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May 3 – May 16, 2018 New law

La Laguna

Deadly shooting

Fiesta fun

Page 3

Page 7

Pages 10 & 11

International performing arts festival

The open-air Mueca art festival in Puerto de La Cruz draws thousands of visitors from all over the Islands and this year will be no exception. Running from May 10 to 13, almost 400 artistes, musicians, dancers, acrobats and comedians will come together under Tenerife’s sky. For the four days, various central points in the city centre will be transformed into open-air stages and many a bar will be open so celebrations can continue until the morning. Continued on page two

The Moldavians Pasvupaspris provide breathtaking excitement and entertainment on. The show is only recommended for those aged over 16 years old



May celebrations

Fast squatter removal

Mueca in Puerto de La Cruz

Facing Summerland, just off the roundabout at the Language School

Women suffer triple invisibility

Sexism, violence and homelessness In 1993, at a conference in Vienna, the United Nations stated their aim to eliminate violence against women, yet this type of aggression is still rife in most societies, including here in the Canary Islands. The UN considers violence against women to be any which causes, or may cause, physical, psychological or sexual harm, including threats, coercion, deprivation of liberty, or economic abuse, irrespective of whether it takes place in a public or private context. It is not only men who mistreat women, however. In the UK, for example, statistics from the Home Office show that around 40 per cent of abuse in relationships is undertaken by women against men. However, the truth is that women, due to their lesser physical strength

When women become homeless, they are often in a particularly precarious and vulnerable situation

and lack of resources are much more at risk generally, and significantly more likely to suffer serious violence or death.

Modern society may be changing, but sexism continues to abound in all walks of life and across all age groups and professions. How-

ever, what all men who act on the belief they’re superior to women have in common is that they systematically oppress, exploit, isolate and manipulate their female counterparts, frequently their girlfriends and wives. Often charismatic, likeable and otherwise amenable personalities at the same time, most abusers will keep their less pleasant sides well hidden from society - and prospective partners until it is far too late. Domestic abuse usually starts with verbal attacks and the undermining of the other person. Though some can live at this level for many years, the situation often eventually leads to physical violence such as beatings or rapes, even stabbings and a whole range of degrading acts. Continued on page two




Bigotry and prejudice

Finding help

A life at risk Continued from front page

If the incidents take place only sporadically at the beginning and are marked afterwards by deep remorse, the woman generally continues to pardon them, and is deep into the relationship by the moment the frequency and ferocity of attacks worsen. Over time, the situation tends to become normalised for all those involved. No more remorse, no more making up joyfully in-between: just one long period of fear, pain and suffering. This spiral of violence does not turn around by itself. Without intervention these situations only deteriorate, not least because society itself still condones such actions in a thousand ways each and every day. Excuses are many and varied, such as work, money or unemployment pressures, or the naturally higher aggressive nature of men. Women are sometimes even blamed for the behaviour of the man, occasionally by their own female peers, and even more so in a society that still leans towards machismo. Women in relationships are not the only ones at risk, of course, though violence in the home is the most common. But what happens when a woman doesn’t even have the safety of their own dwelling? The number of females living on the streets is rising, and there they face dangers that others cannot even imagine…



Kanaren express

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Новости теНерифе

Typical trouble? The profile of the classical homeless person in Spain is male, aged between 45 and 64 years old, and with an income below the poverty line. But

Excluded, lonely, destitute - situations that should not exist in a modern society

In an emergency, call 112 or phone the National Police on 091. A multi-lingual police contact can be reached via: 902 102 112. Receive advice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from the Domestic Violence Hotline on: 061. Attention can be given in 52 different languages, including English. You can also email: In addition, the organisation’s website provides advice and further contacts, in a secure format: If you have a hearing loss you can text them via: 900 116 016. You can call the Tenerife Council Domestic Violence Unit on: 922 843 142. The S.H.E. helpline, a non-profit group with various English speakers, can also be contacted on: 690 964 145. ‘Forgiven’ and symbolises the person who regrets simply not having acted, or having acted wrongly in the face of violence and abuse. The man asks for forgiveness for his wrong behaviour towards women, and both men and women ask for forgiveness because they have done nothing to protect the rights of the weakest.

And there the circle closes again: no matter whether privately, professionally, or from a religious imperative, every individual is required to behave with a social conscience, irrespective of the gender and origin of another. Everyone is indeed equal, as the Constitution clearly n states.

The sand carpet in La Orotava addresses the issue of violence this year, especially violence against women

there are plenty of women who also experience this fate, and they can have a much harder time on the streets. Without social organisations to protect them, psychological and personal abuse, sexual exploitation and physical aggression can, and do, occur. It is these circumstances that have led Alejandra Rodríguez Alemán, a lecturer in sociology and psychology at the University of Las Palmas, to design training methods for workers and volunteers in the field that focus on how to recognise signs of gender violence against homeless women. These can be visi-

ble injuries such as bruises, burns, bite wounds or fractures, as well as health problems such as eating disorders, addictive behaviour, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia or hyperventilation. Psychological effects are often listlessness, depression, insecurity, extreme feelings of inferiority and guilt, or the inability to make decisions. Unfortunately, it is only when several professionals are able to confirm someone is at risk that they are able to intervene. The Guardia Civil trade union is also calling for an increase in its own capacities by having specially trained personnel. Following the example of the National Police, a separate department will be responsible for violent crimes against women. Only in this way can members of the force be involved in programmes aimed at prevention, such as targeted lectures and workshops in schools and youth centres. Macho and violent behaviour towards females can only be eradicated if respect of women is taught from an early age. Sadly, the suffering of homeless women often goes unnoted in official research. For instance, studies are formulated so the numbers of females on the street are Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609 Print: Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A., Agüimes, Gran Canaria Circulation controlled by

not included in the statistics specifically. In addition, since 2010, the figures for those living in 'unsafe housing', such as emergency shelters, have disappeared from the reckoning. Though many women at risk live in such places to escape complete homelessness, nowadays they are statistically invisible – but not forgotten by everyone.

Socially critical sand carpet Youth and, above all, violence against women are the central themes of this year's sand carpet in La Orotava, traditionally created from millions of coloured grains in front of the town hall for the Feast of Corpus Christi. The subject matter of the annual artistic creation often focuses on a social theme seen as a characteristic sign of the times, and interpreted in a Christian manner. Suffering women can be seen on the two side carpets this year. The picture on the right says, ‘Stop exploiting refugees’. On the opposite side it says ‘Enough, stop the violence’. The main central carpet is based on a motif by the modern, religious, African American artist Thomas Blackshear. It bears the title Disclaimer: Island Connections Newspaper is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors


Puerto comes out to play

Continued from front page

Six international, seven national and 48 local groups and bands have prepared a varied programme for the audience. The international guests include the three circus performers who make up Circo Zoé-Naufragata, as well as humour, acrobatics and traditional Slavic dances from the ensemble Pasvupaspris-Les Moldaves. The trio Cia La Tal The Incredible Box offers clowning around for the modern times, and the British members of the Gandini JugglingSmashed ensemble have replaced their form of British circus with their own multidisciplinary act since 1992, with juggling as the main focus. The group, Le Collectif de la Basse Cour - Le Supplice de la Planche masters acrobatics in threes with a wooden seesaw in the centre of the action. With minimalist means the French performers get their audience to join in the excitement. In addition, the numerous other national and regional artists will provide endless amusement. These include the satirical quartet Abubukaka, who like to make fun of everything and everyone – including the audience. A detailed programme n is available at

The Incredible Box - that’s how clowns are today

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Jamie Lee Armstrong Tel. 616 460 728 · Classifieds:

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




Court ruling causes outrage

Gang rape only ‘assault‘ Spontaneous demonstrations took place on several of the Canary Islands recently, in protest at the shocking verdict by the Navarre Provincial Court in the case of five men gangraping a young woman – which the judge decided was actually only sexual assault. The case, commonly known as La Manada (The Pack), referred to an incident that took place in the Spanish town of Pamplona in July 2016. The victim, from Madrid, had gone with friends to the famous annual San Fermín festival. She told the courts that she had been on her way to join one of her friends in their car, where she was planning to sleep, when she met an acquaintance she knew via a Whatsapp group called La Manada, along with his four friends who were other members of the group. As she had become separated from her own friends, the man said they would accompany her to the car. However, before they arrived, the five men from

‘We believe you’ - this was the chant of the demonstrators

Seville dragged and pushed her into the entrance hall of a building and overpowered her. The young woman explained in court that: “It wasn’t until the five surrounded me that I became scared. I was in shock, couldn’t move and was paralysed. I was aware of them undressing and raping me, but I closed my eyes and just

wanted everything to be over quickly.” Disgracefully, the rapists filmed the incident and uploaded it onto the internet. After they had finished, they disappeared, leaving the victim alone and with no bag or mobile phone. Having dressed herself she managed to reach a bench, where she was finally approached by a passing cou-

ple, who saw her distress and called the police. The young woman admits that she had lightly kissed one of the men, not unusual in the party atmosphere of the time, but the judge saw this as her having chosen the ensuing circumstances and therefore declared that the men having penetrative sex with her against her will were not in fact raping her but that it was merely sexual assault. The sentence handed down therefore was nine years in prison, payment of one third of the court costs, a ban on approaching and contacting the victim for 15 years, damages of €50,000 and a payment of €1,531 to the health service in Navarre, where the young woman was treated after the attack. Some may see this as justice served but, apart from the fact the sentences could have been over twice as long, there are fears that it sets a dangerous precedent for the rights of women. The victim, of course, can never escape

A spontaneous demonstration at Plaza Weyler in Santa Cruz

from the results of the men’s actions, and is still suffering insomnia, anxiety and concentration difficulties. Protestors in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote added their voices to the outcry against the judge as a wave of anger rippled through the population of the country. Demonstrators, including members of the women’s platform Plataforma Feminista 8M Tenerife, chanted “We believe you”. At a plenary session in Tenerife after the ruling, Island President Carlos Alonso raised the issue as an urgent agenda item, stating unequivocally: “The verdict, pronounced yesterday, April 26, in the La Manada case, which dismisses the collective rape of a

woman as a simple assault and punishes the attackers with a sentence of only nine years, is simply outrageous for society. It is clearly a judgment based on machismo, and I believe we must all protest and rebel against it. We must, if necessary, change legislation and exert all possible political pressure to achieve a review of all the instruments at our disposal, to promote and further strengthen measures against gender-based violence in order to avoid such judgments.” Other government bodies in the Canary Islands and throughout the country also reacted with protest and indignation. Meanwhile, the prosecutor has filed an objection in a renewed batn tle for justice.




Contemporary music fest

House search and arrest

FMUC returns The Wing Marimba Duo will be playing during the festival

The Tenerife Contemporary Music Festival (FMUC) will be held for the ninth time from May 25 to June 17 at the Adán Martín Auditorium, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Conservatorio Superior de Música and the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Santa Cruz. Concerts, master classes, talks and even a camp are part of the programme, which features local and international bands as well as artists such as Leigh Howard Stevens, an American marimba expert whose revolutionary approach has been adopted by performers around

American marimba expert Leigh Howard Stevens will be offering two master classes

La Palma drug dealers busted the world. This virtuoso is offering two master classes, on May 29 and 30, for which registration is required at As a farewell, Stevens will give a concert on May 31 at 7.30pm, at the Adán Martín Auditorium. This year, Paco Díaz, director of FMUC, is happy to present renowned artists in percussion and contemporary music such as the Wing Marimba Duo and Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic with the Schlagwerk Wien Ensemble. In addition, the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, Francisco and Emilio Díaz (solo percussionists) and artists from the Cosimte-Asociación de Compositores Sinfónicos y Musicólogos de Tenerife will also be playing. The IX FMUC festival aims to consolidate the values that gave birth to it: to fill a gap in contemporary programming, make percussion visible as a creative discipline, and to promote the talent of its performers. In recent years, the festival has held 37 concerts, in which more than 150 musicians of 12 nationalities, from Europe, Asia and Latin America, have participated, nicely highlighting the role played by the Canary Islands as a link n between continents.

Guardia Civil officers based at Los Llanos de Aridane in La Palma recently arrested two people on suspicion of drug trafficking in Puerto Naos as part of Operation Rastrillo. Local residents had drawn the police’s attention to the fact that drugs were probably being traded in their immediate vicinity. An apartment was being used as a point of sale. It was noticeable that there were many drug addicts in the neighbourhood and in the surrounding area utensils for their consumption were found again and again in public spaces, posing a danger to the local residents. The suspicion that drugs were traded in the apartment and were partly consumed there was confirmed, so the court in Los Llanos de Aridane granted a search warrant. Furthermore, some indications indicated that thefts committed in Puerto Naos were also connected with this address. This suspicion was also substantiated. During the search, the police seized 20 grams of heroin, 50 pre-prepared and packaged shots of heroin, 128 grams of hashish, 43 grams of marijuana and nearly €3,000 in cash. In addition, various utensils necessary for drug sales, such as a micro scale, were found, as well as a list of potential customers. The officers arrested two people n who were remanded in custody without bail.

Drugs and cash were seized in the apartment

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018







Public survey

Whither Santa Cruz?

Mayor Bermúdez seems committed to co-determination and transparency

The mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, José Manuel Bermúdez, presented his initiative in midApril to develop a new strategic plan for the development of the city in the coming years. The plan should be ready in about 18 months. To ensure

that the development and growth strategy for the city was not determined from the outside, but in line with the ideas of its inhabitants, he invited residents, entrepreneurs, city councillors and associations to participate.

Everyone can have a say in how the city should change, by taking part in the survey either personally at the city council, or via digital media. Bermúdez explained "Our society has changed in recent years and it is therefore

important that we too adapt to these new circumstances and set a new course for the future. For example, we need to think about how to expand our piece of the holiday cake and develop into a tourist capital on a holiday island. We need to improve onshore transport links and define the role that projects such as the connection between city and port, the new city beach Playa de Valleseco or the extension of Playa de Las Teresitas should play." Topics such as the Anaga Biosphere Reserve or monument protection were also addressed. The mayor emphasised that the strategic plan should not be one created by the current government or political parties, but a plan that should be developed from the ideas of all authorities, companies and residents of the city over the coming months. He therefore called on everyone to take an active part in shaping n the future.

