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August 9 – August 22, 2018 Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands TENERIFE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA





2018-19 season programme

Arona appeals against court decision

Closure causes problems

Thomas Cook ceases to sell Orca tours

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Celebrating the patron saint of the Canary Islands

A fiesta full of tradition On August 15, the Canary Islands celebrate one of their most important holidays, the day of the Black Madonna the Virgen de Candelaria, who is venerated in the Basilica in Candelaria. The Plaza de la Patrona, directly in front of the Basilica, becomes the centre of the festivities, which include a colourful programme closely linked to the history of the patron saint. On the holiday itself there will be a procession around the entire square, led by the highest political, military, social and religious dignitaries of the Canary Islands. This year’s poster for the event was created for the second time by Canarian artist Israel Castro who opted for bright, strong colours. The hands reaching out at the foot of the picture symbolise solidarity, equality and the unconditional help

that people should give each other. In this sense, donations in cooperation with the Cáritas humanitarian organisation will also be called for within the framework of the Fiesta.

The Legend One of the highlights is the story of the Black Madonna, which is played out impressively by amateur actors. Legend has it that two Guanche shepherds were grazing their flock of goats near the beach when they saw a strange female standing on the shore with a child on her arm. As men were not allowed to address women who were alone, they tried to drive her away with gestures. But the woman stopped, like a statue, without showing any reaction. Then the men carefully approached the strange figure. When the first shepherd picked up a stone to throw it at

The legend began when two shepherds met a strange female figure on the shore

her, his arm remained stiff in motion and he could not even

open his hand. His companion then tried to carve the figure’s

hand to see if it was made of wood.

Continued on page two




Customs meet live entertainment

Folklore and musicals of the Canary Islands as the Virgen de Candelaria. Those who know this story can understand and enjoy the re-enactment even without any knowledge of Spanish.

Musical Highlights This year's programme includes numerous folklore performances by the most famous Canary Island groups, the musical show Canto al trabajo by the Compañía Pieles, performances by Los Sabandeños from Tenerife and Los Gofiones from Gran Canaria. Another highlight is

Continued from front page Strangely enough however, his own hand began to bleed. Full of horror and panic, the two ran, faster than their goats, to their king, the Mencey, to report back to him. Alarmed, he set off with an entourage to take a look at the mysterious woman himself. At first he sent the elderly and the sick to approach her and miraculously they returned healthy from the encounter. From then on the Black Madonna was attributed magical powers and she was



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worshipped in the beach cave called Cueva de Achbinico. About 40 years later, when Anton, an escaped Spanish prisoner, identified her as the Virgin Mary, she was called 'Chaxiraxis', which means the mother who keeps the world. What the sea brings, it usually takes again and so it came that in 1826 a violent storm flooded the cave and carried Our Lady with it. Later a replica of the statue was created, blessed by the bishop and from then on declared patron saint

the sixth special concert in honour of the patron saint called 'A Orillas del Mar' on August 11 with musical pieces from Broadway to Hollywood sung by the well-known Argentine singer Gerónimo Rauch. He has an international reputation, including appearances in London in the musicals Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. He sang with Paloma San Basilio on Sunset Boulevard and celebrated triumphs in Madrid and Buenos Aires. Last year he was a guest on the world's biggest stages with his n tour called Songbook.

Highlights from the festival programme August 10, Friday 9.30pm Canto al trabajo - Musical show by the Compañía Pieles

August 11, Saturday From 9pm. A special concert, A Orillas del Mar, with the programme From Broadway to Hollywood including the best hits from the musicals sung by the Argentinian artist Gerónimo Rauch

August 12, Sunday 9.30pm. Concert by the folklore group Taburiente in the Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias

August 14, Tuesday Eucharistic celebrations at 8am, 10am, 12pm and 6pm From 7.45pm, representation of the finding of the virgin by the Guanches, procession and performance by the group Los Majuelos. Afterwards, a night procession with fireworks, a hymn sung by the choir of Candelaria, Ave María sung by Chago Melián from the balcony of the old town hall and afterwards an evening with the folklore groups

August 15, Wednesday From 12 noon onwards, a festive divine service followed by a large procession in honour of the patron saint with military, spiritual, political and social dignitaries. From 9pm donations and folklore

August 18, Saturday 9.30 pm, 50 años por ti, an anniversary concert by the folklore group Los Gofiones

August 19, Sunday

Gerónimo Rauch brings international splendour to Candelaria

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12pm Festival service followed by a procession and singing by the San Benito folklore group from La Laguna. 9.30pm A concert by Los Sabandeños at the end of the festivities

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Jamie Lee Armstrong Tel. 616 460 728 · Classifieds:

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Positive figures

Less unemployment, more fixed contracts Enjoy life on the beach protected from the sun

Disabilities and allergies

Playa Las Vistas shaded area The Las Vistas beach in Playa de Las Américas will soon add a 500 square metre shaded section to its many attractions. The area, which will consist of a shady pergola with a wooden floor at a cost of over €121,400, will allow wheelchair users, allergy sufferers and people with very sun-sensitive skin to fully enjoy the beach whilst being totally protected. People with disabilities will also have unobstructed access to the beach as well as the usual assistance with bathing. Mayor of Arona Council, José Julián Mena, said “This project completes our services on one of the most accessible beaches in Europe, which has established itself as a refn erence point for visitors with disabilities.”

The unemployment rate in the Canary Islands has been falling across almost all sectors and age groups since last November, with the latest figures being extremely positive, especially as the number of permanent employment contracts continues to rise. Announcing the figures, Cristina Valido, Councillor for Employment, Social Affairs and Housing said, "In the Canary Islands, July ended with 1,847 fewer unemployed than in June and 11,148 fewer than July last year, which is a decline in the unemployment rate of over five per cent. It is also pleasing that more than 13.5 per cent of the contracts signed so far this year have been for an indefinite period. This puts the Canary Islands three and a half percentage points above the national average." In fact, on a national basis, the Canary

Islands were the independent community where the most permanent employment contracts were signed in July. The councillor added, "Our goal is undoubtedly to create safe and stable jobs for the islanders." Let us hope it is so. However, comparing June and July of this year, the decrease in unemployment may bless all the islands, with the biggest drop registered in La Gomera at 5.7 per cent, yet, compared with July last year, La Gomera's unemployment figures have actually increased by 7.5 per cent. Though on the upside, using a similar comparison, the unemployment rate in El Hierro fell by almost 13 per cent, making it the island with n the biggest reduction. Canarian Councillor Cristina Valido is pleased about a clear downward trend in unemployment figures




Tips for safe Internet purchases

Online car scam foiled Guardia Civil officers have arrested a 24-year-old man from Sarria, Lugo, in northwestern Spain, who is accused of multiple cases of Internet fraud and abuse of civil status. The suspect is said to have been involved in at least 18 cases of fraud, to a total of €44,600, having devised a nefarious but ingenious method of helping people part with their money. During Operation MILSA, investigators found that the alleged fraudster had opened a bank account with stolen identification documents. Afterwards, he offered at least 18 high quality and expensive cars far below market value via a

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 094 well-known sales portal on the Internet. When interested parties contacted him, he is said to have demanded a reservation fee of between €1,000 and €11,000 and requested that copies of both sides of the purchaser's ID card be sent to him by Whatsapp so he could issue the purchase contracts. Instead, he later used these copies to identify himself to the next interested party, thereby covering his tracks and making police investigation work more difficult. As soon as the prospective buyers deposited the reservation fee into

Immediately after payment by the prospective buyer, the charlatan withdrew the deposited money

his account, he withdrew the cash via ATMs. The suspect is said to have cheated 17 people from many parts of Spain, including Barcelona, Castellón, Granada, La Rioja and the Canary Islands. At present, police are still investigating as neither further victims nor accomplices can be ruled out.

Tips for secure online shopping The Criminal Investigation Department advises private individuals who want to buy a car via the Internet only to use well-known and trustworthy portals. One should look for sellers with a good reputation about whom the buyer should find out as much as possible. Alarm bells should ring if vehicles are being offered at particularly low prices, far below market value, or if the vendor is in a hurry to sell. Caution should be exercised by buyers with sellers who insist on payment by bank transfer. If possible, a personal contact with the seller should be established and the car inspected on site. Anyone who thinks they have fallen victim to this scam can call the Guardia Civil in La Rioja at 941 22 99 00 (ext. n 2007).

New Talent Festival

El Médano gets star fever

The Festival de Nuevos Talentos takes place in the main Plaza of El Médano at 9pm on Saturday, August 11. Soloists and groups, dancers and classical artists will have the chance to introduce themselves to the public and entry is free. The three best in each category will be awarded €800, €500 and €300 respectively. Anyone who is resident in the Canary Islands and aged between 14 and 30 years old could register to take part, but registrations closed on August 8. n


Office closed for holidays The IC-Media Group office will be closed from August 8 to 28 due to holidays. In urgent cases, customers and readers can contact the editorial staff at any time by emailing Thank you for your understanding. n

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018







PROMOTION | Tenerife Symphony Orchestra

For the love of tradition

The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra has designed an interesting programme for the beginning of the 2018-19 season that includes Tristan and Isolda, Prelude and LoveDeath by Wagner, the Concierto for piano in G major by Ravel and the Symphony No.1 in D Major, Titan, by Mahler. The opening concert will be conducted by the principal conductor of the orchestra, Antonio Méndez, on Sep-

tember 14 in the Symphonic Hall of the Tenerife Auditorium Adán Martín and will feature Javier Perianes as guest soloist, one of the most outstanding Spanish pianists in the international arena. The 2018-19 season of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra offers a programme that combines tradition and modernity whilst opening up to the world through music. New soloists and conductors of proven quality will take part as guests

in the 19 concerts of this musical cycle which, from September 14 to June 21, will bring together around fifty works of various styles to the delight of all. The slogan 'I Am Symphonic' defines a programme that seeks to attract the attention of the spectator to a dynamic orchestra which is nearby, open to the community and an ambassador for its territory. The principal conductor, Antonio Méndez, is at the forefront

of the musical guidance in this new stage of growth and national and international projection, to consolidate the trajectory of this artistic project on a course in keeping with its prestige. He is proposing a joint work full of novelties, in which he will highlight the great Central European romantic and post-romantic repertoire, in a season where two fundamental axes will be the cycles dedicated to Brahms n and Debussy.

