Tao Te Ching Essay

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The idea of Taoism is expanded more through Stephen Mitchell's explanatory introduction of the Tao Te Ching. Mitchell translates that "the teaching of the Tao Te Ching is moral in the deepest sense" and that it is "unencumbered by any concept of sin" seeming to not reject that evil is alive but instead seeing it as an "a state of self–absorption which is in disharmony with the universal process" (ix). This idea is expressing how being concerned with evil behavior should not be a priority and is not looked at when dealing with Taoism and its teachings. Taoism is in no concern of moral being and does not look at any type of higher power or code saying that what they are doing is wrong. There is a strong advocacy and support to "throw away morality and justice... holiness and wisdom... industry and profit" and then that is when everything will settle in place and people will "do the right thing" (19)....show more content...

Each verse of the classic text fit together seamlessly and seem to all relate back to one and other in the end. Even though some may see morality as distinguishing between either good or bad, the Tao Ching Te is a deeper sense of morality because it subtracts evil. TheTao Te Chingfocuses on two things, Tao, which is "The Way of The Universe", and Te, "The Virtue". In reference to Te, the virtue aspect of it has to do with one not seeking to do good but knowing that there is good within him. Mitchell translates The Master doesn't try to be powerful; thus he is truly powerful. The ordinary man keeps reaching for power; thus he never has enough" (38). This is a key component in the virtue aspect of things how Stephen Mitchell introduced the text, stating its true depth in morality. The text teaches that sin should not be at the forefront of ones mind in order to truly be moral and Get more content

Tao-Te Ching Morality

Tao Te Ching is one of the most well–known Chinese philosophical scripture believed to be penned between 6th and 4th Century BC and authored by Lao Tzu. It has been a bedrock for the ancient spiritual and religious tradition of Taoism. Tao Te Ching includes two books of poetic verses explaining principle aspects of Taoism such as the metaphysical concept of 'Tao' roughly translated as the Way or the path, the consequences of action and inaction, virtue and the juxtaposed behavior of nature. The first book discusses the manifestation of the Way and how it directs us in harmonizing with our own qualities, morals and virtue which eventually help us in harmonizing with the working of the nature. The second book deals with the difficulties of governing...show more content...

Everyone who has an inclination towards spirituality will gain enough from this book to keep them searching for the more mysterious and unanswered questions of life and the working of the nature. Although the book can be extremely difficult to understand at times with few concepts that might be outright inconceivable for some, the simple wisdom imparted by the book in the form of morals and virtue lessons using real life and practically achievable examples is the reason I recommend this book to be read. For such is the time in which we live that we could use some concrete

Tao Te Ching Sparknotes
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Summary The Tao–te Ching is an exemplary work of Chinese philosophy that talks about good government and moral behavior. Although the author of the Tao–te Ching is unknown, the earliest texts attribute the work to Lao–tzu (sixth century B.C.E.),whose name can be translated to "Old Master." However, nothing can be said with certainty about the historical figure. The writings of Tao–te Ching are considered the basis for Taoism, confucianism, and Buddhism. The term Tao refers to the art of living, embracing an inscrutable, eternal Way (Tao). The Tao–te Ching represents the creative forces of the universe and frequently uses the imagery of the womb, and the "shakti" or the female principle...show more content...

The Tao cannot be named and is described as being eternal. The teachings of Tao–te Ching consists of 81 numbered stanzas of varying lengths which is in the form of poetry.The text supports variety of explanations.The teachings of Lao–tzu are the opposite of materialism, the pursuit for power, authority, and wealth. According to Lao–tzu, these weigh down the soul, which is contrary to its goal of realizing the highest truth. His anti–materialistic belief extends in his advices to the politicians of his times, to be silent observers, and to intercede only when it is essential, and then also unobtrusively. The Master acts and teaches without doing or speaking, lets things happen, knows when to let go, neither possesses nor expects. Lao's political philosophy undoubtedly minimizes the power of the state. Moreover, there is definitely no room for aggression, and asserts that the good and wise leader will provide the people with what they need and not annoy them with promises of what they do not need. Lao–tzu believes that the leader allows the people to achieve good things for themselves by keeping people unawares that they are being ruled. He believed that one can be a good leader only when one learns to follow the Tao. He remarks that the eternal way is the

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Tao-Te Ching

Who is Lao Tzu? What is the purpose of Tao Te Ching? Why did Lao Tzu write Tao Te Ching? "Lao Tzu was a Chinese philosopher credited with founding the philosophical system of Taoism...He is thought to have lived in the 6th century BEC" (Mark). Lao Tzu's philosophy of non–action has a great impact on future generations, because it can make the country become peaceful. Tao Te Chingwas primarily writing to the rulers and the emperors of that time, he wants all the countries and subsidiary countries in China can coexist together peacefully, hoping that there will be no more wars. The poetic style of Tao Te Ching makes it universal, because it teaches people how to think and to behave well in an manner that can be acceptable and understandable...show more content...