San Juan de La Rambla

Improvements to Charco de La Laja The area of the natural basin of basalt rock, the Charco de la Laja in San Juan de La Rambla, was designed and made usable as a sea-water bathing pool in the village in 1996. Residents and visitors alike appreciate this bathing spot in the summer months and make active use of it. In the 2018/19 budget, the San Juan de la Rambla council under Mayor Fidela Velázquez asked the Island Council to make various modifications. Now that the proposals have been accepted, the work can begin. A total of €75,574 will be invested in the renewal of worn material and increased safety. Damaged materials are to be replaced, while the upper footpath, steps, bathing areas, lighting and access to the pool are to be improved. All works will be carried out to fit in with the predominant basalt rock that characterises this natural swimming pool. Two new palm trees will also be planted there. On some online sites, Charco de La Laja has been chosen as one of the most beautiful natural pools on the island. n

Charco de La Laja is a popular north Tinerfeñan bathing spot

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




La Laguna

Deadly shooting On the evening of April 17 at 10.15pm, Tenerife’s emergency call centre received a call reporting a shooting in the car park at the La Laguna language school. As the last teachers and students left the school in La Verdellada, a car stopped next to a parked car in which a man was sitting, and opened fire. At least eight shots were fired with a semi-automatic weapon. Two of them hit the victim, 51-yearold Pedro Carlos Machín Quintero, in the chest and head. The businessman died of serious injuries at the scene. The two attackers drove away at high speed right after the shots were fired. The getaway car was a black Renault Clio which it seems was stolen from the unguarded underground car park of a Los Majuelos residential building. Their escape ended in the Gracia district, where the alleged perpetrators set the car on fire, with the intention of wiping out all

fingerprints and other traces of evidence. Initial police investigations revealed that it was very likely a contract killing. The hitmen are thought to be professionals who flew in from the Spanish peninsula and left the island shortly after the crime. This is supported by the fact that both the scene of the crime and the place where the car was stolen and later left behind were not monitored by video. The attack seems to have been planned meticulously and with knowledge of the victim's habits. The nocturnal hour, the unsupervised car park and the precise course of the attack favoured success and would indicate that it was undertaken by an experienced hit squad. This level of professional violence has attracted the attention of some of the island's entrepreneurs, who approached the investigating National Police officers with concern and asked whether they needed to invest more in their

The victim was executed with a semi-automatic weapon

Until recently, the victim was successful in La Laguna’s nightlife

personal security. According to the police, there is currently no reason for this concern.

Don’t slander the dead please Born in El Hierro, Pedro C.M.Q. came to Tenerife at 15 years of age and carved out a professional future for himself that has always been linked to gastronomy. For decades he was the owner of the famous

Kapitel Pub and the El Palco disco. He was instrumental in reactivating the nightlife in La Laguna's Cuadrilátero district. Recently he said goodbye to nightlife and decided to turn over a new professional page. He was a witness in the Corredor case, which is about repeated large-scale social security fraud involving over a dozen entrepreneurs, and he promised to contribute towards the investigation. He told friends that

the main reason for his latest change of direction was that he wanted to have more time for his wife and three children. His youngest child is only three years old and he wanted to leave nightlife behind and watch him grow up. He apparently also promised his wife that he would finally have more time for family life and, above all, be at home at night, which is why he recently founded a company that buys plastic from Africa and recycles it into packaging for resale. The successful and ambitious entrepreneur planned to establish and expand business relationships abroad. That's why he

went back to school to learn English. Immediately after his brutal murder became known, a flood of speculation and suspicion was published via the social networks and some media, putting the victim in a dubious light. The family slammed such false reports and appealed for the protection of the dignity of the deceased. Machín was apparently a very charismatic, warmhearted man who was successful and loved sports. After the autopsy was completed, he was finally laid to rest in his homeland El Hierro, with which he maintained a close relationship n throughout his life.




Fashion and pride

Porn movie shoot stopped

Don’t miss May in Arona

No sex please

When the Santa Cruz city council heard about a porn film shot in broad daylight on a boat off the coast of Playa de Las Teresitas, they contacted the operators of the porn site and called for a halt to its distribution. They were told that the film was a form of tourism advertising with humour. Nevertheless, they declined permission. Alfonso Cabello, the city councillor responsible for business advertising and tourism stressed that “The city council has not granted permission to film. Movies with pornographic content may not be filmed in public. This is exhibitionism and is therefore punishable.” He added “If the production company changes its focus at any time, we will of course be happy to work with it and issue the necessary permits”. The actors involved in the film explained “We always make sure that our activities do not bother anyone. The boat was far enough away from the coast that nobody noticed anything. Only we can be seen on the film, nobody else.” Other movies with pornographic content which have been filmed in other parts of Tenerife can be seen on the porn website. n

The controversial film was shot on a small boat off the coast, with Teresitas beach and the Anaga massif as a backdrop Rudimental

The Tripletz


Alaska and Mario Vaquerizo

The south Tenerife borough of Arona will be hosting two exciting events during May: ARN Culture & Business Pride and Tenerife Fashion Weekend. Throughout the month, all eyes, both in Spain and

abroad, are on Playa de Las Américas, which will see the most celebrities per square metre in the country. These include designer Palomo Spain, groups such as British Rudimental, Icelanders

GusGus, Argentines Chocolate Remix and Spaniards Izal, as well as DJs like The Tripletz, artists such as Alaska and Mario Vaquerizo and Lisbonbased Surma, actors like Brays Efe - known and recognised for his leading role in the Spanish cult series Paquita Salas - and writers such as Boris Izaguirre. The ARN Culture & Business Pride event will run from May 29 to June 3, and is one of the best and most interesting festivals aimed at the LGTBIQ community. Organised by the Arona Tourist Board, it is now in its second year. Find more information at www.arnculture

Tenerife Fashion Weekend will take place between May 18 and 20, three days in which the borough will promote its commercial potential. Within the framework of the dates, both locals and visitors will be able to access the cooking and fashion activities which relate the world of fashion to culinary customs. These include various master classes, for instance on trends or the production of a fashion show. In addition, the New Face Man and New Face Woman competi-

tions will be a unique opportunity to discover new talents for the world of fashion, who will then play a leading role in the various activities organised by the Arona Council’s Economic Promotion Department. Arona is committed to being one of the protagonists of the Islands’ cultural revolution, to being the centre of the new movement whose aim is to generate a public leisure offer which complements the traditional product of sun and n beach.

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018







Floral splendour

May celebrations and joy Fiesta de Mayo highlights Santa Cruz

Splendidly decorated crosses on the Rambla in Santa Cruz

The month of May brings greater sunshine, freshness and a dose of spring fever to the Islands, not to mention some of the most beautiful floral festivals around. City parks and pedestrian areas are planted with colourful flowers to create a fresh atmosphere and look, as the scene is set for pleasure, leisure and a wealth of festivities. Floral splendour unfolds right at the beginning of May in all places that bear the word ‘cross’ in their name (cruz in Spanish), all of which hold a local bank holiday in honour of the celebrations. On May 3, an array of crosses are decorated with blooms and displayed in prominent places, whilst in

Los Realejos a brightly coloured fireworks display lights up the night sky, lasting for hours. The festivities continue throughout the month, right up to May 30, when the Canarian people celebrate Dia de Canarias (Canaries Day) and thus their recognition as an autonomous region in 1982, taken as a bank holiday across the Islands.

Santa Cruz The Parque García Sanabria is one of several prominent points for the May activities in Santa Cruz. Nearby, in the Ramblas, crosses are decorated with flowers on May 3, and in the park itself an extravagant

flower and plant show continues until May 6. Traditional Canarian handicrafts are also represented during an exhibition which opens daily from 10am to 9pm. Every evening at 7pm there is a small concert in the square. In between there is a varied musical programme at several locations across the city. Popular highlights are the festival Son 21 on May 11 and 12, and a night of bolero music on May 18. The Paseo Romero

on May 27 is a parade that promises typical local colour, and young people can enjoy an event designed with them

Until May 6: Exhibition of flowers and handicrafts, Parque García Sanabria, 10am to 9pm. May 4: Concert by Vocal Siete, Plaza de La Candelaria, 9pm May 5: Festival Tajaraste Street Parade, Plaza de Weyler, 8.30pm May 6: Concert by Josefina Alemán with the City Orchestra, Plaza de La Candelaria, 8.30pm May 11 & 12: XII Festival SON 21, Plaza de La Candelaria, 9pm May 18: Santa Cruz Corazón Mundial del Bolero, Plaza de La Candelaria, 9pm May 19: concert, Canto al trabajo, Ensemble Pieles, Plaza de La Candelaria, 9pm, and the Binter Night Run, a run through the city centre, 9pm May 26: Festival del Arte Urbano, youth festival, Parque La Granja, from 10am May 27: Paseo Romero de Las Moraditas, parade with folklore groups and Canarian traditions. Ofra-Costa Sur district, through Calle Chafira and Calle Tamaduste, 1pm

May 29: Gastronomy and live music night at the Nuestra Señora de África market in La Recova, from 7pm See the full programme at

Los Realejos May 12 & 13: Handicrafts market from 10am, Avenida de Los Remedios May 12: Concert by Olga Cespa y Mestisay, 10pm, Plaza Viera y Clavijo May 13: Los Realejeros cantan a su pueblo (choirs), 1pm, Plaza Viera y Clavijo May 15: Small parade, Romería Chica, after Mass at 7pm followed by a dance in Plaza Viera y Clavijo to music by David El Pescadero. May 19: Baile de Magos, dance, with Canarian costume compulsory, from 10pm May 26: Big cattle show, Feria de Ganado, Finca El Llano, from 10am, and the XLIII Festival de las Islas, Plaza Viera y Clavijo, 9pm May 27: Romería de San Isidro Labrador, 12 noon mass, followed by parade May 29: Folk concert for Canaries Day, Plaza Viera y Clavijo, 8.30pm See the full programme at

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018

ISLAND CONNECTIONS 820 mayor José Manuel Bermúdez stated that "May brings us to where we should be: A colourful city with spring scent, animated by our parks and gardens. With the Fiesta de Mayo we connect with our old customs, which are passed on from generation to generation and contain the mem-



to spend the majority of their free time outside again.

la Cabeza on May 27. Those interested in Canarian folklore will be entertained on May 12 and 13. On the second weekend in May there will be a large handicraft market in Los Realejos and on the Sunday evening the local people will sing for their fellow citizens. On May 19, the Baile de Magos takes

Los Realejos The Cruz Santa district of Los Realejos enters into the festivities with fervour. Over 300 crosses are adorned with flowers, and the celebrations continue

The great Romería in honour of the patron saints of Los Realejos The Paseo Romero remembers fishing traditions in Tenerife’s capital

in mind at the Urban Festival in La Granja city park the day before. The gastronomy and live music night on May 29 at 7pm at the Nuestra Señora de África market will be the crowning event. During his presentation of the festivities, Santa Cruz

At the Baile de Magos in Los Realejos all will celebrate in Canarian costume

ories of our childhood. The city shines, just like our traditional costumes. It is beautiful, joyful and warm." And indeed, the city centre and other districts fill with fresh spring life and people start

until the end of the month. Highlights include the small Romería (animal blessings and parades) on May 15, a cattle show on May 26 and the Romería in honour of the patron saints San Isidro Labrador and Santa María de

place and the streets will be filled with people in traditional costumes, obligatory for the event. Various folklore groups from all seven islands will perform at the Festival de n las Islas on May 26.





Centros Médicos Vida caring for you in-house. Some of their latest tools include a mammogram machine which is a lot more comfortable for women and an MRI scanner which is significantly more open and relaxing than its traditional equivalent. Now that people are becoming more health conscious, both about their bodies and dental hygiene as well, it’s good to know that the specialists and

Bright and cheerful interiors add to the centres’ friendly atmosphere

Centros Médicos Vida is Tenerife’s top private health provider, with very good reason. The company’s clinics offer a high quality, fast, effective medical and dental service with a level of care which is hard to beat. Centros Médicos Vida has spent years fine tuning their services and staff to cater for everyone’s needs both professionally and compassionately, an achievement which can be witnessed time and again in the care and attention given to patients by the doctors, nurses and staff at all of their clinics. The many services on offer include a complete range of specialists, plus family medicine, analyses, and dental treatments, as well as their own physiotherapy department complete with physiotherapists and a fully qualified sports doctor.

The majority of health insurances are accepted at the clinics, and residents will be pleased to hear there are several discounts available especially for them. One of the other beauties of Centros Médicos Vida is that there’s nothing clinical about their premises. Their friendly and welcoming atmospheres are thanks to the staff’s 100


Main contact numbers Puerto de La Cruz 922 382 317 La Orotava 922 330 550 Los Cristianos 922 757 171 Playa de San Juan 922 082 082 Fañabé 610 540 870

Freephone 900 922 221 per cent commitment to looking after the people in their care as well as they possibly can. The staff also speak various languages, including English and German, so there are never any communication difficulties, no matter what the situation. Why not give them a call today and do the best you can for your health and that of your n loved ones.

The staff at Centros Médicos Vida will always make you welcome The clinics use only the latest equipment

Centros Médicos Vida is delighted to announce the reopening of their linic in Fañabé on May 3 due to growing demand. Not only will there be a doctor on duty, they will also have a dentist in-house, and in addition a doctor on call, just phone 610 540 870. Find it in Centro Comercial Fañabé Plaza, Avda. Bruselas S/N, Adeje. Now you will have even more locations to choose from.

Well woman health check Special offer Until August 31, 2018, ladies can benefit from a Gynaecology consultation, smear test, ultrasound and mammogram for the special price of €150, by appointment only.

Well man health check Special offer In addition, the full range of diagnostic tests can be undertaken at the clinics, using the most up to date, cutting-edge

technology available. This not only increases accuracy of diagnoses, but also reduces waiting times as all results are handled

equipment are already in place to serve the growing population of residents and tourists in Tenerife.

Until August 31, 2018, men can benefit from a Urology consultation, ultrasound and prostate blood test for the special price of €120, by appointment only.

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018



Caprichos Musicales in Isla Baja

Whims and whimsy

The carousel of cultural concerts that form Caprichos Musicales (Musical Whims) event on Isla Baja continues to revolve. Next up on May 4, a meeting of children’s and youth orchestras will take place at Plaza Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios in Buenavista del Norte, starting 7pm. The very next day, the youth choir of the Tenerife Auditorium in Santa Cruz meets with its audience at 8pm, in the former monastery of San Sebastián. Choirmaster Roxana Schmunk will be conducting the 35 singers, aged between 16 and 25 years old. Last year the choir was awarded the Canary Islands First Choir Prize and last June at the Summer Choir Festival in Lisbon it received the gold medal in the under-25s category. It was also awarded a special award by the jury for expression. On May 12, the Orfeón La Paz de La Laguna Orchestra will hold a concert to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The choir, often accompanied by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, has already recorded five albums. The concert takes place in the former monastery of San Sebastián in Los Silos and starts at 8pm. The Sunday matinee by the Tenerife Philharmonic Orchestra will take place on May 13, at 12pm in the Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles church in Garachico. The orchestra’s repertoire is diverse and ranges from classical and typical Canarian music to soundtracks from movies and orchestral pop. On May 19 at 8pm, the Garachico Chamber Choir will perform in the church of Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios in Buenavista del Norte. This choir has also received several awards and likes to mix music with poetry or visual art during its performances. The choir members have studied at the Santa Cruz Conservatory and some of them now work as music teachers. n Admission to all concerts is free.


