An Essay On Population

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The topic of overpopulation has different perspectives regarding whether or not it is happening as well as its apparent effects of both the environment and its inhabitants. The idea of human overpopulation being a problem most clearly begins around the time of Thomas Robert Malthus' publishing of An Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society, with Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers. In his writing, Malthus describes how the growth of the human population will always outgrow the resources required to maintain it. "The increase of population will take place, if unchecked, in a geometric progression, while the means of subsistence will increase in only more content...

For instance, Dr. Calhoun's study on rat populations have given us an idea of the psychological effects ofoverpopulation. Regardless of the conclusion given after the "Horrific Experiment", there would opposers of the beliefs that keep the debate well alive in the communities that involve themselves in it. As mentioned previously, the study done by Dr. Calhoun was described by Scotty Hendricks in the author's Think Big article. The rats in the 'Universe 25' experiment could allow for another aspect of the effects of overpopulation to be considered. With the only limiting factor of the growing rat population being living space, there was a conclusion met as well as an interpretation of how this could connect to our society as human beings. He suggested that the constant interaction between the mice could have been a probable cause for the increase in violence in the society. With the regulation of social interaction being done to reduce the amount a rat makes contact with another, there was a decrease in the effects of the population boom. The author would then inquire: " our own version of Universe 25 right around the corner? No, says Dr. Calhoun. Yes, says anybody who complains about people being on their phones too often, or that modern life is too narcissistic...will Dr. Calhoun be proven correct that mankind has enough creativity and ability to avoid the first death?

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Population Growth On Environment And Development

According to Ray (1998), every four days there is a net population increase of over one million people, and this exponential increase is greatly associated as being one of the main drivers of poverty and environmental degradation worldwide (Dasgupta, 1995), resulting in extreme stress on ecosystem services (ES), as well as human development. However, the extent to which future population growth will be a 'problem' for both the environment and development is disputed amongst academics around four main models which link population, environment, and development together. In this essay, I will begin by exploring the vicious circle and Malthusian models and their views ofpopulation growth on environment and development, and contrast these with the Boserup and Cornucopian models using examples, before concluding. The exponential growth of global population has seen the per annum population increase go from taking 100 years between the 1st billion and 2nd billion to just 16 years between the 6th and 7th billion (Ray, 1998). The Malthusian (/ neo–Malthusian) model developed by Thomas Malthus in 1798, as well as the Vicious Circle Model (VCM) both regard population growth as an extreme problem for both the environment and for the development of nations. The Malthusian theories links how as global population increases exponentially and food production remains linear, a critical point comes whereby shortages of food will result in large scale famine and death until population values

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Study population:

This cross sectional study was performed, in 2009–2010 as the third survey of school–based surveillance system entitled Childhood and Adolescence Surveillance and Prevention of Adult Non–communicable disease Study (ASPIAN–III).

This school–based nationwide health survey was designed and applied in27 provinces in Iran. The detailed methodology was previously described and presented here in brief. The present survey included 5744 students, ages of 10–18 years, recruited by multistage random cluster sampling, from urban and rural areas of 27 provincial counties in Iran. Eligible schools for the study were stratified, according to the information bank of the Ministry of Education, and then were selected randomly. In more content...

Screen time activity (STA) was categorized into two groups, less than 2 hours per day and equal or more than 2 hours, based on the international screen time recommendations (20).

In this study, we collected the leisure time physical activity of participants, in the week prior to the study, using a validated questionnaire (21). Children reported their weekly frequency as none, 1–2 days, 3–6 days, every day of leisure time physical activity outside of school, lasting at least 30 minutes, and causing heavy sweating or large increases in breathing or heart rate. For statistical analysis, each weekly frequency received an intensity, for 0–2 days per week, mild, 3–5 days per week, moderate, and 6–7 days ( as severe ) (22).

Biochemical measurements:

Blood samples were analyzed to assess serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high–density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL–C), low–density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL–C).