Customer catch-up

Record attendance at the Parque Marítimo In July, the leisure park Parque Marítimo César Manrique in the heart of Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife, set a new visitor record with 100,211 people visiting the bathing paradise. Compared to July 2017, this represents an increase in visitor numbers of 27 per cent. At the same time, sales at the swimming pool and its range of services also increased by 23 per cent. It becomes clear how outstanding this record figure is when you look at how many people visited the pool in the first seven months of this year. Altogether there were only 151,063 visitors, so about two-thirds of the number for the entire year to date visited last month. City councillor Alfonso Cabello explained “We owe this above all to the constant renovation and cleaning of the pool, which attracts city residents and holidaymakers alike, as well as the numerous activities that we organise in the pool. We expect the good influx of visitors to continue in the coming weeks. This somewhat compensates us for the poor start to the year due to the bad weather, which led to losses.” The Parque Marítímo comprises a 22,000 square metre complex located directly on the coast with a view of the auditorium. It bears the unmistakable stamp of its famous architect from Lanzarote, César Manrique, and was inaugurated in 1995. The striking bathing landscape connects the city and the sea and is characterised by the contrast between black volcanic stone, crystal blue water, green palm groves and the bright white auditorium. It opens daily in the summer from 10am to 7pm. Admission costs €2.50 for adults, whilst children under 12 years of age n and pensioners aged over 65 pay only €1.50.

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Los Realejos summer programme

Cine on the beach! Playa de El Socorro in Los Realejos is traditionally a popular meeting place in the summer months. It’s very popular for swimming, sunbathing and surfing and once a year, it’s converted into an open air cinema beneath the night sky. This summer, those who love this special ambience can look forward to exciting and amusing movies in Spanish from August 13 to 18. It starts on Monday with Perfectos Desconocidos, followed by La Teoría del Todo on Tuesday, Canta on Wednesday and Loving on Thursday. On Friday evening La Llamada will call everyone to the beach and on Saturday evening the film Wonder will close the evening. Performances start at 9.30pm and are free of charge. Since it can get rather chilly on the beach in the evening, it’s recommended to bring one blanket to sit on and another n to cover up.

It’s a happily anticipated annual cinematic experience


War relic

Underwater bomb defused Residents of Tijarafe in La Palma who wanted to walk to the coast during the last weekend in July, were amazed when they suddenly found themselves above Poris facing a war relic cordoned off by the police. It’s believed it was probably an underwater bomb that could date back to the Second World War. Curiously, at that time, the North American pilot, John F. Carr, was tracking German submarines that were sinking American aircraft carriers. In the summer of 1944, he persecuted the Germans. Since the pilot could no longer land on his base carrier, he had to lighten the aircraft in order to be able to land on solid ground as soon as possible. He thought he was over Madeira at the time. Because the landscape

of La Palma was so rugged, he decided not to bail out with a parachute but to make an emergency landing. He was lucky enough that fishermen pulled him out of the water and saved his life. They fed him and brought him ashore. Only when he arrived in Tijarafe did he realise that he had not landed in Portugal, but on the Spanish island of La Palma. Carr is the only American soldier who has ever been detained in Spain. He was later transferred from La Palma to Gibraltar. In the magazine Experience of War, he told readers about this war episode and reminded them of how well he was treated by the Canarian people. Mayor Marcos Lorenzo said "I immediately thought of a possible connection with this story. If that were the case, this

Fortunately, the bomb was unarmed

underwater bomb would have been on our beautiful island for 74 years." He also emphasised that this relic had always been located at this specific point and could never have been considered as a bomb. The Guardia Civil called on military explosive experts, Tedex, to defuse it. They discovered that the bomb was no longer carrying an explosive charge

and took it with them to Tenerife, where it will now be examined in more detail. The events caused much excitement amongst the locals and some of the older people still remembered the Carr episode from during the war. The mayor is now considering erecting a plaque at the recovery point to commemon rate the incident.




Los Cristianos building collapse

Photos: ©Gerard Zenou 634 173 766

Arona appeals against court decision

In 2016, this building in Los Cristianos collapsed

The Arona council's legal department does not agree with the opinion of the Santa Cruz Provincial Court, which ordered the temporary closure of the proceedings following the collapse of the Julián José apartment building in Los Cristianos. The tragic accident that killed seven people occurred on April 14, 2016, presumably due to illegal construc-

tion work being undertaken at the time in the building. In the closure of the case it was argued that there could probably be several persons involved and therefore the responsibility could not be clearly established. The Arona council's lawyers take a different view. They believe that it could have been a negligent killing which should be punished under Article 142 of the

Seven people were killed in the tragedy

Spanish Penal Code. They are calling for an investigation to be carried out into a bank's possible responsibility for the initial work and into the extent to which the construction company and the craftsmen and their foremen, who were later hired by a nearby cosmetics company, both of which occupied premises on the ground floor of the building, can be held responsible.

The Arona council considers that the specific nature of the crime must be established, and also whether there have been subjectively negligent or knowing violations in the care and use of property. They believe that it is precisely because seven people died in the accident, that it’s important that the case be thoroughly investigated, an oral hearing initiated and the result sumn marised in a final report.

La Palma summer concert nights

Folklore with ‘Aires de Mar’

The folklore concerts which form part of the cycle called Aires de Mar were resumed at the end of July, and are taking place in eight different locations in La Palma. They combine warm summer nights and the beautiful island ambience with typical folklore music. Next up on August 10 in the Plaza de San Andrés in San Andrés y Sauces is the Los Arrieros group bringing their beautiful sounds to the idyllic atmosphere of the picturesque village on the east coast. On August 14, Bediesta and Cumbre Nueva will perform at La Fajana in the borough of Barlovento. On August 23 the accordion group Una Hora Menos en Canarias will be performing at La Bombilla to unite the best atmosphere with popular folk music and on August 26 Los Benahoare will be playing in the holiday resort of Puerto Naos. In Puerto de Tazacorte on September 1, the dancing and singing groups Nambroque and Echentive will perform traditional regional dances, followed by Alfaguara on September 8 in El Remo and Rondalla Renacer and Aduares at La Salemera on September 14. All concerts start at 9pm and entry is free. n

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018







Unusual excursion experience

Orcas on the hunt

Fascinating creature: the Orca The Orca group hunted two pilot whales in plain view

It is not unusual that groups of Orcas pass the Canary Islands on their travels, but what is unusual is that they are approaching the coast to hunt. This is exactly what was observed on the last Saturday in July about five nautical miles off the coast of Alcalá in the south west of Tenerife. Holidaymakers who were travelling on a boat belonging to the Marítima Acantilados fleet were very lucky to see an incredible spectacle. Eight orcas had split into two groups and attacked two pilot whales, which are very common in this area and one of the real objectives of the boat excursions. They separated the two prey animals from their pod, attacked and killed

them. What at first looked like a game turned out to be a hunt for lunch. It's very unusual for people to be so closely involved in this kind of situation. The captain of the boat explained "Since 1985, our work has consisted of bringing people to see the whales and dolphins off the coast of Los Gigantes. We've seen orcas before, but I've never seen anything like what

we experienced on Saturday. They circled the two pilot whales, killed them and tore them up. When we approached a part of the prey to get a better picture, one of the males took the prey away from us. Then he circled our boat. For safety reasons we decided to keep quiet and not to stress the animals with our presence. A little later, the younger animals reappeared to eat the rest of

the prey." The crew and excursionists were deeply impressed to have been there to see this natural spectacle. Pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins are usually the objectives of these excursions. They live in this part of the coast all year round and are easy to observe. Biologist Matías Fonte-Padilla from El Hierro, dean of the Canary Islands Chamber of Biologists, told the Spanish daily newspaper Diario de Avisos "In the south of Tenerife we estimate the population of pilot whales at about 400 to 500 specimens. A smaller population lives off the coast of Santa Cruz, but they are not seen so often because of the more turbulent sea." The channel between Tenerife and La Gomera is up to 300 metres deep and thus rich in fish and squid, which are among the favourite foods of the pilot whales. The Orcas also feed on smaller marine mammals, such as seals or smaller whales. Pilot whales, especially males, can dive to a depth of around 800 metres. They live in family groups. Usually the young animals and their mothers are in the centre of the group and they are surrounded by the younger males while the older males form the outer security circle. When the Orcas, who are seen as possible robbers, come near, the groups usually dive down until the danger is over. In this case, it was too late for two specimens. Although both dolphins and pilot whales are rather peaceful animals, it is not recommended to swim near them. This also

applies to recreational boats that go out to sea on their own. This is not only about safety, because if there are young animals, attacks could well occur. First and foremost, however, it is about disturbing and molesting the animals in their own habitat as little as possible.

Therefore, the captains of the excursion boats must adhere to strict rules of approach in order to maintain the greatest possible respect. The excursion boats usually anchor in Masca Bay after sighting the whales and dolphins and offer their guests n a swim in the ocean.

Watchful neighbours

Burglar caught red handed

Thanks to attentive residents, a burglar was caught red handed at the end of July. Eyewitnesses who saw the 33-year-old from Los Llanos de Aridane in La Palma gain access to an apartment through the main entrance door, did not hesitate to call the police. A Guardia Civil patrol from Tijarafe, which was luckily just around the corner, immediately headed towards the address given and they arrived there at just the right time. Right at that moment the burglar was leaving the property with €34,000 in cash and several pieces of jewellery and presumably intended to make off in his car. The officers stopped him and seized the money and jewellery during a superficial search of the vehicle. They were returned to their rightful owner. The alleged perpetrator has now appeared before the court in Los Llanos de Aridane. The police reiterated the importance of cooperation between the public and the police, which can lead to criminals being quickly n stopped in their actions and brought to justice.