Colombian prostitution ring

Mallorca-Tenerife clan In Palma de Mallorca, the Policia Nacional recently arrested a Colombian family clan that lured women to Spain under false pretences and then forced them into prostitution. This case turned out to have a link to Tenerife. Two men and one woman were arrested for human trafficking, belonging to a criminal organisation, forced prostitution, threats and coercion. One of the members, who was responsible for recruiting young women in Colombia, lives in Tenerife. The clan had a nationwide network. The investigation began when a Colombian woman filed a complaint at a police station in Granada. During an unobserved moment, she had managed to escape. She told the police that she had been forced into prostitution and threatened that she and her family would be harmed if she didn't cooperate. In view of the fact that it’s easy in Colombia to hire dangerous people for dirty work, the woman perceived this as a real threat. She was lured to Spain with the offer of work in

Two men and a woman were arrested during the raid

a private home and her travel expenses were paid. When she arrived in Spain, her money and documents were taken from her and a horrendous sum was demanded from her, which she apparently owed to the clan for the journey. She was forced into prostitution and posing for nude photography. She had to be available around the clock and was strictly guarded for potential clients. Although she herself received only a mini-

mum of her income for herself, the mountain of her debt did not decrease. Another member of the clan was arrested by the UCRIF special unit in Tenerife at the end of last year on similar charges. At that time, seven women were freed from forced prostitution. Police from the Balearic Islands and Andalusia were involved in the investigation. In 2013, the Policia Nacional force created a

special commission against human trafficking and forced prostitution. A dedicated hotline, 900 105 090 and the e-mail were activated to give possible victims, attentive neighbours or clients suspected of having made use of the services of a woman who did not do so voluntarily, a contact point. Any information received will be treated anonymously and conn fidentially on request.




Interview WITH Elio Contigiani

“Quality that lasts” EC: Washed, finely rolled, bleached and smoothed leather without metallic materials is timeless and will always be in demand. It’s the same with the designs: classic always stays in. It’s important that the quality is right and Gianni Conti does not compromise on that. I want the customer, whether the piece is given as a gift or he or she bought it himself or herself, to enjoy using our products time and again. We are always much cheaper than equivalent goods available from the more expensive boutiques in exclusive shopping malls.

Elio Contigiani gives us an insight into this niche of the fashion world

EC: I would recommend the Weekender because it has a compartment for shoes at the bottom and the clothes and what is necessary for a short stay can be stowed away beautifully in the top section. As a customer, How can I recognise good quality leather? EC: Experts immediately notice whether the different leather parts

What luggage should I consider if I am a frequent business traveller and what are the characteristics of good business luggage?

With the above motto, Italian leather retailer Elio Contigiani has become an established player in Tenerife. In an interview with Island Connections, he reveals how to recognise good leather and what is currently trending. Which types of leather are particularly suitable for the production of bags, belts or purses? Elio Contigiani: Our company Gianni Conti primarily uses calfskin, processed, tanned and refined in Italy. There are fewer and fewer specialists who still master this craft and they are mainly to be found in Tuscany and Veneto. What is the trend for bags for fashion-conscious women? Which shapes and colours are popular? EC: Backpacks and bags sell very well, where fashion concious women can store and carry their tablets and ipads well protected. Blue is currently selling very well, red is always in demand, brown tones must be included and black will always exist. Which types of leather and models are currently in demand?

Brown tones should always be included, and red is in demand

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018



fit, pay attention to noiselessly closing zippers, and regularly set stitches for the seams. A cleanly worked seam is essential, and last but not least the smell is important. Correctly processed leather has a pleasant smell.

I decided to stop selling my knowledge and became self-employed and today customers all over the world buy our products.

Look for cleanly worked seams, noiseless zippers and a good scent

He recommends the Weekender which has a separate section at the bottom for shoes

What tips are there to distinguish between artificial leather and genuine leather? EC: You can feel a cheap leather imitation, it doesn’t feel right to the touch. At top quality it is very difficult, and the scent will be very different.

How should fine leather be cared for so that the consumer can enjoy it for a long time? EC: There are special products for leather. If you take care of your leather item, you can considerably extend its useful life. What is the concept behind your store in Tenerife? EC: We don’t invest money in shops in expensive retail locations, our aim is that local residents and tourists get to know our products and we

convince them with our wide selection and good quality. Gianni Conti is at home in the Italian region of Marche, that’s to say in a downto-earth region, not Milan, and we export to 45 countries around the world. What product promise can you make to the customer? EC: Our company motto is “Quality that lasts for years”. How did you develop your passion for leather and what do you

particularly appreciate about this material? EC: As a student, I studied languages, German and English. At the beginning of the 70s Europe opened up. The first companies in my region started trading with foreign countries, they called me and asked me for help. I translated and handled the correspondence for these companies. And soon I accompanied these people on business trips abroad. I was able to create good contacts, today that’s called networking. I was dealing more and more with companies that worked with leather. Eventually

Backpacks and bags are selling particularly well at the moment


Mr Contigiani, thank you for your time and your insight into this fascinating niche of the fashion world. n




It’s plain sailing with marine insurance by Liberty Seguros

Liberty Seguros offers watertight marine insurance policies to help expats feel safe at sea. With the warmer weather now upon us, taking to the seas is an inviting proposition for yachting and boating enthusiasts alike. However, as the owner of a valuable marine asset, preparation is vital to ensure your vessel is in prime condition ready for the season ahead. From checking for abrasions and inspection of safety equipment, to overall cleaning, maintenance and repairs, now is the time to place all hands on deck to guarantee optimum peace of mind.

Nevertheless, regardless of whether you own a dinghy, jetski or a luxury super yacht, taking care of the bodywork and mechanics is only one aspect that goes towards assuring your safety. Sailing is a sport of variables and the unforeseen can unfortunately happen, however, having the right cover in place with an insurance company that you can trust will go towards preparing you for any eventuality. Liberty Seguros, the leading expatriate insurance provider in Spain is proud to offer a specialist marine product, with nautical assistance to help

resolve compromising or difficult situations which could occur, protecting both you and your vessel for ultimate peace of mind. Understanding that your boat or yacht is likely to be your prized possession, Liberty Seguros has designed a policy with the expat in mind that extends far beyond mandatory liability cover. With added benefits that include voluntary public liability, theft, damage to the vessel itself (as well as auxiliary craft, wreckage removal, special fixtures and personal belongings, amongst others), dam-

age caused by third parties and damage due to pollution risks and coastal regattas, its marine insurance provides comprehensive protection both when moored and out on the water. What’s more, should the unimaginable actually happen, its marine policy will cover loss of life, permanent disability and injury to occupants for accidents that take place both on the boat as well as accidents that occur whilst boarding or disembarking. This policy can also be tailored to individual needs to cover solicitors' fees, medical bills, loss of wages and other aspects that are important to you. Liberty Seguros can also insure your vessel under the traditional Institute Yacht Clauses. With a staff that has extensive nautical knowledge about both sailing and motor boats – and a desire to impart expert knowledge to help you choose the cover that is right for you – it’s little wonder that Liberty Seguros is the expatriate’s insurance of choice for marine cover – as well as car, home, business and life. To feel safe and protected at sea this summer, contact Liberty Seguros. Call 91 342 25 49 or visit for more information or for the name of your nearn est broker.

Seahorse births

Rare youngsters at Poema del Mar Everyone at the Poema del Mar aquarium is rejoicing because recently several small seahorses (Hippocampus Kuda) were born there. They enlarge the existing group of more than 60 specimens, which originates from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The reproduction proves that the animals find living conditions in the aquarium optimal and is additionally underlined by the fact that the parents are also young specimens. The newborn seahorses are currently in quarantine under the close observation of the aquarium team. Their food consists of a preparation made especially for them by the care team from Artemia (a small crustacean). Later they will become accustomed to the normal food given to the adult specimens. Seahorses are special animals. Because of their upright swimming position, they are the slowest creatures in the ocean. Particularly striking is the fact that the male seahorses carry the offspring. After performing a courtship dance lasting several days, the females lay their eggs in the male’s pouch, where they are later fertilised. There can be between 150 and 2,000 eggs. The young are born alive after ten to twelve days and are normally left to fend for themselves immediately after birth. In accordance with the philosophy of Loro Parque in Tenerife, species conservation is also a top priority in Poema del Mar. Seahorses are hard to find in nature. In some parts, human activities that change their habitat expose them to serious dangers. Almost 15 per cent of seahorses on the Red List of Endangered Species are listed under the ‘almost threatened’ category. In addition to changing their habitat, seahorse fishing for medical or commercial purposes is a particular threat to over 20 million examples every year. Experts estimate that one out of every thousand specimens survives longer than six weeks. Protection, conservation of endangered animal species and sensitisation of visitors to the problems in natural habitats are among the tasks in which the teams of both theme parks are involved. n Photo: Loro Parque


Immediately after birth, the young are left to their own devices

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




Promotion | Bettenhaus Hammerer

New arrivals: Spring freshness for the bed and home Even in the islands of eternal spring, when that time of year arrives, the famous feelings of spring come automatically to the fore. Your senses become more aware of gentle colours, flowers and fresh breezes. When nature renews itself, man also feels that it is time for something new and it doesn’t cost much to give a fresh air to the home - a pretty new tablecloth, a runner, colourful cushions, cuddly soft towels in a modern design or floral decoration give your home a completely new ambience. Or how about a nice new bed linen set in fresh colours or in exotic flower or jungle decor? Mako satin, for example, nestles softly against the skin and pampers all the senses. A new bedspread brings fresh momentum and so your day will involuntarily start in a good mood. Of course, for this to be the case, you must have first had a good and restful night’s sleep. And it’s particularly important that your mattress is perfectly adapted to your own individual body’s needs. Almost everyone realises that a good mattress is the first requirement for a healthy and restful sleep. As a rule, bed accessories receive far less attention, although they do contribute considerably to the well-being of your rest. For

Bettenhaus Hammerer North Calle El Toscal 7 (main road) Los Realejos/ La Longuera Tel: 922 362 408 Monday to Friday, 10am-6.30pm, Saturday, 10am-1pm

Bettenhaus Hammerer South Las Chafiras Industrial Estate Avda. Claudio Delgado Díaz 23 Tel: 922 703 522 Monday to Friday, 10am-1.30pm and 3pm-6.30pm, Saturday, 10am-1.30pm www.bettenhausteneriffa. com

It’s easy to snuggle up in these fragrant summer blankets Fresh green and floral designs bring spring freshness

High quality materials and special construction mean comfort Perfect relaxation with Stressless seating

A stylish home creates ambience

example, your pillow should be chosen so that it relaxes your neck and spine perfectly. If you are one of many people who like to cover up when they sleep, warmer nights could see you sweating. Duvets are too warm and people perspire instead of sleeping well. To remedy this, some simply leave off a blanket and just cover themselves with a sheet. But even this is anything but ideal because if it cools down at night, so does your body. The consequence is that you wake up because you feel cold or you may even catch a chill. You may not be aware, but that doesn't have to be the case because there are also ideal bed accessories for summer, in which you can snuggle up comfortably and still feel air and lightness. These include feather-light summer duvets, for example, which have only about half as many feathers as winter duvets. Special quilting provides cooling zones that exchange air and prevent the heat from accumulating under the duvet. And for example, light, fragrant summer covers made of natural raw materials are ideal. Made to a worldwide patented creation for varied climatic zones, they provide particularly restful sleep. Studies have confirmed that sleep movements under this blanket are reduced and the important deep sleep phase is

extended by up to half. This means that the body regenerates particularly well at night and people wake up feeling more relaxed. The day begins with light-hearted ease. Obviously, good sleep depends to a large extent on the right bed all around. That is why it’s particularly important to seek advice from a specialist. Try lying on the bed, feeling and grasping with all your senses - these are the factors that should be decisive when buying and listening to expert advice. For the best professional guidance, drop in to Bettenhaus Hammerer in Los Realejos or Las Chafiras. You will be inspired by the wide range of products and at the same time receive top quality information. By the way: The Bettenhaus even helps with spring cleaning. Mattress covers, duvets and pillows can be professionally washed and dried in their industrial machines, and made really fresh for spring.

Stressless comfort days at Bettenhaus Hammerer The armchairs and seating by Stressless® offer very special seating comfort due to their construction and selected, high-quality materials, and are particularly relaxing. Right now, within the framework of the Bettenhaus Ham-

Elegance starts in the bedroom

merer spring campaign, there is a ten per cent discount on all models until May 24, those in stock for immediate delivery and those that are ordered. This is the best time to get yourself a huge chunk of relaxation speciali-

ties. The offer applies both to the Bettenhaus Hammerer stores in Los Realejos in the

north and in Las Chafiras in the south. Come on by and n take a look.

Harrys Garaje Independent workshop

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Sushi King Oriental Restaurant

Sushi King Oriental Restaurant Avenida El Guincho, 4 •Edificio Polivalente Las Chafiras/Golf del Sur. San Miguel de Abona Tel: 922 454 169 or 660 198 686 Open: every day, 12.30pm to 11.30pm Facebook: sushikingrestaurant

This restaurant is large, spacious and elegant

Newly opened in mid-March and situated in a prominent position on the access road to Golf del Sur in the south of Tenerife, is Sushi King. This restaurant not only appeals to those who love sushi, but it also offers Chinese, Thai and Teppanyaki cuisine. The large and versatile premises occupy 1,500 square metres and are literally enormous: the first impression on entering is of space and serenity. The areas that really grab one's attention are the large open plan kitchen surrounded by glass panes that reach to the ceiling, meaning that you can watch the chef working on his wonderful creations, and the large Teppanyaki Bar and equally generous Sushi Bar,

simply because everything sounds so tempting. You can

A delicious seafood soup

where you can see your delicious fresh food being prepared before your very eyes. Additionally, there is a generous wine cellar surrounded by glass, and

either seafood or seaweed (which is reputedly responsible for the longevity of those who eat it regularly). There is also a Hibiscus soup, the traditional chicken and sweet corn variety, Wan Ton or a Thai soup with chicken or prawns. There are also four

The sweet and sour pork is extremely tempting

a central bar where spirits, mixers, coffees and other drinks are prepared. Taking a look at the menu, it could be difficult to choose,

sample as few or as many dishes as you wish, so you could start your meal with a soup, choosing from Miso which is made with Tofu and

salads to choose from, with seafood, seaweed, edamame (soy beans) and special Sushi King salads. Follow this with something from the starters list, which includes Sushi King spring roll, fried king prawns in breadcrumbs, ribs with rose sauce, fragrant crispy ribs and some very special starters, including roast duck for two or four people, just one of the tempting delights designed to tantalise your taste buds.

