Essay On A Good Leader

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I think that the main character, Odysseus, from the book The Odyssey by Homer was a great and wise leader. For example, from the book, Odysseus's purpose is to get himself and his crew home from the Trojan war to Ithaca. Along the way, the crew got sidetracked numerous times and in the end, Odysseus had to rise up as their leader to make sure they got home safely. During their 20 year voyage, the crew landed on an island home to numerous Cyclopes and his crew got trapped in one of their caves with a giant inside. Knowing that this giant, Polyphemus, would eat several of his friends if not them all, Odysseus needed to come up with a way to get them all out. He took charge and instead of just killing him, he decided to think logically and like a good leader more content...

Secondly, he and his men got caught on a collision course with sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis. He had to think of a way to get them through alive, so he had the men put ear wax in their ears to drown out the sirens, avoid Charybdis, and give Scylla 6 of their men, one for each stomach. Before his went through with this plan, he never told his men about sacrificing 6 of them to Scylla. Finally, on an early part of their voyage, the men dropped down on the shores of the Lotus Eaters where people gave them exotic desserts. These desserts were toxic and very delectable, making the men never want to leave and always crave more and more. Odysseus had to think for everyone on board and not just his wants for the dessert, so he decided to take the men onto the ship and sail away as fast as they could, no matter what his men said or did. Odysseus was a great leader because he thought things through for his men and himself. If he wouldn't have, he and his men would have died at any one of their pit stops along the

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Odysseus: A Good Leader

What makes a great leader, and how can I be that person? Or maybe the better question is, could I be that person? I've spent some time this semester asking the people who I considered to be great school leaders what are the characteristics of a good Leader? Two of the most common answers included: A good leader is someone that empowers people to make their own decisions. This sounds good, however, implies that we let the employees make up their own minds about what to do, and how to get the end result. What if the decisions made are not in line with the goals of the organization? Another one: A good leader is someone who gives clear, direct orders, and commands her employees. Good as well, although seemingly a contradiction to more content...

First Who, Then What This may be one of the greatest challenges as a school leader. What kind of people would I surround myself with, what characteristics would they possess? Firstly, they would be people who share my core values, who believe that education is a lofty goal in and of itself, who recognize that there is not one "standard" for education that is right for all people. This person would also be someone who does not need to be "managed". Most importantly, as we are working in an industry that is notorious for it's low remuneration, these are people who wake up every morning with a drive to be the best that they can be by nature. Next I would consider key positions in our school. Could this person be the best in that position? If not, how can there talents best be used, what roles best exhibit their strongest faculty, and what contributions would make them shine? I would want the person not only to shine as an individual, but also to understand that their job contributes to a larger whole and the significance of their responsibilities. Lastly, I would ask myself, if I were making this hiring decision all over again, having worked with this person, would I still hire him/her? Recognizing that I cannot decide, never mind do everything alone, I would rely on the input of smart and talented people, get them all in a

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Essay on Characteristics of a Great Leader

I believe good leaders have the desire and willpower to become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self–study, education, training, and experience. I think one of a leaders' main goals should be to inspire their workers into higher levels of teamwork, which can be acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders should constantly be working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership is defined as a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, more content...

I also have a hard time saying no if someone is willing to take control and lead the group. Another weakness of mine is communication. I am always very good at paying attention in class and, therefore, if I hear the teacher give requirements for a project, I just assume that everyone else is paying equal attention. I need to make a more conscience effort to make sure that everyone is communicating with one another and is aware of what needs to be accomplished. This ensures the team will be building a healthy relationship and working together. Lastly, I have to remember that everyone is different and that we all don't approach tasks in the same way. I must use my sense of judgment to assess each person and determine what kind of work load I honestly think they will complete effectively based on their schedule. If the work is not completed when it is supposed to be done, I need to learn how to confront that person and ask them why it has not been done and make sure that they understand that this is going to put us behind. I always want people to like me and this is the main reason that I have a hard to giving constructive criticism and approaching people. These are a few areas that would be holding me back from being an effective leader. This summer I was the team leader for my group internship presentation project for Enterprise. Our topic was to explain how the founding values of the company

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Essay about How to become a better leader

7. Be the example

Many time people in charge will lead by the motto "Do as I say not as I do". By doing this one sets across the notion that all an employee has to do is promote then they can slack off. Imagine what will happen to an organization if that mindset was the norm for its managers. A company or organization would hit a screeching halt in productivity. A leader must set the bar for their employees by being the example. Good leaders will often roll up their sleeves with the rest of the organization. Even if you are not in aleadership position you are still a leader. Showing how the expectations are met in a consistent manner and not giving a mixed message to others is vital to good leadership.

