a modest proposal essay topics

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A Modest Proposal

I would arrange a meeting between my friend and the person in charge of purchases. In order for the restaurant to remain profitable, we would need to shop around to find the best price without sacrificing our standards. I would mention to both my friend and the purchasing manager about the issues I have heard with the customer service. I would first speak to my friend about the rumors prior to arranging a meeting. I would need to verify that if there was a defect with a machine that his company would stand behind their warranty. I also would speak to the purchasing manager to let him know about the rumors of poor customer service and the responses that my friend made in regard to those rumors. This would give the purchasing manager more information

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A Modest Proposal

Times were hard for the inhabitants in Ireland during the early eighteenth century: overpopulation, economic deficit, and countless people were living on the street, begging for either money or jobs. There were people trying to find effective solutions to all of these problems, but to no avail. In 1790, a man named Jonathan Swift submitted a proposal to the upper class of Ireland with answers to the questions they had been asking for years. He entitled it, "A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of the Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Publick." In his essay, Swift criticizes the wealthy and the nation as a whole of their ineptitude to act on the situations

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Summary: A Modest Proposal

Good afternoon Joe, I think it would be beneficial for APM's to be able to J order versus APM typing an email to DM which in turn DM places an order which later HRP team send an email to APD that gets forwarded to APM's approval. I think that if we have a more direct access and communication with HRP team, it may avoid extra work and close out extra steps. I also think that it be beneficial if stores had an HRP budget based on their KPI trends. Thank you,

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A Modest Proposal

Table of Contents Purpose & Hypothesis.....................................................................................pg.2 Materials:...................................................................................................pg.3 Procedure....................................................................................................pg.4 Review of Literature...................................................................................pgs.5–7 Results..................................................................................................pgs.8–11 Conclusion...........................................................................................pgs.12–14 Reference List.............................................................................................pg.15 Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to explore how temperature affects the expansion and contraction of gases using latex balloons. Therefore the research question is: what is the effect of temperature on the expansion and contraction of balloons? This would demonstrate how a balloon is able to expand and contract as the force and frequency of the...show more content... The amount of insulation an object has will affect the amount of light it will absorb and the amount of thermal heat conduction an object will reflect. (Lee H., 2011). Thermal heat conduction is the transfer of internal energy, which is due to different temperature rates. The color of an object doesn't affect insulation. Insulation is usually the opposite of colors being absorbed and reflected against light. Instead, insulation will only affect an object's color depending on the temperature the object is being pressured by. For example, if an object has a dark color and there is a high temperature being pressured onto the dark object,the object will insulate heat inside. If the dark object was being pressured by a lower temperature the object would not insulate heat inside of the object because dark colors only insulate high temperatures (The University of

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A Modest Proposal Paper

Every time I visit my grandmother in Georgia the temperature can never be right. It is always too cold or too warm. This is a problem for someone her age because she is constantly having to adjust the thermostat; furthermore, to squint at the small numbers and dials is tiring and frustrating. Her internal temperature needs to be maintained, and constant fluctuations provide no benefit to her health. If her temperature drops too low it can cause infections and illness. If it rises too high it can cause fever, dehydration, and heat stroke. When 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is not sustained the problems become endless. I am proposing a bracelet that the elderly will wear on their wrist and monitor temperature as well as pulse, both of which are critical

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A Modest Proposal

I have recieved only pricing from Lorretta. My purpose is to have rough estimate for the total amount time and money I will need to prepare ahead before I come to London. I will need to postpone any jobs and rent for that purpose... it is a big deal for me, hopefully it is understood. Again, I am aiming for optimal result and whatever stay length you feel is neccessary in my case, I just wanted to know (e.g. weeks). I will dedicate the entire time for your program. I really, really want to deal this issue for good. I would like, if possible, that you will review shortly my symptoms and basic application and tell me about the plan (estimated complete time and money, other requirements to prepare). We can also speak about it shorlty over

