Island Connections 677

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1984 - 2012

The Canary Islands’ biggest fortnightly English newspaper read by thousands of tourists & residents Edition # 677 / 7th - 20th September 2012

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solidarity run


bags of help! was about taking part, being there and supporting friends and neighbours. All ages, all shapes and all conditions were unashamedly on show and raring to go. The proceeds will be shared out by the local social services department to the families who need the help the most.

os Silos’ local police have proved that their interest in the wellbeing of the people in their care goes well beyond fines and standard policing.

The first solidarity run, invented and organised by the local police in this tiny northern town, was an amazing success. It was a simple idea that brought in 2,500 kilos of non-perishable food for those in the borough who are most in need.

In thanking everyone for their efforts, Santiago said it showed that the local security force, as well as looking after the people’s safety and correcting any errors that might have been made, “also showed their help and their most human face to the neediest in the tough times that we are living through”.

over 250 participants took part in the races, which were divided by age and distances to cover, and where instead of paying a registration fee, competitors paid in non-perishable food. non participants were also encouraged to donate and local volunteer forces, businesses and the council were all involved in making the day a hit. We spoke to the mayor, Santiago martín

Mayor Santiago (1181) joins the race to help his people

who joined in with his wife and two children (one of whom took part from his pushchair with a little help from mum) and he was amazed at the response. “We organise all sorts of

events” and the response is sadly sometimes mediocre, “and then someone comes up with an idea like this and look at it!” other Los Silos councillors were all present, as was Aurelio

Abreu, Cabildo councillor for health and margarita Pena machín, the Cabildo’s IASS delegate. The town was buzzing and it was clear that this wasn’t about winning or losing, it

For a tiny town, they have a lot to offer. Los Silos is well worth keeping an eye on and the initiative is sure to attract copy cat runs to the benefit of all. More images on Page 2


FoREST FiRE FallouT how to help

Pages 14 - 17


RESCuE KNowhow

For wet mobile phones Page 18 GREEN FOOD >


new products, old methods

Page 39


bEauTy PRoduCTS to make yourself

Pages 42 & 43

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EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


No card, no care L

ong term unemployed and illegal immigrants have lost their automatic right to health care from September 1. up to 2,000 illegal immigrants in Fuerteventura alone have been stripped of access to medical and health care following Spanish government orders to exclude them from access to the Health Service, say local help groups. The groups, including various NGos and charities, which assist the mainly African contingent of immigrants who live on the island without the required papers, say that new legislation enacted recently will have a devastating effect on the illegal immigrants, who cannot afford to seek private treatment. They have called on the Canarian government to follow the line

taken by a small number of regions, who have promised to get round the new rules with other forms of provision. However, many locals have expressed satisfaction at the changes, which they hope will alleviate the saturation of health centres and the island’s hospitals, where they say the immigrants have been a common sight in recent years. For the long term unemployed, once their dole money ends, they are no longer classed as contributing to the social security system and they must get a new card issued under the new rules. You have just 90 days to do this after your unemployment benefit ends and application must be made initially to your nearest Agencia de Seguridad Social. It is up to them to decide which category you are in, sin recursos (without resources), sanidad

pública (public health) or dependent (i.e. you can be covered by someone else’s social security contribution). They give you a paper to return to your health centre which will then give you a temporary pass and organise your new health card. even if you have an existing card, if you are not paying into the system either with contributions or via the unemployment office, your entitlement to healthcare ends. Non Spanish speakers who lose their right to health care will also find that many of the documents they need to produce will have to come from their home country and be translated by an official translator here to be valid.

Solidarity Run

Bags of help!

It cannot be emphasised strongly enough that you need to organise this as soon as possible and not wait until you are ill. You will be attended, but you will be given a non-refundable bill for any care you receive. The islands have a lot to offer



A publicity roadshow tourism promotion recently took place in Ireland. They travelled

around Dublin, Cork and Galway and various businesses took part including travel agents, airlines, and tour operators. There were four main themes for the presentations, which covered various aspects of a holiday experience: Water Sport experience, Family Welcome, Wellness Delight Company Details:

Island Connections Media Group S.L. San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife C.I.F: B-38748315 Dep. Legal: TF-287/93 Printed by Artes Gráficas del Atlántico, S.A. Agüimes, Gran Canaria

© ISLAND CONNECTIONS MEDIA GROUP S.L. Is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS MEDIA GROUP S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors or advertisers claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish adverts, texts or advertising features. Advertisements once contracted cannot be cancelled and have to be paid in full. The publishers can not be held responsible for variation on colour printed in this newspaper. Advertising conditions are to be obtained in our offices.

Publishers & Proprietors: Tina Straub Schacher / Joe Schacher Managing Director: Miguel A. González Editorial: Sheila Collis / Xena Fox Commercial Director: Lee Rosella Classifeds: Karen Swift

Art & Design Department: Maribel Rodríguez / Javier Gómez General Information: Island Connections Online: Gran Canaria:

Contributors: Karl McLaughlin / Barbara Belt Katy Kennedy /Manuel De La Flor George Reed /Chris Todd Head Office Tenerife: C. Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 First Floor - 38620 Las Chafiras San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife Tel. 922 750 609 Fax 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 9:30am-16:30pm

and the Volcanic experience. representatives from each of the islands had the opportunity to interact with various local travel companies to illustrate the various qualities of the archipelago. This is an important promotional move for the Islands as eire has a population of approximately four and a half million people and in 2011 400,000 of those travelled to the Canaries.

This company has qualified for subsidies from the Spanish Government, co-financed by funding from the European Regional Development Fund, for the transport of merchandise in the Canaries “Creating Europe”

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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


Fashion Tenerife style The Tenerife fashion industry received a boost recently after a successful presentation at the Madrid International Fashion Fair. The aim of the project was to introduce Tenerife’s input into the ‘Made in Spain’ brand that is being promoted in various emerging markets. These include Columbia, Mexico and Argentina, from where it is expected to be able to expand into other areas of South America. Ten companies represented the island and their designs can soon be seen at the upcoming Pasarela Fashion Presentation here and all of them have expressed their satisfaction at the contacts and introductions that were made at the fair. The Tenerife Moda collective will soon be strutting its stuff again at the Iberjoya and Bisutex fashion fairs that will also take place in Madrid.

Rare wine


recent study by the Canarian government and the ICIA has identified 21 different varieties of grape vine that are only found in the Canary Islands. The Canarian Institute for Agricultural Investigation’s aim is to improve the wine producing industry in the archipelago. The aim is to preserve and recuperate the rich heritage of viticulture on the islands, as well as help growers to constantly update and improve their methods, and thus their prospects. The study has taken five years to complete and is very good news for the islands. These unique vines mean that the region’s wines can truly be called exceptional and are a good selling point on the international market – one that is becoming more and more exacting.

Almost 300 types of vine from around the islands were examined during the research and they were found to belong to 54 different varieties, the majority of them grown only in very small quantities. Of these the aforementioned 21 that were found to


News in Brief >>

Self improvement Talk the talk The Central Distance Learning Language University (CUID) is offering courses in several languages. There is nothing like adding to your language base for improving your job prospects, particularly in areas which rely heavily on tourism. The curriculum includes German, Chinese, French and Russian. Prices are reasonable and online registration is available now until November 4. See for more information.

be unique to the islands are, of course, in danger of extinction and in need of protection. The tradition of vine growing in the archipelago goes back for many centuries and the islands’ isolation will have saved many varieties from extinction. Back at the end

of the nineteenth century the phylloxera aphid plague swept through Spain and the rest of mainland Europe, devastating a large part of the existing vineyards and it is thought that some of the types of vines here today are the same as those which were wiped out in the epidemic elsewhere. Experts are predicting a good harvest this year, which is even more good news after two very bad years. It’s not only the overall quantity that is welcomed; the experts are praising the quality of the harvest thanks to the very same weather that has troubled growers of other crops and sent prices soaring. Swings and roundabouts, but at least we can look forward to a nice drop of the good stuff.


eachers in the Canaries went back to school, but in severely reduced numbers. According to Department of Education sources, around 1,000 fewer teachers will be working in the region’s primary and secondary schools during the coming year. The figure, which is disputed by teacher unions who say it is nearer 1,500, is a direct result of the cost-cutting policy imposed on all government departments to trim wage bills. The bulk is

Classroom cuts

made up of vacancies generated by retirements of teachers in the summer, which will not be filled as classroom sizes and teacher workloads are adjusted. However, the authorities say the situation will be reviewed as the year gets under way and real needs are detected. The majority of the younger children go back to school on the 10th, and the secondary classes on the 13th, so be ready for traf fic delays (or set out earlier) whilst people adjust to the new post-holiday schedules.



Press threat

ast winter season, the island of El Hierro enjoyed a bout of small-scale, but vigorous, volcanic activity, during which time nobody at all was killed or injured. No houses or any other property were lost. No roads collapsed into the sea and no great, or even small, fissures appeared anywhere on the island to swallow up the unwary. The only direct effects of what was happening were that the fishing fleet was grounded, due to concerns over viability of fish caught in possibly contaminated waters, and that the island’s thriving dive tourism ground to a halt when La Restinga’s marine reserve was affected by undersea eruptions. This was quite bad enough, but everything else the island suffered, and continues to suffer, such as a continuing, near total absence of tourism and resulting economic slump, was caused by over-reaction and sensationalism. National and interna-

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

La Gomera

By Barbara Belt

tional press reports and TV news featured what appeared to be large rocks and steam spouts erupting from the sea. Many focussed on the “panic-stricken” population, coping with the perils of life on an island “constantly shaken” by earth tremors and what would happen to them if the island, “exploded” or “blew apart”. This presupposed they had managed to not be overcome first by “toxic gases”. I went there to investigate for Island Connections. The journey from nearby La Gomera took longer than it would had they sent me to California, ferries between the little islands being nowadays sadly lacking, and

I passed the time reading eruption reports. Driving across a deserted island, I wondered where everyone was, half expecting the earth to open and swallow me up, Land Rover and all, or at least to feel the earth move under my wheels. I forgot to worry about the danger of toxic fumes, but as all I could smell was fresh forest, I reckoned I’d had a lucky escape when I remembered later. My hotel’s forty rooms were full of press. Local, regional, national and international camera crews and reporters dashed around early next day to cover events, toting a battery of state-of-the-art equipment. El Hierro is a small island. Spend more than a

day there and other visitors become familiar faces. Volcanic activity was concentrated in a small area around the Mar de Las Calmas and La Restinga, so all the press were there, easily recognisable and observable. So, in the absence of dramatic volcanic activity, and after talking to local people and finding them calm, but fed up with restrictions and what they correctly perceived as impending economic disaster caused by scare-mongering, I ended up observing the press. I felt privileged indeed to witness a volcanic eruption, once I could make it out. It turned out to be barely discernable, intermittent surface bubbling, accompanied by wisps of steam, but it was obvious that zoom lenses and breathless commentaries had blown the eruptions, and any threat they posed, out of all proportion. This was a press

Where have all the tourists gone?

event, rather than a disaster. The Island Cabildo confirmed this. To date, the island is still suffering the effects of this press hysteria. As IC commented at the time, headlines like ‘Nothing’s Happening in El Hierro’, won’t sell newspapers, or bump up viewer figures. While the gentle, undersea volcanic eruption was happening in El Hierro, La Gomera witnessed some of the effects. Fishermen reported large numbers of fish off Gomera’s coasts. They had left their disturbed, La Restinga habitat and come - temporarily as it turned out, as they have gone home now – to La Gomera’s south western coasts. And now, in reverse, after La Gomera’s fires, reports from El Hierro say that “ashes and chunks of burnt wood from La Gomera... have surprised swimmers at Arenas Blancas beach” and that “signs of the fire are evident along the whole coastline of El Hierro”. This RTVE news, accompanied by photos of ashes, finishes with the comment, “the wind and sea have worked together to make the consequences of La Gomera’s unprecedented ecological disaster obvious to Herreños”. Strong words. Unprec-

edented is incorrect, as is, strictly speaking, the scale implied in the term ecological disaster. But no mind, here we go again on the sensationalist, wreck-an-island-economy, press treadmill. As La Gomera, eightynine per cent intact, takes stock, clears up and moves on, the damaging threat of economic ruin from bad press menaces. Island authorities are doing their best to nip it in the bud, El Hierro’s experience prompting them to move fast. The island’s many natural attractions and range of leisure activities remain largely intact and there is a concerted effort now to ensure this fact isn’t buried under disaster stories. There’s no danger, so the press have gone in search of new drama. Good news is of little interest, but the effects of bad news always linger on. Several tour companies worsened the situation by telling clients to stay away and German press picked this up and ran with it, causing immediate cancellations and the lowest lateAugust occupation figures ever. Tourism head Fernando Méndez and team responded quickly, meeting the companies concerned to insist they replace bad news with good, in an apparently successful attempt to stop further cancellations. Two Brit broadsheets contacted me, looking for doom stories. Thwarted and angry, there was drama enough elsewhere to satisfy them and they lost interest. Perhaps, devoid of those vital ingredients, ‘celebrities, sex, catastrophe and death’, La Gomera’s recovery story will now be left to evolve positively.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Rivero slams Eu outlyinG reGions


he President of the Canaries has slammed the European union for failing to cater properly for the needs of its outermost regions, which are suffering unprecedented unemployment and hardship at present. Paulino rivero surprised most with the stinging criticism, in which he said that the Eu’s response to the problems of regions such as the Canaries was “clearly insufficient”. re-

ferring to mechanisms intended to offset the handicaps experienced by the most peripheral parts of the Eu, he said that it was not simply a question of money but a “genuine commitment to safeguarding their future”. He urged Spain, France and Portugal to step up pressure on the other Eu countries to move to actions rather than well-meaning words to alleviate the current “brutal and totally unacceptable” levels of unemployment.

more cuts


loyal GERMaNS A

German couple described as Fuerteventura’s most loyal holidaymakers have merited a big write up in one of the region’s papers. Jürgen and Katharina Müller, from Simmerath-einruhr near the Belgian border, have been coming religiously to the island for a quarter of a century and show no signs of losing their love for it, even though they have seen virtually every corner many times. The couple first holidayed in Fuerteventura back in 1987, when they rented an apartment in Corralejo, and make the journey down as often as they can, twice a year if possible. They got to know local tour guide Hannelore Von Der Twer on their first visit and they have been

close friends ever since. The Müllers’ latest trip to the island, for a fortnight’s holiday recently that included a trip to picturesque Betancuria for a visit to the town’s celebration of local traditions, was marked by a feature in the Canarias 7 newspaper.

CouNCil waGE billS L

egislation capping the amount town halls can devote to paying wages of officials and employees is likely to see further staffing cuts in Ayuntamientos across the Canaries. The Spanish government is looking to impose

a wage ceiling of 30 per cent of a council’s budget in its new Local Government Law and the prospect has already sent alarm bells ringing in the islands, particularly following the recent revelations that 38 of the region’s 88 councils spend over half their budget on staff and councillors, with the figure as high as 78 per cent in one Tenerife case cited by the ministry of Finance. Town halls have until october to submit restructuring plans to reduce the current wage spending or risk losing direct funding from madrid.

Fasnia in Tenerife devoted 2.2 million of its €2.9 million revenue to paying its own staff


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canarian death down under

Sadly missed by his three children, seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren, Antonio González moved a long way away from his native Canary Islands. Born in the Canaries on march 7, 1923, Antonio ended his years in Australia and died there in the Port Kembla Hospital in new South Wales on July 19 this year, aged 89. His family believe

he had sisters still in the Canary Islands and one sister who went off to be an actress in madrid. If you know anyone who may be related to Antonio, please pass on the sad news. Island Connections have contact details for the Australian family should anyone wish to get in touch.

Canaries fare badly

Bill payments league The Canaries is not the place to live if you depend on contracts with public administrations, a study by the national federation of self-employed persons (ATA) shows. Although a lot has been made of the recent efforts - including mandatory loans from the national government - to settle bills owed by town halls, island councils, and the regional government, the average time it takes to pay an invoice continues to be very high. The ATA study reveals that companies can expect to

wait almost five months to be paid for work done or good supplied to local government. The figure puts the Canaries in the bottom third of Spain’s 17 regions, with only four taking longer. Self-employed people and sole traders have long complained about the delays encountered here, which have led to some unusual protests, including hunger strikes and sit-ins outside government buildings in the most severe cases of those who depend almost entirely on public contracts for their earnings.


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EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

March in September

lic organizations, and the development of self help groups for victims. This Night-time March is not only the first of its kind for the association; it is the first time that an initiative such as this has taken place in Icod. It costs only €5 to take part, the entirety of which will be donated to the association. The event will begin

Ámate Charity


he first Night-time Solidarity March will take place on September 23 in Icod de los Vinos. The event is organised by the Ámate association to raise funds for their work in the fight against breast cancer. Ámate was started by a group of women who had survived breast cancer and wanted to support others in Tenerife with the condition, as well as their families, and became an official association in 2006.

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It currently has over 600 members, including volunteers, collaborators and professionals, who work together to achieve the objectives of the association. These include programmes to educate women as to the importance of early detection of breast cancer, as well as support of those suffering from the condition in order to improve their quality of life and emotional wellbeing. Practical solutions include help to find the right support within private and pub-

Puerto de la Cruz

Street gym rethink

Public support


Fire fighters’ fundraisers

he coordinator of one of the series of fundraisers in support of the local volunteer bomberos drew the line under their first efforts and a cheque is to be presented as we go to print. The firemen missed the first party at Roy’s, covered in a previous issue, as they were out fighting the forest fires, but were all present and correct at the Heritage Bar in Los Cristianos recently, where regulars and holidaymakers were happy to join in the photograph and the fund raising. British Consul to the Canaries, Maria Leng, will be presenting the cheque for “around €5,000” at Adeje fire station and Island Connections will be there to cover the event.


he prospect of up to a million people stopping off in Santa Cruz on cruise ships during the coming winter season, which starts next month, has spurred the city authorities into action in a bid to persuade as many as possible to visit the capital. The local Business Development Agency acknowledges that very little is currently being done by way of organised or themed tours, which mean that visitors are left very much to their own devices on arrival. The Agency is doing some

at El Calvario at 7.30pm and the march will finish in the Andrés de Lorenzo Cáceres square. If you want to take part you can sign up at the social services department at Icod council or by telephone on 922 869600, extension 1717. See the back page for another fund raising initiative for Ámate.

An attempt by Puerto de la Cruz to encourage people to do some exercise while in the street has left the council with egg on its face following the news that the equipment has to be changed after just a short time in operation. Various problems detected with the gym-type equipment and, in some cases, safety concerns have

led the authorities to ask the firm that installed it to change it and repair some pieces that have been badly damaged by vandals. The council admits that the choice of equipment, which is made of stainless steel and deteriorates easily, may not have been the wisest and that siting some of it near popular nightspots was ill-thought, given that it has been a target for drunk youths. Critics say the ‘street gym’ concept should have been thought through better given that many people have no idea how to use the equipment, which has been installed with no instructions.

Fresh produce prices

Farming nightmare Although the climates have been very different of late, warnings concerning the price of fruit and vegetables in Britain and Tenerife sound very much the same, with similar consequences produced by entirely opposite circumstances.

New city tours Cruise visitors

brainstorming at present to come up with ideas for tours, but is not the only one to explore the possibilities. “A city travel agent is already in talks with a cruise company to promote Carnival-themed guided visits and if the model takes off, others will follow,” said Antonio Olivera, the BDA’s general manager, who added that Sunday opening was an issue “still to be resolved” to make Santa Cruz more attractive to cruise passengers and crew. It’s hoped to capitalise on the city’s Carnaval

British farmers warned recently that the washout summer is already forcing the prices of most salad components up significantly due to the dreadful harvests and the picture can only get worse. Here, the same bleak news is being given by the main farming organisations, who say that the total lack of water and scorching temperatures throughout the summer have devastated many crops, meaning that what little that can be collected in is selling at much higher prices. Sacks of potatoes rose from €18 to €24 in

the space of just a week in many places, while traditional summer favourites like avocado pears have become prohibitive at around €5 per kilo. The situation has placed many small farmers in a no-win situation in local markets, given that they need to raise their prices to make at least some return on their labours but the higher tags are scaring off customers.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Dave, from Golf del Sur, shops at Iceland because, "it's local and I can get all the British products."




EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Encouraging artists

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Granadilla de Abona

Talent in Tenerife


Alec with his proud grandparents in Amarilla Golf club house

Amarilla Golf where this prodigy was not only playing superbly, but playing one of his own compositions! Thanks to Louise at Augusta Park he has also

Travelling certificate problems

Town halls swamped T

own halls here have been swamped by applications for travel certificates needed by Spaniards and EU nationals wishing to avail themselves of the 50 per cent subsidy on air and sea travel between the islands and to and from the mainland.

sengers are resident in the islands. The reinstatement of the requirement has had massive consequences on town halls since the beginning of the summer, as the public have taken advantage of the extra time on their hands to apply for one or several certificates for future travel.

As reported widely here in recent months, the certificates were reinstated as a requirement from September 1 in a bid to curb what the Ministry of Transport says is growing fraud. For many years, Spanish ID cards and EU nationals’ green residency paper bearing the holder’s address in the Canaries were sufficient proof of entitlement but not any longer.

According to local daily La Opinión, Arona council staff has issued hundreds of certificates already, while Los Realejos, where only one application was made

Despite the storm of protest at the extra obligation, the Spanish government insists that the certificates are the only fail-safe way of checking that pas-

been able to keep up with his lessons. Grandfather Frank told us, “I would like to pass on through your paper my very sincere thanks to all at Amarilla Golf and

Country Club, El Nautico suites, and also to Louise for making this possible. I must say he has very much enjoyed playing the Baby Grand pianos - an experience he will remember for a long time to come. We had friends staying at Costa Adeje Gran Hotel and they asked if he could play on their full size grand piano, but unfortunately he couldn’t. A bit disappointing for him. It is really heart-warming to know that the people here on Tenerife recognised Alex’s talent and were able to help him in this way.” Now back in the UK ready to start the new term at school, Alec will have some grand memories of the island and he’s already looking forward to playing the baby grands on his next visit in October.

La Caixa raffle

Ronaldo memento A 45-year-old woman from Santa Cruz de Tenerife has won football boots belonging to none other than Cristiano Ronaldo.

Credit Addesolen

proud grandparent contacted us to send his thanks to some local companies who have helped his grandson keep up with his musical studies whilst he was here on holiday. Eleven year old Alex Cassidy passed his summer holidays with his grandparents in Tenerife and he is a grade four piano student. It was important for him to keep up with his practice during his holiday and not having such an item at home, they approached several companies. Although neither Frank nor his wife are members, their grandson was allowed to practice his piano exercises using the baby grand piano at Amarilla Golf and Country Club and also on the baby grand at El Nautico Suites. We caught up with them at

Susana Guerra’s name was drawn from a hat containing the names of thousands of people who had taken part in a campaign organised by the Caixa bank to raise money to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, which is suffering its worst drought for 60 years. Spain’s two biggest football clubs, Real Madrid and Barcelona, agreed to help by donating gear worn by their top players, including ex-Manchester United winger Ronaldo. The campaign raised over €150,000 in contributions from the public. on average every day until the summer, is now having to issue approximately one hundred daily. Guía de Isora, meanwhile, almost bettered in just one month its total for the entire year in 2011 and the picture is the same in Check on your town hall’s website to see if they issue electronic certificates to validate residency

virtually every Ayuntamiento on the island, particularly those with large numbers of students studying elsewhere in Spain. Most of the big towns and cities encourage the public to use Internet (where this service is available) to apply for the certificates rather than go in person.

Aim for the stars Granadilla is hoping to recover Tenerife’s oldest Observatory to put the area on the star-gazing map once again as part of its attractions for tourists. Helped by the Astrophysics Institute (IAC), the town is aiming to capitalise on the possibilities offered by its highest areas, which have some of the best viewing conditions anywhere on the island, to promote visits to study the night skies and establish a name for itself in the astronomy tourism niche,

which is growing in popularity in the Canaries. Local heritage and environment councillor Jacob Donate says the first formality to be cleared is certification as one of the select number of so-called ‘Starlight’ tourism destinations. Top of the priority list also is the restoration of the rudimentary observatory at Mount Guajara on the Granadilla side of Teide, which was built by Briton Charles Piazzi Smyth – widely consider the father of astronomy in Tenerife – back in the mid-19th century. In the meantime, the council is active in organising visits to the IAC’s main Observatory at Izaña to give locals a basic insight into star-gazing and the importance of Tenerife for scientific observations.

Credit Jasmaine Mathews

New connections

Norway direct

Tenerife is to have a new air link with Norway following Ryanair’s decision to open a route to Oslo from February. In an unexpected move given that the flight is somewhat longer than those normally flown by Ryanair, the low-cost carrier - which has featured prominently in the Spanish headlines recently

Pilgrim’s way

Praise for volunteers

Young volunteers from seven countries who spent August working to improve the historic pilgrims’ route from La Esperanza to Candelaria have been praised for their unselfish efforts by the regional government. Estefanía Castro, the Director General for Youth, said the young men and women aged 18-25 did a magnificent job which will

due to emergency landings caused by low fuel and a mutiny by passengers in the Balearics after a long delay - announced plans to fly from Tenerife South to the Norwegian capital every Thursday. To promote the new route, the airline offered seats on a number of routes for as little as €12. Marketing manager Luis Fernández-Mellado used the announcement opportunity to remind travellers that Ryanair is due to begin flights from Tenerife North to Madrid and Barcelona on November 7. greatly enhance the value of the age-old trail used by people living in the mountains to reach the coastal town, in many cases to honour the statue of the Virgin which is housed in Candelaria’s main church. In addition to carrying out important maintenance tasks, the camp participants inventoried and photographed many sections of the trail for use in future promotion work. Several also created a blog in different languages narrating their experiences during the camp and describing the importance of the ‘Camino Viejo’.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Show jumping

rugby :

horses for courses


based club Will beGin on SePtemBer 10.


o be in at the start of the rugby season, you have until September 7 to register, at the Sports Centre in Calle S / n Caleta between 11am and 1pm and 2.30pm and 6pm. However if you miss the date, do get in touch with the club as you can sign up throughout the year, especially for their associate’s card which will also get you discounts from a number of local businesses as well as supporting a great club. Costs vary according to league. For more information see their Facebook page: Club Ñandu Adeje Tenerife. This is a non profit making club promoting hockey and rugby, open to all ages and all nationalities, which has seen its grants cut from almost all official sources and any support will be very welcome. For example, if you have contacts in any of the great national or international teams across the world for mementos that could be raffled to raise cash or any other ideas on how they can increase funds, all help would very welcome. Please contact:


and included Pablo Grohmann on rocky Wonder, Hugo mossu riding o c e a ne D e s Ages and nicole Staiger on Faycan. David morera

questrian fans enjoyed a treat recently with a double event at the Centro Hípico del Sur in Buzanada. over three days the eighteenth regional Show Jumping Championship took place, in conjunction with the sixth national obstacle Jumping special event. one hundred and seventeen riders took part in the various different sections of the competition, with the following results: The Bandama team from the real Golf Club, Las Palmas, captained by veteran Vicente medina, won the 2012 Canaries Team Championship. Formed by maría medina on Joy de Talma, ricardo Ávila on Lovely, Elena Pérez riding mariachi W and David morera on Ilchester, they all managed to get through their various categories without accumulating any penalisation points and with a total

Credit: Ghan Ramsey

training for the Adeje


time of 203.88 minutes. This fantastic effort won the group the gold medal. Second place, and the silver medal, went to CH del Sur from Arona. Their team was made up of Griet Van Den Bosch on Abbys r, Waleska Pérez riding Ellie, Carla Espinosa on Abiada

Cas and Esteban Domínguez on Alhambra. They accumulated four points and a total time of 190.48. Bronze was awarded to the CH Fañabé team, that also had four points, but with a time of 207.46. The Adeje team was captained by Julien Lamouroux

riding Ilchester also won the adult category, closely followed by miguel Torres with Chico’s Son and Ariadne rivero on Brisbane. The winners of the children’s’ section, Ana Estrella on Alcante, ricardo Ávila Gómez with Lovely and Waleska Pérez riding Day Dream E-S, were awarded gold, silver and bronze, respectively. In the junior category, Elena Pérez Herrera on mariachi W came first, followed by natalia Hernández and Alejandra García Esteban.



EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Mobility mobile

Latest News >>

Capital improvements

Pedestrianisation pay off

LPA Accesible

Credit: Matti Mattila


eople with disabilities in Las Palmas will soon be able to take advantage of a new app that will make travelling around the city a lot easier. The app will be supplied with mobile phones for people with reduced mobility and can be downloaded on either Iphone or Ipads. It will supply information on accessibility throughout the city, covering everything from roads and footpaths through to individual public buildings and other establishments such as shopping centres. It will even list entrances, for example, that should provide suitable access but which, due to their state of disrepair, would cause difficulties. As well as the routine updates, users will also, for instance, be kept

Local paper La Provincia reports that companies such as Starbucks and Burger King have already expressed keen interest in acquiring premises on the new pedestrian stretch in Mesa y López and it’s rumoured that department store El Corte Inglés could

informed about road works or other obstacles as they become apparent. There are approximately 3,000 people with reduced mobility living in Las Palmas, plus visitors. The programme will make it possible to

plan routes, days out and extended stays in a much more organised manner. The app also provides a safety feature whereby automatic alerts to family or the police can be set up, for

use in the case of an emergency. The project is being jointly run by the local council with the N2B Solutions company and will apparently be available, free of charge, within the next six weeks.


The airport, Spain’s fifth busiest last year with 10.5 million passengers, received an average rating of 3.9 out of five in the comprehensive AEQual study, which assesses user impressions of the quality of services and facilities. The score is slightly better than that achieved

Airport rates well Gando departures

last year and was even higher for certain individual aspects, such as convenient

connections (4.6), comfort (4.06) and shopping (4.05). Aspects attracting lower

scores included delays in baggage reclaim, accuracy of information screens and long check-in processes. The survey shows also that just over half of all passengers using Gran Canaria are Spanish, 32 per cent from EU countries which are part of the Schengen agreement and therefore do not operate passport controls for flights, and 10 per cent from nonSchengen EU countries, particularly Britain.



pleasure boat that caught fire last October with 25 tourists on board, almost all of them British and Irish, off the coast of Mogán had strayed too far from its authorised route, an official report into the incident has found. The boat was taking the tourists on a whale and dolphin cruise when the fire broke out and triggered a

Tourist boat went “too far” major scare. Several tourists were injured in the panic which set in when the vessel began to sink but the prompt intervention of rescue craft prevented a bigger tragedy. Investigators say although the Liberty III had not exceeded

its load capacity on the fateful day, it was too far out to sea. They also found that the skipper had used the wrong radio frequency to issue the initial distress call, thus delaying the initial response. Equally worrying, the boat was not

carrying a back-up power supply to keep its main radio working in emergency situations, a shortcoming that had already been detected when it underwent an inspection six months earlier. The Accident Investigation Report has made a series of recommendations to enhance safety on board pleasure boats as a result of the fire at sea on board the Liberty III.

existing cafeterias and restaurants to take advantage of the fashionable new section of Mesa y López and install outdoor tables and seating as soon as possible. However, the proximity of a bus lane used by over a dozen different routes may make for an unpleasant experience, doubters say.

Education cuts

Stand up and be counted Students on a lock in at the university in Las Palmas recently completed a milestone 100 days.

Gando survey

ran Canaria Airport has been given a resounding thumbs-up by passengers and other users in the latest quality survey.

The initially controversial decision to turn half of one of the busiest and best-known streets in Las Palmas into a pedestrian zone looks as if it might pay dividends soon in the shape of the arrival of household names in well join them. As competithe coffee and fast-food tion for suitable sites heats business. up, the city council is urging

The group is protesting against the Spanish government’s education cuts and is insisting that the Canarian government doesn’t carry the reductions out. As well as their occupation of

part of one of the university buildings, the students have also organised a network of support from pupils and professors from other areas. They have also run various conferences, cultural activities, meetings and street protests to illustrate the danger of lowering education standards.

No cut backs

Fishing for funding

Fish cooperatives in Gran Canaria have recently been awarded grants to the tune of €35.000 by the local council. This is a rise of 35 per cent on the previous year, something that is probably indicative, when all other funding is being cut, of the desperate state of the fishing industry in these troubled times.

Freak accident

Plough death

The business community in San Bartolomé de Tirajana in Gran Canaria is in mourning at the loss of one of its best-known members, who was killed at the week-end in a freak ploughing accident. José Santana, owner of a petrol station and small shop in Tunte, died when his legs were mangled by the hand-operated motor plough as he was working a small piece of land he used for farming in Hoya Grande. Police say he ended up beneath the blades of the powerful machinery and his legs were totally severed.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Buzzing about


imple and wholesome, there is nothing like the taste of quality, home produced foods, eaten fresh from the farm. The south of Tenerife is home to a whole range of farmers who specialise in producing mouth watering products such as cheese and honey, and lucky residents and visitors to the Adeje area have endless opportunities to try both of those throughout the whole of this month. The third Desgusta. Me (Try me) Honey and Cheese event is currently up and running, and includes a whole hive of activities buzzing around that delightful fare. A swarm of restaurants are taking part in the festival by including at least one starter or main course with one of these simple foodstuffs as its principal ingredient. These will be served with island wines and will illustrate the diverse range of tastes that can be served up with a little imagination. Various activities will also take place through-

Try it and see

Yummy honey

out the month, including the exhibition El Queso y la Miel in the CC Gran Sur between September 17 and 19, from 10am to 6pm. There will also be a gastronomic market in the Plaza de Salytien, on September 7 from 7pm onwards and a cookery demonstration from 11am at the Adeje Agromercado on September 8.