Children and adolescents, exhibiting at least one of the following lipid alterations, were defined as having dyslipidemia such as elevated total cholesterol ≥170 mg/dL, low HDL–C <45 mg/dL, elevated LDL–C ≥130 mg/dL, and high triglyceride concentration ≥130 mg/dL, as established by the guidelines of prevention of atherosclerosis in

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Essay On Cross Sectional Study

The Malthusian Population Theory

Introduction In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote an essay about population growth that reflects a pessimistic view to future economic development. This essay was a result of his discussion with positivists that tend to praise perfectibility of the man and knowledge diffusion as a source of prosperity for future generations. Malthus essay about population growth based on observing 17th and 18th century US population data. The general idea of the essay – that when food is enough, population grows at a geometric rate and food production just arithmetically. (Malthusian and Neo–Malthusian Theories/ Ran Abramitzky and Fabio Braggion, 2003) Essay, "An Essay on the Principle of Population," is an excellent example of mathematical modeling. The Malthus model was a surprisingly good for prediction of population growth over short time intervals, but as it was discovered later, it does not work for long time intervals.

This paper has the following structure: the first chapter "Model description" contains general assumptions that were made for the model. In the chapter, "Model Composition" the formula of the Malthusian population growth model introduced and the production function will be defined. In the third chapter, the Low of Diminish Returns formulated, as it is impossible to more content...

On one hand, the model conflicts with the fact that in modern economics, per capita incomes exhibit a tendency to growth over time. On the other hand its prediction regarding the relationship between population growth and per capita income no longer hold in modern societies. In addition, the technological progress played general role in the society development. Nonetheless, as it was shown in the chapter "Empirical Support for the Malthusian Theory " it is quite precisely describes tendencies that characterized dynamics in humans population growth before the industrial revolution and it still works for short term

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Population Growth and Standard of Living

Recently, the human population on this planet surpassed an amazing milestone. In the year 2000 it hit 6 billion, and without a sign of slowing down, continue to increase at an unprecedented pace. After taking nearly 3 million years to reach our first 1 billion, it has taken us only 11 years to raise our population the most recent billion (from 5 to 6). This rate of growth can be graphically interpreted as a J–shape pattern. If the past is any indication of the future, this means that while our rate of growth is high right now (a net increase of almost 87 million annually), it will continue increase to no end. But is there a limit to how big the population on Earth can truly be? While many more content...

We also are currently having trouble supplying adequate housing, health care, education, and many other components of a reasonablestandard of living. "If we cannot provide these amenities now for 6 billion people in the world, can we expect to provide them for 8 to 10 billion in the 21st century." (Southwick, 161)

On the opposite end of the argument lie optimistic ecologists like Julian Simon. Simon believes that there is no population crisis and no environmental crisis that is due to the rapid growth of humans. He believes, in what many scientists call, a "tech fix". "He asserts that population growth, economic growth, and a resource rich–world coupled with modern technology will produce greater prosperity and better health for increasing numbers of people." (Soutwick, 160) Simon's theory has come true before. For example, when the growth of our human population started to slow during the time of the nomad, humans realized agriculture could support more people, and thus, the Agricultural Revolution took place. In addition, "advances in agricultural and industrial technology have effectively increased the size of the globe over the last two centuries, in terms of the maximum population which it will support." (Dolan, 58) That is to say, a tech fix for 8 billion people down the road might not be as easy, but there are plenty of brilliant minds currently in the world who could ultimately figure out a solution to the problems that an increase in population

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Essay on Population Growth and Standard of Living

The world we live in is becoming increasingly overpopulated due to migrates and births. With an increase in population, there will become a decrease in resources over time. Furthermore, not being able to provide the quality of life due to the decline of resources can create a war and an unbalanced world. There is no way this should be allowed to happen without a plan of action for the future due to the impact. Just because we can reproduce does not mean we should go overboard with it as well as we do not need to accept in this country all migrants. The overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs.

There is no life without a food source, we need to have enough food to sustain us until, more content...