8. Focus on the development of others

A good leader will have others to follow in their footsteps. Being a mentor to others will help ensure that true growth will come from those that follow you. Even if your organization does not have a mentorship program, taking it upon yourself to direct the personal development of others will not only increases the success of the individual and the company, but also will increase your own development. What good is a leader to an organization when they leave and everything falls apart? Showing others how to lead and teaching them the tools they need to lead will help to establish longevity.

The mentorship of employees is not only for the brightest star, but also for ones that have potential but fail to reach said potential.

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Good Leader

In this essay I will analyse different leadership styles and the contributory factors of a good leader and how succesful leadership adapts to different sports using practical examples to supplement my arguments.

It is appreciated that that the leadership of a group, e.g team captain, is a crucial element affecting overall group performance. Thus leadership is seen as any behaviour that moves a group closer to attaining its goals. (Wesson et al 2000)

Leadership is: 'the behavioural process of influencing individuals and groups towards set goals'. (J.L. Barrow, 1977)

Most people have similar views on what the characteristics of a good leader are. A leader is felt to more content... e.g In a team game like rugby with a large group of players it may be that a leader will differ to one in an individual sport.

Two ways in which leaders develop or are validated have been suggested:

1. Prescribed Leaders. In a more formal situation the leader is assigned by a higher authority and imposed on the team or group. For example, the Chairman will employ a manager, the manager will appoint a captain. (Wesson et al 2000).

2. Emergent Leader. A leader who achieves the status or authority through having the support of the group usually emerges from the group as a result of having the appropriate skills, knowledge or expertise that the group members may need or value. (Wesson et al 2000). Whether a leader emerges or is prescribed they will still exert their influence amongst the team or group through their personal qualities which I discussed earlier. A leadership is generally seen as a very complex social interaction.

A key theory to emerge about leadership is Fiedlers Contingency Theory of Leadership (1967). Here he analyses and explains the apparent link

A Good Leader Essay

between a leader's leadership style and the situational requirements of the task. He emphasised that the effectiveness of a leadership style is contingent on the overall situation and cannot just be determined

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Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content...

According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect.

Management: Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc.

According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry,

Essay on Management and Leadership
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This paper will address my personal feelings of what is leadership. It will then discuss the characteristics that go into making up a great leader. Next, I will evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as an effective leader in relation to my list of great leadership characteristics. As a final point, I will finish with a plan on how I will improve myself as a leader.

Leadership is a difficult word to define. There are so many different meanings that leadership has meant over the centuries. My personal definition is, "Leadership is a positive process that helps followers to move in the right direction so they can eventually achieve their goals."

1. Visionary– All great leaders have the ability to visualize a future for their company and more content...

They also are driven by a need for achievement instead of external rewards." (Hicks, 2008) Capable leaders have the most influence on their employees in the work environment during the improvement of their products and services. Furthermore, one of the most important contributions a leader can make to his company is the creation of a team atmosphere within the company culture. This is done with the correct amount of encouragement, criticism, and motivation to maintain a balance that will drive employees with the spirit to succeed.

3. Integrity– Integrity is the combination of inner core values and a person's external actions. An individual with high integrity will act the same externally as they feel on the inside. This type of person is trusted by employees because they do not waver from their core value system, even if at times it may be easier to do so. Special Agent D. Day who is currently a researcher at the Advanced Operational Art Studies, School of Advanced Military Studies feels that, "Good leaders have solid integrity to trust in their abilities, as well as those of their employees, to take ownership of a situation or problem regardless of how small, and to foster a team attitude. People can quickly point out when they have worked for a good leader." (Day, 2009) Integrity is essential for successful leadership to take

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A Great Leader Essay

Certain leaders stand out in our memories when thinking about leadership. We remember them for their charm and charisma or maybe we remember the way they presented themselves. We remember that important conversation we shared which was so important to us, and that speech that left the crowd speechless and inspired. We recall the leader who picked us up when we were down and the leader who had faith in us when no one else did. Those leaders were special and unique. They were great and had the ability to lead like no other. Great leaders possess many leadership traits that make them exceptional. A great leader has empathy. He will go the extra mile to gain a better understanding of you as a person. A great leader will strive more content...