The main course menu consists of steamed fish, fried fish, king prawns, chicken, crispy chicken or fillet steak, and for each of these you can choose from a selection of sauces including black soya bean, curry, black pepper, Thai, Teriyaki and mushroom with bamboo shoots. Alternatively, you could try sweet and sour pork, Cantonese roast pork, Tofu with a spicy sauce or Chinese seasonal vegetables. You could accompany these with a selection from the rice and noodles section, which also includes French fries. If choosing proves too difficult, there is an adult set menu which includes a choice of main course from the main menu. This is a good way for the firsttime diner to try several different dishes and sample the quality of the food on offer. If you enjoy sushi, there is plenty to tempt you at Sushi King. There are six sushi dishes to choose from as well as the list of Niguiri Sushi a la Carte which includes dishes such as tuna, salmon, sea bass, egg, boiled king prawns, eel, butterfish, salmon or flying fish roe, sushi with serrano ham or with fillet steak, and the Special Sushi. This list is followed by sashimi, which contains eight varieties,

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018


and maki which contains 12 wonderfully tempting concoctions. Finally, if teppanyaki is for you, you will not be disappointed. This section has an á la carte menu, and five different teppanyaki set menus, all as sumptuous as the next. What can you do when you are faced with such a wonderful choice? Just be adventurous! The menu for children includes sausage, chicken nuggets and fillet steak, all served with chips. If you have any space left, ask for the dessert options. Sushi King has a range of mouth watering Haagen-Dazs ice creams, a melt in the mouth coconut ice cream presented in its own shell, a fruits of the forest version served in a crystal glass with blackcurrants, raspberries and redcurrants, a tiramisu ice cream and a mixed ice cream. In fact, something to suit everyone. At Sushi King, the emphasis is on quality and expertly presented fresh food, introducing you to a new world of flavours and providing a complete Asian culinary experience. This is a restaurant where it’s best to allow your taste buds to explore. There are tables for two, four and six people, and these can be juggled around to form even larger sets for

bigger groups of diners. But whatever the arrangement, privacy is assured and the seating is comfortable. The decor is light, bright and elegant,

CANARY ISLANDS artificial grass, which is ideal for aperitifs or even to eat if the customer wishes to dine al fresco. Sushi King also has two private rooms, one slightly

eral highchairs available for the youngest members of the family. As all food is prepared fresh to order, you may have to wait a


smile, and if you don't want to eat on the premises, you can pop in and pick up a takeaway. There is currently even a special offer for a 20 per

for long, Sushi King is already starting to accumulate some excellent reviews on TripAdvisor. The restaurant is easy to find and, if you are driv-

cent discount on table reservations made via their Facebook page (see opposite page). Although it has not been open

ing, there is a large car park right in front of it. Visit soon, before everyone finds out just how good Sushi King is! n

Fried rice with seafood The wonder of Maki cuisine Fresh and crunchy, Chinese seasonal vegetables From the maki menu, the delicious Sushi King Rouleau

in white with a touch of blue, with special lighting effects. There is also an outside terrace with a shaded seating area and

smaller than the other, which are designed to accommodate private parties and other celebrations. There are also sev-

little longer than in some other restaurants, but it’s well worth the wait. The staff are attentive and offer service with a






Located on the main road to the Golf del Sur



Avda. El Guincho No 4, Edf. Polivalente, Las Chafiras











Polígono industrial Los Olivos Cra. Gral. La Caleta s/n. Adeje Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9:00 – 21:30 Sun 9:00 – 21:00


Calle Camelia s/n C. C. La Cúpula Puerto de La Cruz Opening hours: Mon - Sun 9:00 – 21:00


LOS CRISTIANOS Avenida Juan Carlos I, s/n Los Cristianos Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9:00 – 21:30 Sun 9:00 – 21:00



Errors and omissions excepted · This offer is available whilst stocks last · This offer will be valid from 3rd May to 16th May

Tel. 922 45 41 69 sushikingtenerife@

We welcome you to Sushi King, where you can enjoy a certain quality that your palate desires and deserves




PROMOTION: Brunelli's Steakhouse

New spring and summer menu A romantic evening atmosphere with the sun setting across the sea

Culinary delights, a select wine list, an exclusive ambience and an incomparable location directly on the Atlantic Ocean - these are the attributes that distinguish Brunelli's Steakhouse at Punta Brava in Puerto de La Cruz. Residents and holidaymakers appreciate the best quality meat, hung in the restaurant's own ripening chamber and prepared in the unique Southbend grill oven. No wonder the motto of this esteemed restaurant is ‘The best steaks on this side of the Atlantic’. Recently, the menu was changed to spring/ summer mode and now has

Brunelli’s Steakhouse 42 Bencomo Street Puerto de La Cruz / Punta Brava Tel: 922 062 600 Open: daily 1pm to 3.30pm and 6.30pm to 11pm

cocktail sauce, as well as the delicious shrimp cocktail continue to be top choices. The cold Spanish gazpacho soup or Caesar salad are often ordered as light, refreshing dishes, especially when the outside temperature is warm. The spicy fillet tips or the home-made chorizo are also popular. Meat lovers have a wide selection of selected cuts. How about a Rib Eye steak of Black Angus beef from the USA

Eye Bone in Tomahawk Steak, which weighs about one kilo and is distinguished by its extra long rib bone. The fat deposits in the meat give this steak its special taste. T-bone steaks and Brunelli's burgers have also become real classics. If you are not such a meat lover, however, you can choose between a selection of delicious fresh fish and lobster. For dessert, how about the fruity sorbet or Brunelli's sun-

Excellent meat and a glass of selected wine make a perfect combination The bone gives the meat an additional refined flavour Varied starters and desserts round off the offer at Brunelli’s

some new seasonal highlights on offer. These include the Burrata starter (special mozzarella buffalo cheese) on a bed of spinach with a hint of black truffles, or croquettes with Iberian ham, pepperoni and cheddar cheese. Among the steaks, the Galician beef cutlet, which has matured for 45 days, catches the connoisseur's eye, and from the desserts the typical American cheesecake is extremely tempting. But classics like the veal carpaccio with a traditional or

for example? From 100 days before slaughter, the animals are fed a special diet consisting of maize, cereals, alfalfa and soya meal. This gives the marbled meat a fine-melting character. Or maybe the Rib

dae with egg liqueur, also fresh on the dessert menu for the summer. And of course, there are regularly changing daily recommendations. At Brunelli's Steakhouse the guests are spoiled in culinary terms, as well as with elegance and ambience. When the gigantic glass front to the ocean is opened during fine weather, the restaurant almost transforms itself into a terrace, complete with sea breeze, and the atmosphere n is simply perfect.

An unusual gift in May

Homemade green woodruff liqueur The merry month of May is here and many associate certain pleasures and smells with it. These include strawberries, asparagus and, of course, the sweet scented woodruff. Many people celebrate their birthdays in May and maybe a homemade Woodruff liqueur would be a wonderful gift idea, or maybe an extraordinary aperitif at the next May party. It is highly concentrated and one hundred

per cent tasty. You don’t even need fresh woodruff so can use Waldmeister syrup which can be bought here in the Canaries. Ingredients: 250 grams of natural yoghurt, 100 millilitres of cream, 250 millilitres of Waldmeister syrup, 100 millilitres of brandy or other spirit, and vanilla sugar to taste. Preparation: All ingredients are simply mixed together and left to cool n until served.

Idea de regalo para mayo

Licor verde de rubilla casera El alegre mes de mayo es tradicionalmente asociado con muchos placeres y olores particulares. Por ejemplo fresas, espárragos y la hierba rubilla. Muchos amigos celebran su cumpleaños, y un licor casero de rubilla puede ser un maravilloso regalo. O también un aperitivo extraordinario, altamente concentrado y cien por cien sabroso, para la fiesta del próximo mes de mayo. Como no es necesario tener la hierba fresca, ya

que se puede elaborar con sirope de rubilla, esta receta también se puede realizar en Canarias. Ingredientes: 250 gramos de yogur natural, 100 mililitros de nata, 250 mililitros de jarabe de rubilla (Waldmeister), 100 mililitros de aguardiente claro y un paquete de azúcar de vainilla. Preparación: Todos los ingredientes se mezclan y se guarda en la nevera hasta que se sirva muy frío. n



922062 857600 327 & &922

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La Guinguette is a French Every gourmet’s dream becorestaurant where you can enjoy mes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a music, dancing, good food and steakhouse that is in the perwine. We have to created a place fect location inspire the where combine meat art, food palate.weSelected of and the drink at Laquality, Guinguette in South very best in a fantastic Tenerife. on ambience The rightfood nextistobased the sea, traditional French cuisine, comthe culinary pleasure revolves bined with country-specific and around the Southbend: The local products. of only oven of its Musicians kind on the Canary Islands, heats up all genres provideit inspiratioto 800°C, the juices nal shows, sealing theme nights, and and perform flavour during inside our theSunday meat. also Plus top from BBQ. Ourquality terrace wines with shady the island Spain, andview the trees and aand breathtaking restaurant’s invites you tocrowning relax. Ourglory: team an uninterrupted view the awaits you to offer you anof unforAtlantic Ocean. gettable time.

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Marina Bay Avenida Juan Carlos I Los Cristianos (Arona) Opening hours: daily 10:00–22:00 market days 9:00–22:00

& 922 791 371 A new sensation has hit Los Cristianos, and that is the Marina Bay Restaurant and Sunset Bar. Occupying an elevated position next to the Arona Gran Hotel, just behind the market site overlooking the sea, Marina Bay is the place to switch off and enjoy food and drinks. A daytime snacks menu and a full international menu provide for all tastes and ages. Watch amazing sunsets, enjoy live music in the evenings and maybe even dance too! The priority at Marina Bay is good customer service and quality food at reasonable prices.

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Mamma Las Mia Vistas Bodegón Av de Las Américas Calle Bencomo 58 7 C.C. Américas Santa Úrsula Plaza Playa de Las Américas Open: Opening hours: Daily, except Tuesday daily 11:30–23:30 12 to 11 pm

922 108 797 923 082 & 822 &

ide urant in & outs Heated Resta

Freshness and tradition: Tasteful, canarian kitchen, Mamma Mía and is where you’ll find a rustic authentic excellent Italian in the ambience and cuisine a breathtasouth of Tenerife. Enjoy its king panoramic view all chaaromas andthe textures, and with racterise Bodegón Las aVistas new menu at the beginning in Santa Úrsula. Also of will also beserviceable to theJuly, veryyou hospitable try some typical dishes fromprithe staff and the favorable north and south of welcomes Italy. Only ces. This place the best quality authentic ingreeveryone, from local Canadients used,residents all of Italian rian or are foreign who origin. Mamma Mía has won don‘t want to cook, to holithe TripAdvisor of daymakers whoCertificate find themExcellence for extraordinary years, confirselves in an ming of the of cuisine, placethe in quality the middle typiand demonstrating that you the cal island life. A place essence of fine Italian food is will never forget. synonymous with Mamma Mía.



Calle Bencomo 42 Piedra Carretera General Puerto de La Hincada 42,Cruz Guía de Isora Opening Openinghours: hours: Daily – 3.30pm Tue –from Sun1pm 12:30–16:00 and 6.30pm – 11pm Wed – Sat 19:00–22.30


Brunelli’s Steakhouse La Guinguette


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d bodegonlasvistas

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018





Our family business

By Octavio Cabrera We, and particularly the politicians, find it difficult to stop talking about our family businesses and we refer to them as the lifeblood of our economy, the thermometer of our growth, the driving force behind job creation, almost our national source of pride. But, in reality, do they get so much attention and loving care? Are the protection and incentives they get from the taxpaying point of view effective? I'm afraid that, although there are many specific regulations which in some way are aimed at the family business, their efficacy in terms of effective benefits is pretty much obstructed by the number of restrictions and limitations which have been introduced by either regulation or administrative doctrine. There are so many situations where we end up walking into insuperable obstacles that advancing in efficient planning, on occasion, requires a real balancing act, a gymkhana of drawbacks, provisos which can only be overcome with creativity and imagination. In order to progress in correct planning, therefore, it usually means that advisors ultimately need to inform the businessman, the client, of their doubts and uncertainties, and the advisability of making binding tax consultations which make it possible to restructure while we are all getting better, so that we will not be exposed to the probable absence of understanding from the tax inspectors, visà-vis the businessman's arguments in justification, and not even this option is a panacea, when our General Tax Directorate has decided that it’s

Family businesses are hailed as the ‘lifeblood of the economy’, but are they getting a fair deal?

not enough to make us wait six months for a reply, now it serves us up a desert crossing which may last more than a year with the result that the immediacy is diluted and the timeliness and advisability of the decisions to be taken lose all their value. The reality, in any case, is that the family business has protective measures, especially as regards the exemption to property tax and the reduction in the tax base of inheritance and gift tax. Concentrating on this specific question, each and every one of the heads of our family businesses notice at a moment in the lifetime of the companies, one of the fundamental debates, which is none other than that of deliberating on the inheritance. Who will inherit the business? Who will run the business when the managers are no longer around? Second generations overlapping the third, the much-recommended solution of family protocol, and so on. Now, as if all this, on its own, were not sufficient reason for concern, as it involves

beyond all doubt a factor in family stress and, on many occasions, a great deal more, to this is added, as an overwhelming extra factor the pressure of the tax payments that the inheritance finally agreed and provided for will mean for the family treasure chest, to the extent that on occasion it compromises the future viability of the business project, or exercises a decisive influence on the will of the family to streamline the business with everything that involves. The current mechanisms which validate the neutral inheritance of the family business pivot around exemption from property tax, but the particular detail that the above-mentioned exemption may be total or only partial is fundamental when validating the existence of a proper and optimal situation in preparation for a possible inheritance. Let us analyse this aspect of our taxation and let us start, as we of course must, by considering the current allowance in the Canaries in inheritance and gift tax as temporary - I would be pleased

