Obesity Essay Conclusion

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Can Medication Cure Obesity In Children

An introduction and conclusion are similar in numerous ways. In the sample essay, Can Medication Cure Obesity in Children, the last sentence of the introduction and the last sentence of the conclusion are similar. Both sentences identify numerous avenues to explore to find a cure for child obesity. In both paragraphs the author points out that medication is not a miracle cure for childhood obesity. An introduction and a conclusion both summarize what the essay is about. Although an introduction and a conclusion are similar, they have several differences. In the introduction of the essay, Can Medication Cure Obesity in Children, the author has included statistics and additional information about the topic, while the conclusion does not add Get

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Introduction Hook: Obesity is a medical problem and not just a physical appearance flaw (kidshealth.org) Tell the reader what to expect: "Obesity is clearly associated with increased morbidity and mortality." (NIH publications) Thesis: Obesity is the cause of many medical problems and complications and needs to be stopped, not accepted. Body Paragraph One Topic sentence that refers to the 1st point of the thesis: Obesity increases your risk of dying from weight–related problems and diseases. Discuss 1st major point about your topic... why is it important: "Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers." Contains evidence or examples (quotes): "If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your...show more content...

But, it is not clear whether the increased risk is due to the excess weight or the high–calorie, high–fat diet. Normally, though, a poor diet and obesity go hand–in–hand.Significant studies have also noted that "Obesity increases the risk of asthma, a disease in which the airways become constricted." Along with asthma, "obese children are two to three times more likely than normal children to develop high blood pressure and high cholesterol, increasing the risk for heart attacks (and strokes). As a result many youths are being prescribed medications to minimize the risk; many will be on drugs for life." Although the following quote stated how medications can minimize symptoms, the greatest medication is to eat a healthy diet comprised of low fats and an abundance of fruits and vegetables. A plus to eating healthy is not only will you have a healthier weight, your immune system will be much stronger, enabling it the ability to fight off certain diseases. Another increasingly common side effect of being obese is having type 2 diabetes. "Obesity causes insulin to not work normally in the body. This is called insulin resistance." As a result, "when people are obese and insulin

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Outline For Obesity Research Paper

Fast Food Cause Obesity

There has been a rise in obesity in this country for the last forty years. Many scientists and doctors have begun to question whether there is any relationship between fast food and obesity. According to the available information the number of fast food restaurants has doubled since 1970s. (Currie, J et al 2009).Currie J et al (2009) observe that the rise in the obesity cases in the last one decade has been directly related to the rise in the number of people choosing fast food as their main menu. Fast food has been described as food which is prepared in hurry for people who have little time during meal times. These foods are very popular with the students and working people since they do not have enough time to ...show more content...

The study found out that the rate of overweight and obesity among these children was five percent higher among those whose schools were near fast food outlets compared to those students who were attending schools in areas which were father away from the outlets which sell this type of food (Rabin, R 2009)

Research has found that those families which choose the fast food as their main meal for more than three times in one week are at a very high risk of developing obesity. In medical terms obesity has been described as a public health concern which is putting many people at risk of developing complications which may lead to early death. A person who has a body mass index of more than thirty is described as obese while those who are above twenty five but less that thirty are classified as overweight. In America two adults in every three is classified as overweight whereas one third of the people are described as obese. These are high figures given the fact that obesity leads to serious health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. The fast foods are rich in energy giving foods making them higher culprit for weight gain among those who consume this type of food. They are added excess sugars and fats to make them enticing to the consumers, these two nutrients have higher rate of calories compared to other type of food. The fact that they are sweetened and enticed with sugar and fats makes the consumer to eat in large quantities to stratify

Fast Food Cause Obesity Essay
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Obesity Research Paper Outline

What is obesity? Obesity is an illness in which your body mass index (BMI) is higher than 35. We use BMI to calculate body fat which help us to decide if the person is having a healthy body weight for their size. A person is said to be obese if they have a high degree of body fat and overweight. Obesity can also be described as too much fat being stored in the body. The simplest way to check if a person is obese or not is to check their body mass index. Which is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. What causes obesity? When we eat food, our body consume calories for it to function. Even when at rest, our body still wants the calories to pump our heart or digest the food we ate. If the food we ate...show more content...