An empathetic leader will not make snap decisions on information he hears for the first time. He will always gain knowledge of the parties involved and call upon them to gain a clarification of the situation. He will dig into the thoughts and feelings of those involved in order to gain an overall better understanding of the situation. The empathetic leader believes that the more information he has, the better his decision will be. He knows that by asking for your clarity in the topic, he is showing you that he cares about your opinion. Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader during the movement for India's independence in the 20th century, is a person who clearly exemplified empathy towards his followers during his time. Communication is another leadership trait that a great leader must possess. A great leader will effectively communicate with his personnel. Communication is one the most vital traits he must have. Even if his message is not always positive, a great leader will know it is best to be upfront, truthful, and timely. A leader that communicates well will use several tools in which to interconnect with his personnel. He will always find a way to connect with his workforce through emails, meetings, speeches, phone calls, video teleconferences, and tweets. He will share his vision, plans, and goals. A great leader will always talk about and discuss the challenges and barriers ahead. His words of wisdom will always motivate his Get more content

A Great Leader. Essay

What Makes A Good Leader? Essay

Leadership to me is the ability to influence other people to accomplish things they normally wouldn't do on their own. In that respect leaders can be positive or negative. A good leader will push an individual or group to places they never thought possible. In order to do this they have to have extensive knowledge and foresight in their field. A bad leader has no plan of action and will dump an excessive amount of responsibility on those beneath them due to their own incompetence. I have had the privilege of working with both types leaders. I say privilege because I've learned just as much from both types. I have always strived to be the best mechanic and aircrew member that I could be in my career. Theleadership influences I have respected the most are the guys who knew their subject of expertise; mainly the Chief and First Class Petty Officers that knew everything about the aircraft we were flying on. Those are the people that I always looked up to and wanted to be around because I always knew I was going to learn something new from them. As I have progressed in rank and realm of responsibility, the area of knowledge that is important to my job has changed, but not the type of leader I respect. The leaders that still have the greatest influence on me remain the people that have extensive knowledge in their area of expertise and are able to teach their knowledge to those that need it.

2. One leadership behavior that I know I struggle with and would like to improve on is

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What Makes a Leader? Essay

To me, leadership is more than a title. It is more than just being in charge. Leadership is honestly, learning, listening, and most importantly application. Leadership means going the extra mile or two, doing the right thing no matter who's looking, staying encouraged and encouraging other even when times are hard and you have every reason to quit. Leadership doesn't mean you're rich, well known, liked, or respected but it does mean you are a passionate, caring, and authentic. Leadership means you care about something so much you are willing to risk everything you have for this belief or idea. Leadership is doing whatever you can in your power to make things better for those around you.

Although, that is the definition of leadership more content...

You don't have to be sure of every single action but you can't fear the future or change because in order to accomplish your goal change is often necessary. A bold attitude is a definite must. Leaders will always come against someone or something that opposes what they believe, boldness will give them the strength to keep going even when the people they lead have start to disappear or they have grown weak. At the first that you are ready to give up they will abandon ship as the leader it must be a part of your character to be bold and keep going no matter how hard things may seem. This characteristics tie in with the earlier trait of inspiration. When other see how bold you are they will realize that just maybe if you're willing to put this much on the line, face the probability of being ridiculed and disowned by your and the rest of society just maybe you stand for something that is right and maybe they should too.