According to Emmett (2009), he believes overpopulation poses no threat to the environment because human ingenuity and free markets will restrain population growth. The Neo–Institutionalists are the people who believe a free market based– society will be able to balance the population and the economy with growth and improve environmental quality. Neo–Institutionalist policies focus on the institution and consequences of reform, rather than on the reform of human nature" Although, the economic growth can lower the fertility rates some believe that this can restrain population growth (Bailey, 2006). If we can use science as a tool, science can create energy that can be utilized to create and harvest food, hence the more people the more minds can be utilized for developing new ideas and provide more information to a long stable environment. Furthermore, the overall increase in population will lead to a decline in pollution, due to the creative minds of human. While population growth means more people to feed, it also means that we have more people to devote their creativity and imagination to solve the problems of transforming resources into useful goods and services (Emmett, 2009). "The standard of living has risen along with the size of the world 's population since the beginning of recorded time; However, there is no convincing economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely."

Essay On Overpopulation
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the Effects


Population: A

Look at Projections, Theories, and Global Population Practices. "We in the West do not refrain from childbirth because we are concerned about the population explosion or because we feel we cannot afford children, but because we do not like children." Germaine Greer, an Australian feminist writer, may or may not have been entirely serious when she wrote this statement, but the statement is an insightful one nonetheless. Greer hits on three major underlying themes that affect the study of global population trends. The first and often most important concern in population studies is that of a "population explosion." Other important factors including the economic impact on more content...

Population Growth, "Explosion", and the Forces of Globalization

By the mid 1950's it was already evident that a large population growth was occurring worldwide. Basic demographic statistics show unprecedented population growth in the twentieth century. "In 1900 global population was 1.7 billion, in 1950 it reached 2.5 billion," long term projections from the United Nations estimate that human population will reach the 6 million mark by the end of the twentieth century and furthermore they project a growth to a population of approximately 11.6 billion around the year 2200 . Most scholars, and even the United Nations statisticians themselves, will acknowledge that such long–term projections are at best simply nothing more than guesses. Despite this fact, these projections must still be acknowledged in order to plan for a future in which 11 billion people may have to share the scarce land and resources left in our world. The debate over population growth is one that is fierce, often over exaggerated, and clearly centered around the Malthusian dilemma. Alarmists will warn that the population is far outgrowing our food sources, therefore population growth must be the main cause of hunger. "In 1985, at the height of a major African drought, Colorado governor Richard D. Lamm wrote in the New York Times that the United States should stop giving emergency relief to African countries that failed to reduce

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To achieve a successful assignment, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

Content: Prepare a comprehensive paper that includes all sections described in the Content Format section below.

Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the paper, is free of errors, and does not detract from the overall message.

Scholarly Expectations: This paper should include a minimum of five scholarly resources. Do not use your course textbooks or sources from the internet. Be sure to incorporate your sources clearly into your analysis. Drawing upon your sources, your paper should address the content /question below.

Number of pages: The body of the paper will fall more content...

Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the paper, is free of errors and does not detract from the overall message.

Scholarly Expectations: This paper should include a minimum of five scholarly resources. Do not use your course textbooks or sources from the internet. Be sure to incorporate your sources clearly into your analysis. Drawing upon your sources, your paper should address the content /question below.

Number of pages: The body of the paper will fall within 4–6 pages (double– spaced) with appropriate references.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

Content Format and Question

Health inequalities and health disparities continue to have a significant impact on public health and must be addressed in order to ensure a culture of health and wellness for all Americans. As a health care professional or administrator, describe your personal values and beliefs, how and why you believe these influenced your career/s selection, and the impact your current or future efforts in public health will have on improving health equity. Finally, share evidence–based plans and at least three strategies that you plan to use to remain culturally competent, address health disparities and health inequalities in your future

Essay On Population Health
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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed"– Mahatm Gandhi. The general argument goes a little like this, too many people means too much consumption happening, too much pollution and this threatens the capacity of a natural resource the earth is providing to human nature.

Population and what is the problem with population? More people, people versus resources perspective. Social perspective versus social relations. We, as human beings are living at the best time. We may be living in a strange, most difficult moment with all the wars happening around. At first stage, we started with war and Dark Ages and plagues and taboos, but then, recent centuries have increased the population number in the 150 years. more content...