Some people would argue that this book is to teach people how to rule the world since a large part of the book is speaking to the ruler. Some people think that this is to teach people self–cultivation, because it seems to teach people how to act and behave. Some people also believe that this is a book on military strategy, which is to teach people how to fight. However, according to Lao Tzu, he only has three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. (Ch 67). Lao Tzu is the father of Daoism, and his book was a philosophical writing, which was mainly about the nature and philosophy of life. Lao Tzu is the first person who answered to the problem of the origin of the universe. Lao Tzu believed that before all things in the universe were occurred, the Dao, which means the road, were naturally existed already. Lao Tzu states, "there was something formless and perfect before the universe was born...Eternally present. It is the mother of the universe...I call it the Tao" (Ch 25). Lao Tzu also explains how the universe generated by stating that "the Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to Two. Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to all things" (Ch 42). The main focus of Tao Te Ching is non–action. For example, people do not need regulation and laws. According to Taoism, all human beings are naturally good but the laws and regulations have altered people's belief

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Lao Tzu and the Purpose of Tao Te Ching Essay

Taoist thought, of moving depth, presupposes the liberation of life conventionally determined by family and society. The Tao is the path of Man who lives in simplicity and austerity his natural union with "Earth and Heaven", because the "Tao" word describes the simple natural course of things, the eternal order and harmony of the universe. The Tao Te Ching (4th century BC), attributed to Laozi, is the foundational work of philosophical Taoism and expresses the profound and personal experience of this harmony, without pretending to build a system of concepts and laws that account for it. Laozi proposes a synthetic and contemplative, almost descriptive, view of the nexuses that unite Man (and all beings) with Nature (Tao): "All beings rely on

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Laozi And Tao Te Ching

What do you mean happiness? Maybe this philosophy question or something as simple as children can understand it. Happiness is a feeling inside us so it makes hope and love life. Laozi, Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler are talking about life through happiness, because they know that happiness is the most important thing in life. Both "The Tao Te Ching" and "The Sources ofHappiness" have a lot about happiness. "The Tao Te Ching" is talking about happiness through spiritual style and "The Sources of Happiness" is talking about happiness by the reality of the experience. Through philosophy and experience can understand the concept of happiness. Although, the authors are talking about happiness, but we have an important question how to get happiness....show more content...

Lama talks about happiness through the style of experience, real–life stories, and the studies. His friend tried through money and travel to get happiness, but he returned to the normal level of happiness. The experience of his friend did not succeed to raise the level of happiness, so we can not get happiness by the money and did everything; according to Lama, "I bought a new house and stuff but overall I don't think I'm much happier than I was before." Studies give convincing style to the reader so I think the style of Lama was more persuasive in writing. Particularly, when the writer can combine the studies and stories from real life for the reader does not feel bored. The studies say that genetics affect the happiness, for example, the twin have the same level of well–being; in the words of Lama, "Some researchers have recently argued that an individual's characteristic level of happiness or well–being is genetically determined". Conversely, Laozi has a completely different style of writing although he has the same goal. He talks about happiness by philosophical style like clergymen or preachers. When Laozi said "Hope is as hollow as fear" I was amazed by this analogy, but I could understand this analogy through the comparison between contrasting. This style makes us think deeply. Spirituality makes the reader feel comfortable so he stimulates the simplicity and

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The Tao Te Ching Analysis

The ideas presented in the Tao Te Ching are similar to those of the Bhagavadgita in many ways. There is an emphasis on ridding oneself of worldly desires so that one can have self control over their own senses since "Conquering yourself is true strength" (Addiss, Page 33). The Tao suggests that creating order can be good, as long as one eventually allows the creation to undergo its own journey and not try to dictate it. "Give birth and do not possess. Excel but do not rule" (Addiss, Page 10). There are numerous references about what makes a good ruler in the Tao. "I do nothing and people transform themselves. I enjoy serenity and people govern themselves" (Addiss, Page 57). The idea that when people are left to themselves they eventually are...show more content...

