Island Connections 853 FLN 120

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120 €1.80

August 22 – September 4, 2019 Fundraiser

Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands Forest fires


Climate crisis

Happy hoedown

Terrible tragedy

Global strike

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Pages 8 & 9

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24 days of renewable energy

El Hierro sets world record

The island of El Hierro has set a new world record for isolated regions, by supplying itself exclusively with electricity from renewable sources for 24 consecutive days. From July 13 to August 7, the electricity demand was completely covered by wind and water energy, in a pioneering move for the health of the planet. “El Hierro has become the world capital of innovation and clean energy. The record is a milestone on the road to a sustainable future based on self-sufficiency through renewable energy sources,” emphasised Alpidio Armas, President of the Island Council. Continued on page two

Gorona del Viento has been in operation for five years


A game of poker? The recent announcement made by low-cost airline Ryanair that it would close its bases in Tenerife and Gran Canaria on January 8 next year has triggered a wave of outrage and uncertainty. An airline is considered to have a ‘base’ in a country when there is at least one plane and its crew permanently stationed at that location. The airline has emphasised that present routes will continue to be served, but the tourism industry fears that the frequency of flights will be severely reduced. It is a situation that is not to be taken lightly: In 2018 Ryanair transported over 3.7 million passengers to the two islands. The company’s declaration that the Girona base in northern Spain may also be closed has employees fearing a wave of layoffs that could affect around a thousand employees. There is, in fact, already talk of possible dismissal for 500 pilots and 400 crew members. For this and associated reasons, the USO and Sitcpla trade unions have announced that

Bye, bye Ryanair?

employees will more than likely hold strikes during September. The provisional dates are September 1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 and 28. Anyone who has booked a flight to or from one of the Canary Islands on

those dates may be affected. However, the latest moves are part of an ongoing, unresolved situation. Both unions pointed out that employees in Spain and other areas have been fighting for two years with

Ryanair’s management in a bid to make them recognise and conform to local labour laws in each of the countries in which it operates. Continued on page two





Ryanair pressures for subsidy Continued from front page A commitment was made by the company towards this last year, but there has been little real progress so far, apparently. “Ryanair is constantly working against its own employees and pressuring them with threats,” stated a union spokesman regarding the situation. Ryanair has justified the possible closure and associated redundancies by quoting profit losses. In the first quarter of this year, profits are said to have shrunk by 21 per cent. The unions, on the other hand, have stated that it’s “a company with a constant increase in profits and is actually in the process of hiring staff”. Other reasons Ryanair cites are the expected impacts of Brexit, the resurgence of tourism in Turkey, the falling pound sterling exchange rate, rising kerosene prices and delays in the delivery of new Boeing 737 Max aircraft. Partly due to the migration of German and English tourists to Turkey this summer, 400,000 airline seats to the Canaries have been lost this year compared to 2018. Defiantly, new Canary Islands President Ángel Víctor Torres stated that “Our goal is to not lose a single seat of the current capacity for passengers coming to us,” And, of course, that the government will fight for jobs in the Canary Islands. However, Ryanair appears to be playing a tough game. Evi-

dently, there has been no official declaration by Ryanair to the Canary Islands Government regarding the possible closure of the bases on the two main islands, but only a vaguely placed ‘threat’. Nevertheless, the Government is determined to cooperate closely with airlines that collaborate with the Canary Islands. Juan Pablo González, Managing Director of the Ashotel hotel and holiday association in Tenerife, further explained that the Ryanair situation is “an important issue that has been causing uncertainty in the tourism market for months. We are afraid not only of losing guests, but also that the airline’s tactics will make prices more expensive.” Torres, meanwhile, tried to instil calm when he recently met with representatives of the Tourism Offices of Ten-

Canary Islands President Ángel Torres (middle) is heading talks and has already met his colleagues from the Island Councils

the company stated in May that it would continue with the present situation for the foreseeable future due to “new developments”. Nevertheless, the current Island President remains concerned and will discuss a common strategy at a meeting of the Island Councils in September. The unions also took care to stress that the Canary Islands are still a profitable destination, despite a 2.8 per cent drop in the number of holidaymakers compared to last year. Speculation is rife that Ryanair is actually angling for a subsidy, after it was leaked from internal dis-

sibility. However, it was stated that a direct subsidy would be illegal and therefore not possible, but a jointly financed marketing strategy could be considered. However, the Irish low-cost company does not seem to be playing with the futures of Spanish holiday destinations and employees only, as difficulties are also looming in other countries. Cabin crews in Portugal, organised by the Sindicato Nacional de Personal de Vuelo de Aviación Civil (SNPVAC), have announced strikes for August 21 and 25. In the UK, Balpa union pilots are on strike

cussions that Ryanair “could change its mind if there was some kind of public incentive measure”. The Canary Islands Government also seems to have thought about this pos-

on August 22 and 23 and September 2 to 4, and even in their home country of Ireland, pilots are threatening to strike if no agreement to their demands is n reached soon.

Is Ryanair playing a game with passengers and their most popular holiday destinations?

erife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura for a crisis meeting. Ryanair’s announcement came hot on the heels of another risky situation to tourism in

the Islands. At the beginning of this year, Norwegian Airlines also announced that it would discontinue its base in the archipelago at the beginning of next year. However,

X Eco pioneers

Leading the way for global power Continued from front page "The experience we have gained in recent years with our Gorona del Viento hydroelectric centre is something we are happy to share with other isolated regions that also want to be self-sufficient. We are always open to new connections. We are the first region to use wind and water as its main source of electricity. This makes us a technological pioneer and a

reference for training experts in the field of renewable energies, and at the same time a tourist attraction," Armas added. In June, the Gorona del Viento celebrated its fifth anniversary. During this time, windmills and watermills have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 80,000 tonnes. In the first half of 2019, electricity demand on the island increased by 2.4 per cent com-

El Hierro is doing pioneering work for other small and isolated regions

Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609 Island Connections Media Group S.L. CIF: B-38748315 Depósito Legal: TF-287/93

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Disclaimer: Island Connections Newspaper is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors

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pared to the previous year, but around 52 per cent of total use was covered by the hydroelectric power station during the same period. A higher percentage of energy self-sufficiency is expected by the end of this year, because the influence of the trade winds is greater in the summer months. El Hierro is well on the way to showing others that complete self-sufn ficiency is possible. Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Gillian Sibbald Tel. 660 026 849 · Classifieds:

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019


ISLAND CONNECTIONS 853 It's going to be bloody Rambo wants revenge


Movie preview

Rambo latest On September 27, the action movie called Rambo, last blood, with Silvester Stallone, will be released in the cinemas. A large part of the film was shot in Tenerife in November 2018. For five weeks Rambo

and his film team were on the road at locations in Santa Úrsula, El Rosario, Puerto de La Cruz and in the metropolises of the island. Santa Cruz can also be seen in one shot in the trailer. Of course, the story of the movie isn't set in Tenerife, but in Mexico.

Music, sport and solidarity

Charity cultural festival in Agaete From August 22 to 25, the Bioagaete Cultural Solidario festival will be celebrated at the port of Agaete, Puerto de Las Nieves, in Gran Canaria. It’s an event that is expected to attract more than 200 artists and will focus on the environment, sport and solidarity. The proceeds will be used to support initiatives such as Canarias libre de Plásticos (Plastic Free Canaries), health, education and environmental projects in Bolivia, Gambia and the Canary Islands, as well as associations such as Solidarios Canarios and Solidari-

dad Médica España. Over 30 bands will provide great entertainment and a vibrant summer atmosphere. This year’s novelties include a large bicycle caravan, which starts on August 23 at the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria at 8.30am and then heads to Agaete. Yesenia from ‘Nomadic Feminist’, who has been travelling the world by bicycle for two years to advocate for more power for women, will also be there. After last year’s successes, there will also be another workshop on personal growth.

Laughter therapy, energetic movements, meditation and the martial art Kinjo will be the focus. The highlights are simultaneous concerts on three stages, which from August 23 to 25 will ensure a good mood in the open air. This year, among others, Parranda Los Paperos, Parchita Colorá, Son del Caney and Tabaiba Reggae will be performing. A total of 35 groups, 28 different activities and over 20 hours of workshops are planned. There will also be plenty of entertainment for children and the whole family, such as the release of tur-

You can see the silhouette of Santa Cruz

tles that have recovered from injuries. Lectures on ecology and solidarity will complete the festival. If you would like to join in the party, you could take the Fred Olsen ferry from Santa Cruz de Tenerife direct to Agaete and jump straight into the hustle and bustle. n

John Rambo, the Vietnam veteran, actually lives a secluded life on his family ranch. But then his granddaughter disappears without a trace when she travels to Mexico. Once again, the lone fighter sets out to ensure justice and this time to save his granddaughter. He encounters a sex network deal-

ing with white women. "Now the moment has come to face my past. And when they come to look for me, they come to die. I want revenge, I want them to know that death is near and there's nothing they can do to stop it" he says in Rambo V, leaving no doubt that the veteran is once again showing his fighting spirit. His n methods are cruel...