The indirect costs of obesity could be as much as ВЈ27 billion by 2015 as suggested by modelled projections. The same projections estimate that by 2050 the NHS total cost to overweight and obesity would be ВЈ49.9 billion. Conclusion References: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/obesity /pages/introduction.aspx (Accessed 12th April, 2017). http://www.healthline.com/health/weight–loss/obesity (Accessed 14th April, 2017). http:/ /www.nhs.uk/news/2013/02february/pages/latest–obesity–stats–for–england–are (Accessed 18thApril, 2017). http://www.hns.uk/live/loseweight /pages/statistics–and–causes–of–the–obesity–epi (Accessed 20thApril, 2017). National audit office. Tackling obesity in England. London: the Stationery office, 2001. (Accessed 20th April, 2017). https://www.noo.org.uk/LA/impact/economic (Accessed 21stApril, 2017). http:/ /www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/21702372 (Accessed 22th April, 2017). House of commons Health committee. Obesity: third report of (Accessed 25th

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Dieting Makes People Fat Essay

Dieting makes people fat and eating makes people lose weight. When people want to lose weight, the first thing they think about is to start dieting. Dieting is a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly to reduce one's weight (Webster, 2015). Most of the people who are dieting have the same purpose, which is to lose some weight and have a better–looking body. A person starting any kind of diet will probably lose some weight, but non–balanced diets have secondary effects. For example, when they stop dieting, they gain more weight than what they have lost during the diet period. People should not get into diets without knowing how to do them. Diets can be very dangerous for anyone. The three main reasons why dieting makes people fat are it upsets the metabolism, it affects people's mental health, and it makes people have body malfunctions. First of all, dieting makes people lose control of their metabolism. When people want to start a diet without knowing how to do it, the first thing that comes to their mind is to stop eating. They wait...show more content...

Many people get frustrated because they think they are fat even if they are not. Most of the time, frustrations are due to societal pressures making them have those kinds of thoughts such as a magazine title: "The Most Perfect Body." With that title everyone wants to have the body represented in the magazine. Because of that, people start diets to accomplish the perfect body represented in the magazine, which most of the time is not real, so they never reach that goal. In some cases dieting causes people to have severe illnesses like Anorexia and Bulimia. On the other hand, people have very low morale and they are never happy with their body. They always want to look better than what they are even if they do not look bad initially. This kind of thought makes people diet and they usually choose unhealthy diets to accomplish the desired Get

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I.Introduction Because of the omnipotence of fast food chains in America, when we feel the urge for an easy meal, Americans, in general, immediately look to the fast food nation for a quick suppression to their hunger. Because we live in a time–is–money society the most efficient means of hunger satisfaction is the almighty drive–through. Corporations spend billions of dollars advertising to enhance sales of their products. With American catching on to the lack of healthy food options in the fast food nation, fast food chains began campaigning healthier food such as their salads and fruit cups. However salads may sound healthy but a Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken from McDonalds has 320 calories and 90 grams of fat. Where's the...show more content...

PHOTO b)Many of these restaurants are located around schools to reach a key group of customers–kids. (i)50 % of schools in Chicago have a fast food restaurant within .3 miles (a five minute walk); 78% have one within .5 miles ( a ten minute walk); and 35% have one within .25 miles. (Children's Hospital Boston, 2004). 2.Customers are drawn in using marketing devices that are catchy and use celebrities. a)Justin Timberlake, one of the most popular recording artists today, filmed a commercial for McDonald's. A spokeswoman for McDonald's said "the campaign is getting "buzz on the street." The song he sings in the commercial was also to be released as a full length single (MacArthur, 2003, p. 2). b)Fast food restaurants advertise themselves and their food as different than all the other restaurants. (i)"Think Outside the Bun" В–Taco Bell; "It's better here."–Wendy's; "There's Fast Food, Then There's KFC"–KFC 3.The food being advertised is extremely unhealthy and contributes to the obesity epidemic that is sweeping the nation. a)Almost all food served at fast food restaurants has an extremely high fat and calorie content and lacks nutritional value. (i)"Typical fast food meals consist of hamburgers or cheeseburgers, french fries, and sugar–sweetened sodas. They are frequently 'super sized' at very little additional cost, encouraging children and