The stolen goods were returned to their owners

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018







Where did the sand come from?

Scientific study of Fuerteventura sand dunes Researchers are investigating the origin of the sand

Two scientists György Varga from the Centre for Astronomy and Terrestrial Science in Budapest and ChristopherBastian Roettig from the Geographical Institute of the University of Dresden have been looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack or, figuratively speaking, the grain

Samoon up to size 50

of sand in the sand heap in Fuerteventura. Sand is sand after all, but can you tell where the sand comes from? The two signatories of this work explained that their intention was to study the oldest dunes in Fuerteventura, the so-called fossil dunes, because they believe they can provide

information on the changes in the climate during the Quaternary Period and on how the circulation of dust in the atmosphere has evolved. Their findings were published in the last issue of the Hungarian Geographical Bulletin. The sand on the island of Fuerteventura consists of 90

Quality Ladies’ fashion Nearby

C.C. Plaza del Duque, Shop no. B23 / 1st floor Plaza Playas del Duque, Costa Adeje C.C. Metropolis Center, Shop no. 2A, Arenas Blancas 3 (right on the seafront), Playa de Las Américas

C.C. Plaza del Duque, Shop no. B42 / 1st floor Plaza Playas del Duque, Costa Adeje

C.C. Canary Center, Shop no. 7, 11 + 12, Urb. La Paz, Puerto de La Cruz

C.C. Canary Center, Shop no. 9, Urb. La Paz, Puerto de La Cruz

per cent organic marine deposits and 10 per cent mineral material. The two scientists estimate that the deserts and semi-deserts of the Earth distribute about two to three billion tons of sand via the wind across the globe every year. About 70 per cent of the sand found in the Earth's atmosphere comes from the Sahara in North Africa. A large part is carried across the Atlantic by the easterly winds. At high altitudes, via air currents, it reaches the Amazon, the Caribbean and even the USA. In the form of the frequently occurring calima weather conditions, sand clouds are sent over the Canary Islands. According to the scientists, the wind deposits between 20 and 80 grams of Saharan sand per square metre on the islands every year. The researchers succeeded in distinguishing sand and identifying grains of sand from the Sahara n using spectroscopy.

Lecturer confessed

Two years for child abuse

José Manuel Quintana Santana, an apparently brilliant lecturer in industrial engineering at the University of Las Palmas, ULPGC, fully confessed the abuse during his trial. He was charged with sexually abusing a young girl over a five year period when she was aged five to ten years, but the case has only just been heard by the court. In 2017 he was sentenced to two years in prison for prostitution and corruption of minors, and for possession of child pornography which he had downloaded from the Darknet e-donkey via a special e-mule program in 2016. Since then, Quintana has been attending a re-education programme for paedophiles. Because he had no previous criminal convictions at that time and because his sentence did not exceed two years, he hasn’t actually spent one day in prison. The result was that this behaviour continued until June 2018. The photos and videos in question showed the sexual abuse of children alone, or in connection with oral sex or adult penetration. In this new trial he admitted to having sexually abused a girl several times between 2003 and 2008. It began when he followed the then five-year-old into the bathroom and masturbated in front of her. Later he let the girl reach into his trouser pocket to get a key or other objects. That excited him and the girl noticed it too. Later he grabbed the child by the breast while she was playing with other children or took the opportunity to ‘massage’ her. According to a forensic expert, the abuse caused depression and listlessness in the girl. This time, the 57-year-old was sentenced to two years in prison on parole, a four year restraining order in favour of the victim and ordered to pay compensation to the victim’s family amounting to €25,000. Since this incident took place before last year’s sentencing, it could not be counted as a criminal conviction and the professor therefore does not have to go to prison this time either, as long as he is no longer in debt. His colleagues from the university were shocked and were totally unaware of his tendencies. In fact they only found out when they read the story in the local press. n

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018







Job losses and security

Masca ravine closure On February 26 this year, shortly after eight rather imprudent hikers had gone into the gorge despite severe weather warnings and had to stay overnight in a cave because no boat was able to rescue them, the famous Barranco de Masca was closed for safety reasons.

don't make that much difference to them. However, the situation is very different for hiking guide companies, for whom the Masca Ravine is one of the highlights they offer, as well as for the numerous water taxis who take the hikers back to nearby havens.

Masca will take place under controlled circumstances. Although the jetty has already been repaired, it hasn’t yet been released by the coastal authorities. She added, "It’s also still unclear whether we will put the jetty into operation as long as the path through the Canaventura is one of the companies struggling to survive the closure

tic losses in turnover, which have already cost jobs and will cost them financially a substantial sum. A statement by Marítima Acantilados said that "For over 30

Hikers and bathers alternate in trips to and from the bay

In addition, a thunderstorm destroyed the foundations of the jetty and hiking accidents often led to costly rescue operations, but the ravine was very popular and the second most visited place in Tenerife after Teide National Park. The Island Council now plans to invest around one million euros in making the most prominent areas safe and in improving the signage. Some traditional paths will also be designated as alternative routes. In addition, three checkpoints will be set up at the entrance, about halfway along the route and at the exit of the gorge. Work on this is expected to start in August and is expected to take four to six months to complete. For the locals, the closure of their attraction is not a big problem because buses still arrive with tourists who want to visit the picturesque village, take a walk, stop for a bite to eat and then continue their journey. The missing hikers

Companies such as Masca Express, for example, specialise in transporting exhausted hikers to Los Gigantes. Day trippers also like to go to the secluded beach to spend a few hours in the wild idyll, sunbathing and bathing in the sea. The small jetty, which is intended for this purpose, was badly damaged during a storm in the spring and has had to be repaired. This work is now complete and the operators of the water taxis therefore are demanding that at least the jetty be put back into operation. Eva García, Mayor of Buenavista del Norte explained "Buenavista del Norte must regulate the use of its natural spaces. We must stop the activities in the ravine that are completely uncontrolled and insufficiently safe. There is still a lot to be done, but we are on the right track. Controlling and regulating these areas has been a long-standing demand." The reopening of the Barranco de

nated for use just as a shuttle service between Masca and Los Gigantes. We cooperate with numerous companies in the field of active sports. The closure of the gorge has forced us

Concerned companies met with the mayor of Buenavista

gorge is unsafe." Meanwhile, several entrepreneurs have joined forces with the platform for those affected by the closure of the Masca Gorge. About 300 people make their living from activities around Masca and have no access to their workplace, so to speak. Companies have had to accept dras-

years, we have been picking up hikers from the ravine. In the beginning, there were only three or four a day. We have always helped to protect the environment, have taken free building materials on our boats, and expanded our fleet to adapt our services to demand. Four boats are desig-

to lay off staff and even close down one of our boats." The situation is intolerable and that is why those concerned are calling for the immediate reopening of the Barranco. Another company spokesman explained "As owner and representative of SUN Holidays Tenerife I have been work-

ing in the Barranco de Masca since 1993. We have always paid attention to the safety of our guests and we see no reason why the gorge should not be reopened. Some companies, including ourselves, have already had to lay off employees." A Digasports representative confirmed, "Our company has lost our guests' favourite excursion due to the closure. As a result, we have lost a large part of our income. Since February we have been fighting for survival." A Masca Express representative wrote on the platform's Facebook page "We at Masca Express have four boats and 45 employees on the water and on land involved in the organisation, handling and sale of tickets. February 26, the closure of the Barranco, brought us fateful news. If the situation doesn't change very soon, we will have no alternative but to lay off employees." The companies concerned are calling on those involved on the political side to find a solution that will ensure their survival n as quickly as possible.

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018




La Victoria de Acentejo

Folklore and fun La Victoria de Acentejo’s festivities in honour of their patron saint Virgen de la Encarnación will take place between August 24 and September 5 and will this year have an Asian theme. The attractive borough in the north of Tenerife is host to one

of the best celebrations of its kind on the island, which draws thousands of visitors from far and wide for its exciting programme of traditional, cultural and sporting activities. One of the main gatherings will be the ‘romería’ parade and

celebration of the animal kingdom in honour of San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of the countryside. This will take place on September 1 from 5pm onwards in the Cruz de El Tagoro area and will feature live music from some of the best

Network for Social Responsibility

For the people and Islands

folk groups on the island, as well as food stalls, a livestock exhibition and a wide range of carts and carriages especially decorated for the occasion. Other highlights include the election of the Gala Queen on August 25, which will be held in Parque El Pinar, as well as a concert by Grupo Añate on August 30 celebrating the 35th anniversary of the band. In addition to the traditional Canarian activities there will be a wide range of pursuits along the Asian theme, with particular focus on the culture and customs of China, Japan, Thailand and India.

Fernando Clavijo welcomed eleven new members to the network

The President of the Canary Islands Fernando Clavijo recently welcomed the eleven new companies that have joined the Canary Islands Social Responsibility Network. The enterprises commit themselves to respecting human rights and fundamental labour

rights and to contributing to the endorsement and promotion of responsible business practices. A total of 86 Canarian companies have already joined the initiative, which was launched last year. Socially responsible entrepreneurship is a concept

that develops active and voluntary strategies for the social, economic and environmental development of the community, as well as supporting projects by non-profit organisations: an image boost for the company and a helping hand n for collective projects.

Calle Pérez Díaz and the area outside the town hall, located in the heart of La Victoria de Acentejo town, will be converted into an open-air stage that will host almost all of the

activities during the 12 days of festive fun. From August 15, the full programme will be published on the website www.fiestasla n




Food aid

Photo: Cab GC

Gofio for the Western Sahara

Island President Antonio Morales helps to load the container

The first containers full of gofio (toasted ground grain) have already left Gran Canaria for Algeria.

