Personal College Essay Sample

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Before I was born, my father had been looked up upon his family, he aimed to be the best so he decided to leave Pakistan and start a new life in America and bring his family along. Money was limited to him and for 10 years he had worked non–stop just to form a living and also to bring his brother to Texas. My dad would not stop hustling even after he was able to bring his brother to Texas both of them had worked till they were able to bring the whole family from Pakistan. The following years he was able to open his first dry cleaning business and even after he still had plans on opening extra businesses. I was born in 1997 and that same year he had closed his dry cleaning business to pursue his dream of being an international entrepreneur in the used clothing business. I was born favoring my dad over my mom, which led myself to be following my dad, more content...

After attending and receiving my bachelors in business I plan on working for Shell, Goldman Sachs or any major companies out there. On the side I want to support with my fathers companies in the textile and the freight industry and be able to make it develop. Eventually I will move onto working full time for the businesses my father has started and be able to lead it on to the future with my cousins. The University of Texas business programs will be able to achieve my future goals by building upon what I currently attain in the business market. Creating a moderate sized company is one of my goals to achieve during attending University of Texas and by the help of the classes I attend I will be able to start one up. This program will be able to give me a higher interest in my studies and open up opportunities such as internships. These internships will prepare me when it comes to working for a company, skills that every employee should carry, and to further prepare me for the real world after I

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Example Of A Personal Narrative Essay For College

My College Experience

Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be "the best experience of your life." The summer after my senior year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn't fully understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a sudden there was no one to get me out more content...

I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an assignment because I didn't properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn't feel the time was right. I immediately began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily to–do list. These factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced them. I believe this experience was the reason for my

My College Experience Essay examples
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When I was young I was a very shy person. I didn't like to talk to people and I would try to hide myself in public. I didn't really do anything active outside of school so i didn't get any opportunities to meet anybody new. Even at school I only had a couple of friends until my dad introduced me to a sport called golf. He said it was a good way for me to meet new people and it was a fun sport. I tried golf and I met lots of new people. later that day I was enrolled into a golf program. I was kind of scared to play in front other kids but, in the end I met Lots of new people. After going to the golf class A few times I wasn't scared anymore. I felt more confident talking to other people. Even atschool I became very social

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In College
Personal Narrative

My Personal Philosophy of Education

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that in my future I wanted to become a teacher. I always looked up to my teachers, especially the ones I had in elementary school. I even played 'school' with my friends and pretended I had my own classroom. I loved being in charge. During a summer, I was given the opportunity to work as an Energy Express mentor and work with a group of eight children. This was one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever been through. I was a mentor to help guide the children, and by the end of the summer I felt as if I had really accomplished something. I am planning to pursue a career in elementary education. I love children, and just knowing that as more content...

It is important to encourage the development of thinking and reasoning to enable students to use their minds. Education is important because it gradually prepares students for a future career. As a teacher, I will try to enrich the minds of students. I want them to understand the importance of education. I hope to serve as a role model and gain respect from all of my pupils. I trust that my teaching strategies will be inspiring, and my dedication and passion for teaching obvious. I hope that after every successful year of teaching I develop a feeling of satisfaction. I want my students to have an understanding of education and a positive outlook on life. I hope that by my passion for teaching I will have an impact on my students. I want them to walk away with a continuing eagerness and motivational drive to learn and advance. Cooperative learning will be a method I use in my classroom. I believe that in a cooperative learning group a student can learn socialization skills and how to work with others. This goes along with the pragmatic/progressive philosophy that children learn by doing. The progressivism teaching style also includes the incorporation of problem–solving and critical thinking techniques. I want my students to learn to think for themselves and be able to function in society. At the same time, I will be a fellow learner myself and

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My personal growth is a significant aspect of who I am, moreover, this continues to be a trait I strive to develop. To understand how far I've come as a person, you need to see where I came from and what motivated me to change.

Growing up, I hated father's Day.

When the other kids snipped away to Hallmark history with neon safety scissors and half–dried glue sticks, I sat in indecision, unsure how to proceed. That's when Ms. Kats thoughtfully said I could make two cards, I was left reeling. In the eyes of an anxious five–year–old, her kind consideration felt like an accusation.