This leads to pollution and depletion. Therefore, we as humans are consuming too much of what the earth is providing either water, electricity, air, agriculture and we are having too many children. Hence, the solution is to create and spread more awareness about the overpopulation that is happening. Emphasize more on birth control regulations and transfer modern technologies to regions that have large number of productivity such as India and Egypt in order to slow population growth. Also, to develop or transfer new appropriate and efficient technologies to decrease energy consumption, increase the use of recycling, and increase agricultural productivity. For example by encouraging farmers to plant more, we need to focus on stimulating sustainable development. Here are a few points that would help in solving these

Population Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of
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Chapter 34

The human growth population has been doubling for several years. During the seventeenth century it when scientists really seen a major increase and now it is tripling in shorter amount of time. The human growth population has been the most abundant and the longest growing out of all the animal kingdoms. Some of the reasons why the population of humans have grown so fast is because of the mechanical inventions and realizing how important medical attention is. According to Meder & Windelspecht (2014) the human population was approximately five billion people in the 1650's, and by the 1850's is doubled again. Now today we are estimated to have approximately seven billion people

Human Growth and Population


Why The Human Population Grow So Fast
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Introduction Increase in the ageing population has been accompanied many health care challenges and policy makers have been prompted to do their part and devise mechanisms of overcoming these challenges. Huge implications have been felt in the areas of organization and delivery of health care. Policy makers and other stakeholders in the health care system have faced increasing pressure to implement more cost effective and reliable care systems. One of the major shifts that have come with the increasing aged population is the need to commit more resources to manage chronic illnesses than acute illnesses. This is because, the elderly are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and more content...

The increasing pressure on health care cost has been caused by lack of effective long–term care policy for caring for the elderly. Long–term care policy cannot be overlooked because it is the only way of ensuring a sustained and cost–effective plan for meeting the health needs of the elderly. It is worth noting that aging is accompanied by a need to have a prolonged supportive environment since the ability to remain independent and healthy is greatly reduced (Ozanne, Encel, & Borowski, 2007, p. 220). The long–term care policy would entail a shift from acute care to the management of chronic illnesses that are common among the elderly. The common chronic illnesses affecting the aged include osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In light of this consideration, care systems need to lay more emphasis on managing these problems rather than focusing too much on medical interventions for acute illnesses. The elderly people are also more vulnerable to suffering disability problems which further underscores the need to channel more resources towards long term care (Tilly & Wiener, 2002). According to Gilford & Panel on Statistics for an Aging Population (1988, p. 137), long term care refers to personal or professional services needed on a recurrent or continuous basis due to a chronic condition, or permanent mental or physical impairment. From this definition, cure is

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Essay on Ageing Population

Population Control

"The prediction that spawned a generation of alarmist has now in turned on its head. But the prospect of an emptier planet is creating its own set of problems."

The realization of the world's population crisis is creating new and disturbing ideas by many people to solve our over population problem. Many ideas are being condoned as well as being criticized. Examples set by other countries such as China and India should help the United States establish a policy that is moral and can solve over population, if there is a problem at all. Most people more content... There is intense controversy concerning these questions, whether Earth is over populated and what measures if any should be taken to slow population growth. To some the planet is already overpopulated, but others claim that if everyone existed at a minimum survival level, Earth could support 20–48 billion people. This would require that everyone abide with a replacement fertility rate. It is a number of children a couple must bear to replace themselves. It is slightly higher than two children per couple. 2.1 children in MDCs and as high as 2.5 children in some LDCs. This suggestion does not mean that if the fertility rates are lowered to replacement level that the population will come to immediate halt. The chain reaction would take 50 years to see if it was continued with success. Another suggestion made to help slow population growth is an idea that has many other effects, ones that society might not be ready for. Its called, "Reducing Births by Empowering Women". Women tend to have fewer and healthier children and live longer when they have access to education and to paying jobs outside the home, and when they live in societies in which their individual rights are not suppressed. Having children later in their life infringes on the amount of babies they are capable of bearing. However, empowering women by seeking gender equality will require some major social changes, which will be difficult to achieve. "Using Economic Rewards and Penalties to Reduce

