Mla Format Essay Generator

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Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate my voice more in my essays and I more content...

The most important improvement for me in this course was on my grammar. I was not aware of the comma rules before. It was shocking to see where commas are to be put and the places that I usually miss. The Hacker lessons we did in and out of class on commas have improved my grammar significantly. Looking back through all of my graded essays it is unbelievable how many commas I have actually missed. Also, writing the essays in MLA format and including work cited entries and quotations, has helped me become more comfortable with it. When I write essays now, I do not hesitate or get anxious if I have to add a work cited entry. However, even though I have know a little bit more of when to use commas and have a little bit more knowledge about grammar there is still a lot of room for improvement. Some areas where I need to improve include transitions between paragraphs, being to repetitive, and my conclusions. This class has definitely helped me make my transitions better; however they still could use some improvement. I have to make sure that the reader can comprehend my thought process and that my transitions do not get in the way of the flow of the paper. In some of the rough drafts for my essays I could not find links between paragraphs at all but after work shopping in class I believe that they have significantly improved. I also need to make sure that I do not repeat the same ideas or words too many

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Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment

A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles.

A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk

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Language Arts Honors

30 November 2012


In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content...

Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the

Mla Format
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The clock is ticking, the work is piling up, and with only a few hours to go before sunrise you stop and realize that you have just read some fifty pages and absorbed almost nothing. Some would agree when I say that this situation epitomizes one of the common problems of the Net Generation. With the help of theInternet, not only has every aspect of life gotten faster and more efficient, but it has changed the way people process information and perform tasks. In addition, while technology does have its benefits, the extensive use of the internet is affecting the way people think.

It is simple to brush aside the ability to concentrate as a menial task that everyone can do, but when it gets right down to it, is it easy to devote your more content...

As a result, it becomes much more difficult to sustain focus on reading prose that is long and takes more effort to absorb.

Further neuroscience research shows that extensive use of the internet may physically be changing our brains. Our minds adapt to new ideas and concept everyday and when introduced to a new task or job, our brains change as "new neural pathways that give instructions to our bodies" ("What...Plasticity?") open up. Brain plasticity, "the capacity of the brain to change with learning" (Michelon) can occur at any age and is responsible for instructing our brains to perform a task. New neural wires are created when you learn something new, but those same connections can also be destroyed, for instance when you forget a person's name, signaling the failing of a person's memory ("What...Plasticity?"). The more time spent on the Internet, the more our brains grow more accustomed to processing simplified snippets of information very quickly, and because Internet articles become easier to read and skim over, it appeals more to the mind than denser and longer printed text.

As printed text becomes more difficult to read, reading as a hobby has gotten a lot less attractive to some people. UCLA psychology professor Patricia Greenfield points out in her studies, "reading develops imagination, induction,

Essay on Technology
Is Changing the Mind
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Hey Jessica, I agree with you, MLA was once upon a time the only style the I knew. I will be just like you always going to revisit the APA section in our library. I still hit some roadblocks but I would have to say our professor would be the best way to clear up all questions, or better yet lead you in the best direction to solve the issue.

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MLA Argumentative Essay


Why did I choose to write about workaholics? The main reason is that the general picture about these people is bad, but there are a lot of them around us and very often we admire them. They are doing exactly what they love – work – and they can never have enough of it. Although they spend most of their time working, surprisingly they are happy. They show so good results in what they do. But the consequences are great. Family life is disrupted, intellectual horizons narrow and the consequences to the workaholic's health are severe: fat, lack of exercise and stress. Why do people become workaholics? When a person becomes workaholic is there a way back? How should people around him act in order to keep both him and more content... Nobody can tell exactly how but there is a theory that workaholism starts at really early stages of life. Marilyn Machlowitz says in her book Workaholics supports this theory and says that this whole process starts when children play games that are connected with real time jobs or they play games connected with getting money such as selling lemonade or old magazines. She also says that children of workaholics are about to become ones in their later life development. The addiction to the child of a workaholic is not passed actively. The workaholics don't tell their children to work or not to work a lot. The reason is that children often want to be as successful as their parents. Machlowitz later on in her book also says that some children think if they don't show the best results in school their parents will not love them and therefore start working more than they should. But however it is not only the childhood that makes people workaholics. Although it might be the best period to make person think like a workaholic, the adult phase of life is the most important. The most common target of workaholism is people that have high responsibility jobs. Their motivation is fear. Workaholics on high positions just hate to fail and feel inferior to all other workers that are bellow them. Therefore they are double–checking all possibilities that are Get more content