Now, seventeen years and counting, I wouldn't change the cards I've been dealt. But, that isn't to deny that growing up in a same sex parent household was challenging. When inquisition became ignorance, and quiet looks became gawking stares – growing more content... Looking back, I can call out my egregious perception of the past for what it is – a desperation for someone to blame. Some fall–guy for my childhood insecurities. It just so happened that I picked the empty role of Mother as a scapegoat. Now, as an advocator for equal rights and a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I realize that my insecurities were only a symptom of a societal condition. The real cause of my reluctance to accept my parents wasn't because my family dynamic was wrong (there's nothing, for me, that feels more right). The real cause is a lack of positive representation. When kids in my situation turn an eye outward, they rarely, if ever, find a familiar reflection staring back. I learned this – when I no longer looked to schoolyard prattle as fact, instead choosing Get

College Admissions Essay: My Personal Growth
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Describe yourself as a student and also your aspirations for the future. Please include examples from your personal academic and non–academic experiences.

A sophomore at Downtown Magnets High School, I demonstrate passion in my education, ambition in fulfilling my personal and academic goals, and am an explorative student. My passion for learning is the result of my mindset, in that aside from finding education a necessity, it is enjoyable, challenging, and beneficial in fulfilling my future aspirations. For example, I find my Honors Advanced Mathematics class my most unique course. It builds upon my ability to critically think, present data or information, and understand higher–level math at a rapid pace. In particular, it is the ability to solve real–world situations and the underlying mystery mathematicians have yet to solve that intrigues me to continue learning. The class expects much of me, but I am aware that it is preparing me for college– and university–level math while providing me with the skills to pursue a career in Architectural/ StructuralEngineering. Ambitious, I set objectives for myself and arrange to accomplish and excel in the process. For instance, I participated in my middle school's academic decathlon with a chance to represent my school in the mathematics single–subject exam. In doing so, I attempted to score a near perfect to perfect score. While the competition did not end the way I expected, I successfully gained a flawless score on the questions

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Describe Myself As A Student

Personal Mission Statement

I see myself progressing in my field as well as in my education. I find my education challenging and motivating. I can see many challenges ahead and therefore I am willing to invest my time learning all the skills and knowledge of my field towards professional advancement. I hoped to be offered in a management role in 5 years, looking to move on to greater things. I'm prepared to learned new things and contribute to the overall success of the organization in a number of ways. The only specific ''plan of willingness'' is that the opportunity be within my ability to learn, interesting enough for me to dig and do a good job, and the compensation increase a reasonable amount in relation to the demands of the more content...

I will remain a student regardless if it's only part–time to continue my classes. As of right now I am seeking employment with a company that has growth potential, good benefits, and an excellent retirement plan. It would be terrific to find a company that will help me to enhance my business skills while I'm attending DeVry University obtaining my Bachelor's degree.

At this point in my life, I have an obligation to my family to fulfill my duties by paying the bills with our limited income. These responsibility has taught me a lot about work discipline and family values. I know with the support around me I can overcome any obstacle with the determination for success and using helpful resources. Even though my low income status will cause me to take a sufficient paying job to supplement my family needs. I just want to manage my time efficiently with my classes and overcome any bounds or obstacles which might await for me in my path to be successful in the future which lies ahead for me. I pray my strength in the Lord for guidance and wisdom which will foresee me to have the will and strength to keep thriving each and every day to pursue my dreams.

Present State

I am unemployed at the present time seeking employment and I have a lot of time on my hands. The time management is not a issue to me because I spend all the time I want on my schoolwork.

Desired State – Once I am employed full–time, I hope I can have a set schedule so my school and

Personal Mission Statement
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Returning back to school was a very natural decision for me. It seemed to be the next logical step in my personal and career goals. My ultimate goal is to be happy and healthy and be a good provider and role model. With that set aside for now, my next goal is to be financially stable and able to provide for my family in ways that my family was not able to provide for me. I definitely expect to work for what I want and earn every bit of it. The most recent motivator was that my company was willing to contribute a huge chunk of the yearly tuition, therefore removing some financial burden. This makes me feel like they truly care about my future and they really want to see me succeed. I have several personal reasons for returning to more content...

