Britght Writers

Page 65


JUNE 2020

The most transforming experience of my entire existence It was a sunny Saturday. I didn’t want to do my homework, so I decided to do research on my favorite subject: outer space. At some point I got really hungry, so I went off my computer just to realised that it was already evening. I went downstairs just to find a mess in the hallway and a letter on the kitchen counter. It was written in some language that I couldn’t understand, but I was devoted in learning about that information. After some time, I found out that it was a language that nobody knew. That really got me thinking. Could it be aliens? Immediately after I speculated that, the letters changed into something I could read. It said that “They” took my mother to test some experiments. I was confused and scared at the same time and I knew that if that was real, my mom was in danger, so I just took off to a location that I’ve found on the letter. There, waiting for me, were indeed some aliens. Honestly, I wasn’t scared. I was impressed. They said that I should get through some tests. They straight forward gave me time travelling powers and said they wanted to test the human race. Firstly, I went to the future. Everything was changed. Then I went to the past to see some old friends. After I returned to the present, they let my mom go without telling a thing. Before I left I asked them what they were testing. They just stood there cold faced and said ‘We tested your intelligence and will. At first we wanted to destroy your planet because we thought that you weren’t that smart to understand some things, but you proved us wrong’. I went home feeling good about myself, but at the same time fatigued. Before I went to bed, I tried my powers one more time and they worked. From that moment I realised that I’m going to have these powers forever. That has definitely been the most exhilarating and transforming experience of my entire existence.


I N G R I D B A D E T O I U /8C

by Ingrid Badetoiu 8C

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