(and we will consider this in the future) if, once and for all, somebody dared to armourplate allowances and/or exemptions both in property tax and in inheritance tax which were in perpetuity and became permanent over time. Therefore, proper planning for the inheritance of the family business requires, in the first place, ensuring the maximum exemption from property tax. When analysing the regulation of this exemption, we come upon a goodly number of limitations which in the end reduce the determination of the coefficient which will finally tell us what percentage of the business is exempt and therefore protected from inheritance tax. It is sometimes discouraging to discover that maximising the exemption may be incompatible with growth in an orderly and structured manner, limiting liabilities and unnecessary exposures and diversifying the corporate assets and investments. Thus, the undistributed profits that are not reinvested which exceed those accumulated over

the last ten years are negative rather than positive. The same thing occurs with the real estate, which has been created through years of sacrifice which must be part of an independent business activity of leases in order for it to be positive rather than negative. What should we say about financial investments in capital markets or simple powerful liquidity positions, and holdings in other companies, which may also end up being negative? And, of course, we should not even mention the strategy of planning for the growth of the company with a structure of holding companies which brings together the family stockholdings and which manages in an orderly manner the management and global holdings in different family business projects. In this latter case, the exemption must be won in this equity holding company and achieving it fully or almost fully may become an exercise of the greatest difficulty. In short, excellence, having been able to grow by accepting risks, having wanted to diversify and generate a safety net, in the form of savings funds and provisions, which will ensure survival in the long term and the wellbeing of the members of the family who have contributed with the effort of several generations to getting to where they now are, do not appear to be rewarded. It is true that all these unnecessary stumbling blocks and complications can and must be overcome, although this may involve making a silk purse out of a sow's ear and waiting for common sense to prevail and that the new doctrine of the General Directorate of Taxation and Jurisprudence, which we are anxiously awaiting, reverses

a few recent interpretations that have undermined the need to give a solid foundation to family SMEs. Today, structuring, diversifying and growing in an organised and secure manner is insufficiently rewarded but involves the generation of additional difficulties when planning. We need protection in tax planning which is more empathetic towards the bold efforts of so many families. Would it not be a great deal simpler to validate a full exemption in property and inheritance tax for all those business structures of a family origin, with the only requirement being that the family should continue to own and manage the business without growing and becoming richer, evolving towards the management of their own assets, often created on the basis of effort, creativity and healthy ambition, being a handicap, but on the contrary, a public and institutional recognition of the priceless effort of so many businesspeople? My n case rests.

Cabrera Rodríguez Lawyers and Tax Consultants El Pilar, 5 Edificio Peceño Local 9 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: (+34) 922 241 188 Fax: (+34) 922 241 410 Complejo Ocean View, Local 1117 A/1 San Eugenio 38670 Adeje Tel: (+34) 922 792 811 Fax: (+34) 922 792 841

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




Blevins Franks

Pension advice in Spain: Six tips for getting it right first time By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

Pensions are often the cornerstone of a comfortable retirement, so making the wrong decision here can be disastrous and costly to rectify. These six tips can help you secure quality expert advice. 1. Check your pension adviser is regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Regulated companies must meet certain standards and act in the best interests of clients. Taking regulated advice is compulsory when transferring ‘final-salary’ pension benefits worth £30,000+, but it is recommended for anyone considering their pension options. An online search of a provider’s full name plus ‘FCA’ should reveal more about their relationship with the regulator and their record in the Financial Services Register. 2. Explore all your options Many expatriates benefit from transferring UK pensions to a

Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS). While advantages include more flexibility with withdrawals and estate planning, a QROPS will not suit everyone and is not always the most tax-efficient solution. With expert planning, pension funds can potentially be restructured in arrangements that provide additional tax benefits for Spanish residents. 3. Get personalised, crossborder tax advice The Spanish tax treatment of pensions differs to the UK and is complex. Under certain circumstances, for example, it is possible to receive 92 per cent of an annuity tax-free in Spain – but the rules are far from straightforward. Many advisers claim understanding of Spanish taxation, but may not have the expertise to navigate Spanish succession, wealth and income tax mitigation for expatriates. This can lead to a higher tax bill than necessary, for you and your heirs. 4. Beware of pension scams and offers that are ‘too good to be true’

of your overall financial plan. Your adviser should look at your pensions in the context of your unique circumstances and wider situation – including residency, your other assets, tax and estate planning – to establish the most suitable strategy for you and your family. With some current opportunities not expected to survive postBrexit, there may be limited time to take advantage of today’s freedoms. While you should not rush into any decisions, review your pension options without delay to ensure you are in the best position to enjoy your retirement in Spain. tax information is Review your pension options without delay to ensure you are in the Summarised based upon our understanding of current laws and practices which best position to enjoy your retirement in Spain may change. Individuals should Be extremely cautious of panies there is no recourse if sumer reviews, ask around your seek personalised advice. ‘advice’ from a company that things go wrong. local community and follow up Blevins Franks provides tailorhas cold-called you, and never 5. Research other peoples’ references. Be mindful, howmade advice on investment stratsign anything under pressure. experience ever, that other peoples’ situegies, tax mitigation and estate Check the provider’s creden- Testimonials, particularly ations might be quite differplanning. It has decades of expetials, including their cross-bor- word-of-mouth recommenda- ent to yours – what works for rience advising British expatriates der experience, to avoid the risk tions from people you trust, can them may not necessarily work in Spain. Contact Paul Montague on 922 716 079 or paul.monof tax penalties or even losing provide reassurance and indi- for you. everything to fraud. Remem- cate a business is doing things 6. Look at the whole picture ber: with unregulated com- the right way. Look for con- Pensions should form just part

WHAT’S ON 2018





Canary Islands for Paraguayan artista Claudia Casarino, 12 mixed media works with women as the theme, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), LPGC, Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 9pm, Sundays 10am – 2pm, free entry. www.



11pm: Broadway Night with Cecilia Arrate, songs from the top musicals, Teatro Circulo de Bellas Artes, Santa Cruz, €6. May 6 9am - 2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico, free event. www. 10am – 2pm: Mercado ArteSano, crafts, culture and local agricultural produce, San Juan de la Rambla. May 9

All day: As part of the May Day and Fiestas de La Cruz celebrations, the Ramblas area of Santa Cruz will be decorated with crosses, and the Parque García Sanabria will hold a flower and plant exhibition and sale until May 6. www.

May 13 9am - 2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico, free event. www.

10pm onwards: Massive fireworks display, Calle del Medio and Calle de Sol, Los Realejos, free event.

Until May 19

May 4

May 4 9pm: Diego el Cigala, 15 años de lagrimas tour (15 years of tears tour), flamenco, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas, from €35. www. May 5 9pm: Musicando, Timple & Bohemia, modern pop songs with a traditional Canarian touch, Auditorio del Parque Doramas, LPGC, free entry, limited places. May 9 8pm: Conciertos de Primavera (Spring Concerts), LPGC Conservatory Symphonic Orchestra, varied programme, Paraninfo, LPGC University, from €2.

XI Arte con Enganche (Hooked on art), competition, photography, sculpture and painting, theme is drug dependency, open to all Tenerife residents over 14 years old, €300 first prize in each category, La Orotava.

11pm: Mich Gerber, Swiss double bass player, Guachinche Contenedor y Cuchara, Risco Caido, La Orotava, free entry. You can book a table for a typical Canarian meal before the show (additional charge), 822 259 133 /

May 19

May 5 11am: La Ruta de los Castillos, guided tour (in Spanish) around Santa Cruz’s early fortifications, Castillo de San Juan, Casa de la Pólvora, Castillo San Cristóbal, Torre de San Andrés and Castillo de Paso Alto, €9. 5pm: Mago Dragster, family magic show, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Santa Cruz, €6. www. 9pm: Zenobia in concert, supported by Stoneville and Natribu, heavy metal, one of this year’s Apocalipsis events, O-Club, Santa Cruz, €14 general, €20 VIP, transport to and from Las Américas available for an additional €10.

6pm: Children of the 80’s, Barbara Tucker featuring DJ Q, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, from €22.50. 9pm: Revolver, acoustic rock, 25 años de Básico Tour (25th anniversary tour of the publication of their album Basic I), Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €17.

May 3

Maspalomas Gay Pride, various events and entrance prices,

2pm: Helping Hands Bollywood charity fundraiser, Indian buffet and entertainment, profits go to children in need, Centro Comercial Safari, Playa de Las Américas, €27.

10am: Montesdeoca tour, in English, guided walk around the Tinerfeñan cheese dairy with the most local, national and international awards, Tijoco Bajo, Adeje, €5, event organised by the Focus ex-pat association, email for details: May 10 8pm: Mestisay - Jallos. Canciones encontradas en la orilla (Flotsom. Songs found on the coastline), Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Santa Cruz, €10. May 10 - 13

All day: Guided walk (in Spanish) looking at Geological and biological diversity in El Teide National Park, part of the Pinceladas series of hikes, free event, limited places. Until further notice Open air cinema at the Magma Centre, Adeje, from €4 for residents, many films in the original language. Every Saturday morning Events for specific groups, families, seniors, women, etc. Activate Sports Club.


May 11 Until May 13

8.30pm: Olga Cerpa and Mestisay, Canarian music, Teatro Municipal Juan Ramón Jiménez, Telde, from €15. May 12 8.30pm: Nosotras Musical Group, Canarian music, Nuevo Teatro Viejo, Arucas, from €10. 9pm: Musicando, María Emilia, Brazilian fado music, Auditorio del Parque Doramas, LPGC, free entry, limited places. Until further notice Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

May 11

Until May 26

9pm: Che Ruben, Victor Rutty, Rober Del Pyro and Dj Kaef, indie and electronic music, Espacio Cultural Aguere, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, €10.

Tutankhamón (Tutankhamen), ‘images of a treasure hidden underneath the Egyptian desert’, 65 photos which illustrate the archaeological work of British explorer Howard Carter and his team who first discovered the Egyptian King’s tomb, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Garachico, Tuesday to Saturday, 11am – 2pm, 4pm – 7pm; Sundays 10am – 1.30pm, free entry.

May 12


10pm: Play After Death, Iron Maiden tribute, Búho Club, La Laguna, €7.

Claudia Casarino, Iluminando la ausencia (Illuminating absence), first time in the

10pm: Triplete de Rock Urbano Canario, urban rock, local bands including Mandarrias, Perrosuelto and Barrio Conflictivo, plus activities, El Arcón, Calle Aceviño, Puerto de La Cruz, €6.

Until May 27

Mueca Festival, street performances, jugglers, dancers, mime artists and much more, Puerto de La Cruz city centre, various venues, some events are free.

La ciudad sumergida (The sunken city) by Aube Elléouët-Breton, French artist, daughter of André Breton, ‘the founder of Surrealism’ and artist Jaqueline Lamba, more than 500 works, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, free entry, Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am - 8pm.

All day: Guided walk (in Spanish) looking at the history of rock climbing in El Teide National Park, part of the Pinceladas series of hikes, free event, limited places. 12pm: La Flor Más Grande del Mundo (The biggest flower in the world) family orchestral theatre show, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €5.

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018



Acoustic aims

Keep on revolving Spanish rock giants Revólver will be bringing their inimitable sound to Los Cristianos on May 12 with a concert celebrating the 25th anniversary of the release of their acoustic album Básico I. The current Basic I Tour takes fans on an exciting journey through a quarter of a century of hits since the album that was not only a turning point in their careers, but also for the country’s music scene in general. Básico was the first album in Spain to be based on the MTV Unplugged format, kicking off an acoustic revolution that continues to this day. Formed by vocalist, musician and composer Carlos Goñi in 1988, Revolver’s American rock-pop sound with a Latin touch, not to mention a sprinkling of social conscience, has ensured their continuing success. Various electric rock albums followed throughout the years, but the band consistently returned to its love of acoustic, publishing the second Basic album in 1997 and a further one in 2006. Catch them playing live at the Infanta Leonor Auditorium starting 9pm. Tickets are on sale for €17 and can be purchased from the town’s cultural centre between the hours of 9am and 2pm, Monday to Friday; from the auditorium’s box office two hours before the show (up until 15 minutes before it starts); or online via n

Move and groove

Urban sounds Head to Puerto de La Cruz on May 5 for a serious dose of urban rock. Local groups will be entertaining the crowd throughout the night, in a rocking riot that starts at 10pm at El Arcón on Calle Aceviño. Headliners include the Mandarrias Band, Perrosuelto and Barrio Conflictivo, and there will also be a whole host of fun activities to take part in. Tickets for the Triplete de Rock Urbano Canario event cost €6 and can be purchased online via n


Whatever you want

Rockin’ all over the world British wonder band Status Quo will play in Tenerife for the very first time on May 25. Not everyone will be aware that the long haired, denimwearing, cheeky chappies from London are actually one of the most successful British bands ever. The group has been going an incredible five decades, during which time the popularity of their particular brand of hard rock and boogie has seen them release an amazing 40 albums and almost 100 singles, with worldwide record sales of more than 118 million. This includes 32 hit discs in the British Albums Chart, beating everyone apart from The Rolling Stones. Status Quo have played 47 concerts at London’s Wembley Arena, more times than any other group, and appeared on the legendary English music show Top of the Pops no less than 106 times in total, again taking the record. Originally founded by schoolboys Francis Rossi and Alan Lancaster in 1962 under the name The Spectres, after a number of style and line-up

changes, including the introduction of intrinsic member Rick Parfitt, the band morphed into the Status Quo of today in 1969. Songs such as Whatever You Want, In the Army Now, Pictures of Matchstick Men and Rockin’ All Over the World have become classics, which even many of the younger generation are familiar with thanks to updated versions being released and the

band’s ongoing love of getting their music out there. The last few years have even seen them experiment with television and film, with their first full-length feature, a 90-minute action comedy called Bula Quo!, which hit cinemas in June 2013. The following year, the emphasis went back on acoustic work, but the boys are now back live and electric thanks to popular demand.

Catch them at the Pabellón Santiago Martín, Los Majuelos, from 7pm onwards. Tickets start at €39 and can be purchased online via www. They will also play the Gran Canaria Arena, Las Palmas, the following evening on May 26, with doors also opening at 7pm. Tickets for this show start at the same price and can be bought from n

Helping hands

Bollywood charity fundraiser A fantastic opportunity is coming up on May 12 to enjoy an Indian buffet and entertainment in Playa de Las Américas whilst supporting children in need. Helping Hands in Tenerife is a fully-registered charity which raises funds with the aim of improving the lives of underprivileged children on the island. Since its inception in 2009 it has raised over €135,000 for various projects, including the CEE School in Guargacho which supports children with cerebral palsy between the ages of five and 20 years old, and a number of individuals in need of specialised equipment such as

computers or living aids. The other main beneficiaries of the members’ good work are the youngsters at the Centro Guaydil in Granadilla, who are

the focus of the current goal of raising €8,000 to buy essential materials for the children's sports and educational activities throughout one year.