Workaholics Essay

The main function for health care financing is to pay for health insurance premium and reimburse health providers for services delivered. Still, there is a crucial challenge when creating health insurance plans, provide coverage for "health care needs without encouraging unnecessary spending." (Maas) Over time, health care financing has been evolving, and now consumers can acquire health insurance through government programs like Medicare, which it is for the elderly, for certain individuals with disabilities and end–stage renal disease. Therefore, any person who meets the requirements can enroll to this program. Also, there is Medicaid, which it is the program for the poor, and Children's Health Insurance Program best known as CHIP, which insure kids who come from low–income families. Nonetheless, there are several types of private insurance like self–insured plans, individual private health insurance, Medigap, and group insurance program, which it is "... a substantial number of people in the group will purchase insurance through its sponsor." (Shi, 2019, p. 224) Further, thanks to the diversity and wide range of health insurance more content...

219) Consequently, moral hazard has a negative impact in health care financing since people are less likely to take care of their health when they have the ease to frequently consult a doctor and use any medical service at any time, therefore with health insurance there is an increase in health care spending, "but the value of this care is less than its cost, generating... loss." (Nyman, 2004) Additionally, since such services are reimbursed to health care providers by health care financing there is a "potential to increase health care costs." (Thoma,

Health Insurance Essay
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The different types of formatting I had to learn in college is getting out of hand. The all of the different formats are loosely connected. The MLA format and endnotes are very similar in that they are found at end of a paper, but you do not give put the author last name and page number after it. I choose to use footnotes, because my laptop cannot decide what it wants to do. Another difference is the lack of putting your last name before the page number in the header, but is similar is APA Format. As you can tell I wrote off the script, because the paragraph was so lackluster. The front, size of the front, the title located in the middle, and the front should stay in normal style. If I had footnote after every single sentence, did even

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Compare And Contrast Apa And Mla Format

Also, many professors only teach us MLA style, but this class can teach us two types of essay, MLA and APA. I think that's great because APA also is popular, it's useful for us to know these two types of essays. And from this class, I also learned that when we are writing causal assignment, the most important reason should list at the last of all reasons rather than at the first position. At last, I have some suggestions about REVEL. I tried to do the quiz on the revel but the website said the quiz has not been assigned. However, I used it on my society class in the first semester. So I have some thoughts about it. Frankly, I don't think revel suits for our class, especially the quiz. The quiz always focuses on the contents in the text book,

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Compare And Contrast Mla And Apa

1.When writing, whether you paraphrase or directly quote someone else's ideas anywhere in your paper, you must document the use of those borrowed ideas with an internal citation notation. In MLA, there are two basic features of an internal citation. What are they?

In–text citation – This is a parenthetical citation within the paper that refers the reader to a list of works cited. It commonly includes the author of the source and a page number, and punctuation separates the author's last name and the page number. Nor is the abbreviation p. (for "page") used. The period that ends the sentence appears after the closing parenthesis. 2.In MLA, if you work (include) the identity of the source into the sentence structure, where do page more content...

In MLA, how are the works cited entries organized on the Work(s) Cited page?

пѓ Tell me how to arrange a works cited list on the page. No example required.

пЃ¶Create a new page at the end of your paper for a "Works Cited" list. Center the words "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Double space after the title and begin entering citations.

пЃ¶Entries are listed alphabetically by the last name of the author or by the first major word of the title if no author is given. If a source has more than one author, it is alphabetized by the last name of the author whose name appears first. The entries are not numbered.

пЃ¶Entries are double–spaced.

пЃ¶The first line of each entry begins at the left margin. If more than one line is needed to complete the entry, additional lines are indented five spaces or half an inch (this is called a hanging indent).