A total of 1,200 tons are to be shipped in several deliveries to the Algerian port of Orán by September. The Canarian

speciality will be distributed by United Nations staff over the next twelve months to the approximately 125,000 peo-

ple who have been living in the five camps in Tinduf, Algeria since 1975. Together with the milk gathered from other donors, the nutrient-rich cereal has become an important staple food for the refugees, especially for the under-fives and those who are pregnant. These people have lived in exile for decades and endure in a region with little water and temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius. They depend for their alimentation on donations from humanitarian aid organisations. Thanks to the charitable help, acute and chronic malnutrition in children has improved. Nevertheless, the incidence of anaemia has increased among minors, women of childbearing age and especially pregnant and lactating women. Sadly international aid deliveries were cut

last year. Distributing gofio is also an incentive for many children to go to school. Because of its high nutritional value, gofio is an important staple food for these people and helps to supply them with vital substances. Because the Saharauis’ taste is slightly different from the Canarians’ pref-

erence, the owner of the gofio mill La Piña supplies a special mixture. The gofio that is sent to the Western Sahara consists of coarsely ground maize and is somewhat more lightly roasted before being packed in 25 kilo bags and shipped. Thanks to the island council in cooperation with charitable initiatives for the people of the Sahara, other useful things are sent to the camp along with the gofio delivery, such as wheelchairs, school equipment, stoves and a windmill n to pump water.

Punta Brava improvements

New access to popular swimming spot

The ladder to the sea needs to be safe

Hate crime charges

Freedom of expression has limits Freedom of expression ends exactly where the fundamental rights of others are affected. Even in the supposedly anonymous social networks, not everyone can say everything they want. The Guardia Civil Technology Investigation Team (EDITE) from the Judicial Police recently arrested a 25-year-old man from Santa

Cruz. He had posted a comment on the social networks in reaction to another posted by the Guardia Civil who were mourning the death of a companion. His clear, offensive and degrading remarks led to him being arrested and charged with a hate crime. The police took this opportunity to point out that even on supposedly

anonymous networks and despite the use of nicknames and fake profiles, it’s possible to trace the author of a post and identify him or her. Anyone who abuses their right of expression to post personal opinions at the expense of others by making offensive comments is likely to be charged with a hate crime.

According to Law 501 of the Spanish Penal Code, it’s even considered particularly aggravating if these hate messages are spread via social networks. In this case, fundamental human rights take precedence over the right to freedom of expression and the violation is punishable n under the law.

The Puerto de La Cruz councillor for general services, works and industry Ángel Montañés, announced at the end of July that the access to the sea from Calle Víctor Machado has been completely overhauled and is now safely accessible and usable again. He explained “This bathing spot is actively used by the residents and therefore the demand for a solution was high.” The steps on the stainless steel ladder have now been repaired. In addition, two sections of the sewage system at Playa Chica and Playa Víctor Machado, where the sewage from the surrounding shops and homes is pumped to the sewage treatment plant, have recently been repaired. Outlining his commitment to the residents of Punta Brava, he promised “We will continue to improve the coastline and the various zones in one of our most beautiful districts”. n

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Adeje Summer University

"Music travels a long way - from the pure sound at the beginning until it’s perceived by the brain and reinterpreted as a feeling. “Various scientific studies have shown that music can improve the symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's" explained Julián González González, lecturer in physiology and biophysics at the University of La Laguna, during a workshop at the Summer University in Adeje. The topic was The Brain, Pedagogy and the Socio-Cultural Context. Studies on how much music stimulates the brain, promotes

cognitive abilities and to what extent symptoms of certain diseases or pain can be relieved have only existed since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. Thanks to magnetic resonance and electroencephalography (EEG, measurement of brain activity) scientists have in particular now advanced image analysis techniques. "Thanks to resonance tests we can make the effects of music visible. There are areas of the brain that are activated by listening to music and it’s even possible to distinguish between cognitive and sensory activities" the expert explained.

Interesting topics in Adeje’s Summer University

Photo: Ayto Adeje

Music and health

In the meantime, there are already hospitals with special departments in this area. Research in this field is being pursued primarily in the USA and the UK. Sound and music therapy also play a greater role than previously assumed in pedagogy and in dealing with animals. "We have deliberately introduced music into the curriculum of primary and high schools, because music and

Dozens of arrests

Massive drug ring shattered

More than €1 million in cash was secured in the course of the arrests

Since May 2016, members of the Guardia Civil, National Police, Customs Office, and the National Crime Agency (NCA) have been working together to destroy one of the largest drug cartels to date in the archipelago. Thanks to the investigation, 56 people have been arrested, and 600 kilos of cocaine, 2.8 tons of hashish, €1.14 million in cash, five boats and 32 top-

end vehicles were confiscated. In addition, bank accounts and real estate worth almost €4 million were embargoed. Officers discovered a wellorganised network with pyramidal structures, with the head of the gang being located in the La Isleta district in Las Palmas. Cocaine was apparently imported from South America, usually in ordinary freight containers owned by


other companies in which the cocaine had been hidden in plastic bags. Port employees tied to the gang seemingly detained the loads, seized the narcotics and resealed the containers so that nothing conspicuous could be detected. Hashish, on the other hand, was said to be imported mainly from Morocco, often by hiring fishermen who met with dealers at sea to hand over the contraband. In addition, runners apparently used boats to pick up drugs from isolated coastal points and brought the hashish directly to one of the Islands. The illegally earned money was laundered by the organisation via various routes, including legal fish distributors and trade in luxury cars. All the companies involved in this latter activity are based in n Gran Canaria.

musical exercises can promote cognitive processes and apparently even sharpen some aspects of human perception" affirmed González. Looking at music in the animal world, scientists are currently focusing primarily on how the sounds are produced and what they do. This ranges from the twittering of birds as a means of communication to geolocalisation, as can be

observed in bats. "The spectrum in the animal world is very wide," says González. Pure tone already has its own effect. This is proven, for example, by lizards that have hardly any cerebral cortex but still have an acoustic alarm system. Mammals’ brains are more advanced and therefore offer more possibilities. "Evolution makes us look for effects in music more than the purely

emotional. For example, there is the phenomenon of enculturation. That means you listen to music all your life and develop with a certain kind of music" says González. The research spectrum in this field is very broad and is still in its infancy. The more scientists look into this topic, the more excited the layman can become over new, intern esting discoveries.




Loro Parque opinion

Thomas Cook stops sales of orca tours The news from British tour operator Thomas Cook that they no longer include zoos holding orcas in their programme has surprised the management of the Loro Parque Group. This decision concerns Loro Parque in Spain and Sea World in the USA. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) described this measure as biased and ill-considered. It defended the importance of research in the zoos for their fellow wildlife and the crucial role zoos play in environmental education and waste prevention. Loro Parque itself, commented "First of all, Loro Parque would like to thank the more than one million visitors who have come to Loro Parque through Thomas Cook over the last 45 years. In all these years we have never received a single complaint from visitors concerning the welfare of our animals. “In April 2017 Loro Parque was inspected by Global Spirit (a company affiliated to the Born Free Foundation) at the request of Thomas Cook to determine whether our facilities and procedures meet ABTA standards for animal welfare. The inspection gave us the top score (a 100 per cent match), which ensures

that not only the orcas but all our animals at Loro Parque are kept in the best conditions, which meet the strict regulations of the Association of British Tour Agents. Thomas Cook's decision reduces not only the appreciation of this inspection, but also the standards for ani-

cent of customers are concerned about animal welfare, but that doesn't mean they've ever complained about housing the orcas in Loro Parque. In our company not only 90 per cent but 100 per cent of the employees are concerned about the welfare of the animals and we

The Parque’s team preparing for the birth of Morgan's offspring and the increase of knowledge which will ultimately benefit the species

only from Global Spirit, but also from American Humane, TÜV, the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Iberian Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the European Association of Marine Mammals and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums. This is clear proof of excellent animal husbandry and this excellence

the prize should go to Loro Parque were also customers of Thomas Cook. In fact, Loro Parque is the world’s highest awarded zoo, having won every gold medal at regional and national level in Spain, and the highest award a company can receive in Spain: the Prince Felipe Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence.

Thomas Cook still includes dolphinariums, perhaps worried about a too large drop in sales?

mal welfare set by ABTA, which are the strictest in the world. “Thomas Cook insists that the decision is based on scientific evidence but fails to present it. They also argue that 90 per

work with great pride to ensure that every single animal in our care is treated with the greatest possible love and respect. “This is why we have received the maximum qualification not

is also the main reason why Loro Parque was named the best zoo in the world in the Trip Advisor's Travellers Choice Award. There is no doubt that many visitors who voted that

“In addition, in 1994, Loro Parque established the Loro Parque Foundation, which has since invested over US$19 million in conservation projects for over 150 species worldwide. As

a direct result, nine species of parrots have been saved from extinction and many more have managed to improve their population in the wild. “Thomas Cook's decision is clearly influenced by anti-zoo organisations led by a minority of activists who do not really care about animal welfare, but whose goal is the destruction of zoos and their activities in terms of species conservation, research and education. However, that will not change our conviction of continuing to act for the welfare of every single animal in the world and for the preservation of biodiversity on this planet, which is threatened by extinction, as has been scientifically proven. “With 700 million visitors to zoos worldwide, it’s already clear that visiting a zoo is a very popular leisure activity that will be an absolute 'must' in view of the expected continuing destruction of nature and the environment in the future. “Fortunately, Loro Parque is welcoming more visitors this year than ever before and even without working with Thomas Cook, we will continue to give all our visitors a unique insight into the wonderful world of wildlife: To protect and preserve the animals and their natural environment for future n generations.”

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Power to the people

Gorona del Viento success La Gorona del Viento is a combined wind-water power plant that was commissioned in El Hierro three years ago. It’s intended to make the island as self-sufficient as possible without using power-guzzling conventional power sources. The financing plan for the investment sum of €25.6 million was set-up to the year 2030. Central Hidroeólica is now able to report that it has already paid the debts 12 years before the deadline and only three years after commissioning the plant.

