Accredited Employer Work Visa: A Comprehensive Guide your publication

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Accredited Employer Work Visa: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a New Zealand employer looking to hire skilled migrants from overseas? The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) could be your key to accessing global talent and filling skill shortages in your organization. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of becoming an accredited employer NZ and obtaining the AEWV, along with important tips and insights to make your application successful.

Types of Accreditation

The first step in the process is to determine the type of accreditation that suits your business needs. There are four choices available:

1. Standard Accreditation: This is for businesses hiring up to 5 migrants.

2. High-Volume Accreditation: This is for businesses hiring 6 or more migrants.

3. Franchisee Accreditation: This is for businesses that are part of a franchise, with no limit on the number of migrants that can be hired.

4. Controlling Third Party Accreditation: This is for businesses that place migrants with third parties while being the direct employer named in the employment agreement, with no limit on the number of migrants that can be hired

Also read: Unlocking the Benefits of being an Accredited Employer New Zealand

Application Process

Once you have determined the type of accreditation that suits your business, you can start the application process. It involves the following steps:

1. Advertise the Role:

Before you can apply for a job check, you may need to advertise the role to check if there are any New Zealand citizens or residents available for the job. This is a mandatory step to give suitable New Zealanders the opportunity to apply for the job before it is offered to someone from overseas. Advertising must take place on a national listing website or channel for at least 2 weeks within the 90 days before you submit an application, unless the job pays at least twice the NZ median wage or is on the Green List


Job Check Application:

Once the advertising requirements are met, you can apply for a job check. This involves providing a job description, an employment agreement, and the results of

any advertising you had to do. Until you lose your accreditation, a job check is valid for six months

3. Migrant Visa Application:

You might ask the immigrant to submit an application for their visa after the job check is approved. This involves providing them with a copy of the employment agreement and a copy of the signed employment offer. The required experience and qualifications for the job must match the approved job check. The migrant will receive a unique link to accept the request and begin their visa application

Renewal and Obligations

Once you are accredited and have obtained the AEWV, it is important to note that you must continue to meet your obligations as an accredited employer. This includes notifying Immigration New Zealand within 10 working days if there are any changes in the key people in your organization, and notifying them if your AEWV holder leaves your employment

Prior to having to renew it, your first accreditation is valid for 12 months. The duration of renewal varies depending on the type of accreditation:

 24 months for standard businesses, as long as it has not lapsed for 12 or more months, and

 12 months for franchisees and employers who send workers to third parties under their control have a year.

During the renewal process, you may be asked to provide evidence that you have completed activities committed to during the previous accreditation period


Obtaining the Accredited Employer Work Visa can open up opportunities for your business to hire skilled migrants from overseas and address skill shortages. By following the accreditation process diligently, renewing your accreditation when required, and fulfilling your obligations as an accredited employer, you can successfully obtain and maintain the AEWV for your organization. Unlock the potential of global talent with the Accredited Employer Work Visa and take your business to new heights!

Immigration Chambers can expedite the procedure and improve your chances of receiving accreditation by determining your eligibility, compiling and submitting the required documentation, and communicating with immigration officials on your behalf. With our knowledge, you may confidently pursue employer accreditation and take advantage of the AEWV program’s advantages for employing foreign workers. To start the process of becoming an approved employer, get in touch with us right now.

Source: Contact us Address: Level 20, 191 Queen Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: + 64 9 218 9991 Website: Email Id:
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