Focus on the Canarian knife

Pinolere craft fair This year, the typical Canarian knife, the Cuchillo Canario, is the focus of the Feria de Artesania de Pinolere handicraft fair in La Orotava. It takes place from August 30 to September 1 and, with over 200 exhibitors, is the largest handicraft fair in the archipelago. Around 25,000 visitors are expected, who will be inspired by some stunning Canarian craftsmanship. As every year, the

be rounded off with folklore and typical Canarian food.

three-day fair focuses on a particular craft, and this year it is the typical Canarian knife. "These knives are very original and unique in the world" declared the artist Yapci Gómez Lima at the presentation of the fair. He designed this year's poster. The fair will also draw attention to the village of La Oliva in Fuerteventura and its special traditions. Of course, the supporting programme will

time, although its original craftsmanship was Arabic. It has existed in its present, typical Canarian form since the 19th century. The knife has a triangular steel blade, which is 18 to 23 centimetres long and has a very fine point. It is particularly decorative due to the pretty handle, which is made of bone and metal, nickel or even gold and silver. Today it is often mainly a decorative piece, but

The Cuchillo Canario The typical Canarian knife, Cuchillo Canario, is closely linked to agricultural work, especially on banana plantations. Its predecessor was brought to the Islands in the 16th century by the Spanish conquerors of Toledo and Albacete and modified over

originally it was worn by the workers in a goatskin shaft on the belt, so that it was always within reach. It was also used to cut food, especially cheese, another typical Canarian product.

Canarian craft prize Every year, a special prize is awarded at the fair for handicrafts and the protection of historical monuments in La

and architecture through his paintings" says the laudatory speech. The proposal to award the prize to Osman was submitted by the Pinolere cultural association and unanimously accepted by the town council. The award ceremony will take place on the occasion of the inauguration of the fair, on August 30 at 12pm at the exhibition site in the museum village of Pinolere. Mohamed Osman was born in Cairo, trained in Rome and is a Canadian citizen. He has lived in La Orotava since 1986 and has since been closely associated with the town's natural, architectural and traditional heritage. His works reflect typical Canarian cultural heritage and can be found in numerous places such as the Canary Islands

A razor-sharp and very beautiful typical Canarian knife Mohamed Osman in front of one of his works

Orotava. This year Mohamed Osman will receive the Premio Artesanía y Patrimonio Villa de La Orotava 2019. The Egyptian artist, painter and architect is an adopted honorary citizen of the town. "He receives the prize for preserving Canarian traditions

Parliament, museums, churches and town halls. The craft fair costs only a few euros to enter and is always a great day out with lots to do and see for all the family, nibbles, tastings, and some tempting buys. For early Christmas n presents perhaps?

Sex survey

Canarians secondbest lovers

Canarians were voted the second best young lovers in the country

After the fiery Andalusians, the Canarians are the second best lovers in the country. This was the startling result of a survey conducted by the condom manufacturer Control among 2,000 online respondents. The target group of the study called Young Spaniards and Sex were young people between the ages of 18 and 35 years. According to the study, the Andalusians are the best lovers in the country with 18 per cent of the vote. They were followed by the Canarians with 9.6 per cent and the Catalans came a close third with 9.2 per cent. Apparently, the worst lovers are the men from Navarre who received only 1.7 per cent of the votes. Amongst sexual fantasies, a trio ranks first among the young Spaniards, closely followed by Teledildonik, which means sex with remote-controlled sex toys. For women, this form of sex is already at the top of their list of fantasies. Four out of ten men indicated that they would like to try it out of curiosity. About 80 per cent of the interviewees stated that they would like to try out new positions, although the missionary position, with almost 65 per cent of the votes, is the most preferred practice. This is followed by the ‘doggy position’. Six out of ten participants report their sex frequency as once a week or less, although three-quarters simultaneously admitted that they would like to have sex on more than two to three days a week. Contraception was also an important point in the condom manufacturer’s survey. It turned out that men become somewhat tired when using condoms. Only just under 60 per cent use this kind of protection, and one in four men say they only use a condom occasionally. n

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019



Rock concert

Revolver returns with a new album The Spanish pop rock group Revolver returns to Tenerife on September 7 to present a new album called Básico IV. On previous visits to the island in 2013 and 2016 the band from Madrid, founded by the musician and composer Carlos Goñi, thrilled fans. The new album was released in May after a 13-year break. It includes a CD with 13 new songs as well as a DVD with 18 tracks, two of which were previously unreleased, a real highlight for Revolver followers. The concert will take place at 9pm on September 7 at the Teobaldo Power Auditorium in La Orotava. Tickets are available at €20 to €30 online at or from the n Búho Club in La Laguna by calling 686 479 388.


Loro Parque study

How do whales hear? A recent study conducted on the orcas at Loro Parque, published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, has perfected the methodology by which the hearing of large whales can be studied. Because orcas’ brains are surrounded by a thick layer of fat that protects them, a complex technique is needed to explore the way the cetaceans’ hearing works. Therefore, synthetic waves have been developed that take into account the anatomical characteristics of the animals' inner ear in such a way that they simultaneously stimulate all neurons involved in the detection of different sound frequencies. This creates a more intense response in their brains, making it easier to take measurements through the fat layer. The methodology opens a door for research into the hearing ability of large cetaceans that has not been possible until now, but which is important when it comes to determining the extent to which they suf-

Scientific studies on orcas in captivity provide researchers with insights from around the world that can be used to protect them

fer from increasing underwater noise. It is already known that the effects of rising humaninduced noise in the oceans pose a major threat to cetaceans. Hence, studies of this kind are essential so that countries and international organisations can define measures and noise limits to protect whales and dolphins.

The study also confirmed Morgan the orca’s deafness. The technique used is incredibly simple: Because the absence of any reaction in Morgan's brain to sounds leaves no doubt that the orca, rescued in Holland in a very poor condition, suffers deafness, of unknown origin. Since Morgan's disability was first noticed, the Orca

Ocean team at Loro Parque has developed a system based on gestures and light stimuli that they can communicate with her with. Thankfully, this enabled her to be fully integrated into the group. Today Morgan is doing very well at Loro Parque and has even given birth to her first offspring. ‘Little’ Ula turns one year old in September. n




Traffic hazard

Alleged driving offenders awaited at the airport

A relaxed holiday mood must not put others in danger

Four young Frenchmen were being waited for by officers from the Guardia Civil traffic unit at Los Rodeos airport from where it had been their intention to fly back to their homeland. The reason was what is purported to be a very dangerous traffic manoeuvre on the TF-1 motorway, which was filmed by other road users during their

holiday in Tenerife and leaked to the police. Apparently, the Frenchmen were travelling in a white rental car at the end of July, with the sunroof of their Fiat Panda open and the two men are alleged to have been sitting on the upper sill with their feet in the back seat and their upper bodies in the fresh air, happily greeting the other road users and apparently com-

pletely unsecured. Witnesses stated that they were heading south and changed lanes several times. Two young women were supposedly inside the car, one at the wheel and the other in the passenger seat. On receiving the information from the public, the officers contacted the car rental company to establish the identity of the alleged traffic offenders.

Only three days later they were located at Tenerife’s northern airport when they were about to fly back to France. The 21-yearold Frenchwoman, who was driving the car, is now under investigation and will probably be processed for an action that is considered a serious danger to road traffic and in particular to the two passengers. The case was referred to the Arona court. A case was also opened against the two passengers, who were sitting in the car in a manner which threatened their lives. This alleged dangerous driving style could only be documented and finally brought to justice with the help of the public. The Guardia Civil therefore expressly thanked the civilian population for helping them to identify drivers who were acting dangerously on the roads and call them to account, with the phon tos they took.

Charity fundraiser

Horse Holidays hoedown The wonderful new horse and other animal rescue charity that we wrote about a couple of months ago is holding its first major fundraiser at the end of this month. And what better way to celebrate raising money for horses than an authentic, rootin’ tootin’ hoedown? The fabulous fun event is being held at the The Terrace Bar on Amarilla Golf from 1pm to 6pm on August 31. There is still room for more stalls, a need for more entertainers and any more prizes would be very welcome! Definitely one for the diary with live country music, stalls, a tombola, raffle and auction, a petting farm, bouncy castle, face painting, dancing and lots more entertainment for all the family! The charity organises rides for all ages and abilities to exercise the horses in their care and more riders are needed to help with that. Very moderate prices or it’s sometimes possible to swap riding time for work needed on the finca. Volunteers and donations are of course always welcome! If you want to read more about the charity, you can find all the information online on the Island Connections pdf file of edition 845, pages 12 and 13. To offer help or for any further information contact 672 350 505. Giddy up and get along! We’ll see you there! Don’t forget n the Stetson and the cowboy boots! Yee-haw!