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Persuasive Essay About Obesity

Prevalence of obesity and its associated factors It is only recently that highly well–known health institutions such as the US Federal health Department and World Health Organization have officially declared obesity as an illness. It is a serious, multifactorial disease. Obesity takes place when body is not able to metabolize the food and this results in energy excessiveness stored as body fat, In general, an obese is 20 percent or above heavier than his/her normal weight. There has been a considerable increase in the prevalence of obesity in the last three decades, and if this trend goes on, majority ofadults in the world will suffer from either overweight or obesity in future(Wells et al., 2012). Obesity dramatically raises the risk...show more content... Many people have little or even no daily exercise. This results in storage of excessive amount of fat, rather than the expenditure of calories. Genetics also is a contributor to obesity. Some experts believe that obese people are genetically predisposed to get obese. Some individuals will do exercise every day and remain overweight. Others will take high–fat foods, never exercise, and remain slim and thin. The contributors to weight differences have not been precisely identified. While food habits and exercise are still main contributors to obesity, the degree to which one becomes overweight from a high– calorie food is substantially determined by genetics. In conclusion, although, , food intake, lack of physical activities and genetic predisposition are the main causes of obesity changes, our social, cultural, physical and economic conditions are driving this epidemic. Because genetics is out of control, individuals with weight problems are advised to go on a diet and do exercise. References Flegal, K. M., Carroll, M. D., Ogden, C. L., & Curtin, L. R. (2010). Prevalence and trends in obesity among US adults, 1999–2008. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 303 (3), 235–241. Fouad, M., Rastam, S., Ward, K., & Maziak, W. (2006). Prevalence of obesity and its associated factors in Aleppo, Syria. Prevention and Control 2 (2), 85–94. Kumar Yadav, Y. (2002). Obesity: A modern day plague. Medical Journal Armed Forces India Get more content

Prevalence Of Obesity Essay

Tannahills Model Of Health Promotion

Childhood obesity has been increasing over recent years (Atay & Bereket, 2016). Kings Fund (2016) has shown a link to the lower socio–economic areas. Furthermore, World Health Organization [WHO] (2016) has recognised childhood obesity as a public health issue. Childhood obesity is the contemporary public health issue that is going to be explored throughout this assignment. Epidemiology will justify the reasoning as to why childhood obesity is a public health issue. A health promotion initiative designed to target obesity and the population's health and wellbeing will be evaluated using Tannahills Model of Health Promotion (Tannahill, 2008). The health promotion initiative chosen is 'Change 4 Life' (Department of Health, 2011).

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II.Although there are hormonal influences and genetic on body weight, obesity occurs when you take in more calories, fat and sugar than you burn through exercise and normal daily activities. III.Obesity usually results from a combination of causes and contributing factors, including: inactivity, lack of sleep, pregnancy, genetics, medical problems, and most of all unhealthy eating habits Get

Obesity Outline And Outline Essay
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The Impact Of Social Media On Childhood Obesity