6.In MLA, if the source's identity is not worked into (written as part of) your sentence structure, how does the internal citation look the first time you create it? Use your last name and page number 123 to illustrate your answer.

To correctly answer question 6, show me (don't tell me) how an internal citation looks the first time you cite it in your paper, using your name as the source and page number 123 to complete your response. You don't need to write a sentence first, just show me the

MLA Rough Draft
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Critical Analysis: MLA Format

Critical Analysis

For the past week we have been learning about critical analysis essays. Before coming to composition I didn't know much about critical analysis essays, I knew they were conducted in MLA Format and they were basically a comparison between two books. After learning more in class I was informed more in–depth about critical analysis essays. In class we were taught that critical analysis essays are to essentially be a comparison between articles, books, and or anything else to help the reader better understand the work. Critical analysis essays are to incorporate a thesis statement to give readers something to engage in when reading your essay, it gives some idea of what this essay is going to be about. When constructing a

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Minecraft is a game where the player uses their imagination to shape the world around them using the resources they find. In the world everything is shaped like a block or a cube, this includes the trees, the dirt, the water, the clouds, even the sun, everything. This simple game hasn't even been released yet but has already sold over one million copies. Minecraft was created by one man, Markus "Notch" Persson, and this is his story. What makes the story of Minecraft so unique is that it was created by Notch and only Notch. Notch had a job before Minecraft, working on games for a company. He started to work on Minecraft in his free time but after a giant popularity spike he realized that it could be a hit, so he quit his job and more content...

The game sells around 10,000 copies per day. It has become a cultural phenomenon and on January 12, 2011 sales passed the one million mark, but they continued to rise. With popularity increasing, big name comics like "Penny Arcade" and "Hejibits" discovered the game too and published comic strips about minecraft, leading to even further sales. Minecraft makes $250,000 a day and continues to do so. On June 13, 2011, Minecraft passed 2.5 million sales. Today Mojang has 10 employees. Markus Persson, Jens Bergensten, Daniel Kaplan, Junkboy, Jakob Porser, Carl Manneh, Tobias Mollstam, Aron Neiminen, Daniel Frisk, and Daniel Rosenfeld. These few people make up the team that continues to work towards Minecraft's future. But with so few employees things take time. Even though the game has not been officially released, people who buy the game get a copy of what it is right now as the updates are being pushed out. With such success Mojang is the target of some heavy criticism from blogs, critics, and even their own fans. One speculation from fans is that Minecraft will be the company's 1 hit wonder. What happens if it truly is a one hit wonder? Will the company go down under? Will it be the end of Mojang? Will they join a publisher in order to stay afloat and lose their title of "indie?" Another speculation concerns Mojang's next game that has absolutely nothing to do with Minecraft, not even in the same genre. What if nobody likes the game? What

Minecraft Essay
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Part 1: MLA In–text Citations – Rewrite the last line of each quote with a correctly formatted MLA in–text citation.

1. "One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture–a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees–very gradually–I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever."

This is from the text book, Great Writing, which was edited by Harvey S. Wiener and Nora Eisenberg. It comes from the first page of the short story by Edgar Allan Poecalled The Tell–Tale Heart. The story starts on page 108 and ends on page 111. The book was published by Mc Graw Hill in Boston in the year 2009.

"Whenever it fell upon me, my blood more content... Women and minorities make up 52 percent of the workers in American businesses today.

This is a paraphrase from an article called "Progress for Women and Minorities" in The Tennessean on April 24, 2011. The author was not named. It was on page B1 in the Sunday paper.

"Women and minorities make up 52 percent of the workers in American businesses today" ("Progress for Women and Minorities" BI).

5. "Wollstonecraft believes that if a woman submits to a marriage just to remain idle, she has no right to complain of her fate or act like she has a right to disregard rules."

This quote is from the Website called Women's Rights and Marriage. The article is titled Mary Wollstonecraft on Marriage and was written by Betsy Michaels. There is no date on the website, but I visited it on May 14, 2010. The address is

Review Essay
MLA Review

"Wollstonecraft believes that if a woman submits to a marriage just to remain idle, she has no right to complain of her fate or act like she has a right to disregard rules" ( Michaels, "Mary Wollstonecraft on Marriage",

Part 2: Works Cited Page– Using the above information, create a properly formatted works cited page.

