team have proved themselves to be the very best in the real estate sector. The European Awards are part of the International Property Awards that include the regions of Asia Pacific, Africa and Arabia, the Americas and the UK. The awards celebrate the very best projects and professionals in the industry. Originating over three decades ago, Tenerife Property Shop represents two generations of a family business, maintain-

ing the key foundations of honesty and integrity throughout its many years of operation on this eponymous island. The majority of the Tenerife Property Shop team has been working with the company for very many years, creating an excellent foundation of knowledge and strength, in addition to continuity of service for their clients. The real estate business in the Canary Islands remains unregulated by the Spanish government, so the Tenerife Property Shop team aims to provide security and peace of mind for buyers by providing Professional Indemnity Insurance to cover the multitude of services that they give. They say that their proudest achievement is their team of dedicated and incredibly talented individuals who have worked tirelessly over decades for their clients, keeping the company at the forefront of everything that is good within their industry. With a focus on evolution to meet changing markets and interna-

For more information about The European Property Awards visit Contact PR and Marketing Manager, Dawn Wightman T: (+44) 1245 250981 e:

Directors Mary Spencer and Bruce Grindley proudly received the award

tional situations, the Tenerife Property Shop team has built a

solid and sustainable company around their exceptional qual-

ity of service and support for their clients and fully deserves the award that they have been honoured with. The awards also played host to the IPAX Europe and UK Global exhibition and networking event on October 25. Top industry suppliers were on hand to showcase their products and services, whilst delegates net-

worked with the very best industry CEOs, managing directors and decision makers within the UK and European regions. For more information about Tenerife Property Shop S.L. visit www.tenerifeproperty Or contact them by phone on (+34) 922 714 700 or email at info@tenerife n






alypa cerámica Malibu Park Shopping Mall Avenida Austria, 40

San Eugenio Alto alypa cerámica Central Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 2pm Saturday afternoon and Sunday with appointment

& +34 922 707 594 +34 669 718 285 Calle Arujo 28 Pol. Ind. Andoriñas 38639 Las Chafiras South Tenerife

& +34 922 707 594 +34 676 483 942 @ d Alypa Ceramicas

Opening hours Monday to Friday: 9am - 1.30pm and 3.30pm - 7pm Saturday: 10am - 2pm

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018







Furnished 1 bed room apartment


in Costa del Silencio, Ed. Minigolf, large living room, separate Kitchen and bathroom, Large covered terrace with garden, Price includes access to pool (Club Piscina). Suitable for disabled and wheelchair users.


116.000 €

149.000 €

Beautiful apartment in “La Hacienda”

in Costa del Silencio, fully furnished apartment, separate bedroom with access to balcony, staircase to huge roof top terrace, overlooking the sea and Mount Teide. A must to see. In case of interest, a garage space can be offered too.

Everything you need in quality ceramic tiles & bathroom suites Av. 7 Islas Canarias nº 94 · 38693 San Miguel, Las Chafiras Polígono Llano del Camello (Chafiras area, next to Intersport) Open 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday · Saturday 9am – 2pm Tel. 922 191 461 · d Mercabaño

677 509 204 or Only private sell, please no requests from agencies.

1.12.2018 – 14.12.2018


Tenerife Long Lets are one of the islands longest established rental agents, managing property for landlords since 2002! Are you looking for high quality reliable tenants? We have tenants waiting!



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TENERIFE LONG LETS We provide you & your property with qualified tenants. We understand your needs and tailor our service to exceed your expectations. We endeavor to take the stress out of managing your own Tenerife property. Allow us to maximize your investment effectively and efficiently. Our services include: · First and foremost, providing you with peace of mind. · We prepare contracts, carry out property inspections, we collect rent and we manage utility bills on your behalf. · We provide a first class maintenance service, our experienced team can carry out all aspects of property repairs. · We guarantee your property is kept in top condition. · NEW! Ask now about our holiday management service, excellent rates, full client service from; meet & greet, maintenance and cleaning of the property.

Call us, speak with one of our consultants, all of our team members carry a wealth of experience on Tenerife, see how easy it really is to have peace of mind with your Tenerife property.

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SITUATED DIRECTLY BEHIND THE BINGO IN LAS CHAFIRAS C/ Argentina, 7. Las Chafiras Industrial Estate (San Miguel de Abona)

Tel: +34 922 736 203 ·





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