Abstract Obesity is one of the many global epidemics. It impacts all age groups. Childhood obesity is a major public health problem. Considerable research has shown that the media contribute to the development of child and adolescent obesity, although the exact mechanism remains unclear. The aim of this paper is to show the relationship between childhood obesity and social networks. Media use – including time spent watching television, playing video games and using a computer – has been identified as one of the contributing factors. Food and beverage advertising is frequently aired during children's television programming and much of the foods being advertised are of poor quality. Media use is displacing physical activity as children spend more and more time watching television and playing video games and less time being physically active. In conclusion, it shows the understanding of impact of social media on children to become obese at early ages of life. Keywords: obesity–social networks–media–overweight The Impact of Social Media on Childhood Obesity Obesity among children is increasing tremendously with greater exposure to social media and the impact results in health consequences. The attention of international and national foci has been sparked by reported rising of prevalence of child and adolescent obesity for preventative and management action (Bromfield, 2009). The rates of obesity in America's children and youth has almost tripled in the last quarter

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Obesity Problem and Solutions


Teacher: Nguyen Phuong LeStudent: Duong Thi TamClass: 1TC–11Course: EAP WritingDate: March 4, 2012| ABSTRACT Obesity is the most prevalent, fatal, chronic and relapsing disorder of the 21st century. The rapid growth in obesity represents a major public concern. Although body weight tends to increase with age, the evolution of obesity over the lifecycle is not well understood. This paper, based on secondary research, discusses the causes and effects of the obesity problem and its solutions. Based on the findings of the research, the paper draws the conclusion that although obesity...show more content...

In fact, a lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity because of taking in more calories than using. People are becoming more inactive and lazier. As noted in What Causes Overweight and Obesity? (2010) on the website nhlbi.nih.gov, many Americans are not very physically active. One reason for this is that they spend hours in front of TVs and computers doing work and relaxing. Other reasons for being passive include: using cars instead of walking, fewer physical requirements at work or at home and lack of physical exercise classes in school for children. People who are passive are more likely to gain weight so an inactive lifestyle also raises your risk of obesity and other health problem. Gene is also shown as a factor resulting in obesity. Regardless of the environment, some people stay thin and some still become obese. The Causes of Obesity on the website annecollins.com shows that genes affect a number of weight–related processes in the body, such as metabolic rate, blood glucose metabolism, fat–storage, hormones. It also gives the evidence that adopted children tend to develop weight problems similar to their biological, rather than adoptive, parents. In addition, infants born to overweight mothers have been found to less active and to gain more weight by the age of three months when compared with infants of normal weight mothers. According to The causes of obesity–genes, behaviour and environment (2009) on the website

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Childhood Obesity Essay

There was a time when chubby children were considered cute. It was assumed that their baby fat would melt away and a healthy adult would emerge. We now know that childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children. Not only can obesity cause health problems but also psychological problems. In observing the causes of childhood obesity, hopefully we can slow down the epidemic. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of obese children ages 6–19 have tripled to 16% over the last twelve years. That is an alarming figure. One of the main causes is lack of physical activity. This may seem like an obvious cause, but it seems to be the one our youth have the most problems with. Physical education is being...show more content...

The age old saying, "You are what you eat" still rings true today. Fresh fruit and vegetables have been replaced by french–fries and hamburgers. Children today do not know how to eat healthy. We, as a nation, spend hours and hours bombarding children with fast food commercials, sugary cereal commercials and cavity causing drink commercials. We than spend a fraction of that time telling kids these things are healthy only in moderation. Our children's nutritional education is almost nonexistent. Ask a fifth grader what the food pyramid is and you're likely to receive the same blank stare as I did. Most children have no idea what a balanced meal is because they may have never received one. Schools provide nutritional meals at lunch, but there is no enforcement when it comes to eating your fruits and vegetables. Lets face it, children eat what's familiar. If they haven't had it at home they are probably not going to eat it at school. If there are no vegetables at home, they are not going to eat them at school. Home life definitely sets the tone for a child's eating and exercise routines. Children are like sponges and they will mimic anything a beloved adult will do. We, as the adult nation, are generally out of shape. We have become more reliant on convenience foods that hold little nutritional value. With the rising cost of produce and the recent FDA safety scares it might

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Obesity as a Social Issue Essays

Obesity as a Social Issue Individual problems such as addictions, illnesses and mental depression stalk us throughout our lives, but there is more to addictions, illnesses and mental depression than meets the eye. A good example of this theory is obesity. Obesity in Australia is turning into a problem and as the rates of obesity increase each year, the larger the problem expands. According to sociologist, C. Mills, problems can be divided into either troubles or issues and more often than not, a problem which is seen as a person trouble, when looked at globally, is in fact a social issue. This idea is referred to by C.Mills as the sociological imagination. The sociological imagination according to C. Wright Mills is an idea which gives...show more content...