I am also attracted to the idea of being a life long learner. I feel there is always more to gain and learning never ends. Whether it?s in the classroom, at home, or in social situations, everyone has something to offer to me to expand my knowledge base. At the university, I hope to learn new theories and practices that I?ve never thought about that I can apply to my daily life. My classmates will tell of their experiences that may be forever imprinted into my memory. My instructors have a wealth of knowledge that I am eager to absorb. I feel that knowledge and information are the most powerful tools to possess and use in everyday situations.

At this point in my life, I am content with where I am now, but I know there is more out there. If I do not concentrate on my goals that I am mentally and physically capable to accomplish, my self esteem tends to suffer. It is important to obtain my goals in order to be fully content in my personal life.

I thrive on a good challenge. For example, if an assigned task is too easy, I tend to get bored and undervalue myself as a whole. I wonder why this person assigned this task to me; do they think I am not capable of a more difficult task? I expect my courses at the university to challenge me in ways I have never been challenged before.

The last reason I am returning to school is because I want to be a role model for my son. I feel

Essay on Reasons for Returning to College
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Personal Statement "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."– Henry B. Adams. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to play a big part in children's education, which is why I have decided to enroll for an education course. I believe that educators have a lifelong impact on their students and on the development of resilience. Thus, I aspire to inculcate my love for learning into the next generation, by influencing and inspiring children all through their formal education.

I have distinctly applied for Special Needs Education because special education has always been what's near and dear to me in the field of education. Being a special education teacher would be an inevitably rewarding job, in which I get to watch my students grow, as I celebrate their small breakthroughs and victories with them. These small breakthroughs and victories will improve over time and turn into giant leaps, which will leave a lasting impact and ultimately change the child's life. Beyond just educating children with special needs, I aspire to educate the public about children with special needs and special education. By doing so, I hope to remove any uncertainty and fear the public has on this group of children. Not only do I want to impart knowledge on these special children, I also want to advocate for them, which is something that more content...

I was exposed to a complete range of early childhood studies, all of which solidified my ardent interest in the field. I also had the opportunity to study a handful of art and humanities subjects, which have given me a fresh perspective on the world we reside in. By the same token, I will be able to apply the knowledge gained from my ICT and Multimedia subject in creating a state–of–the–art medium apt for young children in this era of Get more content

Special Education Personal Statement

My Personal Financial Plan

I. Current A. Description

Currently I am a full time student, and senior, at majoring in Accounting and Finance. I do not have a part time job and do not plan to work until I graduate. I currently have taken out student loans to support myself through the rest of my college education. My parents pay for insurance payments for my car, cover my phone bill, and provide me with medical insurance. I pay for all the rest of my expenses, including rent, food, gas, and all other daily expenses. I currently have no investments and no substantial assets with a value of over $1000. I graduate in May and have signed a contract with KPMG to start work as an auditor in August after I complete the CPA. more content... To accomplish my second goal I plan on putting a cap on my level of living expenses that increases at a smaller multiple then my income each year. I want to give another half percent of my income each year. I will budget out my salary for discretionary and non–discretionary spending and stick to the budget by limiting use of credit cards and attempting to pay cash for most items I purchase. This will help me control my cash outflow.

E. SWOT Analysis Strengths

Most of my assets at this point are in cash so I have a lot of liquidity to pay off debt or other expenses. I am a very goal oriented person so when I set goals to follow to financial success I take them very seriously. My job at KPMG is a strong job with high future potential earnings as well as learning opportunities. One of the best things about auditing is that I will be able to find a job making a lot more after I work a few years at KPMG. My knowledge over investments and how to invest is very good which will help me to continue to make money in the market. When looking at risk management, my health is very good, which means I should hopefully not have very high healthcare costs. KPMG provides a good insurance policy that covers any of my insurance needs and reduces my risk. KPMG also has a very good medical

Essay on My Personal Financial

reimbursement policy and a high quality of other programs for their employees.