Works Cited

McCuen, Jo Ray and Winkler, Anthony C. From Idea to Essay. New York: Longman, Get

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MLA Format Research Paper

The MLA Format gives students a standard on which to write on. Students are expected to write in such a way that it is professional and informative. A person would not expect to get a job if he showed up to the interview in shorts and a tee shirt, because they would not have the professional appearance for an employer to think highly of them. If a paper is written in the incorrect format, than the person reviewing the paper will not feel that the paper is creditable or they would feel the writer just did not put in the effort. MLA formatting makes papers fit a uniformed look. With academic paper being formatted the same way, the paper becomes more comprehensible. Citations that are formatted the same can be more easily matched up with their

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Photoshop Is Bad

Photoshop is Evil

The media plays a tremendous part in our everyday lives. It affects how we eat, how we dress, and our self–esteem. Whether it's a heavily photo shopped model in a magazine, or a fad diet that encourages unhealthy beauty standards. The stress that these standards place on men and women have been heavily correlated with increases in eating disorders. The perpetuation of being extremely thin in the media has a huge impact on young people and children especially, because they are still learning what is considered normal, and will attempt to copy the esthetics of what they see in magazines if they aren't taught what is a healthy body to have. Mass media portrays men and women to impossible standards that could never be more content...

Young people are more susceptible to media influences regarding body image. Every decade seems to favor a differentbody shape. The 50s' were all about having a curvy, womanly figure, while the 20s' favored extremely thin, boyish body shapes. Even today among different cultures and sub cultures one can notice differences in what figure is considered attractive. Media, being a form of communication, can transmit ideas and perceptions and even influence attributes and beliefs. Ending this mass self–esteem problem won't be easy, but by increasing the variety in body shapes presented in media we can start to accept all bodies as beautiful and perhaps encourage young people to embrace what they were given rather than starving themselves to try to attain the impossible. However, since this doesn't seem to be happening fast enough, helping people to develop a sense of self early on may play a huge role in their self–confidence and give them a stronger base of self–worth. By decreasing their vulnerably and teaching them to question media we will not only create well rounded adults, but ones who can think critically of the world around them and change it for the

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Argument Essay


Active euthanasia should be permitted as a medical treatment to allow people the right to die with dignity without pain and in peace. Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide or mercy killing, takes on many different forms. When most Americans think of euthanasia, they think of a specific form that is referred to as "active euthanasia" which means to actively do something that will end a patient's life with or without that individual's consent. When euthanasia is performed in an involuntary manner it is usually because the patient is comatose, unconscious, or otherwise unable to communicate whether or not they want to have their life prolonged through artificial means. In such cases, the physician makes more content...

in Petrou 23). Had Hans Knottenbelt been living in any of the forty–nine out of fifty American states where euthanasia is illegal, the sight of his death would have been anything but beautiful. His daughter describes what an average night was like for her father while he was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease: "My Dad woke up in the evenings like a scared rabbit. He was so scared. Not scared of dying, but scared of suffocation, of the way he would die" (qtd. in Petrou 22). Without the option of peacefully ending his life, Knottenbelt's fears would have become reality. The most likely scenario would have been for him to wake up in the middle of the night and discover his airway blocked up with fluids. In a panic, he would have furiously rung the bell beside his bed to alert his family he needed help, as he did on a near nightly basis. This time his help would either arrive too late, or be unable to clear his windpipe. Knottenbelt would have died in one of the most excruciating ways imaginable. The unlucky family member who had come to his side to try to help him would be forced to watch him violently struggle for air right up until the moment of his death. Frank Collins from Baruch College wrote an essay titled "To die or not to die" which gives another prime example of a case where active euthanasia should be practiced. He writes about the tragic story of a French woman by the Get

Pro Euthanasia Argument in Mla Format Essay
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The Current Mla Format And Guidelines