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019



Recycling campaign

Every can counts In August, local residents and visitors to the beach at Playa San Juan in Guía de Isora came into contact with activists who are part of the Circula tu lata (circulate your can) campaign, which draws attention to the importance of recycling. Under the motto ‘Every can counts’, beach-goers were made aware of the importance of disposing of drinks cans in the yellow containers for recycling rather than simply putting them in the normal garbage containers, or dumping them on the beach. Metal is a valuable raw material that can be reused many times over, helping to save materials and energy. Thanks to recycling, 75 per cent of all metals produced by mankind are reused and are still in use. ‘Every can counts’ is an awareness campaign that draws special attention to drinks cans. It was launched in the UK in 2009, is presently running in 14 European countries, and has been operating in Spain since 2015. n

Metal can be reused many times over

The staging of one's own personal selfie via Instagram, Youtube and other channels of the social networks is becoming more and more popular. There are bizarre and lifethreatening situations in which people present themselves as spectacularly as possible. Quite a few Youtubers and others have recorded their own deaths in recent years in extreme sports, speeding car rides or other dangerous situations, leaving behind a macabre legacy. On the photo platform Instagram many would like to make themselves known worldwide for their breathtaking photos. The ultimate selfie photos are posted there again and again. Tourists are often exposed to dangers that they completely underestimate and often do not even allow themselves to be stopped by barriers installed by the authorities as a precautionary measure. This was the case on the second weekend in August, when two young women ignored the barrier to the natural pool of Charco Las Lajas in San Juan de la Rambla to take a super photo at the pool bubbling with waves. Despite barriers and warnings from locals, the two posed for a few minutes at the edge of the


Endangering life for a holiday snap

Instagram madness

In fine weather it’s an idyllic bathing site

pool, which was being flooded by the huge waves. They were unaware that it was at this natural pool,

Authorities closed off the basin, but the two women were not deterred

one of the most beautiful in Spain, that two Lithuanian holidaymakers died about a year and a half ago, trying

to save two others. They had plunged from the natural pool into the open Atlantic. Two emergency helicopters were deployed at the time. Nevertheless, both of them could only be recovered from the Atlantic as corpses. The natural pool is not directly open to the sea, but with high waves the Atlantic penetrates with full force into the pool and on the surrounding surfaces. Anyone can be quickly pulled into the water and would no longer be able to stay afloat due to the ocean’s power. n




Gran Canaria in flames

"When the forest burns, our hearts burn" That is how the President of Gran Canaria, Antonio Morales, summed up the dramatic events that have been taking the island by storm for two weeks and which began on August 10. Also the life of J.S.R., known as Pepe, from Telde changed abruptly on this day, because he, a respected blacksmith teacher whom the neighbours know as a friendly person who loves nature and animals, accidentally set off a devastating forest fire whilst working on his finca. He had only wanted to cut out a few doors with a saw. The flying sparks ignited the undergrowth in the immediate vicinity and a forest fire devoured the mountains for five days until it was finally

Firefighters fight the flames from the front line

Tenerife also sent fire brigades in support

considered "under control". During this time, the flames were fanned by high temperatures and gusts of wind of up to 70 kilometres per hour. Over 1,500 hectares of forest were devastated, including 679 hectares belonging to the El Nublo II nature reserve and home to five endemic endangered plant and animal species, including rare blue finches, robins and

chiffchaffs. He has been freed until the trial due to his confession and the payment of a deposit of â‚Ź25,000.

Pure horror It was a nightmare for the people from the affected mountain villages in the communities of Artenara, Tejeda and GĂĄldar. On the Sunday night about a

thousand inhabitants had to leave their homes because the flames were dangerously close to their houses. They left fearfully to save their lives without knowing what would be left when they returned. "It was like a horror film" said a Tejeda resident, who saw the historic town centre filled with smoke. They lived in fear for three days until they could finally return home. They were very lucky, because the inferno had at least spared their houses. "For three days we were close to having a heart attack. It was a nightmare, we saw the flames reaching for our village, but now we are back and fortunately it is not as bad as we had feared" explained

Ezequiel CĂĄrdenes, a councillor in the borough of Tejeda. But he was mistaken, because this was only the start.

Fire number two The following Saturday, the horrific scenario continued. At around 4pm a new fire was reported near the village of Valleseco. Again high temperatures and strong gusts of wind from east/northeast acted as fire accelerators, as the flames spread from treetop to treetop. Again the village was evacuated. This time 9,000 people from seven communities had to leave their homes without knowing if they would still be

Danger from flying sparks: 3,000 sparks per second

there when they came back. Among them were many who had only just returned. The situation is particularly critical for 40 inhabitants of Artenara, who were gathered

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019


in the cultural centre of the village. Among them were eight senior citizens and four children. The place was surrounded by flames and the inhabitants were eventually taken to safety together. "We are cut off from the outside world and are not allowed to leave the building" explained Mayor Jesús Díaz. "From here we can see three flanks. Tamadaba is on fire, Las Cuevas is on fire and houses may be affected. On the second day, the fire was prevented from reaching a helicopter landing place and a petrol station. The flames were only 300 or 500 metres away. At the moment there are no firefighters here at all and we fear that the fire will come back” reported the mayor from the cultural centre.

craft, which have a higher capacity, there is another problem. In the Canary Islands, they can only take in sea water to extinguish the flames, but that also leaves salt on the ground which causes secondary damage after the fire. Despite all efforts, the flames were able to reach the Tamadaba National Park, a vast natural area occupying an area of 7,538 hectares, it is home to the best preserved pine forest in Gran Canaria and of enor-

Work at the fire front More than 1,000 firefighters working shifts, with state-ofthe-art fire-fighting equipment, up to four fire-fighting aircraft and nine helicopters, were deployed continuously. By August 19, the helicopters alone had dumped over 800,000 litres of water over the flames, and yet they kept eating their way forward. With regard to the fire-fighting air-

CANARY ISLANDS Again and again carelessness

The map shows the area first affected by the fire - 1,500 hectares

The first forest fire broke out only a few days after the third anniversary of Francisco Santana's death. On August 5, La Palma Island Council observed a minute's silence for the fireman from Gran Canaria, who died in August 2016 during the fire-fighting operations on the ridge of La Palma. This forest fire was started by a

9 lessness or sheer ignorance that causes catastrophes like these. In addition, as some residents complain, many fincas in the mountains are no longer farmed. This means that the brush grows unhindered, becomes dry and therefore firehazardous. The spruce needles that accumulate on the forest floor also burn in the heat like tinder if even the smallest sparks fall on them. The carelessness of the people who live there or travel as holiday-

The flames reached for the houses

mous environmental diversity. "We cannot compare this fire with anything else. We can only watch the destruction of Tamadaba. Due to the geological peculiarity there is only one access to the national park and it is blocked by the fire. In this situation, using fire-fighting teams there would amount to suicide" explained Federico

Grillo, the Island Council Technical Director. At the moment, the main focus is on protecting houses and people. At the time of going to print, over 12,000 hectares of forest have been burned in the boroughs of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Santa Lucía, Tejeda, Artenara, Moya, Galdar, Agaete, La Aldea and Mogán and the flames were still

The Spanish Air Force, based in Gran Canaria, sent firefighting aircraft

out of control. Fortunately, no one has been harmed, except two firefighters who had to be treated for minor burns.

German dropout who wanted to burn his toilet paper after going to the toilet in the forest. In most cases it is care-

makers can have devastating effects. And in addition, fire brigade staffing levels have been shrinking for years. n

Veterinary Centre

ALPER WELLMANN Tel.: 922 875 254 Monday - Friday | 9am-1pm· 4pm-8pm Saturdays | 10am - 1pm

Tel. outside of hours: 607 499 349 | | C/ Afligidos, 132 Los Realejos (Opposite El Monasterio)




Insect plague

Fighting the termites

Holiday accident victim

Donations for the return of Leah Wilson Leah Wilson, aged 17 years, from Bridgwater, Somerset, died in a tragic accident on August 12 while on holiday with her family in Tenerife. In addition to the great suffering her family felt, they faced a great problem. How could the €10,000 for the repatriation of the teenager’s body be raised? It was a sum that exceeded the financial possibilities of the family. Help came via the Internet. Ren

Turmoil at Salto de Negro

Battle has been declared against the termites

Two representatives of the Tenerife and Canary Islands Environmental Protection Agencies, Isabel García and Miguel Ángel Pérez, recently met for a working session to discuss fighting the termite plague that is seriously threatening the Tenerife ecosystem. A total of €270,000, 52 per cent being provided from Tenerife's budget and 48 per cent from the Canary Islands Government, are ready to try and

Godber called for donations on Facebook. Within only three days (Friday, August 16) €12.909 were collected, which were donated by 748 people. Now the young British lass can be taken home to rest in peace. Donations

help eradicate the insects. The termites are seen mainly in La Laguna, Tacoronte and Tegueste and have caused considerable damage to several houses. However, it is not only about the houses, but also about the fact that radical action must be taken against the invaders, who it is presumed came to the island through plant imports. They must be exterminated soon to ensure that they do not settle

permanently. Despite the seriousness of the problem, the public is called upon to remain calm. Anyone who discovers or even suspects an infestation can contact their local council at any time. The fight against the plague is being directed by the public company Tragsa. A budget for combating termites is also to be set in the 2020 budget, so it would seem that they do not see any short term n solutions.