These characteristics are all great but to have the ability to truly lead you need conviction. Conviction to keep going you going when your boldness has eliminated your friends, when your yourself needs inspiration, when you don't want to be genuine, when you want to give up and take the easy way out. Conviction is that thing that keeps us going, it helps us stay true to our task no matter where you go or what you do. Our conviction are our roots, they keep us grounded and prevent us from

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Determination, courage, and confidence are all characteristics needed to be a good leader. The principal player in a music group is considered to be a leader. Even bands need leaders, if we didn't have leaders where would we be today? John Quincy Adams once said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." A good leader is liked by the people, has power, and produces followers. When there is an unwillingness to make things happen, to take the initiative and accept responsibility; this is when a leader emerges. Leaders develop through drive, creativity, and devotion.

Great leaders from the past were George Washington,Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King, and Winston Churchill. more content... Another great leader was George Washington. He was the first president of theUnited States. Washington led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain. During the nation's most critical time, George Washington saved it from the threat of collapse. Winston Churchill was one of the greatest politicians of the United Kingdom. In 1940 he became prime minister of the country. Churchill also fought in the British army for a short period of time. Martin Luther King, Jr., worked for racial equality and civil rights in the United States of America. He participated in peaceful demonstrations that protested the unfair treatment of African Americans. To have greatleadership, there needs to be a leader–follower relationship. The relationship can't be effective without inspiration, involvement, and support from both participants. To develop this alliance, the leader must give extra effort to reach out to followers. The only way a leader can be successful is if the follower trusts the leader. The most important characteristic of a leader is to set a good example for their followers. I once had to lead a group of individuals during a science project. The project had to be an invention that the students had to come up with. Our science teacher split our class into random groups. The students I was placed with were lazy. They

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Essay about Great Leaders

What Makes A Good Leader? Essay

Being a leader can be challenging, especially if you do not know how to adjust your leadership techniques based on the situation. Things that might be perfect in one case, can be absolutely disastrous in another. The ability to listen, watch and adjust according to the situation are some of the qualities that define a good leader. I really enjoyed watching the video, where Tom Peters was talking about the importance of listening. I agree, that as a manager you should be open to conversations with subordinates and peers, and should be open–minded in that matter. As it was mentioned in the video and throughout the discussion board interactions, a lot of people are unable to listen to others, and usually intervene within the first 20 seconds. The ability to listen is something that can be developed. Some leaders have the idea in their head, and are unable to change their mind. It does not matter how many people they talk to, they just cannot accept a different view, or look at the situation from a different angle. They can hear, but do not actually listen. We watched a lot of interesting videos of leaders and professors talking about the biggest mistakes that leaders can make. One thing that most of them mentioned is the importance of living up to the same moral values that they propose to subordinates. It is important to lead "from the front", being a role model for the people who work for you. This type of leaders have significantly more chances to build a team, where people

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A good leader needs to have many particular characteristics. Some of these are obvious, such as that they care about what you are doing and always puts you before themselves. Also another trait of a good leader is that they always keep promises they make. Some of the subtle attributes of a good leader are that they do not hide behind bad news. Moreover, they are easy people to talk to and they have a good if not excellent sense of humor.

In my opinion, the best leader would be one that enjoys being the leader, is anyways there when I need him or her, sets tangible milestones,always believes that I can do everything, is optimistic, gets everyone involved, wants everyone to be successful, and lastly is courageous and brave. All more content...

I do not think that there is a single person out there in the world like what I stated above because someone could be good in one area, but lack in another area and such.

I sincerely believe that I have characteristics of a good leader, although some of them could be different from the more conventional ones. For example, I am a team player and care about the well being of others, I try my best to help everyone in their time of need, I am generally patient about things, and I really celebrate success in a very enthusiastic way. I think that these qualities are good enough for me to be able to be some type of a good leader.

However, I am human so I am not perfect and lack certain traits of a good leader. For instance, I often do not use language that is easy to understand because I use many "big" words, I do not really give people second chances because I feel that one chance is all they need, and also I am not the best person to communicate. Most of the time I try not to do these things, but these bad things still happen once in a while because I am frustrated or aggravated at something. For the most part, I am a calm and reasonable person that helps people out.