For the evening in question, to be held at the Delhi Delights Indian Restaurant, guests will first be greeted with a glass of Cava. A delicious Indian meal will follow, with soft drinks, wine and water included, plus a raffle, auction, DJ, and entertainment from talented Bollywood dancers. Tickets for the event cost just €27, an absolute bargain! Over 700 ex-pats regularly follow and contribute to the charity's activities. Maybe you would also like to lend a helping hand? Find more information at www.helpinghands or facebook/ n tenerifehelpinghands.




Let's go to the beach! Practical: Ritual of Karma sun protection spray with SPF 20 is particularly easy to apply. From Rituals

This year's new swimwear makes you really want to head to the beach for the day. Bikinis are an absolute must this summer, and the trend among two-piece sets leans clearly towards the fifties with high waistband panties, perfect for those with voluptuous curves.

Sporty bikini with decorative zigzag pattern, under a casual kimono. From F&F

Ladies with straighter figures can choose between s p o r t y, t i g h t b i k i n i s o r romantic models with frills, which also add emphasis to a small bosom. OneThe fifties are back: with their typical polka dots and high-cut panties. From JD Williams

piece swimsuits have not been neglected. This summer, they score points with refined details such as lacings on the back or cleverly set striped patterns. What

they all have in common, however, is that they are made of fast-drying, hightech materials that also hold their shape for a long time. Bikinis or swimsuits are com-

The focus of this swimsuit is... a beautiful back. From Long Tall Sally

plemented by large scarves (pareos) that you wrap around your hips, or kimonos that you casually wear open when you visit the pool bar, for example. n

Only two drops mixed with the day cream provide a sun-kissed tan: Sun 365. From Lancaster

Jungle patterns are trendy this also applies to the latest swimwear. From M&Co.

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018



A touch of Hollywood: One-piece with elaborately designed frills. From New Look

Casual bikini with bustier top and ties. From Primark

The decorative bows on the top and the bikini pants are a real eyecatcher. From New Look

Tailor-made sun protection In the Canaries you see them every summer: victims of sunburn who underestimated the strength of the sun on the Islands. Today there are some really good ways to avoid such redness and pain, however. Sun creams, lotions and other products with a high protection factor (40 and above) are ideal for


those who are not yet tanned. For people who wish to avoid the initial stages of laying on a beach looking as white as a sheet there are self-tanners and modern beauty products that provide the coveted sun-kissed look. After a few days you can reduce the sun protection facn tor, but stay above 30.

Protects already tanned skin - from environmental damage as well as the sun. Formula Urban Shield. From Marks & Spencer

Romantic frills and flamingos adorn this feminine one-piece. From F&F Ideal for skin without a tan: UV-Bronze sunscreen for the face with protection factor 50+. From Filorga

Sophisticated stripes ensure a great silhouette. From Penneys


Bone health


Understanding osteoporosis

By Xena Fox Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones have become weaker and more fragile, often leading to breaks and fractures. Though it mostly affects older people, anyone of any age can also suffer it, usually due to medication or illness. Osteoporosis is considered by doctors to be a ‘silent disease’ due to the fact it tends to develop slowly over years and many people are unaware they have it until a minor fall or impact damages the bones. The most common injuries are breaks and fractures of the wrist, hip and vertebrae. However, they can also occur elsewhere, such as in the arm, femur or pelvis. Breaks and splintering of the bones (known collectively as ‘fractures’) can be much more serious than some imagine, especially for seniors. Osteoporosis is also scarily common, affecting over 3.5 million people in Spain. Over 40 per cent of women over the age of 50 will suffer a fracture to their spine related to osteoporosis at some point in their lives, and between 20 and 25 per cent of the country’s traumatology hospital beds are occupied by patients who’ve suffered a fracture due to the condition. Sadly, 30 per cent of older people with fractures due to osteoporosis of the vertebrae, hip or humerus die within one year, a total of 40 per cent within two years. A further percentage will develop permanent mobility problems, severely reducing their independence and quality of life. Osteoporosis should be taken very seriously indeed.

What is it? Bone tissue (osseous tissue) has a honeycomb-like matrix made up of various types of bone cells as well as, amongst others, collagen, minerals, bone marrow, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage. Bone is constantly rebuilding itself as old bone is broken down and replaced.

tion problems (e.g. coeliac disease); being very underweight or having an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia; long-term use of particular prescription drugs, including high-dose corticosteroid treatments and enoxaparin, as well as certain medical conditions such as inflammatory illnesses.

Diagnosis and treatment You may be referred for a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan (DEXA) to measure bone mineral density - a painless procedure that normally takes just a few minutes. Results are compared with the average density of a healthy young adult, plus someone of the same age and sex as the person tested. The disparDon’t panic if you’re diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia with correct treatment and lifestyle changes its effects can be reduced The International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that the condition affects around 200 million women worldwide

In healthy bone the spaces between the different components are very small, but much larger in bones affected by osteoporosis, reducing their elastic properties and making them more fragile. Though bones naturally become thinner and weaker as we age, there are many factors that can affect the rate at which they do so, or which can induce the condition in younger people. For instance, women tend to lose bone density rapidly in

Medication options Most medications will decrease the risk of fracture by about 50 per cent. Depending on the type, it may be taken orally once a day, a week or month, or as a subcutaneous injection every six or 12 months. Available prescription drugs include Bisphosphonates which slow down the rate that bone is broken down and increase the production of new bone, and selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that have a similar effect on bone as the hormone oestrogen. In addition, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be offered to women going through the menopause as it can help keep bones strong, and testosterone treatment may be used with men suffering from lowered levels.


Women are at even greater risk when they have a hysterectomy, their ovaries removed, or go through the menopause before

World Osteoporosis Day is held every year on October 20 See for more information the first few years after the menopause due to lowered levels of the hormone oestrogen, which plays an important role in controlling the amount of mineral deposited in bones.

already occurred in a patient with a reading below -2.5 the condition will be classed as ‘established osteoporosis’. Treatment aims to prevent fractures and strengthen bones, and can range from simple lifestyle changes to lifelong medication.

the age of 45, or experience six months or more without having a period as a result of overexercising or over-dieting. Unsurprisingly then, women have a much higher risk of developing the condition. For Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

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example, around 75 per cent of all cases of hip osteoporosis affect females. The ‘male’ hormone testosterone is also important for bone health. Men usually continue producing it in sufficient levels throughout life, but certain conditions, such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism, can reduce levels enough to raise the risk of osteoporosis. Other factors that increase risk include: A family history of the condition; drinking and/ or smoking heavily; extended periods of inactivity; inadequate amounts of calcium and/or vitamin D; malabsorb-

ity between results gives a ‘T score’, calculated as a standard deviation (SD). A result of a T score above -1 SD is normal; between -1 and -2.5 SD is a condition known as osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis); and results below -2.5 indicate osteoporosis. If a fracture has

Calcium is vital for healthy bones, so supplements may be recommended for some people, particularly seniors, as may vitamin D in countries which don’t receive as much sunshine as we do here in the Canaries. In addition, hot and cold treatments, TENS machines (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), relaxation techniques and complementary therapies can all help with any pain or discomfort caused by fractures.

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Tel. 699 521 649

©2014 FLN


3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018


Though the potential height and strength of our skeleton is determined by genes, lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise will influence how healthy the bones are and the rate at which they repair themselves, important not only for those who have already been diagnosed, but also for those wishing to prevent or slow done the onset of the condition.

activity - any exercise where your feet and legs are supporting your own weight, including jogging, aerobics, tennis, dancing, climbing stairs and brisk walking. These activities also strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints, which all help support bones. The other necessary type is resistance exercise such as weight training and press-ups. We need to do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, three to four times a week to fully reap its benefits, and it’s never too late to start: even those over the age of 60 can sig-

Enjoying exercise Two types of exercise are essential for healthy bones. The first is weight-bearing

The Grupo de Investigación de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral (Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism Investigation Group) is based in the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University. The 12 specialists were the first researchers in Spain to follow patients over a prolonged period – 10 years to date. Thanks to this and a further 11 ongoing studies, we have a clear picture of the situation in the Islands: one which, statistically speaking, mirrors that of the rest of the developed world. Several exciting projects are currently under development by the team, including a new, improved ultrasound technique for diagnoses. Interestingly, the group has also managed to identify a family in Gran Canaria that has a very strong skeleton – one of only two known instances in the world. The members have “extremely dense bones”, up to 30 times more resistant than normal, offering hope for future treatments. n

HEALTH nificantly improve their bone health with exercise.

Eating for strength Another important factor is diet. For instance, we need around 700mg a day of cal-

many of us consume at least 50 per cent more than the recommended daily limit. Keep levels down by using herbs and spices instead when cooking and avoiding sprinkling it on food. In addition, it’s wise to limit intake of processed prod-

The typical stooped position found in older people can sometimes be a sign of osteoporosis Though the incidence of the condition in males is less than in women, men are still at risk

cium a day, from foods such as dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, pulses, bony fish and dried fruit. The body needs vitamin D to process calcium, which can be found in small amounts in oily fish and eggs, or sunshine. There are many other vitamins and minerals which are also important. Eating a balanced, varied diet will help keep your bones healthy. Also, salt can interfere with the replacement process, yet


ucts, which often have a high salt content, not to mention a heavy splash of artificial colourings and preservatives. Research done by members of the Harvard Medical School also found that young women who consumed several fizzy drinks a day were five times more likely to suffer bone fractures, possibly due to their phosphorous content. Caffeine, alcohol and smoking should also be kept to a minimum or avoided completely.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weaker and more fragile

Getting support

Help at home It’s estimated that around 90 per cent of fractures are due


to accidents in the home, but there are ways of reducing the risks. For instance, minimising any hazards that could be tripped over, such as trailing wires and uneven tiles, and ensuring that rugs and carpets are secure. In addition, furniture can be arranged to clear paths between rooms of anything that could be bumped into. Rubber mats, grab rails, stair lifts, shower chairs, walkers and other living aids can all help minimise the risks of falls and bumps.

Visit or www. for information in English. Or see www.aecos for the Spanish Osteoporosis and Arthritis n Association.

Tenerife bodybuilder triumphs in Italy Chris Penney (L) with Ian Edwards from the Bulldog Gym, Las Chafiras

Local businessman and bodybuilder Chris Penney stole the show at Italy’s IBFA Mediterranean Cup International Grand Prix which takes place in the small village of Sapri, near Naples. The show, which is held in the hometown of the President of the IBFA, was well attended by athletes from all over Europe, including the UK.

On the day, it was clear the competition was going to be tough - the bodybuilders are all in a room together as they prepare to go on stage, making last minute touch-ups, and it’s hard not to look around and see who you think may be in your category. When you spot a number of current title holders it would be easy to lose your nerve a bit but, in typical style, Chris bounded on to the stage with a huge smile and gave great performances, taking the titles of Masters Champion, then Seniors Champion and then the Masters Absolute Champion! The Seniors’ class is particularly tough, but one that Chris enjoys competing in because

a ‘senior’ in bodybuilding is classed as anybody over the age of 23, thus Chris was against people half his age, one of which was a current World Champion in a different federation. In true professional fashion Chris took first place. Next was the overall category for the whole of the show, where winners of each class go against each other to find the absolute champion. Chris was over the moon to win this: a fabulous end to the day. Chris would like to thank Ian Edwards from Bulldog Gym who Chris trained with in the final weeks leading up to the show. Chris said it was really nice, and a pleasure, to train


with someone who had the same knowledge and ability as himself and found this really helped on the day of the competition where they made some brilliant adjustments that helped to produce an excellent condition on the day. Chris also went on to thank his wife Tanya for preparing his food for the previous six months (and 20 years!). Chris and Ian are already planning their next season. If you think you have what it takes to join the Bulldog Bodybuilding Team call in at the gym in Las Chafiras and speak to Ian. You never know, it could be you next! See www.bulldoggymtenerife. com for more information. n

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Animal charities’ round up Acción del Sol April was an exciting month for us. First we had a group of students over from Germany for our educational programme. They were involved in all aspects of looking after the dogs and learnt about basic veterinary care. Then our event on April 14 was a huge success. Many of our amazing friends and supporters joined in our fun beach walk and social gathering. The dogs were very happy to have the extra attention and care, thank you so much all of you. With more than 220 dogs looking for new loving homes please do come and visit us to see if maybe one is the dog for you. Every one of them has a clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro chipped, passported and sterilised, which is compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife. There are no adoption fees but donations are welcomed towards the ris-

A group of students from Germany took part in Acción del Sol’s educational programme

ing upkeep and running costs of the refuge. Please do call 922 778 630 if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and

we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on: or visit our Action tier Acción del Sol facebook page.

Cats Welfare Blister, the adorable stuffed kitty, and his owners Theresa and Richard are taking on the mammoth challenge of walk-

ing the Camino de Santiago via the Portuguese Way on May 13 to 18 to raise as much money as possible for Cats Welfare Tenerife. Starting in Tui, Portugal and finishing at the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, they will walk a distance of at least 116 km. If you would like to sponsor them visit our webpage or San Blas shop (details below).


Male Singles

Foster carers needed We do not have a refuge, so we urgently need people who are willing to foster kittens who are too young to be adopted and cats recovering from surgery, illness or injury. We provide all the essentials and all veterinary bills are covered. We also find them homes. Or please consider adopting from us. All of our cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. Contact us via our website www.cats-welfare-tenerife. com or ring/whatsapp Sharon on: 662 524 006, seven days a week 9am to 6pm. Alternatively, message us on facebook. Find our shop on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm.

K9 The adoption feature this edition focuses on our big male dogs. As well as their being harder to home, finding kennel mates for large males also proves difficult as they tend to get along better with females, which the refuge is lacking at the moment. Consequently, many of them are in single kennels. Mixing these dogs without correct supervision is a risk we are not willing to take. It isn’t that they are not social and don’t get along with other dogs,

just that due to their size and strength they can cause significant damage in a small time when left unattended. Yet, all of our large males are extremely friendly and affectionate, they love going for walks and are very playful. We hope you consider offering one of them a home. Ways you can help If you wish to support the K9 animal refuge, we would be very appreciative. There are several ways to help: you can buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more); sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website; donate either money via our website or cash at our refuge; or food and other items which help us look after the animals. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker. In addition, remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for any fund raising events you may like to attend. We are also often looking for people travelling to Germany and other locations to accompany dogs which have found new homes outside of Tenerife. Contact us See our website, or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email info@k9tenerife. com. You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on Facebook / Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Visit our shop at Alcalá Plaza, every day from 10am to n 2pm.