Argumentative Essay On Population Control
"The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension in morality."
–Garrett Hardin
–Ben J Wattenberg
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Population control is "a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population" ( Kurt Vonnegut writes about a time when the United States population is stable at forty–million people. In order for them to stay at the same amount of people they take a life for every new life. A situation as the one illustrated in the story would bring outhuman instincts in a negative way. That is why this form of population control is a horrible idea because as humans we have the instinct to do all we can for those we love and to survive. In all reality, the universe has its own natural way of controlling the population and that's all that we need. As humans our basic human nature tells us to do all we can for those we love. It is instinct for a parent to protect their child at all cost. It was no shock when Vonnegut states, "Wehling shot Dr. Hitz... then he shot Leora Duncan" (Vonnegut). Its hard to say Mr. Wehling's response in the story is completely normal. However, to a certain extent it is because both Leora and Hitz would be the reason his triplets couldn't live. He didn't have anyone else that would volunteer. That of course doesn't make what he did right but for him he was protecting his child. Another thing that plays into our natural human instinct is often the people we love can do no wrong in our eyes. Think about if your spouse cheats it is sometimes easy to forgive them because of all the other amazing things that have done. Lastly, we will do whatever it takes to make those that mean the most to us happy. That's why the grandfather in the story offered to go the "Ethical Suicide Studio". He wanted his grandson to have the life he always wanted by having children. He wouldn't just choose to do this for his grandson unless he believed that it would make him happy. Wehling even says, "All I have to do is pick which one of the triplets is going to live, then deliver my maternal grandfather to the Happy Hooligan," (Vonnegut). Do we really think he wanted to see his grandfather go? No would be many people answers, he simply thinks about letting it happen because he believes it will make his wife happy to keep all of her children. Doing all we can for those we love includes protecting

Essay On
Population Control
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Population causes a heated debate among many people. The world's population has exceeded 6.5 billion and continues to increase about another 76 million each year. The three most populated countries are China, India, and the United States. Scientists have become worried that the population will double within the next 50 years, exceeding 12 billion people. With scarce natural resources and the strain that a doubling in population will cause on food availability, people become more wary about population control. What is population control? Population Control is the practice of limiting population increase, usually by reducing the birth rate (

The first country to adopt more content...

Samuel states in his article, "The Development of India's Policy of Population Control": "This policy has not yet received the attention merited by its importance for India's development."

China leads India in population by about 2 million people, putting China at the top of the list with 1.3 billion people, roughly 20 per cent of the world's population ( What has China done in the effort to slow the ever growing population? In 1979, China introduced a policy limiting one child per family. This was unprecedented. In 1986, the limit increased to two children per family, as long as the family was non–Han. (Han is the ethnic majority in China). Some rural Han families were also allowed to have two children, as long as the firstborn child was a female. The goal in doing this was to limit the population to below 1.37 billion by the year 2010. Some families refused to adhere to the family limitation policies. For example, they sabotaged government mandated contraceptives and paid doctors to claim to have performed abortions.

It has been 28 years since the policy was set, and there have been some gender fluctuation within the Chinese population. At first, the Chinese families only wanted male children in order to carry on the family name and honor. Many families with daughters born wanted abortions or simply killed the females after birth. In 1995, 1,166 male children were born for every

Essay on World Population
Works Cited Not Included
World Population
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The Population Problem Essay

The Population Problem

Two hundred years ago, Thomas Malthus, in An Essay on the Principle of Population, reached the conclusion that the number of people in the world will increase exponentially, while the ability to feed these people will only increase arithmetically (21). Current evidence shows that this theory may not be far from the truth. For example, between 1950 and 1984, the total amount of grain produced more than doubled, much more than the increase in population in those 34 years. More recently though, these statistics have become reversed.

From 1950 to 1984, the amount of grain increased at 3 percent annually. Yet, from 1984 to 1993, grain production had grown at barely 1 percent per year, a decrease in grain production more content...

More people means more waste, more pollution, and more development. With this taken into consideration, it seems that Hardin's teachings should no longer fall on deaf ears. When discussing the issue of population, it is important to note that it is one of the most controversial issues facing the world today.Population growth, like many other environmental issues, has two sides. One side will claim that the population explosion is only a myth, while the other side will argue that the population explosion is reality. Because of this, statistics concerning this subject vary widely. But, in order to persuade, it is necessary to take one side or the other. Thus, statistics may be questioned as to their validity, even though the statistics come from credible sources.