Fire in a prison cell Towards the end of July, a prisoner in Module 1 of the Salto del Negro prison in Gran Canaria set fire to his clothes and belongings, provoking a critical situation for himself, his cellmate, the other prisoners in the block and the prison officers. Thanks to the security forces, the fire was quickly extinguished and personal injuries avoided. The prisoner stated that he did not feel well and admitted that he had

already drunk bleach the day before. He was transferred to the island’s university hospital. As a motive the prisoner F.J.M.M. stated that he did not like his cellmate. On this occasion, the prison officers once again criticised their poor working conditions due to a lack of personnel. Of nine doctor’s posts, only three are currently occupied, and one of the doctors will soon be transferred to another prison. The offic-

that exceed the amount needed for the repatriation will be used for the burial of the teenager and other costs that will be incurred by the parents in connection with the tragedy. Facebook was used not only by many people who were willing to contribute financially, but also by parents who also lost children and gave comfort. n

ers in the corridors are also severely understaffed and in addition, as in this case, the inmates are deprived of their rights because in their opinion, an incorrect policy is being pursued by placing individual rights above rehabilitation and social integration. It’s not uncommon for prisoners to endanger their own safety, that of their companions and of the prison officers, or to attract attention directly with violent riots. The prison guards are calling on politicians to increase the number of staff and to provide more security for them in the workplace. n

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019



New turtle companion

Loro Parque welcomes Federica It’s not unusual for Loro Parque to accommodate rescued turtles at the park and care for them until their recovery and later release. Nevertheless, the arrival of the loggerhead turtle Federica from Italy in July was an extraordinary and special case. She was rescued from the Adriatic Sea and when found off the Italian coast had chronic injuries, which it’s suspected were caused by a ship’s propeller. Her shell was deformed, causing buoyancy problems and she also suffered from possibly irreversible damage to her spinal cord leading to the current paralysis of the two posterior fins. Experts decided that these serious injuries make it impossible for her to be released back into the wild and as the Italian shelter which took her in after the rescue needed space for other patients, she was facing euthanasia. When the technicians at Loro Parque learned of this situation, they offered to take Federica in and give her a home where she would receive the best veterinary care. The transport and move was carefully planned. In Tenerife, she has been temporarily quarantined. After that, her new home will be with the Humboldt Penguins where, thanks to Federica, visitors will be able to see first-hand the difficulties the fellow members of her species face in nature and the problems caused by collisions at sea due to human activities will be made even more Federica has found a protected space painfully apparent. n for her future life in Tenerife

The Council want to share the airport business around


Global Climate Strike Day

Friday For Future September 27 Now is the time to act

Demonstrations previously took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The Greens, in collaboration with 15 collectives, are calling for the public to join the World Global Strike for Climate on September 27. "Humanity faces one of its greatest challenges. The climate crisis threatens the survival of humanity, numerous species and ecosystems and will unjustly hit the poorest populations on the planet hardest" a press release said. Only if sufficient, fast and efficient

action was taken now could the death and misery of millions of people and species of flora and fauna be prevented. The data is overwhelming and time is an unstoppable opponent. The Canary Islands could be one of the regions most affected by rising sea levels which, according to experts, could rise by 15 to 35 centimetres. This means that the beaches would advance about 15 metres into the interior of

some islands. Another consequence could be a change in the trade winds, which provide humidity and moderate temperatures in summer. The cool ocean current that characterises the archipelago is directly affected by the melting of the glaciers in Greenland. A change could strongly affect our mild weather and over time, the nights would become more tropical and the islands more desert-like. Cal-

ima conditions and heat waves from Africa would become more frequent. Since 1985 the temperature of the sea around the Canary Islands has already increased by one degree. Climate change will have consequences that this and future generations will feel and will have catastrophic effects worldwide - longer and intense heat waves, recurring drought, desertification, increase in weather extremes, loss of biodiversity, lack of drinking water, poor soil, fires, poverty and an increase in inequality in all areas. In order to underline this critical point at which we currently find ourselves and calling for action at political and all other levels, the organisation of the Friday For Future Movement is also calling for demonstrations in the Canary Islands on September 27. n




Summer University in Adeje

Climate change brings new diseases the eastern ones. In order to develop, they needed a certain amount of moisture. Therefore they did not appear in Lanzarote or Fuerteventura. Or take the cryptosporidia, parasites that were only discovered in humans with the appearance of the HIV virus and the associated immunodeficiency. The tropical researcher also recalled the case of a boy from Las Canteras, who suffered for two years from diarrhoea that no one could explain, until doctors identified a parasite as the cause, usually found only in wild animals in the United States. It came to Tenerife either by this animal being illegally smuggled in or by an American carrying the parasite and leaving his own excrement

Valladares explains the relationship between climate and diseases

Climate change was one of the themes covered at the Summer University in Adeje, this time highlighted by researcher Basilio Valladares, founder of the Canary Islands Tropical Diseases and Public Health Institute, which is part of the University of La Laguna. He focused on how the transport of goods, human mobility and climatic factors, such as temperature and humidity, cause some diseases to occur in places where they were previously absent and others to disappear. "The whole world, with the exception of Donald Trump, sees that climate change exists" Valladares criticised as his lecture kicked off. Due to this attitude, the US President suspended a NASA research project that had provided important data in the

past. It analysed global climate data from 1900 to 2016. Based on this wealth of data, it could be established that an obvious increase in temperatures has been manifesting itself since 1975. According to the scientist, globalisation is accelerating the spread of diseases in places where they were previously unknown. This phenomenon is nothing new, by the way, but also played into the hands of the Spanish conquerors who finally broke the resistance of the indigenous inhabitants of Tenerife in the Battle of La Victoria de Acentejo. Not least because they introduced diseases to which they themselves were immune, but the islanders were not. Thus their enemy was decimated and significantly weakened.

In the Canary Islands there are other examples of epidemics brought to the Islands by humans, ships or goods. For example the plague in 1585, malaria in 1890 and cholera in 1905. Valladares quoted a lecturer who claimed in the 1990s: "Globalisation will not mean that we all have the same amount of money, but that we all get the same diseases". At that time he was not taken seriously with this attitude, but in the meantime one can see that he was right, Valladares informed the course participants. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also recognised that diseases 'travel' around the globe. Meanwhile, there are also diseases of animals that now affect humans. Environmental factors are also

“Only Donald Trump has not yet noticed climate change” the scientist criticised

responsible for this. One example he encountered early on was intestinal parasites, which were originally only found on the western islands but not on

in the area. Other offenders to watch out for are insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, flies and fleas that can transmit disease. In this context,

Valladares cited the success story of the fight against the tiger mosquito, Aedes aegypty, in Fuerteventura as an example. In 2013, an entire settlement and a hotel were evacuated while the premises were fumigated for 48 hours to destroy the mosquitoes. After a year and a half without new incidents, the mosquito was declared extinct. Other diseases that can be transmitted from insects to humans include malaria, leishmaniasis, filariasis and yellow fever. Climate factors also play a role in these cases and the researcher underlines the need to develop countermeasures in good time to prevent the spread of disease. Another recent case, solved thanks to the collaboration with the Tropical Institute of La Laguna, was the spread of the amoeba Naeglaria fowleri, popularly known as the 'braineating amoeba'. After Hurricane Irma, the amoeba spread alarmingly fast in the USA. Here, too, the climate acted as an acceleration factor. The amoeba caused meningitis, which in most cases led to death. Between 1962 and 2018, 145 infections became known in the USA and only four people survived. Thanks to the collaboration with the Canary Islands Tropical Institute, solutions may n be found.

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Tel. 922 102 617 Calle Bentinerfe, 5 In front of the ITV Centre in Adeje Polígono industrial Los Olivos. Monday to Friday: 8:30am-1pm / 2pm-5:30pm

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Marina Bay Avenida Juan Carlos I Los Cristianos (Arona) Opening hours: daily 10:00–22:00 market days 9:00–22:00

& 922 791 371 A new sensation has hit Los Cristianos, and that is the Marina Bay Restaurant and Sunset Bar. Occupying an elevated position next to the Arona Gran Hotel, just behind the market site overlooking the sea, Marina Bay is the place to switch off and enjoy food and drinks. A daytime snacks menu and a full international menu provide for all tastes and ages. Watch amazing sunsets, enjoy live music in the evenings and maybe even dance too! The priority at Marina Bay is good customer service and quality food at reasonable prices.

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Mamma Mia Roca Negra

Av de Las Américas Avenida Adeje 300 7 C.C. Paraíso, AméricasCosta PlazaAdeje Playa Playa de Las Américas Opening hours: Opening10:00 hours:– 24:00 Sun-Thu daily 11:30–23:30 Fri+Sat 10:00 – 02:00

& 922 797 082 & 604 106 484

Roca Negra

Freshness The Hardrock and Hotel tradition: has helped Mamma Mía isFloral wherearea you’llgain find the Paraíso excellent Italian cuisine the prestige, and now we inhave south of Tenerife. Enjoy all The Roca Negra, located inits a aromasshopping and textures, with stylish street,and directly a new menu the at the by and above sea.beginning If you feel of July, you awill also be to like it, take blanket andable enjoy try some typical dishes from the your drink and the sunset on the north and south of Italy. Only rocks in front of the Roca Negra. the best quality authentic ingreIt’s the perfect place to enjoy a dients are used, all of Italian glass of Spanish cava or one of origin. Mamma Mía has won the cocktails. Do you the countless TripAdvisor Certificate of have a favourite drink? Ask the Excellence for years, confirbarman, can help you. From ming thehe quality of the cuisine, Costa Adeje to Roca Negra is and demonstrating that the aessence few minutes car, but of fineby Italian foodthe is effort is well with worth it. synonymous Mamma Mía.