Beach security

Safe and sunned


laya de Troya in Costa Adeje, recently became a trend setter as the site for an innovative new design in beach security. The interesting device has not only given bathers the opportunity to keep their valuables safe and sound, but also to be the very first in the world to try out a Canarian company’s idea that is sure to become popular. Box Security Services recently installed 216 lockers on the beach, in two blocks of 108. Handy, but maybe sounds like a huge eyesore spoiling the idyllic surroundings. Not so: the main body of the storage

unit, made of reinforced and stainless steel, is buried underground. The lockers are brought up, or sent down, as necessary and are run on a similar system to a bank’s security boxes. One key is kept by the security guard, and the other given to the customer, with both being needed to activate the lock. The boxes are only meant for small belongings such as watches, purses, keys and mobile phones, but they mean that visitors can now bathe in peace, knowing that their valuables are safe. At just €3 a day, a little security is well worth investing in.

The cooking with cheese workshop on September 24 and a simple, gluten free food preparation workshop on September 27 will both take place at the CDTCA between 7 and 9pm. Also at the CDTCA, the Gastronomic Fair, with a whole range of locally produced products, on September 28, from 7pm to 11pm.

Of course, there is a whole lot of work behind the scenes to produce these ingredients for our enjoyment. It takes work, patience, and care to make sure that we can partake of these fruits of nature. The bees especially, provide a challenge that is like no other, and is a job that is not for the faint hearted. And they can also prove a little hard to handle for others too. A large proportion of bee hives are moved up to the Las Cañadas area for the summer months, where the magnificent flowers, particularly the Retama del Teide, provide an appetising feast of nectar. The area is also very popular with walkers but, as this cautionary tale illustrates, it is worth leaving the busy bees to do their work. One reader, Barbara James, was strolling with

friends and enjoying the Cañadas on a hot, sunny afternoon when they wandered through an area with several hives. Shattering the peace, she suddenly found a frenzied bee entangled in her hair, with many of his friends rapidly closing in. Panicking, she waved her arms around frantically and the group left the area with all haste, with no further harm done. By coincidence she later met a Spanish friend who

Island ring road

News in Brief >>

Jail breaker

Trapped by routine G T

Sensible management?

wo people with various warrants for arrest out on them have been located and apprehended in the south of Tenerife.

uía de Isora mayor, Pedro Martín, recently made a plea for work on the new island ring road to be reorganised and stepped up.

During a routine operation, Las Américas police identified one of the men as being wanted for several crimes including robbery and violence. The man first tried to give a false name, but it was soon confirmed that he had been let out of prison on a day pass in July of this year and had not returned. The man can now add driving without a valid driving license and giving false information to his list of crimes and has been detained until further notice. His travelling companion was also found to be on the wanted list, also for violence but, to date, is not being held in custody.

The present economic situation has affected all sectors, and the new highway is no exception, with work lagging behind in all areas due to funding being cut by the state government. Martín pointed out that it is not only his area that is suffering, but all of the boroughs along the length of the road. In a recent petition to the Canarian parliament he requested that, in the light of the limited funds, that certain jobs should be prioritised. For instance, he suggests that the section from Adeje to Santiago del Teide should be finished and any non urgent work, such as the link

between Vera de Erques and the future Fonsalía port, be stopped temporarily, allowing resources to be concentrated on where they are most needed. He stressed that it is much more important to ensure that the link roads between the nearest local towns and the so-called motorway are in working order than preparing a section of road for a project that is still way in the future. It would make sense indeed, but it remains to be seen just how much funding there is to go round. It is hard to prioritise where to spend if there just isn’t any money in the coffers, however the Canarian Government has confirmed that there is funding to finish the stretch between Santiago del Teide and Armeñime.


happened to own the bees. He explained that their behaviour often varies according to the temperature. Their aggressiveness can increase in direct proportion to the heat of the day and he advised everyone to simply keep well away from the paths that have Colmena (beehive) signs. By walking in the morning you will not only avoid the excessive heat, but possibly also a close encounter that is better not experienced. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy the honey, however. See: for more information on the Adeje Fair.

News in Brief >>

Sewage update

Waste not T

he island council recently approved plans for the updating and extension of the sewage system for Santiago del Teide and Guía de Isora. The so called West Plan acknowledges the inability of the present system to cope with the large population in the two tourist areas and states that the new sewage plant will be able to deal with 11,650 cubic metres each day. The other area that will benefit is the Buenos Aires installation in Santa Cruz. Both of these projects come under the Tenerife Hydraulic Plan which aims to eventually catch up with the needs of the local population regarding the current sewage, sanitation and disposal problems. It is to be hoped that future growth has also been taken into account, or will we forever be playing catch up?


Business PROMO

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Step by step

News in Brief >>

Tax spotlight

Store cards

Línea Directa advises you how to act in case of an accident


ínea Directa Insurance advises you of the steps to follow in case of a road accident in Spain.

emergency triangles correctly. The first must be placed about 50 metres behind the car in the direction of the traffic, and the second about 100m.


Call the emergency number: 112. They will co-ordinate the procedure and will ask you in detail about the circumstances of the accident.


If someone is seriously injured, never try to move them, except if in danger of fire or imminent explosion. Cover the injured person, keep them calm and wait for the emergency services to arrive.


Remain calm at all times. Switch on the emergency lights and if the state of the vehicle permits, remove the vehicle from the road, in order to avoid delays and further accidents, to the extent possible.


If the circumstances of the location allow, always fill in the European accident report, which is an essential document for speeding up the procedures and handling between the insurance companies. If you have any doubt about how to do this, don’t hesitate to call your insurance company.


Signal the accident location. Before stepping out of the car, put on your high-visibility jacket, which is compulsory, and place the


eople who spend massive sums using their store cards at major shops could come under the microscope of the Spanish tax authorities. The warning comes after a successful legal battle by the country’s Inland Revenue (Hacienda) to be granted access to details of top spenders at the prestigious Corte Inglés. In a recent ruling, High Court judges agreed that Hacienda was entitled to examine the lavish spending of individuals to check it against their revenue declarations. The big department store had fought strenuously to block the general disclosure of information concerning cardholders but has now been ordered to hand over details of people who spent over €30,000 during the tax year 2006-7. The ruling is seen as a crucial step in the authorities’ drive to curb tax evasion and fraud and, although it applies only to the specific request to the Corte Inglés, experts are now studying the potential repercussions on other top shops.

New Columnist >>

Broaden your horizons

Globetrotters and avid excursionists take note; there is a new travel agency in town.


ina and Iris are the friendly faces behind Gooozy Travel & Excursions, and are here to cater for all your travel needs. It’s only been a few months since they opened the doors to their new business, located on the Patch in Playa de las Américas, and already they have been inundated with phone calls and passers-by.



per night



per person per night residents price

Why go for Gooozy? Thanks to her many years of professional experience and her invaluable first-hand travel knowledge about countless destinations from all around the world, Tina is the perfect person to advise you on where and how to travel. Iris is the excursion specialist and can assist you in recommending the perfect day or night out, from an endless list of options that include everything from catamaran sailing to quad biking.

Your holiday, exactly the way you want it

You work hard to save and, now more than ever, want to be sure you are getting the best possible deal and the most for your money. Tina and Iris understand this, and will always put you, the customer, first. Gooozy Travel & Excursions is proud to offer:

• Tailor-made services for every client, adapted to suit your budget and individual needs • Multi-lingual service (fluent English, Spanish, German, French, Flemish) Just one example of the kind of holiday on offer is a 12-night Mediterranean cruise on board MSC’s newest liner, Divina, leav-

ing from Santa Cruz de Tenerife from November to March, with prices from just €600 per person on a full board basis. But whatever it is you’re looking for, whether it’s a safari in South Africa or a family holiday to Florida, Tina and Iris are happy to help. Having travelled with most of the cruise companies herself, Tina is the best person to

guide you to your perfect choice, to ensure that your first cruise experience is something you will want to repeat time and again. Why not pop in to the office opposite Las Palmeras Hotel or give the girls at Gooozy a call on 922 794 803. Alternatively, email

Business NEWS

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


How much of your income do you lose in tax? By Bill Blevins, Financial Correspondent, Blevins Franks


f you have ever had the feeling that you spent half your working life just to pay tax, you are probably not far wrong. What with income tax, national insurance/social security, capital gains tax, VAT, council tax, etc, a considerable amount of our hard earned income is lost in tax each year. If you are lucky enough to be retired you are still faced with tax on your savings, investments and pensions, not to mention the amount we pay in VAT/IGIC each year. The Institut Economique Molinari carries out a study each year on The Tax Burden of Typical Workers in the EU

Belgians have to work longest before their tax freedom day

27 and determines their ‘tax freedom day’. This is the day each year when you finally stop working to pay tax to the government, and start earning money for yourself. According to the 2012 study, taxpayers in Spain have to work until 23rd May to earn enough to pay their taxes. Belgium has the latest tax freedom day with 5th August. Malta has the earliest date in the EU, falling on 11th April. Blevins Franks provides tax planning advice in Spain advising expatriates on how to use approved arrangements on how to lower the tax liabilities on their savings, investments, pensions and estate. The Institut Economique Molinari also pointed out that across the EU as a whole, the non-working population now

tax burden carried out by the Adam Smith Institute. Its methodology includes indirect, local and stealth taxes - and under its calculations tax freedom day did not arrive until 29th May.

make up 54.7 per cent of the population, while “tax-wise, working people must carr y most of the weight – a weight that grows heavier as populations grow even older”. So even after the current economic situation has improved, countries may still need to keep taxes higher to provide funds for their increasing pen-

sion and social welfare costs brought about by an ageing population. In its calculations, the Institut Economique Molinari looks at income tax, social security contributions and VAT. It calculated that the UK had a tax freedom day of 12th May. It is interesting to compare this to the separate study on the UK

Tax freedom day does not consider the amount the government borrows and spends, so ASI also calculates a ‘Cost of Government Day’ to show the extent of the UK’s debt. The debt will have to be repaid eventually, with taxpayers picking up the bill. The cost of government day fell on 23rd June this year. British taxpayers worked 175 days to cover the government’s spending and borrowing.

These are taxing times for taxpayers, and not just for workers as retirees are also faced with higher taxes. In many cases, however, there are still steps you can take to lighten your tax burden. While we all have to pay our share of taxes, you won’t want to pay more than you have to. Ask an international tax and wealth management advisory firm like Blevins Franks for information on legitimate tax mitigation opportunities available to you.

To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website You may also contact our partner Paul Montague on Tel: 922 716 079 or Email: paul.



EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

La Palma / Tenerife / Gomera / FOREST FIRES Guía de Isora

SolidaritySpecial How can you help? The forest fires have been hitting the headlines all over the Islands and beyond this summer – great for tourism – not!

The Islands’ main income and foremost employer is the tourist market and with the crisis already severely affecting employment prospects, anything that drastic that makes international news and starts to affect the numbers of tourists coming here is serious. As our La Gomera correspondent Barbara Belt pointed out, no

news is good news, which is also to say that if the news is positive then it’s rarely in the news. The fact that the damage done is mainly imperceptible has not been mooted abroad. As a prominent Canarian-based English language newspaper we are frequently contacted by English language press from other countries for updates on the latest reports. A recent interview at 7am with a national British radio station was typical. On failing to hear of hot ashes

raining down on people’s heads, trapped tourists, or any such other drama and being told that the visitors, in Tenerife at least, would probably not even notice anything was wrong, the interview was cut short and we were off the air tout suite! The fact that it was the truth didn’t seem to matter.

So, how can you help? Whether you live in the Canaries or are just visiting, tell your friends and family just that, that the areas affected took, and are taking, so long to put out because they are in zones which are difficult to access, which means that the majority of people born here will never see them, never mind tourists.

Los Silos

Visit the places that have been hardest hit, so to speak, not only to be philanthropic, but because you will be sure of a grand welcome and have a great time. Or, if you can’t go, buy something that they produce. Look out for collection points that are being set up all over the Islands for practical items, spades, wheel barrows, buckets, cleaning items, pots and pans or whatever

La Palma T

he summer fires in La Palma affected about 1,700 hectares in the end and although the pasture and vineyards that were affected were minimal, it is still early to evaluate the state of the fruit trees and flower plantations.

In particular the avocados, almond trees and pinhead flower producers are expected to be affected. Tourism zones were well away from the fires, so the isla bonita received less ‘bad press’ than other areas, but support for their you can spare. A recent collecfarmers in buying produce tion from Puerto de la Cruz, Guía from there, particularly avocade Isora, Los Cristianos and Las dos, almond based products Américas and donations from suand pinhead flowers would inpermarkets all over the island, crease liquidity in the affected brought in one and a half tons of areas and help them along. help, 15 pallets full of non-perishEl Paso, the region affected able food, clothes, utensils, shoes, in July, is one of the most prostools, brooms, masks, gloves and perous areas and is best known cleaning and personal hygiene for its tobacco (those wonderitems which were taken directly ful cigars) and silk producto Valle Gran Rey for distribution tion – fascinating to visit and from the Casa de la Cultura to watch how it’s done! Mazo, those in need. Further collections, the August victim, is a farmlike the recent one in Guía de Isora ing borough, well known for shown above, are being organised its vineyards such as Bodegas all over the Canaries. El Hoyo. Many of these prodIf you can spare some cash and ucts are exported to the other want to make a financial conislands and further abroad. tribution, no matter how small, Browse the Canarian prodthe platform for Valle Gran Rey ucts section that most of the has opened an account: Caja bigger supermarkets have, or Canarias/Caixa Bank - 2100-6756check out the craft shops that 67-0200020646, Iban number: specialise in the registered arES06 2100-6756-6702-00020646, BIC/Swift number: CAIXAESBBXX tisans’ work.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012



The forest fires have been hitting the headlines all over the Islands this summer

Fayal-Brezal, La Gomera

Tenerife I

t’s been a busy summer for Tenerife fire fighters, but undoubtedly the two blazes that have done the most damage were the one that started in Arona and swept through to Guía de Isora and the other that began in Ruigómez in El Tanque and spread to Los Silos and Santiago del Teide. The first fire affected the middle hills and higher areas and crept into part of the Teide National Park, but was stopped by the ‘malpaís’ lava there. Damage seems to have been mainly limited to out of the way areas and is still smouldering in hard to get at zones, which are under observation.

old pine trees escaped unscathed. Indeed a visitor to the town wouldn’t notice any difference at all as the trees in the distance that you can see that have actually been damaged, at the moment just look like deciduous forests in the Autumn. Only one of the

area’s footpaths remains closed – all the others are open and 95 per cent unaffected according to the local development office and it remains a fabulous place to visit and enjoy. There are some attractive old monuments and buildings, the stone washing areas where the women used to gather to do the laundry have been fully restored for example. There’s a mini museum in one of the bars, marvellous Thankfully the lovely old scenery all around, excellent historic town and the most craftspeople, particularly in emblematic of its huge the local speciality rosettes,


and a great Sunday farmers’ market. Start off with that Spanish treat churros and chocolate, browse the town and the market, (don’t forget to leave some room in your bags for veggies – they have the best potatoes in the world) and finish your visit in one of the superb local restaurants, or even stay for a while in a range of accommodation from rural pensions to four star hotels. One vineyard was damaged, so if you see any wines from the Bodegas Vilaflor, buy a bottle – you’ll enjoy a good quality, reasonably priced wine, and help out a company affected by the fire.

Adeje & Guía de Isora Both saw their middle to high hills areas affected, especially Guía whilst the fire fighters concentrated on the more populated areas to the east of them.

Support here is needed for the rural tourist accommodation and off the beaten track restaurants, some of whom may not have the brilliant landscaped views they enjoyed a couple of months ago, but they still offer great food at some truly bargain prices. And your welcome will be warmer than ever!




EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS Valle Gran Rey

Credit: Josef


Tenerife Los Silos The second fire, whilst it went through three boroughs, is really only affecting one - Los Silos, which enjoys some of the most spectacular walking areas in Tenerife. We say enjoys, because although they weren’t accessible for a while, as we go to press, we have received the information that they have reopened and you can go along and see for yourself how little of the damage is visible once you get underway. Bar Fleytas in Erjos, a regular stop off for walkers who used it as a starting point for many of the walks through the Montaña del Agua, is nowhere as near as busy as it used to be and deserves some support. It’s sited in the bottom half of a building that was constructed in the space left by an old volcanic gravel pit, which in itself makes it unique, and the food and service make it worthy of a visit. It’s also a great stop off point for drivers taking the southern route from north to south. As for the town of Los Silos itself, it’s always a great place to stop off with its iconic bar under the bandstand, icing sugar church and busy village life which somehow accepts and absorbs visitors rather than making them feel like outsiders. There are organised walks around the town to enjoy the local mix of architecture, visits to banana plantations and along the coast, a great mix of restaurants (see John’s review from last issue) an old sugar fac-

SolidaritySpecial tory, the salt pans in La Caleta and a whale sculpture, which is actually a whole whale skeleton, just a short walk from the luxury sea water swimming pool complex at Sibora. Call on a Sunday morning and the local farmers’ market offers flowers, vegetables, cakes, cheeses, honey, chocolate, jams, leather and jewellery crafts. They are in the middle of their local fiestas at the moment and some of the events have been mentioned in our What’s On section, but there is something going on practically every day, so it’s a good time to go north. The Boreal festival is also coming up – again more information in What’s On. From October look out for their gastronomic days which will be based around local products and especially cheeses, bananas and herbs with a tapas route in the last two weeks. They also have an excellent information office open Monday to Friday in the mornings, where Oscar will be happy to tell you all about his town and what’s on offer.

La Gomera L

a Gomera may have had difficult times lately, but there are many reasons to visit the still very beautiful island.

Garajonjay National Park It’s true that 25 per cent of the vegetation in the park was destroyed or affected by the recent fires, however, not only does that leave the other 75 per cent of this astonishingly beautiful area still to be enjoyed, but actually the majority of the damaged areas were within zones that are not easily accessible to the public anyway. It is estimated that only five per cent of the walks that are open to

visitors were damaged and the El Cedro area at the heart of the national park was untouched. All this means that you can still enjoy a wonderful day’s walking in the area, appreciating the fabulous views. La Gomera has 17 Protected Natural Areas and all over the island you will still find endless spectacular valleys, mountains and stunning views.

Beaches The second smallest of all the islands, La Gomera has 90 km of coastline, yet within that you will find numerous quaint coves, beautiful beaches and impressive valleys. The water is crystal clear and calm, perfect for a soothing dip on a hot day. Some of the best beaches can be found in Valle Gran Rey, Hermigua, San Sebastian and Playa Santiago.

Culture La Gomera shares many traditions with the rest of the islands, but also enjoys some of its very own customs that are well worth seeing and participating in. Like everywhere there is an ingrained love of music and dancing and the Dance of the drums is unique in the Spanish speaking world. The dancers form a double file and perform their graceful moves to the sound of epic poems and historical stories performed

to the rhythm of the drums. La Gomera is also the only island to have its own and very unique language in the form of Silbo, which is a surprisingly complex method of communicating through whistling that many still use today and which has experienced a rise in popularity in recent years. Many of the arts and crafts have their roots in the days when the locals had to work with only the materials that they had to hand. Wood was collected from the laurel forests to fashion spoons, utensils for making cheese, mortars and other implements, as well as decorative items. From palm fronds, cane and the cords extracted from banana plants they made boxes, coasters, flowers, bowls and baskets. Leather provided clothes, purses and bags for instance. Cotton and old cloth was reused for weaving and pots were made from a sand, clay and iron red oxide mix which gave the island’s vessels a colour and finish peculiar only to La Gomera.


Fred Olsen: €1

from every F.O. ferry ticket bought to La Gomera will be donated to an island recovery fund.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

San Sebastián


The main arts and crafts fair takes place in San Sebastián and includes the practical crafts as well as traditional music and dance. This capital city in miniature, situated on the east coast, was unaffected by the fires and is just as attractive as before, with its charming port, traditional Canarian architecture and tree-lined streets and plazas. It is even possible to take the ferry across for the day and simply sit back, relax and enjoy the laid back atmosphere of this delightful town.

Whilst much of the food and drink available on the island is similar to that in the rest of the archipelago, La Gomera does have its own particular products as well. Amongst those worth mentioning are its mojos, made from olive oils and herbs; palm tree honey; pastries; white wines and the particularly delicious almogrote that originates from the island and is made from semi-cured goats’ and sheep’s milk cheese, mixed with grated tomato, chili pepper and garlic.

Valle Gran Rey This area is not only the most popular tourist area, but it had a bad time during the fires. However, as you can see by going to www. and using the webcam, it is still green, still beautiful and still worth a visit. Yes, there is some damage to the surrounding valley, but as a visitor there is still plenty to see, and the main tourist area based around the pretty port is open for business as usual. Sadly, La Gomera is suffering not only the aftermath of the fire, but the aftermath of the bad publicity, as an article in the La Vanguardia newspaper recently underlined.

Columbus tower San Sebastián

Hotel occupancy in Valle Gran Rey, for example, dropped at one point from 100 per cent to just 20, and around 60 per cent of rooms were cancelled for August and September. Unnecessary and unfair, let’s see what we can do to boost those figures back to where they should be! Anyone who has ever visited La Gomera leaves a little part of their heart there. The islands are banding together to help each other and even little El Hierro, still licking its own unmerited tourist wounds following the volcanic activity, has donated 10,000 young wax myrtle trees for use in the reforestation programme. Within La Gomera itself, the level of solidarity is spectacular, with examples like the Hotel Gran Rey, which fed and watered around 150 displaced persons, fire personnel and red cross workers every day during the crisis, a great bunch of volunteers and local mutual help groups which have formed for fund raising and hands on practical help scrubbing and cleaning the remnants of the ashes etc. away. You too can also show your support. The island’s recent troubles aren’t a reason to stay away, far from it: they are an even better incentive to visit for a while and appreciate the grandeur and beauty that is still La Gomera.

Someon e to ban k on

Wonderful Caja Siete By Barbara Belt

Those of us in La Gomera affected by the terrible fires have good reason to be grateful to our local savings bank, Caja Siete (ex Caja Rural).


ust as we were wondering how to pay for repairs, rebuilding and replanting whilst managing our mortgage repayments, those of us whose mortgages are with this relatively small, ver y friendly, local bank received good news phone calls.


ar from wanting to question late payments and emptied accounts, they asked how we were, told us to be

sure to claim on our house insurance and gave us the amazing news that they would pay three months of mortgage payments.


n case this was hard to believe, there it was one morning, the wonderful truth. The equivalent of three mortgage payments, there in our accounts. On behalf of all of us in La Gomera, a big thank you to Caja Siete. Editors note: The bank has apparently made the same gesture to those affected in Tenerife and La Palma.




EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



Faster food

McDonalds are currently trialing their new app that allows customers to order food using smartphones, prepay it via PayPal and then have it ready to go.


3D Glasses

Researchers in South Korea have developed a system using a slatted barrier that means each eye sees a different view which creates an illusion of depth in the brain.


Size matters

Korean company LG launches onto the world market this month its new 84 inch television that offers up to eight million pixels a frame.

tech latest news

Back to the future the bike

Science fiction once more becomes fact with the introduction of a Star Wars-like hover bike. It has been many a young boy’s (and girl’s) dream to zip around on one of the famous epic’s speeder bikes that were used by the storm troopers of the Galactic Empire and it now seems we are one step closer to those dreams coming true. The company that’s developed the bike, Aerofax, has spent several years working on the project, which is based on a design that was abandoned in the 1960s because of stability and rollover problems. The issues were solved by creating a mechanical system, controlled by two bars at knee-level, which allows the vehicle to respond to the pilot’s leaning move-

the research Aerofex bike

ments and natural sense of balance. And as a recently released video shows, any small problems have been well and truly ironed out. The bike may not use anti-gravity, or even The Force, but its two ducted fans allow it to hover at a maximum height of 4.5 metres with a top speed of 50 kilometres an hour. The rider’s tilting movements control the direction of the bike and one of the project’s goals is to

2. >> the knowhow

Rescue your phone

Artificial mind

A computer program recently almost passed the famed Turing test that evaluates whether a machine can have an intelligent conversation, and thus ‘think’.

However, all may not be lost. Follow these simple steps and you may well be able to revive your device, as long as it hasn’t been swimming around for too long of course.


First of all, resist the temptation to press loads of buttons to see if the phone works, as it’s a sure way to disperse the water into it even further, and don’t set on it with a hairdryer either as the heat can damage the electronics. Simply give the outside a quick dry with an absor-

Electronic nose Slightly bigger than a credit card it can detect harmful airborne substances, like gas leaks and dangerous pesticide levels, and has temperature and humidity sensors.

create a natural-feeling riding experience, like being on a motorcycle. The video shows the hoverbike zipping along and over a dry lake bed in the Mojave Desert in the United States and, although right now the Aerofex is only a prototype, it’s a fully functioning, extremely fun looking one. The company, based in California, intends to offer the design for military use first, so it’s not likely to hit the shops just yet, probably much to the disappointment of countless people. However its many possible applications include the transport of humans or materials over extremely rough ground, through dense forests or via ravines through which wheeled vehicles and helicopters cannot travel.

It’s one of those moments where time seems to freeze: you’re looking on aghast as your mobile phone plunges towards water and there’s nothing you can do about it. THE COMPUTER

the device

Mimicking nature

Animals at San Diego Zoo are helping scientists develop new technology in biomimicry experiments. Qualcomm, for instance studied light reflection on butterfly wings to design its Mirasol e-reader display.

the games

Free online Square Enix’s CoreOnline streaming service is giving access to certain high definition games free.

Titles on offer include Hitman, and Tomb Raider will soon be added to the list

the end of an era

Bye bye bulbs Thomas Alva Edison created the incandescent bulb in 1879.

bent cloth or kitchen roll, making sure that you don’t push more water into its interior.


Then, if it has one, take the battery out to reduce the risk of short circuiting. Remove any covers, take out the sim, and the memory card if there is one, and leave all apartments open for ventilation.


And then submerge it in a bowl of dry rice for 24 hours. The rice will absorb the dampness, even from the inside of the phone. This method has rescued many a device and doesn’t only work on phones. It’s worth trying with cameras and all other small electronic goods.

However, the energy-gobbling lights have now had their day and as of September 1 it is illegal in Europe to manufacture them. Incandescent bulbs produce light by heating a tungsten filament with an electrical current and around 90 per cent of the energy used is turned into heat, not light. In a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), however, fluorescent gas inside the bulb produces ultraviolet light when electrified, which the lamp’s coating converts into visible light. It takes a CFL bulb only 15 watts to produce the same amount of light as a 60 watt incandescent bulb, so love them or loath them, you know the change makes sense.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

The Film:


Multicines GranSur

the shoW

The Outing:

Discovery trips



Brave T

he Disney dream fac tory heads to bonnie Scotland for their latest full length cartoon, Brave. a stubborn princess defies a custom and brings chaos to the kingdom. she has to rely on her wits and her archery skill to get rid of a curse, before it’s too late. in the original english version at 3.30pm every day at the cine Gransur.

ickey Mouse and his friends are m coming to Tenerife in an action packed musical that will provide hours of fun.

Some of the best known Walt Disney characters star in the spectacular show, much to the delight of audiences of all ages.

Mickey and M i n n i e M o u s e , Donald Duck and Goofy are joined by many

la laguna >>

Visual celebration

the exhibition


1. tacabro tacata 2. Juan magan & Belinda te voy a esperar 3.José de rico Feat. Henry mendez rayos de sol 4. cali & el Dandee yo te esperaré 5. Gotye somebody that i used to know 6. Loreen euphoria 7. Pablo Alboran te he echado de menos 8. carly rae Jepsen call me maybe 9. ruben tonel & Will Simas 4 ever happy 10. Jennifer López dance again

of their friends, including Aladdin and the Genie, Woody, Buzz y Jessie from Toy Story and Ariel, Sebastian and ursula from the Little Mermaid films. It’s a two hour musical extravaganza that is full of fantasy, comedy and, most of all, laughter.

You won’t be able to resist dancing, singing and clapping along with the contemporary mix of traditional Disney tunes with bang up to date versions that have hip hop, pop, swing, reggae, rock and country overtones. The show will take place between September 26 and 30 in the Pabellón Insular Santiago Martín in Santa Cruz, with matinees on September 29 and 30. Prices range from €9 to just over €30. Tickets can be bought from the ticket website: www.generaltickets. com, from el Corte Inglés department stores, at their website: or by calling 902 40 02 22.

eVerY WeekeND

Los Realejos

Groups of 45 or more people are invited to take advantage of free tours and guided visits with transport included. contact the tourism office on: 922 346 181.

The Tours:

know the north

Quintescence >>

the Festival

information correct at the time of going to print, but please confirm.

Spain top 10 singles



he TEN-DIEZ Movement is a multicultural group formed by ten photographers from Tenerife with the aim of celebrating both their art and their very individual views of their surroundings. The collection of works show the magnificent splendour that can be enjoyed right here on our doorsteps, however, this is not simply a show of landscapes. Although they are there aplenty, this collection covers every aspect of life and thought. Nor is it just to be admired from afar. The group’s aim is to make their art more accessible to the public. Visitors are encouraged to interact with the photographers, and are given the opportunity to become party to the processes behind the works, in a manner that

Alternativefun unites spectators and artists. Various photographic processes are used for the interpretations that, whilst showing an artist’s view of the island, are intended to also help others see their surroundings in a more open and, hopefully, appreciative light. To make this an even more interactive experience the photos are accompanied by videos and short films from over 20 different people within that field, as well as live music. other activities include demonstrations, talks, and drawing workshops. This is a rare gathering of some of the most creative individuals on the island and will run from September 21 to 29 at the Magma Arts and Congress Centre, Los Cristianos. More information can be found at and on the TeN-DIeZ Facebook page.


Throughout the year council organized wine routes, walks and historical tours etc. to highlight their archeological, cultural and natural riches. reservations: 922 31 61 02 www.

The competition:

Aricosta he Boreal Festival is a wonderful combination of T arts, crafts, music and a positive attitude to our environment. The yearly event takes place in the Isla Baja area of Tenerife which is the perfect setting for this ever increasingly popular gathering. Like minded people get together over the two day period in a celebration of a more natural way of life. Holistic therapies, handmade articles, animal welfare groups, massage, art, environmental stalls and much more are there to be enjoyed by everyone. There are also activities for all ages including theatre, talks, photography and, of course, live music: from Funk to Samba and rock, over 10 different artists and DJs will entertain. The fun starts on September 21 in Garachico at 6pm. The next day the event continues from midday in Los Silos. See for more information


September 15, 10am Join in the first open submarine Photography competition at el Poris de abona. it costs €20 and you must register before september 13 by calling 669 377 581.