In the example of Obesity, an individual's obesity can be wrongly viewed as their own personal trouble but when viewed at a broader spectrum, it is noted that there is a variety of social issues involved which transforms it from a personal trouble to a social phenomenon. In addition to Mills' ideas, there has been a significant amount of research which suggests obesity is a social phenomenon. Louise Townend in her research concerning the moralizing of obesity addresses the issue across a wide spectrum of categories such as economic, health and social policy. She enumerates the different social contexts of the obesity debate and begins by stating that obesity is no longer a trouble but an epidemic which is now a "significant issue for health and social policy, with major ramifications for general economic productivity across the globe". (Townend) 2009: 3. She points out obesity is often associated with stigma such as laziness, dirtiness, illness and poverty (Townend, 2009). This connects the problem of obesity with the history of poverty and creates the question of why is laziness connected to obesity? And why does that consequently turn into poverty. Townend argues that "the convergence of moralized discourses around poverty and illness is represented most visibly and powerfully in the issue of obesity "As exemplified by the bold statements she makes, her argument is that obesity affects a nation in a variety of

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Obesity is a very serious subject that a lot of people take lightly, especially us as Americans. America is the most obese country in the world. Statistics show that 300,000 people die a day in the United States of America due to obesity. This clearly shows that we have a serious problem that is massively underestimated. Obesity is also something that countries all across the world suffer from. For example, Australia is also one of the most obese countries in the world, and 50,000 people die a year from obesity in Australia. That's 140 people who die per day in Australia. To solve the problem of obesity the prices ofjunk food should be raised and the prices of healthy food should be lowered and more convenient.

Obesity is something that a huge fraction of people in the United States suffers from. 160 million adult Americans suffer from obesity, and many kids suffer from it as well. Sometimes people focus so much on adults that they tend to forget kids. Kids usually suffer from obesity because they are not active.

Portions have grown over the years. Statistics show that Americans consumed about 2,160 calories a day, in 1970. Today Americans consume about 2,673 calorie. Foods had much less calories and they did not contain as much fat or anything like that. Cheeseburgers once had 333 calories and now they have 590 calories. In 1970, soda was 6oz, and now one bottle of coke is 20oz. It has more than doubled in just a short period of time. Americans today consume 25% more

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Persuasive Essay On Obesity

Genetic Predisposition Research Paper

The recent upsurge in obesity, rates has reached alarming heights with over 30% of Americans now categorized as obese. This has transpired regardless of the fact that our awareness about the importance and effects of maintain a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are at an all–time high. If one were to impartially examine the statistics on obesity, the only rational assumption is that we are losing the fight on obesity. With countless exercise and diet programs being found to be inadequate to produce significant results, the question becomes were we designed for obesity? The mechanism for extreme weight gain seems to be very clear. The more calories a person consumes that is more than the body burns, then the more excess calories are deposited as fat tissue. Nevertheless, the precise reason is still not as clear and likely. Studies actually show that genetic factors also...show more content...

