Sagar%20lantegia%20hutsu%20dossier en

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SHOW: SAGAR LANTEGIA DURATION: 60 '(Possibility of making more than one pass) LANGUAGE: Euskara, Spanish, English and French TYPE: STREET ANIMATION TRAILER: https://youtu.bbe/Y eJ4-8ooZJ4o SYNOPSIS: It is a street animaton in hich the traditonal process of making cider is represented.b During the sho a presenter ill explain the relatonship bet een ork, music and everything that surrounds this process.b On the other hand the orkers ill crush the apple, they ill play the kirikoketa and the public ill have the opportunity to taste the fresh juice from the press.b APT TO: 8Fairs of crafs 8Medieval markets 8Siddresses 8Other fairs NEEDS: A space of (ox6) m.b An outlet Fences to delimit the perimeter before the performance

MORE INFORMATION: hutsuntxalaparta@gmail.bcom 62o 09 65 01 Anai 607 -o 23 3o Mikel

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