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A Modest Proposal

The topic of our group is education for the youth. We believe that education is generally important for our children and adults since it's a step marker to endless possibilities and future success. Especially, educating the youth is important because they are transitioning to college and require the most skills, knowledge and training to be successful in their college career. Currently, our education system is funded by both the states, local taxes and the government. They are responsible for providing our students with the education they need to be successful in their lives. However, instead of helping the youth, our current institution is amplifying the social differences that already exists privileged and disadvantaged students. For example,...show more content... One prevalent issue among disadvantage students is that they lack resources or information on how to get into college. For instance, they lack knowledge on how to apply for financial aid, scholarships and other important sources for college admissions. Thus, one way that philanthropist can ensure that disadvantage students get into college is by creating workshops. In general, workshops are effective sources for learning because they are created to inform individuals and large audiences about the needed steps to address social problems. Even though, high schools nowadays have services aimed to educate our youth, we notice that most students who participate into these programs are already high achieving students and not the high–risk population. Thus, philanthropists can help our present youth by funding workshops in all low–income schools. The objective is to guarantee that our vulnerable population also have a chance to go to college. Lastly, another way that philanthropists can help the high–risk population is by funding scholarships. For example, despite that most disadvantaged students are getting into college, they still lack the resources and the financial stability to secure their positions at their schools. Therefore, scholarships are effective sources for philanthropists because they can identify and provide our least privileged students

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A Modest Proposal Summary

1. The implied thesis of Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is that 18th century Ireland would be in a better situation if the Irish society and monarchy actually treated problems such as overpopulation and poverty, While the overt thesis is that Irish people should consider eating their children and selling them to rich Englishmen to solve the issue of poverty and overpopulation in the country. They differ form one another as one focuses on eating children, while the other focuses on giving commentary through the essay itself. 2. The primary aim for the narrator is to suggest a reflection on how the Irish are treating the problems happening within their country through satirical writing. The narrator states that, "Infant's flesh will be in...show more content... 4. The "very knowing American" is added to further drive the point that this work is satirical. At the time this was written America was going through very difficult time while under British control, and talk of a revolution had started to begin. America in some aspects was in a similar position Ireland was at the time – so by saying "I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old the most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food." (Swift) This boosts the satirical nature, as you should never take advice about getting out of a situation from someone still going through the same exact situation. 5. The appropriate response to this essay would be the reader reflecting on the point of the essay, but instead of reflection, it more than likely received massive disapproval. The ides themselves are not only morally and ethically wrong, but nonsensical. The concept of eating another human would destroy what separates us from wild animals. So, it would make sense that the Irish may have been mad. Due to the

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A Modest Proposal Thesis

In this composition," A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift who was an Anglican priest and a writer , has talked about the worst condition under which people are living in Ireland. He uses this writing as a means of communication to convey his message across the whole world for people to be aware of what is happening to the citizens of Ireland. How the landowners are maltreating the poor families whose spouse are dead, and their government too is not doing anything to assist them. Although he has made ironical statement, and also uses a lot of sarcasm does not make this writing to lose its value, it is still carrying its subject and message across. This kind of evil deeds does not happen in only Ireland, it is all over the world now....show more content... In this quotation, I believe he was referring to the children as ingredients for making good foods that should be sold out to people without the care from their parents or the government. He is using this writing to make a mockery of the landowners and the government of Ireland, it is because of their inability to take care of the poor women and their children that made the mothers to take their children to the market and sold as food. We all know it is not possible to use your own children to make food. It is very frustrating to see this child be put on the market for sale. I, therefore conclude that Swift had used this piece of writing to persuade his readers to be aware of the type of leaders that are governing our nation this modern day. Even though he has talked mostly about the England's government, does not mean the message is limited to them alone. The writing is carrying a very strong message which is very important for everyone to learn from, especially our leaders. As a reader, I am satisfied with his use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor to make this writing a

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A Modest Proposal

Thomas, While you bring up good ideas, there are a few flaws I see in your action plan. In my opinion, while I would thank the booster for bringing this situation to my attention, I would not inform him or her specifically of the findings of the investigation. This situation should be one that can be handled within the athletic department. This booster could learn the outcome of the investigation when there are more answers just like everyone else. Along with this, why else besides it taking stress off your shoulders would cause you to inform other administrators of the situation? I do not believe this to be a wise move, involving more people can cause the rumors to increase. Clearly, this type of investigation would need to be managed carefully,

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Motivation: A Modest Proposal

As you may have heard, Mr. Swift has made a very modest proposal about what to do with the situation of starvation among adults. Mr. Swift has proposed that after a year of a child's birth, they be eaten if the family wishes. I, being a mother of a baby, currently, could not approve of this proposal more. Me and my husband together, concur, this will allow us to not go hungry, but also fulfill our wish to have another baby. We've always wanted more kids, but we only desire a baby. We don't want them after they have grown older. We already have an older son. Now, with this proposal, we won't go hungry and we can stay full for months on end and all I must do is push out a baby. No big deal. This also helps with accidental pregnancies. Now it's