Throughout his life he had forsaken his goals, for the goals of the Japanese emperor. In doing so, he had performed acts against the prisoners that he felt were morally wrong. "He had always used his powers for the sake of the empire and the emperor. His idea of his own goodness, though, was becoming harder and harder to hold on to" (Flanagan, Page 349). This quote shows that one can spend their whole life serving a master, but at the end of life, it is not enough to follow the rules set by those above one, but one must feel as if they attained and followed their own moral standards. The theme present in the Tao and the Bhagavadgita that entails forsaking worldly possessions and desires would create a more group oriented mentality and would allow all humans a basic standard of living. Instead of having an extreme wage gap between classes, all people could have their necessities provided for. A world in which possessions were not as highly valued would lead to less stealing, an ideal presented in the Bhagavadgita. All these factors practiced together would lead to a more peaceful, group–oriented, non discriminatory

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Themes In Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching: A Self Help Book for Americans There is no question that America is one of the most self–centered countries in the world, and because of this, we tend to avoid situations and issues that have no immediate impact on us. Desensitization on this large of a scale can be dangerous, and it is imperative that we begin to relearn traits such as kindness and compassion. The Tao Te Ching, while not very familiar to the average westerner, is filled with numerous verses that speak directly about the negative aspects of American culture and how we should be behaving. While the news spouts horror stories daily about the terrible events in the world, remembering the teachings of the Tao can help to alter our actions in the future. Some of the most monumental lessons from the Tao are those that seek to correct greed, grow trust, and enforce peace, and from them we can learn how to improve western culture with compassion and respect. Verse 3 of the Tao begins with a very simple statement, but it is one that many Americans would have trouble following: "Don't glorify heroes" (3). Our entire entertainment system is based on celebrities and elevating people for their accomplishments, no matter how trivial they may be. Hollywood likes to take small events, or people, and blow them up larger than life and milk them for all they're worth, until something better comes along. This is painfully obvious in many of today's celebrities, especially the Kardashian family. Famous for being Get more content

Tao Te Ching Analysis

Tao Te Ching Helps Us to Rethink the World, the Governance and the Meaning of Power

Have you ever think that managing a country is like cooking a little fish. In Tao Te Ching, Lao–tzu states that "Governing a large country is like frying a small fish". Lao–tzu is a famous philosopher in the history of China. He is the founder of Taoism and the author ofTao Te Ching. Lao–tzu was a high official of the Chinese empire, who left his work and his country in dismay due to the Chou royal's decline and his philosophy. The philosophy of Lao–tzu through the Tao Te Ching lie in natural, balance, merge, integration of nature and human, as well as all creature's relations. Lao–tzu thinks man and nature create each other in the "Tao". Man cultivates himself as cultivating the nature. Man and nature are united in essence. Therefore, Lao–tzu states that "They both do no harm to one another, So virtue merges and returns" in...show more content...

He teaches people to see the relativity of things. In Tao Te Ching, Lao–tzu states that "When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad". If we can use Lao–tzu's philosophy to rethink the world, we will realize that we should not call one good and the other bad because everything is interdependent. Nor do good or bad make any sense when separated from one another. Also, when we think some things are better than others, we must remember that we are able to judge something only because we can compare them. In the other word, the bad is like the mirror of the good. That's why Lao–tzu states chapter two in Tao Te Ching. Lao–tzu wants us to change the way we see things. Good or bad, we should learn to appreciate everything around us. Using paradox are the persuasive techniques; Lao–tzu overthrows the traditional thoughts about good and bad and helps us to enjoy everything in the Get

Tao Te Ching Essay
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Laozi or Lao Tzu, was a mystical philosopher who lived in ancient China. Most scholars believe Lao Tzu was born around 600 B.C.E. However, some authorities have him being born about 500 B.C.E. and some, question if Lao Tzu was actually a person or just a mythical figure. Generally, the majority of scholars believe Lao Tzu to be an actual person being born about 600 B.C.E. in the state of Ch'u, now known as the Hunan Province in Southern China according to the Shinji. His surname was Li and his given name was Er. Not much is known about the early life of Lao Tzu nor about his life in general, though he is considered the founder of Taoism and the writer of the "Tao Te Ching" which the practices...show more content... This is symbolized in the Yin Yang symbol. Taoist ethics generally focus on compassion, moderation and humility which are known as the "Three Jewels" while Taoist thought focuses on nature and the relationship between the cosmos or universe and humanity. Harmony with the universe or with the source of life is the intended goal of the Taoist. This harmony then appears in life as health, vitality, longevity, peace and joy amongst others attributes.