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Harry‘s Bar Avenida de Las Américas, 5 Playa Las Américas Opening hours: Everyday 12:00 – 01:00

Playa de Las Américas has developed enormously in recent years. The golden mile where the legendary Magic, Thai Botánico, Imperial Tai Pan, Bianco and others are at home has another pearl to offer: Harry‘s at Centro Comercial Safari is the place to get together with friends, or if they are late, wait whilst enjoying a drink. Every gin lover gets his money‘s worth, there is hardly a place with a greater choice. Many also enjoy the fountain spectacle with classical music at 9pm at the Centro Comercial Safari. Nowhere can you see this better than from Harry‘s terrace. Here you can meet old friends and find new ones.





& 922 777 628


22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019

Harry‘s Bar


d harrystenerife

BBQ. Our terrace with shady trees and a breathtaking view invites you to relax. Our team awaits you to offer you an unforgettable time.



FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 120 Natura Salud is celebrated every two years and has therefore existed for 20 years. After Madrid and Barcelona, where organic fairs have been held for 35 and 26 years respectively, Natura Salud is the third oldest benchmark in this field in Spain. The fair takes place from September 20 to 22 at the Recinto Ferial in Santa Cruz. You can find out more on the website www.recinto n Innovative cooking ideas will be presented The Natura Salud fair is about making natural healthy choices

Natural diet

Natura Salud 2019 The Natura Salud fair will be celebrated for the eleventh time this year in Tenerife. As its name implies, this is a fair in which everything revolves around the topic of healthy living. Nutrition is an important and central theme which is complemented by

other relaxing, caring and healing tendencies. A main topic this year is veganism, which it is expected that as a result will win more followers. In recent times, many difficulties, such as deficiency symptoms due to vegan nutrition, have been improved by

research and innovation in the industry. Thanks to globalisation and the production of dietary supplements, a 100 per cent vegan diet is easily possible. The followers of this way of life emphasise above all the alleviation of chronic diseases, a better well-being as

Culinary art meets cinematic art

George Clooney visits El Coto de Antonio

well as the protection of animal welfare as arguments for this choice of nutrition. This year there will be special workshops on vegan cuisine, including desserts, their nutritional potential, the use of algae and sprouts, and interesting facts about so-called superfoods. The central theme at the fair is a natural diet that supports physical balance and health. However, this does not necessarily have to be a vegetarian or vegan diet, as those who eat anything and everything, egg-lactose-vegetarians or raw foodstuff eaters are also represented. Ecological products and animal welfare are a big issue and this is expressed by the emphasis on products from local livestock and agriculture. This promotes the local economy and at the same time improves the ecological balance through fewer imports. At the beginning of August, the well-known actor, producer and director George Clooney and his 13-member team were guests at the restaurant El Coto de Antonio in Santa Cruz. This restaurant was founded in 1982 and is known for its typical Canarian cuisine and a variety of traditional dishes. Here Clooney and his team fortified themselves after searching for locations for their upcoming movie project. The famous American has already won four Golden Globes and two Oscars and he was here to search for the perfect backdrops for his next film, the science fiction film Good Morning Midnight which is being shot for Netflix. Clooney has already announced his return in the autumn to clarify further details about the film project which is in the pre-production phase. The British actress Felicity Jones will play the lead female role n in the new movie. George Clooney enjoyed some Canarian cuisine

Harvest festival

Natural food for the needy

For some, training - for others, food on the table

Colourful, field-fresh food packages are put together for those in need

As part of the agricultural training at the Finca Zamora in Tegueste, a harvest festival was recently celebrated, which benefited 25 families in need in the community. A total of 700 kilograms of organically grown vegetables were distributed to 25 families. Thanks to this initiative, the 76 family members can look forward to richly-laid tables. The working students from the Agroemplea Tegueste initiative distributed 380 kilograms of potatoes, almost 44 kilograms of carrots, 20 kilograms of pumpkin, 21 kilograms of red onions, 25 kilograms of beetroot, almost six kilograms of yellow pumpkin, almost five kilograms of leeks and about 64 kilograms of courgettes. Also shared out were almost nine kilograms of tomatoes, 31 kilograms of cucumbers, almost 42 kilograms of green peppers, around five kilograms of different varieties of lettuce heads and 43 kilograms of round pumpkins, 25 bundles of parsley, three times as many chard bouquets and 50 bunches of basil. This was a great example of how agricultural education and social work can go hand in hand and help to cover the most important needs of disadvantaged families. n


Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923

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Quo and The Edge Callao Salvaje Pearly Grey Ocean Club Opening hours: Quo 8:30-23:00 The Edge 12:00-19:00

& +34 922 743 900 Callao Salvaje, Spectacular Ocean Views

The Edge Tapas, Cocktails and stunning views. Perfect for a long lunch and fresh cocktails with one of the most stunning views on the Island. Quo Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A relaxed friendly international restaurant, perfect for all the family. Situated In the Pearly Grey Ocean Club in Callao Salvaje open to all. Quality and comfort is what we are about, live entertainment nightly.


Brunelli’s Steakhouse Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz


& 922 062 600 Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm


Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.


Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula

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Bodegón Las Vistas


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22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019

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Animal charities’ round up Acción del Sol Yet again we experience horrific cruelty by humans. The poor puppies pictured here were left abandoned to fend for themselves, dumped in an old sheet by the side of the motorway. They are now in our care and thriving, having been thoroughly checked by our resident vet. The local school children were delighted to give them some well deserved love and cuddles. Many of our dogs arrive at the refuge in terrible conditions due to human abuse. We spend a lot of time, veterinary care as needed, and good food to ensure the dog regains full health. It’s a lot of effort, but worth it every time.

but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every one of them has a clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro-chipped, heartworm- and flea-free, has a passport and is sterilised, the last one being compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife. How you can help We are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, and collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated. Besides obvious needs such as food, water and veterinary care, a little attention is all the dogs here want.

exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on or visit our Facebook page at Action tier Acción del Sol.

Just one of the dogs waiting for a home at Acción del Sol

They love going out for a walk so please do come and take one out if you have time, they really will appreciate it. We are also desperately looking for people travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. Please do call us on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from

Shop till you drop Please note we are no longer holding car boot sales in Los Gigantes, but you can visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. All proceeds go towards funding the animals’ care and are essential to ensuring our K9 dogs and cats have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible.


UK online shop Good news for our UK supporters. We now have an online shop at Deliveries can only be made to the UK, so please spread the word to your family and friends there. Thank you very much!

Ways you can help We always appreciate any and all help. If you aren’t in a position to adopt, maybe you could consider becoming a volunteer dog walker or just come and spend some time with the dogs: they always need lots of cuddles and human interaction to get them ready for the world out there. Simply call us or pop by any day during our opening hours. Alternatively, you could sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, donate money either via our website or in cash at the refuge, you could donate food and

Adoptions We have many beautiful dogs, and even cats, waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at www. Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 9.30am and 1.30pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the

These tiny puppies were dumped by the motorway, but local school children were delighted to meet them

We’d like to remind owners that the law requires you to register your dog with the local town hall where you live. In addition, it is important to micro-chip your pets, as well as ensure that the contact details are correct and updated when appropriate. We have a large number of dogs brought to the refuge off the streets by Protection Civil that are micro-chipped, but the information isn’t up to date. This causes unnecessary stress to the dog as it has to stay at the refuge until the owner is found. We have over 220 gorgeous dogs of all shapes and sizes looking for loving homes. We don’t charge for adoptions

other items which help us look after our dogs and cats, and you can even buy our merchandise at the refuge. In addition, remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page (information below) for any fundraising events which you may like to attend. Also, why not come along to our charity shop in Alcalá? There are heaps of ways you can help, and we and the dogs and cats will all be immensely grateful!

Looking for love


Some dogs can spend years being looked after by the kind workers and volunteers in refuges. Most eventually find their forever homes but there are some very sad stories. Five years ago, Enzo was dumped outside K9 by his owner. He was only about one or two years old and very confused and scared. When he arrived at K9 he was a friendly, sweet boy who enjoyed walks and cuddles, but a terrible incident seems to have left a scar. A couple of years ago, three dogs were stolen from K9 and Enzo was one of them. Strangely, about a week later, they were all taken back. The other two have since been adopted but Enzo remains, perhaps because something happened to him when he was stolen and he now doesn’t like people to touch him. It’s very unfair as it wasn’t his fault. He only reacts if people overstep his comfort zone and try to pet him. He is currently in training classes to help him overcome the fear, and K9 believe that with consistency and more training he will get back to his normal self again and enjoy the pleasure of cuddles from his favourite human. He’s been in the kennels for five years now and really needs to grow old comfortably, surrounded by people who love him and have patience with him. Please go and meet Enzo, it will take time, but if you persist, the hard work will pay off, he’s really a sweetie. Call K9 on 667 638 468 or email Alternatively, visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. n facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9.

Cats Welfare All of our cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then kitten injection, micro chip and neutering is free for the second one. Adopt a black kitten or two and both will receive the above treatments for free. Contact us via our website at or ring/what-

sapp Maria (English) on 646 629 129, seven days a week, 9am to 6pm, or Sandra (Spanish and German) after 6pm on 671 282 773. Alternatively, message us on Facebook. Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you n like to help in the shop?

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019




WHAT’S ON 2019



GRAN CANARIA DIARY DATES August 22 9.15pm: Ocean’s 8, open-air cinema (in Spanish), Playa de El Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, snacks and drinks included, free event. www. August 23 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30.