Gorona del Viento - Allende with the facility’s staff

Island president Belén Allende explained “I can only congratulate you on behalf of the entire administration. This was possible thanks to a well-functioning system, good management and our deep belief in this project.” Allende added “This company can now be described as absolutely solvent. Nobody had expected such a quick payback. The dividends that we have achieved have helped. This means that we can distribute the next profits to our shareholders.” The Island Council itself holds a total of 66 per cent of the shares. Conversely, according to the President, this means that the island’s inhabitants benefit directly from the returns. The project is not only a success story financially, but also in terms of supply. In July, 97 per cent of El Hierro’s energy requirements were met by clean energy. Traditional sources were only tapped during a few peak times. In general, in the past months of 2018, around 61 per cent of the electricity requirement was produced by the water-wind turbine. In this way, 12,100 tons less carbon dioxide were emitted into the atmosphere because the amount n of diesel used was reduced by 3,700 tons.


Request to Madrid

Protest by tuna fishermen Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo has informed the fishing federation representatives that he has made an official request to the central Government in Madrid. The request calls for a study on the impact of fishing practices off the coast of Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde, which involves a Spanish fishing fleet of some 200 vessels and on animal migration and its impact on Canary Island fisheries. In the Canarian fishermen's view, the large-scale industry behind the current fishing methods damages their fishing quotas and leads to fish leaving the natural migration routes. The fleet uses live bait and nets

to catch tuna which are processed on site. The Canarian fishermen, on the other hand, who fish north of this area, still catch the tuna in a traditional, environmentally friendly and above all sustainable way with a fishing rod and hand line. As far as red tuna is concerned, it has already been found that less and less are being caught because there are fewer specimens in Canarian waters. The increasing use of these interception nets was already documented in 2015 and 2016 and has probably increased since then. Canary Island fishermen have seen a sharp decline this year of four species of tuna which are usually widespread. This

Canary Islands’ traditional and simple fishing methods - less strain on stocks, but less yield

is generally harmful to tuna stocks and, in particular, to the Canary Islands’ fishing industry. Clavijo called on the Spanish Government not only to order an investigation into the subject by the Spanish Oceanographic Institute, but also to temporarily ban these

fishing systems. In addition, the European Commission is to be informed so that, through the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (CICAA), it can, if it wishes, temporarily ban these fishing methods until the study n has been carried out.

Volunteering in Arico

Customs and old paths

Cultivation of the rural idyll around the hamlet of Fuente Nueva is planned

Old paths and traditions around Arico are to be revived

via the Environmental Protection Agency of Tenerife, led by José Antonio Valbuena and in close cooperation with volunteers. Thirty residents and members of the local farmers' association, as well as volunteers from the Asociación Pateantes sin Fronteras in the small hamlet of Fuente Nueva began clearing old paths of weeds at the end of July. This was the camino real (royal path) called La Montaña, which was formerly used by traders around the island, and the path from the sea to the ridge

called Lomo Angosto which was used by the people from Fuente Nueva. In addition, old threshing floors and a distinctive bread oven, which is very characteristic of the mountain region, have been uncovered. This is just one of the activities designed to contribute to the preservation of rural traditions and to the maintenance of the countryside and the old walking paths. Volunteers interested in getting involved in the initiative can contact voluntariadoambiental@idecogestion. net or call 922 31 05 78 / n 638 792 149.

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Marketing solutions

The Oriental Monkey

menu, with head chef Attila Havas making the most of his creative skills. The new features include wreckfish portions with citrus sauce and palm syrup, Red tuna tartar with smoked egg yolk, Karashi mustard guacamole mousse, Cod in kataifi pasta with shiso sauce and hijiki seaweed, and Lightly cooked white fish with miso risotto. For meat lovers, the menu features a special section dedicated to Wagyu meat with some real treats from

and Hot-stone wagyu skirt steak with baby vegetables. Attila Havas, who took over

the kitchens at The Oriental Monkey more than two years ago, has thrilled diners with

his intimate knowledge of the flavours and techniques of oriental cuisine, accentuating the cuisine at the Asian restaurant belonging to the Grupo Monkey chain of fine diners. The young Hungarian chef has also taken part in the group's Gastronomic Days events, and the menus presented at them have been a great success. Lovers of Asian cuisine can enjoy Attila's latest dishes from Monday to Saturday at the restaurant, located in the Oasis Commercial Centre in Playa de Las Américas, between the hours of 7pm and 11.30pm. More information and reservations at www.theorientalmonn

Photo: Cab GC

Delicious cod in kataifi pasta Lightly cooked white fish with miso risotto

Gran Canaria produces around a thousand tonnes of artisan cheeses every year. It’s one of the island’s top products and enjoys international recognition, regularly earning awards. However, at home on the island producers often find it difficult to reach potential customers such as hotels or restaurants. Which is why the Food Independence Office, led by the Island Councillor Miguel Hidalgo, recently organised the first meeting between cheese producers, hoteliers and restauranteurs. Out of the 62 registered cheese dairies, 35 took this opportunity to present their products to 70 restaurant owners and 50 chefs from various companies. It was a chance to get to know each other and the products, to converse and taste, thus making the great variety of local cheese more visible to the prospective buyers. “Many people can’t imagine how much livestock and how many cheeses we have on the island. Three different types of cheese may be produced from the forage in just one ravine” explained Nelson Pérez Molina from the Nelson restaurant in Arinaga. He is convinced that the island’s wide variety of cheeses offers plenty of scope not only for preparing traditional dishes such as grilled goat’s cheese, but also for being creative with new dishes. This was demonstrated by young chef Borja Marrero, who offered a tasting of carpaccio of mature Tejeda cheese with citrus fruits and truffle oil or a lollipop of semi-matured cheese with a red plum coulis. The meeting was perceived as very positive by the participants. It offered producers the opportunity to present themselves to potential customers and the cookery professionals found plenty of ideas and n could taste many different products in one place.

The island’s many varieties were offered for tasting

Zena Italian Restaurant Avenida Austria 9 San Eugenio Alto Open: 6.30pm – 00.30 Closed Monday

& 922 750 926

italian restaurant

Zena is the perfect place to enjoy traditional delicious Italian food. Their cuisine is a fusión of flavours and colours from Tuscany and surrounding areas, with freshly prepared pasta, and a wide variety of pizzas baked in a Stone Woodfire oven and a good selection of quality International wines. Enjoy the warm, relaxed ambience whether it be for a business lunch or for a family get together, or a catch up with friends. We have live sky sports available too. This wonderful restaurant really does cater for everyone. Find us in San Eugenio Alto, above the tennis club and 5 minutes from Playa de Las Américas or Costa Adeje.

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the chef, such as Wagyu tartar and roasted onion, Wagyu Gyoza with sweet potato puree and ponzu, Wagyu Carpaccio with pickled vegetables,

Photos: Alberto Mahtani

With the start of the summer season, The Oriental Monkey restaurant in Playa de Las Américas has added some delicious dishes to its

Makers meet movers

d zenatenerife




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La Guinguette is a French Every gourmet’s dream becorestaurant where you can enjoy mes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a music, dancing, good food and steakhouse that is in the perwine. We have to created a place fect location inspire the where combine meat art, food palate.weSelected of and the drink at Laquality, Guinguette in South very best in a fantastic Tenerife. on ambience The rightfood nextistobased the sea, traditional French cuisine, comthe culinary pleasure revolves bined with country-specific and around the Southbend: The local products. of only oven of its Musicians kind on the Canary Islands, heats up all genres provideit inspiratioto 800°C, the juices nal shows, sealing theme nights, and and perform flavour during inside our theSunday meat. also Plus top from BBQ. Ourquality terrace wines with shady the island Spain, andview the trees and aand breathtaking restaurant’s invites you tocrowning relax. Ourglory: team an uninterrupted view the awaits you to offer you anof unforAtlantic Ocean. gettable time.

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Marina Bay Avenida Juan Carlos I Los Cristianos (Arona) Opening hours: daily 10:00–22:00 market days 9:00–22:00

& 922 791 371 A new sensation has hit Los Cristianos, and that is the Marina Bay Restaurant and Sunset Bar. Occupying an elevated position next to the Arona Gran Hotel, just behind the market site overlooking the sea, Marina Bay is the place to switch off and enjoy food and drinks. A daytime snacks menu and a full international menu provide for all tastes and ages. Watch amazing sunsets, enjoy live music in the evenings and maybe even dance too! The priority at Marina Bay is good customer service and quality food at reasonable prices.

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Mamma Las Mia Vistas Bodegón Av de Las Américas Calle Bencomo 58 7 C.C. Américas Santa Úrsula Plaza Playa de Las Américas Open: Opening hours: Daily, except Tuesday daily 11:30–23:30 12 to 11 pm

922 108 797 923 082 & 822 & Freshness and tradition: Tasteful, canarian kitchen, Mamma Mía and is where you’ll find a rustic authentic excellent Italian in the ambience and cuisine a breathtasouth of Tenerife. Enjoy its king panoramic view all chaaromas andthe textures, and with racterise Bodegón Las aVistas new menu at the beginning in Santa Úrsula. Also of will also beserviceable to theJuly, veryyou hospitable try some typical dishes fromprithe staff and the favorable north and south of welcomes Italy. Only ces. This place the best quality authentic ingreeveryone, from local Canadients used,residents all of Italian rian or are foreign who origin. Mamma Mía has won don‘t want to cook, to holithe TripAdvisor of daymakers whoCertificate find themExcellence for extraordinary years, confirselves in an ming of the of cuisine, placethe in quality the middle typiand demonstrating that you the cal island life. A place essence of fine Italian food is will never forget. synonymous with Mamma Mía.



