BCIC Cautiousness Sample

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Knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions

“Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.”



“Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me . . . . I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”




2 Introduction

2 How to Use This Curriculum

3 Goals and Objectives

4 Character Quality Overview

5 Cautiousness in Scripture

6 Lesson 1: Speak at the Right Time

7 Bible Story: Esther’s Wise and Timely Appeal

8 Memory Verse: Proverbs 29:11

9 Activity: “To Talk or Not to Talk” Bookmarks

10 Lesson 2: Be Willing to Wait

11 Bible Story: Noah Waits to Leave the Ark

12 Memory Verse: Proverbs 21:5

13 Activity: Word Search

14 Lesson 3: Think Before I Act

15 Bible Story: Peter’s Night of Regret

16 Memory Verse: Proverbs 19:2

17 Activity: Right Action, Right Time

18 Lesson 4: Ask Permission

19 Bible Story: Nehemiah Seeks Permission

20 Memory Verse: James 4:5

21 Activity: When “Rain on My Parade” Is Good!

22 Additional Resources

22 Cautiousness GEMs

23 Journal and GEM Mine

24 Hymn Sheet Music: “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”

25 Hymn History: “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”

by William Whiting

26 Explaining Salvation to a Child

27 Reproducible Coloring Pages

31 Recommended Resources

Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum

Illustrated in Scripture

“The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7b). Biblical character is illustrated in this curriculum through both artwork and lessons from the lives of people in God’s Word. We most often benefit from the positive examples of faithful men and women. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4). There were also people in the Bible who are representations of poor character, and we can learn from their lives as well. “Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted” (I Corinthians 10:6). We would be wise to learn from the testimonies God has given us in Scripture.

Illustrated in Life

“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Hearing the Word of God causes us to grow in faith. This curriculum offers many practical applications of God’s Word to everyday life. “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). As God enables us to act in faith, our lives as believers will illustrate His character to others.

of God

is illustrated in Scripture. May it also be illustrated in
The character

Character Quality Overview

What Is Cautiousness?

Read aloud and discuss what cautiousness means and how it applies to life.

Theoperational definition of cautiousness is “knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions.” A cautious person understands that right timing is crucial. For example, retrieving a baseball from the road for your brother is helpful, but if a car is approaching, that is not the right time to chase the ball! Cautiousness means that you first look carefully to make sure there is no foreseeable danger. Then, if no traffic is present, the right action can be taken. Many potential problems and dangers can be avoided by carefully and thoughtfully speaking and acting at the right time.

The opposite of cautiousness is rashness, which means “proceeding hastily with lack of consideration.” A rash person is quick to speak, act, or react, following his natural impulses rather than taking the time to think through the ramifications, results, or consequences of his behavior. He tends to neglect gathering essential information before making a decision. James 1:19 says, “. . . Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” A person lacking cautiousness foolishly disregards God’s direction, the feelings of others, or practical safety rules. He may jump onto his bike without taking time to put on his helmet or run outside

hastily before putting on his shoes. He tends to act impulsively, ignoring advice and overlooking an opportunity to learn from others. Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.”

You may relate cautiousness to your personal safety. That is because you use your God­given senses to protect yourself. You are cautious around a campfire or an open flame because you feel the intense heat. God gives you spiritual, emotional, and physical senses not only for your well­being but also to exercise courage out of love for others. For example, members of the military and the police force who protect people, nurses who treat infectious diseases, and missionaries who travel to foreign fields must use caution. Yet they act with courage because God has called them to serve in the face of danger. Being cautious may involve patiently waiting or bravely acting at the right time. You may need to deny yourself to help someone else. God will help you know when it is the right time to take action, even at the risk of pain or loss for the benefit of others. He gives wisdom to process information with your senses and gives courageous love to take the right action at the right time.

A cautious person will notice and heed warnings and adjust his actions accordingly. The consequences of swallowing a hot drink too quickly will remind a rash person to slow down.

Cautiousness in Scripture


As you read and study God’s Word, you will see Who He is! Be willing to be changed by Him so Christ can be seen through your life and others will glorify God.

The Character of God

We see examples of God’s precise timing in giving caution in the following ways:

• God alerted Pharaoh to a coming famine and sent Joseph to save the nation.

(See Genesis 41:28–30, 33–36.)

• God warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and Baby Jesus to avoid Herod’s wrath.

(See Matthew 2:13, 22.)

• God tells His angels to wait for the right time to gather the “tares” so that the “wheat” is not also destroyed.

(See Matthew 13:27–30.)

• Jesus’ timely message alerted people to repent and believe the Gospel.

(See Mark 1:14–15.)