Lifeboat Ethics

The United States is the most populous country in the world, behind only China and India. Unlike China and India though, the United States is the fastest growing industrialized nation. The United States' population expands so quickly because of the imbalance between migration and immigration, and births and deaths. For example, in 1992, 4.1 million babies were born. Weighing this statistic against the number of deaths and the number of people who entered and left the country, the result was that the United States obtained 2.8 million more people than it had gotten rid of (Douglis 12). Population increases place great strain on the American society and more particularly it

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Population Growth

Population Growth is becoming a huge issue in our country and world today. The reason that it has become such a pressing issue is that our growing population needs a growing economy and has growing needs. As our population grows, the needs of the population become bigger. Very large population becomes a problem when there isn't enough space to live, and not enough food and supplies to live off of. We can predict population size in the future by examining the recent past. This can give us good ideas about what we will have to do to accommodate all of the people in the US and the world, or start to put restrictions on babies being born like our fellow country China. In this activity we were given the more content...

The errors in the linear model were random, but not off by much each different year. The population wasn't off by more than 2,000 people at most in one year. Using the linear model we made some predictions like what will the population being the year 2000? By putting the equation into the calculator and going into the table, we predicted that in the year 2000 the population would be 2.76 billion. Anotherprediction that was made was what will the population be when I retire. Most people retire when they are about sixty– five, so that would be in the year 2045. The population in 2045 is predicted to be 3.8 billion according to the linear model. The population will double from the current population in the year 2114. The population will then be 5.52 billion. One thing that I am concerned about is how high the population will be when my children are growing up. I plan to have children when I am about 27 so when my child is about 20, the year will be 2027 and the population will be 3.4 billion. Next we did the same procedure for the world population. In this case, the exponential model fit the data more efficiently. The equation was 2,552,666,405 = 1.018,677,273^x, r = .998328246. The world population for the year 2000 is will be 6.44 billion. Upon retiring the world population will be 1.5 trillion people. Comparing the two models the exponential model makes sense because the population is growing at such a rapid rate. The

Population Growth Essay
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Population Growth

Over time, human population has increased and unfortunately has caused a lot of problems to the economy as well as to the environment. Many of the issues that population growth has affected are climate changes, consumption and waste, family planning, poverty, food and hunger, and changes to the economy. According to data researched by the United Nations, "the worldpopulation will reach 8 billion to 10 billion by the year 2030" (Livi–Bacci: 1992:31–32 cited in Robbins, 2010:130). Eight to ten billion is a lot of people living in the world, which unfortunately might cause more problems than solutions to these issues. The book written by author Richard H. Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, includes more content...

(Malthus 1798 cited in Robbins, 2010:132). This view was known as the "Malthusian trap" (Mshahara, 2017). Everything is related to one another, and if one thing changes, then usually the other things will too. As Robbins expressed that Malthus' view was seen in Europe, the demand for food decreased, the population decreased, mortality decreased, and then right after, a rise in population occurred (Robbins, 2010: 157). Another issue that has caused the environment to change is deforestation. The land gets cleared for agriculture purposes, to provide room for growing crops, grazing livestock and urban uses. As explained by Robbins, agriculturists would clear a few acres of land by cutting down the trees and burning them in a process known as "slash and burn" (Robbins, 2010: 157). As individuals can see, population growth has done some negative changes to the earth. Another result that has occurred from population growth is a change in consumption and waste. This subject has arguments on population growth hindering economic development as well as not affecting it at all. As argued by Robbins, (Robbins 2010: 133–134) population growth has caused a high demand for resources, such as water, food, and fuel. With population growing, that is why some communities are dealing with famine, poverty and an increase in mortality rates. According to Massimi Livi–Bacci, (Livi–Bacci, 1992: 145 cited in Robbins, 2010: 134) population growth has not had an effect on the economy. Get

Population Growth
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Population Growth Rate: Highest to Lowest Rate

Nigeria: 1st Egypt: 2nd Mexico: 3rd India: 4th USA: 5th China: 6th Italy: 7th

1.How do you suppose living conditions differ between the countries furthest along in the demographic transition compared to the country earliest in the transition? How would living conditions in these two countries affect both birth and death rates?