20 20


Church SERVICES Living Spring Pentecostal Guaza Calle Almorejo 2, beside the Guaza sports complex. Rev. and Pastor (Mrs) Nelson Olajide Tel: 609 505 915. The Anglican Parish of All Saints Puerto de la Cruz Sunday services 9.30am and 11am. Carretera Taoro 29.Chaplain. Tel: 922 384 038 Christian Fellowship Los Cristianos 1st floor of Apolo Shopping Centre Pastor Adrian McBride. Tel: 922 790 007 Costa del Silencio Coral Mar. Sunday Services 11am-6pm. Mothers & Toddlers group Tue.10.30 to 12 noon. Friday evening above the Living Room, Las Verónicas Friday 6pm Counselling and info: Pastor Bill Jeffrey Tel: 617291751. www. Calvary Assembly International Buzanada Sunday 11.00am, Wednesday 7.30pm. Nursery is provided during the Sunday morning service as well as Sunday School for children under 12. For more information, for counselling, or for information about the International Bible Institute, call: Missionary / Pastor Mark G. Baumgartner 628 107 316. Catholic Mass Puerto de la Cruz International service Sundays (almost always in English) in the Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia parish church St. Sebastian’s Inclusive Church Mogán, Gran Canaria Sundays 7pm at Cordial Mogán Playa Chapel Anglican Chaplaincy of St. Francis Tenerife Playa de las Américas, San Eugenio: Sunday 10.15am Holy Eucharist, sung Wednesday 10.15am. Holy Eucharist, said (Sept to June) Los Gigantes Espiritu Santo: Sunday 6.00pm Holy Eucharist, sung Thursday 10.30am Holy Eucharist, said (Sept to June) Golf del Sur San Blas: Sunday 6pm Holy Eucharist sung. September to June Callao Salvaje Services: Thursdays 6pm. For further information regarding services, wedding blessings, baptisms, confessionals, renewal of vows, confirmations, counselling, pastoral care and funerals please call: 922 742 045 or 679 660 277 North Tenerife Christian Fellowship Evangelical Church meets every Sunday with Services in English at the Scandinavian church behind the main post office, Puerto de la Cruz. Everyone welcome. Sunday service and Sunday school 11.30am Bible sharing Wednesdays 5.30pm. Ladies group meets one morning a month Tel: 922 351 011

GRAN CANARIA MUSIC & SCENIC ARTS September 8: 10.30pm, Concert and Music Festival, Fiestas del Pino 2012, Teror September 14: 11pm, Noche Vieja de Verano (Summer’s Eve), Fiestas del Pino 2012, Plaza Teresa Bolivar, Teror September 14: 8.30pm, III Festival Ayate, (salsa) Bands performing include: Ayate and Los Paragüayos (Paraguay), Fiestas del Pino 2012, Teror Auditorium September 14: 7pm, Fifth Winds of rock festival 2012, Bands involved include: Siroco, Schawarzwald OI!! se Arma, Smasher. El Pino 2012, Playa Arinaga, Agüimes September 14: 8.30pm, Musical Theatre: Arriero, una vida en el camino (Arriero, a life on the road) Fiestas de Las Marías, Teatro Hespérides, Santa María de Guía September 15: 9pm, XXVIII Festival of Canarian Folk Music, Fiestas del Pino 2012, Bands performing: AF Tuhoco, AF Guayadeque AF Villa de Agüimes, AF Los Cabuqueros and AF Lairaga. Santa María de Guía September 21: 9pm, Festival ‘Rock in Nublo’, Bands performing: Krull o La Nada, Esclavitud, Black Horse), and Eldorado. Free entrance, Plaza de San Juan, Telde November 3: Patti Austin (Jazz-Blues) at Cuyás, Las Palmas. For tickets see or call 902 488 488 November 9: 9pm Dayna Kurtz (Pop-Rock) www. or call 902 488 488


September 15: 8.30pm, (classical) Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, directed by Pedro Halffter. Wagner, Liszt and Mahler September 29 and September 30: Fito y Fitipladis (Pop Rock), Saturday 9pm and Sunday 8.30 pm. Classic tunes with new twists October 6: 9pm. Italian Santa Cecilia National Academy ensemble. A mix of orchestral music from Renaissance, through to Jazz and contemporary. Sala Sinfónica.

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

October 6: The lost fingers (Canadian gipsy jazz) 9pm, Sala Nueva. October 11: 8.30pm. Chucho Valdés (Jazz)



September 22: 8.30pm, Beatles for Particella (Tribute to The Beatles) Ticket price €10, Las Palmas


September 7: 11:59pm, Fireworks Display, Fiestas del Pino 2012, Teror September 7: Graffrica, urban African art, Casa Africa, LPGC September 9: 11:59pm, Fireworks Display, Fiestas del Charco, Fabulous fishing fun on the 11th. La Aldea 2012 Until September 20, the wonders of meteorology, Canaries, a sea of clouds, Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Edificio Elder, LPGC Until October 7: Spanglish multi discipline display of work by Guillermo GómezPeña, Homo Fronterizus, CAAM, LPGC Until October 7: collection of visual art by feminist Teresa Serrano, Albur de amor, CAAM, LPGC Until October 10: Video Performance: Ba-ji-toh-fuh, When the wind blows from the east into the ears of the horse, San Martín Centro de la Cultura Contemporánea, LPGC Until September 16: Watercolor: Pablo Martín Madera, Fiestas del Pino 2012. From Monday to Sunday from 12pm till 2pm and 6pm till 8pm. Closed September 7 and 8 September 7 until September 28: Huellas, impresiones y reflexiones capturadas en papel (Footprints, impressions and reflections captured on paper), Showroom La Chirina, Arguineguín Mogán September 10 until September 23: Recorrido de la vestimenta tradicional. Fiesta de Las Marías. Traditional clothing in Gran Canaria between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Santa María de Guía


September 14: 6pm, Juegos tradicionales infantiles (Traditional games for children), Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012 September 19 until September 23: Disney Live! La magia de Mickey

(Mickey’s magic). Music and entertainment with Mickey and his friends. Centro Insular de Deportes, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


September 8: 10am, Muestra de Artesanos (Craft Fair), Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012, La Aldea de San Nicolás September 9: 10am, Feria de Ganado (Cattle Fair), Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012, La Aldea de San Nicolás


(colorful street parades with regional costumes and music) September 9: 5pm, Bajada de La Rama, from the Almacén de los Picos to la Plaza de la Rama, Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012 September 10: 6pm, Romería ofrenda a San Nicolás, Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012 September 15: Romería del Sobradillo, Sardina del Norte Septembe 15: Romería de Virgen del Socorro, Tejeda September 15: Romería de Virgen de Los Dolores, Schamann (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) September 16: 12pm, Romería de Las Marías, Santa María de Guía September 20: Romería de San Mateo, Vega de San Mateo


September 7: 10am until 2pm, Skeet Shooting competition, Fiestas del Charco, La Aldea 2012, Finca La Gamona, organized by Society of Hunters, La Aldea September 9: XVII Travesía a nado Arinaga 2012 (Swimming competition), Fiestas del Pino 2012, Playa Arinaga, Agüimes September 15 until September 22: Gran Canaria Walking Festival. For more Information go to www. grancanariawalkingfestival. es

September 15: 10am until 2.30pm, 15ª Edición Torneo de Ajedrez El Pino (Fifteenth Chess tournament). Fiestas del Pino 2012, Casa de la Cultura de Teror, Plaza Pío XII, Teror September 16: Hiking: walk to the bottom of the volcanic basin of Bandama and its perimeter, Arucas en la Senda 2012, Distance: 7Km, Difficulty: LowMedium, Arucas September 22 until September 29: Canary Bike, Fit for Fun – Bike and wellness for singles and for people who are travelling alone, guided Mountain Bike Tours, wellness and fitness package; including half board in double room p.p. €599, for information go to


Trekking: Local councils in various areas of the island organise guided treks and other open-air activities. For more information, call UPNature, Guanarteme 928 270 084 or 928 473 265, Arucas 928 621 754, Maspalomas 928 764 201, Tablero 928 140 640, Mogán 928 158 805, Aldea de San Nicolás de Tolentino 928 891 252 or, or Valleseco 928 618 740. Archaeology Guided visits to the principal digs in the island: Bentayga (Tejeda), Cenobio de Valerón (Guía) etc. For more information call 928 219 229.

MARKETS Arguineguín: Tuesday Gáldar: Thursday Mogán: Sunday Puerto de Mogán: Friday Telde: Saturday Terór: Sunday Vecindario: Monday & Wednesday – all 8am to 2pm. Playa del Inglés: Every day except Sunday, 7.30 to 11.30pm. Las Palmas Rastro: Sunday 8am to 2pm, bus station.

September 7: evening, firework exhibition followed by a street dance and party with Malibú band September 8: Feeling Festival, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, for more information go to www. September 8: XXXIV Festival Sabandeño, (mainly Canarian Folk Music) with Mexicans Jose Garita, Taburiente and Los Sabandeños. Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna September 9: Summer Jam Tenerife, Siam Park, the last major festival of the summer as it all comes to an end, for more Information go to www. September 13: 7.30pm, folklore concert September 15: Roots Festival, (a real mix, tango reggae – you name it) performing acts, Domingo Rodrígez el Colorao, Rogelio Botanz and the band Nayaband, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna September 15: We Love Nooctua Night (Big party with DJ’s and Dance music) Nooctua Group closes their tour on this night at Nooctua Capital (El Mayorazgo) Santa Cruz. September 21 until September 23: Tenerife Salsa Festival, Sports Hall in Los Cristianos, Arona, for more information go to www.tenerifesalsafestival. com September 21 and 22: Friday from 6pm and from Saturday 12pm, Festival Boreal 2012, performing bands on Friday include Pumuky (Pop Indie), Diego Hernández (Folk), Bel Bee Bee (Folk Indie) and Eva Olvido DJ (Funk). Performing bands on Saturday are Ojala Mucha (Pop Rock), Las Ratas (Rock), Quarta Feira (Samba), Eleband (Mixed), Maracatú 4.1 (Drum Group), Kali – MC (Hip-Hop), Jota Erre Dam (Mixed), Swinging Spleen (Retro), DJ Esteban Pérez (DJ) and Juana La Cubana (DJ). Ticket prices, Friday €3 and Saturday €5. For more information go to www. Isla Baja, Tenerife September 21: 8.30pm, Argentimísima Concert: Tango and more, La Laguna University, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ticket Price €10 September 22: Larry Jean Louis, Master Class of Mousike 2012, Espacio Cultural Aguere, Santa Cruz de Tenerife September 29: 7pm,


7 - 20 Sept 2012 : BBC1 / BBC2 / ITV1 / Channel4 / Channel5 / Skysports1 / Skysports2 th


ITV1 / Drama / 9th september, 9.00pm

Scapegoat T

he autumn of 1952. George Vi has died, and england waits to welcome its new monarch. meanwhile, worlds away, John Standing teaches Greek in a shabby prep school.

or at least he did until yesterday. With his department unceremoniously done away with, John decides to visit the continent in search of culture, adventure...anything to get him away from the crushing monotony of his life. It is said that everybody has a doppelganger, somewhere in the world. Held up changing trains, John goes to a bar. It is there that he spots Johnny Spence and feels a bolt of electricity.

BBC1 / Dancing Competition 15th september, 6:30pm

Strictly Come Dancing returns


Johnny is his mirror image - the likeness is uncanny. They drink into the night, discussing their problems, transfixed by their similarity. John is in search of a human connection, Johnny craves an escape from his responsibilities – he is an aristocratic landowner, reluctantly heading home after a disastrous business venture. The two men spend the night in the same hotel. But when John awakes the next morning, Johnny is nowhere to be seen – and a driver wants to take John “home”. Some deep impulse responds to the crack of opportunity, and John literally steps into his double’s shoes.


t’s time to dust off the dancing shoes as Strictly come Dancing returns with a star studded line-up. Sir Bruce Forsyth and tess Daly put the sparkle back into Saturday nights as the series kicks off with an exclusive red carpet premiere. After facing the paparazzi the celebrities will head to the dance floor to learn which of the Strictly professional dancers will be partnering

10th Sept

ITV1/ DrAmA / 9:00pm


three-part drama written by tony marchant in which an aimless twentysomething man falls into a romantic relationship with a married woman twenty years his senior. ITV1 / cHAt SHOW/ 9:00pm

Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 14th


Sir roger moore joins Piers morgan to reveal the amazing highs and lows of his life and career. the longest serving 007 lifts the lid on his four marriages, his humble roots, how he survived cancer and his famous raised eyebrow. ITV1 / DRAMA / 9:00pm

Downton Abbey

them, giving audiences the chance to see exactly what their first impressions are. This year celebrities will face new judge Darcey Bussell, as she brings a wealth of expertise to the judging panel, alongside Bruno Tonioli, Craig revel Horwood and head judge Len Goodman.

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the third series, set in 1920, sees the return of all the much loved characters. As they face new challenges, the crawley family and the servants who work for them remain inseparably interlinked.

92 2 7 15 3 07 WE SPEAK EN




/ Friday 07/09/12 BBc2 / DrAmA

7th September, 9.30pm Parades End

Vicious rumours about christopher abound, leading to tragedy at Groby

one 6:00 9:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 1:00 1:30 1:40

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8:30 9:00


10:00 10:25 10:35


11:35 11:45 1:40

Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Mandy learns of a family secret while helping an old friend clear out her house. Only Fools and Horses Double bill. Marrying Mum & Dad Splatalot Who Let the Dogs Out? Blue Peter Newsround Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Cash Britain EastEnders Shirley battles her demons past and present. Sharon and Jack’s frantic search for a missing Dennis. Miranda In with the Flynns Liam tires of his humdrum life and resolves to keep up with his younger brother Kevin by partying every night. Mrs. Brown’s Boys Rory has a professional dilemma when he discovers some illegal drugs at work. BBC News at Ten BBC London News Would I Lie to You? David is joined by Frank Skinner and Bill Oddie, while Lee Mack is joined by Jon Richardson and Sarah Millican. Come Fly with Me Flylo ground crew member Taaj Manzoor bumps into Harry Potter actor Rupert Grint. The National Lottery Friday Night Draws EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview


TWO 6.00 11:30 12:00 1:00


2:15 3:00 3:45


5:15 6:00 6:30 7:00



10:30 11:05


Children’s Entertainment BBC World News The Daily Politics My Life in Books Anne Robinson talks to national treasure Sir Trevor McDonald and actress Rebecca Front about the books that shaped their lives. To Buy or Not to Buy Jonnie Irwin and Ed Hall are on parade as they find three houses in Wiltshire for an army couple. The Weakest Link Wanted Down Under Hairy Bikers’ Best of British The hairy duo create some classic puds and explore the history and traditions behind our favourites. Flog It! Paul Martin and experts Will Axon and Thomas Plant open the gates at London Zoo Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Celebrity MasterChef Athletics Gabby Logan introduces live coverage of the Diamond League final from Brussels. Gardeners’ World For many gardeners, the beginning of September is the start of a new gardening season and, with this in mind, Monty Don recommends vegetables to sow now for winter cropping. Parade’s End Vicious rumours about Christopher abound, leading to tragedy at Groby. Newsnight Youth in Revolt Quirky comedy in which high-schooler Nick creates a rebellious French alterego to impress the girl of his dreams. It’s All Gone Pete Tong A superstar DJ is at the top of his game, living a decadent life in his villa in Ibiza with his trophy wife. But disaster strikes when he starts to go deaf.

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

1:30 2:00 3:00


5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00


10:00 10:35



Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women X Factor’s Little Mix help Andrea Mclean, Denise Welch, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald round off another week of chat and fun. ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal Today’s show comes from Leamington Spa. The Alan Titchmarsh Show Alan returns with his daily chat show that celebrates the very best of British. Featuring celebrity guests, unsung heroes, and discussions on the hot topics of the day. My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Lynda Bellingham explores the Cotswolds where she visits the home of the pudding club in Chipping Camden and is challenged to make a classic sherry trifle for 70 people. The Chase London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Declan asks Katie to marry him, promising Robbie will leave after the festival. World Cup 2014 The road to Brazil begins for England against Moldova in this opening World Cup 2014 qualifier in Chisinau. ITV News at Ten and Weather FIFA World Cup Qualifier All the action from tonight’s match. Captivity A man and a woman awaken to find themselves held hostage in a basement, and endure psychological torture. The Store Fantastic products and great gadgets from JML

5:40 6:05 7:00 9:15

12:00 12:05


4:20 4:55 5:25


7:00 7:30




Freshly Squeezed Paralympics Tonight Paralympic Games Breakfast Show Paralympic Games 2012 On the penultimate day of swimming, another 15 gold medals are on offer, with a large British contingent in contention. Channel 4 News Paralympic Games 2012 Coverage of the match to decide the fifth and sixth places in the women’s wheelchair basketball tournament. Plus, the latest action from the wheelchair rugby qualification matches Paralympic Games 2012 It’s the semi-finals of the 7-a-side football at the Riverbank Arena. Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Paralympic Games 2012 In the swimming pool, GB’s Sascha Kindred aims to add to his medal haul in the Men’s 50m Butterfly S6 Final; he took bronze in the event in Beijing. Hollyoaks Mercedes is causing chaos in the village again, but has she pushed Nancy too far this time? Channel 4 News Paralympic Games 2012 Tonight Oscar Pistorius is back in action in the Stadium, where the South African goes in Round 1 of the Men’s 400m T44. The Last Leg with Adam Hills Adam Hills presents an alternative review of each day at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Derren Brown: Hero at 30,000 Feet Derren takes one individual on an unbelievable personal journey in which they face their greatest fears. Can they rise to Derren’s life-changing challenge? Family Business

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15

1:15 1:45



5:00 5:30 6:00

6:30 7:00





Milkshake The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Catch up on the latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house. Home and Away Neighbours When Lou returns from his trip to the UK, he is mistaken for a burglar, having not realised the house has been sold. NUMB3RS The agents join forces with the police to investigate the fatal shooting of eight people in a coffee shop. Elevator Girl Modern Cinderella tale. A young successful lawyer panics when he finds that he has fallen for a working-class girl. 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Jett discovers that a page has been torn out of the list he has made of men with his father’s name. 5 News National and international news. Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads Cracks begin to show in all three teams when they carry delicate loads of ceramics and sculptures. Dallas As the Ewings gather for the wedding of Bobby’s son Christopher to Rebecca, family quarrels lead to the shock announcement that Bobby is to sell Southfork. Celebrity Big Brother Catch up on the latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house as the winner is crowned. Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side As the latest season of Celebrity Big Brother draws to a close, Emma Willis hosts a round-up. Super Casino Live interactive gaming featuring roulette, blackjack and autowheel.

6:00 9:00 10:30

12:30 1:00 2:00

2:15 3:45 6:00 7:30 10:00 11:00 12:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. The Footballer’s Football Show European Tour Golf Day two of the KLM Open from Hilversumsche Golf Club in Holland. Barclays Premier League World Ringside Sky Sports Classics Wind back the clock and enjoy a classic match from April 16 2004 as Arsenal took on Leeds. International Football Football Russia host Northern Ireland. International Football Scotland face Luxembourg at St. Mirren Park. Football Wales take on Belgium at Cardiff City Stadium. The Fantasy Football Club International Football International Football

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 9:00 9:30

10:30 12:00 1:30 2:00 5:00 10:00 11:00 11:30


Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Raw IAAF Athletics Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring. International Football Scotland face Luxembourg. The Footballer’s Football Show ATP Tour Uncovered All the latest from the tennis circuit. U.S. Open Tennis Open from Flushing Meadows, New York. U.S. Open Tennis Open from Flushing Meadows, New York. Tight Lines Thrillseekers Polo The second Coutts Norfolk Polo Festival from the historic Langley Abbey Estate. Rugby Super League

Film 4 - Today’s highlights District 9


Neill Blomkamp’s debut feature is a thoughtful sci-fi thriller about aliens stranded on Earth, which tells a social parable that couldn’t be more apposite to its South African setting. Back in the early 80s a spaceship grinds to a halt above Johannesburg. On investigation, the colossal craft is found to house insect-like bipeds, all in a very bad shape.

Pan’s Labyrinth


In 1940s Spain, a young girl escapes from the horrifying brutality of her sadistic stepfather’s military endeavours into a mysterious netherworld of magic and monsters where she is set three tasks that will see her crowned as princess of this strange kingdom.



/ Saturday 08/09/12

BBc2 / SitcOm

8th September, 9.45pm The Thick of it

comedy series set behind the closed doors of government

one 6:00 10:00 11:30

12:00 12:10 12:15


1:30 2:30 3:30 4:15 5:00 5:10 5:20

6:35 7:35

8:20 9:15

10:45 11:05



Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live James Martin returns with the live cooking show. Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food Lorraine Pascale creates amazing food, completely from scratch, in super quick time BBC News BBC London News Football Focus Dan Walker and guests tackle the opening rounds of European qualification for the 2014 World Cup. World Class Four-time Olympic gold medallist Matthew Pinsent travels to east Africa. Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt Cash in the Attic Escape to the Country BBC News BBC London News F1: Grand Prix Qualifying Jake Humphrey presents highlights of qualifying for the Italian Grand Prix. Total Wipeout Doctor Who An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction. Only the Doctor can save it. The National Lottery: Secret Fortune Last Night of the Proms Live from the Royal Albert Hall, Katie Derham introduces the biggest classical music party. BBC News Live at the Apollo Rich Hall hosts stand-up comedy from the Hammersmith Apollo. The Football League Show Football action and analysis, presented by Manish Bhasin. Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead Andy Garcia, star of The Godfather: Part Three, returns to the gangster genre in this stylish thriller.


TWO 6.00

Children’s Entertainment 11:45 MOTD Kickabout 12:00 The Sky at Night 12:20 Coast 12:30 The Big Circus Flamboyant circus owner Hank Twirling maintains that his is the ‘greatest show on earth’, although he has had to borrow heavily to save his obsession from bankruptcy. 2:15 A Man for All Seasons Multi-award-winning historical drama about Sir Thomas More’s refusal to acknowledge Henry VIII’s break with the Roman Catholic Church. 4:15 Flog It! 5:00 Wartime Farm Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn turn the clock back. 6:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 7:00 Dad’s Army 7:30 BBC Proms Katie Derham introduces the final concert of the 2012 Proms season from the Royal Albert Hall. 9:00 QI XL Stephen Fry investigates an imbroglio of issues with John Bishop, Frank Skinner and Sean Lock. 9:45 The Thick of It Government embarrassNew ment, ministerial cock-up, Coalition rows, backroom deals, policy U-turns, spin-doctoring, political back-stabbing, wild media speculation, and more time spent with one’s family - it can only be the eagerly anticipated return of Armando Iannucci’s award-winning political comedy series. 10:15 A Single Man An English professor, one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles. 11:50 Harper Lew Harper, a cool private investigator, is hired by a wealthy California matron to locate her kidnapped husband.

6:00 9:25 9:30 11:20 1:15 1:20


5:55 6:10 6:25 6:55





10:55 11:10


Children’s Entertainment ITV News The Jeremy Kyle Show US Double bill. The Real Housewives of New York City Double bill. ITV News and Weather Columbo The dishevelled detective is called in to investigate when chain-smoking TV producer Budd Clarke is found dead. The Living Daylights James Bond is living on the edge to stop an evil arms dealer from starting another world war. Bond crosses all seven continents in order to stop the evil Whitaker and General Koskov. London Tonight ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Fool Britannia Award-winning comedian Dom Joly is back, this time attempting to fool an entire nation. Red or Black? Ant and Dec host the game show in which contestants must decide who will succeed in the amazing stunts and challenges that play out in front of them. The X Factor The UK’s biggest entertainment show continues its search for the nation’s next singing sensation. Red or Black? The going gets even tougher for the final four as Ant and Dec host the high octane, supersized game. The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan welcomes pop sensation Cheryl Cole. ITV News and Weather The World is Not Enough James Bond uncovers a nuclear plot when he protects an oil heiress from her former kidnapper, an international terrorist who can’t feel pain. The Store





6:30 7:00




Paralympics Tonight Highlights of yesterday evening’s Paralympic Games 2012 Tonight. Paralympic Games Breakfast Show Rick Edwards and Kelly Cates present their penultimate show live from the Olympic Park. Paralympic Games 2012 Swimming star Ellie Simmonds is back in action in the Women’s 100m Freestyle S6 Heats, and the British men’s team hopes to qualify for tonight’s relay. Paralympic Games 2012 It’s another thrilling day of action, as the Football 5a-side tournament reaches its climax with the Gold Medal and Bronze Medal matches. Channel 4 News Paralympic Games 2012 Tonight Attention turns immediately to the Olympic Stadium and GB’s Nathan Stephens in the Men’s Javelin Throw F57/58 Final. But the reigning world champion will have to fend off the challenge from Egypt’s Mahmoud Ramadan El Attar. On the track, Hazel Robson hopes to rediscover the form which landed her the 100m T36 gold medal in Sydney. The Last Leg with Adam Hills Adam Hills presents an alternative review of each day at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The Butterfly Effect Psychological thriller in which a young man, Evan Treborn, blacks out memories of harmful events in his life. As he grows up he discovers that his ability to remember the events has a dramatic impact on him and everything around him. David Blaine: Street Magic David Blaine stuns the public with his extraordinary tricks on the streets of the United States.

6.00 11.10 11:25





8.05 8:10





Milkshake Children’s Entertainment Animal Rescue Squad Celebrity Big Brother Catch up on the latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house as the winner is crowned. Coroner Creek After his fiancee is killed in the stagecoach raid, a gunman vows to track down the man responsible, a seemingly upstanding citizen with far-reaching influence in the town. Back to the Secret Garden Magical period drama inspired by Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic tale. It’s now 1946, and the adult Mary and Colin have turned the Manor into a home for young war orphans. Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt Crime drama. When a shocking double murder rocks the quiet town of Paradise, retired alcoholic cop Jesse Stone is forced back into action at the request of the town council. Cricket on 5 Highlights of England’s 20Twenty match against South Africa from Durham. 5 News Weekend NCIS The murder of a navy officer sparks a major security alert on board an aircraft carrier CSI: Miami The CSI team get quite a surprise when a new suspect emerges as a possible killer. NCIS The death of a special agent in LA leads NCIS Director Jenny Shepard on a dangerous sub-rosa mission to finish some classified business she began a decade ago in Europe. NCIS Director Shepard is killed while trying to clean up a secret mission that began a decade ago in Europe. Super Casino



8:00 10:00


6:00 8:30 12:00

Transworld Sport Join the team on their hourlong foray into sports news, tournaments and competitions across the globe. With special features, exclusive footage and interviews. Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring. Rugby Super League Cricket England’s women take on the West Indies at the Emirates Durham ICG in this T20 match. Cricket The first T20 match between England and South Africa from the Riverside Ground in Durham. Super League Match A match from the Stobart Super League. Fight Night Two world title fights from London’s Alexandra Palace. International Football Scotland begin their 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification campaign against Serbia.

2 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00

9:30 10:00 12:00 12:30 1:30 2:30


11:00 12:30

Tight Lines International Football Russia host Northern Ireland at Lokomotiv Stadium. International Football Champions League Weekly The show featuring top action from the UEFA Champions League. Football Freestyler Soccer A.M. Football Freestyler International Football International Football Wales take on Belgium. Football Scotland begin their 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification campaign against Serbia. Tennis: US Open The men’s semi-finals from the 2012 US Open in Flushing Meadows, New York. Rugby Super League A match from the Stobart Super League. Cricket

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/ Sunday 09/09/12 BBc2 / BUSiNeSS AND FiNANce

9th September, 9.00pm Dragons Den

more aspiring entrepreneurs climb the infamous stairs to face self-made millionaires duncan bannatyne, hilary devey, Peter Jones, deborah meaden and theo Paphitis

one 6:00 9:00

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 Sunday Morning Live 11:00 Country Tracks 12:00 BBC News 12:05 Homes Under the Hammer 1:05 Bargain Hunt 2:05 Cash in the Attic 3:00 Escape to the Country 4:00 Songs of Praise Pam Rhodes meets the granddaughter of Call the Midwife author Jennifer Worth. 4:35 Planet Earth Live Julia Bradbury and expert Lynn Rogers New wildlife explore the Northwoods of Minnesota. 5:35 F1: Grand Prix Jake Humphrey presents highlights of the Italian Grand Prix. 7:05 BBC News 7:20 BBC London News 7:30 Countryfile The team visits the Furness Peninsula in Cumbria 8:30 Inspector George Gently A middle-class couple’s adopted child is kidnapped, a case that takes Gently and Bacchus to a home where unmarried mothers are forced to give up their babies. 10:00 BBC News 10:20 BBC London News 10:25 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow Michael McIntyre visits some of the UK’s most prestigious and iconic stand-up comedy venues. 11:10 In with the Flynns Liam starts boozing every night with younger brother Kevin in a bid to escape his humdrum lifestyle, but burning the candle at both ends soon takes its toll. 11:40 Honeymoon in Vegas Nicolas Cage is in lovably dopey mode here, as he finally proposes to his long-suffering girlfriend Sarah Jessica Parker (also excellent) only to see crooked gambler James Caan win her in a poker game. 1:10 Weatherview


TWO 6.00

Children’s Entertainment 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30 The Great British Bake Off The bakers are struggling with their meringues. 12:30 Ride Lonesome Director Budd Boetticher and executive producer and star Randolph Scott made a short cycle of fine westerns, unequalled in their classic simplicity and underappreciated on their first release. 1:45 The Victors World War II drama charting the adventures of a platoon of Allied soldiers in Europe. 4:15 Flog It! Torquay plays host to Paul Martin and experts Phillip Serrell and David Fletcher. 5:15 The Spitfire 6:15 Swimming with Crocodiles After his close encounters in Botswana, Ben Fogle heads to Australia. And if you thought last week’s crocs were big, these “salties” (saltwater crocodiles) are the largest reptiles in the world 7:15 Richard Hammond’s Crash Course The host travels to Oregon, where he tries to get to grips with a trio of powerful logging machines. 8:00 China on Four Wheels 9:00 Dragons’ Den More aspiring entrepreclimb the infamous New neurs stairs to face self-made millionaires Duncan Bannatyne, Hilary Devey, Peter Jones, Deborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis. 10:00 Mock the Week 10:30 Hilary Devey’s Women at the Top Multimillionaire entrepreneur Hilary Devey wants to find out why so few women make it to the top. 11:30 F1: Grand Prix Jake Humphrey presents highlights of the Italian Grand Prix. 1:00 BBC News

6.00 9:25 9:30 10:25 11:25

12:20 12:30

1:30 2:30



6:30 6:45 7:00



11:00 11:15


Children’s Entertainment ITV News House Gift There’s No Taste Like Home The Hungry Sailors Dick and James Strawbridge dock at Rye in East Sussex. ITV News and Weather The X Factor The UK’s biggest entertainment show continues. Murder, She Wrote Columbo The dishevelled detective’s wife becomes the target of an emotionally deranged woman who blames him and two other men for the death of her own husband. Doc Martin Mark has an unusual idea for a stag night, which involves camping under the stars rather than going to the pub. The Talent Show Story Victoria Wood narrates a documentary series looking back at the history of talent shows on British Television. London Tonight ITV News and Weather Coronation Street Gloria’s scheming and flirting ruffles more than a few feathers. The X Factor The UK’s biggest entertainment show continues its search for the nation’s next singing sensation. The Scapegoat The late Alec Guinness plays a school-teacher caught up in a murder plot through his uncanny resemblance to a French count, who is planning to kill his wife. ITV News and Weather Rugby Highlights Craig Doyle and Martin Bayfield present highlights from round two of the Aviva Premiership. The Store Fantastic products and great gadgets from JML.


7:00 7:25

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30



6:30 7:00



Paralympics Tonight Highlights of yesterday evening’s Paralympic Games 2012 Tonight. Ironman 2012 British Rallycross Monster Energy MSA British Rallycross Championship action from the Lydden Hill Circuit. Will and Grace Frasier Frasier Paralympic Games Breakfast Show Rick Edwards and Kelly Cates present the final Breakfast Show live from the Olympic Park. Paralympic Games 2012 The 2012 London Paralympic Games reach their conclusion with the final six gold medals contested in four Marathons, the Football 7-a-side and the Wheelchair Rugby The Great British Paraorchestra Inspired by his five-yearold daughter, who has cerebral palsy, and by the principles of the Paralympics, conductor Charles Hazlewood is determined to create a platform for talented disabled musicians at the top of their game. Channel 4 News London 2012 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony Jon Snow presents the Festival of Flame, the London 2012 Paralympic Closing Ceremony - the festival of the flame. Coldplay take to the stage to give a live concert in the Olympic Stadium, which will be seen by an estimated worldwide audience of 750 million people. I’m Spazticus This I’m Spazticus special features the best sketches from the series with the hilarious Cerebal Palsy Police line-up. Bill Bailey: Dandelion Mind Captured in performance live.

6.00 11:10 11:25





6:30 6:35




Milkshake Children’s Entertainment Animal Rescue Squad Celebrity Wedding Planner Neighbours veteran Ryan ‘Toadfish’ Moloney is in town to take up the challenge along with fellow Aussie and former Ramsay Street resident, Joe Mangel. The Hotel Inspector Alex revisits the African Queen, an eight bedroom floating hotel on the River Thames, to check whether the business is still afloat. Sabrina, the Teenage Witch Lighthearted story about a teenage girl who discovers her mystical birthright when she turns 16. Daddy Day Camp Comedy sequel about two fathers who, having moved on from running a creche to running a summer camp, find their business under strain from exuberant youngsters and competitive rivals. The Aristocats Disney classic in which a family of well-to-do cats fight to reclaim their rightful inheritance. 5 News Weekend The Fifth Element Luc Besson’s stunning, audacious science-fiction thriller stars Bruce Willis as an ex-government agent, now reduced to driving a taxi in 23rd century New York Resident Evil: Extinction The second sequel in the sci-fi franchise. Alice teams up with other survivors of the Raccoon City catastrophe to take down the evil Umbrella Corporation for good. The Replacement Killers Action drama about an assassin who suddenly becomes a target. Super Casino Live interactive gaming featuring roulette, blackjack and autowheel.