Fantastic feed

Dogs take note! The K9 refuge has many lovely male dogs that are looking for homes, such as Sonny, Sam, Viz, Dylan, Macbeth, Pumpkin and Sani (pictured here). Unfortunately, it can be difficult to re-home big males, as many people live in apartments or worry about the training involved as the dogs are rather strong. But they are lovely and friendly and deserve a second chance. Ideally, they require a garden or lots of walks in order to release their energy. Why not go meet them or find them on K9’s website at, or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call 667 638 468. n

There is a brand new food on the island right now that’s not only super tasty and healthy, but also so reasonably priced that your humans will be racing out to buy it for you. Upplex chicken and rice sausages have already proven a hit with the many rescue dogs in the island’s refuges who’ve been trying them out over the last few months, and no wonder. The people at UpplexBioTech make them using the best cuts of meat, and the only other ingredient is rice (10 per cent). There aren’t any preservatives, colourants, stabilisers, gelling agents or artificial flavours. Each 600g sausage is treated in a special autoclave at the ideal temperature and pressure to ensure they are good to eat for six months but still retain all their natural goodness. Best of all, they work out at only €1.40 a kilo (84 cents per sausage). You won’t find them in the shops yet, but you can buy them from the factory on the Granadilla de Abona Industrial Estate. Eventually there will be a home delivery service in Tenerife for orders of at least 12kg. These guys are just getting going but the comments on Upplex Biotech’s facebook page say it n all. Check it out.

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018

For daily news, updates and event information








Football experience of a lifetime

Creating memories this summer

Nomads F.C. Player Profiles

By Nomads FC time to spend with friends. spend a week on the annual Wellington Phoenix match in Your sons and daughters still have the opportunity to enjoy the football experience of a lifetime on our annual UK summer tour this July. Not only do participants get to play against some of the top academy teams in England and Scotland, they also benefit from training sessions with professional coaches at world-class facilities. There’s no doubt that those in our group return to the island as better footballers, but away from the sport the tour also offers much more than enhanced skills. The summer trip includes private tours of Premiere League stadiums both north and south of the border, as well as plenty of leisure activities and free

Danny Lennon, ex-National Under 21s coach for Scotland summed up the experience during last summer’s tour: “This tour is absolutely wonderful. The kids are creating great memories, having a fantastic football experience and being challenged, and by the end of the week each child has become a better person.” We still have a few places left for players aged from nine to 16 on the tour, which will take place between July 19 and 25. More information can be found at or via the contact details below.

Can you believe it? While our boys will be travelling 3,200km or so to

Nomads UK football tour this summer, spare a thought for those Premier League teams who have had to make the longest journeys for away day matches. Newcastle have run up the most mileage in the Premier League with visits to Bournemouth, Swansea, Southampton and Brighton all entailing journeys over 530km. However, that’s a stroll to the park compared with some trips in other European leagues. Spare a thought for the fans and players who have to make a 10,330km round trip when Orlando City play the Vancouver Whitecaps in North America’s Major League Soccer. Or the 10,528km there and back for a Perth Glory against

the Australian A-League. And have pity for Zenit St Petersburg v SKA-Khabarovsk fans and players in the Russian Premier League, because that 17550km trip is a long way to travel if you’ve just watched your side being trounced!

How to contact us If any kids or adults want to start playing football at our home pitch in Los Cristianos please contact us. Further details on local football can be found at www.nomadsfc. com. Each team has its own webpage. Alternatively, email info@ or call/message 0034 654 200 470. Also, visit our international website n

Name: Thomas Alan Furniss Age: Nine Team: Benjamin Position: Striker Born: Las Américas, Tenerife School: CEIP Aldea Blanca Favourite subject at school: P.E. Most hated subject at school: Music Favourite professional football team: Barcelona and Sheffield Wednesday Favourite player and why? Messi, because of his skills

and style, and what he had to go through to get there Favourite thing about Nomads FC: Friends and coaches Favourite food: Chicken wings If your house was burning down, what would be the one thing you would save: My football boots and footballs Any hidden talents: I have a super-good memory Hobbies: Golf, darts and Xbox

Deep Blue Diving

Best in Europe

Photo: Deep Blue Diving

Deep Blue Diving offers its guests the beauty of Fuerteventura’s underwater world

According to the German, Austrian and Swiss readers of the magazine Diving Europe, Deep Blue Diving at Caleta de Fuste

When it comes to keeping the seabed clean, the dive centre team is always on hand

in Fuerteventura is the best centre of its kind in Europe. In an online survey, guests evidently appreciated the excel-

lent service, quality and professionalism of the team, created by owners Volker Berbig and Roland Martensson.

Local mayor Juan José Cazorla Hernández congratulated the two diving professionals on their success. He also praised the fact that they’re always on hand when the seabed is being cleaned up or the beauty of Fuerteventura's beaches is being promoted. The mayor emphasised that "Volker Berbig

and Roland Martensson are not only successful entrepreneurs, but much more than that. They belong to us and to our home, Antigua." The councillor for tourism, Deborah Edington also offered her praise, saying "We greatly appreciate their commitment to this spot in Caleta de Fuste and the borough of Anti-

gua. We are an attractive destination with beautiful underwater landscapes. The Deep Blue Diving Centre helps us to spread this message. The beauty, richness of colours, light and clarity of the water need not shy away from the competition of other international diving n destinations".

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018


Horse riding

First for Islands’ endurance riders

Towards the end of April, La Palma riders and their horses met with an interested audience to hold the first endurance competition of the Canary Islands’ season. Over the 40km course, Javier Martín found his way to the podium with his horse Hassan. Second and third place went to Javier Brito on Güero and Carlos Cordovez on Adonis. Amanda Álvarez won over 60 kilometres on Candelario. In the categories CET 0 and CEN 1 over 80 kilometres in several stages, Yeray Hernández with Muñeca and Nazaret Marrero on Maver Nemesis took the lead. The individual competition routes led horse and rider through the most beautiful regions of La Palma. The Island Council’s councillor for commercial advertising, Jordi Pérez Camacho, anticipated that there will be three more riding tournaments in La Palma this year. The last one will take place at Breña Baja. He also pointed out that the tournaments are supervised by staff from the Island Council, the Canary Islands Riding Club and the Association of Breeders and Riders, in order to guarantee the best competition conditions for everyone’s protection during the events. n

They went across country through the most beautiful regions of La Palma


Huelva-La GomeraLa Habana regatta

Registration lists for the America in the Wake of Columbus ocean regatta will continue open until July 15. The itinerary follows in the footsteps of the great discoverer on his first voyage to America in 1492, with two stages planned. The first is from Huelva on the Spanish peninsula to San Sebastián de La Gomera. It covers about 750 nautical miles and is held between September 1 and 8. The second stage, from La Gomera to La Habana in Cuba, is expected to take place between November 24 and December 24, during which time 3,600 nautical miles will have to be covered. The registration fee is €500 for the first stage and €1,500 for the entire route. Boats must be seaworthy and at least 34 feet long. In the Solitario and A Dos classes, a minimum of three boats of this type must be registered for the race to go ahead. As well as the potential prizes, vessels that make the crossing to La Gomera within the specified time frame will receive a subsidy of €2,000. The Erasmo Armas trophy will also be awarded to the best in real time and the Eloy Martín trophy for sportsmanship. No boat can be awarded more than once. Registrations can be made through Club Marina de La Gomera, among others, at n



who knows what may happen in the future. On January 19 2013 he and his good friend Abbas Farid started a non-profit Martial Arts Tricking class called Flip Tricks. This was to show the beauty of combining acrobatic moves with martial arts and the class has been very successful to date. Since being recognised from his channel he has been involved in various shows and events and invited to do seminars all over the world. He has also appeared in the BBC Three hit show Being Human.

Aaron is a very humble and unassuming martial artist who has no ego whatsoever. His aim is to promote and help others in the martial arts world to maximise their Tae Kwon Do skills with simple step by step movements. His tutorials on Youtube are now global and he continues to gain fans from all over the world. He has also been a stunt performer in movies, including Wonder Woman, Kingsman 2 (Doubled Sir Elton John's Kicks and Flips), Eliminators with Scott Adkins and all episodes of Into the Badlands season 2. Aaron has just visited Tenerife, and he will be returning later in the year to be involved with activity retreat seminars and workshops at Tenerife Tae Kwon Do Academy run by Master Kevin Summers 7th Dan. For any martial artists who would be interested in attending a seminar, please contact Master Summers on 605 379 030 or send an email to If you are interested in taking up Tae Kwon Do, Master Summers works out of the Bulldog Gym in Las Chafiras every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from n 6pm to 7pm.

Tae Kwon Do

Aaron Gassor Aaron Gassor, a 3rd Dan ITF Tae Kwon Do (AKA Ginger Ninja Trickster) is a well respected and qualified instructor who is renowned for his kicking, acrobatic abilities and high quality instructional videos. Aaron is now becoming a huge internet sensation but that aside he is a humble British martial artist who teaches ITF Tae Kwon-Do and kickboxing at his local Martial Arts and Fitness Centre (MAFC) in Maindee, Newport, South Wales, a family run business with his father, Master Gary Gassor, an 8th Dan ITF Tae Kwon Do Master who is the chief instructor, and his oldest sister, Leanne Gassor-Jones who is also an instructor. His mother Kay Gassor and other sister Emma Gassor work as receptionists for the centre. Even though he had a great role model in his father to take up martial arts at an early age he initially decided not to. However, he soon realised his mistake and found his true calling in 2005 at the age of 15 years. From there he climbed to his current rank of 3rd Degree in Kickboxing which he achieved on June 15 2013 and a 3rd Degree in ITF Taekwondo which he achieved on May 15 2015. Along the way he practiced and gained some experience in other styles to broaden his knowledge of martial arts. He also decided to start Tricking in April 2009 to test his abilities

and have fun. On July 13 2012 he started a Youtube channel called Ginger Ninja Trickster to showcase his talents, watch his progression and to be able to reminisce at a later date. He received a few comments and questions on whether he could make some tutorials, so he decided to create one and see what feedback there was. He was overwhelmed by the responses he received and decided to continue to make them to help others who needed advice. He has entered various tournaments, winning championships and many medals along the way. Aaron also represented his country at European level where the team narrowly missed out on the top prize achieving second place. When he received the news that he was going to be a father, he retired from competition to focus on his child's arrival. His daughter, Sophia Grace Gassor was born on October 9 2012. He now admits that he would not be happy returning due to his busy schedule and other commitments, but




CD Tenerife

Ending the season with heads held high 29/04/2018 Rayo Vallecano 3: 1 CD Tenerife

By Chris Todd 21/04/2018 CD Tenerife 2: 4 Huesca Both teams went into the match needing wins in this crucial six pointer in a drizzly Santa Cruz. CD Tenerife knew that only a victory would realistically keep their playoff hopes alive whilst Huesca needed a win to spend the night on top of the league. The game had everything: six goals, two red cards, controversy and a twenty minute match stoppage after an official was struck by an object. Despite missing their two main strikers, the blanquiazules outplayed their visitors during the early stages and their efforts were rewarded on the half an hour mark. A fine cross by Bryan Acosta was prodded home by Casadesus to the joy of the 14,790 fans braving the wet conditions.

The teams take to the pitch at the atmospheric Vallecas stadium

But the joy was short lived in a moment that defined the match, and possibly Tenerife’s chances of promotion

this season. Centre-half Carlos Ruiz, already on a soft yellow card, was adjudged to have held back a Huesca

Players wait on the pitch during the match suspension at the fiery Tenerife vs Huesca match

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attacker in the box and the referee awarded a penalty. A second yellow card followed for Ruiz and he was sent off. Tenerife were down to 10 men after just 31 minutes. The fact that later in the week the second yellow was rescinded by the authorities is admitting that the penalty should not have been given, but results cannot be changed of course. Huesca scored to equalise before the break but a determined Tenerife side took the lead once again as Casadesus ran onto a long ball to finish in style to make it 2-1. The second half proved to be equally action packed but for all the wrong reasons. Huesca came out for restart fired up and scored two goals in the first ten minutes to put the visitors back in front at 2-3. It was always going to be a long half playing with one player less (and, seemingly, against the referee)

and that was to be the story of the half. Tenerife plugged away and should have been awarded a penalty themselves after a clear handball but the referee waved play on. The resulting clearance fell to Huesca striker Ferreiro who scored with ease to break Tenerife hearts, and at 2-4 the game was as good as over. Frustrations in the crowd spilled over at this time and the lineswoman was struck by a missile. The officials suspended the match and left the field as chants of ‘Corrupt Federation’ echoed around the stadium. After a twenty minute break the match re-started but the final minutes passed by without any further incident on or off the pitch. As a punishment, CD Tenerife were fined €1,500 and were ordered to close the stand where the coin was thrown from for one match, but it’s unclear which remaining game would be affected.