Calle Bencomo 42 Piedra Carretera General Puerto de La Hincada 42,Cruz Guía de Isora Opening Openinghours: hours: Daily – 3.30pm Tue –from Sun1pm 12:30–16:00 and 6.30pm – 11pm Wed – Sat 19:00–22.30


Brunelli’s Steakhouse La Guinguette


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d bodegonlasvistas

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018

WHAT’S ON 2018




August 10


8pm: White Party, live music and menu choice, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327


August 11

August 10

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30.

11am-1am: Festival de la Cerveza, beer festival plus food stands, harbour and promenade, Los Abrigos, free event.

August 10 & 11

6pm: Children of the 80’s, retro concert, Blackbox and Dream3Team Reload, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, from €22.50.

9pm: Commemorative concert for the victims of the tragic Spanair Madrid to Gran Canaria plane which crashed in 2008 killing 154 people and injuring a further 18, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, €10. www.auditorioteatro

Fiesto Ron, music festival, indie, pop and rock, Recinto Ferial de Arucas, LPGC, €20 for one day, €25 to attend both. August 10 - 19 6pm-12am: Craft Fair, Faro de Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, free entry. www. August 11 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPCG, 8/9 hours long, children €19, adults €39. www. August 12 12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish) for adults and children, plus music, theatre and dance, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 go free. August 17 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30. August 18 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Veguette, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPCG, 8/9 hours long, children €19, adults €39. www.

Until August 31

9.30pm: Tribute theatre show with meal included, various artists, Restaurante Casino Las Palmas, LPGC, €29.

Bodegón no intencionado (Unintended still life), paintings by Abigail Ojeda Alonso, Centro Insular de Turismo (CIT), Playa del Inglés, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm; Saturday 9am - 1pm, free entry.

August 19

Until December 31

12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish) for adults and children, plus music, theatre and dance spots, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 go free.

Neurociencia Y Humor (Neuroscience and humour), a fascinating look into humans’ adaptability and continuing sense of humour despite adversity, displayed outside the Museo Elder de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Parque de Santa Catalina, LPGC, can be visited at any time. Otherwise, entrance to the museum costs €6 general admission / €4 residents / €15 for a yearly pass.

9pm: Talent show, dance, singing and classical music, town square, El Médano, free event.

Until December 31

August 11 & 12

Cúpula de las Ondas (Dome of waves), exciting demonstration of how our body can perceive various wave lengths, Museo Elder de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Las Palmas, Saturdays and Sundays, 11.30am and 6.30pm, €6 general admission / €4 residents / €15 for a yearly pass.

8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

August 23 8pm: Festival Trails in Motion, cinema fest with focus on films and documentaries about trail running, Espacio TEA, Agaete, from €4.50. August 25 9pm: Ricky Martin, pop, Estadio Municipal de Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, from €50. Until further notice Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

Proyecto ‘Boliches - Marbles’, Intercultural exhibition of the world of marbles, photos, artwork, games areas, CAAM San Antonio Abad, LPGC, free entry, Tuesday -Saturday, 10am - 9pm, Sundays 10am - 2pm.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station).


8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte.


8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha.

EXHIBITIONS Until August 26

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo.

DIARY DATES August 9 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 11am-1pm: Guided walk around Tegueste historic town centre followed by a visit to Casa Los Zamoranos (in Spanish), Tegueste, €2.

8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018

WHAT’S ON 2018


August 12 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am–2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. www.mercadillodelagricultor. com 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha.

6pm: PHE Festival, indie music, various artists, plus cinema, gastronomy and more, harbour area, Puerto de La Cruz, from €20. www.

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327

8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza.

6pm: Children’s activities, harbour and promenade, Los Abrigos, free event.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto.

12pm: Foam party and children’s activities, Plaza de la Iglesia, Los Abrigos, free event.

9.30pm: Open-air cinema, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (in Spanish), Plaza de El Médano, free event.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

5pm: Catwalk show, Gloss line new trends in cooperation with Estetic Sandrex, plus DJ and set menu, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327

August 13 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. August 14 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. August 15 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. August 15 - 19 XXV Muestra Folclórica de los Pueblos, traditional folk music and dance, town square, El Médano, various times, free event. August 16 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

August 19 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am - 2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327

9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.

A traves de la batalla (Through battle), excellent paintings and illustrations by young artist Cristian Medina Marrero based on the theme of heroic fantasy, Casa de la Juventud, Adeje, free entry.

August 21

Until September 2

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

La tierra tiembla (The Earth trembles), audiovisual artists Sofía Gallisá, Cristina Mejías and Marta van Tartwijk explore the relationship between reality and fiction, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, free entry, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 8pm. www.tea

August 20

August 22 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

Until further notice

6pm-9pm: children’s games and bouncy castle, followed by open-air cinema, town square, Vera de Erques, free event. www.

August 23 6pm-9pm: children’s games and bouncy castle, followed by open-air cinema, town square, Chio, free event.

August 17

9pm: Los Sabandeños, renowned Canarian male voice choir, town square, El Médano, free event.

8pm: 70s, 80s and 90s music plus menu choice, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327

Until December 31

August 18 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. August 18 & 19 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo.

Until August 31

6pm: Children of the 80’s, retro concert, Samantha Fox and Dream3team Reload, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, from €22.50. www.

11am-1pm: Guided walk around Tegueste historic town centre followed by a visit to Casa Los Zamoranos (in Spanish), Tegueste, €2. www.

10pm: Obus, hard rock, Espacio el Arcón, Puerto de La Cruz, €18.

El Médano, 7pm – 10pm everyday, free event.

August 25 12pm: Elrow festival presents Rowllywood, Bollywood themed music and performing arts fest by Mad Faith Music World, first time in Tenerife, Magma Arte & Congresos, Costa Adeje, €30. /

9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico.


August 24 6pm-9pm: children’s games and bouncy castle, followed by open-air cinema, Plaza de la Iglesia, Guia de Isora, free event.

9.30am-6.30pm: One hour long open-top bus tours, Plaza de España, Santa Cruz, adults €22, 6-13 year olds €11, children under six go free.

Disponibilidad Limitada (Limited Availability), by David Ferrer, contemporary art exploring the relationship between the artists, visitors and venues where art is exhibited, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, free entry. www. Until further notice Inédito (Unpublished), collection of works by, and information on, Alfredo Reyes Darias, founding member of the PIC Canarian Independent Painters movement, Museo Etnográfico, Calle Arquitecto Marrero Regalado, Granadilla de Abona, free entry, Monday to Friday, 8am - 3pm.


9pm: Cambuyón Cuartet, dance and percussion, town square, El Médano, free event. www.

Until August 28

August 24 & 25

Paintings and sculptures from students of the El Médano and San Isidro art schools, Antigua Escuela de El Médano, Calle El Confital,

Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

Call 619 519 858

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:





Animal charities’ round up tinned food for our elderly dogs, puppy milk, and dog jackets for when our dogs fly to Germany, as well as materials to help with our educational programme (pens, paper, glue, play-doh and crayons). Every donation is greatly appreciated. In addition, we are desperately looking for people who are travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff.

Acción del Sol Accion Del Sol will be open all over the summer holidays during the hours below, so if you have any spare time on your hands then please do come and walk the dogs, they love a stroll down to the beach and a paddle in the sea. With the weather warming up it’s extra important to take care of your dog, as a single bite from an infected mosquito can give them heartworm, which will lead to a very slow and painful death. We can never stress enough the importance of treating your dog monthly with special drops to their neck or with a tablet or a yearly injection to prevent this occurrence. Over 60 per cent of the dogs that arrive at the refuge test positive for heartworm. This means a very costly and uncomfortable treatment for the dog but one of utmost importance to prevent pain and suffering to the dogs in our care. Also, please remember to ensure your dogs aren’t left unsupervised in cars, even for a short time, as the temperature can rise extremely quickly, causing unnecessary stress, illness, and even death. We advise to walk your dogs early in the morning and later on in the evenings to avoid the heat of the day and the high temperature of the pavements that can burn your pet’s paws. In addition, please ensure they have plenty of access to shade and cool water. We would like to remind you all that it’s obligatory to have your dog micro-chipped and registered at your local town hall. It is much harder to contact the

“If you are thinking of getting a dog, please adopt not buy”. Acción del Sol This beauty is just one of the over 230 dogs at the Acción del Sol refuge waiting for a new home

owner of a dog if it arrives at our refuge without a chip and it can cause your dog a lot of unnecessary stress. With more than 230 gorgeous dogs looking for new loving homes, please do come and visit us to see if maybe one is for you. If you are thinking of getting a dog please adopt not buy. We don’t charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every one of the dogs has a full clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, microchipped, heartworm and flea free, has a passport and is sterilised, the last one being compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife.

TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on teneriffa@ or visit our Facebook page at Action tier Acción del Sol.

Cats Welfare All of our cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then kitten injection, micro chip and neutering is free for the second one. Adopt a black kitten or two and both will receive the above treatments for free. Contact us via our website at or ring/whatsapp Maria (English) on 646 629 129, seven days a week, 9am to 6pm, or Sandra (Spanish and German) after 6pm on 671 282 773. Alternatively, message us on Facebook. Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in the shop?


How you can help We are often asked how people can help. We need many things for the animals and refuge, such as products for our clinic and cleaning products and utensils, building materials, dog toys, leads, etc.,

Please do call 922 778 630 if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the

We have many beautiful dogs waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9


Feeling spritely! This wonderful cheeky chappy called Sprite is about one year old and would love to have a place to call home. If you would like to meet him or any of the other dogs at K9, call 667 638 468 or visit the refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. n

Tenerife. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9. Shop till you drop Visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza, every day from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. Proceeds from our shop are essential to ensuring our K9 dogs have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible. There are always lots of bargains to be had and our volunteers will make you n very welcome.