6:00 7:00

8:00 10:00 11:30 1:00 3:15 6:00


9:00 12:00

Cricket Women’s International T20 Cricket England’s women take on the West Indies at the Emirates Durham ICG in this T20 match. U.S. Open Tennis The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Football Coventry City take on Stevenage. Football Crawley Town take on Portsmouth. Great Goals A chance to relive some of the most spectacular and significant goals in European football. U.S. Open Tennis The 2012 US Open women’s final from Flushing Meadows, New York. U.S. Open Tennis League 1 Coventry/Stevenage and Crawley/Portsmouth

2 6:00 6:30 8:00

12:30 ship

2:30 5:00



Aerobics: Oz Style Rugby Super League A match from the Stobart Super League. International Football Scotland begin their 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification campaign against Serbia at 9:00 Fight Night The Rugby ChampionAll the tries from the third round of the 2012 Rugby Championship. Premiership Rugby Northampton Saints face the Exeter Chiefs. BMW Championship Day four of the BMW Championship from Crooked Stick Golf Club in Carmel, Indiana. European Tour Golf Day four of the KLM Open from Hilversumsche Golf Club in Holland. Premiership Rugby Northampton Saints face the Exeter Chiefs

Film 4 - Today’s highlights Clueless


Amy Heckerling’s high-school take on Jane Austen’s novel Emma. Alicia Silverstone plays Cher Horowitz who, thanks to her rich lawyer daddy, has it all. She and her school friend Dionne decide to take new girl Tai under their wing and make sure she finds a date. They succeed, only to find that they’ve created a monster.

My Sister’s Keeper


Eleven-year-old Anna Fitzgerald and her family tell, in flashbacks, the story of her older sister Kate’s diagnosis of leukaemia and her mother Sara’s and father Brian’s decision to conceive a genetically engineered daughter for the express purpose of donating body parts to Kate.




/ Monday 10/09/12

itV1 / FActUAL

10th September, 10.35pm Hillsborough

itV presents a landmark documentary containing previously unheard accounts of the events of that tragic day in hillsborough.

one 6:00 9:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 1:00 1:15 1:25


4:30 5:15 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30




10:00 10:25 10:35



Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Our Greatest Team Gary Lineker and Gabby Logan present live coverage of the Athletes’ Parade. Doctors Karen and Imogen are embroiled in an unusual dispute between a mother and her son. Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Panorama Panorama investigates alcoholism among the elderly. EastEnders Janine’s paranoia spirals further when Michael lies about his whereabouts. Our Greatest Team Highlights from the Athletes’ Parade, a celebration of the 800 athletes who represented Great Britain. New Tricks Sandra reopens inquiries into the suspected suicide of a Foreign Office diplomat, whose body was found in a frozen London lake. BBC News at Ten BBC London News Citizen Khan Mrs Khan fancies a holiday, but Mr Khan refuses to dip into the couple’s `rainy day’ fund - especially when they still have daughter Shazia’s honeymoon to pay for. Gavin and Stacey Pam and Mick are having second thoughts about the conservatory. The Lock Up Sgt Grunner deals with a regular detainee known to have a heroin problem - but this time he loses consciousness in his cell.


TWO 6.00 11:30 12:00 1:00 1:30 2:15 3:00 3:45 4:30 5:15 6:00 6:30

7:00 8:00




10:30 11:20


Children’s Entrtainment BBC World News The Daily Politics My Life in Books To Buy or Not to Buy The Weakest Link Wanted Down Under The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Helicopter Heroes Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Popular quiz show. Celebrity MasterChef Following the first-round heats, eight famous faces remain in the running for the title. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip University Challenge Lincoln College, Oxford fights it out against the University of Manchester. Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food Lorraine Pascale demonstrates how to create sophisticated and eyecatching dishes for dinner parties Horizon Scientists and researchers discuss their efforts to thwart potentially lethal strains of bacteria that have grown resistant to conventional antibiotics. James May’s Things You Need to Know... The Top Gear presenter focuses on some of his favourite facts about engineering, from the inner workings of the Saturn V space rocket to the role played by steam power in changing the world. Newsnight Dragons’ Den Series presented by Evan Davis, in which budding entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their business to the Dragons. Richard Hammond’s Crash Course Richard Hammond crosses the USA to learn how to drive some of the bigggest and most deadly machines.




6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal David Dickinson and the team are in Leeds. 3:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show Russell Watson and Myleene Klass perform a duet. 4:00 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Today, Lynda is in Somerset and she is challenged to make a supper for a group of Charles Dickens fans. 5:00 The Chase Quiz show hosted by Bradley Walsh. 6:00 London Tonight 6:30 ITV News and Weather 7:00 Emmerdale Carl starts to suspect something has happened between Cameron and Chas. 7:30 Coronation Street Izzy’s decision shocks her family. Will Kirsty accept Tommy and Tina’s peace offering? 8:00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 8:30 Coronation Street Gary and Izzy are torn apart. Will Gloria succeed in reuniting Stella and Karl? 9:00 Leaving Twenty-five-year-old New Aaron is unemployed, single and still lives with his parents. The day he meets married mother-oftwo Julie, 44, he is drunk and miserable, but a bond begins to form between the pair. 10:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 Hillsborough New 11:35 The Gauntlet Action-packed police adventure about a tough cop who must escort a key witness to trial in another state. 1:25 Jackpot247

6:20 6:25 6:35 7:00 7:30 7:55

Sali Mali The Treacle People The Hoobs Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Debra convinces Ray to let her join him on the golf course after she once again 8:25 Frasier 8:55 Come Dine with Me Five back to back episodes. 11:30 The Renovation Game 12:30 River Cottage Bites 12:45 Channel 4 News 12:50 London 2012: Our Greatest Team Parade 4:00 Deal or No Deal 5:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course 5:30 Come Dine with Me First to host in County Durham and Wearside is personal trainer Eve Booth. 6:00 The Simpsons 6:30 Hollyoaks An unscrupulous Mercedes threatens Nancy and her baby, but will it be enough to stop Nancy’s quest for justice? 7:00 Channel 4 News 7:55 8:00 Dispatches In this Dispatches investigation, reporter Tazeen Ahmad examines evidence that strategies to improve the food served in all our schools are fast coming undone. 8:30 Food Unwrapped Brand new science series New Food Unwrapped explores how our food is really made and the industry secrets behind our favourite produce. 9:00 999 2012 is the 75th anniversary of the 999 emergency New telephone number in the UK. The volume of calls has jumped by 60% in the last generation, with 31 million 999 calls received in 2011. 10:00 9/11: The Miracle Survivor 11:05 Random Acts 11:10 Bad Sugar

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:05 12:10 12:15 1:15 1:45

2:15 3:15

5:00 5:30 6:00

6:30 7:00 8:00





Milkshake The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge The Family Recipe 5 News Lunchtime Rory McGrath’s Pub Dig Home and Away Neighbours After Kyle realises that Jade has still not forgiven him for betraying her to Kate, he asks her to put it behind them once and for all. NUMB3RS Pregnancy Pact Drama. Tale based on the true story of teenagers at an American high school who agreed to get pregnant at the same time. 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Bianca is allowed to leave hospital after holding Rocco for the first time. 5 News World’s Greatest Heroes Frontline Police Documentary series with Rav Wilding. Rav attends a drugs raid on a house. Reports of a lady exposing herself quickly become serious when her partner becomes aggressive. Cowboy Builders Dom and Mel face one of their toughest challenges yet: dealing with a builder who may well offer the worst value for money in Britain. Lethal Weapon All-action crime thriller in which a disturbed undercover cop recovering from his wife’s death is teamed up with a detective with a stable family background to crack an underground drugs ring. Cricket on 5 Highlights of England’s 20Twenty match against South Africa from Old Trafford. Super Casino Live interactive gaming featuring roulette, blackjack and autowheel.

6:00 9:00






Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. League 1 Coventry/Stevenage and Crawley/Portsmouth All the goals from today’s npower League One double bill. Coventry City host Stevenage. Great Goals A chance to relive some of the most spectacular and significant goals in European football. U.S. Open Tennis The 2012 US Open men’s final from Flushing Meadows, New York. Cricket England’s women contest their second Twenty20 match with the West Indies at Old Trafford. Cricket England and South Africa contest their second Twenty20 match at Old Trafford. Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 10:00

12:00 3:30

5:30 6:00 7:00

7:30 9:30 10:30 11:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers PGA Tour Golf European Tour Golf Day four of the KLM Open from Hilversumsche Golf Club in Holland. Fight Night U.S. Open Tennis The 2012 US Open men’s final from Flushing Meadows, New York. Champions League Weekly Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Netbusters A chance to catch up with the news from the weekend’s football with all the goals from the games. Elite League Speedway NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Road to Kona Ironman A look at the Ironman event in Regensburg, Germany. Elite League Speedway A meeting from speedway’s Elite League.










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/ Tuesday 11/09/12 itV1 / SPOrt

11th September, 7.30pm England v Ukraine Live

adrian chiles presents coverage of the World cup Group h qualifier at Wembley stadium

one 6:00 9:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 1:00 1:30 1:40



3:05 3:35 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30


9:00 10:00 10:25 10:35



Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Jas’s double life causes trust issues with a nervous patient. Only Fools and Horses When Del arranges a job redecorating a Chinese Restaurant. Only Fools and Horses The Trotters’ painting and decorating venture has some dazzling results. Marrying Mum and Dad Splatalot Who Let the Dogs Out? Trade Your Way to the USA Newsround Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders When a panicked Kat rushes home, Alfie is surprised to discover that she has been out all night. Holby City When drugs go missing Max is quick to cover - but who for? Can Tara finally stand up to Jac? Trouble on the Estate BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Lock Up For a year a BBC team had exclusive access to the custody suite of Humberside Police, which specialises in hosting Hull’s 2,000 young people who are arrested annually. Citizen Khan Mrs Khan fancies a holiday, but Mr Khan refuses to dip into the couple’s `rainy day’ fund - especially when they still have daughter Shazia’s honeymoon to pay for. On a Clear Day


TWO 6.00

Children’s Entertainment 11:30 BBC World News 12:00 The Daily Politics 1:00 My Life in Books Anne Robinson welcomes two celebrity guests to discuss their favourite books in the run up to World Book Night. 1:30 To Buy or Not to Buy Rani Price and Ed Hall rub shoulders with royalty as they head to Dorset. 2:15 The Weakest Link 3:00 Wanted Down Under 3:45 Helicopter Heroes Rav Wilding presents a look at the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. 4:30 Flog It! 5:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00 Eggheads 6:30 Celebrity MasterChef The six remaining cooks face their most difficult catering challenge so far, as they are split into three pairs and sent to work in the kitchen of a brasserie on a cross-channel ferry travelling between Dover and Calais. 7:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Famous faces embark on the cross-country heirloom-hunting challenge. Today is he turn of Pam St. Clement. 8:00 The Great British Bake Off The bakers turn their attention to pies. 9:00 Vikings Neil Oliver heads for New Scandinavia to reveal the truth behind the legend of the Vikings. 10:00 The Rob Brydon Show Rob’s special guest is Sir Tom Jones, who gives a fascinating insight into his long career. 10:30 Newsnight 11:20 China on Four Wheels Anita Rani and Justin Rowlatt travel across China to examine how its increasing global power has changed citizens’ lives 12:20 BBC News

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30


1:30 2:00



5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00


10:10 10:45



Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning On today’s show, Irish band The Script perform live. Loose Women More celebrity interviews and topical debate from a female perspective with Andrea McLean, Sherrie Hewson, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald. ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal David Dickinson and the team are in Bury. The Alan Titchmarsh Show The presenter is joined by actor Simon Callow, who discusses his one-man Charles Dickens show, and photographer Paul Goldstein returns to present another masterclass. My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Lynda’s cooking challenge today is to make a picnic using locally sourced produce from Herefordshire. The Chase London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Carl witnesses Chas kissing Cameron a final goodbye. World Cup 2014 England v Ukraine (Kick-off 8.00pm). Adrian Chiles presents coverage of the World Cup Group H qualifier at Wembley Stadium, as the hosts play their second fixture of the campaign. ITV News at Ten and Weather FIFA World Cup Qualifier Matt Smith looks back at England’s World Cup 2014 qualifier against Ukraine. Grimefighters Series following the work of Britain’s clean-up crews. Jackpot247

6:05 6:10 7:00 7:30 7:55 8:25



12:00 12:05 1:05 1:10


4:00 5:00 5:30

6:00 6:30

7:00 7:55 8:00 9:00

10:00 11:05

Sali Mali The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier When Niles moves into a prestigious new building. Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. The Renovation Game Simon O’Brien is in the Midlands tackling a house for a single homeowner. Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Teleshopping Superscrimpers Hot Summer Tips Mrs M reveals her top ten sizzling money-saving summer tips from one of Britain’s top holiday destinations. The Battle of The River Plate Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s wartime drama is based on the true story of the hunt for the German pocket battleship, Graf Spee, during the Second World War. Deal or No Deal Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Come Dine with Me Second to host in Durham and Wearside is interior designer and gypsy wedding supplier Paula Thompson. The Simpsons Hollyoaks Darren urges Nancy to take it easy. Channel 4 News ew

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 1:15 1:45



5:00 5:30 6:00

6:30 7:00 8:00




Double Your House for Half the Money One Born Every Minute One Born Every Minute returns with two Specials, One Born: Twins and Triplets. Rude Tube Random Acts


Milkshake The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 5 News Lunchtime Rory McGrath’s Pub Dig Home and Away Neighbours Rhys is surprised when Elaine passes on an antique ring to give to Vanessa when the time is right. NUMB3RS When parcel delivery vans are targeted by a band of professional robbers, Don and his team hunt down the brains behind the operation. A Sister’s Secret Drama. When a woman discovers that her father’s company is planning to close a paper mill in her hometown in rural Pennsylvania, she comes up with a scheme to rescue it. 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Jett reluctantly agrees to meet Richard, but the outcome is unsatisfactory for both sides. 5 News Cowboy Builders Revealed What do Peter Sutcliffe’s years behind bars tell us about his state of mind - and will he ever walk free? Person of Interest Reese and Finch must protect a judge who wants nothing to do with their extralegal activities, even though his refusal could cost him his life. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The CSIs finds themselves immersed in the theatrical mystery of the famous Cirque du Soleil after an anonymous corpse falls from the rafters. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Grissom and Sara attempt to solve the mystery behind the miniature crime scene.

6:00 9:00


10:30 6:00

7:00 7:30 10:30 11:00 11:30

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits All the best bits from last Saturday’s show, presented by Andy Goldstein and Helen Chamberlain. Netbusters A chance to catch up with the news from the weekend’s football with all the goals from the games. County Championship Cricket Sporting Greats A profile of Australian cricketing icon Sir Don Bradman. With a career Test batting Football Asia Football Scotland face Macedonia at Hampden Park. Football’s Greatest Football Asia Sporting Greats A profile of Australian cricketing icon Sir Don Bradman.

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:25 2:55

3:25 6:30 7:00 7:25 9:45

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Afterburn Women’s International T20 Cricket Cricket Trilby Tour Golf 2012 European Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf Golfing World Sporting Greats A look back on the career of American golfing great Jack Nicklaus. Cricket Sporting Greats A profile of former West Indies cricketer Sir Gary Sobers. Sporting Greats Football Serbia face Wales at the Karadorde Stadium. Cricket The second Twenty20 match between India and New Zealand from the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.

Film 4 - Today’s highlights Shopgirl


Anand Tucker’s film is written by Steve Martin, based on the actor’s novel and also stars him as Ray Porter, a millionaire who falls for shy shopgirl Mirabelle Buttersfield. She’s an aspiring artist working to pay off her student fees and not only does he sweep her off her feet,



When life with her drunken husband Rolf becomes too much to bear, Elisabeth and her two children move in to her brother Goran’s commune, where human nature hampers Goran and his friends’ attempts to create the utopian liberal community.



/ Wednesday 12/09/12

FiVe / DrAmA

12th September, 9.00pm Dallas

as the plot to take control of southfork is complicated by two-timing affairs and blackmail, Jr starts to ask one too many questions

one 6:00 9:15 10:00

Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Martin Roberts and Lucy Alexander visit a cottage in Mousehole, Cornwall. 11:00 Escape to the Country 11:45 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 1:00 BBC News at One 1:30 BBC London News 1:40 Doctors Elaine becomes an unwitting babysitter for a patient in trouble. 2:10 Only Fools and Horses Double bill. 3:05 Marrying Mum and Dad Kids enlist the help of Ed and Naomi to organise the best wedding ever for their unmarried parents. 3:35 Splatalot 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 12 Again 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News at Six 6:30 BBC London News 7:00 The One Show 8:00 Watchdog 9:00 Who Do You Think You Are? Hugh Dennis’s grandfathers both fought in the First World War, but rarely spoke about what they went through. The actor and comedian researches both men’s different experiences of the Great War. 10:00 BBC News at Ten 10:25 BBC London News 10:35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45 Not Going Out Lee’s lazy weekend is wrecked when his scrounging father turns up unexpectedly. 11:15 Rosh Hashanah To help mark the Jewish New New Year, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks tests his theory that religion and science can, and should, work together. 11:45 The Human Stain Adaptation of a Philip Roth novel.


TWO 6.00

Children’s Entertainment 11:30 The Daily Politics 1:00 See Hear 1:30 To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 The Weakest Link 3:00 Wanted Down Under A British family is given the chance to experience the reality of living in New Zealand before deciding whether to relocate there or not. 3:45 Helicopter Heroes Rav Wilding presents a look at the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. 4:30 Flog It! 5:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00 Eggheads 6:30 Celebrity MasterChef 7:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Goalkeepers Peter Shilton and Peter Schmeichel compete off the pitch to buy and sell antiques. 8:00 Restoration Home Restoration Home documented the stories of six historic buildings at risk of being lost forever. New owners made a commitment to transform them into their dream homes. But there was more to rescuing these buildings than anyone imagined. 9:00 Dead Good Job Looking at the work of New Britain’s funeral directors as they help people say the last goodbye. 10:00 The Boss is Back Publisher and West Ham United co-owner David Sullivan reflects on the lessons he learned from a 1999 episode of TV series Back to the Floor, in which he worked as a reporter on newspaper the Daily Sport. 10:30 Newsnight 11:20 Storyville Controversy has somewhat tarnished the sheen of this Oscar-winning documentary from Kevin Macdonald, but it remains a harrowing yet revelatory account of the terrorist atrocity that turned the 1972 Munich Olympics into the “Games of Shame”. 12:55 BBC News

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

1:30 2:00

3:00 4:00


6:00 6:30 7:00




10:00 10:35


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women Sally Lindsay makes her return to the Loose Women. ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal Tatton Park in Cheshire plays host to David Dickinson. The Alan Titchmarsh Show My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Today, Lynda Bellingham travels back in time where she visits a living museum in Witney. The Chase Quiz show hosted by Bradley Walsh. London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Carl steals Chas’s phone and is intrigued by what he finds. Moira puts Adam in his place. Coronation Street Has Tina found a solution to her problems? Leanne pleads with Stella to take Gloria back. All Star Mr and Mrs Coronation Street’s Antony Cotton (Sean Tully), footballer Michael Owen and former S Club 7 star Rachel Stevens are joined by their partners Peter, Louise and Alex to find out how much they really know about each other. Mrs Biggs Ronnie takes part in the Great Train Robbery and returns home to a horrified Charmian. She is aware of the magnitude of the crime and knows the stability of their family has been jeopardised for ever ITV News at Ten and Weather Assassins Action thriller about a top-class hit man. Jackpot247 Pay roulette on your telly.

6:10 7:00 7:30 7:55

The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25 Frasier Roz decides to complete a community service order she’s been given at a retirement home. 8:55 Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. 11:00 The Renovation Game The team takes on an old fashioned end-terrace house. 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 1:05 Superscrimpers Hot Summer Tips 1:40 Shane Alan Ladd plays the title role in George Stevens’ epic Oscar-winning western as a drifter. 4:00 Deal or No Deal 5:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course 5:30 Come Dine with Me It’s day three in County Durham and Wearside and the host is 19-year-old languages student Donal Anand-Shaw. 6:00 The Simpsons 6:30 Hollyoaks Joel’s mum begs Theresa not to tell him her secret. 7:00 Channel 4 News 7:55 8:00 River Cottage Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is joined at River Cottage by three much-loved comedians. 9:00 Grand Designs A brand new series kicks New off with a Grand Design on an epic scale. 10:00 Shameless Kicks off series 10 with two brand episodes shown over New new consecutive nights. 11:10 2 Broke Girls The arrival of Caroline’s birthday reminds her that she hasn’t had sex for a year. 11:40 New Girl While training for a charity run, Jess realises that Cece has been keeping a secret from her.

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:05 12:10 12:15 1:15

1:45 2:15 3:15

5:00 5:30

6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00






Children’s Entertainment The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge The Family Recipe 5 News Lunchtime Rory McGrath’s Pub Dig Home and Away Mel takes the news badly that Lottie wants to live with her father. Neighbours NUMB3RS The Hollywood Mom’s Mystery When the body of a has-been starlet is found in a Hollywood producer’s swimming pool, it is up to his wife to find the real killer among the rich and famous. 5 News at 5 Neighbours After losing a vote about proposals to cut the school’s budget, over drinks Priya discovers that she has an unlikely ally in Paul. Home and Away 5 News Secret Interview Emergency Bikers Dallas As the plot to take control of Southfork is complicated by two-timing affairs and blackmail, JR starts to ask one too many questions. Paddy and Sally’s Excellent Gypsy Adventure Paddy Doherty and Sally Bercow venture across four countries to discover vastly diverse gypsy societies. Their first destination is Andalusia, the heartland of Spanish gitanos and the home of flamenco. True CSI True crime series. A woman’s body is found bound and gagged in an abandoned school in England. Cricket on 5 Highlights of England’s 20Twenty match against South Africa from Edgbaston. Super Casino

6:00 9:00

10:00 10:30


10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. International Football Scotland face Macedonia at Hampden Park in this 2014 FIFA World Cup Qualifier. Sporting Greats A profile of former West Indies cricketer Sir Gary Sobers. County Championship Cricket Day two of a match from the final week of the LV= County Championship season. Cricket England and South Africa contest their third and final Twenty20 match at Edgbaston. Boots ‘n’ All FIFA Futbol Mundial Total Rugby All the latest rugby union news with interviews. Sporting Greats A look at the career of Australian cricketer Shane Warne.

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00

7:00 7:30 10:00


Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Vintage Collection Cricket International Football International Football European Seniors Tour Golf International Football International Football Serbia face Wales at the Karadorde Stadium. International Football European Seniors Tour Golf FIBA World Basketball FIFA Futbol Mundial Boots ‘n’ All Eddie Hemmings and Mike Stephenson present the weekly round-up of all the tries, tackles and kicks. Total Rugby Coral Champion Stakes World Endurance Championship Round four of the 2012 World Endurance Championship from Silverstone. Transworld Sport


HOPE FOR THE BEST 902 886 226 ·

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/ Thursday 13/09/12 cHANNeL 4 / trAVeL

13th September, 8.00pm Location, Location, Location

kirstie and Phil return for a run of brand new episodes. this time they are in hertfordshire

one 6:00 9:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15

1:00 1:30 1:40

2:10 3:05 3:35 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00


10:00 10:25 10:35


Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country Cash in the Attic Bargain Hunt Experts Colin Young and James Lewis guide their teams through the antiques shops of Hungerford. BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Jack attempts to fulfil one man’s desire for love. Daniel asks Kevin to be his wingman. Only Fools and Horses Double bill. Marrying Mum and Dad Splatalot Who Let the Dogs Out? Roy Newsround Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Waterloo Road School-based drama. It is Imogen’s birthday, and she has a secret that she wants to share with Connor - but can she trust him? Good Cop Sav interviews potential witnesses to the death of Callum Rose, and is frustrated when detectives fail to charge the third member of Finch’s gang with Andy’s murder. BBC News at Ten BBC London News Neighbourhood Watched In this episode, the team meet 42-year-old Anne, who is in an on-going feud with her upstairs neighbour, 69-year-old Jimmy. A Beautiful Mind Oscar-winning drama based on the true story of prominent mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr, who seemed to be guaranteed a promising future when he won international acclaim as a result of his pioneering work in the field.


TWO 6.00

Children’s Entertainment


BBC World News


The Daily Politics


Golf Hazel Irvine presents first round coverage from Royal Liverpool at Hoylake, which will attract the vast majority of the world’s best women golfers to the last major of the year.


Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is




Celebrity MasterChef This time the celebrities are split up, each finalist cooking a lunchtime service to enhance their skills and iron out their weaknesses. Working to each head chef’s meticulous standard, the celebrities are put through their paces in some of London’s best known restaurants.


Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Stars of BBC drama series Silent Witness Emilia Fox and Tom Ward look for antiques which will turn a profit, with the help of experts James Braxton and Charlie Ross.



5:00 6:00 7:00

7:30 8:00

Wartime Farm Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn turn the clock back to run Manor Farm in Hampshire exactly as it would have been during World War 2, when farmers were tasked with doubling domestic food production due to the Nazi blockade.


6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00 3:00



Hilary Devey’s Women at the Top Multimillionaire entrepreneur Hilary Devey wants to find out why so few women make it to the top in business. Her search takes her to Norway, said to be the best place in the world to be a woman, to find out if quotas will help more women get to the top


Mock the Week




The Rob Brydon Show


James May’s Things You Need to Know...


BBC News

10:00 10:35



Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Today’s show includes a live performance by Classic Brit nominee Alison Balsam. My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Lynda Bellingham and her vintage campervan Batty visit Aberystwyth in mid-Wales where she is challenged to make a traditional Welsh stew. The Chase London Tonight Emmerdale Chas is stunned to discover Carl’s intentions. Pearl catches Rhona and Paddy red-handed. Tonight Emmerdale Marlon resorts to desperate measures on discovering Paddy and Rhona’s plan. The Corrie Years Emotions can run high when you live on Britain’s most famous street, so it’s no surprise that a small quarrel can often end up as full-on fisticuffs. The Bletchley Circle As Susan and the other Bletchley women close in on the murderer of the five girls, a shocking discovery calls their theories into question. ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan welcomes pop sensation Cheryl Cole, who will be chatting and performing live in the studio. The Late Debate Alastair Stewart discusses what has been going on in Westminster with a panel of London MPs. Jackpot247 Join the presenters live and play roulette on your telly.


The Hoobs Double bill. 7:00 Freshly Squeezed 7:30 According to Jim 7:55 Everybody Loves Raymond Debra and Ray are annoyed by Robert and Amy’s over-the-top affection. 8:25 Frasier Frasier tries to stop young Frederick realising that he’s a less than perfect father. 8:55 Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. 11:00 The Renovation Game Melissa Porter and the Team are in north east London. 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 1:00 Channel 4 Racing It’s time to get embroiled in a possibly historic feat. Join Doncaster on day two of their St Leger. 3:10 Countdown 4:00 Deal or No Deal 5:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Gordon’s cookery course continues, as he shows how to cook with spices. Recipes include a gutsy slow-cooked fiery lamb, a curry-spiced sweetcorn soup, and a simple but delicious aromatic rice pudding. 5:30 Come Dine with Me 6:00 The Simpsons 6:30 Hollyoaks Theresa plans a birthday surprise for Joel. Lacey devises a fun-filled money making scheme. 7:00 Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather. 7:55 8:00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie and Phil return for a run of brand new episodes. This time they are in Hertfordshire. 9:00 The Audience In this brand new threefactual series, a New part person with a life-changing decision to make is followed around by 50 strangers for a week. 10:00 Shameless Frank loves his new job at World of Burgers. 11:05 999 12:10 Random Acts

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 1:15

1:45 2:15


5:00 5:30 6:00

6:30 7:00





Milkshake The Wright Stuff Robson’s Extreme Fishing Countdown 5 News Lunchtime Rory McGrath’s Pub Dig Home and Away Casey suspects that Brax is about to set up a big drug deal to pay off Danny. Neighbours NUMB3RS The agents investigate the death of a surfer. While examining the victim’s past, they learn that he had made enemies in his day job as a park ranger. Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses Murder mystery thriller in which a retired criminologist teams up with a private detective to investigate the kidnapping of a champion racehorse. 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Romeo is cheered by Liam’s report that Indi appreciated his visit. 5 News Ultimate Police Interceptors The Essex unit launch a raid on a house - only to be confronted by a man wielding a knife. World’s Scariest Plane Landings The film includes an interview with the pilot of the Hudson River landing in January 2009. Lethal Weapon 3 Murtaugh is only days away from retirement when he and Riggs, along with officer Lorna Cole, are assigned to track down a crooked ex-cop who is supplying gangs with huge consignments of guns. Dallas As the plot to take control of Southfork is complicated by two-timing affairs and blackmail, JR starts to ask one too many questions. Super Casino Live interactive gaming featuring roulette, blackjack and autowheel.

6:00 9:00

10:00 10:30



10:00 11:30 12:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. Boots ‘n’ All Eddie Hemmings and Mike Stephenson present the weekly round-up of all the tries, tackles and kicks. FIFA Futbol Mundial County Championship Cricket Day three of a match from the final week of the LV= County Championship season. Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring. World A round-up of all the latest headlines from the Barclays Premier League. Football Leyton Orient host Brentford at the Matchroom Stadium in npower League One. The Footballer’s Football Show Barclays Premier League World Football

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 10:00 10:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00

3:30 5:30 6:00

6:30 7:30

11:00 12:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Experience Cricket Euro Tour Weekly European Tour Golf Asian Tour Golf Show Boots ‘n’ All Transworld Sport Asian Tour Golf Show The Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters from Kota Permai Golf and Country Club in Malaysia. European Tour Golf Day one of the BMW Italian Open. FIFA Futbol Mundial Thrillseekers A look at some of the best surfers from around the world. The Rugby Club Premier League Snooker Round three of the Premier League Snooker season from The Sands in Carlisle. The Rugby Club Ringside

Film 4 - Today’s highlights Ladyhawke


Medieval fantasy adventure about a mysterious black-clad knight and his mistress, both victims of a curse that turns him into a wolf by night and her into a hawk by day so they can never meet as humans.

The Wrestler


Darren Aronofsky’s drama stars Mickey Rourke as Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson, an ageing, burnt-out wrestler who supplements his delicounter wages with the prize money he earns on the local circuit at weekends. But it’s a world away from his professional heyday, and it’s long after he should have quit the sport entirely.



/ Friday 14/09/12

BBc1 / DraMa

14th September, 9.00pm Parade’s End

Sylvia decides to visit her husband in France, oblivious to the consequences her trip will have for him

one 6:00 Breakfast 9:15 Rip Off Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer Martin Roberts and Lucy Alexander visit a house in Mid Glamorgan. 11:00 Escape to the Country 11:45 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt Tim Wonnacott presents the antiques contest from the Edinburgh Fair. 1:00 BBC News at One 1:30 BBC London News 1:40 Doctors Howard helps a young boy come to terms with the death of his mother. 2:10 Only Fools and Horses Double bill. 3:05 Marrying Mum and Dad 3:35 Splatalot 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 Blue Peter 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News at Six 6:30 BBC London News 7:00 The One Show 7:30 Cash Britain 8:00 EastEnders A furious Alfie is determined to get the truth from Kat, but she is desperate to protect her final secret. Is 8:30 Miranda Old school pal Tilly sets her up on a blind date with an army doctor friend, Dreamboat Charlie. 9:00 In with the Flynns When Liam falls and injures himself while snooping in a neighbour’s house, he lies to Caroline about where he got his injury but his deceit soon gets him in trouble. 9:30 Mrs. Brown’s Boys Spartacus, the old family dog, is looking poorly. 10:00 BBC News at Ten 10:25 BBC London News 10:35 Would I Lie to You? 11:05 Come Fly with Me 11:35 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws



6.00 11:30 12:00 1:00


6:00 6:30


8:00 8:30



New 10:30 11:05


Children’s Entertainment BBC World News The Daily Politics Golf Hazel Irvine presents coverage of the second round of the 2012 Women’s British Open. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is John Cameron and Katherine Higgins devise and organise a special charity event, each hoping to raise the most cash. Eggheads Celebrity MasterChef Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace and John Torode team up with experts Charles Hanson and Charlie Ross as they attempt to make profits from buying and selling antiques. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace and John Torode team up with experts Charles Hanson and Charlie Ross. Mastermind Gardeners’ World Joe Swift visits Hestercombe Gardens in Somerset to take a close look at how design and colour can evoke mood in a garden. Parade’s End In Rouen, an exhausted Christopher prepares soldiers for the draft. QI Stephen Fry investigates the letter J with Victoria Coren, Bill Bailey, Jimmy Carr and Alan Davies. Newsnight Archipelago Drama. A well-to-do family’s internal frictions come to the fore while they are on holiday in the Scilly Isles, out of season, despite distractions from food and painting. LYMELIFE Darkly comic drama about unhappy families. Growing up as his parents grow apart, teenager Scott yearns for more-thanfriendship with neighbour and classmate Adrianna.

We make all types of awnings Quotes without obligation

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women Carol Vorderman, Denise Welch, Carol McGiffin and Sherrie Hewson welcome The Script’s Danny O’Donogh. 2:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal The show comes from Wrexham in North Wales. 3:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham Lynda travels to midDevon where she meets the artisans at the Bovey Tracey contemporary craft fair. 5:00 The Chase 6:00 London Tonight 6:30 ITV News and Weather 7:00 Emmerdale Paddy and Marlon are both in trouble when Marlon tries to stop him and Rhona leaving. 7:30 Coronation Street Tina makes a life-changing decision. Faye drops a bombshell on Tommy. 8:00 Island Hospital First in a new 12-part series which follows the w e N work and lives of the staff and patients of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey. 8:30 Coronation Street Tommy delivers a devastating ultimatum to Tina. An old flame knocks Lloyd for six. 9:00 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories Sir Roger Moore joins w e N Piers Morgan to reveal the amazing highs and lows of his life and career. 10:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 Die Another Day While on assignment in North Korea, James Bond is captured by government agents and imprisoned. 1:00 Jackpot247 Join the presenters live and play roulette on your telly.