Weaknesses I do not have Get more content

Returning to College as an Adult Coming to college as an adult, we have many expectations and preconceptions of what college will or will not be. The expectations we have can influence our college life for the better or the worse. My experience since starting college has been an interesting one. People have misconceptions about college because they do not know what to expect. After doing some research, I have concluded that there are three major factors that are often misunderstood about college life. The first is the financial aspect of college. Second, is the relationship between the professors and students. Third is time management. These three factors play an important role in why people are afraid to go down the path to more content...

There are many options available from low–tuition state universities, financial aid, employer tuition reimbursement. In some cases, you can be eligible for various types of grants. Being a single mother or just shopping at a certain supermarket can make you eligible. There is a misconception about the professors (sometimes called instructors). Questions arise such as; will they make time for me when I need the extra help? How large will the class be? Will they understand that this may not be as easy for me as it is for others? These questions enter our minds and may seem discouraging at times. Through my personal experiences I have found that classroom atmospheres may not always be for everyone. However, that does not mean college life is not for everyone. You can take many alternative routes. You can take advantage of telecourses, online courses, accelerated courses and many other options that may be more suitable. My professors have been great. They come in earlier to help and return e–mails and/or phone calls promptly. You also expect to be able to accomplish your work quickly and with minimal stress, leaving more time to work and spend with your family. You expect to be able to do what you did in high school and still pass. However college, by far, is nowhere as easy as most anticipate. You have to study, unlike high school, where you could float on by with A's by seldomly attending class. College is harder than high school and therefore

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Essay on Returning to College as an Adult

Personal Manifesto AssignmentLife can be many things, it can be a box of chocolates or it can be a big trial and error, over time some of our values change, become eroded, or become forgotten. Our actions can say more than our talking and our beliefs guide us in life. Over the years, my values have greatly influenced my character and helped me reach my point in life right now. Unfortunately, not every one is lucky, they forget their values and become overwhelmed. Hard work is much appreciated but most always avoided. I've learned from personal experience and from coaches that if hard work was easy, everyone would do it." I find that when I take the easy way out, it does not produces, quality, satisfactory work. When I worked harder towards my objective, I found that the result was sweeter or more desirable, experiencing things this way changed my attitude on life. When I've taken the hard approach to something, the outcome of the situation has been sweeter, therefore becoming motivation. The harder way isn't necessarily the best way, sometimes, quality work can be made easily, instead of doing something difficultly. Since the movement of people into cities, nature is often mis–looked. I can only imagine that the authors of the Transcendentalism movement intended to make people admire natures magnificence through their poetry. Now a days, the 'retina display' screen on a computer is sufficient enough for people to admire the outdoors. I believe that people should give

Personal Manifesto Assignment
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I have been a student at Bethel since July 2016. Before getting started in the program I discussed the commitment with my family and my boss who were both very supportive. With my current workload and family life I was a little concerned about managing both. I put together a schedule with time blocked for me to try to get my studies done or at least theses are weekly goals. I try very hard to get up on Saturday mornings early before my family and start the next week by reading, listening to the attend section and working on the complete section questions. On Mondays, I block time at work on my lunch hour to write and review my discussion response, that way I can have it submitted by Tuesday of each week. Then on Friday mornings before I leave for work or that evening depending on my schedule, I try to submit the complete section that I have worked on during the past weekend or during that week. I try hard to juggle my family, work and school without anyone more content...

I am glad you have the support to follow your dreams and complete college to better your family income down the road. I know that without the support I have, I am not sure that I could do this. You seem a lot like me in having a lot on your plate so deciding to go to college in a huge step. Congrats on your decision and I wish you luck along the way. And yes, keeping God first will make all things happen in your life.

Hi Molly, Time management is very important when taking college courses. Figuring out a system that works best for you and your schedule is the key to success. If you have a well–organized plan than meeting the deadlines for this course shouldn't be a problem. I believe you are also correct that these online courses will help you develop good time management skills that can be applied in school as well in the work force. Good luck in your journey through the college

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Personal Reflective Essay To College

So far, the college experience has made me a changed person. College changed me into a better person on many occasions. I have learned to be more responsible, when it comes down to getting work done. In college you must be responsible. I have also changed my attitude. Moving from high school to college is a big step; if you don't change your ways for the better then you might not be successful in college. When you reach college then is the time that you become an adult.