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018

For daily news, updates and event information








The new pastels Pastel shades, i.e. delicate colours with a high proportion of white, are particularly popular in summer. Sweetly feminine: the pendant dress with an elaborate hem. From Vera Mont

Summery: a sandal with pastel elements. From Glamorous

Why? Because in the hot season we often long for fresh and light tones to match our mood and keep us cool. In addition, lighter versions of colours look particularly good on tanned skin. Today, there are pastels in every fashionable style, including business suits, romantic frilled skirts and sexy mini dresses. There is also a wide range of colours: Sky blue, rose, vanilla yellow or delicate turn quoise are all trendsetters.

Time for contrasts: a formal blazer with the softly swinging dress. From Debenhams

Very comfortable thanks to the block heel: peachcoloured sandals from Dorothy Perkins

Sky blue is also trendy, giving a cool effect to this biker style jacket and the shirt. From Betty Barclay

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Airy and summery: a tulle skirt in lilac. Matching bags are from Accessorize

A hint of pink lends the stern trouser suit a softer feminine twist. From Betty & Co.

Hints of a flamenco dress with delicate flowers. From Wallis




Track and field

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 094 The trail goes through incredibly beautiful natural landscapes

La Cajamar Bluetrail scores The cross-country and coast to Mount Teide race, La Cajamar Bluetrail Tenerife has achieved top recognition by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA). Important ranking points can be scored during the

next round, which is scheduled for June 8, 2019. One point has been awarded by the ITRA for the Medium category, which covers 20 kilometres. The supreme discipline Ultra Trail, which leads

from the coast in the south via the Teide summit to the finish line in Puerto de la Cruz, consists of 102 hard kilometres, and has been honoured with five points. The 67-kilometre trail still has three points

and the 43-kilometre marathon two. The International Trail Running Association seeks dialogue with national and international institutions and promotes the values, safety and health of athletes. At the same time, the races that lead through the most beautiful nature reserves have the effect of promoting tourism. Sustainable tourism and sport thus come under one roof. The race was recently given an award at the Puerto de La Cruz CIT (Tourism Initiative Centre) gala, in the Hotel Atlantic Mirage Suites & Spa in La Paz. A stand to encourage participation in the Cajamar Bluetrail Tenerife will be set-up at the Ultra Trail Show UTMB in Mont Blanc from August 28 to 31 to further promote the race at an international level. There, a free entry including travel and hotel will be raffled amongst all the athletes who visit the stand. Registrations are possible from September 1 via the website www.tenerife n


Fighting spirit and ethics After a meeting with the Tenerife boxer Miguel Velázquez, Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo remarked "This man has a great fighting spirit and holds sacrosanct ethical values". Velázquez fought during the so-called 'golden times of Spanish boxing'. At his side was the journalist Noe Ramón, who wrote his biography. Canarian Director General of Sports, José Francisco Pérez, who also attended the meeting

added "It's good that we have this book that tells the story of one of our best athletes, a man who has carried the name of Tenerife and the Canary Islands around the world. He was an example to many people because he showed them that with discipline and perseverance it’s possible to succeed in any sport, even if you have the handicap of living on an island far away from the peninsula. He is also an example to young people in every

Miguel Velázquez talks to President Clavijo (l-r)

aspect of self-conquest and fighting spirit." Miguel Velázquez won the titles of World Champion, Military World Champion, European and Spanish Champion. He participated in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and remained undefeated for the next five years. He reached his peak in 1976 gaining the World Championship title. During 73 fights he

only lost to his opponent in the ring four times. He was awarded the Royal Order of Sporting Merit by King Juan Carlos I, two gold and two silver medals each by the Supreme Sports Council and the Tenerife Island Council made him a famous honorary citizen in 2013. A central plaza in the district of Cabo Llanos in Santa Cruz is named after him. n

Candelaria honours Juan Pérez Cruz

Pool renamed for local sports hero The proposal to honour fellow citizens for their sporting merits came from the city centre and Playa La Viuda community groups. Candelaria council has named the municipal swimming pool after a local man, ‘Nadador (swimmer), Juan Pérez Cruz’. Juan Pérez Cruz was born in 1941 in Calle La Arena. His father came from Igueste and his mother has always lived in the heart of Candelaria. He spent his childhood close to the sea and water became his element. At the age of nine he started playing football and swimming. He enjoyed great triumphs at provincial, regional and national level, both as an individual and in the swimming teams. He celebrated his greatest success with his team as winner of the national swimming championship in Oviedo in 1959 and continued to participate in championships until 1963. The Candelaria pool, now renamed after him, was built in the 1970s and has been modernised several times over the years. It enjoys particular popularity in July and August n when the number of visitors triples.

Track and field

LPA Night Run The popular Las Palmas de Gran Canaria night race, the Hospitales San Roque LPA Night Run, recently introduced two major innovations. On the one hand, the central Santa Catalina tunnel will be integrated into the route and on the other, after a run along Playa de Las Canteras, there will be a turn in Calle Sargento Llagas. Last year 4,200 athletes took part and this year a lively response and athletes from over 20 nations are expected. Both the top level discipline half marathon and a ten-kilometre run are on offer, and additionally a half-marathon will be offered as a relay version. A CaixaBank trophy will encourage the integration of disabled athletes into the event. At 25 prominent points along the course, athletes and the public will be motivated by the best entertainment and lighting effects. The starting shot for the race will be sounded on October 27. If you would like to participate, you can register up to August 31 with special conditions. Participation in the 10K-run and the relay half-marathon will cost €17.50 each and the half-marathon €25. After August 31, the registration fees will increase to €20 and €30 respectively. Taking part in the disabled race is free of charge. Registrations are possible via the website or personally at branches of Base Bazar Sport anywhere n in the province of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

e-SPORTS integration

Deaf e-athletes Members of the GC Liberty team recently visited Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This is the first electronic sports team in Europe to be founded by deaf athletes, but which is also open to the hearing public. A delegation from the Deportivos de Sordos Club, led by Sergio Pérez, highlighted the possibility of electronic sports becoming a tool to make the full integration of deaf people into the world of sport visible. The current team consists of 30 members, aged between 18 and 30 years. Pérez explained “Our aim is to overcome barriers, to raise awareness of the benefits of eSports, to participate in various sporting events and to create spaces n where training for eSports can be carried out.”

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018




Lucky at last

CD Tenerife

Good results, but strong enough rivals?

By Chris Todd

As the pre-season draws to a close, many positives can be taken from performances by CD Tenerife. With five friendly matches played so far the team have been victorious in all five (the game against UD Las Palmas was won on penalties after a 0-0 draw). It must be said however that two of the games played were against local Third Division sides CD Marino and UD Ibarra, ones the team would expect to win. After beating Al-Wasl FC from the United Emirates 2-1 with both goals scored by youngster Borja, the team faced a stiffer test against fellow 2nd Division outfit Almería. On this occasion a superb Alberto strike proved to be the winner for the blanquiazules in a 1-0 victory played at the Marbella Football centre on the Costa del Sol. Manager Etxeberria had stated prior to the pre-season that he wished to play against better sides as the summer progressed but it has not quite turned out like that. The last game before the season starts in ernest was supposed to be against Bundesliga team Mainz 05 but when the Germans pulled out it left the organisers of the Teide Trophy little time to find a replacement. In the end the blanquiazules will play against Celta Vigo b in La Orotava, hardly a stiff test and the annoyance in private of CD Tenerife must be immense. In the latest friendly on a hot and sultry night in El Fraile it was that guy again Borja Llarena that scored the two goals to beat UD Ibarra. Borja was one of the young players promoted from the academy to prove himself during the pre-season and with four goals in two games he has certainly done that. Whether 19 year old Borja has enough talent to make a place for himself in the first team squad is a decision n for the manager but he has impressed.

Home Cup draw!

Suso meets fans after a recent friendly

By Chris Todd So what are the pros and cons with fans via social media. We clubs, with Real Zaragoza, of this CD Tenerife side? The pros are that the base of last season is still intact. Luis Milla and Bryan Acosta are our midfield maestros. Both are fully committed to the cause (Acosta recently turned down a move to MSL that would have more than doubled his wages). We have in theory improved the attack with Nano returning to the club alongside Jose Naranjo. Manager Etxeberria has been a breath of fresh air at CD Tenerife, deeply involved with the whole set up, from improving training facilites to integrating

are also very well covered in the goalkeeping department with trusty Dani and young prodigy Angel Galvan. The cons must be the defence. This is one area that has not yet been strengthened and the club are putting their trust into two ageing centre-halves and Jorge Saenz who, after two superb seasons, including call ups to the Spain U20 squad, was not at his best last season. The budget this year set by the league for CD Tenerife is lower this time. In fact, it is not even in the top 10 of 2nd division

Malaga, Granada, Osasuna, Las Palmas and Deportivo de La Coruña enjoying far bigger budgets. For example Malaga have a budget of €26 million compared to Tenerife‘s €7 million. Another negative point might be the united ship that manager Etxeberria has called for is not quite a reality at this point. The fans are split into two separate groups and the media/club/supporters are hardly united at this time. Hopefully, this can be rectified as it really will be a long hard n season.

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New signing José Naranjo poses with the new third shirt

Amazingly, CD Tenerife were drawn to play at home in the recent Spanish Cup, for the first time since 2008. It was a case of twelfth time lucky as on the previous eleven occasions their name had come out of the hat second. It is true that last year the blanquiazules played a home cup tie against La Liga side Espanyol but that was a two legged affair. This year Tenerife will face fellow 2nd Division club Cadiz at the Heliodoro Stadium on September 12 in a winner takes all match.




Horoscope for period: August 9 to August 22 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Aggressive Mars sits uncomfortably in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, making you feel like you’re driving with your brakes on. This is a great time to redecorate, so blame your next home improvement shopping spree on the stars.


Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 If you have issues that need to be addressed involving your friends, you may not be able to escape a confrontation. If you haven’t worked things out by August 15th, you may have to postpone any solutions for a while as key planets begin a retrograde cycle.