6:00 6:10 7:00 7:30


8:25 8:55 11:00

12:00 12:05 1:00

3:10 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30

7:00 7:55 8:00 9:00


New 11:10


The Treacle People The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Cheryl offers Dana the use of her wedding dress. Everybody Loves Raymond Debra persuades Ray to hire their friend Gianni to do some DIY work in their kitchen. Frasier Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. The Renovation Game Today the Team is with Jonnie Irwin in Lancashire, working on a house with a big kitchen knock-through that needs finishing off. Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 Racing Mike Cattermole and Emma Spencer introduce more exciting action as the Ladbrokes St Leger and Camelot’s destiny draws ever closer. Countdown Deal or No Deal Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks There’s chemistry in the kitchen when Ste helps Brendan prepare Joel’s birthday dinner party. Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me The Million Pound Drop Live Extraordinary game show in which contestants can win or lose life-changing amounts of money live on TV. Alan Carr: Chatty Man Funny man Alan Carr returns to Channel 4 with the ninth series of his very award-winning chat show. Rude Tube Alex Zane presents more internet madness with 50 brand new clips. Random Acts

6.00 Milkshake 9:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Dirty Great Machines In London a tunnel boring machine faces immense challenges as it takes on Britain’s deepest ever tunnel. 1:15 Home and Away Sid organises a pre-exams party at Angelo’s at which Sasha is disappointed to see Casey arrive with Ruby. 1:45 Neighbours 2:15 NUMB3RS The agents attempt to rescue passengers trapped inside a train that derailed when it collided with a lorry. 3:15 Love Takes Wing Frontier drama based on a story by Janette Oke. 5:00 5 News at 5 5:30 Neighbours Lou convinces Lucas that he should make his feelings for Vanessa clear before she goes away with Rhys. 6:00 Home and Away 6:30 5 News 7:00 Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads One false move could cost Tim and Tino their lives as they haul petrol over roads wired with dynamite. 8:00 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 9:00 War Martial arts action thriller about an FBI agent seeking to avenge the death of his partner. 10:55 Frontline Police Reports of a lady exposing herself quickly become serious when her partner becomes aggressive. Special Ops arrest a courting couple and a driver’s 130mph ride along the A12 comes to an abrupt halt when pursuing officers put the brakes on him 11:55 Inside Hollywood Get your daily fix of the latest film and TV news from the USA. Presented by Mark Morris. 12:00 Super Casino

6:00 9:00


6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30

10:00 11:00


Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. Football Leyton Orient host Brentford at the Matchroom Stadium. County Championship Cricket Day four of a match from the final week of the LV= County Championship season. Barclays Premier League World FIFA Futbol Mundial Barclays Premier League Preview Football Charlton host crosstown rivals Crystal Palace at the Valley in the npower Championship. The Fantasy Football Club Barclays Premier League Preview A look ahead to the weekend’s Barclays Premier League games. FIFA Futbol Mundial

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 9:00 9:30 10:30

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Raw NRL Fulltime Ringside European Tour Golf Day two of the BMW Italian Open from the Royal Park Golf and Country Club in Turin, Italy. 12:30 Barclays Premier League World 1:00 Ringside 2:00 Football League 3:30 European Tour Golf Day two of the BMW Italian Open from the Royal Park Golf and Country Club in Turin, Italy. 5:30 IAAF Athletics 6:00 Thrillseekers 6:30 Transworld Sport 7:30 Super League Play-Off A match from the Stobart Super League Play-Offs. 10:00 World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown



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/ Saturday 15/09/12 BBc1 / DraMa

15th September, 9.10pm Casualty

when exhausted taxi driver falls asleep at the wheel and crashes, Jeff and Tamzin attend to him and his pregnant passenger

one 6:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen 11:30 Lorraine’s Fast Fresh and Easy Food 12:00 BBC News 12:05 Regional News 12:10 Weather 12:15 Football Focus 1:00 Athletics Jonathan Edwards presents live coverage of the Great City Games from the quayside in Gateshead, where disciplines range from the 100m hurdles to the pole vault. 2:30 Golf Hazel Irvine introduces live coverage of the third round of the 2012 Women’s British Open from the Royal Liverpool Golf Club at Hoylake. 4:30 Final Score 5:10 BBC News 5:20 Regional News 5:25 Weather 5:30 Total Wipeout 6:30 Strictly Come Dancing Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly put the sparkle back into Saturday nights as the series kicks off with an exclusive red carpet premiere. 7:35 Doctor Who The Doctor gets a Stetson (and a gun!), and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg, who goes by the name of the Gunslinger. 8:20 The National Lottery: Secret Fortune 9:10 Casualty Dylan and Tess advise a vulnerable pregnant woman whose husband is pressurising her to have a C-section, and Fletch provides support to a young swimmer 10:00 BBC News 10:15 Weather 10:20 Match of the Day Gary Lineker presents highlights of yesterday’s Premier League clashes, including Stoke City v Manchester City and Queens Park Rangers v Chelsea. 11:50 The Football League Show 1:05 Weatherview



6.00 11:45 12:00


3:15 3:45 4:30 5:00 6:15 6:35

7:35 8:10

9:10 9:55




Children’s Entertainment MOTD Kickabout The Treasure of Pancho Villa In 1915, a mercenary is hired to help transport a stolen cargo of gold to the quarters of guerrilla leader Pancho Villa - facing bandits and treachery along the way. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Western drama with John Wayne as a US Cavalry officer on his last duty before retiring: escorting two women civilians to a stagecoach. Escape to the Country Flog It! Golf One Man and His Dog Coast Wartime Farm Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn are preoccupied with making silage for the remaining livestock for most of this edition, while Ruth – sporting a range of natty headscarves and a permanent grin – is a very busy bee indeed Dad’s Army Vikings Neil Oliver explores the history of the Norse warriors, delving into their ancestry, society and traditions. QI The Thick of It In episode two, it’s a busy day for Nicola Murray MP (Rebecca Front), who is mostly trying to tell her left foot from her right with the help of her new policy advisor, Helen Hatley (Rebecca Gethings). Clinton The story of the former American president, who rose from a difficult childhood in Arkansas to forge a successful political career in Washington DC. Special Relationship Fact-based political drama, exploring the developing friendship between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President Bill Clinton. A Study in Terror

6:00 9:25 9:30 11:20 12:20 1:25 1:40


5:55 6:10 6:25 6:55 7:25

8:10 9:10 9:55

10:55 11:10


CITV ITV News The Jeremy Kyle Show US Double bil Dickinson’s Real Deal The X Factor ITV News and Weather Nim’s Island Pacific island adventure comedy about a fainthearted adventure writer, Alexandra Rover, who joins forces with a courageous young girl, Nim Rusoe, to save the girl’s island home and find her missing father by drawing inspiration from Rover’s fictional character. License to Kill James Bond leaves Her Majesty’s Secret Service to stop an evil drug lord and avenge his best friend, Felix Leiter. Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Fool Britannia Red or Black? Award winning singer, Nelly Furtado joins hosts Ant & Dec on this week’s Red or Black? the high octane, super sized game show. The X Factor Red or Black? The Jonathan Ross Show This week on The Jonathan Ross Show, Jonathan welcomes popsensation, Justin Bieber, the voice of The Olympics Clare Balding, and movie star Liam Neeson. ITV News and Weather Disclosure Executive Tom Sanders is expecting a promotion when his company merges with another. Instead, the job goes to an old flame Meredith, who makes a move on him and then accuses him of sexual harassment when he turns her down. The Store

6:00 6:10 6:35 7:00 7:25 7:55 8:55 9.00 9:30 10:00 10:10 10:40

11:40 11:45 12:20 1:25 2:00 4:30 5:05 5:35 5:40






The Treacle People The Hoobs British F3 Mobil 1 The Grid Freesports on 4 The Morning Line Bourjois Boutique Itunes Festival 2012 New Girl Jess agrees to look after Russell’s daughter Sarah. Bourjois Boutique New Girl Revenge Daniel is under suspicion for the murder at the Fire and Ice party. Bourjois Boutique Suburgatory The Big Bang Theory Double bill. The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing From Doncaster and Chester. The Simpsons Channel 4 News Transformers Earth becomes the battleground between the good Transformers (Autobots) and the bad (Decepticons), who are searching for the all-powerful, Allspark which could destroy humanity. Comedy World Cup Hosted by David Tennant, and featuring the pick of Britain’s finest comedy talent, Comedy World Cup is a new seven-part panel show in which Tennant referees two teams of comedians as they compete against each other in a hilarious knockout competition. The Million Pound Drop Live Another lucky viewer will play alongside special celeb guest Peter Andre later in this series Hostage In Florent Emilio Siri’s thriller, Bruce Willis plays Jeff Talley, who’s working for the Ventura Police Department and looking for a quiet life after a bad experience as a hostage negotiator in Los Angeles. The Clay Bird

6.00 Milkshake 10:00 Power Rangers Samurai Kevin and Antonio must work together to counter Octoroo and the slimespitting Nighlok Antberry, who are plotting to open a portal. 10:35 Batman - The Brave and the Bold After a team-up with the Question, Batman and a strangely despondent Aquaman travel to the planet Rann to aid space hero Adam Strange. 11:10 Emergency Bikers 12:10 Cowboy Builders 1.10 Mystery Woman 2.50 David Copperfi eld When David’s father dies, his mother remarries. His new stepfather Murdstone has a mean and cruel view on how to raise a child. When David’s mother dies from grief, Murdstone sends David to London to work for a living. When David escapes to his aunt Betsey his life starts to get better. 6.20 5 News 6.25 Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp is a movie about a man and his family. The movie shows us the good times and the bad times of one of the West’s most famous individuals. 10:00 CSI: Miami Horatio and his team investigate when someone kills three recently released prisoners, after a court overturns their original convictions. 10:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The CSIs investigate when a body is found stuffed down the chimney in the home of a man previously suspected of murder. When Catherine and Warrick realise that this address is related to an unsolved homicide, they reopen the case. 11:55 Inside Hollywood Get your daily fix of the latest film and TV news from the USA. 12.00 Super Casino

New Zealand Rugby Live Wellington clash with Waikato at the Westpac Stadium in the ITM Cup. 8:00 Rugby Union New Zealand take on South Africa at the Forsyth Barr Stadium in round four of the 2012 Rugby Championship. 11:00 Cb40 Cricket Final The final of the Clydesdale Bank 40 from Lord’s. 5:30 Rugby League: Super League Play-Off A play-off match from the Stobart Super League. 8:00 Rugby League: Super League Play-Off A play-off match from the Stobart Super League. 10:30 Premiership Rugby Saracens welcome the Leicester Tigers to Vicarage Road. 11:30 The Rugby Championship Australia take on Argentina. 1:00 Indy Car Series



6:00 6:30 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 12:00 12:30

3:00 6:00 7:25



Aerobics: Oz Style European Tour Golf Barclays Premier League Preview Champions League Weekly Football Freestyler Soccer A.M. Football Freestyler Football Norwich City take on West Ham United at Carrow Road in the Barclays Premier League. Premiership Rugby The Rugby Championship Kings of Europe The Chelsea Story Relive Chelsea’s historic victory in the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League. Football First Sarah-Jane Mee presents a full rerun of the best game from today’s Barclays Premier League matches. Football First Football First has the latest news and views from the footballing world.

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/ Sunday 16/09/12

BBc1 / DraMa

16th September, 8.30pm Inspector George Gently

bacchus is torn between his loyalty to gently and his ambition to make it to the Met


6:00 8:30 9:30

1:30 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:10 4:25 5:00 6:00 6:20 6:25 6:30

7:30 8:30

10:00 10:15 10:20 10:25

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Athletics Sue Barker introduces live coverage of the Great North Run, the world’s biggest half-marathon. The prestigious event always attracts top-quality runners – and this year’s field will include Ethiopian long-distance legend Haile Gebrselassie BBC News Bargain Hunt Cash in the Attic Escape to the Country Lifeline Points of View Songs of Praise Planet Earth Live BBC News Regional News Weather Fake or Fortune? Fiona Bruce and art expert Philip Mould investigate the complex and controversial stories surrounding the origins of supposedly valuable works of art from around the world


6.00 10:00 11:30 12:30 2:00

5:00 6:15




BBC News Regional News Weather Match of the Day 2 Colin Murray presents highlights of the day’s only Premier League match, as Reading faced Tottenham Hotspur at the Madejski Stadium.

11:45 Two for the Money In a testosterone-pumped performance, Walter Abrams is a renowned sports betting shark who recruits ex-quarterback Brandon Lang, a former college star who suffered a career-ending injury. 1:40

Countryfi le Inspector George Gently Bacchus is torn between his loyalty to Gently and his ambition to make it to the Met.

11:15 In with the Flynns Liam’s neighbour entrusts him with his house keys, so naturally he goes in for a snoop around.





11:30 12:10

Children’s Entertainment Saturday Kitchen Best Bites The Great British Bake Off MotoGP Golf Hazel Irvine presents live coverage of the final day of the Women’s British Open, the last major of the year, which is taking place at the Royal Liverpool Golf Club at Hoylake. One Man and His Dog Rugby League Tanya Arnold introduces highlights of the opening weekend of the Super League play-offs, featuring two qualifying matches and two elimination fixtures. Richard Hammond’s Crash Course The host travels across America to drive some of the country’s biggest vehicles. China on Four Wheels In the industrialised east, Anita visits sophisticated and luxurious cities, as well as a wine chateau in Qingdao, and discovers how Chinese weddings have changed since the 1960s. Dragons’ Den More aspiring entrepreneurs bid to win funding for their projects from Duncan Bannatyne, Hilary Devey, Peter Jones, Deborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis. Mock the Week Comedy show combining the best elements of panel show, stand-up and improvised games. Hilary Devey’s Women at the Top The entrepreneur explores ways to help women prosper in the workplace, beginning by visiting Norway to assess the effectiveness of a law that requires a minimum 40 per cent of boardroom positions to be awarded to female candidates. Great North Run Highlights BBC News

Pedro Alegre Alonso Pilates trainer ä Physiotherapist ä

6:00 9:25 9:30 10:25 11:25

12:20 12:30 1:35



5:25 6:25 6:45 7:00 8:00



10:30 10:45

11:50 12:45

CITV ITV News House Gift There’s No Taste Like Home The Hungry Sailors Dick and James Strawbridge sail around Britain to discover fantastic food. ITV News and Weather The X Factor Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. Columbo Peter Falk dons the shabby mac and lights up a cheap cigar for more top drawer US detective drama. Doc Martin Comedy drama series about a top London surgeon who developed a phobia of blood. After retraining he moved to a sleepy Cornish seaside village to become their GP. The Talent Show Story Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather The Chase The X Factor The UK’s biggest talent search sees thousands audition for the life-changing prize of a million-pounds. Downton Abbey Cora’s mother sweeps into Downton for Matthew and Mary’s wedding, but with the couple’s relationship under strain will they even make it to the altar? New footman Alfred strives to meet Carson’s high standards, under the watchful eye of his aunt O’Brien ITV News at Ten and Weather Piers Morgan’s Life Stories Series of celebrity interviews hosted by Piers Morgan in front of a studio audience. Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights The Store

The Sports Megastore 8.000m2 Motorway Santa Cruz - La Laguna, Exit “Las Chumberas”. La Laguna, Tenerife. Tel: 922 62 79 00

6:15 6:40 7:05 8:00 8.55 10:00 12:30 1:30 2:00

3:45 7:20 7:50 7:55 8:00






The Hoobs Ironman 2012 Ge Strathclyde Park Triathlon Will and Grace Double bill. Frasier Double bill. Sunday Brunch The Big Bang Theory Double bill. The Simpsons The Spy Next Door Brian Levant directs martial arts icon Jackie Chan in this family friendly action-comedy about a secret agent pitted against both the Russian mafia and the three children of the single mother he’s fallen for. Deal or No Deal Five back to back episodes. Channel 4 News The Political Slot Fatal Flight 447 Chaos in the Cockpit features aviation experts, industry insiders and bereaved relatives to unlock the truth about one of the most infamous flights in aviation history, while asking what lessons have been learnt from the disaster. Big Fat Quiz of the 80s Jimmy Carr hosts the first of three special editions of the Big Fat Quiz series, beginning with an irreverent look back at the almost unrecognisable decade of the 1980s when the Tories were in power, the whole world tuned in to watch a Royal wedding and it looked like a war with the Falklands was inevitable. Alan Carr Chatty Man In the first episode, Alan is joined by US pop star Pink who chats and sings her latest single, Blow Me (One Last Kiss). Shameless The unthinkable has happened... the Department of Work and Pensions has finally caught up with job dodger Frank. American Football Live



10:00 Power Rangers Samurai

10:35 Batman - The Brave and the Bold

6:00 7:00 8:30 9:30 11:00 1:00

11:10 Looney Tunes Double bill. 11:25 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:25 Capricorn One A NASA Mars mission won’t work, and its funding is endangered, so they decide to fake it just this once. But then they have to keep the secret... 2:45



The Fifth Element Luc Besson’s stunning, audacious science-fiction thriller stars Bruce Willis as an ex-government agent, now reduced to driving a taxi in 23rd century New York. Into his lap falls the mysterious Milla Jovovich, a woman created from an alien cell who may be the only hope the world has of salvation from an ever-approaching evil.


7:00 8:30 10:30 12:00 12:30

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Charlie Bucket and four other children win the chance to tour the mysterious Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory and win a lifetime’s supply of chocolate. Gene Wilder stars in Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s story.


5 News


The Medallion A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.


Swordfi sh Futuristic technology spy movie about a man who is desperately trying to access information that is locked inside a complicated computer system that contains mountains of government secrets and money.

2 6:00 6:30


9:30 10:00 11:30

12:30 4:30 5:00

11:00 Desperado A gunslinger is embroiled in a war with a local drug runner. 12:55 Super Casino

Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story La Liga Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Football Wolverhampton Wanderers take on Leicester City at Molineux in the npower Championship. Football Reading host Tottenham Hotspur at the Madejski Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. Football A game from the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League. La Liga A match from Spain’s La Liga. La Liga Ford Football Special Reading host Tottenham Hotspur. Football La Liga

5:30 8:00 10:00 11:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Football First Football First has the latest news and views from the footballing world. Football First Football First has the latest news and views from the footballing world. P1 Powerboating The Rugby Championship Australia take on Argentina. Premiership Rugby Saracens welcome the Leicester Tigers to Vicarage Road. European Tour Golf Thrillseekers P1 Powerboating Round four of the P1 Superstock UK Championship comes from Cowes. Super League Play-Off European Tour Golf Super League Fulltime Indy Car Series

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/ Monday 17/09/12 ITV1 / Soap

17th September, 7.30pm Coronation Street

dev offers Sunita a job in the corner shop, Karl accepts for her




6:00 Breakfast 9:15 Rip Off Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 10:58 BBC News and Weather 11:00 Britain’s Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:13 BBC News and Weather 12:15 Bargain Hunt 1:00 BBC News 1:30 Regional News 1:40 Doctors 2:10 Only Fools and Horses 3:05 Horrible Histories 3:35 Lockie Leonard 3:47 Léon 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 Sam and Mark’s Big Wind Up 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News 6:30 Regional News 7:00 The One Show 7:30 Fake Britain With a fortune waiting for whoever could invent moving colour images, a desperate race to be the first began - involving backstabbing businessmen, amazing engineering and a tragic death. 8:00 EastEnders Michael is desperate not to have his private life broadcast around Walford but with Billy as his right hand man, it doesn’t take long before his news spreads. 8:30 Panorama 9:00 New Tricks The UCOS team’s feathers are ruffled with the arrival of Steve McAndrew, a retired detective from Glasgow. 10:00 BBC News 10:25 Regional News 10:30 Weather 10:35 Citizen Khan Mr Khan is determined to be the impresario behind the new call to prayer at the Sparkhill mosque and sets out to hold his own X Factor style auditions. 11:05 Gavin and Stacey 11:35 The Lock Up 12:15 Goodbye Charlie Bright


Children’s Entertainment In the Night Garden BBC World News The Daily Politics My Life in Books To Buy or Not to Buy Buyers are again given the chance to test-drive a property before they buy it. The Weakest Link Anne Robinson hosts the quick-fire general knowledge quiz. Wanted Down Under Helicopter Heroes Flog It! Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads Celebrity MasterChef Antiques Road Trip Antiques experts David Harper and James Lewis drive from Belfast to Kendal in their search for antiques. On the way, they stumple upon the most remote antiques dealers they can find. After making some good profits at their first auction, they’re keen to trade up. University Challenge Cult student quiz show where two rival university teams battle it out to see who has the most superior intellects. Lorraine’s Fast Fresh and Easy Food Masters of Money Stephanie Flanders explores the ideas of three influential thinkers who transformed international economics, and examines how their influence has shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. James May’s Things You Need to Know... James May goes on an intriguing journey to answer the big questions in life. Newsnight Dragons’ Den More aspiring entrepreneurs bid to win funding for their projects from Duncan Bannatyne, Hilary Devey, Peter Jones, Deborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis. Richard Hammond’s Crash Course

11:00 11:30 12:00 1:00 1:30


3:00 3:45 4:30 5:15 6:00 6:30 7:00


8:30 9:00


10:30 11:20


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Chat show that celebrates the very best of British. 4:00 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham 5:00 The Chase 6:00 Local News and Weather 6:30 ITV News and Weather 7:00 Emmerdale Paddy’s gutted when Marlon gets the upper hand in the legal battle for Leo. Carl sides with Charity over Jimmy in the business. David’s desperate to keep his fling with Priya secret from Jacob 7:30 Coronation Street Rita makes a shocking discovery as Tommy pours his heart out. Kirk chaperones Beth when she meets her internet date. Dev makes a surprising offer to Sunita. 8:00 For the Love of Dogs This week Paul is asked to help dog behaviourist Brian with a dog who has developed an extreme fear of men. 8:30 Coronation Street Has Tommy and Tina’s relationship reached the end of the line? Beth sees Kirk in a new light. Lloyd pays a visit to his old flame Mandy. 9:00 Leaving Aaron (Callum Turner) and Julie (Helen McCrory) have started a passionate affair and they begin meeting in secret. 10:00 ITV News and Weather 10:35 Space Cowboys Sci-fi comedy drama about a team of superannuated astronauts who are rejected by NASA in the 1950s. 12:55 Jackpot247


7:00 7:30 7.55


8.55 11:00 12:00 12:05 1.05 1:20

3:10 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30

7:00 7:55 8:00



10:00 11.10 12.10

The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Amy invites her brother Peter to stay for dinne. Frasier Frasier and Niles celebrate Sherry’s departure with glee. Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. The Renovation Game Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA River Cottage Bites Dark Command John Wayne plays Bob Seton, the sheriff of Lawrence, Kansas, whose appointment angers the local schoolteacher William Cantrell (Walter Pidgeon). Countdown Deal or No Deal Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks The aftermath of the party causes ripples for the Kanes. Channel 4 News Dispatches In this Dispatches investigation, Harry Wallop asks how Poundland sells so cheaply, yet makes so much money. Food Unwrapped Reporters Matt Tebbutt, James Watt, Martin Dickie and Kate Quilton travel the globe to discover just how the food we love is mass produced. 999: What’s Your Emergency This week’s programme focuses on kids, who are taking up more and more of the emergency services’ time, whether it’s prank calls, bad behaviour or poor parenting. Rude Tube Comedy World Cup Random Acts

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 1:15

Milkshake The Wright Stuff Big Body Squad 5 News Dirty Great Machines Home and Away Sasha becomes jealous when she sees Ruby kissing Casey, unaware that his intentions are purely to shield Ruby. 1:45 Neighbours 2:20 NUMB3RS 3:15 Ordinary Miracles Kay Woodbury (Jaclyn Smith) is a judge who agrees to take on the responsibilities of foster child Sally Powell (Lyndsy Fonseca). She eventually discovers the whereabouts of Sally’s natural father Jim (C Thomas Howell), but can she reunite father and daughter? 5:00 5 News 5:30 Neighbours Forbidden by Paul from going to a gig, Sophie defies her father, with terrible consequences. 6:00 Home and Away 6:30 5 News 7:00 World’s Scariest Flights Includes an amazing nolanding gear touchdown at Warsaw airport in 2011 and an airliner exploding in a massive fireball at Okinawa, Japan. 8:00 Frontline Police Rav hooks up with a blast from the past and sets off on a patrol of Southend. 9:00 Cowboy Builders Melinda and Domare inWorcester Park in Surrey, coming to the aid of a newlywed couple, only to discover that the cowboy responsible is a ghost from their past. 10:00 Out of Time A Florida police chief must solve a vicious double homicide before he himself falls under suspicion. 12.05 Paddy and Sally’s Excellent Gypsy Adventure Paddy Doherty and Sally Bercow, TV’s favourite odd couple, are on an excellent adventure to meet different Traveller communities around the world.

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Fernsehprogramm für deutschsprachige Sender auf den rtl

03.09.2012 19:15

Wer wird Millionär? quizshow

Ärzte warnen:

Im schlimmste n Fall sparen sich die kanarischen Pensionäre zu Tode oder zumindest in einen Krankenhausaufenthalt. Nur anderthalb Monate nach Inkrafttreten der neuen Zuzahlungsregelung bei Medikamen ten warnen Ärzte und Caritas vor


2 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:25

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Bottom Line Aerobics: Oz Style Champions League Weekly The show featuring top action from the UEFA Champions League. 8:55 Sporting Greats A look at the career of Australian cricketer Shane Warne. 9:25 Icc World Cup Warm-Up Game 1:30 Rugby Super League A match from the Stobart Super League Play-Offs. 3:30 Super League Fulltime Bill Arthur and an expert panel present a round-up of all the tries. 4:30 Rugby Super League 6:00 Super League Fulltime 7:00 ICC World T20 Preview A look ahead to the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 tournament in Sri Lanka. 10:00 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series

Wir sprechen deutsch!

den Kanarischen Inseln deutschsprachige Zeitung auf

Region Gran Canaria / Fuerteve

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Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. 9:00 Ford Football Special Reading host Tottenham Hotspur. 10:30 La Liga A match from Spain’s La Liga. 12:00 Ford Football Special 1:30 La Liga 3:00 Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story Relive Chelsea’s historic victory in the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League. 4:00 Ford Football Special 5:30 Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits All the best bits from last Saturday’s show, presented by Andy Goldstein and Helen Chamberlain. 6:30 Netbusters 7:00 Football Everton welcome Newcastle United to Goodison Park. 11:00 Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story

nsehpro Fer g

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6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00 3:00


09.09.2012 19:15



Samstag, 08.09.2012, 19:15

Passwort: Swordfish

Zuzahlungen nach der Reform Seit dem 1. Juli ist das neue Zuzahlungsgesetz der staatlichen Krankenkassen in Kraft. Demnach zahlen Arbeitnehmer mit einem Jahreseinkommen von unter 18.000 Euro 40 Prozent ihrer Medikamente selbst. Einkommen zwischen 18.000 und 100.000 Euro werden mit der Hälfte des Kaufpreises belastet. Arbeitslose tragen ebenfalls 40 Prozent des Endpreises bei und erst wenn die Zahlung des Arbeitslosengeldes und der Hilfszahlungen erlischt, müssen sie nichts mehr zuzahlen. Rentner mit einer Jahresrente von maximal 18.000 Euro müs-

sen zehn Prozent und maximal 8 Euro im Monat zuzahlen. Renten die darüber liegen werden mit Zuzahlungen von bis zu 18 Euro im Monat belastet. Übersteigt der Betrag, den die Rentner in der Apotheke zuzahlen, erhalten die Rentner diesen Überhang über die Rentenkasse zurück. Dafür wurde extra ein ausgeklügeltes System zwischen Kranken- und Rentenkasse entwickelt. Allerdings, und auch das ist eine schwierige Hürde für viele Rentner, müssen sie zunächst in Vorleistung treten und erhalten das zu viel gezahlte Geld mit ihrer Rentenüberweisung zurück. Die Rückerstattung kann bis zu sechs Monate dauO


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Telefon-Gesellschaft Ihre größte private Deutsche seit 10 Jahren in Spanien

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Kanarischen Inseln

13.09.2012 19:15

X Factor



Lord of War


Sonntag, 02.09.2012, 19:15

The International

Thriller, USA 2008. der interpol-agent Louis salindieser zustand ändert sich ger ermittelt gegen eine der schlagartig, als der charismamächtigsten Banken der welt. tische und leicht größenwahnsein Vorwurf: Beteiligung am sinnige unterweltboss gabriel internationalen waffenhandel, shear auf stanley aufmerksam korruption, mord. als sein Partwird. shear braucht stanleys ner nach einem gespräch mit Fähigkeiten und will, dass er ein einem informanten tot zusamComputervirus erfindet, das die menbricht und auch der inforkonten der weltbank anzapft. mant wenig später bei einem dort sind 9,5 milliarden us-dolmysteriösen autounfall ums Mit C�i�e Owe���� N��mi W�tts�� lar deponiert. stanley ist zwar Leben kommt, wird salinger A�mi�� M�e��e�-St����� U��ic� überhaupt nicht wohl bei der klar, dass die iBBC vor nichts ���mse���� B�i��� F. O‘By���e geschichte, doch shear ködert zurückschreckt.... O ���d Axe� Mi�be�� ihn damit, dass stanley von der Belohnung einen hervorragenDonnerstag, 06.09.2012 , 19:15 den anwalt bezahlen könnte, um das sorgerecht für holly zu erstreiten. außerdem ist da auch noch shears schöne gehilfin ginger – und deren raffinierter bis dato unbekannten in dem Überzeugungskraft kann sich spielerparadies aufeinander stanley einfach nicht widersetund verbringen eine ausgelaszen. er entschließt sich, bei diesene Partynacht zusammen. sem wahnwitzigen Raub mitzuam nächsten morgen wachen machen. doch je tiefer er in die beiden verkatert auf – mit shears dubiose machenschafehering am Finger! als ob ten verwickelt wird, desto mehr es nicht schlimmer kommen schwant stanley, dass nichts Actionfilm, USA 2001. – wobei er leider erwischt wurde sich von ihm könnte, knackt Jack kurz darauf scheiden ließ und ist, wie es scheint und dass stanley Jobson ist der viel- – darf er einen s er Computer nicht das gericht jeglichen kontakt mit Joys letzter münze den 3zu eigentlich nur eine schachfigur leicht genialste Computerha- einmal mehr Komödie, USA 2008.. anrühren. stanley stanleys geliebter Tochter millionen-Jackpot... O holly in einem politischen komplott cker der welt. Nachdem er wurde zu einer Joy und Jack wollen in Las hohen gefängnis- untersagt hat. so fristet stanley ist. sogar das angeblich sicherste strafe verurteilt O Vegas ihren Frust verges- Mit C�me���� und ist nun völ- trotz seiner genialen Fähigkeiten Di�z�� As�t��� high-Tech-Überwachungssy- lig abgebrannt. sen: Vom Freund verlassen K�tc�e��� Q�ee�� doch das aller- ein trostloses und unglückliches L�tif���� R�b Mit Mit ����� ������t��� ���� stem des FBi lahmgelegt hatte schlimmste ist, und vom Vater aus der Firma C��dd�y�� L�ke Be���� ��s��� dass seine Frau dasein in einem wohnwagen. ��ckm��� ���d ����e Be��y geschmissen, treffen die beiden S�deikis ���d ��e�t Wi��i�ms

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/ Tuesday 18/09/12

BBc1 Soap

18th September, 7.30pm Eastenders

billy is caught off guard when the new social worker pays a visit

one 6:00 Breakfast 9:15 Rip Off Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 10:58 BBC News and Weather 11:00 Britain’s Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:13 BBC News and Weather 12:15 Bargain Hunt 1:00 BBC News 1:30 Regional News 1:40 Doctors 2:10 Only Fools and Horses 3:05 Horrible Histories 3:35 Lockie Leonard 3:47 Léon 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 Trade Your Way to the USA 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News 6:30 Regional News 7:00 The One Show 7:30 EastEnders Billy is caught off guard when the new social worker makes an unannounced visit, forcing him to keep up appearances. Meanwhile, Sharon and Jack’s date takes an unexpected turn, leading to a promising future. 8:00 Holby City Jac is worried that everyone at the hospital is gossiping about her and Jonny. Later, when Jac sees Ollie and Mo whispering, she jumps to conclusions and takes it out on Mo when they have to work together on a case - she doesn’t need help and her relationship with Jonny doesn’t mean anything. Will Jac be able to admit the truth? 9:00 DIY SOS The Big Build Nick Knowles and the team work on another large scale building project. 10:00 BBC News 10:25 Regional News 10:30 Weather 10:35 The Lock Up 11:15 Citizen Khan Romantic comedy about two couples fighting to save their relationships. 11:45 Trust the Man