First off, the college life has changed me for the better. I am much more responsible in many different ways. I had to change my studyhabits, or should I say I have to get study habits. I high school I never studied, because everything came so easy to me and I could more content... That's just one example, there are many more. Another reason college is a big step is because you're on your own, and you don't havenobody to tell you what to do, you make your own decisions when it has to deal with getting up early in the morning to go to class, you have your parents or anyone to wake you up, it's a big step, you just have to stay focus.

Third of all, you have to change your attitude toward school. You have to want to finish school; you have to think about the money you are spending to go to school. For example you are paying for every class you take and if you fail a class then you are paying for the same class again. College is a major step from high school. I personally wasn't ready for college, but this being my second year I understand what I have to do to finish school. I understand more and more why education is a major issue in life, especially a college education. Entering college you have to change your game plan to get where you want to be in life.

In conclusion, the college experience has made me a changed person. It has made me a changed person for the better. I have learned a lot, I have learned responsibility. Without responsibility in college you will not make very far. You must get your work done, and be punctual. You must make the right decisions, don't let peer pressure get to you, try to avoid it. Don't let college change you for the worst, take advantage of Get

Growth in College Essay
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Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in more content...

The most important to me while attending the University is to graduate with honors. I know that I have the potential and what it takes to accomplish this. In order to graduate with honors I will have to study and prioritize, taking my education seriously. By taking my academic affairs seriously and being a positive influence on myself, I know that I will achieve my goals. This means that I will have to complete all assignments, assuring accuracy and the quality of my work. Assuring that I complete all assignments, I will also need to do all assignments before they are due. This will allow me time to make sure that all corrections are done prior to me turning the assignments in.

To help me along my journey to success, I have made two colorful, eye catching boards that I will allow myself to look at everyday. The first goal board that I have is a weekly board that I will use for each class. On this board I will have my individual weekly assignments and my team weekly assignments with start and due dates. Also I will have contact numbers and email addresses for people who will benefit me in my course. This would include all my classmates, teammates, and instructor. As I complete an assignment I will draw a line through that assignment. The second board that I have displays all my overall personal goals. On this board I will have an outline of all my Get

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I grew up living in London and New York, and I now live in San Francisco. These historically rich cities have exposed me to a variety of cultures, people and traditions. Reflecting on these experiences has made me realize how my personal history has shaped my life and made me who I am. Being aware of how diverse the human race is makes me want to study our origins further. I think it's important to understand that we all share one human history. We need to appreciate all cultures and learn from each other. I want to contribute to the future of our world. I believe studying History and International Relations will equip me with the knowledge to make a difference. I see myself as a global citizen and will bring an international approach to my studies at university.

Memories of early visits to more content...

Everything we learn comes from what's been discovered before. It's important to understand the past, so we are better prepared for the future. While studying at high school in California, I began to have a greater appreciation of history and the places I'd visited as a child. Taking AP European History was my first experience of a rigorous, college–level course. My determination to succeed was evident in how I conducted research, analysis and presented my opinions in essays and group discussions. My history notebooks are used as examples for future students. I've taken World History, US History and AP Psychology classes. The study of human behaviour gave me a greater understanding of the psychological factors that affect people's actions. I see history as a collection of stories about human behaviour, recorded for future generations. My history teacher's area of interest is the US Women's Rights Movement, which resonates strongly with me. She suggested I read Yellow Wallpaper (1892) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This short story is about the narrator's progressive decline into insanity, due to oppression by her husband and societal norms. I found it Get more content

Personal History Application Essay Sample

My Personal Goals as a Student Essay

My Personal Goals as a Student

An obvious goal as a working adult returning to school is, of course, to earn a degree. My overall goal is no different than any other student, however, I also have several personal goals I hope to achieve while attending the University. Some of these goals are to acquire new skills and enhance my current business abilities, to apply what I learn in the classroom to forward my career, and to feel personal satisfaction of finishing something I started. Already having experience in thebusiness world has proven to me that it is essential to have skills to maintain and improve daily functions. Three skills I'd personally like to improve on are my organizational, time management, and more content...