Overall, I am a pretty good leader in some areas and like to help others in their time of need. However, I am only a good leader depending on the situation and that is the major thing

Essay about Characteristics of a Good Leader
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Qualities of a Good Leader

Monkey see monkey do; that is how people in a community follow their leader. They may not follow him or her action for action but in essence they do. If the leader is selfish and greedy then the people will grow selfish and greedy. If a leader is humble and has a mind and heart to serve the people instead of being served, the nature of the people will become more cordial. A leader is tasked with the governing and care of those under him/her, says a leader is " a guiding or directing head". A leader should lead by example; serving willingly, taking responsibility, and staying humble because the people under them will start to adopt and behave like their leader.

A good leader is humble, more content... This story shows us that one quality a leader needs is trust. A leader needs to be able to trust his people; in order for a leader to be able to trust his people he must get to know them. This is where king must be one with the people comes into the picture.

A leader who does not know his people will not be able to trust his people. It is also impossible to trust something you do not know or have a relationship with. Christians place their trust in God because we have a relationship with Him. Knowing your people can also be applied to making decisions for them. If a leader knows his people and knows their concerns, their needs, their desires, and their routines then he will be able to make choices that will benefit the lives of his people. God makes decisions that are for our good. We may not understand right away why it is a good thing but Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that it is for our prosperity.

Arthur provided and took care of his knights and people because he knew them. He ensured the people's security and peace; as for his knights, he took care of their needs in the field and supported them if they needed it. In battle and out of battle, Arthur would have made sure to take care of his knights and serve them. One way Arthur protected his Knights was training. Legend saysKing Arthurwas an expert swordsman and he was a force in battle. If he truly cared for the lives of his knights he would have taught them what he knows. He equipped his men Get

Essay on Qualities of a Good Leader
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What Makes A Good Leader

What qualities make a good leader? You can ask a hundred different people, and you will get a hundred different answers. A good leader is someone who accomplishes the mission, has the respect of their subordinates, and makes the difficult decisions when needed. For me, I believe that a great leader needs to have a variety of qualities, but most importantly a sense of fairness, hard work/care, and common consideration for others. Different experiences throughout my life and time at West Point have lead me to believe that these three tenants are what are most needed for a great leader. In terms of a leader's moral character, common consideration has the greatest influence on the success of a leader, because without common consideration, more content...

There are numerous occasions at West Point where I have seen individuals dole out unequal shares of duties or rewards based on their personal feelings towards the recipients. Fairness and impartiality are fundamental traits in good officers. If a leader singles out an individual for either unfair rewards or punishments, it signals to the unit that there are other necessary factors needed other than hard work to get ahead, such as cozying up to the platoon leader to get the good assignments. Soldiers need to know that assignments or tasks they are assigned are either given through merit, or are given equally to all soldiers in the unit. Unfair treatment is a quick way for soldiers to drift away from the task at hand and instead focus on getting into the good graces of the leader, leaving the unit less cohesive and the mission unaccomplished. I have witness firsthand here at West Point many unfair decisions that were made solely out of how much someone liked or hated the person they were dealing with. One such example that comes to mind is when one cadet was given preferential treatment and allowed to get off morning workouts, while other cadets had to continue. The physical development staff of my company forces any cadet with an APFT score of less than 260 to show up to morning workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. These cadets are given the opportunity to stop attending workouts by scoring above a 270 on a diagnostic APFT conducted once a month.

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Qualities Of A Great Leader Essay


Today's society is shifting drastically especially in the business world the leadership plays a significant role in the business paradigm in scaling the progress of any organization. Our future of management is brighter than we could have expected years ago and it is these versatile leaders' on today's management platform who will help take businesses levels across all segments of the globe to higher realms. Every individual is born with a unique identity in this world and leadership differs from one individual to another. But there are certain skills which must be present in every leader in order that he creates a distinguishing figure for himself among his followers. Great leaders are made not born. In order in becoming an effective leader, an individual must be determined and have desire such as a lion. Great leaders develop through a never–ending process of self–study, education (books & audios), training (seminars'), and experience (mentors). To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These virtues do not come naturally, but are acquired through hard work and study. Great leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are not resting on their success. Leadership is defined as the ability to influence individuals or groups towards the achievement of goals. Leading, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behavior toward the

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Not all leaders are famous like Martin Luther King, most leaders are ordinary people; you can walk down the street and run into someone and not know that they are a very powerful leader. I personally know of a good leader that is an ordinary person; my father. Although some people believe that leaders are born and not made, I believe that anyone can become a leader if they have enough courage and are thick skinned. There are many words that people come up with when they are asked to describe what makes a good leader. The most popular characteristics used to describe a good leader would be a good listener, responsible, and decisive. When you think of what makes a good leader you should also ask what kind of education they have and more content...