• Jesus cautioned people about the dangerous hypocrisy and false teaching they were hearing.

(See Luke 20:46–47.)

• The Holy Spirit spoke through Agabus to warn the people of Antioch about a coming famine.

(See Acts 11:28.)

• The Holy Spirit foretold that Paul would be delivered to his enemies in Jerusalem.

(See Acts 21:4, 10–11.)

“Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.” PROVERBS 19:2

Cautiousness in My Life

Now let’s examine some ways God wants us to live out cautiousness daily.

• What should I do when I am unsure that I am making the best decision?

(See Psalm 37:7, 34.)

• Before I speak, do I consider the impact my words may have?

(See Proverbs 18:19, Hebrews 3:12–14.)

• How can I avoid worldly cares that stifle my love for God’s Word?

(See Matthew 13:22–23.)

• What helps me escape temptation?

(See Mark 14:38, I Corinthians 10:6, 11, 13; II Peter 3:17–18.)

• Why should I be wary of believing someone claiming to be Jesus?

(See Luke 21:8.)

• Why should I be cautious to not believe everything I hear but to test it against God’s Word?

(See Colossians 2:8, Acts 17:11.)

• What caution does God give if I act selfishly?

How can I avoid those consequences?

(See Galatians 5:13–16.)


Speak at the Right Time

Excitedly you run into the house to show your mom a bug you found outdoors! But then you see that she is busy removing dinner from the oven. Why would this not be the best time to speak to her? What could possibly go wrong if you show her the bug now?! Your sensitivity to your mom’s activity at the moment demonstrates cautiousness. By waiting to speak, you show wisdom as well as love toward her. A cautious person takes the time to discern the attitudes and actions of those around him and then chooses the best time to speak. Proverbs 15:23 says, “. . . A word spoken in due season, how good is it!” When you speak at the right time, you may also find that those who hear will be more receptive to your words.

Knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions

Esther’s Wise and Timely Appeal


Esther’s Wise and Timely Appeal

King Ahasuerus announced the search for a new queen! Officers were appointed to scour the kingdom for beautiful young candidates. Many maidens, including Esther, were selected to undergo a year of preparation and then appear before the moody king. Esther had been reared by her God­fearing cousin Mordecai, who instructed her to keep her Jewish identity a secret. Mordecai daily walked by the palace to learn how Esther was faring. Finally, the day came for her to go before King Ahasuerus. He favored Esther above all the other women and crowned her as his new queen! Often Mordecai sat nearby in the king’s gate. When he overheard a plot to kill the king,

he swiftly reported it and saved the king’s life. Some time afterward, Queen Esther received word that Mordecai and other Jews in the city were wailing hopelessly. When she inquired, Mordecai explained that the king had signed a new law that sentenced all Jews to death and authorized the taking away of their property! What would Mordecai ask Queen Esther to do? What would happen if she spoke too soon or too late? How would she prepare to approach the king? Why would right timing be vital for Queen Esther’s dangerous mission? Would she succeed?

Let’s read the Bible story in Esther 4:1–6:14; 7:3–6; 8:1–3, 11, 16–17 and discuss the following questions.

1. What did Mordecai want Queen Esther to do? Why was she hesitant? (See Esther 4:8–11.)

Why is it important to think through possible consequences before speaking?

2. What warning did Mordecai give Queen Esther to encourage her to speak at that time?

(See Esther 4:13–14.)

When are you afraid to speak up? How can speaking up at the right time help others?

(See Ephesians 6:17–18.)

3. How long would the queen wait before speaking to the king? How did she and her people prepare? (See Esther 4:15–16.)

When facing a difficult situation, why are prayer and even fasting important before taking action? Who gives you wisdom to know what to say and when to say it, if you just ask? (See James 1:5.)

4. When she approached the king, how did Queen Esther express her petition? (See Esther 5:2–4.)

When have you had to wait for the right time

to talk with your parents? What helped you to be patient?

5. What did Queen Esther request at the first banquet? What did she say that showed she was not in a hurry? (See Esther 5:6–8.)

Why is it important to carefully choose an appropriate time and place to have an important conversation with someone?

6. What happened during the night between the first and second banquets? (See Esther 6:1–3, 10–11.)

How did this event prepare the king to hear the queen’s request?

Have you ever had to wait and then find that God had worked miraculously in the meantime?

7. What was the queen’s appeal? (See Esther 7:3–6, 8:1–3.) What resulted from her well-timed request?

(See Esther 8:11, 16–17.)

What influence do your words have on others?

(See Proverbs 18:21.) When have you made an appeal that turned out well for you and your authority?

LESSON 1 Speak at the Right Time

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