By just going through the motions of coming to work everyday, only getting done what has to be done, andgoing home at the end of the day, one might realize that an everyday routine can quickly turn into a mundane professional life. At the same time, if a person does all of these things, but shows a bit of initiative to gain more knowledge of the job, they may see an opportunity to slightly move up in the company. The latter is my situation. My experience and knowledge of my department and its systems have afforded me the opportunity to move up within the department over the past five years, but I'm beginning to see a limit of how far those skills alone will allow me to climb. Being an expert in my field of pharmaceutical benefits doesn't translate into managing personnel just as knowing how to complete a task doesn't mean I'm able to give a clear presentation on how it should be done. Sure, I've been rewarded for the work I've done and knowledge I've obtained, but at some point, my employer will eventually see that more is needed to continue to promote me to higher, more management focused positions. My goal is to complete these courses and obtain my degree to prove that, if the situation arises, I can be the right person for the job. A more personal goal of mine is to finish what I've started. After high school,

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My Personal Qualities

Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.

As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and test tubes. I more content...

I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality.

A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened.

I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,

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Personal Academic Goals Essay

Personal Academic Goals

Life is a continual learning process, which requires a strong method to develop better ways of apprenticeship. Personally, being able to obtain a higher education gives me an opportunity to be better in many ways. Everyone should have any personal goals in life in order to survive, prosper and succeed in every journey that life gives. As for me, being a University of Phoenix student, I hope to achieve all of my goals on which I have been trying to pursue and obtain through the years. They are goals that I believe I need to have to be a successful member of the society, and through attending the university I also hope to gain a more positive image of myself, build my personal growth, along with achieving more content...

As for my employer, my leaders have every intention to encourage me to align my personal life, which is school, with my professional life. Also, encountering new people will provide me with the opportunity to improve myself as well as to help others with their improvement. By taking advantage of my employers Tuition Assistance Program I believe that both my employer and I will benefit from my continued education. Bachelors of Science in Business concentrated in Information systems through the University of Phoenix will open me a new world of successfulness, and I feel that school and my employer will help me to be able accomplish my goals. Meeting new people at every class will allow me to have the opportunity to expand my horizons.

In addition, moving on into new learning adversities will also open new doorways in the world of competitiveness, and also will challenge me to get to another stage of my life. Looking for new areas of personal development being backed up by a title and away from getting some extra digits in my paycheck will help me to strengthen my values and criteria toward this challenging world. Also, one objective I have set is to be a teacher. Recently, I discovered that sharing my knowledge is something I would love to do once I am a realized person. That would be a pleasant way to share something to this society.

Any personal

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A college education gives a person the opportunity to be successful in life, either financially or morally dependent on the goals that they set for their life. They will choose a college that offer programs for the major of their choice, where they will specialize and receive a degree. The decision to pursue a higher education will give the opportunity to earn a better income over someone who does not have a degree. College is more of life preparation course that will help make sure a successful career. If a person pursues a career in engineering, physics or mathematics their curriculum would include more liberal art preparation courses, in order for them to earn their degree, so someone pursuing a degree in these types of careers more content...

Today's world economies are so tied together and react to one another that only the brightest and smartest will survive. The better educated a student is in the specific career that they have chosen to earn a degree in will give them the educated edge so that they can out compete with foreign markets. President Barack Obama said "In this kind of economy, countries who out–educate us today will out–compete us tomorrow. Already, China is graduating eight times as many engineers as we are. By 12th grade, our children score lower on math and science tests than most other kids in the world," ("Full"). American colleges need to do a better job at improving math and science scores so that the graduating student can better compete in the world market Asian countries are continuously outperforming American students. Gary W. Phillips, chief scientist at the American Institutes of Research said "In this case, the bad news trumps the good because our Asian economic competitors are winning the race to prepare students in math and science," (Dillon). The better colleges prepare students to edge out competitors in the world market needs to be their priority. Secondly the purpose of a college education is to meet the student's liberal art's needs so that they can compete and give them a well–rounded education that will enable them to earn

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What is the Purpose of College? Essay example

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