Cockney girl, Ana. Just what you need to get pampered. Stunning hot brunette. Let my pleasure be your pleasure. Owo, French kissing. Los Cristianos, opposite the bus station. Tel: (+34) 631 827 264. Busty and curvy.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 There is such a strong focus on your second house of values and resources that I recommend you seek professional financial advice if you feel like you are near disaster. It’s all looking very complicated and you can’t sort it out on your own. Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 The New Super Moon on August 11 will shine a bigger and brighter light on your world, helping to bring your relationships with others into focus. You may choose to make an important announcement or decisions during this period of your life. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 Sometimes circumstances arise which require adopting a spirit of sacrifice and acceptance - this can even be the way to liberation. Use emotional disturbance to make a pioneering journey into your soul. A holiday looms and you need the break. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 The New Super Moon on August 11 will shine a potentially romantic light on a close association and one which you probably had least expected. It’s a time for romance in your life, old associations and new connections. You are in demand. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 On the work front, there’s a modernisation process on the go, and this can bring many upsets and changes amongst colleagues – not always for the best. Even if you feel that some of the ideas are strange, the trick is to be understanding and friendly. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 The New Super Moon on August 11 may bring your old ideas into conflict with your new theories. It may also bring problems with inlaws to a head. It’s a time when you are willing to go beyond the limits, and even rashly experiment.

The way to pleasure. Luxury erotic massages. Beautiful masseuses from the East. We are in Playa Paraiso, near the Hotel Riu Buena Vista, in the Costa Adeje area. Tel: (+34) 662 960 065. Los Cristianos, Alejandra, Venezuelan, beautiful, blonde, large breasts, great body. Natural French, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934. Brazilian transvestite, hot blonde, endowed with 23cm, 180cm breasts, active/passive, sadomasochism, porn actress, BDCM, fisting, amazing. Los Cristianos. Tel: 625 659 559. Los Cristianos, new, Martha, Spanish blonde. All services. I can do hotel visits or I will welcome you in my private apartment. Tel: 664 099 043.

Transsexual, beautiful, tall, fat, brown haired, white skin, long big penis, 140cm breasts, active/passive. One price, €50 for one hour. Apartments Royal, in front of the bus station, Los Cristianos. WhatsApp for info. Tel: (+34) 602 626 848. Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I am in Calle Ramón Pino, behind Avenida Suecia. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 629 191. Transsexual, Los Cristianos, sex symbol, Sierra Leonean, Latin, curly hair, 120cm breasts, active/passive, 21 centimetre penis, natural French to the end, mutual climaxes, all types of parties, dominant, golden rain. Tel: 632 452 845. English model, showgirl, professional striptease, quality service, general entertainment, stag nights, dominatrix, fetish, luxury conditions. 24 hour visits, escort service available. Tel: 697 227 139. Los Cristianos, Luna, young blonde, spectacular body, ready for you, 130cm natural breasts, all services, discreet, 24 hours. I speak a little English. Opposite the bus station. Tel: 643 160 280. Nice little German lady with piercings in the best places. Enjoy French and making your (secret) wishes come true. Erotic massages, private parties, threesomes, bondage, escorts and more. In a beautiful location, Jacuzzi

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 August is the culmination of a wonderful period of expansion, strength and optimism in your world. As the month continues you will sense the completion of an epoch of total transformation in your life, and it will empower you onwards and upwards. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 As usual, you are expected to be the rock on which others can lean and you find yourself looking after finances and generally being your cautious self, giving both emotional and economic support to those wilder and less prudent than yourself. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 Recent important planetary movements are giving you a whole new emphasis to working habits, new colleagues and new rhythms in your daily life. It’s a pattern which will continue over the next two years at least, so get comfortable for the ride. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 A long process of transformation is coming to a close, and your life takes on the form you have dreamed of. Self-expression through your work is crucial to you, and you’ll find partners will join with you to help and celebrate your achievements.


This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

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· Sunny large terraces and artificial grassed gardens


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possible. Also at your home/ hotel. Tel: (+34) 648 245 425. Qualified masseuse. Hello gentlemen, my name is Sophie. I am the masseuse who you’ve always wanted to spend some time alone with. Relaxing massages with a good ending. Tel: 642 615 094. Only for generous ladies: Excursions, escorts, also on trips (worldwide) massages and more. Marc (German) speaks English and Spanish, has an apartment and car and also does visits. We can meet in a café beforehand. Tel: (+34) 630 759 974. Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 604 117 090. Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las Chafiras. Massage service available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Franciscano Street, beside the large park, Las Chafiras. Tel: 608 285 035. Outcalls, golden shower, Fridays and Saturdays. Call between 10am and 12am. Tel: 612 437 014.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 828, which is published on 23rd August, is 21st August. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: * Lineage classifieds: From €16 * Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. * Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.




Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

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Boiler King

All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repairs and maintenance. Call Rory 680 278 579 or Tom 642 771 035

We sell furniture suitable for bar/restaurant (tables, chairs, kitchen accessories, decoration etc.) in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Tel: 922 717 613 or 671 912 301 Frank from Germany invites you on private, individual car excursions, also for the handicapped, hiking tours (also Pico del Teide), Night Life tours, live music, snorkelling, photo shoots, (also underwater). Other islands, cruises on ships, worldwide. Tel: +34 664 085 154. You’re invited!!! FREE BEAUTY SESSION. This is your time to relax with friends or on your own, share the excitement of trying new products, learn about the latest techniques and trends and of course, earn fabulous rewards. More info: 642 601 553 Maggie.

Massage and more. Offer: 60 minutes body massage €36. Couples, four hands, lava stones, tantric massages, etc. Playa de Las Américas, Ernesto Sarti no.8, across from Iberostar Hotel Torviscas Playa. Tel. 602 608 626 Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings starting in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: For sale. Home-produced ecological vegetables, Tenerife south. Interested businesses call 650 323 751 (Spanish only), send WhatsApp or email to: Website for our massages, dedicated to bringing the benefits of therapeutic massage to your home or hotel, no charge for travel. Do you want a massage? Tel. 663 190 727 After school classes, help or activities in English, German or Spanish, please contact Mrs.

Garus. Tel. 602 506 793. We are 5 minutes away from Wingate School in Cabo Blanco Qualified specialist from Germany helps you with back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and insomnia. Tel. 0034 699 15 61 47 (ask for Eugene) Are you looking for an opportunity with financial independence and personal fulfillment? Become an Independent Beauty Consultant!!! More Info: 642 601 553 Teacher (English and Spanish) and interpreter gives Spanish lessons. I would also like to work as a secretary. Tel: 747 790 001 or email: k.arim555@ Body, foot reflexology, Breuss massage, manual lymph drainage. Let yourself be pampered by Simone’s hands. Economic price. Tel: 611 277 578. www. Professional massage therapy, available at the client’s home/apartment. Certified and experienced masseur for remedial, deep tissue, Swedish, sports and relaxing massage. Mobile/WhatsApp: (+34) 683 141 129

Rental Classifieds Wanted urgently: an apartment to rent in El Médano with 2 bedrooms and a garage. Tel: 676 243 558 Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101 Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149 Looking to swap my house in Tenerife for a house in Dublin or surroundings. If agreed, the time could be arranged. From a month to a year time gap. Call Carmen 693 727 683 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191 Garage to rent, double width. Victoria Court 1, Los Cristianos. Close to Sunday market. Very secure lock-up. Tel: 679 919 623

Sales Classifieds Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ m Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426 For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info@simon Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Situations Vacant / wanted



Come and join our Dynamic Team! Te l e m a r k e t i n g company on the coast surrounding Marbella / Fuengirola is looking for Brokers /Qualifiers. High revenue. English, German, Dutch and Scandinavian. Send your CV to: telesalestenerife@

Vehicles To advertise please call 922 75 06 09

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618 Mercedes AMG Tiptronic

Sept. 2015, 30,000km, perfect condition, car registered in Spain, no import, full AMG Kit, from 177bhp tuned to 277 bhp or 376 horse power.

Tel: 626 171 399 Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660761270, e-mil: ulrika.fagerlund18@


(For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 30)

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018



Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958



1 - dictators (7) 4 - first appearance (5) 7 - make available (5) 8 - first light (7) 9 - not odd (4) 10 - make a mistake (3) 11 - poem (4) 15 - stewed (9) 17 - spiciness (4) 19 - cheek (slang) (3) 20 - was (4) 24 - standing (7) 25 - rips (5) 26 - bed cover (5) 27 - winds (7)

1 - metaphor (5) 2 - beams (7) 3 - geek (4) 4 - college teachers (4) 5 - airship (5) 6 - syrup (7) 8 - decreasing (9) 12 - spur (3) 13 - consumed (3) 14 - experts (7) 16 - pertaining to food (7) 18 - perceive (5) 21 - habitations (5) 22 - clue (4) 23 - end (4)



902 886 226

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Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries

All photos: Wikimedia Commons

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018








Tel: +34 922 736 203 ·

Property by Playa de Los Cristianos

& + 34 822 144 541 Apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate kitchen, garage parking space, communal swimming pool, terrace with excellent sea views, bright, 90 metre floor plan, €68 community fee including water, close to the beach, central.

€ 255,000 Calle Ramona Martín Artista | C.C. Mencey | local 27 | El Camisón | Los Cristianos |

9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018







9.8.2018 – 22.8.2018




Villa in San Eugenio Fotos: D. D’Elisio

Villa with wonderful panoramic views in the residential complex La Tagora, San Eugenio Alto. 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, fully equipped kitchen, storage room, garden with the possibility to build a private pool, terrace, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), independent studio apartment on the ground floor, Jacuzzi, garage, community pool. Excellent location with the best view in Costa Adeje

€ 780,000

Tenerife Property Partners Calle El Sauce 5 | Residencial Los Castaños | Local 3 | El Madroñal | Tenerife Tel. 922 707 205 + 679 154 297 + 649 469 282 | Email:




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