Moving from a genetic predisposition to obesity itself usually requires an adjustment in an individual's eating habits, regime, or other environmental factors. Having a better grasp of what contributes to the genetics of obesity, especially common obesity–and gene–environment relations, will produce a better understanding of the pathways that lead to obesity. Such data could someday produce favorable tactics for obesity treatment and prevention. But it's imperative to remember that generally, the impact of genes to obesity possibility is minor, while the influence of our activity environment and toxic food is enormous. As one scientist wrote, "Genes may co–determine who becomes obese, but our environment determines how many become obese." (20) Which is why obesity prevention efforts must be at the forefront on changing our environment to make healthier choices and stress–free choices, for Get more content

Informative Speech Outline Jill Lesmann Oral Communications

Cathleen Kruska April 9th 2015 Topic: Childhood Obesity INTRODUCTION I. Attention Getter: Hi, my name is Jill. I have been a pediatric nurse for almost 2 years now. According to the National Center for Health Statistics in 2011, childhood Obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. And in 2012, more than one–third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese. II. Specific Purpose: I would I like to inform you all of childhood obesity and ways to get involved in preventing obesity in children. III. Thesis: Childhood obesity is a preventable disorder that could lead to other health effects,...show more content...

TRANSITION: Finally, I will discuss ways to prevent childhood obesity. III. Main Point #3: Childhood obesity is preventable. I think that parents and caregivers just need more insight of what it can lead to, not just worrying about body image. IV. I have provided a bar graph for you to show the increase in childhood obesity over the years and to provide visualization that this is still an ongoing problem. As you can see by the chart, the rate of obesity from the 1970's to the 2000's the rate has increased dramatically. A. Prevention or treatment of this problem means a change of attitude, developing a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and healthy food and drink choices. 1. Activity level and food choices are influenced by family members. If the parents adopt healthy eating habits, then the child will form these habits as well and could likely carry that into adulthood. 2. It is also important for parents establish a routine of physical fitness into the child's life. You could go for walk, go hiking, bike riding, or got them involved in sports at your local YMCA. If physical activity is not a part of the family's life, it may be difficult for the child to pick up these habits and could be just an ongoing issue that gets passed on through generations. 3. Another important key to

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Table of Content Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions Introduction to Weight Loss Causes of Overweight and Obesity Different Body Parts and Weight Diet & Weight Loss Your Weight Loss Daily Diet Plan 12 Best Weight Loss Friendly Foods Best Exercises to Lose weight on Different Body Parts Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week The Magic of Affirmations Conclusion One Last Thing Introduction to Weight Loss Unfortunately, for most people gaining weight is much easier than losing weight. It is not uncommon for a person to start developing poor eating habits, and then they let their weight gain go too far and get out of control. The more weight a person gains, the more difficult it can be to take if off. Most people believe that if they work out enough and add fruits and vegetables to their diet, that they would be able to lose the weight quickly. This is not true. When a person decides that it is time to stop overeating and to get healthy, it takes a solemn commitment. To be successful losing weight you would need to change your lifestyle completely. This means changing the way you eat, exercise, and the way that you do everyday activities. In this guide we will discuss the primary type of weights on different body parts, what we can eat to shed the extra pounds, exercises for your different body parts, diet plan, etc. So let 's start, Causes of Overweight and Obesity Overweight and obesity are serious problems in America today. Over 37 percent of adults are considered to be

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Weight Loss Of Overweight And Obesity Essay

Throughout the years, fast food is becoming more and more of an outlet for many people that are short on change, in a rush but still need to grab a bite to eat, or even who are just too lazy to cook a meal. Fast food is very cheap, yet when we eat it we don't necessarily realize the price we pay when we are starting to gain weight. Who is to blame? The person that is addicted to fast food, or the fast food restaurants? I agree fast food is cheap, yet delicious. I understand that it may get addicting, I do not believe that it is the restaurants fault for your lack of self–control. Eating fast food all the time can put you up against some major health risks. As claimed by, "Fast Food and Obesity," Every 4 out of 10 adults in the USA will...show more content...

As the fast food world spread across the nation, obesity was shortly following in its footsteps. According to, "The History of the Fast Food Industry," Since 1970 the amount of fast food restaurants have doubled, which equates to roughly 300,000 establishments in the United States. Ironically, 33.8% of the U.S. population is affected by obesity and 19% of children and young adults are also affected.

