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spiritual care services

When a person is seriously ill, he or she may struggle with a variety of emotions. Family members may experience similar emotions. Patients do not have to cope with these burdens alone. Chaplains are available to walk with patients and provide care for them “mind, body and spirit.” We believe that Spiritual Care is as important as medical care. The chaplain will help the patient find spiritual strength to deal with these emotions.

Prayer Chapel

The Prayer Chapel, located on the main floor near the Green elevators, is always open. The Chapel is stocked with pamphlets concerning the death of a loved one and grieving.

The Spiritual Care Team Provides:

• Spiritual Care support to all floors and departments

• Facilitation and support of religious practices of all faiths and spiritual paths

• Bibles and other holy books, Rosaries and Holy Communion

• Spiritual assessment, intervention and documentation of all patient visits

• Grieving/Emotional Support for patients, visitors and staff

• Non-judgmental listening

• End-of-life decisions

• Crisis Intervention

• Family concerns, etc.

• Emergency Baptism or Blessing