6.00 11:30 12:00

1:00 1:30

2:15 3:00 3:45 4:30

5:15 6:00






10:30 11:20

Children’s Entertainment BBC World News The Daily Politics Political show examining the latest news, views and moves in the world of politics. My Life in Books To Buy or Not to Buy Buyers are again given the chance to test-drive a property before they buy it. The Weakest Link Wanted Down Under Helicopter Heroes Flog It! Antiques show which helps amateur auctioneers, collectors and bargain-hunters make a saving. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads General knowledge quiz in which teams from all over the UK battle to beat the formidable ‘Eggheads’. Celebrity MasterChef Some famous faces are judged on their passion for food in a search for the country’s top celebrity chef. Antiques Road Trip Antiques experts David Harper and James Lewis drive from Belfast to Kendal in their search for antiques. The Great British Bake Off Ten passionate home bakers take part in a bake-off to test every aspect of their baking skills. Vikings Neil follows in the footsteps of the Swedish Vikings from their Scandinavian homelands to Russia and Turkey where they obtained silks and spices. In return they sold amber and furs as well as slaves. Discovering the other extreme of the trading network Neil heads for Ireland, and Dublin, a vast Viking slave market. The Rob Brydon Show Entertainment show hosted by the Welsh comedian Rob Brydon. Newsnight China on Four Wheels

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00


4:00 5:00

6:00 6:30 7:00


10:00 10:35



Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal Why let your antiques collect dust in the attic when you can sell them? The Alan Titchmarsh Show Chat show that celebrates the very best of British. My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham The Chase Quiz show in which four contestants must pit their wits against The Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them winning at all costs. Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Rachel and Jai clash over their financial arrangement. When Jacob acts out, Priya demands David has a word with him. Gennie reveals to Nikhil why she’s nervous about childbirth UEFA Champions League Real Madrid v Manchester City: Manchester City make the trip to the Bernabeu to face nine times European Champions Real Madrid as the Champions League kicks off for the new season. Adrian Chiles is joined by Roy Keane, Lee Dixon and Gareth Southgate as Roberto Mancini’s side face one of the toughest tests in world football. ITV News at Ten and Weather UEFA Champions League All the latest coverage from the UEFA Champions League. Grimefi ghters A brand new series which follows the daily lives of Britain’s clean up teams. Jackpot247


7:00 7:30 7:55


8:55 11:00 12:00 12:05 1:00 1:20

3:10 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30

7:00 7:55 8:00


10:30 12.15

The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra get caught up in a web of increasingly outrageous lies. Frasier Daphne and Sherry just can’t get on, so Daphne decides to stay at Niles’ apartment. Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. The Renovation Game Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA River Cottage Bites A Man Alone In his directorial debut, Ray Milland stars as Wes Steele, a gunfighter on the run for his life, accused of crimes he didn’t commit. Countdown Deal or No Deal Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks As Ally continues to get the Kanes back on track, Callum is left wondering if he’s too good to be true. Channel 4 News Double Your House for Half the Money Sarah Beeny helps home owners to achieve their property dreams without bankrupting themselves - by extending, converting, face-lifting or drilling down for half the cost of trading up Derren Brown Showcasing Derren’s skills as master persuader and entertainer, he attempts to extract secret confessions from the audience, plays psychological mind games, and shares the dramatic history of Svengali Comedy World Cup Jimmy Carr hosts the first of three special editions. Random Acts

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 1:15

1:45 2:15 3:15

5:00 5:30

6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00





Milkshake The Wright Stuff Big Body Squad 5 News Dirty Great Machines Home and Away Indi tells her father not to meddle in her love life, but then snubs a meeting with Romeo in favour of a drive with Liam. Neighbours NUMB3RS The Class Drama. The life of a wellto-do law student changes dramatically when he is assigned the case of a young, working class single mother with a sick child. The lawyer and the mother initially struggle to find a connection, but their time together teaches them both valuable lessons. 5 News Neighbours At the hospital Paul arrives to support his son, then is shocked to see Sophie wheeled past, unconscious. Home and Away 5 News Emergency Bikers Will and Kate: Baby Fever Person of Interest High-tech thriller series. Reese works as a driver for the newest person of interest, an attractive woman who is a master of shady deals. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Las Vegas-based forensic drama. In this episode, each case is linked by the victims as they ‘wake up’ to find themselves in the morgue. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The team investigates when a mob of hooded criminals terrorises the city by surrounding and beating up tourists. CSI: Miami While the team tries to determine the cause of a house fire, Calleigh communicates with the victim’s spirit. Forensic Files

6:00 9:00

11:30 12:30


6:30 7:00

7:30 10:30 11:00 12:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. Ford Monday Night Football Everton welcome Newcastle United. ICC World T20 Preview ICC World T20 - 2010 Final The men’s final at the Kensington Oval in Barbados. Cricket Sri Lanka face Zimbabwe at the Mahinda Rajapaksa International Stadium. Sporting Greats A profile of former West Indies cricketer Sir Gary Sobers. Football Asia The official television programme of the Asian Football Confederation. Gillette Soccer Special Football Asia Revista de la Liga Barclays Premier League Review

2 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 11:00 12:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Afterburn ICC World T20 Preview Trilby Tour 2012 Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story Relive Chelsea’s historic victory in the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League. 1:00 SPL Round-Up 1:30 Ford Monday Night Football Everton welcome Newcastle United. 4:00 Kings of Europe - The Chelsea Story Relive Chelsea’s historic victory in the 2011/12 UEFA Champions League. 5:00 Barclays Premier League Review 6:00 Revista de la Liga. 7:00 UEFA Champions League A match from the group stages of the UEFA Champions League. 10:00 Champions League Goals

ITV1 / SporT cHaNNeL 5 / DocuMeNTarY

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/ Wednesday 19/09/12 BBc1 / DocuMeNTarY

19th September, 10.35pm Imagine - The Fatwa: Salman’s Story

Salman rushdie, author of The Satanic verses, tells the inside story of how it felt to be condemned to death by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989

one 6:00 Breakfast 9:15 Rip Off Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer Property experts visit three properties before they go up for auction. 10:58 BBC News and Weather The most up to date news and weather forecasts. 11:00 Britain’s Empty Homes Series revealing the potential that vacant properties can offer potential buyers. 11:30 Cash in the Attic Series which looks at the real value of household junk. 12:13 BBC News and Weather 12:15 Bargain Hunt 1:00 BBC News 1:30 Regional News 1:40 Doctors Drama series set in a busy Midlands medical practice. 2:10 Only Fools and Horses 3:05 Horrible Histories 3:35 Lockie Leonard 3:47 Léon 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 Stepping Up 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News 6:30 Regional News 7:00 The One Show 8:00 Watchdog Consumer magazine programme which investigates companies and business who are suspected of being less than honest. 9:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00 BBC News 10:25 National Lottery Midweek Draws 10:35 Imagine... In this special edition of Imagine, Alan Yentob has been given unique access to Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, as he tells the inside story of how it felt to be condemned to death by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989. 12:05 Disgrace 1:55 Weatherview



6:00 11:30

1:00 1:30 1:35 1:45 2:15 3:00 3:45 4:30




8:00 9:00

10:00 10:30 11:20

Children’s Entertainment The Daily Politics Political show examining the latest news, views and moves in the world of politics. See Hear Magazine programme for the deaf community. Coast Lifeline To Buy or Not to Buy The Weakest Link Wanted Down Under Helicopter Heroes Flog It! Antiques show which helps amateur auctioneers, collectors and bargain-hunters make a saving. Match of the Day Live Live coverage of England’s final Euro 2013 qualifier against Croatia at the Banks’s Stadium in Walsall. A win will secure England’s place in next year’s finals in Sweden. Hope Powell’s side will go into the game full of confidence as they are unbeaten so far, and thrashed Croatia 6-0 in the reverse fixture in Vrbovec in March Celebrity Master Chef Some famous faces are judged on their passion for food in a search for the country’s top celebrity chefs. Coast A journey around the coast of the United Kingdom. Antiques to the Rescue Dead Good Job Dead Good Job takes a revealing behind-the-scenes look at the changing face of the modern day funeral and the work of undertakers: how they deal with the living and the dead from the mortuary to the grave, providing a service we turn to at the very worst of times. The Culture Show Newsnight Storyville Series showcasing the best in international documentaries.

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather 2:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00 My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham 5:00 The Chase Quiz show in which four contestants must pit their wits against The Chaser. 6:00 Local News and Weather 6:30 ITV News and Weather 7:00 Emmerdale Jai’s exasperated when Rachel delivers an ultimatum. Trying to help, Nikhil gets Henry, a virtual baby for him and Gennie to practice on. Priya’s angry that David’s reluctant to reprimand Jacob. 7:30 Coronation Street Owen steps in to help Tommy and Tina make a fresh start. Lloyd is puzzled to find that Mandy has been lying to him. Gloria persuades Stella to enter a ‘Pub of the Year’ contest. 8:00 All Star Mr and Mrs All Star Mr & Mrs sees three celebrity couples battling it out to see who knows the most about their other half in a bid to win £30,000 for their chosen charity. All they need to do is match each other’s answers, but it’s not as easy as it seems 9:00 Mrs Biggs Urged by Ron to do ‘whatever it takes’ to keep herself happy, Charmian embarks on an ill advised affair with Alan. When she falls pregnant she can’t risk an abortion at a clinic and has to use a back street abortionist. 10:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 Full Metal Jacket 12:45 Jackpot247


7:00 7:30 7:55 8:25


11:00 12:00 12:05 1:00 1:20

3:10 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30

7:00 7:55 8:00




11:05 11:10

The Hoobs Double bill. Freshly Squeezed According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Niles is distraught when Maris sends him their divorce papers. Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. The Renovation Game Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA River Cottage Bites The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain Countdown Deal or No Deal Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Callum is given reason to suspect that Ally isn’t all he seems. Channel 4 News The Food Hospital The Food Hospital returns for a brand new series, and this time dietician Lucy Jones, consultant Shaw Somers, GPs Gio Miletto, and Pixie McKenna, are using food to try to tackle an even greater array of common illnesses. Grand Designs University professors Celia and civil partner Diana want a state-of-the-art modern home to retire to. Having renovated several older homes, they are now for the first time building their home from scratch Shameless Marty befriends a Brazilian housemaid and determines to rescue her from her life of servitude. Random Acts 2 Broke Girls A couple who are regular customers at the restaurant ask Max and Caroline to look after their dogs.

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 1:15 1:45

Milkshake The Wright Stuff Big Body Squad 5 News Dirty Great Machines Home and Away Neighbours Paul rejects Chris’s apology and threatens to sue, prompting Lucas to stand up for his apprentice. 2:20 NUMB3RS The team hunts three escaped prisoners. 3:20 The Pledge A retiring police chief pledges to catch the killer of a young child. 4:55 The Family Recipe 5:00 5 News 5:30 Neighbours 6:00 Home and Away Harvey admits to Alf the reason why he is not fighting for custody of Lottie. 6:30 5 News 7:00 Cowboy Builders Dom and Melinda visit Worcester Park in Greater London to investigate a rogue company whose dodgy deals they have been monitoring for the last two years. 8:00 Emergency Bikers PC Lee Cobb races to respond to an emergency call and finds that a motionless motorcyclist has been catapulted over a roundabout after ploughing headlong into a road sign. 9:00 Dallas JR moves back into Southfork and takes control of the plan to buy it, at the same time giving John Ross a master class in skulduggery and manipulation he’d never get on ‘The Apprentice’. 10:00 Paddy and Sally’s Excellent Gypsy Adventure 11:00 Murder by Numbers Two gifted high school students execute a “perfect” murder - then become engaged in an intellectual contest with a seasoned homicide detective. 1.15 Super Casino

6:00 9:00

10:00 10:30 2:30

6:30 7:00 7:30

10:30 11:30 12:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Triple bill. Champions League Goals All the goals from Tuesday’s UEFA Champions League group matches. Sporting Greats A profile of Australian cricketing icon Sir Don Bradman. Cricket Australia take on Ireland. Cricket Afghanistan take on India at the R Premadasa Stadium in Group A of the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 tournament. FIFA Futbol Mundial Total Rugby Gillette Soccer Special Julian Warren and studio guests keep track of the evening’s football action. Boots ‘n’ All FIFA Futbol Mundial Total Rugby


6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:30 10:00 11:00 1:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers WWE Vintage Collection Revista de la Liga Fishing Gurus Super League Backchat Barclays Premier League Review Revista de la Liga Disabled British Open Golf 2012 Champions League Goals Football Asia Fishing Gurus Sports Unlimited Champions League Goals FIBA World Basketball Thrillseekers Champions League Pre-Game Show UEFA Champions League Champions League Goals ICC World T20 Cricket Max Power

Film 4 - Today’s highlights Crazy Heart


Jeff Bridges and Maggie Gyllenhaal star in Scott Cooper’s music dramaromance, based on Thomas Cobb’s novel. A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional life during a doomed romance that also inspires him. But his battle with the booze is far from over, and it threatens to block his road to a new, fulfilling life.



Mark ‘Chopper’ Read was one of Australia’s most infamous, vicious criminals, subsequently a best-selling author, having turned his exploits into prose while serving time. Based on Chopper’s autobiography, Andrew Dominik’s film offers a smorgasbord of black humour and violence as Chopper plays on his notoriety.



/ Thursday 20/09/12

ITV1 / Soap

20th September, 7.00pm Emmerdale

Kerry collapses and is found by Sam who calls the emergency services while guilty val brings over blankets with eric.

one 6:00 Breakfast 9:15 Rip Off Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer Property experts visit three properties before they go up for auction. 10:58 BBC News and Weather 11:00 Britain’s Empty Homes Series revealing the potential that vacant properties can offer. 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:13 BBC News and Weather 12:15 Bargain Hunt 1:00 BBC News 1:30 Regional News 1:40 Doctors Drama series set in a busy Midlands medical practice. 2:10 Only Fools and Horses 3:05 Horrible Histories 3:35 Lockie Leonard 3:47 Léon 4:00 Who Let the Dogs Out? 4:30 Roy 5:00 Newsround 5:15 Pointless 6:00 BBC News 6:30 Regional News 7:00 The One Show 7:30 EastEnders Phil hits rock bottom as he deals with his family falling apart. Will words from an old friend persuade him to fight for what he still has? 8:00 Waterloo Road Havelock’s star pupil, Liberty Gordon, turns to Waterloo Road after dishing the dirt to the press on Gerard. 9:00 Good Cop Sav’s quest to get Jonjo arrested for Andy’s murder draws suspicion from Costello and Sarge; his emotions seem to be impairing his ability to do his job. 10:00 BBC News 10:25 Regional News 10:30 Weather 10:35 Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery 11:35 Taken in Broad Daylight



6:00 11:30 12:00

1:00 1:30


3:00 3:45 4:30

5:15 6:00



8:00 9:00 10:00

10:30 11:20


Children’s Entertainment BBC World News The Daily Politics Political show examining the latest news, views and moves in the world of politics. My Life in Books To Buy or Not to Buy Buyers are again given the chance to test-drive a property before they buy it. The Weakest Link Anne Robinson hosts the quick-fire general knowledge quiz in which contestants must decide at the end of each round which of their number should be eliminated. Wanted Down Under Helicopter Heroes Flog It! Antiques show which helps amateur auctioneers, collectors and bargain-hunters make a saving. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eggheads General knowledge quiz in which teams from all over the UK battle to beat the formidable ‘Eggheads’. Celebrity MasterChef Some famous faces are judged on their passion for food in a search for the country’s top celebrity chefs. Antiques Road Trip Antiques experts David Harper and James Lewis drive from Belfast to Kendal in their search for antiques. Wartime Farm The Choir Sing While You Work. Mock the Week Comedy show combining the best elements of panel show, stand-up and improvised games with two teams. Newsnight The Rob Brydon Show Entertainment show hosted by the Welsh comedian Rob Brydon. James May’s Things You Need to Know...

6:00 8:30 9:25 10:30

11:25 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00

7:30 8:00

8:30 9:00

10:00 10:35 11:35


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning The popular morning lifestyle magazine show with advice, chat and competitions. ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale After Andy kicks her out, Kerry gets drunk and falls into a coma. Nikhil’s fuming when Charity plays a prank with Henry the virtual baby. Backed into a corner, Jai agrees to find new arrangements for Rachel. Tonight Emmerdale Val calls Amy when the doctor tells them Kerry might not live through the night. United in their concern for Kerry, Val and Pollard reunite. David realises he has to chose between Priya and Jacob The Corrie Years The Bletchley Circle At the Meredith Hospital Susan (Anna Maxwell Martin) is met by a man named Andrew Croft (Steven Robertson). He explains that they are being transferred to a new building and he’s the last to leave. ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Poms in Paradise Documentary series following some of the Brits who have settled in Australia’s Gold Coast. Jackpot247

Update your current affairs know-how Constantly updated news

CHANNEL 4 6:10 The Hoobs Double bill. 7:00 Freshly Squeezed 7:30 According to Jim 7:55 Everybody Loves Raymond Robert and Amy convince their families to spend Thanksgiving together. 8:25 Frasier 8:55 Come Dine with Me Four back to back episodes. 11:00 The Renovation Game 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 1:00 Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 1:20 Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst Michael Anderson’s thrilling account of the true story of HMS Ameythst, a British frigate held captive by Chinese communists during Mao’s revolution. 3:10 Countdown 4:00 Deal or No Deal 5:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course 5:30 Come Dine with Me 6:00 The Simpsons 6:30 Hollyoaks Callum’s efforts to expose Ally lead to some major revelations. 7:00 Channel 4 News 7:55 8:00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie and Phil are in Sussex looking for two homes for two very different sets of house hunters. 9:00 The Audience Each programme focuses on someone with a genuine dilemma, from ‘should I move abroad?’ to ‘should I kick out my troublesome teen?’ 10:00 One Born: Plus Size Mums One Born: Plus Size Mums follows three morbidly obese pregnant mothers as they, and the professionals who care for them, do all they can to bring their children safely into the world. 11:05 Random Acts

6.00 9:15 11:10 12:10 12:15

Milkshake The Wright Stuff Big Body Squad 5 News World’s Toughest Trucker 1:15 Home and Away 1:45 Neighbours After Toadie goes to bizarre lengths to discover the gender of their baby, Sonya relents and they find out the sex for certain. Lou unveils his talent as an abstract artist. 2:15 NUMB3RS A bus full of tourists is hijacked by gunmen demanding $18million. With the help of a video feed from inside the bus, Don and the team race against time to waylay the hijackers. 3:15 The Obsession A ballet teacher’s obsession with a young student leads him to date the girl’s unaware mother in order to get closer to the object of his twisted affection. 5:00 5 News 5:30 Neighbours 6:00 Home and Away After Harvey tells her about the day Ben died, a row ensues that makes Lottie determined to live with neither of her parents. 6:30 5 News 7:00 Frontline Police Rav Wilding hooks up with a blast from the past and sets off on a patrol of Southend.With the weather turning from bad to worse it seems the roads have been transformed into a demolition derby and the frontline unit battles to keep the countymoving. 8:00 Heroes of the Skies 9:00 Making Faces 10:00 True CSI 11:00 Dallas JR moves back into Southfork and takes control of the plan to buy it, at the same time giving John Ross a master class in skulduggery and manipulation he’d never get on ‘The Apprentice’. 12:00 Super Casino

6:00 9:00 10:00

10:30 11:00 1:00

2:00 2:30 6:30 7:30 8:00 9:00


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EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

batukada festival (drum groups) AUDITORIO DE TENERIFE ADÁN MARTÍN www.audito- Tenerife Opera Festival Between September 25 and October 20. September 25, 27 and 29: La Traviata by Giuseppe. Tickets from €15 to €65. October 13 and 14: The magic flute by Mozart. Particularly good for families, two shows on both days: 12pm and 6pm. Tickets €10. Grand finale, October 20 with various arias from works by Donizetti, Verdi and Bizet, From €20 - €50. October 5: 9pm, Fito y Fitipaldis (pop /rock) ticket prices from €26.50 to €51, for more information go to October 13: ElektroPop Meeting 2k12. Electro music with an 80s base. Also includes a music competition for new bands. Takes place at the Aguere Espacio Cultural, 10pm. See www.elektropopmeeting. com


September 16: Combined guided hike in Anaga and a sweet delight created especially for the event by the Aderno cake and pastry chain. Delicatessen: www. Thursdays throughout September: Tapas, wine and street theatre in the old town of La Laguna. Forty bars and restaurants are taking part, wine and a snack costs just €3 Throughout September in Adeje. Cheese and honey festival. Try local products served in imaginative ways in restaurants and bars in the whole area. Also many related events including: September 7: Cheese, Honey and wine demonstration. 7pm to 11pm. Plaza de Salytien September 8: Cooking demonstration. 11am. Adeje Agromercado. September 17 – 19: Cheese

and Honey Exhibition, 10am to 6pm. Centro Comercial Gran Sur September 28: Third Gastonomy Fair. 7pm to 11pm at the CDTCA.

Sebastián Pérez Enriquez art gallery, Los Silos, Monday to Sunday, 5pm - 8pm, Sunday 10am - 1pm Until September 16, Stipo Pranyko, an exhibition

WhatsOn2012 La Matanza de Acentejo in the Agricultural market. Free entrance September 9. Thirty-first Arts and Crafts fair. In the church square, Guía de Isora. Part of Guia de Isora Fiesta, September 7 - 17. Starts 8pm on September 7 with a concert in the town square.


September 8: 5pm, IX Travesia El Roque (Hiking), Garachico


(Colourful street parades with regional costumes and music) September 7 and 8: Romería del Socorro Güimar September 9: Romería de San Isidro Labrador y Santa María de la Cabeza, Benijos, La Orotava September 15. XVII Romería in honour of Saint José. Particularly interesting for walkers. Parade leaves the Medianías market at 2pm, travels via Carretera General de San José and ends at the Domingo Reyes Afonso de San José square. La Juan de la Rambla September 16: Romería Bajado de San Carlos, el Tablado, Güimar


September 7 to 30: Paintings, Las Palenqueras, Julia Afonso Chillón, Bodgas Monje, El Sauzal September 14 to 28: Retrospective exhibition of Carlheinz Krueger, Painter and architect. Santa Cruz, Avenida Manuel Rojas 8. Inauguration on September 14, 8pm till 10pm. Opening times: Monday to Friday, 10am till 5pm Until September 16: ceramics exhibition by Cheli Ramos, cultural centre, Los Silos Until September 16: paintings exhibition, Amigas de la Pintura (Friends of painting),

dedicated entirely to the work of the Bosnian artist of the same name at TEA in Santa Cruz. TuesdaySundays, 10am-8pm Until September 16: Greenland, life and climate change on the frozen island, Forty photographs depicting the various changes that have taken place around the continent. Museo de Historia y Antropología de Tenerife (Casa Lercaro), La Laguna. September 21 until September 29: Ten Diez Movement (Photography), Magma Arte y Congresos, Costa Adeje, for more Information go to www.tendiez-com Until October 7: Zoología Fantástica (Fantastic Zoology), Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA), Santa Cruz de Tenerife Until 31 December: Rapa Nui, extreme survival in Polynesia, Pirámides de Güímar ethnographic park September 7 to 30. Sira García Sánchez’s Positivando (being positive) exhibition mixes her talents as an artist, photographer and graphic designer in a show of 50 black and white photos. Sala de Exposiciones at the El Sauzal council hall. 5pm – 8pm.


September 8 and 9. From 9am to 3pm. Twentyseventh Arts and Crafts fair.

September 9: 10am, mountain race, Los Silos Nature Trail September 15: Underwater photography competition, Villa de Arico 2012, Inscriptions until September 13, Entrance fee €20, for registration and more information go to September 15: golf tournament and barbecue: Amarilla Golf. See back page for details. Throughout the year: La Victoria council organises various walks: September 15: Hike to the top of El Teide. Contact council September 16: 11am, Playa de Agua Dulce, Los Silos, Bodyboard championship September 16: Delicatessen hike in Anaga. See above under gastronomy September 22: Dramatised hike through Garachico demonstrating the history as well as the beauty of this old town. 922133461 September 23: 9am Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos, Cycling route September 23: 7.30pm, night walk in aid of breast cancer charity Ámate, Icod de los Vinos (El Calvario) €5. See page 6 for more details. October 27: La Victoria to La Caldera November 24. Walk in Anaga Rural Park. Price €10. Belly dancing Every Monday, 4.30pm – 17.55pm, El Sauzal cultural

centre 677 380 807. Teacher: Victoria Bonis Kayak routes Tours by kayak for all abilities which may be combined with snorkelling, hiking, climbing or potholing. More info on 922 127 938 or www.elcardon. com Surfing: North South: Hiking: Popular tourist routes . 922 127 938 Every Tuesday: Teno traditions route Every Thursday: Masca Ravine Every Sunday: Monte del Agua and Kayak trips in the sea from Los Gigantes Adeje: Barranco del Infierno, temporarily closed. Arona: More information about trekking routes on 922 761 600 or Los Silos Guided routes on flora and fauna, €18 per person/ day includes transport and accident insurance. Reservations at 922 84 10 86, Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 1-00pm or by email to Guided routes: The Cañadas del Teide National Park’s interpretation service offers guided tours free of charge. You need to book in advance with the National Park Office (Tel. 922 290 129/922 290 183) All year: Council organised wine routes, walks and historical tours to highlight Tegueste’s archaeological, cultural and natural riches. Reservations on 922 316102 or see Castles Tours: Tenerife History Museum offers guided tours around the island’s castles for schools and groups. More information on 922 825 949 Discovery trips, Los Realejos. Every weekend. For groups of 45 people or more. Free tours and guided visits with transport included. Contact the tourism office


Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos Meetings every Tuesday. Regular meetings every 4th Tuesday starting Tuesday 25th October 2011 (Installation) through to April 2012

All Visitors welcome

Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 17 91 74 or


COMPETITIONS Aricosta is running the first open Submarine photography competition at El Poris de Abona. Register before September 13 by calling 669 377 581 First La Manzana Reineta de Tenerife photography competition. Entries must be in by September 28. Based on the cultivation of this famous island apple, which is grown particularly in the areas of Ravelo (El and Agua García K9 car boot sales • First Sunday of every month / 8am to 12 noon. Happy Days, Costa del Silencio. • Second Saturday of every month/ 9am to midday. Nearly new sales, Outside Shimmers Bar, Callao Salvaje • K9 also have a stall on the Playa San Juan market every Wednesday, and Alcalá every Monday, from 9am to 2pm. • For more information call Pat the Cat on 608 121081.

The Friends of the Animals car boot sale

• Last Sunday of every month at Tipsy Terrace, Los Gigantes from 8am to midday. • Shop next to the Medical Centre in Playa de la Arena, open 10am to 6pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm Saturdays. • A constant supply of goods is needed. Any full collection boxes, call Hazel on 667 638468 or Pat the Cat on 608 121081. Email:

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EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Compostelana Plaza

Plaza del Charco 12, Puerto del la Cruz, Tenerife. Tel: 922 368 256 Open: 10 am to 1 am. Daily Loo Score: 9/10 All as you would expect, they being so newly open.


t’s always something to look forward to, a new landmark restaurant opening, particularly when it is in your home town. I am calling it new, since it is so very different to how it was before. And so it is, three days after the event, that friends suggest that we join them for a meal at Compostelana Plaza, in the Plaza del Charco, in Puerto de la Cruz. This iconic square, in the heart of the old town, plays host to a myriad of restaurants, including a sister restaurant to the above. This new place clearly seeks to raise the bar well above its close companions, in décor, ambience and price. It is surely seeking to position itself at the top end of other restaurants on the square. A lot of money has quite clearly been spent in transforming the old place into something worthy of the 21st century. We could well be at the smarter end of the Kings Road. The overall theme is creamy white. The chairs are white, the décor is white, and the waiters, seemingly refugees from the local health club or hospital operating theatre, are decked out all in white. It is, all in all, a very attractive venue. And the chairs are jolly comfortable, so I make no apology for giving them a special mention. Such luxury is a rarity! And then, and then, things start to slip. Menus are brought, and orders are given. The menu, all laminated and presented in a number of languages, must have cost a fortune to produce. What a pity, therefore, that it contains the usual tortured

F oo d r ev i e w / p u e rto d e l a c r u z

White versus black By John

English translations. Why, oh why, when free translation is so easily available? Staff, of whom there is an abundance, seem disinterested in their customers. They are disconnected. They stand and chat amongst themselves. At 9.15 pm there are five tables taken, which leaves the place less than an eighth full. Bread is brought, without being asked for, and we later see this added on the bill at €4.80 including a tiny dish of two microscopic balls of flavoured butter. Both are rock hard. No knife will cut them; they are straight from the freezer.

although small, were pronounced good. The portions of chips verged on the meagre. Without exception, all the plates were cold, as were the chips accompanying the steaks. I was forbidden to complain, on pain of ruining the evening. Maybe the problem here is the length of time it takes for a waiter, not in any hurry, to navigate from the rear of the building, where the kitchen is situated, to front of house. I realise that hot plates are not necessarily the norm in Spain, but I do expect my food to be hot. Most places are able to juggle the two satisfactorily.

An inordinate length of time later, after a nod to our waiter, our main dishes are finally brought. The plates themselves are vast, the contents less so. Do you remember nouvelle cuisine? As an example, I had ordered the sole fillets stuffed with prawns and coated/served with a shellfish sauce. On my plate were four very small rolls of sole, into which a single prawn had been stuffed. The whole was covered in the aforesaid sauce, which was singularly lacking in any depth. And there was one potato as a garnish, cut in half, presumably to make it look more on the plate. It came lukewarm, at best.

But, there was one exception. My wife had asked for a portion of the (excellent) mustard sauce to be served separately, and this came in a little bowl, all piping hot. So it can be done!

My wife had a steak with chips, as did one of our friends, and our other friend opted for the meat balls, all served with garnish. The steaks,

Our cash was whisked away, and change was brought, neither action being accompanied by either a smile or a “thank you”. Having paid, we

Afterwards, when all was cleared away, I pointed out the faults to our waiter, who grunted but made no comment. Nor did he appear, as far as I was able to ascertain, to advertise to senior staff that we felt unhappy. As a result, we were then ignored until we asked for the bill, which came to €73.40 for four persons, for four main courses, a bottle of wine, two beers, and that bread. Not a cheap exercise.

clearly were of no further interest. No wonder that we moved elsewhere for the post prandial coffee. I, for one, was all for going home and making myself a sandwich. This place has so much potential, and I am sure that it will quickly improve. Its sister restaurant on the other side of the same square, at which we are regulars, has got it just right. That one is all dressed in black, and this one is all white. The black one has a buzz about it, with interested and engaged staff. At the moment, the two might as well be chalk as cheese. I am sure that it will not be long before this new place has its act together. Perhaps then, they might think to contact this newspaper and invite your scribe back, so that I can tell you all about it?


he following information was omitted in our last edition’s review of the guachinche El Moral in error, apologies to readers and to John:

Guachinche El Moral El Moral, Calle Nueva 73 a/a, La Corujera, Santa Úrsula. Tenerife. Tel: 647 540 594 Open: Thursday to Saturday: 12.30 to 23.00. Sundays from 12.30 to 17.00 And the loo Score? 7/10. Much better than expected. Tiled and clean.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


PreSTigiO & TrAdiCiÓn

Gourmet Goodies

Gerard wantst to share his joy and fervour in explaining the latest acquisitions he has found for his clients


for yourself which is the real value for money. Secondly, magret of duck is also available in various cuts, breasts, legs steaks etc.

t’s always a pleasure to visit Prestigio & Tradición in Las Zocas, San Miguel, not just to taste out the latest delights that Gerard has been able to source, but to share his joy and fervour in explaining the latest acquisitions he has found for his clients. On this occasion it was some wonderful ecological delicatessen meat products, gluten free, completely natural and free too of preserving agents and sulphides. Flavours that invoked tastes of yore, when many Spanish regions had their own sausages, chorizos etc. made in the traditional manner. The philosophy of Prestigio and Tradición, clearly stated is to source hand-made products because they, “ receive care, attention, love and are impregnated with positive energies and feelings of satisfaction of the well made work. It is the secret ingredient which differentiates them

The last wine we tried was Capricho from Bierzo. Again, a pale straw colour, perhaps a slightly greenish tinge, with a fresh apple and pear tone. A fresh, balanced wine that is full of character and long on the palate. Pop in and tr y some of these wonderful items for yourself, you are bound to be enticed into treating yourself to some gourmet goodies at some surprisingly reasonable charges, but for anyone who loves good food, the experience alone, is priceless.

items used to be made. There is no clever technology, no dr ying machines or acclimatisers, each item is made in its proper season

to age-old recipes and left to air dry gradually. The spices are added with a gentle hand to enhance and not cover the flavour of the meat and each leaves a long taste on the palate. The first wine we tried was a pale straw coloured Viña Aljibes white, 80 per cent sauvignon blanc grape with 20 per cent chardonnay, fermented in new French oak barrels. The tasting notes

industrial products and although we do not see them, during the tasting, our body recognises and appreciates them.” It has to be said, our bodies agreed! The artisan-produced pork products are delightfully different, full of a delicate but long lasting flavour and taste, low in fat and bulking out gelatine. An excellent sobrasada spread, wild boar brawn and a variety of sausages were placed before us to try. As Gerard says, “this is not reinventing the wheel” it’s just going back to the care and attention of the way these

A n nivers

tell us “an exotic bouquet of fresh passion fruit combined with the elegant ageing notes of Chardonnay, a long palate of tropical fruit underpinned by refreshing acidity”. Good value for money, attractive and easy to drink. Also new in stock are some amazing meats that will be available fresh, to order. Firstly, some excellent cuts of organically produced Charolais beef. If you’ve never tried the

experiment, buy a similarly sized steak for example from your normal supplier and one of these Charolais steaks. Yes, the Charolais would seem to be dearer until you cook them. Cut off all the fat on the cheaper steak and then cook it. See how much the cheaper beef loses in water and who knows what else that’s been added to it. Weigh both items again. And then taste them both and decide

Prestigio & Tradición gOurMeT ShOP Address: nº34 Calle Los Muros Las Zocas, SAn MigueL de AbOnA Open: Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm inFOrAMTiOn:

902 211 220


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liViNG lifesTYle


EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Dr. De La Flor

Dear Dr. De La Flor Dear Dr. De La Flor, I recently had mono but am starting to finally feel better. How long do I need to wait before I can I get back to my regular activities? Cheers, Jeff

Dear Jeff, This condition got some attention a couple of years ago when Roger Federer had to take several weeks off the ATP Tour due to so called ‘mono’ (Mononucleosis). It’s a common illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus that can leave you feeling tired and weak for weeks or even months. Mono goes away on its own, but plenty of rest and well-rounded self-care can help you feel better. It is most often seen in adolescents and young adults. Mono can be spread through contact with saliva (also nicknamed the ‘kissing disease’) and mucus from the nose and throat.