Mrs. Pruitt's Research Paper Guide Paper Requirements The length of the research paper must be no less than 1,500–words and no more than 2,500–words. The 2,500–word limit does not apply to notes or to the annotated bibliography. In–text citations are required. If your sources are not acknowledged, your paper will receive a zero and will be required to be rewritten for a lower grade because this is considered plagiarism. No more than five quotations are allowed in your paper. The research paper must follow the current MLA format and guidelines to pass. See chart below on how to properly format your paper. Separation of Primary and Secondary Sources are required. Separate your bibliography into two sections: one for primary sources and one for secondary sources. Some sources may be considered either primary or secondary so use your annotations to explain your reason for classifying any sources that are not clearly primary or secondary. Listing a source under both primary and secondary is not allowed. Each component of the research paper will be assigned a grade and each component will then become part of the research paper 's culminating final grade. Grading This grade is calculated to include the component parts of the paper along with the final product. The research paper is worth 20% of the final grade.  Topic Chosen–100 points

 Brainstorm and Detailed Outline–100 points

 Source Cards (5 minimum)–100 points Sources should include a minimum of Get

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Reflection Essay

Throughout this semester I have learned many valuable resources, and tools. The big thing you taught us was how to write and argument paper. Also I have learned different tools on summarizing, how to better my skills for peer reviews, new library skills, and MLA format. Most of these I already knew, but you taught us them more in depth, and you gave mebetter understandings of them. Withwriting an argumentative paper, it's important to have all the right facts, and make sure you have reliable sources. If you don't have the right facts or reliable sources nobody will want to read your argument; because you wont have the right facts to back up your points. When writing an argumentative paper, its good to know all the facts about each side. Knowing all the facts about each side is important, because people want to more content... Like summarizing, and writing an essay I knew how to do it, but going in and listening to the speaker explain it to us helped a lot. I learned more on how to use the thesaurus, and all the different skills he taught us on using key words to looks information up. MLA format is something I have always kind of needed help with. Until this semester for some reason I could never really cite my sources that well. Its something I knew how to do, but when it came time to do it my mind went blank. When you went over everything on the bored that helped me so much (also because I took notes), but only because you told us to take them. With MLA format I learned that when quoting, if its more than three lines you have to use block quote. I didn't know that till I got to this class. In summary, all these skills will be helpful for my next few college years, and when I go off to get jobs. Thank you for teaching us everything you have. From something you are supposed to teach to common sense things. You are a wonderful teacher, and I'm so glad you were my

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What I Learned In Mla Format

The Digital Age

The digital age is staring us in the face from the near future. We already see countless instances of digital technology emerging more and more in our every day lives. Cell phones are equipped with voice recognition software, and are able to take photographs and send them wirelessly across the globe, almost instantaneously. When information is captured and transmitted into adigital format, possibilities for that data become endless. Soon we will no longer be inconvenienced with reality; all of our sensory shopping experiences will be converted to digital information and will be fed to us through our computers. Digital information is in a much more malleable format. It can easily be duplicated, changed, or processed more content...

The information created will be able to be shared by anyone with a computer. The power base that the digital age relies on for existence, is technology. The rapid developing technology is absolutely necessary for the digital age to exist. Without super powerful microchips, and high bandwidth transfer wires, the digital age would be a figment of our imagination. Digital technology is computer based, so the millions of calculations per second, and ability to transfer large amounts of data over long distances are absolutely necessary. Without computers, the data might be collected; but there would be nothing to process and transfer the information.

When new technology is invented, it is sometimes distributed to a society that might not be ready for it. Few corporations consider this and are only interested in spreading their product to the consumer as soon as possible. New technology is often flawed and taken advantage of by individuals who know how to manipulate it. This is a considerably large problem when dealing with digital technology. Digital information is not a three dimension tangible object. So it is easily tampered with and destroyed without people noticing. When the damage is finally noticed, the party responsible is usually untraceable and in a completely different area of the world to begin with.

The potential value of this new technology seems almost

The Digital Age Essay
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My name is Elizebeth Putnam and I have been assigned as your Level 3 student this fall. My first day will be Friday, September 29th. I am looking forward to meeting you and your students. I have attached my autobiography which I am using for student teaching in the spring but I thought it would give your students an opportunity to know a little information about me before I come this week. Thanks.

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Of Annotated Bibliography

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