August 31 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. 10.30pm: Concert by Overbooking and Los Lola, rock/pop/indie, Avenida Marítima del Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, free event. www.labrujula September 1 11am-6pm, Guided visits round the Cueva Pintada Museum and archaeological site, all ages, last tour starts at 4.30pm, Gáldar, free entry. September 6

9.15pm: Campeones (Champions), open-air cinema (in Spanish), Playa de El Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, free snacks and drinks, free event. 11pm: Sandra Delaporte and Sergio Salvi, electronic dance, The Paper Club, LPGC, from €10. August 23 - September 9

Until September 1 Ancestros (Ancestors), 15 paintings by Paco Sánchez connecting primitive art with modern interpretation, Casa-Museo León y Castillo, Telde, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-6pm, free entry. Until September 1 Balcones (Balconies), in-depth and surprising visions of urban life by Paco Arana, Casa-Museo Antonio Padrón, Gáldar, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-6pm, free entry. Until September 29 Universo Manrique (Manrique’s Universe), wideranging collection of works by Lanzarote artist, designer, architect and social activist César Manrique, drawings, paintings, sculptures, collages, documents and more, celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno Los Balcones, (CAAM), LPGC, free entry, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am–9pm; Sundays 10am–2pm.

11am-6pm, Guided visits round the Cueva Pintada Museum and archaeological site, all ages, last tour starts at 4.30pm, Gáldar, free entry. August 30 10.30pm: Los 600 and Ni 1 Pelo de Tonto, rock/pop/indie, Avenida Marítima del Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, free event. www.labrujula Until August 31 Sherlock Holmes Show, family entertainment (in Spanish), Centro Comercial Las Arenas, LPGC, Monday – Friday 7.30 pm-8.30pm, Sunday 1.30pm, free event.

All day: San Agustín Romería, traditional agricultural and cultural celebration, stalls, parades, live music, games and more, Arafo town centre, free event. 9.30am: Vilaflor de Chasna crafts fair, Plaza de San Pedro, Vilaflor, free event. www.vilaflor 12pm: Gastronomic event, stalls and more, harbour front, Los Abrigos, free event. www.


9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39.

11am-2pm: Children’s activities, inflatable castle, pool and foam party, followed by a DJ and free fish snacks, Avenida Marítima del Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, free snacks and drinks, free event.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.


August 24

August 25

August 24


Fiestas El Pino, traditional celebrations, live music, stalls and more, Playa de Arinaga, Agüimes, free event, Aguimes

10.30pm: Surco, world music, Avenida Marítima del Burrero, Carrizal, Ingenio, free event.

tists, Ángel Stanich, Arizona Baby, Carolina Durante, Los Punsetes, and Delaporte, harbour area, Puerto de La Cruz, from €20, camping available.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

10pm: Radio Baifa and Ono Free Fadar, Jazz/ South American, The Paper Club, LPGC, over 18s only, €5.

8pm: Francisco Abad & Tomás Vera, Juan Cruz Barrueco and Marcelo Berot, pop/rock, Los Lavaderos Sala de Arte, Santa Cruz, free entry. 922 606 458 / 271 510 10pm: El Micha, reggaetón, plus DJs, TAO Night Life, Santa Cruz, from €30.

Until September 22

August 23

Totem, Cirque du Soleil, renowned Canadian circus show with spectacular audio accompaniment, ExpoMeloneras grounds, Maspalomas, from €39.

10am: Try-dives for 18 to 35 year olds resident in Arona, limited places, register previously, Los Cristianos beach, €20.

Until further notice 10.15am, 11.15am and 12.15pm: Guided tours around the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, LPGC, adults €5, groups of between four and 24 visitors €3 each, retired and unemployed etc. €1.80. Until further notice Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

1pm: Lagoon Party, electronic dance and pool fiesta, Hard Rock Hotel, Playa Paraíso, from €30. 6pm: Mama Mia, Here we go again, film in Spanish with English subtitles, plus children’s activities, CC Siam Mall terrace, Costa Adeje, free event. 7pm: ARN Blue & Green Concierto Limpio, environmental awareness festival, live music from Bebe, Don Patricio, Efecto Pasillo and Ruts & La Isla Music, plus DJ set by Pablo Barrios, Arenas Blancas parking area, Playa de Las Américas, free event.

10am: Kayaking and Snorkelling event organised by the Arona council, for 16 to 35 year olds resident in Arona, Los Cristianos coastal area, free event, register previously, limited places.

8pm: Summer Live Festival, various artists, Centro Comercial Meridiano, Santa Cruz, free event.

9pm: Vassil Onh Quartet, folk/jazz, town square, El Médano, free event. www.granadilladeabona. org

9pm: Parranda Chasnera, with soloist Candelaria González, folk, town square, El Médano, free event.

23.59: Charanga habanera, renowned Cuban band, Tibu, Centro Comercial Las Américas, Arona, from €25.

10.30pm: Guerrilla Urbana and Causus, indie/ punk/rock, Espacio el Arcón, Puerto de La Cruz, €8.

August 23 & 24

August 24 & 25

PHE Festival: live music, DJs, food stalls, activities and more, artists include We Are Scien-

8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

8pm: Jose Manuel, acoustic pop, Búho Club, La Laguna, €6.

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019

WHAT’S ON 2019


8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. www.mercadillodelagricultor. com 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel

August 28

August 31

10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www.

8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan.

6pm: Monster Trucks, film in Spanish with English subtitles, plus children’s activities, CC Siam Mall terrace, Costa Adeje, free event.

1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa

10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. August 29

August 31 & September 1 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

August 30

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte.

August 25 All day: Los Corazones de Tejina festival (Tejina Hearts), see decorated heart-shaped banners weighing up to 900 kilos paraded through the town (around 11.30am) followed by a range of traditional celebrations, Tejina, La Laguna, free event. All day: San Roque and San Agustín Romería, traditional agricultural and cultural celebration, stalls, parades, live music, games and more, Vilaflor town centre, free event. www.

10am: Try-dives for 18 to 35 year olds resident in Arona, limited places, must register previously, Playa de Los Cristianos, €20. www. 6pm: Oktoberfest, Bavarian beer festival, stalls, live music and more, Plaza de Europa, Puerto de La Cruz, free event. 9pm: Celia en la Memoria, tribute concert to Celia Cruz, town square, El Médano, free event. August 30 & 31

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos.

8.30pm: V Dance and Nature Project, eco dance and movement venture directed by Vangelis Legakis, Teatro Victoria, Santa Cruz, €5. www.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

August 30 – September 1

6pm: Children’s activities, Plaza de la Iglesia, Los Abrigos, free event. www.granadillade August 26 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. August 27

8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel

10am: Pinolere Arts and Crafts Fair, Parque Etnográfico de Pinolere, La Orotava, from €2. August 31 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am-1pm: Feria del Deporte (Sports Fair), various sporting activities, town square, El Médano, free event. 12pm: Oktoberfest, Bavarian beer festival, stalls, live music and more, Plaza de Europa, Puerto de La Cruz, free event. www.citpuerto. com

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

1pm: Lagoon Party, electronic dance and pool fiesta, Hard Rock Hotel, Playa Paraíso, from €30.

10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www.

4pm: Outdoor party, live music, dance groups and DJs, town square, El Médano, free event.

Pickup Point

Viajes LMX Miraverde

3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. September 5 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. September 7 7pm: Children of the 80’s, retro concert, I Want U Back (Michael Jackson tribute), plus Dream3Team Reload, and Puretas Party, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, only over 18s, from €18.

EXHIBITIONS Until September 8

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor. September 1 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

10am – 2pm: Mercado ArteSano, crafts, culture and local agricultural produce, San Juan de la Rambla.

11am: Children’s water party and activities, Polideportivo de Atogo, Granadilla, free event.

6pm: Home Sweet Home, film in Spanish with English subtitles, plus children’s activities, CC Siam Mall terrace, Costa Adeje, free event.

8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha.

9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico.

9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico.

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette


12pm: Oktoberfest, Bavarian beer festival, stalls, live music and more, Plaza de Europa, Puerto de La Cruz, free event.

No News. Good News, collective exhibition by seven top contemporary Canarian artists, varied themes, styles and materials, Instituto Cabrera Pinto, La Laguna, Monday to Friday 11am-2pm and 5pm-8pm, Saturdays and Sundays 11am2pm, free entry. Until September 15

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette

Artefactos, Cámaras Y Sociedad (Artefacts, Cameras and Society), display of cameras, vintage photos, videos, films and related objects, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-8pm, free entry. www.

September 2

Until October 13

9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.

Crisis? What Crisis?, collective exhibition of 100 works from 20 young Canarian artists, final in a series of three annual collections in honour of the 40th anniversary of the death of Spanish dictator Franco, providing insight into the instability that present generations face, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-8pm, free entry. www.

