Dreams of Solari Players Guide

Page 71

60- Piercing Gaze – all rolls to persuade someone take one less success. Scope: Magnetic Personality power up; you can now target multiple people and persuade them to fight for you; also, you can see great distances +1d6 when aiming. In addition, you can now do direct damage to an enemy by using your gaze to pierce their mind and overload their senses, which may cause a severe stroke or heart attack. At the cost of a full turn you can attempt to persuade one enemy to fight for you; even on failure they may spend a round conflicted. Persuaded enemies are considered hypnotized.

80- Demon Gaze – all rolls to persuade someone take 2 less successes. Scope: Piercing-Gaze power up; also you now can attempt to see through walls, you can also attempt to implant false memories inside of people. You can attempt to persuade up two three enemies to fight for you; you can now persuade advanced creatures of Solari as well.

90- Master of Perspective – all rolls to persuade someone take 2 less successes. Scope: Demon Gaze power up; you can now attempt to persuade up to 5 enemies. Your gaze attack can also target up to 2 enemies in sight with a chance of them spontaneously combusting; can persuade things 2 levels up from you.

100- Sage of Visions – all rolls to persuade someone take 3 less successes. Scope: Master of Perspective power up; you draw power from others; all dreamers focused on you give your rolls +1 d6. You can now control 8 enemies at once; can persuade things 4 levels up from you.

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