Lao Tzu was not only a mystic, but a philosopher as well. He clearly emphasizes in the "Tao Te Ching" that the eternal way, in reality, cannot be fully described by words. The book is an outline about "the way" and "the way" is continually unfolding according to a universal order. Simply, words are finite and limited and can only describe aspects about reality. Therefore, the "Tao Te Ching" would be a book which details the truth about the truth or describes "the way," but "the way" is something that must be lived and experienced. In essence, in the action of no action or sitting in silence with the absence of thought, comes thought from no thought. Finite words come from the infinite expanse of nothingness. Since finite words cannot fully describe all of infinite reality and language is an aspect and part of reality, the part cannot contain the whole. Hence, the "Tao Te Ching"

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Lao Tzu and the "Tao Te Ching" Essay
Lao Tzu and the "Tao Te Ching"

In today's world there are problems everywhere from political, environmental, economic, problems with others and internal problems as well. Taoism's important, deep meanings can help in the modern world's problems. Sadly, less than 1% of people in the world follow the teachings of Taoism. Should humans worldwide learn and study Taoism to improve themselves, which then can be used to improve the world? Taoism encompasses the thoughts and practices that are viewed to be philosophical or religious. The category it lies in is not what is at interest but instead should be focused on understanding how to live life morally. Taoism needs to be reclassified to be a moral compass because it teaches humans about humility, compassion and how we should...show more content...

The holy man has not a heart of his own. The hundred families' hearts he makes his heart. 2. The good I meet with goodness; the bad I also meet with goodness; that is virtue's goodness. The faithful I meet with faith; the faithless I also meet with faith; that is virtue's faith. 3. The holy man dwells in the world anxious, very anxious in his dealings with the world. He universalizes his heart, and the hundred families fix upon him their ears and eyes. The holy man treats them all like children." In this chapter it explains that humans should be good towards one another even if the other is not kind to them. Humans should show all the goodness that they can without expecting the same in return. If people should not learn to do this then it will be a paranoid world, where no one is good to each other because they might not show kindness in

Tao Te Ching
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According to the Tao Te Ching, human beings naturally share the characteristics of doing specific things, consciously or unconsciously, because it is inevitable to do them. In this regard, humans are portrayed as an outcome of nature, and they occupy a unique part of the universe that is not shared with any other creation. As a result, their interactions with other creatures and their environment in general, which is viewed as forces, plays a major role people's personalities, regardless of their geographical location, gender, ethnicity or age. The choice for this idea is informed by curiosity about why humans behave differently and are superior to other creatures. It relates to the quote "every created entity ultimately is what it is and does

Tao Te Ching Analysis
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Taoism originated in China during the 300's BC. It has been part of the Chinese culture for 2,000 years. It was during the same time period as Confucianism, but had opposite ideas and morals, yet it was equally as important as Confucianism in Chinese history. Taoism began as a reaction to "historical situations"(c1), and became a philosophy of the natural way. The word Tao actually means "road" or "way." Taoism has had a large impact on art and literature, and had been greatly influenced by Chinese folk religion. Folk religion says that most gods were actually just people who displayed heroic qualities. The priests conducted public rituals. Many Taoists seek careers in astronomy, herbal remedies, and alchemy, among...show more content... The "three treasures"(c4) are said to be "deep love, frugality"(c4), and not trying to be better than anyone else. Those who carry treasure(s) are good people. Love everything around you, and treat everyone equally with kindness and goodness in your heart, even if they do not treat you that way.

"Repay hatred with virtue"(c4), and if you do not know something, realize this. You have superior virtue if you are good, enlightening, peaceful, and your life is long.

"Taoism is the mother and ancestor of all things,"(c2) says Lao Tzu (surnamed Li). Lao Tzu is from the sixth century BC, and was born in 604 BC. He wrote the Tao Te Ching, which is made up of 5,000 words. This book can also be called the Classic of Tao and It's Virtues. This is one of the most influential books in China. The Analects ofConfucius is the most influential, however. The Tao Te Ching was not actually written until after Lao Tzu's life had ended, but the ideas were said to be his. The exact date that the book was written is not actually known. He said that Taoism is not something you can hear or see, but it is "vague and elusive"(c2). Lao Tzu ignored government, ethics, and virtue. The Tao seems to bring peace to the Taoist and his/her surroundings. Wu Wei means, "taking no unnatural action." Tao does not turn against anything, but many things are accomplished. The Taoist simply follows nature, and succeeds in happiness this way. They say that the best

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A Chun–Tzu is primarily described as the ideal man of the society. It is a concept that can be applied by any individual in the ordinariness of their daily lives. Confucius believes that a Chun–Tzu must have learned the principle "sageliness within; kingliness without." And also, Confucius believes that morality or ethics is a very important field of every man's study, for it gives humanity the instructions on what they are ought to do as human beings, or as rational beings. Tao Te Ching is about the harmony and flow of life and the necessity for affinity to it. This book is traditionally attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who is the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching. This book is one of the most famous Chinese classic texts and one

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