September 3 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. September 4 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

Call 619 519 858

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:





First Open Water Competition More than 200 swimmers took part in the first open sea swimming competition off the coast of La Gomera during the second weekend in August. The starting shot was fired in the capital San Sebastián for the competition that had three categories over a distance of 10, five or 2.5 kilometres. The event was a challenge for the swimmers and those who took care of their safety, but was a complete victory on all fronts. "We are very satisfied with the success of this premiere, both in terms of the schedule as well as the participants and audience. We are delighted

with the dynamism we have given the capital San Sebastián on this day and we will make the competition a permanent sporting event on our agenda," summarised sports councillor Rosa Elena García. Martín Julio Suárez was the best swimmer in the ten kilometre category with a time of 2:30:42 hours. He was closely followed by Eduardo Marrero (2:31:17 hours) and Dávide Ledda (2:33:14 hours). Erika Machín was fastest in the women's race after 3:07:50 hours and Inés Santamaría was second with a gap of about seven minutes. Betuel González won the five kilometre distance

after 1:10:11 hours, ahead of Iñigo Santamaría and Domingo Álvarez. In the women's event, Nadie Martin took the lead with a time of 1:20:18. She was followed by Erica Rivero and Ainhoa Santana after six minutes with only a one second gap. Enrique Catena took 38:27 minutes, just ahead of David Alcón and Michael Murphy, on the two and a half kilometre course. In the women's race, Eva Zhdanova set the best time with 42:58 minutes, followed by Silvia Rivas and Laura Pérez.

Inspired by David Meca

Sports councillor Rosa Elena García gave the go-ahead for the first swimming competition in the open sea off the coast of La Gomera

Records in Atlantic swimming have often been set off the La Gomera coast, inspiring subsequent generations to take up the sport. It all began with the record set by David Meca in September 2001, which made him the idol of many Gomeros. He was the first swimmer in the world to traverse the 44 kilometres from La Gomera


20 years of Deep Blue Diving On the occasion of the birthday there was a big party

In August, the diving centre Deep Blue Diving celebrated its 20th birthday with a big party at the pier in Caleta de Fuste, Fuerteventura. In 1998 Volker Berbig and Roland Martensson started the venture with simple means.

From humble beginnings, it is now a reference address for diving enthusiasts in the Canary Islands. "This company began modestly, but with ambition. It has become a reference not only in the archipelago, but also at European level, and has

to Tenerife across the open ocean, even encountering groups of dolphins and whales on the way. He started at Playa La Cueva on La Gomera and after eight hours and 20 minutes he was received with great applause at Playa de Las Vistas in the south of Tenerife. He was the first to win the battle against the cool water temperatures and the dangerous ocean currents and thus inspired many islanders to swim. And that's not all:

the 28-time world champion in long-distance swimming, who is still the most successful swimmer in this category, was reluctant to enter the water as a child. However, following doctors’ advice, his parents encouraged him to swim every day. As a boy he suffered from a deformed spine, asthma, angina and problems with his ears, yet, through iron discipline, he has become an elite athlete and a great role n model for many.

Sports policy

Cooperation between the capitals Congratulations, also from the municipality of Antigua, on the 20th birthday and the Premio Playa de Oro

been featured several times in well-known magazines," said tourism councillor Deborah Edington, who congratulated the owners on their celebration. Mayor Matías Peña also welcomed the diving station's commitment. Only recently, the centre was awarded the ‘Premio Playa de Oro’ (Golden Beach Prize). It is recognition for 20 years of commitment to Fuerteventura, and not only to diving. The centre regularly participates in environmental protection projects, such as cleaning the seabed or collecting rubbish off beaches and coasts, and the subject always plays an important role in their courses and dives. In

addition, Berbig and Martensson have always been cooperative over the last two decades when it comes to training young people or members of civil defence organisations. With this in mind, the Tourism Council expressed their wishes that the Deep Blue Diving centre, which is based in Antigua, continues to thrive for many years to come. The centre also offers a guide in eight languages, in which those interested can learn a great deal about the seabed off the coast of Fuerteventura, as well as information about Canarian culture and customs and places to visit in n Fuerteventura.

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Councillor for sports, Elena Mateo recently visited her counterpart in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Aridany Romero Vega. They exchanged experiences and plans for the upcoming mandate. Among other things, Romero showed his visitor the new facility with public fitness equipment in the Parque Romano city park. At the working meeting, both politicians promised close cooperation from which both capitals would benefit, for example through competitions or sports camps for young people. Both agree that they want to promote sport and physical leisure activities and make them attractive. n

Elena Mateo visiting her colleague Aridany Romero in LPGC

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019




CD Tenerife

Defeat on day one but optimism for the future By Chris Todd 17/08/2019 Real Zaragoza 2:0 CD Tenerife Te n e r i f e s t a r t e d t h e i r campaign with a loss at Real Zaragoza but they probably deserved at least a point after an encouraging display, especially in the first half. Zaragoza was always going to be a difficult place to visit but from the start the blanquiazules were up against it with two of their new signings missing through injury, including their new centre forward Ramón Mieres. Hopefully we have used up a large part of our bad luck for the season in this first match. A dubious VAR penalty decision in favour of the home side, a red card against Tenerife and two more bad injuries, including a split forehead suffered by Luis Pérez requiring seven stitches, were the order of proceedings. The first 45 minutes belonged to Tenerife as they forced their new style on the opposition. New manager López Garai likes his players to play out of defence, press high on the rival team and enjoy plenty of possession. In the first half an hour it worked superbly, the only thing that was missing was a clinical finish to the play. The positive news came from midfield with veteran Aitor Sanz playing his first match after an 18 month lay off due to injury alongside the talented Luis Milla who thankfully will stay at CD Tenerife after a summer of transfer rumours.

The club has done well to hold firm on their €5 million buyout clause for Milla. Several La Liga clubs offered €2/3 million but it was not enough and if in the past CD Tenerife can be accused of being a ‘selling club’ that is certainly not true on this occasion. Back to the match and the buzz around the sultry La Romareda stadium was a great advert for the Spanish second division. Zaragoza has sold over 27,000 season tickets, the most for many years. They really deserve to be back in the big time with numbers like that. Other clubs with healthy season ticket sales have been Sporting de Gijón (21,800), Deportivo de La Coruña (20.500) and Málaga (22,450). Just before the break Zaragoza took the lead against the run of play. Despite all the intricate play by Tenerife a hoofed long ball out of defence by the home side caught the blanquiazul defence on the backfoot and Luis Suárez (no, not that one) ran through to score. It was a cruel blow for Tenerife after bossing the game for long periods. If the first half was Tenerife’s the second saw the home team gain in confidence. At 10pm local time the temperature was still nudging 32ºC and both teams lost their rhythm somewhat. The game was broken up by fouls, injuries and a water break of three minutes that was not added on at the final whistle. Now that’s fine if you are winning but not if you are losing! Tenerife

A red card was only one of the woes Tenerife faced for the start of this year’s campaign

created the odd half chance but not enough to warrant an equaliser. Late on in the game the referee awarded Zaragoza a free-kick on the edge of the box but it was changed by VAR to a penalty. Even on the slow motion replays it was unclear to see if contact was made in the box or not. Ros converted the penalty to make it 2:0 and soon after when centre half Carlos Ruiz received his marching orders it was good as game over. Tenerife should not be too disheartened from this first away defeat, plenty of the new players were missing and hopes are high of a better season than last - although that would be quite easy.

Next up for the blanquiazules is a home game on August 25 at 7pm against Numancia. Season ticket sales have been steady if not spectacular and at the time of writing over 8,500 had been sold. The CD Tenerife fan base is loyal but fairly predictable. It’s no secret that plenty of supporters are tired with the current regime and watch from afar but there will always be the 8,000/9,000 die-hard fans that will turn up rain or shine. But it does not take much for another 3,000/4,000 to make their way to the Heliodoro when they see a few good spirited performances. After that, in the 2nd division to attract crowds of 15,000+,

the team would probably need to be in the top six towards the

end of the season. That is the n reality.

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Horoscope for period: August 22 to September 4 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 If your confidence is at an incredibly high level early in September, this means you won’t have to do or say anything unusual in order to command the attention of your loved one (and nearly everyone else in the room, for that matter). Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 It’s a period of teaching, and dealing with home and family. Your ‘dream’ life remains rich and the remainder of the holiday season will be fun; there is definitely a lot of involvement with family and friends all throughout this time. Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 Philosophically and spiritually you have developed an understanding of the ‘otherworldly’ that you share freely with others. A lot of energy is spent at this time pursuing group goals and activities and on travels, both astral and physical. Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 If you’re feeling stagnant about a long-term relationship or your recent dates, you could get a case of wandering eyes around the end of the month. Think carefully before you act on impulse and possibly lose something precious. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 September is a good time to do some work on yourself. Go off somewhere exceptional on your own, read, or get into one of your hobbies. Spend some quality time on yourself and your own interests. Make yourself feel as special as you are. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Your insightful nature will allow you to unearth top-secret information about a friend or acquaintance at the beginning of the month. Your trustful nature is a virtue to you and that is why you are cared for and looked up to by so many of your friends and family. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 The excitement of getting to do something you’ve never done before around the New Moon on August 30 leaves you giddy with happiness and enthusiasm. You will be able to carry your good mood throughout the whole of September.