Look your best

aeSTHeTIc MeDIcINe >

Coaching Corner :: By Dr. De La Flor

“I think the most significant work we’ll do in our whole life is done within the four walls of our home.”This statement per se is quite moving. once you consider that these words were uttered by a true leader,by a successful father of nine, by an exemplary husband,by an inspiring teacher and welleducated Harvard phD,by a successful best-seller author, then this remark truly achieve lofty levels. Steven covey passed away a few weeks ago, a trailblazer on personal development as well as in family/work balance.

By Dr Carlos Viru

back to school and beauty


ell, it’s September already and it’s time to go back to school. It’s the moment when we must leave behind the beach and holidays to return to the regular daily routine that is the mothers’ and teachers’ equivalent of school. Now is the time they can take advantage of beauty treatments for the big return.


Home remedies include gargling with salt water or using throat lozenges to soothe your sore throat. Ibuprofen can help you reduce fever and relieve the inflammation. During the infection your spleen may T h e m o s t c o m m o n be enlarged, and impact or symptoms are a high fever, straining could cause it to a sore throat, swollen glands burst. Therefore, please avoid contact sports or strenuous and tonsils, and fatigue. exercise for about a month after you become ill with mono or until your doctor says it is safe. Best wishes. As soon as you get over mono, your symptoms will go away for good, but you will always carry the virus. The virus may become active from time to time without causing any symptoms.

Dr. De La Flor, licensed G.P. (38/06089) holds certificates in coaching, nutrition and medical exercise from Berkeley University and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). His medical approach is highly influenced by Positive Psychology; an empowering, encompassing way of approaching patients through the study of their strengths and virtues to enable them to thrive and lead fulfilling lives, accept the past, find happiness in the present, and hope for the future. You can reach the doctor at 0034-697.888.666 to schedule a consultation in his surgery or in your home/business.

For the next two weeks, let’s try to focus on our performance at home. regardless of our past or current circumstances, whether our upbringing was pristine or highly dysfunctional, whether you have one kid or a bunch, whether you are 25 or 85, whether your personal relationship is at its lowest or at its peak, let’s try to set some goals and bring it to a higher level.

i invite you to ponder on a thought i inherited from my dad. he used to remind me that our good deeds and sacrifices bring grace and love to our relatives and aids the transformation of our house into a home. inversely, carelessness, infidelity or a nonchalant attitude takes away grace, joy and peace that god has in store for our family and ourselves.

in order to lead a healthy and balanced life, we need to make daily sacrifices within the four most important walls. Your family, my family, is a true foundation for mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being. get fired up! Talk to you in a couple of weeks.

It’s also the same time when cosmetic clinics take the op-

portunity to make special offers for both of these groups to improve themselves, after all, who doesn’t want to look good for their return from holidays? I would recommend that everyone takes advantage of the deals that many clinics offer during these periods. And in particular, after a summer of such intense heat, who hasn’t spent long hours enjoying lying on the beach? Unfortunately that often produces those spots on the skin, which perhaps with a good peeling treatment can be improved and at the same time give you the fresh aspect to your facial complexion which you need for this school year. For mothers, it is also a time to reunite with the mothers of their children’s classmates and friends after the summer months, and who doesn’t want to look beautiful, fresh, and why not – show off a little – after this fantastic summer? We are here to help, as always my friends, for any enquiry you may have. Regards Doctor Carlos Viru Doctor Carlos Viru is a fully qualified aesthetic doctor with a master’s degree from the University of Córdoba. If there is anything you would like to know about the medically supervised beauty treatments now available, please email him at MeDIcaTIoN >

Health warning

The Spanish Medication and Health Products Agency (Aemps) has issued a warning to long term users of pharmaceutical drugs that contain Calcitonina. Recent studies have suggested that its use may raise the risk of forming tumours. The Agency will continue looking into the balance between the dangers and benefits of using the drug, but meanwhile if you find that a regular medication of yours contains it, book an appointment with your doctor to discuss an alternative.

liViNG lifesTYle

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


Dr Chanut :: Clinica de Implantología

Assess your gum disease risk PArT 1

080 092 091 062 016

How old are you?

Your chances of developing periodontal disease increase considerably as you get older. Studies indicate that older people have the highest rates of periodontal disease and need to do more to maintain good oral health.

Do your gums ever bleed?

Bleeding gums can be one of the signs of gum disease. think of gum tissue as the skin on your hand. If your hands bled every time you washed them, you would know something was wrong. however if you are a smoker, your gums may not bleed.

are your teeth loose?

Periodontal disease is a serious inflammatory disease that is caused by a bacterial infection, and leads to destruction of the attachment fibres and supporting bone that hold your teeth in your mouth. When neglected, teeth can become loose and fall out.



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are you female or male?

Studies suggest there are genetic differences between men and women that affect the risk of developing gum disease. While women tend to take better care of their oral health than men do, women’s oral health is not markedly better than men’s. this is because hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman’s life can affect many tissues, including gum tissue.


As a professional periodontist, Dr. Chanut will help you to make the best choice.

Have your gums receded, or do your teeth look longer?

One of the warning signs of gum disease includes gums that are receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before.

Do you smoke or use tobacco products?

Studies have shown that tobacco use may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of periodontal disease. Smokers are much more likely than nonsmokers to have calculus form on their teeth, have deeper pockets between the teeth and gums, and lose more of the bone and tissue that support the teeth.

Have you seen a dentist in the last two years?

Daily brushing and flossing will help keep calculus formation to a minimum, but it won’t completely prevent it. A professional dental cleaning at least twice a year is necessary to remove calculus from places your toothbrush and floss may have missed.

How often do you floss?

Studies demonstrate that including flossing as part of your oral care routine can actually help reduce the amount of gum disease-causing bacteria found in the mouth, therefore contributing to healthy teeth and gums.

HOSPITAL LA CANDELARIA Carretera Del Rosario 145 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel : 922 602 000 hospitaldelacandelaria. com HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO Carretera Cuesta-Taco San Cristobal de La Laguna (Tenerife), Tel: 922 678 000 HOSPITEN SUR Playa de Las Américas Arona-Tenerife Tel.: 922 75 00 22. Fax: 922 79 36 18 HOSPITEN C/ Pescadores, Edf. Discovery, Carretera Gral. La Cuesta. Taco 38108 La Laguna Tel.: 922 626240 Fax: 922 614355

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Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression

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Dr. Fu Qiang Li

Modern Chinese Medicine  

Acupuncture Massages

 

Reflexology Sauna

Tel. 922 717 906 • 679 787 290 Complejo Palo Blanco Fase 2 Avda. Andalucía 31, Costa Adeje opposite C.C. San Eugenio

Dr. Fu Qiang Li is a fully qualified specialist in traditional and modern Chinese medicine



EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS




aking your own beauty products, is easy, saves you money and keeps a whole range of unnecessary chemicals off your skin Homemade moisturisers, facemasks and other cosmetic products can be just as luxurious and fragrant as their commercial counterparts, and you can also avoid the sometimes frightening artificial substances that routinely form a part of the majority of personal care products. Just take a quick read of the ingredients of your makeup, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, soaps and other toiletries. You will find parabens, pthalates, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, sodium lauryl sulphate and triclosan, to mention just a few. All of these, and many more, have been linked to serious illnesses including immune deficiency, severe asthma, cancer, hormonal disturbances, fertility problems and allergies. That’s not to say you have to suddenly throw everything out. It is the constant, liberal, daily use of these chemicals, and their subsequent build up in our bodies,

that causes problems. So if you don’t want to stop using your favourite products, fine, but why not try substituting at least some of them with natural alternatives? As well as being healthy they are also cheaper, great for anyone with sensitive skin, perfect for those who want to lead a more ecologically friendly life or are worried about animal testing, and there isn’t any of that appalling packaging waste to contend with. Many recipes for home beauty products take a chemist to concoct, but here are several ideas you can make with ingredients you probably already have lying around in the cupboard or which can be easily bought from any supermarket. Scented essential oils can give some of these recipes an added zest, but if money is tight, or you have sensitive skin, they don’t have to be added. For the most part, these ideas are pretty unisex. So all you gentlemen out there, you can indulge too.

face masks

Your face will feel smooth and refreshed with these simple to make masks. Simply mix the mask of your choice into a paste and then smooth over the entire face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10 to15 minutes and wash off with warm water and a flannel, and pat dry.

basic: Mix one or two heaped tablespoons of cooked and cooled oatmeal with full fat plain yogurt, add a tablespoon of honey for real luxury.

Healthy basic:

Coconut oil has been a traditional hair conditioner in Asia and the South Pacific for years, but you can also use other vegetable oils such as sunflower or safflower. Of course, the better quality ones are best, and if they are organic, even better. Simply massage a small amount of the oil into your scalp using gentle pressure and small circular movements. Comb out to the ends of your hair to ensure that you have coated each strand. Then apply a turban made from a hot wet towel to help it penetrate into your scalp and hair. Leave the oil in for at least an hour, or overnight if possible, before

Oatmeal and almond: Mix half a cup of cooked and cooled oatmeal with one whole egg and one tablespoon of almond oil. Avocado: Use the flesh of a fully ripe avocado just as it is. Simply rub it gently around your face. irritated skin soother:

Blend half a cup of plain yogurt with one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel or juice, half a peeled cucumber and a few drops of chamomile oil.

washing your hair. Quick fix conditioners should be massaged through the hair, starting at the scalp and worked out to the ends. Leave a few moments and rinse off with lukewarm water.

egg: Beat an egg yolk until it’s frothy and add one teaspoon of olive oil and one cup of water.

Avocado & coconut: Mix one mashed avocado with coconut milk until thick.

P.s: Occasionally rinsing hair with vin-

egar is a great way to add shine, try cider vinegar for example.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Almond delight

in your step

Simple salt foot soak

Soothing moisturisers

Mix half a cup of sea salt into a bowl of water that has been boiled and allowed to cool. Soaking them in salt helps tired, swollen and aching feet. Add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil for relaxation or add three drops of peppermint essential oil, plus one of eucalyptus and one of lemon for an invigorating soak.

Massage the moisturisers into the feet, paying special attention to heels and other rough patches. For an extra soothing affect, warm the oil slightly beforehand. For an intense effect do this just before you go to bed and put socks on. Your feet will be amazingly soft by the time you wake up.


Combine one tablespoon of olive oil with another of almond oil and 10 drops of essential oil if desired.

Antibacterial hand wash Mix equal parts of surgical spirits and aloe vera gel with a few drops of your favorite scented oil to keep those germs at bay and feel and smell splendid too.

Soft & creamy

Fresh and healthy deodorant

Mix together the juice of a fresh lemon, a pinch of cinnamon, two tablespoons of olive oil and a quarter of a cup of both milk and water.

Combine a quarter cup of baking soda with a quarter cup of arrowroot powder or cornstarch. Slowly add five to six tablespoons of coconut oil and work it in with a spoon until it reaches around the same texture as the shop bought kind: solid but able to be applied easily. Place in a small airtight container and apply with fingers. You can even add a few drops of essential oil or a handful of dried flowers such as lavender. This recipe lasts about three months for two people.


a friend

Why not pass these great ideas on? Place any example

into reusable container (which you could decorate yourself to make it unique) and slip in the recipe so they can have a go themselves. They make great homemade gifts for friends and family.

Moisturising & exfoliating These can be utilised on your hands, feet or face. First of all, clean skin thoroughly with water and a gentle soap and pat dry with a towel. Then massage the scrub onto the skin with gentle but firm rotating movements for a couple of minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and a flannel and once again use a soft towel to pat dry. If you are doing your feet you can first apply the scrub evenly and leave

Silky skin:

Keep your skin smooth and glossy to feel fresh, clean and nourished all over.

on for three to five minutes before moving on to the next step.


Mix half a cup of granulated sugar or coarse salt with two tablespoons of olive or soy oil to get a paste consistency. If you want, you can add one or two drops of essential oil. Refreshing ones such as orange, peppermint, grapefruit and sage work really well.

honey and almond:

Combine one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of plain yogurt, two tablespoons of finely ground almonds and half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Strawberry: Mash eight to 10 strawberries with two tablespoons of apricot or olive oil and one tablespoon of sugar or coarse salt.

Almond & strawberry: Mash four to six strawberries with one teaspoon of sugar or coarse salt, two tablespoons of olive oil, and four finely grated unpeeled almonds.

After shower body oil:

Just use olive or soy oil. Women in the Mediterranean have been using this simple recipe for a very long time and you will probably have noticed that they nearly all of them have fabulous skin. Add a few drops of your favourite scented oil to feel great and smell wonderful.

Cucumber & honey toner: Blend one medium, peeled

cucumber and pour into a sieve lined with cheesecloth. Let it stand for 15 minutes for the juices to drip into a bowl. Pour the juice into a clean bottle and add two teaspoons of honey. Shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion. Sweep over the face, neck and chest morning and night, and let it air dry.

Astringent: Add two parts of witch hazel to one part distilled water and, if you wish, a few drops of tea tree oil. Scented body Spray:


Mix two parts of surgical spirits (alcohol) with one part water, and your favorite scented oil or oils in a spray bottle. If you’d like a little more luxury, add a bit of olive or soy oil for moisturising.


leTTeRs & pAsTimes

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Horoscopes Tf: 616 110 930

Hi everyone, I

Aries (Mar. 21 – April 19)


’d like to start this week by wishing Dot and Norman Gardner a very happy 50th wedding anniversary. The celebration was held at the rendezvous restaurant on Golf del Sur, and what a marvellous night it was too. They did the couple proud and we were greeted by charming waiters with champagne. Norman and Dot had boundless energy, and were thrilled to have all their family with them to enjoy this momentous occasion. i was lucky enough to sit with my two lovely pals Penny and ian who are always marvellous company. especially Penny, who had ordered the baileys and Malteser cheesecake, then found she was too full to eat it. i thought it would have been such bad manners to have sent it back to the kitchen, so i managed to help her out with it. one of the subjects of conversation was the ladies’ Boxing bouts in the olympics. The men were assessing the skills of the ladies and the pros and cons of allowing women to box anyway. Me and two other ladies at the table were all of


Tourist trance Dear Editor

it’s a marvellous time to be on the go. running errands, shopping or attending gatherings for charities seem to fill your life at the moment.

the 42 ddd build, and couldn’t imagine the pain involved if we got a right cross to the bosoms. This set Ian off laughing. “Good grief Katy”, he laughed, “if either of you three received an uppercut to the booby, it would black your eye, bounce over your shoulder and knock the referee out, swing over the rope and catch the first three rows of spectators a wallop too.” oh very funny I don’t think! all three of us looked at each other and the unspoken thought hit us at the same time. “And what kind of damage would that boob do when it came to rest - to our knees?” So as you can imagine, we all had a great night. Norman was hilarious with his speech before cutting the cake, and ended with saying, “i‘m so thrilled we invited all the very nicest and loving friends any couple could wish for. unfortunately, they couldn’t come, so we invited you lot rather than waste the meal.” it was a superb night enjoyed by all. So many special nights have been ongoing to raise funds for the Bomberos. on Friday 10th august, Stephen and Lynn from the eldon

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

watch your temper! You can destroy relationships in a moment that took years to create! Try meditation to help keep calm.

House held a canarian chicken night with Karaoke, and would like me to thank eddie hastings who gave his time free for the event. They raised €280, which is wonderful for such a small bar. it was especially wonderful as the family had a recent bereavement when Lynn lost her beloved Mum Jeanie, to cancer. They closed the bar and went home for the funeral. Then just as Stephen was booking the return flights for himself and Lynn, he discovered that Jeanie had already bought a ticket for herself to come to Tenerife for one of her frequent visits. He’s asked me to thank ryanair for their kind-

further car from the Guardia


Civil blocked the way, along with the accompanying

The second, completely

green clad agents. Crowds

oblivious, actually walked up

of worried residents gathered

to the police men, maps in

by the roadblock, tr ying to

hands, and asked them for

hold back their fear, whilst

directions to whichever part of

the helicopters overhead flew

the local vicinity they thought

back and four th emptying

they were about to wander off

tale two friends of

water over the trees and

to. The third – no really, this is

mine told me which

surrounding bush, desperately

true – argued, when they were

per fectly illustrates the

tr ying to stop the fire from

told they could not pass!

often oblivious ‘I’m on

spreading down the valley. It seems that just because

holiday’ mentality that can be frequently obser ved in credulous tourists.

Lynn, we all hope you feel a little better soon. Those of us who knew your Mum, enjoyed every minute of her company. She was a lovely lady, and by the way, all of your friends and customers think that you are a true ‘chip off the old block’.

until next time, take care of yourselves, and especially of each other.

just had to share a


ness. The change of name should have been £110, but ryanair waived the fee due to the circumstances. As Stephen says, “ryanair often get a bad press for one reason or another, but this was so very kind and considerate at such a sad time”.

In amongst this apocalyptic

people are on holiday they

scene wandered no less than

feel a sense of detachment

three pairs of tourists obviously

from reality and from risk.

Imagine the scene: as

dressed for a nice day’s walk.

Thieves are non-existent so

firefighters fought to contain

The first of the couples did

passpor ts and wallets can

the most recent blaze in the

indeed manage to notice that

be left on sunbeds, cars are

north of Tenerife the roads to

there was something unusual

somehow less dangerous

Masca and through Santiago

going on, though after a few

than they are at home so it is

del Teide were closed of f.

moments of blankly looking up

quite alright to wander in the

Barriers were erected; several

to the sky and at the crowds

middle of the road; the fierce

police cars and police men

still tried asking the way to

Atlantic Ocean is merely their

were stationed on duty, a

wherever it was they were

holiday swimming pool so

it is no problem to ignore warnings from lifeguards; a n d , a p p a r e n t l y, e v e n raging infernos and national disasters still don’t seem to register on their safety monitors. Please, if you are on holiday, being in a foreign countr y does not make you immune to danger – far from it. It’s the time to be more aware of your surroundings, not less.

Concerned, Playa San Juan See picture right

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Others can be taken aback by your spontaneity. Fight boredom with humour. Keep grinning. The Canaries needs you in this world of uncertainty. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

This is your time. Your depth of perception will increase dramatically now. investing time, energy and even finances in those you love can make this a delightful month. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You will be very conscious of the knowledge you possess and it is important for you not to teach over the head of others. You will be dealing with many who are stubborn - be gracious. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You may find yourself over-committed. You will need to take some time to get off the beaten path of obligation. So get par-


tying, you deserve some time for yourself too. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

expect to put your foot right in your mouth. This is a great time to apologize or offer explanation of past indiscretions. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

giving unsolicited advice at this time could prove disastrous. who is your secret admirer? if they are worth your attention, give it a whirl. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This is an excellent time to have a party or look up old friends. it’s important not to forget the quiet one. new friends and faces show up all around you and laughter rings out. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Authority figures or those who hold the keys to your dreams may not prove to be cooperative. wait. Your short term dreams will be fulfilled. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Some calls can be delayed. You will feel very stable. inner decisions are easy now. Passion rules! Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You will feel very busy both on the job and with daily chores. Problems with health and finance can be worked out. Look at all your options!

peTs cORNeR

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Loro Parque >


Something in the air? T

natural environment. they are fed by hand by staff, who develop a special relationship with the animals. And

what a diet; lots of shellfish, mussels, clams, razor fish, and oily fish, squid and prawns!

Animal Rescue >


A lot will depend on the size of the animal and the type of vehicle you have. A net or bars which ensure that your pet stays in the back of the car and well away from the driver is often the best solution, but if your furry companion is very big or heavy you must make certain that the barrier is strong enough, and fixed sufficiently well, to support their weight in the case of a collision.


he Civil Guard from Las Américas has confiscated an Eagle owl from a man in Guía de Isora who was keeping it in captivity. the scientifically

to four kilos. the nighttime hunters mainly feed on small mammals, such as mice and rabbits, as well as lizards, birds, and even hedgehogs. It is not known how long the man had kept the owl, but it has now been taken to an authorised centre in Lanzarote.

When travelling in our own car first and foremost we must make sure that the animal is not free to run around as this is a very dangerous practice indeed. they can easily cause an accident by getting in the way of the driver, breaking their concentration or even by hitting a passenger hard enough to cause damage to themselves or the car’s occupants if the driver has to suddenly break hard. So, this said, we must look at the most appropriate way to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

Owl be damned

named Bubo bubo is one of the largest species of owls and is not normally found in the Canary Islands. the birds have an average wingspan of 180 cm, with the largest specimens attaining a span of two metres and weighing up

Safe and comfortable

Pets Charity >>

Live Arico

Great news from Live Arico as 17 dogs have been found permanent homes over the last couple of weeks.

Looking for love>

where comfortable for your friend, put a favourite blanket or toy in it and encourage them to sit in it for a little while every day. giving them a reward for doing so is also a good idea.

the southern stingray’s eggs develop within the female’s brood chamber, the pups hatch from their egg capsules inside the mother, and are born soon afterwards. only three zoos in Europe have succeeded in breeding these creatures, which here live in the Caribbean exhibition tank of the enormous aquarium along with other species from their

Yolanda Rodríguez Reyes

Travel / PArT 2

n the previous edition we looked at different methods of travel and how to prepare for the journey and we will now consider how to make it as comfortable as possible for our companions.

he birth explosion in Loro Parque continues with the arrival of five Southern Stingrays.


If you use one of the special seat belts to secure them never fix it to their collar. You must always use a body harness as otherwise you could choke your pet, possibly fatally. If they are travelling in a cage it should be secured in the boot area in hatchbacks, or on the back seat otherwise, and never on the front passenger’s seat if your car has an airbag. If your pet is very big, or you are travelling with various animals, it may be necessary to use a specially equipped trailer. If you are using a cage it is important to give your pet chance to get used to it before travelling. Place the cage some-

We should also be sure that our pet is not susceptible to travel sickness as some of them can suffer just as we do. there are tablets available if necessary, which should be administered well in advance, and it is also advisable to avoid giving them food before travelling. Ensuring that their travelling area is well ventilated will also help. Make sure they have plenty of opportunities before and during the journey to take care of their needs as this will make the trip more comfortable for all involved. try to make as many stops as possible so they can get out, stretch their legs and relax. When you arrive your companion will feel strange in the new surroundings for a while and may behave a little oddly for a few days. Cats tend to need a little more time and patience in this respect due to their territorial nature. It helps if you make sure they have a space which is just for them and help them to recognise it as such. Also, remember that changes in food and water will also affect our pets and if in doubt regarding whether water is drinkable or not, never risk it. And, of course, if the move is a permanent one don’t forget to enter your pet on the local register if needed. Yolanda Rodríguez Reyes is a qualified vet with a wealth of experience and would be happy to answer your queries via these pages. She is also available for personal consultations at Mascotas San Eugenio, San Eugenio shopping centre, from 4.00pm to 8.00pm. For appointments call 922 719 845.

Endangered species >


Digs 4 Dogs Professional dog care at our purpose built


6 mins from San Isidro • Only 10 € per day • Collection and return Service • Quarantine & UK return Service For rates and availability phone Allen or Lesley on 680 278 254 or 922 772051

Tara Tara is a female puppy around six months old. She is friendly and loves to eat. She is still growing and will be a big dog, great with people.

he very last example of a subspecies of giant tortoise died re-

Lonesome george, as he became known, from Pinta Island in the galapagos, was the last of a lineage of animals that stretched back hundreds of thousands of years. however, scientists have cryogenically frozen some of his cells and are hoping to be able to make clones of the five foot long reptile when technology allows. george became an internationally renowned figure

Credit Putneymark



Frozen hope

and even featured on Ecuador’s bank notes. his plight, and the frantic search to find him a suitable mate, became a symbol for global efforts to conserve threatened species.

his tissue samples have joined others from endangered species in the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research which are frozen for cloning use in the future.


IC classifieds / property

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Household News ::

part one

Make a statement

How to make a feature wall shelf units or other items in front of the wall and see if any of them ‘look just right’. If there’s nothing that you wish to feature, no problem, there are plenty of ways of making a statement without any added props at all.

What do you do if you know that your room needs – something, but you haven’t got the time, money or energy to redecorate entirely? No problem: choose one wall and make it a feature. In only a short time, and for very little investment, you can brighten up any space and turn that drab area into a lively centre piece.

Paint Paint is the quickest and simplest of these and it’s an easy way to introduce personality and interest into an area without having to commit to a vivid, dark or bright colour in the whole room. And when you get tired of the design, it’s quick and straightforward to change as well.

A feature wall is a great way to experiment with colour and bold pattern and, properly planned, it can make a room look sophisticated and stylish, funky and modern, warm and inviting or any number of combinations.

How do I choose the right colour?

How do I start? Choose a wall without doors or windows or, if you have them, alcoves and chimney breasts also make good starting points. First, take a good look around the whole area. Does the wall Gardening ::

itself have any features that are worth showing off, such as shelves, frames, architrave? Or is there any piece of furniture in the room that you would like to highlight? Play around by placing different chairs,

Again, have a good look around and think what sort of effect you’d like to achieve. If you want contrast, pick a colour that is the opposite on the colour range to those you already have, for instance warm

colours and blues. For a subtle and stylish effect, choose a complementary shade. A darker or lighter tone of the same colour as the other three walls can work really well and give an elegant result. If you’re feeling adventurous and bold choose a bright colour that really stands out. It’s usually best to pick one that goes with your other colours. Some people do like colours that clash, and that’s a style in itself, but it’s not very restful for a room.

Getting arty You can leave it at that or you can even go on to create your own art work. To do this think big. Small patterns don’t make good feature walls, for instance one large sunflower will look much more striking than a tiny daisy design. You could try painting one or

Winter work

what we should be planting


he summer splurge of tomatoes, peppers, aubergines etc. is drawing to a close and it’s time to think about what we should be planting to provide us with fresh veggies for the winter period. Whether in tubs or in the ground, we can all benefit from this marvellous climate to grow our own. Those who live in

the sunny southern climes will probably still be able to grow the hardier varieties of tomatoes and peppers, the long Italian peppers are particularly prolific. If you have lots of planting area, allow the plants to give of their all until the end, those who have less space will want to clear out the less productive plants once they start to fall off. Before planting

add some compost to enrich the soil. Carrots, radishes and beans are best planted directly from seed, onions and artichokes can be bought in plantlets from a garden centre which brings the growing period on about two months. You will find plantlets available this month for artichokes, cabbages, cauliflowers, Brussel sprouts and winter lettuce. Early beans can also be sown from seed

Urb. La Tagora • San Eugenio Alto

New 3 bedroom luxury villa 650,000€ (0034) 634 072 328 (0034) 922 72 44 16

in September, as can spinach, carrots, peas, chard, radishes etc. The Spanish cebollas tiernas, the mild onions that are perfect in salads, can also be sown now for harvesting in February. Just because winter is coming, there is no need to give up on the kitchen garden and remember, it might make more work to do a number of small plantings rather than one big one, but it makes more sense as the veggies will become available staggered over time, just as you need them.

several wide stripes across the wall, two or three large stars, abstract forms, swirls, flowers or circles of different sizes – the list is endless. Black on a coloured background can work well for intricate designs. Stencils are a good way of playing it safe if you’re not too sure. If you can’t find anything you like to buy you can always find ideas on the internet. Print them out on stiff paper to the size you want and cut out carefully. Printing is also useful if you want to have a go at painting your designs, but don’t feel confident enough to draw them up by hand.

More ways of making a feature wall, will be discussed next edition, so if you fancy a change look out for more ideas.

IC ClassIfIeds / property

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


Beach front apartment in Los Cristianos



Property Property for rent

iSLAnd COnneCTiOnS MediA grOuP S.L.


The deadline for edition 678, which is published on 21st September, is 14th September at 5pm. No classifieds will be taken after this date. Island Connections Online

Head OfficeTenerife: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. tel. 922 750 609 Fax: 922 795 810 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Frid 9am-5pm

Gran Canaria:

 Puerto de la Cruz. Studio to Rent Close to bus station and beach, sea views from balcony. Fully furnished studio apartment: 24 hour reception, swimming pool and parking. 669652149. €500 a month.  Studio San Fernando 30m2. 360€. Phone: 670 242 080  Apartment Urb. El Durazno 65m2. 1 Room. 800€. Phone: 922 248 514

Rates: Lineage classifieds: From 16 € Boxed Ads: Colour Module 47,25€ Long Term: *Ask for our special rates

Property for sale

 Apartment Las Chafiras. 76.00m2. 2 rooms. 450€. Phone: 627 903 770

Urb. Oasis Dakota, Playa Fañabé

 Apartment Los Cristianos. Sea views. 60.00m2. 1 room. 550€. Tel. 637 390 199

3 bed semi detached, toilet, complete bathroom, separate kitchen, totally equipped, furnished, 35m2 terrace, secure access to pool, infant park, good views, beside commercial centres, 800m from Playa Fañabé, community fees 30€/month

 Apartment El Médano. 1 room. 380€. Tel. 649 957 250  Apartment Taco. 65.00m2. 3 rooms. 350€. Tel. 689 695 634  Apartment Buzanada. Central. V iews:mountain 70.00m2. 2 rooms. 390€. Phone: 618215904

165,000 € tel 629 244958 Modern country villa with large acreage in La Orotava/ Tenerife North, private sale. Tel. (0034) 682 392 956.

San Miguel Village

Classifieds Info: For personal and professional help in placing your classified in Island Connections all you need to do is pop along to our new offices in Las Chafiras and speak to Karen. Not only is Island Connections here to ensure that your advertisement reaches its target market, we will also advise on sizing requirements for maximum exposure, with prices to suit your pocket.

Long term rental. Luxury furnished 2 bed. 1 bath. Quiet complex. €750 a month plus bills. Contact: Margarita 630 591 346

Golf Del Sur

4 bed, 4 bath villa

Opportunity Arona

Buenavista del Norte: Traditional one-storey Canarian house with two bedrooms, large garden and fruit trees. Central. Garage.

Available now. €400 per month. Tel. 660 731913

Already sub-divided into three separate residences, all with independent private entrances. Or retain as a 4 bed, 4 bath for a growing family. Extensively refurbished and must be seen to be appreciated. €315,000 Tel: 627 629 933

A tremendous villa with fantastic views, 500m2 of construction, has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, entrance hall, barbecue, 2 terraces, garden with fruit trees and vegetables, a huge store which could make more living area, garage for five cars, 3700m2 of land, the house does need finishing off but all of the basic work has been carried out. At 495,000€ its well worth it. Tel 690 676 527

Duplex Villa in San Eugenio, 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, independent kitchen 40m2, garden, sea views, heated community pool, close to shopping centers, a real bargain at 255,000€ for very quick sale. Tel 690 676 527

Renovated and furnished, living/dining room. American kitchen and large terrace. Price €56,000 Tel. 629 244 958

Land plots of 1,315 m2 for sale with possibilities for prefabricated or wooden houses, caravans etc. Impressive views of the sea and Montaña Roja and only 400m from La tejita beach. Easy vehicle access, electricity and water supplies laid on. Price €28,000 • Tel: 629 244 958

Apartment, 60m2, one bed, furnished with terrace 8m2, views over the pool and La Gomera.

DON’T MISS THIS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Apartments 58m2, 1 double bedroom.

Great opportunity

Opportunity in Torviscas Alto (Playa Fañabé)


A real bargain

Website also in English. Owner offers 3% commission to Intermediaries.