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A Modest Proposal

A main stressor for my client is the ending of his marriage. He declares that he wants to resume his relationship with his ex–wife. Even though he and his ex–wife have not spoken in the past 8– months, Pat asserts that they are still "very much in love" and that he is still married. Pat is focused on trying to get a letter to her, reading the books she assigns to her students, and visiting the school where she works. He asserts that they are not together because she wanted him to lose weight and now that he has lost weight he thinks that they will revive their relationship. This stressor serves to motivate most of Pat's daily activities in the hopes that performing these activities will make him more desirable to his ex–wife. Pat is also stressed by his dysfunctional relationship with his father. His father has been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and follows strict rituals, which he believes will impact the outcome of football games. Pat's erratic behavior often interrupts his father's rituals and organizational practices, leading to frequent disagreements between them. On several occasions, Pat reports that he does not want to be like his father. It seems that Pat worries that his assault of man who was having an...show more content... While he exhibits symptoms of this stressor less frequently and severely than his other stressors, it is apparent that Pat is concerned about his occupation, potentially as a way to earn back his ex–wife's affection. Pat expressed that he visited the high school where he was previously employed and begged for a teaching or substitute teaching position for any subject that they would offer. Directly after asking for a job, he asked if his ex–wife still worked at the school. The woman at the school told him that the man he assaulted still worked at the school, which was upsetting to him. Nevertheless, he still seems stressed by the prospect of not regaining employment at the

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A Modest Proposal Essay

Have You Eaten Yet?: Swift's Final Solution 	As a lately favored eighteenth century essay, Jonathan Swift's "Proposal" has been canonized as a satirical model of wit. As will be discussed shortly, Swift's essay is often seen as an allegory for England's oppression of Ireland. Swift, himself and Irishman (Tucker 142), would seem to have pointed his razor wit against the foreign nation responsible for his city's ruin. Wearing the lens of a New Historicist, however, requires that we reexamine the power structures at work in Swift's society. We must delve into not only Swift's "Proposal," but also into other of his correspondence, and even into discourse of the epoch in order to gain a thick...show more content... There are major impediments to this approach. 	The Proposer is "clearly in Ireland, addressing an Irish audience with an account of circumstances which are as real as they are horrible." (Rosenheim 204) England's consumption of Ireland is mentioned expressly, but in a single clause which certainly does not inform but transiently exploits the great central conceit at work in the "Proposal": "...although I could perhaps name a country that would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it [preserving the flesh of the infant carcasses]." (Swift) The structure and progress of the Proposer's argument, both as a whole and in it particulars, seem in no way derived from any analogical or allegorical perception. Rather, at least some of Swift's irony, if not the largest portion thereof, is directed at Ireland, not England. 	The proposer states that "Infants flesh will be in season throughout the year..." and that a large quantity of infant flesh will be consumed. He indicates that cooks will vie with each other in preparing new dishes of this food which is "a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food." (Swift) The proposer next exhausts the

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A Modest Proposal

I was really interested in this reading because it reminded me of many incidents that have happened at the high school I attended. Threats that were made against my school two years ago and a recent accidental shooting there as well. But more so, it made me think about how I will be expected to handle these type of situations when I am an educator. The fact that school related deaths have decreased dramatically since 1992 to 2010 is a sign that schools have taken the right steps to keeping their students safe. But the percentages of students who say they have been bullied is astonishing. 32% of students say they have been made fun of, pushed, spat on, had rumors spread about them, or have been cyber attacked, etc. and to me that is a frightening statistic. I think that schools need to have stricter bullying policies put into place. In my opinion, bullying in any, and all forms; is what causes people to self–harm and/or lash out and take part in school shootings. As a teacher I think it is going to be difficult to identify signposts of students who are planning such attacks on schools. I am nervous that the signs may not be clear enough for me and that I will not be able to stop the student before they actually begin their plan....show more content... A direct threat, is understandably the most important one to report. This threat has all the details of what is going to happen to a specific person, and it suggest that this action will most definitely occur. A lesser threat is a indirect threat, it is more of a suggestion of their power and makes it seem like it really could occur. A veiled threat hints at possible violence but isn't completely clear or outright about it. Then a conditional threat is a warning that if something isn't done like the person demands, then the violence will take

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