The living condition for countries earlier in the demographic transitions such as health and food supply are improving. Thus better health conditions decrease death rates and more food supply can lead to increasing birth rates. Since living conditions (health more content... Italy reached a stable population much earlier than Nigeria. While the total population for Italy stayed small, Nigeria has approximately 7–9 times more population for each age group. Italy is further in the demographic transition and already had a declining growth rate keeping the population fairly small. In contrast, Nigeria is barely a developing country with a much higher growth rate thus creating a greater ending population. In terms of land and rural area, Nigeria has more land to expand and sustain this population size.

6. Many Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees who have multiple children. Why would they do this? How would a baby boom change Italy's demographics?

Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees with multiple children because their population is decreasing and they want the population to increase. The average birth rate is 1.28 children per woman, not enough children are born to replace their parents. A baby boom would increase the population in Italy, that generation will then have more babies and cause an increase in population. 7. What would Egypt have to do in order to reach a zero growth rate? What kinds of challenges might the Egyptian government face in trying to implement these measures?

Egypt would have to decrease their average birth rate to around 1.69 children per woman or increase the age group at which they

Essay on Population
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What You Need to Know About Population Health

Population health improves treatment outcomes among specific patient groups in the community. In the past, there has been a disconnect between technology and clinical practice. This circumstance has made it a challenge to coordinate medical services and resulted in suboptimal treatment outcomes. Population health management helps care provider organizations overcome this barriers by improving patient satisfaction and reducing medical costs.

Promoting Population Health With Value Based Purchasing

To encourage the shift toward service quality, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has launched four initial value based programs: the Hospital Value Based Purchasing VM) or more content...

The agency has confidence that facilitating the treatment of physical and behavioral conditions in the primary care setting will greatly enhance the overall wellbeing of patients.

The Transition to Value Based Care

Value base care rewards providers for working together to coordinate treatments, administrant the correct services, and improving overall population health. As time goes on, insurers will continue to base care provider reimbursements more on treatment quality than quantity.

The positive outcomes that have resulted due to value base programs have caused the model to gain traction and ignite one of the largest changes in history in the health care marketplace. By linking reimbursements to service quality, insurers such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have facilitated a massive leap forward in the performance of United States health care providers. This achievement is a considerable accomplishment in the face of an institution that has received reimbursement from insurers via a fee–for–service model during the last 75 years. Soon, valued based payment models will represent the norm as more insurers support initiatives such as shared savings program, integrated

Population Health Essay

clinical care, and accountable care payment models.

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Effects of Population Growth on Environment

This is not the latest jackpot prize, but 6.5 billion is a very formidable number. It [It must refer to a specific word in the sentence or the reader can become confused.] is the population of the earth. The human population has been increasing at an accelerated rate in the last century; unfortunately, not much has been done to slow down this process. Undoubtedlyoverpopulation is a global issue. It [It must refer to a specific word in the sentence or the reader can become confused.] is global because it pertains to all humanity affects the whole world, i.e. the environment. Almost all human activities affect negatively the environment in one form or another, as human population will more content... In order to preserve the well–being of human and wildlife populations that depends on healthy, functioning ecosystems. Rapid and unchecked human population growth and the resulting increases in resource consumption lie at the heart of most, if not all, environmental problems. Global warming is no exception. The unprecedented increase in human numbers is paralleled by the highest levels of fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas production in history (Glick, 2001).

Scientists are also finding that a warmer, CO2–rich world may be a positive for plants, but not for humans, because with an abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere, it will create more intense heat waves, such as the one that killed thousands of people in Europe in 2003. The rapid growth of plant life increases the pollen in the air, which causes health problems in many people. The warmer climate also increases the life of certain insects, one of which is he mosquito and every summer the West Nile virus earlier and earlier. In a greenhouse world, tropical diseases will expand their range and their prevalence (Begley, 2007).

While industrial nations have been primarily responsible for high emission levels in the recent past, the rapidly growing population of the developing world will be a major factor in future emissions levels. Researchers are looking to curb and reduce emissions, many in developing countries need to Get

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