Many believe listening skills are a necessity to being successful. It's said that god gave us two ears so we can listen twice as much as we talk, and leaders should follow this saying so they do not miss any important information (Rai). Communication would fall under the good listener category of being a leader. Communication is a key component to being a good listener because if you don't communicate to whomever you are speaking with then some things might get lost in the process. The leader of a team will have to listen to their boss then relay the message to his or her team, and that's where paraphrasing takes a good part in communication and listening skills. A good leader is always communicating with other leaders and trying to find out other good ideas they can use to improve some of their techniques. To become a good leader, the person must be responsible, because no one wants an unreliable leader. The way a leader is responsible is by always being prepared and organized with all of the information needed on a moments notice for what is supposed to happen and also what might happen (Rich). The leader should be able to take notes on the directions that their boss told them and do the task without having to ask more questions; instead they would use their notes. It is the leaders' responsibility to make sure that their team is on track with their project and that it is completed by its dead line

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To Be a Good Leader Essay

Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn't have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of more content...

No one can get success without having the trust of people on his capabilities because without that he won't be able to gain enough confidence to take desired actions without the fear of being rejected. Lastly, he must take some steps in order to prove him a leader and also to make him realize his very own potential (Jim Murray). So, from the above definitions we may draw a difference between leaders and managers as leaders do have a vision, goal and objective, which he tries to make effective and purposeful. On the contrary, the managers only have to maintain their efficiency on day–to–day basis. In other words administration is the task of managers but innovation is the characteristic of leaders and there is a possibility of a manager becoming a leader by setting high standards and goals for his people. It is not the task of this paper to present a difference between both but it is important to present it only because of its being necessary to clear the concept of a leader. So, a good leader is a person who can look high into the horizons when the people are looking down in the bottom line. This makes other people follow their footsteps as everyone wants to move towards horizon to explore new dimensions of practicality. So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A good

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Being a Good Leader Essay

Effective Leadership Essay

In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions more content...

People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership helps us to determine our desires, strengths and abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and shape a good future. Good leadership is also important to run a business. Usually, in companies, management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as important as making those decision. Without a proper implementation , there will be no results. Like there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing, its how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no greater responsibility on any one individual than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership

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There are a myriad of qualities that form effective leadership. It may never be agreed upon whether leadership arises from a set of innate characteristics ("leaders are born") or, rather, from observable actions ("leaders are made"). Some basic leadership qualities, however, seem almost universal, no matter the leader or type of group they head: Good communication skills, the ability to constructively deal with a variety of personalities, and the mental toughness to shoulder responsibility and weather criticism. Certain personality traits are also required, such as, having a sense of humor, trustworthiness and general good people skills. The traits of a good leader, and the common thread in anyleadership model, is that the traits of more content...

An effective leader must make themselves part of the group, not differentiating his or her self from the group because of group leader status. Most importantly, they must lead with integrity to maintain credibility and foster trust with the other group members. A group leader must have the patience to coach, as well as lead. A sense of humor and a positive out look are essential, particularly when team morale is low or team members are frustrated or discouraged. There is nothing motivating about a group leader who always looks at the glass half empty. One individual's poor attitude, particularly when it is the group leader, can bring down the entire team. Finally, an effective group leader must be non–judgmental and never let personal feeling cloud his or her professional attitude. Leaders are well tuned to their own deficiencies in character or in skills and can put them aside for the larger goal. They may even gain strength from other group members who are stronger in certain areas than they themselves are. In this way the leader can not only lead by example, but also follow the good examples of his colleagues.

The topic of group leadership is of particular interest to me. As, I write this paper I am in the midst of a group leadership crisis. I will give some background on the group's formation and dynamic. It is December 2002 and I am a Human Resources Assistant. I have three coworkers who share the same Get more content

Group Leadership Essay What makes a good leader?

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