Los Cristianos, ladyman, Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Latin, curly hair, all types of Las Chafiras. Massage serparties. Tel: 632 452 845. vice available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Los Cristianos, Gaby, Franciscano Street, beside brunette, beautiful and the large park, Las Chafiras. sexy. I am complete, I do Tel: 608 285 035. everything without limits. I am available 24 hours in my apartment and can do You will love our details. outcalls. Tel: 610 609 086. Luxury erotic massages. Beautiful masseuses from Los Cristianos, Meliza, the East. We are near the Venezuelan, blonde, large Hard Rock Hotel in the breasts, all services, natural Costa Adeje area. Tel: French, positions, kisses, (+34) 662 960 065. www. sado. I am in Calle Ramón Pino, behind Avenida cia. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 Los Cristianos, opposite the 629 191.


bus stops, Candela, Russian, 40s, well built, pale skin, excellent treatment, tender, discreet. 20 minutes for €50, 30 minutes €60. I speak a little English. Tel: 632 327 846.

Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 608 103 319.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

Crossword and Sudoku solution

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 There is a new person in your circle who could be driving you nuts; spending time on yourself will help you disengage from that. Astral travel and dreaming will keep you pretty busy too! Try not to get caught up in squabbles between members of your group. Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Don’t get distracted by visiting relatives, or that friend who’s having trouble with their spouse. Enjoy the holidays and the sunshine, but don’t take your attention away from the important matters at hand, or keep your eye off the ball! Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 During these next two weeks a lot of old issues are going to resurface, and there can be some power-plays involving women, or your significant other. Learn from the past! Use your insights to rise above problem situations to find new solutions! Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 Travel around the holiday period is a good idea for you, or maybe you’ll get a surprise visit from someone special? Emotion is high and will be to your advantage. However, you need to keep a level head about holiday romances. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 Your immediate future promises journeys, whether physical or spiritual which could be testing. Having a positive, optimistic, upbeat attitude will help you deal better with any personal challenges that may crop up along the way.

Pickup Point Pickup Point 2nd Home Tenerife C.C. Plaza del Duque

Paul Ruane

Tenerife Property Sales C/ Flor de Pascua 43, Los Gigantes

Pickup Point El Gomero Petrol Station Oroteanda roundabout

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 854, which is published on 5th September, is 3rd Sept. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: • Lineage classifieds: From €25 • Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. • Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.




Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304 MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or


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General Services

Holiday home service

Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings started in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: ave.fenix73@ Viagra, kamagra, jellies, cialis, best products, discounts on large orders. Delivery available or mail order. Tel or Whatsapp: 672 883 025. viagra4you19@

Tenerife south Keyholding, meet and Greet, cleaning, refurbishing, gardening, paint jobs, Running errands, etc...

Contact Jensen +34 697 892 120

Rental Classifieds

Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191

You are invited to

Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 120 Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ m For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618

Place your advert at

Mundo del Mapa Classified Agent for

Mundo del Mapa Calle San Felipe, 12 Puerto de la Cruz

This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

m 629 244 958

Vehicles Crossword

Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426


Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660 761 270, e-mail: ulrika.fagerlund18@


Classifieds Calle Atbitocazpe, Edif. Tamaide II, L4, Adeje Pastor Baz 608 724 369

Vacant / wanted


Sales Sunday 11am and Wednesday TBA


Sudokus (For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 30)


629 244 958 Decor

· Completely Equipped Kitchen · Fitted Cupboards · Fitted Wardrobes · Fully Furnished in a modern style


· Sunny large terraces and artificial grassed gardens


· Prestigious Area · Quiet Location · Residential Location


· Coastal · Mountains · Sea · Town · Bathrooms: 3 · Parking: Ample Parking · Pool: Private and heated · Kitchen: Equipped Kitchen



7 - official (6) 8 - provoke (6) 10 - streaks of light (7) 11 - improve (5) 12 - gang; group (4) 13 - mouths (5) 17 - temporary police force (5) 18 - habitation (4) 22 - fish (5) 23 - made available (7) 24 - managing (6) 25 - flower (6)

1 - hill (7) 2 - make an explosive sound (7) 3 - factual evidence (5) 4 - exposes (7) 5 - trickery (5) 6 - long grasses (5) 9 - rise (9) 14 - taking notes (7) 15 - monitors security (7) 16 - not sudden (7) 19 - broth (5) 20 - closed car (5) 21 - meat trimmings (5)

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019











Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries



All photos: Wikimedia Commons

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019




Villa in San Eugenio Fotos: D. D’Elisio

Villa with wonderful panoramic views in the residential complex La Tagora, San Eugenio Alto. 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, fully equipped kitchen, storage room, garden with the possibility to build a private pool, terrace, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), independent studio apartment on the ground floor, Jacuzzi, garage, community pool. Excellent location with the best view in Costa Adeje

€ 780,000

Tenerife Property Partners Calle El Sauce 5 | Residencial Los Castaños | Local 3 | El Madroñal | Tenerife Tel. 922 707 205 + 679 154 297 + 649 469 282 | Email:

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019







Gardening knowhow

Goya Lawyers

Main changes in rental regulations

Great garlic

Photo: from Pexels

By Miguel Domínguez Escobar Goya Abogados

Using large cloves will produce larger garlic heads

By Xena Fox Some foods are particularly easy to grow in containers, including garlic. There are many different varieties to choose from, and two main categories: hardnecks and softnecks. Hardnecks grow one ring of cloves around a stem and have a relatively mild flavour. They produce a flower bud called a scape that is often used in cuisine as well. However, softneck types are especially good for warmer climes and are recognised by their necks that stay soft after harvest. They tend to have a greater number of cloves, and have a wonderfully strong, intense flavour. Most varieties take about 90 days to

harvest once growth starts, and are perfect for planting here in autumn or spring.

Getting ready Garlic has fairly shallow roots, but needs plenty of space to spread, so use a container that’s at least 40cm deep and 30cm wide. Plastic will do fine, even a bucket, as will a terracotta pot, but glazed pots will hold moisture more effectively in the heat. Whatever container you use, make sure it has plenty of holes in the bottom to provide excellent drainage, as garlic can be prone to fungal root diseases. It also needs plenty of nutrients. A good soil blend can be made by using potting compost

with added ingredients such as coconut fibre, vermiculite, pearlite, aged manure and a little builder’s sand.

Plant away Fill the container with soil to about five centimetres below the rim, and water until it is evenly damp. In theory, you could plant shop-bought garlic, but this is often treated to extend shelf life. Alternatively, buy garlic that was grown locally from a farmer’s market or purchase heads from a garden centre. Take a head and gently break it into individual cloves, being careful to keep each one’s papery husk intact. Use large cloves that are obviously free of disease.

Make holes in the soil that are about five centimetres in from the rim of the container and 10 to 12 centimetres apart in all directions. Plant the cloves between five and seven centimetres deep, with the wide, flat side at the bottom and pointed end facing up. Backfill the hole with soil, making sure the top of the clove is two to three centimetres below the surface. Now place your container in a location that receives at least six hours of bright, direct sunlight each day. Keep the soil consistently moist but not water-logged, until just before harvesting, when water can be reduced. Once shoots appear, fertilise around once a month with either a dilute liquid organic fertiliser or by

In recent years, Spain has experienced a sharp increase in the price of rentals. In an attempt to curb this rise, the law regulating accommodation renting (called the Law of Urban Leases) underwent a considerable reform last March. Here are some of the most important novelties: · Minimum duration of the contract: The length will remain as agreed between the parties, but the minimum duration of the contract at the tenant’s behest has increased significantly, going from three to five years (seven if it’s a company that’s renting). · Extension of the contract: Under the new law, when the five-year minimum duration of the rental contract elapses, if neither the landlord nor the tenant gives prior notice to the other party of the termination of the same, this will be extended annually up to a maximum of three more years (at the discretion of the tenant). Remember that under the previous regulations, the maximum renewal was only for one year. · The landlord’s right to repossess at the end of the first year of the lease: Before the modification, the landlord automatically had the possibility of repossessing the property at the end of the first year of the lease by notifying the tenant beforehand that he or she needed it for themselves or for a relative. The reform has provided greater guarantees to the tenant, because to exercise this right now, it must be expressly recognised in the rental contract. These are some of the most important changes, but there are many more. All these provisions came into force in March 2019, which means that they will only apply to contracts signed after that date. If your contract is earlier, it will continue to be governed by the previous regulations. As you can see, deciding to rent a home can be a source of headaches. It’s an important decision, which involves having a contractual relationship for many years. Many problems are caused by not getting the right advice, and signing bad contracts (extracted from the internet or provided by real estate agents for example), which have not been properly supervised by a legal professional. Our recommendation is that, if you want to rent your property, or if you are a tenant and have any doubts about your contract, consult a lawyer. You can contact us free of charge and without obligation by calling our telephone number 922 797 500 or sendn ing an e-mail to

side dressing with nitrogen rich pellets.

Reap your rewards Harvest your garlic when the tops begin to yellow and bend over. Try one first by carefully digging it up. You should see nice plump cloves with thick, dry, papery skin. If it’s too soon, the paper covering will be thin and disintegrate easily. When they are harvested, gently brush off the soil, and hang to dry in a shady spot with good air circulation for a couple of weeks. Apart from possible root rot, garlic has few problems with pests or diseases. In fact, all

of the Allium family, which also includes onions, chives and shallots, will discourage pests from themselves and n nearby plants.

Buy garlic for planting from local farmers’ markets rather than supermarkets (Photo: Julian Schwarzenbach from Pexels)

22.8.2019 – 4.9.2019




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