Great opportunity! Los Abrigos, private sale Apartment, excellent location 220 m2 + 15 m2 terrace, 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms with jacuzzi. Fully equipped kitchen. Ironing room. Living room with two large windows and balcony access. Large hallway. Sole occupant on second floor. Price negotiable €190,000

Monday to Friday 9am to 1.30pm Tel. (+ 34) 922 735 984

Quiet neighbourhood, near to commercial centres, Playa Fañabé , safe, communal zones. Community pool. Community monthly fee, €49. Excellent investment. Price €75,000. Iñaky - Tel. 629.24.49.58


IC ClassIfIeds / property

EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Canary Country house El Salto - Granadilla


La Duquesa Playa Fañabé


For Sale - Rural house in Aldea Blanca, San Miguel, Tenerife

for sale

El Camisón 247.56m2, very quiet, close to the park and Hospiten, triplex and private garage with electric doors. Three bedroom with three complete bathrooms. Independent kitchen, dining room with air conditioning, terrace with awning and BBQ. Independent water tank (750 litres). New electrical system. Own satellite system and community TV.

Tel: 639 515154

325sqm, 15 rooms, indoor pool, car port, extra wooden house (22sqm) in the garden, patio with bar, billiards, TV, washhouse with machine and dryer, 440sqm grounds, perfect for private club or small pension. Tel. (0034) 609 504 380

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, front and back garden, community pool. €455,000 Tel. 629 244 958

Land 400 m 2, built 230 m 2, three bed, two bath, barbecue and wood burning stove, pool, garage for two cars, patio with planters, kitchen with pantry, fireplace, wood fitted ceilings, fitted wardrobes. €398,000. Contact José Guadalupe Mobile 676 399 652

Great opportunity new apartment in Llano del Camello 82 m2 + 40 m2 terrace + parking place. 3 bedrooms, 2 fitted bathrooms. Furnished, excellent natural light. Fully equipped kitchen. Penthouse with only one neighbour, second floor, lift. Price negotiable €165,000

Monday to Friday 9am to 1.30pm Tel. (+ 34) 922 735 984

Opportunity in Playa de Las Américas

Apartment, 55m2, one bed, American kitchen, terrace. Excellent location, 2 minutes from the beach. Community pool, excellent investment opportunity.

Price: €85,000 Tel: 629 244 958

Urb. Oasis Dakota, Playa Fañabé 3 bed semi detached, toilet, complete bathroom, separate kitchen, totally equipped, furnished, 35m2 terrace, secure access to pool, infant park, good views, beside commercial centres, 800m from Playa Fañabé, community fees 30€/month,

Opportunity in Playa de Las Américas

Apartment, 55m2, one bed, American kitchen, terrace. Excellent location, 2 minutes from the beach. Community pool, excellent investment opportunity.

Price: €85,000 Tel: 629 244 958

Smallholding: 3,000m2 with 350m2 property In Playa de La Tejita (El Médano). With permission to construct a further 20 per cent, practically on the beach front of the Playa de La Tejita (El Médano). Unique opportunity in Tenerife. Price was €250,000, now €170,000 due to transfer. Tel: 629 244 958

Great Opportunity San Eugenio Apartment 1 double bedroom, 55 m2, furnished large terrace with sea views. Community pool, bar, 24 hour reception, security, supermarket... Price 69.000 euros. Tel: 629 244 958

165,000 € · tel 629 244958 Villa for sale nr. Guía de Isora


4/5 bedrooms / office • Lounge Integrated kitchen / dining room Matured gardens and orchard Carport for 2 cars • Swimming pool

€725,000 (Negotiable)

628 355604 • 660 025476

DD!! E E C C U RREEDDU REF: SPA2-0131 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, penthouse apartment. Includes private 2 car garage. Torviscas Alto, Playa de Las Américas. 88m2 internal + 14m2 balconies. A rare opportunity! A spacious apartment, fully furnished, with panoramic sea and coastal views. All mains connected including satellite TV. €195,000

SUPERB BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! To acquire the leasehold of a very successful restaurant, held by the same family since 2000, fully legal with Opening License. Large terrace seating 100 and 30 inside, fully fitted kitchen, all utensils. Buyer will be ready to run immediately! Takings for 2010: 335,000 and 2011: 373,000 Euros and still working well. Owner emigrating. PRICE: ONLY 70,000 EUROS – A REAL BARGAIN!

REF: SPV4-0109 • LUXURY SEMIDETACHED VILLA Fañabé. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, cloakroom + integral garage - private pool. Includes a 1 bedroom apartment below the main house. Constructed 212m2 internal - with 185m2 distributed through garden and terraces (Plot 251m2 approx.) 498,000 Euros - SUPERB BARGAIN!!

REF: SPA1-0117 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, + private parking space. Los Seres, Los Cristianos. Constructed 47m2 + 10m2 terrace. 149,500 Euros

REF: SPA2-0078 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom. Chayofa Park, Chayofa, (3km. Los Cristianos) Constructed 83m2 + 37m2 Terrace Good family accomodation, small private complex of only 36 apartments. 230,000 Euros

REF: SPA2-0119 - HUGE REDUCTION 51,000 EUROS OFF - MUST SELL NOW!! 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, private parking space, Roque del Conde, Torviscas Alto, Las Américas. Constructed 79m2 + an exceptional 100m2 terrace with coast and mountain views! ONLY - €169,000


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REF: SPV2-0131 –HUGE REDUCTION!! 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Nr. El Médano. Constructed 110m2 on a plot of 42,869m2 + garage. Situated in an elevated position with superb 360º views. Comes fully furnished and fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, Bar. Plenty of scope for extending! VIEWING HIGHLY RECOMENDED! Two options available for purchase: 1. Villa + 42,869m 2 of land for – 460,000 Euros 2. Villa + 15,000m 2 of land for - 395,000 Euros

Are you looking at medium to long term investments? Now is the time to buy! Invest now in Tenerife! Apartments Villas & Houses Commercial Rentals • Offices

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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

Upholstery and soft furniture cleaning service. Sofas, car seats, rugs, any soft fabrics. Fast dry system, excellent prices. For free quote call Aaron



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Mark has a great team of professionals for your kitchen, bathroom, building work, plumbing, aluminium doors & windows, electrical work, painting & decorating, plastering, parquet flooring, etc. Plans & permits included. Long term guarantees on all work. Happily living & working in Tenerife since 1987 For general help & advice, please call Mark on 619 472 458 or 922 362 834 or email

Guaranteed solutions for every kind of damp problems in Canarian homes & buildings. 25 years building experience on the island. Successfully treating & preventing further damp damage be it roofs, basements, rising damp or filtration. Request your free consultation or quotation without obligation. Don’t hesitate to call now.

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Canaries & British Aluminium Systems S.L. A British owned company - Established in Tenerife 1992 VISIT OUR COMPREHENSIVE SHOWROOM "See the best display in Tenerife" We manufacture, supply and fit: All types of doors and window systems, insect screens, mirrored wardrobes, balcony screens and partitions. All types and sizes of gates, electric, manual and telephone entry etc. Garage doors, louvered shutters, fixed or adjustable louvers, pergolas, balustrades, cupboards, roofing, mobile roofs (manual or electric),extensions, conservatories, shower screens and cubicles, tiling, building. All types of glass mirrors. Security shutters, high security locks and glass. Take advantage of our free security survey.

NEW - GLASS CURTAINS 'Why spoil the view" *Frameless folding glass doors and windows* Ideal for balcony/terrace enclosures and for existing patio areas See all the above in our showroom and watch the manufacturing process. WE ONLY SELL WHAT WE MAKE - WE ARE NOT MIDDLE MEN. Directions: With Iceland on your right, take the second turn left after the ITV station and we are on your left behind Autos Tenerife.


Tenerife’s leading Specialist in the Manufacture, Repair and Installation of all types of Awnings, Canopies, Interior and Exterior Blinds. Manual or Electric.


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Spanish and English Lawyers



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High Quality Garden and Terrace Furniture, Lighting and Accessories

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Business accounts, tax returns, contracts, wills, car transfers etc... Insurance for property, cars, life, pensions etc... Tel. 922 795 528 / 665 655 125 ¡ Fax 922 791 195 C.C Apolo Local 58 (upstairs) ¡ Los Cristianos ¡ Tenerife ¡


EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

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English and Spanish Professional Translations -•Traducciones Profesionales Inglés y Español Tel. 607 997 493

Las Chafiras Los Cristianos Las Américas

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The deadline for edition 678, which is published on 21st September, is 14th September at 5pm. No classifieds will be taken after this date. 4 Cleaning, washing, ironing 4 Care of property or apartment 4 Help with paperwork and administration 4 Will mind small dogs during holidays Contact on tel. 620 941 146 or email

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Polígono Industrial Las Chafiras III, C. Caracas Nave 4 - 38639 S. Miguel de Abona · Tenerife Tel: +34 922 736738 Fax: +34 922 735 123

Canaries & British Aluminium Systems S.L. A British owned company - Established in Tenerife 1992 VISIT OUR COMPREHENSIVE SHOWROOM "See the best display in Tenerife" We manufacture, supply and fit: All types of doors and window systems, insect screens, mirrored wardrobes, balcony screens and partitions. All types and sizes of gates, electric, manual and telephone entry etc. Garage doors, louvered shutters, fixed or adjustable louvers, pergolas, balustrades, cupboards, roofing, mobile roofs (manual or electric),extensions, conservatories, shower screens and cubicles, tiling, building. All types of glass mirrors. Security shutters, high security locks and glass. Take advantage of our free security survey.

NEW - GLASS CURTAINS 'Why spoil the view" *Frameless folding glass doors and windows* Ideal for balcony/terrace enclosures and for existing patio areas See all the above in our showroom and watch the manufacturing process. WE ONLY SELL WHAT WE MAKE - WE ARE NOT MIDDLE MEN. Directions: With Iceland on your right, take the second turn left after the ITV station and we are on your left behind Autos Tenerife.

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Digs 4 Dogs

Interested in playing 7 a-side football in Adeje, please contact John on 658 935 205 Games played in organised over 35 years of age league every Monday and Tuesday evening

Security Grilles, Gates & Railings


Promotions company with more than 10 years experience in selling attractive, high quality products in Tenerife markets, 5 star hotels and superstores is looking for open minded full/part time promoters, who like to present and sell in live promotion. No selling experience is required. Contract + Social Security + fixed salary + commission is guaranteed. Feel free to contact us for further information. Office 922 781548, fax 922 781548, 629 493799

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  Nikky, beautiful young Polish lady, very sexy and elegant, escort, private apartment, Las Américas, also hotel visits, 24 hours, English spoken (0034) 603 134 068   Jeny, very elegant beautiful young blonde lady with blue eyes, private apartment, hotel visits, dinner parties, couples, domination, fetish, lesbian, 24 hours, speaks good English / German (0034) 680 885 717  Los Cristianos, Carolina, Columbian, por, 24 hours, beauties, sweet, playful, home and hotel visits 645 022 501  Transexual, Venezuelan, 31 years, beautiful, tall, large, blonde, well endowed, Los Angeles apartments, in front of Arona Gran Hotel, Cristianos, call 20 minutes before please, send sms address 603 317646   Two willing friends, Latin ladies, blonde beauties, Columbian and Venezuelan. Spectacular French, various erotic massages from 40 euros. Los Cristianos, Avda. Amsterdam, Edificio Valdés Center, 637 118298


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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012



EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



The long awaited four-seater sports GT86 is everything those who love to drive could possibly want.


ts aerodynamic body, that boasts an impressive drag co-efficient of 0.27, gives it a super sleek look. Whilst the open front, with its large, low grille and high intensity headlights, means it has a distinctive, somewhat assertive appearance that is sure to appeal. the combination of a lightweight body, front-mounted engine, rear-wheel drive and ideal power train, along with a driving position as low and as far back as possible, provides the ultimate power-to-weight ratio and thus fabulous balance and handling. It has, in fact, been created for that complete driving ex-


perience. As you sit in the low, sculpted seats you seem to sink into the perfect driving position. the sports aluminium pedals and aviation style controls and gearshift switches are intuitively situated and, along with the short throw gearshift, give you a feeling of complete control at your fingertips. And to drive it is a dream. The 200 DIN hp 2.0 litre boxer engine delivers consistent torque and that, with the precise, instant response from the controls, provides an exhilarating performance throughout the entire rev range. the torque-sensing limited slip differential and two-mode

Valle Arriba Rally The second of these now annual events will take place on September 16. Leaving from the town square at 9.30am it will cost €15 to join in, with breakfast and lunch included. The run is taking place to raise money for the Santiago del Teide and Valle Arriba fiesta commission. Call 649 071 389 for more information and to make a reservation.

Vehicle Stability Control system lets you switch between driving modes or you can turn it off completely for the full gt86 experience. The manual transmission is smooth and quick, with precise shifting through closestacked ratios for agile performance, while the automatic has the world’s fastest torque converter shift speed at just two tenths of a second. the driving experience is enhanced by the assist technology that comes as standard. this includes the Smart Entry and Start system, auto-dimming rear-view mirror, cruise control, hill-start assist and the toyota touch screen control system.

Amongst other things, Touch makes it easier to manage the six-speaker audio system, provides hands-free call answering, and lets you choose your soundtrack to the road with music streaming. Everything you could want: the gt86 is for drivers who do it for the experience, who love to drive and love to enjoy it. Around €30,000.

The Amovens inter- economical travel net site can help you save money by sharing rides. The site is simple to use and can be extremely economical. For instance, one driver offered to take people from Milan, in Italy, to Barcelona, Spain, for only €55. It’s not only long range though; people also want to share regular, shorter journeys. See

Share to earn

Automatic cars

No hands

Next time you find yourself gesticulating wildly at the car that has just cut you up take a closer look. It could be that it is one of the new driverless cars which, although not on the roads here just yet, are already out and about in certain areas. Yes, that’s right, cars without anyone behind the wheel. The automated cars use video

cameras, proximity sensors, GPS and a laser assisted range finder in order to navigate their way around and at present Google is the first company to actually be running them.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012

petrol watch >>

Motoring News >>

Petrol watch >> Motoring


every issue we are listing the service stations with the cheapest litre of 95 octane in the main Tenerife zones. For more information you can visit website of the Ministry for industry, Commerce and Tourism.

PAUL’S Mobile Service • Tráfico paperwork • All mechanical problems • Paint Dents removal • Home/office oil changes • Free pickup and delivery • Honest economical professional • 10 years on Tenerife

Tel: 678 525 900



Price (95 octane)


Tgas Hipertrébol


Tgas, Valle San Lorenzo-Las Galletas



Disa, Avenida Fundador Gonzalo



Guía de Isora


Cepsa, C/Gral km 96

La Laguna

Makro, Pol Ind Los Majuelos Shell, Carretera Pto Cruz-Las Arenas, km 132


San Miguel

Estación San Miguel, C/Gral km 80.8


Tgas Hipertrébol, Poligono El Mayorazgo


pto. de la cruz Santa cruz


Santiago del Teide Texaco main road Km 84


BMW 320i E46



The Hiriko not only offers environmentally friendly driving but also has a surprise in store. The compact car’s rear end can be drawn in so that it becomes a tiny 1.5 metres in length. The car has an upright stance with enough space for two occupants and you enter and leave through the rear. It’s four wheel drive and the steering wheel has a screen from which you can control various parameters of the car, which makes it extremely easy to park and maneuver around the city. Only 20 have been made so far and there are still a few months of tests for it to undergo, but it is expected to be on the market not too far into 2013.


2000 Black, 4 door, 6 cylinders, 161,000 km, Chrome finishes around the windows, Tiptronic gear box (auto/manual gear change). Alloys, black and grey interior. Exterior and interior in excellent condition, all original BMW equipment including CD player, ITV, service history, paperwork all up to date.

Mini city car

he latest, one hundred per cent, electric car has been designed in the Basque country in the north of Spain.

 639 309 662

€ 5,500.00



Jaguar XK8 1997 Full option Sherwood green with beige interior leather Km: 94,000  615 929 818

€ 13,800.00



29,000 km Fully equipped soft top with automatic roof, 6 speed manual gear box.  629 111 856

€ 17,000.00

MOTORBIKES AND CARS • We buy and sell new, second hand and imported vehicles Finance up to 84 months • Fast service available (including % d dis isco cou un ntt diagnosis) • Pre ITV service and we’ll take your vehicle for the ITV if you want • Spares and accessories • Approved sun film installed • Thorough vehicle clean • Headlight polishing and tyre offers • All types of insurance (vehicles, boats, home, life) • Mechanical guarantee (second hand vehicle guarantee) • Ownership transfers and licence plate changes • Vehicle transport (between the islands or to the peninsula) • Preparation of 4X4s including the necessary engineering for accreditation • Collection and delivery free to companies in the area...


Partially renovated boat hull with all legal papers. Lack of place to continue with reforms forces sale. Complete with all interior upholstery, rudders, 2 stainless steel fuel tanks, WC and other accesories. No engines. Tenerife South.  677 799 475 € 1,000.00


Tel. 922 864 014 • Fax 922 864 215 C/ Cuescaro, 20. Las Chafiras (behind Hiperdino) •


Predictive Suspension One of the latest innovations from car company Audi is a suspension system that calculates upcoming changes in the road surface and adjusts itself accordingly. To date the driver has to react to changes as he feels them through the wheels, but Audi has set itself the task of improving this situation and the new predictive suspension is well on the way. A while ago Audi introduced technology that increases occupant comfort by identifying bends as the car approaches them and eliminating lateral forces. A mechanism in the suspension, which uses only minimum

energy, tilts the car’s body so that passengers are only slightly aware of centrifugal force acting upon them. Predictive suspension uses a similar principle, but also minimises vertical forces. With the use of a range of sensors, including video cameras and radars, the test cars can now see changes up to 20 metres ahead, even in the dark and on wet roads with shiny surfaces. An algorithm in the system’s control unit analyses the road surface irregularities, in conjunction with the car’s own movements, and supplies the appropriate suspension control indicators. The benefits are across the board. Not only will it provide a more comfortable and safer drive, but it will also reduce driver fatigue and should make car rides more tolerable for those who suffer from travel sickness.


Mobility car The first ever electrically powered vehicle designed especially for wheelchair users will soon be on the market. The Kenguru was designed by a Hungarian Company that has specialised since 1915 in the development of aids for people with handicaps. The car’s rear end can be parked right up to the pavement for easy access and you enter the car via an automatically lowering ramp, which comes down as the back door opens at the press of the key. Driving is undertaken directly from a wheelchair, which is secured within the car by an interlocking device, meaning no transferring is necessary. Steering is via a motorbike style handlebar, with a joystick option being planned for future models. Put the key in the ignition switch and the back door automatically shuts, lifting the ramp at the same time. Safety issues have been well considered,

Charity rally


The Bangers4BEN event has been renamed, but the rest of this worthwhile long distance run stays the same.

It’s set to take place this year between October 13 and 16 October during which time a whole range of madly decorated cars, strictly all purchased for under €625, will make the trip from Dover to Barcelona to raise money for BEN, the automotive industry charity, and two charities in Barcelona.

one of which is that the Kenguru will not start until the wheelchair is in a correct locking position and the door has been fully closed. The environmentally friendly electric car may only have a top speed of 50 kilometres an hour with a maximum range of 50 kilometres on one charge, but it is the perfect solution for drivers who wish to undertake journeys to local shops and services. Because of its weight the Kenguru is classified as a scooter and therefore only a scooter driver’s license is required to drive it. See for more information


EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS




By George Reed

10-pin Bowling League >>

THE Crunch season for GENTLE SEX Canarias

Megabowl Compiled by Doreen Lemm

Continued from back page

Journal recorded the fact that a lady called Caroline Svendsen had taken part in a boxing match and knocked out Jean Lange at a venue called the Bucket of Blood Saloon in Reno, Nevada. the contest attracted wide media interest at the time because Svendsen was a grandmother. At the Liberal (Kansas) National guard Armory in 1981, a boxing bout took place between two women, which ended with one of the strangest stoppages by a referee in boxing’s long history. Robin haukaas lost on a technical knock-out to Angie Lopez. the fight was stopped by the slightly embarrassed referee after he was informed by Robin’s corner that she couldn’t carry on because her bra had broken!

Until the last decade women’s opportunities in professional boxing were largely restricted to walking around the ring holding aloft a card showing the number of the next round, while showing off their figures. But things certainly changed in the prize ring after February 1998 in Britain when Jane Couch took legal action against the Boxing Board of Control in England for sexual discrimination and won her case. this led to her being the first woman to be granted a professional licence in the uK. After a career spanning over 14 years, the Lancashire lass who was nicknamed the Fleetwood Assassin, retired having had, what she called 39 hard fights, winning world title belts on five occasions. In 2007 she was awarded the MBE and is still involved in the boxing business being coordinator at hatton Promotions run by her friend Ricky hatton and his father Ray.

Jane Couch announced herself thrilled with the IOC’s ruling to introduce women’s boxing into the London olympic games, her biggest regret she says, is being born 15 years too early.

Women’s boxing has progressed worldwide in the last few years, in fact the number of registered female boxers in England has risen from 50 in 2005 to over a thousand today and there are well over half a million women registered to amateur associations across the globe.

Ireland had a sure favourite for a gold medal, in the shape of Katie Taylor, reigning World, European and Eu lightweight gold medalist who also won the London olympic title. the 23 year-old boxes for Bray B.C. in Co. Wicklow and is trained by her father Peter, a former Irish novice middleweight champion, and coach with Ireland’s elite amateurs.

The former boxing world champion Barry McGuigan no less, says she is phenomenal in a boxing ring, where at times she spars with men and is every bit as good, if not better. he states that he is astonished by Katie, as her skill, power, speed, technique and attitude are all top class and she is arguably the best poundfor-pound female boxer in the world.

Three women fought for Britain at the Olympics, Natasha Jonas, Nicola Adams and Savannah Marshall. Nicola took the gold in the flyweight category, Natasha was unlucky to be drawn against Katie taylor in the quarter finals and was knocked out at that point, along with team mate Savannah. An excellent olympic start and it looks as if women’s amateur boxing at domestic and international level is here to stay.


he coming season will go a long way to determining the future of Tenerife’s top basketball side, Iberostar Canarias. After a tumultuous summer which saw the La Laguna club turn down a hard-earned place in the ACB because it could not raise the money for the required bond only weeks later to buy up Alicante’s place for considerably less money, Canarias have wasted no time in putting together a squad that coach, Alejandro Martínez, hopes will see them through the tough first year baptism and on to greater things. Founder members of the ACB back in the 1980s, the club’s fortunes took a nosedive in later years but, after a historic double-winning season last year

Monday pub League Singles Week 7

Jakim Donaldson is staying with the team for another year

in the LEB division, it is back in the big time, hopefully to stay. the prospect of mouth-watering games against champions Barcelona and Real Madrid was more than enough to retain the bulk of the squad, including the LEB’s MVP Jakim Donaldson, for another year and has also enticed experienced new faces in the shape of Carles Biviá, Ricardo uriz, Saúl Blanco and Montenegro’s Blogota Sakulic.

Season-ticket sales are going well and the club is confident that the Santiago Martín stadium next to the motorway will record solid attendances for home games, which begin on october 7 with a match against CAI Zaragoza. Canarias begin the season with an away trip to Estudiantes, who – ironically - are only still in the ACB thanks to the tenerife club’s rejection of the initial promotion spot.


Treat for Tegueste A

ny doubts that motocross has become one of the fastest-growing sports here at present were settled by the massive crowd that turned up to watch the last round of the Spanish Championship, which was held in Tegueste recently.

Just over 7,000 people packed the local football stadium on the night for the Freestyle MX event, which decided the outcome of the crown. the night’s action had to be put back by over an hour to allow the giant crowd to get into the stadium, after major traffic chaos on the roads leading to tegueste. the championship was won by Catalan rider Dylan trull, who needed to finish fourth to secure the title. Czech Libor Podmol caused a major scare when he suffered a spectacular crash on his second jump and had to retire.

Thursday International League Doubles Week 30

golf Costa Adeje (4) Café royale (12) blaydon races (8) buccaneer bar (8) Megabowl puppets (8) Canal Ocio dayu (8) Jeff, Café royale, scored a superb 233 in a ‘clean’ game. Sue, Megabowl Puppets, had a fine 209.

Week 31

Café royale (16) buccaneer bar (16) Canal Ocio dayu (16) golf Costa Adeje (16) Megabowl puppets (8) blaydon races (24) rafa, Canal Ocio dayu, bowled a 201. This week was the start of eight points per game, so with a total of 32 at stake, positions can alter weekly.

Tenerife and Marino :

Invitations row

Mountain Running :

Tenerife Bluetrail Inscription is now open for this event which was first run last year. In the toughest of the four categories, runners will face 93 km in a maximum time of 23 hours, running from the bowels of a Naveira Armas ferry in Los Cristianos through teide National Park and finishing at Pinolere. www.

Michael wilcockson (8) no player (0) Forfeit dave dixon (8) Fran dawson (0) Forfeit Jacquie gibb (0) Philip Johnstone (8) Mark wilson (2) vic Zettel (6) Cat holt (2) duncan wallace (6)


n argument over the number of invitations given by Marino to Tenerife for the Division 2B season opener in Los Cristianos has further soured the already frosty relations between the island’s two most senior football

Tenerife fans were loud in their criticism

clubs this year. As reported here, Marino, who were promoted last season, were angry with their more illustrious neighbours over the alleged poaching of their top player, Cristo Martín, earlier in

the summer. Matters were not helped when the southerners embarrassed tenerife by winning the teide trophy in mid-August but just when the dust appeared to have settled, Marino informed their opponents on the eve of the first game that only seven complimentary tickets would be made available for tenerife officials, apparently due to the small size of the Directors’ Box. the snub, coupled with a hefty €20 price tag for visiting fans, led tenerife sources to accuse Marino of attempting to cash in on the visit and the slack from the fans who did turn up was vicious. the strategy backfired badly as the stadium was only half full for what was billed in advance as the game of the season for the locals.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012


Soccer experience Tenerife International ::


By Chris Todd

Fun and social football Playing positively inTenerife & beyond: Soccer experience Sponsored by: island Connections Media group &


Some big news on the soccer experience international masters 7s tournament:


he football fiesta of slow motion football where some top ex professional players come to the island and play against social players from Tenerife, UK , Spain mainland and even afar as Hong Kong. In the past we have had Bruce Grobbelaar, Muzzy Izzet, Darren Jackson, Regi Blinker, Johan Mjallby, Alex Rae, Mark Walters, Nayim and many others playing on the all star teams. This year we have received confirmation that ex Manchester United and England star Neil Webb is coming to play along with ex Chelsea, Wimbledon and many other clubs, and also an England capped goalkeeper, Dave Beasant. this event adds a bit of sun and sunshine during these tough times. We still need two teams for this wonderful over 35s tournament to confirm. If you would like to play this year please email to reserve your spot. the confirmed dates are November 9 to November 11. this event is great fun and also great for the football players and fans in tenerife. More details as we get them.

6s league cup final:

We just held our recent League Cup final between Shaine’s House team and John Parkes Taylor’s Bar and the game was won by the House team which goes against the form book, so well done to Shaine and the boys. the guys at Balti Balti

DE COTTA MCKENNA & SANTAFÉ English Lawyers and Spanish Abogados

restaurant will kindly provide a buffet meal for the winning team. Enjoy the great food boys!

Weekly 6s leagues:

We would ideally like one more team so if any new groups of friends or customers in your bar or cafe would like to join the fun please contact us as soon as possible to get the last spots.

private bookings:

At the new Soccer Experience facility in Los Cristianos we can offer groups of friends the field just to play around with amigos or family.

over 40s football and fun social games on a Thursday

Over 40s football on Thursday’s 7pm to 8.15pm has been a big hit and if you would like to start slow motion football please join in the fun. (each team is allowed 1 player 35 – 39 years old). Also if you are a slow motion footballer on your holidays give us a call and join the old man football on thursdays at 7pm. Please contact us if you have any interest in the weekly adult or kids soccer that Soccer Experience Tenerife provides. Call/SMS: 0034654200470 or email: info@soccerexperience. com & more details available on: or follow us on Facebook: SoccerExperienceTenerife



* IGIC included

After a mixed bag of results during the pre-season the league campaign has started with two wins out of two, a couple of clean sheets and a style of play more pleasing on


the new policy of the club to look within for local talent has not totally been mirrored


canarian football Club




uD Las palmas

Liga adelante



cD Tenerife

Segunda B

Joint 4


cD Marino

Segunda B



current leader of the Tercera Division canarian group of 20 teams from all over the Islands is Las palmas B with three points.

Happy scenes in the Heliodoro as e x-player Pablo Sicilia joins the fans in the stands.

on the pitch but three Canarian players did start the game and all three substitutes used were from the Island. We are heading in the right direction introducing the youth, but it will be a steady process as results are key at this time. Rayo hardly threatened the tenerife goal and keeper Sergio Aragoneses was a mere spectator in the blazing sun. the heat and live tV coverage affected the crowd figure but the midday kick offs are part of life in the Spanish 2nd B as the Federation pay for the away teams flights and accommodation. the second half failed to live up to the first 45 minutes and tenerife manager stated that the team “lacked aggressiveness”. this could and should have been a thrashing, but the players can be excused due to the 30 degrees heat and all the changes on the pitch. Suso missed a golden chance late on and youngster Yeray struck the post but the players left the pitch to a standing ovation. Early days but the season has plenty of promise!

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Santana, signed from hearts in the summer, has only made appearances from the bench. Manager Cervera has preferred Chechu on the wing to Suso, with big striker Aridane in the middle and Luismi Loro tucked in just behind in a creative role. this contest was as good as over in the first half, as on form Aridane opened the scoring on 15 minutes and Loro added to the lead minutes later.

After months of uncertainty CD tenerife have now signed a sponsorship deal with La Caixa Bank which will alleviate some of their financial problems, as will the contract that has been signed with tV Canaria to televise most away games and a limited number of home matches.


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oupled with yet more positive news the win has brought the feel good factor back to Competition for places the club. is hot and surprisingly Suso



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the eye. We are not saying this is FC Barcelona in disguise but the footprint is in place for an enjoyable campaign. Yes, CD tenerife won plenty of games last season but this was mainly due to the class of certain players rather than a great team effort.

CD tenerife 2 Rayo Vallecano B 0

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EDITION 677 :: 07/09/2012 - 20/09/2012 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Boxing >>



The long awaited four-seater sports gT86 is everything those who love to drive could possibly want Page 52

Valle Arriba Rally MOTOrbiKeS September 16.

Ámate / John Lowe Charity Golf Classic

By George Reed


omen’s boxing was introduced for the first time as an Olympic sport in London in the 2012 Games.

back page Gourmet

sports golf Ámate


n September 15th, once again John Lowe will be coming over from the UK to head up his team in this annual event in support of the local breast cancer charity, Ámate. Darts player John Lowe is one of only five people to have won the World Championship three times and is also known for that very first, televised, perfect nine dart 501 finish. Bob Anderson, ranked world

darts champion for over three years in the late 80s, will also be joining the fun again this year. Will they both be swapping bullseyes for holes in one? Of course, many are the golfers who want to join in this event that is fun for not only them, but the whole family. The shotgun start Texas Scramble team tournament kicks off at 9am. A full round of golf, including the buggy and barbecue with entertainment, is

only €50 per person and the 100 places are fully booked, but there is a reserve list. Non golfers can watch the play or enjoy a relaxing day on the terrace of the cafeteria before joining in the deluxe barbecue lunch for just €10 a head. Call Amarilla Golf Club on 922 730 319 to book. You can also support the cause by sponsoring a tee for €100, where you can advertise your business. Other sponsorship options

are also available and raffle and auction prizes are still needed. Call Kim quickly on 667 944 541 if you are interested. The previous evening from 8.30pm, there is a warm up event with entertainment including the fabulous Mister Sister and the new Steve Tyler Rock School Show, and raffle tickets on sale at The Road House (ex-Titans) in Sunset Harbour, Pueblo Torviscas. Great events for a worthy cause. Don’t miss out!

The landmark decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) comes more than 100 years after men’s boxing became an official olympic sport at the 1904 games in St. Louis.

There have been women fighters since the gladiators’ days in ancient Rome. In England going way back to the 18th century, women were trying to get in on the act by challenging each other to fight for side bets by advertising in newspapers. however the contests were usually cancelled when the authorities found out, and then informed the ladies in question that if the bouts went ahead they would receive a prison sentence, as such matches would violate both public decency and ethics. however, many ignored the threats and records show that in 1722 at the Boarded house, near what is now oxford Circus, Elizabeth Wilkinson, the Cockney Champion, defeated Martha Jones.

Although women’s boxing was banned in most countries, including the UK, for most of the 20th century a female fighter called Barbara Buttrick dubbed the Mighty Atom, fought in touring boxing booths during the 1940s and even went to America in 1949 and won a world title.

During the aforementioned St. Louis Olympic Games in 1904, a number of women boxed exhibitions, and as recently as 1975 in the united States the Wall Street Continued on page 54

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