Tenerife succumbed to their third straight defeat in the Madrid suburbs but the final result flattered Rayo as they headed back to the top of the league. In the opening stages the blanquiazules matched the home side and any chances that did fall to Rayo were dealt with superbly by Dani in the Tenerife goal. Once again the refereeing left a lot to be desired as Tenerife player Bryan Acosta was barged off the ball in the area. It should have been a red card as well as a penalty but, as is often the case when it comes to Tenerife, the referee waved play on. Soon after, Rayo took the lead through Raul de Tomas but Tenerife hit back minutes later to level the match at 1-1 as the teams headed down the tunnel for the half-time break. The second half saw a determined home side take control but not before Casadesus almost put Tenerife ahead with a shot that hit the post. The scare forced the home side into increasing the pressure and their persistence paid off on 65 minutes when a Moreno header found the back of the net to make the score 2-1. Soon after, the home side were 3-1 to the good after a superb strike by Embarba and it was as good as game over. And that could also be it for this season’s playoff dream for CD Tenerife. They will keep fighting until the maths make it an impossibility (they are seven points behind the top six with 15 still in play) but obviously it would take a miracle now. Next up for the blanquiazules is a home match against an Almeria side fighting for survival on May 5 at 7pm so it should be an interesting encounter. n

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018






Horoscope for period: May 3 to May 16 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Your goals, both personal and professional, give you tunnel vision on the 4th and 5th, but by the 13th and 14th you’re in the mood to relax, meditate and work on your more spiritual side. It’s high time you fixed your mind on less material matters. Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 You really feel the need to get out and connect with others either in organisations or just meeting people who think the way you do. Being the sole voice of reason can be tiring (sound familiar?). Search and you will find your soul twin/s. Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 People will be whispering about you, so why not give them something to talk about! You get a ‘hot shot’ when it comes to romance during the new moon from the 15th. Expect answers to a few perplexing questions about your love life. Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 This current moon is in a favourable sign for you, and it could be one of your most potent lunar cycles of the year. A crisis could start the ball moving towards a beautiful enlightening change and a new phase of your love life or career. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 Since last August certain hopeful things have been hanging in the air with nothing really coming of them, until now. Look forward to the flood gates of abundance opening and to enjoying your time basking in the sun like the big cat you are. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 In order to stay the best you need to feed your mind and make time to nourish your soul. Allow more knowledge into your life with education, maybe an evening course or two and connect with higher spiritual reservoirs. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 Romance and sex enters your house of love and romance, respectively, and you are just too hot too handle at the moment! Tone it down a bit if you don’t want to make yourself permanently unpopular in certain quarters. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 If you’re in a good relationship, hopefully your mental diversion won’t cause problems, if you’re somewhat insecure with your partner, try to make time for him or her. A new planet enters your house of work this cycle and brings lots of assistance, enjoy! Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Stop and give the acquisition of more knowledge a consideration. The lunar cycles raise issues about relationships and the new moon stimulates the desire to have a new romance or bring more romance into an existing relationship. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 If you’ve been dragging around and not having more fun in your life, things will change after the new moon. Your home situation gets better after the 12th. In fact you could think about fixing things up and doing more home entertaining. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 If you are not already in love, you could have your hands full with new love chances. Counting your blessings and acknowledging the sources of your existence will bring you inner happiness and peace. Learn to love what you have. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 Expect to make a lot of ‘must do lists’ and complete them all. Communications with siblings and neighbours could also increase. Calling to check on everyone will put your mind at ease, at least for a little while. The new moon is wonderful for inventive money-making ideas.


A nice little German lady with piercings in the best places. Enjoy French and making your (secret) wishes come true. Erotic massages, private parties, threesomes, bondage, escorts and more. In a beautiful location with a Jacuzzi available. Also at your home/hotel. Tel: (+34) Cockney girl, Ana. Just what 648 245 425. you need to get pampered. Stunning hot brunette. Let Qualified masseuse. Hello my pleasure be your pleasgentlemen, my name is ure. Owo, French kissing. Sophie. I am the masseuse Los Cristianos, opposite the who you’ve always wanted bus station. Tel: (+34) 631 to spend some time alone 827 264. Busty and curvy. with. Relaxing massages with a good ending. Tel: You’ll love the details. Lux642 615 094. ury erotic massages. Beautiful masseuses from the East. Los Cristianos, explosive We are in Playa Paraiso, near the Hard Rock Hotel, in the Ukrainian blonde, slim with Costa Adeje area. Tel: (+34) blue eyes. Only for demand662 960 065. www.eden- ing gentlemen. I can do outcalls to hotels and can also welcome you at my private Los Cristianos, Alejan- apartment. All services, pridra, Venezuelan, beautiful, vate parties and escort serblonde, large breasts, great vice. Tel: 602 631 367.


body. Natural French, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934.

Only for generous ladies: Excursions, escorts, also on trips (worldwide) massages and more. Marc (German) speaks English and Spanish, has an apartment and Deborah, young transsex- car and also does visits. We ual, 19 years old, I’m a bru- can meet in a café before. nette, slim, 60 kilos, 1.67 Tel: (+34) 630 759 974. metres tall, very feminine, 100 per cent active/passive, Transsexual, beautiful, you can come without obli- tall, fat, dark haired, long gation, I am in Costa Adeje. big penis, 140cm breasts, I’m horny, and waiting for active/passive, €50 for half an hour and €80 for you. Tel: 699 528 953.

an hour. Apartments Royal, in front of the bus station, Los Cristianos. WhatsApp for info. Tel: (+34) 602 626 848. Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 604 117 090. Los Cristianos, new, Aracely, Spanish blonde. All services. I can do hotel visits or I will welcome you in my private apartment. Tel: 664 099 043. Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I have a private apartment in Calle Ramón Pino, near to Playa Las Vistas. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 629 191. Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las Chafiras. Massage service available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Franciscano Street, beside the large park, Las Chafiras. Tel: 608 285 035.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 821, which is published on 17th May, is 15th May. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: * Lineage classifieds: From €16 * Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. * Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.



General Services Massage and more. Offer: 60 minutes body massage €36. Couples, four hands, lava stones, tantric massages, etc. Playa de Las Américas, Ernesto Sarti no.8, across from Iberostar Hotel Torviscas Playa. Tel. 602 608 626 For sale. Home-produced ecological vegetables, Tenerife south. Interested businesses, call 650 323 751 (Spanish only), send WhatsApp or email to: Website for our massages, dedicated to bringing the benefits of therapeutic massage to your home or hotel, no charge for travel. Do you want a massage? Tel. 663 190 727

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Santiago del Teide Lions Club Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Second Hand Sale LAS CHAFIRAS

Everything for your house, holiday home, apartment. We buy and sell high quality, good condition furniture, household appliances, TVs, jewellery.... Household clearances Free on-site assessment! Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm Sat, 10am - 2pm Calle Tilena, 19 n/r Rachaels Motors & Diverlandia Tel. 922 749 664 Whatsapp 649 574 851 d Las Chafiras Second Hand www.second-hand-tenerife. com



General Services You are invited to


We sell furniture suitable for bar/restaurant (tables, chairs, kitchen accessories, decoration etc.) in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Tel: 922 717 613 or 671 912 301

LOCKSMITH Instant response, 7 days a week call out

Call 647 92 82 23 Sunday 10am and Wednesday 7pm

Shopping Center Salytien Av. Rafael Puig Lluvina 37 Pastor Mark 637 321 453

MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or

Teacher (English and Spanish) and interpreter gives Spanish lessons. I would also like to work as a secretary. Tel: 747 790 001 or email: k.arim555@ Body, foot reflexology, Breuss massage, manual lymph drainage. Let yourself be pampered by Simone’s hands. Economic price. Tel: 611 277 578. www. Professional massage therapy, available at the client’s home/ apartment. Certified and experienced masseur for remedial, deep tissue, Swedish, sports and relaxing massage. Mobile/ WhatsApp: (+34) 683 141 129

English/Spanish word to word translator Resident for 15 years. Reasonable price, South & North. Transport available if required. Contact: 662 539 209


Boiler King

All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repairs and maintenance. Call Rory 680 278 579 or Tom 642 771 035

Frank from Germany invites you on private, individual car excursions, max. 4 persons (also handicapped), hiking tours (also Pico del Teide), Night Life tours, live music, snorkelling, photo shoots, (also underwater). Other islands, cruise ships. Tel: +34 664 085 154. You’re invited!!! FREE BEAUTY SESSION. This is your time to relax with friends or on your own, share the excitement of trying new products, learn about the latest techniques and trends and of course, earn fabulous rewards. More info: 642 601 553 Maggie. Educator required to share useful information with two brainy kids, aged eight and 10 years old. Full or part time. Tel (+34) 696 713 635. Basic relaxing massages. An ideal massage for those who suffer from contractures, muscular pain, tension and/or occasional stress, with a positive effect on the circulation and mood. Tel: 667 346 633.

NEED HELP? With car ITV, NIE or residencia and other services. Mature British (Spanish speaking) ex-pat can help. Ring Paul for a price on

628 893 266.

Email: paulanthonythorpe841

Rental Classifieds Wanted urgently: an apartment to rent in El Médano with 2 bedrooms and a garage. Tel: 676 243 558. Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101. Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149 Looking to swap my house in Tenerife for a house in Dublin or surroundings. If agreed, the time could be arranged. From a month to a year time gap. Call Carmen 693 727 683

Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191. Garage to rent, double width. Victoria Court 1, Los Cristianos. Close to Sunday market. Very secure lock-up. Tel: 679 919 623 The owner of the flat we have rented for many years wants to sell. We, a German couple (73 and 67 years old) are now searching for a new home, if possible for one year, or at least six months during the winter. It should be in the south of Tenerife. Please contact us via email, ws144@ or by phone on (+49) 1522 8987531 or (+34) 605 292 448.

Pickup Point

Paul Ruane

Tenerife Property Sales C/ Flor de Pascua 43, Los Gigantes

PaulRuane losgigantesproperties s.l. Do you want to sell your property? Contact us on:

& +34 922 861 313 | +34 607 371 666 | +34 647 943 721 |

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




Place your advert at

Classifieds Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living ro om, utilit y ro om, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ gmail.c o m Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426. For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruittrees. Private sale contact: info@ Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618

Typsy Terrace

(For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 36)


Classified Agent for

Tennis, Mini Golf C/ Hibisco, 4 Los Gigantes

Across 1 - of first rank (7) 4 - shallow carrying containers (5) 7 - permeate gradually (5) 8 - soft silky fibres (7) 9 - release (4) 10 - sphere (3) 11 - merriment (4) 15 - criterion (9) 17 - soil; uncleanness (4) 19 - ancient (3) 20 - entice (4) 24 - pierces (7) 25 - near (5) 26 - very strong winds (5) 27 - expressions (7)

Situations Vacant / wanted

Come and join our Dynamic Team! Te l e m a r k e t i n g company on the coast surrounding Marbella / Fuengirola is looking for Brokers /Qualifiers. High revenue. English, German, Dutch and Scandinavian. Send your CV to: telesalestenerife@

Vehicles To advertise please call 922 75 06 09

Mercedes AMG Tiptronic

Down 1 - undulation (5) 2 - meaninglessness (7) 3 - yearn for (4) 4 - ballet skirt (4) 5 - coral reef (5) 6 - distrust (7) 8 - pupa stage of butterfly (9) 12 - are (anag) (3) 13 - attempt; offer (3) 14 - evading (7) 16 - horns (7) 18 - push away (5) 21 - pours with rain (5) 22 - a positive (4) 23 - mar; scratch (4)



Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958 Sept. 2015, 30,000km, perfect condition, car registered in Spain, no import, full AMG Kit, from 177bhp tuned to 277 bhp or 376 horse power.

Tel: 626 171 399

Place your advert at



902 886 226

Mundo del Mapa Classifieds Agent Calle San Felipe, 12 Puerto de la Cruz

aecc Join us and combat cancer









Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries

All photos: Wikimedia Commons

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018




Southwest Tenerife

Property of the month floor and ceiling, en suite bathroom and a private balcony. Both of the outdoor areas take full advantage of the amazing vistas and all-day sunshine starting from 11am. Situated in the modern Avenida Apartments complex, the duplex is based on the top floor and offers easy access via a lift. The well maintained grounds host a communal swimming pool and sunbathing area, and there is a garage space on site that is included in the asking price of £350,000. n

Los Gigantes Properties S.L. has a wide range of homes for sale in the south of Tenerife. For anyone who is thinking of buying a property, be it a family home, winter retreat or holiday haven, there are plenty of opportunities to suit all budgets and tastes, and the staff at Los Gigantes Properties are always happy to answer any enquiries at any time.

Delightful duplex New on the market is an extremely well presented apartment located in the delightful resort of Los Gigantes. Constructed on two levels, the duplex enjoys incredible views across the Atlantic Ocean to La Gomera and the famous sea cliffs after which the town is named. Fully furnished to an excellent standard, the lower floor boasts a goodsized lounge with open plan kitchen and dining area, plus a double bedroom and shower room. A terrace leads off the lounge area. On the upper floor can be found the master bedroom suite: an attractive, generously sized room with wooden

If you would like more information on this or other opportunities in the area, please contact

Los Gigantes Properties S.L. by calling: 922 861 313 607 371 666 647 943 721 Alternatively, see their website at: Or call into the office at: Calle Flor de Pascua, 43 Los Gigantes 38683 Santiago del Teide

Exclusive interview: Paul Ruane Part eleven

An all-round approach

Paul Ruane has been a leading figure in the property market in southwest Tenerife for the last 38 years. We had the privilege of speaking with him in an exclusive interview, which is being published over consecutive editions. Originating from the UK, Paul first came to Tenerife to take up a temporary position. However, then working with a prominent local developer for 15 years, he gained immense insight into the business and went on to open his own estate agency, in 1994: the first in Los Gigantes. When people think of an estate agent, many believe that you only sell properties. Whilst this is undoubtedly true in a large percentage of cases, you also offer a wide range of accompanying services, do you not? We have always tried to ensure that we can make the buying process as easy as possible for everyone. Purchasing a property anywhere can be a challenging time, especially when you don’t speak the local language and may not even live in the country you’re buying in. We understand the questions and concerns that customers have, so have developed a complete service from start to finish. This includes everything from contracts and all legal work, to translations, assistance with bank accounts, money transfers and mortgages, change of utilities, taxes, N.I.E numbers and even wills. Basically, we want people to be able to relax and enjoy this exciting time of their lives, whilst confident that all transactions are fully legal and comply with Spanish Law. The concluding part of the interview will be published next edition. n

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018







Townhouse in Residencial El Galeón

& + 34 822 144 541 The triplex consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, 3 terraces (one with ocean views), 74 metres, 200 metre floor area, furnished, no community payment, pre-installed solar powered hot water as well as air conditioning and terrace Jacuzzi, fully renovated, exterior, bright.

€ 365,000 Calle Ramona Martín Artista | C.C. Mencey | local 27 | El Camisón | Los Cristianos |

Villa in San Eugenio Fotos: D. D’Elisio

Villa with wonderful panoramic views in the residential complex La Tagora, San Eugenio Alto. 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, fully equipped kitchen, storage room, garden with the possibility to build a private pool, terrace, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), independent studio apartment on the ground floor, Jacuzzi, garage, community pool. Excellent location with the best view in Costa Adeje

€ 780,000

Tenerife Property Partners Calle El Sauce 5 | Residencial Los Castaños | Local 3 | El Madroñal | Tenerife Tel. 922 707 205 + 679 154 297 + 649 469 282 | Email:

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018







Playa Honda Las Américas One bedroom apartment, tiled throughout, American-style kitchen, separate bedroom and terrace. Located in the centre of Las Américas within 3 minutes walk from the beach. €122,000 Alan: 634 098 838

3.5.2018 – 16.5.2018







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