Now days, you can find a fast food restaurant every time you turn a corner. According to, Sarah Muntel, the Author of "Fast Food– Is It the Enemy," you can choose from a variety of things to eat. You can get a greasy burger, crunchy tacos, or a drink that is filled with sugar. Why should we take the time go buy and prepare a meal when there are a variety of foods all around you? That is the problem that we are facing. Fast food is extremely cheap. You can order dollar cheeseburgers, dollar sodas, and you can even make those orders supersized just with pennies. People even claim that it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant than it is to prepare a meal in your own kitchen. Most Americans now days are having overscheduled and overcommitted jobs, which means that there is no free time in their daily lives to prepare their own meals. There is not anything easier than just going through the drive thru at your favorite fast food restaurant on your way home from work, or taking your child out for a milkshake if they do well in their baseball game. The problem is, people don't look

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Fast Food Obesity Essay

Childhood Obesity Essay

Prevalence of Obesity in Montgomery County Maryland

Child obesity have been increased in recent years in Montgomery county of Maryland. According to Montgomery County Health Alliance "23.5% of children (ages 6–17 years of age) are at–risk for obesity (BMI–for–age percentile of 85 or higher)" (Maryland Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan, 2016). Obesity in children have a great impact on physical and psychological health effects.Overweight children are prone to obesity even in adulthood, leading to increases the risk of health conditions including chronic illnesses, hypertension, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases compared to those children with a healthy weight. "Childhood obesity is now being rightly...show more content...

(page 34). Moreover, middle schools now offering after–school activities to promote such as: fitness classes, dance classes, cooking classes and many more variety physical and wellness lessons. "By June 2010, Maryland schools will develop, adopt and implement policies to ensure that all pre–K to grade–12 students receive quality, daily physical education that helps to develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors and confidence to be physically active for life and meet the Program Standards accepted by the Maryland State Board of Education listed in the Physical Education Study Group Report of 2000" (Maryland Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan, 2016) (Maryland Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan 2006–2016.pdf page 87).

However, schools in Montgomery county alone cannot solve the obesity epidemic if parents and community are not involved because parents are role models when it comes to physical activity and healthy eating. As adults, we can't just expect from our children/ adolescents to eat healthy at school when their home is full with junk food and unhealthy drinks. Therefore, parents are responsible to increase physical activity, appropriate caloric intake and Get

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In many other countries, to be skinny enough to show off one's bones would mean that they are living in poverty; while an excessive amount of weight would show that the individual lives in a higher class in society. In America however, these two body types have been elevated into two of the leading causes of death amongst our population; not as a sign of societal class, but as diseases. Anorexia – which stems from "Anorexia Nervosa" – is an illness in which a person has an intense fear of gaining weight, and is often corresponded with a distorted perception of their own weight and body shape. According to many psychologists anorexia is believed to have the highest mortality rate then any other psychiatric disorder (about ten percent of...show more content...

Anorexia, in part, is developed because of society's promotion of a self–conscience individual. Countless teenagers are constantly bombarded with the promotion of the ideal American being thin with demanded characteristics and traits; this declaration of the media is the leading cause and impression amongst teenagers that convince them to take drastic actions to become dangerously thin. Individuals with high levels of obsessive, restraint and clinical levels of perfectionist traits (most common amongst teenage females and male homosexuals) are most likely to become anorexic. Obesity is developed primarily by individuals who either oppose society or by those who society has shunned. Where as in popular media anorexia is promoted, obesity is equally ridiculed. Obese children, teens, and adults face many social stigmas including many negative stereotypes such as the common belief of being lazy, dirty, and even being evil (many "religious" images shout gluttony, the second of the seven deadly sins, when confronting obese individuals). Also, society has painted a bulls–eye on the chest of obese children; as they are often targeted by bullies while being shunned by their peers. The media even uses obese characters in cartoons as comedic relief, with the fat character often getting stuck between narrow spaces. In conclusion, Anorexia (a

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